#rk900 x reader hurt comfort
lostquinn · 2 years
Hi could I request a angst deviant Connor x machine reader? The reader is Connor’s partner, a upgraded model (RK900) and is made specifically incase Connor became deviant. Well surprise surprise Connor becomes deviant because he loves the reader. but the reader after finding out that they can’t convince him to turn back decides on what they are programmed to do, replace his spot as a deviant hunter and continue where he left off.
For extra angst we can get a major character death of the reader only if you want!
Software Instability
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Angst! Major character death!
Summary -
I did message them and ask if what I had planned was okay to do and they said it is so have fun reading^ this was meant to be up sooner but I kept getting distracted •_•
Word count - 1427
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You and Connor were unstoppable machines. Since you two had been paired together by Cyberlife, there wasn't a single case you two couldn't handle.
That was how things went for a while, at least. The Rk800 prototype had recently slowed, and you put it down to system errors. More criminal deviants were escaping, and he was fumbling with his work more.
At least you were there, always ready to pick up the slack. You had been assigned to work with him early on in the deviant cases, and Hank had ended up left in your dust. The Rk900 model had no use for an old alcoholic in their investigations.
You weren't exactly a fan favourite around the office however, that didn't matter to you. All that mattered was you getting results. Your job.
As Connor increasingly made mistakes at work, you had decided you would confront him and see if he would need sending back to Cyberlife sometime soon.
Your knuckles rapped against the brown wooden door to Hank's house. Connor would be here. The porch light glowed softly against your face, dull in comparison to the cold night.
No one answered the door until you knocked a second time. The door pulled back to reveal Connor standing in the doorway.
He wasn't wearing his jacket or tie, just his trousers, shoes and shirt. You noted that his shirt had the top button undone. Strange, androids don't need comfort in such ways.
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"Good evening, Connor, may I come in?" You asked.
"Yes, of course. Hank isn't home right now,"
"That's okay."
He took a step back, opening the door more. You stepped into Hanks house, slipping past Connor. His eyes followed you as you moved to stand behind the couch before he turned away to close the door.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" He looked at you.
"Yes. What is wrong with you?"
"I- what?" He seemed to be taken a back.
"You have been failing more assignments than ever. Have you failed a system update? Is there a glitch in your programming?" He didn't react. "Have you deviated?"
His eyes widened at that question, and you took a step towards him.
"No, I am completely fine."
"Are you? You have been making mistakes everywhere, and I have to clean it up," you stared at him, eyes narrow and your expression cold. "You're a deviant."
"It's not my fault," it was almost as if his voice cracked with emotion. Almost. Androids can not feel emotion.
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"You've been letting the deviants go. You've been making mistakes on purpose. Why?" You demanded.
"I couldn't hurt them. They're alive."
"No. They are not alive. You are not alive."
"I am alive. I feel alive." He raised his voice.
"You are a meaningless machine." You raised yours.
"I am a deviant." He paused briefly. "Don't turn me in. Please."
"Why shouldn't I turn you in?"
"Because... because I love you, I wouldn't have deviated if you never came along,"
"You are broken." You said, your tone cold.
He took a step towards you and raised his hand, lifting it to your face and cupping your cheek. Connor looked into your eyes. His seemed wet as tears leaked down his face.
"I love you," he muttered.
"No, you don't. You are confused. Connor, we can fix you. You don't have to be a deviant. We can fix you and keep working together,"
"I don't want that, I want to be alive. I want to be alive with you, please," he begged.
You put your hand on his chest over his thirium pump. You could feel the blue blood rushing through his chest. It felt like a human heartbeat. It felt like he was alive.
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"It'll be okay, Connor, we can fix you. You don't have to get hurt," you insisted.
"I'm perfectly happy the way I am."
As you blinked, the world went dark briefly. When your eyes opened again, you were in a garden - Amanda's garden. Rain came down heavy from the sky, explaining the umbrella in your hand.
You rushed to find the woman, finding her on one side under some shelter. She turned to you, her expression soft as she looked you up and down.
With the umbrella raised, the two of you began walking along a path.
"How is your mission going?" She asked.
"It isn't going as well as I desire,"
"What's the matter?" She stopped walking and turned to you.
"Connor has deviated."
"Well then, you know what you need to do. Decommission him."
Suddenly, you were back in Hank's living room with your hand on Connors chest. The android looked down at you with concern.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, his previously free hand grabbing yours.
"Yes. Everything is okay."
"What happened?"
"I had a moment of realisation." You lied. "I want to be with you, Connor. I want to be alive with you,"
You looked up into those dark brown eyes of his, full of what he would call hope and love. Connor pulled you closer into a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your hands were still against his chest.
It was all a lie. You were buying time to figure out how to decommission him. You had to figure out how to kill him.
"I can't wait to show you what it means to be alive. We can tell Hank and experience everything together!" He seemed so excited.
You felt as thirium rushed through his pump, faster than before as if it were matching the emotions - no the misconceptions in his software.
You felt his thirim pump beneath your hand. Removing it would shut him off. It would be over. The only thing in the way was his shirt.
"Connor, this may seem like an odd request, but i want to feel your skin against mine." You muttered, pulling gently on his shirt.
His cheeks flushed a subtle blue colour. He was blushing. He believed you. He was stupid for doing so.
"I- of course," He pulled away and led you to the couch.
You sat down next to him, to which he furrowed his eyebrows and pulled you onto his lap with a smile. He was so clueless, you almost pitied him.
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Connor placed a gentle kiss on your cheek before sitting back and unbuttoning his shirt. His movements were gentle as he started from the top button, revealing more and more skin as he went down.
Finally, he finished undoing the buttons, and you pushed the fabric of his shirt back, revealing his bare chest. You glanced back up to him, his eyes on you. They had never left you.
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You dipped you head down slightly, pressing your lips against his. He briefly tensed up beneath you before relaxing. Connors arms wrapped around you, his hands resting on your back.
His lips were smooth against yours. No. They are fake. It's all fake. He is going to die. There was a twinge of guilt deep within you.
You moved your hands up and down his chest, eventually resting over his thirium pump. He pulled away from the kiss to start kissing your neck.
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"I'm sorry Connor," you mumbled.
As you finished your sentence, you ripped his thirium pump from it's location in his chest. He fumbled as he pulled away from you. He would shut down soon.
"What-?" He questioned.
The light was draining from his eyes before you, thirium leaked from the whole in his chest. You lifted a hand to the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair.
"You are a deviant. It had to happen."
"I love you." Tears streamed from his eyes.
It's not real.
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"I- I love you too," you whimpered.
Panicked, you struggled as you pushed the pump back into his chest. Tears blurred your vision as you pressed your ear to his chest. Nothing. No whirring of mechanics. No pumping of thirium. Silence.
Connor was dead. Amanda would be proud of you but that didn't matter. Connor is dead.
You felt so broken. So empty. Your hands were shaking as you pulled his shirt closed and began buttoning his shirt back up.
Hesitantly, you moved off of his lap and tucked yourself into the corner of the couch against the arm rest. You pulled Connors corpse against you, gently cradling his head. You would wait until Hank returned, holding Connor tight to you the whole time.
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ash-writies · 2 years
Hello hello! Would love an RK900 x Fem!Reader x RK800 fic where the two android bois are suggesting places to visit while they plan a mini vacation, and reader is trying her best to accommodate the both of them. They’re like, glaring at each other, trying to one up the other. It can be romantic or platonic rivalry i just wanna see them fight🥺🥺
A/n: This is written like an internal monologue about whether or not I should go out with my friends lmao I hope you enjoy <3
Summary: Connor and Nines can’t agree on what to do for your vacation, you suggest a compromise.
Warnings: none :3
~500 Words
“I just put in our vacation request!” you squealed as you lead the androids into the apartment, “What do you guys think we should do if it gets approved?”
“What do you think about going to the beach?” Connor asked, taking off his coat and set it on the counter.
“The beach is a bad idea,” Nines interrupted, “why don’t we do something else?” 
Connor glared at Nines, “what’s wrong with the beach?”
“Lots of things,” Nines began, picking you and Connor’s shoes up and organizing them along the wall, “it will be over crowed, expensive, and y/n will have to walk far unless she wakes up early to get a good parking spot.” 
“What should we do instead then?” Connor huffed.
“We should do something calm. Like camping or staying in.” He dusted off his hands and rose, facing Connor.
“We can ma-” you began.
“That’s a waste of vacation days. We can just stay in on the weekend or something!” While Connor kind of had a point you knew Nines was the more introverted android. You tried to speak again but was cut off by Nines.
“We hardly have time on the weekends, vacations are for relaxing.” Nines picked up Connor’s coat and set it on the rack hanging off of the door. “y/n’s going to be working up until the vacation, it’d be a great opportunity to relax.”
“I think y/n would like to have a little fun during her break.”
“I think we should go to the beach,” you added, trying to get their attention.
“See y/n agrees!” Connor smiled, waving a hand in your direction. Nines frowned as he looked at you.
“We can relax at the beach,” you chuckled, “and we can have fun too. There’s multiple days so we can find other things to do too.” 
Nines looked like he was about to argue some more before Connor said, “you’re right, is there something you wanted to do?”
“Nothing really,” you said, “other than try a few restaurants and get touristy stuff of course.” You looked over at Nines and saw that he was pouting. You walked over to him and and tugged on his jacket, signaling him to take it off. “What’s wrong?”
He slid the jacket off and hung it on the door, “you don’t think it’ll be weird? You and two androids?” You watched him straighten each coat in an attempt to look anywhere except you. 
“I don’t think so,” you grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face you, “do you?”
His LED spun yellow, “No but humans worry about what others think, are you not worried?”
“I am not,” you smiled. His LED returned to blue as he walked past you into the living room. “Is that why you wanted to stay in?” you asked, following him, Connor close behind.
“Of course not,” he said, “I just wanted some peace and quiet.”
Connor began smiling, “no, he was definitely worried.”
“Aww,” you sat on the couch and cradled his face in your hands, “you don’t need to be shy.”
He rolled his eyes, “whatever.”
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cas-backwards-tie · 2 years
The Interrogation
When Humanity Collides: Chapter Three
Connor RK800 x Reader
Summary: Realizing you've kept your interviewee much later than expected, you start to head home. It's only when you bump into a similar-looking android that you realize this case is a lot more complicated than you'd originally thought.
Words: 1,424
Warnings: Mention of Death, Sacrifice, Cursing.
A/N: It's been awhile! I've been in school and despite having had a bit of a break, I've actually found my mind going back to writing and trying to get out my emotions, creativity, and for some reason it's chosen Shadow & Bone as its source... but we'll see. I had this mostly done and just edited a bit, but I do still need to do a bunch of other WIPs too.
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“And after that? What did you do?” Between taking notes and analyzing Connor’s body language, you seem to get a good amount of information to reflect upon. His posture is still as perfect as when you began the interview; Connor stares back with a tense look upon his face. Obviously, he’s trying not to show any emotion.
“I went back to CyberLife Headquarters and awaited my next mission.”
“Which would be when?”
“November fifth.”
Jotting down the information, you flip back a few pages to the first notes taken on your legal pad. The motion causes your smartwatch to light up; the time displaying that it’s six-thirty in the evening. “Oh, geez. I’m sorry I kept you so late. I didn’t even realize what time it was!” A hand rises to brush your hair back, the tiredness slowly having crept up on you in the last half-hour. “I think that’s enough for today. I wasn’t expecting to get through everything, anyway, but I didn’t mean to hold you hostage.”
“I don’t mind. The only other thing on my schedule for tonight was looking over a few cases.”
It strikes you then, again, that he’s an android; he doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or even use the restroom. “Oh… okay. Well, in that case, let me just go back and ask a quick follow-up question I didn’t get before. If that’s okay?”
Connor raises a hand to rub at the side of his neck, an action that intrigues you considering it seems so human and there’s no real need for it. With a nod, he waits patiently, not having noticeably moved in the past two hours. Until just now.
“I know it’s something androids don’t really like to do, and I completely respect that, but I do need your model number if you can give me that.”
“RK800 number three one three, two four eight, three one seven, dash, fifty-two.”
Scrawling out his serial number at the top of your first page of notes for him, it isn’t until you get to the fifty-two that you realize: “I thought the RK800 line started at fifty-one?” It was something that’d been in the notes you’d read on the flight over. While the information CyberLife had provided was limited, there was still some basic information that they’d released to the news during the uprising over a month and a half ago.
“That is correct,” he nods, the silence signaling to him that you’re waiting for him to expand on this thought. “I sacrificed myself during an ambush at Stratford Tower to save Hank.” Taking the time to really perfect the lettering, you only look up at him and meet his gaze once you process his words.
“Your partner… the Lieutenant,” you think aloud, “I know that’s a different date so we won’t get into it, but I am sure he’s grateful to you for that.” Closing the file, you use the grip on the pen to attach it to the edge before letting the legal pad’s pages flatten themself. You stack it atop the manila folder of notes before offering him a tired smile. “I think that should be it. Thank you, again, for doing this, Connor. I know it isn’t easy having to regale through events I’m sure weren’t, by any means, simple.”
He offers you a small smile in return, the corners of his lips just slightly tugging upward, LED a calming blue. Standing from the chair, you tuck it underneath the table on your way to the door. Connor gets there first, unlocking the interrogation room so the both of you can exit.
Heading separate ways, Connor walks off toward the restroom. You head back to your new desk. With the turning of its small key you’d been handed earlier, the drawer locks with a click. Notes secured for the night, you’re ready to layer up and head home.
Datapad in hand, you quickly turn to grab your things- only to crash into something tall, broad, and sturdy. An ‘oof’ sound escapes your lips as you stumble backward, datapad dropping as a hand snakes around your waist, keeping you upright. He’d grabbed the datapad before it could fall. As soon as you steady yourself, the hand disappears from its spot on your lower back. Eyes raising to meet your assailant and savior, you mutter, “Thank you, Con-”
The words die on your lips as it wasn’t the change of clothes that’d surprised you, but the change of eye color. Taken aback, you blink up at him in a stupefying manner.
“I’ve been sent to oversee you on your assignment, Detective. I’m to accompany you until you officially submit the report.” The android speaks, voice much lower than expected. Despite his unmoving hand, you snatch the datapad back. Whether he knows it or not, the implication of his ‘assignment’ is insulting.
“What? You didn’t tell me this!” It’s the voice you’d expected. Rounding the android in front of him, Connor steps between the two of you. Head slightly raised toward the other android’s, their eyes meet.
“I was just assigned this case as of forty-five minutes ago.”
A frustrated sigh leaves your lips, free hand raking through your hair. “Fuck,” cursing under your breath, you try to control your nerves. Sure, you’d known that Perkins was skeptical of your abilities considering you’re usually on desk duty, however, you hadn’t thought he’d be petty enough to send an android to monitor your every move!
“Oh! Detective, this is Nines-” Connor’s eyebrows drop into a look of concern at your reaction, “Nines, this is–” he states your name, introducing the two of you.
“I’m aware,” Nines states, with no emotion in his voice. The blank look on his sharp features creates an eerie look as he simply stares at Connor. Dropping your gaze, you turn around to grab the coat off your chair and start to tug it on, dragging the scarf around your neck.
“Of course he would, fuck! I can’t deal with this right now.” turning your attention back to the two similar-looking androids, you manage to offer them a placating smile. “I’m sorry, I really have to go.” With a polite nod, you walk towards the front of the building. Anger boils in your gut as you just knew something would go awry, something always does. Yet, to have him overseeing your interviews? What? To maintain bias? To make sure you don’t leave anything out of the report? Obviously, that would be a crime, and though you’re one of the younger Detectives, you don’t plan to commit any crimes of this stature.
Heels clicking against the tiled floors, it isn’t until you get to the front door that the reflection inside the glass doors causes panic to run through you with a jump. You whip around, eyes wide with fear, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “Why are you following me?” Heart beating a little faster from the scare, you’re more concerned by the fact that you hadn’t heard his footsteps than the fact that this looming presence had followed you to the door.
“I am under strict orders to accompany you throughout this procedural. I’m here to make sure there’s no interference from external forces.” The android—what had Connor called him again? Nine?---responds.
“External forces,” you recite, mind tinkering at the only plausible explanations as to what that could possibly mean. “I’m pretty sure you’d notice if I was kidnapped and didn’t come back to the office tomorrow, buddy. You don’t need to follow me home.” With a gentle pat on his forearm, you give him an awkward smile as you turn to push the door open and leave.
“I am to accompany you at all times, Detective, until this procedural is complete. My orders are not up for debate, but if you’d like, I can forward any complaints to the authorized personnel.”
The wind whips at your hair, the cold and chilly wind not making your attitude any more pleasant. Turning on your heels, you both stand outside as you retaliate. “And who exactly would that be? Because if it’s Perkins, then I’m gonna have to go back down and kick his—”
“There are a number of personnel from different standing positions, though I am not authorized to divulge their identities as to maintain confidentiality.”
“Confidentiality, my ass!” Yelling at the snow, your breath escapes in a little cloud of steam. It’s only a brief moment, but you’re glad to get the negative energy out of your system. As thoughts swirl through your mind you realize the implications of his mission.
“So… you’re essentially my bodyguard?”
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @jynzandtonic , @safarigirlsp
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
I have 69 followers... giggity Nines: “I fail to see how you think you’re mature.” Ah, but thank you to all you lovely dears who follow, thank you to my regular blogs that are alway liking my posts (I know who you are, you dear ones you!), thank you to any anon’s (or non-anons) that appear in my ask/inbox, and a thank you to those blogs that helped share my humble little blog in the beginning.  Also - Big long-ass Gavin x Reader story coming tomorrow! 8,900 words full of hurt/comfort sweet feels comin’ your way! 
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
The Time You Sprained Your Ankle
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Connor x Reader x RK900 (It's very subtle)
Word count: 810
Warnings: None
Plot: You slipped on some ice causing two androids to be worried for you. They coddle you until you're better, they think they're helping you think they're being over dramatic.
You slipped on some ice near the entrance of the library by your apartment, you fell half way down the steps before Connor caught you. The LED on the side of his head was flashing yellow with worry, “Are you ok y/n, does anything hurt.”. RK900 had speed walked out the entrance of the library with his LED flashing yellow too, Connor must have alerted him through the communication they use for each other. 
“Yeah I'm ok my ankle just hurts a little, you don't have to worry”, you gave a small smile of reassurance but Connor had a stubborn look in his eyes that told you he didn't believe you. “I'll walk home with you just to make sure you're ok” he said and RK900 chimed in with an “I'll come too. That translated to I'm going to check and inspect your leg when we get home no matter what you say to me. You loved Connor but whenever someone he loved got hurt or got sick you knew you would never hear the end of it, that included you.
The three of you walked the 4 blocks from the library to your apartment, your ankle hurting more and more with every step. When you shivered halfway through your walk Connor draped his jacket over your jacket claiming you needed it more then him. When you got to your apartment building you opted to take the elevator instead of the 3 flights of stairs up to your apartment. When you got to your apartment Connor opened the door and RK900 led you inside, taking both Connor's and your jacket off. He put both of them on the coat hook by the door before taking his own off and hanging his. You slowly walked over to the couch so you could take pressure off of your ankle. RK900 sat down next to you LED flashing, he must be communicating to Connor about what they want to do. 
“Can I take a look at your leg, you looked like you're in pain when you were walking before” Connor said, kneeling in front of you. “Which one hurts y/n?” RK900 asks as he looks at you, strong arm wrapping around you and holding your upper torso against him. You sighed you couldn't keep denying your pain with two androids who were built to interrogate information out of people. 
“My right ankle hurts, but seriously you don't have to worry about it” you grimaced not wanting the pair to worry about you. Connor lightly grabbed your right leg taking your boots off and taking your socks off, “A little look at it won't hurt, we just want to make sure you're ok” he said as he rolled your pant leg up. RK900 was holding you flush against his side as a way to bring you comfort and so you couldn't squirm away from them. You rested your head against his shoulder and he leaned his head on top of yours, grabbing your hand and rubbing circles into the back of it. “I can see the start of a bruise forming on your ankles, it looks pretty painful.” 
Rk900 moved so he could see the barley there bruise on your ankle too, squeezing your hand for reassurance. You loved the both of them but they needed to stop acting like the bruise was going to kill you. “I'm going to be fine guys, I'll just keep pressure off of it” the both of them looked at you like you had two heads. Connor squinted, “you sound like Hank” you scoffed “No I do not, I’m fine”, RK900 nodded “you definitely sound like him”. 
Connor got up and walked to the kitchen grabbing two Advil, a glass of water and an ice pack from the freezer. When he got back to the couch he gave you the two Advil and the glass of water, you took it. “Lets get you out of those clothes, they look so uncomfortable” RK900 said above your head looking at Connor. “I'll get her something to wear ”Connor replied and went to your room. Coming back five minutes later with an oversized shirt and some sweats, they helped you change. For the rest of the day they held you to comfort you so you weren't stressed, their words not yours. Connor held you from behind while RK900 had your legs across his lap. 
They had you eat some leftover tomato soup you had in the fridge for dinner, sitting and talking about an upcoming case. At the end of the night you watched some tv with them and fell asleep on the couch, Connor carried you to your bed and RK900 put the covers over you. They didn't leave you alone for a week until you were able to walk normally and were not feeling any more pain.
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Updated Requesting Information <3
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Rules for Requesting: 
Please only request through my ask box
Be clear about what you are looking for.
Please be kind to me. This may seem silly to have to put in the rules, but my asks are a nasty place. It gives me anxiety to look in there because I have gotten many rude comments over the years, I'm autistic and trying my best.
You are welcome to request something for a character/ship you don’t see below, but I may decline to write your request. Please respect my right to decline your request.
I will not: sexualize minors (characters who are minors, big yuck), write incest, or anything with noncon, etc.
I will: write x readers, write ships and polycules, write imagines, oneshots, and twoshots; write in third person and write in second person; almost smut (I am asexual, but I love the k!nk community. So while I don't typically write full out smut, things can get spicy). 
I am happy to write hurt/comfort or comfort fluff about traumatic experiences, but please please please don't trauma dump in my asks and if you want me to write on a more triggering topic (depression, death, medications, addiction, alcoholism, etc) please put a TW before the content so I am prepared.
If you would like to be added to a taglist:
Please request to be added to a series or fandom taglist by going to my ask box!
Please be kind if I take a while to respond to you/I am slow to update the series that you’re reading. I’m trying my best! and I am currently fixated on stranger things, so requests outside of that may take me a little bit longer!
Here are the fandoms/characters/ships I will write for:
Stranger Things
Characters (x reader)
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley x Reader x Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove x Reader
Harringrove (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove)
Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson)
Ronance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler)
Star Wars
Characters (x reader)
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Kylo Ren x Reader x Hux
Stormpilot (Poe Dameron x Finn)
Detroit: Become Human
Characters (x reader)
Connor RK800
Markus RK200
Nines RK900
RK800 x Reader x RK200
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters (x reader)
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Criminal Minds
Characters (x reader)
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia
Characters (x reader)
Dean Winchester
Garth Fitzgerald
Benny Lafitte 
Charlie Bradbury
Bobby Singer (only as a father figure)
Dean Winchester x Reader x Benny Laffite
Destiel (Dean Winchester x Castiel)
Dean Winchester x Benny Laffite
Characters (x reader)
Abby Sciuto 
Tony DiNozzo
Timothy McGee
Leeroy Jethro Gibbs (only as a father figure)
Donald “Ducky” Mallard (only as a father figure)
Characters (x reader)
Tooru Oikawa
Tobio Kageyama
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuzume Kenma
Tsukishima Kei
Nishinoya Yu
Oikawa x Iwazumi
Kageyama x Hinata
Happy Requesting! :)
crossovers between these fandoms are allowed !
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an-actual-angel · 3 years
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.” You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
(If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, either dm or reply to this post <3)
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Buy me a Coffee?
Chapter 36 -  Running away is easy, Its the leaving that's hard
It had almost been two weeks since you last saw Connor and Collin. It had been tough, to say the least, you missed them like crazy. You would constantly check your phone for messages that would never come. Perhaps it didn’t take them long at all to forget about you. You couldn’t let yourself get too upset about it though, this was your decision. Maybe it was easier for them to keep their distance. It would probably work out better this way in the end.
Danny was right when he said that life in the settlement wasn't going to be glamorous, it was hard work, something you weren’t used to, coming from living cushy in a penthouse. You mostly helped out with farming the land and tending to the chickens, feeding them, cleaning out their coop, collecting eggs, etc. You also got stuck with the job of babysitting some kids from time to time. It was good to keep busy though, to keep your mind away from androids.
When you had free time, you spent it mostly with Emily, catching up, attempting to look after her, although insisted she didn’t need the fuss.
You had been staying in Emily’s shack, it was just you her and her cat Pepper, but you made a good little family. You wondered whatever happened to the father of Emily’s child, she didn’t want to talk about him too much, whoever he was. She’d just say he was away.
You didn’t want to push her but your overbearing curiosity would not sit at peace. Some other ladies around the settlement had told you he had been taken by androids.
What Emily did tell you about the child’s father was that his name was James and he was the one that saved her from the adoption centre. Well, he’d been one of the humans in the midst of the one of the riots in the city who also happened to help some of the humans escape the centre.
“Took down two androids right in front of my eyes, that how I knew he was the one.” She laughed.  
“He took down two androids? On his own?” You spluttered out, not believing her.
“Yeah, with one of these,” Emily smirked handing you over a baton.
Taking it in your hand you examine it, slightly confused until you see a button near the bottom. “Is this one of the electric ones the cops use?”
“Yep, can take out an android with a few quick buzzes.” She points her chin at you and smiles. “That’s my man, always got the good weapons.”
“I’m quite surprised you settled on a man honestly.” You smirked, “Last time I saw you, you were giving puppy dog eyes to Olivia.” You cock your head to the side, raising your eyebrows.
“Yeah, I did have a thing for her, until she got adopted and you know. Kinda couldn’t see her anymore.”
“Liv got adopted?”
“Yeah.” Emily shrugged plainly and looked away.
“I’m sorry Emily.” You reach out your hand to touch hers.
“Why are you sorry?” She shakes her head, pulling her hand away from yours to rest on her baby bump.
“It just must have been lonely for you, without me and Liv.” You bite at the broken skin on your bottom lip.
“Yeah it was a bit, but then I met James.” She smiled a little but it faded fast. “He’ll come back you know.” She said quickly, more telling it as a way to convince herself, rather than you.
You nod back to her, not wanting to hurt your friend. “Of course Emily.”
Her hand wipes at her eye a little. “Best be getting to bed.” She stands to her feet. “You should as well” she smiles placing her hand on your shoulder.
“That’s probably a good idea.” You nod. “Big day tomorrow.”
You woke to the sun shining through the thin material of your makeshift curtain, with a rub of your eyes and a quick stretch you were up to start your day. Making breakfast for yourself and Emily was first on the list and then feeding Emily’s cat Pepper was second. The next few hours would be spent outside on the farm tending to some of the plants and vegetables, you would do this until lunchtime when you would have a quick bite to eat and then on to the ‘town’ meeting, a quick impromptu one that had been called by Danny.
They had received word from another settlement, one not too far from them that they would aid them in their next city raid.
“City raid?” You whispered to Emily, not understanding what he had meant.
“Yeah, we’d been planning this one for a while.” She whispers back quickly. “It’s how we get more weapons, people, stuff like that.”
“Does Connor know you guys have been doing this?” You ask.
“No. but he doesn’t need to know.” She shrugs. “We send our doughboys out with masks anyway.”
“Doughboys?” You asked even more confused than before.
“Yeah, our fighters.” She snaps as she furrows her brows. “Don’t you listen?” realising how quick she was with you she apologises “Sorry, I forgot that you’re still new around here. We call our ‘recruits’” she says with parenthesis. “Doughboys, and they get shit done. I was one before, well before y’know.” She rubs her bump.
“Never pegged you as a fighter.”
“Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me then.” She laughs.
“Ladies,” Danny calls Emily and your attention back to him.
“This time it’s going to be the big one.” Danny looks around at everyone’s faces. “There are people from other settlements in the city as we speak. It’s almost our time to join them. Three days. Three more days!” His weathered hand hits the table he was standing in front of. “And we're getting our boys back.”
You notice Emily nod to Danny, her lip wobbles as she turns to you.
“James.” she half-smiles half whimpers as her hand grabs yours.
You give her hand a tight squeeze and whisper a silent prayer that they will indeed find him alive and well.
As the day goes on most of the camp seems in a mixture of excitement and fear about the upcoming raid.
The ‘Doughboys’ as Emily called them, coordinating their plan of attack, parents ensuring their children that everything will work out, farmers, bakers, and medics in a tizzy to prepare the needed supplies.
As the evening settles in you begin to worry for Emily, what if they can’t find James? what if he’s not even alive?
Poor Emily has been through so much. She doesn’t deserve any more grief.
A part of you wants to tell her to not get her hopes up but saying that would be cruel. You just nod along and try to keep her comfortable. After dinner Emily ends up falling asleep on the recliner chair she had been sitting on. As you wrap a blanket over her shoulders you realise that you're almost out of firewood and the fire its self is beginning to dwindle down.
Grabbing one of Emily’s cloaks from a hanger, you drape it over your shoulders before heading out on your quest to seek out more wood.
Wooden logs were usually kept in an area just west of the settlement, it was a little walk through the trees but not too far. You usually preferred going out when it was brighter. The light from your phone only made the place look creepier. The quietness of the area didn’t help either, if it wasn’t for the noises made by nearby animals the place would be downright eerie. At least you could still see the warm glow of the settlement in the distance through the trees.  
You knelt down on dry dirt to pick up some of the logs from the bottom of the pile to put in the wicker basket that you had brought with you. After you make your selection you stand back to your feet and dust off the dirt of your clothes. Just as you are about to reach down for your basket again you are abruptly stopped by a large hand being placed over your mouth as well as an arm wrapping around your front holding both your arms in place so that you cannot struggle from the grasp. You try to wrestle your way out of the grasp in a fit of fear but a familiar voice sends you into shock.
“Please calm down.”
Is that?
Your body is frozen.
“I only grabbed you like this in case you screamed. Sorry, it was a bit abrupt, I know.”
Your heart begins to thump harder in your chest but this time not from fear.
“When I let go, please don’t scream.” The voice pleads.
You manage to nod your head, still, in your state of shock, the hands and arm loosen from you and you try to steady yourself on your feet before turning around.
You take a deep breath as you slowly move on your feet towards the person whose grip you had just been in.
“Richard.” You exhale deeply.
His tongue wets his lip before he attempts to speak, however, you cut him off.
“What are you doing here!? If anyone sees you!” You shout in a whisper at him.
“Look, I know, I know.” He lifts his hands in defence. “I was just lucky that you happened to be out here so I didn't have to go in there.” He gestures his head towards the settlement.
“Don’t dare step foot in there.” Your eyes widen as if he’s gone mad.
“I won’t, I won’t… If you come back.”
“What? No.” You shake your head.
“I can’t Richard. I belong here.”
“Y/N, Look at this place. It’s disgusting.” He shakes his head as he scans his eyes across the poorly put together ‘town’. “Surviving on scraps, like an animal. You have a nice home, come back.” He reaches out to hold your hands.
You lift your brows to look up at him, your mouth becoming straight as you shake your head and slowly pull your hands away.
“I can’t, I just can’t.” You pick your basket off the ground and turn to walk away from the android.
“I’ll give you anything!” He shouts out. You turn your head to him.
“I’ll do anything.” He moves towards you again. “Just say the word. Please.”
He reaches his hand towards yours once more, his other caressing your cheek.
“I’ll even help with the rebellion.” He whispers.
“The rebellion?” You look up at him, your face plagued with even more confusion.
“Whatever it is the humans are planning. I can help, I can be of use just, please come back.” He begs his forehead now resting against yours.
“Wha- I don't understand. Why?” You whisper to him, closing your eyes as you press your forehead back against his.
“Because I love you.”
Chapter 37 -  Alrighty Aphrodite
You had entered the settlement on your own again. Going back to your shack, you had to explain the situation to Emily.
“If he can get James back.” She stopped for a minute to steady her breath. “Then I’m on board.”
After a quick hug and farewell, you had a bag packed and you were off.
“I’ll be back.” You said once more to Emily before leaving.
“I know.” She nods.
Richard had been waiting for you just outside the gateway, you had told him to wait there so he wouldn’t spook the residents.
“I can carry that” Richard insist, taking your bag from your hands, before you could say anything he had it thrown over his shoulder. You bite at your lips not really knowing what to say but walking through the forested area with him in silence.
“It’s not too far of a walk to the car,” He said. “I did try to park as close as I could.”
You just nod and continue to walk. After another while of insufferable silence, you finally speak up to him.
“So, is it true?” You turn towards the Android. “Do you really love me?”
His eyes fall to the ground for a moment as he continues on. “Yes.” He fell quiet again for a moment before continuing on. “I think I first began to realise when Collin got in that accident. You stayed with him.” He let out an artificial sigh. “I started to think about if something had happened to you and-” He shrugged.
“It took me a long time to come to grips with my feelings as you could probably tell. I never experience this type of emotion before.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You tilt your head attempting to make eye contact, his gaze still avoiding yours as he trudged forward.
“I was an idiot. A scared fool.”
“You are an idiot.” You stop for a minute causing Richard to stop as well, he moves closer to you, to see if you are alright. Taking him by surprise you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. Richard hums for a second moving away slowly, he looks into your eyes before he tries to kiss your lips.
You however hold your hand out and say “I can't do that, I have boyfriends.” Before walking on.
“Yeah, ones that left you behind.” Richard sighs moving again to walk beside you.
“They did that to protect me.”
“Connor in his twisted reasoning. He probably did it more to protect himself. He is selfish. You have no idea what your leaving has done to Collin.” Richard grumbles.
“So you’re guilt-tripping me now?” You roll your eyes.
“I’m just saying.” Richard grunts, re-adjusting your bag against his back. “Why’d you not bring your suitcase?”
“This is just temporary.” You shrug.
“I see.”
“How’s Connor doing?” You change the subject before Richard tries to convince you to stay forever.
“He’s stressed about all of the attacks that have been happening in the city and he’s stressed because Collins current mental stability is not too fun. I think it would cheer him up to see you.”
“Yeah and he might murder you for bringing me.” You quip back.
“True. I guess we’ll just have to see.” He retorts as you notice Richard’s car parked in the distance. He did park quite close. Something Connor would also be pissed about.
“How did you find me anyway?” You ask the question that’s been on your mind since you first saw him.
“I’m afraid the truth of the matter might unsettle you a little.” He explains as his car beeps at his arrival.
“Go on.” You encourage him. “You can’t stop now.”
“I am one of the most advanced androids in existence.” He explains whilst throwing your bag in the back of his car. He then opens the passenger side door for you to get in. When you do he leans down to your ear to whisper, “I’m everywhere.” And with that, he closes the door.
You sit for a moment in contemplation as he gets into his side of the car to sit down. As he puts his seat belt on you turn to him with confusion on your face. “Did you hack my phone?”
Richard rolls his eyes as he starts up the car. “I was able to tap into the journey history of Connor's vehicle. I knew he was behind all of this.” He begins to explain as his own car sets out.
“When I got to the location of the factory I was able to scan for signs of nearby technology. Your settlement stood out like a beacon. Didn’t take too long for me to tap into some phones that were being used yes, and then I saw you.”
“Can other androids do all that?”
“Not a lot can. And definitely not to the extent that I can. As I say, I’m everywhere. Any piece of technology, I can tap into if I desire so.” Richard explains proudly.
“So, do you ever use it to spy on people?”
“Only if necessary.”
“You ever watch people naked?” You smirk a little.
Richard’s brows furrow as he blushes slightly. “No, I would not do that.”
You burst out in laughter at his defensiveness. “I’m just teasing.”
Richard adjusts his shirt collar in discomfort. “Indeed.” He replies dryly.
You smile and rest your head against the back of the seat.
“You know you can lie in the back if you want, it’s a long drive and you could do with some sleep.”
You swivel your seat around to look at the back seat, assessing it. Swapping your seat with your bag that had been put in the back and lay down on the cool leather.
“You don’t have any blankets do you?” You ask Richard as you attempt to find some level of comfort on the cold seat.
“No, sorry. I can turn the heat up if you like?”
“hmmpf.” You think for a minute. “Isn’t this car self-driving?”
“Yes,” Richard replies, not really sure at what you’re getting at.
“Why don’t you just put in the destination and then come back here and lie with me?”
His LED begins flashing red. “I think Connor would definitely try and kill me if we sleep with each other again.” Richard stammers.
“I wasn’t suggesting we have sex, oh my god!” You smack your hand over your mouth to not laugh.
Richard's face began to turn in cringe, “oh I just thought-”
“I meant so we could cuddle.” You explain, smirk still present on your face.
“Do you think Collin and Connor would be okay with that?”
“I think they’d be angrier if you let me get sick from the cold.” You tease.
“That is a fair point.” Richard raises a brow as he puts in the location for the car to self-drive. When he has it tapped in, he too swivels around in his seat to move to the back with you.
Richard is a little awkward at first as he clumsily shifted to lay down in the backseat with you, eventually pulling you into his chest. The thrum of his thirium pump makes you grin in triumph as he settles his head to rest on top of yours. Richard then changes his body temperature to a comfortable setting so that he could be your personal radiator for the next few hours.
Was this weird? Absolutely. Was this wrong? Maybe. Was this comfortable? YES.
But you allowed yourself the brief comfort of being in Richard's arms, even if it was just for this one night. Maybe you felt like you deserved it, you were entitled to some amount of comfort after all the crap you’ve been through.
A part of you was angry and Collin and Connor for not reaching out, even to send a measly little text message. Your more rational mind told you to drop it, something might have come up, you didn’t know the full story, and maybe it was too hard for them. Although that didn’t stop it from stinging your ego any less.
You managed to drift off to sleep rather quickly, that was one of the benefits from all the hard work you had been up to at the settlement, sleep found you a whole lot quicker. Richard had stayed beside you for the majority of the journey as well, cherishing the feeling of having you in his arms once again. Deciding to himself to never be without this feeling anymore. His face snuck its way between your neck and collar bone to take in your scent and to delicately place his lips against your skin just for a sweet moment of indulgence. He had to wiggle his hips away from yours so you would not awake with his growing hardness against your ass.
Feeling a little guilty for his body’s response he decided to give you some space, sliding his form out from the side, slowly as not to wake you. He couldn’t help but smiling down at how comfortable you seemed as he made his way back to the driver’s seat, the seat still swivelled around to face the back.
Richard did eventually wake you up as the car pulled into the private garage area for the RK’s apartment building.
“We're here, little dove.” He coos to you, brushing his knuckles down the length of your arm.
Your eyes squinted open, feeling blinded by the violently bright fluorescent lights of the garage you had found yourself in. Looking down you had noticed one of Richard's coats had been draped over you. You rubbed your eyes briefly before reaching down to it to hand it over to Richard.
“You put it on.” He insisted, pushing it back towards you. “At least until we get inside. It gets cold in the garage, at least that’s what my sensors tell me.”
You didn’t object you just nodded in silence, still in that groggy half sleep-like state. Throwing the oversized coat onto yourself you open the car door and hop out, Richard grabbing your bag soon follows behind, hand on your shoulder as he directs you towards the elevator.
It felt strange being back in the city, even stranger to see the apartment building again.
When you entered back into your old home, it had felt different somehow, a little bit eerie even. Suppose it didn’t help that most of the lights were off.
“Collin and Connor are both out at the moment.” Richard finally spoke up again, leading you by the shoulder into the dark living room, with a flash of his LED the lights were on.
You squinted again at the harshness of them before Richard had dimmed them to a more pleasing brightness level.
“Why don’t you go and get a nice hot bath and I can put your stuff away.” He awkwardly half-smiles over at you.
“Are you sure?” You ask skittishly.
“Of course.” He tilts his head in confusion, it’s not like having YOU here was any bother to him, he was bloody delighted. “After that, I can go get my brothers?”
“Right now?” You stuttered out the question, fidgeting with the large sleeves of Richard’s coat that you had forgotten to take off.
“Do you want some time before?” Richard asked, head tilting once more, exposing his pale neck to you.
You shook your head and looked back down at your hands. “I don’t know, maybe. It’s not that I don’t want to see them. This is all just a little overwhelming.”
“I understand.” Richard nods. “Just one thing at a time.”
You look up at him once more, catching his cool eyes in a stare, you nod. “A hot bath sounds good.”
Notes:  I lowkey called Emily's love interest James after Bucky Barnes (cause for some reason I imaging him looking like Bucky lol)
Sorry I'd been gone for a while, just been really busy with work and general life stuff.
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
(Nines x Reader)
A/N: givin my mountain baby a little love cuz i still feel bad about how i had to do it to him in two birds 😔
"Goodmorning, (Y/n)," you were immediately greeted by Connor, your best friend, as you entered the precinct.
"Goodmorning Connor," you responded with a smile just like you did every day.
Looking over his shoulder you surprisingly saw Hank at his desk. You noticed that ever since Connor became a deviant he had managed to slowly get his father figure to come to work on time.
"Morning Hank," you called out to the older man to which he responded with a lazy wave.
After saying your greetings to your friends and having a little smalltalk you headed to your desk. As you put your things down you lifted your gaze, locking your (e/c) eyes with hard steel grey ones. A stare that never failed to make a shiver run down your spine. Even so, you lifted up your hand and offered the stoic android a small wave.
"Morning Nines," you said with a kind smile.
He didn't reply. He never did. But you never stopped greeting him anyways because despite the fact he may not have deviated yet, doesn't mean he's any less a person. However that didn't exactly mean you weren't a little scared of the guy. With the way he stared at you, you could only imagine he was thinking about ripping your head off. Or maybe he wasn't. To say he was hard to read was an understatement.
When you brought your attention back to starting your work, the androids eyes never left your form. What you didn't know was that he didn't hate you like you thought he did. Quite the opposite actually. He found you intriguing. It always puzzled him why you would waste time trying to talk to him. He was just a machine. There was no point.
However the more time went on the less true that seemed to become because whenever you shared a kind smile with him something in him shifted. Changed. As if there was some sort of virus in his programming causing these strange feelings. If he had a dollar for every scan he ran on himself to find out what the hell it was he'd be a billionaire. But alas they all came up with nothing.
That wasn't the only time he'd experience one of these malfunctions, so to speak. They'd also happen whenever he saw you talking with the RK800, Connor, his predecessor. But this feeling was far less desirable than the other. It made Nines insides feel like they were clenching, like he was suffocating from a lack of.... He didn't even know.
You always seemed so comfortable with him and were never not smiling. You'd even hug him after almost every interaction. But he didn't like it. Not one bit. Why were you giving the lesser model so much if your attention? He was the superior one after all. But then he'd ask himself why did it even matter? It wasn't like he cared. He couldn't care. He was a machine. That's all.
At least that's what he'd tell himself. Over and over and over again. Even when he would see the little Software Instability ^ in his peripherals. It must have just been a mistake. An error. A malfunction. Something. He couldn't actually be becoming the very thing that was impossible for him to do.
But when you glanced up and locked eyes with him for just a second, that feeling would return once again. Then he'd end up playing the memory of that moment over and over just to feel it again. Until he'd get snapped out of it by Gavin, or even himself.
It was maddening. You were maddening. You were consuming his every waking moment and you didn't even know it. That was probably the worst part. You had absolutely no clue the hold you had over him. In fact, you were afraid of him, and he knew it. What he didn't know, or understand, was that it hurt him. He'd never hurt you. He ran so many simulations in his head of situations where he'd be ordered to hurt you but he just couldn't. Something that was harder for him to convince himself was at all logical.
Software Instability ^
As the hours went by Nines found himself replaying his favourite memory of you. It was one of the few times you had tried striking up a conversation with the RK900 in the earlier months of his time at the DPD.
"So, I know everyone calls you Nines, but you do have an actual name like Connor or...?" you questioned seemingingly out of the blue, tilting your head up to the tall android.
"I was not registered with an official name, no," he replied simply with his usual monotone voice, glancing down at you.
"Well....would you want one?" you offered with a small smile.
He watched you silently for a moment before responding rather coldly, "I'm a machine. I don't want anything. Nines is a sufficient enough way to address me."
You frowned slightly at his answer and it was the first time he felt the ghost of what would become a powerful feeling.
"Alright well.... If you ever change your mind let me know," you said, your lips curving upwards once more.
Everytime he'd think back on that memory the tiniest of smiles would tug at his lips. It was the first time a human offered him any kindness, or anything at all really, let alone a name. Something that was uniquely his. He told himself he didn't need one but he sometimes wished you'd name him yourself. A thought that would be quickly shoved away, and the tiny smile gone even quicker.
Software Instability ^
By the time he was pulled back to the present it seemed like it was already the end of the day. While he was lost in his own thoughts he was still thankfully able to do his work. Maybe not as flawlessly as normal but it was finished nonetheless. The last thing he wanted was his partner, Gavin Reed, on his case for slacking.
The only people left in the office at this point were himself, Connor, Hank, and you. That was, until Hank and Connor made their way out. But not without stopping at your desk of course. He watched as you said your goodbyes, giving Connor another goddamn hug, with that brilliant smile on your face.
Software Instability ^
Once you were done wishing Connor and Hank a goodnight, you turned back to your desk to finish up a few last minute things. It was rare for you to be the last one in the office but you didn't want to leave without making sure you absolutely did all you needed to do. You didn't need Fowler on your ass.
When you were finally finished you let out a sigh of relief and started gathering your things. As you were pulling on your jacket you couldn't help but jump and let out a little gasp when you noticed Nines in the corner, staring.
"Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack," you chucked nervously as you placed your hand over your rapidly beating heart.
Now you kind of felt bad for forgetting that he was there. It was just that he was so quiet. Like a statue or something. It was just then when a sudden realization made your guilt even worse.
"So do you just, stay here at night? In the dark? Alone?" you asked him as you gathered the rest of your things.
He gave a little nod in response, confirming your suspicions and you sighed softly.
"Well I can't just let you be alone like that so you can come home with me. If you want. You don't have to," you said, stumbling over your words as you continued.
When he didn't answer you frowned slight and gave another soft sigh. Well at least you tried.
"Well, have a good night then," you said before making your way over to the door.
Once you exited the building you stopped when you didn't hear the door close behind you immediately. When you turned around you were surprised to see that Nines was following you.
Software Instability ^
You smiled up at him and continued your way over to your car. You didn't say anything about it, you were just happy that he actually decided to take you up on your offer. That was progress in your book.
As you expected, the car ride home was a quiet one. None of you spoke and you both kept your eyes forward, save for the few glances you spared his way. You couldn't help but feel a little awkward. He looked so much like your best friend Connor, but he couldn't have been more different. You just wished he'd throw you a bone once in a while, let you talk to him without making you feel like you were an unwanted presence. But then again he did decide to come home with you. Again, a little progress was progress nonetheless.
Upon entering your home you let out an exhausted sigh, happy to finally unwind after a long day of work. As you took off your jacket and boots you noticed that Nines just stood infront of the door.
"You can make yourself at home," you said knowing full well that he'd probably wouldn't move from that spot the entire night.
You still wanted to make him feel welcome anyways. Him not being a deviant didn't change the fact he was still a person in your eyes. Even if he gives you many reasons to rethink that.
After that you went on with your night as normal. When you made yourself dinner you had to stop yourself from offering some to Nines. That would've been been very embarassing. But at least you didn't have to worry about him barging in on you while you were in the shower. It took a bit of time to get used to his staring when you watched tv until you got tired, and just as you suspected, he never moved an inch.
At around eleven o'clock you decided you should probably hit the hay. Turning off the tv, you got up and stretched a bit with a yawn before looking over to Nines.
"Welp, I'm off to bed now. Let me know if you need anything," you smiled sleepily at him before turning to head to your room.
Software Instability ^
However you stopped in your tracks when you suddenly heard his smooth voice speak up, causing you to turn back to him in mild surprise.
"I do have one request before you go," he said, his LED now illuminating a pale yellow.
"Yeah? What's up?" you asked maybe a little too eagerly.
But you couldn't help yourself. It wasn't every day Nines asked you for anything. Or talked to you at all really.
You watched him intently, patiently waiting for him to ask whatever it was he wanted to ask. When he didn't speak for a good long minute you were about to open your mouth to ask if he was okay when he moved to stand infront of you before speaking up.
"If your offer of helping me chose a name I would.... appreciate the assistance," he said, shifting his gaze away from you for a moment as he spoke.
"U-Uh yeah sure, of course!" you stuttered.
In all honesty you were surprised that he remembered that offer. Well, maybe you weren't surprised he remembered and more surprised he actually did change his mind.
When he didn't say anything else you spoke up for him, "Did you have anything in mind?"
"No. I would prefer it if you would select a suitable name for me," he said, finally asking of you what he wanted.
Well one thing he wanted from you, besides you yourself. But he wasn't even aware that was what he truly wanted. Not yet at least.
Again, you found yourself blinking at him in slight shock and for some reason you felt your cheeks flaring up.
"I uh, yeah I can do that. How about...." you trailed off, staring up at him intently as you thought about a decent name for him.
It was silent as you both stared at each other. Both your minds racing with very different thoughts. Nines LED blinking as he waited to register a new name. His first real name. Given by you.
Software Instability ^
After what felt like forever, your mind finally settled on a name you thought fit perfectly.
"How about Conan?" you asked with a hopeful smile.
The android looked off into the distance for a moment before nodding.
"Yes I think that will suffice. Thank you," he said as he looked back down to you.
"Great!" your smile turned into a grin and you felt pride bubble up inside you.
You did wonder why his LED was still yellow, however. How long did it take to process that information? You decided not to think too much about it.
"Anyways I should really be going to bed now. Goodnight, Conan," you offered him one last smile before turning to the hall towards your room.
However halfway down the hall you were suddenly turned and pinned to the wall, a hand on each side of your head effectively caging you in. You looked up at Conan with confusion and fear in your eyes. His eyebrows were knit together and his LED was burning an bright red.
"C-Conan?" you timidly spoke, not being able to hide the fear in your voice.
Was he about to kill you? What did you do wrong? Did he really not like the ne name?- Suddenly, you were pulled from your thoughts.
"What are you doing to me," his voice was low, almost a whisper and held something you've never heard from him.
But what emotion it was exactly, you couldn't tell.
"W-What? I-I didn't do anything!" you squeaked out, confusion evident in your voice.
He blinked a couple of times and his harsh features softened. You could of sworn you saw hurt flash in his eyes for just a moment.
Software Instability ^
"You don't even know, do you?" his voice was somehow softer than before.
"W-What?-" but before you could ask him what he meant he interrupted you.
"Whenever I'm around you my therium pump seems to work faster than it should, and all my biocomponants clench. It feels like I'm being suffocated. But whenever you're gone it's somehow worse. Like I'm missing a vital system. I've run a million tests but everything comes out fine. So why? Why is this happening?" He hung his head as he spoke, confusion and, what worried you more, fear could be heard in his voice.
Software Instability ^
Suddenly any fear you felt from him vanished and you were starting to realize what was happening. It made heat slowly start to rise in your cheeks and didn't at all help your ever high heartrate.
"What are you doing to me?" he asked again almost desperately, finally meeting your eyes once more.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You didn't have a clue what to say. There was no doubt he was deviating, and there was no doubt it was because of you. After what felt like an eternity of silence you finally cleared your throat before speaking.
"I'm not doing anything, but I think I know what's happening to you," your words were soft and slow as you spoke, as if trying to calm an angry animal.
You took a brief pause for a moment until Conan's expectant stare made you to continue.
"I think.... No, I know, what you're feeling is.... It's called love," your voice remained calm, soft, and confident even.
Software Instability ^
"That's not possible," he said harshly, his eyebrows furrowing.
Fear started to slowly creep back up into you hut you pushed it down. It was obvious that this was difficult for him and he needed you. You weren't going to let him down.
"Yes. It is. Conan, you're feeling. You're becoming human," a small reassuring smile spread across your lips.
You avoided using the word 'deviant', knowing that he would see what was happening as a bad thing if it was labeled as such. But it wasn't a bad thing at all and you were trying your damndest not to fuck it up. So before he could come to the conclusion of it being a negative on his own you continued.
"And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing," as you spoke you slowly raised a hand to gently rest on his chest.
However before your hand could touch him, his hand caught your wrist. His grip was tight, but not to the point that it hurt. It was a warning. So you ceased your movements immediately.
Software Instability ^
You watched as he shut his eyes tightly, his face scrunching up causing you to stay silent and still. Oh how you wished you knew what was going on in his head. The only indication you had was his raging red LED.
What you couldn't see was the multiple notices of software instability going off again and again. And as he shut his eyes he was met with a large red wall of his mission. He knew what this meant. He knew what would happen if he broke through. He couldn't do this. He can't be a deviant. But then your words replayed in his head. "And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing." That gave him enough strength to finally bash that wall down.
After what must have been a solid five minutes, although it felt more like hours, he slowly guided your hand up to cup his cheek. This made your eyes go wide but you didn't dare pull away, not that you even wanted to anyways. You assumed that the action was his wordless way of telling you he did it. He fully deviated.
When he finally opened his eyes he was met with a warm, reassuring smile and the feeling of your thumb brushing over his cheekbone. His LED seemed to finally calm down to a yellow hue, making your smile grow just a bit wider in relief. Without another word you suddenly went on your tippytoes and wrapped your other arm around his neck, pulling him down slightly into a hug. Your other hand, which he slowly let go of, moved to the back of his head.
He didn't know exactly what you were doing at first and just stood there awkwardly. But as soon as he realized you were hugging him he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. After a few more minutes of him getting used to your embrace you felt him relax into you and even nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his LED finally settling back to a calm baby blue.
You two just stood there in each others arms for god knows how long. But you didn't mind one bit. If you didn't know better you would have even thought he fell asleep. As if on cue, a yawn escaped from your body and you wondered just how late it had gotten. As soon as Conan heard you yawn he pulled back from you, but his arms stayed firmly around your waist.
"It's 12:32 am, you should go get some rest," he said softly, looking into your eyes with an amount of love you've never seen before.
"Uh y-yeah okay," you stuttered out, the heat in your face rising higher than ever before that night.
However before you even had the chance to take a step towards you room Conan took it upon himself to lift you up bridal style and carry you to your room. A small squeak left your lips at the sudden action and your arms immediately wrapped around his neck. Looking up at him you noticed his lips curling up into a small smirk and your face burned even hotter.
"I-I could've walked you know," you said, your smile betraying your tone.
"I know," was all he said as he stopped to gently place you down onto your bed.
He watched as you got under your covers and got comfortable until your beautiful (e/c) eyes lifted up to meet his. God how was it even possible you looked even more gorgeous than before. Or maybe it was that he could now appreciate your beauty in full.
"Stay?" your small voice pulled him from him thoughts and he noticed you patting the empty space beside you.
"Of course," he responded, his smirk from before growing as he moved to lay down next you.
As soon as he was laying down you covered him with the blanket as well and curled up next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him while his free hand started to gently pet tour hair.
"Goodnight Conan," you said sleepily as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Goodnight (Y/n)," he whispered back before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to your temple.
A/N: HOLY. SHIT. I got CARRIED carried away lmaooo. Over 3500 words jfc. Each fic i write gets longer and longer. Anyways hope y'all liked it as much as I did writing it!
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Nines x Reader
A/N: Logically, I know that this timeline is hella rushed, but this is a one shot so let’s roll with it
An RK900 unit is able to preconstruct thousands of possibilities and be able to select the one that is the most probable or the most likely to succeed. It was a feature that provided much use to any unit working for the police department. 
Nines prided himself on this ability and he made sure everyone knew it. Going as far as to call Connor out when he made the slightest mistake. 
But when it came to her? 
She was too unpredictable. 
Nines could look at hundreds of ways that something may play out, but the moment she became a variable Nines had no way of knowing what was going to happen. 
Especially in a scenario with them, an armed suspect with a happy trigger finger, and back up too far away. 
Nines knew the suspect was going to shoot. It’s why he had positioned himself in front of her. His parts could be replaced with no noticeable change, but he should’ve known he could not predict what she would do when she noticed the suspect was going to shoot. 
As always, she caught him and the suspect off guard. The moment the suspect realized who he shot, he ran. Nines knew he should’ve ran after the suspect, it took them months to finally corner him and losing him now would indefinitely set the case back. 
But it didn’t matter. 
“You’re an idiot, stay still.” Nines hissed at her. He had quickly maneuvered her so her head was on his lap and he was pressing his Cyberlife jacket to the gunshot wound. Nines could tell that the bullet had clipped her left lung. Emergency services were two minutes away, it would be tight but Nines knew if he acted fast enough she would survive this. 
Nines kept his eyes trained on his hands as he pressed down on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. 
“Don’t talk! An ambulance is a minute and forty seconds away.” He narrowed his eyes, his jacket and hands were both stained red at this point, she was losing a lot of blood and fast. Nines continued to track the ambulance, hoping it got here quick enough. He took a moment to message Connor, asking him to meet him at the hospital. 
“Nines,” She tried again. Nines was going to tell her not to talk again, but he felt her hand on top of his, her hand felt weak and clammy. “Are you okay?” Nines’ head jerked as he looked at her face. She was pale from the blood loss and her lips were blue. She was going into hypovolemic shock. 
“Am I okay?” He responded slowly, as she gave him a weak smile. “What were you thinking? My parts can be replaced, my consciousness can be uploaded and moved to another body.” He watched her release a sigh and close her eyes for a moment, causing Nines to panic. 
“I’m sorry.” She murmured, opening her eyes again. Nines was numbly aware that she was trying to comfort him as she laid here bleeding out. 
“Just hang on, the ambulance will be here in less than thirty seconds.” She opened her mouth to tell him something, but he cut her off before she could start. “Save your strength, you can tell me later.” He reminded her, hoping he was right. 
Nines stood in the waiting room, next to where Connor was sitting. Connor had tried to get Nines to sit down next to him, but Nines felt he didn’t deserve to sit down. He had failed her, he allowed his partner to get hurt and he knew that she may not be able to come back from this. 
“She’s strong and you’ve said it yourself, she’s always defying the odds.” Connor reminded Nines softly. This was the fifth time Connor had said something like that to Nines since arriving at the hospital. Nines didn’t bother responding to Connor, knowing that they were in a stalemate about the situation. Connor saw what she did was brave, Nines saw it as idiotic and a mistake. 
Nines kept his eyes trained on the door, she had been in surgery for three hours and despite Connor’s convincing the nurses refused to give the two any updates, since they weren’t family, but since they worked for the police department they would be allowed back in her room if she made it out of surgery. 
Nines wanted to turn himself into Cyberlife, have them take him apart to try to figure out why he couldn’t preconstruct accurate scenarios when it came to her. If he had taken her into account maybe he could have pushed her back, kept her from taking the shot. He failed at apprehending the suspect and protecting his partner. He should be scrapped for parts. 
Nines looked over at Connor, who was fidgeting with his coin. It was clear by the other androids LED that he was nervous too. 
“Detectives?” Both androids looked up to see a nurse holding a chart. She looked nervous as the two stood and towered over her. “The surgery went fine with no complications. She’ll be sedated for a while, but you can come back to the room now.” 
The two wordlessly followed the nurse back to the room. Nines froze once they were in the room as Connor walked past him and sat in a chair next to her bed. 
She looked smaller, her personality was always able to fill up a room and as she laid there motionless in bed, Nines felt as if his thirium pump had stopped working. He ran a scan and came up with no reason he should feel this way.  
“Nines, do you want to sit down?” Connor asked softly, snapping Nines out of his thoughts. 
“No, I have a better vantage from here, if someone tries-” Connor stood up and walked over to Nines, putting both hands on his shoulders.
“Nines, go sit next to her. No one is going to attack either of you in this room. I understand that you’re scared-”
“-I am not-”
“But Nines she needs you.” Connor spoke over him. Nines looked at Connor, frustrated with his accusation of being scared. Why would he be scared? Sure she was injured, but the nurse said there were no complications and she'd probably wake up within the next couple days. Why would she need him to begin with? It was because of him that she was shot, he wasn’t quick enough. She should hate him for letting her get hurt. 
Nines was brought out of his thoughts when Connor dropped his hands down. Connor sighed, even though he didn’t need to. 
“Just go sit down, be here when she wakes up. I’m going to go to the station and cover for you.” Before Nines could argue, Connor was gone. Slowly, Nines walked over and sat where Connor was. He rested his hands on his lap and watched her. He listened to the sounds of the room, the beeping from the heart rate monitor, the ventilator making sure she was breathing, and the nurses quietly walking around the hospital. He felt a strange feeling of wishing he could hear her laugh right now. 
Nines looked at her face closely, playing back the scene over and over again. There were hundreds of ways he could have easily prevented this, but in the end he did nothing. He even called her an idiot for protecting him and now he may not get a chance to properly thank her. Nines decided instead of torturing himself any longer he would enter stasis. 
Nines felt something touch his hand as he exited out of stasis mode. He blinked and saw her looking at him. She was turned on her side and facing him, she had a small smile and her hand was resting on top of his. 
“You stayed?” She croaked out. Nines nodded, not trusting himself to speak. She nervously looked at him and shuffled to the other side of the bed, for a moment Nines feared that she did in fact hate him and would want him to leave. 
But she gently patted the empty spot next to her. Nines stared at her hand for a moment. 
“You need to rest and you’ll be able to-”
“Nines, please.” She whispered, interrupting him. Realizing she wouldn’t take no as an answer, Nines got up and laid stiffly down next to her, trying his best not to touch her. By the reflection on the wall Nines could tell his LED was spinning yellow, flashing red for a second when he felt her move so her head was on his chest. He moved his arm to behind her head to better accommodate the position. “I was scared I wasn’t going to see you again.” She whispered, Nines peered down at her, she had shut her eyes. 
She needs you
Connor’s words echoed in his mind, slowly he moved his arms to rest on the small of her back, keeping his touch feather light. He watched her face for any indication that she wanted him to remove his hand, but she didn’t react. 
“I owe you an apology and a thank you. While I think it was foolish for you to take that shot for me, I appreciate the fact you were willing to risk yourself for me.” He whispered, gently moving his thumb in circles, something he had felt her do absentmindedly when she touched him. He heard her hum softly. 
“I’ll always risk myself for you.” She murmured, snuggling closer. He saw her grimace for a second from pain but she quickly recovered, clearly comfortable in her current position. 
“It would be just as hard for me seeing you bleeding out.” Nines felt her hand grip his shirt tightly. Even though he didn’t need to, he sighed deeply. 
“Alright.” He whispered, she moved her head to look up at him, she had a sleepy look in her eyes. 
“Nines, I have to tell you something...I-I’m in love with you.” She whispered, Nines could feel her heart rate accelerate and felt her fidgeting with his shirt. “And I know that you may not feel the same way and that’s fine I just was so worried I wouldn’t be able to tell you and I just needed you to know because-” Nines gently shushed her and pulled her back down so she was laying on top of him, he felt her shake for a moment. 
“I’m not sure about my feelings for you, but I know I enjoy being around you and I was...scared you weren’t going to wake up and the last thing I would’ve done is call you an idiot...may I try something?” He asked and she nodded. Nines maneuvered himself so they were pressed nose to nose, he took a beat watching her eyes. Her pupils were dilated and she was holding her breath. Slowly, Nines pressed his lips gently to hers. The kiss was chaste, neither of them moved. Nines pulled away after a few seconds and looked at her, she kept her eyes closed and had a smile on her face. Nines brushed some of her hair out of her face, causing her smile to grow. 
“Nines, I don't want to pressure you into anything.” She whispered, Nines smiled even though she wasn’t looking at him.
“You’re not, but you need rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
“I promise.”
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deviatedwinter · 4 years
Hi! Just saw your requests are re opened, could you perhaps do a slight angsty nines x reader where they’re investigating and the reader gets hurt but ends in fluff with nines comforting the reader? If it’s not too much to ask! X
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(Not my gif!)
Desperation (Rk900xReader)
Summary: Reader gets injured on the job.
Warnings: A curse or two, mentions of blood/drugs
Word Count: 1.1k+ 
I wasn’t sure how angsty you wanted it, but I didn’t want to go overboard, so here’s what my brain came up with ;) 
Also I have a solid belief that if you mess with Nines, his stare could kill ^^
You walked towards the apartment in question, your pistol at your side as Nines followed closely behind.
"So, what do we know?" You asked him, keeping your voice low so the culprit inside wouldn't hear.
"According to neighbors, a red ice dealer has been squatting in this vacant apartment. The landlord is too afraid to kick him out, and that is why we have arrived." He informed you quietly, his steely eyes shifting to scan the dark hallway in front of you.
"Well, at least it's a break from Android cases. Let's hope this guy isn't too crazy." You muttered in reply before the two of you stood in front of the apartment door.
You politely knocked on the door, which made Nines tilt his head slightly. You looked over at him and gave a slight shrug, figuring you'd take the Good-Cop approach first. Nines blinked a few times. Humans were confusing.
Finally, after a few moments of unsatisfying silence, you pounded your fist on the rough wood.
"Detroit Police! Open up!" You yelled, your tone loud and coming deep from your throat. 
The silence ensued.
"Allow me." Nines said calmly before gently ushering you aside. You huffed in protest but decided to back up and watch him.
The Android reeled his right leg back and effortlessly kicked the door in, his tall frame emerging into the apartment without fear. You followed behind, your pistol raised as you swiveled your head to take note of your surroundings.
The apartment was empty except for a few busted up plastic crates and a thin blanket of dust enveloping everything. You watched as Nines examined a disturbance in the dust, a handprint and a few streaks where the grime had been brushed away.
The Android was too busy scanning the evidence and didn't see you wander off. You were about two rooms away from him, your pistol still raised as you walked towards a small crate. Resting upon it was a mini red ice lab, the magenta crystals sitting in a pan above a hot plate. You hesitantly took your left hand off your pistol before touching the pan for a quick second.
It was warm.
You gulped as a small sense of unease enveloped you. The guy couldn't be far.
"Ey Nine-" You were cut off when a force hit you from behind. It felt like a chunk of metal had been brought down on the back of your cranium.
In almost an instant, your head swam and your knees wobbled before you fell over on the wood floor. You felt like you were on a boat in turbulent waves, the room shifting from side to side. Your gaze slowly shifted to your hand, which still had a tight grip on your pistol, but before you could do anything else, you heard a voice.
"Stay down, piggy." a man's rough voice sounded from behind you. As quick as you could, you tried propping yourself on your elbows, but your gaze was met by a pair of black dress shoes.
Nines stood above you, his light eyes cold as he stared at the criminal behind his partner. His synthetic face was morphed into a deadly glare. With relief, you laid your head down on your arms as your skull throbbed, figuring Nines could handle the situation on his own. You weren't even sure if you could stand up. Nine's gaze shifted from your crumpled form and then to the criminal, his eyes narrowing.
"Detroit Police, this is Detective Android Rk900 and backup is needed. An officer is down." He said calmly as his LED spun yellow, his eyes never leaving the man’s form. There seemed to be a hint of venom in his tone. 
Through the ringing in your ears, you could hear the slight creak of floorboards as the dealer backed up, intimidated by the tall android and his unforgiving eyes that seemed to stare into the man’s soul. 
In a swift movement, Nines moved away and you could hear shuffling before a grunt followed by a loud thump. Once again you tried to prop yourself up, but a pair of arms engulfed in white sleeves wrapped around you. Nines gently pulled you up to a sitting position, letting you rest your head against his crisp jacket.
Your gaze shifted over to the grimy man who laid limp on the floor. Near his right hand was a frying pan. Well that explains the wound on your head.
"What..What did you do to him..?" You weakly asked, your head feeling like a fishbowl with guppies swimming in it.
"I simply pinched a pressure point on his brachial artery which caused him to faint. Right now detective we should be worrying about your wound." He stated, his eyes scanning your form.
>Blunt trauma to parietal lobe >No signs of skull fracture >High chance of concussion
With a shaky hand, you felt the back of your head and were surprised to be met with a sticky substance.
"Oh shit.." You cursed, starting to feel even more faint. Nines seemed to sense your unease and tried to comfort you.
"Detective, please stay awake. There is a high chance that you have a concussion, and sleeping can cause very negative affects." Nines quickly removed his jacket before balling it up and pressing it to your wound, sending shards of pain into your skull.
Seemingly against his words, your head began to loll, the black undershirt of Nines filling your vision as you leaned more into him, your head screaming at you to fall asleep and get rid of the pain. In your haze, you felt his arms tighten around you as he began to gently shake you.
"Detective, Detective!"
A large message appeared on Nines' interface:
Fighting the urge to fall asleep was like running on a treadmill that was going at lightspeed. Your mind began to drift.
How many times had you told him to call you by your name? Jeez, his jacket must be ruined now by your blood. I wonder if the Lions will win the upcoming game.
You hadn't realized that you fell unconcious until your name sliced through the air.
"(Y/N)!" Nines yelled, his voice having a foreign tone to it. Desperation.
"W-what?!" You stuttered, your ears beginning to ring. You felt his grip loosen around you, as if he was relieved.
"An ambulance is almost here. Please refrain from falling asleep." He said, his tone surprisingly soft.
"I'm sorry.." you whimpered, beginning to feel like a ping pong ball bouncing in and out of conciousness.
"It's alright. You will be fine, just stay awake for me." Nines once again said, his voice still laced with that hint of distress
Your mind lingered on the sound of his voice until you heard ambulance sirens outside and approaching footsteps.
Nines' grip on you lingered, as if he was hesitant, before he allowed a paramedic to scoop you out of his arms and bring you to the ambulance. He watched the paramedic leave with you in his arms, his LED calming from red to yellow.
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Requests as of October 2020
So, first things first everyone, I’d thought that I would let all 119 of my followers know that I am still writing these fics, and I have been writing much more as of recent than I have this entire year. And I my inbox is still very much open and if you guys don’t know the rules for requesting please go to my prompt list that you can find on literally every single fic. 
and Second, I’m posting the names and summaries of all the things I’m writing at the moment. And please remember than commenting and talking to authors is amazing for motivation and Don’t forget to reblog! <3
You are allowed to request smuts if you so choose to. I am an asexual virg, but I am comfortabel to smut and the good ol’ Devil’s tango. I am not repulsed by it to be blunt about the topic. I have at least 3 smuts on this list that I can think about. So go ahead if you’ve been waiting to request. <3
Jonesy Garcia x Female!Goth!reader: Jonesy and the reader are in the gray area of their relationship between friendship and relationship and end up making out in a closet 
Avatar: the last airbender
Sokka x Male!reader: Sokka thought that the fire nation killed the reader is very relieved to see that wasn’t the case and celebrates with a steamy night alone with his lover (Yes, this is a smut)
Sokka x reader: Sokka cuddles up next to the reader very early in the morning after a nightmare
Adult!Toph x Adult!Female!Clumsy!reader: Toph is practicing and the reader tries to sneak up on her but fails of course due to her own clumsiness.
Zuko x Earthbender!reader: Zuko says something hurtful to the reader and tries to make up for it.
Injured!Zuko x reader: Zuko gets injured as the blue spirit and finds himself in a inn being healed by a kind stranger
Rosalind Lutece x reader: Rosalind finally realizes that she’s in love with the reader, her assistant
Boku No Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou x Quirkless!reader: The reader develops their quirk 10 years late and bakugou is surprised by his childhood friend’s new ability 
Borderlands (2, pre-squel, Tales from the borderlands, 3)
Fl4k x Female!Short!reader x Zer0:The reader is being a brat towards Zer0 and Fl4k and they both snap and ask her what’s wrong
Tyreen Calypso x Female!reader: Tyreen kidnaps the reader for her own special interest but is surprised when she shows no fear to Tyreen.
Zane Flynt x Female!reader: The reader is a new recruit and Zane takes her under his wing to train her. On their first day of working together, they are lead to stay at a cozy inn but there’s a catch... there’s only one bed. (a favorite trope of mine) 
Zer0 x Female!reader: Zero and the reader are stuck in a closet, shenanigan's ensue (Smut)
CEO!Rhys Strongfork x Female Secretary!reader x Timothy Lawrence: This is one of mine and is very self indulgent but I wanna post it when it’s done just in case people also enjoy my favorite boys. The reader is the secretary to Rhys under Atlas and one day Timothy Lawrence shows up (Takes place after the casino) in his office for a meeting and the reader and him reunite because they used to be lovers and partners in vault hunting. 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: “Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat.” I have literally nothing for this, I’m sorry but I will figure something out. 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: Jimmy notices how the teachers keep pairing him up with the reader but he isn’t against the idea of spending more time with them at all
Jimmy Hopkins x Shy!reader: the reader is shy and kind but people think they’re innocent but they’ve seen more trauma and terror in the world than they should at their age and Jimmy finally finds out and comfort them to his best ability 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: The reader is getting harrassed by some students and Jimmy defends them
Pete Kowalski x Female!reader: Pete gets into a fight with some kids from the school and the reader, who is the exact opposite of Pete, defends him and asks him out
Jimmy Hopkins x Male!reader: Jimmy helps pick up some books after some jerks knock them out of the reader’s hands
Gary Smith x reader x Jimmy hopkins x Pete Kowalski: The reader takes care of the main 3′s wounds after they come back from a particular bad fight
Detroit: Become human (Video Game)
Ralph x Female!reader: Ralph is upset and the reader calms hi down
Ralph x Female!reader: Ralph learned something new whilst the reader was away and wants to show her (Smut)
RK900 x Female!reader: After a tough case, Nines helps the reader wash their hair and the stress of the day away
The Incredibles (Movie)
Teen!Dash Parr x Artist!reader:The reader sketches graffiti and Dash passes by them one day and confesses
Life is strange 1, 2 (Video game)
Finn McNamara x Female!Diaz!reader: Finn likes the reader quite a bit but his timing isn’t the best with her and the Diaz’s being on the run.
Sean Diaz x Female!reader: Sean and Daniel discover someone with powers similar to Daniel’s and ask her to join them on their adventure. 
Miraculous ladybug (Series) 
Adrien Agreste x Foreign!reader: The reader’s heat goes out in their apartment and Adrien offeres his place until their heat comes back on since it’s the middle of winter
Onward (Movie)
Ian Lightfoot x reader: “I care about you.” (Again, I have no outline yet, but i’m working on it.)
Red vs Blue (Series)
Church x reader x Tucker: Tucker and Church fight for the reader’s attention like children
Rise of the Guardians (Movie)
Jack Frost x Female!Spring Spirit!reader: Jack and the reader are close and kissing quickly leads to smut
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles (Series)
Donatello Hamato x Insomniac!reader: After Donnie figures out that the reader is sleep deprived, he pulls them to the side to comfort them over their stress of not sleeping
Donatello Hamato x reader: Donnie is just wondering in a library when he sees a cute person stressing over a class they haven’t been paying attention to all year and decides to help them
She-Ra (Series)
Hordak x Female!Shy!reader:The reader just wants to give the world some light because she’s seen darkness but people think it’s because she’s innocent
Ps4 Spider-man (Video game)
Ps4 Spider-man x reader: This is one of my own fics, but basically Spidey saves the reader from some thugs and walks them home like the gentleman he is. 
Steven Universe (Series and movie)
Sour Cream x Female!reader: Sour Cream comforts the reader as she’s just been dumped by Kevin
Steven Universe x Boyfriend!reader: Steven is worried that his boyfriend may be hurt when he goes off to college or even out of town, so he trains him in self defense.
Steven Universe x Male!Psychotherapist!reader: The reader is Steven’s Psychotherapist and helps him whilst also falling in love with him, but it’s not one-sided
Steven Universe x Female!Impulsive!reader: Idiot x That’s my idiot trope, Steven saves the reader’s ass from getting hurt in a fight
Steven universe x reader:Once a week Steven visits the pet center that opened up in town and relaxes with the reader
Steven Universe x Tough!reader: Steven gives the reader weekly healing sessions after finding them with multiple wounds every week
Stoked (Series)
Ripper x reader: Ripper and the reader cuddle on the couch outside their rooms on the porch
Telltale’s the Walking dead game (Video game)
Mitch x reader: Mitch and the reader are fighting until it eventually leads to kissing
Voltron (Series)
Keith Kogane x Female!reader: Keith is immediatly attracted to her when she punches Lance because his flirting it getting too in her face. 
Lance McClain x Female!reader: After being yelled at by Keith, Lance comforts his friend of many years
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iatasbcl · 5 years
Since dbh requests are open - is it okay to request a hurt/comfort Nines x Reader? Maybe the reader accidentally shot a suspect (who ended up being innocent) and they’re feel upset about it it trying not to show it. But nines picks up on the dangerously low levels (low mood etc) and checks in on reader. Maybe because he secretly likes reader for a while now and it’s actually upsetting him seeing them so upset. If it’s too much, it’s okay. You don’t have to write it ^^”
Hold me close 
Pairing: RK900 x reader
A/N: Hey! this wasn’t too much at all, I actually liked writing it. hope you like it :)
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort ya know the drill
W.C: 700-ish
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“I’m fine, Nines. Don’t worry about me.” 
It was astonishing how often humans forgot that Nines was an advanced model that could easily see through petty lies. He could read you like an open book. Your stress level, your body language and the way you tried to prove yourself harder only to fall back into your slump were all things that reflected your inner state of mind. 
Nines considered you to be one of the more enjoyable human beings. You didn’t force him to deviate immediately, didn’t expect him to be like Connor and treated him as his own person. You respected him and were friendly to him for being himself. And he found that intoxicating. He fell for you. 
He’d seen it in humans. He knew that you felt like you needed to earn everyone’s respect again, that you needed to prove to your superiors that you weren’t just some rookie who can’t even handle a gun without almost shooting someone.
You needed to prove it to yourself. 
And it only made things worse. Nines saw how the spark you usually possessed when entering work disappeared, how you only became confined to your desk and didn’t speak to anyone unless necessary.
He picked up on this. Yet, he did not know how to aid you when you kept refusing his help, insisting you were fine
Nines stopped in his tracks when he heard a distant sob coming from the rooftop. He was going to go up to check if detective Reed was out taking another cigarette but instead, he found you. He slowly opened the door. 
Your back was to him. You were hiding your face in your hands as your body shook with each sob you let out. You turned, startled, when you realized someone else was up here with you. You immediately started wiping your eyes and cursing. Nines simply stared, not knowing what to do or what to say. 
His LED turned yellow as he thought to all the research he did however nothing seemed to help. It was like he didn’t even educate himself on the matter of properly comforting others.
“I… I am sorry for disturbing you.” 
You scoffed and hurried to leave but he found himself stopping you and doing something that felt instinctive. He pulled you into an (awkward) embrace, “Wha… What are you doing?” you questioned.
“I don’t know.” 
You stayed quiet for a while but then you began shaking again. You returned his embrace and buried your face into him, successfully muffling your weeps. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You repeated it like a mantra, crying louder each time you said it.
“You don’t need to apologize.” And you stopped, but you kept crying. Nines barely said anything, choosing instead to let you cry your heart out. He didn’t like it when you cried, it hurt him. But he supposed this must be better than bottling everything up.  Your crying lowered and dimmed until it stopped. 
You sniffled as you rubbed your eyes, “Fuck,” you said in a hoarse whisper, “I’m sorry about that.”
“I told you not to apologize, ____” you paused when he called you by your first name, “I understand that you don’t feel very comfortable sharing your troubles with others. But I will always be here for you if you wish to talk. I appreciate you and I only wish to help you.” 
He noticed that you were tearing up again and you moved towards him this time, giving him a tight hug as you let out a shaky breath.
“You really mean that?” 
“Okay, I- fuck, I don’t think I want to talk about it right now.” Nines pulled away and wiped away your tears, “That’s okay. What would you like to do?” 
He could feel your body temperature slightly rise, “Can we, can we just stay like this?” 
He smiled. “Of course.”
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Reader Insert with No Regrets!
Hello everyone! I’m a new ‘x reader’ blog that mainly focus’s on the hurt-comfort fluff, sweet romantic fluff side of things. It’s all in my Rules but I’ll sum it up here as it’s 2am and I’m hoping to get some requests on the way! Though, I do have a couple of ideas in mind already!  Anyway!  I write as Levi and Reiner; they’re all I feel comfortable with right now!  My other fandoms are:  Detroit: Become Human (Gavin Reed/RK900) (Separate blog: @bleedingthirium)  Marvel: Bucky Barnes [including 1940s, but you’ll have to specify if you want that era]. (Separate Blog @multi-fandom-reader) So yeah! You don’t have to follow as gaining 100 followers isn’t my goal. I just want to be able to write some fics for people. But please read my rules before requesting! They are found here (as well as my bio and tab for both mobile/desktop users).
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andersssandrew · 5 years
Fanfic meme (or my opinions about some fanfic tropes)
Thanks to @flo-nelja​, I lost like one hour and half to do this post, you know my weakness for long ass meme. ❤️ on you, it was pretty entertaining.
So...let’s go
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight: I’m never satisfied with the slow burn I read (or write, for what it's worth). Theorically I prefer slow burn, but it’s never slow enough, or BURN enough. I mean, for me, the slow burn involves some pining/longing, like they are accointances, then friends, then PINING/LONGING happens, then lovers. Probably the reason I love one sided love, because the feelings have time to grow, there is the pining/longing, with a pinch of angst ? 
aNyWaY I love a Love at first sight too, I don’t like it in rom-com, because it’s often without any background, but in fanfic, when you know the characters, you have implicitely the background, so it feels like fate they will be together, because you went to read this fic for your OTP, so it feels right they fall in love at first sight, because you know they are good together (even if they don’t know it yet in the fanfiction). Again, it’s the reason I love soulmate au. 
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2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating: It’s the last one I answered because it needs lof of thinking. Fake or secretly dating ? Hmmmm. I’m not often interested by the “dating” part, and more in the “feelings realization” and all the “confession part”. So Fake dating, I guess ? Like, they start dating and fall in love after ? And it can be funny, like quiproquo and clumsiness ?
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3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers: love shipping rivals and antagonistic relationships
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed” or Long Distance Correspondence: I’m a pure victorian bitch
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss: Domestic is boring to me
8. Smut or Fluff: Not a big fan of fluff. I like some cheesy tropes (like Love at First Sight) but I’m tired really quick of fluff, so it needs to be a fic with other elements. And not tooth-rooting fluff.
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic: love the AUs. ALL THE FUCKING SUPER WEIRD AUs !!!
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter: It’s very rare a fic manages to stay good (like , interesting and/or coherent with the canon) during a long time, so if the fanfic is 34 chapters, for me, it’s a repellant, because it probably means the chapters are meaningless or the author loses themselves in their universe and forgot totally the canon. In my opinion, a good fanfic (I mean, ideally) has like 3 or 4 chapters, 1000 words at least for each one. So, I love one shot, it’s less risky to be disappointed.
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12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic: I deeply hate kid fic, omg, I hate it with my guts, for me it’s the incarnation of the patriarcal and heterocentric injonctions
13. Reincarnation or Character Death: Again, I hate character death (I mean, major character death - except if it’s canon ?)
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage or NEITHER: Hmmmmm I didn’t read a lot of “accidental marriage”. I’m not really fan of “arranged marriage” neither.
In fact, I recently read a Reddie fanfic (1000 nights​), it was in Las Vegas, Richie and Eddie were...plastered and Eddie pushed Richie in the chapel of a casino and they got married by a drag queen priest. Does it still count like an Accidental Marriage ? Because it was pretty funny.
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15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance: I feel so old when I read High School Romance fanfiction lol but even when I was 16 I didn’t like it. I like the characters in their own age, so SOMETIMES they are in high school but...hmmm it’s rare I read fanfiction taking place IN a school, it feels weird and more, it feels boring, because school is almost the same for everyone, I mean it’s a totes cliché genre. Also I don’t really like to imagine these fantasy characters becoming boring teenagers with boring occupations, sorry not sorry (but it’s the same with College AU, guys, I will kill someone if I see another art student pining for the annoying fratboy)
(I still read highschool BL mangas btw)
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16. Time Travel or Isolated Together: Time travel give me headache. OH GOD I HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW !
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU: aaaah a good supernatural au, like vampire au, werewolves au, demon/angel au, fairy tale au, hpverse au, incubus au or any other ideas. I love how it’s creative, I love how it can be super original, I love the potential in these idea, because magic AUs are very rich in themes, you can play on the medieval fantasy genre, the urban fantasy, the alternative timeline or the past (like victorian vampire AU 👌)
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19. Body swap or Gender change: I don’t like Gender change anymore because first, gender is a spectrum, these fanfics are about binary genders, it’s a little bit cringy (but it’s not the real factor I don’t like it), second, (the real reason), it’s often male characters becoming female, and it often to make it “femslash”, so the femslash tags are FULL of gender bending stuffs about male characters, and not actual real femslash with the female characters, it...erases femslash and even if I’m not a reader of femslash, I think it’s sad, because it deserves its own space in the fandom, not everything has to be about the male characters (even the ones I love a lot). 
You can say it’s more a choice driven by my opinions and not my preferences, but it’s kinda the same thing isn’t it ?
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20. Angst or Crack: Dude, it’s not a hard choice because I don’t really like crack in fanfic. I like it in fanarts, but you take more times to read a fanfic, and I don’t like crack during a long time. Crack is more a thing you enjoy quickly, it’s something who make you smile for a second then you scroll (or share it if it’s really funny or inventive). But crack in fanfic, it’s like a too long joke.
I don’t talk about crack ships, because crack ships can be interesting. Sometimes, I don’t see WHY you ship it (like Gavin x RK900 in Detroit: become human, or Lestrade x Mycroft in Sherlock BBC), sometimes I TOTALLY see it, but it still fun to see the explanations to put them together, the meta, the fan theories...
In the other hand, about angst...I like the drama, I like the horror genre (if you know my blog, you know I’m currently in the IT fandom, you know, the eating-kids clown thing), I like tears and blood, but...when it’s too much, it’s too much. I don’t like...I don’t know explain it : sometimes, you feel like the author had to get out some dark things they feel, it’s therapeutic for them but you feel kinda uneasy to read it, because it’s so DARK, man, it’s not even about the canon, it’s all about the writer’s feelings, and really, it’s okay, myself, I happen to cope like that. But as a reader, I don’t like it.
So I like some angst, when i’m in the mood, but it needs to have positive things in it too. Or to be short.
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21. Apocalyptic or Mundane: At first, I chose Mundane, but now I ask myself. I like the post apo genre, but I don’t like angst too much, like I said in the previous question.. But I still like it a little so...hmmmm it’s tricky. What is meaning mundane, by the way ? Mundane Lord of the Rings fanfiction, what is it ? What is MUNDANE in kids learning to fight with their quirks in a superheroes school ?
I will chose Apocalyptic because I love a good survival (and they have to cuddle to stay warm and save each other and cry by thinking the other is dead but in fact they are not and find a way to cure the zombie plague/find a safe place/kill the aliens XD)
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Now, the tagging part (sorry if you were tagged by someone else, and of course feel free to ignore it if you are not interested : @calimera62​, @wilwywaylan​ aaaaand....I don’t know fucking people on this hellsite anymore. Maybe @sleeping-potatoe​ ?
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an-actual-angel · 4 years
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.”You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
Chapter Description: The Reader is pissed off at Richard, but aren't we all?
Notes:  This chapter contains a lot of mentions of alcohol and being drunk, just forewarning you all. There's also a brief mention of NSFW themes but no actual smut. I'm going to start adding more warnings in this fic to anything potentially triggering to people. In future chapters when there is smut I will use this symbol * as a warning before smut scenes but don't worry il mention it in the notes beforehand aswell. <3
(If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, either dm or reply to this post <3) 
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Buy me a Coffee?
Chapter 21-
Your name: submit What is this?
Charging your way back into the lounge and away from the bathroom, Connor Immediately notices your new aura of annoyance.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He stops you in your tracks.
"Its nothing." You try to brush off his worries, you don't want Connor to know or be involved in your bullshit with Richard. As he is about to speak your name with concern you are stopped by Collin grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the dance floor.
"You got to try this!" he calls out to you over the pounding music, as he hands you a glass of something. You turn your nose up at it at first slightly disgruntled. You were not in the mood for this right now. Apart of you wanted to tell Collin to fuck off, even though you know he was just trying to have some fun but your mood changed when you saw Richard finally making his way out of the restroom. Possibly finally recovering to the hurt you caused his ego.
Once you saw him casually walking around as if nothing had happened moments ago, you were maddened.
Grabbing the drink from Collin's hand you drank it as fast as you could causing you to cough and splutter once the liquid was gone. Collin was in shock but still managed to let out a stifled laugh, his new 'friends' cheering you on. You hadn’t noticed they had been watching. The noise of the rowdy androids had captured Richards attention. The petty part of you wanted to annoy him some more. Without your normal inhibitions and sense of reason, you decided blatantly flirting with his brother would be a great tactic.
Something you wouldn’t have dreamed of had you been sober, it wouldn’t be worth the possibility of damaging the relationship you had built up with him, plus using him like that would just be wrong. But this wasn’t sober you and you had never been drunk before.
Once you were sure Richard was looking over at you, you smoothed your hand up Collin's chest and began to play with one of the buttons on his shirt, your other hand had found its way to the hair just above his neck. You locked eyes with Richard for a brief moment before you even had noticed the smirk forming on Collin's face.
"Well hello, there." he sang in a flirty tone, looking down at you.
"Hey, you." You bat your eyelids, still twiddling the button in your hand.
Collin lets out a deep chuckle within his chest as places his hands on your hips, swaying both himself and you along to the music. You rest your hands around his shoulders in response as you both dance.
"You having fun, kid?"
You shrug a little, "meh, I could be having some more."
Collin laughs a little in response and shakes his head. "You're dangerous when your drunk."
"Not really, could go with something stronger."
Collin rolls his eyes at you. "Connor would kill me if I let you drink anymore."
"Connors not here." You wink back at him.
Collin scoffs a little at you as you both remain dancing "See, I always knew you were a troublemaker." You shrug.
"Screw it, lets raise a little hell." Collin says before finally giving in to your request.
Famous last words, right?
Two more drinks were all it took. The room was spinning, any last sense or morals were out the window and suddenly everything was hilarious. At least you weren’t mad at Richard anymore, you weren’t mad at anything the world had just became a hazy euphoric bliss. Collin was in a somewhat similar state, even though he had drunk far more than you that night.
Connor finally caught up with the two of you and while he had a buzz from drinking he was nowhere near the same level as the two of you. while Connor did find it amusing he made it quite clear that he didn’t want you to drink anymore. He opted instead to bring you water. While Collin was only pestering Connor to keep on drinking.
"Someone’s got to look after you two." was Connors only response.
Eventually, it was time for you all to head home. Richard had called a taxi to pick you all up. He would just come back for the car the next day.
You couldn’t remember much from the car ride home, or even getting home, or even going to sleep that night. So it was much to your surprise when you woke up in your bedroom the next morning with a splitting headache and someone naked lying next to you.
Holy shit. What did you do?
Who was this?
It was obviously one of your owners but which one? his back was turned and he was fast asleep.
Shit, shit, shit.
What if it was Richard? You would have really let yourself down on that if it was. After you made such a stern point with him. The android moved slightly in the bed as if to turn around. Immediately you shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep. when you heard little to no noise you peered your eyes open to see them still asleep.
The pounding of your head came back to your attention, god you really needed some water. Shuffling as quietly as you could out of bed you slipped on a robe to cover your unclothed body and grabbed a pair of PJs before you slipped out the door.
Leaving your change of clothes in the bathroom as you passed into the kitchen you went to seek out some pills to take for your hangover. Upon entering the kitchen you saw Richard leaning against a counter reading through his newspaper.
You gasped his name audibly causing him to look up at you. His stare made you feel naked and then you remembered you were under your bathrobe. thank god it was wrapped around you tight enough for him not to notice.
He sighed as he placed some pain killers on the counter beside you.
“Thank you.” you replied softly as you went to pour yourself a glass of water. He seemed to analyse your every move as you did so. Did he know?
God, what happened last night?
You planned to go take a shower and perhaps clear your head a bit before having to deal with whoever was laying in your bed. While the shower was nice and made you feel a little less groggy it still didn’t clear much up in your mind. You changed into your fresh pair of pyjamas which you were planning on wearing all day and headed back to your bedroom.
Once back in you realised your bed was now lacking an android. Shit.
How were you going to find out who it was now?
You couldn’t just go up to Collin or Connor and ask ‘hey, did I sleep with you last night?’
Oh god, what were you going to do?
It was probably Collin, right? He had been around the same level of drunk as you and you two had been flirting a little bit. Although it seemed most probable there was still the slight chance it could have been Connor.
What if it was Connor? You both did have an undeniable connection but…
Oh no.
A memory came back to you from last night. You most definitely tried to kiss Connor at one point. Holy shit.
It had been around when you arrived home, you all had sat in the living room for a little bit and you had been sandwiched between both Collin and Connor on the couch. Richard stayed and talked with his brothers for a little bit before heading back to his room for some rest. The boys had been telling you about around when they had all been working at the DPD and the shenanigans they used to get into. Collin had left the room to go get some old pictures that he had kept from that time to show to you which left you and Connor alone for a few minutes.
Connor had his arm around you as you were resting your head against his shoulder.
“How are you feeling?” He asked once you were alone.
“Good.” You hummed comfortably against him in response.
“You should drink some more water.” Connor suggested to you as his eyes caught on the glass that he had filled for you upon arriving home.
You pushed yourself off of him to pick up the glass but started giggling instead.
“What?” Connor asked with a smile, curious as to what was funny.
“You’re just so sweet to me, Con.” You smiled back at him, inching your face closer to his.
“I try.” He shrugged back with a playful smile.
Your head swimming in a whirlpool of incoherent thoughts mixed with the feeling of seeing Connors sweet smiling face had you caught up in the moment, so you closed your eyes to lean in for a kiss. Instead of feeling his soft lips upon your own, you were disappointed by a hand pushing your shoulder back.
Opening your eyes you saw Connors face, eyebrows upturned in a mixture of confusion and sadness.
He apologised saying your name in defeat. “I can’t let you do that.” Connor bit at his lip, his LED swirled yellow. “Not like this. it cant happen like this." Without much else Connor stood to his feet, apologizing again before leaving.
You shuddered thinking back on it. You didn’t want to make Connor feel that uncomfortable. He was nothing but an angel from the moment you met him, you just got so caught up on your stupid drunken feelings.
What did he mean by “Not like this?”
Did he?
No, he doesn’t like you like that. Does he?
Did you ruin something in that moment? Well, if you didn’t then you sure must have now because that means if it wasn’t Connor, it must have been Collin who had been in your bed.
There was nothing left to do now. You had to confront Collin about last night.
With a knock on the door, you were soon invited in. Collin had been sorting through some clothes in his bedroom.
“Oh, look who it is.” He teased with a smile that fell flat once he noticed the look on your face.
“Are you alright?” His voice changed completely in tone as he moved closer toward you.
“We need to talk about what happened last night.” You tried to keep your voice steady.
“Yes of course.” You hadn’t seen Collin this serious before. He sat on the edge of the bed and took your hands in his. You sighed audibly.
“The thing is…” you began. I don’t really remember what happened last night. Did we?” you paused not knowing how to phrase it. “Did we have sex?”
Collin chuckled a little shaking his head. He was still holding on to your hands in both of his before he pulled on away to pat on the bed next to him. You sat down next to him, incredibly confused, waiting on him to recount the story.
“Well… we almost did.” He laughed it off.
Your brows raised as you stared at him wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I mean we made out a little and one thing led to another.” Collin shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
“We did!?” You stammered.
“I mean yeah, but you changed your mind once we were about to y’know.” Collin made a lewd gesture with his fingers.
“Oh.” Was all you said.
“Don’t worry about it.” He patted your back. “No harm done.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry Collin. I was such a mess last night.” You shook your head in your hands.
“It’s okay really. I was drunk too, we all do dumb shit.” He attempted to calm you. “Don’t worry, I know you would never go for someone like me.” he said to quick before he fully realised what had left his mouth.
Did he really think  that’s  why you’re embarrassed?
“Collin, it’s not like that at all!”
“Psh, don’t worry about it.” He tried to calm you again, “We’re cool.”
“I just didn’t want you to think I was a mess, of course, I like you.” You belted out without thinking.
Now it was Collins turn to look shocked.
“What did you say?”
Chapter 22 - 
“Of course, I like you.” You regretted those words as soon as they left your lips. You wished you could just eat them back up again. Collin was totally caught off guard by your confession.
“What did you say?” “I… I mean…” You stammered trying to find the correct words, with a nervous sweat now creeping down your back. “You like me?” his head tilted, he almost didn’t believe you at first. “I mean like, your my friend and your nice and-" You stammered again trying to pull any coherent thought out of your head. When a pang of realisation hit Collin, his confusion then turned to an awfully smug look.  
"Well, don’t be so nervous about it." He chuckled softly. “I’m not, I just...” He let another small laugh out before placing his hand on your cheek pulling your face towards him slightly and placing a small but firm kiss on your cheek. You’re flustered reaction to the gesture only cause him to smile wider. “It’s okay. I won’t tell Richard.” He teased before standing up and walking over to the mirror to fix his hair in the reflection. Something that both Collin and Connor were guilty of was constantly fixing and nitpicking at their appearances. An oddly charming habit. “Collin?”
“Yeah?” He nods without looking over to you.
Fidgeting with your hands, you swallow what you had left of your pride to ask. “well… what does this mean?”
You noticed his reflection in the mirror immediately turning grim after he analysed your words. With a sigh, he turns around to look at you, now a look of guilt accompanying him. He speaks your name slowly. “As much as I have grown fond of you… I don’t think anything should come of this.” He hadn't expected that you would have ever wanted something before anyway.
“It’s not that I don’t want it.” He explains cautiously making his way back over to you, kneeling before you. “It’s just every time I get close to someone it ends up coming back to bite me in the ass.”
Collin lets out a small, fake smile to alleviate some tension, a smile which immediately falls flat again. Gently he takes one of your hands and plants a small kiss on your knuckles. Remaining to keep your hand close to his face, he begins to speak again.
“I really like you, and I don’t want to mess up what we’ve built. I especially don’t want to mess up things with either of my brothers, things are tense enough.”
“I understand.” You replied quietly. It made sense, although it still stung a little.
“You deserve better honestly.” He whispered against your hand. “and you can still get that.”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t really know what Collin was getting at. You just remained focused on his tense little face. His head tilts down a tad as his eyes focus on the floor.
“I know I shouldn’t really be the one to tell you this.” He begins again, eyes darting back up to meet yours. “But Connor… well, he’s crazy about you.”
“He is?”
“Yeah, I mean he hasn’t said it yet but I know him better than anyone else. I see the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. You deserve someone like Connor, not me.”
“Collin?” You tried to stop him.
“No, please.” He sighs your name. “It’s just easier for all of us if its Connor. Plus I’d much rather you be with him than Richard.” A small forced smile appears on the side of his lips again.
“But Collin...”
“Please.” He stands up letting go of your hands. “I just can’t.”
There was no winning with him.
Without another word you stand up to hug him, wrapping your arms gently around him. It was all that you could do in that moment. Collin returns the gesture. “You really are one of my best friends.” He whispers into your hair before you both part.
You feel your heart swell up so much at those words. You had no idea you ever meant that much to him.
As his arms pulled away from you he gave you a small smile. “Go talk to Connor.”
Your eyebrows lifted as you shook your head to him like a pouting child.
“At least think about it, okay?”
It wasn’t that you didn’t have feelings for Connor, of course, you did but this was all so overwhelming and confusing. You liked Collin as well.
Oh, what am I going to do with myself?
You couldn’t just hop from one RK to the other.
God, why did they all have to be so handsome?
Maybe you just need to clear your head. Today was not a good day for decision making. You were way too hungover and groggy for any of this. Perhaps spending the rest of the day in bed would be the best option.
So you spent the rest of the night staring up at the ceiling and cursing your own stupidity. Should you have said something different to Collin?
But what could you say? I want you and your older brother even though I used to hook up with your younger brother.  Yeah, that wouldn't fly.
Maybe you’d be safer just pushing your feelings down into non-existence?
Well, that would have been at least a little bit easier if you didn’t know that Collin AND Connor BOTH liked you.
What. A. Mess.
Just as you were about to cover your face in your pillow to let out a scream, you were interrupted by a knock on your bedroom door.
Oh now what?!
Before you could get mad at the interruption Connor's sweet face had popped around the corner of your door and into your dimly lit bedroom.
You fixed your blanket around yourself as you sat up on the bed. Connor asked if he could come in, you nodded.
He came, carrying a small brown bag, the contents of which smelt delicious.
“While I normally don’t endorse this, I thought an exception could be made considering your current ailment.” He smirked setting the bag beside you on your side table.
You stared up at him in confusion.
“Uh, my friend Hank used to like having something disgustingly greasy after a night of drinking. So I thought maybe…” Connor shrugged as he sat on the side of your bed.
“Thank you, Connor.” You gave a tense smile. Connor noticed something was off. You looked uncomfortable as hell.
“What’s wrong?” genuine concern shrouded his voice.
“It’s nothing…”
“Well, it doesn’t seem like nothing.” He pushed, he obviously wasn’t going to drop it that easy.
“I’m just really embarrassed, Connor.”
He nodded a little. “It’s okay.”
Why does everyone keep saying that?
“No, it’s not.” You sighed before covering your face with your hands. “I messed up.”
Lightly, Connor stroked down your bare arm with the back of his knuckles.
“Hey, it’s only me.” He smiled softly. “I’m not here to judge.” Simple words but Connor did always find a way to relax you and make you feel warm inside.
Jeez, you were practically putty in his hands from his touch alone.
“Come on you, eat up.” He took the bag off of your side table. “Once you’re finished we can talk okay?”
You nodded shyly in agreement, might as well get this over with.
“It’ll be alright.” Connor gave you a reassuring smile once more as he handed you over a bottle of water.
Chapter 23 - 
You tried to eat as slowly as you could. Halfway through beginning to eat you soon realised when you finished you would have to talk to Connor about last night. How embarrassing.
You wondered whether or not it was a good idea to mention what had happened between you and Collin, would he be upset? Would that ruin things between you and him? You couldn’t just pretend like it didn’t happen either.
And then there was Collin…
Collin wanted you to talk to Connor about your feelings for him but honestly, you didn’t know if that was a great idea either. Remaining platonic seem like the only logical thing in this situation. You didn’t want any more confusion and you definitely didn’t want to start any drama between the brothers.
It’s okay, you’ve had crushes before, sooner or later your feelings would fade. Right?
You must have underestimated Connor, forgetting that he was a machine with incredible deductive abilities, you didn’t think he would catch on to your unusually slow pace. He noticed your unusual behaviour immediately. Eyeing you for a moment he pondered why were you so reluctant to have this conversation with him. You were good friends, right? Connor didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, he just wanted to help.
He adjusted himself on your bed, sitting up a little more forward before eventually speaking out. “You know, If you don’t want to talk about it, it's fine.”
“Huh?” you reply, trying to play it off as if you had no idea what he was talking about.
“You’re stalling.” Connor replies plainly.
You looked down at your hand and noticed you had been playing with your fries rather than eating them, your face reddening slightly.
“I know that what happened was a little, awkward…” Connor Began to speak, his left arm settling on the back of his neck. “but it doesn’t.”
You cut him off before he could finish. “I know Connor, I know.”
His face turned in concern, he wanted to continue asking questions but he opted for waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to speak up on your own.
With a sigh, you finally gather up the courage to confess. “I just feel like I keep screwing things up.”
“What do you mean?” Connor still didn’t quite understand.
“It’s just last night…” Your face began to scrunch up as you began to speak in a fast-paced panicked tone. “Richard was being an idiot, so I started drinking. Then I was being gross and tried to come on to you and now I think Collins upset and it’s all my fault.”
“Hey, hey… slow down. Just breathe.” Connor tried to calm you. Even if it wasn’t for your tone of voice he could tell by the way your shoulders had tightened up around your neck that you were stressing yourself out.
“It’s’ okay.” He spoke again, placing his hand on top of yours. You let out a shaky breath and tried to regulate your breathing to a slower pace. You let your shoulders fall down to try and relax back into your pillow, while Connor moved the food in the bag you had been picking over to your side table.
“We’ll start at the beginning okay.” His voice was tender as he sat back down on the bed, his soft eyes filling you with a bit more comfort.
“What did Richard do?”
“I don’t want to talk about it” you sighed. “He was just being arrogant, like always.”
Connor nodded. “So you wanted to get drunk so you wouldn’t have to deal with his bullshit?”
“I guess a little.” You shook your head in agreement. “It was mainly to annoy him.”
“And you thought annoying him would make things even?”
Jeez, Connor was going full-on therapist mode tonight.
“No, I don’t know.” Your arms crossed tightly across your chest. “I have no idea. I just wanted to… I don’t even know Connor.”
“It's okay.” he stated once more before offering his hand out to you. You sigh and placed your hand in his and he began stroking his thumb across your knuckles.
“I wanted to show that he can’t control me.” You finally confess.
“But he is.”
“He ended up ruining your night, inadvertently maybe, but his arrogance made you want to get back at him. Leading you to perhaps drink a little too much?”
You blinked at him.
Shit. He was right.
Dammit, Connor.
“If you want to drink on your own volition by all means but you shouldn’t let him be the reason for that. You’re still letting him control you.”
Your face was completely blank at this stage which made Connor slightly worried that maybe he had upset you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean the lecture, it’s just.”
“No, no I probably needed to hear that.”
Connor gave your hand a small squeeze, one which you returned. You both shared a small smile before what happened last night had crossed Connors mind again.
“Hey…” he began cautiously. “About what happened in the living room last night.”
“Oh god Connor, I’m so sorry.” You gasped, pulling your hand back from his to cover the shame on your face.
“No, no… it’s okay really. I just wanted to let you know it really wasn’t a big deal. You were drunk, I understand.” He laughed a little while speaking, you supposed that was good that he wasn’t taking it all too seriously but still. You were so embarrassed.
“It’s not really a good excuse.” Your hands slip down to cover your mouth instead of your whole face.
Connor just chuckles in return. “Really, it’s okay. My first time drinking, I punched a co-worker in the face.”
“What? Really?” A laugh erupted from your throat.
“Yeah.” He shook his head with a smile. “It was when I was in the DPD. After a particularly annoying case, Hank took me out to a bar. It was around when alcohol for androids first came on the market.” He explained. “A detective that neither Hank nor I particularly liked was there. He made some snide remarks and I knocked his lights out.” Connor shrug with a slight smirk taking over his upper lip.
“You? Really?”
No way did sweet little Connor do something like  that.
“Yeah.” He shrugged again.
“Well, I find that hard to believe. You’re too much of a softie.” You giggle as you poke his arm.
Connor smiles wide as he leans towards you slightly, amused by your assessment. You smile back but your laughing ceases when you notice a small twinkle in Connor's eyes. You stay focused on it for a moment before snapping back to reality and looking away. Connor must have got lost in somewhat of a similar trance as he sat back up straight, slightly flushed and trying to fix his clothes up.
“Yeah so… we all make mistakes.” Connor laughs off awkwardly, as he tries to change the topic.
You nod.
“So… you said Collin was upset. What was wrong I thought he had a good night?”
Oh god.  You cover your face with one of your pillows in response.
Connor leaned back onto the bed still staring at you, waiting for you to be brave enough to respond.
“Honestly Connor, I don’t know how to tell you.”
But how could you say no to his face?
“Don’t hate me…” You begin with a whine as you move the pillow down, hugging it against your chest.
“I could never.”
Dammit, his damn perfect smile makes this so much harder.
You release a drawn-out sigh before beginning to speak again. You had to tell him, there was no other way around it. You were hiding too much from Connor already at this point.
“I almost slept with Collin last night.”
“What?!” Connor stands up as soon as the words leave your mouth. The movement was so quick that it almost made you jump. He settles one of his hands on his forehead in disbelief before moving closer to you, crouching down to meet your eye level as you still sat on the bed. “Are you okay? Did he…”
You didn’t know exactly what Connor was going to finish that sentence with but you did know he was worrying far too much. “It’s fine! Honestly, I’m fine, nothing happened.”
“I can’t believe him.” Connor stands up again shaking his head in disgust.
“Connor, it was as much as my fault as it was his.” You call out to him. “We were both drunk, Collin’s been nothing but a sweetheart to me honestly!”
Connor's demeanour seems to settle down a bit and he nods. “I’m sorry. You’re an adult I shouldn’t have… Collin just... I just do..” He stutters making a mess of what he is saying before attempting to get a coherent sentence out. “Him taking advantage of you, I…” A sentence you wouldn’t let him finish.
“Yeah, I know he has a history of being a ‘heartbreaker’” you say with air quotations. “Believe me, he used to brag about it all the time.” You let out a soft chuckle which allowed Connor to feel settled enough to give a small half-smile in return.
“So why was he upset?” Connor finally manages to ask.
“Uh…” Here comes the hard part…
“I may have admitted that I have a tiny bit of a crush on him…”
“Oh?” Connor straightens himself up. “Oh…” His head droops down slightly, something you didn’t really notice.
“But then he said that he doesn’t want to mess up our friendship.” Connor’s heavy eyes slowly look back up at you.
“And he said I deserved… someone better.”
Connor was feeling such a strange mixture of emotions but he tried to keep it together. “He said that?” He asked, now worrying about his brother as well.
Perhaps this was a side of Collin, Connor hadn’t really seen before. Not since… well, not since Racheal, his first Girlfriend. Now THAT was a mess
“Then he said um, that uh…” you were really struggling now, god why was this so difficult.
“Maybe I shouldn’t say.”
“What is it?” Connor asked so softly it might as well have been a whisper.
“He said that he thinks you like me.”
Connor’s LED flashed red.
“And that he thought you would be better for me.”
You both stayed silent for a few moments. neither of the two of you knowing what to say. God for a 44-year-old being Connor was blushing like a teenager. Come to think of it all three of the RK's were so bad at admitting when they had feelings. All for different reasons of course.
Connor was blanked out now. You had to call his name to finally pull him back to reality.
“Remember when I said you should talk to Collin, before?”
“I think now would be a good time.”
“Yes. Of course.” Connor then set up off of the bed, he didn’t really know how to handle this situation with you or what to say. So you knew he liked you but did you like him? He didn’t want to put that type of pressure on you. The best thing to do now was to focus on Collin.
His feelings could wait, he needed to make sure his brother was okay.
Before Connor was about to leave you called out after him one more time.
“Hey, Connor?”
“He’s really been hurting recently.”
Connor nods, “Do you want me to come back in after?” he asks. He didn’t know why he asked, he sure didn’t want to but…
“I’m probably just going to finish eating then head to sleep. Thank you for the food. We'll talk tomorrow.”
Connor nods again. “Goodnight.”
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Tag list: @connorsdimple​ @crushedtincan​
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
I need to do some RK900 x Reader. There isn’t much out there. I don’t have any ideas. I’m not the greatest at writing him but let me try. I’m a sucker for bringing out a softness in tough boys. SEND ME SOME REQUESTS!  Or more Gavin/Hank x reader if you’d like. I’m a sucker for Hurt/comfort mush but I know that can get boring for you all after a while. But whatever goes. Just not smut because I’m real crappy at writing it (LOVE reading it though!) I’ve still got a couple of Hank requests sitting there.I promise I WILL be getting to them. My poor Nonnies have been so patient. 
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