#road to rainbow legacy
s1eepytrait · 3 days
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its family fun day at the beach, its a whole thing.. indi invited most of the extended family
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totes-m-goat · 2 years
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Tiny microhome for our the first generation of our Road to Rainbow legacy!
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vgtrackbracket · 23 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Rainbow Road from Mario Kart Wii
The Return of Mehujael from Rogue Legacy 2
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
The Return of Mehujael:
Really feels like fighting off a whole pirate siege
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krizatube · 1 year
The Sims 4 Road to Rainbow Legacy Challenge Matkalla sateenkaarelle haaste suomennettuna
Tämä on oma vapaamuotoinen suomennokseni alkuperäisestä haasteesta. Matkalla sateenkaarelle on kymmenen sukupolven legacyhaaste, jolla juhlistetaan LGBTQA+ identiteettejä ja kokemuksia. Jokainen sukupolvi haasteessa edustaa eri identiteettiä LGBTQA+ yhteisössä ja ne on kirjoittanut henkilö, joka itse omaa kyseisen identiteetin. Jokainen kokee oman identiteettinsä eri tavalla, ja olisikin mahdotonta sisällyttää jokainen tarina yhteen haasteeseen. Näiden sukupolvien ei ole tarkoitus vihjata, että nämä olisivat ainoita tapoja kokea kyseiset identiteetit – pikemminkin tässä on joitakin tapoja, joilla kyseiset identiteetit omaavat henkilöt ovat päättäneet kuvailla tarinoitaan. Jokainen kokemus on erilainen ja juhlimisen arvoinen – käytä halutessasi vapaasti rakennetta mallina, jos haluat ilmaista omaa erilaista kokemustasi. On joitakin identiteettejä, joita emme voi sisällyttää haasteeseen The Simsin ja legacyhaasteiden rajoitusten vuoksi. Haluamme painottaa, että tämä ei ole lainkaan kattava haaste, eikä kerro kaikkia kokemuksia tai tarinoita. Sukupolvi 10 suunniteltiin siten, että voit kertoa minkä tahansa tarinan haluat, sisältäen identiteetit, joita ei ole sisällytetty muihin sukupolviin.
Jokainen sukupolvi alkaa lyhyellä taustatarinalla, jonka kirjoittaja on valinnut korostettavaksi. Jokaisella sukupolvella on tietyt piirteet, tavoitteet ja urat, kuin myös vaihtelevat tavoitteet, jotka ottavat huomioon taustatarinan. Jotkin sukupolvet sallivat sinun itse päättää omat elementit pelatessasi. Esimerkiksi joillain sukupolvilla on vain kaksi vaadittua piirrettä, joka tarkoittaa, että voit itse valita kolmannen. Haaste on peruspeliystävällinen! Vaatimuksille, joihin liittyy jokin lisäosa, on listattu vaihtoehdot jokaisen sukupolven lopussa.
SUKUPOLVI 1: Rikkauksista todellisuuteen (lesbo) Kirjoittajat: Hapi (they/them), Bee (they/them)
Kun kasvoit nuoreksi aikuiseksi, vanhempasi lähettivät sinut matkoihisi. He halusivat sinun oppivan itsenäiseksi, kuten hekin olivat, tai jotain? Mutta sinä et joka tapauksessa koskaan tuntenut itseäsi ymmärretyksi tai kokenut yhteyttä perheeseesi, joten päätit rakentaa mikrokodin ja tallata oman polkusi. Aikanaan saat selville historiaasi ja opit, että olet saariston lapsi Sulanilta ja vierailet siellä usein, tulet tutummaksi paikallisen yhteisön kanssa ja autat siivoamaan saarta. Keskellä itsetutkiskeluasi ja tullessasi itsevarmemmaksi, heila Sulanilta suo sinulle oman lapsen. Saamasi ankara, steriili kasvatus on johtanut siihen, että itse olet vanhempana hyvin rento ja kehität vahvan ystävyyssuhteen lapseesi. Tämän seurauksena hänestä tulee luova, vapaasieluinen ihminen, joka on itsevarma identiteetistään. Vanhuksena olet tutustunut eri sukupuoliin ja seksuaalisuuksiin ja olet viimein valmis asettumaan aloillesi rakkauteen ja mukavuuteen. Ovesi pysyy avoimena lapsellesi turvapaikaksi, kun hän etsii tietään elämänsä lävitse. Identiteetti: Lesbo Piirteet: Itsevarma, saariston lapsi Tavoite: Rantaelämää Ura: Ympäristösuunnittelija Tavoitteet: - Rakenna välimerellisen tyylinen pikkukoti Oasis Springsiin nuorena aikuisena. - Muuta Sulanille aikuisena. - Tule raskaaksi ja saa yksi lapsi yksinhuoltajana, säilytä vahva ystävyyssuhde lapseesi ja omaa huoleton kasvatustyyli. - Tee muodonmuutos Sulanilla näyttääksesi, että olet löytänyt seksuaalisuutesi ja persoonasi. - Löydä rakkaus vanhuutesi alkumetreillä. Säännöt: - Saavuta uran huippu. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi puutarhanhoito- kätevyys- ja vanhemmuustaidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Saariston lapsi-piirteen (Unelmasaari) sijaan ulkoilmasim-piirre. - Ympäristösuunnittelijan uran (Ekoelämää) sijaan freelanserin ura digitaalisen taiteen parissa. - Sulanilla (Unelmasaari) asumisen sijaan muuta simisi isommalle tontille Oasis Springsissä aikuisena. - Rantaelämää-tavoitteen (Unelmasaari) sijaan anna simillesi vapaa kasvitieteilijä-tavoite. - Vanhemmuustaidon (Vanhemmuus) sijaan maksimoi simisi karismataito.
SUKUPOLVI 2: Seikkailu odottaa (biseksuaali/panseksuaali) Kirjoittajat: Bella (she/they), Egg (she/her)
Jo hyvin nuoresta iästä lähtien vanhempasi juurruttivat sinuun seikkailunjanon ja uusien asioiden kokeilemisen helppouden. Vanhempiesi huoleton kasvatustyyli antoi sinulle vapauden nauttia lapsuudesta ja vapauden tutkailla alkavaa luovaa puoltasi. Teininä työskentelet baristana, yhdistäen rakkautesi kauramaitolatteihin ja uusien ihmisten tapaamiseen. Ensimmäinen parisuhteesi lukiossa on merkittävä osa itsetutkiskelun matkaasi, mutta lopetat suhteenne, kun ymmärrät ettei tämä henkilö ole tarkoitettu sinun loppuelämän kumppaniksesi. Kun saavutat aikuisuuden, latte-artistin uran lisäksi ryhdyt tekemään sivutyönä keikkatöitä elämänmittaisen rakkautesi parissa kalastajana. Kun tapaat puolisosi ja yhdistätte tulonne, käytät hyväksesi vakaata taloudellista tilannettanne ja tutkiskelet mitä tahansa haluamiasi ammatteja. Identiteetti: Biseksuaali/panseksuaali Piirteet: Ulospäinsuuntautunut, seikkailija, reipas Tavoite: Sisäinen rauha Ura(t): - Barista (teini) - Barista + kalastaja (nuori aikuinen) - Mikä tahansa ura sen jälkeen, kun olet muuttanut yhteen kumppanisi kanssa Tavoitteet: - Rakenna kotiisi luova tila. - Omaa yksi lukioaikainen suhde ja vähintään yksi suhde nuorena aikusena/aikuisena. Säännöt: - Saavuta baristan ja kalastajan uran huiput. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi kalastustaito, yksi valinnainen urheilutaito (kuntoilu, hyvinvointi, laskettelu tms) ja yksi valinnainen luova taito (kirjoittaminen, maalaus, musiikki tms). Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Seikkailija-piirteen (Lumisten vuorten maa) sijaan ulkoilmasim-piirre. - Sisäinen rauha-tavoitteen (Kylpyläpäivä) sijaan kalastajaässä-tavoite.
SUKUPOLVI 3: Sammakkoihin kadonnut (nonbinary) Kirjoittajat: EmrysKay (they/he), Zhaneel (they/them), Irene (all)
Vanhempasi antoivat sinulle kaiken mitä heillä oli kodissanne, mukaanlukien heidän ihailunsa toisiaan kohtaan, jaetun rakkautensa kalastukseen ja mikä tärkeintä, musiikkinsa. Elämä oli täynnä harmoniaa; hyväksyntää ja tukea identiteettiäsi kohtaan... Mutta ihosi ei koskaan tuntunut omaltasi ja pian tajuat olevasi non-binary. Tiedostat, ettei sinun tarvitse tuntea pelkoa, muttet mahda mitään sille, että ajattelet, voivatko vanhempasi kuitenkaan hyväksyä sinua sellaisena kuin olet. Valitset kaaoksen tavaksi kontrolloida elämääsi teinivuosinasi ja vietät päiväsi bileissä ja valitun perheesi lohduttavilla käsivarsilla, jotka ovat enemmän kuin kannustavia sinun vaihteleville itseilmaisun ja identiteetin muodoillesi. Elämäsi tähän pisteeseen saakka on ollut värien ja äänien pyörremyrskyä ja se vain vahvistuu kun vanhenet; muusikon ura, jammailu bändikavereiden kanssa ja sammakoiden keräily täyttävät sinut selittämättömällä ilolla... Kunnes eräänä päivänä kohtaat elämäsi rakkauden, joka on yhtä tasavertaisen värikäs ja loistava ja vaikuttava kuin sinäkin. Kun hääpuhe alkaa, ymmärrät ettet ole koskaan täysin ilmaissut identiteettiäsi vanhemmillesi, ja nyt kun he ovat jo vanhempia, pieni häivähdys pelkoa nousee pintaan. Pystyvätkö he silti hyväksymään sinut? Ja ovatko he paikalla juhlimassa merkkipäivääsi ja tuntematonta tulevaisuuttasi myös? Identiteetti: Nonbinary Piirteet: - Hupsu (taapero) - Hassuttelija, musiikin ystävä, sisäpiiriläinen Tavoitteet: - Vikkelä viikari (lapsi) - Bilehile (teini, ei tarvitse suorittaa kokonaan) - Musikaalinen nero (aikuinen) Ura: Viihdyttäjä, muusikon urahaara Tavoitteet: - Luo kerho bändillesi teininä. Tapaaminen viikoittain bändiharjoituksille. - Rakenna kotiisi musiikkihuone. Säännöt: - Suorita musikaalinen nero-tavoite. - Kerää sammakkokokoelma täyteen. - Maksimoi viulunsoitto- ja ilkikurisuustaidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Sisäpiiriläinen-piirteen (Kimppapuuhaa) sijaan ulospäinsuuntautunut-piirre. - Bändikerhon (Kimppapuuhaa) sijaan korkea ystävyyssuhde bändikavereihin.
SUKUPOLVI 4: Angstista taidetta (muunsukupuolinen) Kirjoittajat: Zhaneel (they/them), Knimbley (she/they)
Kasvaessasi vanhempasi aina kannustivat tutustumaan sukupuoleesi, ja muunsukupuolisena henkilönä rakastat sekoittaa ja yhdistellä eri tyylejä. Olet aina rakastanut itsesi ilmaisemista ja ymmärrät muita muodin välityksellä, ja löydät erityistä inspiraatiota katumuodista. Päätät aloittaa uran tyylivaikuttajana siinä toivossa, että voisit jakaa itseilmaisun iloa ympärillesi. Moniosaajana olet aina nauttinut useamman intohimon harjoittamisesta yhtä aikaa pitääksesi aivosi virkeinä – rakastat DJ-miksausta ja kokkaamista työsi ulkopuolella. Samasta syystä olet löytänyt tavan pitää useampia kumppaneita – treffi-illat ja heidän tuomisensa luonnonvaloisaan kotiisi tuovat sinulle iloa, kun et ole töissä. Identiteetti: Muunsukupuolinen Piirteet: Luova, perfektionisti Tavoite: Moniosaaja Ura: Tyylivaikuttaja Tavoitteet: - Pidä yllä polyamorista suhdetta (Ekoelämää-lisäosan vapaa rakkaus-kaupunkialoite) kahden tai useamman kumppanin kanssa ja vie kumppanisi vähintään kerran viikossa treffeille. - Muuta taloon, jossa on kotiateljee-tonttipiirre. - Omaa vähintään kaksi eri asukokonaisuutta jotka ovat eri tyylisiä keskenään (esim. maskuliininen ja feminiininen, gootti ja pastelli, huoliteltu ja boheemi yms) jokaisessa asukategoriassa. Säännöt: - Saavuta uran huippu stylistin urahaaralla. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi DJ-miksaus- ja ruoanlaittotaidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - DJ-miksauksen (Kimppapuuhaa) sijaan maksimoi mikä tahansa soittotaito, tai kaksi soittotaitoa tasolle 5 - Polyamorisen suhteen (Ekoelämää) sijaan aromanttinen kumppani, jotta peli ei anna negatiivisia moodletteja pettämisestä. Varmista, että simisi adoptoivat lapsen. - Kotiateljee-tonttipiirteen (Kaupunkielämää) sijaan luonnonvaloa-tonttipiirre.
SUKUPOLVI 5: Onnellisuuden hyväilyä (transsukupuolinen) Kirjoittajat: e (they/them), Soursuite (he/she)
Elämä on sinulle kuin raikkaan ilman henkäys, kuljet elämäsi läpi ajatellen, että nauru on paras lääke ja sitä kautta komedialla voit parantaa itsesi ja muut. Kauneuden ja naurun tuominen muiden elämään on jo lähes elämäntehtäväsi. Pyrit koko nuoruutesi sopimaan ”luokan pellen” muottiin ja jonkin aikaa onnistutkin! Olet hauska, karismaattinen ja vähän kaikkien kaveri. Mutta alat huomata, ettet olekaan aivan varma siitä, kuka oikeasti olet teinivuosiesi muovaaman muotin jälkeen. Sukellat muihin keinoihin luoda kauneutta. Opit rakkauden kielen, jota leipomukset ja tuhansien ruusujen tuoma hymy voivat tuoda. Työskentelet ahkerasti päivisin kirjoittamalla ja harjoittelemalla komiikkaa ja yösi vietät kokeilemalla vitsejäsi missä vain pystyt. Kuuluisuutesi kasvaa myös, mutta se ei oikeastaan ole tavoitteesi. Sinä saat ihmiset hymyilemään. Saat heidät nauramaan! Omalla tavallasi teet maailmasta parempaa paikkaa. Identiteetti: Transsukupuolinen Piirteet: Hilpeä, lapsellinen, hyvä Tavoite: Tähtivitsailija Ura: Viihdyttäjä, koomikon urahaara Tavoitteet: - Asu pienessä talossa. Rakastat keräillä asioita, joten kotisi on hieman sotkuinen ja täynnä erityisiä esineitä (sisältäen taitoesineitä kuten kukkasidontapöytä) - Saa kaksi lasta yhden kumppanin kanssa. Säännöt: - Saavuta uran huippu. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi kukkasidonta- ja leivontataidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Kukkasidontataidon (Vuodenajat) sijaan maksimoi puutarhanhoitotaito. - Leivontataidon (Duunipäivä) sijaan maksimoi ruoanlaittotaito.
SUKUPOLVI 6: Kasvua yhdessä (homo) Kirjoittajat: Potato (they/them), Oli (he/him)
Syntymähetkestäsi lähtien vanhempiesi tuki ja rakkaus on antanut sinulle vapauden olla aito oma itsesi. Lapsena huomaat puuhapöydän avulla, että olet käytänn��n ihminen ja rakastat mitä tahansa aktiviteettia, jossa voit käyttää teknologiaa ja luovuutta. Kasvat nähden syvää rakkautta vanhempiesi välillä ja himoitset samanlaista yhteyttä. Teininä alat deittailla ja yllättäen rakastut, monilla on epäilyksiä rakkaudestasi, mutta uskot vahvasti sielunkumppaneihin. Kasvaessasi aikuiseksi, aloittaessasi unelmaurasi ja rakentaessasi kodin sielunkumppanisi kanssa, päätätte molemmat haluta kaksi lasta yhdessä ja adoptoida joitakin lemmikkejä liittymään kanssanne tälle matkalle, jota kutsutaan elämäksi! Sinulle on tärkeää antaa lapsillesi ja lemmikeillesi onnellinen, turvallinen ympäristö kasvaa, joten pidät huolta siitä, että annat heille paljon huolenpitoa ja huomiota. Identiteetti: Homo Piirteet: Nörtti, kissan- tai koiranystävä, siisti Tavoite: Sielunkumppani Ura: Teknologiaguru, E-urheilijan urahaara Tavoitteet: - Hanki vähintään kaksi lemmikkiä ja kaksi lasta. - Asu modernissa kodissa. - Rakastu teininä ja pysy saman ihmisen kanssa koko ajan. - Saavuta sielunkumppanuus kumppanisi kanssa ja paras ystävä-status lemmikkien kanssa. Säännöt: - Saavuta uran huippu. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi videopeli-, lemmikinkoulutus- ja robotiikkataidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Lemmikkien (Kissat & koirat) hankkimisen voi jättää tekemättä. - Kissan- tai koiranystävä-piirteen (Kissat & koirat) sijaan kasvissyöjä-piirre. - Lemmikinkoulutustaidon (Kissat & koirat) sijaan laita simisi kalastamaan ja aseta hänen saamiaan kaloja akvaarioon. - Robotiikkataidon (Yliopisto) sijaan maksimoi ohjelmointitaito.
SUKUPOLVI 7: Maapallo ensin (asukupuolinen) Kirjoittajat: Momo (they/them), Ellie (they/them)
Koko lapsuutesi olit teknologian ympäröimänä. Kun vartut, opit hyödyntämään tietoa, jonka sait vanhemmiltasi, luodaksesi itsellesi kestävän elämän. Kaipaat suurta ulkomaailmaa ja tiedät, että täytyy olla keino valjastaa kaikki se teknologia tuodaksesi itseäsi lähemmäs luontoa. Tämä mielessäsi suuntaat Evergreen Harboriin ja löydät kontin, joka näyttää juuri sinun kodiltasi. Kulutusmyönteisyys ja pikamuoti eivät ole koskaan olleet tyyliäsi. Työskennellessä kuten sinä, hienot asiat likaantuvat joka tapauksessa, joten suosit yksinkertaisia, sukupuolineutraaleja mustia vaatteita. Koit aina välinpitämättömyyttä perheen perustamisen suhteen – huolimatta siitä, että kasvoit erittäin perhekeskeisessä taloudessa – mutta löytäessäsi kumppanin, joka jakaa samat arvot ja suuren halun perustaa perhe, päätätte adoptoida tai hankkia lapsen yhdessä. Sinulla on hyvä suhde lapseesi, joka rakentuu molemminpuoleiseen kunnioitukseen ja rehellisyyteen. Identiteetti: Asukupuolinen, käyttää they/them pronomineja Piirteet: Tekijä, freegani, viherpiipertäjä Tavoite: Intendentti Ura(t): - Ruumiillisen työn tekijä (teini) - Myy valmistusvempaimella tekemiäsi esineitä ja tee hanttihommia (aikuinen) Tavoitteet: - Asu kantaverkkojen ulkopuolella Evergreen Harborissa. Säännöt: - Maksimoi yksi käsityötaito (valmistus-, neulonta, ristipistotaito tms), kätevyys- ja puutarhanhoitotaidot. - Suorita tavoite. - Rakenna konttitalosta pikkukoti, jossa kantaverkkojen ulkopuolella-tonttipiirre. - Hanki huonekalusi itse (roskisten tonkiminen, kalastus, puutyöpöytä, kirpputori) ennen kuin saat ostaa esineitä: vessanpönttö, lavuaari, suihku/kylpyamme, sänky, jääkaappi, uuni, 1 valaisin, 1 taso, 1 vapaavalintainen esine. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Tekijä-piirteen (Ekoelämää) sijaan luova-piirre. - Freegani-piirteen (Ekoelämää) sijaan kasvissyöjä-piirre. - Viherpiipertäjä-piirteen (Ekoelämää) sijaan ulkoilmasim-piirre. - Pikkukoti-konttitalossa (Pikkukotikamaa) elämisen sijaan rakenna silti pieni talo joka näyttää konttitalolta. - Evergreen Harborissa (Ekoelämää) asuimsen sijaan asu Newcrestissä. - Valmistus-, neulonta, ristipistotaidot ym (Ekoelämää/Maalaiselämää) sijaan maksimoi maalaustaito ja myy maalauksia ansaitaksesi rahaa. - Huonekalujen keräilyn (Ekoelämää) sijaan osta simillesi halvimmat mahdolliset huonekalut. Ostaminen/päivittäminen ei ole sallittua ennen kuin ansaitset 5000 simoleonia tai hankit yllä listatut huonekalut itse.
SUKUPOLVI 8: Ystävyys on kaikki kaikessa (aseksuaali/aromanttinen) Kirjoittajat: Soph (she/her), ChiChi (they/them)
Olet ollut aina tunnettu välittävänä ystävänä: olet se henkilö, joka tekee kaikkien olon mukavaksi. Tiedostat, että sinussa on hieman kiusallista kömpelyyttä, mutta osaat nauraa itsellesi koska tiedostat, että epätäydellisyys on inhimillistä. Arvostat vapautta ja yhteyttä kaikissa ihmissuhteissasi, ihaillen vanhempiesi välistä yhteyttä. Tuette toisianne taloudellisesti ja ilmaiset itseäsi kirjoittamalla – lukutoukkana rakastat tarinankerronnan taidetta ja tapaa, jolla se auttaa sinua olemaan yhteydessä ystäviisi. Identiteetti: Aseksuaali, aromanttinen Piirteet: Kömpelys, epäromanttinen, lukutoukka Tavoite: Koko maailman ystävä Ura: Freelanser-kirjailija Tavoitteet: - Kirjoita vähintään viisi kirjaa ja vähintään yksi myyntimenestys. - Maksimoi ystävyyssuhde vähintään kolmen simin kanssa. Säännöt: - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi hyvinvointi- ja maalaustaidot. - Avaa korkein taso keikoissa freelanseri-kirjailijana. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Epäromanttinen-piirteen (Kaupunkielämää) sijaan kunnianhimoinen-piirre. - Hyvinvointitaidon (Kylpyläpäivä) sijaan maksimoi kuntoilutaito.
SUKUPOLVI 9: Olemassaolo riittää (etsijä) Kirjoittajat: Kait (she/they), Alissa (she/they)
Varttuessasi yksi asia, jonka koit syvästi omaksesi lukiossa, oli draamakerho. Se oli paikka täynnä muita henkilöitä, jotka eivät kuuluneet minnekään; jossa saatoit kokeilla monia eri persoonallisuuksia ja tarinoita. Rakastat esiintymisen kaikkia muotoja ja kannat rakkauttasi draamaan mukanasi aina aikuisuuteesi saakka ja aloitat uran näyttelijänä Del Sol Valleyssa. Viikonloppuisin koet mukavaksi baareissa ja klubeilla käymisen, jolloin voit harjoittaa Stand Up-komiikkaa ja karaokea löytääksesi yhteyksiä sillä tavoin. Kuitenkin pitkän aikaa yksikään yhteyksistä ei todella kasvanut syvälliseksi. Eräänä päivänä tapaat jonkun erityisen, mutta et ymmärrä sitä aluksi. Hän kohtaa sinut omalla tasollasi, hän on kärsivällinen ja kiltti sillä välin, kun sinä lämpenet hitaasti. Et oikeastaan tiedä, mitä kaikki tarkoittaa sinun ja identiteettisi suhteen, mutta päätät, että kerrankin elämässäsi ansaitset jotakin helppoa ja onnellista. Annat mennä. Identiteetti: Etsijä Piirteet: Taiteen ystävä, kasvissyöjä, tuittupää Tavoite: Mestarinäyttelijä Ura(t): - Draamakerho (lapsi) - Barista (teini) - Näyttelijä (aikuinen) Tavoitteet: - Asu Del Sol Valleyssa ja vieraile paikallisilla yhteisötonteilla tekemässä Stand Up:ia ja laulamassa karaokea. - Solmi monia ystävyyssuhteita, mutta ei syvällisiä suhteita ennen kuin tapaat kumppanisi. Säännöt: - Saavuta uran huippu. - Suorita tavoite. - Maksimoi laulu-, tanssi- ja valokuvaustaidot. Peruspelivaihtoehto: - Draamakerhon (Kohti kuuluisuutta) sijaan suorita similläsi lapsena seurapiirisim-tavoite. - Näyttelijän uran (Kohti kuuluisuutta) sijaan tyylivaikuttajan ura. - Del Sol Valleyssa (Kohti kuuluisuutta) asumisen sijaan asu Oasis Springsissä. - Näyttelijä-tavoitteen (Kohti kuuluisuutta) sijaan Bilehile-tavoite. - Laulutaidon (Kaupunkielämää) sijaan maksimoi karismataito. - Tanssitaidon (Kimppapuuhaa) sijaan maksimoi kitaransoittotaito.
SUKUPOLVI 10: Kerro oma tarinasi Kirjoittajat: Bella (she/they), Emryskay (they/he)
Kertomissamme tarinoissa on kauneutta. Yksi mahtavimmista asioista olla osana LGBTQIA+ yhteisöä on se, kuinka kokemuksemme ovat uniikkeja kauniilla tavoilla. Olet käynyt läpi yhdeksän sukupolvea tutkiskellen erilaisia identiteettejä, joita tämän haasteen luojat omaavat, olet elänyt elämiä joista me kaikki uneksimme. Nyt on sinun vuorosi. Haasteen viimeisessä sukupolvessa tarina riippuu sinusta. Käytä tätä sukupolvea ilmaistaksesi ja tutkiaksesi omia kokemuksiasi tai keksi kokonaan erilainen tarina. Mieti tapoja, joilla pelaisit tätä peliä, jos et seuraisi tiettyjä sääntöjä; mitä piirteitä, taitoja ja tavoitteita et ole vielä kokeillut? Elä tämän viimeisen sukupolven elämä siten, kuin se sinulle parhaiten sopii. Valitse omat piirteesi, urapolkusi, tavoitteesi ja taitosi. Anna tarinasi elää, ja kuka tietää? Ehkä tämä voisi olla alku uudelle suvulle, joka muovaantuu juuri sinun uniikista kokemuksestasi. Identiteetti: Oma valintasi Piirteet: Oma valintasi Tavoite: Oma valintasi Ura: Oma valintasi Säännöt: - Saavuta valitsemasi uran huippu. - Suorita valitsemasi tavoite. - Maksimoi kaksi valitsemaasi taitoa.
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gamermattsgf · 3 months
Tokyo drifters // drag racer Chris
Warnings: car sex / tit fuck / cum kink / fingering / cunnalingus / size kink / spit kink / enemies to lovers trope / dangerous driving ig (?) / mentions of smoking and brief mentions of alcohol / praise kink
Summary: what do you get when you cross a competitive drag racer with an equally as competitive opponent? Smoke, engine oil and a whole lot of sexual tension, that’s what.
Author’s notes: and so let the obsession with racer fics begin, but with a Chris flavoured twist. Chris strikes me as the illegal, reckless driver type, hence my modern twist on something very fast and furious-esque. Chris x drag racing actually makes me wet u guys I fucking love it, like- imagine him drifting around in a red Nissan Skyline gtr with his black and white leather jacket on, UGH it really just gets me going…
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“We could do whatever you want, you could fuck me in the back of your car” - HER, Chase Atlantic
The black asphalt glimmers with a coat of wetness and a pattern of oil spillage slicked over the top of it, the technicolour rainbow greased and worming in the fluorescent lights of the street as the heavy hum of revved engines purr in your ears and echo across the emptied roads.
Beer bottles and cans splash here and there on the dripping concrete with discarded cigarette cases and lighters balanced on top of littered leather jackets.
Illegal drag racing. Bets. Stacks of money shoved into the pockets of the driver that is triumphant at the end of the night.
You’re here because this place is rife with the best of the best. The ones who really soak their hands in the leather of their steering wheels, who breathe the musk of their seats, and who burn the rubber marks of their legacies into the very streets that they rocket through each early A.M.
At present you stand to the side of the pavement, smelling the stench of broiling petrol mingled with the scent of flavoured cigarette smoke.
Your eyes survey the various Suzukis, Mustangs and Toyota drifters, all in different colours and all with different painted decals to signify each of the driver’s unique personality, wrinkling your nose at the lack of female drivers leaning against their own cars.
There are plenty of people here.
The rules are simple, you bet on the driver you wager is going to win and then whatever number of votes the driver receives determines their starting position at the beginning of the race.
As your eyes pass over the mingling people chatting in heaped groups with different drivers, you dismally notice the one person who you most definitely did not want to run into tonight. The only other person who can match your speed.
Great. Well that’s just fucking fantastic.
He is on his own. His lanky figure leaning against his electric red Nissan drifter with sleek black wheels and windows, his raven brown hair dusting his face in waving curls as his hands tuck themselves into his black and white leather racer jacket.
A long white cigarette lies perched in between his lips, smoke lazily oozing out from the lit cherry before dispersing into the cool night air in front of him.
He makes no effort to smoke it properly, simply lets it rest in between the purse of his lips whilst he too, observes his competition.
That is, until his eyes trail their way over to you. Now you’re both looking at each other, and he finds it within himself to cockily smirk, your silent rivalry unnoticed by the rest of the bustling audience here to simply bet and watch the race.
You scoff quietly, pushing your feet into a walk, you’ve got to go and talk to him now.
You gradually make your way across the sopping wet tarmac road, heading straight in the direction of the one man who always knows how to rub you the wrong way.
As you go, you fish one of your own cigarettes out of your cigarette case, and then light it. It sparks, and he raises his eyebrows expectantly whilst waiting for you to reach him.
When you do, you stop and nod at him in greeting, mumbling a curt ‘Chris’ after whipping your cigarette from out of your mouth and resting it within your pointer and middle finger.
To contrast your cold behaviour, your arch nemesis tilts his head playfully, his smugness practically oozing from his figure as he retorts with a ‘hey sugar… ready to lose tonight?’. Your nostrils flare.
The only reason you came tonight to race is because you didn’t think Chris would be here.
You fucking hate racing him, in fact, you hate even being within a close proximity to him. He drives you up the wall, irritates you to no end and most importantly- absolutely chokes you with conflicted feelings.
Because how can someone that you hate this much also be someone you feel so irresistibly attracted to?
Chris always finds the most painful of ways to dig under your skin and clamp his claws around you until you’re gasping for air and practically begging to be let free.
Free from the inescapable prison that coaxes you into constantly thinking about him, even when he’s not around.
‘You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you win tonight, that money is mine’ you spit a laugh, before feeding your cigarette into your mouth and inhaling it to calm your nerves. He makes your fingers twitch, and sometimes you’re not sure if it’s because you want to wrap them around his throat or use them to pull his neck down into a kiss.
He raises his eyebrows and starts to once again use the mocking lilt to his tone that you know oh-so-well. ‘Oh really? Because last time I checked I’m pretty sure that money had my name on it’. He readjusts his lean on his red Nissan to make himself seem taller, and you grit your teeth at his teasing antics.
You don’t answer, and instead open you mouth. Chris watches the smoke that you had been holding in your lungs come seductively curling out, and he swallows nervously. It mingles between you two like a barrier of attraction before melting away into the damp air above you as you resume your usual grilling.
‘How’d you even find out about this race anyway? Thought you stayed on the South side?’
Chris shrugs and basks in the obvious annoyance your voice contains. He knows he’s in dangerous territory, this is your side of town, and you know the roads way better than him over here. But then again, when has Chris ever backed down from a challenge?
Plus, he fucking loves teasing you. He gets such a rise out of it every single time, in which case it’s worth hauling his ass all the way over to the other side town just for a race.
Just to see you.
He can’t help it, he just can’t keep himself away.
‘Friend of a friend’ he responds vaguely, before deciding to pluck the almost burnt out cigarette from his lips so that he can thrust it to the floor and crush it underneath his sneaker.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head in disbelief. You can’t believe that Chris managed to weasel his way into this race, because it’s definitely going to ruin your chances of going home with that prize money. To say Chris is a reckless driver is an understatement, he’s fucking good, but he also takes risks, risks that bargain with his life and the lives of others, so naturally, when people see his notorious red car pull up to races they panic and stay far behind him.
Not you though.
‘You best count your fucking days Chris because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you win this time…’.
Chris chuckles, his eyes narrowing in a siren-like way before reaching up to your mouth and slowly pulling your cigarette from out of your lips. ‘Yeah…? Well we’ll see about that, won’t we baby cakes?’ he chides, before fully stealing your cigarette and putting it into his own mouth without hesitation.
Your blood boils at his persistence and you spin around in a rage, wishing you could just run him over with your car. At least that would stop the heartbeat from pulsing in between your legs at his weirdly sexual action.
After watching you whisk away, Chris quickly gets into his car and slams his red door closed, satisfied with how flustered you had looked. Revving his engine with a humongous effort to get the race going, he knuckles his leather steering wheel before pulling away from the crowd to let them know that the race will shortly commence.
He is definitely eager to prove you wrong as he observes the way the heavy crowd of people disperse from the middle of the road and let the competitors and their cars through to their designated spots for the countdown.
Engines throttle and rev, starting up and growling like hungry beasts whilst you get into your own car. You then drive to your own assigned spot which had been conveniently placed somewhere in the middle for tonight’s race.
Suddenly, you spot a flash of red roaring up from behind you in your rear view mirror and you resist the roll of your eyes at Chris’ boy racer behaviour.
Chris’ car comes creeping up to level with yours. Slowly, the driver’s window is rolled down and you are faced with his attractive side profile, his nose delicately curving and his jawline popped. Except, now his hair is pulled back by a red bandana, leaving his earrings to glint in the fluorescent artificial light.
He faces forward, but then turns with another smirk plastered to his lips.
You roll your own window down, your engine also screaming to go, but instead of a red colour, your car exudes a violet purple hue, your front and rear lights tinted indigo with plastic filters that make the car in front of you glow a hazy pink.
‘May the best driver win, sugar’
The devil’s smile is concocted between his own teeth, the cheeky glint in his eye echoing the way he mockingly puts his pointer and middle finger up to his forehead to salute you before putting his foot on the gas pedal and roaring ahead to take his privileged place at the front of the line.
Engines growl, their exhaust pipes spitting out puffs of gasoline scented smoke whilst each of the multicoloured cars creep into their places.
An orange car motors past you on your right, and a grey and blue one slides past your left, leaving you in the wet spray that their scuffed tyres kick up, but you’re not paying attention to them.
Craning your neck, your eyes narrow and your jaw grits at the back bumper tail of Chris’ neon red vehicle, the red brake lights glowing like the eyes of a demon as he simply sits stationary.
The city lights glow from the skyscrapers and illuminate the starting route of your racetrack, the wet asphalt making the reflections of the luminescent lampposts shine and bounce about the technicolour array of cars on display.
Chris thinks he’s better than you? Well, you’re just going to have to put that theory to the test then.
You hope that his heart beats just as competitively as yours, his eyes constantly checking for your pink headlights in his rearview mirror.
Finally, reaching into your glove compartment to slide on your black tinted sunglasses, you shut it back up again to listen to the heavily increased revs of car engines. The muffled cheers from the audience provide white background noise whilst the drivers’ exhausts rattle and their pipes growl.
A woman in sky-high stilettos then comes walking into view with a white flag raised above her head.
The crowd suddenly silences, all on the edges of their seats with anticipation.
Without another moment to lose, she quickly swipes down the flag, the white fabric fluttering as she goes before engines shriek and cars jerk forward, each driver putting the pedal to the floor. This forceful way of starting roars the inner workings of their cars whilst they frantically try to switch gears.
Coloured machines weave in and out of each other as the gods of drag racing look down upon the fast-paced urgency of the race, drivers testing one another and pushing their bodies to the limits as they zip and swerve about the road.
You keep your eyes locked upon Chris’ monster of a car though, because it easily pulls out in front and his drive forward quickly clears of any other cars. They just can’t keep up with his intricate drift work and very readily fall behind him.
You’ll admit, his turn of the wheel is masterful and his eye for the surroundings is impeccable as he nearly just shaves around corners and obstacles whilst keeping a steady track of the pathway ahead. However, this only increases your desire to win more.
You find your foot gently feathering upon the accelerator, your car rattling within your ears as the wind from your open window beats against your face and whips your hair around your neck.
You have already overtaken a handful of cars by now, with tyres screeching and smoke exuding from the rubber.
The eyes of every racer competing constantly zip about, just to check for lurking police cruises whilst traveling down the racer’s route through the nearly abandoned city road.
Your beasts for machines rocket past alleyways, giving homeless people a show as your paint jobs flash by their eyes in a juvenile blur.
Gears click as both yourself and Chris constantly press down on the clutch to drift around tight corners, your teeth gritting as you realise that you are now only a few competitive cars behind him.
Chris, meanwhile, frantically looks through his wing mirror to count how many cars lie between yourself and him.
But, then he widens his eyes and has to adjust it in confusion at the infuriating sight of your purple car hightailing it up the road to try and catch him. Already?
This always fucking happens whenever he gets a head start.
He rolls his eyes, stepping on his gas pedal even more to makes his car groan and jerk away on in front once again.
His bandana stays secured onto his head whilst he chews irritably against a fresh toothpick selected from out of his own glove compartment that also contains random junk such as cherry cigarette packets and condoms.
‘Fuckin’ woman’ He spits underneath his breath before aggressively jerking his wheel to the side and rounding another corner perfectly. His car skids and his wheels screech over the asphalt, centimetres away from hitting the curb before he’s straightening his steering wheel up again.
This time though, he can see the finish line in the distance, the small crowd of spectators gathering like little observant ants, watching as his car comes racing towards them from the mist of the city horizon.
However, you come in straight behind him with your engine roaring and your gasoline bubbles popping. Soon, your window reaches his, and you look to your left to see his side profile.
His jaw is clenched with his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows sitting in a glared furrow. His pupils then quickly flit to your car, and you pass each other a challenging look, hate spiralling within your gazes.
And everything is passive between the two of you, that is, until Chris decides to fight dirty.
His lips purse and he yanks his neck to face forward once again, before turning his wheel aggressively. His drifter then swerves near your wheels, nearly knocking you off to the side and sending you skidding into the curb. You frantically have to straighten back up again after only narrowly avoiding the crunch of his front bonnet.
That fucker.
You yell to him with your window down, but he puts his own one up in response, his lips twitching up into a mischievous smile as he tries to tango with you upon the stretch of your own battlefield containing engine oil and concrete road strips.
He goes in for another direct hit, your tyres dangerously close to each other’s as his machinery tries to ram into yours.
Worryingly, you realise that Chris probably isn’t going to stop this dangerous teasing because of his determination to win. So, through your better judgement, you slow yourself and defeatedly allow his cocky red bumper to cut in front of your bonnet.
Chris beats you by a second, his wheels screeching over the pathetic make-shift line drawn in squiggly black graffiti.
You’re practically seething at this point.
After you angrily jerk your steering wheel, your car drifts to the side and it expels hot smoke from the grind it has against your back tyres before coming to a sideways halt.
You put your car in park, take off your seatbelt and speedily open your car door.
As you step out, you see that Chris has also stopped and gotten out himself, his sneakers crunching against the wet tarmac and his leather jacket squeaking whilst he slams his own car door shut behind him.
You clock eyes with each other and immediately find yourself storming up to his victorious figure that yet again leans against his car door suavely.
Whilst making your way over, someone sidles up to him and hands him a thick wad of cash that he stuffs right into his conniving little pockets with a mean smile of his face, aimed directly at you.
As you reach him, you just can’t help yourself, and before you know it you’re knuckling your fists into his leather jacket and yanking him right down to your face. His breath hitches in shock as he sees your lips close enough to claim that you are practically kissing.
Instead of actually kissing him however, you spit out a ‘what the fuck are you playing at?’ with your eyes narrowed and glinting frostily in the city lights.
They travel over his face, scanning him with scepticism whilst little strands of his raven brown hair curl out from the hold of his red bandana, no longer combing the shorter ones back and just letting them freely swish about his eyes in the wind.
‘Listen honey if you want me to pay for any scratches I gave to your paint job no can do, told you that money was mine…-‘ he cheekily retorts, using one of his ridiculously irritating nicknames for you to further worsen your drumming heart beat.
You didn’t realise you had pulled him this close until now.
This makes your nostrils flare with anger and you quickly release him, seemingly in denial of your own feelings as you listening to the way the zips of his leather jacket jingle at the force of your strength.
You scoff, sticking your nose up and further voicing your discontent at him.
‘Chris- you fucking cheated?!’ You shout with a small laugh in disbelief, your arms crossed over your chest as you refer to his illegal drag collision.
‘No proof? Didn’t happen, sweetheart’ he sassily bites back at you, which makes you falter, but your glare only harshens after he immaturely pokes the centre of your chest.
Does this man just make it his mission to piss you off as much as humanly possible?
Both of you maintain tense eye contact, your chest heaving whilst Chris’ eyes subtly flick downwards to soak in the look of your body.
As more coloured drifters cruise past the finish line, the silence gets awkward, awkward enough for you to spontaneously shouts a shaky ‘I want a fucking rematch!’, not really sure what provoked you to voice this random request. Usually, you couldn’t bear to be around Chris for more than 5 seconds at a time.
So why did you all of a sudden have the urge to be alone with him?
The way you look at him prompts Chris to suspect that this request probably isn’t just about having a rematch, that in fact it’s something much deeper… what that is, he doesn’t know yet, but he’s prepared to find out.
Clearing his throat, he slips a box of cherry scented cigarettes from out of his leather jacket whilst looking around wearily. You swallow, and watch him in silence as he puts one into his mouth and flicks on his lighter. Holding it up to the cherry, it sparks, and a small wisp of smoke puffs out from his pursed mouth.
He opens the door of his Nissan once again before sliding inside.
The scent of maraschino cherries diffuses across his ride and melts into the white leather seats as he shuts his door before using his hand to turn on the ignition. Then, he rolls down his window to thankfully still see you standing there expectantly and waiting for an answer.
Chris simply sits back in his seat, watching the wind comb through your hair as sickly sweet cherry flavoured smoke finds its way up into your nose.
‘Well?’ You raise your eyebrows and snap at him, your hip cocking sassily. But even though your exterior front looks confident, your insides panic and your mouth becomes dry at the very much tangible sexual tension within the air.
Chris looks forward for a second, leaving the both of you in silence once again so that you can take in the far away laughs and clinks of beer bottles from the left over straggling gamblers that are now only talking about Chris.
He squints his eyes with his cigarette still in his mouth, deep in thought, before crinkling his nose and sniffing, reaching his hand out to twist the keys of his car in the ignition properly. His car rumbles to life as he takes out his cigarette, resting it in between his two fingertips.
That arm decides to leans itself on the car door as his wrist and hand dangle out of the window.
‘Meet me at Carolina Point at 3am’
He mumbles to you, as if not wanting anyone else to know about this secret little rendezvous before he’s pushing down the handbrake of his car and it’s lunging forward.
He motors away with a singular hand gripping the steering wheel, turning it smoothly and leaving you with the remnants of his car exhaust fumes, his cherry cigarette butts and the smell of his black and white leather jacket.
It’s 3am.
And music quietly hums from your radio as you pull up next to Chris’ parked car, the glittering red paint job a flashy eyesore when matched with the dark background of the skyline.
Carolina point overlooks a section of the city that is well known by racers like him and yourself and so it provides a nice backdrop for the strange meeting that you two are about to have. Chris sits on the bonnet of his car, looking down to the veins of his city before twisting his neck to observe the way you get out of your own car.
A small smile ticks at the side of his lips before he quickly wipes it away and stands up from his bonnet, the machinery creaking and the suspension bouncing upwards after being released from his weight.
‘Surprised you came’ he muses, before spitting the old toothpick from in between his lips into the long grass.
You roll your eyes and meet him halfway, already nervous about being alone with him in such a close proximity, especially after what had already unfolded between you two beforehand.
‘Course I did, you cheated’ you muse spitefully, and stop right in front of his taller frame. But Chris edges a little bit closer after you had come to a halt, which makes your palms sweat.
You try to keep your composure, fully intent on getting on with the business of the rematch you had wanted, until you fail when you physically watch the way Chris’ eyes dilated at the sight of you.
It makes you nervous to see his body react to you in such a way, and that nervousness only gets worse after he intentionally lowers his voice to purr a quiet ‘oh yeah? An’ how are we gonna fix that hm?’. His head tilts and his tone is as smooth as caramel, the tease almost belittling in manner.
Your chest expands with a stuttering deep breath, the smell of cherries tart on his tongue and overwhelming as the scent stains his jacket too.
Your heart quickens in pace the closer Chris’ head gets to yours, but you don’t move back, even though every siren in your body imaginable screams that this is so terribly fucking wrong.
You blink up at him, almost forgetting why you’re supposed to be here before dumbly stuttering ‘b-by having a rematch…’.
Chris looks at you so hungrily… so primally, and you hardly even get the time to finish your sentence before your mouth is being engulfed by his. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, and neither do you.
His lips are soft and buttery as they rub against yours, your whole entire body stiff and your eyes wide, before you ever so slowly melt into his embrace.
Chris utters a quiet whimper of content and the noise almost makes you squeeze your thighs together. You didn’t even realise Chris was capable of making a noise like that.
Your lips smack together after Chris pulls away, saliva wetting the moist pink skin.
You’re trapped within a daze, utterly stunned and drunk on the taste of his mouth. Chris’ eyelashes feather, and he bites his lip in nervousness, testing the waters of what he’s just done to you. But you look as though you’re absolutely enamoured by it and so he grins in satisfaction.
He goes back again, this time more aggressively, to suck and pull on your lips, and you freely let him, not a single thought behind your eyes apart from the way his teeth pull on your flesh.
‘I- I want a rematch’
Chris pulls away just once for you to voice this timid defiance, however his only thought is concerned with how deliciously red and juicy your lips look. He acknowledges you only by dipping back in and pressing another soft kiss to your peachy pillows, humming a little ‘mhm’ in agreement but also not really listening to you as his face twists and his nose brushes against yours.
The wet sound of his lips sucking your plumper ones into his mouth makes your panties dampen.
‘What if I wanna make it up to you in some other way?’ He daringly mumbles against your lips which wets the skin even around them with his saliva. The arch of your back is subtle, but it’s still fully there as you weight up the pros and cons of this situation. But really… are there any cons aside from the afterthought of knowing that you let your sworn enemy touch your body in the most intimate of places?
At the present, it seems like such a small price to pay within the delusion of your lust. And Chris’ hands already feel just so magical when their big impressions carve their way down your waistline, sliding over the bumps of your hips.
Fuck they’re huge in comparison to yours. And that thought alone makes you wet, your folds becoming even slicker at the motion of Chris using his hands to force you up against the hard side of his car.
The metal and glass behind your back makes you shiver and the machinery is freezing cold in the already frosted mountainous air of Carolina point.
This cold suddenly brings you clarity, and for a second you have to fully stop and pull away from his intoxicating tongue, just so you can voice a stupid ‘wait- what are we doing…?’.
Your mind goes reeling and your eyes look like saucers when remembering just who you are kissing… and who is pushing you up against his car.
Your chest heaves and your voice sounds fully strangled, the vision of making out with Chris plaguing your mind and turning it rotten.
But Chris only gazes at you, understanding how weird this must feel, because it feels weird to him too. However he can’t help it, one taste was enough for him and now he’s hooked.
He pushes back into you with haste, his thick hips greedily pinning you to the side of his car as he groans an ‘ugh- fuck it, who even cares anymore?’.
It’s almost like he’s jointly voicing this to his own self control, because he then allows himself to messily paw at the side of his vehicle, frantically looking for the door handle to his back seat whilst fully enthralling himself within your kissing lips.
Your tongues twist, and it’s messy, but you love it just the same. Especially after feeling Chris beneath his baggy black jeans, thick and throbbing for you when he moans in approval at the touch of the door handle.
He curls his fingers into it and yanks it open, the suctioning sound of the door making your heart gallop tenfold because of the connotations that come with Chris forcefully pushing you into the backseat of his car.
Are you two really about to do this? What even happened to get you to this stage?
It all seems like such a blur now, the spontaneity of your actions helping to numb the idea of regret. An idea that you know you’re defintely going to feel in the morning.
But not tonight… tonight is about wandering hands and careless affections, between two people who just so happen to supposedly ‘hate’ each other.
He grabs you with a growled laugh of ‘c’mere’, his large palms splaying underneath your thighs as he hoists you into his arms and walks you around the sharp edges of his red door.
Practically throwing you inside, he’s eager to clamber in himself and restart his torturous decent of your luscious neck skin.
So he does, and he slams the door behind him whilst doing so.
Meanwhile, you spread your legs to let him into you, your ass sinking into the plush white leather of his seats as your back comes to rest against the opposite side door.
Now you’re seeing a completely different Chris, that hovers over you and gives you that toe curling gaze he’s perfected over the many months of first competing with you.
The gaze is reminiscent of the first time you two ever raced together, with a hint of attraction and chemistry there, until you started to hate each other as soon as it became more of a competition to see which one was better.
This Chris is so astronomically different in comparison to the one you had grown to absolutely despise, the two of you stuck in this viciously competitive cycle of building up tension after tension until all of it just burst and ended up with Chris’ head right in between your legs.
He yanks off every single article of clothing wrapped around your lower half, trying to resist the urge of snapping open your underwear and making a mess of the delicate red lace as soon as he sees it.
Fuck. You’re even wearing his racing colours.
‘These for me?’ He teases and raises his eyebrows whilst simultaneously slipping off your panties and lifting them to the side of his face.
Without knowing any better, you smirk and nod, guessing that it’ll drive his narcissism absolutely crazy. And you’re right. Because soon after, he scrunches up the soaked panties into his fist and throws them up to the front of the car. They messily then land on the dashboard.
He smirks down at your shining red cunt, wet stickiness practically drooling from out of your hole already.
‘Imma drive with your panties on the dashboard all the way home so that anyone who seems them will know how good I fucked this pretty little pussy…’
You swallow a pant at his crude language, not being able to help the shake of your hands or the blink of your eyes. ‘Do it… for me?’ You coquettishly breathe back, and it only drives Chris up the wall further. With this being said, he obeys and darts his head down to your centre, wasting no time in peppering small suctioned kisses against your inner thighs.
They quiver as soon as his face gets closer to your centre, and you know he’s just about to put his tongue on you because he smirks, gearing up to say another filthy thing.
‘M’sorry I cheated baby’ he pouts boyishly, before giving your clit an open-mouthed kiss.
You whine and buck your hips up into the firm hold of his rough hands, that have slid around to force you down and keep you from squirming away at his stimulation. ‘Forgive me?’ He speaks with his head tilted. Then a thick globule of spit comes tumbling from his mouth to plink onto your throbbing heat.
It greedily rolls down your pinkness and Chris goes in for another heavy kiss, this time closing his eyes to eat you like his life depended on it, licking around you clit and even dipping himself into your hole. He’s not sure when he’ll next get the chance to fuck you like this and so savours it with as much fever as he possibly can.
All the while, you lie with your back propped up against the opposite door, looking down at him with your calves smoothly slung around his shoulders.
You hypnotically watch how your thighs twitch at every opportunity Chris gives you, his tongue rolling over several pleasure points in an effort to get you to come.
‘Mmm-okay’ you moan before bitting your hand and mumbling through your teeth ‘I forgive you, please- please just let me cum’.
He had been savouring this for a while now, leisurely dipping his tongue in and out of you whenever he felt like it as he pressed his other palm over the thick bulge in his jeans, trying to suppress its ache by kneading it downwards and squeezing himself.
He struggles not to openly thrust his hips into his hand at the tiny whimpers you make, because you sound so pretty trying to reach your high.
He sighs before giving you one last rolling kiss. ‘I guess that’s only fair, alright I’ll let you cum sweetheart’.
Straight after he says this you let out a heaved ‘Jesus Christ!’, your cry brandishing tears within your eyes as one of Chris’ long fingers unexpectedly slide right up into your throbbing cunt, your precome already acting as natural lubricant to coat his skin.
It’s almost mouthwatering how good it feels, for both you and Chris. His finger seems to fit in there perfectly, and so he adds another, stroking your walls and curling them upwards delicately.
‘Can you fit three in there baby…? Please let me put three in… you look pretty when you’re drooling for my fingers’ he whines, his voice high pitched and begging for you to allow him the pleasure of three.
‘Fuck- yes, please, please put three in. I can handle it!’ You moan in desperation, not really knowing what to do with your hands, so one feeds itself into his luscious brown locks whilst the other one curls around the white leather headrest of the back seat you’re sitting on.
You white knuckle it when Chris effortlessly coos ‘there’s a good girl… gonna make you feel so good’ whilst inserting his third finger, its length making your back arch and the windows of the car fog up.
‘Look at you… fucking up the back of my car, needy girl’ Chris muses whilst observing the way some of your wetness leaks out and blobs onto his nice white leather seats, the condensation of your horny breath staining the windows and your hand practically clawing at his headrest whilst his fingers work inside of you.
‘S-shut up. You wreck the outside of my car, I’ll wreck the inside of yours’ you bite back sassily, your whole entire chin tipping back in ecstasy as you feel your orgasm clawing beneath the lining of your gut.
Chris’ fingers speed their pace at this, and the squelch of them working past your screaming orgasm nearly makes him cum all over himself within his pants, especially after hearing your continuous moan at the motion his harsh fingertip thrusts.
After you calm, you careen forward to grip onto the wrist of his hand, tapping out immediately in overstimulation. He pulls his sopping wet fingers from out of your core and then lollipops them into his mouth.
As you sit there and regain your breath, your cheeks redden impossibly further at Chris’ quipped demand of ‘take off your top’, still with his fingers bitten in between his teeth.
You do as he says, watching him pull his hand back out of his mouth with hooded eyes as you peel off the tight fabric.
He doesn’t even have to tell you to take off your bra either, you just do it, giving him the gorgeous sight of your tits resting on your chest.
‘This good enough for you?’ you tease, letting one of the straps from your bra slide down your pointer finger before tossing it next to your already discarded panties that sit upon his dashboard.
Chris blinks at your devilish action in shock, before putting a smirk back onto his handsome face.
‘Oh I am going to fuckin’ destroy you’ he cackles playfully, before curling his hands around the backs of your thighs and pulling your body to lay down horizontally.
You gulp as you tilt your chin upwards, watching the way he pulls his jeans and his underwear down with his gleaming cock springing up to hit his lower abdomen.
Licking your lips, you have to squeeze your thighs together at the sight of it as he then turns towards you and advances forward, with his lower half bare and his racer jacket and black t-shirt still in tact over his top half.
His pulsing cock stands on end, and he bites his bottom lip whilst clambering over your thighs to get to your stomach, much to your utter confusion.
That is, until you realise why he asked you to take your top off in the first place.
Planting his knees on either side of your underarms, they sink into his plush leather as he towers over you, grinning at your heaving chest. From his height advantage, he gathers a jewel of spit into his mouth and tips his head forward, allowing it to ooze outwards and splash against the valley in between your tits.
You swallow at this, watching as he then shuffles downwards and leans the head of his dripping prick onto the puddle of saliva he had created.
‘Push your pretty tits together sugar’.
Now when using this nickname, it sounds sickly sweet instead of full of malice, coated with a thin layer of cherry sauce as his cheeky grin perfectly mirrors the cheeky action of him using his hands to help you squeeze the sides of your tits together.
Your skin feels sticky with Chris’ spit and Chris lets out the ungodliest of groans when pushing his tip forcefully into the crack between them.
You hiss in pain at the feeling of Chris’ cock wedged against your tits, but bite your lip and ignore it in favour of watching the way he fucks his hips into them.
His pink head disappears in and out of the top opening and he has to fall forward and grip his hands onto the door to keep himself steady. He ruts himself faster with the added security and his car begins to shake at the aggressive motion.
He had done the majority of building up his orgasm whilst eating you out, so now all he had to do was finish it off, and what better way to do that than with his cock buried in between your tits?
‘Fuck Chris-’ you mumble with your mouth dropped open and your eyes glued to the way small drips of precum already leak out from his cock onto the flushed skin of your chest.
‘Ugh- I’m… I’m cumming- fuck- open your m-mouth’ Chris moans into the air, squeezing his eyes shut as the elastic band of his orgasm snaps and forces cum to come squirting out of his head, some of the sticky white liquid coating your chest, but the other half of it finding its way into your open mouth.
You wait for Chris to milk himself dry, your tongue still out expectantly, until he sees that you’re wanting permission to swallow it.
To help you, he reaches out one of his tremouring fingertips to gather up the cum smeared over your chin, then he slides them into your mouth.
You suck on them, swallowing all of what he has to give you with a tired but appreciative hum as he looks down at you with glassy eyes of complacency.
What the fuck just happened between you two… and why did he feel like he wanted to do it all over again?
‘You still really not gonna pay for any of the scrapes you gave my car huh?’ You speak up into the awkward silence as Chris shuts the back door of his Nissan, leaving the smell of sex to permeate within his car.
He lights one of his cigarettes and snorts, trudging his way around to the front of his car before yanking the door open, your bra and panties still resting on the dashboard and yourself still very much naked underneath your regular clothes.
‘In your dreams sugar’.
There’s another silence as the two of you just look at each other, not knowing if whether or not you’ll ever see each other in that kind of vulnerable light again.
One thing is for sure though, no one can ever know about what happened here tonight.
Chris looks almost hesitant to go with his face softening and smoke tumbling from out of the red cherry of his cigarette. He blinks to snap himself out of it though.
‘Cya at the next race baby…’
He tips his head and then slides down into his car as you look at him wantonly.
‘Yeah… cya’.
Author’s notes p.2: hot. RIVAL RACERS AND ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE OH YEAHHH. This is defintely the longest fucking thing I’ve done so I apologise for that lol. And I’m also equally sorry for the ridiculously long wait omg, I’ve been hyping this up too much so I’m sorry if it’s not that great bc most of it was written on major sleep deprivation haha. Also guysss exciting stuff is happening as I’m almost at 2,000 followers and me and @luv4kozume have got something really fun planned for us both hitting 2k!!
Taglist: @luverboychris @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @luv4kozume @stursweet @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @thesturniolos @sturniolosreads @vecnasnose0 @meanttomeet @ellie-luvsfics @matthemunch @mattsleftnipple03 @robins-scoop @asturniolos @imwetforyourmom @nicksmainbitch @sturnioloenthusiast @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @rootbeerworshiper @chr1sgirl4life @hrt-attack @gigisworldsstuff @stargirlsturniololover @imlidewwallyhittingdagwiddy @sturniololoverr @jahlisa22 @bernardsgf @luvasr @meg-sturniolo @blahbel668 @liz-stxrn @sturnreblog @ratatioulle @isabellehoran @1800chokedathoe @sturnsmadl @sturniolossmut @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattswifey00 @sturniolowhore @skadltmf @sturniolosstar @luvsturns @mattestrella @hearts4chriss @orangeypepsi
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queerlybee · 1 year
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I realized I never introduced myself here! I'm new to Simblr! Bee (they/them) Queer - Nonbinary, Lesbian, Ace & Polyamorous Disabled & Autistic The Sims is my special interest & I stream my gameplay on Twitch and Tiktok every Tue, Wed, Thu, & Sun! And I've just started getting one of our series edited to Youtube! Content creation is my full-time job because I'm chronically ill! I helped create the Road to Rainbow Queer Legacy Challenge & the 100 Berry Challenge (both in my bio!) Other things I love: cozy games (especially Indies!), cuddles & watching tv with my partner (Law & Order, Greys Anatomy, Station 19, Survivor & more!), reading, crafts (gem painting, bullet journaling, embroidery, etc), cats, plants & decorating! I'm not sure what else to share but I'd love to make friends in the community & put in my application to be your comfort streamer ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ .*・。゚
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sliver-ofstraw · 2 months
WICKED by Avenza HOUSTON by Big Giant Circles SEVCON by Big Giant Circles VINDICATE ME by Big Giant Circles COMMANDO STEVE by Bossfight MILKY WAYS by Bossfight LYCANTHROPY by Cardi SPECTRA by Chipzel THE ART OF WAR by Chipzel TOKYO SKIES by Chipzel THE LUNAR WHALE by Danimal Cannon LONG LIVE THE NEW FRESH by Danimal Cannon CHRONOS by Danimal Cannon & Zef CORRUPTED by Danimal Cannon & Zef LEGACY by Danimal Cannon & Zef LOGIC GATEKEEPER by Danimal Cannon & Zef ANNIHILATE by Destroid DANCE OF THE INCOGNIZANT by FantomenK CRYSTAL TOKYO by FantomenK and Meganeko YOKUMAN by kevviiiinnn CASCADE by Kubbi CHEAT CODES by Nitro Fun FINAL BOSS by Nitro Fun NEW GAME by Nitro Fun BARRACUDA by Noisestorm DUBWOOFER SUBSTEP by Omnitica TRY THIS by Pegboard Nerds UNLOCKED by Plesco CLOSE TO ME by Sabrepulse FIRST CRUSH by Sabrepulse TERMINATION SHOCK by Sabrepulse PAPER DOLLS by Shawn Daley INTO THE ZONE by Shirobon FOX by Shirobon ON THE RUN by Shirobon COOL FRIENDS (REMIX) by Silva Hound HYPE by Tokyo Machine CLASH by Trip40 T'ILL IT'S OVER by Tristam CORE by Zef A ROSE IN A FIELD by Big Giant Circles CHIP ZEAL by Big Giant Circles AGROBACTER by Danimal Cannon EMBER by Kubbi FORMED BY GLACIERS by Kubbi WARM HUGS IN COURT by Kubbi, FTW, and Let's be Friends RAINBOW ROAD by nanobii I'M BEING REELISTIC by Omnitica SUGAR RUSH by PIXL ONCE AGAIN by Tristam
Pick one.
I'm not sure what fits me! What does everyone else think?
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By the way, here's the full bracket in text form. I haven't finished the images yet because the way i'm doing it takes a while but looks really cool (it's got rainbow!)
Shinobird vs. P.U.N.K. vs. Impcantation
Noble Knight vs. Infinitrack vs. World Legacy
Chemicritter vs. Fire Fist vs. Kuriboh
Mikanko vs. Guardian vs. Tachyon
Black Luster Soldier vs. Blaze Fiend vs. Icejade
Hole vs. Crystron vs. Cat (Rush Duel)
Shaddoll vs. S-Force vs. Mekk-Knight
Scrap vs. Digital Bug vs. Drone
Bujin vs. Nimble vs. Tri-Brigade
Beast Gear vs. Charmer vs. Nemeses
Subterror vs. PSY-Frame vs. Orcust
Therion vs. Nordic vs. Branded
The Weather vs. Gorgonic vs. Mythical Beast
Neo-Spacian vs. Predaplant vs. Traptrix
Fire Formation vs. Bystial vs. Kashtira
Dark Magician vs. Mathmech vs. Majestic
Madolche vs. Mannadium vs. Skiel
Number vs. Tindangle vs. Crusadia
Numeron vs. Jinzo vs. Live☆Twin
Speedroid vs. Jointech vs. Mayakashi
Dragonmaid vs. Poker Knight vs. Tron
Flamvell vs. Entity vs. Zefra
Ritual Beast vs. The Agent vs. Appliancer
Arcana Force vs. Dark Scorpion vs. Yang Zing
Vernusylph vs. Timelord vs. Evil Eye
Rokket vs. Ogdoadic vs. Umbral Horror
Sky Striker vs. Triamid vs. Aquaactress
Crystal Beast vs. Unchained vs. Voidvelgr
Kaiju vs. Virtual World vs. Synchro Dragon
Heraldic Beast vs. Chrysalis vs. Yubel
/Assault Mode vs. Battlewasp vs. Ghoti
Malefic vs. Fortune Fairy vs. Endymion
Blue-Eyes vs. Inzektor vs. Mist Valley
Gravekeeper’s vs. Star Seraph vs. Sunavalon
Evil★Twin vs. Fossil vs. Despia
Code Talker vs. Malicevorous vs. Meklord
Beetrooper vs. Purrely vs. Generaider
Dragon Ruler vs. Iron Chain vs. Genex
Sportsdragon vs. Ancient Gear vs. Aesir
Gaia vs. Constructor vs. Armed Dragon
G Golem vs. B.E.S. vs. Excutie
Music Princess vs. Dark World vs. T.G.
Krawler vs. Prophecy vs. The☆
Batteryman vs. Magistus vs. Thunder Dragon
Magical Musket vs. Strike Dragon vs. A.I.
Swordsoul vs. Talismanic vs. Ojama
Majespecter vs. Vision HERO vs. CAN:D
Infernity vs. Void vs. Volcanic
High Tech Dragon vs. Gunkan vs. Gagaga
Megalith vs. Sushi Fairy vs. Anti
Ninja vs. Earthbound vs. Gladiator Beast
Frightfur vs. Archfiend vs. Synchron
Dinomist vs. Ursarctic vs. Gouki
D/D vs. Helixx vs. Raidraptor
Witchcrafter vs. Gold Pride vs. D-Scale
Gimmick Puppet vs. Cloudian vs. Mermail
War Rock vs. Utopia vs. Armatos Legio
Drytron vs. Gandora vs. Infernoid
Steelswarm vs. Battleguard vs. Superheavy Samurai
Blackwing vs. Smile vs. Cyber Dragon
True King vs. Cyberdark vs. Alien
Magician Girl vs. Koa’ki Meiru vs. Performapal
Parshath vs. Galactica vs. Vylon
Cubic vs. Fairy Tail vs. Reptilianne
Galaxy vs. White vs. Skysavior
Thorn Prisoner vs. Supreme King vs. SPYRAL
Burning Abyss vs. U.A. vs. Melffy
Phantom Knights vs. Simorgh vs. Red-Eyes
Destiny HERO vs. Mokey Mokey vs. Evilswarm
Fusion Dragon vs. Zubaba vs. Frog
Clear vs. Adamancipator vs. Fire King
Dogmatika vs. Jersey vs. Duston
Floowandereeze vs. Valkyrie vs. Abyss Actor
Prediction Princess vs. Magikey vs. Six Samurai
Wind-Up vs. Danger! vs. Lightsworn
Gishki vs. Xyz Dragon vs. Vanquish Soul
Altergeist vs. Machina vs. Springans
Spellbook vs. Magnum Overlord vs. Nekroz
Herald vs. Arts Angel vs. Rikka
Evolsaur vs. Performage vs. Cynet
Eldlitch vs. Ancient Warriors vs. Penguin
F.A. vs. Codebreaker vs. Kozmo
Evil HERO vs. Topologic vs. Qliphort
Igknight vs. Vampire vs. Dark Contract
Dracoslayer vs. Shiranui vs. Fur Hire
Dododo vs. Kairyu-Shin vs. Toon
Fortune Lady vs. Jurrac vs. Amorphage
Melodious vs. Amazement vs. Thunderbeetle
Evolzar vs. Pendulum Dragon vs. Ice Barrier
Gem-Knight vs. Ewekai vs. Djinn
Gusto vs. Starry Knight vs. Tearlaments
Sevens Road vs. Odd-Eyes vs. Zoodiac
Exodia vs. Super Quant vs. Karakuri
Nemleria vs. Monarch vs. Lyrilusc
Scareclaw vs. Nephthys vs. Salamangreat
Hazy Flame vs. Dracoverlord vs. Vaylantz
Plunder Patroll vs. Warrior vs. Butterspy
Libromancer vs. Harpie vs. Runick
Evoltile vs. Symphonic Warrior vs. Gadget
Borrel vs. True Draco vs. Dinowrestler
Morphtronic vs. Prank-Kids vs. Laval
Atlantean vs. Materiactor vs. Dinomorphia
Hieratic vs. Myutant vs. Darklord
Cyber Angel vs. Gizmek vs. Labyrinth
Heroic vs. Phantom Beast vs. Edge Imp
Granel vs. Artifact vs. Constellar
Elemental HERO vs. Goyo vs. Ally of Justice
Watt vs. Knightmare vs. Marincess
Sylvan vs. Elementsaber vs. Photon
Ghostrick vs. Vendread vs. Buster Blader
Aroma vs. Wisel vs. Mirror Imagine
Worm vs. Amazoness vs. Yosenju
Metalfoes vs. Flower Cardian vs. Ultimate Flag
Royal Rebel’s vs. Solfachord vs. Dragunity
Rose Dragon vs. New Order vs. Exosister
C vs. Windwitch vs. Spright
Dream Mirror vs. Transamu vs. Metaphys
Naturia vs. Graydle vs. Venom
@Ignister vs. Battlin’ Boxer vs. Lunalight
Junk vs. Time Thief vs. Rescue-ACE
Chronomaly vs. Destruction Sword vs. Phantasm Spiral
Masked HERO vs. Tenyi vs. Tellarknight
Trickstar vs. Gogogo vs. Attraction
Cipher vs. Vehicroid vs. Deskbot
Invoked vs. Elemental Lord vs. X-Saber
Resonator vs. Stardust vs. Fabled
Geargia vs. ZW - vs. Fluffal
Pendulum Magician vs. Shadow Flower vs. Paleozoic
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sailorsally · 9 months
i love this so much! and it really proves how important cas’ confession was to his overall arc: that he accepted the truth of his whole (queer) self and found happiness in just being.
feeling extra fond for those who made that happen right now! 🥰
Absolutely!! I know we are all bitter the finale didn't play out as we wished but when Misha said his initial reaction was "oh really, we can do that on this network??" really shows how close Cas' confession was to Not Happening. I have said this before: queer characters aren't a novelty anymore but a queer character on a tv show that ran for 15 years? Someone who is as universally beloved as Cas? Someone people have cultivated a deep emotional connection with? That is rare. As Misha said, Cas is a queer icon and he will always light up the rainbow road for us 🌈
The true legacy of supernatural will always be making so many of us feel seen and understood. Which is really ironic seeing how Dean was never allowed any of it. Guess this is yet another of those things Dean gave us but couldn't give himself, in the true Dean fashion. 💔
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arofili · 2 years
for @tolkiengenweek day 4: solo & work
[on ao3]
Ilmen glimmered beneath him, shimmering waves of stardust parting for Vingilótë’s prow. In the distance, Ilmarë and her handmaidens danced along the edges of Vaiya, cutting little holes in the firmament so the distant stars might shine through. It was a ceaseless task, each wound in the fabric of the Void healing before the dawn. But such was the nature of the Ainur, to spin in circles, maintaining the delicate balance of Arda, each step a holy sacrament, a fulfilment of a divine nature.
If he sailed too close to the perforations in reality, he could hear the whistling of emptiness from Beyond. Once, he thought he heard the low rumble of a ragged voice, but the jewel upon his brow had shone so brightly with its own Song that the dissonance was drowned out.
The heavens were a lonely place. They were beautiful, breathtaking: indeed, there was no breath for him to take. No mortal was made for this un-land, nor any immortal; he yet lived only by the grace of Varda and the power of the Silmaril.
He was no mortal. He had made his Choice, long ago, before the world was changed. And now that he traversed the skies in orbit around the globe that swallowed up his son’s dying legacy, he knew he was no immortal, either.
His son—but had he truly been a father to Elros?
His legacy—but was Númenor ever his to claim?
Eärendil was not an Elf, nor a Man. Unlike his wife, he was no Ainu. He was named for the Sea, and yet his ship had not felt the caress of a salt-wave in millennia. He was named for Arda, and yet dwelt apart, alone.
He was a guide: the closest star to the earth, shining brighter than any starlight filtered from realms beyond. He was hope: but not for himself. Never for himself.
Once, he had been selfish. He had missed his father and mother, and left searching for them, denying his sons their own father.
Now, he was only a symbol, a lonely glimmer in the night sky. Elrond looked up to him in bittersweet sorrow; the Dúnedain prayed to him; many others who knew not of his mission sang his praises.
It was not a curse, his task. He had chosen this: he had chosen the World over himself. He had chosen his wife over himself.
He illumined the Straight Road, casting light upon the shimmering rainbow path from Arda to Aman. For a season, now and again, he would follow the path himself, and return to a land that had been his mother’s, but was never his own.
In Ages past, Elwing had flown out to meet him as he descended from Ilmen to Aman. Now the world was changed, and she awaited him in her white tower, staring ever eastward, toward all they had lost.
They had one another. He held her to his breast and smelled her hair and told himself it was worth it.
His mother did the same to him, when he visited her tower of pearl.
But his duty was that of the Ainur: endless, repetitive, eternal. As soon as the weariness eased, he took up his sails again and launched back into the heavens, for he was needed there, to turn the cycles of the stars. He was no Ainu: but neither was he of any other kindred. He was of no people, and of all; he was not himself.
There was peace in Ilmen, gleaming with stardust, glowing with the Light of the jewel bound to his brow. There was time: endless time, time stretching on for ever, time turned meaningless in abundance. There was song, snatches of lost melodies rippling through the airless winds.
He watched Ilmarë and her maidens dance. They were beautiful, taking joy in their work.
Yet for his own work, he felt nothing at all. 
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pearsblossoms · 2 years
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river and luna [road to rainbow legacy gen 2]
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corinneecrivaine · 9 months
Title : Jade's Secret Havens.
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The fishing port of The Brightly Stars Island was a picturesque place where colorful boats gently swayed on the crystal-clear waters. Sunlight bathed the area in golden light, creating sparkling reflections on the waves. The port was surrounded by small wooden cabins, each housing fishing equipment, nets, and crates for storing the precious sea bounty.
When Melissa and Scorpia arrived, Kael was already hard at work, busy unloading nets filled with freshly caught fish.
« Has the fishing been good, my love ? »
Kael stepped off the boat with a crate of fish, saying, « The waters have been generous today." Addressing his daughter, he added, "Scorpia, help me, take the other crates. »
The small boat, named « The Ocean's Foam » painted in bold white letters on the side of its azure blue hull, evoked both the wild beauty of the sea and Kael's dream of sailing the waves in search of lost treasures. This well-maintained vessel appeared to have seen countless adventures. Its white sails created a striking contrast against the deep blue of the hull.
As they worked together, Melissa called out to her daughter,
— Scorpia, honey, you went a bit too far with Kit.
— I want to know if she's worthy of joining our family business
— I know you want to protect us, especially your sister, but don't be too hard on her. I think she is going through tough times.
— I've noticed that, Mom, but... It's just that... I don't understand why Jade doesn't want to run the restaurant alongside me. She has the skills.
— Honey, everyone has their own dreams and aspirations. Let your sister follow her wishes.
Scorpia couldn't hide her anger. « What wishes!!! Those of going on adventures aboard the boat she's renovating with Dad's approval!!! This restaurant is our legacy, both of ours. Jade could help it grow with me! »
Kael intervened while remaining calm. « It's important to support your sister's choices, even if they differ from yours and ours. The restaurant will thrive under your management. »
Melissa gently placed her hand on her daughter's cheek to soothe her concerns. « I know you're worried about the day your sister will leave. You won't lose her. The bond between you two will never be broken by distance. »
Scorpia sighed.
— Come on, young lady, come help me, we still have work to do, all these fish won't wait.
Jade was driving her hippie Beetle along the road lined with palm trees, with Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" playing in the background. She pulled Kit out of her thoughts.
— I want to apologize for my sister's behavior. She may seem tough and authoritative, but deep down, she's a very caring person.
— She's just trying to protect her little sister, Replied Kit with a smile.
— Sometimes a bit too much. She's going to be a tougher boss than our father.
— I think it's great that she's taking over the management. This restaurant is your whole life.
Jade sighed and turned to Kit. « "Yes, it is, but... Scorpia has always been the more responsible one of us two. She really wants to make the restaurant prosper, and that's commendable. She wants me by her side, but me... »
— What do you want ?
— My father left me a boat that I'm renovating with him. Oh, it's in perfect sailing condition, but I just want to make it more beautiful and give it a name. I want to see the world beyond this island. It's still a contentious issue between my sister and me, who believes it's my duty to manage the family business.
— I'm sorry, Jade, to hear that your dreams are a source of conflict with your sister. I know how important it can be to follow one's desires.
A sense of sadness washed over her as she thought of all the dreams Emma would never fulfill. Sensing her friend's sorrow, Jade decided to change the subject. « I'm going to take you to two beautiful places where I like to recharge. »
As they were carried away by the stroll, sharing stories and laughter, Jade's gaze was filled with tenderness and affection, revealing her desire to get closer to Kit. The young girl was avoiding this budding connection, her eyes getting lost in the passing landscape. Kit's heart was still trapped in the memories of her lost love.
« The first place I'm going to take you to is a natural sanctuary, a place of meditation for me. The perfect spot to recharge and connect with nature. »
Her demeanor, her gentle words, her smile, her passion for adventure, and the magic of The Brightly Stars Island all created a complex mix of emotions within Kit. On one hand, it was comforting to find certain qualities of Emma in Jade, but on the other hand, it stirred up the pain of loss.
« We've arrived. We'll have to walk »
The two young women left the old Beetle behind and entered a trail leading to the sanctuary. It was like stepping into an enchanting world where nature was at its peak. The narrow path wound its way through a lush forest where each tree seemed to tell an ancient story. The symphony of tropical birds adorned the atmosphere.
Excited to show her this place, Jade spoke with enthusiasm. « Welcome to the Natural Sanctuary. To access it, we have to cross this small wooden bridge lit by lanterns. Come, follow me. »
Kit followed her cautiously. Each step resonated on the wooden planks, and the soft light from the lanterns guided them until they reached the small pond of the sanctuary, surrounded by moss-covered rocks and tropical plants. The water was so clear that Kit could see the fish swimming among the colorful pebbles. She hesitated for a moment before plunging her hand into the water.
Jade smiled warmly. « You can, there's no risk. »
When the coolness of the water touched her skin, Kit felt a soothing sensation. The Natural Sanctuary was, in fact, a tiny island located at the center of this pond.
« It's a place of serenity and well-being. Somewhere you can find inner peace. That's why I named it The Serenity Sanctuary. It's my little secret refuge, » Jade spoke with a contemplative and gentle gaze.
She approached the lanterns arranged around them and turned a small crank beneath each of them. To Kit's surprise, a soft glow began to emanate.
« How do it work? » Kit asked.
« They're hand-crank lanterns. They're designed to work without electricity. It's a bit like making a wish every time I light one. I made them with my father. »
« Why did you bring me here? Why share your secret refuge with me? »
« Sometimes, it's nice to share a special place with someone who can understand and appreciate its beauty. Have a seat. »
They settled into small hammocks suspended, facing the pond, ready to savor the tranquility of the sanctuary.
« It's a beautiful place, isn't it? » Jade asked.
« Yes, it's wonderful. »
Kit looked at the pond, her eyes lost in the dancing reflections on the water, her gaze betraying a sense of melancholy. After a brief moment of silence, carried away by the serenity of the place, she let her thoughts escape aloud. « Emma would have loved this place. »
The mention of Emma intrigued Jade. « Emma? Who is she? »
She hesitated for a moment before responding, still gazing at the pond. « She was the most extraordinary person I ever had the chance to meet. »
Surprised to hear Kit using the past tense, Jade inquired, « Was? »
« She's gone. The illness took her a few months ago. »
« I'm truly sorry to hear that. » After a brief pause, she continued, « You came here for her. »
But Kit remained silent, her emotions still too raw to express with words. In this moment of calm, Jade glanced discreetly at Kit's right wrist, wrapped in a subtle bandage.
« Come, let's go see The Majestic Falls. »
The two friends ventured further into the lush vegetation of the island. Their footsteps echoed on the ground covered in leaves and gnarled roots. Each note of the living symphony carried Kit into a state of bliss. The birdsong was an intoxicating melody, and the insects provided a subtle percussion that added depth to this natural composition. She could catch glimpses of the vibrant colors of plumage as birds took flight among the branches.
As they continued, the sound of water grew louder, a soft and soothing murmur guiding them. Kit breathed deeply, letting the air of the tropical forest fill her lungs. The sweet, intoxicating scents of nature, a heady mix of fragrant flowers, rich earth, and invigorating humidity, enveloped her senses. Her keen eyes scanned their surroundings carefully. She ran her fingers along the delicate fronds of ferns, appreciating the slight velvety texture against her skin. Kit felt the coolness of the air like gentle kisses that awakened every inch of her skin.
Lost in her thoughts, she felt a hand on her arm. She startled slightly and turned her head to see Jade by her side.
« Be careful with the tree roots. It can be a bit slippery in places, » Jade cautioned.
When Kit heard the roar of the water, a shiver ran down her spine. She approached the edge of the pool, her breathing slightly quickened, and her pupils dilated. A spark of wonder and surprise danced in her eyes. A soft breath escaped her lips, as if it had been momentarily deprived of words. Her gaze got lost in the crystalline waterfall. She remained still for a moment, allowing herself to be enveloped by the fresh scent of swirling water, the soothing sound of droplets crashing against the rocks, and the gentle sensation of the moist mist on her skin. The echo of the waterfall's roar resonated in her chest, in tune with the beating of her heart.
« Wow... I didn't expect something so grand, » Kit exclaimed.
Jade's smile widened, pleased to see that Kit was sharing her enthusiasm.
« Come on, let's dip our feet. I warn you, the water is really cold. »
Kit turned to Jade, a smile spreading across her face, and followed her lead.
They removed their shoes and dipped their feet into the icy water.
Kit shivered. « Oh! It's really cold! »
« Yes, but it feels amazing. »
Fish darted between their toes, brushing against their skin and creating a tickling sensation.
The two friends burst into laughter.
However, behind this wonder, there was a pain that never left Kit, like a silent hovering shadow. Emma was always there, present in her thoughts, in every place she discovered. She felt a dull ache that mingled with her amazement. But she had to learn to live with this duality, to accept that the beauty of the world could coexist with the pain of loss.
« Let's go sit on those rocks, » Jade suggested.
The majestic waterfall cascading in a silvery curtain filled the air with its soothing melody, like a natural symphony that caressed their ears.
Kit spoke tenderly, as if her lost love were sitting beside her. « Emma, look at this, it's... magnificent. »
« I'm Jade, » she replied gently. « But I'm sure Emma would have loved this place. »
Kit felt embarrassed by her mistake and quickly apologized. « I'm sorry. »
« Don't worry. The beauty of this place can really make you feel close to those you've loved and lost. »
« It's just that... it was Emma's dream to come here. She would have loved to see this place. »
« It's wonderful that you want to honor her dream. But you have the right to create new memories. »
Kit took a deep breath, searching for the words to express her feelings. « Every memory I create in this place will be imbued with her presence in my heart and in my soul. »
After a moment of silence, Jade suggested, « How about we go shopping for the things you need? There's a small local market not far from here. »
« I'm with you. »
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garyholt · 9 months
Nobody cares but me and that’s fine but I really do want the final Rainbow Road in this game to be the one from MKWii. Outside of Tour, Wii has the most retros in the Booster Course Pass and that’s fine but I want the next game to get its own identity that isn’t connected to Wii’s legacy 👎👎👎👎 ok?
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viagosims · 2 years
I will also be starting the road to rainbow legacy challenge soon! It’s an amazing legacy challenge celebrating various LGBTQIA+ identities, written by amazing simmers! This is a link to the challenge doc, as well as the Sims Pride Twitter!
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everflame42 · 22 days
Friend Family Legacy
A while back I finally got a laptop and after many years of watching others play legacies and other challenges I had decided to start my own. I started with one sim and an empty lot as you do and grew from there. The first ten gens were done of short lifespan, going by quickly from one gen to the next and each heir was chosen based on who had highest friendship with the previous heir. The next ten I switched to normal lifespan and did the Road to Rainbow challenge. Then, for the next ten gens I did the Shadow Moon challenge which I'm still working on to this day. Now, I've decided to just share some small bits of it to y'all when I remember or even just for myself. Hope you enjoy.
Memories of Friends (WIP) | Family Tree (Spoilers ahead)
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benjaminhugo · 2 months
Why Should You Try Vintage Clothing
We live in a time when fast fashion is the main trend; however, there’s a magical feeling of something different when choosing vintage clothing. These ageless pieces not only give you a unique way to show off your style, but they also convey a rich history and a strong support for being green. You may be a fashionista or you may just appreciate the finer things in life, but if you have the chance to enter the world of retro clothing, you will see that it will take you to a whole new sensory level that will impress you forever.
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Unique Style Statement
Vintage clothing stands out. Every single garment is a true piece of art and it is a time capsule from the past that allows us to see the clothing fashion trends of old times. Some of my favourite items are vintage Adidas tracksuits and Barbour Jackets, which help me to create a completely unique look. No more of the embarrassment when someone in the event is wearing the same outfit you are. As a vintage lover, your look is a one-of-a-kind creation that reflects your personality and the legacy of your garments.
Exceptional Quality
The other thing that will impress you about vintage clothing is its quality. Clothes have been designed to last, constructed with care and durable materials. These items can range from a sturdy vintage wax jacket to a durable Carhartt jacket. They are designed for long-term use. Vintage is such a choice because you are putting your money on a true piece of fashion history that is surely of high quality.
Sustainable Fashion Choice
The costs of fast fashion are not only expensive in numbers but also in the environment. The choice of vintage is a fashionable way of saving a bit of this planet. You do this by wearing and caring for the vintage clothing again, decreasing the waste and lowering the demand for new clothing production. It's a choice that also loves the planet as it aims to be environmentally friendly.
Historical Connection
All vintage things are history in themselves. Vintage football shirt or retro rugby shirt take you back to the past in a symbolic way. Which is more understandable and convincing. It`s like putting a wild card at your disposal, whether it belongs to a champion of the sports or a time of a fashion that seems to have taken the whole era by storm. With the interconnection, your wardrobe is not limited to a list of items; rather, it has a story behind each of them, making you like fashion more.
Value for Money
Although vintage clothes can vary greatly in price, the value one can acquire by adding them to their wardrobe is incomparable. It’s not just about purchasing clothes but also about buying a piece of art, history, and quality in the fashion industry, which is rarely paralleled in modern fashion clothing. Additionally, vintage items may be even more expensive in the future, so they mean a purchase and a long-term investment.
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Wide Variety
Vintage is like a rainbow of clothing styles in all shapes and sizes. From vintage knitwear to vintage sportswear, the choices are many. At the thrift shop, you find things from different eras, designers, and styles all in one location. Towns like Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Cardiff are among the cities that present incredible second-hand outlets for vintage clothes, serving as hunting areas for fans to visit.
Although the road to embracing vintage clothing may be full of ups and downs, the benefits from this journey is guaranteed to make your personal style more interesting, your history closer, and the environment cleaner.
At https://headlock.co/, we strive to celebrate the essence of the vintage style and the unique beauty of the bygone era through our carefully selected vintage pieces that will add an irresistible yet timeless touch to your wardrobe.
Let us together jump into the realm of vintage wear and witness the thrill of wearing apparel that has weathered the test of time, each with its own narrative to share.
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