#romanoff and juliet
rwpohl · 5 months
romanoff and juliet, peter ustinov 1961
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Whiskey Lullaby (A Cruel Life)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Heavily Inspired by:
Warnings: Neglect (All Kinds) | Alcoholic Nat | Sick R | Death (Romeo & Juliet, but make it sapphic - Cancer / Suicide) | NonCannon IW/EG Allusions | Happy Ending (all Things Considered) | WC: 1,604
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You were tired. You always were now that you knew you were dying. The doctor said at least a year but they were too enthused; lying to you, because it was only two months since then and you knew very well that the day you die is here.
And now — You wanted to talk to your wife, to get to maybe share one more dance beneath the stars but she wasn't available. She hadn't been for awhile, before you stopped running from your fate. The drinking started a month before, the lying and constant evasion came next. Natasha was mad at you, and you were dying. Dying to know why, dying to hear her say I love you one last time, but, she was dying to strangle you, to take you before the cancer.
Dying to know why, and as she laid on the couch with a puddle of beer staining the carpet you told her, "There's never a right time to say goodbye my dear, and I hope you'll forgive me in due time for leaving you this way." Forgive you for what? She'll never know because she was too drunk to hear you verbalize what she already knew was in your heart (and lungs).
Cancer took you and the world mourned first.
Natasha woke up to the deafening silence. Not even the birds were singing. The dead leaves not falling, and you weren't answering her pleas. Natasha crumbled to her knees beside the bed. Her guilt laced grief rattling through the cracks in the walls she'd recklessly built.
The bright leaves fell then. As did your limp hand from hers when she felt the chilled skin.
The redhead stumbled from your room and sent Yelena a text, "Izvini." (Sorry). Then she returned with a poisoned bottle of whiskey.
Natasha failed to love you like she solemnly promised (vowed). She let grief consume her. The waste of time drinking started the moment that she knew you were leaving her behind. It wasn't the actuality—the cruel world taking you—nope, it was you, breaking a sacred promise.
To stay with her til the end, hers; not yours.
How could you take her lifeline away? Then actually expect her to breathe right some day?
Natasha wouldn't give you that satisfaction.
You neglected yourself for the sake of her for years. Not complaining of pain when she was met with financial problems after Tony died and his estate froze the Avengers funds until they could unveil his final will and testament.
During the blip she was running out of money every time she thought she stood a chance at bringing you back; you, who was already sick.
A daughter lost her father, a wife her husband. Millions were brought back from extinction, surely it counted for something, but what did all of the sacrifice mean if she lost you too?
Her mind plays a loop of every time you'd coughed while you were on the run with her. Never near a hospital long enough to tell her that something was wrong, because you would never risk losing her to Ross as you got cured.
She would have turned herself in to Tony for him to swear to it you were covered. The man loved you enough to put differences aside, and Ross wasn't stupid enough to let you die.
Natasha would have survived because she would have gotten you back eventually. She was well known for her ability to make herself disappear and return when the time is right.
Timing was always tough for you two. Like when you missed the first date because you saw someone in need and tended to them instead.
You felt peace for a glorious few seconds.
Then once you realized you blew the redhead off you ran around the city on a mission. It started with you getting wine, then a pizza and ended with you pleading with the owner of the flower shop to unlock the door, and then once more pleading with a fist at Nat's front door.
You knocked, and knocked until she opened. You handed her the smushed up tulips in a rash wave of anxiety and she spluttered the petals from her lips and stared at you blankly. Green eyes holding a grudge against her perfect match, a foolish wager to take a chance on.
Natasha's anger nearly blew it, but you beat her with your rushed words: "I'm sorry for missing our date Natasha. I love pasta, and you too."
Natasha's eyes widened and you shrugged with a playful smile. "Surprise if you didn't already know! It was unrequited love in the start babe," you reminded her and she pouted. You flashed her an even dreamier smile, "But it worked out in the end," and teased her with a smug wink.
"It did, didn't it?" Natasha smiled and planned to kiss you breathless, to seal the deal of your hearts greatest desires. Then you ruined it.
Well, at least partially... Halting her game.
"I don't actually apologize though, because I couldn't leave that little boy crying beneath the dimmed streetlights of a ruthless city. He clung to me before I even saw him, so I put on my hero cap and helped him to find his mother."
Natasha's dagger eyes twisted into hearts.
"After four blocks of searching I heard her calling for Dylan, the little stinker lifted his head and cried. His mother was on me in an instant and only refrained from punching me when she saw I was an Avenger. If it were me I still would've swung. But she didn't. Only took a photo then thanked me in a rush to fame."
Natasha watched you in amusement as your face revealed your thoughts first, you scoffed humorously at that, it was just peculiar to you because: "If you share that story, all you are saying is 'I'm the mom who lost sight of my toddler in the streets of a devious New York.'"
You went to catch your breath, but the redhead needed you to stop blabbing, so she pulled you into a kiss that took your next to last breath.
Then she had to go and silence you to never have to face the ramifications of the true last breath. It left your lips while she slept in torment, her dreams were always cruel now.
As she took the last sip she sighed, because at this time she'd be escaping the wake up call.
Natasha shed a relieved tear, her dulled eyes closed and the empty bottle in her hand slipped onto the ground and shattered. The birds cried and the trees stood barren. The sun that just rose eventually set. Your lifeless bodies connected like lovers unlike they'd been prior.
That doomed night, the angels and birds sang in a practiced symphony; a whiskey lullaby.
The world lost two more heroes in the aftermath. Everyone mourned, Yelena buried you both beneath the willows, and cried as she yelled at you two for being so selfish. Laura clung to the blonde because now she was down a husband and sisters, by blood and marriage.
Yelena gave into the reality that this was all the family she had left. Losing the same sisters left them bonded now, in a morbidly unfair way.
It was frivolous really, to grieve the loss instead of celebrate the conquered life. They cry out; but to a void, neither of you could hear the mourning; eternally booked and busy.
Too busy rejoicing in your afterlives together.
Natasha got a second chance at loving you.
She'd found you in a field, out of breath from all the racing to get to you, but also because you were glowing brighter than ever before. Wearing a vivacious smile and looking pretty.
Much like when she found you earth-side she crumbed to her knees, sobbing. But this time her tears were a mix of bitter joy. You quickly shushed her though, and pulled her to her feet and right into a deep, meaningful kiss. It was free of sin, but the deviants would get off to it in a porno because they'd feel the authenticity.
The love was palpable and renewed. She cried into your mouth but you continued smiling.
"I'm sorry," Natasha whispered into the warm skin of your neck. Not like blood pumping beneath skin, but more so a sensational bliss. "I ruined our happy ever after moya lyubov'."
"Don't be sorry Natasha," you refuted her while spinning her around by your grip on her hips. Forcing her to see the dreams you shared in front of her. Day flashed to night and you spun her around beneath the light of the moon.
When you finally stopped spinning her she fell into your arms in a graceless way she detested. Her brows furrowed once again but you kissed her lips and devilishly distracted her mind. Pulling away you gasped, then smiled so soft that she finally deemed this moment reality.
You were her angel always, but you were finally free of the cruel restraints of a limited world. Natasha jumped and you caught her, she wrapped her arms around your neck, her legs mirroring them around your waist. You pecked her lips then said: "We lived that life full of regrets, always forgiving, but unable to forget. Let's save the now for absolution, we're free."
"In paradise baby," Natasha cheered and the sun set. Then it rose without conditions, and you lived out your dreams with your lover.
Eternity was kind to you, oh the places your love could've gone if only life had been too.
Heartbreaking Angst | Not Even a Happy Life so Why Would the End be Any Different? | Exactly | Just Kidding Babe | The end is for making amends 💕
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could you do a marvel cast (or the avengers, if you want) x reader where she comes out to them as asexual? thank you! <3
Weird Places
Pairing: Avengers (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker) x reader
Warning: Peter gets a boner, Talk of weird places people have sex (water, Ferris wheel, park), an allusion to toys and ropes, Romeo and Juliet
A/N; I'm sorry if this isn't my best work. I don't identify as asexual so I don't know if this is written well for those who identify as such. Once again my apologies if i offend anyone. 
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Fridays are Movie Nights at the Avenger Tower, and you being the newest avenger also meant you got to pick the Movie, and you chose to watch your comfort movie Romeo and Juliet the 1996 version. You thought it was a good pick with the diverse age group you had tonight. The commentary that Steve, Sam, and Bucky provided throughout the movie.
Everything was going great, and then it came to the 1,000-time goodnight scene when you looked to the right of you and saw Peter squirming uncomfortably with a pillow on his lap. And you weren't the only person to notice this. “Dude you have a boner from this?” sam said to the boy. Peter’s Cheek instantly went red, redder than before. “No,” he said as he continued to shift in the sit. You decided to help everyone at that moment, so you reached for the remote and paused it. “I'm hungry so quick snack break,” you announced as you went to the Kitchen to get some refills on popcorn.  You couldn't help but notice the young boy got up and walked quickly to the restroom, his hands right in front of his area. 
“That was the most vanilla shift ever, how does he get turned on by that?” Sam said as he went into the fridge and got himself, Steve and Bucky another beer. “Come on, it's okay. He's young and just got with MJ. He is turned on by anything right now.” Natasha said and she refiled her water. “Now if they were having sex in the water, I would get that.” Bucky said as he opened his beer with his metal hand, “I've done that before in the 40’s, and woo, that is something.” he spoke as he took a swing of his beverage. 
“Sex in water is nothing, Peggy and I once did it in the middle of our run. She was wearing these nice leggings and I couldn't resist.” Steve spoke to the Five of you. Sam let out a quick laugh, “That doesn't compare to a night where my date and I were stuck in a Ferris Wheel cart and did it in there. That was risky, but so goddam GOOD,” he replied. 
The boys and you looked at Natasha, but she just shrugged her shoulders. “Public sex isn't my thing. Besides, you can have more fun in the room. More stuff to play with.” she said with a wink. “What about you Y/n? What is the sexiest place you have done it?” Steve said as he looked at you. 
“Well, you have to be interested in sex to want to have sex.” you quipped back. The boys and Natasha looked at you with confused faces. “What do you mean not interested?” Bucky asked with a look on his face. “I'm asexual,” you spoke and you put fresh popcorn into your mouth.
“Oh, you get romantic feelings but not sexual feelings,” Natasha spoke. “Bingo,” you replied with a wink. “So you never looked at someone and thought ‘I want to bang that person’?” Sam questioned. You laughed as you shook your head, “never did. I thought people were cute and I want to be in a relationship with them. Just not have sex.” you said. “That's cool. Want to go finish the movie?” Steve asked the group. You all grabbed your dishes and made your back to the viewing room where Peter was back on the couch.
“You all good son?” Steve said as everyone laughed along. “Aw come on guys, Parker here is just missing his girl,” you said as you jokingly pinched his cheeks. Peter pushed your hands away from his face. “Shut up Y/n, can we please just finish the movie?” he said with an annoyed look on his face. You turned the movie back, happy to be able to come out of your shell a little more today. 
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ddagent · 2 months
So, I am finally watching Romanoff and Juliet, about the children of American and Soviet diplomats falling in love. Here's hoping for some Margo/Sergei inspo!
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only ones who know
Summary: fairy tales portray love as a saviour, the key to escaping a miserable place. Stuck in the Red Room, the reader wants to try it.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, aroace!reader
Word Count: 1994
Warnings: Breakup, internalised aphobia from the reader, Natasha’s a little bit mean in the middle
A/N: omg I suck at summaries, but uhh, aroace reader who idealises a romantic relationship before they realise they’re aroace. (Kind of loveless aroace too). And based on ‘Only Ones Who Know’ by Arctic Monkeys
In a foreign place, the saving grace was the feeling That it was a heart that he was stealing
Widows don’t remember their lives before the Red Room; that was a rule. Your parents gave you up; the Red Room saved you. You’d heard that line countless times. 
But you had dreams. 
Whether they were memories or imagination, you couldn’t tell, but it was nicer to believe in the former. To believe you had kind parents, parents who would tell you a story as they tucked you in every night; a story of their own imagination. In your dreams, their stories centred around love and troubles; no matter the protagonist’s situation, finding their true love brightened their life, gave them hope, and made life worth living. 
The Red Room was worse than any situation your parents could think of, but you hoped the stories held some truth. Perhaps it could be your saving grace.
Oh, he was ready to impress and the fierce excitement.
Natasha Romanoff. The most ruthless Widow and yet also the most caring girl in the Red Room. She remembered her mother’s advice and shared it with everyone: “don’t lose your heart.” You told her your dreams in return.
Natasha was the one to ask you out, and that was an offer you couldn’t refuse. When she set up a date, the excitement dropped to your stomach; you were so eager to impress her… to show her why you were dating. It was nerve-wracking. 
 The eyes are bright; he couldn't wait to get away. And I bet that Juliet was just the icing on the cake.
Love was not the magical cure your parents’ stories had portrayed it as. Neither hope nor love could save you from the Red Room. The bright eyes of a new lover diminished rapidly, pain and punishments wearing you down. The relationship had been perfect; Natasha had been perfect. It just didn’t live up to expectations. You realised it never could.
Years passed before hope returned to your eyes; it was brought about by one thing only: the plan to get away. Planning with Natasha was just the icing on the cake. You would finally be free of the Red Room and able to live a free life with your partner of so long. So why did the second half fill you with so much dread?
Make no mistake, no And even if somehow we could have Shown you the place you wanted Well, I'm sure you could have Made it that bit better on your own.
“You used me.” Natasha’s scathing reply stung you, but you understood the justification. 
“I didn’t-”
“We dated for years, we made plans, I helped you escape, and now you’re saying it’s not love?”
Thoughts flurried in your mind, all too loud in your head, and her voice too loud in your ears. After a lifetime in the Red Room, you thought you had become desensitised to being yelled at, it happened daily, but you never expected it from her. Why had you said anything? She was right, and you did care for her, but was it love? You should have kept quiet; life with her would have been all you’d dreamt of, but something would have always felt off.
“I’ve shown you everything you ever wanted. Love, a relationship, the outside world? I loved you, Y/N. I still love you. But no, I’m sure you can make it that bit better on your own.”
Natasha was always the one constant in your life, but you were losing her. You could have toughed it up, but you hadn’t, and now the pain was your fault. You deserved to feel it. Everything was too much right now; your heart was pounding and breaking; your thoughts couldn’t clear enough to speak. You didn’t even notice your vision blurring until you blinked and the weight of a tear clung to your face, trying to resist the inevitable pull of gravity. 
“-I don’t even want some half-hearted explanation, Y/N. I don’t want to see your tears when I’m the one who was fooled into thinking this was something.”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she told you bluntly, emotionlessly, “but we’re the only ones who know what it was like. Once I’m over this, I’ll stay in touch.”
And I bet she told a million people that she'd stay in touch Well, all the little promises, they don't mean much
That was five years ago, and you hadn’t heard a word from her since. Your life had moved on, just as you imagined hers had. You took to the small town life, a little village in rural Ireland. You had a farm and a dog, you knew your neighbours. Yet you still kept to yourself.
The Red Room felt like another world; it still haunted you, but it was too far removed from the life you now led. It was peaceful, nothing like the life you had dreamed of. 
You had no idea what Natasha’s life was like; her final words rang in your ears whenever you thought of her, dissuading you from finding a way to contact her. Then she appeared on TV, saving the world, and you were thrust right back to the nights in the Red Room; two children planning their escape.
The Red Room had forced both of you to grow up, to act mature. You saw now that it was no substitute for true maturity. When you fought and when you separated, you had still just been children. You’d had no clue about the world. You had grown up since, and it was time to get back in contact. 
 When there's memories to be made And I hope you're holding hands by New Year's Eve.
Natasha had no public contact information; the only way to reach her would be through the Avengers or SHIELD. This felt too private to do that. However, you were raised to be a spy, which had its upsides, letting you find Natasha’s number with some effort. 
She asked to meet you within minutes of you sending a message, even sending a private plane so your dog could accompany you. 
Natasha was there to greet you upon landing; she seemed happier now, more relaxed than you’d ever seen. She smiled at you, a sign that all was forgiven; she had moved on. You smiled back. It was nice to see her, but undoubtedly awkward; what was there to say after all this time?
In years gone, you wouldn’t even have to say anything. There would be no question of whether you should greet Natasha with a hug or a wave or nothing. You both used to know the right thing to do, but those days were the past; memories had been made in between; new years had passed with the two of you apart. 
 They made it far too easy to believe That true romance can't be achieved these days
Romance had never been something you were looking for, not since Natasha. Others talked of crushes and attraction; it was nothing you could relate to. You wondered if it was the Red Room upbringing; they had seen love as a weakness, weeding out anyone who showed it. 
You believed you hid it too well, a weed of love masquerading as a flower to get by, but perhaps that had never been the case. 
They had let you believe it, but had you ever felt love? Not within your memory. The instructors had allowed you to live then, for you were already a product of their training. Everything you had strived for, all the work you had done to be free, and yet the Red Room still took this part of you. 
Every Widow would be like this, you assumed. The Red Room made it far too easy to believe that true romance can’t be achieved. But, as always, Natasha would be the one to prove them wrong. 
You found out she had a girlfriend when said woman approached to hug Natasha from behind, murmuring things you could barely hear into the woman’s ear; you weren’t sure you wanted to listen in either. They seemed like natural lovers, the presence of the other calming them down; it had never been like that with you and Natasha. 
 And even if somehow we could have Shown you the place you wanted Well, I'm sure you could have Made it that bit better on your own
You never officially joined the Avengers, choosing to remain at your farm, but they still texted you, and you got on with them. Sometimes you visited them, attending a few of Tony’s big parties where they would try to set you up with whoever they could find, hoping to find your ‘type’. You hoped they could find someone too, just to prove you could escape the Red Room’s grasp, but you couldn’t feel a thing for any of your ‘dates’. 
Their set-ups would only make you feel worse, so you stopped attending the parties. Instead, you took missions if they were near you; you could see your friends in a setting where they couldn’t suggest any dates.
On one of those missions, you met a familiar face, Yelena. She was difficult to subdue, but you couldn’t harm her, and you knew Natasha would want to see her. You worked with Tony to trap her, and while you attempted to talk her out of the Red Room conditioning, Tony was on a call with Bruce, ensuring an antidote would be ready upon arrival. 
Natasha rushed aboard the quinjet when you landed, but her sister showed no sign of recognising her,  not until Bruce arrived to jab a syringe into the blonde. 
Even after that, it took weeks to catch Yelena up on the present day; the mind control took chunks of her memory that could never be filled in, and her last memory of you and Natasha was from your final date, where you snuck both sisters to the roof with you to see the stars. 
Within a few months, Yelena had integrated into the team and, just as they had with you, they soon began to recommend friends for Yelena to date. 
However, unlike you, Yelena had a term to describe herself, and she did not hesitate to use it: Aromantic Asexual. 
When she explained the meaning, Tony jokingly commented on how similar it sounded to you, yet he didn’t quite make the connection. Natasha and Yelena, however, saw the look of realisation wash over your features and found you later to talk it over. 
They came to you in the library, where you’d isolated yourself to think it out and to do more research; the terms fit your experience, but it was impossible to know if they were accurate or just a product of the Red Room. 
The sisters came together; they sat with you as you talked, letting you explain every related thought you’d had. “It’s up to you to determine your identity,” Yelena said, “but my experiences are similar, and even if the lack of attraction is due to our upbringing, we still don’t feel it, and it’s still valid.” 
Silence fell over the room. Until you broke it.
“I think that’s me. I’m not attracted to anybody, and I don’t want to be. Life has been much nicer on my own.”
Natasha and Yelena expressed their pride in you acknowledging it. Yelena offered to be there for you if you had any further questions before she left, leaving you and Natasha alone. 
“Even if I could have shown you the place you really wanted…well, you could have made it a bit better on your own.” She smiled, standing up and offering you a hand to stand with her. The echo of her parting words had brought you guilt for years, but now, they had a new meaning.
You are the only ones who know.
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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Juliet Prowse, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland having dinner at Romanoff's in 1962.
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edgecastlema · 2 years
Who’s most wanted ?
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so glad you asked ! below the read more (it got prettyyyy long) is a list of the admin team's most wanted characters. members, feel free to reply with who you would love to see around here ! <3
lydia, jane, lizzie, and kitty bennet, fitzwilliam darcy, charles bingley (pride and prejudice)
johanna mason, annie cresta, haymitch abernathy (the hunger games)
stever rogers, natasha romanoff, bucky barnes, sam willson, pietro maximoff, matt murdock, luke cage, scott summers, jean grey, felicia hardy, reed richards, laura kinney, and kate bishop (marvel multiverse)
bilbo baggins, frodo baggins, samwise gamgee, aragorn, peregrin took, meriadoc brandybuck, thorin oakenshield (the tolkienverse)
percy jackson, annabeth chase, piper mcclean, jason grace, thalia grace, ethan nakamura, grover underwood, selena beauregard, rachel elizabeth dare, clarisse la rue, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, reyna avila ramirez-arellano, carter and sadie kane, zia rashid (riordanverse)
sansa, arya, robb, and brandon stark, jon snow, gendry waters, davos seaworth, theon greyjoy, samwell tarly, margaery and loris tyrell, rhaenyra, daemon, aemond, helaena targaryen, laena, corlys, jacaerys, laenor valeryon, harwin strong (a song of ice and fire universe)
romeo montague, juliet capulet, mercutio, benvolio, paris, and rosaline (romeo and juliet)
the baudelaire orphans, the denoument triplets, the snickets, beatrice, esme squalor, and montgomery montgomery (a series of unfortunate events)
lorelai gilmore, rory gilmore, dean forrester, jess mariano, luke danes, paris geller, logan huntzberger, and lane kim (gilmore girls)
the core four (sam, tara, chad, and mindy), sidney prescott, gale weathers, randy meeks, dewey riley, kirby reed, and jill roberts (scream franchise)
zion miller, georgia miller, ginny miller, marcus baker, maxine baker, and abby littman (ginny and georgia)
sienna shaw (terrifier 2)
sally hardesty and vanita "stretch" brock (texas chainsaw franchise)
clear rivers, alex browning, wendy christensen, the ashleys, and erin ulmer (final destination franchise)
pete "the plug" conlan, ricky matsui, misty moore, kingston brown, adaine abernant, gorgug thistlespring, fabian seacaster, ragh barkrock, riz gukgak, delloso de la rue, ayda aguefort, the lords of the wing, evan kelmp, whitney jammer, sam butler, xXBrokenDreamXx, cody walsh, jet rocks, ruby rocks, amethar rocks, and theobald gumbar (dimension 20)
chris redfield, claire redfield, jill valentine, leon s kennedy, jake muller, sherry birkin, carlos oliveira, and ashley graham (resident evil)
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, September 29
VAMP WILLOW: (to Willow, sadly) This world's no fun. WILLOW: (surprised, empathetically) You noticed that, too?
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POLL: Best Anya Centric Episode? by Khalesssi_Slayer1 [and other similar polls]
Are the Buffyverse Novels worth it? by themostbluejay
If Buffy had a theme song with lyrics, what song from the 90s [works] best? by GoblinQueenForever
Weird edits [on Disney+ streaming but not Hulu] by Hydr0Buzz
Potential Slayers in s7, opinions? by DovaP33n
A normal life? [for Buffy] by ClassieLadyk
Should I continue after season 5? by Lasareo
... how does buffy know which dead people will rise out of their graves as vampires at the cemetery? by Tsole96
Name some real sadistic monsters..!! [demon discussion, no Big Bads] by diegzs
Coffee Thought I had… [the monks and the key] by Seer77887
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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EVENT: Con Schedule: New York Comic Con 2023 Schedule [NYC starts Oct 12, includes James, Juliet, Charisma, Amber, Emma] via dontkillspike
EVENT: Sunnydale Homecoming '23: a Buffy Night To Die For [in metro LA, USA, Oct 14] by Fandom Charities
EVENT: Buffy Revamped > Alexandra Palace [in London UK, Oct 27]
PHOTOS: Sarah Michelle Gellar posted on Instagram: My daughter... [with Seth Green and Emma Caulfield]
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pastryleclerc · 1 year
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this page is unfinished - other fandoms/characters/people per request
charles leclerc
george russell
oscar piastri
sebastian vettel
jenson button
daniel abt
liam lawson
stoffel vandoorne
jake dennis
maximilian günther
sacha fenestraz
mitch evans
james rossiter
john stones
julian brandt
ben chilwell
kepa arrizabalaga
mason mount
pablo gavi
alexander nübel
dominik szobszlai
mats hummels
giovanni reyna
leon goretzka
maximilian mittelstädt
movies and characters
top gun (maverick)
• hangman, omaha, harvard, phoenix, chipper
bucky barnes, steve rogers, tony stark, natasha romanoff, pietro maximoff, jack thompson, daniel sousa, peggy carter, michael carter, young!howard stark
diana prince, steve trevor, batman (ben affleck), superman (henry cavill), the flash (grant gustin), mon-el, harley quinn (margot robbie), rick flag
the abc boys (les misérables), finnegan - kenny roper (everybody wants some!!)
tv shows and characters
pretty little liars
aria montgomery, emily fields, spencer hastings, hanna marin, alison dilaurentis, ezra fitz, wesley fitz, jason dilaurentis, wren kingston, darren wilden, gabriel holbrook, marco fury
anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, prince friedrich (daphne, eloise and francesca bridgerton/penelope featherington and others on request)
gossip girl
nate archibald, carter baizen, tripp van der bilt, serena van der woodsen, blair waldorf
hawaii five-0/magnum pi/other cbs shows
steve mcgarrett, thomas magnum, juliet higgins, adam noshimuri, nick torres, eric beale
dean winchester, michael (young john winchester), ruby, jack, claire novak, adam milligan, mick davies
eddie diaz (9-1-1), kai parker (tvd)
glen powell
sebastian stan
callum turner
austin butler
margot robbie
corey mylchreest
luke thompson
lucas bravo
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gatutor · 1 year
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Sandra Dee-John Gavin "Romanoff y Julieta" (Romanoff and Juliet) 1961, de Peter Ustinov.
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🌸 For International Women's Day, answer this with your favorite female characters from any media 🌸
Ah so many *-*
In no particular order whatsoever:
Olivia Dunham (Fringe)
Sun Bak (Sense8)
Isabelle Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Jessica Drew / Spider Woman (Marvel Comics)
Okoye (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Peggy Carter (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Melinda May (Agents of SHIELD / MCU)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Rei Hino / Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
Stella Kidd (Chicago Fire)
Elizabeth Braddock / Psylocke (Marvel Comics)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: Los Angeles)
Jessica Day (New Girl)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Kala Dandekar (Sense8)
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Michiru Kaiou / Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Lily Aldrin (How I Met Your Mother)
Nikita Mears (Nikita)
Ami Han / White Fox (Marvel Comics)
Jessica Jones (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire)
Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles)
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jewelry Bonney (One Piece)
Ororo Munroe / Storm (Marvel Comics)
Athena Grant (9-1-1)
Clarice Fong / Blink (The Gifted)
Kono Kalakaua (Hawaii Five-0)
Nico Minoru / Sister Grimm (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Nejire Hado / Nejire Chan (My Hero Academia)
Groot / Sam Groves (Person of Interest)
Minako Aino / Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Daisy Johnson / Quake (Agents of SHIELD / MCU)
Amanita Caplan (Sense8)
Mazikeen (Lucifer)
Boa Hancock (One Piece)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Haruka Tenou / Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Seol Hee / Luna Snow (Marvel Comics)
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Cece Parekh (New Girl)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk (Marvel Comics / MCU)
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Laura Kinney / X-23 (Marvel Comics)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Caroline Channing (2 Broke Girls)
Fa Mulan (Mulan / Disney Classics)
Nomi Marks (Sense8)
Xu Xialing (MCU)
Perona (One Piece)
Rogue / Anne Marie LeBeau (Marvel Comics)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Robin Scherbatsky (How I Met Your Mother)
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Juliet Higgins (Magnum P.I.)
Cindy Moon / Silk (Marvel Comics)
Momo Yaoyorozu / Creati (My Hero Academia)
Colleen Wing (MCU)
Setsuna Meiou / Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
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staerdvst · 2 years
SHAKESPEARE  AESTHETICS . natasha romanoff.
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ROMEO & JULIET.   suburban  july.  scraped  knees.   bruised  knuckles.  blood  in  your  teeth.   bare  feet  on  hot  concrete.   restlessness.  your  high  school’s  empty  parking lot.  love  poems  in  your  diary.   a  window  open  to  coax  in  the  breeze. burning  inside.  an  ill - fitting  party  dress.   a  t - shirt  you  cut  up  yourself.   the  time  you  tried  to  give  yourself  bangs.   biking  to  your  friends  house.  bubble  gum.   gas  station  ice.   the  feeling  that  you’ve  met  before.  rebellion.  a  car  radio  playing  down  the  street.  cheap  fireworks.  a  heart  drawn  on  the  inside  of  your  wrist  with  a  sharpie.  switchblades.   red  solo  cups.  dancing  in  your  bedroom.  screaming  yourself  hoarse.   running  out  of  options.  the  forlorn  looking  basketball  hoop  at  the  end  of  a  cul - de - sac.   climbing  onto  your  roof  at  night  while  your  parents  are  asleep.   flip - flops.   a  eulogy  written  on  loose - leaf.  the  merciless  noontime  sun.
HAMLET.   speaking in a  whisper.   holding your  breath.   a  browning  garden. a  half  remembered  story. furniture  covered  with  sheets. fog  at  dawn.   mist  at  twilight.  losing  touch.  the  ethereal  space  between  winter  and  spring.  the  soft  skin  at  your  temple.  the  crack  in  the  hallway mirror.   things  you’d  say  if  you  knew  the  words.  uncombed  hair.  books  with  writing  in  the  margins.   books  with  cracked  spines.  books  with  lines  scratched  out.  prayers  on  all  souls’  day.   a  chipped ceramic  bathtub. a  cold  stone  floor. the  uncomfortable  awareness  of  your  own  heartbeat.    the  sparrow  that  got  in  your  house.    shadows.    the  creek  you  played  in  as  a  child.   a  dirty  night  gown.   an  oversized  t - shirt.   a  collection  of  your  favorite  words.   soil  beneath  your  nails.  ghost  stories.   the  strangeness  of  your  own  name  in  your  mouth.   deep  silence.  exhaustion.  a  cliff  with  a  long,  long  drop  down.
TWELFTH NIGHT.    wicker  deck  furniture.   new  england  summer.   large  sunglasses  and  a  blonde  bob.   a  storm  over  the  ocean.   patio  umbrellas  flapping  in  the  wind.   the  smell  of  chlorine.   muffled  laughter.  sarcasm.  starched  cuffs.  day  drinking.  bay  windows.  the  idea  of  love.  love  for  the  idea  of  love.   love  for  love’s  sake.  hangovers.  wandering  over  the  sand  dunes.   a  vagabond  with  a  guitar.   fishermen  with  tattoos.   a  pretty  boy  with  a  slacked  tie.   a  lighthouse.   growing  too  close.  boat  shoes.   feeling  yourself  change.    big,  floppy  sunhats.   double - speak.   a  song  you  keep  listening  to.  turning  red  under  their  gaze.   margaritas  drank  on  an  inflatable  pool  lounger.   string  lights  on  a  balmy  night.   sleepy  june  days.  fights  you’re  unprepared  for.   hope  you  weren’t  expecting.  pranks  that  go  too  far.   bad  poetry.   pining.  becoming  less  of  a  stranger.
MACBETH.   the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be.   a  bird  that’s  lost  an  eye.   old  blood  stains.  heavy  blinds.  the  smell  of  sweat.   the  stillness  after  a  battle.   a  fake  smile.   a  curse.   the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue.  your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.   a  dusty  crib.    the  smell  of  sulfur.   an  orange  pill  bottle.   streaks  in  the  sink.   a  black  cocktail  dress.   your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking.  a chilly  breeze.  crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night.   clenched  hands.  a  rusty  swing  set.   a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.  a  snake  that  crosses  your  path.   an  owl  that  watches  you.    a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach.  red smoke, dark  clouds.   cool  steel.  tile  floors.  footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night.  a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before.  visions.   insomnia  headaches.  nursery  rhymes.  being  too  far  in  to  go  back  now.
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.    the  high  drama  of  small  towns.   a  pickup  truck.   military  supply  duffel  bags  in  the  hall.   hugs  all  around.  tulip  bulbs.   a  wraparound  porch.   a  pitcher  of  iced  tea.  a  rubber  halloween  mask.   someone  on  your  level. ill - timed  proclamations.  stomach  clenching  laughter.  rushing  in.   not  minding  your  business.  crepe  paper.  white  lies.  secrets  written  down  and  thrown  away.   southern  hospitality.   homemade  curtains  in  the  kitchen.   a  sink  full  of  roses.   hiding  in  the  bushes.  old  friends.  the  wedding  dress  your  grandma  wore,  and  her  mama  before  her.   a  dog - eared  rhyming  dictionary.   chamomile  with  honey.   the  intimacy  of  big  parties.   lawn  flamingos.  gossip.   a  crowded  church.  friendly  rivalries.  unfriendly  rivalries.  shit  getting  real.   love  at  five  hundredth  sight.   not  realizing  you’re  home  until  you’re  there.
KING LEAR.    cement  block  buildings.  power  lines  that  birds  never  perch  on.   the  end  of  the  world.  useless  words.  rainless  thunder,  heat  lighting,  a  too  big  sky.   arthritic  knuckles.  broken  glass.   chalk  cliffs.   the  pulsing  red - black  behind  closed  eyes.  something  you  learned  too  late.   wet  mud  that  sucks  up  your  shoes  while  you  walk.   a  cold  stare.  empty  picture  frames.  empty  prayers.    the  obscenity  of  seeing  your  parents  cry.   a  treeless  landscape.   bloody  rags.  grappling  in  the  dark  with  reaching  hands.  the  sharpness  at  the  the  tips  of  your  teeth.    the  blown  out  windows  of  a  skeletal  house.   decay.   jokes  that  aren’t  jokes.   biting  your  tongue. prophecies.   aching  muscles,  tired  feet.  stinging  rain.  invoking  the  gods.  wondering  if  the  gods  are  listening.  worrying  that  the  gods  are  dead.   white  noise.   shivers.   numbness.  the  unequivocal  feeling  of  ending.
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.    the  smell  of  wet  soil  and  dead  leaves.    listening  to  music  on  headphones  with  your  eyes  closed.   wildflowers.   the  distant  sparkle  of  lightning  bugs.   a  pill  someone  slipped  you.   fear  that  turns  into  excitement.   excitement  that  turns  to  frenzy.  mossy  tree  trunks.   a  pair  of  yellow  eyes  in  the  darkness. night  swimming.  moonlight  through  the  leaves. a  bass  beat  in  your  chest.  a  butterfly  landing  on  your  nose.   a  kiss  from  a  stranger.  a dark  hallow  in  an  old  tree.  glow  in  the  dark  paint.  drinking  on  an  empty  stomach. a  twig  breaking  behind  you.  spinning  until  you’re  dizzy.  finding  glitter  on  your  body  and  not  remembering  where  it  came  from.  an  overgrown  path  through  the  woods.  cool  dew  on  your  skin.  a  dream  that  fades  with  waking.  moths  drawn  to  the  light.   giving  yourself  over,  completely.  afterglow.   the  long,  loving,  velvety  night.
tagged  by : @soulwaned (thank u !!)
tagging : @pinebox (klaus), @timpahura, @forbaes, @soulwaned (yelena, if you haven't yet!) and honestly anyone else who wants to do this !
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lightningxmagic · 7 months
Open Starter || Natasha Romanoff
( mutuals preferred, open to any mcu or crossover character that could have a connection)
She had no idea who she was, not really. It was a hilarious almost Anastasia level story, but the woman had no recollection. No one even seemed to put two and two together, either. They decided to name her Ana, continuing the Anastasia puns with her as she was obviously Russian with the accent. The redhead quickly worked her way through the ranks and was dancing the lead in the ballet Romeo and Juliet, and a shoo-in for Clara come Christmas. Ana had no idea who was in the crowd and knew who she truly was, not even when they approached her backstage. “Do you.. want me to sign something? Or take a picture?” Her accent was heavy as she studied the other in confusion, not remembering them either.
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alaskarcenciel · 1 year
...And freeze !
words : 1997
ep 8: Revelations
30th of May, 2023, an hour after Sam talked with Natasha:
After Kassy ran away, Sam came back to her apartment, and started to cry. She went into the bathroom, and collapsed on her knees, wiping away tears with the back of her hands. She lifted up her knees and put her face into it. Her heart was broken, one more time, because of Natasha Romanoff.
In Sam's mind:
Not because of Natasha.
It's on you this time.
You could have told Kassy about all of it, it's not like you didn't have the right to talk about it" she thought.
"Well, it's all about a secret organization, superpowers and superheroes, it's not like I didn't talk to her about some freaky brother I don't talk to anymore, it's bigger than that. And I didn't talk about it to anyone, not just her, no one here knows about it. Maybe it should change... maybe I should talk about it to the others before Kassy does."
Sam raised her head, and started to search her phone. When she finally found it, she opened instagram to reach Kassy. She wanted to explain herself. Maybe she could understand? She couldn't find her profile in her followers, nor in her following. Sam's eyebrows frown. She tried to find her in the recent conversation, but her profile pic never appeared.
Sam took a more attentive look, and ended up reviewing all the conversation one by one to finally find Kassy's. Without profile pic, nor pseudonym anymore.
No no no no no...
Sam clicked on her profile, and saw she's blocked.
She went on all the other social media she knows about the woman, but everywhere it was the same, she couldn't reach her because Kassy didn't want her to do it.
Game over.
Kassy didn't want her in her life anymore. Everything they built together, years of friendship, weeks of flirting, everything just disappeared because Romanoff came into her apartment without even warning before. Kassy and Sam's relationship was ruined, all because Romanoff came into Sam's apartment like a thief and threatened Kassy. If only Romanoff had the kindness to be nice, it could have ended way better than how it actually ended.
Kassy even left the group chat they had with all their friends.
Juliet asked if someone knew why she left.
Yes, I know...thoughts Sam.
In french.
Sam: Well, it's on me.
Juliet: What? What happened?
Sam: I- I need to talk to y'all about something..
Nathan: Go ahead??
Leila: What's going on Sam? Are you okay??
Sam: A few months ago, in November, something weird happened to me while I was eating tuna fish.
Juliet: What weird thing could happen when you eat fish bro? You became a mermaid like Ariel?
Nathan: lmaooo I don't think that's it Ju'
Sam: No I'm not a mermaid guys T-T
Juliet: Arg, what a pity, it could have been fun :(
Sam: I was eating this tuna fish, and suddenly my whole body started to be covered with some... I don't even know what it really was, stone, maybe, idk but it was weird, and I thought I was going to die, but then the stone broke, and I got out of it, and I was alive, it felt weird, I felt weird, but I was alive.
Nathan: Wtf bro, you're joking right?
Leila: Whatttt
Juliet: And you are sure you don't have the power to change into a mermaid?
Sam: It's not a joke, I'm serious, and yes I am sure I am not a mermaid T-T but I-
Nathan: You what???
Juliet: You can do something cool tho??
Sam: I can feel the water like it's a part of my body and control it
Leila: Whaaaatttt
Nathan: wtf bro??? seriously? Is that a joke you and Kassy thought it would be fun to do to us?
Sam: It's not a joke, I'm serious, I can move water and change it into ice, and change ice into water, etc...
Nathan: I need to see it
Leila: Maybe we can meet today?
Sam: Okay, let's meet then, where?
Juliet: to the pool? There's a lot of water :))
Nathan: and a lot of people, I don't think it's a good idea
Sam: Yeah, I agree with Nath', let's find something without that many people.
They finally met in a park, close to Sam's apartment. Juliet came first, excited by the idea of superpowers, then Nathan and Leila arrived together, they were living close to each other and often traveled together. Juliet was a little girl, with long brown curly hair, she was pretty, but not like pretty-gorgeous, more like pretty-cute. A pair of glasses always topped this little nose of hers. Nathan wasn't tall, but not small either, something like 1m75. He had black short hair, and green eyes, his face was thin, almost androgynous, but nobody ever thought he was a girl though. Leila was the same height as Nathan, the color of her hair was like a squirrel, not brown, but not blond either, light brown maybe, chestnuts would say some people. Her face was dotted with freckles. None of them was ugly, but no one was handsome enough to be popular for that at school.
In french.
Sam: Hey
Nathan: So...
Leila: Show us
Juliet: Please
Leila rolled her eyes, smiling: Please, can you show us? We all are curious
Nathan: It's a weird story and I won't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.
Sam put her hands in her bag, and got a bottle of water out of it. She walked a few meters, and put it on the ground, then got back with her friends. She raised her right arm, fingers stretched, and started to move them, eyebrows frowned, eyes screwed up. Suddenly, the bottle fell. Then get back up. Then fall again. Then started to spin, like the roulette in a casino, faster and faster. Then stopped moving.
Sam's fingers got faster, and the bottle began to fly, and came in Sam's hand.
Sam: See?
Nathan's face was white. Everyone was quiet. Or maybe silent would have been a better word to describe the total lack of sound there was between the group of friends.
Juliet: Okay that's crazy.
Nathan: Yup, crazy is the word, I- I don't have any other to describe it.
Sam: You believe me now?
Nathan: Definitively.
Leila: Sure.
Juliet: Well, I never doubt what you say, but that's kinda impressive to see it for real.
Nathan: And you can do that since November, that's it?
Sam:... Well, yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it was so scary at first, and then I didn't know how to tell you, I thought you would be scared to death of me and would run away...
Leila: We're not going to let you down, Sam, you're still our friend.
Nathan: If you trust us enough to tell us about this, we can't just be scared and run away.
Sam: Well, that's what Kassy did, so...
Juliet: She ran away for that?? But that's amazing, seriously, I wanna know what else you can do, I'm sure you can do sooo much cool things!!!
Sam: Yeah, I can freeze the water and make the ice melt, I'll show you if you're nice with me.
Juliet: Yayyy I want to seeee.
Sam: You will, but first there are other things we need to talk about...
Nathan, worried: Like what? Don't tell me you can change into a mermaid or talk to the fish
Sam smiled.
Sam: No, no other super powers... for me at least.
Leila: What do you mean, "for you"?? Who else got super powers??
Sam: Well, you know, the Avengers, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, all that stuff...
Nathan: What?
Her friends looked lost.
Leila: You mean, the Avengers, like the superheroes group who protect the world from the Alien a few years ago?
Sam: Yeah, those Avengers.
Leila: What about them?
Sam: Well, I kinda worked with them a few months ago.
Sam: Shhhhh, don't talk that loud, it didn't last so long, I- I wasn't really useful, so I decided to quit, and then I got kidnapped by Hydra, and that's why I didn't answer to all your texts guys. I'm sorry I didn't told you sooner, I was way to afraid to loose y'all, so I just- I just shut the fuck up, and said it was because of my mental health, which really wasn't good...
Leila: So you're telling us that you worked with the Avengers and decided to leave and then a psycho took you in their basement??
Sam: Well, basically, yes, that's what happened...
Juliet: How could you decide to leave the Avengers? They're so cool.
Sam: I got injured during my first mission, and recovery took forever, and they always were in mission, so no one really cared about me, so I felt useless, so I decided that I would be better here, with y'all who really likes me.
Nathan: They didn't like you?
Juliet: How could they not like you? Are they stupid or what? They don't know what they're losing.
Sam: I- I don't know, I mean, Wanda surely liked me, Tony always was against the idea to put me in the team, I thought Natasha liked me, but last time we talked, just before I came back here, after I get off Hydra's basement, she was kinda mean. Well no, at first she was nice, she was like "We're here if you need anything, gngngn" but 5 minutes after we had an argument, she told me that maybe Tony was right since the beginning and she should have said so way before, and that maybe I didn't deserve them to care about me, so I'm not really sure if she likes me or not, anyway, she came in my apartment by my window yesterday and scared Kassy to death and kinda threatened her, so I'm kinda mad at her.
Leila: Do we all agree that Natasha is Natasha Romanoff, like the Black Widow?
Sam nodded.
Juliet, admiring: The Black Widow came into your apartment yesterday??
Nathan: Wait what I don't get it, what happened yesterday??
Leila: Yeah, I was wondering why she was in your apartment.
Sam: Fury -the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.- wanna know why I didn't call him back yet.
Leila: And why would you have done so?
Nathan: I don't get it, why send Romanoff?
Sam: uh, I was supposed to call him back 2 weeks after I came back here, he told me I got 2 weeks of holidays and I had to call him after to come back work for him, with the Avengers or in the S.H.I.E.L.D. directly or anywhere else, but he wanted me to come back after I took a bit of rest, he didn't get that I don't wanna come back AT ALL, I wasn't just taking vacation. He's a busy man, so he thought Natasha and I were still friends and it would be a great way to make me come back.
Nathan: Smart enough, if you'd stayed friends...
Sam: Yeah, he probably didn't think that we had an argument last time we saw each other and it wouldn't actually be efficient.
Leila: Well, if he sends an agent to check on you a month and half after your departure, maybe he really wants you in his team and you would be useful there.
Sam looked at her.
Leila: I'm just saying.
She shrugged.
Sam: Anyway, I don't want to come back there, so they will need to have a big argument if they want me to come back.
Nathan: Well, they probably will come back someday, but before that, what about taking advantage of the free time we have? We could go on a road trip!
Leila: Except we don't really have a car nor a driver's license, but yeah, great idea.
She smiled, mocking him.
Juliet: Let's go camping! We don't need a car, we can choose a place where we can move by train, or bus or anything.
Sam: Great idea, I like it.
Nathan: Yeah, well, the road trip will wait a few years I guess...
They decided to go to Sam's apartment to organize the trip, which will take place during July. During the evening, Sam debriefed to them all what happened when Natasha came into her apartment, what she said, what Sam answered, and what happened with Kassy after.
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
Romeo and Juliet
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summary: You and Peter are supposed to be arch enemies. Your families look down upon and spit on one another. But maybe something will change their hearts.
Warnings: ANGST, smut in later chapters, character death, all of the warnings that go along with normal Romeo and Juliet, Avengers being douchy, VERY MINOR AGE GAP, hints of Dom!Peter, experienced!Peter x innocent!reader, cursing
pairings: peterparker(mcu)xreader, wandaxreader(plutonic) basically everyonexreader(plutonic), pietromaximoffxreader
Many, Many years ago lived two young kids in love. One came from the blood of Stark, the other from the blood of Rogers. The families were nothing less than enemies with no respect for each other and a cold hatred for one another. The noble house of Stark raised some of the best and brightest whereas the house of Rogers raised the most powerful and brave. The beautiful Y/n L/n came from the house of Rogers where her gifts were nurtured and even encouraged. And up until the age of 16, she knew nothing but happiness and love from her father Steve Rogers (who adopted her) and her mother Natasha Romanoff. The other part of the shared heart, Peter Parker was brought into the house of Stark for his unwavering loyalty and his incredible intelligence. However, up until he turned 17, he felt as if something was missing. He was fawned over and gawked at however he could never find anyone who was worth his time, no matter how hard the other members of Stark tried. Tony would host grand parties and balls but no one piqued Peter’s interest. They were all the same it felt like; lacking any sort of intelligence or substance. One day, Peter decided he had had enough,
Present Day:
(Peter’s POV)
It was another day. Tony had decided to throw another ball tonight to celebrate his house making well into the trillions and beating out Steve’s house who was still in the millions. Peter never cared about money because he was poor before he was taken in. He remembered the nights May would go hungry just to feed him and now, it was disgusting how rich May and Him are thanks to him just following his moral compass and deciding to intern under Stark. Peter loved learning all about science and mathematics but he always felt like he wanted more. He wanted a companion to share his passion for the disciplines and it didn’t even have to be Math or Science. He wanted to make love and not just have mindless sex; and talk about the world afterwards. If it boiled down to it, he wanted to run away and be with the woman he loves. 
Peter pulled himself out of a trance when he heard F.R.I.D.A.Y.:
“Sir. Parker, Mr. Leeds is here to see you”
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Peter sighed.
“No problem, sir” F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered systematically.
Ned came right behind F.R.I.D.A.Y. and saw Peter’s glum face:
“Hey dude” Ned nodded
“Hey man” Peter smiled.
They both exchanged their handshake before going out for a walk under the citrus trees:
“Why the long face?” Ned asked.
“No reason. I’m good.” Peter said without even looking up.
“Peter, I know when you're lying. We’ve been friends for 11 years. Is this about the girl thing again?” Ned asked even though he already knew the answer when Peter’s silence confirmed it.
“Dude” Ned rolled his eyes.
“I know, I know, it’s stupid but it’s really eating me up inside. I just want somebody.” Peter sighed.
“Tell you what, we can pick up some girls at the ball tonight.” Ned said.
“okay dude, you didn't have to yell” Ned said quietly.
“I’m sorry bro. Maybe she’ll be at the ball tonight.” Peter said, trying to fix the situation.
“I hope so” Ned said. They fist bumped and kept walking.
(Y/n’s POV)
“Y/NNNNNNN” Your mom called.
“COMINGGG” You replied.
You check your clock and it’s 11:00 AM. You slipped on your robe and headed downstairs because if you didn’t, your mom would drag you out of your bed. You reached the bottom of the stairs when you see Wanda, Sam, Bucky and your dad at the table:
“Look all I’m saying is that Stark is only throwing the ball because he has nothing better to do with his time and he’s an arrogant ass-” Sam started.
“Hey, Y/n!” Wanda shouted interrupting. This earned her an eye roll from Sam.
“Hey, Wands” You say.
“Hey I wanted to talk to you about why you're spending so much time in your room.” Nat said.
“No reason. I just like it up there.” You reply.
Wanda reads your mind and sees the true reason for your depression. 
“Ugh this again?” Wanda questions.
“Oh God, Y/n not this partner rant again.” Your mom says. “What partner rant?” Steve asked
“Y/n is just lonely.” Nat says passively. 
“As many people as there are in this house and you're lonely??” Steve asks.
“Dad I'm not lonely. I just want a partner, someone who shares my intellect and ambitions.” You say.
“What intellect?” Steve asks half jokingly.
You were getting fed up at this point and decided to go upstairs and change into a comfy outfit and go for a walk:
“Where are you going?” Your mom asks.
“For a walk” You say not even bothering to shoot her a glance.
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Parallels that make me cry a saga
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