#road safety bitch that's hot
babyleostuff · 9 months
Hey hey, i just randomly thought of this lol
I went out with someone today and idk my "protective" side came up like holding hands while walking and letting them walk on the inner-side of the road and always on alert mode, siren eyes and things lol (for some reason I wanna be on the receiving end but always end up being a giver-)
So how about the members reaction to it? Like them being taken care of!?
Idea maybe dumb but it just clicked to me, hehe
Get well soon bub ♡
um it’s definitely not dumb 🤚🏼 i love the idea (i decided to write short bullet points because why not)
also i love the protective ones, being protective is hot 😌 you’re slaying (although i get why you want to be on the receiving end 😔)
+ jealousy jealousy, because of the lack of my love life
➼ SEUNGCHEOL: a blushing mess, because we know that he likes being taken care of and he needs the attention AND HE IS A BABY (fight me). It would still take him by surprise if you ever did something like walk on the outer side of the road, but he would eventually switch sides because in the end he is the protector and the baby alpha.
➼ JEONGHAN: the urge to tease you??? immaculate. the urge to pinch your cheeks??? over the charts, only because he finds it so cute that you try to be the protective one 🥰 and you know what, fuck toxic masculinity, he’ll let you be the protective one in your relationship.
➼ JOSHUA: oh, his hearts skips a beat whenever he notices your small acts of “protectiveness” towards him. He never expects you to do so, and it always makes him so smiley, because you care about him that much??? to put his safety over yours??? and the fact that you do it almost unconsciously makes it even better.
➼ JUN: shy shy shyyyy. He loves your protective side, never comments on it though, but his heart eyes say everything - anyone of sane mind can see how smitten he is with you. But he loves being protected, and what about it haters.
➼ SOONYOUNG: gigglessss. This man is a softy, a softy for you, for anything you do - you simply breathe? perfect 🤌🏼 So seeing your protective side towards him??? everything he needs in life. He’d try to take over being the protective, but you wouldn’t let him :)))
➼JIHOON: okay this one is complicated. because yes, he’d very much appreciate being taken care of, and seeing you so protective over him, does things to him. BUT in the end i think he’d like to be the protective one.
➼ WONWOO: i don’t care how much of a hard dom you say he is, HE LOVES BEING PROTECTED AND TAKEN CARE OF. like, can you imagine his little cat smile and giggle, this man has me screaming. Yes, he loves being the protector, but he still goes insane anytime you do anything protective towards him.
➼ SEOKMIN: he has those massive biceps and for what, because he’ll still let you be the protective one (from time to time, he likes taking care of you way too much). Oh, the heart eyes he’d have for you 😍 also, i feel like at some point you’d fight over who should be the protective one.
➼ MINGYU: gym bro nr. 2 and the biggest baby of them all. It could go two ways - either he’s the protective one and you don’t have anything to say or “please take my hand” while crossing the street. The duality of this man makes him so difficult to write about, because you never know what he’s up to.
➼ MINGHAO: he’d try to be all resting bitch face, i don’t care BUT he loves you way too much to do that. It’s so precious to him that you take the role of being the protective one, because in his mind you don’t really need to do that, he’s right there??? to take care of you. Not this time Hao, let someone else take care of you.
➼ SEUNGKWAN: he’d fight, because isn’t he supposed to be the protector? but boo would quickly give up, he loves being a softy for you, and he wouldn’t mind being the protected and taken care of. BUT i feel like he’d also have this urge to protect you, i don’t know, but i see him as someone who is really protective of the people he loves
➼ VERNON: kind of chill about it? but then again, vernon is chill about almost everything. in his mind it should be 50/50, both of you taking turns being the protector and protected.
➼ CHAN: okay, my baby (he’s mine, fight me) would love to be the protective one. Like, we know how mature he is, + the fact that he’s the oldest in his family, he is a natural protector. OF COURSE he’d love and appreciate being taken care of and protected and whatnot, but he still, he’d prefer to be on the giving end.
in conclusion: these men are a bunch of softies
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe
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aae-tuu · 10 months
POV: Driving
Ft: G. Satoru & G.Suguru (except I have a favorite) (fluff, crack, gn!reader)
Buckle up for this one (literally. remember, seatbelts save lives)
Gojo Satoru:
Never let this man get behind that fucking steering wheel
There’s a reason ijichi drives him anywhere and everywhere
It’s cause even he knows that he’d wreck havoc on the road
Once that man puts his hands on the steering wheel
Not even god can save you (he’s abandoned you too)
Either drives with both hands on the steering wheel but he’s leaning forward with a huge grin on his face looking like a gremlin as he turns the steering wheel all the fucking way just to take a tiny turn or he leans back in his seat, one hand on the steering wheel and the other hanging out his open window (still turns the steering wheel all the fucking way just to make a small turn and you all almost flip over)
Uses the keys to only unlock the drivers side, gets in, looks at you locked out, points and laughs, and then unlocks the passenger door
Swerves…a lot
Even when it isn’t necessary
He drives with the confidence of a much more experienced driver
he probably thinks he’s in Fast and Furious
Wants to drive a manual but you don’t even trust him with an automatic so
Tries to do burnouts
Gets bonked by Geto instead
Refuses to listen to any advice you give him
“I’m Gojo Satoru. There’s nothing I can’t do” - Famous last words after you kicked him out of the car and made him walk because last time he said that he crashed the car
Hogs the aux that bitch
Once asked if he could really grab a rope using one of the tires while in the car
This is what happens when you let him drive
(If you can’t watch or the link doesn’t work dw it’s screen recorded and you’ll find it at the bottom)
Don’t ask how he managed to do it
I hope you didn’t eat anything before getting into that car with him
Cause it’s coming right back up
You and geto fight over who gets to sit shotgun
And it’s not
“I want to sit!” “No I do!”
“You sit!” “No I sat last time!” “Just sit down👹”
Honks at people way too much
He’ll be behind a car and the light is red right
The second
the millisecond
it turns green
He’s honking at the car even if they’re already in the process of going forward
Also check on Geto before he passes out
Geto Suguru:
Only one I’d trust to drive me anywhere
He’s just so…good!
Does that thing where he puts his hand behind your seat to look back and it just ajdosjosks tehehe
I think he has a lot of suppressed anger that just comes out on the road
Cause there’s dumb drivers (ahemgojoahemhem) that just stress him out
Do not brake check this man please
He will find a way to get past you and do it back in the most petty way possible
Or tailgate him
Do not
It’s for your own good and safety
Sometimes curses under his breath (awooga) at other drivers but never sends a middle finger their way
He’s above that
Actually knows how to swerve smoothly
I think he’d drive a manual
Idk maybe I’m projecting cause I think he’d look hot shifting
(His arms rahsjsoksks)
I imagine him doing that thing where you’re like, “You’re gonna miss the exit!!” and you’re like 3-4 lanes away and he just
Goes for it
And makes it
And he just looks at you with a grin on his face while you’re probably holding on for your life
Will be all cheesy and open the passenger door for you to get in before closing it and walking to his side (if he’s in a good enough mood and he likes you he’ll put the seatbelt on for you too Ugh I wanna smooch him)
You and Gojo literally throw hands to sit shotgun while Geto watches from the drivers seat like
(He likes the attention)
Also literally has everything in his car??
In the glovebox there’s chargers, tissues, gum, pens, hair clips/ties
Anything you could ever want is there for you to grab, borrow, use whatever
Will let you have the aux (only after being an ass about it to annoy you. he doesn’t actually want it)
If you don’t know how to shift it’s okay
He’ll teach you
Has a small bump on his head from when Gojo turned too hard and he accidentally slammed his head against the part near the window
For those who wanted to see the Gojo video:
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criminalskies · 11 months
Looking Out For You - (aaron hotchner x gn!reader) **repost from old account**
Hi lovely!! I absolutely adored In Your Orbit - both parts!! In part 2 you touch some on Hotch driving and I loved it and I was wondering if you’d be able to write a piece or a little blurb involving Hotch and Reader dating and they’re on a case and Hotch is driving while chasing the Unsub?? Sorry if this is a weird request, there’s just something about that man driving in a high speed chase that I absolutely love (i.e. 06x14 Sense Memory)!!  Hi Anon! Tysm for the request, I will gladly write this, he is too hot to be legally allowed behind the wheel istg. 6 x 14 was so drool worthy too even when rossi’s like ‘put this bitch ass car in reverse’ and aaron just throws his arm behind the passenger seat looking back and sajdnfkjdfsjfdsjhkjhfjksdhfjkshfshfjkdsh. 
You are the BAU’s designated passenger princess. It’s not that you’re uptight or even bold enough to demand the front seat in every SUV expedition, it’s your outright inability to hold down your lunch unless you can see directly out the windshield of a car. Of course, this means you also get your chance to drive every now and then, but ever since Morgan threatened to revoke your license for saying ‘10 points!’ as you approached a pedestrian, the team has not warmed to your particular brand of driving. 
The most stubborn of them all, is Hotch. He not only feels responsible for your safety, but for the safety of any unsuspecting pedestrians who may or may not feel your wrath. He insists on you always joining him in his car because he knows you’ll be safest with him. He doesn’t mention that he’ll probably drive even more carefully with you inside than he might with Rossi. He also doesn’t mention that he refuses to let you ride with Derek because he’s worried the younger man’s incessant flirting will one day break through to you and you’ll run away with him. He pushes those thoughts down, but he will always send you with himself, Rossi or JJ. Reid is not physically gifted at the best of times and far prefers to direct the driver, while Prentiss has spent too much time driving outside of the U.S. to remember to stay on the right side of the road.
Currently, you’ve received word that the unsub you’ve all been trying to find for two days has been spotted on a motorcycle in the south side of town, speeding through back alleyways, which is how you ended up in an SUV trying to keep an eye out for your unsub while Hotch maneuvers the tight corners and pinch points where a row of dumpsters makes the alleys just barely wide enough for the SUV to fit through, let alone in one swift try. You’re thanking your lucky stars that Hotch is the one having to judge these gaps and weave through the tight spaces. 
“There! To our Left.” You yell, having spotted the blue off-road bike screaming around a corner, where the unsub saw the two of you and swiftly turned around, fanging it away from the car. In an instant, Hotch has thrown his foot down on the brake, and his right arm swiftly out in front of you to stop you from flying forwards towards the dash. Your chest barely makes contact with his arm but you can feel his tensed muscles under his dress shirt stop your weight from throwing you forwards. 
“Sorry.” Hotch says, sounding flustered as he retracts his arm to change gears, putting the car in reverse before he looks back over his shoulder, throwing his arm behind the headrest of your seat, allowing him to lean backwards and see where he’s going. You look over at him seeing that he looks flushed, but you chalk it up to the thrill of the chase, ignoring the matching red in your own cheeks making you feel hot. 
Once the car is lined up to turn the corner, Hotch throws the car back into drive and floors it, being careful to look for obstacles the two of you could bump into. 
“It’s okay, look! He’s left the bike behind! Up on the right.” You are gladly cut off before you started bumbling like an idiot trying not to reveal to your boss just how excited you were at the prospect of his big strong hands all over your chest. 
Hotch is quick to pull the car up beside the abandoned bike, but before you can get out with him, guns drawn to chase the unsub he locks you in, running off after the unsub, catching up to him in no time with those long legs of his and tackling him with ease. You can’t believe this, he actually locked you inside the car like a child. Hotch is handcuffing the man and reading him his rights as you clamber over the console into the driver’s seat, reaching for the central locking to let yourself out. You step out of the driver’s seat, jumping down out of the SUV, and standing arms crossed to show Hotch your disdain. You don’t need to chew him out in front of a serial rapist, but later on he’ll be sure to get a piece of your mind. 
“Need any help there?” You ask, tone dripping with malice as Hotch guides the unsub towards the backseat. 
“Nope, all good here. Can you tell the team we’ve got him and we’re coming back to the station?” Hotch barely even looks at you, leading the unsub towards the backseat, changing paths at the last minute to take him to sit behind the driver’s seat. You radio the team, updating them as he slams the door shut, moving to open his own door but you reach out and stop him, holding the driver’s door closed. 
“Do you have anything to say to me? What was that about?” You ask, pleading with him to explain why he’s suddenly treating you like you’re incapable of doing your job.
“Now really isn’t the time, Y/L/N. We’ll talk about this later.” Hotch grumbles, gently peeling your hand off his door and opening it. “Get in. Now.” He orders as he moves to sit in the driver’s seat.
You stomp around the hood of the car, trying not to pout like a child as you get in, putting on your seatbelt. 
“The Hell’s wrong with you two?” The unsub asks, pushing his luck since Hotch already seems ready to knock someone's teeth out. You see his grip on the wheel tighten as he puts the car into reverse, slowly this time moving out of the labyrinth of back alleys you’ve driven into. 
“Nothing that concerns you. Please sit back and shut up.” Hotch tries reasoning with the man in the backseat, but this only encourages him. He leans forwards, trying to see you better from his position seated behind Hotch. 
“Pretty thing like that always concerns me, buster. I don’t know how you’d be ‘spected to get any work done with a body like that right beside you. I can see why you’d want to protect ‘em from somebody like me. Wouldn’t be able t’control myself, would I? No no no.” You can feel his eyes raking over your form, and practically smell his hot breath picking up as he ogles you. Seriously, some days you hate your job more than others. This guy is giving you full-body creeps, your heart rate is picking up due to your rising fear, not arousal. 
You’re just planning what to say to this guy that won’t only rev his engine harder when Hotch abruptly drops his foot on the brake again, putting his arm out in front of you once more to stop you flying into the dash, and you hear the unsub let out a loud grunt as his face collides with the back of Hotch’s headrest. Hotch quickly undoes his own seatbelt and opens his door, exiting the car to open the unsub’s door. 
He grabs him roughly by the collar, before letting out the most expletives you’ve heard your normally well-mannered (almost to a pathological degree) boss use. 
“If you ever, so much as look at them with your beady little asshole eyes, scumbag, I will call my buddies at the supreme court circuit and make sure you get your half of a shithole cell in fucking guantanamo bay. You will never see a ray of fucking sunlight again in your miserable, bottom feeding life! I’ll get you one of the nice rooms which is too narrow for you to lay down and too short to stand up in. The guards there will make your life hell and they will do nothing to stop the other inmates from making you their little fucking plaything. Am I clear with you, dipshit?” the unsub doesn’t respond, mildly stunned by how he’s just been manhandled and tossed around in the backseat of an FBI vehicle. You can’t help but feel your chest warm at Hotch’s effort to protect you from this slimebag. 
“Is that clear with you, or not?!” Hotch is practically yelling now, his tone is dripping with an anger you’ve never seen in him. 
“That’s clear.” the unsub mutters under his breath. Hotch tightens his grip on the man’s collar, shaking him harder, before releasing him and letting him slump back against his seat. 
Hotch slams the unsub’s door against the car and then hoists himself into his own open door. He closes his door with only 5% less rage. You can feel the heat radiating off his body from across the console, as he puts the car back into drive and takes off. You look over at him seeing a fire burning behind his eyes you’ve never seen there before. You rethink your strategy to chew him out once the two of you return to the station. You were hoping to give him an earful about depriving a young agent of valuable training and learning opportunities by abandoning you to wait in the car. You were going to point out to him that if the unsub escaped his grasp and came back to the car, the other FBI agent locked in the fishtank of a car would have been a sitting duck. But now you can see why he has been attempting to distance you from this particular criminal. Knowing he was a rapist and one sick bastard who would stop at nothing to get to a person like you, Hotch was trying to protect you from him. He didn’t want you to be scared or objectified in your own workplace if you didn’t need to be. Luckily the guy was unarmed or this could have gone very differently. 
You’re still a bit shaken by the way the unsub had been looking at you earlier, so you elect to think about a much kinder set of eyes. You think about the way Hotch had been looking at you earlier today, on a long drive back from one crime scene to the station, when he had let you pick the radio station (in true passenger princess fashion) and he had looked at you, moving your head back and forth, swaying to the melodies in your seat. The hint of hazel in his eyes had been glistening looking at you through his thick lashes. You feel a wave of calm and warmth run down your body from your heart, spreading all the way down to your toes at the memory. It was nothing, a shared moment between coworkers, but right now it was everything. It almost let you forget about the filthy bastard sitting behind Hotch trying with two ounces of his self control not to look at you and spend the rest of his life rotting in a cell big enough for a dog. It almost let you forget about how much rage you could see burning inside of Hotch in that moment. 
When you reached the station, you waited in the car for a moment as Hotch led the unsub inside, still dragging him without his usual droplet of kindness he can sum up to handle the unsubs with some care. He was letting this particular one trip over his own feet and stumble trying to stay in-step with Hotch. 
You exited the car, entering the station and greeting the team as Hotch locked the unsub in the interrogation room, they were still hoping he would give a confession and make his prosecution a little easier. You excuse yourself for the bathroom down the hall from the interrogation room, grabbing Hotch by his sleeve as you walk by. You pull him gently with you and he follows, knowing he’s pretty much incapable of saying no to you. You open an empty deputy’s office with drawn blinds and pull him inside, closing the door. 
You look up into his eyes, hoping he’ll see your enormous gratitude weighing down your features as you thank him without any words. You step forwards without a word, wrapping your arms around Hotch’s waist, burying your head in his chest and hearing his racing heart. You stay there for a minute as big strong arms encircle you, returning the many emotions you are trying to convey to him. You eyes well up with tears and Hotch’s breathing slows as he listens to your own quiet gasps as you bite back the waterworks. He draws circles on your back, harder to feel through all the kevlar and material but there all the same, trying to comfort you. Hotch presses his lips to your hair, planting a kiss on your crown. 
“It’s okay.” He whispers, trying to reassure you as much as himself that the scumbag is never going to walk free again, for what he did to 24 innocent people across the state. 
The two of you stay here a while, no other words needing to be spoken for Hotch to know that you’re very grateful to him for what he did. When the two of you stay in this close proximity on the jet-ride home, nobody mentions it. They can all tell from the way your head rests on his shoulder, hands clinging to his sleeve, that you both need to be held, just for a moment. 
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deadboyfriendd · 2 years
There’s been a thought that’s been making me go full smooth-brain lately:
Imagine being Eddie’s ✨passenger princess✨
In the name of comfort you take your shoes off every time you get into the van no matter how close by you are. He always insists on getting out, opening the door for you, unbuckling your seatbelt, and putting your shoes back on for you.
If the van has AC (which I’m assuming it probably doesn’t) but if it DOES, he never complains when you are constantly messing with it, letting you adjust it to the right temperature and blow setting one matter how hot or cold it is.
No one is allowed to control the music in the van. No one except for you 🤍
He always keeps a pillow and a blanket shoved in the back for you when you go on longer car rides. Navigator who? You only know comfort.
Also, there are usually snacks stashed somewhere for you.
Even if you can drive, he insists on taking you to all of the errands you have to run, even if it means he has to sit in the car for hours and wait for you throughout the day.
He always lets you put your feet on the dash when he would yell at anyone else who tries.
I can’t remember if his van has the bitch seat or a console in the middle but if it’s a singular seat instead of the bench he wouldn’t dare adjust your seating adjustments and about cries when Dustin hops in and leans it all the way back.
If there’s a bitch seat, your spot is under his arm, leaning into his side when he drives and he will immediately assume something is wrong if you’re not there.
He always holds your hand when he drives. No exceptions.
Or your thigh if your hands are occupied.
“Of course we can stop for coffee/snacks/food.”
You have your designated cup holder. Even when you’re not there he’s not using it.
He will 100% pull on to the side of the road to pick you wildflowers.
He won’t even care if your shit is strung all over his cab. Purse on the center console? Cool with him. Lipgloss in the cup holder? Just fine. Glove box full of all of your cassettes? Absolute. Clips on the “oh shit” bar (I honestly don’t know another name for these)? Perfect.
Loves when you keep your scrunchies on his shifter.
He also grabs your purse for you when you get out of the car.
Will never EVER let you pay for gas no matter how much you insist.
If you absolutely have to drive (which is nearly never) he will get out to pump your gas for you. He’ll even go out of his way to meet you at the gas station so you don’t have to do it.
I’m sure there’s a ton more but this was incredibly self indulgent and in a more realistic setting I headcanon that this man CANNOT drive and I would end up driving for my own safety but let me have this. Thanks.
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merlucide · 6 months
jjk x motorcycle rider reader
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notes: motorcycles >>>
words: 438
characters: gojo, choso, itadori, megumi, nobara, inumaki, maki
warnings: curse words, suggestive content
reader has boobs (ignore if you don’t)
gojo satoru
Pls this bitch- he loves riding with you!! It’s one of his favorite things ever! Thinks you’re so hot when your driving. Clings to you so tightly, safety reasons? Nah he LOVES the skin ship😉 totally seeing him grabbing your tits or inner thighs. He loves going fast obviously. One time he secretly went on a ride by himself, thinking he could do it, it didn’t go well….
kamo choso 
Was cautious about riding with you. It’s not that he didn’t trust you, it just freaked the fuck out of him. When you ride together, he puts his chin on your shoulder with a cute little blush :3(damn you helmets, let me see the blush). Doesn’t mind going fast, prefers the in between speed. Totally down for matching biker jackets- or helmets 😍ESPECIALLY THOSE KITTY HELMETS OMG PLS—
itadori yuuji
LOVES, LOVES, LOVES, to ride with you. Like top 10 things to do with y/n. Like you tell him “hop on”, motherfucker is DIVING in. Thinks it so fucking hot that you ride. ((He likes that your ass is touching him😌)). Loves going fast ofc. he will ask to try to drive, for the sake of your chopper, it’s not a good idea.
fushiguro megumi
Doesn’t wanna ride with you. He’s too embarrassed about clinging onto you. He thinks that it’s really cool he’s just shy baby 😘. When you finally get him to ride with you, he is really flustered lol. After sometime, he likes going and bumpier roads/ mini hills. He tells you you’re driving wrong- like bitch?! 🤨
kugisaki nobara
Omg pls take her on a ride. She loves it sm! Though be prepared to be her personal Uber. Bought you two matching jackets and helmets. Begs you to do wheelies. Made a playlist called “riding with y/n” and you know bad girls is on there ofc ofc! 
inumaki toge
((The reason I wrote this lol)) 
He begs you to take him on rides, why? To have an excuse to hold your tits. Red light? Holdin your tits. Green light? Still holding your tits. You guys have gotten weird looks from ppl lol. Likes when you turn fast. He rests his head on your back:3. Bounces his legs, it’s annoying like bitch stay still I’m driving😡
zen’nin maki
((For some reason I feel like she would have a motorcycle?)) Loves riding with you, but acts like it’s annoying. Definitely likes how close you both are. Loves when you guys go fast on highways. Whisper flirts in your ear, ends up with angry pedestrians honking at you. Thanks a lot maki 😒 ((marry me))
thanks for reading! Lemme know if you reqs pls :3
Reblogs are appreciated!
made December 16th 2023
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STAN: Hey uh. You kinda cute ngl
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GREGORY: Huh? I am? 
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STAN: Yeah I just uhm… are you gay? 
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GREGORY: Gay as fuck
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STAN: Let's date
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GREGORY: Okay pookie
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GREGORY: Wow Stan, you are so handsome
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STAN: I know honeybun
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GREGORY: oh my Satan you are so hot
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GREGORY: Yes snookums… I'm a demon
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GREGORY: Ow what the fuck
GREGORY: That shit hit me so hard that I got transported to a damn Wattpad fanfiction
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GREGORY: Fucking ow
GREGORY: You whore
CRAIG: That's what you get for dissing my merch
CRAIG: Smh my fucking head
STAN: Buhhh
STAN: What happened? STAN: What's going on?
STAN: Why is there a twink in my living room?
GREGORY: Shut up, Shane Dawson
STAN: Fuck you
GREGORY: Just so you KNOW Craig_The_Real_Tucker,
GREGORY: You just started a war you could never win
GREGORY: My account, GREGORY_CUTIE_PIE_3rd has over 14 million followers
GREGORY: They will ALL cancel you
 CRAIG: Not before I reveal your secret, bitch
GREGORY: What are you on about?
CRAIG: You’ll see what I mean when I make my 3 AM cancellation post lmao
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THOMAS: What the hell is going on in there?
THOMAS: I heard a chair breaking…
TWEEK: lord of Satan, it's probably some dumb petty internet drama
TWEEK: Let's not get involved
TWEEK: Nothing is worse than getting caught in the crossfires of influencer war
THOMAS: O… okay if you say so?
THOMAS: We should probably get out of the road though…
THOMAS: Estella had us watch a bunch of safety PSAS and im scared of dying
TWEEK: You're already dead
THOMAS: I- I know but I don't want to die twice
TWEEK: You can't???????
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TOLKIEN: Oh look what your bitching made me do, Clyde!
TOLKIEN: I hit a fucking deer!
TOLKIEN: ….think?
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STAN: What the fuck
STAN: What is going on outside
KYLE: Global warming? 
STAN: Other than what's not real
KYLE: Stan don't start with this
STAN: I'm just saying, if it DID exist wouldn't it make the whole world feel warm?
STAN: That's what they want you to believe
KYLE: Okay, you’ve lost talking privileges
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TWEEK: uuuughhh
TWEEK: That HURT you asshole
TOLKIEN: Look, Clyde
TOLKIEN: It's your new boyfriend
CLYDE: Aww is he okay???
CLYDE: Well SOMEONE was fighting so hard with me that they weren't looking at the ROAD
TOLKIEN: Oh so this is MY fault now???
TWEEK: Wait a second
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CLYDE: Awww man
CLYDE: You ruined my chances at asking out Tweek
CLYDE: What?
(Edits made by @pissblanket and @zemoleinyourtrashcan)
(Nyan Neko sugar girls art made by @zemoleinyourtrashcan credits go to Nyan Neko Sugar Girls for making the og images)
(Wattpad fanfic segment written by either @smilerzart or @cattpup5, unsure)
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 years
cold secrets, warm light (simon “ghost” riley x f!reader) - part 1/3
I wasn’t going to write more, but then I was like “okay what if…” and then this story was born. I’m splitting it into parts because this bitch lengthy as hell.
This takes place in the same universe as cold hands, warm heart and is seen as a continuation of that fic. A spiritual part 3, if you will.  
Rating: Mature (Explicit Language, violence, blood/injuries) 
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Fic warnings: hurt/comfort, tending to injuries, touch!starved ghost, mentions of murder/suicide (not related to main characters), unplanned pregnancy, angst with a happy ending, forced proximity (haha bitches u gotta live together), injuries/discussions of lack of mobility, canon-typical violence/consequences, reader goes feral to protect ghost, then he goes feral to protect her, mutual respect, lovers to soulmates.
** All the names of politicians are fake/do not relate to any living or deceased person. I also created 2 entire locations because I don’t want to use the real world lmao. (Al-Qunbar & Noreth)
No use of Y/N. Reader is described as muscular/toned with scars from active combat/torture, and no other descriptors are used.
Summary: Soap’s been shot. Price makes the call to bring him to a safe house occupied by an old associate. And when Lt. Ghost crashes into your orbit again, your treasured secret is revealed, and the aftermath inspires you to ask him to follow you into the light.
(Read on Ao3) ||| 🔪🔪🔪
“Fuck!” Soap shouts before he collapses into the muddy marsh. Ghost whirls around to provide cover. The ricocheting gunfire and Johnny’s desperate, pained breath in his earpiece fills his head. A migraine pounds behind his eyelids. They’re exposed. They’re sitting fucking ducks out here.
Ghost yells, “get up, Johnny!”
“I’m fucking tryin’” Soap grits out. He crawls through the mud and his leg drags uselessly and heavy behind him. His temples flare. His mud-streaked face flushes red under the hot Noreth sun. A stinging pain slits across Ghosts’ shoulder. He ignores it.
Ghost returns fire, “Price, tell me we’ve got evac!” He shouts brusquely into his comm. His voice crackles like a dry log. “Affirmative, Lieutenant.”
Bloody hell.  Ghost crouches into the tall, swaying reeds, his pants are slick with dark earth, and his reflection ripples in the rich, cloudy water before disappearing in a plume of umber. He pulls Johnny’s arm over his shoulders and lifts him from the muck.
“On your feet, soldier.”  He barks. The helicopter rains hell from above, covering their exit, as the Humvee’s tires squelch and squeal to a harsh, mud-splattering stop.
He yanks the door open, “Soap’s been hit!”
“How bad?” Price demands.
Soap’s face crumples and he turns his head away from Price’s line of sight. “I can’t feel my leg.”
The tires spin wetly. The truck jolts forward, jostling them, as Price’s boot slams onto the accelerator. Ghost doesn’t bother asking where they’re going. He trusts Price to get them the hell out of here and into safety. The wetland fades into dirt roads and tiny rocks rebound with sharp, tinny pings against the vehicle's undercarriage. Ghost hangs onto the handlebar above and frequently checks behind him.
“You’re bleeding.” Price observes. Shiny wetness glistens across his black sleeve. He doesn’t feel it. His body is thrumming with adrenaline. There is gunfire and grenades in his head.
Ghost glances at his arm. “Superficial.”
“Suit yourself.” The Captain murmurs under his breath. They pass farmland and wetlands. Most of Noreth is contained within these two biomes. It’s flat, and warm, and their winters are mild. Price joked that it wouldn’t be a bad place to retire.
“Still with us, MacTavish?” asks Price while glancing in the rearview toward him.
“Affirmative, sir.”
“Good. We’re here.” The truck crests over a small hill and Ghost stiffens at the sight of a woman approaching their vehicle. She raises a hand. Price slows to a stop. There’s a dilapidated barn behind her, its roof caved in, but he notices the flash of a sniper’s scope in the loft. On the side of the barn, a pickup truck is parked, and an obvious metal ladder juts from the truck bed. It feels like a set up. It feels like a trap. He stiffens. His finger poises over the trigger of his pistol.
“Price…” Ghost injects a note of warning into his voice. Where are they? Who is this woman?
“At ease, Ghost.”
She approaches the driver side window. Her head is wrapped in a navy Shayla and her chestnut brown hair peeks from the scarf. The right side of her face is scarred, her brown skin bumpy and ridged.
His chest aches. A phantom pain, an old memory. He doesn’t have a heart. Not even a cold one. He said goodbye to his heart nearly three years ago in a hospital room. But, if he were to think about it, about you, he’d remember your scars. He crushes the thought. He buries it among the rest.
“You’ve gone the wrong way, traveler.” She says, neither unkindly nor kindly. Her walkie-talkie crackles suddenly at her hip.
A voice slices through the static.
“They’re clear. Over.”
The words blind him. He grips the handlebar and his knuckle joints crackle under the pressure. It can’t be. It’s impossible. He must’ve misheard. But he doesn’t make mistakes. It is your voice. It’s you. It’s you, you, you–come back to haunt him, damn him, torment him with a life he cannot have.
You said goodbye. You both did. That was meant to be the end of it.  
You peer through the scope one last time, seeing Ghost, seeing Price, and your heart threatens to detonate your ribs and send your organs flying. You scramble on your stomach, intending to rise and join her, but Samira’s voice comes through the walkie-talkie.
“Three in the vehicle, one wounded. Over.”
You bite your tongue. Ice slithers through your veins, numbing them, and your teeth chatter in your skull. You stop yourself from asking how badly, or where, or whom. Samira is an ex-army medic, and her knowledge greatly outclasses your own. She’s needed. And you are better suited here.
“Go.” You reply, “send Agathi to cover your shift, over.”
Through the scope, you watch Samira wave at them, but Ghost clambers out of the passenger side. He looks directly into the loft. You nudge and wiggle yourself deeper into the shadows. It’s pointless. Awareness ruptures across your skin in equal parts euphoria and dread. You’ve dreamed of reunions. But that’s all they ever were, all they ever could be. Dreams. Paltry. Insubstantial. They were akin to the stories you created in the cemetery. A way to cope amidst the madness and subterfuge.
You bring the radio to your lips. Below, you can hear Samira arguing with Ghost that he cannot go into the barn because it’s dangerous.
“I bet it’s dangerous alright.”  He grouses. You snicker and roll your eyes.
Samira opens her arms to stop him. If the choice is between keeping you safe and helping strangers, then it is no choice at all for her. She will choose you every single time. You know this.
“It’s alright.” You announce into the walkie-talkie. “Go help the others and don’t make me pull rank. Over.”
Samira glares mutinously at the loft. She replies, “we have no rank. But I will go out of the goodness of my heart. Over and out.”
You stifle another laugh. Samira is pretending to be sarcastic and cold, but you know her better than anyone. She’s warm. She cares. You would not be here–you would not be alive–if not for her.
You set the rifle aside, though you are not unarmed as you climb down the rickety, wooden ladder into the decayed, rotting barn. You hear the truck pull away, gravel and dirt kicking up beneath its tires, and you walk toward the sliver of angelic daylight that pours between the large doors. You don’t use the barn door. It’s likely to fall off its hinges if you did. Instead, you push aside several wooden planks nearby and crawl out of the barn. You return the planks to their rightful place and kick grass with the toe of your boot to hide your tracks.
His shadow is the first thing you see. Big and imposing, stretching in the open sunlight, a dark splotch against the overgrown grass. You inhale slowly and prepare yourself.  
You meet his eyes for the first time in nearly a year.
The world stops spinning. Or it spins too fast. It’s hard to say. You feel, somehow, both grounded and completely out of orbit. Your throat is painfully dry, uncooperative, and you swallow around the strange tightness before breathing sharply through your nostrils. Ghost is as you remember. You are both relieved by his consistency and saddened by it. The world will change, regimens will rise and fall, ice caps will melt, but Simon will remain immovable and unchanging.
You observe, “you’re wounded.”
“It’s nothing I can’t manage.”
You roll your eyes. You don’t doubt it, but he should know as well as anyone that an injury can get infected without proper treatment. You walk to the parked truck and open the glovebox to remove the first-aid kit. The truck barely runs, but it’s good cover and makes it seem like someone is trying to repair the barn in case any patrols pass by.  
“Who else was in the truck?” You ask, setting the kit on the passenger seat and snapping on a pair of latex gloves.
Your heart freezes. You’re thankful Ghost he cannot read your expression due to your turned back. Your mind flashes with images, with memories of MacTavish. Your time was limited with him, but his kindness and earnestness made a lasting impression.
You cannot stop yourself from asking, “how bad is it?”
“Don’t know.” He replies gruffly.
“Classified?” You venture, glancing over your shoulder to him.
Ghost hooks his thumbs underneath the straps of his tactical vest and shifts his weight. You take his silence as an affirmative. He has no reason to tell you, really. You aren’t part of his task force. You aren’t anything, anymore. Not to him, not to anyone. With that thought firm in mind, you grab the scissors and approach Ghost, your expression calm and neutral.
“May I?”
Ghost nods stiffly. You lift his t-shirt sleeve with your littlest finger and snip away a section of fabric that’s caked and sticky with blood. Thankfully, the wound is little more than a graze. A bullet passed him but did not lodge itself into his skin. You click your tongue and smile archly.  
“I told you it’d be fine.”
“Not if it gets infected.” You say in a singsong, wiping away blood with an alcohol pad. He doesn’t even wince. You avoid his eyes, focused on the injury, though you can feel Ghosts’ attention burning into the side of your face like an open flame. It doesn’t need stitches. You disinfect the area and tape a piece of gauze. Your touch is careful and practiced and never lingering no matter how badly you want to.
Once finished, you drag your eyes away from the glaring, white square of gauze on his skin and drift toward his skull mask.
He holds your gaze for what feels like a lifetime. You haven’t forgotten the intensity of those dark, mysterious eyes. You recall them in every variation–heavily lidded with lust, intense and serious, suspicious, or dark and narrowed, bright like coffee with sarcastic humor and bad jokes.
Beneath his gaze, Ghost makes you feel as if you are the only object in the universe.
You realize slowly that your fingertips are on his bicep. You tentatively pull your hand away and his muscle jumps reflexively at the absence of your touch.
“It’s good to see you.” You admit softly.
His gaze softens imperceptibly. Agathi’s voice comes through your walkie-talkie, informing you that she’ll be there in a minute, and that she’s bringing along Kaja, so you can speak with ‘Mr. Price.’
You laugh when Agathi calls him ‘Mr.’ instead of Captain. Ghost’s breath hitches in his throat.
You respond, biting your lip to stop your smile, “copy that. Over and out.”
Your stolen moments of reunion with Simon beside the barn dwindle like dry tumbleweeds across the desert. You are grateful for whatever little time you have considering you never expected to see him again. Yet, you are selfish and wishing you could have more time.
You organize and store the first-aid supplies, tucking your bloody gloves in your back pocket to throw them away once you’re in the house. Ghost says nothing. He watches you. If it were anyone else–you’d bark at them for leering, for being creepy, but this is Ghost, it’s Simon. You are – intimately -  comfortable with his gaze on you. A sudden flush of heat burns your ears.
Agathi rounds the corner with Kaja behind her. Agathi is nearly six feet tall and seeing her next to Ghost is impressive and it puts his massive height into perspective. Her hair is short and blonde, and her striking blue eyes are hidden behind her large, dark aviator sunglasses. Kaja is younger than Agathi and a foot shorter. She is olive-skinned and has dark, ruffled hair that lays across her head like a raven’s nest.
“Whoa.” Kaja says when she sees Ghost, then looks to you quizzically, “he a friend of yours?”
You nod. “Old friend.”
“You said all your friends were dead.” Agathi says. She is less welcoming than Kaja and rightfully distrustful.
You smile at her. “They are.”
Agathi scoffs and pushes her sunglasses up at her nose with two fingers. She doesn’t say anything when she walks away from you, but you can feel suspicion radiating from her. However, the task force is under your protection, and she won’t do anything to anyone beyond sneering. Kaja watches you leave with awe on her youthful face.
After ten minutes of silence, you see your haven in the distance.
“Agathi has two boys. Sven and James.” You announce. “Try not to brood so much and scare them.” Ghost’s footsteps are light beside yours and you move like wraiths down the dusty road.
“That’s risky.” He intones, voice deep and scratchy.
You whip your face toward his, frowning. There is risk to everything, you think. But you know Agathi. You trust her. You care for her. You know Ghost isn’t judging her, only taking the intel he has, and drawing a pragmatic conclusion. Noreth is at war and traveling with multiple people–especially children–increases the overall danger. Still, despite knowing this, you cannot help but defend her.
“What? Was she meant to leave them behind?”  You shove your curled fists into your pockets. You made a similar decision six months ago. Although, in retrospect, it wasn’t much of a choice at all.
“Besides,” you continue, your tone and face hot, the sun beating down on the back of your neck like someone’s gaze. “It’s easier to think of this place as a sanctuary. A temporary place for refugees to recover before they continue onward.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Six months.”
“Since Al-Qunbar then.”
You wince at his steel-trap memory. Nothing slips by Ghost. Six months ago, you fled Al-Qunbar and settled into Noreth with Samira’s help. The recent conflict between East and West Noreth has torn asunder all the comfort and stability your little ragtag family found.
“Thereabouts, yeah.”
“And is this what the agency has you doing?” He motions with his chin toward the house, “running a safe haven?”
You suck your lower lip between your teeth, worrying flesh between your teeth, and shrug noncommittally.
The agency no longer owns you. No one does. You wish you could celebrate this with him, but you don’t know what his reaction will be. Will he call you a coward and say you are abandoning your country? Or will he be grateful that you’re no longer in the line of fire? That you're no longer puppeteering diplomats and manipulating powers beyond your ken?  If you explained your reasoning, explained why, would he understand? Or would he hate you for keeping secrets?
He doesn’t press for more information, and you don’t try to fill the silence with idle chatter. You’re reminded of your long, quiet treks through the fresh snow in Russia. Your face tucked in your scarf, the air bright and sharp, the sky a delirious blue like chlorine above your heads. You’d walk for hours without saying anything.
You watch two birds’ flit across a sky of cotton ball shaped clouds. You hope the conflict and fighting will not reach you, but you know it’s a foolish dream. Your lips twist in a chagrined smile.
Your safe haven consists of two buildings. The first is a two-story house with a front porch, bulletproof glass windows, and peeling, chipped green paint. There is laundry strung up on the line and it flaps like an elephant’s ear. The second building is smaller, the size of a studio apartment, the roof is squat and flat, and the brown paint appears baked-on from the distance. Price’s vehicle is parked outside alongside Kaja’s pet project motorcycle—still in pieces. The infirmary is sequestered and guarded from the main house. A necessary precaution for privacy and sustainability.
Despite the soundproofing and the roaring generator for electricity, you hear Price’s voice. You grimace, looking back at Simon briefly, before opening the door.
“And I’m telling you,” Samira exclaims, “I will not move him! He must not be moved!”
“I need him out of this zone in order to extract him.” Price says.
“He cannot go!” Samira’s dark brown eyes meet yours. “Talk sense into your old Captain,” She gestures impatiently with both hands. A bloody blue smock covers her clothes and a surgical mask dangled from one ear.
You ask, “what happened?”
Samira debriefs you. Soap was shot in his lower back. She managed to remove the bullet, but she suspects moderate to severe nerve damage, and he’ll need physical therapy included in his recovery plan if he wants to walk again. Price wants to remove him and return him to Scotland.
However, Samira explains he’ll need to wait a minimum of four weeks before traveling overseas, otherwise he’ll risk blood clotting and other complications. Although Price is willing to honor and uphold the secrecy of your haven and not request a direct evacuation–he wants to drive Soap to a safe zone and have him evacuated from there.
“He stays.” Samira says sternly, “or he dies.”
Price looks at Ghost and you.
“Lt, can I talk to you outside?”
You step aside to let them pass and approach Samira. You expression pinches in worry and you touch her shoulder. Your stomach binds itself into knots. In your mind, you see Soap smiling and crossing his arms after you defeated him in a card game, your heart alive with mirth for the first time in years.
You peel your words free like dried, white crafting glue, “is he going to be alright?”
“That’s mostly up to him right now.” Samira sighs, wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. About two months ago, a refugee died on Samira’s operating table from an ill-fated bullet wound. You hope that Soap isn’t as unlucky. Your eyes dart to the window to Soap and Price, talking with their heads bent low, and the knot in your stomach tightens.
“Can we move him to the house?”
Samira nods. “In a few hours, yes.”
“Good. I don’t like it when everyone is spread out.”
You wait until Ghost and Price are finished before offering to take them into the house.
Two blonde boys run out of the front door toward you. One has the gawkish and long-limbed awkwardness of a teenager, his pale face is dotted with pimples, his smile is wide and crinkles the skin around his clear, blue eyes. You open your arms and the smaller, younger one leaps into them. His blonde hair shines golden beneath the sun. You spin him in a circle, and he giggles, delighted. Ghost is momentarily stunned.
When was the last time he heard a child laugh? His expression stiffens. His breath shudders and fans through his mask. You set the boy down. His big, curious blue eyes look past you and toward Price and him.
“James, this is Ghost.” You gesture to him, “and this is Captain Price.”
“Like a boat captain?” asks James.
“Something like that.” Price responds warmly.
You introduce the teenager as Sven. Agathis’ boys clearly and obviously adore you. While walking to the door, James holds your hand and prattles endlessly about a ‘dragon game’ that he and his brother are playing. Your replies are warm, attentive, and genuinely curious about his make-believe game. He wonders if it’s an act. Another layer of subterfuge, to make the residents of this place feel welcome and safe, all part of your role—whatever that may be. But the moment the thought passes his mind, he dismisses it.
There is something to you that didn’t exist before. The light you carried within has changed, it has shifted, and he doesn’t know if anyone else can see it. He doubts Price notices it. The scathing, self-loathing part of him entertains the idea that you’ve fallen in love with someone. That would explain the lightness to your step and the glowing warmth of your smile. He roughly shoulders the dark thoughts to another dusty corner of his mind.
“And you, you’d be a red dragon.” James says knowingly, his voice filled with innocent wisdom.
You laugh. He wants to get drunk on that sound – your laugh. It bubbles inside his veins like dry, expensive champagne. It heats his skin like a good sunburn. He can endure any level of torture as long as he has your laughter playing on a loop within his mind.
“Why red?”
James clarifies, “because red dragons are strong! A-and they have magic fire powers.”
“Ah!” You chuckle, “that makes sense.”
James asks, “will you play with us after dinner?”
You don’t even pause to think about it. “Of course!”
The front door leads into a sitting room with overstuffed, stripey couches and black iron wood stove with a thick column that feeds into the wall. Next to it, a narrow kitchen is painted robin’s egg blue. A small, ancient white fridge is humming in the corner and the oven has several knitted washcloths dangling from its handle.
The light fixtures are barren, their sockets empty or completely removed from the walls their thin wires exposed like intestines. The file on Noreth comes to his mind. Earlier in the conflict, families blacked out their houses with dark, heavy curtains or bedsheets, or removed their lights to hide from the air raids. However, the aerial risk has since vanished now that Noreth’s only airport is smoldering ruins.
He imagines you efficiently pinning up curtains and unscrewing lightbulbs. He wonders if you said anything to the children, offered them explanations, or words of comfort. His tongue tingles like he’s pressed it to a live battery charged with a thousand questions.
Price is engaging you in conversation, and your voice is amicable, but your body language is guarded. He notices you – more than once – avoid a pointed question and maneuver around it like an Olympic figure-skater. Topics like Noreth’s political climate or the safety measures at the house are encouraged, but any personal questions about yourself or the other women living at the haven are swiftly evaded. Ghost stands near the door, watching through the window toward the road and he occasionally looks at you or the two boys building a puzzle on the living room floor.
“You’re confident then?” Price is saying, “Samira can handle Soap’s recovery?”
“I trust Samira with my life.” You say, steadfast and poised. Ghost’s molars gnash and he averts his gaze. Jealousy burns like acid reflux in his gut. “If I had any reservations whatsoever about her abilities then I would argue against her call.”
“You have everything you need for him?” Price prompts. Ghost almost wants to give him shit for being overbearing like an old, nervous mother hen. He checks out the window. All clear. Samira paces outside the infirmary, smoking. He finds that wonderfully ironic. A doctor who smokes. He scowls. Who is Samira to you? Do you trust her because of your circumstance? Or because you’re teammates? Or has something happened between you?
You respond, “yes.”
Price sighs heavily like the air inside his lungs is a physical object that he can lift and carry around.
“Samira says she’ll move him in a few hours. You’re welcome to stay until then.”
Price grins, “and stay for dinner?”
“It gives us a reason to take out the nice, fancy plates.” You smile easily. Ghost greedily traces the lines of your mouth from his peripheral vision. He can savor it when your smile isn’t direct at him. He wishes he could pull you aside, speak privately, but this isn’t a job where something as childish as wishes get granted.
He realizes he can’t stay in this room, listening to Price make small talk, hearing the soft murmuring and excited chatter of the children on the carpet. He needs to be useful otherwise his temper will shorten, and his mood will sour like curdled milk.
He says to Price, “I’m goin’ to check the perimeter.”
“Copy that, Lt.” Price nods.  
You chop onions for the soup stock and your vision blurs with tears. Through the blinking, wet haze, you see Price regard you with warm familiarity and steady, quiet gentleness.
“It’s good to see you alive, Lux.” He says softly. “Seems like I made the right call.”
Your chest warms. It’s nice to see his face and talk to him again despite the shitty circumstance.
“Getting sentimental in your old age?” You joke to hide how deeply his comment affected you. You’re happy to have the onions as an excuse for the tears strolling down your cheeks.  
He laughs. His white teeth flash and his eyes are enfolded by mirthful wrinkles. “At ease, solider.”
You wipe your wet eyes and glance toward the door that Ghost exited through. Price’s eyebrow notches upward and he leans his arms on the countertop. Your scalp prickles. You suddenly feel like a teenager caught passing a note to their crush in class. His perceptive eyes narrow and the unsaid question lingers in the onion-smelling air between you.
“He’s the same.” You explain quietly, shrugging.
“He’s not,” says Price.
You occupy your hands by scooping the chopped onions into a large soup pot and avert your eyes from Price. You aren’t sure if this is a conversation you’re supposed to have or meant to have. Ghost is private. It feels wrong – no – it feels treacherous to talk about him when he’s not in the room.
“You and MacTavish.” Price continues without prompting, “you’ve changed him for the better, I think.”
“Oh,” you say, “that’s good.” You say it like you’re commenting on the weather. You shove as much nonchalance into your tone to make it boring. Ordinary. But your mind spins wildly on its axis. Ghost has changed on some level because of you. And it was noticeable enough to catch the attention of his superior officer, someone who has known him for years. You wonder if it’s the same for you. You wonder if Price can see Ghosts’ fingerprints all over your skin. Wordlessly, you tuck your moth charm necklace inside your shirt.
The necklace isn’t your only secret connection to Ghost. There is a more precious, more sacred secret. And he’s sleeping upstairs. You imagine telling Price about him, but immediately disregard the idea. There’s no guessing what Price’s reaction would be. Or Simon’s. No. It’s safer for everyone if he remains a secret. Your heart aches with foolish, idyllic longing to walk outside and talk to Simon and pour out every feeling you’ve bottled over the past six months.
You redirect the conversation away from Ghost and shelve your deep, complicated feelings aside.
When he returns hours later, you are peeling potatoes. He admires your skilled, careful hands and the sunset behind you frames you in butterscotch gold and hazy yellow.
A memory hits his skull like a stun grenade. In Russia, you skinned a rabbit in front of him and he called you a ‘proper boy scout’. You laughed, your head thrown back, your hands red and slimy. He thinks that might’ve been the moment his heart started to thaw.
Samira says something to you in her native tongue. You reply with a faux-serious expression but then your eyes crinkle and your smile runs the facade. Is this what you’ve been up to? Making soup and hiding in old barns?
Steam rises and billows from the pot around your face like a cloud. You tap the wooden spoon rhythmically against the rim. His heart squeezes like a fist. Price and Soap talk lowly in the sitting area, Soap in a wheelchair, Price leaning his hip against the arm of the sofa with his muscular arms crossed and his face drawn.
The domesticity of this moment should frighten him, it should fill him with self-loathing, yet all he feels is keening, sharp yearning. This could be any kitchen in the world. It hurts to look at you. It feels like heartburn. He balls his fingers into fists.  
Price’s words come unbidden to his mind: “You need to stay here,” he said.
“What d’you mean?” Ghost said, scowling behind his mask.
“Noreth is a war zone. I can’t pull Soap out, so you need to stay here and look after him.”
“You’re kidding.” Ghost deadpans.
“Not counting ourselves, there are only two individuals on this farm that have combat training.” He knew Price was talking about you, so it was either Samira or Agathi who had experience, though he didn’t know which.
Price said, “There are few he’d trust with his life, Simon. But I know you’re one of them.” He couldn’t argue with that. He’d stay. Even if he didn’t have much say in the matter.    
Sven shouts from the staircase, “Lukas is awake from his nap! Can I bring him down?”
“Yeah!” You reply, your words followed by an easygoing smile. His gaze flickers back to the staircase at the sound of Sven’s careful, yet loud footfalls.
Sven carries a toddler in his arms that must be his youngest brother. He guesses his age is somewhere around 2 or 3 based on size alone. You mentioned Agathi had boys. Plural. It’s hard to imagine a mother of three crossing hostile territory, but he supposes anything is possible within the right circumstance. When you defended Agathi, your voice was filled with flushed pride and indignation like you were scolding him for being uncouth. His lips press together under his mask. He missed that—your spark. No one has a bite quite like yours.
The boy’s cherubic face is more solemn than bashful Sven or inquisitive, talkative James. And his big, round brown eyes must’ve been inherited from his father (who is likely dead, Ghost assumes, since there’s no one else at the safe house).
Sven settles the child onto the carpet and passes him a red toy truck.
“Beep beep!” He proclaims. His voice deepens to rumble the car across the wooden floorboards.
You ask from the kitchen, “Lukas, what do you want for dinner?”
“Mashed potatoes!” Lukas replies and his smile dimples his chin.
Samira rolls her eyes. Her lips twitch, and her sideways pose, and half-smile remind Ghost of a coyote.
“Naturally,” says Samira.
“He likes what he likes.” You say breezily.
You divide the soup into neutral toned bowls and Samira helps you hand them out. Price accepts the meal with a grateful smile. Soap complains about how little Samira has given him and she primly responds that he’s likely to throw up as a side effect to medication, so he ought to eat in small portions.
The soup bowl is between your hands like a tender, reverent offering.
He declines with a small and curt shake of his head. He ate an MRE during his walk-about of the property. He doesn’t have the stomach for anything else. He never could eat much on missions. He ate enough to keep him coherent, keep him sharp, but that was it.
“My cooking’s not that bad, is it?” You say with a teasing, familiar lilt to your voice.
He shifts his weight. His rifle, a comfortable weight, nudges between his shoulder blades. “Sod off.” He grumbles. Your eyes brighten followed by your smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He glances to the rest of the room. Everyone else is talking or eating. No one is paying attention to this corner. Some of the tension in his shoulders relaxes infinitesimally. He feels his jaw unclench, the sensation miniscule yet poignant, as he regards you.  
“Quit fishin’ for compliments.”
“Can’t blame a gal for seeking a little praise.” You cover your lips over your spoon, slurping, and mischief illuminates your expression. He watches you. Something low and aching and hardly forgotten comes to life and unfurls in smoldering heat. If you were alone—God help him—if you were alone…
He inclines his head ever-so-slightly, his voice deep and rumbling and dangerous, “consider it noted.”
Samira calls to you in her language. It grates at him. Is Samira trying to hide something? Does Price know what she’s saying? How much can they really trust anyone here? You’re quick to reply and you sidle over to her and Sven, though you switch the conversation to English.
His jaw tightens. You might suddenly come under fire from an ambush. He peers out the window. All clear. The walkie-talkie at your hip is silent. Price looks relaxed. You look relaxed.
However, it doesn’t mollify his sense of paranoia. The flatlands of Noreth are too exposed for his liking.
The property is filled with tall, thin reeds similar to switch or cord grass. It’s massive enough to camouflage his height if he crouches and he suspects the boy—James—can get completely lost in it. But the spongy earth makes it difficult to travel on foot and the lonely safehouse isn’t fenced in.
Thankfully, he did find an all-terrain vehicle covered by a mottled brown and green tarp which meant you had some evacuation plan if things went south. He glances sideways out the window again. All clear.
Johnny pushes on the wheels of his wheelchair toward him and he nearly knocks into Ghost’s heavy combat boots. He balances his empty soup bowl on his thighs. The heat and warm food has flushed Johnny’s neck and cheeks to a soft, dusty pink. It’s good to see some color on him. He was too pale and ashen on the drive to the safehouse.
He’s changed out of his tactical gear. He’s wearing an ill-fitting gray jumper and sweatpants. He assumes the clothes are from Samira because they didn’t bring their full kits. This mission wasn’t supposed to be overnight. Now they’d be stuck for a minimum of four weeks.
“I guess we’ll be here for a bit, Lt.”
“Looks like it.”
Following the abrupt, wheezing sound of your laughter, Soap tilts his head over his shoulder to you, then returns his gaze to Ghost.
“I know Price asked you to stay, but you don’t have to.” Soap begins, “I’ll make a quick recovery. And they need you in the field, running operations, not sitting here playing guard dog.”
Ghost shakes his head slowly.
“Orders came from Price, Johnny.”
“I know.” Soap sighs. He peeks over at you, Samira, and Sven again. Then murmurs quietly to himself, “won’t be all bad, I suppose.”
Ghost pretends like he doesn’t hear and ignores the part of him that agrees.
[ Part Two ]
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nykie-love-anime · 1 year
Day 18 ~ Road Trip
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The team during a road trip to the beach and their roles while on this road trip.
The one driving
Because coach and Takeda are tired after the year they just had and they deserve sleep
No other answers are accepted, except for Sugawara, because they want to arrive to the beach safely
Yeah coach Ukai and Takeda are there but the boys wanted to treat them for everything they have done for them
The one that brought snacks and drinks
Tissues for Tanaka because he usually cries during some movies
A first-aid kit because they are rowdy boys, they get into a lot of accidents
And movies to play on the car screen for said rowdy boys
The one that screams punch buggy the whole time when he sees a Beetle
He punches someone “gently” because man doesn’t know his strength
He is the one that cries at the movie playing
He loves to play dumb car games along with Asahi
Man loves to snack
“I want one.” He points at the chips in Hinata’s hand
“Give me that.” He takes the box of cookies from Asahi
“Let me just take that.” He takes the bag of chips from Hinata because he is less likely to bite him
Likes to play car games like the old man that he is along with Tanaka
Let’s Nishinoya eat his cookies because he brought extra just for that reason
Not that the rowdy boy ever lets him eat alone with the second box
Brought a volleyball ball and a net just for beach volleyball
Plays the games along with Asahi and Tanaka when he is not giving directions
The one that actually know how to read the roadmap when the GPS gives out
The co-driver whenever Daichi gets tired or just needs a break
Just being an amazing navigator not missing any signs where to turn or somethings like that
Backseat driver
He just likes to bitch about everything and everyone
If he doesn’t like the food you packed you will not hear the end of it
“This is a boring movie Y/N.” to “Could you not pack better snacks?”
“Can you guys shut up I am trying to focus on my music.”
Has his headphones on for most of the ride after he is done bitching
The one that sits in the very back, quietly for once while looking out of the window not bothering a soul
Because Kageyama is out cold for most of the drive he can be a bit calm
Just waiting to get to the beach to play volleyball because boy is obsessed
The sleeper
He loves his sleep and he knows once they get to the beach he is not going to sit still for a minute
The eater
But going back to sleep after filling his stomach
The one who reminds the driver to pull over so that everyone can go to the bathroom
Also remind the driver the boys needs to stretch their legs
And telling interesting facts about what he knows
“The cornea is one of only two parts of the human body without blood vessels.”
Then he goes on and on about what he knows but they love him so they pretend to listen to all his facts
Loves to give his 2 cents when Daichi and Sugawara are talking about certain things he knows a lot about
The one that has the perfect music taste
He plays music every time they are on a trip
Will accommodate everyone’s need when it isn’t crap songs
Like Hinata he sits in the very back
Reading the newest spy drama series he is interested in
Not talking unless he is spoken to
Also sits at the very back
He likes to play video games on his switch only bothering you when he is hungry for something
Like Kinoshita he is quiet unless spoken to
The one who reminds everyone to put on sunscreen once they get to the beach
Also the one who reminds everyone to drink enough fluids as it is very hot as to not pass out from dehydration
Coach Ukai
He is the one that doesn’t listen to Takeda and catches a nasty sunburn
He fell asleep after getting to the beach because he didn’t sleep to well the night before
Thanks to Takeda keeping him awake stressing about their safety on a phone call
Buys everyone an ice cream of their choice
Reads quietly while watching the boys play beach volleyball
Will participate when they ask her to help the with extra players
Like Takeda reminds the boys to drink water
Keeps the rowdy boys in check when they start to get to loud in the bus and on the beach as well
Plays volleyball along with the boys without being asked
She is not afraid to dive for the ball and everyone is impressed with her
Including you, her twin brother, who could not be prouder that you taught her how to play in your first year as high schoolers
Day 17 | Masterlist | Day 19
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six-costume-refs · 5 months
For the introduction and masterpost, click here.
This post includes both glitters and lighter shimmers. If you have a question on which is which, you can look up product swatches or send me an ask. Some of these products may be safer than others. The use of glitter in makeup is unregulated in the US and there's minimal oversight, but rules change depending on the country (I know the EU has stricter regulations but not sure on other countries). Some products listed have a glitter comprised of large plastic glitter chunks, while some have a shimmer just from mica and similar minerals; the mica-based won't be any different than most eyeshadows in terms of safety, but the chunkier glitters can be more complex. When buying a chunky glitter eyeshadow with chunky glitter note these good practices: - Glitters comprised of hexagon-shaped pieces are generally safer. - When using a loose glitter, use an eyeshadow glue and make sure that you use little enough that it's all safely stuck to your eyelids. - and I wouldn't encourage use if you'll be wearing the makeup look outside in the rain. - There's some additional safety information in the first reply on this thread, including application and removal info.
Some of these colors may glow under blacklight. I generally tried not to include ones that do, but I haven't personally used all of these and cannot always confirm what does or does not.
PASTES WITH GLITTER CHUNKS These do not require a glue unless otherwise noted. They are a larger chunkier glitter.
Lemonhead Spacepaste ($22) Colors: Starstruck or Gildebeast (Aragon), Viper or Jailbait (Boleyn), Silverlake or Discotech or Groupie (Seymour), Roosevelt (Cleves), Wonderland or Lovesick or Violet Hour or Wine Safari (Howard), Malibu or Bungalow (Parr), Silverlake or Discotech or Groupie (black alt/silver alt), Private School (teal alt), Dirty Penny (orange alt), Birthday Bitch (pink alt) - Personal rec: I love this glitter! It dries quickly, stays well, has a lot of bang for your buck, and looks great. Because of the drying time and larger glitter chunks, there's a bit of a learning curve so I'd suggest playing around with it in advance of any cosplay events. You also need a good silicone applicator. I bought it on a good sale and I'd definitely encourage that as it's more pricey. - These glitters are a hexagonal shape. - These glitters were provided to most of the queens in the mainland North American and some UK productions for the last few casts. They seem to be the go-to glitters for most casts.
Lemonhead Spacejam ($26) Colors: Rainbow Road (Aragon), White Rabbit or Interstella (Seymour), White Rabbit (black alt), Interstella (silver alt) - These are the same brand as the one before, but a different formula. - These glitters are mostly hexagonal, but some colors have some larger chunks in different shapes.
Designer Dust Co. Face Sprinkles ($10) Colors: I know some of the queens themselves have used Lights Out micro (gold/Aragon), Emerald City Skyline (green/Boleyn), Mirror Mirror (silver/Seymour), Dorothy's Red Bottom (red/Cleves), Bubblegum Bae and Disco Pants (pink/Howard), Blue Fly Skies (blue/Parr). The company has also created folders of the different glitters they suggest for the queens: Aragon, Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Howard, Parr. For alternate costumes, I'd look into silver although you could do black (black alt); silver and white (silver alt); Blue Fly Skies, Carolina Bae, Water Country Flakes (teal alt); C U Later, Electric Clementine, Hot Tamale, or general orange (orange alt); Baby Sparkles, Call You Mine, Erase Her, Piano Bar or general pinks (pink alt). - Erin said: these are easier to apply (smaller chunks/less pasty) than Lemonhead and suggested that the company's glue and silicone applicators be used in tandem with the face sprinkles (more details below). - These have a variety of glitter shapes. - These glitters were given to many of the US and UK queens by the company themselves.
Slayfire Cosmetics ($7-14) Colors: Golden Age (Aragon), Slither (Boleyn), Silver Tongue or Disco Dynasty (Seymour), Redrum (Cleves), Love Potion glitter gel (Howard), Majesty or Atlantis (Parr); Sabbath (black alt), Silver Tongue or Disco Dynasty (silver alt), Atlantis (teal alt), Rosebud (orange alt) - Some have an option of both glitter gel and loose glitter. For the paste style that doesn't require glue, choose the glitter gel. - Some of the North American actors have used these. They're a WOC-owned company and many of their colors will be particularly flattering on non-white skin tones.
CREAM/LIQUID GLITTERS/SHIMMERS These do not require a glue unless otherwise noted. They generally do not include large glitter chunks.
ELF Liquid Glitter Eyeshadow ($6) Colors: 24k Gold (Aragon), Bling Bling or Disco Queen (black/silver/Seymour, although I've seen several other queens use it as highlight), Ocean Eyes (Parr) - Personal rec: Good color payoff. You need an eyeshadow base underneath. - Many of the UK queens use this.
NYX Liquid Eyeshadow ($11) Colors: Lemon Slayed or Glitzy Guava (Aragon), Kiwi Killa or Watermelon Wealth (Boleyn), Come Thru Coconut (Seymour), Raspberry Rave or Strawberry Stacked (Howard), Blueberry Bank (Parr), Come Thru Coconut (black alt/silver alt),  Grapefruit Glow (pink alt)  - Many of the UK queens use this and seem to have great color payoff.
Nicka K Radiant Liquid Eyeshadow ($3) Colors: Golden Gemma or Gold Lava (Aragon), Marineblue Sparkle (teal alt)
Nicka K Roll On Shimmer ($4) Colors: FRG002 (Aragon), FRG001 (Seymour), FRG005 (Howard), FRG008 (Parr), FRG001 (black alt/silver alt), FRG007 or FRG008 (teal alt)
MAC Pro Longwear Paint Pot ($25) Colors: Born to Beam (Aragon) - This is my favorite product for Aragon.
Danessa Myricks Chrome Flakes ($26) Colors: Fireball or Hot Lava (Aragon and orange alt) - Several North American Aragons use this, as well as at least one orange alt.
r.e.m beauty lustrous liquid eyeshadow ($16) Colors: Hot Lava (Aragon), Telescope (Seymour), Milky Way (Parr), Experiment (pink alt)
About Face Fractal Glitter Eye Paint ($16) Colors: Apollo Empire (Aragon), Above Santorini (teal alt)
PRESSED GLITTERS/SHIMMERS These don't require a glue.
With Love Glitter ($8) Color: Gold Mine (Aragon), Tropical (Boleyn), Silver Sparks or Gunmetal (Seymour), Berry Red (Cleves), Hot Pink or Pink Lady (Howard), Blue Lagoon (Parr), Silver Sparks or Gunmetal (black alt/silver alt), Amor or Ocean Blue or Imperial (teal alt) - The West End now primarily uses this brand.
With Love Pigments ($12) Colors: Temptation (Boleyn), Fame or Cotton Candy (Howard), Blush or Fairy Dust (pink alt) - The West End now primarily uses this brand. They are a smoother, more metallic finish than the glitters above from the same brand.
MAC Dazzleshadow Extreme ($24) Colors: Kiss of Klimt (Aragon), Joie de Glitz (Boleyn), Discotheque (Seymour), Celebutante (Howard), Discotheque (black/silver alt)
MAC Dazzleshadow ($24) Colors: It's All About Shine (Seymour), Last Dance (Howard highlight), It's All About Shine (black/silver alt), Last Dance (pink)
De’Lanci Multichrome Eyeshadow ($17) Colors: Olive (Boleyn), Smurf (Parr), Siren Love (teal alt), Pluto or Rose Princess (pink alt)
LOOSE GLITTERS Six originally used loose glitters, but has been phasing them out. They all require a glue for application (more info at the bottom of this post).
MAC Glitter ($13) Colors: Very Pink (Howard) - These glitters were given to the actors by Six. The production has used these and other MAC since effectively the first West End cast, but have started to phase them out in the last year or two.
MAC Pigment ($18-25) Colors: Gold (Aragon), Rose (Howard), Copper Sparkle (orange alt), Kitschmas (pink alt) - Same as the MAC glitter.
NYX Face & Body Glitter ($6.50) Colors: Crystal (neutral/general), Gold (Aragon), Ice or silver (Seymour), Rose (Howard), Blue (Parr), Silver (black and silver alt), Teal (teal alt), Rose (pink alt)
NYX Metallic Glitter ($6.50) Color: Beauty Beam (Howard highlight, pink alt), Darkside (Parr) - Six has been phasing these out, but the pink is still commonly used as highlight and the blue still seems to be used by some UK Parrs.
Covar Beauty Loose Glitter ($4) Colors: Goal Digger, Mardi Gras, Gold Rush (Aragon); Pixie (Boleyn); Bling Bling, Blackhole, Talent, Shady (Seymour/black alt/silver alt); Rebel Girl, Work B*tch, Life of the Party, Go Bestie, Like Totally, Queen Tingz (Howard); Pity Party (Parr); Pity Party, Lucky (teal alt); Winning, Maneater, Fifth Element (orange alt); Queen Tingz, Go Bestie, Amor Prohibido (pink alt) - Some of the Broadway cast uses this brand.
Medusa's Makeup Glitter ($9) Colors: Gold Digger (Aragon), Key Lime Pie or Radioactive or Flash Dance (Boleyn), Heavy Metal or Sputnik (Seymour/black/silver), Antoinette (Cleves), Space Cadet (Howard), Moon Walk or Ozone (Parr), Liberace or Xanadu (teal), Orange Crush (orange), Cosmopolitan (pink alt)
Nicka K 12-Color Glitter Palette ($7) - the ESGL01 option is a 12-color palette with at least one great glitter color option for every costume, both principal and alternate. - the ESGL02 option is a 12-color palette with good options for Aragon, Seymour, Howard, black alt, silver alt, pink alt.
NYX Glitter Palette ($25) - This has good colors for a few queens and some fun ones beside.
Nicka K 5-Color Glitter Palette ($5) Colors: Love Sparks (a few Howard + single Cleves + single orange alt); Starry Night (two Aragon options + two teal alt or Parr); Medallist (options for Aragon, Seymour, black alt, silver alt); Electro Pop (two Seymour options, two teal alt options, one Parr, and a possible Howard depending on your skin tone and material colors)
Designer Dust Co. Glue - Erin suggested that this be used with the Designer Dust Co face sprinkles, although I suspect it could be used to similar effect with some of the others. She said this was helpful for easy removal as it allowed the eye look to be peeled off in one go.
NYX Glitter Primer - Erin said this is what was provided to the actors by Six. Both US and UK usually use this with the MAC and NYX glitters.
Designer Dust Co. Silicone Applicators - Erin suggested using these with the Designer Dust Co sprinkles. She said they can be used to smear the glitters on "like a spatula." - She also mentioned the liner applicators specifically.
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Would you be willing to do a Maria Hill/Vampire Reader? Maybe the Reader is on the run, injured, and breaks into Maria's house for safety?
thank you for being so patient! i can certainly do my best!
as this is a vampire fic be aware that there will be mentions of blood and body horror
If I had a heart, I was sure it would be pounding in my chest as I raced through the streets of New York.
Even at 1 in the forsaken morning the streets were still lined with people, cars still filling the roads and I did my absolute best to blend in with the crowd. My hood covered my face and the blood that was still sticking to my skin as I focused on the ground in front of me and dodged around as many people as possible.
I didn't know if the hunters were still behind me, their scent lost among the many others in NY but I wasn't ready to stop yet. Feet slammed into the pavement and I muttered apologies to the two young women I nearly sent flying.
I ducked into an alleyway on instinct. Even just a few metres away from people, the air was cooler and as my senses sharpened in the sudden stillness I was reminded of the pain in my ribs. My left arm protested strongly at my moving it- there was no blood, as I had none to bleed, but it still hurt like a bitch.
Couldn't go back home, not safe. Couldn't go to another vampire's house, potentially not safe under the best circumstances and I would definitely be in danger if I brought the hunters with me.
Gritting my teeth, I leapt onto a wall at the end of an alley, surveying the potential windows I could go through. Breaking and entering wasn't my favourite way to introduce myself but if no one was home I could bandage myself up and hopefully set my broken wrist without them ever knowing.
I settled on a darkened window- none of the other lights seemed to be on either, so either the people weren't home or they were fast asleep. The glass was textured, maybe it was a bathroom window? I hoped so, sneaking to the best of my limited ability along walls and over fences to my chosen destination.
There's a small glitch in the whole 'a vampire must be invited in' thing. It only really works if anyone knows you're there. Ideally, if I were to slip through a window and steal some medical supplies, I could be out before anyone knows I was there.
I reached the window and took a deep breath, ignoring the pain that flared up in response. As long as I was quiet, no one would know and I wouldn't have to suffer any more pain tonight.
Silently thrilling at my luck at the inch the window was open at, I pulled at the frame and tried my best to haul my ass in all stealthy-like.
My ankle got caught. My body tilted further forward than intended, slamming my ribs and head into the wall. I failed dramatically to suppress a scream.
The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor with my skin burning and the click of a gun safety about a foot from my head.
"What the fuck."
My wrist was killing me, my ribs even more so and now the homeowner knew I was here.
I felt a twisting agony writhe its way over my body, telling me to leave, to get out get out get out...!
"P-please, please- invi-ite me-" I cut myself off with a strangled scream. "Invi-ite me i-in, fuck!"
Through my half-closed eyes, I saw the woman's eyes widen and she hesitated.
"Pl-lease, I-I'm begg-ging you!" Undignified perhaps, but I was in too much pain to care.
"Alright! Alright, I... invite you in, I guess!" The white-hot agony instantly ceased and if I'd been standing up I would have collapsed onto the floor in relief. "No need to wake the damn neighbourhood about it."
Eyes closed, I pushed past the now-almost-insignificant rib pain and breathed deeply several times, relishing in cool bathroom tiles that I could feel through my hoodie on my back.
A swift kick to the shin opened my eyes, staring up at the woman still weilding a gun too close for comfort. I coughed slightly, wincing, as I remembered my manners.
"Ah, thank you, ma'am." I hauled myself up into a sitting position. This did mean getting closer to the gun, but it seemed too strange to be lounging on her bathroom floor. "I very much appreciate it, now if I could just steal some bandages and whatnot, I'll be on my merry way."
The gun pressed against my forehead, the woman's eyes as cold as the steel.
"You have no power here, so tell me what the fuck you're doing in my house at one in the fucking morning." Her voice was cutting and I wanted to hear more.
"With all due respect, ma'am, I doubt you would believe me so wouldn't you rather I hop on out of here?"
I saw her jaw clench and she fired a shot into my shoulder. I swore colourfully, feeling the bullet push through my flesh and out the other side. "Son of a bitch, ma'am! I already have fucked up ribs and wrists, why did you do that!?"
"Tell me what you're doing here." She fixed me with a glare and I got the feeling she was definitely an authority in her field of work. And It clearly involved a gun.
Unless I wanted a bullet through the head, I had to answer. I shrugged.
"Alright then, I'm a vampire running from hunters that fucked me up a bit, I needed a place to grab medical shit and your window was open and dark." I tried to analyse her face to see if she believed me. "I thought everyone was either out, or asleep, I just royally fucked up my entrance, okay?"
There was about three seconds of silence. She put the safety back on the gun and reached out her hand. "Sounds about right for me, come on."
I stared at her incredulously. "You're serious?" Reaching out a cautious hand, I was pulled up surprisingly gently.
She shrugged. "I deal with weirder shit on the daily." She made a gesture at the wall behind me. "Also, no blood spray or blood from where I shot you, so it's not totally implausible. Sit."
I sat where directed on the bathroom counter. "Alright, you're almost concerningly blasé about this but moving right along." Yanking my hoodie sleeve up, she set about examining my wrist. "Can I have your name, ma'am?"
Looking at me slightly suspiciously, she set about wrapping my wrist with a splint. "No, but I will tell you my name is Maria."
"Ma'am, I'm not a fey creature, I'm not gonna steal your name." I laughed, cut short as Maria pulled the bandage a little tighter. "Okay, ouch."
"What's your name then, weirdo in my bathroom?"
It took me a second to even remember- it'd been so long since anyone had actually asked me that question. I liked how it sounded coming from Maria, the way it was almost like she was tasting it.
The sick, monster part of me hoped it tasted like her own blood.
"Hoodie off." Maria searched under the sink for larger bandages.
I couldn't resist. "How forward of you, Miss Maria, usually I have to buy someone dinner for that kind of talk."
Unless I was mistaken, the ghost of a smile passed over her face before she rolled her eyes. Withdrawing her hand from the cupboard, she raised an eyebrow. "Well, do you want help with your bones or what?"
I did indeed need help, so I shut down any more comments and slipped my hoodie over my head and placed it beside me, looking mournfully at the hole now in the shoulder. Ah hell, it was ruined anyway, and I did my best to wipe the blood off my face- Maria hadn't asked yet and I wasn't sure I wanted her to.
Maria visibly blanched at the view and I looked down myself.
Oh. Bones shouldn't look like that, I was sure. It looked like something had warped the bars of its cage.
Maria seemed to reach for something on her waist, something that was evidently not there in her sleep shorts and t-shirt. "Stay there, don't move." She sighed at me and marched off somewhere else.
It only took a minute for her to return, a thick belt in hand. She folded it in half and held it out to me. "Put that between your teeth."
I raised an eyebrow and smirked. Kinky.
Rolling her eyes, she continued. "Pushing your fucking ribs into place is going to hurt, I don't want you screaming awake the neighbours so bite down on that instead. Try not to get blood on it."
Clearly she noticed the blood I'd done a poor job of cleaning off. Obediently I took the belt and settled it in my mouth, sharp fangs testing its strength. She might get a couple new belt holes but it would hold.
Maria looked at me, one hand on my side, the other just resting on my out-of-place bones. "Ready."
I inhaled, exhaled. Nodded.
The sudden pain was excrutiating. The leather of the belt broke most of the sound but I pierced through both layers, tears springing to my eyes as I felt my ribcage pushed back into place. Vampiric healing would have helped eventually but I didn't have the patience or the security to let my body take its unnatural course.
A sympathetic hiss came from Maria. I spat out the belt, breathing hard but trying not to.
"Fuck, that hurt like a motherfucker."
She was already wrapping me in bandages. "Don't take these off until you're healed or you'll fuck up my work."
I tilted my head back, eyes closed and doing my best not to relish her cool hands against my skin. "Yes, ma'am, whatever you say."
"Stay there, I'm going to get alcohol to clean your bullet wound." Maria vanished out the door and I could hear her heading downstairs.
I sighed. "Sorry, Miss Maria, but I gotta go." Staying in any place too long with hunters after me would be dangerous, for both me and her. I hopped off the counter and slipped my hoodie back on. Padding to the window, I paused for a second.
Backpedalling just a moment, I pressed a bloody kiss to the mirror where I'd been sitting. I pushed the window further out and, this time more elegantly, I slipped through the frame, leaving my bloody goodbye staining Maria's clean bathroom.
Standing on the wall just to the left of her house, I risked a quick look back.
"I'll be back, ma'am, don't you worry about that."
this got away from me a bit but wow i really like writing about vampires apparently. also i'm sorry for making the reader slightly southern american lol
hope you enjoyed it!!
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lofty-logic · 1 year
Villains & Heroes
Hello! This is my first fic, so please enjoy! MDNI please! This content has crude language, mature themes, and violence!
This is a Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader (Pro-hero x Villain)
2 3
If anything were to be the death of you, it was going to be running. The strain in your thighs, the pulsating pressure in your shins, and the stabbing pain in your lower lung were all signs that death was knocking at your door. However, stopping wasn't an option. Pro hero Dynamite was hot on your trail, and being caught meant certain doom, and you’ve come too far and lost too much to be caught now.
You had managed to run through several small alleyways, evading his explosive hands and nasty attitude, but your rope was running thin, and you needed to find a way to lose him before your body completely gave in on you.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I can’t keep running but I don’t have anywhere else to go from here. My only options are to find a place to hide here or run out into the open road. If I hide here, my only options are in a dumpster or behind a corner; neither of those options guarantees my safety and with how close he is on my ass, he’d be sure to grab me. If I run into the road, that gives him enough space to blast himself forward, and the bastard is too fast for me to evade in my current state if he were to do that.
Then came your saving grace. About twenty meters ahead of you, across the road that could be the end of your story, there was a stairway down into the subway. The subway would not only give your nasty hero any room to blast his way to you but also gave you a chance to escape. But was it worth the risk? If you didn't do this right, there would be no future for you; But if lady luck was on your side, you’d manage to make it, even if only by a small chance. It’s worth it. You take a sharp left, lunging forward with your newfound energy. There's a small crashing sound a few seconds behind you,
“Shit!” you hear him mutter, “You little bitch! You’re done for when I catch you!” He yells.
There are few people around, considering it’s probably about midnight now. Keeping a close track of time wasn’t the most important thing to do at this particular moment in time. But no matter, you’re ahead of him. You’ve made it halfway across the road when you hear him laugh, shortly followed by a loud BOOM.
You feel his heat by your right shoulder getting hotter, and hotter until there's pressure. He’s got a hold of your shoulder now and with it the fear of god running through your veins. You pull your right side forward, and duck to the ground, you push your heels off of the ground, balancing as best you could onto the pads of your feet, and push all energy to your calves. You’re able to push yourself forward and lose his tight grip on your shoulder while making it across the road and right up to the edge of the top stair.
No time to waste. You gather a new, deep breath of air and lunge down the stairs. I wonder if I look like a graceful ballerina. You chuckle slightly at the random thought and before you know it, you’re landing. There’s a sharp pain in your right ankle and it’s shooting into your knee.
“Fuck!” You stagger forward and look around.
“I’ve got you now bitch.” he says in a low growl, he’s got a hold of your left bicep. A tear rolls down your face.
You hate using your quirk, it draws too much attention, but this is a do-or-die situation, and you refuse to lose to him. You’ve been able to avoid and evade him this far, there’s no way you’re going to lose to him now. Not like this. You muster a small amount of air into your panicked lungs and focus your energy into your limbs, then you push. This sends a small and powerful burst of energy out into the world, sending Dynamite and bystanders back into the walls with a harsh thump, taking this opportunity to run toward the closing subway train doors.
You manage to push yourself up over the turnstile, running at a much slower pace into the train door.
Come on, push damnit!
And with one final groan and a lunge into the floor of the train car, you hear a Dynamite yelling behind you, then there is a loud slam, you turn to look over your shoulder, and find him pressed onto the glass, with a murderous look in his eyes. You can't help but smile and blow him a kiss as the train starts to move. “Damnit! Son of a bitch!”
Looking down at the floor, you can't help but smile at yourself. You’ve managed to escape him yet again, and it's only by pure luck. You take a moment to catch your breath before looking at your ankle. God that looks just peachy... To be frank, it looks like shit, and what's better is that you don't have anything on you to take care of it. Not only that but you have limited time before the train reaches its destination and you’re thrust back into this profoundly irritating game of cat and mouse.
“Maybe if you give it a kiss, it’ll feel better.” you look up to find where the small and fragile voice was, only to find a small child, hugging a Dynamite plushie close to their chest. You smile and chuckle while pulling yourself off of the floor and dusting your thighs off.
“You know, if I could bend that way, I would probably do just that.'' You say with a small laugh, the small child giggles and moves closer to their parent, patting the seat next to them. When you look up to see the look of horror on the mother's face, you feel a tinge of sadness. “Oh I'm sorry sweetheart but I’ve got to get moving. Thank you though, you’re very kind.”
They look slightly upset, but this interaction wouldn't matter to them an hour from now. You stumble your way to the end of the cart to find the emergency exit door. Off to bed, I guess.
You manage to push your way out of the door and roll out of the train. You follow the wall until you come across an emergency service door, leading up to the surface again. You stagger your way to an abandoned warehouse and force your way inside. Making your way through you look for anything that may help support your ankle until you get home. You’ve managed to find an old tattered sheet and a couple of somewhat straight sticks.
You make a shitty cast by tearing a long, thin strip of cloth and wrapping it around two sticks placed on either side of your ankle, shove your foot back into your shoe, and try to find any indication of where exactly you are. Making your way home through a series of back allies, and quick-paced walks across streets, you stop to see your neighbor, who also happens to be your best friend, Miko Lin. You live in a shitty apartment building in an area of town best known for its high crime rates and criminal sightings. Heroes don't often come here, especially alone, so you'll be safe here until you're well enough to go after your next target.
You knock softly on her front door, trying to be considerate since it’s about three am now. You hear small thumps and metal clanking against metal before the door swings open.
She looks over you quickly and begins her scolding, “Girl, what the hell have you done now!? Haven't I told you to be careful? I can't keep patching you up like this!” she whispers at you, dragging you inside to further assess the damage you've taken on this time around.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I figured you might at least want to see that I’m alive though” She laughs until she sees your foot,”
“ Oh my god, Y/N” she immediately drags you into the living room, setting you down on the couch while she runs to her bathroom to gather the first aid kit and damp cloths. “What did you do?” she asks while carefully peeling off your shoe and the torn sheet
“well, I had nowhere else to run to until I saw the subway stairs, so when I got to the top of the stairs, I jumped and didn't quite make as graceful of a landing, then I had to continue running and walking on it to get here.''
She tsks and begins to clean the area. Although it sucks when you get hurt, watching her patch you together is always soothing to you. She has always cared for you and aided you the best she could while you went through life like a bull in a china shop. Before you know it she is done. She wrapped your ankle and cleaned any other cuts you had managed to get from rolling out of the train.
“Do you want to take the couch or just go back to your room?”
“I think I’ll head home, I want to get a shower and lay low for a bit”
“Alright, well, make sure to stay off of your ankle for a couple of days and if it starts to hurt anymore, put some ice on it”
“Alright, thanks Miko” you smile and slowly make your way to the front door
“Night girl, don’t forget about our lunch date next week”
“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten. Good night”
And with that, you make your way home and take the hottest shower you can. Washing away all the aches and pains of the day and thinking over your tasks for the next week.
You have to clean up the apartment on Monday, train your quirk with Miko and Shin on Tuesday, meet with Miko on Wednesday, work on your plans for revenge on Thursday, and hopefully make it to Friday when you’ll have absolutely nothing to do and nothing planned. With your thoughts finally coming to an end, you’re brought back to the real world when a sudden rush of cold water runs down your back. Quick to turn the faucet off, you curse yourself for sitting in the shower too long.
You finish the night by washing your face, brushing your teeth, and crawling into the sheets for the night. Scrolling through your phone, you find news on today's events slowly being posted here and there. You manage to find your way across a video of Dynamite being interviewed after yet again, not capturing you. He looks pissed and angry as hell and it fills your stomach with warmth as you give a small snort,
“Serves him right after making me run like that.” You continue to scroll until sleep consumes you entirely.
You wake to hear a loud and consistent banging on your front door. “What the hell?” your question in a slur, while you stretch and try to decide if you should risk opening it.
No one comes to visit you, at least not without texting or calling first, so it had to be a stranger knocking on your door. Playing it safe after last night's events, you decide to ignore it until the stranger decides to leave your door, leaving you to catch up on laundry, dishes, and the bleaching of your bathroom.
Tuesday rolls around much faster than you'd wished it to. You wake up to your alarm, otherwise known as Miko shaking you awake at six am and pestering you to quickly put on some workout clothes and rushing you through the door. Today's outfit was a simple pair of black leggings, a gray tank top, a black jacket, and running shoes. Miko handed you a water bottle and helped you walk to the empty warehouse you normally trained in and proceeded to explain to Shin that you can't do any physical exercises due to your ankle.
“Well, then today is a great day for special move exercises then!” Shin says while reaching over to pat your left shoulder.
He had always been the more optimistic friend in your trio, and as annoying as it could be, you cherished him for it.
“What do you have in mind?” You say, taking a swig from your water bottle and replacing the cap.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about your quirk but I’m not sure I fully understand it yet. Care to explain and answer a few questions?” he says with his head cocked to the right and a goofy smile plastered on his face.
“You know I’ve explained this a hundred times, right? You laugh as you place the bottle and sigh as you start to explain your quirk to him again. “I can turn air into energy. I can use that energy to repeal objects from my body.” He still looked lost, so you try to explain in better detail. “I can’t push things with a specific body part, and I can’t control how far they get repealed either.” You say while rolling your head to face him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“That's what I think we should work on! I think we should spend today working on a specific body part and test to see if taking different amounts of air in will have any effect on how far things are pushed.”
“That's what I think we should work on! I think we should spend today working on a specific body part and test to see if taking different amounts of air in will have any effect on how far things are pushed. And maybe we can try to see if holding your breath helps any?”
That makes sense, but you'd think that after using your quirk since the age of five, if you could, in fact, do any of this, then you'd probably be able to do so already. But humoring Shin and his theory doesn't sound too strenuous and can be a fun way to waste the day, so you decide “why not” and wait for him to suggest the next step.
“Start by focusing on how your body feels each time you push out energy. Then, once you've memorized that feeling, try and force that feeling into your right arm. We will hide over there, behind that desk so we aren't thrown into the wall.” Miko giggles as they make their way to said desk.
Taking a deep breath, you start to push energy to the surface of your skin, noting how it slightly tickles when it’s about to be released. Once you release the energy, you note that the pit of your stomach feels tight, like you have a burst of adrenaline. You repeat the action four more times to make sure there is no difference in feeling or process before deciding to try forcing energy into your right arm only. It's hard, you aren't sure how to tell your body to only send energy into your right arm, and thus frustration starts to brew on your face.
“Think of yoga!” Miko yells from the wall “In yoga, you learn to focus on the feelings of each limb until you are in tune with your entire body.” she explains “Then, once you've understood how each limb feels, don't worry about the energy being sent through the rest of your body, but only focus on your right arm” So, you do exactly as she says, and after nine hours of this repetitive action, you end your day with the ability to flick energy directly from your right hand, but it’s not a strong enough force to do any lasting damage like when you release it from your whole body. Once you’ve made it home, you take a shower and pass out on your bed, not caring if you eat dinner or put your dirty clothes in the hamper. Those would be problems for future you to deal with.
You don't wake up Wednesday until your eleven a.m. alarm goes off, reminding you of your lunch date with Miko. when trying to get up, you immediately hate yourself, due to the almost unbearable soreness of your limbs from yesterday's training.
“It’ll be worth it when I use it~” you sing to yourself in annoyance as you slowly try to get dressed. You pull on a pair of black socks, black cargo pants, and a long-sleeved, cropped forest green shirt. Sliding on a pair of black combat boots and pulling your hair into a hair tie, you leave, locking the door to your apartment behind you.
You arrive at the cafe where you first met Miko, looking over the small crowd of people until you spot her waving at you in the corner. Making your way to her, you find she had already ordered for the two of you and is smiling a bright smile. It's too bright.
“What did you do?” you say sitting down across from her, taking a sip from your cup.
“Ugh, how do you always know when I’ve done something? Anyway, I set you up for a blind date,” she says while taking a bite from her sandwich.
“I’m sorry, you what!” you say, slightly choking on your drink “I’m not looking to date anyone Miko, I’m happy being alone right now.” you chide, hoping the universe decides to bless you with death from this embarrassing string of events.
“Oh come on, I know you. And one thing I know is that you need to get laid at least. Relax and have some fun, Y/N, it's not like this has to be serious or anything.” She sighs while leaning into her hand and resting her elbow on the table.
“I don't have time for any of this Miko, and you should know that,” you mumble into your cup, scooting closer to the table.
Looking around, no one is even aware of your existence at the small corner table. They all have lives and jobs of their own to tend to. Sometimes you wonder how life would have been if you would have continued going to school after high school. If you would have worked an office job, or maybe run a small business of your own. But instead, you were screwed over by your piece-of-shit mother and non-existent father.
“I know, but I want to see you happy and relaxed. Living a semi-normal life with someone you love, maybe even with a family one day. I worry about you, you know? I mean, have you ever considered what will happen after you complete your mission?” you can see the worry in her eyes as she sips on her coffee and plays with the corner of a napkin. You think over her words carefully, trying to elicit a response to show her that you’re fine and there is no need to worry. But she is right. You’d given no thought to what comes after, your only concern was to watch the people that were involved with ruining your life feel the pain of their actions. There was never a need to consider the aftermath though, not when you had given your life for the sole purpose of revenge.
“If it means that much to you, I guess I can give it a shot... But I'm not going to promise to enjoy it.” her face lights up like a firework, and she clasps her hands together.
“Really?! That's wonderful Y/N. Your date is set for six pm on Friday, and before you ask, no I don't know what he looks like because the dating site is created to be anonymous. You’ll want to wear something nice and meet him at the rooftop bar at the vault.”
“Well, I hope he is paying ‘cause that shit is expensive and I know you know I don't have that kind of money.”  Do you even have something that nice to wear? The rooftop is known to be a number one spot for dates and drug deals for top-class dealers and drug lords, with the occasional rich couple who either don’t know who they’re surrounded by or don’t care.
“Don’t worry, I already have that covered too and I’m going to take you shopping after this to find something nice, since I know you don't keep many nice things around.” she really had thought of everything, huh?
“Okay, fine.”
you both finish eating and leave for a series of stores. You had managed to find a floor-length dark blue dress with a black mesh top layer. It had a long cut starting at the middle of your left thigh and was backless. To go with it, you bought a pair of simple black heels
It was the opposite of what you normally wore, but Miko had somehow managed to make you feel like hot shit when you tried it on, and therefore she had bought it for you. She told you she’d come over to help you with hair and makeup and would convince Shin to join in sending you off on your potentially awful night of awkwardly talking to a strange man in a fancy restaurant, you would otherwise have no business being in.
After completing your night routine, you flop into bed and take a deep breath, knowing what tomorrow brings with it, and drift off to sleep. You awake at five a.m. in a cold sweat. Trying to gather your surroundings and remember why you were breathing so hard. Slowly peeling the sheets away from your skin as you recall your dream and make your way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and sit down in the living room. You were running away from something, but your leg was caught in a bear trap.
The pain was unimaginable, and you wanted to scream, but instead, you looked to find whatever was chasing you, only to be greeted by your mother smiling her unforgettable, disgusting grin and stepping aside to let all of those horrible men run past her. As they ran toward you, you woke up, allowing yourself to calm down from the memories of your mothers' evil smile and the faces of familiar men, some of which you had managed to drive to insanity after what they had done to you and your brother.
You took a deep breath and reached under the couch, only to pull out a small shoe box and begin placing its contents onto the coffee table. Bringing your coffee to your lips, you take a deep inhale, smelling the sweet, dirty bean water, and begin taking a sip, looking over your notes. Laid out on the table in front of you was a series of pictures, statements, and locations to find the remaining men your mother had hired to torture and abuse your brother and you when you were fifteen years old.
Your brother, being one0 at the time, did not make it through the abuse, and ended up being put into a mental institute by your wretched mother, until he later died by suicide at age twelve. You knew it wasn't suicide though. Your gut screamed it into your very being. You recall your escape after two months of your mother's paid treatment, leading you to find Miko and Shin, who convinced their parents to let you stay a couple of weeks at a time at their houses until you all could move out.
Your mother had hired a total of eight men, three of them you had already dealt with, leaving five more you needed to find, and then finally your mother. You remove the information of the last man you had dealt with and proceed to close your eyes. You ran your finger across the list of remaining men, stopping at a random place and opening your eyes to see who the next unfortunate soul would be to face your wrath.
Name: Reiko Bonin
Age: forty-eight years old, only forty-one at the time of your abuse
Last seen: entering a blacked-out vehicle on Ryo street three weeks ago
First, you do a social media search, it's the easiest way to find people. Except those who have reason to hide. Unfortunately for you, this mother fucker knew he had reason to hide, and did so, very well. The next course of action was to spend time on Ryo street and hope you find him somewhere, and if that didn't work, you'd have to rethink your approach.
You were lucky to find the last three, but you knew luck wouldn’t always be on your side and if they were still in contact with one another, then it wouldn't be long before they all started to go into hiding. You check your calendar to make sure you can spend the next week on Ryo and plan to do nothing but that. In the meantime, you will spend the day preparing any kind of weapons or tools you may need to help you when you find him.
Grabbing your backpack, you put a series of black dragon throwing knives, a camera, a small gun, and a small first aid kit, after the last mission's mishaps, an extra outfit in case you need to disguise yourself, and a burner phone. You hear your phone ring once from your bedside table.
Making your way to it, you find a text from Miko and Shin reminding you to sleep well for your date tomorrow and that they would be there at four pm to help you get ready. You sigh and place the bag in your closet, then grab a pair of underwear and a t-shirt to sleep in and make your way for the shower. You make sure to take extra care of yourself, taking the time to massage every soap, conditioner, and lotion into your hair and skin. After brushing your teeth and making your way to the bed, you pull out your phone and scroll until you find a video to fall asleep to.
You wake up bright and early at seven a.m., make a simple breakfast of eggs and toast with coffee, and drink water while you unwrap your ankle. After Miko had taken care of it, you noticed it didn't take as long as expected to feel better, and since it looked fine and was easy to walk on today, you don't bother replacing the wrap she had left on it. You decide to stretch out your sore muscles and lay on the couch watching anything you could find to pass the time.
Time passed slowly and the longer you lay there, the more you heard sleep calling your name. You then jump awake to the sound of Miko and Shin knocking at your door, you stumble off the couch and reach the door to let them in, Miko runs straight past you and into your bathroom, where she sets up all of her tools and products for your “glamification” as she called it. Shin, however, made his way to the kitchen to grab snacks and drinks while telling you all about how excited Miko has been for this hour to finally arrive.
You grab a bar stool and take it to the bathroom to sit somewhat comfortably while you spend the next two hours having a pair of hands in your hair and on your face while having them talk your ears off. When you finally get the chance to look in the mirror, you see that Miko had left things pretty simple. She used just enough concealer to hide small blemishes and discoloration, used the structures of your face to naturally contour and blush your face, and did simple winged eyeliner and mascara, while your hair was slightly curled and one side had been pinned back to add a bit of detail. She put simple black earrings in your ears with small diamond-like jewels hanging from them and told you to change while they clean up the mess they made in your bathroom.
Once you let them know you were done changing, they opened the door and began their hype man comments. Miko fixed any damage you had made to your hair while pulling the dress on and putting your shoes on and Shin grabbed his keys and waited to walk you to the car.
“Make sure to tell me all of the details and don't be afraid to call if anything goes wrong,” Miko says as she hugs you goodbye for the night, and Shin begins guiding you to the car,
“Don't worry, I can take care of myself, and I’ll tell you how it goes in the morning” you turn to head to the car and sit in comfortable silence until you arrive at your destination.
“Hope you have fun Y/N, I'll stay in the area for about three0 minutes in case you need anything, then I’ll be a call away.” he smiles at you before handing you your phone and waving you goodbye.
One deep breath through your nose and an exhale from your lips and you make your way to the door. You explain to the hostess about your blind date and she leads you to an elevator, then to the roof and towards a booth in the back of the fancy restaurant. A redheaded man is sitting under the low light of the table with the brightest and sharpest smile you have ever seen someone give to the world. Something is wrong. You know him, but you don't know how yet.
“Would you like something to drink?” the waitress asks with a small pin and notepad in her hand,
“just water is fine.” you don't want to risk getting drunk until you know where this night is leading and how you know this man. She nods her head and makes her way off to the bar.
“Wow, you look amazing. If I would have known how beautiful you were, I would have prepared myself a little better” he says while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling with a slight tinge of pink on his face.
“Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself either” you smile slightly and pick up the menu, “ Have you been here before?” you ask as you look toward the ridiculous price next to each item.
“I have, the food is amazing and the staff is always great.”
so he has a decent paycheck then... or he's lying for the sake of impressing you.
“Really? That's amazing, do you have any suggestions from the menu?” you glance at him, and he is watching you. His stare feels all too familiar. Like he is waiting for something, or maybe he knows you somehow.
“Well, I love the katsudon, they fry the pork just right and the meat is really juicy,” he says, waving a waitress down.
“Then I guess I'll give that a try.” you fold the menu back and place it on the end of the table and wait.
“Are you ready to order?” she asks, yet again pulling out her small pin and notepad.
“Yes, can we get two servings of katsudon and another glass of water?” he says handing the menu to her once her hand moves away from the paper.
“Of course, we will have that out in about one0 minutes, is the wait alright-”
“it's not a problem at all,” you say before he can speak to her again. She nods and runs back to the bar before walking to another table.
“So what would you like to talk about?” he questions with a small smile.
Now is the perfect time to figure out how you know him, but what will you do when you know? What if he is someone bad? How will you run? Can you even run from him? He looks to be in perfect shape. No matter how small he seemed when you walked toward the table, this man was no doubt strong and tall.
He wore a white button-up with the sleeves rolled just past his elbows. The top two buttons were undone and he had a simple silver watch that shined when the light hit it just right. His muscles were unavoidable, and for some reason, your gut was screaming at you to get out while you still can.
“What do you do for a living?” you say as innocently as you can, considering the panic you're trying to hide from your face and voice.
“Oh, I work in public service.” he says while reaching for his glass “What about you?” he says before drinking.
Shit, what kind of answer was that?! How many jobs out there fall under the category of public service?
“I do some freelance writing” you lie “I haven't written anything for a while though,” you say looking down at the table before taking a sip from your cup. Something is wrong. I need to find a way out of this.
“Would I know any of your work? What kind of writing do you do?” he says leaning into the table slightly.
“Oh I don’t think you’d have read anything of mine, I'm not that good and it has been a long time since I put anything out there.”
Why is he so interested in this? This is the one thing you could come up with that would have turned someone away from the topic!
“Well that's too bad, I like to read a little bit.”
The waitress then appears out of thin air and places two plates and a new glass of water down for the both of you and removes his empty glass. It's silent for several minutes while you both grab your chopsticks and begin picking at the parts of your food you found looked especially good.
“I'm sorry, but I have this feeling that I’ve seen you before. I don't think it was for any kind of writing though,” he states as nonchalantly as taking a nice, big breath of fresh air.
Fuck! How did he know I was lying? And how did he say it like it was nothing? Does he know how much that statement has fucked me?!
“Oh? I don't know how you would know me then,” you say laughing a little to try and convince him or maybe change the subject.
“You know, I think I need to use the restroom, do you know where I could find it?” you ask, setting your chopsticks down and waiting for him to point to the much-needed privacy of the bathroom.
“Oh..it's in the corner over there,” he says while pointing behind you.
“Thanks, I’ll be really quick,” you say while sliding your phone out from under your thigh and hiding it from his gaze while you walk quickly to the bathroom.
Texting Miko and Shin, you beg for them to come quickly until Shin tells you it’ll still be about two0 minutes before he can be there but they are on their way.
Shit, this is just my luck. What did he say his name was? Did he even tell me his name? Fuck!
You ask Miko if she recalls his name and she tells you he said it was Kirishima. Googling his name, you are met with pictures of Pro hero number five, otherwise known as Red Riot, and your heart plummets to the floor.
You’re dead. Everyone knows he and Dynamite are close friends, and there is no way you can get caught right now. There is no way he doesn't know you're the one Dynamite has been chasing after for three consecutive crimes now, and that damn bastard has somehow found his way to you like this.
Miko: Is everything ok?
Y/N: No! Why didn't you do a google search or something for this guy? It's Red Riot and I'm absolutely FUCKED!
Shin: Oh shit.. does he know it's you that they’ve been after?
Y/N: no.. maybe? I don't know. He hasn't outright said it but I think maybe he implied it?
Miko: I’m so so sorry girl, we are about a five-minute drive now so try to hold out a little longer.
Y/N: five minutes?
Miko: fifteen* sorry, typo
Great. What now? If you stay in here, he may send someone after you or surround you with cops. Maybe the safest thing to do would be to join him again? Sucking in a deep breath, you try to stop the involuntary shaking and make your way back to the table.
This time, you make note of any exits you can find and any other potentially recognizable faces. There is only one emergency fire escape in the very back, across from your table. Yay! But it consists of nothing but stairs. Shit! It's still a way out I guess.. it's better than nothing. You sit down again and pick up the chopsticks.
“Are you alright? You were gone for a bit,” he asks.
Screw this guy, he's fucking with you and you know it.
“I’m alright. So what did you say you did for work? Public safety? What exactly does that mean?” you ask, trying to take any attention off of you that you can with the information you have available to you.
“Oh you know, just try to keep people happy and safe!” he says with a smile. Seriously? How vague can you be, dude?
“Oh, well that's wonderful.” you smile down at your plate and pick at the food, unsure of whether you could trust eating it anymore. You sit in awkward silence, one you could almost cut through with a knife.
“You’ve figured it out, haven't you?” he asks, almost as a statement.
You look him dead in the eyes, and that gives him his answer.
“Well, then you should know something.” he bates you into listening, but you are trying to feel for a vibration under your thigh, telling you your friends have arrived.
“We have all the entrances and exits covered, so there is no way for you to escape this time. It would be smart for you to come with me, without making any fuss or trouble.” he is talking quietly.
You grit your teeth and squeeze your dress with your free hand. How could you be so naive? Even if Miko didn't search him up, you should have asked for more information. You can't blame Miko entirely for this mistake.
“I won't go so easily you know. I've managed to make it this far, and you haven't stopped me. Even your number two, Dynamite, couldn't catch me.” you spit the word out of your mouth, hoping to make him just as upset at their failures as heroes.
But he doesn't do anything. There is absolutely no sign of any emotion from him. He is just sitting there, calmly looking at you. While you're sitting in your pool of hate and disgust for the hero and your moment of stupidity that brought you here tonight, you feel your saving grace.
“Can I go to the restroom before you take me in?” you ask in a quiet voice while staring down at your plate. He waits before replying to you,
“Yes, but I will be outside the door, so don’t bother thinking you can escape me.” you nod and stand, letting him guide you to the bathroom. Once you’re in, you call Miko again
“Im fucked, they know who I am and he said the building was surrounded, so running won't be an easy option.” you whisper, not wanting to risk anyone else hearing you easily.
“Shit, I’m so sorry Y/N, let me try to cause some kind of distraction down here. Stay on the phone though, so you can listen for an opportunity.”
And so you wait. It's been a minute, maybe two before you hear the fire alarms going off, and the sprinkler system starts to turn on
“Did you start a real fire?” you ask, making your way to the door, peeking out slightly to see if Red Riot is still there.
There is absolute chaos everywhere, couples are running around trying to make their way to the fire exit or the main doors and staff members are trying to take off their aprons and push their way through the crowd. Once you spot bright red hair toward the main doors, you find him trying to guide everyone out, so you remove your shoes, and make a run for the fire escape. You manage to slip your way through the crowd and are now making a quick dash for the bottom of the stairs.
That is until you're shoved into a door from one of the other floors.
You hit the ground hard, and people are barely missing your limbs as they try to make their way to the door you had just come through.
“Thought you did something smart there, did ya?” a familiar and rough voice calls out to you, you don't have time for this though.
Crawling your way back onto your feet, you try to make your way to another door, hoping it's an exit.
“I don't think so.” He says, grabbing your upper arms tightly and speaking into your ear, “You got lucky running from me last time, but you would be so lucky this time.” he says while he walks you toward an exit.
Why did that turn you on? You could feel his breath on your ear, and his voice was low and rough, and it made your stomach flip and your legs weak. What the hell is wrong with you Y/N?! You can't be worrying about this now, you need to get away from him. You decide to use his guidance to your advantage and let him take you all the way to the ground level.
Frantically, you begin looking for Miko or the car. When you spot her, you decide now is your chance, and take a deep inhale of air. You focus the energy into your arms, hoping that the added focus would help pry his warm and calloused hands off of your arms. Then, you release the energy you've stored into your muscles, sending everyone around you to the ground and the walls of the buildings. He didn't let go of you, but when you sent everyone flying back, he hit the building, and he hit it hard. You could hear him gasping for a breath and took that tiny moment to make a run for it. You slip your arms out of his grasp, and trip on your dress, causing you to pick it up, and run for the car.
“God damnit!” You hear him yell behind you, and you start running on your toes, leaning forward slightly to increase your speed, and using every bit of energy you can gather to sprint toward the car, Shin starts to slowly drive off, while Miko holds the door open and reaches her hand out for you.
Your legs are burning and you want to cry, but that will have to wait for later. You can feel the familiar heat from his hands getting hotter and hotter as he gets closer to you, reaching for your arms. You decide to take your chances and jump for the car, pushing off the ground as hard as you could. You close your eyes, praying for a split moment that whatever gods or deities are out there favor you just one more time and let you escape the hell that would be to come if he caught you.
Then you feel a hand on your arm. It's warm and tight, but it's soft. You open your eyes to find Miko holding you and crying while the tires of the car screech to life and you hear the door slam shut behind you.
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ronanceisintheair · 2 years
Back with more dystopia au thoughts because it's stuck in my mind(the goal Is to start it around mid December):
Nancy winced and grimaced; she forgot how much of a bitch it was to be covered in bruises. Spending two weeks in the city did that to a person.
Made them comfortable: hot meals only a few steps away, plumbing and running water within arms reach, and the warmth and safety of four walls and a roof. Even if most of them were made out of scrap metal and reconstructed concrete.
Nancy lifted her shirt, tenderly touch the side of her abdomen that had taken the worst of the blows, "fuck" she hissed. She was definitely in for a bruise.
She let her shirt fall, looking up and finding herself more than a little surprised to see Robin so far ahead, as if she was purposefully trying to keep distance between the two of them.
"Road Runner wait up," Nancy jogged to catch up, despite her bodies protests.
"Are you mad at me?" Nancy had a curious crease in her brow and the slightest pout on her lips. "I got us out of there alive didn't i?" She adjusted the strap of her shotgun, the one that had jammed and forced her into hand to hand combat.
Robin clicked her teeth, looking up at the sky. Not a single cloud visible, just the harsh beating sun.
"I'm not mad at you, I'm annoyed." Robin put a little more space between them so their elbows or shoulders wouldn't actually touch.
"Because we're alive?" Nancy's voice was teasing.
"I'm serious." Robin stopped and faced Nancy, who followed her lead, stopping to face the other.
"I'm serious too, tell me what's on your mind." Nancy reached out but didn't quite touch Robin.
"You should've told me your plan. Should've told me the extent of the danger we.. you...were possibly going to get into." Robin took Nancy's hand, the one that wasn't mere inches away from touching her. "You're wreckless." She didn't sound disappointed or annoyed, if anything there was some sense of admiration in her words as she removed the black leather glove Nancy always wore over her metal hand.
"You're reckless and we're partners now. So you should've told me." Robin played with each mechanical finger, or maybe she was testing to make sure they still worked properly.
"So you could stop me?" Nancy watched their hands, her face feeling warm, but not from the sun. This was different.
"No. So that I wouldn't have looked like an idiot while you got your ass beat-"
"I won!" Nancy blurted out.
"Just tell me the plan next time Hot Shot." Robin finally put Nancy's glove back on and started walking again.
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the ask about shuji with a feral partner 😮‍💨
shuji can’t take them anywhere. even when he goes to the counter at the coffee shop to get his drink and the barista ogles at him a second too long, they lean against the counter with a “fuck off, yeah? he’s mine bitch ♡” and he has to drag them away before they’re banned from YET ANOTHER business lolol
will pay for a double at the bar just to dump it on some poor girls head that was talking to shuji. and then laughing about it hysterically (ngl he stifles a laugh too)
and your hc about being a passenger princess!! it’s enforced— after too many speeding tickets and wrecking at least one vehicle, he just has to do it for their safety
shuji has made jokes about putting his partner on a leash, and it only gets them excited and insist they try it, but at home 😏😏
The best part is like, the apartment is so secure in that relationship. It's the chaos and the adrenaline and the dopamine that's addictive when they act out. They love a show. They aren't afraid to be the show. They're loyal as hell and it's just a problematic way to express that.
Feral partner the type to overhear other girls at the cafe gossiping about why such a hot guy is with her...what he must like in bed....how they could def take it better....so feral partner orders a black iced coffee and tips the barista 50 bucks to write "hope your strap game is good" to simply unsettle them or "all 9 inches of his are mine ❤️" to assert dominance.
I like to think after feral partner got break checked within an inch of their life and then actually got the other car off the road to nearly earn aggravated assault shuji drew the line. He also has lots of fidget toys for them to keep distracted.
The leash joke!!! Someone else says it. Maybe Kisaki. And partner is just like "oh shuji, baby, I didn't know you showed tetta those videos. Shall we invite him in person next time?" And then Kisaki actually implodes and shuji just chuckles as his partner casually sips their drink.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Destiel Fic Recs
Time for another installment of River reads too much! Get your freshly minted fic recs.
Camp chitaqua by teen_dean @urne-buriall (Teen, 38k)
This fic is pure cuteness and joy, with some soft pining. Dean is ramping up for another year of summer camp. A mixture of training and fun for hunter kids, Dean pours himself into supporting kids going through traumas like the ones he survived. But the introduction of a mysterious and seriously hot new counselor (and his adorable son) throws Dean a curveball. 
This one has some great "Dean with kids" vibes and some great Dadstiel. It had me smiling and outright laughing at times. Plus we love a messy disaster Dean in this house. 
Bitch Better Have my Money (Series), by duckyboos @duckyboos-blog (5 works, Explicit, 254k words, another installment may be coming) 
Okay I am late to the party on these, so a lot if people have gotten to meet the mobster murder husbands, but I have to recommend this series anyway (with the caveat to mind the tags because things do get gory). 
Dean and Cas are such reluctantly horny for each other disasters in this fic and I basically devoured the entire thing in an embarrassingly bloodthirsty manner. The fic is loosely a Bad Girls AU where Dean, Sam and Charlie accidentally steal from Cas (a seriously bad crime boss), but neither seems to be able to resist the pull of the other. Dean finds himself being pulled into Cas' world and what he finds there opens up entirely new possibilities.
Take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 95k)
If you want a soft, healing fic that will in turn destroy you and leave you with a soft peace, this is the fic for you. 
Dean has retired and is restoring an old house, hoping that someday it will be a home. Cas is newly human and on the road, trying to prove to himself he's worthy. Sam and Jack are off on a road trip. In other words, things are fractured. But with quiet determination, maybe they can restore more than the house. 
Oh this one hurts so good. I, unfortunately, downloaded it for a plane and had to pretend to be normal in public while Doth broke me apart and put me back together. But the story is so good and the landing is smooth. 
Lazy ass rising by Fellshish @fellshish (Teen, 7.5 k)
Fells continues to perfect the art of making you laugh your ass off only to slip in a line so devastating and vulnerable, you feel your entire chest crack. 
Cas is back. Kind of. He needs a vessel to shack up in while Jack rebuilds his and Dean is willing to oblige. More than willing. Maybe a little too willing but there's no time to unpack that. 
Little does Dean know that Cas has nefarious plans to pamper Dean and feed him vegetables and make him nap. The horror!
It's about the time and space to be and the caretaker finally learning to accept tenderness and care himself. It's soft and sweet and hilarious all at once.
The Angel of Emetgis V by KaylieMalinza @kayliemalinza (T, 28k)
It's so many of my favorite things. Angel lore, science fiction, trueform!Cas and smart and competent Dean. This fic is so incredibly entertaining and the worldbuilding is amazing. 
After making a deal to save his brother, Dean is stationed on the Emetgis V, a broken down space station and vestige of a great migration of humans from the failing Earth. Years ago, it's said angels appeared and saved humanity by powering ships that took them to safety. But that's the thing of myth and legend. That is until Dean is doing routine maintenance outside the ship and he fines a glowing sentient orb of light.
PS, yes I did a list of trueform fics and neglected to mention this one yesterday. Nonny, come read this one!
More Than Kisses by FriendofCarlotta @friendofcarlotta (Explicit, 29k)
I'm admittedly a sucker for an epistolary romance, and this one hits just right. In an attempt to avoid repeating 11th grade, Dean agrees to join a pen pal extracurricular program. Things get off to a rocky start, but Dean and his pen pal, Cas, soon find themselves confiding in one another. Over the years, they become a constant in each other’s lives. But the status quo is threatened when Cas gets a new opportunity.
This fic is all about the emotional intimacy. Dean and Cas are both so lonely at times and the way they connect in letters is beautiful to watch. There’s a vulnerability but also a safety to writing letters and FriendofCarlotta really digs into that. There's something soft about this fic that makes it a comfort read.
Huckleberry by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (General Audiences, 14k words(
You know how sometimes you read something that is so clearly a love letter to the subject matter that you kinda just want to bask in it? Yeah, that's this fic. Resident fandom cowboy enthusiast ValleyDean explores what would happen if Dean and Cas were sent to Tombstone and Cas had to use Doc Holliday as a vessel.
There are layers of pining as Dean and Cas compete with Doc and Wyatt for biggest dumbasses (affectionate). It's funny, entertaining and surprisingly poignant with some lines that will make you want to stare at the ceiling when you should be sleeping. 
You're My Dream Come True by Redamber79 (Explicit, 29k)
If you are looking for some fluffy, filthy smut with a side if heart melting friends to lovers sweetness, this is the fic for you. Dean and Cas are roommates and have been dancing around their mutual attraction for years because they are both idiots (affectionate). But when Cas shares a silly meme, he accidentally catapults them into new territory.
This one is very smutty so mind the tags, but it's their established feelings that set it apart. This Dean and Cas are just so far gone for each other and cocooned it the sweetest (yet dirtiest) little bubble. It's a true delight. 
Research Methods by TatteredBurningWings (angelshotgun) (Explicit, 8k words)
A smutty and hilarious romp in which Dean comes up with increasingly ridiculous reasons to hook up with Cas. This one is a whole lot of fun, particularly as Dean’s excuses for totally platonic bro sex with his bro Cas get more outlandish.
Basically, if you love a good the rituals are intricate fic, this is definitely what you are looking for.
___tag list___
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbugger @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi
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Draw your swords, pt. 6
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Summary: Losing someone can make you realize what was already there and the Darkling is about to find that out the hard way.
Warnings: angst, violence, swearing, bit of fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five  
Five days have passed and the Darkling had never stopped looking for his wife. His men never saw him rest, sleep was simply never on his agenda. He barely ate at all, merely giving time for the rest of them to gather their strength.
He was restless, constantly questioning how this could have happened. No matter how he looked at it, the Darkling felt guilt consuming him. Without his rage, he worried the guilt would have paralyzed him. Had he not went on a pointless hunt for something that’s likely a tale, she would have been right by his side, antagonizing him.
It’s been hundreds of years since he felt this way, as if his heartstrings are being pulled by someone other than himself. In this search for Y/N, he realized she is consuming. After all, she might have been right – a part of him may actually care for her. He cursed that part of himself over and over again as result.
They’ve tracked her toward Fjerdan borders. Every now and then, they would find bodies on the road, their throat cut or stabbed right through the heart. Sometimes, he found them alive still. He never refrained from calling on his shadows, trying to draw useful information to close in on their whereabouts.
Y/N never saw him use his shadows before. He couldn’t help but wonder if she’d disapprove of the means he’s using to find her. After all, she called him a demon on their wedding night. She would never accept him as he is, he had no doubt about that.
Did she want to be found by him?
The first body they found, the Darkling smiled. He didn’t question it was her hands who have taken the man’s life. There was no concrete proof, but he was certain of it. Every body found felt like her own version of breadcrumbs.
Closing his eyes, he exhaled heavily. If she managed to set herself free so many times to leave what was now five dead men behind, he couldn’t help but worry for her safety. What was the price of each crumb she left?
It wasn’t just the exposure to snow he worried about – and he did worry as she got cold too quickly and he was the one to warm her up before. Who’d warm her up now?
The darkness of the forest gave him cause to worry too – she may have tried to hide it, but he knew she was afraid of the dark. He realized it when her breathing turned shallow and fast their first night together just as she extinguished the candlelight. The next night, he left his candle to burn long into the night.
Something stirred inside him, a beast has awakened. Despite the war his heart and mind waged, he wondered if he’s his own worst enemy. Maybe it was time to let someone in. For too long, he had been alone in the shadows of his past lives.
Why is he repeating the same mistakes?
How can he be afraid when he married a woman who never blinks in the face of danger?
His heart was ice and stone until she came and now the ice has started to melt. All he’s done is hurt and destroy, but he wanted out of the loneliness that clings to him.
She was right, as hard as it is to admit it. He’s a demon, a devil that walks the earth and he cares. Because of her he hopes he might love again and he can’t let anyone take that from him – hope is the only thing stronger than fear. And when a devil falls in love and discovers hope, it’s the most hauntingly beautiful sight. They should fear him as he will go to the depths of hell to protect her.
While his eyes may have been closed, his heart jumped as a bright flash forced him to open them again.
He was never given a chance to be soft. His hands had to be bloody, to have people fear him. Only when they feared him, they wouldn’t hurt him. Now was the time to show them just why they fear him.
“Where?” He growled out, looking to Ivan and Fedyor who were looking at the sky.
“East”, Fedyor replied hastily, ready to follow Kirigan who set off in said direction without a second thought. He didn’t order anyone to follow, but they did.
Ivan and Fedyor walked two steps behind their general, alert as the flash had awakened them from a deep slumber. They weren’t the only ones shaken, unsure what they’re walking into but none showed fear as their general lead them straight to the source. Their loyalty, their belief in general Kirigan runs deep.
Except for David. He was afraid. He didn’t want to be in that forest and he didn’t want to be in danger, but he trusted Kirigan. Besides, Y/N was nice and Genya seemed to like her. So he came along too.
Kirigan walked in strides, the snow didn’t slow him down. His hands formed fists, his face twisted in anger, but his heart pounded in his chest as he had no inkling what he might find. All he knew was that he had to get there, fast.
As if made of darkness itself, the Darkling emerged on what looked like a battlefield. The trees surrounded a small clearing covered in snow that melted under the spilled blood – still warm as it poured from the dead surrounding her.
She’s on her knees, two Fjerdans chaining her up as if she’s a wild animal.
“You think you’re scary, huh?” She spat at the Fjerdan’s feet – a crimson liquid, Darkling realized. She’s bleeding.  
“That’s adorable”, she chuckled maniacally as she held her fierce gaze on the Fjerdan stood before her. They pulled her left hand behind her back and her right hand in front as they tightened the chains that were secured over rope that laid just beneath.
Darkling’s blood boiled. It is fear that brings rage, that hot burning anger that seeks to harm. Once again, he was afraid, not of her but for her.
Four more Fjerdans came from behind the trees, all covered in blood. “Fucking bitch”, one of them kicked her in the ribs and he couldn’t take anymore. He could kill them easily for what they’ve done – he’s killed every one of them he ran into in the past five days without even blinking, regardless if they were involved in her disappearance or not.
“Mister, I’ve seen scary and you don’t have his handsome smile.”
Licking his lips, the Darkling nearly smiles at her remark. There’s no possible way she means anyone else but him. Looking at his Grisha, he found them nearly all in position. They would attack in a minute, swiftly and deadly.
Yet in a moment of carelessness, he missed the Fjerdans realization they’re being watched. Too quickly, more of them appeared. The pitiful human managed to land a few consecutive blows to Darkling’s face before drawing a dagger.
Angry, dark eyes showed the Fjerdan that the Darkling’s brain is in a different mode, that he has switched gears from empathy he had for his wife to cold emotional indifference. Never once has he directed this mode in Y/N’s direction, yet it emerged when he sensed a threat to her life, letting out a part of him that was full on protective.
Grunting, the Darkling’s eyes narrowed at the human who dared to sink the blade into his heart. Despite his immortality, he could still hurt. The pain of a stab wound felt just as it would if here as fragile as the human before him.
But he’s not human at all.
Connecting his hands, the Darkling lifts his head as he summons the darkness that spills from every corner of the forest. “Foolish”, he sneers, “Attacking me in the dark?” The Darkling smirked, walking past the petrified Fjerdan, allowing his shadows to administer a thousand cuts for his transgression.
As he walked toward the middle of the circle, his shadows followed, aiding his Grisha in taking the rest of the Fjerdans so quickly that Y/N gasped.
Looking around in shock, she found Kirigan kneeling beside her.
“You have a knife”, she coughed into her shoulder, “A knife in your chest.”
“I promised”, he gasped for breath as he pulled the knife from his chest. “That I would protect you and I intend to keep the damn promise.”
On the brink of tears, her lips quivered before she laughed. “I thought you’d let them kill me.” Better to laugh than cry, she thought.
Frowning, he shook his head. “That would be too easy”, he waved David over who stood at the tree line, wide eyed. “If anyone’s going to kill you, it should be me.”
Even with tears blurring her vision, she giggled at his stupid remark. She had tried so hard to free herself.
It wasn’t the first time she had been captured by enemies, she knew what to do. But there were so many of them. Each time she freed herself, they would descend upon her. She managed to run, twice, each time they dragged her back kicking and screaming.
Despite his words, Y/N didn’t believe Kirigan would come for her. She had to be her own hero and she tried. In the end, she used everything at her disposal – everything.
Feeling the chains drop, Y/N glances at David, “Thank you.” The ropes were cut as well, but she didn’t move. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure if she could stand on her own and asking for help would wound her. Rubbing her bruised wrists, she reluctantly looked at Kirigan.
“Here”, Kirigan offered his hands. Truth be told, he wanted to carry her, but he knew her pride wouldn’t allow it.
Hissing, she forced herself up despite Kirigan’s offer. “I am perfectly capable of walking on my own.”
He’d have asked her again because she trembled when the wind blew. Her hair was matted with blood, her face red and not from blushing. He could see the damage they’ve done more clearly now as she bent to take a deep breath as if the simple act of breathing hurt her.
Staring at her, he nodded despite his better judgment. Her breathing was ragged, dragging her feet as she walked. She felt his eyes on her, it unnerved her. All she could do is hope her legs don’t give out, but it felt as if they would betray her any moment now.
“Go and make camp ahead”, he ordered his Grisha to speed up as he realized her stubbornness would kill her. Stepping before her, he wrapped an arm around her waist. There would be no asking her for permission this time, he’ll not allow her to deny his help. Hoisting her up in his arm, he held his breath as she cried out in pain.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
How could he not bring any healers? How could he have been so stupid?
Groaning, she sent him a stern glare yet found no anger in his. His eyes are like the ocean - they have the potential to destroy, yet when the waves reach the shore, they dissipate, leaving soft designs in the sand as a gentle reminder of its presence.
Leaning into his embrace, Y/N let out a gentle sigh of resignation. She’s been caught in the riptide and for once, she doesn’t want to fight it.
“I really thought I’d die”, she admits reluctantly.
Feeling him stiffen as he held her in his arms, Y/N frowned. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said that, or anything at all. This isn’t what they do, they don’t bare their hearts open.
“And when I faced death”, she continued regardless. Tilting her head to look up at him, she let out a shuddered exhale. A shy smile adorned her lips as their eyes shared a gaze so tender, an outsider would believe them to be in love.
“I thought how silly it is that I don’t know your first name.”
Snorting, Kirigan raised his eyebrows, “Really?”
“Yes”, she breathes out.
Looking at her now, the Darkling couldn’t believe this is his wife. The woman who infuriates him so often seemed so small, so fragile in his arms. Her gaze held remains of the horrors she was cast into and yet he never saw her as earnest before.
“I married you and I don’t even know your name.”
Licking his lips, he stops. Truth be told, no one actually knows his name. His name was long forgotten, a piece of his soul he had left behind in the fold. He promised himself he’d never utter it while he lives. He had promised he would never be that man again.
Unfortunately for him, he seems to be breaking his promises lately.
He promised her he’d protect her and he failed, just as he promised himself he’d never care for her and yet he does.
“Aleksander”, he mutters, still unsure if it’s the right decision. He placed one of his greatest secrets in the hands of a woman who’d see his world burn. He gave her power she never should possess and yet he’s not afraid. No one could make him fear anything after the ordeal he was put through since she decided to tear down his defenses.  
Smiling softly, she closed her eyes. Resting her head on his shoulder she felt satisfied. It may be small, but finding out his name felt like a victory. She was born to play this game, it was her destiny. He is her destiny.
Waking up, she found herself wrapped in several blankets inside a tent. Grunting, she struggled to sit up on her own. It seemed to be dark still, but she had a blue light lantern lit inside. She may not know who left it there, but Y/N was thankful. Despite her fear of dark, she found it odd she did not fear Aleksander’s darkness at all.
When his shadows nearly encased her in the clearing, she didn’t fret or worry. She smiled.
As contradictory as it may seem, she wished he was with her now. Her entire body ached and still, she was more bothered by the empty spot beside her. Shaking her head, she bites her lower lip. Would it be so bad if she showed a sliver of vulnerability for a single night? Would making a small concession such as this truly take away her power?
Before she has a chance to change her mind, she’s already outside of her tent. The cold chilled her to the bone, biting every inch of exposed skin. Teeth chattering, she looked to the tent next to hers as it was the only one so close – seemingly intentional.
Trying to open it in the cold seemed impossible as her fingers shook violently. Feeling faint, she wondered why she couldn’t just stay in her own tent for the night. Surely it would have been a better idea than to admit she’s scared to be alone.
A warm liquid trickled down her lip and she nearly laughed at her own idiocy. The darkness and cold and her own injuries have all been fairly good reasons for her to just sleep and try to recover and she still tried to find her husband who showed so much disdain for her in the past.
Just as she was about to give up, a familiar head of hair peaked through.
Shivering, she wipes the liquid from under her nose with the back of her hand. Looking at it, she realizes it’s blood. There’s a slightly dazed look in her eyes, the blood loss suffered over the past days leaving its mark.
Looking up at Kirigan, her lips tremble and she sways slightly as her legs threaten to give out. “I didn’t know who else to go to”, she mumbles meekly before collapsing into Kirigan’s arms.
No…Aleksander’s arms.
Pulling her inside, he wrapped her in his arms as she shivered. Covering her with blankets didn’t seem to help either, but he had confidence it would soon enough.
She closed her eyes, clinging to him and selfishly, he smiled. It brought back memories of the night she climbed atop of him to warm up, he assumed. She didn’t know he was awake then, but she did now. She trusted him enough to seek warmth and as her shivers stopped slowly. That’s when the Darkling realized he would never deny her anything she asked of him.
“Fuck”, he whispers under his breath and her eyes open.
He looked at her in a haunted way, a shadow of a bruise marred his jaw and she reached up to touch it, her chest aching when he nuzzled into her palm. They have never been quite as tender with one another, never so intimate. It felt surprisingly nice.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” She asked, feeling so emotionally raw. Physical pain and lingering fear of impending death must have weakened her for a short while. Surely, she can allow herself a few moments of humanity?
He caught her wrist and pulled her hand down to press flat over his heart. “Here.”
Drawing a shuddered breath, her eyebrows knitted in worry. That’s where the knife was, she remembered with guilt. He could have died for her. Hating him requires too much energy; one she had little to spare. For the night, he can just be her husband and she will just be his wife. What harm can it do?
“Why did you come for me? Didn’t you say you wouldn’t fight for me?” Her confidence wavered as he sighed, brushing his fingers along her cheek. Not only did he come for her, but he murdered men for her.
Blinking slow, half in a daze as a low-grade fever began to grip her too, she had no more strength to deny how beautiful he is or how disarming his charm is. He may never love her, but she could…she could love him. If she ever fell for him, she knew she’d never be able to unlove him. She wouldn’t want to and that…that felt oddly comforting. For once, she was too tired to listen to her mind that preferred to set the world on fire rather than care for him.
As her eyes closed and her face relaxed, he stayed awake. He didn’t understand it, but he embraced the warm feeling spreading in his chest as she fell asleep.
“I’d burn this world for you.”
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard​
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Word count: 3199
Warnings: Cursing, violence, mentions of blood, and assault.   
Title: ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Summary: Your Alpha walks in on you being tied to a chair and he is not happy. 
You had been a well-kept secret from the public. No one knew that your famous Pro Hero Alpha was courting an Omega or even in a long-standing relationship. Your Alpha was too paranoid about your safety to let any of the news outlets find out about your existence.  
You supposed it would have been beneficial for the public to know now that you were in this situation. Surely if the villains knew they would come across an Omega, resting in their nest, they wouldn't have tried to rob the Pro Hero’s house. 
You put up quite the fight once you smelled unfamiliar Alphas near your nest. One hard knock to your head had you subdued. You didn’t dwell over your quick loss considering one Alpha was nursing his swollen balls. 
You got in one good kick before the painful hit fell on your head. 
Now here you sat, tied to a chair, while the robbers argued with each other and what they should do now.
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🧊🔥-“I told you we should have checked the place out before we robbed it! I would have never tried to rob the place if I had known a freaking Omega was here!” The brunette Alpha growled, glaring at his blond friend. 
🧊🔥-“What’s the big deal? So what if the little icy-hot freak has a girlfriend? We will be out of here before he even comes home.” The blond scoffs, shoving expensive silverware and china into his black bag. 
🧊🔥-“You should know how Alpha’s get around their Omegas! He is gonna hunt us down! I don’t want a Pro Hero on my ass.” The brunette seethed, glaring at the goose egg on your head. “Especially since you decided to hit the poor thing! We will be lucky if he doesn’t skin us alive!”
🧊🔥-“The bitch hit me in the balls! Of course, I thumped her one on the head, serves the Omega slut right!” The blonde huffed, sick of hearing his partner complain instead of ransacking the place. 
🧊🔥-“Mmh.” You mumbled, your eyes blinking open to a fuzzy view. 
🧊🔥-“Fucking shit! They’re waking up! I’m not dealing with a weepy Omega.” The brunette cursed, going into Shoto’s office to avoid the whole situation altogether. 
🧊🔥-“Well, if it isn’t Miss nut-cracker.” The blond chuckled darkly, walking over to your tied up frame.
🧊🔥-You didn’t back down and just glared at the dumb fool. 
🧊🔥-“Aren’t too smart, are you? What type of shitty criminal robs a Pro Hero? Dumb ones, that’s what.” You spit, narrowing your blurry eyes at him. 
🧊🔥-No doubt you would need to go to the doctor after this whole ordeal. Not like you would have a choice. You were sure even if they didn’t lay a hand on you that Shoto would have insisted on one. 
🧊🔥-“You dumb little bitch!” The blond lifted his ring covered hand to hit you again. You tried not to flinch as it came down to strike you. 
🧊🔥-The brunette stood in the office doorway, his bag filled with expensive clocks and other expensive desk items. 
🧊🔥-“I got everything in the office. Did you...” The brunette didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
🧊🔥-The front door was busted open. Shoto had smelled two Alphas on the other side of the door and he was not pleased. He was even less pleased when the door slammed open to reveal his battered Omega tied to a chair. 
🧊🔥-His mismatched eyes turned dark. The temperature in the room both dropped and elevated at the same time. His tired body was instantly filled with murderous intent. 
🧊🔥-A loud growl shook the room. 
🧊🔥-How DARE they lay a hand on their Omega! His vision tinted red and his fangs dropped. 
🧊🔥-“This will only take a minute, Y/N. I’ll take out this trash.” He calmly said, his tone was so cold you felt yourself shiver even knowing his silent rage wasn’t directed at you.
🧊🔥-“Yes, Alpha.” You responded, making sure voice quivered a little. You may have been glaring right back at the intruders before he came but you wanted them to suffer so you played the scared Omega role. 
🧊🔥-They lost your sympathy as soon as they pulled you from your nest. 
🧊🔥-The robbers, who were frozen in fear by the intimidating Alpha’s entrance, shuffled into action. 
🧊🔥-The brunette was quick to give his partner up. “He hit her, not me!” He said, before running down the hall, looking for a way to escape. 
🧊🔥-“You fucking asshole!” The blonde shouted, trying to run out of the room as well. 
🧊🔥-He didn’t get far, ice trapped his feet and his lower body soon followed. Shoto made sure to form it in a way that sharp icicles tore at his skin if he so much as moved half an inch. 
🧊🔥-He wanted to shoot an icicle into his leg for good measure but he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood off his floor. He wished to burn the skin off his bone but you had forbidden him from using fire in the house. 
🧊🔥-He had accidentally caught one of your favorite blankets on fire and was banned for life. 
🧊🔥-“We didn’t know she was here! If we had known we wouldn’t have come!” The blond groveled, panicked at the feral look in Shoto’s eyes. 
🧊🔥-“You could have left after you saw my Omega was here, but you stayed and decided to hit her too. You should be lucky I didn’t just kill you on the spot.” He growled, cutting the blond’s cheek just a bit with an ice shard. 
🧊🔥-The blond just whimpered and passed out. Shoto was quick to hunt down the other and give him the same treatment. He had made it out of the house so he was pleased to release his burning anger out on him. 
🧊🔥-Once they were out of the way, Shoto ran to your side and burning away the binds holding you down. 
🧊🔥-“Are you okay, my Dove?” His voice was soft, his cold hand going up to your head and trying to soothe the aching bump. 
🧊🔥-“Yes, I’m just a little dizzy. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” You leaned into his gentle touch. 
🧊🔥-“I’ll call someone to deal with those two. Let’s get you to the hospital, my Dove.” He hurriedly lifted you and carried you to his car. He treated you like glass when he sat you down in the passenger seat. 
🧊🔥-You leaned your head against the cold window as he dashed around to the driver’s side. Your head hurt too much to look out the window so you kept your eyes closed. 
🧊🔥-Your Alpha made sure you didn’t accidentally slip asleep. 
🧊🔥-You let out a small whine when a thought crossed your mind. 
🧊🔥-“Alpha my nest is gonna smell like them.” You sniffed, opening your teary eyes to look at him. 
🧊🔥-Shoto’s hands went white on the wheel, his face contorted into a snarl. He couldn’t wait to visit them again at the station. He had friends there that wouldn’t hesitate to turn a blind eye. 
🧊🔥-His anger instantly simmered when his eyes met your glassy ones. 
🧊🔥-“Don’t worry, Little Dove. I’ll buy you more. We can even go shopping at that blanket store you like so much.” He assured, taking one hand off the wheel and clasping it in yours. 
🧊🔥-Your eyes lit up. “Really! It’s kinda expensive though, I don’t need new ones. I am sure we can find some nice second-hand ones.” You squeezed his hand, bring it up to your lips to place a kiss on it. 
🧊🔥-Your exhausted brain choosing to ignore the specks of blood on his hand. 
🧊🔥-“My Dove, what have I said about me spending money on you?” He gently reprimanded, his eyes still soft. 
🧊🔥-“Accept it and say thank you.” You repeated without delay. 
🧊🔥-“Exactly, I won’t hear any more about it.” He ended the discussion, his eyes focusing back on the road while his hand remained in your grasp. 
🧊🔥-If your head wasn’t killing you, you would have been bouncing in your seat. “I can’t wait! They are coming out with some pretty fall blankets soon! Oooh! We have to get some cute Halloween ones too!” 
🧊🔥-“Anything you want.”
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💥-“Why did you have to hit them!? Ground Zero is gonna come after us now!” The brunette cried, desperately holding ice to your head in hopes that the bump on it would go away. 
💥-“Shut up! Get back to robbing the damn place instead of taking care of the freaking Omega.” The blond hissed, throwing a plate at the panicked Alpha. 
💥-You sat back in the chair not knowing how to process the situation. You knew dating a Pro Hero was dangerous but you thought villains would be your main concern, not petty burglars. 
💥-“If you leave now and don’t take anything, I’ll tell him I tripped and fell.” You wouldn’t, but they didn’t know that. 
💥-“See! Let’s just leave. We can go rob some other place.” The brunette pleaded, already trying to untie you. 
💥-The Omega in you wanted to feel bad for the whining Alpha but then you remembered he messed up your nest when he dragged you out of it. You Omega was fuming. 
💥-I just got the nest just right! She huffed, pacing around in your head.  
💥-She didn’t seem threatened by the Alphas in the room. She knew her Alpha was coming home any minute and he would take care of them. 
💥-You, on the other hand, was slightly panicking now that the situation sunk in. Katsuki was gonna rip them to shreds. You Omega was already smugly licking her paws at the image, while you shuddered at the thought. 
💥-“You should go. I don’t want to be mopping up your blood all night.” You urged, looking anxiously at the door. 
💥-“See! We need to go!” The brunette cried, trying to tug his friend towards the door. 
💥-“Shut up! We can leave once we get everything valuable.” The blonde growled, shoving off his partner. 
💥-The jiggle of keys at the door made everyone in the room stop and hold their breath. The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open. You looked at the chair you were tied to, the robbers, and back at the door. 
💥-There was no way to play off the situational. I don’t want to be mopping up blood. You whined, praying your Alpha wasn’t going to go too berserk.  
💥-“Hey, Spit-fire! I got us, your favorite curry you were wanting. I made sure to get it extra spicy.” He walked in carrying a bag of takeout. 
💥-He paused in the doorway once he got a whiff of unfamiliar Alphas in the house. His ruby eyes viewed the scene before him. He growled at the sight of the two Alphas. 
💥-From your point of view, his eyes didn’t look red anymore with how big his pupils dilated at the presence of Alphas near his Omega. His hand instantly dropped the food to the floor. 
💥-The sound of the bag hitting the floor heightened the tension. 
💥-His fangs instantly dropped when his nose picked up a faint coppery smell, his eyes zeroed in on the small trail of blood on your head. The growl that ripped through his chest shook the room. 
💥-“Alpha, please, no blood in the house.” You pleaded, shifting against the ties holding you in place. 
💥-“No promises, Omega.” His voice was so dark that you didn’t even recognize it. 
💥-“The brunette didn’t hit me. He even tried to ice it. Go easy on him.” You said, knowing his control was waning. 
💥-The veins on his neck looked ready to pop, his arms straining to hold themselves still and not plummet the Alphas standing before him. He eyed the patio door that was pushed open, most likely where they entered in from. 
💥-That would solve the blood problem. 
💥-He grinned viciously, “How about we take this outside?”
💥-He rushed the two Alphas, grabbing them by the backs of their necks and throwing them out of the house and over the balcony. He laughed darkly as he followed them, jumping from the balcony. 
💥-You wiggled free from your restraints and made your way to the front door, you picked up the takeout bag and brought it to the kitchen. 
💥-“Suki will be hungry after beating those two up.” You hummed, making him a plate and then making yourself one. 
💥-“Is the water too hot?” His voice was raspy from all the yelling he did earlier. 
💥-You sat with your back leaning against his chest in the bathtub. The warm water and the heat of your Alpha calmed your stressed body. Being tied to a chair was as comfortable as it looked. 
💥-“It’s fine, Alpha.” You hummed, delicately washing his bruised and bloody hands. 
💥-“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here sooner Omega.” You smelled a hint of sadness in his scent. 
💥-“Don’t worry, Alpha. I knew you were coming. I wasn’t scared one bit.” You reassured, bringing his hand up and planting delicate kisses on it. 
💥-“My strong Omega,” he purred, nuzzling his nose into your hair. He flinched when he picked up the faint smell of another Alpha. He snapped up the bottle of shampoo and poured half the bottle on your head. 
💥-“Got to get this disgusting scent off you, Omega.” He growled, gently scrubbing your scalp. 
💥-“Alpha! That shampoo is fifty bucks!” You gasped, picking up the half-empty bottle. 
💥-“I’ll buy you another one.” He assured, rinsing of the soapy suds and giving your head another sniff. 
💥-“Much better.” He hummed, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
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🍗-“You shouldn’t be here.” You whimpered, trying to curl in on yourself, the ties preventing you from doing so. 
🍗-“Why the fuck did you have to hit them? You know I can’t handle weeping Omegas, my Alpha hates it.” The brunette growled, trying to awkwardly pat your arm. 
🍗-You winced away from his touch, another Alphas touch was too repulsive. You felt your skin crawl as his fingers grazed your arm. The thump on your head making you more nauseous than you already were. 
🍗-“So what if your Alpha is a pussy. Unlike you mine enjoys their cries.” The blond smiled at the tears dripping down your face. “The bitch deserved it anyways.”  
🍗-“Whatever.” The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes and going back to robbing the place. 
🍗-“You guy’s really shouldn’t be here...” You tried to warm them but you were too late. The door creaked open, your heart warming and racing at the sound. You knew it would be a bloodbath once Kei realized what was going on. 
🍗-“Baby bird! I hope you are already in comfortable clothes, I’m ready to cuddle in our nest.” His soothing voice causing you to relax in the chair. 
🍗-“Alpha.” You cried, your head still throbbing. 
🍗-The silence was enough to tell you he spotted the two Alphas in the room. 
🍗-“Omega.” He growled, his eyes bleeding red, the sight of blood trailing down your head sent him into a frenzy. 
🍗-His wings puffed out, the room suddenly flooded with crimson feathers. You felt two feathers sailing your way and cutting the bonds holding you. You swiped them up in your grip and clutched them to your chest. 
🍗-The soft texture of them calming you down some. 
🍗-A feral roar sounded throughout the room. You ignored the harsh thumps coming from behind you, the sound of one of the robber’s heads getting bashed into your kitchen counter made you wince. 
🍗-You wanted to get up and get away from everything but your body was in shock and it wouldn’t let you do anything but clutch the crimson feathers to your chest. Your other hand was rested on your stomach. 
🍗-You tried to warn them. Nothing was more dangerous than someone harming a pregnant Alphas mate. You were still pretty early along so they might not have been able to smell it in your scent. 
🍗-You Alpha was sure able to, the instant he got a small whiff of it he was chirping happily against your stomach. You had a hard time getting out of his ruby wings that day. 
🍗-“You DARE harm my mate and chick!” You felt the pure rage behind his words. 
🍗-The blond was already passed out on the floor, his front teeth knocked out. The brunette was about to pass out with him, your Alpha choking him with his shirt. He made sure to use his feather to cut up his arms and face. 
🍗-His wings behind him puffing up and flapping angrily.
🍗-“Didn’t know...” The brunette slurred, his head bashed in as much as his friend’s head. 
🍗-If they wanted to hit his Omega on the head then he was all too pleased to return the favor. The brunette finally succumbed to his injures and blood loss, he went slack in Kei’s hands. 
🍗-Kei dropped him to the grown without care. 
🍗-“Pathetic.” He hissed.  
🍗-His head snapped up in your direction once he heard your tiny sniffles. He was at your side in an instant. 
🍗-“Oh, baby bird.” He cooed, lifting you from the chair and wrapping his arms and wings around you. 
🍗-“Alpha, I told them to leave.” You whined, snuggling into his chest. 
🍗-“I know, baby bird.” He soothed, breathing in your scent, checking on the baby chick in your belly. They seemed well. He was still gonna fly you to the hospital. He made his way to the balcony outside and spread his wings, without a second thought he jumped. 
🍗-“Don’t worry, Omega. I already ordered some new blankets. They should be here by tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind the guest bedroom for now.” He hummed, he was curled around your balled up form. 
🍗-You didn’t even build the nest surrounding you, Kei delicately dropped you down on the bed and instantly began building the nest. He would angrily chirp if you so much as lifted a finger.   
🍗-Everything was fine with you and the pup, or chick as Kei liked to call them. As soon as you arrived home Kei refused to leave your side or let you out of his sight. 
🍗-You were not to roll over on your side without his permission. 
🍗-“Thank you, Alpha.” You thanked, nuzzling your head into one of his soft wings. 
🍗-“I also called a security company, they will be here to set up a new system tomorrow.” He informed, nuzzling into your hair. 
🍗-One of his hands was tangled in your hair and the other was snugly cupping your stomach. 
🍗-“No more Alphas in the house.” You sniffled, shaking your head. 
🍗-“Of course, baby bird. I told them, beta’s only.” He reassured, kissing your head. 
🍗-“I love you, Alpha.” You whispered, almost lulled to sleep. 
🍗-“I love you, too baby bird.”  
First HC I have done in a while, also the first time writing for Hawks! What did you think of him? I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to leave a comment and like! I really enjoy hearing your reactions. 💕
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