#roadside find
trixsterwood · 1 month
Free wood
On walking home from a walk, I found a pile of free things. Amongst them, a kitchen table that seemed extremely easy to disassemble. Normally a maybe 3-4 minute walk from my house. The legs were off, and I ran those home first with a free lamp. The hard part was the table. No car, and it would take longer for a friend/family to get there then to move it myself. So here I was, waddling a full size kitchen table home, corner to corner, for about 20 minutes. And I'm not super strong. Scratched up 2 corners and 1 side, but I'm just using it as free wood anyways. Made of laminated mdf, solid wood legs, may sand the laminate off may not, may turn it into the doors for my new cabinet, that's a decent idea
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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nikooo-whathehell · 5 months
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(it’s not for nothing that the zone is addressed as a woman)
that's kinda specific meme I made for myself and one and a half people who are as insane as me to understand da meme
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rat-at-heart · 2 months
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Prides himself on finding this steal on the road outside his potato neighbor's house
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zishuge · 7 months
Oooof Tushan Jing being the younger brother who is world-renowned as an elegant and accomplished scholar and musician, who ends up being locked up in a dungeon and tortured for years by a jealous older brother who then throws him out into the street to die, and tells him, "Without your fancy clothes and without your noble status you're nothing".
"Qingqiu-gongzi is just a joke."
God this is 1000000% exactly what Shan Gudao would've done to Li Xiangyi if he had had the chance and now I badly want to read that fic.
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abittersweetthing · 1 year
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someday I'm finally going to do it and write this fic
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happy10thousandyears · 7 months
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Many such cases !
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necromimetics · 2 months
is somebody gonna match my freak (drive around with no plan and stop anywhere that looks cool)
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haahka · 11 months
i think theres already a popular post abt this but im echoing it 110%: i love to see hyper-localised AUs. and imagine and explain them to international friends. like yes put these characters in A Situation That's Only Known To Your Region
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kohakhearts · 27 days
its wip wednesday and guess who ISNT writing pokemon fic for once? [dipper pines voice] this guy!!!
anyway yeah the gf hype train got me, ok? dipper being canonically kinda angsty about his parents got me. i've always thought it'd be interesting if in the space between when stan's memories get erased and the twins' birthday party it actually takes some time for stan to get his memories back. cartoon logic suggests it happens right away, but well. where's the fun in that! tl;dr this fic is basically "what if stan remembers mabel (and everyone else lol) better and sooner than he remembers dipper" because it's been like 10 years and i'm still not over dreamscaperers. i guess
“Your mind is all about logic and order,” Mabel goes on, “but Grunkle Stan’s isn’t. He loves you, Dipper, c’mon! You’re being all worry-y!” “I am not!” “You are, and it’s not gonna help with anything! It’s only been a couple days. Isn’t it a little early to be jumping to those kinda conclusions?” He flops down on his bed again with a sigh. “I just don’t want to be the memory he never gets back.” “You won’t be,” Mabel says confidently. “I wouldn’t let Grunkle Stan forget about you. Promise.” The remaining bit of fight left in him expels itself on his next breath. “Thanks, Mabel,” he mutters. “Sorry for being all worry-y.” She grins at him. “Don’t worry about it, bro. Now let’s get some sleep, or you’ll be worry-y tomorrow, too.” She’s right, of course, but that doesn’t mean sleep comes easy—for either of them. Mabel has been tossing and turning in her sleep these past few nights, muttering nonsense Dipper isn’t even sure he wants to try to understand the meaning of. As for him, every time he closes his eyes, he sees Bill again. The moment he turned Ford to gold and burned the journals, holding his sister hostage, shaking Stan’s hand… Whenever he does manage to fall asleep, it’s that same dream he’s been having all summer. Not worth it, too hard, forget about it, I’ve had enough. This doesn’t do much to curb his worrying the next morning, which has him feeling defeated before he’s even made it to the breakfast table. Mabel attempts to cheer him up with a glass of Mabel Juice in spite of his vehement refusals, while Stan walks into the kitchen and says, “Sheesh, why the long face, kid?” Dipper rubs at his eyes, sighing. He looks around the kitchen suspiciously. “Where’s Great Uncle Ford?” Stan shrugs. “Said somethin’ about going into town.” “Really?” Mabel frowns and scratches at her head. “Does he even know how to do that?”
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syraxxxx · 5 months
People who watched Roadside Prophets are all "Sam and Joe gay sex" this, "Sam and Joe lovers in the desert having sex near a campfire" that.
I'm the type of watchers who see Sam and Joe as the hot divorced dilf dad and neurodivergent son who loves motorcycles and wishes to be just like his dad. Like they're such a family without being a family.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Do you know if you’ll be able to make one of those free pantries around the city? Or like, bring people together to make a volunteer pantry?
I'll be honest, I have no idea.
I've lived in my city my whole life, but I'm also shy as hell. Working myself up to going door to door around my cul de sac and offering people tomatoes was an entire ordeal--and I had to have my dad with me to have even a modicum of confidence. (And he needed to hold two of the 3 bowls but still).
I also just. Don't know what all goes into setting up a little free pantry. I've seen some that are little wooden boxes like little free libraries are, and I've seen some that are a literal refrigerator. Which, I guess the refrigerated one would be able to hold more food, but also. Energy costs? Then there's the additional factor of 'where is this thing going to be hosted?' Because I know for damn sure that my parents aren't going to want it near the house, and the house at the end of the street literally has 'no tresspassing no solicitors we will call the cops or maybe grab a gun' signs in their yard. I could maybe see if a local library would be willing to host one--though that would, again, require I get the courage to. Go to a library. (I know, I'm just killing it in the solarpunk and community outreach aspects of life. Can't even muster the willpower to sit in a library.)
If I were in the more artsy part of the city (where the little free library is already set up), or maybe by the beach (where there is a food pantry that I don't think is tied to a church, but its a 40+ minute drive there), then a volunteer effort could maybe have some ground. But the part of the city I'm in... I dunno, I just don't get that vibe.
Maybe someday I'll muster the courage to like. Make some kind of ripple effect. but right now I am the equivalent of a scared little kid who still has to hold daddy's hand to ring a doorbell and reverse trick or treat the next door neighbors who've been there almost as long as I've been alive.
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 1 year
I really thought that discussing Roadside Picnic and Hard to be a God with folks on this webbed site would’ve put an end to “The Honeymoon Phase™“ I had with them,
 but instead it just made me love them even more? WTF
I tuck them in bed and kiss them goodnight like passionate lovers.
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bahoreal · 8 months
god i was gonna use smt like "A Tectonic Fault Between This World and the Next" as a book title but the first question i got was "is [x plot device in your story] used to measure tectonic activity" like uh.. no actually the tectonic plates are a metaphor
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cult-of-dollbabies · 1 year
[Werewolf au] man oh man when he leaves Andrew's gonna have that era of getting serious with fighting and taming the 'beast' harboring what he thinks way down that it's nothing you can fight as it's everything you are and this kind of ferociousness, desperation and brutality lives within you and is you unknowningly making it even worse by trying to push it away and it strikes a fear of the almighty in him and by god he'll fight until he succumbs to acceptance, or else he'll tear himself apart
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flange5 · 1 year
lol deja vu
I am, again, trapped by a car breakdown in rural PA.
This time, no cats with me, and only 4 hours from home.
Tomorrow is the last day of classes and I have office hours (Zoom) in a half hour.
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