#ro: bela
wolfsetfree-if · 4 months
Bela: Oh, it's adorable!
Stray: *shaking, snarling, snapping*
Bela: Oh, it's traumatised!
(Just a vibe)
Bela: ... must protecc
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h-doodles · 6 months
@blood-red-ocean thank you for inspiring me so suddenly with your chat, now i'm choosing to be a :3 and show it to everyone <3
oh if the ROs remember their good ends with MC but she's with Miranda and the loops have stopped and MC DOESN'T remember you know it's gonna be an absolute angst pining mess.
• Bela's heart has been taken away and the spell reinforced but she cannot, she WILL NOT forget the MC she had loved. But this one? Oh, it hurts to see her so willingly blind, to see her tormentor living what was supposed to be HER happy ending. But MC is happy, so there is nothing she can do but to let her go and work on the restraints holding herself prisoner instead.
• Cass' is taken aback. It took her MC to learn what love truly is and she is READY to start winning her back, until she sees the empty expression in her face which bore no familiarity. And the fact that she isn't into theater the same way you were before? OOP.
• Daniela is broken. You became her rock and she was yours and you were away and happy and everything was wonderful for so many years and then???? you KNOW her emotions are gonna be fucked up. You guys actually got the most time together. And now it's NOT going to happen because you're happily by her side.
• Alcina takes a double take when she remembers what you shared, and the way she resolutely broke her bonds against Miranda FOR you. WITH you. But this? You willingly being in the cult, being Miranda's prized feather, being Eva's other mother? Well, there is nothing left to do... but to do her work.
• Angie is at first, understandably upset, but honestly I feel like she's the one who bounces out quick, bc what can SHE do against Miranda? And she has her coping strategies (however DANGEROUS) and I see her going back to that kind of crutch. But at the same time, she remembers the softness between you and promises herself to be better about it... at the very least. It's what you promised each other, after all.
• Donna's RABID. You know her possessiveness for what she deems hers is absolute, and that she's one bad day away from losing her tightly held sanity. It CHAFES to see MC with Miranda, to see that in the end, she has been left behind... AGAIN. She takes solace in Angie and definitely goes back to being a hermit, but at the same time... well. WELL.
• Miranda's... well. Miranda. This isn't an ideal situation, but she has MC secured. You are hers and she is yours, but sometimes she can't help but give you a reminder... and as well as a reminder to everyone else who covets her precious little feather.
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night-market-if · 3 months
bela is my queen and Gabriel is my king!! Btw what would the ROs reactions be to mc making them lunchboxes? To take to work and there is always a little love note. Would the reactions be different if it was a poly?
Gabriel: He would find this incredibly touching. And if he had an MC who would do this, he would make sure to lock his office door and actually eat his food. This is probably the best thing to do for Gabriel.
Belladonna: She would appreciate it but honestly, she would rather MC come in her lunch box and bring her lunch that way. Something she would suggest to MC quite vocally.
Hazel: Hazel would be over the moon. And then try to make the MC a lunchbox that is far grander. Because Hazel is secretly competitive when it comes to food.
Milo: He would eat his lunch and keep his note in his pocket to look at when he's feeling unloved.
Malcolm: He would eat his lunch and then kiss the MC in thanks when he saw them next. Suggesting that he make dinner that night.
Gabe/Bella poly: Bella would help MC get food ready for Gabriel. Make sure he is well fed. And then suggest he is her lunch afterwards and that MC can watch. Maybe even participate if they are good.
Milo/Mal: They would compare lunches and notes. Mal would be amused by it all and try to say that MC gave him the better lunch while Milo would angrily defend his lunch and point out how much Mal's sucked.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 1 year
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Requited Love
[Resident Evil: Village] Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Spoilers for the game, angst, mentions of past trauma, death, anxiety.
[A/N]: This was a prompt swap with one of my friends, and I've written one more from this challenge with her for Samantha Giddings, though I don't plan to post it anytime soon. I have a masterlist in my drafts that lists all of the characters I want to write for, but I'd like to post three stories for each of those characters before I upload the masterlist--that way I can figure out which ones I will actually write for, and which ones I won't.
 “C’mon, Aunt Donna! I’m telling you: if you take her out on a date like that, she’ll have to say yes!” Daniela chirped excitedly from her seat against the armrest of the sofa. Bela elbowed her gently in the arm, scoffing and shaking her head. “Dani, [Y/N] shouldn’t feel pressured to say she feels the same way. She should have every reason to feel comfortable enough to say no if she’s not interested.” She turned to Donna, who had been fidgeting with her fingers. “Of course,” the blonde said in a much softer tone, “I don’t have any doubts that she won’t reciprocate your feelings. I’ve seen just how thrilled and lively she gets whenever your name is even mentioned.” The doll-maker’s head perked up at this, her shoulders tensed as she stared with pure hope behind her veil at the eldest daughter.
Angie jumped up onto the sofa and bounced on top of Bela’s lap. “Really?” She squealed. Bela smirked knowingly at her as she side-glanced at Donna. “Yes, of course.” Daniela leaned forward. “Yeah! She really does love you, Auntie! We’ve all seen it–even Cassandra! Right, Cass?” She turned to her older sister, who was seated at the far end of the couch with her arms crossed, seemingly disinterested. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah. It’s sickening to see how oblivious the two of you are around each other,” she retorted. Bela sent her a threatening glare. “Cass, watch it. It’s not their fault they’re too nervous to confess. Rejection is a painful thing to experience.”
The brunette turned to her. “Yeah, I know, but they aren’t going to reject each other. We all know that.” “They don’t know that. Well, Donna knows now, but [Y/N] doesn’t.” She turned to her aunt with a comforting smile. “I can assure you that the love you have for [Y/N] is requited.” Donna smiled softly under her veil, looking to her lap as the three daughters turned to Angie. “Don’t worry,” the small doll spoke while waving her hand dismissively. “I’ll make sure Donna doesn’t chicken out.” Donna turned to her. “Angie,” she scolded as Daniela and Bela chuckled–Cassandra even snickered a bit to herself from the opposite end of the group
The doll-maker sighed and tugged Angie over to sit in her lap. “What if I mess something up?” She voiced softly after a moment. Daniela stood from the armrest and moved to sit next to Donna, squishing herself in between her aunt and Cassandra. “Hey, watch it!” The redhead ignored her and gently grasped one of Donna’s hands. “You won’t ruin anything,” she reassured in an uncharacteristic tone. “Bela and I can even help you set everything up so you can focus on making the food!” The veiled woman looked to Bela, who smiled back at her. “You two would be willing to do that for me?” The blonde nodded. “Of course. Since it’s warm enough outside, we should be able to stay out without much layering.”
Cassandra cleared her throat, prompting everyone to glance over at her. She stared at them expectantly. When she got no answer, she growled and planted her hand flat against her chest. “Am I just supposed to stay here on my own? Do you three really not trust me enough to contribute somehow?” Bela and Daniela looked at each other with confusion. “We thought this kind of stuff annoyed you,” the blonde responded. “It does, but I don’t like being left out of things. I hate it almost as much as I hate all of this cheesy romance shit.” Bela rolled her eyes and Daniela giggled. “I’m not really sure what you could help with. Dani and I can take care of the table and decor pretty quickly on our own.”
Cassandra growled again, but before she could speak and bicker with her sister, Donna turned to her. “Actually, Cassandra, if you’d really like to help, it might be nice for the main part of the meal to be hunted and homemade instead of being bought from the Duke. It would add a more meaningful aspect to it.” Cassandra’s eyes lit up as she smirked. “Say no more. Name the day, and I’ll be there with whatever you need.” She shifted into a swarm of flies and flew up the stairs, leaving her sisters there to finish planning with Donna.
[Y/N] giggled as Donna led her over behind the house to the edge of the waterfall. “Donna, where are we going?” The doll-maker had covered the girl’s eyes with her hands so she’d hopefully be surprised by the setup. “Somewhere special, but not far from home. I…” She hesitated, her hands trembling against [Y/N]’s face. The [h/c] girl raised her own hands to cover Donna’s, gently caressing them with the pads of her thumbs. “Hun, just relax. I’m sure I’ll love wherever you take me.” Donna smiled warmly down at her. Her tensed hands slowly relaxed as they continued walking forward, but quickly grew rigid again as they grew closer to her desired spot.
Finally, after a long while of stumbling and trying not to trip each other, the two women came to a stop. [Y/N]’s eyes were still covered, but she was able to hear the rushing water of the nearby cliff flowing down rapidly somewhere far below them. Donna sucked in a deep breath. “I-I really hope you’ll like it,” she whispered, internally slapping herself for stuttering. Even after failing to steel her nerves, Donna managed to remove her hands and drop them down to her sides, where they only remained temporarily before finding each other in front of her torso to pick at one another. [Y/N]’s eyes slowly fluttered open. They quickly widened shortly after as a small gasp slipped past her lips. “Oh, Donna, it’s beautiful!”
Donna sighed in relief, glancing over to take in the view herself. There, a good distance away from the edge of the cliff, stood a suitably sized table with two seats placed opposite of one another. A pastel tablecloth draped itself atop the wooden surface of the table, the edges rippling with the soft breeze. Resting on top of the cloth was a small vase filled with dicentras as the centerpiece, two plates of lasagne, and a small tray of antipasto. Two wine glasses full of Barbaresco positioned themselves beside the plates, the rims of the glass shimmering underneath the moonlight. Even from where she stood, [Y/N] recognized the craftsmanship of the wood used for the table and chairs–Donna had made them quite a while ago, but she never knew why until then.
Donna stepped forward and softly placed her hand on [Y/N]’s shoulder. She squeezed it to gain her attention, prompting the girl to look up at her. “Do you really think it’s beautiful?” [Y/N] beamed brightly at her, turning to her and grabbing her hands. Donna blushed. “Of course I do,” she responded cheerfully. The ravenette sighed softly in relief. “I’m glad.” They stared at each other for a moment, not entirely sure what to say next. Finally, Angie came bounding from the opposite side of the house. “Sit down and eat before the food gets cold,” she yelled while tugging at [Y/N]’s pant leg. “Donna and the mean sister from the Tall Lady’s family spent a lot of time on it! I’ll bite your ankles if you don’t go sit down.” [Y/N] chuckled. “Okay, okay, fine.”
She and Donna walked over. Before [Y/N] had an opportunity to pull her chair out to sit down, Donna rushed over and did it for her. She thanked her with a sheepish grin and watched as the doll-maker forcefully sauntered over to her own seat. Once they were both seated, they picked up their utensils and hesitantly began to eat. [Y/N] hummed once the flavor hit her tongue. She covered her mouth as she spoke. “Oh, wow, this tastes incredible, Donna! And Angie said Cassandra helped with this?” Donna nodded and blushed. “Yes. She helped hunt for the meat in the dish, and Bela and Daniela helped me set the table, chairs, and decor up. They’re, um…they’re actually the ones who encouraged me to do this tonight.” [Y/N] smiled. “They’re all so sweet, even if they don’t like to show it.” Donna nodded in agreement.
She took a shaky breath, unsure of how to even bring up her confession. Her hand trembled as she continued to take small bites. She went to reach for her glass, but decided against it when she noticed just how badly her hand was shaking. She didn’t want to spill the wine on herself and end up embarrassing herself while ruining the moment. ‘How am I supposed to ask her? There has to be a way to bring it up in a smooth manner.’ Panicked, her mind went back to a few weeks prior when she had been discussing the plan with the Dimitrescu sisters.
“How do I even go about asking something like that? I don’t want it to be sudden and make it even more awkward than it already will be,” Donna anxiously said aloud, surprisingly not using Angie as her voice. The three sisters all turned to her, each one carrying their own expression: Bela seemed distressed, Cassandra appeared annoyed, and Daniela looked as though she was about to burst with the ideas she had been keeping private about the date. “I don’t want to screw this up–I’m already enough of a screw-up as it is.” The sisters’ expressions all shifted into one of uniformed concern. They sat next to Donna on the bed, Bela and Daniela taking either one of her hands. “Hey, what are you talking about? You’re not a screw-up,” the redhead assured softly. Donna lowered her head in an attempt to hide the tears pricking her one good eye, even though her veil was still covering her face.
“I am. I always have been. I don’t know what [Y/N] even sees in me.” Bela tilted her head as the pad of her thumb brushed over the back of the doll-maker’s hand in a soothing manner. “What makes you think of yourself that way?” Donna sniffled and slipped both hands out of the girls’ grasp, allowing her to bring them up under her veil to wipe her tears and hide her face even further. “I’ve always been able to tell how people think of me,” she started softly. “My parents always favored both of my sisters, and once they passed, they didn’t seem to care enough about me to stay. I remember crying to myself each night–telling myself that, if I had been good enough, maybe they would’ve stayed. Maybe they would’ve loved me more.”
“Oh, Donna, you–” “And then I met Mother Miranda. I thought I could be a perfect daughter, even if I wasn’t fit to be a vessel for Eva. When she told me I was part of the family, even though I wasn’t a perfect fit, it didn’t upset me because I was happy to finally have people I could rely on. But then I read her entries about the experiments she performed on me.” She wiped her face again, her fingernails digging lightly into her scalp. “She…she said I was almost a perfect fit, but she was disappointed to learn that I’m “mentally underdeveloped.””
The three women beside her remained silent, unsure of what to say to comfort her. They listened with disheartened gazes as their aunt began to weep. She curled her legs up onto the bed and clutched them to her chest, allowing her to bury her head in between her knees. “I don’t want [Y/N] to see me as a disappointment,” she finally rasped at length. “She means way too much to me–I can’t lose her like I’ve lost everyone else.” Bela pulled her to lean against her shoulder. “Hey, I may not be able to say anything about what Mother Miranda said about you because that’s out of my control, but I can assure you with all of my heart that [Y/N] loves you. She would do anything for you, yes, but that also means she wouldn’t lie to you about how she feels. If she thought of you in a low manner, you would’ve been able to tell. Has she done anything to make you doubt how she feels?”
Donna stayed quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking back on what Bela had asked her. After a moment, she shook her head. “No, she hasn’t. She actually…does the opposite.” “She does? How so?” “She just–she makes me so happy. She always compliments everything I do, and supports me, and constantly helps out around the house so I have more time to work in the shop. She even,” she chuckled, letting her legs fall back down to hang over the side of the bed again. “She even plays the piano and sings for me while I work so I won’t be alone.” Daniela grinned beside her and gently shook her shoulder. “See? There ya go! Just focus on the positive.”
Donna giggled, and she nodded as she moved to stop leaning against the eldest daughter so she could straighten out her clothes. “I suppose you have a point. I just–I still don’t know how to confess how I feel or ask her.” Cassandra stood and stepped in front of the three, crossing her arms. “Just do it. I don’t see why you’re so anxious about this.” Bela scoffed and stood up as well. “Cass, you need to–” “No, listen to me. I may not understand why people fall in love, but I do know that Aunt Donna and [Y/N] love each other. It’s not a temporary thing–especially for them–so she doesn’t need to worry so much about what could go wrong.” She turned to Donna, who had been listening intently. “She won’t say no, I promise. Just find whatever courage you need and tell her how you feel.”
The doll-maker smiled up at her, though no one could see it, and nodded. “I’ll do my best. Thank you–all three of you.”
They all beamed at her warmly. “Of course,” Daniela responded. “So, how’re you going to confess?” Donna blushed, her shoulders growing tense. “Oh, well…I’m not entirely sure. I know you said I couldn’t–and shouldn’t–use Angie, so I’m having to find a way to rehearse what I want to say for myself.” “And what do you have so far?” “Well…”
Donna cleared her throat, twirling her fork around and moving bits of food across the plate. “So, [Y/N],” she mumbled barely loud enough to hear. [Y/N]’s head perked up at the sound of her name. “Yes?” “I-I, uhm…” She glanced up at the girl across the table and blushed once they made eye contact, quickly averting her gaze and staring down at her lap. She looked over to find Angie giving her a thumbs up from several feet behind the [h/c] girl. With a shaky breath, Donna’s hands dropped down to pick at themselves underneath the table. She felt her heart hammering against her ribs, silently wondering if [Y/N] could hear it as well, and she found it hard to breathe properly. She whispered a few words of encouragement to herself under her breath.
Finally, she looked back up, though she couldn’t maintain eye contact, and she felt her arm jerking its way slowly above the table. Her palm presented itself face up–a silent plea for [Y/N] to hold her hand, which she did happily. Donna felt herself sigh. Holding [Y/N]’s hand always calmed her down–she truly felt at peace with her. “Can I be honest with you about something?” [Y/N] squeezed her hand softly, a small smile painting her lips.
“Of course you can. What is it?” Her calm tone felt welcoming–like it had no judgment behind it. Donna cleared her throat again. It felt too soon into the evening to be confessing like this, but she couldn’t wait any longer. She had to know if [Y/N] felt the same. “It’s about why I brought you here tonight. I wanted it to be special because what I need to tell you is…very personal. It’s important to me.” “I’m glad you trust me enough to tell me this then.” Donna chuckled, mindlessly rubbing her face with her free hand as she felt her face heating up even more.
“I have more than trust for you, [Y/N], believe me.” [Y/N] tilted her head, suddenly growing anxious. “Is something wrong?” “No, no, nothing is wrong. I just–” She finally looked her in the eye. “You mean the world to me [Y/N]. You’ve made my life so much better from the moment you arrived. You always know what to say and do to make me feel happy. You make sure I eat enough throughout the day, that I take plenty of breaks, that I get plenty of rest. You always help with the cleaning and cooking, so I have even more time to work on my projects, but you still manage to sit in the room with me to keep me company. I’ve never felt so…loved and important to someone. I truly hope you feel the same way about me.”
[Y/N] was awestruck. Her blush was evident as she responded. “I do, Donna. I do feel the same way. You mean the world to me as well. It might be really corny for me to say this, but I just can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to imagine my life without you.” Donna felt the tears already trickling down her cheek and across her jawline. She felt her fears slowly easing up. This was a great sign–she shared the same feelings about how important they were to one another. She smiled, squeezing [Y/N]’s hand even tighter. “I’m so glad.”
They stared at each other for a long while, both too afraid to say anything in fear of ruining the moment. Angie, however, came bounding over and pulled on Donna’s pant leg. “Tell her how you feel already! It’s getting dark, and I’m getting tired!” Donna shooed her away silently, her head perking up when [Y/N] giggled. “Angie, don’t rush her. She shouldn’t feel uncomfortable no matter what she has to say.”
Donna felt her heart beating faster. She stared at her for a long moment, her mind racing. “Donna? You okay?” She jumped. “Y-Yes!” [Y/N]’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at her sudden urgent tone, making Donna blush as she reflected immediately on how she answered. She cleared her throat and covered her mouth. “I-I apologize. Yes, I’m alright.” “Okay, that’s good.” “But what Angie was talking about–about me telling you…how I feel?” “Yes?” “Before I tell you, could I possibly ask if you’d promise me something?” “Of course.” “Can you promise me that you won’t leave me? That nothing will change between us?”
[Y/N] laughed nervously, but quickly composed herself a bit when she saw just how terrified and expectant Donna seemed. “I promise, but what exactly are you wanting to tell me? I’m sure nothing could be bad enough to damage our relationship.” Donna nodded, wiping her tears away and gripping [Y/N]’s trembling hand in her own. “I suppose we’ll see. I just want–I want to tell you,” her voice trailed off, her confidence faltering and crumbling.
“Take your time, okay? Don’t feel like you have to rush.” Donna remembered every word of encouragement from the people who knew about that night–Bela’s, Cassandra’s, Daniela’s, and even [Y/N]’s. She needed to get this over with. The feeling of being a burden returned–she was taking too long to get it out there. She gripped her leg tightly and took three deep breaths. Steeling her nerves, she blurted it out before she could lose her courage and back out of it again–the way she had done so many times before.
“I love you.”
She felt a weight lift off of her shoulders, though it wasn’t much. She still needed to know if [Y/N] felt the same. She pried her eye open and finally darted her gaze back up to find [Y/N]’s, only to discover that the [h/c] girl was blushing profusely. They stared at each other in silence for a long moment, making Donna even more anxious. “Did…did I ruin this?” She asked softly. [Y/N] slipped her hand from Donna’s to wave them dismissively in front of her. “Oh, no! No, Donna, not at all! I’m so sorry, I just—wasn’t expecting you to be the first one to confess.” Donna’s heart fluttered at the statement. She wanted to smile, but she needed to make sure she didn’t misinterpret the last part of the sentence.
“So…do you feel the same way?” “Yes! Yes, I do.” “Say it!” A random voice suddenly called from around the corner of the house. Both women jumped and turned to find Daniela peeking around the corner while Bela and Cassandra tried to pull her back into hiding. “What the hell?” Donna muttered, turning her attention back to [Y/N] when she laughed. “Sorry, they just really scared me,” she said in between breaths. Donna smiled warmly at her and let out a small snicker of her own. “They scared me as well.”
They gazed at each other with love-stricken grins. Finally, [Y/N] brought her hands up and took Donna’s into hers, caressing them softly before bringing her left hand up to press a light kiss to her knuckles. “I love you too,” she confessed. Donna’s heart flipped as a wide smile cracked across her lips. She stood, pulling [Y/N] to her feet, and tugged her into an embrace. “I love you so much. You have no idea how long I've dreamed of saying that to you,” she whispered. The faint sound of buzzing grew louder, and soon, Daniela was beside them, pulling them into a hug of her own. “Yes! See? I told you you could do it!” Bela and Cassandra joined nearby–Bela began to try to pry Daniela off of the two while Cassandra laughed at how ridiculous her sister was being. “Dani, leave them be! You just ruined the moment!” Donna giggled and leaned back from the hug just far enough to look over at her.
“Actually, Bela, she didn’t ruin anything. It’s alright, I promise. It’s nice to see that she’s so supportive of how [Y/N] and I feel about each other.” Bela sighed. “I’m glad, but Dani, you still need to let them go. This is their moment,” she said as she finally managed to yank her sister away from the two. Donna and [Y/N] both giggled at them before turning to stare at each other again. “So what does this mean? Are you two a thing now?” Cassandra suddenly asked as she stepped closer to the group.
The two women glanced at her before returning to each other. They studied each other’s gaze for a while, seemingly communicating without saying a word, and finally turned back to the sisters. “Yes, we are,” [Y/N] announced. Donna looked back down at her, unable to wipe the grin from her face.
“I’m so happy for you both,” Bela replied, softly patting Donna’s shoulder. “I told you this was a requited love.”
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roran01 · 1 year
I was thinking about Ro and Bela comparing their black nail polish brands along with their gothic accessories, then Poland out of nowhere sticking his pink nails in between just because he can 😗 "Mine's are better"
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brokehorrorfan · 11 months
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Robot Monster will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on July 25 via Bayview Entertainment. Celebrating its 70th anniversary, the movie is presented in frame sequential Blu-ray 3D, anaglyphic 3D, and standard 2D.
Also known as Monsters from Mars and Monsters from the Moon, the 1953 sci-fi horror film is directed by Phil Tucker and written by Wyott Ordung. George Nader, Claudia Barrett, and George Barrows star.
Robot Monster has been newly restored in 4K from 35mm 3D archival elements by the 3-D Film Archive. Special features - some of which are presented in 3D - are listed below, where you can also watch the new trailer.
Versions of the film:
Frame sequential Blu-ray 3D
Anaglyphic 3D (with a pair of glasses included)
Standard 2D
3D special features:
Stardust in Your Eyes - Robot Monster's original prologue starring Trustin "Slick Slavin" Howard
Interview with actor Greg Moffett
Travels Through Time & Space - Vintage slide presentation curated by stereoscopic anthropologist Hillary Hess
Adventures in 3D - 1953 3D comic book
Restoration demo
Vintage shorts
2D special features:
Audio commentary by Greg Moffett, Mike Ballew, Eric Kurland, and Lawrence Kaufman.
Saving Slick - Featurette on actor Trustin "Slick Slavin" Howard
Mistakes & Innovations - 3-D Film Archive’s Bob Furmanek describes the original day-for-night footage and Robot Monster’s innovative use of “double film”
Rescuing Ro-Man - Featurette on how the discovery of 35mm prints saved the only complete 3D footage
Memorabilia gallery
Trailers from Hell - Trailer commentary by filmmaker Joe Dante
Bela Lugosi on “You Asked For It” - 1953 live TV appearance
A cosmic catastrophe has wiped out humanity, and now the last six survivors must outwit that strangely iconic alien menace, Ro-Man (George Barrows). Taking orders from the pitiless Great Guidance, Ro-Man wavers in his pursuit of human annihilation when he falls in love with a girl (Claudia Barrett). Can dashing young Roy (George Nader) save her?
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ladylilithprime · 1 year
Lils's 2022 Fanfic Retrospective
Haven't done one of these in a while because something about Covid just seriously sapped my creative energies right out of me and I ended up not writing nearly as much as I wanted for 2020 and 2021. But something in Autumn of 2022 perked me back up, and here's what was accomplished:
Broken Hallelujah: My beloved non-linear narrative Archangel Samuel with Sastiel fic, with wonderful art by @jazzforthecaptain! Not a new fic by any stretch, but I did get a new chapter polished up enough to post.
Unspoken Rules Can't Be Broken: A deviation back into the Harry Potter fandom, because my fandom interests are ever-cyclical. This one was a writing prompt for Harry/Hermione with a specific prompted time-travel do-over premise. I'm not the only person to do it, but I seem to have done a few things that are unique according to my readers.
Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden: More Supernatural! This one was a belated birthday gift to my beloved mutual enabler @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, featuring a canon divergence at Swan Song where Lucifer and Michael were pushed into the Cage without their vessels, Gabriel took over Heaven, and the Winchesters were told firmly to take a few months (or years) off from doing anything that might break the world again. Very Samcentric despite being Dean's POV, and with some definite Sastiel undercurrents.
Every Time A Bell Rings: A platonic Destiel psuedo-sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" as a birthday gift for my bae @jupiterjames who deserved to have something sweet to enjoy. Castiel bakes a pie, and Dean has a canon praise kink. XD
Durch du Engel Halleluja: The actual sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" with Christmas, family togetherness, expected and unexpected guests, and Sam FINALLY gets to see the photographs Castiel and Dean keep taking. (Only chapter one got finished by midnight of December 31st, but by golly is this thing going to be finished before February!
Living, Learning, Tongue-Tied, Trying: A snippet originally written for Ro as a happy thought piggybacked off one of her fics of Team Free Will 2.0 before Chuck decided to be an assbutt with Jack going off to college. Also heavily Sastiel, because that's how we roll. XD
These Dying Embers: A contemplative Michael in the Cage watching Lucifer taking Sam apart over and over and over. I actually don't remember how long ago I wrote this one for @threshie, though if I took the hours needed to scroll back through my tumblr messaging history with Ro I'm sure I'd find a date range.
Crack Fic Hat Tricks: Also not new, these were born out of a writing challenge issued by @sageclover61 in one of the Discord servers. Despite the series name, they aren't all crack, but they were definitely all fun to write!
Diamonds Falling Down - Bela Talbot/Lisa Braeden
A Vow Unto His Own - Sam Winchester & Garth Fitzgerald IV
And I Feel Fine - Kevin Tran & Balthazar & Chuck Shurley
You Just Gotta Take A Piece Of Me - Gabriel/Donna & Anael
Let's Go Out With A Bang - Tessa the Reaper/Pamela Barnes/Ruby
Burn Your Biographies: Sabriel this time! Possibly unrequited, possibly not, I left it ambiguous because Gabriel was a traumatized little puppy for a while there.
Maybe More Than Enough: What's this? A new installment of the Something Beautiful Sastimmy Soulmate Saga?? In 2022?? Yep, apparently so! Dean gets filled in on the scoop Sam got from Castiel and sets off to get his brother's soulmate and his family some supernatural protection.
Sons of Men, and Angels: WOOOOOO! This is the original start to the Samael series, the very first work that featured Sam time-travelling back to derail the Apocalypse! I started this thing soooooo many years ago, and there's still so much in this universe that I've got written but can't post yet because THIS, this one is where it all started! If you've already read the Sam Squared series, you'll have a ton of spoilers for where this is going. And speaking of that series....
In The End We'll Surely Lose: This baby got two more chapters added to it, and the fourth is almost ready to be put up! Truly this was a good year for working with Samael's stories because...
Margin of Loss: Ouch. This one hurt to write. It was a random little thought of the canon universe that Sam left behind in SoMaA and the seasons of mess that followed and what it meant that Dean said Yes to a Michael from a completely different timeline instead of the one still trapped in the Cage with Adam. (It may also have been the jumping point of another SoMaA spin-off series like Sam Squared; there's a few of them at this point.)
The Dragon's Librarian: Another somewhat random ficlet that spawned in Discord chat with Ro-- literally, I wrote the whole thing in the chat window. Platonic or pre-Sastiel, with Prince Sam and Dragon Castiel as a hefty dose of inspiration from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles because I will probably never stop loving those books.
And last but definitely not least....
Tell It On The Mountain: A fluffy Sastiel story for @mrswhozeewhatsis for the @spnfanficpond Secret Santa exchange, featuring physically manifested wings, truth compulsions, cuddling by the fire, and mutual consideration for consent and bodily autonomy. (With some Accidentally Engaged thrown in for fun. XD)
And there we have it! Everything I wrote, worked on, and posted in the year 2022! Feel free to peruse various prompt lists I have and drop one in my ask box if you've got something you think would be up my alley to write, and let's see if we can't make 2023 even more prolific than 2022!
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Entah kenapa semalam tak dapat tidur awal dan akhirnya lepas terlelap, termimpi hampir kena santet dan bergaduh dengan penjual bunga dan sepupu yang jauh and jarang jumpa sebelah mak.
Pertama, mimpi santet ni pasal aku sedang menikmati maggi goreng dalam mangkuk kaca warna putih kegemaran aku bersama chopstick kegemaran dengan santai sekali. Tiba-tiba mangkuknya retak dan aku masih menyuapkan maggi yang surr rasanya ke dalam mulut. Aku sedar mangkuk putih kesayangan aku mula retak dan aku boleh nampak tiba-tiba ada banyak rambut seakan-akan mangkuk kesayangan aku mula bertumbuh rambut. Akhirnya, aku tidak meneruskan makan maggie yang rasanya surr itu lagi. Aku yakin aku tidak berjaya disantet pada ketika itu.
Mimpi seakan-akan ada dinding yang bergoyang-goyang seperti rumput lalu aku dibawa ke dimensi yang lain. Bayangkan aku berada di kedai bunga di tepi jalan yang menjual sejambak bunga ros merah yang menawan yang telah ditata ke dalam pelbagai warna pembalut. Aku ingin belikan kepada cinta hati aku lalu aku ambillah gambar untuk diperlihatkan kepada dia tetapi malangnya tangan aku telah direntap oleh sang penjual bunga yang berwarganegara Indonesia kerana dari gaya loghatnya sangat seperti anak Jakarta sekali. Lalu dia memasang muka yang sangat bengis dan tidak semena-mena dia menyelongkar bag tanganku seolah-olah aku ini pencuri. Kemudian, aku mengur dia dengan secara baik-baik tanpa meninggikan suara, "kalau kamu pengen liat tas aku, bisakan mintanya baik-baik?" dia tidak bersuara malah menampar mukaku. Yang namanya mimpi, tiba-tiba saja aku berada dalam sebuah pejabat yang terlihat seperti sebuah rumah juga. Di tempat itu, aku berkelahi dengan hebat dengan penjual bunga tadi. Dia maju dan terus maju tanpa belas kasihan. Entah dari mana tiba-tiba aku di tumbuk di bahagian muka sehingga mengakibatkan bengkak dan lebam yang maha dasyhat oleh abang sepupu aku sebelah mak.
Tidak berhenti sampai di situ, mukaku yang bengkak dan lebam tersebut disakiti lagi dengan si penjual bunga tadi tetapi aku terus memyerang dia juga tanpa memberi peluang lagi untuk dia mencederakan aku lagi. Mereka (penjual bunga dan abang sepupu) terus mengata-ngata aku sambil aku menghubungi kekasihku untuk datang ke satu alamat yang sepertinya tidak asing padaku dan saat aku terbangun dari mimpi tersebut, aku sudah lupa apakah alamatnya. Kemudian, kekasihku datang dan aku terus bertumbuk, bercakar dengan mereka disaksikan oleh kekasihku dan ayahku yang tiba-tiba ada. Aku menang dalam pergaduhan tersebut kerana penjual bunga telah tidak berdaya untuk bangun dan abang sepupuku juga tidak dapat bangun kerana aku belasah dia separuh nyawa. Setelah itu, aku hubungi pihak polis untuk membuat laporan dan mahu bawa mereka ke muka pengadilan untuk menuntut segala kerugian. "Biarpun korang berdua aku telah kerjakan hidup-hidup, tetap aku akan tuntut korang untuk membayar segala kekacauan dan kerugian kepada aku! Sudah lah sakit, kena bayar pula!" lalu aku terbangun setelah mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut.
Jujur, ini adalah mimpi yang sangat menakutkan untuk aku dan membuatku tidak tenang sama sekali. Mimpi ini aku telah tanyakan kepada Google dan jawapannya ada kebaikan dan keburukan yang mana aku merasakan seimbang. Kebaikan : Aku akan mendapatkan rezeki dan juga boleh menewaskan musuh-musuh atau orang yang membenciku dalam diam. Keburukan : Aku perlu berhati-hati kerana ada orang yang membenciku di dunia perkerjaan mahupun di luar dunia perkerjaan.
Aku minta kepada yang Kuasa supaya aku tidak terkena musibah. dilindungi dari orang-orang yang jahat serta diberikan kelapangan rezeki bukan untuk diriku sahaja tetapi kepada semua orang. Aminn. Semoga kalian yang membaca tulisanku ini diberikan perlindungan selalu dan terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa untuk membaca tulisan tidak seberapa dariku.
Jumpa lagi di cerita yang lain. Bye-bye!
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ocombatente · 1 month
QUALIDADE DE VIDA Alimentação saudável é tema de palestra para alunos do projeto Viva Bem
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A prática de atividades físicas e da alimentação saudável, contribuem para a promoção do bem-estar A Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (Semes), por meio do Programa Qualidade de Vida, realizou palestra com nutricionista, na segunda-feira (8), para orientar e incentivar hábitos alimentares adequados para alunos do projeto Viva Bem, no Ginásio Eduardo Lima e Silva (Dudu) em Porto Velho. Durante a conversa com os alunos, foram debatidos aspectos associados à nutrição apropriada: o preparo da refeição, armazenamento do alimento, à higiene pessoal e o planejamento alimentar a fim de facilitar o dia a dia que favoreça uma alimentação segura, evitando risco à saúde principalmente para esses alunos que praticam exercícios físicos. A palestra foi ministrada pela nutricionista da Semes, Elissandra Cecília, que é especialista em nutrição esportiva. Foram realizados ciclos de palestras em vários polos da cidade e agora foi a vez do Ginásio Dudu. "Nosso objetivo com essas palestras é promover e assegurar medidas que favoreçam uma boa qualidade nutricional para nossos alunos do Programa Qualidade de Vida. Além disso, é uma oportunidade para que eles tirassem dúvidas sobre nutrição", conclui. De acordo com a professora do Viva Bem, Josy Costa, uma alimentação saudável aliada à prática de atividade física não é apenas uma escolha, mas sim um compromisso com a própria saúde. "É muito importante conscientizar e incentivar a adoção desses hábitos saudáveis, educar sobre nutrição adequada e a importância da atividade física regular não é apenas uma responsabilidade individual, mas também coletiva, que impacta diretamente na saúde pública e na qualidade de vida da sociedade como um todo", disse Josy Costa. Quem aproveitou a oportunidade foi a aluna Kenia Botelho, que ficou atenta a todas as orientações repassadas pela nutricionista. "Atenta com a saúde e com o bem-estar físico. Amei cada palavra que me enriqueceu com o conhecimento. Gratidão por essa dinâmica e pela bela mesa de frutas e sucos naturais oferecidos", destacou a aluna. Segundo a secretária da Semes, Ivonete Gomes, essa programação de palestras faz parte do planejamento desenvolvido pela pasta. "O nosso principal objetivo é incentivar a promoção da saúde por meio da alimentação saudável, que a gente sabe que é importante, para qualidade em todas as fases da vida. E nossos alunos do Viva Bem e Viver Ativo ficaram felizes com esse momento especial para eles", finaliza a secretária. Texto: André Oliveira Foto: André Oliveira Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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meioambienteemfocosp · 6 months
Porto Velho,
A cidade maravilhosa do Norte do Brasil. A melhor cidade do Norte do Brasil Ela está cercada pela floresta Amazônica, isso não a impediu de se tornar uma bela capital, em Porto Velho-Ro são aproximadamente 500 mil habitantes, equivalente a cidade de Santo André na grande São Paulo, tudo começou por volta do ano 1907 com a construção da ferrovia Madeira-Mamoré, o povoado foi criado…
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wolfsetfree-if · 5 months
Hi, please feel free to ignore this if it’s been asked already! I know that this is unlikely to happen, but let's say the MC has to be away from the pack for a while (maybe they're on a long-distance scouting mission, or something similar). What are the RO’s reunions like with the MC, in the relationship stage, when the MC returns after being away for a long time?
Bela: immediately runs up to MC, careful not to be rough and checking for injuries, their mind overloaded with their Alpha need to check for their mate's safety, feeling completely responsible for it.
They have already started (maybe finished, if MC was away for a long time) a blanket/cardigan for them (they knit), to spend the time in other ways than worrying. They have also baked some goods and will feed MC first thing first.
Kesha: is hesitant to approach MC, apprehension and longing mixing into a bit of anxiety. But when MC sets eyes on them, Kesha shifts into their wolf form (which, to them, is almost a self soothing thing) and attaches to MC's side. MC can't move now, because Kesha is buried against them, not willing to move.
They suffered a lot, being bonded to their mate and being so far apart for so long, so they will be clingy and needy for a while.
Indigo: opens their arms for MC. Welcomes them in whatever form they are, breathing in their familiar scent that settles the wolf in them, on edge for being apart from their packmate. Holds MC for an unusually long time (Indigo isn't much for physical contact usually), then places a soft kiss on their snout/cheek and draws back.
"I made food. Come eat," because they stressed cooked for the past few days and were nearly unbearable around everyone in the pack for how irritable they were.
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h-doodles · 6 months
as per @isas-bathbombs tags on my personal meow meow post, i scoured my beloved tatak pinoy spotify album and am assigning a song per RO <3
Miranda - Pasilyo by Sunkissed Lola
Alcina - Dear by Ben&Ben
Donna - Di Na Mag-iisa by NOBITA
Angie - Ligaya by mrld
Bela - Come Inside Of My Heart by IV of Spades
Cassandra - Uhaw (Tayong Lahat) by Dilaw
Daniela - Fallen by Lola Amour
I LOVE songs and the very recent chill beats type of OPM has made me so <3 abt it like!!!! going so insane. they FIT so well in my opinion (which is so sexy and right fr <3)
n e gays. bringing u a very very exclusive list of songs i assigned each character regarding their feel for mc bc i can! :3 hope this helps <3
edit: now all in one spotify playlist!!!!
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trietlongseoulcenter · 9 months
Các địa điểm triệt lông vĩnh viễn hiệu quả
Triệt lông vĩnh viễn là 1 xu hướng càng ngày càng phổ biến, giúp bạn tiết kiệm tiền bạc số giờ, sức lực lao động & chi phí cho việc tạo dáng. Mặc dù vậy, việc tuyển lựa một địa điểm tẩy lông dài lâu uy tín không phải cứ thuận tiện. Dưới đây là những để ý giúp đỡ bạn search địa điểm tẩy lông lâu hơn xuất sắc cùng gơi ý địa điểm nên đi đến
Hướng dẫn cách để chọn địa điểm thực hiện triệt lông 1. Kiểm định giấy phép buôn bán trước nhất, hãy đảm bảo rằng địa điểm bạn chọn có giấy phép kinh doanh hợp lệ. Điều ấy không một số đảm bảo rằng họ tuân thủ vô cùng nhiều luật pháp pháp luật, mà còn cho biết họ đủ trang nghiêm để đầu tư vào việc đảm bảo chất lượng dịch vụ của mình.
2. Xem đánh giá & comment của quý khách Đọc các đánh giá & phản hồi bằng người sử dụng cũ có thể cung cấp cho bạn cái nhìn thực tế về chất lượng dịch vụ. Hãy tìm kiếm những Review trực tuyến và suy nghĩ cả nhiều bình luận tích cực lẫn tiêu cực.
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3. Kiểm định năng lực và khả năng của chuyên viên chuyên viên có kỹ năng và thời giờ làm việc sẽ đảm nói rằng bạn nhận được dịch vụ tối ưu. Hỏi về bằng cấp, chứng chỉ & số năm thời gian làm việc của nhân viên.
4. Đối chiếu Ngân sách chi tiêu ở đầu cuối, hãy so sánh giá cả trong số nhiều địa chỉ không giống nhau. Nhớ là cân nhắc một số nhóm dịch vụ hoặc khuyến mãi ngay hoàn toàn có thể khiến cho bạn tiết kiệm ngân sách và tiền bạc.
Việc cách chọn trung tâm triệt lông lâu bền hơn uy tín đòi hỏi thời giờ và nghiên cứu. Hy vọng rằng với một số lưu ý bên trên, bạn sẽ kiếm đc địa điểm phù hợp với nhu cầu của mình.
Nên đi tẩy lông lâu dài chỗ nào giỏi Seoul Center cơ sở tẩy lông uy tín áp dụng khoa học kỹ thuật tẩy lông hàng đầu với ánh sáng Elight tiên tiến. công đoạn dịch vụ rõ ràng & tuân thủ quy chuẩn an toàn và đáng tin cậy của Bộ y học. Đội ngũ một số công nghệ viên giàu thời giờ làm việc, chuyên môn & có kết quả áp dụng máy móc nhuần nhuyễn.
Thông tin Contact với SeoulCenter SEOUL CENTER – PHỤNG SỰ từ TÂM Địa chỉ: 375 Đường Nguyễn Thượng Hiền, Phường 11, Q.10, TpHCM Hotline: 1800 3333 Website: https://seoulcenter.vn/
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Địa điểm triệt lông an toàn Sen Spa - Hỗ trợ liệu trình chữa trị tẩy lông vĩnh viễn tại spa. - Được coi cao về khả năng tẩy lông nách. - Đưa thông tin chi tiết về công đoạn tẩy lông.
Triệt lông ở chỗ nào tốt: Saigon Smile Spa - Đc xem cao về dịch vụ triệt lông. - Báo tin chi tiết về các bước tẩy lông. - Được coi giỏi bằng người sử dụng.
Bo Clinic & Spa địa điểm tẩy lông vĩnh viễn - Đc nhìn nhận xuất sắc về dịch vụ triệt lông. - Báo tin cụ thể về công đoạn triệt lông. - Được coi tốt bằng người sử dụng.
Tẩy lông uy tín ở TPHCM - Belas Beauty Clinic - Lạm dụng quá công nghệ khoa học New IPL sử dụng quá dải ánh - - Quang phổ rộng và ảnh hưởng vào nang lông siêu nhẹ dịu. đc coi cao về dịch vụ tẩy lông. - Tin báo chi tiết về công đoạn tẩy lông. Tham khảo: các địa chỉ triệt lông vĩnh viễn để thuận tiện search cũng như chọn lựa được nơi nâng tầm nhan sắc cho bản thân mình nhé!
chuẩn bị gì trước lúc đi triệt lông vĩnh viễn? 1. Tư vấn với Chuyên Viên trước khi quyết định tẩy lông lâu bền hơn, hãy tìm hiểu kỹ càng về quy trình, công dụng, rủi ro & chi phí liên quan. Hãy bàn thảo với chuyên gia để tham khảo rõ rệt hơn về các bước này.
2. Kiểm tra tình trạng da Da của nhiều bạn cần đc chu chỉnh trước khi thực hiện tẩy lông. Trường hợp như bạn có bất kỳ luận điểm về da nào như viêm nhiễm, mụn hoặc vết thương hở, hãy chờ cho đến khi da khỏi trọn vẹn trước khi triển khai triệt lông.
3. Tránh khỏi tiếp xúc với ánh nắng mặt trời Hãy tránh giao tiếp trực tiếp với ánh nắng mặt trời ít nhất 6 tuần trước & sau khoảng thời giờ triệt lông. Ánh nắng mặt trời có thể gây kích động da & làm gia tăng nguy cơ tiềm ẩn bỏng da sau khi tẩy lông.
4. Không waxing hoặc nhổ lông trước khi đi triệt lông, bạn không nên waxing hoặc nhổ lông. Điều này là bởi công đoạn tẩy lông cần tác động tới nang lông, và giả dụ lông đã bị nhổ hoặc waxing, công đoạn này sẽ không còn hiệu quả.
5. Rửa sạch da Trước lúc đi tẩy lông, hãy rửa sạch da và không Dùng bất kỳ sản phẩm nào bên trên da, bao gồm kem dưỡng ẩm, kem chống nắng hoặc mỹ phẩm. Việc chuẩn bị kỹ càng trước khi đi tẩy lông lâu hơn sẽ giúp quá trình diễn ra suôn sẻ hơn & cải thiện công dụng của công đoạn. Hãy luôn luôn search sự tư vấn của chuyên gia & theo đúng nhiều hướng dẫn của mọi người.
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Cách chăm sóc sau khi triệt lông lâu dài hơn Tránh tiếp xúc trực tiếp với tia nắng mặt trời: sau thời điểm triệt lông, da của chúng ta có thể trở thành nhạy cảm hơn. Hãy tránh khỏi tiếp xúc trực tiếp với ánh nắng mặt trời ít nhất trong tầm 2 tuần sau thời điểm khám chữa.
Sử dụng kem chống nắng: trường hợp bạn phải ra bên ngoài, hãy lạm dụng quá kem chống lóa với chỉ số SPF cao để bảo vệ da khỏi ảnh hưởng của tia UV.
ko cạo râu hoặc waxing: sau khi tẩy lông, hãy tránh khỏi cạo râu hoặc waxing ở vùng da đã đc chữa bệnh. Điều đó hoàn toàn có thể gây kích thích & làm tổn thương da.
Áp dụng dòng sản phẩm dưỡng ẩm: Dùng quá một loại kem dưỡng ẩm nhẹ để giữ cho da mềm mịn và mượt mà và giảm thiểu sự khó tính.
Tránh khỏi tắm nước nóng: tránh tắm nước nóng trong ít nhất 24 giờ sau thời điểm tẩy lông. Nước nóng hoàn toàn có thể làm kích động da.
Chỉ định hóa mỹ phẩm: tránh khỏi lạm dụng hóa mỹ phẩm hoặc bất cứ sản phẩm nào chứa phẩm màu gây kích động bên trên vùng da đã đc điều trị. Việc chăm sóc da sau thời điểm triệt lông lâu dài vô cùng cần thiết để đảm bảo da khỏe mạnh và tinh giảm nhiều biến tướng. Hãy luôn tuân thủ theo đúng một số chỉ dẫn chăm sóc sau chữa bệnh của Chuyên Viên của một số bạn.
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Vì sao nên triệt lông lâu dài tại Seoul Center Seoul Center là 1 địa điểm hàng đầu cho dịch vụ tẩy lông lâu hơn. Với đội ngũ Chuyên Viên giàu kinh nghiệm & công nghệ kỹ thuật tiên tiến, Seoul Center mang đến cho khách dịch vụ rất chất lượng & an toàn
Dịch vụ Seoul Center cung cấp những dịch vụ tẩy lông với công nghệ cao. Tùy vào vùng lông người sử dụng mong muốn triệt mà mức bảng giá thành tẩy lông sẽ có đc sự chênh lệch. Dịch vụ triệt lông tại Seoul Center bao hàm triệt lông mặt, tay, chân, bụng, vùng bí mật & nách.
Giá cả Giá tẩy lông dài lâu tại Seoul Center thường dao động bằng 1 triệu – 6 triệu tùy thuộc vào vùng cần triệt lông. Bảng Báo giá triệt lông lâu dài thường dao động theo từng chỗ đứng tẩy lông #, chi tiết như sau: - bảng giá triệt lông mặt: mức ngân sách trung bình rơi vào khoảng 4 – 6 triệu/liệu trình. - Giá triệt lông tay: Khoảng bằng 3 – 7 triệu/liệu trình. - Giá triệt lông chân: Trung bình khoảng 6 – 8 triệu/liệu trình. - Giá tẩy lông bụng: Khoảng bằng 6 – 7 triệu/liệu trình. - Giá triệt lông vùng kín: Khoảng 5 – 7 triệu/liệu trình. - Giá triệt lông nách: Khoảng 1 – 5 triệu/ liệu trình chữa trị - Giábuốt triệt lông toàn thân: Khoảng 10 – 15 triệu/liệu trình.
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Đánh giá bằng khách hàng Seoul Center nhận được không ít review tích cực từ người tiêu dùng về chất lượng dịch vụ & sự chuyên nghiệp của đội ngũ chuyên viên. Quý khách thường hài lòng với tác dụng sau khi Dùng dịch vụ tẩy lông tại Seoul Center.
Trường hợp như khách hàng đang tìm kiếm một địa điểm tẩy lông lâu dài uy tín, Seoul Center là 1 trong chọn tuyệt hảo. Với đội ngũ chuyên gia chuyên nghiệp, khoa học tiến bộ và dịch vụ rất chất lượng, Seoul Center đảm bảo đưa đến cho bạn áp dụng thử nổi trội.
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purero0india · 11 months
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24x7 RO Service Center Address: BLOCK 6/2, Bela Colony Road, near CHARMINAR, Chandulal Bella Colony, Rajpal Nagar, Shalibanda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500065 Phone: 9289545741 Profile Link : https://t.co/3piN3ZuoX4 website :https://24x7roservicecenter.com/
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24X7 RO Service Center, operating in Hyderabad, is a trusted manufacturer and trader. Our product line includes various domestic RO water purifiers and spare parts. We offer doorstep water purifier services and have been serving the community for 10 years.
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24x7roservicehy3 · 11 months
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24x7 RO Service Center Address: BLOCK 6/2, Bela Colony Road, near CHARMINAR, Chandulal Bella Colony, Rajpal Nagar, Shalibanda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500065 Phone: 9289545741 Profile Link : https://t.co/3piN3ZuoX4 website :https://24x7roservicecenter.com/
We Provide All Brand RO Service at your Doorstep.Our Services are RO Repair and Service Near Hyderabad Best Ro Service Rajpal Nagar, Shalibanda, Hyderabad Telangana. Connect with Us.
24X7 RO Service Center, operating in Hyderabad, is a trusted manufacturer and trader. Our product line includes various domestic RO water purifiers and spare parts. We offer doorstep water purifier services and have been serving the community for 10 years.
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headlinerportugal · 2 years
Em 2022, a ruralidade do Rodellus vai ser à fartura | Entrevista Rodellus 2022
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Estamos a poucos dias do arranque do Rodellus, o festival para quem não tem medo do campo. Em 2022, o Rodellus junta à sua essência de “rockeiro rural” a efervescência, cor e alegria das festas populares. Na próxima sexta e sábado, Ruílhe vai testemunhar concertos com fartura, dança com fartura, campo com fartura e celebração com fartura! Serão 15 horas de música ao vivo no total: vão actuar 10 bandas entre nomes nacionais e internacionais. O palco estará montado num campo de milho daquela freguesia de Braga. O final de cada noite promete aquecer ainda mais ao som dos bpm de DJ Lynce e Cativo, transformando o Rodellus numa verdadeira pista de dança ao ar livre!
Antes de mais informação específica sobre este ano, nada como recordar a última edição realizada em 2021. Tudo para ser lido ou revisto aqui:
Rodellus é Resistência, Rock e Ruilhe | Reportagem - Dia 1 Rodellus: Um passeio rural pelo rock’n’roll  | Reportagem - Dia 2 
Mas o Rodellus não é só música. Durante os dois dias do festival, vai ser possível assistir a uma instalação artística da autoria do colectivo MAYU. A Instalação Orpheus consiste numa série de estímulos captados nas folhas das plantas que são transformados em som. O tema "ZOI", gravado pelo colectivo e editado no álbum cujo título veio a dar nome à instalação, retrata, via síntese subtractiva, a transformação dos ruídos da natureza em música. Ao longo de 29 e 30 de Julho, vai ser possível também revisitar as edições anteriores do Rodellus pela lente de Joana Rita (@shootsounds) e testemunhar o crescimento do festival.
Cartaz completo:
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~  Entrevista à organização do Rodellus
headLiner: Estamos a poucos dias de mais uma edição do Rodellus (a 7ª edição) que volta a pôr a pequena aldeia de Ruilhe no mapa do rock em Portugal. Em 2015, quando estava a nascer este festival, imaginaram que desde então conseguissem ter tantas edições, quase todas ininterruptas?
Rodellus: Boa pergunta! Haverá várias respostas a essa questão. Os otimistas imaginavam que sim, os pessimistas nem tanto. Mas certamente todos sonhámos com isso. Especulámos como seria uma 10ª edição, e agora não falta muito para lá chegarmos.
headLiner: Com a pandemia o festival teve de reinventar-se. No ano passado o festival aconteceu e foi dividido por 3 fins-de-semana distintos. Este ano o festival desdobra-se em dois dias seguidos, o contrário de edições passadas que eram 3 dias. Como tem sido feita esta gestão e que dificuldades encontram após esse período tão difícil?
Rodellus: Hoje vivemos uma realidade diferente, quase como se tratasse de uma “ressaca” da pandemia, que trouxe coisas boas e coisas menos boas. Estamos ainda em fase de adaptação, uma vez que, em 2021, passámos de 3 dígitos de público (2019) para 2. Agora, o crescimento deve ser gradual, bem gerido e com riscos bem medidos. Existem muitas coisas boas a acontecer em todo o lado, a oferta é vasta e nós temos que primar pela diferença. No entanto, sabemos que muita coisa mudou, sejam padrões de consumo, tendências na indústria musical, e até mesmo a disponibilidade financeira de cada um, que certamente oscilou durante os últimos 2 anos e meio. As dificuldades são as de todos nesta área: Os custos são outros, a disponibilidade de serviços é menor, e os tempos de atuação no mercado também mudaram. No fundo, estamos a fazer o que podemos com o que temos, e achamos que é o melhor possível para encher o bonito campo do Rodellus.
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headLiner: Uma das mudanças que foi bem visível no ano passado, foi a constante mudança de espaços em 3 zonas diferentes da aldeia, que decerto aproximou mais o espectador à ruralidade que caracteriza tanto o Rodellus. Este ano que novidades terão? Haverá um novo local? Irão novamente ter aqueles passeios tão agradáveis antes dos concertos? O campismo terá uma nova localização? O que nos podem adiantar?
Rodellus: Podemos adiantar tudo, porque vocês são boa gente. :)
Este ano, como já devem ter reparado, misturamos a estética alternativa com a bela cultura nortenha de romaria e festa popular. Isso poderá ser notado em vários pontos do recinto. Temos um novo recinto que muito reforça o conceito de ruralidade do Rodellus e, embora sejamos suspeitos, podemos dizer que mais bonito e aconchegante que este, não conseguiríamos ter. Não teremos passeios com acompanhamento da organização, mas dado que as portas abrem apenas às 19h30, haverá tempo de sobra para os nossos festivaleiros explorarem a freguesia de Ruílhe, que tem muito para dar. Certamente, não faltarão distrações e sítios para visitar. Temos a sorte da freguesia Ruílhe estar geograficamente favorecida (dado que está próxima de Braga, Barcelos e Famalicão) e de ter uma paisagem muito bonita e rural, uma vez que se localiza entre um vale. O campismo também tem nova localização. Tem sombra, é muito acolhedor e fica a pouco mais de 300m do recinto.
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headLiner: Este ano do cartaz temos nomes muito interessantes, não podendo deixar de destacar os Conferência Inferno, ou o folclore do futuro dos Venga Venga!. Que outros nomes gostariam de destacar deste cartaz?
Rodellus: Todos os nomes são interessantes, na nossa visão, e é por isso que figuram no cartaz desta edição. Mas já que insistem, podemos destacar os Za! vindos da Catalunha, e cujo público português já conhece, prometendo voltar a impressionar em palco com tamanha dinâmica e musicalidade que oferecem. E podemos também destacar As Docinhas, que nos chegam de Viana do Castelo (e do mundo), com uma estética contemporânea e algo inovadora. Suspeitamos que vão marcar o público com tanto rock n’roll e atitude ativista.
headLiner: A premiação em 2019 como ‘Melhor Festival Pequeno Ibérico’ nos Iberian Festival Awards acrescenta outra responsabilidade. Como foi esse momento recebido?
Rodellus: Foi mais um sonho tornado realidade. Não esperávamos, aliás, nunca esperamos premiação alguma, embora tenhamos noção e orgulho da qualidade do Rodellus. Foi recebido com um misto de emoção e admiração. Agora, a responsabilidade é ainda maior.
headLiner: Com tantas mudanças de formato ao longo dos anos que o Rodellus tem sido sujeito, num futuro próximo, o que conseguem perspetivar para o festival mais rural de Portugal? Em que ponto de maturação gostariam de ver o Rodellus?
Rodellus: Pergunta difícil e pertinente. Conseguimos perspetivar crescimento a partir desta edição, que abre um novo ciclo no Rodellus. É um ciclo pós-pandemia e com mais liberdade, mas também desconhecimento de como o público se comporta atualmente e que direção as tendências seguirão. Só podemos prometer o mesmo amor e empenho à causa. O resto que venha por mérito e trabalho.  
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