#romanian stuff
moonstone-vibe · 2 months
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Un mic mărțișor 😉
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witchspeka · 1 year
Good morning
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Start your day off with cafelutsa from the only Boy ever
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maia-radfemdu · 1 year
bonding with my Pakistani friend about how much Romanians love old hindi movies...I literally have a neighbor named after a character in an old hindi movie 😭
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to the person who's been thinking about me all day and caused me violent hiccups i cannot deal: STOP
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andrewhq · 1 year
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i miss this queen
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yuikomorii · 8 months
// I love this illustration, everyone looks so cute as children but I can’t believe how straight up DARK it actually is??
Basically, this came out in 2019 and I was a bit confused why Ruki was there, since he’s Ayato’s rival and has nothing to do with the Sakamakis but I didn’t try to pay much attention to that detail, therefore I considered it a mere coincidence. However… after Young Blood was released, I can’t look at this picture the same anymore——
Rejet definitely knew what they were doing when they put only Ruki, Shu and Subaru in the same frame as Ayato because it’s giving “ Top 10 moments before disaster “. 😭😭
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countriesgame · 3 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Transylvania, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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bluehourskyeli · 1 year
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doodles while listening to Re: Dracula
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spotsupstuff · 7 months
I really like your spearmaster design because it does really make them look like they were made by an iterator, just like the segmented look of its body reminds me of how iterators bodies look which gives off the vibe of suns while creating this creature using how iterators were built as a basis for how a creature should be constructed, which leaves it with this artificially constructed look rather than a natural slugcat look.
Idk if this ramble made any sense or if these elements of the design were intentional but I think it's cool visual storytelling.
hehe thank you!!!
yes they were indeed intentional! segmented body to signal that it is artifical has been a thing for my version of it since the beginning
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that all plus the idea of it being a vampire have been my #1 Spearmaster priorities when working with them
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the--chaos · 8 months
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witchspeka · 11 months
De ce traducerea cuvântului condescending nu înseamnă același lucru în romana?? Ba chiar înseamnă opusul??? Its driving me insane
Aparent condescendent înseamnă respectuos, și mi-l da ca traducere pentru condescending, deși înseamnă lucruri diferite
Nu înțeleg de ce și nu găsesc niciun răspuns pe net. help.
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maia-radfemdu · 1 year
crazy that we live in an era where "baby, tu ești idealul meu transpus" it's a manea lyric....
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my favorite thing in romanian folklore must be the respect for the dead. how we don't forget them and we honor them with gestures like:
Luminația (31st october -> 1st /and 2nd november)
it's a celebration of the dead, when we lit a candle in our windows to let the dead ones know they're welcomed and not forgotten because on these nights the veil between worlds is so thin, they can walk in the livings' realm. we also go to their tombs and take care of the graves over the day and our thoughts are with them. it's called like that (lumina means light) because the whole cemeteries and ppl's houses are ligting the night like stars on the ground.
pomană (it's a word to describe giving away mostly food/drinks to people you pass by in the memory of the ones who died in your family).
it's firstly done after the funeral, when we organize a meal for all who want to come and feed them, then periodically after three and six months, and after that whenever we feel like we should. when someone's offered pomană, they can't refuse and they can't throw it away.
spilling water/any beverage on the ground before taking your first sip to let the dead drink too.
pouring a bucket of water/a bottle of champagne on the ground in the night between years (when the veil between worlds is, again, thin) to let the dead drink and let them them know they still have a place with you.
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andrewhq · 1 year
“Ati tinut post?”
Deocamdată pot să spun că nu este un post ocazional pentru că divulgaritatea umanistică a unui om s-ar putea retușa pe un blastom al nonșalanței noncomformiste întru Jean Calvin, numai că această republicistică interumană s-ar putea repudia pe un anumit tronson umanitar. Aș vrea ca totul în această zi a unui prohod pe care divinitatea interumană se putea codifica o împărtășanie pură s-ar putea restructura pe-un anumit disconfort pluri-renascentisc umanitar, eu am venit ca să confirm. Sunt într-o urbanistică a unui univers transvers și -am luat o Sfântă Împărtășanie într-un trixistus invirstus  într-un nonșalanței-noncomformistico  sub Jean Calvin și nu știu dacă dumneavoastră aveți pledoaria ca să-mi oferiți această continență parasinuso ideală pe care niciodată acest univers situs-invertus s-ar putea reconstitui.
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artbyanca · 1 year
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Soarele și luna Ne-or ține cununa.
(The sun and moon Shall hold our crown
-aka the sun and moon shall marry us; aka our love will be eternal/we'll pass into eternety together for those not versed in Romanian mythology and folklore)
This piece was inspired by Pasha Parfeni's song 'Soarele și luna' that's going to represent Moldova at Eurovision this year.
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