#robbie reyes x female reader
musings-of-a-rose · 11 months
Safe With Me
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Pairing: Robbie Reyes x f!reader
Word Count: 10,700+ (you voted and wanted a longer one shot!)
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen, I have it bad for Gabriel Luna. Bad. As in no coming back. And I saw some gifs of him as Robbie (the first role I saw him in), I've been rewatching his episodes of Agents of Shield, and I had to write something. Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for giving me an idea that, in typical me fashion, went completely off the rail and became an actual story and not just smut. 
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Main Masterlist
Robbie Reyes Masterlist
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Bold Italics are the Rider internally speaking to Robbie
Robbie never thought he’d be here, a driver to some rich guy’s daughter. He could feel the Rider, how beneath him the Rider felt that playing chauffeur was. But it was because of the Rider that Robbie was here, trying to get solid information on her dad, to prove he was the secret bad guy…and to bring vengeance.
When he agreed to be a driver for the family, he thought he’d be driving around the man himself, but when his daughter stepped out of the house, Robbie’s eyes went wide and he was momentarily speechless. He hadn’t seen anyone this gorgeous in…well, ever. She walked with confidence to the car and when he tried to open the door for her, she gave him a small smile and stepped around him, eyes roaming over the car. 
“1969 Dodge Charger…you’ve made some modifications?” 
She knows about cars? 
When he doesn’t answer right away, she stops, hand hovering over the hood and looks up at him, her eyebrows raised as she waits for an answer.
“Yeah, uh..yes.”
She nods, glancing back down at the flawless finish. “May I?”
Robbie never lets anyone touch his car. No one. 
“Don’t scratch her.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Her fingers lightly brush against the black paint, the car seemingly humming under her touch. Robbie shifts where he stands, like he can almost feel her fingers brush against his own skin. 
“She’s remarkable. And you’re sure you’re fine with driving me around in her?” Her eyes meet his again and he swallows hard. He'd thought the request to be driven in a car like his was odd, but he assumed Mr. Rich Asshole was a car guy. He never anticipated that it was his daughter. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
She shifts a little, smiling as she glances back down at the car before moving around it to get inside the door Robbie had opened. She pauses before sitting and looks at him, so close he swears he can feel her breath on his face.
“If you change your mind, let me know. I’d hate to put this car in any danger.”
Robbie chuckles to himself as he closes the door behind her. If only she knew how much danger his car got into on a weekly basis.
Over the next few weeks, he takes her various places on a pretty consistent schedule, mostly shopping, occasionally meeting up with some friends, a random night club or two. Robbie finds her fascinating. He assumed that she would be pompous, like most rich people, that she would look down on others and treat them like shit. But she doesn’t. And the more he watches her, the more he sees how her smiles to her friends don’t reach her eyes, how she never wears the clothes she buys, the little sigh that escapes her lips before she steps out and into the club, her dress just barely covering her.  
One day, Robbie was elbow deep in a broken engine when his phone rang, the one that he used only for his chauffeur job. He wipes his hands on his coveralls and pulls the phone out, surprised to see her name lighting up the screen. She never needs him on Mondays.
“This is Robbie.”
“Hi, Mr. Reyes. I’m sorry to call you on your day off, but..would you be willing to take me into town?”
He looks back at the engine, disassembled, pieces scattered all around, and she takes his hesitance as a no.
“You know what? I’m sorry, Mr. Reyes. I shouldn’t ask you on your day off. I..I’ll just-”
“No, no. It’s ok. I can come get you. Are you at home?”
“Yeah. When can you get here?”
Robbie glances up at the clock on the wall. “45 minutes?”
She’s quiet for a moment. “Ok. I’ll see you then.”
Robbie stares at the phone for a moment before cleaning up and changing, wiping the grease from his face and hands. Why had she called? She seemed a little off. 
He got there in 20 minutes with a little help from the Rider.
When he pulls up, she’s there, walking quickly to his car. Robbie jumps out and starts to walk around to get her door but she waves him off. “It’s ok. I got it.” He nods, watching her walk to the car, hunched in on herself, arms crossed and hiding behind sunglasses. She gets in and closes the door, buckling her seat belt. 
“Where to?”
“I don’t care, just drive.”
Robbie starts up the car, revving the engine a little because he knew she liked that. The corner of her mouth ticks up slightly into the beginning of a smile and he relaxes slightly, still worried about her. 
“My dad hates that sound.”
It’s the first time she’s mentioned her dad, has said anything to him outside of polite conversation and chats about the car. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
She reaches out and touches his arm, lightly squeezing him. “No, please don’t stop.” Robbie stops the car as the gates open slowly and he turns to look at her, trying to see through her sunglasses. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
Robbie’s eyebrows pinch together. “Neva?”
She nods, taking a breath. “It’s what my nanny called me. She was Russian. She said it meant snowy, or something like that. I was born during a bad snowstorm,” She clarifies and Robbie nods. Neva removes her hand from his arm and starts to pick at her nails, placing them in her lap. “She was the only one who really cared for me. No one else calls me that name. Probably because nobody cares.”
Robbie is speechless. He has no idea what to say, but he wants her to know that she can open up to him. Maybe she’ll tell him more about her dad, but it’s more than that now. It’s…wait, does he care about her?
“I’m sorry you have shitty parents.”
She laughs then, her head tilting back with the force of it, and Robbie vows to make her laugh as often as he can. As her laughter fades, she takes off her glasses and wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand. 
“You’re a riot, Mr. Reyes. Thanks for making me laugh.”
He smiles at her. “Is…is there anything I can do for you?”
She stares at him a long time and he hopes she can’t see the warmth in his cheeks that was definitely not from the Rider. 
“I doubt you can help, but thank you.”
“Are you sure? I’m pretty resourceful.”
She smiles sadly. “I doubt any of your resources could change who my father is.” Robbie opens his mouth to respond when she shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. You don’t want to hear about my problems… so, do you have a sister or brother or girlfriend or…or someone?”
He studies her for a moment, amazed at how she instantly schooled her demeanor into a completely different emotion, as if whatever the shit was with her dad never happened. 
“I have a brother.”
“Just a brother? No girlfriend? Sister! I meant sister.”
He glances away from her, hiding his smirk at her slip up by pretending to look out the window before he turns. “Nah, just Gabe.”
“Gabe. How old is he?”
“High school.”
“Ah. The fun years, or whatever everyone says.”
“What, you didn’t like high school?”
She shakes her head. “Hated it. Everyone was so fake and I just didn’t fit in. Ok, well I mean I made friends but not anyone I’d actually consider a real friend. Just kids of people my dad has connections with or wants connections with.”
“Your dad would use you for that?”
She grows quiet, staring out of the window. “He does.”
Robbie stops at the red light and angles his body towards her. “Hey, you sure you’re ok-”
“Does Gabe need anything for school?”
Robbie stares at her, her eyes pleading for him to take the change of subject. He’d follow her lead this time, but he tucks that information about her dad in the back of his mind. Something wasn’t sitting right with him about it. 
“Don’t worry about it. We’re good.”
“That’s not what I asked. Is there something he’s into?”
“He used to be really into soccer before…”
Robbie took a deep breath. “Before the accident…Now he’s in a wheelchair.”
She squeezes his arm again and it makes his whole body feel like a livewire. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Mr. Reyes. Do you guys need anything? What about any medical bills?”
“We’re fine, thanks.”
She takes her hand away like he had slapped her. “I’m just trying to help.”
He stops at another red light, putting on his turn signal. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I just…everyone always wants to pity us. But we’re doing fine.”
“I never said you weren’t. I just..have the means to help. If you’ll let me?”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Good thing you didn’t then. Now, what sorts of clothes does he like?”
Robbie could tell she was being genuine, not like most people with money who fake it just to use it as a tax write off or a photo op. So they spend the next several minutes talking about Gabe, Robbie telling her some fun stories from their youth as she directs him to a shopping district. He pulls up to an empty spot and parks, getting out of the car and opening Neva’s door. She gets out and smoothes down her pants as Robbie starts to head back to the driver’s seat. 
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to wait for you like I always do.”
“Oh no. You’re coming with me.” She links her arm through his and Robbie tries to slow down his beating heart, certain that she can hear it through his chest. “I need you, Mr. Reyes.”
“Yeah?” Shit, he shouldn’t have let that slip out. She didn’t mean she needed him, but she needed his opinion. 
She squeezes his arm with hers in response, turning her head to look at him, her face inches from his. He swallows hard as his eyes switch between hers, his heartbeat pounding loudly in his ears. Her eyes flick down to his lips, his breath catching in his throat as she leans towards him ever so slightly.
“Ah, mademoiselle!” The store owner had come outside, no doubt spotting Neva, who frequents his shop. Robbie’s blood boils at the interruption but perhaps it was for the best. He’d almost forgotten that the reason he’s even driving her around is to get more information on her dad. 
“Alexandre. How nice to see you.”
Alexandre leans in to kiss her cheek and Robbie feels her grip on his arm tighten slightly. 
“What brings you in today?”
“I need some gifts for a friend of mine.” Neva launches into a description of Gabe that is so spot on for not ever meeting him or seeing a picture of him that Robbie is taken aback. Once inside, Robbie tries to extricate himself from her but she holds on tight, pulling him to some racks of clothes that Alexandre was pointing out, pulling things from the racks and tossing them at another clerk, who was frantically trying to hold everything. Once they had it all laid out, Neva turns to Robbie, gesturing at the clothes all nicely folded. 
“How’s this? Is there anything he wouldn’t like?”
He can feel Alexandre’s eyes on him, like he knows he doesn’t belong in her world, like Robbie doesn’t already know that. He shakes his head. “I can’t take this.”
“Oh. Is it the wrong size? Or color?”
“No, it’s just…it’s too much.”
“Oh. Does he need another dresser?”
“No that’s not-”
“Mr. Reyes, you told me it was his birthday and I’m insisting on buying him some things. He’s been working hard in school and deserves a reward for all of his hard work. Now, is there anything else he needs?”
Her eyebrows are raised in question: why did she say it was Gabe's birthday? He doesn’t have time to think about that and he knows she won’t accept him declining her offer. “No. No this is more than enough.”
She smiles at him, one that reaches her eyes. “Good. Alexandre?” He’s there in an instant. “Ring me up. Charge my father’s card.”
“Oui, mademoiselle.”
She takes him to lunch next, insisting that she pays as this was supposed to be his day off. They go to some fancy restaurant with food that Robbie can’t pronounce, with portions that are way too small for the price, but they tasted great. Not homemade meals from his abuela great, but not bad. 
He pulls up to the front of the house, putting the car in park before grabbing the handle, when Neva touches his arm again. 
“Thank you for today, Mr. Reyes.”
He hesitates a moment before placing his gloved hand over hers, meeting her gaze. “You can call me anytime, Neva.” She smiles at him, squeezing his arm before turning, allowing Robbie time to open her door just in case her dad was watching. He can still feel her hand on his arm, how it felt to link her arm in his, how her laugh sounded, the way he made her smile, like it was only for him. 
Damn, Robbie. You got it bad.
“How did you find this?” Robbie stares at the car part in the box he’s holding in disbelief. “I’ve been looking for this for years!”
Neva smiles and waves her hand nonchalantly. “I know a guy.”
“No, you don’t understand. This is impossible to find.”
“Obvioulsy not as you’re holding it.”
Robbie looks up at her, a smile sliding into place. “I don’t..this is too much, I..”
Neva pretends to gasp, placing her hand on her chest. “Was I just graced a smile from Mr. Reyes?” Robbie can almost feel his ears turning pink, a little extra heat in his cheeks and looks back down into the box. Neva leans in a little closer to him. “I’ll have to do this more often if it means I get to see that smile.”
Robbie looks up, his eyes meeting hers. She’s close to him now. If he just leaned in a little further, he could press his lips to hers, feel how soft they -
“Do you want to put it in now?” Her eyebrows raise, but not before she glances down at his lips again. 
Neva nods her head towards the box. “The part.”
Robbie shakes his head, pushing aside the images of pressing her against the side of the car, her leg wrapping around him as they embrace. “Uh…yeah. But after work-”
“I have nothing to do today. Can we go now? I’d love to watch you install it. If that’s ok with you?”
I’d let you do whatever you want.
Robbie tries to hold back the smile he feels coming on, but he can’t. “Hell yeah. Oh, I mean-”
Neva waves her hand. “I don’t give a fuck about bad language. Also, that’s two smiles I got from you. I’m definitely spoiling you more often.”
Robbie pulls into Canelo’s Auto and Body, driving up to one of the empty bays. He hops out and starts looking for tools, gathering what he needs. 
“Are you allowed to do that?” 
Robbie turns to see Neva standing outside of the car, watching him open and close toolboxes. He realizes then that he’s never mentioned also being a mechanic.
“Yeah. I work here too.”
Her eyes go wide and she nods. “That actually makes so much sense now!”
“What does?”
She gestures around. “The cars. How you’re able to keep her-” she points to the Charger “-so pristine.”
“Yeah. It’s a good place. Owned by good people. I don’t know where we’d be without them,” Robbie returns to the drawers, finding the last tool he needed and closes the drawer. When he turns back around, he freezes, watching Neva remove her outershirt, standing there in a skin tight camisole that hugs her in all the right ways, framing her chest perfectly as she pulls her hair back off of her face. Once her hair is secured, she pats her head a little, making sure she didn’t forget any loose strands. She jumps a little when she sees Robbie staring.
“Sorry! It’s just hot out and-am I making you uncomfortable?”
“What? Uh no. No, you’re, uh..fine.”
Her smile makes his body tingle and he has a short, internal conversation with the Rider, telling him to calm his shit. Robbie sets up his tools, putting the car up on jacks. When he finally lifts the hood, he hears a soft moan from Neva as she steps around, her eyes fixed on the engine. 
“Did you do all this work yourself?” She asks, standing so close to him that their arms lightly brush against each other and Robbie desperately wishes he wasn’t wearing sleeves.
“Y-yeah. I had to rebuild her, basically. The car was my uncle’s but he doesn’t need it now.”
She glances up at him. "I'm sorry for your loss."
Robbie chuckles. "Don't be. He's in prison."
"Oh,” She looks down, nervous, at a loss for words. “…well I'm not sure how to respond to that. I'm sorry?" She lifts her head and he can feel her eyes on him. 
Robbie turns his head slightly to look at her. "It is what it is." He wasn't about to go into his personal business with her. Not when she's standing so close, smelling like her shampoo of strawberries and coconut. He can’t help it, his eyes flicking down to her soft lips, dragging back up her face to see hers tracing a similar path on his own. He brings a hand to her face, gently cradling her cheek as he slowly leans towards her, feeling her fingers lightly tug at his shirt to pull him closer. Her eyes close-
“Robbie! I didn’t expect to see yo- oh.”
Robbie and Neva spring apart as a man in coveralls walks in, rubbing a dirty oil rag across his matching hands. 
“Hey Canelo. I just came in to install this piece.” Robbie gestures towards the box and Canelo glances inside, whistling in awe.
“Holy shit. Where did you find it?”
“I didn’t. She did.” Robbie nods his head towards Neva, who shrugs.
Canelo looks between them both, a smile tugging at his lips. “Robbie, do you really think your date wants to see you work on a car?”
“Oh we’re not-”
“We aren’t-”, they both speak at the same time and Canelo chuckles. 
“Actually, I asked him to bring me. I love this car.” Canelo looks at Neva in surprise.
“Oh yeah?” He proceeds to give her a mini quiz, which she aces. 
“Robbie, don’t let this one go. She’s a keeper.”
“No, we’re not-”
Canelo waves his hand. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.” He leaves, tossing you a wink before heading back into the office. Neva steps back from the car, giving Robbie space to work. He sighs, internally cursing his boss for interrupting that kiss. It would’ve been a kiss, right?
When he drops her off later, after taking the car for a much enjoyed ride, she touches his arm to stop him from getting out and opening her door. 
“I think we should talk about what happened. Or, almost happened.”
She regrets the kiss doesn’t she? Almost kiss? We are from different worlds. 
Robbie waves his hand, determined to get in front of this so he doesn’t show how her letting him down hurts. “It’s ok. Nothing happened so…”
Her face changes, a flash of disappointment before she expertly schools it. “Very well then. If that’s what you want. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Reyes.” And she opens the door, closing it a little harder than normal behind her. Robbie watches her walk away, feeling like he fucked up big time.
That’s because you did fuck up.
For the next few weeks, Neva is polite, a coolness settling over their interactions after his rejection. He didn’t want to reject her, he wanted to kiss her until she couldn’t breathe, begging him for more. But she was the one who was going to stop things so why should he feel guilty?
She didn’t tell you that, you idiot. You made it up.
She asks him to drive her to a party one night, offering to pay him extra since it was after his regular hours. He agreed, of course he agreed. He felt guilty and kept trying to talk to her, but couldn’t find the words.
Don’t forget why you’re really here.
When he pulls up she’s walking out of the house, a snug, black dress that rouches on the sides, a slit going up nearly to her hip, and a neckline that plunges, perfectly framing her chest. She has on black heels and clutches a small black purse that is more for looks than practicality. Suddenly, Robbie couldn’t breathe, watching her walk towards the car, the dress sliding across her skin but never revealing more than it should. She makes it halfway before the Rider snaps him out of it and he jumps out, walking quickly to the other side to open the door. She gets in the car without really looking at him, smoothing down her hair as he closes the door. When they start to drive off, she sighs, setting the small clutch in her lap and leaning her face against her fist as her elbow rests on the door. When the gate is opening, Robbie chances a look at her. She looks phenomenal, but her expression doesn’t match. Her color is a little off, the sparkle in her eyes not really there. 
“Are you ok?”
“Mmm?” Neva turns her head to look at him. 
“You don’t look good. I mean, y-you-you look..just…but I mean, your face doesn’t…” What the fuck dude?
Luckily for him, she smiles slightly, a small chuckle escaping her. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
His cheeks warm, his ears tinging a slight shade of pink as he stammers on. “I just… I meant that you don’t look into this.”
“The party.”
She leans back on her fist. “Oh. Yeah. I’m not really.”
“Then why go?”
She sighs. “Because my dad commands I make an appearance.”
“You don’t have to go, you know.”
She doesn’t look at him, her eyes gazing off at a point in the distance. “I’ve been through worse. I can survive a party.”
He’s quiet for a moment. What did she mean she’s been through worse? “Well if you change your mind, you know how to find me.”
He drops her off, watching her walk into the building that’s crammed with people, loud music blaring and lights flashing everywhere. He drives around the corner, parking just off property so as not to interfere with the valet and waits. He had a feeling. And sure enough, about an hour later she texts him to come get her. They pull out of the drive up and he puts on his blinker at the next light. 
“How was the party?”
“Ugh. I couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone in this world is so damn fake. And they all seem to want my attention,” she huffs.
“Home then?”
“No way. Are you hungry, Mr. Reyes?”
“I could eat.”
She perks up, sitting a little straighter in her seat. “Great! Take me to your favorite place.”
Robbie chuckles. “I don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Well I like you so I’m sure I will.”
His stomach leaps into his throat. So he didn’t fuck everything up then. “It’s…not your type of place.”
She turns her head, her eyes studying him as he keeps his on the road. “Have you learned nothing about me, Mr. Reyes? Now drive.”
He smirks. “Yes, ma’am.”
He drives across town to his neighborhood, pulling up to park in front of a diner. Neva looks around. “This is it?”
“Told you you wouldn’t like it.”
“I didn’t say that. I’m just surprised your favorite is diner food.”
“And what would you know about diner food?”
“Oh ha-ha. I have eaten at a diner before.”
“Uh huh. How much did a burger cost?”
She punches his arm, fighting the smile that wants to come out. “Shut up.”
He opens the door for her, offering his arm when she goes to get out and she takes it, linking them together. 
“Ok so, this isn’t my favorite place. But that one is closed and this is my number 2.”
“You know how to make a girl feel special.”
“Hey, I don’t take just anyone to Bertha’s. They have the best burger in town.” He feels her hold him closer and at first he thinks it’s for the neighborhood, but one mental smack from the Rider and he sees that she’s cold. Taking off his formal jacket, he settles it across her shoulders and she cuddles into it. Robbie swears he sees her smelling it out of the corner of his eye, but he doesn’t say anything. 
As they eat, she opens up more, their flow settling back into how things were. Little flirtations, her hand brushing his, her foot accidentally bumping into his leg over and over, her moaning when she tries the burger. Ok, that last one was just the way Robbie heard it but it counted. In his head, anyway. On their way out, she notices the graffiti on the side of the building next door. She stops, pulling him back by their linked arms to look at it. 
“That’s the Ghost Rider,” Robbie explains.
He launches into a generic explanation about the local legend of The Ghost Rider, how he has a flaming skull for a head and seeks vengeance on those who have done wrong. 
“And by vengeance you mean he kills them?”
He stiffens slightly. “Yeah.”
“Most people think he’s a murderer.”
“No. I like him. We need justice where there is none.”
Robbie is speechless. No one has ever looked at the Rider like that, at him like that. And she doesn’t even know they’re connected. 
I like her, Robbie. Hold onto this one.
You just like her because she said she liked you.
They finish making their way around the back of the diner to the car, and Robbie leans over to open the door for Neva when she pulls him, facing her back to the car. 
“Thank you so much for tonight. This is the most fun I’ve had since…well, probably ever.”
“Nah, it was my pleasure.”
She smiles at him, her eyes bright and inviting, making his skin prickle like a live wire. His body is growing warmer, and not from the Rider. She’s so close, her scent of strawberries and coconut filling his nose as she leans closer, her eyes darting down to his lips. He leans too and their foreheads meet, both of them breathing heavily as they stand there, the air around them crackling with tension. 
“Robbie,” she says it quietly, but it’s all he needs. 
Robbie’s hands come up to cup her cheeks, turning her head up to him as he presses his lips to hers, feeling her sigh, her body relaxing into him. He glides his tongue across her lips and she parts them instantly, silently begging him for more. His lips never leave hers as he puts a hand out, walking her backwards into the side of the car. Her fingers twist in his shirt, pulling him closer before she slides them around his broad back, trying to grip him anywhere she can. He drops his hand to the back of her knee and lifts it on his hip, her gasp breaking their kiss. He takes advantage of this, turning her head to the side and kissing the side of her neck, sucking on a spot just below her ear. She moans and Robbie gasps against her neck, feeling her skin pimple under his lips. 
But then she’s pushing him back and Robbie stumbles, his eyebrows furrowing together. Did he misread the situation? No, she wanted this as much as him… His brain goes fuzzy as he watches her walk around the car, gently setting her ass against the hood as she looks at him, her eyes wide and dark with want, her eyebrow arched, begging him to come closer. 
He’s there in less than 2 steps, hands cupping her face again as he brings his lips to hers, feeling warmth fan out from where they touch. His hands slide down her, taking in every curve of her body before he grips her ass, moaning slightly into her mouth before lifting her to set her on the hood of the car, her legs automatically opening and wrapping around him, trying to bring him closer. He leans her down, her back against the hood of the car as he continues to kiss her, lips soft and needy. Her fingers fumble at his belt line and he finally snaps out of it. Robbie pulls back and grips her wrist, looking down at her. 
“I…this is not…I don’t want our first time to be like this.” 
A smile crinkles up her eyes and Robbie feels it in his bones. “You’ve thought about us before? Our first time?”
“Oh, I think about you all the time, chica. I want the space and time to take you apart.”
She whimpers, his pants feeling a little tighter at the sound. “Fuck, Robbie. I want that too but right now, I don’t care about where we are. I want you. I need you.” Her eyebrows pinch up in question, fully leaving it up to him.
He smiles. “I can’t say no to you.”
He lays his body against hers, sliding his hand up her bare thigh while propping himself up with the other, his elbow leaning against the hood. He doesn’t kiss her, choosing to watch her expressions as his hand ghosts across her cool skin, disappearing under her mini dress. He ghosts his fingers across her underwear, chuckling when she jolts at his touch. Her fingers grip his forearms, nails trying to dig through the sleeve of his shirt as he draws light circles over her clothed cunt, her breathing coming out in ragged gasps. 
“Please,” she begs, voice barely above a whisper. Gently, he dips his finger under her pantyline, sliding it down her wet pussy, tracing light circles at her clit. “Oh!” She gasps, trying to hold back her sounds because they are in a parking lot. Robbie had completely forgotten their pretty public display. His hand stills and she huffs, her lip coming out in a pout. 
“Are you sure, chica? We’re pretty out here.”
“I don’t give a fuck. I need to feel you inside me, Robbbie,” She blinks up at him with a fire, not too different from the one he feels blazing behind his own gaze. “I won’t break.”
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me, Neva.”
Robbie sits back, fingers deftly opening his belt and pants just enough to pull himself out, groaning as his hard cock springs free. His skin is warm and he swallows hard, trying to get himself to cool down a bit. But then he sees her, moving her panties aside for him and, while he can’t see too clearly due to the lack of proper light, he can see that she’s fucking gorgeous, somewhere he will have to explore when he has the space to. Lining himself up, he looks down at her and pushes in, clamping a hand over her mouth when she lets out a high pitched, loud, moan, and it’s all he can do to not join her as she envelopes him, her heat wrapping around him perfectly, like she had been waiting just for him. When he bottoms out he waits, hips joined close together as she catches her breath. She looks up at him, pleasure radiating out from just her gaze alone, a gives him a nod. He pulls his hips back and slowly slides in again, groaning at the feel of her as he slots his hips against hers. He adds in an extra deep thrust and she cries out, trying to swallow her own moans as Robbie hones in on that spot, thrusting deep and hard against her. Neva starts to slide up the hood of the car, her dress doing nothing to hold her in place. Her fingers grip his sleeves, trying desperately to find something to hold her in place as Robbie continues to thrust into her. 
He’s about to stop, give her a moment to grab something when her hand shoots out, gripping the raised engine of his Charger. Instantly his skin heats, feeling like he’s about to catch fire at the sight of her digging her fingers into the metal, her other hand gripping his as he pushes it to the side of her head, knuckles clanking against the dark metal. His body is tingling and he shakes his head to clear it when he feels her raise her legs higher, digging her heels into his ass and lower back, trying to get him deeper. 
He growls, pressing a hard kiss to her lips before pulling out, grabbing her ankles and sliding her down the hood, her gasp turning to whimpers as he grabs her hips and flips her, pushing her chest down against the cool metal of the Charger. He pushes into her quickly, feeling himself warm instantly as he speeds his hips up, thrusting extra hard when he’s fully inside of her. Neva’s hands scramble across the car, looking for something to hold onto and she finds the engine again, using it to help her push back against him, bringing him slightly deeper than before. His skin is ablaze, his thoughts racing, mixing with the Riders as he fucks her, warning him mentally to back off, unsure how long he’d be able to keep him at bay when he’s worked up like this. 
Then she pulses around him, his name tumbling from her lips over and over as she cums, squeezing him tightly, trying to keep him inside of her. He feels his balls tighten, his skin starting to lightly glow and he grunts, cumming hard as his hips jut into her soft ass, his hands squeezing her hips to keep her in place. He keeps his eyes closed, feeling his release wash over him as he simultaneously tries to fight back the Rider, who does eventually back down. Robbie looks down at Neva, her back heaving as she tries to catch her breath. Still seated snuggly inside, he leans over and pushes the hair from her cheek, moving in to kiss her there. Instead, she turns her head more, finding his lips with her own, as if she were trying to keep him there a little longer. The kiss breaks and Robbie pulls out with a grunt, tucking himself back into his pants.
“I don’t know if I have anything to clean you up-”
She chuckles, cutting off his sentence. Sitting up, she sways and Robbie catches her, pulling her close. 
“Don’t worry. I don’t mind feeling you between my thighs.”
His ears are hot, silently begging the Rider to stay put. “I plan on spending a lot of time between your thighs.”
“Ugh how are you so fucking hot?” She pulls him down to her, her nails scraping against the back of his head, his arms wrapping around her. 
“You’re so warm,” she sighs, cuddling into him. 
“I run hot.”
“Yeah you do.”
Robbie drives her back home, but not before she tells him to pull over, hopping into his lap and riding him until they’re both screaming the others name. 
The next few weeks are spent tucking themselves away from prying eyes, Robbie practically living between her legs, pulling every sound he can from her. It becomes a little easier to keep the Rider at bay while he’s buried inside of her, but he’s not sure if he can always hold him back, which terrifies him. Neva doesn’t know about the Rider, about his secret. Would she even accept him?
It’s his night off, Neva having some sort of engagement to go to, a car sent to pick her up. Robbie slides a bowl of mac and cheese across the table to Gabe, who picks at it with his fork. 
“What?” Robbie asks, a mouthful of mac and cheese.
“It’s nothing.”
“You too good for mac and cheese now?” He smirks, but drops it once he sees Gabe not smiling.
“It’s just…you always put hot dogs in it before.”
Robbie smiles softly, schooling his face as he stands up, grabbing his brother’s bowl. “Alright, your majesty. Would you like them cut in cubes or circles?”
Gabe punches him in the arm. “You’re an ass.”
Robbie jolts awake, his phone ringing loudly as is vibrates on his nightstand. Rubbing his eyes, he quickly glances at the time - 1am. No good calls come this late. He feels the color drain from his face when he realizes it’s his work phone, the one that Neva calls. He picks up, hoping that it was just her letting him know she made it home ok. She had promised to do that.
“Hey, chica.”
She takes a moment to answer and Robbie straightens up, sensing something is wrong.
“Please come get me,” her voice is barely above a whisper, harsh and rough, not sounding at all like the whispers she presses into his ear when he’s buried inside of her. His phone pings but he ignores it.
“Where are-”
The phone clicks off, but not before he heard a yell from her, a terrified yell, a pleading yell. He glances down at the phone and sees she had dropped her location, a red dot pulsing up at him from the map. He grabs his jacket, jumping into the Charger, feeling the fire blaze in him.
If anything has happened to her, we will get justice.
“You got that right,” His eyebrows furrow together in anger, his foot pressing into the gas as he makes his way across town in record time. He pulls up to the gate of a large estate, the guard taking his time coming over to him. Robbie tells him he’s here for Neva and the guard lets him in, the gate sliding shut behind him. He pulls right up to the front door, his car angled for a quick getaway if needed. His skin is on fire as he opens the door, striding over to the front door, raising his fist to knock when he hears her scream, pleading with someone to stop. Without thinking he kicks open the door, taking several large steps inside towards her voice and the sound of something hard making contact with her skin, a scream coming out every time it slaps against her. When he enters the room he sees her on the floor, blood smeared across her as her body curls in on itself, shielding her face with one hand, the other outstretched towards the man towering above her, riding crop raised above him, begging him to stop. Robbie’s skin lights up, eyes turning to fire as his skin melts away, the Rider pushing his way out.
Neva, Earlier That Night:
“You will attend the gala with Mr. Fortier and attend his party after.”
I nod, familiar with this game having been forced to play it my entire life. My dad says me attending these things with these men, powerful men as he says, helps his business endeavors, which in turn helps the family. That I need to do what I have to for the good of the family. 
Of course, he’s not the one to have to endure them.
Showing up, being glorified arm candy clutching to the sleeve of some powerful man or his son, having to discreetly slap away their unwanted touches without upsetting them, having people ogle you like you were just another pretty face, like you were just a piece of furniture, really wears on you. But what else can I do?
I never liked going to these events, showing up with these people, but especially now that I have Robbie, albeit secretly because there’s no way my father would approve of me being with “the help”. I despise them. I begged my father not to go but he wouldn’t hear of it, slapping me across the face when I initially said no. I dabbed on a little extra concealer to hide the redness from his palm and painted on a smile for Mr. Fortier. 
The evening progressed as they usually do. A gala meant a beautiful gown, one that was worth more than most people make in a year, hand holding onto the arm of the man of the evening, Mr. Fortier, as he smirks, loving the attention he gets showing up with me on his arm. His hand rests on my thigh under the table at dinner and it turns my stomach. He starts to squeeze, his nails digging into my skin slightly, so I discreetly place my hand over his, squeezing it back like I wanted to hold hands, choking back the bile that threatens to spew from my mouth as he gives me a smile. 
We dance, his hand sliding a little too low for my comfort so I ask him to spin me, just to get away from his touch for a moment. The money for whatever charity this gala was sponsoring was made, everyone cheering like they made their donations to actually help the charity and not just for the tax write-off. I scan the room, seeing many faces that I know my father has done business with behind closed doors, illegal things that I’m not supposed to know about but I’m too smart to not realize that my dad is not a good man. 
Mr. Fortier asks me into his house after the gala for drinks and I initially decline, wanting to get home and scrub this night from my body, but when he persists, I remember my father telling me I will attend his after party. So I accept, a fake smile on my lips as he takes my hand, leading me inside. Once he has me in the living room I sit at his request, watching him walk to to his drink cart, offering to make me a drink. I decline the offer, saying I had too much already and he shrugs, raising the glass to his lips. It’s when he’s drinking that it starts to sink in - the silence of the house, the lack of movement even from staff, nothing to indicate an after party. I don’t even remember him telling other people there’s one at his house. 
I feel the color start to drain from my face as I realize what might happen next. It’s happened before, my father delighted with the extra money he earned from me. I didn’t realize it at the time, certain that the men had actually cared for me as I did them, so it hurt even more when I realized they’d done it for money or whatever deal my father promised them. They were my age and we were young, I was naive, believing in love and falling for slick words and touches I’d never had before. When I found out, I confronted my dad, who initially denied everything. I wanted to believe he was telling the truth, that he wasn’t putting on a show by telling these men to fuck off. But several months later, I would see them leaving the house, shaking hands with my father. 
I’d confided in my nanny, who held me close and told me that something similar had happened to her, except it hadn’t been her choice like it was mine. But then she told me about a secret herb to put in their drink, basically to knock them out, and then I could set the narrative. I graciously took the herb and it had been successful. Whenever anyone got too handsy, I’d offer to make them a drink, lacing the liquid with a dash of the tasteless herb, feeling a little too triumphant when they slumped over just a minute later. 
But this time, it’s too late. He’s already had a drink, placing the glass back down on his cart as he makes his way back around the couch to me. If he senses that I’m on to him he doesn’t let on, and he may not. Oscar winning actors have nothing on me. He sits next to me on the couch, leaning back and putting his arm along the backside of the couch. 
“Did you have fun tonight?” he asks, his eyebrows raised. 
I nod. “Of course. It’s always nice to have a fun time and raise money for charity.”
“That’s what I like about this particular gala. The money actually goes to the cause and not someone’s pocket.” 
An asshole with a conscience? That’s a first.
“Are you sure you don’t want a drink?”
“No, thank you, Mr. Fortier.” I glance at the clock on the wall, ornate filigray design set into the darkened wood. “Oh - it’s actually getting late. I need to be getting home.” I go to stand but he puts a hand out in front of me, preventing me from standing.
“You don’t have to go so soon, do you?”
I swallow down the scream that’s been echoing around my head and try to put on my best apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Mr. Fortier, but I do.” I go to stand, but his hand doesn’t move. 
“How will you get home?”
“I’ll call a car.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll have one of mine drive you home. Give me a moment to call them.”
I nod, not comforted by his words. It’s the way he’s looking at me that’s making me feel icky, like I want to run from the house and not stop until I’m home. Or at Robbie’s. Do I even know where he lives?
“Please have a car ready for our guest…Thank you.” He hangs up the phone and I throw him a hopefully convincing smile. 
“Thank you, Mr. Fortier, for a fun night. I’m glad the fundraiser met its goal.” I move to stand when his hand tightens around my wrist, his ring digging into my skin. 
“Your father promised me your time after the gala. To do what I want.”
I look at him, trying to swallow down my fear and channel all of my confidence into my gaze. “Please let me go, Mr. Fortier.”
“I will get what I want.”
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes across the quiet room, my cheek stinging with the contact as my head whips to the side. My hand instinctively comes up to my cheek, cupping it as I turn to look at him, his grip somehow tighter. 
“Please, Mr. Fortier, I don’t want-”
He shakes his head. “No, you stupid girl. I don’t want to have sex with you. I have other…desires that I need to release.”
I swallow hard, not really sure what he means, but trying to take solace in the fact that he’s not wanting to take me. 
“What -” My whole body is wrenched forward, face slamming against the hardwood floors as he throws me to the ground. He kicks me once, hard, and I nearly vomit, his dark chuckling getting louder as he squats next to me.
“Like I said, I have no interest in having sex with you. But putting marks on something so beautiful?” His finger graises my cheek and I flinch. “Well, that’s the fun we’re going to have tonight.” 
Pain. That’s all I know for what feels like forever, my skin splitting open open over and over, bones never quite breaking but on the verge of, hair being pulled from my scalp. He meant what he said. He never touches me sexually, never makes any indication of wanting that. I can feel myself in danger of blacking out, desperately trying to cling to consciousness despite my body wanting to shut down to ease the pain. After he throws me to the floor again, my body sliding across the floor, I hear him leave the room, telling me stay put. I lay there, feeling the cold floor slick with some of my blood, my brain screaming at me to run while I have the moment, but I know I wouldn’t make it far, and that it would be worse for me if I attempted it. Something digs into my side and I realize it’s my clutch, having fallen from the couch when I was initially thrown. Wincing at the pain, I grab it, sliding it across the floor to my head. I fish out my phone, keeping one eye on the open door as I blink at the screen, unable to make out any numbers. Luckily, I only need one. Pressing the speed dial slot 1, I wait, praying to whomever is listening that Robbie is awake. 
“Hey, chica.” 
I nearly break down at his voice, a light shining through the darkness I’ve been pulled in. 
“Please come get me,” I choke out, trying to be quiet but clear. I drop my location to him when I hear Mr. Fortier’s footsteps coming back into the room. 
“Where are-”
He grabs my ankle and I scream, eyes going wide as I see the riding crop held in his other hand, pleading with him to just let me go. I’m not sure how much time passes but in the back of my mind I hear him, the Charger, unmistakeable in its sound, pulling up to the house. Mr. Fortier doesn’t seem to notice, too involved in whatever sick pleasure he’s gaining from this as he raises the crop to me again and again. I cover my face, raising my arm out weakly to try and stop him, begging him to stop. 
And I feel him, Robbie, barging into the room, the last thing I see before passing out is his eyes, full of fire, blazing orange as he shifts, heat enveloping the room, somehow comforting me as I black out. 
I remember waking once since that night, very briefly, bright lights shining down into my face while gloved hands and a person in a white coat moves around me, poking and touching my skin where Mr. Fortier had left his mark. I remember my pulse speeding up and then he’s there, Robbie, holding my hand and pushing hair back from my face, telling me he’s got me, that I’m safe. Then I black out again. 
My eyelids flutter open and at first, I’m certain I’ve gone blind. But then my eyes adjust and I realize that I’m in a room, a bedroom, and that it must be night because the room is nearly pitch black, a quiet nightlight plugged in on the other side of the room, making just enough light to see the floor. As my brain catches up to me, I start to make out shadowy shapes from around the room, a taller one that must be a dresser, a smaller one that most likely held books or a tv. I’m in a bedroom, not a hospital room, and certainly not my own room. 
I slowly flex my fingers, making a fist and opening them back up against the sheets and I notice the weight next to me. Slowly, my head pounding slightly, I turn to look and see Robbie next to me, his eyes closed and lips slightly parted, a quiet snore emanating from him. God, he’s beautiful. The man I trust most in this world. Actually, the person I trust most-
Wait. Did his head turn into a flaming skull? Was he Ghost Rider? That had to be a pain hallucination. Right?
He jolts awake, his eyes finding mine and, seeing that I’m awake, he sits up, shaking his head quickly to rid it of sleep.
“Hey, chica. How are you feeling?”
“Ok, I think.” My throat is raw and then he’s holding up a glass of water, a bendy straw sticking out of the top and holding it to my lips. 
“Small sips, ok?” I do as he says, the water helping to abate the raw feeling.
“How long?”
“Just a couple of days. I took you to a guy I know to get you checked out after you begged me not to bring you to a hospital.”
That explains the bright lights and white coat. 
“He said you’ll be fine, that nothing was broken but you’re severely bruised, several cuts needing stitches, and that you’ll be sore for a bit. I do have some pain meds here if you need them.”
“Did…did anyone look for me?” I say this already knowing the answer.
“I…no. Well, you got a text a day or so ago, but I didn’t look.” He leans back and grabs my phone off the nightstand, handing it to me. I unlock it, navigating to the text app and, sure enough, there’s the text from my dad.
Dad: You earned us an extra 7%. A job well done.
I roll my eyes, trying to swallow back the anger and bile in my throat as I hand Robbie back the phone. His eyes glance down at the screen where I’ve left the text up, his eyes almost glowing orange as his brow furrows together in anger. 
“What the fuck?” He asks, looking up at me. 
I try to sit up but my body screams at me, forcing me to stay put. He takes my hand, rubbing little circles into the back of it with his thumb. “It’s ok, Neva. Just stay put.”
I nod, taking a deep breath. And then I tell him everything, how my father treated me my entire life, how I was forced to wine and dine these men or their sons, how I was able to fight most of them off with herbs given to me by my nanny, how twice it had come to more than business and how stupid I was for believing those men, even though they claimed to love me still after I found out, but the trust had been broken. How I missed the chance tonight to give the herb to Mr. Fortier, how I’ve been hurt before but never like this. I don’t look at him when I tell him, but his hand never moves from mine, squeezing it harder with every detail I give him. By the end, I’m surprised to find tears on my face, Robbie reaching up to swipe them away for me. 
“So I’m not surprised no one is looking for me. My dad always sends an update text like this, that what I’ve done for the family was worth it. 7% though? If my dad saw me, he’d negotiate for at least 8%.” It was meant to be funny, trying to lighten the tension, but Robbie didn’t laugh. Or smile.
“Your dad is a bad man.”
I nod. “I’ve known that for quite a while, Robbie.”
“Why didn’t you leave the family then?”
That’s a loaded question. “I guess it was easier to stay. I was raised to do this, Robbie. By the time I’d realized how fucked up it was, my dad’s reach was far. I had no one, aside from my nanny whom he sent back to Russia. I trusted no one, resigned to my fate. And then…you. From day one you made me, no make me feel safe. Like someone cares about me, that I won’t just fade into nothing. You’re my hero, Robbie.” I finally chance a glance up at him, expecting a smile or something, but instead, I’m met with a guilty look, an undeserving expression on his face and he doesn’t look at me. 
“I’m not a hero.”
I squeeze his hand. “You are. You literally saved my life that night.”
He shakes his head. “That wasn’t me.”
I scoff. “It was you who walked through the door, saw me, and it was you who pulled me from that…wait was the house on fire?”
He’s quiet for a few minutes and I give him the space he needs. He shifts next to me, making sure I can see his eyes. 
“I have to tell you something, but you can’t tell anyone. Not even my brother, ok?”
I try to move again, but my body retaliates, pain radiating out from where I moved. “I promise. You can tell me anything.”
“Just…know that I feel safe with you, that it’s you who saved me. I don’t deserve it. Don’t argue, just listen, ok?” He takes a deep breath. “I’m Ghost Rider. Well, he is in me.”
“...the guy with the flaming skull head, right?”
“That’s him.”
I let out a small laugh of relief and his eyebrows pinch together. “Why are you laughing?”
“No, it’s just…I saw you...well him? Right before I passed out and I thought for sure I was going crazy, that maybe I’d hit my head too hard. God, this is a relief!”
He studies me for several long moments. “I wasn’t expecting this reaction, you sure you’re ok?”
“I feel much better now that I know my brain isn’t severely addled.”
“I tell you that I turn into a murderous being with a flaming skull for a head and your reaction is ‘oh thank God I’m not crazy’?” The corners of his mouth tick up and then he’s full on smiling. “You’re loca, Neva.”
“Maybe. But you said he’s in you? I don’t understand. Are you not an inhuman then?”
Robbie watches me for a moment and then shakes his head. He launches into an explanation, about how he was out car racing when the Fifth Street Locos attacked his car, on a hit for his uncle, how Gabe, who had simply caught him leaving the house late at night and Robbie convinced him to come along, had a bullet lodged in his spine which means he’d never walk again. How he himself was flung from the Charger, body riddled with bullets, when a voice offered him revenge and he accepted, his body reanimating and healing. How he did seek vengeance, taking out not just that gang but other people too, the Rider coming out to burn them alive, that he only took out those who deserved it. That he did burn down Mr. Fortier’s house, after taking care of him himself, to make it look like an accident. 
“When I walked in and I saw him standing over you, I just lost it. The Rider too. That’s what you saw.”
I squeeze his hand harder, placing his palm on my chest. “Is that why you’re always warm?”
“Pretty much.”
“I stand by what I said before. You’re not a murderer, Robbie. You don’t kill innocent people. They deserve what they’ve gotten, I’m sure…Is it… could I talk to him?”
Robbie raises his eyebrows. “You wanna talk to him?”
“I just want to thank him personally for his part in saving me? If that’s ok.”
He watches me for a long time, like he’s having an internal conversation with himself and it dawns on me, he probably is. Just with the Rider.
Robbie stands up, taking a step back from the bed, his bed, his eyes on mine. And then they’re blazing orange, like fire itself, his skin peeling back as the skull emerges, embers and flames raising from that face that holds my heart. The Rider stands there, lighting up the room as he turns his face down to me, flames licking out from where his eyes should be. 
“Thank you.”
He nods, a single nod before the flames were being extinguished, skin growing back piece by piece and then Robbie’s back, immediately coming to my side, hesitating in taking my hand.
“You ok, Neva?”
I nod. “Better, now that I get to see your face.” I grunt through a little pain to bring my hand to his cheek, fingers touching the spots where I know his freckles lay. Those freckles that are the death of me. 
“You’re after my dad, aren’t you?” It slips out, this thought I’d had once he told me about the Rider. And honestly, it all makes sense. He never seemed the chauffeur type. I just thought I had been lucky to find the one random, hot man driving one of my dream cars that actually wanted to drive people around in it. 
“It’s ok. I know he’s my father, technically, but he’s never been my dad.”
“Will we be ok?” Even though the room is dark, I can see his eyes, wide and worried, eyebrows pinched together. I manage to slide my hand up to that spot, trying to smooth away that pinch with my fingers. 
“I’m not going anywhere.”
He visibly relaxes, sliding himself next to me and gently wrapping himself around me, his nose nuzzling in my hair as he inhales, all while I’m inhaling him where my face is against his broad chest. 
“Can you just…wait until I’m better?”
“Did you want to see him?”
“What? Oh no. I just want Nurse Robbie to take care of me.”
He chuckles and my head bounces slightly with it, the rumbling there lulling me back to sleep.
“Nurse Robbie is on duty.”
3 months later…
Her dad was gone, the Rider had left his mark that day. Her mom had fled the country, taking every asset she could, seemingly leaving Neva with nothing. But of course, Neva was smarter than that, tucking money away for literally years, always using her dad’s credit when she needed something. She had more than enough to live comfortably the rest of her life, not filthy rich like before, but more than comfortable, eventually wearing down Robbie with her pleas of “just let me spoil you and your brother”. She’d gotten them a new place in a good part of town, pulling strings to get Gabe into a really nice school that would look great on his college applications. 
When Robbie insisted he stay at Canelo’s in order to stay in the know about what was happening, in case the Rider needed to come out, she followed him, surprising Canelo himself with her extensive knowledge of cars. Her presence attracted new customers, much to the delight of Canelo. 
But today was a slow day and her target was Robbie. 
“Would you just hand me the wrench already?” Robbie smiles, his hand outstretched as Neva clutches the wrench to her chest, an impish smirk on her face as she shakes her head.
“Come and get it.”
He chuckles, standing with a slight grunt as his muscles stretch. “Oh you wanna play, chica?” Robbie
He lunges towards her, hands outstretched, smile on his face and she squeals, trying to run with the wrench but it’s shape making it awkward. She drops it and slows momentarily, thinking Robbie would stop but then he’s there, covering her mouth as she squeals again, smiling into his gloved hand as he pushes her into the office, locking the door behind him before giving her his own version of teasing, her fingers twisting through his hair, his name a quiet chant on her lips, and Robbie knows there is nowhere he’d rather be. 
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Christmas List
Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider - AOS) x female reader
Fanfiction rating: All ages
(My entire blog though is 18+)
Summary: You make lists for many of the things you do. Robbie found one of your lists and it made him think about his relationship with you.
Notes: I watched all ten of Gabriel Luna's Ghost Rider episodes. I wanted to write something that was fluffy. I still have a little fluff in me. Might even be able to write more.
Warnings: None, all fluff (Scout’s honor)
Word count: 671 (Drabble 🤭)
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Robbie sat at the kitchen table staring at a list you’d left. You were big on them, making them for shopping, tasks at work, keeping track of tasks around the house, all sorts of things. He didn’t expect that before you went out shopping for groceries you’d started another list, a more personal one:
Mention that Christmas is in a few weeks - done
Put up some decorations, not too many to start - done for now haven’t settled on a tree yet
Find ugly sweater from last year - found it need a new one too small
See if I can convince Robbie to wear a Christmas sweater - wore it under his jacket so a win?
Maybe can get him to wear a cute hat with a bell 
Find a little red dress with whatever that white fuzz stuff fringe maybe - ask Anna 
Buy Robbie some red boxers for fun - even if he doesn’t wear them it will still make me giggle.
Bake cookies with Robbie - neither of us should burn them maybe
Ask him about visiting my family - we’ll visit Gabe and his girlfriend first. Might be too early to ask.
Reyes chuckled to himself softly reading over the things you wanted to buy for him but also do with him. Your list was primarily centered on him and while that did warm his heart, he wondered why you’d only had one ask of him. 
Visiting your family.
Robbie and Gabe’s parents were gone from this world long ago and hadn’t told you about his uncle and all that happened with him. From the look on your face, you suspected more but didn’t push it. Gabe had changed the subject to making fun of Robbie never wearing sandals on account of his messed up feet which led to a roar of laughter from the table but he knew you hadn’t forgotten. He wondered what else you held back on because you were good at reading emotions he thought he hid.
When you came through the door with both hands full of groceries, you smiled and kissed his cheek. After setting them down on the table you paused after hearing a small chime. Robbie was wearing a red elf hat with a bell attached at the end with the red sweater you’d bought him - no jacket over it.
“Hey Chica, I found a good hat, though I’m not sold on those boxers.” He grinned and heat came to your cheeks. He’s seen your list. After putting away all the groceries, the both of you sat down as you sipped some egg nog. You’d gone and put on your own green sweater that had snowflakes on it. Laughs were had as he bobbed his head around making it jingle more.
“Did you read the entire thing?” You asked after taking another sip of your egg nog and licking your top lip.
“Yeah I did. You could have just asked me, I’d love to visit Gabe and his girl.” He leaned forward on the table, titling his head, but difficult to take seriously because he softly chimed. 
“I wasn’t sure how to ask. You didn’t even want me to tell them about you until a few months ago, after I had moved in. I already let them know my address change but they didn’t know why Robbie. I…” Trailing off, you looked away before reaching across and taking ahold of his hand, your thumb tracing his knuckles.
“I love you and I’m proud on you. I know you’re not always because of the darkness in you but you’re more than that. You’re my Robbie. I wanna show you off.” Your grip strengthened with the wide smile you gave him.
Pensive, Robbie stood and walked around the table, placing an arm across your shoulders. “Chica wants to show me off huh? Alright. We’ll see Gabe and then head to your family. You are always telling me about your Mom’s sweet potato bake. I'll get to taste it in person.” He pecks your cheek and holds you tight.
A promise of a new Christmas tradition.
Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @trulybetty @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @undercoverpena @laurfilijames @linzels-blog @frenchiereading @secretelephanttattoo @for-a-longlongtime @rhoorl @fhatbhabie @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @pamasaur @grogusmum @sp00kymulderr @theywhowriteandknowthings @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @yorksgirl @fhatbhabie
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bluepallets · 7 days
Smut under the cut, no specific character, MxF reader, oral(F), fingering(F), slight overstimulation
Enjoy :)
His strong hands grip her plush hips, groaning into her heat as he dragged out her third orgasm that night. Tongue flicking against her sensitive clit. She pulls at his hair, trying to find purchase.
Gasps and whimpers coming from her mouth when he stuffs his ring finger into her, right down to the knuckle. Still, his eyes never leave hers.
Her eyes water and her legs shake. His free hand moves down to keep them spread apart. Another finger is added to her slick wet. He knows she’s close by the way she twitches, the way she pushes him deeper into her, her babbling on about how good he treats her.
When she cums around his fingers, and makes a mess of his face he laps it all up. She whines when his fingers are pulled out of her, licking them clean before placing a sweet kiss against her overstimulated cunt. His hands rub up against her thighs soothingly.
Moving up, he presses a small kiss to her cheek. Muttering to her about how good she did, how well she took him, how sweet and beautiful she was. Rambling about how cute she was when she got like this, all whiney and needy for him.
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ambcass · 6 months
can you do cobra kai characters with a cheerleader gf reader??
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should be studying but...
a/n: im deadass ab to passout bru but wtvr i havent posted ina while ig... inbox is open btw :3 also this is not proof read D:
SPECIAL TAGS TO: @yippeeyoppee AND @humilityshown
ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ:
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Miguel! tried to make it obvious that he liked Reader but she mistook his feelings for friendship. Poor baby got friend-zoned so many times because of how obvious Reader was:( One time, Miguel bought Reader followers (specifically roses) before their school's rally and Reader told him what of a supportive friend he was. But he didn't give up. He tried his hardest to let Reader know that he liked her, regardless if she felt the same way back, he would have gotten the message sent out. Reader did her fair share of kindness though. When she can, she'd go to the dojo Miguel is in and cheer him on like it was just practice.
Reader was so relieved when Miguel expressed his feelings towards her. She always thought that he was just being nice and that his actions shouldn't get into her head. Miguel brought her a basket he made with all the things she liked (candy, stuffed animals, drinks, etc.) and a lego flower bouquet.
Miguel! always goes to Reader's rallies to cheer her on. After the rallies, he would praise her on how good she did and how she should consider doing karate with him. He's scared that she'll get hurt but he knows that she can do it.
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Eli! first laid eyes on Reader when the cheer squad was practicing after school. He saw a cute girl land a cartwheel with a smile and knew he was in love. He was just "Eli" when he met Reader but as soon as he turned into "Hawk" he automatically turned into a cocky bastard. He grew closer with her and always tried impressing Reader with his Karate moves but she wasn't always impressed. Many girls had a thing for Eli and tried making a move with him but it never worked. He would always find a way to sneak you back into his conversations.
Eli! confessed to you when the two of them were at a party and he was so drunk he just started talking random shit. Reader couldn't care less about what he was saying until her name was brought up. She took out her phone and started recording whatever he was about to say.
"Reader is the girl I have a crush on. Don't tell her though...I'm just so jealous of those ass jocks that she has to cheer for. She's so pretty, smart, and independent. Gosh, I wish she was mine."
Eli! had a smug look on his face but reeked of alcohol. Reader smiled and flicked Eli's forehead, telling him to go to sleep. He replied with "Yes, ma'am" and did as told. She kissed him on the forehead and slept beside him. When the both of them woke up, Reader showed Eli the recording and asked him if there was anything he would like to tell her. He was so shy but he was able to admit his feelings for her. The two then shared a passionate kiss and cuddled for a long time before someone told them to get off the couch. Hey, they were still at a party after all.
Eli! always asks Reader to accompany him to parties. Not only does that keep the unwanted girls away from Eli, but he feels he's safe when he's keeping Reader safe. Plus he wants to have fun with his girl, maybe have a drink or two. The only thing he absolutely hates is when older guys, guys that aren't even in high school anymore, try to hit on Reader like she doesn't have a boyfriend that is ready to kick ass with her. Otherwise, Eli wouldn't ask any girl in the world to party with him but his one and only girlfriend.
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Robby! didn't think he would have a chance with her. Due to his financial and overall living conditions, he didn't think it was possible. Reader was just too popular for him. Any interactions with her would result in Robby trying to hide his feelings but he fails every time with the pink shade that appears on his cheeks and that soft smile he always gives Reader when he talks to her is all it'll take to make Reader realize that he wants to be more than friends with her.
Robby! asked Reader to be his girlfriend in the most romantic way possible. He got tips from Daniel and TRUST me when I say that they worked. Which really surprised Reader since how closed off Robby usually was Robby and Reader were hanging out during the Fourth of July at a park waiting for the fireworks show to start. He brought chips, sodas, and a handwritten note. A few seconds before the show started, he handed the note to her and asked her to open it. The note read, "Roses are red. Violets are blue. The sky is beautiful but not as beautiful as you". As she read the note, the fireworks started to bang. She looked at Robby with so much awe as he asked, "Reader, may I please be your boyfriend?" She cupped his face and Robby leaned in for a kiss. A kiss under the fireworks.
Reader doesn't mind at all that Robby doesn't take her to big fancy dates. In fact, she prefers small dates instead of big ones such as crafting, picnics, or even hanging in his house. Well, his mom's house. The second you two hang out in Johnny's small ass apartment, then Johnny would burst into the room while handing Robby a condom and asking him to stay safe. Reader can't stop laughing every time this happens. Robby is just annoyed that his dad thinks he would do sexual activities in his house.
"Better safe than sorry" Johnny threw a condom packet at Robby and closed the door shut. Robby's face turned red and threw the condom in the trash. Reader was just there cackling non-stop while Robby seemed like he didn't want to talk to his dad ever again.
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Demetri! like Robby didn't think that Reader would ever like him back at all. His little phase with Yasmine faded quickly when he found out what a bitch Yasmine was to literally everyone (pls pretend that this is canon). He was just a nerdy lanky freak who hung out with the "boy with the lip" who later left him just to be cool. Reader was there for Demetri when Eli left him. She wanted him to be beside her at all times. Reader invited Demetri to watch her practice. When he does come, he would sit on the bleachers reading comics or doing homework. Anytime he sees a couple in the comic book he's reading, he would imagine that it's you two together, fighting crime. (or wtvr they're doing)
Demetri! is a shy baby and was practically clueless about how to ask Reader out. He thought of everything but he was either doing too little or too much. He didn't want her to think he was a loser geek that everyone made fun of. He wanted to be more than that. More than what everyone pictures him to be. His confession was simple. He slid a note into your locker stating that you should meet him after school, in the fields for something.
Once reader got there, she was in her cheer uniform and holding her silly pom poms. Demetri looked down at her with a deep blush and it was easy to make out that he was sweating. Demetri couldn't get his words out but before he was able to make words out, Reader cut him off,
"Would you like to go out sometime?" She asked him. A shocked expression appeared on his face. "Uhm sure, ya'know I was gonna ask you that". He was smiling hard, like really hard. Reader chuckled and held out her hand. "Well Demetri, care to accompany me in practice," she said in an old-fashioned tone. He held her hand in response, "Why yes Reader, I would love to" he raised his brow and the two laughed it off walking back to the gym.
People didn't get why Reader would date someone like Demteri but she didn't care. Any time he came back from Comic-Con and bought something back for her, she'd wear it to school. Her friends would look at her funny and ask "Why would you wear nerdy shit like that? You look like a geek" but Reader wouldn't care and that's what Demetri loved about her the most. Just because she was popular, it didn't mean that she couldn't be herself around her friends. Demetri loved teaching Reader nerdy things about him, such as the difference between DC and Marvel, which animes were "peak", and board games to play. Sometimes Reader would try to teach him how to do stunts but that obviously results him into ripping his pants.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
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| 18+ blog MDNI | All the characters I write are aged up to be 18 or older
Requests are Open for blurbs, headcanons, and asks.
Below, you will find the list of characters I write for and the things I will/won't write. Please read through this before sending any asks, otherwise it will be deleted.
Characters I Write For:
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Samantha LaRusso
Tory Nichols
Poly!Daniel and Amanda LaRusso
Poly! Carmen and Amanda
Most any poly!ship you can think of
Blue Beetle/DC Characters:
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Milagro Reyes
Jenny Kord
Bart Allen (fancast: Jacob Bertrand)
Character's I'm not comfortable writing for romantically:
Johnny Lawrence
Anthony LaRusso
✨️ Masterlist ✨️ - this is an out-of-date masterlist. I tried keeping up with a masterlist and it didn't work, so if you want to find content by character, use the tags :)
Wills and Will-Nots (please read before sending in an ask):
The Wills:
I mostly write female readers, as it is what I am familiar with and know best. I will write AFAB and gender nonspecific readers as well, just let me know in your ask what you'd like.
I will also write plus-sized/chubby readers be default unless you state otherwise in your ask/request. If you don't want chubby reader, please be specific.
I will write fluff, angst, and smut. This includes angst without a happy ending.
I will write poly relationships, ie. poly Moon and Hawk.
I will write topics such as depression, anxiety, EDs, and other mental health topics if I'm comfortable and confident that I can write and represent them properly. If I'm not confident that I can do that, I will let you know and update this list.
I will write disabilities and sickness. I'm hard of hearing and deal with chronic pain myself, so these topics don't make me uncomfortable.
For NSFW content, I will write most kinks to the best of my ability. I will also write wlw and poly content. I'm not sure how confident I am with writing mlm NSFW content when it comes to character x character though.
The Will-Nots:
I will not write about SH in graphic detail, meaning on page. I may reference it, but it will be vague.
I will not write daddy kink/ddlg, incest, or age play.
I will not write character cheating on reader.
I don't write male readers as I am not confident in my ability to write them. My sincerest apologies.
I will not write Miguel x Reader x Robby in a poly relationship and no Kiaz under any circumstances.
If I receive an ask or request that I am not comfortable with, I will delete it.
These lists may be added to at any time, at which point I will make an announcement letting everyone know it's been updated. Thank you for reading.
Please note that this blog is a chubby!reader blog. Any asks/requests I receive will be written with such in mind unless otherwise stated in the ask. If you want an average bodied!reader or no body descriptors used, please say that in your ask.
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twistnet · 2 years
kinktober masterlist — 2022
going to pin this for a while, so if you’re looking for the navigation ⇢ go here
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“i think they should be absolutely terrified of you...”
welcome all to another year of kinktober! just like with the previous year, random names were drawn from my character list using the wheel of death and were matched with a prompt that fit that chosen character!
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⋯ ✧ PROMPTS ; prompts were chosen from this [ post ] by @the-purity-pen​​ ; these are pure smut, meaning 18+ only [ minors do not interact! ] — you can block #twistnet :: kinktober 2022 if you do not wish to see
⋯ ✧ EXPECTATIONS ; all works are 500-1000 words, with little to no plot -- just plain ole smut [ gn!readers, afab!readers + female!readers; will be listed in warnings + tags ]
⋯ ✧ NOTICES ; things to keep in mind
all kinks, pairings + readers were chosen by me; based entirely off what i felt comfortable writing. if anything from the below list makes you uncomfortable, i strongly advise you not to read it
ageless blogs // minors interacting with this post, or any of the linked posts, will be blocked
this post will serve as the masterlist for the event + days will be updated with links upon posting
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day one. 69 — pete mitchell x fem!reader
day two. floor sex — stella kidd x afab!reader
day three. glove kink — dmitri ‘enzo’ antonov x fem!reader
day four. missionary — jim street x gn!reader
day five. leather // latex — jill valentine x fem!reader
day six. cockwarming — matt murdock x gn!reader
day seven. costumes — robin buckley x fem!reader
day eight. voice kink — druig x gn!reader
day nine. double penetration — cobb vanth x din djarin x fem!reader
day ten. creampie — bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x gn!reader
day eleven. erotic photos — abby anderson x fem!reader
day twelve. exhibitionism // voyuerism — steve harrington x fem!reader + eddie munson
day thirteen. face-sitting // fucking — kim burgess x afab!reader
day fourteen. love bites // markings — dani powell x fem!reader
day fifteen. overstimulation — jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem!reader
day sixteen. bath // shower sex — vi x fem!reader
day seventeen. pegging — scott lang x afab!reader
day eighteen. lingerie — nancy wheeler x fem!reader
day nineteen. masturbation — alexei smirnoff x afab!reader
day twenty. mirror sex — tom ‘iceman’ kazansky x fem!reader
day twenty-one. praise kink — robert ‘bob’ floyd x fem!reader
day twenty-two. phone sex — javier peña x female!reader
day twenty-three. orgasm denial — leonard ‘wolfman’ wolfe x gn!reader
day twenty-four. outdoor sex — ellie williams x fem!reader
day twenty-five. sex pollen — stephen strange x gn!reader
day twenty-six. wax play — nora fowler x afab!reader
day twenty-seven. sensory deprivation — fennec shand x fem!reader
day twenty-eight. strap-ons — chris alonso x afab!reader
day twenty-nine. body worship — natasha ‘pheonix’ trace x fem!reader
day thirty. temperature play — robbie reyes x gn!reader
day thirty-one. wild card — robert hicks x afab!reader
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thank you and please enjoy!
~ love twisty
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legends-of-apex · 3 years
The Jacket Thief
Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider x Reader (18+)
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Word Count: 1,700
Rating: 18+ (smut, car sex)
Summary: Having been craving him all day you decide that it's a good idea to steal Robbie's jacket when you meet him at the garage after work one day, knowing it's the very best way to push his proverbial buttons. It is. So is wearing very little other than said jacket whilst lounging on top of his precious car. Reader is presented as female.
A/N: If you’d like to be tagged in future Ghost Rider stuff (as I’m sure there will be more where this came from 💀) please feel free to let me know!
“Cariña, have you seen….” He trailed off when he saw you sprawled out on the hood of the charger wearing none other than,”… my jacket.”
He cursed under his breath at how good you looked. You were just sitting there waiting for him, his jacket wrapped around you as though you were a present with his name on it. Your legs were spread wide so he could see you only wore panties. You sat back on your elbows, your chest covered only by his jacket and nothing more. It hung open slightly, leaving the valley of your breasts exposed and he swore that was the best that jacket had ever looked. 
He wasn’t expecting such a lovely surprise to be waiting for him, least of all after hours in the dimly lit garage where he worked. 
You looked up at him beneath your lashes, relishing in how he couldn’t get enough of the sight of you like this, “Come and get it if you want it, baby.” You knew he’d be the one to lock up that night and that he’d have the place to himself. The perfect time for you to set your plan in motion once he went to get changed. 
He swallowed. Hard.
With wide eyes, he took in your appearance and silently thanked whatever god was listening for letting you walk into his life. “You really want to do it here? It’s not exactly the cleanest, chica.” He was looking at you over his nose as he slowly walked towards you, trying to seem casual and like he wasn’t at all imploding at the sight of you and the prospect of what came next. Seeing you in his jacket did something to him. It always had done. But seeing you wearing it in just your panties whilst you sat on top of his car? He would have toppled Rome if you’d asked.
As much as you knew this was a fantasy of his, you also knew he’d literally just finished work and was probably more tired than he’d ever admit, “If you don’t wanna, it’s cool. I can just take care of it myself.” By ‘it’ you of course meant your absolutely insatiable lust that day and as much as he would have loved to watch you deal with the issue yourself, there was a problem already growing in the confines of his jeans. 
When he finally reached you, placing a hand on the car’s hood on either side of you, you knew he was game and willing to do whatever the hell you wanted him to, “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” You asked, but already knew the answer. 
You had him wrapped around your finger, tighter than a glove.
“You know I have,” he’d told you about it once and you’d listened, listened to every little detail he let out about his fantasy of fucking you in his jacket, “Gotta admit, it suits you.” He opened the jacket wide so your bare chest was exposed to him, the cool leather teasing your skin. A flash of orange made its way across his eyes as he looked at you before bringing his mouth down to your breasts. That meant he liked it too. You tried not to think about the demon being a passive on-looker to all this, to everything in Robbie’s life.
“Shit-“ you gasped as he took one nipple into his mouth and palmed the other. The harsh leather of his driving gloves was a sharp contrast to the softness of his warm tongue. He pulled back with a satisfied chuckle when you were getting really into it, his inclinations that you were strung about as high as a harp right now were correct. You must have really needed a good fuck to go to all this effort. He probably should have guessed based on the text you’d sent him earlier.
“You want it here?” He asked when he pulled away from your chest and let you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, bringing him as close to you as the car beneath would allow. You nodded once in affirmation, and he tugged your hips closer to his and brought you in for a kiss that left you breathless. Robbie’s kisses left you breathless more often than not with how passionate he was. With the way he poured his soul into you every time. But today he was especially fervent, it probably had something to do with the jacket.
“Baby, please…” you huffed as you both caught your breath, “I need you.” The desperation for his touch rippled throughout your body and straight to your pulsing core. And here was nothing in this world that got Robbie off more than knowing you were needy for him.
He loved to see you like this, to hear the desperation in your voice. Knowing he was the only one who could help ease your frustrations made his insides coil. “You want me that bad, huh?” He asked, and you didn’t miss the smile on his lips as he said it. He was proud that he’d gotten you in such a state. All it took was a lingering kiss to your neck before he left to take Gabe to school that morning and you’d been craving him ever since.
You released a quiet affirmation, your eyes pleading with him to take you, to give you what you desperately craved.
With a reassuring kiss to your forehead, he started undoing his belt and unzipping his fly. That was his way of telling him he had you, that he was going to take care of you and give you precisely what you craved.
“Come on baby, spread 'em wide for me.” 
It was a good thing you were already soaked through your panties. Robbie of course made sure you were ready for him, fingers delicately working through your folds once he’d torn the fabric from your hips. He was so turned on by your little display that he was much quicker to enter you than usual. Normally he’d take the time to caress every inch of your precious skin, to taste and savour you. He liked to take his time. But today you were both so needy and the garage didn’t exactly make for an intimate setting that something far quicker was called for.
Once you were comfortably wrapped around him, the pace he set was immediately relentless, working you open so you had to brace one hand around him and another on the car for balance. 
“God, you take me so good.” He groaned, running his fingers over your thighs.
You gasped, begging for more and he obliged you to the point where he grabbed handfuls of your hips as he slammed into you repeatedly, pointedly. Relishing the moans falling from your lips at finally getting what you’d been craving all day. 
Each groan that left him fell so close to your ear that you couldn’t help but shiver at the sound. He pressed kisses to the side of your head when he wasn’t praising you. His words got lost in a sea of obscene sounds.
“Lie back,” his voice was rough and strained, and it sounded so good you probably could’ve come just listening to it when it sounded like that. 
You obliged him, detangling yourself from him in favour of laying back on his car. You were grateful for the new position as it meant you could get a good look at him and he at you. He looked strained, he always did when he was inside you and you knew it was because he was holding back. If he didn’t hold back he’d likely split you in half with how strong he was with the demon inside him. And you caught glimpses of that strength sometimes, although only when you asked and even then he was so careful with you. You placed your hand on the base of his stomach, diving beneath his shirt just so you could feel the muscle that tensed and released as he rolled his hips forward.
The new angle gave him perfect access to your clit and he made sure to take advantage of that, tugging off one glove so he could tease your dewy folds with precision. 
“Shit- Robbie, I’m close” You reached forward to cling to him, face tucked right into the juncture between his neck and shoulder. 
“Come for me, baby. I’ve got you.” His voice was low, teasing the shell of your ear, “That’s it… just like that-“ he cut himself off with a groan as your walls clenched around him.
He pulled back away from you a little just to get a look at your face. Your eyes caught his, still glowing slightly orange, and you met together in a kiss. It wasn’t long before you were both finished and heaving, willing air to fill your desperate lungs. 
He kissed your face all over as you laughed until you caught his lips with yours once more. Then you just sat there for a moment, your foreheads resting against one another’s until you had to move. It was time to go home.
“Maybe I should steal your jacket more often?”  you suggested, looking over at him as he drove. His jacket still hung firmly around your shoulders, zipped up to cover your chest. He let you keep it for the drive home and he was going to have to pin you down to get it back later.
He laughed, a rare sound from him these days, “I wouldn’t make it a habit…” As he said it he took your hand in his before delicately bringing it to his lips, all whilst keeping his eyes on the road. With a gentle squeeze, he let your hand fall back to your lap but kept his there firmly at the curve of your thigh. The weight was comforting, a reminder of his affection and appreciation of you. Not that he’d ever let you forget it.
You covered his hand with your own and interlocked your fingers whilst his thumb continued to knead the softest of circles into your thigh. It was moments like these that made you fall in love with Robbie. His overwhelming gentleness despite the anguish he endured.
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The Rider’s Guardian (3/5)
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Pairing: Robbie Reyes x Reader
Warnings: Implied vehicle danger
Inspiration: Episode 4x06 - The Good Samaritan.
A/n: If you’re enjoying this series, feel free to drop a comment. I love reading and replying to you! x
Mini-Series Complete.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
There was fire licking at the powerline and in random places on the ground. You ran to the car hoping to see inside but you were stopped by a second officer, who frowned.
“The passenger is being loaded into the ambulance. There’s nobody here.” He informed.
Passenger had to mean Gabe, right?
Your heart skipped a beat and you side-stepped away from the car and towards an ambulance that was parked close-by while the second vehicle rang its siren and sped off to the hospital.
As you approached the white van, you were met with two more police officers, both with grim expressions.
“Excuse me but are you (Y/n), partner of Robbie Reyes, one of the crash victims?” The female officer said.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded in response. You didn’t need any more bad news - not tonight.
The officers glanced at one another and sighed.
“Mr Reyes gave us your name to discuss this matter with.” The second officer said. “Eli Morrow, the uncle to the Reyes brothers, has been arrested as a suspect for the murder of 4 employees at Momentum Labs.”
This was exactly the type of news that you had not wanted to hear. The boys were involved in a shooting and their uncle had been arrested and, what, you were supposed to be the bearer of bad news?
Just as you swam in your thoughts about what was happening, you heard a voice from inside the ambulance.
“I said stop!”
Gabriel, you thought to yourself. He was your first priority.
Looking back at the officers, you sighed as your foot tapped impatiently.
“Listen, I need to be in there right now. I’ll be at the hospital if you want to ask questions but I can’t do them right now.”
You were in a small stroke of luck when the officers nodded and stepped-aside. They seemed to understand the situation and the fact that your mind was occupied elsewhere.
“No! I’m not going anywhere without my brother!” Gabriel’s voice echoed in the back of the van. You wanted to engulf the young boy but was caught up, again, explaining your relation to a paramedic outside the van briefly before being given the green light.
Why was there so much security? A stupid question but still.
Placing your foot on the silver pedestal, you pulled yourself up and into the ambulance where Gabriel was giving the nurses a hard time from his place in the stretcher.
The poor boy was covered in scratches and bruises, a large smear of blood ran across the right of his forehead that was had not yet dried. You may have heard the word ‘paralysis’ from a doctor to the side but you didn’t have time to question it and revealed yourself to Robbie’s brother, breaking through the crowd of professionals.
“(Y/n)?” Gabriel gasped and reached out for you. Offering a smile, you were relieved to see that he was alive and took his hands in your own.
“Hey, Bookworm.” You teased hoping to get the young boy to smile but it was in vain as Gabriel was still in shock.
“(Y/n), where’s Robbie? Is he okay?” He asked you frantically. Racking your brain, you rubbed his arm gently and spoke in a calm tone.
“He’s fine.” You lied to put the boy at ease. “They took him to the hospital just a while back.”
“We need to take him now.” A nurse interrupted. “Unless you’re his immediate family, we can’t let you stay.”
Your heart dropped once again at the thought of leaving Gabriel on his own. You were dating Robbie but it wasn’t enough to make you ‘immediate family’.
“Are you immediate family?” The nurse called out, a pen sitting against the clipboard ready to scratch at the paper. “What’s your relation to the patient?”
Your heart raced. You were worried that you’d be sent away. There was a voice in your head that told you to lie but the words weren’t coming out. “I’m (Y/n)-”
“Reyes.” Gabriel finished, looking to the nurse. “(Y/n) Reyes. They’re engaged to my brother.”
If he wasn’t injured, you might have scolded him. You had always advised him against lying, wanting to keep his innocence. But even you knew that, sometimes, situations bent the rules.
So, instead, you turned to the nurse and gave a curt nod.
“I’m family.”
You wished that the ride to the hospital was easy but it was far from the word. Gabriel started losing blood and the doctors frantically worked to keep him conscious. He’d fade and then come back.
You didn’t know how much more you could take. You didn’t know where Robbie was.
You didn’t know anything anymore.
So, you sat in the ambulance silently and in fear. You didn’t have any answers so you just built up all the questions.
Masterlist here
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musings-of-a-rose · 9 months
Hello, so I got another idea and it is going to be super fluff. So this idea is Robbie x Reader, and the reader is coming back from work and she heard a meow coming from a alley and she stared in aww and she thinks that “Robbie wouldn’t mind that I bring this cute kitty at home”. And she brings it and she opens the door and saw Robbie at the couch and he sees her but she is turning away so he wouldn’t see the cat.
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Cat Dad
Pairing: Robbie Reyes x f!reader
Word Count: 900+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I changed it up a little bit from your original ask. I hope that’s ok!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Robbie Reyes Masterlist
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As soon as the clock hits 5pm, I’m out of there, practically running out of my office building, taking in as much of the setting sun as I can for the brief moment its rays touch my face. 
The bus home is crowded, everyone just trying to get home after a long day at work. Thankfully, I’m only a 15 minute ride away. I quickly hop off at my stop, after shoving my way through the mass of people, and step out onto the sidewalk, turning to walk the 5 or so blocks to my boyfriend Robbie’s place. 
I walk past an alley and hear the tiniest, most pathetic meow I’ve ever heard. Backtracking, I look down the alley, not immediately spotting anything. But then I see some trash shift on the floor and I hear another tiny meow come from it. Walking over, I carefully extricate the small kitten from the pile of trash, holding it by the back of it’s neck so it won’t scratch me. It’s all black, bright orange eyes looking up at me and I swear it reminds me of Robbie and his…other side. 
“You look like you could use a bath and a nice place to sleep. What do you think? Promise not to scratch me?”
The kitten mews and I hesitate a moment before cradling it in my arms. No wait, her in my arms. And to my surprise, she cuddles into me instantly, her fur still wet from the rain we had a couple hours earlier. 
“Come on little Ghost. Let’s get you home,” I coo, as I wrap her in my jacket with me. 
I got her clean, watching her jump around in the small amount of water I had in the bathtub as she bats at a rubber ducky I had gotten for Robbie as a joke. Eventually, I get her out and towel her off, raiding the cabinets to find a can of tuna for her. I pop open the can and put some on a plate, setting it down. She starts eating immediately, meowing for more when she finishes. After, she follows me around the house, not wanting to leave my side. I pick her up, cradling her tiny body. 
“You wanna stay with us?” She meows and rubs her head on my hand. I chuckle. “Ok, then. You can stay, Ghost. I guess that’s your name now too, since I heard you but didn’t see you.”
Just then, Robbie opens the door, tossing his keys in the basket I’d placed on a small side table as he shakes out his beloved coat, tossing it over the back of the chair and enters the living room, walking towards me with a smile. 
“Hey, baby. How was - what’s moving under that blanket?”
I put on my best puppy eyes. “Nothing?” Ghost meows from under the blanket and I look down at it, whispering “Traitor.”
“Is there a cat under there?”
“No? Technically she’s a kitten?”
“Baby-” I move the blanket and Ghost turns her tiny, bright orange eyes up, staring at Robbie, who goes momentarily speechless. 
“Ok, she’s cute. But she can’t stay. You’ll bring her to a shelter or something tomorrow, ok?”
“But, Robbie! She’s so small and she loves me!”
“She loves anyone who feeds her.”
“No really. She follows me around. Plus, she reminds me of you.”
“Yeah. Dark outside with a flame in her eyes.”
He’s quiet for a bit. “Still, it’s a cat. She can’t stay. And don’t give me the pouty lip.”
I wake in the morning, patting the bed next to me and finding it empty, not even a trace of warmth from Robbie. I pull on one of his shirts and walk to the living room, a yawn dying on my lips when I take in what’s happening. 
Robbie. Asleep on the couch. With little Ghost curled up on his chest, half tucked under a blanket, like he’d tucked her there. She’s purring loudly, only cracking open one eye to look at me before cuddling her head deeper, a soft smile on Robbie’s lips as he continues to doze. 
Ghost never does go to a shelter and spends her time at our place or at the shop, chasing any small rodents or bugs that dare enter her domain. And Robbie? He went out that next day and bought nearly the entire pet store, coming home to show me all of the fancy toys and food he’d bought for her. 
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989
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musings-of-a-rose · 10 months
Okay so for Robbie (Ghost Rider) x Reader, I was thinking where the reader was going after the Watchdogs and the reader got hurt in the process where Robbie see her and then they got into a slight argument where it is dangerous to go after the Watchdogs.
So a slight angst but fluff at the end. It’s fine that you don’t want to do this one.
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Pairing: Robbie Reyes x f!reader
Word Count: 800+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Robbie Reyes Masterlist
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Ok, I really fucked up this time. I had gotten some intel that a higher up member of the Watchdogs that I’ve been trying to find for months was meeting a weapons dealer in a warehouse across town. I probably should’ve planned this better, but it was last minute and I couldn’t wait. 
Which may cost me my life.
As I stare down the barrel of the gun pointed directly at my face, a man with a mask yelling at me to tell them who I work for, I find myself thinking of only him. Robbie Reyes. My Robbie, the love of my life. I should’ve listened to him when he told me to back down from chasing the Watchdogs, but I was so close. And here I am, about to die for nothing. I wish I could see Robbie one last time. I screw my eyes shut, waiting for the end. 
And then screams erupt from all around me, the sounds of people flying and hitting the various shelves and barrels stacked around, smacking against the floor. And the smell. Burning flesh as the screams are silenced one by one, the gunshots that had been going off slowing to a stop, the shells clinking to the cold, hard floor. I crack an eye open, already knowing who I’d see when my eyesight adjusts. A man with a flaming skull head approaches me, tossing a thick chain over his shoulder. He kneels in front of me, his dark eye sockets boring into my own eyes as the flames disappear and Robbie appears, grunting and shaking his head as his skin grows back, his deep eyes the last things I see before I black out.
When I wake, I’m in his room, Robbie sitting next to me on the bed, checking over the bandages placed over various places on my body.
“How long was I out?” I croak, suddenly needing a glass of water. 
“A day or so. Doc checked you out. Slight internal bruising and a shit ton of external ones.”
I try to move and gasp at the pain. “Fuck you slight.”
“Why were you there?”
“You know why.”
“I told you not to go.”
I sigh. “I was so close, Robbie. I had to try-”
“No! You didn’t! You almost died today.”
“But I didn’t!”
He gets up, pacing the room like he does when he’s angry. “But you almost did! And where would that have left Gabe? Where would that have left me?”
“I…what does it matter? I’m trying to protect you both from them!”
Robbie slams his fist on his dresser and I jump at the sound. “I told you, I can take care of them!”
He walks over to me, sitting on the bed directly in front of me. “No buts. I can take care of them but what I can’t do is lose you. I…I wouldn’t be half the man I am without you. I love you, chica. Isn’t that enough?”
Tears stream from my eyes and I suck in some air at the pain. “You are enough, Robbie. I just.. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t useful.”
His eyes soften. “Not useful? Chica, you save my life every day by just being with me. I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve you, but I know I can’t live without you.”
“I love you too, Robbie.”
He cups my face, careful to not upset the bruising and scrapes littered across it. His eyes catch my gaze and I can feel the love pouring from him. “Can you promise me you’ll stop chasing them? If you hear something, you’ll tell me and I’ll- we’ll handle it?”
By we he meant the Rider and him and honestly, after nearly dying, this is an easy answer.
“Of course. I promise.”
“Thank you, chica.”
He cuddles in next to me, careful to avoid hurting me as I snuggle in next to him,  hand in his chest as I feel his heart beat and feel incredibly lucky to have him in my life.
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989
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musings-of-a-rose · 10 months
Ask: The Movies
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Ask from @twinklestarslight: Okay I have a good idea, For Robbie x Reader I was thinking where the reader and Robbie got into a huge argument where the reader was taking Gabe to see a movie and Gabe didn’t mention that to his brother so Robbie found out by driving by and he was so mad and it was at nighttime. Slight Angst but fluff at the end.
Pairing: Robbie Reyes x f! Reader
Word Count: 500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Robbie Reyes Masterlist
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"That car chase was terrible!" Gabe laughs as I hold open the door for him, moving into the living area of his house. 
"I don't know who designed it, but it was definitely not a person who knows what they're doing."
"You got that right. It was so bad I-"
I flip the light switch, illuminating the room and about jump out of my skin. 
"Robbie!" I press my hand to my chest as I look at my boyfriend sitting in a chair. "You scared me! What are you doing sitting in the dark?"
"What am I doing? What are you doing?"
I blink. "Uh..walking into the house?"
"Where have you been?"
Gabe moves into the room behind me. "Chill. We went to the movies."
Robbie's eyes narrow as they slide from me to Gabe. "The movies."
"Yeah. Didn't think it would be such a big deal," I say, tossing my purse onto the counter. "What's your problem?"
"My problem is I come home and no one's here. No one answers their phone. Then I go out driving and see your car at the movies like it's no big deal."
"You knew we were going."
Robbie shakes his head. "I didn't. I just know you were gone and I thought something might have happened…"
I spin on Gabe. "You said you told him earlier!"
Gabe smacks his head. "I totally forgot!"
I turn back to Robbie. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't think it would be an issue to take him and I thought you knew."
Robbie takes a breath. "It's not. It… you can take him to the movies. I just came home and the house was dark, no one home, no note. I thought maybe…maybe someone had kidnapped you guys."
"Oh Robbie. I'm so sorry!" I walk over and pull him into a hug. 
"I'm sorry too," Gabe says genuinely. 
"Just next time, warn me."
"You got it, baby." I run my nails over his head and he grunts. 
"I will warn you not to see Heist Car 3. It was terrible."
"Sounds terrible… let's go grab some pizza."
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989
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musings-of-a-rose · 11 months
Robbie Reyes Masterlist
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*=indicates smut or eventual smut (see fic warnings for details)
One Shots:
Safe With Me *
Ask: Promise
Ask: The Movies
Ask: Cat Dad
Series Masterlists:
Coming Soon
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
12/10/2023 - Weekend Update
Nerdie! Look at you staying on a schedule.
I know! Being half-way organized. It's kinda nice.
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We'd never thought we'd see the day. So what's new?
I made some fic posts this week:
Sard'ika Sessions - Session Two (Din Djarin x plus size female reader)
Christmas List (Robbie Reyes x reader)
The Brave, The Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore (Volume 3)
A New Tradition with Frankie (Frankie Morales x GN reader)
We also spread positivity though everyone's ask boxes and exchanged lovely messages with each other and loved on each other.
Read anything this week?
I did. A large portion of it is in my Fanfic appreciation post volume 3 which the link is above. I also started a volume 4 because I love highlighting different author's works that I've enjoyed. 😀
I'm just going to pick my top three for the week:
Don't Drink the Punch by @wildemaven (Soft Dave and female reader. I'm a fan of soft Dave. He can be soft and sweet. He and the reader are married and they're at a work event. It's lovely.)
Exposed by @maggiemayhemnj (Ezra and female reader. Turns out this is her first fic. I was flabbergasted. The Imagery, word flow and cadence are all from someone who's pen name is one word, like Cher or Homer or Ms. PayDay.)
Insatiable by @pedge-page (Frankie Morales and female reader. Part three of their three part emotional sexual odyssey with Frankie and the female reader. There's big feelings and lots of smut abound. But there is a sweet end to it.)
What happened outside of fanfics this week?
I was sick most of the week. I ended up in the ED at work and was out for the week. Thankfully I'm on the mend and should be ready this upcoming week for work and beyond! I caught up on different FBI shows, watched Loki with my mom (she wonders if he's going to be at a convention - I'm hoping not so she won't bum rush the man,) and bought a book on flowers. I've also been starting back up on learning Spanish again.
What's coming up this week?
I'm working on another Robbie Reyes fic - likely to be a one shot but dark because the Rider is dark. Gabriel Luna had a birthday this past week, @musings-of-a-rose sent me all the pictures so this is where we are in life right now. All Luna’ed down and what not.
I'm gonna try for some more fluff, maybe with Dieter, Frankie or Benny. Not sure who. We'll see.
I could, possibly, be working on one of my other series that I started and dropped like a hot potato. Maybe they'll have new chapters. People were reading them, which was the weirdest thing.
Session Three of Sard'ika Sessions will be up on Wednesday. The Way is paved with Space Smut according to the Maker. 🫡 We'll be at the mid-point so we're in for a shift, but no worries. Session four, five and six took up a lot of pages in my notebook and it was all outlined with a lot of things. Maybe some more improper beskar use? Might need to touch base with The Armorer on that. 👀 Didn't know that was included in the ancient ways either.
Nerdie, don't be messing with The Creed like that.
To be fair, I did mention in Session one that there would be liberties taken with both The Creed and The Way so the latter sessions are where more of those liberties are taken. Maybe a lot, maybe a little. You'll have to read and see. Different Mandalorians see The Creed differently, why can’t I?
I am curious about what liberties my Space Sister @linzels-blog would make with The Creed. 🤔
Wait, why is it weird that people were reading your other series?
Since I haven't updated them for months, I didn't expect them to get any comments, then they did. It was very sweet and got me thinking, maybe I should finish that at some point, or at least add to it. I'm trying to focus on one at a time. Can't be crossing streams.
We get it, but that joke though? Could have done without that. Any last thoughts?
I need to work more on the pickled Peña project. Haven't finished that yet. Stay safe and hydrated. There are nasty bugs that are wreaking havoc on people's noses and sinuses. We’re very happy that @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @for-a-longlongtime have lived to tell their stories.
Also check your knives and watch your tips. I guess you can palm the tips or take them and do whatever as long as you're safe about it.
Nerdie, what are you talking about...? Do we want to know?
If you know, you know and if you don't, find some hot tips. 😘
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Stay safe and don't get any in your eye,
Love Nerdie 💜
(escapes to a certain moodboard 🍆)
Nerdie! You can't just say that and leave! 😠
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twistnet · 6 years
in the night [ robbie reyes ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; when robbie woke up in the middle of the night to you moving around, he didn’t expect to find you in his lap the minute he questioned you
⋯ WARNINGS ; female!reader, smut [ dry humping, slight mention of somnophilia, cum + heavy makeouts ] + mature language
⋯ NOTES ; this content is strictly for those 18+ ; any minors // ageless // blank blogs interacting with this post will be blocked
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robbie had entered the house later than he had anticipated. the sound of him entering your shared room interrupted your sleep as he entered. he softly apologized, pressing a kiss to your forehead before changing into a t-shirt and sweats. settling down next to you, he pulled you into his arms. your back settling against his chest as you both let sleep take you.
hours later, you woke up. feeling a familiar wetness between your legs as you cursed your body for reducing you to a horny teenager. robbie laying next to you, just inches away wasn’t helping either.
if you hadn’t been living with robbie, you would have already taken care of yourself without any problem. but now, it was almost embarrassing as your mind went blank on what to do.
sitting up, you rest your back against the headboard as you debate what to do. of course, the slightest movement causes robbie to turn over. looking at you through hooded lids.
“baby, what are you doing up?” he asks, moving so he can face you properly. the sound of his voice takes you by surprise as you jump.
“i’m sorry, robbie. i didn’t mean to wake you.” this causes robbie to sit up, switching on a lamp to see your face better. he squints adjusting to the flood of light but he can very clearly see the redness of your cheeks. “are you sick?” robbie asks, bringing his hand to your forehead to check for a fever. this action only causing your blush to deepen.
“no, i’m not...i just...” you pause, feeling silly for what you want to say. “just what baby?” robbie questions again, watching as you fight yourself over an answer before you turn and position yourself over his lap. robbie jumps slightly as you press your lips to his, moving your hands rub softly against the back of his neck.
robbie was about to ask you what you were doing when he felt your hips grind against his causing a moan to escape his throat. getting the idea, robbie smirked, grabbing your hips to drag you against his growing erection. the friction of robbie’s sweats and cock rubbing your clit caused a somewhat loud moan to leave you.
robbie quickly covered your mouth, rutting his hips up rhythmically to meet yours. “tienes que estar en silencio mi amada.” he whispered to you with a smirk, “you wouldn’t want to wake up gabe.”
with a tight nod, robbie removed his hand. finding it once more on your hips as he dragged you against his cock harder. you dug your head into his shoulder, hoping to muffle your moans as you were closer to your climax.
“are you gonna cum, princesa?” robbie gasped out as his hips faltered. lifting your head, you press one last kiss to robbie’s lips as you cum. the kiss cutting off yours and robbie’s moans as you both rode out your highs. shaking lightly you stilled, gathering robbie’s sweat-soaked shirt in your hands as you calmed down.
as your breathing evened out, robbie chuckled. pressing a kiss to your lips as he brushed your hair back.“you know, if you wanted to jump my bones, you could have just woken me up. instead of me worrying about you.” you looked down, with that spreading across your cheeks,  “i’m sorry, robbie. usually, i can take care of it myself, but i just couldn’t help it.”
“it’s alright, mi amada. get some rest. we’ve got to get up in the morning.” robbie cooed, moving to switch off the lamp and pulling him into his arms once more. the lingering smell of sex and sweat still mixed in, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you tucked further into robbie’s warmth.
when robbie rolled over the next morning, finding you still asleep, he put his plan into action. as carefully as possible, he removed your shorts and underwear. tossing them to an unknown location of your shared room. positioning himself between your legs and dipping his tongue into your core.
a soft moan escaped your lips as you slowly woke up, gasping when robbie’s tongue flicked over your bud, the feeling of his fingers slowly stretching you out.“shh, mi amada. you had your treat last night, i’m getting mine.” robbie spoke from his position, before diving right back in.
your hands quickly grasped at his dark curls as you fell back against your pillows, a somewhat loud moan echoing throughout the room. neither one of you caring if you woke gabe up at this point.
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blog navigation ⇢ [ marvel masterlist ]
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twistnet · 3 years
kinktober masterlist — 2021
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after a couple of years of reading some of these, i thought about giving it a shot this year! and to add a bit of spice, i drew random names from my character list and matched them with the prompts chosen!!
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PROMPTS — prompts are from this [ post ] by @the-purity-pen​​. these are pure smut, so please only those 18+ [ minors do not interact! ] -- you can block #twistnetkinktober2021 if you do not wish to see
EXPECTATIONS — all works are 500-1000 words, with little to no plot -- just plain ole smut [ gn!readers + female!readers; will be listed in warnings + tags ]
NOTICES — things to keep in mind:
all kinks, pairings + readers were chosen by me; based entirely off what i felt comfortable writing. if anything from the below list makes you uncomfortable, i strongly advise you not to read it
ageless blogs // minors interacting with this post, or any of the linked posts, will be blocked
this post will serve as the masterlist for the event + days will be updated with links upon posting
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day one. face-sitting — ellie williams x fem!reader
day two. against the wall — carlos oliveria x gn!reader
day three. hair-pulling — loki laufeyson x gn!reader
day four. knife play — billy russo x gn!reader
day five. uniforms — evan buckley x gn!reader
day six. food play — miguel galindo. gn!reader
day seven. roleplay — jim hopper x gn!reader
day eight. cunninlingus — jill valentine x fem!reader
day nine. lingerie — eddie diaz x gn!reader
day ten. hickey // biting marks — yelena belova x fem!reader
day eleven. mirror sex — robbie reyes x gn!reader
day twelve. begging — javier peña x gn!reader
day thirteen. edging // orgasm denial — leon kennedy x gn!reader
day fourteen. bath // shower — chris alonso x female!reader
day fifteen. masturbation — cal kestis x gn!reader
day sixteen. massaging — abby anderson x fem!reader
day seventeen. pegging — jim street x gn!reader
day eighteen. hand jobs — chibs telford x gn!reader
day nineteen. glove kink — din djarin x gn!reader
day twenty. phone sex — randall ‘pink’ floyd x gn!reader
day twenty-one. dirty talk — frank castle x gn!reader
day twenty-two. thigh riding — boba fett x gn!reader
day twenty-three. cock warming — malcolm bright x gn!reader
day twenty-four. hunter // prey — joel miller x gn!reader
day twenty-five. breeding — horacio carrillo x gn!reader
day twenty-six. latex // leather — matt murdock x gn!reader
day twenty-seven. aftercare — sam wilson x gn!reader
day twenty-eight. almost getting caught — cobb vanth x gn!reader
day twenty-nine. window // balcony sex — bill hargrove x gn!reader
day thirty. praise kink — natasha romanoff x fem!reader
day thirty-one. wildcard — hailey upton x fem!reader
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thank you and please enjoy! 
~ love twisty
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legends-of-apex · 3 years
‘The Day He Didn’t’
Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider x Reader (angst, fluff)
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Word count: 5,100
Rating: T (tw for death and grief, brief suggestiveness)
Summary: *Spoilers for Agents of SHIELD season 4* You, an agent of SHIELD and long-time resident of the Reyes household, deal with the fallout from Robbie’s “death” in episode 8. This fic mainly explores the relationship you had with Robbie and how you come to terms with his death whilst trying to take care of Gabe in his absence. Based on this request for anon. Reader is described as female.
Author’s note: I’m so sorry in advance to anyone who reads this as there so much angst! Some fluff sprinkled in there as well but mainly angst! Hope you guys enjoy it all the same! Please feel free to let me know what you think ☺️
“Cariña?” You stopped dead in your tracks, almost dropping the bundle of paperwork in your arms at the sound of the nickname only one person in the world had for you. You turned to see Robbie walking towards you with Mack and Daisy, “What are you doing here?” he asked, surprise evident on his face despite knowing your profession. The only reason he didn't have many apprehensions about helping out SHIELD in the first place was because you worked for them so he figured they couldn’t be all bad.
“I work here.” You blinked just to make sure you weren’t seeing things, “What on Earth are you doing here?”
Worry instantly seeped into your pores, and knowing it would, he took your hand in his, silently telling you everything was alright as his thumb smoothly dragged over your knuckles. He’d always avoided the authorities like the plague and you worried he’d been captured for all he’d been doing as Ghost Rider recently but given the lack of hostility towards him from the others in the halls, you guessed he wasn’t some escaped prisoner and was working with your team.
“This is your civilian boyfriend from east LA?” Daisy asked, never putting two and two together. To her credit, there were probably thousands of mechanics living in east LA and that was all you’d told her about him for fear she’d go snooping. What were the chances your boyfriend would be the one guy with a flaming head that she’d been tracking down?
They left you alone to talk and the very first thing he did was wrap you up in his arms. You were due home from SHIELD that evening. Having been away for a little over a week, he’d missed you terribly. Gabe had too although he’d never admit it. You sighed into his arms and placed a kiss on his cheek, unable to hug him back due to all the paperwork you carried.
Home had come to you rather than the other way around today, it seems.
“You know when I said I wasn’t worried about you working for SHIELD?” He grinned, “I’d like to officially retract that statement. The shit you guys have to deal with here is crazy.”
“Oh, you mean the guys with flaming heads and stuff?” You joked.
“It’s the ‘and stuff’ that has me worried now that I’ve seen it firsthand.” Your worlds weren’t so different after all and that worried him just because he knew how dangerous it was. You could take care of yourself, of that he was certain, but he never thought for a minute that you were dealing with the likes of him at your nine to five. Given how little you were legally allowed to tell him, he never asked and you never told.
“Oh please, I’m hardly ever in the field.” You assured, not wanting to worry him. What neither of you did was easy or safe but at least you got paid for what you did, he just got tired, “SHIELD is as safe as spy agencies come.”
Three days later Robbie was dead.
You quit SHIELD on the spot in favour of returning home to his little brother Gabe. Not only had the most important person in the world to him just died but the very reason for his demise was their uncle Eli.
You’d lived with him and Gabe for years, since Eli got sent to prison. Gabe had just lost the use of his legs and Robbie became the sole provider for the two of them. They needed you. And you needed them, and a place to stay. You got Eli’s old room. He didn’t mind, if anything he was glad the boys had someone looking out for them in his absence even if you spent half the week at work with SHIELD.
Robbie and Gabe still shared a room at the time despite their age but that didn’t last all too long once you moved in. Soon Gabe was sick of his brother’s late nights and when winter rolled around and the gas bill got too expensive, you were freezing in that room on your own. With the portable heater in Gabe’s room and Robbie sleeping in with you most nights anyway, it was the cold that finally pushed him out of sharing with his brother and into sharing with you.
Even though you’d been living with them for months, you and Robbie only really said you’d move in together once he shared a room with you. He kept your heart and your body feeling warm and safe. He was so endlessly, hopelessly warm in both body and mind despite everything. But it was when you moved in together that you started to notice something more than the trauma of what happened to him and Gabe that one night was bothering him. There was something very, very wrong with Robbie.
You even saw it in his eyes sometimes. The pain. The fire.
One night as you sat straddling his lap, gazing down at him with your hands braced against his strong chest, talking about what happened with Eli of all things when his eyes changed. They took on a molten orange hue. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen it but it was the first time you’d not been otherwise too… occupied…to mention it.
“Your eyes-” you started but you had no idea what else to say. Suddenly the permanent smell of burn made sense and the late nights he said he spent at Canello’s despite the lack of extra income. The Ghost Rider had been all over local news channels. He’d been targeting the same gang that shot up the car with Robbie and Gabe inside. White supremacist gangs too.
His panicked eyes searched your face, desperate for any indication of what you were thinking. His thumbs rubbed circles into the outside of your thighs as you stared at the pillow beside his head, gaze unfocused before you finally swallowed and locked your eyes with his.
“Are you...” You didn’t need to say anymore, he saw the realisation on your face and he nodded immediately. He wasn’t able to voice the answer, far too paralysed with fear as to what your reaction would be but he was done hiding this from you. To his surprise, you flung your arms around his neck and squeezed him so tight it hurt.
You wouldn’t tell Gabe, you wouldn’t tell the cops or SHIELD and most importantly of all, you weren’t going to leave him because of it.
Since then it seemed like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, made his steps a little lighter. The late nights he was out hunting were spent with you worrying about him since then, despite him assuring you that as long as that demon was in him he literally couldn’t die.
Most of the time you waited up for him so you could check him over and make sure he was okay, make sure his mind could ease and return to earth after the spike in adrenaline that came with the Rider taking over for a few hours. Although sometimes he was out so late that sleep took you despite your best efforts.
On one such night, he heard a soft mumblr of his name in the darkness of your bedroom, your voice quiet and strained with sleep. He felt his heart ache with the longing that laced it.
He crouched down at the foot of the bed so you could see that he was alright, that he was home, “Yeah cariña, I’m here.” He replied in a half-whisper, careful not to wake you up any more than you already were. He leant down to press a kiss to your forehead and recoiled at the temperature of your skin, “You’re freezing?”.
The heating got switched off again, but he didn’t need to know that right now. You made sure Gabe had the portable heater and a few extra blankets, knowing you’d have all the heat you needed once Robbie got home. “Got all the heat I need right here,” You tapped his chest softly. He was so inhumanly warm thanks to the hellfire bubbling within. Too warm for you to hold him for long in the scorching summer, but the perfect temperature for when the nights grew cold.
The moment he lay down beside you he was tugging you towards him, enveloping your body with his as much as he could. You nuzzled your face into his chest, clinging on to the fabric of his shirt. He tucked the covers in around your body before bringing his arm to rest across you, letting his fingers run a trail across your back.
“That better?” He asked and you nodded, finally able to exhale a breath at being a comfortable temperature.
“Yeah baby, thank you. Much better now you’re here.” His entire being radiated comfort, “Rough night? You look exhausted.” He truly did. Heavy bags hung beneath his eyes and he seemed like he could barely keep his eyes open.
“I am. But it always makes me feel better knowing I get to come home to you after.” He pressed a kiss to the bridge of your nose, eliciting a giggle, “You comfy?” He asked and you nodded, “Good cause I ain’t moving till well past midday tomorrow.”
“And skip your favourite meal of the day?” You questioned all whilst settling down further into the mattress beneath you, eyes heavy with sleep.
“Baby, the only breakfast I need is nestled right between your thighs.” He was so close to sleep just then that you weren’t sure he even knew half of what he was saying.
You laughed, but your tone quickly sobered, “I was worried about you,” you hadn’t heard him come in. You only realised he was home when you woke up to the faint smell of burnt material filling your nostrils as it often did when he was around.
“You don’t gotta worry about me. You know I’ll always come back to you and Gabe.”
You hummed in agreement, “You better….”
“I will.” He affirmed, pressing his lips to your forehead, closing his eyes for the night as he did.
To his credit, he did come back to you night after night, day after day until the one day he didn’t.
All you could do was watch in horror as his own uncle impaled him with spikes of solid carbon. You had seen the look on his face when it happened. He knew exactly what he had to do but it meant breaking his promise to you and to Gabe but Ghost Rider did it for him anyway. At the very least it was quick for both he and Eli, at least he hadn’t suffered.
“He doesn’t even have a grave!” Gabe was in hysterics when you told him. Although the look on your face when you came through the door that day was telling enough of what happened. No body and no death records meant no grave. Nothing to remember him by except for the people who knew him and the emptiness in that house in his wake.
“Why don’t we go make one then, huh?” You offered.
That’s how the tiny wooden cross made its way into the back garden. A sharpened end so it sank into the ground right next to another one for Eli. It wasn’t much. But it was something and it seemed to make Gabe feel better about not being able to bury them. He prayed in front of it sometimes. Religion was big in their family but he’d never really cared for it until now, knowing their parents would be rolling in their graves with Robbie not having a grave or even a body to bury properly.
Both graves were adorned with marigolds. You brought Gabe to the market each week to buy more so the scent stayed fresh. He said they were usually reserved for Dia de los Muertos, the smell and vibrant orange colour was used to bring the souls of the dead towards an altar or a grave, but he said it couldn’t hurt to leave them there whilst the flowers were in season.
The only family he had left was gone in one fell swoop. Robbie always said he dreaded the day they’d have to bury Eli and add him to the list of family Gabe lost. The thought that he’d be on that list and added to the altar alongside his parents never even crossed his mind.
Despite everything, Gabriel decided to keep going to school and you couldn’t have been prouder of him for it. And you still helped him with homework, despite some of it already seeming like it was beyond you due to how advanced the content he was learning was. You helped him out with essays a lot as he struggled with those the most. Math and science were his true favourites, business too.
You sat at the kitchen table reading over an essay he needed help with as you often did. Although now there was no Robbie to come in from work and press a kiss to your head, or your neck if Gabe was out of the room. There was no one to mess up the neat part in Gabe’s hair or steal a chip from his plate. No comforting roar of the Dodge Charger as he pulled into the drive or rustling of the shopping bags or takeout that he’d bring home. No one to coax you into his lap or out for a drive to nowhere after dinner when Gabe went to his room to game with his online friends.
You missed him. You felt the loss of him in every sense of the word. Like there was a hole in your lives and that house.
It hit you hard sometimes and then the tears would leak. There was really nothing you could do to stop it. Gabe was the same although it was usually on weekends when they’d have spent the most time together that he got the most upset. That’s when he truly felt the loss. Robbie used to take him to a nearby arcade on Saturday mornings and they’d maybe catch a movie after, forever making sure that Gabe got the childhood he never had.
“I miss him. I miss him so much.”
“I know, Gabe. I know.” You’d pet over his hair as soaked the material of your shirt with his tears. And as much as it pained you to hear it, you were always glad he cried. In fact, you encouraged him to. It was healthy and Christ did that kid have a lot to cry about. You’d never forget the way he cried when you told him what happened. He hiccuped in both grief for his brother and uncle and the prospect that he was now well and truly alone. He didn’t expect you to stay with him, he didn’t think you’d want to so when you told him that you’d stay in what was now legally his house so long as he wanted you to, he cried even harder. Neither of you had to be alone and you’d been looking after one another ever since.
These days he made a point of always hugging you goodnight, something he never really did before. And you knew that it was because he was afraid of losing you too. You might not have been family but you’d always treated each other as if you were. Now you bonded over your shared grief of losing Robbie. He was still just a kid and you didn’t put any more strain on him than he already had but he often insisted on making breakfast or dinner, lunch sometimes too so you had something good to eat at work. Meanwhile, you worked to keep the lights on, took him to school or his friend’s house, helped with homework and generally kept his spirits up.
You even went to a parent-teacher meeting with him once. He’d very sheepishly asked if you could come and said it was borderline hilarious the number of guardians he’d had come in his dead parent’s place. First uncle Eli, then Robbie and now you. A few of his teachers remembered his brother well despite him leaving the school a solid eight years prior. His English teacher said she nearly quit when she learned there was another Reyes child who’d be passing through the school as if Robbie hadn’t already nearly given her a stroke in previous years. She said he wasn’t disruptive, in fact, he was so respectful and polite that she could almost overlook the fact that he’d miss class constantly in favour of beating the shit out of the kids who bullied others or working rather than doing schoolwork.
“If I had a nickel for every note I had to send home to his Uncle, I could afford to live somewhere way less shitty than here.” She probably didn’t realise that he had to work because Eli couldn’t afford to take care of them by himself, or why he dropped out at seventeen to work full-time so he could make sure Gabe wouldn’t have to.
Those parent-teacher meetings were a drag. But it was good to know that despite everything, Gabe was still doing well and still on track for a scholarship or two.
You adored Gabe.
For all his rolling over your toes when he went off in a huff or the days where it was difficult being responsible for your dead boyfriend’s little brother. But you loved him like he was your own little brother, and tried to love him just as Robbie did.
It was his eyes that sometimes got the better of you though. He’d say good morning and produce a plate of food for you, brown eyes beaming with the morning dew. And those eyes, the same as his brother’s in colour and size, would crush you and force the memories of all times you’d gazed into those similar pools right to the surface. Gabe never could understand why you got so upset, sometimes seemingly completely at random, and you didn’t have the heart to tell him it was because he had his brother’s eyes. That the sight of his likeness was enough to turn your composure to dust.
Part of you missed working for SHIELD too. You missed your friends and the good work you did at your job. You didn't, however, miss the uniform. But even seeing the logo now just reminded you of that day. Being a civilian with a civilian job was so strange to you. There was no dealing with aliens or anything nearly as threatening on the day to day but some small part of you missed it.
Mack, Daisy and Coulson came around sometimes. Mack mainly came to check over the Charger but his face was a friendly one and you were always glad to see it. Coulson and Daisy usually came bearing groceries and news of how things were at SHIELD, with Coulson still trying to convince you to re-join after you quit on the spot when Eli and Robbie died.
“How’s Gabe?” Daisy asked, knowing he wouldn’t let her ask him herself. He blamed her partially for Robbie’s death having warned her not to get his brother mixed up in anything so dangerous as SHIELD. He hadn’t known then what his brother did at night but even now he still won’t look her in the eyes.
“He’s good. Somehow still on track for Harvard if he keeps his grades up. He’s even got a girlfriend now.” You told her and she smiled, “I think he’s trying to distract himself, keep himself busy so he doesn’t have to come to terms with the fact that he’s gone. Either that or he’s just putting on a brave face.”
Then she’d ask you the same thing she did every time she came to visit, “Are you doing okay?” and every time, you gave a weak “I will be,” in reply.
“Are you sleeping?”
“No, not really.” You were trying, truly you were. But every time you closed your eyes all you saw was the bright flash of orange that took him from you and every time you opened them you just saw the cold sheets at his side of the bed. When you did eventually get some sleep it was almost always whilst clinging to one of his old shirts on which his scent still lingered. You wouldn’t dare wear more than one or two for fear that you’d one day need to wash them all so you just cycled through his shirts until the smell on each one faded. It was the only way you could ever get to sleep.
Money was of course an issue and you received very little help from any authorities other than SHIELD due to the unorthodox nature of the situation. You weren’t a widow as you were never married and you couldn’t really be classed as Gabe’s guardian because of his age and your non-relation to him. But you’d sooner be damned than let him fall into the foster system. You’d do anything for that kid.
“SHIELD’s gone legit now. We can get you good lawyers.” Coulson said.
“Even with good lawyers, I don’t know how you’re going to sell the fact that the kid wants his dead brother’s girlfriend to be his legal guardian. Robbie doesn’t even have a death certificate.” Coulson’s heart was in the right place, it always was. But sometimes his optimism was misplaced.
Daisy’s eyes brightened, “We can forge one but Gabe would need to sign-“ you cut her off.
“No.” You stopped her from saying another word about it, “I’m not about to make him sign his own brother’s death certificate. He’s been through enough.”
It was a few weeks later when you heard a single creak in the floorboards at your bedroom doorway that was loud enough to wake you from what little sleep you had managed to get. It didn’t sound like Gabe’s wheelchair and he didn’t have any friends over so you were immediately on edge.
It smelt like something was burning, the air thick and bristled. You rolled out of bed immediately for fear that the house was on fire but then you saw a silhouette taking up most of the doorway. Based on the outline, it was a person and you stared for a second, just a second, before grabbing hold of the baseball bat at your bedside and making a move. When the shadow took one step inside your room, a hand outstretched towards you as the moonlight illuminated his features, you faltered and let the bat fall to the floor
“Robbie?” Shit, you must’ve been dreaming again. But you didn’t care.
You reached for him regardless, breath hitching when you touched something solid. You flattened your palm out on the centre of his chest where his jacket hung open, feeling the warmth and hellfire that bubbled within. His hand came to cover yours then and you looked up to see those brown eyes you’d gazed into so often and loved so dearly now damp and threatening to spill over with tears.
“I’m so sorry-“ he started but you engulfed him in a hug the second he opened his mouth. At that moment you couldn’t care less about why he wasn’t there, only that at that moment he was. You threw your arms around his neck when the tears started.
With a heave, he lifted your knees around his waist and carried you to the bedside where he sat with you in his lap.
He’d thought for so long about what to say and now that he finally had the chance, he told you everything. He told you about Eli, about the book of dark magic he’d read and been corrupted by was still around somewhere. How when he died, he clawed his way through hell. Literally. To get back to you. The demon inside him fought through hell to get back to that book and destroy it for good, he’d had the reigns fully in hell. Robbie was reduced to a passenger in his own body down there. Months without being able to live in his own skin.
“I can’t stay,” He told you, swallowing thickly, “He wants to take that book back.”
“Back?” You asked, already knowing full well what he meant. You just didn’t want it to be true.
He nodded solemnly as his jaw clenched, “To Hell.”
You held his cheek, searching his eyes. For what you didn’t know. Any indication he was kidding maybe? You didn’t find any. Instead, you only found pain and sadness. Guilt too.
“He said I can say goodbye to you and Gabe,” his voice cracked, “Then I have to go.”
He was lucky the demon allowed him that much of a privilege. It was only because the entire time he’d been in hell he had to deal with Robbie’s worrying, his longing nagging at the back of his mind. It was a courtesy only because he didn’t want to deal with that again.
“The thought of coming back to you has been the only damn thing that’s kept my heart beating. I would do anything to stay with you for good but I made a deal and he won’t let me stay until that book is gone.”
The last thing he wanted to do was give you false hope. He didn’t want you waiting up for him as you often did or putting your life on pause waiting for him to return when he had no idea when that would be. You deserved more and he wanted you to have that, even if it meant he might not have a place in your life when he did eventually return from the land of the dead. It wouldn’t be fair of him to expect that from you and so he never did.
He had that look in his eye he got when he was about to do something stupidly self-sacrificial for someone else’s sake and you weren’t about to hear it. Not now. You had a vague idea of what he wanted to say, that he never really deserved you in the first place and that he was sorry for all the pain he’d put you through, that he wouldn’t be upset when he got back if you chose to move on. But you knew he was damned and the risks and pain that came with it. And as much as he would never accept it, he was worth the pain.
You held him for as long as he could stay, knowing he was on borrowed time.
“Gabe’s got a girlfriend now. He finally made a move on Janet’s sister.” He blinked at you in awe, a smile spreading across his face, “You might wanna give him the talk before you go if you haven’t already.” As much as you loved that kid there was no way that was a conversation you were about to have with him.
He smiled wide at that and shook his head, “Already taken care of, chica.” They’d had that conversation far too early if he was being honest.
You held each other for what wasn’t nearly long enough to make up for the months apart. There was so much you both wanted to say and so little time to do it. You didn’t even know where to start, neither did he. So you just lay there in each other’s arms for as long as you could or until the demon got antsy.
You knocked on Gabe’s bedroom door and received a definitely still asleep reply.
“There’s someone here to see you.” You stood in his doorway, Robbie at your side waiting for Gabe’s eyes to open. When they did, he beamed and shouted in delight. You left them to it, not wanting to impose.
You waited in the living room, playing with the keys to the Dodge Charger in your fingers. When Robbie finally emerged from Gabe’s room, his eyes wet with hastily wiped tears, he made a beeline for you once more. “Thank you,” He kissed your forehead and tugged you as close to him as he could, “For everything you’ve done for Gabe. And for me.”
“He’s family and so are you.” You mumbled. He dragged a palm over his face again, wiping his tears.
“Gabe said I’m to ask you to marry me when I get back. To make you officially a Reyes.” You looked to him in question, “I told him that it was entirely your decision cause I’d marry you in a heartbeat. And it’s bold of him to assume you’d take my name.”
“Kid’s got some bold assumptions for sure.” You played coy, there was no way he was getting an answer out of you that easily. You knew he wasn’t asking you anyways, just telling you what Gabe had said.
“I’ll take that as a maybe.” He laughed. The prospect of marriage would never be a question for the two of you, it would always be a conversation. Something you’d decide on together.
“Take it as an order to get your ass back here and find out.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, “I love you. Please come back in one piece.”
“I love you too, Cariña. Take care of yourself,” he closed your fingers over the keys to the Dodge Charger so they were safely caged in your hand, “and my baby.”
Oh, you’d take care of his baby alright.
With one last bone crushing hug and a kiss, he was gone again. And for the first time in months, you felt whole. Even if he was going back to suffer, to trudge his way through Hell once he got ahold of that book. The promise that he’d return to you for good this time was one you knew he’d keep, no matter how long it took him to do so.
It was enough for you and it was enough for Gabe too.
The next time Daisy visited she said it’d probably be the last for a while. She and the team were in hiding from the authorities. She said she didn’t have the time to explain.
“You okay?” She asked as she usually did, knowing Robbie had been back to you before going to help them get that book back so he could bring it down to Hell.
“I will be,” you replied, and for the first time in a while you meant it.
Tagging (the horni for Ghost Rider squad): @icy-spicy @spring-soldier
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