#robstar week 2019
celestial-mari · 5 years
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Robstar Week 2019 Day 5: Blush
Some super adorable blushing Robstar icons made from the cartoon-related Teen Titans Go (2003) comic books. 
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“It's the oddest feeling; once upon a time an hour alone on the couch was spent so differently between the two of them. But that's all Starfire allows herself to think before reining all her thoughts back in with a quick pull.”
A companion art to my RobStar Week Fanfic: “Anything Other Than This” on AO3 and FF.net!
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nightofnyx8 · 5 years
Robstar week 2019: Day 1
Alright, I’m pretty new at this writing thing, but I have been such a fan of this wonderful couple, so I decided to participate this week to celebrate these two. Hope you enjoy, and be sure to take a look at all the amazing submissions for this week!
X’hal. This wasn’t good. She hadn’t meant to wander off this far.
Even after all the warnings Dick had given her about how big the mansion was, her curiosity had won out and she’d gone exploring. She had lost count of how many doors she had opened, and she could never tell if she was going down the right set of stairs. They all looked the same to her. The last thing she needed was to enter one of those secret passageways Dick had mentioned and find herself stuck between the walls.
She sighed in defeat and sat down on the nearest chair, staring at the carvings lining the staircase. Everything here was adored with gold, silver, and intricate details. It was beautiful, but all a little too fancy for her taste. Even the palaces of Tamaran were decorated only with weapons of war. Sometimes she forgot that Earth was not constantly under attack—well, at least not by merciless slavers from other planets.
She had been so excited when Dick had invited her to spend the Christmas holidays with him at the mansion. She had met Batman before, but Dick wanted her to get to know the rest of the family as well. However when they had arrived, the only person to greet them was an older gentlemen in a black suit.
What had been his name? Oh, he was ever so kind.
Oh yes, Alfred.
“Are you a member of the Wayne family?” she had asked him.
“Alfred’s our butler.” Dick corrected, which only made Kory more confused.
“And what exactly is a butler?”
“Hmm” Dick mused, looking at Alfred. “Well, I suppose the normal definition of a butler doesn’t really apply to you, does it?”
The gentlemen rolled his eyes. “I believe I am the one who assures that the residents of this house don’t end up in Arkham Asylum.”
Alfred had shown her room, but soon after Batman had called Dick to help him on a case that everyone else was helping on. After promising to be back soon, he kissed her and sped off as Nightwing into the twilight, leaving Kory alone in this giant, empty house.
 Alfred had left to prepare dinner, and Kory had gotten bored of watching clouds in the fading light. She found the rooms next door to be more guest bedrooms, and wandered off down the hall. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize how large the mansion really was until it too late. She couldn’t tell which hallways she had been through and which ones led back to the main floor. She was entirely, hopelessly lost.
She sighed again, her stomach growling. She lost track of the time a while ago, and her mind vaguely wondered if Dick and the others had returned home by now. Were they looking for her?
Eventually, her hunger motivated her to keep moving. Maybe some lost soul had left behind a little something in this maze of a house. She entered a new hallway (at least, she didn’t think she had entered that hallway before) and opened the nearest door on her right. The room opened up to reveal an enormous grand piano, nestled alongside a glass-stained window that reflected the moonlight in various patterns. Beautiful yes, but not where she wanted to be. The next room revealed a library that was filled top to bottom with books. Glass cases showcased books with yellowing pages and intricate hand-painted drawings that were probably centuries old. She could have stayed in that room for hours, but she continued her search for the main floor. The last door in the hallway stored canvases and paint for the wandering artist to create whatever they wanted. Oh yes, she would be coming back to that room later…if she could find it again.
Kory descended a long, winding staircase and wondered dully how many floors this house had. She knew the Batcave was down below, but had no idea where the entrance was. Knowing her luck she’d probably end up in some booby trap set up a hundred years ago.
She opened another door to find a small gym. The next room held a gallery of paintings. There was also a room of statues, three movie theatres, and about a dozen mini golf courses (seriously, did anyone actually use these rooms?)
The next three doors in the neighboring hallway were locked. The first had multiple and complicated lock systems complete with a note stating that visitors were not welcome (unless it was Starbucks). The second had a large, “Beware of Dog” poster above a set of double-bladed swords. The third only had a sign painted in blocky lettering: No Trespassing: Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.
The last door in the hallway was surprisingly unlocked. Kory opened the door slowly and found a cozy room with a simple bed and large fireplace at the end. She was about to leave when something caught her eye. She entered and found herself drawn to a beautiful painting positioned above the fireplace. A man with jet-black hair that looked curiously like Dick had his arms wrapped around a thin woman with auburn hair. They looked very much in love. Kory examined the eyes of the woman with curiosity. She would recognize those eyes anywhere; she got lost in them every time her boyfriend looked at her. A sudden realization jolted through her. This was Dick’s old room.
She didn’t want to pry, but there were many things she recognized as she looked closer: old red bird-a-rangs from his days as Robin, newspaper clippings of mysterious characters, and an entire shelf dedicated to cereal boxes. Kory laughed quietly to herself as she pulled down an open box of Fruit Loops. As she did, she realized that a wall panel next to the cereal shelf was opened slightly. She reached in and found the contents to be pictures.
She sat down on the bed and went through each one of them. Pictures of Bruce (mostly brooding), of Wally doing dumb things, of Victor and Garfield doing even dumber things. There were pictures of a much younger Dick, younger than before she had met him. She had forgotten how short he was back then. And there were many more pictures with people she did not recognize: a red-headed woman in a wheelchair at the computer; Dick laughing with two other boys, both with dark hair and blue eyes; a young man asleep with a large, black dog at his side. She flipped to the last picture and recognized herself and Robin dancing together. Kory smiled. She remembered that night, at a Junior Prom on a cruise ship beneath the stars…
“Why am I not surprised to find you here?”
Kory jumped and saw Dick standing at the doorway, looking relieved.
“Next time I’m giving you a tracker.” He continued. “We’ve all been looking for you for the past hour.” He sat down next to her and kissed her forehead. “You alright?”
“Yes,” she replied. “I suppose I did get a little lost.”
“What’s this?” He plucked the photo from her hands. “Ah yes, our little prom date. I had never seen you quite so jealous, Princess.”
Kory scoffed. “Would you like me to repeat how you acted in response to my betrothal on Tamaran?”
Dick roared with laughter. “Alright, you win this round.”
Kory was silent for a moment as she looked again toward the picture of Dick’s parents.
“You have your mother’s eyes.” She stated simply.
“Hmm?” His gaze followed hers and his expression softened. “Oh. Yeah, everyone tells me that. You know, she’s the one who pegged the name ‘Robin’ in the first place.”
“Yeah.” He smiled to himself at the memory and continued. “My mother designed a costume for me so we would all match in our trapeze acts. I hated it at first, I felt like a walking green, red, and yellow target. But she told me that I reminded her of little robin, flying high in the air. So I guess it stuck in the end.”
Kory listened carefully. It was rare that he talked about his parents, and she wanted to memorize every single detail he revealed to her.
“I wish I could have met her.” She finally said.
“She would have liked you.” Dick replied. “Especially being that you can actually fly. Mom would have been ecstatic.”
“Well, I always feel like flying around when I am around you.” Kory blushed slightly as Dick fixed her with his clear, blue eyes. Grinning, he bent down to kiss her, but they were interrupted by the sound of Kory’s stomach growling.
“Oh my,” Kory held her stomach. “I believe I am ‘starved’ as you say.”
Dick laughed again. “Alright, Princess. Dinner first, and then I’ll introduce you to the rest of my crazy family.”
She took his hand as he led her out the door. Her love wasn’t exactly an open book, but she loved putting together the pieces of his life, little by little. And she fell more in love with him every single time.
Perhaps she should get lost more often.
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toxitalks · 5 years
i haven’t written robstar in a phat minute but aye here we go again. the grind never stops
how could you expect me NOT to write my favorite ship?
|| day one: wayne manor || day two: stardust || day three: lost ||
|| day four: fever || day five: tba || day six: tba || day seven: tba ||
“Robin, are you certain that this is… acceptable?”
Starfire fiddled with her fingers as she hovered beside Robin, the latter walking up the steps to the grand front entrance. The Tamaranean’s brows were furrowed with concern as she watched her accomplice produce a single key from his utility belt and slide it into the slot.
“It’ll be fine, Star,” assured the Boy Wonder, grinning with satisfaction when the key clicked, and the door opened with a gentle shove. “We’ll be in and out. And besides, it’s not like I’m doing anything I’m not allowed to. In a way, this is my house too.”
Starfire gave him an unconvincing stare as she reluctantly floated in after him, shutting the door behind her ever so gently. “I believe that calling this the ‘house’ would be the understatement.”
Robin shrugged to himself, slipping the key back into his belt and making his route for the winding set of stairs in the manor. He just had to grab a couple of his belongings from his old room when he would stay here—nothing wrong with that.
Yes, although Robin had moved on from working with Batman, he still had a right to the manor and his own belongings.
He was still Bruce’s son, adopted or not, and this was still his house.
He just had to hope he could get out without running into anybody else.
“House… manor… whatever you want to call it,” Robin shrugged as he trekked up the stairs with Starfire hovering beside him. He laced their hands together with a smug grin, seeing her green eyes widen in the dim lighting. “Still doesn’t beat my real home back at the Tower.”
Starfire hummed with thought, having snapped out of the initial shock that came from Robin intertwining their fingers. While her eyes did linger on their interlocked hands, she managed to vocalize her thoughts. “But this was once your place of residence, correct? I do not understand why we must be so… secretive.”
“I don’t want to interrupt anybody,” Robin supplied quickly, using the first excuse at the top of his head. He hoped Starfire would stop prying him about it, though the alien princess wasn’t one to drop things so easily. “That’s all. I mean, believe me, I would love to stay and chat with Bru- er, Batman, but Jump City needs us back as soon as possible. I told the others this would be a quick trip. In and out.”
“Surely the others are capable of maintaining our home for… at most, a few hours…”
“Yes, they probably are,” shot back the dark-haired teen as he sighed to himself. He guided Starfire down the never-ending hall to a specific door that towered over the both of them. “But I don’t want to stay long, Star.”
“If you insist,” responded the alien princess with a hint of disappointment in her tone. “Though meeting the Batman would be most intriguing if you were to ask me.”
When Robin shot her an irritated look from beneath his domino mask, she instantly sealed her lips shut. It didn’t hinder the look of smugness written upon her expression, however, as Robin rolled his eyes while he reached for the door handle.
“In and out,” Robin reiterated with a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lip. Though Starfire’s incessant insistencies wouldn’t cease, the Boy Wonder couldn’t deny that it made her only more adorable. “We’re supposed to be back before dawn.”
Humming in disagreement, Starfire only managed to shrug her shoulders as Robin pushed open the double doors leading to what the Tamaranean assumed was his previous room in the manor.
“The Batman’s home is quite large,” Starfire noted with a frown, floating in after Robin. The doors creaked shut on their own and the alien princess admired her accomplice as he dug through the cabinets and drawers that weren’t lined with a single speck of dust, as opposed to their home at the Tower. “That would leave vulnerability, correct? It seems as though a place of residence this grand would be easily detectable—has the Batman not made many enemies in the past?”
Robin frowned, continuing his search as he pulled open drawers in search of the spare wires and tools he’d once utilized to construct his own weaponry and arsenal. “Well, thing is, nobody really knows this place is where Batman lives.”
Starfire quirked a brow. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” replied Robin as he dug out a travel-sized welding torch, grinning to himself as he stuffed it into his utility belt. “It’s like… uh, like how I never take off my mask. Nobody can know who I am, right? If villains got word of who I am under this mask, they could target anyone I’ve made attachments to. Including you.”
His fist clenched as a cold shiver ran down his spine. Robin turned away with a whisk of his cape, leaving Starfire to hover after him, her hands clasped together anxiously.
“And that is something I’ll never let happen.”
As Robin bent down to expose the contents of yet another drawer, he flinched as Starfire flew behind him at such a speed it formed a gust, causing his cape to fly up. The Boy Wonder’s cheeks flushed pink, embarrassed that he’d been caught off-guard by something so minor and easily noticed. After all, the manor didn’t exactly bring back the brightest memories to him.
Continuing his work, Robin led the search for the materials he’d stored away long ago, hidden in various crevices of his previous room. He tugged open cabinets and reached for the few nuts and bolts he’d left there for himself in the future, stuffing them in whatever space he had available in his pockets.
Perhaps, thought the Boy Wonder, he’d have to raid the Batcave for anything else he might need back at the Tower. He was running low on explosive disk materials and liquid nitrogen did not exactly come by easily.
“Star? What’cha looking at?” Robin didn’t adjust his stare as he heard the red-haired Tamaranean’s awestruck breathing, instead rummaging through his past belongings.
“Robin? Who is the Earthling boy pictured here? He is reminiscent of... you.”
Robin jumped up instantly and whipped around to see Starfire with furrowed brows, admiring one of the many framed photos of himself plastered around the room. The dark-haired teen’s face turned completely red as he snatched the framed photo from Starfire’s hand and tossed it into a nearby drawer, kicking it shut.
Forcing out a nervous laugh, the Boy Wonder fiddled with the collar of his cape. “Don’t worry about it,” assured the teen with a forced smile, the crinkles around his eyes concealed by the domino-styled mask. “I-it’s a picture of, uh, somebody I… used to know?”
Despite Starfire’s unconvinced brow that remained lifted, the Tamaranean’s jade-green stare sized up Robin as he offered his fake smile, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. She huffed in defeat and hovered beside her accomplice, frowning. “Oh, yes? Would that be correct? And why have I not been granted any prior knowledge of this boy?”
“H-he’s… um,” Robin fidgeted with his latex gloves, “well, hence the ‘I-used-to-know-him’ part, you know? W-we don’t really keep in touch anymore.”
Letting out a thoughtful hum, Starfire planted her platformed boots on the ground and stepped over to another framed photo of the same boy, smiling widely. He had chilling blue eyes and jet-black hair styled back with gel, his pale skin even paler in the lighting of the setting.
“…Richard Grayson?”
Hearing the name made a cold shiver run down Robin’s spine. He blinked a few times, feigning confusion, forcing a frown at Starfire as his brows furrowed together. “Who’s that?”
“The boy.” Starfire pointed out yet another photograph of said boy, this time standing beside a man almost twice his height with the same cold stare and jet-black eyes. His shoulders were broad and fitted nicely into a suit and tie, with one hand placed on the shoulder of the boy supposedly named Richard Grayson.
Robin stared in astonishment and took an uneasy step away from the framed photo. He swallowed whatever anxiety was welling up in his throat and turned away, beginning his trek back to the door he’d entered the room from. “That’s… not what we’re here to see. Let’s get going now, Starfire.”
As Robin reached for Starfire’s wrist to drag her out of the room and refrain her from uncovering any other hints about both his and Batman’s secret identity, the Tamaranean did not budge from where she stood. Instead, her foreign green eyes were affixed onto a single polaroid photo taped to the mirror.
“Starfire,” repeated Robin as he pivoted on his foot to find out what was hindering the Tamaranean girl, “come on, we really should be heading back to the Tower now. It’ll almost be dawn by the time we get back, and I don’t want to worry the team.”
Robin raised a brow as Starfire seemingly ignored his command, with the black-haired boy wandering over to observe what his teammate had been admiring. His eyes widened as they settled on the same polaroid taped to the mirror.
“Robin,” began Starfire, a slight smile creeping onto her lips, “your eyes are most beautiful.”
The Boy Wonder could only stutter as Starfire reached up to take the polaroid with a single hand, diligently removing the tape from the picture and hurling it into the nearby trash can. The Tamaranean Titan giggled as Robin’s face grew red with embarrassment, turning away and mumbling something about how it was probably some kind of cosplay, or even something from a Halloween party.
He didn’t protest, however, as Starfire skimmed her fingers against the corners of the photograph, treating the picture as delicate as a glass.
Neither did he argue as Starfire followed him out of the manor with the photo still clasped between her hands.
And as the two Titans began their journey back to their home base in Jump City, Starfire couldn’t help but admire the polaroid every few seconds.
She blushed at the image of Robin donning his costume on the first day, his eyes—for once—not obscured by his trademark domino mask.
They were as blue as the sky on a sunny day, as full of life as she knew the Boy Wonder to be.
And although this would likely be the closest she’d ever get to seeing his eyes beneath that mask, the sight couldn’t help but bring a smile to her face as they left—unbeknownst to the Tamaranean—Wayne Manor.
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origoldwerger · 5 years
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Day 6, July 12th: Children
DC may have forgotten about Mar’i but i sure as hell haven’t
Day six of Robstar week, made by @robxstar
I unfortunately don’t have much time to draw this week so this is the best I could do,,, I really wish i could participate in the other days, tho :( 
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dk-4-ever · 5 years
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Robstar week Day 5
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Robstar Week Day 7: Looking Back, Moving Forward (Prompt: Together)
Those of you who have read my previous year's fics may already suspect what this one will be about, based on the fact that it hasn't shown up yet. Yup, it's time for this year's Royal Family Verse fic! For those of you who don't know what the Royal Family Verse is, it's a kind of special "side" continuity that I set one of each year's Robstar Week entries in. To summarize, when Galfore suffers a debilitating injury and chooses to abdicate to Starfire rather than risk being overthrown by a strong but foolish challenger, Robin chooses to go with her and marriage and emperor-consort-hood kind of inevitably ensue. If you're interested in reading more from this 'verse, feel free to check out "A New Life" from 2020 and "These Winding Halls" from 2019 (or just check the “Royal Family Verse” tag on my blog). While I decided pretty quickly that "Together" would be the prompt of choice for the RFV fic, I actually had a little difficulty deciding what specific event to write about... my first idea turned out kind of meh, while my second one ended up being something I realized I wanted to write as more of a standalone fic. With that in consideration, it might not take a full year for the next RFV story to come out...
Anyway, I suppose that does it for this year's Robstar Week. Thanks for joining the fun, everyone, and see you next year!
Looking Back, Moving Forward
It was a scene that, just a few months ago, he would not have expected to see again. Starfire on a high palace balcony, Tamaran's pinkish-purple sky above her, a cheering throng of Tamaraneans below. The strange upright crown of the planet's royalty resting almost a little awkwardly on her brow.
There were differences from the last time, of course. He could have sworn the crowd was more than twice as big, now — the result, no doubt, of a transition of power planned ahead, rather than won in an impromptu duel. Galfore himself had traded her princess' diadem for the larger crown of the Grand Ruler moments ago, to the still-roaring delight of those below. Life had been so much simpler, he thought wryly, when it had been the other way around.
The biggest change had been Galfore's doing as well. He had wanted his last act as Grand Ruler to be something meaningful, something that made his bumgorf truly happy before she had such great responsibility thrust upon her. That was why, now as she prepared to address her people, the new empress still wore a wedding gown that she seemed far more comfortable in than her last.
It was also why Robin — though he supposed he had to use his new Tamaranean name now — waited in the wings just a little behind her, dressed in its partner.
Mar'ikesh's, or Nightwing's, mind was still reeling from the events of the day, and what they would mean for himself and Starfire alike. For the moment, though, he forced those thoughts down to listen to her words.
"Just a few years ago, I stood on this balcony and declared that I was not best for Tamaran," she began. "I still believe that, at the time, that was the case. I had been away for too long, and my heart still belonged too much to Earth."
Nightwing felt himself tense up; her heart still belonged to Earth, he knew, and it took all of his willpower not to look back at where their friends watched from their places of honor or step up to lend a comforting presence while she had to put on a brave face. Not yet. You'll have your moment.
"Further, it would not have done well, so soon after my sister's coup, to begin a reign with further violence among family."
Here Starfire paused for just a moment, taking a deep breath too quietly for the microphone hidden in the balcony to pick up. She chanced a quick glance back at him, and he offered her a small but encouraging smile.
"But much has changed since then," she went on, her voice growing stronger. "Galfore's wisdom and courage has served you all well, and I will cherish his guidance in the years to come. But if he believes that I am ready for this position, then I know that I must be. And I will do everything in my power, through my own experience, to ensure that Tamaran continues to prosper. This I promise you today."
Another wild cheer rose up, and Starfire's face shone with more confidence than Nightwing had seen in the past month. She turned to him, smiling, and held out a hand.
Now was the time.
Nightwing stepped forward and slipped his hand into hers, and she pulled him over to join her by the balcony wall. He tried not to think too hard about the size of the inhuman crowd, or the snatches of conversation in a language he was only just beginning to learn, or the odd weight of the diadem on his forehead.
"And as for my heart," she said a little more softly, still looking into his eyes with that gentle smile on her face, "a part of it has chosen to join me here, so that I may not be distracted by thoughts that I have left another home behind."
She returned her attention to the assembled Tamaraneans. "Mar'ikesh is one of the most brave and noble people I know, and it is my great pleasure to introduce him to those of you who have not seen him already. Si kaxga si darta!"
The crowd repeated that final phrase in chorus, and Nightwing had to swallow a small lump in his throat. It was a Tamaranean saying he had become quite familiar with recently: "Our family is our strength." In this context, he believed it related in some way to how the people saw the royal family as 'Tamaran's family,' but its general form was something he understood clearly enough.
Family. That's what we are now.
Nightwing must have been distracted by those thoughts, because the next thing he knew, he and Starfire were suddenly being scooped up by Cyborg in a big bear hug.
"I can't believe it's finally happening! Our girl's all grown up and ruling the planet!" he half-blubbered, his human eye tearing up while Beast Boy and even Raven came in and joined the impromptu group hug.
"We're really gonna miss you guys," Beast Boy added, his tone more subdued than Nightwing thought he'd ever heard it.
Starfire was tearing up too now — they all were, really — but she shook her head and smiled as the embrace broke apart and she stepped back to look at her former teammates.
"We are not letting you leave so soon," she insisted. "I already told you that this kind of party is sure to last at least a week."
Raven offered a subtle smile of her own. "Don't worry, you won't get rid of us that easily."
Cyborg let out a low sigh and placed a hand on each of the couple's shoulders. "I know, but it's still coming up so fast. You two take good care of each other, y'hear?"
Nightwing took his new wife's hand and shared a look with her. "That's kind of the plan," he said.
And just because the statement was obvious didn't make it any less true. He'd have a lot to adjust to, and even with all her prior training Starfire would too, but it was very much official now that they would go through it all together.
And when they were together, he'd found, there was nothing they couldn't do.
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
Hi! I'm the girl who recommended "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown from your most recent chapter, which, by the way, completely blew me away.
I wish I could send some of my own TimSteph thoughts/writing towards you, though I haven't done much. You are an excellent writer and I love your interpretations of both characters. They're so perfect together.
1. Do you have any fanfics concerning them coming after this one?
2. You have no idea how much it kills me that I have to wait 7 days to read another chapter. This fic should be CANON and no, I'm not joking.
3. Also, I recommend listening to Mr. Blue. It reminded me of Chapter 9 (was it?) when Steph said she was worried about Tim's mental health.
4. You said in Chapter 11 that you had a soft spot for Steph playing piano (that happened) and there would be more of "fun" Tim. Is it coming soon?
5. Have you seen Marcus To's art of TimSteph? They're so cute.
Again, so sorry for the long questions/responses. I just love TimSteph, which is weird, considering I'm not THAT big of a shipper and I'm more of a book fan than a comic book fan. I actually preferred DickKory when I got into the Batfam comics, and I still have them ranked high, but over time, these two grew on me. It was like, "Ooh, these guys are great BFFs! They can't get any better--"
Then I realized that they were dating, and the more and more I thought about it, THE MORE AND MORE IT MADE SENSE. I COULD WRITE A 10-PAGED PAPER ON WHY THEY WORK SOOOO WELL.
But IncoherentBabblings beat me to it with her incredible post on "Why TimSteph is Nice," and it's one of my favorite posts ever.
Hey hey!! Sorry, busy couple days at work!
I am so happy that you've been enjoying the fic!! I listened to the song and it's so so sweet!! I totally get the TimSteph vibes from it, where it's just the two of them clinging to each other in the face of everything else.
If you ever post anything lmk! I'm always happy to see more TimSteph content! You are too kind about my writing! I am just happy that I'm finishing my first multichapter fic like this. Never finished a big project before, honestly never thought it would happen.
1. I have a whole to-do list of little projects, god knows when anyone will see those. I'm drafting little things now that I'm winding down from FMWBTY. I am gonna be doing a collab project with @incoherentbabblings but we are just in the planning stages so far.
As far as with this fic, I would love to do a sequel to write the relationship more on this timeline, but we'll see! There's a lot more I'd like to cover, idk if it would be as long of a project. I do want to utilize Cass and Damian though, I want to bring them in since Cass is such an important person to Steph, and I'd love to see some forced bonding hilarity between Tim and Damian with Tim playing nice out of respect for Steph lol
2. lololol yeah I though a week would be a good amount of time in between chapters. It's better than waiting for me to write the chapters, I promise. I made my first draft of this thing in 2019!
3. I will listen to that too! It's on the list!
4. I use "fun" in an odd way. I'm trying to have Tim relax around Steph and act like himself again. He's kinda been battered by a lot of shit over the years, so he's kinda receded in on himself. I will drag him out a bit, but that's where a sequel would also be fun. Let him be a jokey, lovey dovey boyfriend for Steph.
5. Love Marcus! Hope to be able to commission a TimSteph piece from him someday. I do wish that she was drawn with more wavy, kind of untamed hair, since I just like the idea that Steph has this super thick hair. But his art is literally always stunning, such clean line work and I like that he doesn't draw the men too bulky, and that the women aren't oversexualized.
Long questions are fine! I think a lot of us started with DickKory in the form of RobStar in the Teen Titans TV show, that was definitely one of my first major ships, and it was a painfully wonderful slowburn. Wonder where I latched onto that trope? 🤣🤣🤣
Idk when I hopped onto TimSteph. I think I just latched on after I started reading Tim because their dynamic was so fun and sweet. And then fandom, cuz when I joined there weren't so many antis and Steph haters. Truly sad to see now.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for all your support!! I definitely plan to keep writing TimSteph while I still have ideas! ❤💜
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nightglider124 · 4 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza/Creator Tag Meme/8 Favorite Works
Tagged by @tarisilmarwen  - Thanks for the tag, gurl! <3
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Well, shit. I have uploaded practically nothing in 2020 LOL. Like... I’m cheating with my answers but hey, we’re gonna count my favourite robstar week oneshots as individuals cos otherwise, I don’t even make half of the 8 lmao.
1.) Subscribe
Ahh, my current main multi-chapter AU fic that I actually started in August 2019 but I reckon it has seen most updating this year, tbh. It’s honestly one of my favourite AU concepts that my brain has ever birthed. A YouTube AU with Gar as the channel owner just feels like such a Gar thing and I’m so excited to keep going with it in 2021. 
2.) Nova 
I actually love this oneshot that was completed and submitted as part of my involvement in the dickkory zine that was created early 2020. I only posted the excerpt on tumblr which you can find by clicking ‘Nova’ as I thought I’d keep the whole thing just as an exclusive thing for the zine. But, I really loved writing that and felt my final piece was pretty great considering there’s a word limit and a specific theme to follow and it was such good fun, all in all so loved that one. 
3.) Simulation
I actually forgot about this oneshot until I was scrolling through my tumblr tags like ‘wtf did i even write this past year??’ and I remembered the atrocity that was JLD: Apokolips War and how the burning need to write a fix it fic for all my dickkory pals was literally overwhelming. I was actually pretty happy with the final product, despite it’s length. And also, it gave me the dcamu dickkory ending that I wanted lmao.
4.) Robstar Week - Day 1: Star-Aligned/Destiny
I think I was actually pretty negative about this when I initially posted it for Robstar week but since then, I have come to appreciate that writing anything during this last shit show of a year is a miracle so y’know, we’ll take it as a win lmao. I actually really did enjoy writing a oneshot that’s mostly between Dick and Wally and talking about Starfire cos it makes me smile. 
5.) Robstar Week - Day 3: Tamaran
Another addition for Robstar week that I actually really enjoyed reading as I love writing little moments such as these between the two dorks. Anything that is remotely adorable and intimate in a fluffy way is like heaven to me; whether I’m reading it or if I happen to be writing it XD.
6.) Robstar Week - Day 4: Fantasy AU
My absolute faveeeee for Robstar week, to the point, I am now in the midst of planning a whole AU multi-chapter fic around it. I fell in love with the idea of Dick basically being akin to a Witcher and being paid to ‘deal with’ Kory, a magic user which is prohibited in the lil made up world. I honestly vibed with the idea so much and even now, I love it. There’s so many more details and plot I wanna add into it so it will eventually be a whole fic but... it’s been shelved for a little while til I get Bound and Subscribe updated to where I want them. 
7.) Robstar Week - Day 6: Wedding Bells
I may start to sound like a broken record but this happens to be another submission from robstar week that I really smiled at whilst writing. It was great to take a fairly common prompt and just do an actual wedding so it was fun to slightly spin that around for how I wrote it instead. 
8.) Robstar Week - Day 7: Constellations
I already mentioned how I love writing Robin and Starfire in these little cute and intimate moments that are filled with sugary fluff. This is kind of another one. I really do believe they would have these little games or things between them such as a game revolving around constellations and guessing. Idk I just really enjoyed this one as well.
I honestly did not think there were gonna be 8 to list lmao. I wasn’t overly active in 2020 due to... *gestures around me* the state of the world for the majority of the year. I’m hoping 2021 will be a more productive year for me in terms of updating current projects as well as bringing some new things to the fic table. 
I taaag: @fireflyxrebel-writes @loubuggins @stefanotis @ships-bynoa and @spaceprincessem + anyone else who wants to jump in on this!! <3
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stray-tori · 5 years
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I remembered my yearly robstar drawing today, and did that instead of another ship week, amazing TvT
Top is today/2019 (nevermind that it’s 2020 already *sweats* I’m late)
Left is 2017, right 2018.
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tarisilmarwen · 4 years
Writer ask meme numbers 8 and 9, please? :)
8: Which OC is your favorite?
From fanfic?  I think I’d say Leslynn from the Mirrorverse and Crystallis, my villain from the “Jewel” prompt of RobStar Week 2019.  Leslynn is just kind of fun, frazzled and Trying Her Best but genuinely caring about her patients.  And Crystallis is just... creepy cool.
You cannot get me to pick a favorite OC from my original fiction jgkjhkhg it can’t be done.
Nadi and Kai and all the kids from Winds of Ikilia, Levi and Aya from Eternal Blue, sooooo many of the kids from my Havenverse, Thelnaela from White Eyestones, frick I love all my babies.
9: Which OC is an absolute pain to write?
I don’t think any of my fanfic ones were that hard.
But the main villain of Winds of Ikilia was a pain in the assssssssss.  Nghlf I hated writing him, he was so difficult to pin down.
Writer Ask Meme
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celestial-mari · 5 years
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Robstar Week 2019 Day 2: Stardust
"The stars never stop burning."
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You’ll have to get out of bed eventually. You both do. You have a team to lead and she’s got to play her part in it. But for now, you give yourself a pass to be selfish, and you cup her face into your hands and you kiss her so deeply you don’t even know who is breathing for whom. And that’s how you let your day begin.
Companion art for my story "it goes like this"
Day 6: Children
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nerdettedreamteam · 5 years
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robstar week 2019: day three
annddd we’re back!! as usual, all art credit goes to @samdraws715 (which you can also find the art posted to her instagram!) whew, this was a fun one. i love robin when he’s just staring at starfire with so much love for her in the show and i love how often he did it. he’s an absolute goner when it comes to her, that’s for sure :’) enjoy this one guys!
It was a busy day for the titans. For most of them at least. Cyborg went off to visit Titans East, and Beast Boy and Raven went together to see how development on the Titans North tower was coming along. The three of them were specifically called by the other teams, and only thought their tasks would take them a few hours. They left early in the morning, before the sun had even come up, so when Robin woke up for the day, he was surprised to find that they hadn’t returned yet. However, it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and with one other titan left in the tower as well, maybe this was an opportunity to take.
Robin and Starfire spent the day together in the city doing many fun activities, not worrying about when a villain would show up or when the others would come back from their duties. They simply revelled in the time they spent together and made the most of it.
At the end of the day, both of them returned to the tower, but there was still no sign of the other three. After a quick call to the others they explained that it was merely just a delay on getting the job completed and that they should be back soon.
The day slowly started to turn into night and there was no point in going back out after they returned from a fun but tiring day. They decided to sit out on the rocks and watch the sun set to end it all.
They took in the beautiful view of their city and how the orange sun made the water sparkle. Starfire sighed. “Oh, the city is absolutely beautiful tonight.”
“It really is.” Robin responded while not breaking eye contact with the shimmering water. He turned to Starfire and sat up straight. “Today was amazing. I always forget how much fun the city can be, especially since we mostly just save it.”
Starfire nodded. “Indeed. On the days there are no crimes we mostly just do the relaxing here, and while it is enjoyable, we miss out on all the fun things that are happening else where.” She turned her head to Robin with a light smile. “I am glad I did that today, especially with you.”
“Me too. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Robin said.
“As am I.” Starfire said before sighing once more. She placed both hands behind her and leaned back, continuing to take in the view of the pink-ish orange sky as the sun gradually became lower and lower, which started to bring forth the dark night sky.
Not hearing anything from Robin in quite some time, she slightly turned her head to see what he was doing, only to find him completely lost staring in her direction. His hand was pressed against his cheek and a red hue settled on his face. She knew he was staring at her by his exact face, which he had done on more than one occasion. Though she had to admit, it did make her heart flutter. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she felt her own cheeks grow warm. “Robin,” she finally said, trying to contain her own smile as well. “you are doing the staring again.”
“Oh.” Robin sat up straight, a small smile still visible on his face. He rubbed the back of his head as the blush on his cheeks continued to stick. “Sorry, I just can’t help it.”
Starfire couldn’t help but giggle at that point. “This is definitely not the first time I have found you staring. You are not as subtle as you think.”
Robin laughed at that. “I know. I’m not trying to be subtle, I just can’t help but look at you.” Robin paused and admired her for a second longer. “You’re so beautiful.”
She felt a tingle in the pit of her stomach and the blush on her cheeks only got worse from there. “Robiiiinn...” Starfire said rolling her eyes playfully.
“Aw come on, Star, it’s true!” Robin said as he crossed his legs. “I wouldn’t have said it if it weren’t, besides, it’s kind of hard for you not to be.”
Starfire hummed and moved closer to him. “I truly do not understand what I have done to deserve you.” She said as she cupped his face in both her hands.
Robin put his hands over hers. “I could say the same thing about you, princess.” He looked at her adoringly before leaning in to kiss her, in which she returned.
A few moments of uninterrupted love had passed before a voice rang out in the air. “Well well well, isn’t that romantic?”
The two teens pulled apart and looked up to see Beast Boy morphed as a pterodactyl with Cyborg holding onto its leg as Raven floated behind them. Once Cyborg was on the rocky ground, Beast Boy morphed back into his normal form as he crossed his arms and gave Robin and Starfire a look.
“You guys couldn’t have picked a better time to come back.” Robin said sarcastically.
“Don’t worry your spiky little head,” Cyborg told him. “We were just going inside, right, B?”
“You said it.” Beast Boy said as he stretched out his limbs. “Seriously, I’ve been transporting heavy metal parts for the tower back and forth all day! I’m telling you, this is what cranes are for, and I’m not talking about the bird.”
“Aw man.” Cyborg said as Beast Boy shot him a look, causing him to chuckle.
Raven put her hands on either of the boys’ shoulders and led them towards the front door of the tower. “It’s been a long day, why don’t we order some pizza?”
“Aw yeah! Pizza!” The boys said in unison as they scrambled into the tower taking Raven away with them. The front door closed leaving Starfire and Robin alone with each other once again.
“Well,” Starfire began with a smile. “that was quite the interruption.”
“Yeah,” Robin said. “but it’s not like I’m not used to it by now. This sort of thing happens a lot more than I thought.”
“You are acting as if we haven’t had time alone together in a while.” Starfire said with a lazy smile. “You know we have plenty of time for that.”
“I know, I just like to take the opportunity with you whenever I can.” He ran his fingers through her long hair and looked into her bright green eyes, once again entranced by her beauty.
Starfire hummed and leaned closer to him. “I suppose after we eat the pizzas with our friends, then perhaps we could have more time alone together. Truthfully, I would not mind that at all.” Her eyes cast slightly downwards and she briefly kissed his jawline, which shot a tingle through his body. “How does that sound?”
“That sounds perfect.” Robin warmly smiled at her.
The two of them then held hands as they walked into the tower to join their friends.
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toxitalks · 5 years
ah shoot here we go again
|| day one: wayne manor || day two: stardust || day three: lost ||
|| day four: fever || day five: tba || day six: tba || day seven: tba ||
Robin trudged after Starfire as she blasted through carnivorous plants and sent potential enemy creatures running with their tails between their legs. He had an explosive disk drawn between his index finger and thumb, ready to throw, but it was clear that the Tamaranean princess knew her way.
“Um, Starfire,” began Robin as the red-haired alien blasted another starbolt towards a faintly squirrel-like critter, “are you sure you know where we’re going?”
“Of course,” replied the Tamaranean without even sparing him a glance. She sidestepped around a dark puddle of what appeared to be mud, dragging Robin by the hand so he did the same. “I am quite familiar with the lush jungles of this planet. Before Blackfire had staged the coup, I would often find myself pondering among these foreign creatures. It was certainly both soothing and relaxing.”
Robin quirked a brow at the statement, watching as Starfire acted on instinct and shot a green energy blast at the pink-colored sky. He flinched back at the sudden movement, though the Tamaranean shot him her trademark kind smile.
“I-I’m sure it is, Star,” continued the Boy Wonder with a slight frown, “but, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen many of the relaxing qualities on this planet. Everything we’ve seen has tried to eat us until you blasted it away.”
“It is merely precaution,” said the princess with a shrug. “The creatures of this planet appear to be… violent, though I can assure you that this planet is truly glorious when you get past the exterior! I have been through these forests countless times.”
Keeping his frown, Robin eventually slid the disk back into his utility belt as he continued to trail after Starfire. He rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, having sworn they’d passed that venus flytrap-like plant before. His brow furrowed.
Robin pulled Starfire back by her wrist as she tried to continue through the jungle. He pointed a gloved finger at the plant, shooting her a sideways look. “Starfire, I, uh… I think we passed that plant already. It looks familiar, doesn’t it?”
Starfire spared a glance before shaking her head, turning away. “That specimen is native to this planet, Robin. I believe we have simply seen another of its species. Come! We are approaching the end of this most glorious jungle, I am certain! I recall the trek through this part of the planet many years ago.”
Robin narrowed his eyes beneath his domino mask in an attempt to see the clearing that Starfire had previously depicted. He frowned when he didn’t see the red-leafed trees depleting in numbers, nor the carnivorous plant population beginning to dwindle.
By now, however, Starfire had adjusted Robin’s grip so she was now pulling the Boy Wonder by the wrist. Her emerald eyes were determined, gaze stone cold and not flickering to any of the shrubs native to the jungle. While Robin felt shivers running down his spine at the sharp, sudden gusts of wind, Starfire’s space-built frame did not budge.
Robin had allowed himself to be dragged around the lush by Starfire for quite some time, not bothering to argue with her. It was only when he felt her grip tightening and growing hot with a forming starbolt did he recoil in shock.
Scrambling back, Starfire’s empty hand instantly shaped itself into that of a fist as she blasted a mosquito-like insect that had attempted to lunge at her blind spot. When Robin took a few steps forward to ask if the Tamaranean was okay, he blinked in surprise when he saw her eyes glowing bright green; steam was erupting from the powerful green light that exuded from her eyes due to her frustration.
“Star?” queried the Boy Wonder, reaching out a hand to rest on her shoulder. The ferocious light in her eyes managed to die down, though Robin could see the way her brows furrowed in annoyance. “Are you okay?”
Huffing, Starfire only responded with a curt nod.
“Starfire,” Robin began in a stern tone. He dragged his arm down her bicep to her hand, gritting his teeth despite the burning sensation of her charging starbolt. He felt the intensity of said energy dying down as he laced their fingers together, offering her a weak smile. “It’s okay if you don’t know where we’re going. And even if we’re lost, we have each other, right?”
Starfire let out a breath as the tension in her shoulders fell back and they dropped. She loosened her grip around Robin’s gloved hand and the Boy Wonder took the opportunity to wrap one arm around her waist, pulling her close. She nodded once more.
“We’ll get out of this together. It’s like I said: as long as we have each other, we’ll be okay.”
A smile formed on Starfire’s lip as Robin moved a hand to guide her chin downwards to look into his masked eyes. The Tamaranean let out a defeated sigh before using a hand to cover her mouth as she giggled.
Robin grinned wider at the sight.
“I suppose… I do not know where our destination lies,” Starfire admitted reluctantly. The way she now held herself screamed with defeat as opposed to the confidence and determination burning within her only hours ago. “I am familiar with this planet, yes, but it has been long since I last traveled these paths.”
“That’s perfectly fine.” Robin offered her another smile as he dropped his hand back to his side, giving her entwined fingers a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “I doubt the rest of the team has made their way out of the jungle yet. We’ll find our way, Starfire.”
Starfire’s eyes widened with shock as she recalled that her friends had been suffering the same fate as them, having been involved in the T-Ship crash as well.
“Our friends!” squeaked the Tamaranean, beginning to float off the ground as she lost console of her emotions. Starfire looked to their surroundings anxiously as Robin watched her with confusion behind the white of his mask. “Oh, X’hal—they are as lost as we have been! We must find them immediately!”
Robin half-sighed to himself in a mix of admiration and amusement as Starfire began to drag him through the jungle once more.
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robxstar · 5 years
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It’s time again to reveal the dates and prompts for RobStar Week 2019!
Mark your calendars for July 7–July 13.  As always, all fanwork types are accepted, including fanart, fanfic, graphics, amvs, and more.
This Year’s Prompts Are:
Day 1, July 7th: Wayne Manor
Day 2, July 8th: Stardust
Day 3, July 9th: Lost
Day 4, July 10th: Fever
Day 5, July 11th: Blush
Day 6, July 12th: Children
Day 7, July 13th: Jewel
See y’all on the flipside.
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