#remadora fest
remadorafest · 5 months
Remadora Fest 2024 Roundup
Before author reveals take place on Monday, here is a full listing of all 11 fics we got for the fest! Take the weekend to read through them, leave comments, kudos, bookmarks, and all your unhinged love for the amazing authors who contributed to the fest.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, G, 2727 words
Duelling Club, M, 3839 words
Yours, M, 3959 words
"Remus, I'm Fine", G, 1039 words
Fifty-five, T, 2748 words
At the Close of Day, M, 3172 words
The Way a Glass Asks to be Broken, E, 2912 words
“What a fool you must be," said my head to my heart, M, 1333 words
Like a Vice, G, 7550 words
Moments of Longing and Jealousy, G, 1824 words
Metanoia, T, 13,665 words
We've got h from fluff, to sex, to tragedy up above! Dig in over the weekend and PLEASE be sure to let all our authors know how much you loved their stories!!
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You’re welcome, anon! Glad I could make you happy 😘
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Just got the last week's worth of Remadora microfics scheduled and I'm both excited & sad for it to be over. Thank you to everyone who has read/liked/reblogged my stories! I'll definitely need the extra time, though, since RemadoraFest is going to open prompt claiming and NaNoWriMo is going to kick off next week & I'll be working on an original piece for once. Not to mention I'm about a month away from finals (too bad none of my fics can count towards my creative writing portfolio😆), but reading everyone's stories and sharing my own has been so much fun!
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remuslupinfest · 7 months
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Hello and welcome to Remus Lupin fest!
Remus Lupin Fest is a prompt-based fest, anonymous posting fest featuring the one and only Remus Lupin! We welcome fics and art of any rating, and any (or no) pairing, as long as our favourite werewolf is central to the story/image.
Prompting: 17 November - 24 November 2023 Claiming: 27 November - 11 December 2023 Creative works due: 29 February 2024 Posting begins on AO3: 10 March 2024 (Remus’ Birthday!)
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greenhouse-seven · 20 days
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Summertime is full of long, hot, sultry days, and at Greenhouse Seven we plan to take full advantage by celebrating with our first ever fest!
Behind the Greenhouse: A Sexy Summer Fest
How it Works @starlingflight and @merlinsbudgiesmugglers have chosen thirty of their favourite spicy tropes to inspire you. Perhaps your favourite canon couple enjoys a bit of roleplay, or find themselves with only one bed available. Whichever prompt you choose, make it as spicy as you like. 
To Participate Select your favourite tropes and submit this form. 
Important Dates ☀️Claiming opens: Today!
☀️Claiming Closes: July 15th
☀️Submission Deadline: July 22nd
☀️Fest Begins: July 31st
Rules 1. Submissions must focus on Canon Couples (See FAQs for what counts as Canon Compliant) but can be in both Canon and AU settings
2. Tropes can be claimed by more than one person
3. Fics and Fanart are both encouraged!
4. Fic submissions should be at least 200 Words - there is no maximum on word count
5. This sexy fest is strictly adults only - no content featuring minors
6. Beta’s are highly encouraged! If you don’t have anyone to beta for you, feel free to come join Greenhouse Seven on Discord! There are plenty of people who can help out.
🌶️What is a Canon Compliant Couple? For the purposes of this fest, any couple that does not break-up couples featured as together at the end of the 7 Harry Potter books counts as canon. So ships such as Deamus & Hannah x Neville are more than welcome!
🌶️How should I submit? The AO3 Collection is OPEN and fics can be submitted here.
🌶️How long will the fest run for? That depends on how many fics we get! Once all fics have been submitted, we will create a plan for posting and let authors know what their post date will be.
🌶️I have another question! Not a problem! Feel free to ask us on Tumblr or you can come and join us over on Discord!
And for the most important part...The Tropes 👀
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evesaintyves · 1 year
this was my submission to @remuslupinfest 2023
it's just what you do to get by
Lupin/Tonks, 10k, M / cw for sex work, violence, drugs, alcohol
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Sometimes they'd lie in at her flat for languid, irresponsible hours, like there wasn't even a war on, coughing on the resinous homegrown she kept in a tea-tin, talking and kissing, searching with their hands, tacky with that sheen of all-day-in-bed sweat. She'd pull the covers over their heads and tell him, in nervous little bursts of words, about tense childhood holidays with her implacable mum. About how none of her friends took her seriously when she told them she was going to get straight Os and be an Auror, and how she'd alienated them with her singleminded focus, all seventh year, on revising and essays and flashcards of potion-recipes and obscure defensive charms. He never saw that kind of tremulous soberness on her outside of her bed. He'd no idea what he'd ever done to earn that kind of access to someone else's inner life. He never really knew what to say, or what to ask: he'd listen, and say mm-hmm, and watch her elastic face, which moved so gorgeously through a thousand expressions when she told a story. She'd say, thanks for listening. I really needed it. You're so good at that. He'd feel like a bastard for saying you're welcome, of course. He was here in her downy bed, touching her smooth skin, smelling the ineffable seaside smell that dwelt behind her ears and in her hairline,  still tingling from the way she'd made him come, watching her berry-pink lips make the pretty shapes of words, hearing all the secret thoughts and happenings she'd hidden inside her, awash in waves of scintillating, wondrous, baffling new feelings, and she was thanking him?
image: l'homme aux deux pains by jean-françois raffaëlli, 1879
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saintsenara · 1 year
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leather nymphadora tonks/various explicit | 3k words
tonks is familiar with pleasure, having been raised by a father who never thought it a crime to be greedy. this, she thinks, as she dresses, is more than that. it is euphoria.
war looms and tonks goes on a journey.
this piece was written for week seven of @ladiesofhpfest, on the theme of queer cuties [you can find the masterlist for this week's fics here].
it wasn't originally the story i planned to go with for this week of the fest [hopefully that will see the light of day at some point] but a series of helpful and illuminating conversations with friends put the plot bunny in my head.
author's notes under the cut
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i don't really read many of the canon pairings [all of which, save grindledore, are obviously het or het-passing] but i do occasionally dabble in a bit of remadora, and i've always been struck by the tension between stories which acknowledge the queerness inherent in both tonks' and remus' characterisation and those which consider them both as straight.
i understand that people's reasons for reading remadora as straight are multifaceted, particularly since it's appropriate to note that tonks gets treated with open misogyny in a lot of wolfstar-centric spaces, and a reaction to that which rejects the idea of remus as queer is understandable in that context. but i personally think we do ourselves a disservice not to explore the vast spectrum of human sexuality even with characters with an endgame het-passing pairing.
tonks has always given me bi vibes - and she's leaning into that here, having the time of her life, as she puts it, sampling from the buffet of human genitalia. but, more than that, i've always wondered at how the fact that she's a metamorphmagus must have affected her relationship with her own embodiment, and - above all - her relationship with her own gender identity.
after all, as she tells us, she possesses the power to try on a different body whenever she pleases, and these bodies include some which feel more male than others. that gender experimentation and play is a key part of leather, which leads to tonks being able to state with certainty who she is and what body she exists in. may we all be so lucky.
but the skin on tonks' body is not the only one we're focusing on here. she's exploring her sexuality through leather subculture, and learning along the way about how activism and courage looks very different for the queer women she encounters in leather spaces and the men she spends the rest of her time with in the aurors and the order.
she's also just being unapologetically horny, fucking her way round london, dealing with what a pillow princess fleur is [good for her!], wondering how every single person she knows likes to get railed, shipping snack, and maybe uncovering a teeny-tiny little hint at wolfstar. if you squint.
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nena-96 · 5 months
WIP Ask Game: Rules are simple: Post a list of your current WIPs and your followers can ask you about them, you can share a bit from it or talk about your plans with it, whatever.
Thanks for the tag @turanga4 When I checked my google docs I was shocked at the amount of WIPs that I have (also ones that are complete 😅🤫) it was difficult trying to choose a few, but I managed to pick a few!
Crack fic Halloween 1981
Jilypad (crack fic w/ fanon RAB)
Maroon Jumper (Romione)
Unexpected Guest (Andromeda)
Three sisters (Bellatrix)
Diary (ladies of HP fest)
Untitled ( Remadora)
Not sure who to tag, so if you want you can join on the fun as well 😊😊
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Chewing Gum by Asenora
Our third fic is here! Chewing Gum by @saintsenara!
Summary: An Auror walks into a bar, and misses a werewolf.
No, this isn't a joke. It's Nymphadora Tonks' bloody life at the minute.
What's to love: A cheeky, first and second person POV tale of Tonks missing Remus during HBP. It's intimate, like she's talking to you, and bearing her miserable but still funny soul. A particularly funny set of lines:
You know, Remus doesn’t look like he’d be all that wild in the bedroom. But he delivered the goods, if you know what I mean. Multiple deliveries, in fact.
Our girl's still got that humor, even when she's single. 😉
Thanks Asenora/saintsenara!
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broomsticks · 6 months
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Day 8: A canon-divergence fic
After the Bombs
prufrocke (plenilune) • 2.5k, T • Remadora
And they try to be each other's missing pieces, as best they can. The Lupins, after the war.
this left such an impression on me it turned into the start of this postwar tonks-lupin reclist that has both canon-compliant (andromeda & teddy and grief) and canon-divergent (remus and tonks live, and learn to become a family in the wake of the war) works. they're all very cool, individually and together, and this one in particular is so beautifully paced. moving through trauma recovery all five-stages-of-grief-like. both dora's and remus's characters are perfectly captured. I've read it so many times and each time I'm still torn between lingering on each vignette for a bit longer and moving onto the next. and the ending… <3 <3 <3
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30671
@hprecfest | hprecs on dreamwidth | my #hprecfest picks
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Morning Meetings
Kingsley and Tonks have an early morning meeting. Tonks' POV Written for @harrypocter Winter Sun Drabble fest, and inspired by @artemisia-black and her new love for Sirius x Kingsley.
Read on AO3
Tonks leans over the bed with a silly grin that she can’t wipe off her face as she kisses Remus goodbye. His hand finds the back of her neck, holding her there for a moment longer.
‘Thanks for last night,’ she says when they part, ‘and this morning,’ she adds, enjoying the pink flush that spreads down his neck and across his chest.
It’s the first night she’s spent at Grimmauld Place, and the first time she’s woken up with him still next to her, leaving her in an excellent mood.
‘Bye.’ He says quietly. At the door, she turns and winks at him and then manages to bang into the doorframe on her way out, stepping into the gloomy dark hallway.
And nearly running headfirst into Kingsley, who is making his way downstairs. At six in the morning.
They stop at the sight of each other, and Tonks faintly notices that he is carrying his shoes. Looking behind him, she realises that there is only one occupied room upstairs, and a teasing smile spreads across her face.
‘Have a good night?’ She asks lightly.
She can’t wait to tell Remus about this.
Kingsley makes a sound that could either be a laugh or a cough and looks to be hiding his own grin. ‘Not bad, how about you?’
Before she can speak, there’s a clattering on the stairs behind Kingsley and Sirius appears, shirtless, ‘You forgot your…’ He fades off when he sees Tonks, ‘...watch.’ 
Tonks bites her lip, resisting the urge to laugh, which only becomes harder when the door behind her opens and she can only assume Remus has come to investigate the noise outside his bedroom.
No one speaks, the four of them staring at each other in some sort of stand-off until Kingsley breaks the silence. ‘Well, I think we’d best get to work.’
‘I think so.’ Tonks agrees, and because she can’t help herself, she turns to press a quick kiss to Remus’ lips, grinning at his shocked face.
She and Kingsley are silent as they make their way out the front door. ‘Right, I’ll see you at the ministry.’ She says while he is tying up his boots.
He straightens. ‘Think they’ll survive the awkwardness?’ He asks, nodding his head back at the door.
‘Oh, definitely not.’ She says with a grin, before turning on the spot to disapparate.
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remadorafest · 9 months
Mark your calendars: REMADORA FEST COMING JANUARY 2024!
Though the poll results favored March, @remuslupinfest begins posting in March. It'll be best for creators to have enough time for both fests, so we're going first in January. If you are a writer/creator and plan to contribute to Remadora fest, please consider writing for Remus Lupin Fest as well! Pros include more Remus and Remadora goodness. Cons: nonexistent.
This will be the timeline for the Remadora Fest:
Prompting: opens 25 September and closes 25 October
Claiming: begins 31 October
Works due: 31 December
Posting: begins 3 January 2024
Under the cut you'll find guidelines on what the fest is looking for.
Fics must be a minimum of 1000 words. All ratings permitted. If/when there are more mature topics, content warnings are a must.
All visual art is accepted, with the exception of AI generated images. No AI artwork or writing is permitted.
All works for the fest must be new and must be able to stand alone. You can add sequels or prequels as you see fit, but the work itself must be able to stand as its own entity.
The works must be centered on Remus and Tonks's relationship. It can be told from others' perspectives but Remadora must be endgame. E.g. if you are planning to write a Remadora break-up fic, this may not be the fest for you.
This will be an anonymous fest. Works will be posted anonymously at first and author reveals will come at the end of the fest.
AUs are permitted. As long as Remadora is endgame and central to the work, you can shape the world as you see fit. (Ex: you can genderbend the characters, you can have Remus and Tonks be the same age, make it a Muggle AU, etc.)
This fest should be a welcoming space for everyone. The following will not be tolerated: bashing, harassment, bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, racism, and/or hate speech. Be kind.
If you have a question, send an ask.
We're looking forward to a smashing time! Please reblog and share!
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For the Remadora Fest, is there a certain way we should post the stories to the collection so that they are published anonymously or can we post them how we would any other fic? Sorry, I've never posted to a collection before and just don't want to do it incorrectly.
Hello anon! For @remadorafest, you post to the collection as if it were any other. I've got it set up to be anonymous and unrevealed - this means that as the mod, I go in manually to reveal the fic, leave it anonymous until the fest is over, and then remove the anonymity to do an author reveal. You don't need to do anything but post to the collection.
If you've never posted to a collection, this is how you do it:
Go directly to the collection page: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Remadora_Fest_2024. There's a button that reads "Post to Collection." Click that and enter the details for your fic as you would any other and submit it.
Post a new work. Go to "Post">"New Work". Enter your details. When you get to the subheading "Associations," the first option is to "Post to Collections/Challenges." Type in Remadora_Fest_2024 and Remadora Fest will pop up. Once you click that and submit the fic, it will show up on the collection page.
That's all! If you need, you can message me or the fest account to double check that the fic has been received. It takes a few minutes to show up so give it about 10 minutes before sending an email or message.
Thank you!
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Anything,” Remus whispered when he didn’t continue. “You can have anything. Everything. You can have everything that I am,” he told him desperately. “Always.”
A Grave Mistake - @soloorganaas
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remuslupinfest · 3 months
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Today, 10 March 2023, is Remus Lupin’s 64th birthday!
To begin celebrating this very important day, we’re releasing the two first works of the Fest! 
There will be about four weeks of posting, with an Anonymous round-up at the end of each week. After the last week, we will release a list of reveals with all authors’ names.
Authors will receive an e-mail with the week’s schedule when it’s time for their own works to go up (this week’s should be sent out shorly!). We ask authors to please not divulge which work is theirs before reveals.
It’s going to be a fun and diverse fest, with works for all tastes.
Stay tuned for lots of quality content to come! Check us out on AO3!
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greenhouse-seven · 22 days
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