#roger: oh? whats that mean sweetie?
sabrina-central · 2 years
You know what? I like you! *shows you my Sabrina Summer Job AU*
Every summer since she was 10, Sabrina and her dad would spend a lot of time during her vacation watching Nascar together (and other such car racing shows and events, that's just the one I'm familiar with through my American centric lense of pop culture).
Her dad liked the high speed racing, the action and adrenaline of it all, and while she could certainly see the appeal, it never drew her attention nearly as much as the pit crew.
Those six people working together diligently to make sure their racer's car has everything it needs to keep going, have only about 10 seconds to do so!
That's insane! It's impossible!! And damnit, she wants to learn how to do that so goddamn bad it hurts.
She studies everything she can on her own but whenever she hits a roadblock, she asks her dad if he knows the answer. He helps as much as he can but he admits she's already far more advanced in her understanding of it all than he's ever been.
Perhaps it would benefit her to talk to a professional and, with proper supervision and without letting her do anything too dangerous, she might be able to gain further knowledge through personal experience, using what she's learned in theory and applying it in practice.
And with that idea in mind, when she was 12 years old Roger took his daughter with him to his trusted car mechanic of 15 years, one of the best there was. Sure, he wasn't part of any pit crew, but he knew his stuff and like Sabrina he had started fairly young.
The little girl had a million questions to ask him and she did so in rapid fire succession, her words forming so fast he thought for a moment he would no longer be able to perceive them as they would break the speed of sound.
Although overwhelmed, he found her curiosity and enthusiasm endearing and decided to take her energy as a challenge and do his best to match it.
The trips to the mechanic became a monthly thing. Everytime he'd answer the five to ten questions he didn't get to last time she'd have about 20 more, just ready and waiting to be asked, and thus the cycle continued.
He never got tired or bored of answering her, clearly this was as much her lifeblood as it was his.
Which is why it was no surprise that when that summer rolled around, he had an offer to make Sabrina, making sure to run it by Roger first, of course.
"A summer job? She's barely 13!"
"Don't think of it as a summer job, Rog, it's not like I'll be having her fix up the cars or even talking to the clients! It'll mostly be more of what she's been doing already in between playing 2000 questions where the only topic is cars. It's more of an apprenticeship. If and when she's old enough to decide she wants to start working here, than we can discuss that."
"Still, I don't know. The only reason I was ok with doing this was because I was able to be here for it. If she's here all summer... what if something happens and I'm not here to protect her?"
"Roger, you know I would never let anything hurt her. I know she's not my kid but she's my student, and I consider myself responsible for her. She's very important to me, nothing bad will happen to her on my watch. You have my word."
"It's not you I don't trust, Hector." He answers, so much pain and fear unspoken. He doesn't need to say it, Hector's always known the things that weigh heavy on Roger's mind.
"You won't lose her. Not to this. If anything, I think having this in her life will only do her good, it can help her." Hector reassures him.
Roger knows he isn't saying this just to get an affirmative. Hector is many thing, but a liar isn't one of them. That man had never said something he didn't belive in, and he was often proven right. Not always, but enough for Roger to trust his judgment.
He takes a deep breath. "You do realize I'll be swinging by here every chance I get, right?"
"Oh no, I have to see more of you? What a nightmare!" He jokes with a dramatic hand over his forehead, pretending to faint before chuckling. "Come on, Rog, you know you're always welcome at my shop!" He says with a wink.
Roger smiles. He can trust Hector, and his daughter is stronger than his anxiety gave her credit for. It might not be a bumpless road, but those don't make for a very entertaining race anyhow. The important thing is she'll end up in one piece.
So, with the arrangement settled between the two, they both break the news to Sabrina, of course making it clear that if it's not something she wants she's not at all required to do it or anyth-
Hector and Roger both laugh fondly at Sabrina, running and jumping around the shop like she's on a sugar high after a finishing her entire Halloween haul.
"Actually, I've seen that happen and I think this is somehow worse." Roger says with biggest smile on his face.
"She's a good kid, and a real natural at this too. It's always a thrill to find out the thing you want to do is the thing you were meant to do." Hector replies, a matching grin as they watch her look around the room and take it all in, realizing that she'll get to spend her summer vacations here, learning to do what she's always dreamed of!
By the time shes 14, she starts actively helping out at the shop. She still doesn't talk to clients or fix cars, as per the agreement, but she helps take inventory, lets Hector know what tools need fixing and she even troubleshoots particularly difficult issues his clients have with him and helps him do his job without having to break said agreement.
Thank you, technicality!
And so, the summer before going back to school, she asks to be allowed to work on the cars.
"I'll start with one car a month. You can even give me one of the old cars that you got from the junkyard. that way you don't have to worry about me dealing with an angry customer after I messed up his car!"
"Yes, but I'd still be breaking the promise I made your dad - "
"You promised to keep me safe, right?"
"How do you know that part?"
"I know my dad, he's always worried about me. And though it's sweet, it seems a bit more excessive the older I get. Look, you can renegotiate the agreement, I can help if that's what it takes, but... I'm past the point where disassembling and assembling an engine is sufficient enough training for me. I wanna get a head start and gain some real experience! Especially since Im only here two months a year, anway. And since dad and I agree I shouldn't skip high school to go to a trade school and pursue a mechanic career at 16 - "
"And what's wrong with that?" Hector asks, jokingly defensive.
"Oh nothing, whatever works for every individual but, it's just not for me I'm afraid. Anyways, don't change the subject!" Sabrina replied, barely even getting distracted by the turn in the conversation before steering it right back on track.
"Well, can't blame a guy for trying to save himself from the wrath of his favorite person."
"My dad's your favorite person? Hmm, idk if I should be jealous or intrigued..."
"Suddenly the conversation about you wanting to repair cars is a lot more appealing, lets go back to that please!"
"Hmmm... okay fine. But this isn't over."
"Oh boy."
"Anyway, I can talk to my dad, give him the ol' puppy eyes, tear down his anxiety walls with some sound logic. Should take me a few days, maybe a week if he's feeling particularly stubbron, but just. Promise me you'll think about it? Please?"
"I..." He has about a million protests he can think of off the top of his head.
They all die in his throat at the sight of her dreaded puppy eyes.
"I swear, you Raincomprixes are gonna be the death of me one of these days." He mutters before letting out a deep exasperated sigh.
"Alright, I'll see what cars are safest for you to work on and I will consider allowing you to maybe repair one of them."
She squeals and jumps him, giving him the biggest hug. For a girl so petite, she gave surprisingly crushing hugs.
"Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best mentor ever! This is gonna be the best summer ever!"
Well, Hector didn't know about that, but one thing's for sure.
This summer was definitely gonna be an interesting one.
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signedkoko · 7 months
Heyo! I return!!!!
Could I get a mammon, blitzø and alastor (separate) with a wife reader who’s really oblivious and ditzy? Sorta like a bimbo?
🦷 anon! <33333
Alastor | Blitzo | Mammon [Romantic]
In which their partner is extremely oblivious and ditzy.
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Well, that's what he was here for, isn't it?
To make it look like you know what you're doing, to be the reason or you little 'show'
According to the public eye, if you're his partner then theres no way it's not a character, Alastor would NEVER date a clutz, let alone have the patience for one
Alastor found these little whispers amusing
Everyone thought they had some idea of what he was, but they were always throwing darts at the wrong board
All the better for him, he gets the joy of you making every day new and exciting as well as the strange rumours people came up with about the two of you
Everyone else was just so boring, so pitiful to the overlord
Either kneeling to his every wish, or putting on a face until he left them alone, or the rare run away screaming
But when you bumped into him on the street, you asked him if he was that 'one guy who tortured people and put it online' before you even apologized
Then you asked if he would kill you, and when he said yes, you asked if he could not
Oh yes, that made him laugh alright, you were such a cracking star
Anytime you might ask something stupid, he turns it into a joke and explain it to you later behind closed doors
Falling? tripping over yourself? He catches you and makes it look like a romantic dip, or a small dance
To him, you're cluelessness has its charm, because you've always been so honest and forward about everything that he doesn't ever feel like he has to pull secrets from you
You also amuse his every little quirk, which everyone else just finds weird, so that's a major plus
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Oh my god he is so stupid
But you make him look so smart it's insane, just add you to the room and suddenly he's a genius
At first, it was just by comparison, but now in order to compensate for you he is always trying his best to be the smartest he can be
Especially in his line of work, Blitzo doesn't like the idea of making a mistake that could cost your life
So instead he trains to make sure he can save you when you need it
You guys are very damsel in distress/knight in shining armour
Except this kind of backfires because him being so serious starts to get him caught a lot...and you always manage to get him out (usually by mistake)
Like that one time you busted into a room full of 20 armed demons and dropped your gun when they came at you, but it went off and landed in a crate of explosives
I mean both of you were very injured but you both got out soooo
" You really are the dumbest slut I know, my sweetie-pie. "
He gets really defensive about you, though
Sure, he’s your husband so he can make fun of you
But if anyone else calls you anything along the lines of stupid or useless he blows up on them
Sure, you're a bit oblivious, but they don't know your talents, and all the things you teach him behind closed doors
He won't let anyone get away with being cruel to you
A little bit of a roger rabbit and jessica rabbit duo
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Honestly exactly his type
Extremely wealthy husband and his bimbo wife?
The newspaper headlines go crazy for you guys and your strange duo, and a lot of photos of the two of you together are popular
Sort of funny looking tree man and his dolled up wifey
He's not really the brightest either, not when it comes to simple things that don't have to do with money or his status
So you are both very oblivious to things that aren't entirely straightforward and always have to whisper back and forth about a topic until you can figure it out
Two idiots in love
Nevertheless, he loves your dependance on him
He likes that you are always by his side in case you need help, so you are safe and sound
He's just as clingy as you are, he always has one arm around your waist
Calls you all sorts of sort of derogatory pet names but in a loving way
Dolly, sweetheart, gorgeous, legs, etc etc
Honestly though you are also probably explaining as much to him as he is you, just in different topics
But he has the confidence to go with his lack of knowledge and obliviousness
And confidence gets you far
" Yeah, like, the moon is full once a week or some shit "
" Isn't it once a month? "
" No doll, that's how often a blue moon occurs. "
" Ohh! Like once in a blue moon? "
Anyone overhearing this shit is fucking rolling in their grave 
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Author's Note - Hiii welcome back tooth anon!!! Sorry this took a hot min, for some reaosn this prompt was so hard for me but I REFUSED to give up (Never sleep never what!?!?!) Thank you for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!
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canirove · 4 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 15
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“Another party?��
“Another party” Lucy said while closing the door behind her, the pizzas that had just been delivered on her hands. “That greasy friend of his was coming out of the lift with a girl on each arm.”
“Yes, that one who doesn’t know what an encyclopedia is.”
“Oh, you mean Grealish” I laughed.
“Same thing. He has greasy hair, so” she shrugged.
Rúben was throwing a party. Again. Like after every game at home they had had lately. It had become his new favourite thing to do once his parents and Ivan had left for Portugal to continue with his recovery there. 
Most of them lasted until pretty late, but the walls were thick and neither Julia, nor her mum or I, were hearing things we didn’t want to hear. Though most mornings we would cross paths with a different girl leaving his apartment, and it was all because of me. 
The moment I came back from London I went to speak with him, to tell him everything that had happened with Aaron. And he hadn't taken it very well.
“I knew something like this would happen after you hung up. I just knew it!”
“No! He took advantage of you, you know? You said it yourself, you have little to no experience with men. He noticed and took advantage of it.”
“He didn’t, Rúben. Like I told you already, I said yes to it, I did it willingly.”
“As if that made it any better” he snorted.
“I need to be alone” he said, storming out the door, those words being the last we shared.
“Anyway” Lucy said, bringing me back to the present. “What Chris Evans' movie are we watching today?”
“The Red Sea Diving Resort.” 
While Rúben was partying and doing God knows why, this was what I had chosen to do to cope with what had happened between us: watch Chris Evans’ filmography while it was just Lucy and I at home. It probably was the worst decision ever because he kept reminding me of Rúben and because Chris is a bit… special picking roles. But the time we were spending together was priceless.
“It sounds… interesting.”
“People say it is boring, but I’ve seen gifs online and he looks so hot.”
“Then it’ll be worth it” Lucy said, handing me a beer. “To Chris Evans’ boobs.”
“And America’s ass” I laughed. 
“Yes, grandma. I’ll go.”
“This may be it, you know?”
“I know. That’s why I’m going. See you next week, ok?”
“Ok. Love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too” I said, hanging up and walking into the lift. The moment it started moving, it made some weird noises, and when I was almost on my floor, it stopped. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Please move.”
But it didn’t. The lift had stopped. 
I pressed my floor’s button again, but nothing was happening. Well, not really. The lights were flickering. 
“No, no, no, no!” I screamed, pressing the emergency button, hoping someone would answer or come see what was going on. But it wasn’t working. Julia had pressed it more than once and it usually made a ring noise. Not today. 
And then, the lights went off. I was in complete darkness.
“This can’t be happening. No, no, no” I said again, unlocking my phone and calling Roger. He had been at the door when I came in, he should be answering. But he didn’t. I tried many times, and he didn’t pick up.
“Ok, breathe. Just breathe” I told myself, my hands shaking. I needed to get out of that lift. 
I tried calling Roger again, but it was pointless. The buttons still weren’t working and I was starting to feel very hot, so I sat down, trying to focus on my breath, closing my eyes and thinking that I was in my room, sitting on my bed, relaxing… But that didn’t work out either.
“Fuck!” I yelled, starting to cry. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
I unlocked my phone again, not sure about what I was doing. And then, for the first time in months, I called him.
“Rúben!” I cried when I heard him picking up. “Please don’t hang up, Rúben. I’m scared. Please.”
“Are you ok? What happened, where are you?” 
“Home, stuck on the lift. Please come get me out of here, please” I said between sobs.
“I’m on my way home from training. I’ll be there in ten minutes, ok?”
“Please” I cried.
“Ten minutes. I promise.”
I’m not sure if it took him ten minutes to arrive or not, but it felt like an eternity. When I heard noise above my head, I thought I was dreaming. Or maybe going crazy. But then the lights turned on again, and the doors of the lift slowly started to open.
“I’m getting you out of there, ok?” Rúben said. “I’m here.”
He was the one opening the doors.
“Give me your hand” he said once there was enough space for me to go through. I did as he told me, and I was suddenly flying, finally leaving that damned lift. 
“Rúben” I gasped when my feet touched the floor, hugging him and starting to cry again.
“It’s ok” he said, hugging me back. “It’s ok, you are ok. I’m here.”
“Feeling better?” Rúben said, sitting on the couch next to me. “You’ve stopped shaking.”
“Yes, I think the tea is helping. Thank you.”
“Of course. Do you need anything else? Do you want me to call Lucy?”
“No, no, it’s fine. Don’t ruin her date.”
“Is she seeing someone?”
“Yep. And she doesn’t want to tell me who he is, which isn’t fair. I’ve told her everything about me and now she is keeping secrets.”
“What about you? Are you seeing someone? Ramsdale, perhaps?” 
“Oh, no. We’ve texted a few times because he wanted to know how I was, but nothing else.”
“I'm sorry about everything I said that day" Rúben said after a few seconds in the most awkward silence ever. "About the way I shouted at you. I shouldn't have done it, I regret it so much…”
“It's ok.”
“No, it isn’t. I had barely slept, then during training Pep had gotten mad at me because I wasn’t focused, and even though it isn’t an excuse, when you told me what had happened in London I just exploded and made you pay for everything. And I shouldn't have done that. You didn’t deserve it, you had done nothing wrong.”
“I made out with another guy and ended up in bed with him.”
“But we weren’t dating, were we?” Rúben said. “And we hadn’t discussed if we were exclusive or the type of relationship we had.” 
“I guess, yeah.”
“I’m sorry” he said again. “I really am. If I could go back in time and do things differently, I would. ”
So would I, I said to myself.
“What about the parties, tho?” I dared to ask. After his apology and basically clearing out things between us, I needed to know if he was seeing someone. If he had moved on. “Would you also change that?”
“Really? You all seemed to be having lots of fun.”
“Then none of those girls you were with made the cut?” I said, arching an eyebrow. He noticed and answered like I expected: with that smirk of his, making the last bits of the knot in my chest disappear.
“They are Jack’s friends. Very hot, but if you ask them about... I don't know, Stradivarius, their first thought is the shop, not the violins. They’ve probably never heard about the violins, to be honest.”
“Rude” I chuckled.
“But it is the truth. Do you want another one?” he asked after I left my mug on the table.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“I’ve missed you, you know? This. Us.”
“I’ve missed you too” I said, looking up at him. God, I had missed him. I had missed him so much. Seeing him in photos from the games or in training wasn’t the same as having him here, in the flesh, just a few centimetres away from me. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
And before I had time to blink, he was already doing it. And it was a movie worth kiss like all his kisses were. 
“Rúben” I whispered between kisses, both of us laying on his sofa. “Let’s go to your room.”
“What?” he said, lifting his head from my neck and looking at me. 
“I want to go to your room.”
“Are you… are you sure?”
“Yes. C´mon” I said, getting up.
“You can stop me whenever you want” Rúben said, kissing my stomach.
“I know. I've heard you the other eighty times you’ve said it” I giggled. 
“Just eighty?” he said while looking up at me, that smirk on his face.
“Eighty-one with this. And again, I’m telling you I don’t want you to stop. I want to do it. All of it. And I want to do it with you.”
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 4
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: The reader has a surprise caller..................or two.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of past historic abuse.
There’s a distant voice in your head, stirring you from sleep. Somewhere between asleep and awake the voice seems to get louder and more panicked. It isn’t until you’re pulled against a warm chest and the whiff of expensive cologne spread up your nose that you fully wake up. You start to sob into the chest when you realise the voice is familiar.
“Kid what happened?”
“I…..” and the crying continued.
“Shhhhhhhh it’s OK, we’ll figure it out, shhhhhhh.”
After ten minutes of Tony shushing and comforting you and crying all over him you’d started to calm down. A realisation washed over you as you realised Tony had got into your apartment.
“How’d you get in?”
“Sweetie, I made the security system remember?”
You pushed back off his chest and looked up at him.
“So you just let yourself in?”
“Oh hush” he replied pulling you back into his chest “I knew you were home and you weren’t answering and I could spell the blood.”
Tony wasn’t a dragon but his father was, meaning the acute sense of smell was passed on.
“Your feet and legs sweetie.”
You looked down to see your legs and feet had a scattering of small cuts.
“For fuck sake.”
“You wanna tell me what happened?” asked Tony.
“Not really.”
“Can I say something?” you cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing he’d say it whether you agreed or not. “Would it be so bad if you at least spoke to them?”
“Yes, it would be.”
“I don’t know what happened to you kid but”
“Don’t, you won’t get it.”
“Probably not, but you’re not the only one with asshole parents. Sure they weren’t violent but my dad could be a really piece of work. When it became clear at eighteen I was definitely like Mom, and not him, he didn’t speak to me for a year, cut my allowance and nearly didn’t pay for college.”
“Tony, I had to steal food as a kid, this isn’t the same.”
“Hang on, I’m not done, listen to my un-relatable, yet relatable story.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Listen, when i say he didn’t talk to me I mean he didn’t even acknowledge my presence. That Christmas he crossed his name out on the gift tags and instead he passed me an envelope. A cheque for a million dollars and permission for early access to my trust fund. There was a leaflet with it about forced transfer.”
You felt sick. Forced transfer was painful, invasive and inhumane but had been common practice twenty years ago and back. Your parents would have put you in for it if they could have afforded it.
“What happened?”
“Well mom’s DNA turned out to be the strongest and his old age dragon wasn’t as strong as he thought. It wasn’t until I met Barnes that I actually realised how big dragons were, which I know sounds ridiculous. Dad had been select in his friends and made sure they were a mix of types, dragons included but always smaller than him.”
“I’m so sorry Tony.”
“Don’t be. The blood test and Mom threatening to divorce him put a stop to it. I may not know your full story kid but it doesn’t take  a genius to figure it out.”
“Figure what out?” you replied.
“That the asshole family had something to do with your lacking of wings and pointy ears.”
And with that the tears came again.
“They won’t want me Tony. They won’t want me when they know.”
Fuck. Shit. Bucky was in your apartment.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Deranged Marriage (9) – Two tidal waves
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Summary: Your father wants you to choose a husband. Your chosen one doesn’t like the idea one bit.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x (Mafia daughter)! Reader
Characters: Steve Rogers, Alexander Pierce
Warnings: mentions of character’s death, language, strong/bratty reader, banter, sexual tension, enemies with sexual tension, making out, still idiots in love, hand around throat (non-sexual), threats, implied torture with knives
Deranged Marriage masterlist
<< Part 8
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“Fucking hell, get it over with, James Buchanan Barnes. You’ve got a dick and she got…uh whatever that bitch is hiding under her cheap fake designer clothes,” you argue with Bucky again.
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing as Bucky refuses sex with Natasha. This is to make it more believable that he’s on her side.
“I don’t want to,” he bites back. Bucky points out that the same applies to you as well. “I’m not some breathing dildo you can use for your liking.”
“Yeah, but not so long ago you loved to fuck her on our dining table so,” you cock your head, “what’s the problem? Can the old man not get it up anymore? Do you need Viagra? I can ask Helen to get you some.”
“You fucking brat,” he growls in your direction. “One day I’ll put you over my lap and spank the life out of your bratty ass. You are frustrating and annoying.”
“I should just,” he throws his hands up, “leave you to yourself. I have no idea why I’m helping you. A bullet to my brain would be less painful."
“I can’t believe you are ruining our chance to bring the people attacking my father down over a quickie. Just put it inside a little and disappoint her like every other girl you fucked.”
“That’s what you want? How about you watch me fuck her too, huh? I bet you are a kinky bitch." He smirks at you. “Go ahead and tell me about all the dirty fantasies you have about me and my sex life.”
“You mean your non-existent sex life,” you retort, mirroring his smirk. “I heard through the grapevine that you didn’t get any lately.”
“Because of you,” he’s in your face, breathing hard. “Every woman in town believes we will marry and they are afraid of you and your father.”
“Aw, I’m cock blocking you?” you coo. “What a pity you refuse to fuck Natasha. Your dick would feel so much better after going for a ride with her.”
“I told you,” you gasp as his hand wraps around your neck. He grips your neck tightly, forcing you to look up at him. “I don’t want to fuck her.”
“Why? She’s your type.”
“Dead is not my type.”
You frown deeply. Just a few days ago Bucky and you talked about getting closer to the person who ordered the hit on you and your father through Natasha. “What do you mean by...dead?"
“Oh…did I forget to tell you she’s dead?” He smirks darkly as he watches your lips part.
“What? But we made all these plans and now…” You knit your brows together. "Wait, you killed her, didn’t you?”
“It was an accident,” Bucky leans closer to whisper in your ear. “Maybe I let slip that she’s a mole and that Natasha tried to warn your father. Pierce is no one to mess with, you know.”
“You—” you groan. “Why did you do this? That's stupid, Barnes. We had a plan.”
“Your plan included fucking Natasha.”
“Hell, I would’ve fucked her myself to get one step closer,” you huff. “You’re a coward, Barnes. Why couldn’t you fuck her…?”
“What’s done is done. I’m more of the hit them where it hurts guy. Not the one sneaking around to get information. While you made all these nice plans, Steve and I did your job.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We caught Pierce and two of his minions. Steve has a blast interrogating them. He just loves to toy with them,” Bucky purrs in your ear. His hand tightens around your throat, making you whimper. “If only you could see yourself now. So afraid I will choke you just a little harder.”
“We already confirmed that you are not man enough, sweetie,” you grit your teeth as he loosens his hold. It only takes Bucky's hand around your neck to show you what he can do. “Do it or stop toying with me.”
“You wish I would toy with you, doll,” he chuckles. “What a pity I won’t…”
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“Alexander Pierce, in all his glory,” Steve laughs as Pierce fights the ropes holding him to a chair. “You see, Y/F/N and Y/N are my allies. They are Bucky’s allies. If you attack them, you attack us.”
“The thing is, we will let you live your pitiful life. We all tried to kill each other at least once." Bucky looks at the knives he placed on a table in front of Pierce. “What I want from you is to tell me who was involved in the hit. Who is the rat among Y/F/N's people?”
“I won’t tell you shit,” Pierce spits while talking. Even though Steve has already roughed him up over the past few hours, he refuses to give up.
“We will see." Bucky chooses one knife and wields it in front of Pierce’s face. “Did you ever hear about my talent with knives? I just love the feeling of metal cutting into skin and flesh.”
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“Why won’t you let me interrogate him, Barnes?” You pace the room, huffing as Bucky refuses to answer. “Did he give you a name?”
“Romanoff was all he said,” Bucky huffs. “He’s a tough little bastard. I give him that. But no one withstood my knives forever. I will find the mole for you…I mean your father. I will find him for your father.”
“We already knew about Romanoff,” you grunt. “Why did you get her killed? This was stupid."
“Your face is stupid.”
You giggle at Bucky’s words. “Your face is stupid, and your beard…the hair…the muscles. Why are you always wearing a suit but no tie? That’s stupid too.”
When he grips your right arm roughly, he says, "I use all my ties to restrain brats. I leave them there for me to use.”
“You’re so…” you squeak when he roughly cups your face and crushes his lips to yours. Bucky devours your mouth. The kiss is all tongue and teeth. He won’t let up until you weakly push against his shoulders. “I can’t breathe, you…”
He silences your protests with his mouth again. Bucky keeps you from running your mouth by slipping his tongue into your mouth.
His hands move to your waistline to easily lift you and slam you into the wall behind you.
“What the fuck?" You can barely catch your breath. Bucky is all over you. He forces your legs around his waistline before his mouth is back on you. His hands grip your ass roughly as you grind against his swelling length.
“Shut up for a moment," he whispers against your lips. “Just stop talking. I only want to hear you moan my name from now on.”
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In response, you fist his hair, making him growl. “If you want me to shut up, do me good, Barnes…”
>>Part 10
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ronunknown0413 · 5 days
Luci's autism kicked in during a visit at the Hazbin Hotel:
Luci: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! *Screams as he ran to the kitchen sink*
Lance(7 years old): Ma-I mean Daddy! What's wrong, what happened?!
Luci: *Voice muffled by the water running through his mouth* Alastor fed me deer meat!
Lance(7 years old): That's... That's not part of your sensory comfort food pallette...
Luci: *Voice still muffled* Exactly!
Charlie: *Rushed to the kitchen with a worried and guilty face* Ma-Dad! Dad, I'm so sorry for Alastor's behavior, I-I forgot to tell him about your certain diet, I know how you queasy, sensitive, and uncomfortable you are when it comes to trying out new foods, especially when it comes to your condition! I'm so sorry!
Luci: *Turns off the faucet* It's okay, Sweetie. Not everyone is aware I'm autistic... Just try me warning next time when dinner time runs, okay...? *Smiles in reassurance*
Charlie: *Smiles back in relief* Oh! Thank goodness, thanks dad...
Lance(7 years old): Sissy? Where's Big brother?
Charlie: Oh, Arthur? He's with Alastor strangling him by the neck for feeding Dad deer meat
Lance(7 years old): *Snickers* Are you gonna help the deer man?
Charlie: ... Nah! Let him reap what he sow, it's Arthur we're talking about, he wouldn't let any inconvenience slide when it comes to dad
*Meanwhile with at the dining room of the hotel, all the residents were watching the eldest prince strangling Alastor with a pissed off look on his face*
Arthur: Not so tough as you say you are huh?! Does this hurt?! Does this hurt?! Come on, Radio Demon! Try and answer!
Alastor: Letting out screeches of horror and fear
Lance(7 years old): Maybe in next week's trust exercise, you should teach your friends about the Autism Spectrum with Daddy as an example so something like this doesn't happen again
Charlie: Roger that, Baby Brother
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captain-mj · 3 days
Rambo au?????
Hello, friend!! I'm glad you listened to my rambles and decided you wanted me to write it :) If you're familiar with the movie, this covers the beginning when he's in town. There will be a few major changes from the movie of course!
Also, Soft deputy is a character, just hasn't decided who
Ghost walked down the street, counting the different houses and streets. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. A quaint house on the third road past the fire station. Number 14.
It wasn't a bad place by any means, but it was small and a little run down. Nothing maintenance couldn't fix but who had the money for such things.
He saw the house occupants outside, fixing a hole in a fence.
Ghost knew his appearance could be off-putting. He had a mask firmly over the bottom half of his face and his hair had gotten long recently. He was also bulky and had his military jacket on. Judging by the look on the woman's face, she wanted him to leave.
"Hello, ma'am. Came here looking for Sykes."
She frowned at him before looking at her children. "Go inside sweetie."
Ghost stood in front of her. "My name is Simon Ghost Riley. I don't know if Sykes ever talked to him.
Ghost pulled out his wallet and flipped through it. "I have a picture of all of us. If you want to see it." Thing started to slip through his shaking fingers and he quickly reached down to gather them back up. He found the photo and showed her. "See that's me in the back, Sparks, he was to the side because he couldn't stop joking around, Washington, Cumberland and there's Sykes right there."
The woman looked at the photo, impassive at first before she turned away to keep painting the fence. "Roger is gone."
"Oh. When will he be back?" Ghost asked earnestly, looking down at her.
She paused again and looked up at him. "He's dead. Cancer got him."
Ghost stared at her. "Oh."
She shook her head. "Last year. Ate away at him until he just couldn't do it anymore. Got it from some of those bombs and chemicals they used out there."
He slowly put the things back into his wallet. "Ah. I'm very sorry, ma'am. Thank you for your time, ma'am."
She made eye contact, digging right into his soul. "You shouldn't wear that jacket around here."
Ghost looked down at his jacket, the flag prominently on it. "Don't have another one."
"Be cold then." She turned away from him and it was clear the conversation was over.
Ghost put his wallet back in his wallet and shouldered his bag before just starting to walk. He had no idea where he would go or what he could do. This was the last plan he had.
The street signs changed as the town fell away, replaced instead with one long stretch of road that could barely be considered a highway.
Ghost ignored the pain in his feet. As the miles passed, it got stronger, but his pace didn't falter.
Another town popped up.
Ghost glanced around at the billboards and signs, trying to find any place that looked like it'd serve food. It was only a few moments of walking that he heard the vehicle slow down next to him. The piercing sound of the police siren sounded off and he stopped moving to look at the person responsible.
Dark hair and pale skinned with a stupid fucking sheriff hat. The look the man gave his jacket made him realize the exact kind of man he was dealing with.
"Morning. You visiting some body around here?"
Ghost reached up and fixed his mask, not responding.
"You know, wearing that mask and that jacket, not a good look around here."
Big brown eyes blinked up at the sheriff, uncaring and unbothered.
The sheriff, with his ugly ass grin, took him in. "Where you heading?"
Ghost shrugged at him and stood there silently.
"North or South?"
"If you want to get in, I can start driving you that way."
Ghost tapped his hand against his thigh and after a moment of consideration, he got in to the front seat of the cop car.
This sheriff was bad news, but he was hungry. "Got any place to eat?"
"Place about 30 miles up the road."
"I know there's diners in this town. Why can't I eat at one of those?"
The sheriff looked at him, hate written all over his face. "Cause I said so."
Ghost felt his hackles raise. "Why are you pushing me out of town? I haven't done anything wrong."
"You won't like it here. There's none of your kind around here. And I love my job of keeping you guys out. We don't need thugs coming in with masks and military jackets to harass my town."
"I just want to get something to eat." Ghost reiterated.
"And you can get it. 30 miles up the damn road." The sheriff got to a bridge and parked. "Now get out."
Ghost fought with himself for a moment before getting out, making sure he grabbed his back. He turned back to look at the sheriff.
"Oh, and if you want some advice, take that fucking mask off and ditch the jacket. You wouldn't get hassled so much." The Sheriff, Makarov Ghost was now seeing on his badge, smiled. "Hope this ride helps."
Makarov barely got back across the bridge before Ghost, hungry and cold, turned right back around and started walking back to the same town.
Ghost watched the car whip around and drive so fast at him that for just a moment, he believed he'd slam right into him. The police sirens went off. "You're under arrest."
Ghost just kept walking. He let Makarov to pull the gun on him. Even let him yell. But he didn't move until Makarov put the gun up between his eyes. That's when he finally put his hands on the hood.
"Spread your legs."
Ghost stared off in the distance, a voice with a much different accent repeating the same words on loop in his brain.
Makarov grabbed him and forced him to stand with his legs further apart so he could pat him down. That's when he found the knife at his side, perfectly in it's holder. He took the still covered blade and padded it against Ghost's chest. "And what do you do with this here huh?"
Makarov had the same laugh of a canary that thinks it's smarter than a cat because it can fly. "Oh really wise guy? And what do you hunt with a knife?"
"You name it."
The ride to the police station was a blur. Ghost watched them process things, talk to each other, do this, do that, but he himself was lost. Walking around somewhere else.
A man named Nolan, from his badge, looked up at him. "And what's your name?"
Ghost looked at the prison bars. He remembered those well. The way they looked. How it felt to be pressed against them. Many many nights sat there, suffering. Bleeding out.
The deputy reached for his dog tags and all Ghost could think about were those cuts against his throat. What those men did.
He gripped the deputy's arm so hard he felt the bones in the arm twist. His eyes slowly shifted to him, watching the look of pain in his face.
Those men down there. What they did. What they did to him. And he just touched him like that.
"You better let go of his hand, boy, or I'm going to break your face in." Nolan growled out, baton raised to hit him.
The deputy, who looked a little soft around the edges, nodded. as if to tell him that he's serious.
Ghost slowly let go of his hand and he felt the soft deputy snap the chain on his dog tags so he could hand them to Nolan. He watched impassively as he talked about his name. "Riley huh? That your name big guy?" That baton hit his side hard but he luckily didn't crumple. "Put him through the system."
Ghost tried to let them take his fingerprints. Despite the ink being too thick and sticky for him to feel comfortable and that they left his gloves on the ground. The thick black ink made him uncomfortable.
"Jesus Christ, you have to roll your fucking finger." Hush, what a funny name but people kept calling him that, barked at him.
Ghost tried his best to not let him move his hand, not wanting to be subjected to the black ink anymore. Nolan started to talk to Hush about something or another and gave him the slack to get his hand away and wipe his fingers clean.
Hush slapped him hard. "Leave the ink on your goddamn hands."
Makarov shook his head. "Fuck this. Just get him cleaned up.
Ghost hated undressing. And all those cops just kept staring. So he slipped off the masks, letting them see the hideous scars across his face. The horrid smile carved deep into his face.
And then he slipped off his shirt.
A whistle sounded off from behind him. His scars were bad. A sharp vivisection scar. Scars from being whipped. From being in knife fights. From being beaten over and over and over again.
"Turn around." One of them ordered him. And he slowly turned his back to them. Nausea started to raise and when one of them reached around and undid his belt, actual vomit started to bubble at the back of his throat. When they shoved his pants down and those hands lingered up his body, the only thing that kept him from melting down, from becoming a belligerent mess they wanted to play him as, was the idea that if he messed up, he wouldn't be able to cover himself back up.
Nolan hit him hard with that baton and someone laughed long and hard like a canary.
Ghost did crumple this time. And they dragged him along, despite his protests and the way his body dragged across the ground. A few of them may have felt him up. He wasn't sure.
It was the spray of the hose hitting him full force that forced him back up and into reality.
There was so much pressure it turned his skin red at the smallest amount of contact. And the spray never seemed to stop.
He clawed at the wall, trying to brace himself as best he could. Some of his scars split open from the amount of pressure put on them and his blood mixed with the dirt on the ground.
One of them talked about him. Called him a pretty dumb blond. Ghost felt his chest concaving. Shards mixing with the furious beat of his heart until he thought he'd collapse once more.
When it stopped, someone threw him some clothes. A white tank top. Grey sweatpants. White boxers.
His limbs trembled, but he dressed himself. They brought him downstairs to a different room with cells. Nolan grabbed him hard and held him tight. It didn't work very well so soft deputy had to help him to keep him steady.
Ghost felt the ropes of the operation table. The grip he had him reflected it too well.
"We'll just cut your hair and shave a little bit of that stubble off. No need to panic." Nolan told him, holding him tight. He watched the other deputy start mixing the soap and shook his head. "Nah, he's tough. You can shave him dry."
Ghost felt his heart start pounding at the blade. He wasn't safe anymore. And he was afraid. And they were going to cut him open. They were going to cut him.
"Just a quick shave." That bastard smiled, blade in hand.
Ghost started yelling and then he was fighting. He was pummeling one of them into the ground. He twisted himself up in Nolan's arms and used him to kick the softer deputy as hard as he could in the stomach.
Ghost slammed the Nolan into the wall after that, until that smug ugly face was wiped clean off. He ran.
He ran as fast as he could and knocked down any cops in his way.
And across the ocean, John Price received a message.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Hey..so I just had another HC idea..coz why not..m obsessed with your HC AU
So maybe a situation where reader had to use their safeword for the very first time in the relationship(all of them are in an established relationship with their respective CE characters already)..
Finally back at it again with doing a CE characters HC. ~ Safewords is such a good concept to prevent anyone from feeling discomfort, and it calls for lots of fluff and aftercare after one has had to use it. -
Steve Rogers
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I imagine you would use the safe word with him for when Steve’s trying to penetrate you but you haven’t had sex for a while, so it becomes hard getting used to his size again and you end up using it when it really hurts. The last thing he wants is to hurt you, and he dreads the moment the safe word utters out of your mouth. He will carefully pull out what he managed to put in and massage your thighs as you close your legs together.
He will apologize and whisper praises while he tucks you in a blanket and kisses your forehead. “Doll, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you…” “I’m so proud of you for using the safe word. Next time we’ll be more careful and do some more prepping, okay?” He wants you to feel strong in times of when you’re vulnerable, and he will whisper the sweetest things till you’re relaxed again.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom would be in a bit of a shock, almost doing a double take when he realizes you said that word. He will immediately remove himself from you, not sure of what to do while you’re recovering from the pain he didn’t realize he had inflicted on you. He had a habit of fucking rougher when he was in the mood for it, and while he was in his sex daze, he hadn’t discovered your discomfort. When he pulls out, he hears your pained whine, and guilt settles in right away.
“I didn’t mean to, darling…I didn’t mean to -!” He doesn’t know what to say, nor does he know if he should comfort you or give you space. He ends up handing you a blanket to curl up in, and leaving the room out of shame, not being able to see what he has done to you anymore as he hears your whimpers. He occupies himself in his office, walking in circles out of stress. Eventually he returns and apologizes, carefully joining you under the blanket and holding you to show he’s here for you now.
Jake Jensen
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Jake’s blood would run cold the moment you use the safe word, and he will stay completely still, waiting for you to tell him what to do. He was aware he had pounded into you a little faster than usual, but he didn’t think it would have hurt you to the point of saying the safe word. Once he slips out of you after you told him to do so, he will apologize profusely, pleading for forgiveness as he would rather jump off a cliff than purposefully inflict pain on you. He will hug you tight and cradle you until you eventually stop whimpering.
“Are you feeling better, peach? Do you need anything? Like anything at all?” He will ask once in a while, prepared to run to the store if there was anything you wanted. You will only ask to stay in his embrace, which makes him feel good to know you still feel safe around him despite what happened.
Andy Barber
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Andy being into the kinkier stuff could certainly put you into an uncomfortable scenario once. Maybe you do bondage or choking, and you suddenly feel the need to take everything to a full stop by using the safe word. Andy will immediately stop and take control of the situation. “Oh honey, are you okay? I got a little ahead of myself didn’t I? I apologize, sweetie…come here.” He’ll coax you, pulling you into his embrace. He will comfort you, stroking your body non-sexually to make you feel safe again.
You talk about what happened after as Andy wants to know what he could have done different to prevent you from feeling uncomfortable. He will soothe you all the while, having you rest on his chest as he strokes your back. Next time you go rough and kinky, it’ll be in accordance to what you want. He will only take control again when you tell him to.
Johnny Storm
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You’ll almost whisper the safe word as Johnny keeps on drilling his cock inside of you, not giving his seventh round any rest due to his high sex drive. “W-What did you just say?” He’ll almost stutter the question as he’s still high on the feeling of being inside of you. It’s when he takes a better look at you that he realizes you’re crying, and his eyes widens as he pulls out, not so gently.
“Shit…baby, are you okay? Talk to me…” he pleads while you go in a fetal position. You tell him it started to hurt and that you couldn’t take it anymore. He feels even more distraught, and decides the least he can do to make you feel better is draw a warm bath to soothe you. He becomes a little distant as he always does when he feels guilty, but after he apologizes, you’re both curled up in bed, cuddling.
Ari Levinson
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Maybe Ari just came home from a mission and felt needy for some rough fucking, and after a make out session, he’s already undressed and inside of you, almost using your body as a fleshlight. What didn’t hit him before you stuttered the safe word was that you were very sensitive. It was all too much for you. He gently stops, slowing his thrusts to a complete end and then pulls out with a few strokes to your sensitive pussy. He takes you to bed where you can relax, putting you at ease with his reassurances, “It’s all over now, pumpkin, take it easy for me, sugar…” he will order softly to not send you in a panic and apologize for doing too much.
Ari won’t be going rough for a while after that as he also has to recover from it as well. He analyzes the moments before you said the safe word, pointing out what he should avoid doing next time to not push you off edge.
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Thank you for the suggestion @elle14-blog1 ! ♥️
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
thoughts on transman yamato and transwomen ace? (ik yamato is already canon so this is mostly just thoughts on transwomen ace lol)
I feel like if I think too much about Ace being a woman my lesbian heart won't be able to handle it but. But yeah. My thoughts are very-- Positive. Dying of lesbianism here.
I've always considered Ace transmasc but this is so good too??? I believe Ace as a woman would like. Be the same. But woman. Kind of like Luffy ngl. The thing with ASL is that Ace comes out as a woman and the other two are like "Oh cool! *change pronouns when talking to her*" and that's kind of. The whole thing for them? They're extremely supportive and WILL beat the shit out of you if you say something about their sister. But. Like. Ace is already the one beating people up for that so they don't need to worry--
Thinking about Ace coming out like, time after the sake thing and Luffy telling her that they need to do it again because "We swore we were brothers but!!!! I want to drink sake with you again and swear you will always be my older sister!!!!!" and it melts Ace's heart completely. Not to mention that now nobody fights about who's the oldest because now Luffy has an older sister and an older brother!!
Makino would be the sweetest soul to her,,, She teaches her stuff and Ace is always asking her things to be more of a ""real woman"" and Makino is like ???????? "what do you mean real woman, sweetie, it doesn't matter what you do and how you look like as long as you're comfortable!! Don't let other people tell you otherwise!!" and Ace realizes that's the type of girl she wants to be to become a good older sister to Luffy. Supportive and kind and herself even if a lot of people won't see her the way she is.
Ace goes through life so not giving a shit-- I think she is the same except that when she wins fights and people think she is a guy she is just like "haha a woman beat you up fucking loser" and when people realize she is a girl they're all like "noooo cover your chest that's indecent!!" and she's so confused and angry because why is it okay to do so when they think she is a guy but it's wrong when they find out she is a girl???? She goes boobs out everywhere fr fr.
I think Ace is the type of saying "I can't have surgery and boobs so I'm just gonna do so much exercise my chest will look huge" and she is so committed to that. Good for her.
And!!!!!! When she meets Yamato??? And Yamato tells her he is a guy??? Ace is like "OH ME TOO ME TOO I AM A GIRL AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY THINK I'M A GUY IDK WHY" and they have their "we the same fr" and fall in love bc no matter the gender Yamace is always canon. `You have this cool but a bit of a failgirl Ace and her tall af cute boyfriend. Boy who says teehee x Girl who laughs like a lunatic.
Also, I think her relationship with Roger would change a bit? And she already loves her mom but she would do it now even more because she would feel like-- More connected to her experience as a woman? I think Ace should wear a little flower in her hair just like Rouge, too.
And not to be depressing af but when Marineford happens and everybody treats her as Roger's SON she is having the worst time of her life for so many reasons. And Luffy just tells everybody he sees that Ace is not a guy and he might be in the middle of saving her but he will fight people so they refer to her right.
Idk I think there are more things to say but I am eepy and I just woke up. But I absolutely love this and Ace as a trans girl lives in my mind rent free.
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romanestuffsposts · 11 months
I’m not sure if you write about birth control or anything of the sorts but I just got my IUD replaced. I was hoping you could, if it’s okay, 🥺🥺 write one of she gets it’s replaced and her daddy’s take care of her. Some stucky love is needed right now 🥺❤️ thank you so much for considering babe
Hi there love! 💜
I hope your feel better princess! I know it can hurts really bad but I know you were able to make it through!
I did some researches for this request because I never placed a IUD because i'm too scared to have one so I didn't know how thoses things are placed and replaced.
I hope what I found is alright with how you lived your experience sweetie! ❤️
I'm sorry you had to wait babe. I hope you're happy about how i write your request
Enjoy <3
Warnings : angst little reader, cries, comfort, cuddles, kisses, pet names, hospital,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : don’t be scared baby, daddies are here to hold your hands ❤️
"m'scared" you whined, holding your Papa's shirt tightly in your little fists. It's been one hour now that you're waiting and you have one Daddy who is trying to stay calm so you don't freak out and the other who starts to get angry from the waiting.
The doctor is fourty minutes late and that's exactly what your Daddies were scared of. You were scared enough, there was no need to add stress from the waiting. They know you get more scared if you have to wait because the doctor could come at any moment now.
He swings you from side to side as you curl yourself on your Papa's laps. Steve had spend fifteen minutes now trying to calm your Daddy and to try to make him sitting down "I know sweetie, I know" he whispers in your ear "it'll hurt for a few days but you'll be perfectly okay. We're here. Daddies will protect you and comfort you from the pain" he reassures you, his fingers sliding down your hair.
You nod your head in his chest but that doesn't mean you're fully okay with what will happen.
"What the fuck take her so long ? She was supposed to take us in fourty minutes ago! We should be on our way home right now if she wasn't so late!" He shouts in the waiting room. Fortunately for your Daddy, you're alone.
"Buck, please" Steve sighs, grabbing his husband's arm as he passes by "you're stressing her more" he peers down at you before looking back up at him "sit down, please" he pleads
He watches Bucky's chest raising up and down, his eyes shift to you for a few seconds and when Bucky understands that you're crying, he sighs and falls on his seat "i'm sorry, babygirl" he apologises, kissing your temple "I didn't meant to upset you more"
You sniff and shift a little so the side of your face is now against your Papa's chest instead of your forehead. Your Daddy gently brings his hand to your cheek and wipes away the tears he found "it's okay, baby. You'll be fine, it'll happen faster than you think" he says and kisses your little hand he just grabbed.
You squeeze his hand and before you can ask him for a hug, you hear the door opening. Your eyes go wide and your Daddy's eyes burn into yours, he reassures you with his eyes but the only thing you want to do is taking his eyes and yanking them at the doctor so she'll let you go.
"Is Mrs-Oh, Mr Rogers, Mr Barnes" she greets "I didn't thought you would come with her" she says, surprise filled her voice.
Your Papa stands up with you still in his arms and you immediately reach to grab your Daddy's hand again. You whimper a little when he doesn't get the hint, making him look back at you. He apologises and takes your hand in his, squeezing it and kissing it in hope to make you feel better.
"She's a little scared so we're coming with her" Steve simply says as he walks inside the room followed by your Daddy. The doctor seems surprise by his cold answer but doesn't say anything, she closes the door and walks behind her desk
"I'm surprised you're scared, honey. It's not the first time we do that" she gently says. Her sweet tones make you looking at her. She is your gynecologist since you need one so she pratically knows everything about you. You kind of used her as a psy when you were a teenager but she didn't mind. It's a part of her job, listening to her patients and helping them.
"You can hold their hands while I replace your IUD if you want" she smiles and you nod. "I'll first check if there's no pregnancy and then i'll check if there's any genital infection and when we're good, i'll explain how it'll go and what i'll do. You can go lie on the table whenever you're ready" she says and stands up to go prepare everything
You look at your Daddies, fear in your eyes. Your Papa is quick to wrap his huge hands on your cheeks "we're here, sweetie. You'll feel our hands in yours the whole time. You're allowed to squeeze our hands as much as you want"
You nod and close your eyes, you feel your Daddy's lips against your temple "whenever you're ready, babygirl"
You open your eyes and look at him, you give him your hand and he smiles, taking it. Your Papa rests you back on your feet and takes your other hand. They lead you toward the table and help you geeting on it.
You watch the doctor coming back toward you and you squeeze their hand. She puts her gloves on her hands and then goes to your feet "i'll remove your shoes so you'll be comfier and then i'll rest your feet on those funny things, alright ?" she asks pointing at two weird things on the food of the bed. You nod and she undo your shoes.
You rest your back against the table once she placed you and waits. You already pulled down your pants and panties so it's something else she doesn't have to do.
"I'll check for any infections. You'll feel something stroking your lips but nothing else, alright ?" you nod your head and look up at the ceiling. You feel your Daddies's thumbs stroking your hands as they see the doctor coming closer to your private area.
You gasp and flinch a little when she slides the rod against you. It doesn't last long, she's quick to pull away and she disappears.
You sigh and close your eyes, you feel your Daddies squeezing your hands "you did so good, princess" your Papa praises kissing you temple "One thing done, baby. There'snot much left" your Daddy says kissing your forehead
You hear her footsteps coming back and she wore a sweet smile on her lips "everything is clear" she says and sits back on the seat who's facine your south parts. "To remove it, I will place a speculum between your lips which will give me the possibility of reaching the net which is connected to your IUD" she says and your eyes widen
"it'll be uncomfortable and if you want to take a break, you tell me but you won't be in pain. The only thing who can hurt is the first steps. You may feel a pain similar to period cramps but nothing more"
You sigh and nod.
"I'll place de speculum now. It might be cold" she warns and reaches for something behind her before disappearing down there. You flinch when she rests her hand on your thigh, you close your eyes and bite your lips when you feel her entering her weird thing.
All the while, your Daddies whisper sweet nothings and praises in your ears, they caress your arms and hair and kiss you.
You release a breath when her stuff is finally in betwen your lips. "you're doing so good, beautiful. Keep going, we're here"
"I see the thread, it's a good thing honey. I'll grab it and start to pull on it so you'll feel some kind of pressure" she tells you and grabs the thread, just like she said. You whimper and hold tightly your Daddies's hands when the pressure hit you.
Soon after, your IUD is out of your body and you take deep breath. "you're doing really good, sweetheart" your Papa whispers "you did most of it, there's just one more step to do and we could go back home" your Papa smiles down at you, his fingers sliding down your hair.
"do you want to eat pizza tonight ?" your Daddy asks "you definitly deserve a reward after what you've done today" Your Papa agreed with your Daddy and you nod. Your mouth already waters at the thought of pizza in front of you.
Your Daddy sees you licking your lips and he chuckles "i'll call when we're on the car then" he says stroking his thumb on your forehead.
"I'll replaced your ICD now, are you ready ?" The doctor ask. You almsot forget she was there for a second.
You nod your head, mumbling a little 'yes' under your breath and close your eyes again. Your Papa sings you a song in your ear while your Daddy keeps squeezing and stroking your hands and arms.
You're surprise when she tells you that it's finish. You hear her standing up and you frown. You slowly open your eyes and see two happy face looking down at you "take your time to stand up, honey. I advise you to sit before standing up and if you're feeling dizzy, lie back down" she says and leaves the room to give you the space you need to pull on your clothes back.
Your Daddies helps you sitting down and you turn around body to the side so your legs hang in the aire. "you did such a good job, beautiful" your Daddy's smile reaches his ears and even more "we're so proud of you" he kisses your nose and grabs your pants. He slides your pants on your legs and stops where the table prevent him from going further up.
Your Papa gives him your shoes and he quickly pulls them on you "are you ready to stand up, sweetness ?" your Papa asks, his hand running up and down your back. You nod your hand and take his hand to help you going down. Once you're on your feet, your Daddy pulls your pants up and buttons it.
And then, before you know it, you're back in your Papa's arms. He walks you toward the desk, where the doctor is waiting "call me if she feels anything or if you have questions. Did you already booked your next appointment ?" she asks going through her files.
Steve nods "we did, yes. Thank you for her." he nods and peers down at you. Your head is against his shoulder and your thumb is in your mouth "have a good day" he says before walking out.
Steve always do the talking, he knows Bucky isn't good at it so he usually does it.
Bucky closes the door behind him and runs to hold your little hand when he sees it in the aire, asking for him.
You whimper as you turn around. You know that the contractions and the feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen is normal but you still hate it. You didn't have any minor bleeding which is reassuring. You know it's not dangerous but it still scares you.
"here, baby" your Daddy says as he approaches you with a warm towel. He rests it on your lower belly and pecks your lips "it'll make you feel better" he whispers
You nod and quietly thank him as he sits down beside you. You snuggle closer to your Papa when he slides his fingers down your scalp "what do you need, princess ?"
"cuddles" you whine and feel them wrapping you in a tight and huge hug "anything for our little girl
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imagines--galore · 11 days
Hi hi ^^
For the writers questions, here are my numbers :
7, 15 & 31
If you're not comfortable answering, feel free to not do it 🙏
I wish you a wonderful day sweetie 🌸
Thank you so much for the questions!
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh gosh! I have so many pieces which I ADORE and am so proud of! I'm gonna list a couple of them here! They are all placed at random and I dunno, I'm just really proud of what I wrote in them :D The Thread of Fate - Avatar The Last Airbender - Zuko x OC Theatrics - Avatar The Last Airbender - Zuko x Reader I Will Always Choose You - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Roy x Reader Convince Me & I'm Convinced - Justice League - Superman aka Clark Kent x Reader Empowering - Marvel - Captain America aka Steve Rogers x Reader Bleeding Love - Marvel - Dr. Strange x Reader My Heart Calls Your Name - Pirates of the Caribbean - Will Turner x Reader The Consulting Detective and The Serial Killer - Sherlock - Sherlock x Reader Chasing Away The Darkness - Star Trek - Spock x Reader A Nonverbal Confession - Amazing Spiderman - Peter x Reader My Prayer, My Light, My Fëa - The Lord of the Rings - Legolas x Reader Written In The Stars - The Lord of the Rings - Legolas x Reader
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Definitely The Thread of Fate! All because I would LOVE to see Orora, my oc, in action and see the lore I've created for the thread of fate merge with the ATLA Universe. Also because I would love to have some art of Orora! I can't draw AT ALL. So having a visual for her would be amazing!
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Well......I do take some liberties, I mean it IS FANFICTION. But I do tend to stick to the canon events especially when those events might be important to any of the canon characters. I mean I want my OC or Reader Inserts to be fun but I also don't want then to steal another character's thunder! So yeah!
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janeykath318 · 8 months
Ring In The Sand (Steve Rogers x Single Mom! Reader)
It was your first vacation in ten years and you were feeling incredibly happy you’d finally taken the leap and splurged on a beach trip. The weather was perfect, the waves were gentle, and your daughter was having the time of her short life relishing her first time at the seashore. Being a single mom, It had taken a while to save up for the trip, but it was completely worth it. You had a cozy little beach cottage all to yourself, and got to spend quality time with Jordan.
The two of you laughed and splashed around like playful sea otters, and were in the midst of reenacting the little mermaid when you looked down and saw your wedding ring was gone from your finger.
“What’s wrong, mommy?” Jordan asked. “Is Ursula coming to take your voice?”
“No, honey. My ring’s gone. I think it slipped off in the water.”
“Oh, no! I’ll help you find it,” Jordan offered. Several minutes of hunting later, panic had started to set in and you realized there was a good chance it was gone for good.
“It’s okay, mommy. I’ll get the nice lifeguard man to help. He’s probably a really good finder. I can’t hold my breath long enough.”
She wrinkled her nose in annoyance at herself and couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s okay, sweetie, neither can I,” you admitted sadly. “I hate to bother him, but I think we have to. Since he’s in view, I’ll stand here and mark the spot while you go get him, okay?”
“Okay. Be right back.”
And Jordan zoomed away, quickly returning with her favorite lifeguard. The man was not the typical bored teenager trying to survive a summer job, but a rather shaggy haired man with a ready smile and a kind heart, who always waved when he saw them and had listened patiently to Jordan’s enthusiastic descriptions of her imaginary merpeople friends.
You rubbed your finger absently, eying the sandy shallow intently in hopes of spotting a flash of gold. Eric had been gone for nearly ten years, but you’d kept wearing the ring, fearing that taking it off would destroy the memories. It wasn’t logical, but grief never was.
Jordan and the lifeguard arrived at your side in mere minutes.
“Are you alright ma’am?” The lifeguard asked, giving you a quick look over to satisfy himself you weren’t in physical distress.
You couldn’t help but notice how well built he was compared to the other lifeguards, but it was hard to get a read on him with the large sunglasses and scruffy hair and beard. It was a good look, though.
“Yes, but I’ve lost my wedding ring and I’ve trouble spotting it. It’s a simple yellow gold band and has 6-23-12 etched in it,” you replied, breathlessly.
“Your wedding date?”
“I’ll do my very best to find it,” Lifeguard promised solemnly. He disappeared under the water and you and Jordan watched as he scoured the waist deep water carefully. You were starting to get worried about how long he’d been down there when a shaggy brown head reappeared and then an arm, triumphantly holding up a gold ring.
“Is this it?” he asked, barely even short of breath. Dang it, the man was FIT.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, after checking the inside. “Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! My husband’s been gone for ten years and I just couldn’t stand the thought of letting go of it like this. I’d much prefer it to be on my own terms.”
“Understood,” your hero replied quietly. “If there’s anything else I can do, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be on watch until 7 pm.”
“Thank you so much,” you said gratefully. “I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”
“I’m glad I could find it.”
A pair of very pretty blue eyes looked earnestly into yours and you felt a strange stirring inside a part of your soul that had been dormant for a long time.
You stared after him as he returned to his post, unfazed by the water dripping off of him.
“Mommy, is he a merman?” Jordan queried.
“I don’t know, honey. Maybe we’ll see him tomorrow and you can ask him.”
“I hope so,” she sighed. “I don’t even know his name.”
The following day was cloudier, and you and Jordan designated it official sandcastle day, bringing with you various plastic containers for creating sandy masterpieces. Jordan wanted to make a mermaid castle and scoured the beach for shells to decorate it with. When she had succeeded in creating her ideal castle, there was much celebration and picture taking.
“Wow! That’s an amazing sandcastle!” a voice broke in. Jordan’s eyes lit up at the sound of her favorite lifeguard and she proudly showed off all of its details.
“I’m so glad you came, Mr. Lifeguard. I need to know if you’re a merman or not.”
Amazingly, the man treated her question seriously and stopped down to Jordan’s level.
“No, but I have learned some tricks from the mermaids that make it easier for me to help swimmers in trouble,” he informed her. “Including your mom’s lost ring situation.”
“Um, about that,” you broke in, “I would like to repay you a bit. Perhaps treat you to ice cream after your shift?”
“That’s not necessary, but I never turn down ice cream,” he chuckled. “I’m Steve, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Steve,” you answered, shaking his hand, wondering again if you’d seen that nose before. Something about it looked familiar.
“I’m Y/N and this is Jordan.”
“Nice to meet you, Jordan,” Steve said, turning to your daughter. “Nice work. You have the makings of quite the architect.”
“Thank you, Mr. Steve,” Jordan replied happily.
“So, meet you at the ice cream stand at seven-ish?” You asked hopefully.
“Sounds good,” Steve answered. “See you then.”
Again, there came a little thrill of anticipation.
Steve was as good as his word and met you and Jordan at the ice cream stand. He’d put on a dark blue button up shirt and was chatting easily with the kid working the stand.
You were a little flabbergasted at how delighted he looked to see you and normally such attention from a man would have had you putting all your guards up, but your gut was telling you this man was the genuine article.
As the cones were being enjoyed, you ventured to ask him about himself and what had brought him here.
“I left a very high profile job because it was slowly killing me mentally,” he admitted. “I needed a break and a career change. This way, I can still help people without getting tangled up in bureaucracy and conflicts.”
“Law enforcement?” you guessed.
“Something like that,” he hedged.
Hmmmm. Super classified.
“What about you?” Steve asked.
“Well, my husband and I lived in D.C. because he had a job at a now defunct government agency. I was pregnant with Jordan when he was killed during the Uprising of 2014. Afterwards, I moved out of the city and focused on raising her. She’s my whole world and I’m doing the best I can to give her lots of good memories with me, since she doesn’t have any of her father.”
Steve had gone very still and there was a look of deep sadness on his face as you spoke. His eyes grew distant and he was very quiet for a moment.
“Were you there too?” you ventured.
“Yeah,” he told her, turning his serious gaze back to you. “I was there.” The distant look grew more poignant.
Luckily for this conversation, Jordan was occupied with her ice cream, eating as slowly and deliberately as possible. You smiled at her before returning your attention to Steve.
“Eric was having suspicions something was very amiss, but they covered their tracks so well, he couldn’t get the evidence and he certainly couldn’t tell his superiors, who all turned out to be Hydra. When things came to a head, they tried to force him to help with the launch, he refused, Pierce had him killed.”
Steve closed his eyes as again that look of sorrow came over him.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. We lost too many good people that day. Sounds like your Husband was a great agent. If it hadn’t been for people like him taking a stand, they might have succeeded.”
“He was a great agent and an even better husband,” you confirmed. “But I’m curious, what department were you in? You said you had a high profile job.”
“I was……consulting with them.” Steve’s face colored a bit as he spoke, and you wondered why he was so shy about it, then it hit you where you recognized his profile from.
“Oh. That Steve,” you said, eyes widening at the realization that Lifeguard Steve was actually Steve Rogers.
“Yep. Hope that isn’t a problem.”
Steve looked very wary and you couldn’t blame him. Some people still talked about him like he was a criminal because he hadn’t signed the Accords (which were garbage), and a lot of other people hero-worshipped him to an extreme extent.
“No. No it’s not. You’re just trying to make a new life for yourself and get some privacy,” you assured him. “I promise I won’t go blabbing your secret. You’ve been so kind to us. I’m only annoyed that it took me so long to recognize those cheekbones. Very distinctive.”
Steve chuckled and visibly relaxed.
“It means my semi-disguise is working, then. After Thanos, I wasn’t in a good place mentally and I knew I was ready to be done with the shield. So I gave it to Sam and went off the grid for a while. I don’t miss the fighting, but I did miss helping people, so I took the necessary training for lifeguarding. It’s worked out pretty well.”
“And it sounds like you’re pretty good at it,” you told him playfully. “But now I know why you were able to stay under so long when you were finding my ring. I was beginning to think I’d have to rescue the rescuer.”
Steve laughed. “Yes, the serum does have its benefits. Before I had it, I could never have attempted such a thing.”
“So I’ve read,” you admitted. “But it looks like they picked the right guy to get it.”
Jordan had finished her ice cream and was looking very antsy.
“Can I show Mr. Steve my seashell collection? Please?” she implored, turning her puppy dog eyes on you to full effect. They were very similar to her father’s and like his, they were very hard to say no to.
“Well, if he’s not tired of us by now or doesn’t have anywhere else he needs to be, I don’t see why not,” you told her. Immediately Jordan moved her puppy plea look to Steve, who immediately caved.
“I’m absolutely not tired of you and I don’t have any set schedule anymore, thank goodness.”
You shot him a knowing look at the deep relief in his tone. Steve had lived through a lot of stuff you couldn’t—and wouldn’t—want to imagine. Despite all that, he hadn’t lost that good character and heart that had impressed Erskine all those years ago.
You strolled down the sand towards your cottage, enjoying the beautiful sunset and trying not to steal too many glances at the man walking beside you. It was a shame you were only here for another three days. Getting to know the man who’d helped save half the universe was surprisingly appealing.
Jordan chattered to Steve happily about her favorite superheroes. She’d taken the news about his identity in stride and it only increased his status as her favorite lifeguard. It was very bittersweet watching them, and knowing you probably wouldn’t see Steve again after this week. The last thing you wanted was for her to get too attached and then be hurt…..
Jordan’s excited squeal broke you out of your reverie and you saw her glomp Steve in a hug.
“Don’t ambush the man, honey!” you admonished her, glad to see Steve smiling as he accepted her exuberant hug.
“Sorry, Mr. Steve,” she sheepishly apologized. “I got really excited.”
“It’s okay,” Steve chuckled. “I was a kid once.”
“We were talking about the Avengers and I told him Hawkeye is my favorite and he told me he could get me Hawkeye’s autograph!”
She did a little gleeful dance.
“I think you’ve just made her entire year,” you told Steve as you approached the cottage’s back door. “Would you like to come in? This could take awhile. Her collection is quite extensive.”
“I’d love to,” Steve replied cheerily, fixing his attention on you.
After he’d examined Jordan’s collection and given it the proper compliments, you had the dreaded task of giving the bedtime announcement to her. Surprisingly, she didn’t put up a fuss for once and bid you and Steve goodnight easily.
“I wish it was always that easy,” you remarked ruefully.
Steve laughed, and again your insides did a funny little lurch.
“Thanks so much for today, Y/N” he told you as you let him out the door. “If I don’t see you again before you leave, where should I send the autographed Hawkeye picture for Jordan?”
“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot! BRB!” you called, running back in to scribble it down. Perhaps you were being reckless, giving out your address to a guy you’d just met, but this was Steve Rogers! Plus, the joy on Jordan’s face was fully imprinted in your brain. It was worth a little risk.
“Here you go,” you said, handing it over a little shyly. “I’ll make sure she writes a proper thank you note in return.”
“She’s quite a delightful young woman,” Steve observed. “Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”
He gave you an admiring, but respectful look that you knew you’d be thinking about for a long time afterward.
“Good night, Y/N.” He finally said softly.
“Good night, Steve.”
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mybabydenkikaminari · 10 months
Episode 3 (OPLA)
-Usopp’s introduction oh booy (Jacob honey, you are so on point,, it’s kind of scary - but in a good way)
-Nami’s glasses appreciation
-Our beloved first Rolly Roger making a spectacular appearance
-”Nami, I think that the toilet is busted””We don’t have a toilet””Oh” 
-Still “Not a crew”
-Luffy lines in general, just chef kiss
-Helmeppo getting what he deserves for being a bratty shit
-Luffy disarming Nami’s sarcastic comments
-Zoro and Nami getting in agreement that they are still stealing the ship
-Luffy and Usopp already sharing one brain cell, even if they just meet
-Garp playing with Koby like he plays with Sengoku
-Sham is a woman
-One complain that I have is that I would prefer Klahadore being more slim and tall, but I understand that it’s not realistic in any way or form, but his face is very very on point
-Luffy just accepting the invitation of this random rich girl to dinner, and the rest just rolling with it (yeah yeah NOT A CREW, my ass)
-Nami being shown that hates rich people (I think is very on point for her and a nice addition)
-Showing more of Kaya and Usopp relationship in general, and how much he cares about her and visiting her for her birthday and giving her a present and how much Kaya appreciates him too (Idk it just felt more real and important that in the manga or the anime)
-Btw the creepy blue tea and soup it’s a nice touch
-The closet scene, every single line is gold. Luffy not getting the point of Nami showing clothes. Zoro in the bathrobe complaining that he wants to wear black to Nami. Nami handing him the T-shirt that he would end up wearing and complaining about them. Nami betting with Luffy. As I said, Chef Kiss
-Kladahore being the gigantic asshole that he is in every piece of media
-Garp being a mentor for Koby getting the attention that deserves
-The outfits for the dinner party, OMG, everyone looked gorgeous and rightfully so
-Usopp and Luffy still sharing the same brain cell
-Usopp doing heart eyes to Kaya went he walks down the stairs
-Nami wearing Kaya’s mother dress and starting to realize that Kaya is nice
-Zoro naming the place where Jango would end up starting his friendship/relationship with Fullbody 
-Nami’s girl boss energy
-Luffy correcting Kaya about being pirates and everyone reacting to it (Nami throwing daggers at Luffy, Usopp spitting his drink and Zoro facepalming)
-Luffy’s speech in general 10/10
-The scene with the knives of Kuro making Merry a butterfly (poor Merry :c)
-Arlong making his first appearance and showing that he is scary bitch and he will really own the East Blue easy
-Buggy being the rat that he is, throwing Luffy under the bus
-All the Straw Hats leaving their rooms (Zoro for alcohol, Lufffy for food and Nami for objects)
-Zoro already getting lost, not accepting that is his fault, as usual
-Nami and Kaya’s new friendship
-”Kaya needs me” 
-Usopp and Kaya explaining to the Strawhats that they are NOT a COUPLE when all they have seen is them looking at each other with heart eyes and being in love
-Usopp also listing all the qualities of Kaya, like bitch YOUR CRUSH IS SHOWING
-”You are asking the wrong guy” 
-”Okay. But if you were Kaya would you like me?” “I already like you” Oh, Luffy sweety 
-Usopp and his daddy issues being represented is something that I like a lot. In the manga and the anime Usopp is totally fine with it, and I didn’t like it at all so for me this is a very good change. (I honestly hate Yasopp for leaving Usopp behind, I mean you can say a lot of things about Garp's terrible parenting skills but he at least cares about Luffy, Dragon cares more about Luffy than Yasopp about his own son, and that is saying something. Even Roger had a good excuse to not be there for Ace. I am just mad, but that has nothing to do with the Live Action so moving on)
-”If you’re gonna talk about feelings, I’m really gonna need a drink” Zoro what a mood
-Koby believing Usopp 
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Sometimes Your Soul Family Is The Only Family You Need - Part 4
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: 18 months ago you were a mess but with the help of your close friends you start to rebuild your life. Your soul friendships maybe chaotic but they're your family, just as you're theirs. With one of them about to have a baby, you and your misfit friends are here to visit. But will you stay? And what will the small town think of you having two soulmates and why do you keep finding yourself in the same place as a bunch of hot bikers.
"Sometimes families are assholes, sometimes your soul connections mean far more than family ever can. Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need." - Nurse Maggie
Chapter Warning: Premature labour mentioned, baby loss mentioned
Chapter Summary: You arrive at the hospital to see Annemarie and the expected mother is understandably emotional.
"What the fuck is he doing?" Ryan snapped. You looked up over the pie you were carrying and trying not to drop to find Daniel, Annemarie's soulmate learning against the wall, Starbucks in hand, scrolling on his phone.
"I'll handle him, you go to her. You're our ride and I don't want you ending up in jail when you lose your shit with him."
"Fine but I'm ramming that Starbucks up his ass if he's upset her."
Daniel spotted you as you neared.
"Oh thank god, you're here. Wait, why are you looking at me like that?"
You heard Ryan start his lecture, when you slipped into Annemarie's room.
"Hey sweetie."
"Do you have my pie?" came Annemarie's reply, as she sat propped up in bed surrounded by pillows.
"Yes pregnant lady, I have your pie. It's nice to see you too by the way."
"I'm sorry" Annemarie started to sniffle, "it's just I've wanted it all day and Daniel said Ry might be fired, and he won't help me with these stupid socks, he says I'm difficult and I don't want you to be sad."
"Hang on, hang on, one thing at a time, first, he said you were difficult? Where do you want me to punch him?"
Annemarie's sniffling turned into a snort of laughter.
"I'm serious, where? Dick, face, body? Or I can ram that cup up his ass."
"I mean his dick is why I'm here."
"Dick it is!"
Annemarie laughed again.
"Next on the list, is your pie. Here." you said pushed the hospital table towards her with one hand, setting down the pie and pushing it towards her, "the lady put forks and napkins in the box, she also said she'll make a delivery exception for you and you only, and will bring you anymore you want."
Your soul friend let out an excited squeak as she made a start on the pie, and you took a moment to glance over your shoulder to watch Ryan's continuing lecture.
"What about the other thing?" Annemarie asked, her voice a little quieter.
"I'll bunch him in the dick when Ryan's done chewing him out, be patient."
"Not that."
"Ryan's job?"
"I'm fine" you reassured, squeezing your friend's spare hand.
"If I'm asking too much"
"You're not."
"Annemarie, I've had a lot of time to process."
"But, it, you were....."
"I wasn't in a good place."
"It nearly broke you, he nearly broke you, and now I'm asking you, I'm asking you to be here with me. I'm being selfish."
"Sweetie, you are the least selfish person I know. You were going to delay your wedding because of me and my bullshit."
"It wasn't bullshit!!!"
"No, but it's in the past and this right here, this pie eating bump is the future. Not some dickhead who knocked me up and left me. This is what's important now. Ok?"
Annemarie nodded rubbing new tears off her face as you leant forward to hug her.
"Oh my god, did you actually put the fork down to hug me back."
"Shut up."
The door suddenly opened and you were joined by a righteous looking Ryan and a sheepish Daniel, the latter cleared his throat and looked at you both wearily.
"Everything OK?"
You stared back at him, as you stood from your place perched on the bed, crossing your arms across your chest.
"You're getting bunched in the dick."
"Buck. Buck!"
"Sorry what?"
"Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
"The girl, the woman you saw last summer."
"What about her?"
"I think I saw her today."
"And, I think you're right, I think it could be her."
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creepymarshmallow3 · 11 months
Ask 1: If Sam can stop Raven from nightmares, than surely he can "give" Leroy nightmares(probably about Noodle/snakes lol, he hates and is terrified of them)
Ask 2: Sooo, I'm photographer...don't such up what simp means...*he probably about to and realize my list lmao-*
Ask 3: So what if Roger had Springy,sharpy and Sweetie I'm his gameshow (he would be on a big TV) and it was mostly a deadly game or something and if Sweetie seamed to be in danger(when he wasn't) I'm sure Sharpy would NOT be happy and Roger would worry lol.
Ask 4: Emmet meets Oliver lol, both "I hate everyone" argue of "who had it worst" lol
Ask 5: Becky meets Trollen, Trollen might try to manipulate him to kill him cause "Hates Trollges"
( phew) I'm here^^ )
Ask 1: press F for Leroy's sleep
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Ask 2: Pfffff! Confused Photographer :>
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Ask 3:
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(Uh oh...)
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Ask 4: (in reblog)
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Debauchery Of Captain America, Chapter 1
Word Count:  782
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“Come on punk, you’re just saying that because you’re still a virgin,” Bucky laughed as he punched his best friend’s shoulder.  Steve’s eyes widened at how informal and comfortable Bucky was just talking about sex, “When ya gonna man up and take the plunge with your dame?”
“Me and Steve are waiting for-“
Tony nearly spit out as his coffee as his eyes shot to the two super soldiers.  He held up his hand, cutting me off, while pointing at Steve, “I’m sorry, did robo-cop here just say that you’re a virgin, capsicle?  You mean that she hasn’t taken a ride on your flagpole?”
Steve blushed. 
While he had never been embarrassed by that fact before, there was something about the way that Tony had said it that made Steve feel ashamed of having never been with a woman, and it was written all over his face.  I bit my bottom lip as I took Steve’s hand in my own. 
“Haven’t you and capsicle been dating since he went rogue, and we finished the whole snap thing?” Tony asked incredulously, turning his attention towards me.  I stopped sipping on my coffee and looked to Steve.  I nodded, “i-it has been almost a year since Steve and I met…I-I don’t know about the rogue thing...but me and Steve are taking it slow.”
“And he hasn’t boinked you yet?” 
This time it was Pepper who spit out her coffee, “alright, Tony, I think that’s enough of you getting involved in Steve and (Y/N’s) love life.  I’m sorry sweetie, he’s bee-“
“No, no no, I won’t stand for this!” he said in a firm tone, cutting Pepper off, “if there’s anyone in this world that seriously needs to get laid, it’s Rogers.  He’s worse than an old timey film where the married couple sleeps in different beds…”
“For your information Tony, we haven’t slept in the same bed either,” Steve said proudly.  I sighed as he let go of my hand and crossed his arms over his chest, “(Y/N) and I are waiting for the perfect time, and I didn’t want to invite her over, then rush off for a mission last minute.”
“Were you planning on holding off til you retired?” Tony asked with a scoff, “your girlfriend is a cute young thing, bang her already.”
“What?” he asked.  Pepper shot him a glare and he sighed once more, “fine.  You know what.  Here.  I’m going to make sure that you guys have an amazing anniversary, up at my lake house.  No distractions.  Just the two of you.  For the month.  You two are going to have a great anniversary month.  Forget a night.  You two have been dating for almost a year and you haven’t even slept with her.  Just tell me one thing, Rogers.  Tell me for the love of god she’s not leaving your balls red, white, and blue?”
Bucky nearly choked on his coffee as he began laughing at Tony’s shocked expression, “oh…wait…you haven’t even heard the best part yet, Tony.”
“The furthest they’ve gone is kissing,” Bucky chuckled, clearly amused by the situation, “he’s never even gotten so much as a hand job from her.”
And this time, I felt my own cheeks tinging a deep red color, and my urge to hit my boyfriend’s best friend had never been so strong. 
“Buck, you’re being a little punk right now!” Steve said angrily, pushing himself away from the communal table.  He stomped off and I frowned, watching him disappear.
“Well, aren’t you going to follow him?” Bucky teased playfully, knowing what I would say before I even admitted it aloud. 
“I-I’ve never been to his room,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper as I looked to the ground.  I bit my lip as I looked away from the rest of the avengers.  I frowned a little more as it caused me to reflect on my relationship with Steve and just how innocent it truly was.  With a sigh, I collected my bag and pushed myself out of my chair “I-I should go, or I’ll be late for class…can you tell Steve to call me later?”
“I’ll tell him, sweetie…you get to class.”
“Thanks Natasha.” I whispered sadly, as I started towards the door.
“Why can’t she just text him like a normal person?” Tony asked, feeling confused on why they had to pass along a message.
“Her parents are really strict and won’t allow her to have a cell phone,” Natasha frowned, “and since she still lives with them, it’s what they say goes.  And anyways, she’s only nineteen.  Steve is her first real boyfriend.”
“Well shit…capsicle really knows how to pick them, doesn’t he?”
Chapter 2
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