#rose quartz x reader
deathmetalangel · 2 years
Hello there!
I wanted to ask for a request, only if you want though ^^'
What about some Hcs with Rose Quartz, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli y Peridot (sepparetly) reacting to a 13 year old fem!Gem!reader (who has very bad trust issues and avoids physical contact at all costs due to past trauma about being betrayed and puffed)
Coming to them crying after and tackling them into a hug them while rambling about how Amethist said that if she misbehawed Pearl was going to puff her (wich was obviosly a joke)
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warnings: mentions of poofing, ptsd
backstory: y/n is still a “new” gem only emerging from the ground about thirteen years prior to meeting the gems; however, almost all of that was spent in a bubble after being poorer by their original group of gems. some old homeworld loyalists that came to earth to hopefully “defeat” the crystal gems.
- she feels SO bad
- rose was very patient with y/n after finding her so she knew about her boundaries and physical touch being a huge one
- so when she came up to her and just hugged her she knew something was wrong
- even if it was silly, she knew that y/n didn’t yet understand jokes and took everything quite literal
- comforts them by letting them cry and just being so understanding
- “take your time y/n. it’s okay, i’m here. don’t worry. amethyst was just teasing.”
- once she’s calmed down she explains that pearl said it as a joke mostly out of annoyance. she meant no actual harm
- brings her back to the temple to help her talk to amethyst about why she can’t joke like that
- even brings pearl over to have her assure y/n she would never do such a thing
- rose just wants y/n to know she’s safe with the crystal gems
- 10/10 very very comforting
- y/n came running up to her while she was in the bubble room
- she knew it was serious because it was a place y/n tended to avoid because of what happened to her before they found her
- she just clings onto garnet crying about how amethyst told her pearl was going to poof her if she wasn’t a good crystal gem
- garnet seen it in a very unlikely reality so she was surprised that it actually happened
- garnet kneels down with y/n and just consoles her by petting her hair
- y/n can’t help but hold onto garnet for protection
- “amethyst was only joking. i predicted no real danger in your future. i understand your fear, but i assure you y/n. you are in no danger here.”
- ruby was a bit annoyed at amethyst as she knew fully well what you went through, but felt nothing wrong with her joke
- sapphire knew it was just a off handed comment to rile y/n up during a training session
- “take your time y/n. i know the thought of being poofed is traumatic. you have nothing to be ashamed of. i’ll make sure amethyst apologizes. it wasn’t right of her to say that.”
- pearl is even shocked amethyst says that
- promises she would never ever
- allows y/n to stay close by her side for a while even after amethyst apologizes
- 20/10 i love my red and blue moms
- while lapis wasn’t one for touch either, when y/n came barreling into her arms she knew something serious happened
- it wasn’t unlike her to not take things very seriously, but she could tell that y/n was terrified
- “hey, what happened?”
- she honestly doesn’t know how to react much
- when y/n explains it lapis was so annoyed at amethyst
- “don’t worry. pearl won’t do anything. amethyst is just being mean. don’t let her get to you.”
- “but why would she say that?”
- hearing y/n cry broke her heart tbh
- “who knows. amethyst is weird. just ignore her like i do, but if her or pearl do every try anything don’t hesitate to come to me. i won’t let them do anything i promise.”
- after all y/n was just a terrified gem like they once were
- convinced them to calm down by just continuously promising she was strong enough to protect both of them (which she definitely was)
- 9/10 a bit awkward at first but great after
- peridot had no idea what was happening when y/n just straight tackled them while bawling her eyes out
- “uh did you know you’re crying?”
- “amethyst said pearl was going to poof me if i acted up or misbehaved! they promised me they were different! they all said they were nothing like the agates!”
- y/n cries while holding onto peridot
- she may be awkward, but she knew you were genuinely scared
- holds her slowly so she doesn’t flinch and let’s y/n cry
- “i’m sure that clod amethyst was just playing one of her pranks. she never does know when to stop. i mean, you know earth gems. they’re all so rowdy.”
- tries to console y/n as best she can
- “the pearl wouldn’t poof you. if anything she’d want to poof me. besides steven wouldn’t let that happen.”
- her awkward jokes and stiff touch kind of do cheer y/n up
- “why would amethyst say that though? that’s so mean!”
- “amethyst also eats dirt and old dumpster donuts. i wouldn’t worry about her too much. besides. us two are much more superior gems! she’s probably just jealous.”
- peri helps wipe her tears
- “y-yeah peridot. i guess you’re right.”
- “i’m always right!”
- 11/10 awkward but funny
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universellie · 1 year
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Platonic Rose Quartz x G/N Reader
[[Request by the lovely @insertuserhere88 !!
— There was no specific requests so I’ll employ some creative liberty in what I’m about to write :) It’s set before Greg’s gig on the beach, the night he met Rose.
((A/N: Y/N only used a few times xoxo Sorry for any typos, it’s late when I wrote this and I’m too tired to edit. I’ll do it tomorrow, maybe. :,)
>>𝘔𝘺 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 ♥︎
It was 1990, Mr. Universe had a gig on the beach tonight and you were most certainly going to attend. You were ecstatic to get to see him live, you’d been a fan for a while now to say the least. You knew Rose would love his music too, but you had to find her first to see if she’d attend the concert.
You walked along the beach, kicking pebbles out of your way. You could see the cave and warp pad from where you were, already dreading the dastardly climb up to the cliff face. You always loved the carving of Obsidian in the cliff, a symbol of the Crystal Gems unity and their friendship. A quite literal representation, not only as a sculpture but when they fused. You had had the privilege of seeing and meeting her once, a gigantic gem with flaming eyes. Unnerving and most likely terrifying to anyone, yet you knew she was a culmination of your dearest friends. And your best friend, Rose Quartz.
You stepped up in front of the warp pad, looking at the door that led to each of the gems respective rooms. “Rose!” You called out, looking at the ground and idly kicking a rock. It flew to the wall directly beside the door as it opened, bouncing and flying directly across Rose’s face. “Woah!” she exclaimed, taking a step back. You grimaced, raising your hands in surrender. “Sorry Rose-“ She waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about it Y/N, these things happen.” Her dress whispered along the ground as her bare feet padded towards you. “What brings you here?” She peered down at you, her giant mass of pink curls surrounding her. “I wanted to see if you’d like to join me at the concert tonight. It’s the musician I like, Mr. Universe?” You put your hands in your pockets, your head almost completely laid back to look up at her. “Of course! Id love to! In the meantime, want to do something else? The gems and I have nothing to do for the rest of the day so Garnet has gone to explore the deeper parts of the temple, Amethyst is in her room and Pearl is in the training grounds. I’m on my own I’m afraid.”
“Rose you don’t have to ask to hang out with me. C’mon, let’s go to the beach. Maybe we can watch them set up for the concert tonight.” She clapped her hands in joy, hurrying to the open cliff exit. She held out a hand to you, you took it, holding tightly as she catapulted the pair of you into the sky and floated gently to the centre of the beach. You landed gracefully, thanks to her expert floating knowledge. She sat on the sand, her feet and ends of her dress in reach of tiny waves. They lapped lazily while you settled in beside her, the pair of you gazing out at the horizon.
“Rose, if you don’t mind me asking. Why did you start the rebellion?” She had never fully explained how it had begun, only that one day they were fighting for their very freedom. She sighed, looking up at you quickly and back towards the sea. “They wouldn’t listen to me.”
“The Diamonds?”
“Mhm.” Her eyes were hidden behind the shadows of her curly bangs, you could see her lips pressed in a thing line as she rested on one elbow, idly drawing gem shapes in the sand. “I tried to explain the beauty of Earth. How their mission for galactic domination was destroying worlds and life.” You noticed her swipe at the sand after she drew what seemed to be a diamond shape. “They ignored me, threw me out and told me to get back to carving the kindergartens.” She sighed, avoiding eye contact. “I chose to ignore them. I reformed into this dress, I chose to make a stand. I refuse to allow the Diamond Authority to destroy this beautiful planet.” You looked at her, admiration and pity in your gaze. How one gem could defeat an entire world, you had no idea. But if there was anyone who could do it, it would be Rose.
“What do you think Pink is doing right now?” You picked up a seashell, pulling your feet back into you. You twirled the shell around in your hands, investigating its colours and ridges. Rose let loose a dark chuckle. “Probably sitting on her Pink throne on her royal behind doing nothing except destruction. Except following orders.” She seemed so lost in thought, continuing to watch the waves. “She’s useless you know. Heartless, even. She couldn’t make a stand to her sisters, she didn’t even try to change the direction of this mass destruction.” Rose sat up, curling her legs towards her and wrapping her arms around her knees. “She’s weak, Y/N. Pink Diamond is so disgustingly weak.” You sighed, reaching a hand up and patting Rose on her arm through her curls.
“Can she help it? She’s been raised in a castle surrounded by Diamonds who know nothing but conquest. She’s the youngest and the smallest. Of course she’s weaker! She’s the bullied little sister, from what I can see.” Rose sniffled, rubbing a hand over her face and hiding behind her curls. Was she crying?
“I just wish they could see the world like me.” Rose whispered, the words seemed so heavy, like they meant something entirely different. You stood, patting her on the head, her curls bouncing like cotton candy. “They will, someday.” You reassured her, stretching your arms above your head as you did. You looked behind you to see the stage being set up, the sun was setting, almost completely below the horizon.
“Come on Rose, for tonight, let’s just enjoy some good music.” She looked up at you, smiling. “You are what I love most about humans Y/N. Always so kind and understanding.” She stood, grabbing you by the shoulders and crushing you in a hug. “Thank you.” She whispered gently. You rubbed her back, returning a ‘you’re welcome’ before breaking away.
“On the bright side Rose, maybe Mr. Universe will like you just as much as I do.”
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poppyisonline · 8 months
you’re my first love too. Rose Quartz x Gn!Reader 
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Rose was exploring Earth, especially humans. She finds them so interesting, always asking herself why they turn the lights out when it's nighttime, why some of them are so short and others so tall, why do they change? One day she found you, and you found her; she was so excited that her pupil turned into stars as she looked at you. You were confused, of course, wondering why this tall pink-haired woman was staring at you like that. Rose was exploring Earth, especially humans. She finds them so interesting, always asking herself why they turn the lights out when it's nighttime, why some of them are so short and others so tall, why do they change? One day she found you, and you found her; she was so excited that her pupil turned into stars as she looked at you. You were confused, of course, wondering why this tall pink-haired woman was staring at you like that.
She bends down to your eye level and tilts her head as she says, “Hello little human, nice to meet you, I’m Rose Quartz.” You smiled and said your name too. As weeks went by, you two were getting pretty close. She often asked questions about everything that normal people would usually know the answer to, like why do you sleep, why and how do you eat, if you could shape-shift, and what’s love.
You knew that she wasn’t human and that she was new on Earth, but you couldn’t stop thinking about those constant questions or anything that involves her—her pink curly hair, her cute face, her pretty white dress, her personality, the way she’s so excited about everything on Earth.
No, it can’t be… are you in love with that pink-haired alien?! No! That's impossible. You can’t be together; she isn’t even a human! What if she didn’t feel the same way? You’re not a coward; you have to tell her. It’s now or never!
One day you met up with her again; she was excited as usual. “Where are we going today?!” she asked while grinning at you, looking around for something simple and “stupid” such as a butterfly emerging from its cocoon after months or a leaf falling from the tree because autumn has already arrived. Everything amazed her like it was the prettiest thing ever. You were pretty nervous but looked up to her with your face in some shades of pink and said, “Rose, I have something to tell you, it’s important…”
She looked at you and tilted her head to the side. She was so pretty that you blushed more every minute you looked at her. “So… remember you asked me about what’s love and how I said I haven’t experienced it yet?” you asked, all nervous as she looked at you and nodded. “I think I know the answer now… Love is that feeling that you feel when you can’t stop thinking about someone and about the wonderful things they do. You keep thinking about what that person said all day and night. Love is about all the things that happen when you’re together. Love is what I feel for you, Rose. You’re my first love,” you said, looking into her eyes, those star pupils again—the ones you saw when you met for the first time. She says in a soft tone as she holds your hands, giving it a little squeeze, “You’re my first love too.”
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╰ it's my first time writing something in a loooong time, so yeah, english is not my first language. if there's any grammar mistake tell me pls ﹗
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
HELLO DEAR!! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
Can you pleeaase do a Rose Quartz x Fem!reader who is Brazilian and teach her native language? And also asks about the culture of the Crystal Gems, etc?
~𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃 x Fem!Brazilian!Reader Headcanons~
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YESSS Rose would LOVE learning about different cultures!
𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃
~Rose is SERIOUSLY invested in you and your culture!
~She tries to pronounce words and laughs at herself when she says something wrong, and then asks you to help her with it.
~Sometimes she'll be silly and purposely ask you to say it over and over and pretends she didn't hear or understand just to annoy you, or when you finally catch on that she's just teasing you, to get a laugh out of you.
~Has an audible reaction to everything. A lot of oohing and awing.
~Asks a lot of questions.
~She REALLY wants to go there now and actually experience the culture.
~Rose is very hesitant to tell you anything about the Crystal Gems, for any questions you have could easily lead back to her life on Homeworld or about the Diamonds.
~Will occasionally tell you bits and pieces.
~Or she may straight up lie just to satisfy you.
~She feels bad about it.
~But to Rose, it's safer to lie about it.
~But then again, should something happen, it would be good for you to be prepared. She's torn.
~...Oh well, she'll tell you when something ACTUALLY happens.
~(little bit of her Pink Diamond shining through there Lol)
~In her eyes, you're trusting her with your culture. So she would like to trust you with hers, but she thinks it's better for you to not know anything about her or her backstory.
~But, she will educate you on gems themselves rather than anything about where they came from.
~Things such as powers, how each gem has a different job, ect.
~Super giddy to hear anything you have to say about yourself or your culture. She's the perfect student!
~Amazed over the fact there are so many different and vast cultures.
ROSE IS PRECIOUS AAHHHH. I think awhile ago I mentioned that I used to hate Pink/Rose a few years ago, but after really analyzing her and her actions, I love her SO MUCH. I think she deserves the world (or as many worlds as she wants LOL) and better from the fandom. She tried her best 💜
Request Guidelines!
Join my Discord Server! There you can talk about my fanfiction, roleplay, chat, watch movies and listen to music with other fandom nerds!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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bookiezzz · 3 months
can you make pearl x reader th anks best friend ever in the whole wide world 😍😘🥰 -mel
authors’ note: of course pookie bae @lesbroxy this is for you
(Rose Quartz’s) Pearl x Reader
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gif for you
— If you’re a gem, you met Pearl while on Homeworld and became a part of the Crystal Gems, eventually traveling to Earth
— so you have known each other for quite some time
— If you’re a human, Steven probably introduced you or set you up 💀
— no it would actually be a little bit cute
— especially if you had both like shown interest in each other before whether it be flirting or just talking or even little glances and smiles at each other
— pearl is so girlfail probably very awkward..
— But I’d imagine she probably tries to show off whenever you’re around to be impressive
— Pearl would probably talk to Garnet or even Steven about you, her “mysterious crush”
— She is under the impression that nobody knows that she likes you
— and nobody has the guts to tell her how painfully obvious it is
— Steven would probably just come up to you one day and say something like “So what’s with you and Pearl?”
— And whether you directly tell him or not he’s going back to pearl with a smile telling her to just ask you out
— So Pearl walks to your door (how does she know where you live. Don’t ask me)
— shaking, asking “Will you go on a date with me?”
— She takes you to the beach, probably just to sit, maybe a picnic and it’s beautiful and nice.
— Pearl takes you back to the beach house after and shows you off to the Crystal Gems.
— like “hahaha lookie 🫵😂😂 look what i have and you dont!!!”
— Maybe not exactly like that but she indirectly shows you off
— either way she is a 10/10 girlfriend WOULD RECOMMEND!!
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mydearsteven · 1 year
Sick days
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prompt: you got caught in a flu because of your lack of sleep, luckily your short tampered lovable husband is here to help you.
featuring: Diamond!Steven x Reader
your bed has been lonely without your lovely husband sleeping beside you, you knew that his work has been piled up alot lately but it still hurts. Especially after you got caught up in a flu for the past 2 days.
even though he was usually short tampered you still love him to death because he’s well, your husband. Pearl has been taking care of you ever since, though whenever she’s trying to insist you to tell your sickness to her diamond, you always try to keep her mouth shut from telling it to Steven.
you don’t want to interrupt his work and made him even more stressed than he already was, and decided if he wanted to know he would know it by himself. Pearl could only sighs at this but still obligated to it.
after a few hours of laying down on your shared bed, you were unable to sleep due to your freezing body. You have turned right and left and still can’t find yourself to be asleep. That is until you heard a voice from the door of your shared room.
“(n/n)? oh dear stars.” Steven was shocked to see your current state and immediately rushed to you and see if you’re alright.
“little star… why didn’t you tell me that you’re sick?” he pouts, his hands starts to find its way on your hair. You smile weakly at him. “i don’t want to worry you, you look like you were going to explode if i tell you.” you chuckled at your own remarks.
he’s still not very pleased by this and starts to call out his pearl. He got off from the bed once Pearl came in, his steps towards her was so full of rage that you start to worry.
“Pearl.. why didn’t you tell me about my WIFE’s getting caught by a heavy flu?” his voice as harsh as rocks, he’s very enraged by the lack of information about his wife’s condition.
Pearl only stutters trying to find an answer to her diamond’s question. “m-my diamond! you see.. w-well…” she trailed off her sentence, not knowing what to say. Steven was so fed up and was about to shatter her gem until you began coughing rapidly.
that stops Steven on his track, giving Pearl one last glance and start rushing towards your sleeping form. “love.. please don’t hurt Pearl. Its my request to not tell it to you, i don’t want to burden you..” you put your hand on his cheek and rubs it so that he calms down.
Steven sighs at you and put his hand on top of yours, staring at your shining eyes. He furrowed his brows and blushes from your affection towards him.
he turned his head to Pearl who was thanking to the stars for saving her life, Steven then asked her to come to where the two couple was. “Pearl, im sorry for assuming things. If it weren’t for you im pretty sure (name) would’ve been worse by now.”
Pearl was very relieved and starts to smile towards her diamond. “its quite alright, My Diamond.” Pearl did her little diamond salute and starts walking towards the exit of the room, leaving the two of you.
Steven turned his head towards you once more, he gave you a kiss on your forehead and that instantly made you feel a little better than before. You drift off to sleep, knowing that you’ll feel a lot better tomorrow because Steven is here.
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divachan · 2 months
Steven Universe x Reader MASTERLIST🌹
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I will NOT write for :: LION. My friend made a joke abt betting somone will request a lion x reader and I js want everyone to be aware im NOT WRITING FOR LION!😓
Overall Masterlist rules.
Young/classic Steven and Connie romantically. I’m more comfortable writing x reader stuff for Future Steven and Connie since they’re older
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⚔️ The Crystal Gems! (Counting Rose) ::
Garnet X reader (platonic mother & child dynamic)
🚐 Young!Greg ::
Nothing here.. yet!
💐 Steven ::
Nothing here.. yet!
📚 Connie ::
Nothing here.. yet!
💎 The Diamonds! (And their pearls🤭) ::
Nothing here.. yet!
👽 peridot ::
Peridot x Astronomy & Entomology nerd reader!!
🌊 Lapis ::
Nothing here.. yet!
🔨 Bismuth ::
Nothing here.. yet!
🏵️ Jasper ::
Nothing here.. yet!
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Bismuth and B please.
Okay! Our Rainbow Queen needs some Attention.
Character: Bismuth
Letter: B ~ Being Best Friends
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-Omg. One of the best friends you will ever have in your life✋.
-Even though she claims that all Bismuth’s are strong and have a tough personality, you know that she isn’t.
-She may look and seem tough. But she is SUPER sweet. One of the sweetest people that you will ever meet.
- If you need help building something, she’ll be there! Bismuth’s are made to build anyway. And she would be more than glad to help
-She would probably make you weapons too. Even if you don’t fight or know how to use any. She’ll help train you if you’d like.
-Since Bismuth is tall and looks pretty muscular, people know to not mess with you. She looks pretty scary if you’ve never met her before.
-You’d help her build Little Homeworld with Lapis and Peridot. Speaking of those two, you’re probably really close to them as well if your best friends with Bismuth.
-Same goes with the other gems. Maybe not as close, but still pretty good friends.
-You also like to help Bismuth make “moves” on Pearl. That’s right. You can tell that Bismuth has something for Pearl and you totally want to help them out.
Sorry if it’s short. Sorta ran out of ideas.😅😭
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
A friend of mine (aka that-kid-FromThePlayground) told me that you write for Steven Universe characters amazingly! So I'm here to request smth if that's okay ^^
What about platonic headcanons for Rose Quartz, Pearl, Rubi, Saphire and Garnet (sepparetly if it's possible) with an early teenager fem!pink pearl!reader (in between 11 and 14) who was abused by her owner and the gems didn't know that.
And one day she just breaks something and by seing the gem's disapointed or mad face she just breaks and falls to her knees asking for forgivenes and to not be punished in a very scared tone of voice.
(Yeah, my friend and I love angst as you can see '^^, mostly because it's our coping mecanism, and feel free to delete or ignore this ask if you're tired of angsty request)
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warnings: ptsd, mentions of abuse, i kinda filled this with my mommy issues (meh kinda but not really), mentions of “death”
reader was a gem they found poofed and trapped in some artifact and steven (or rose) freed her so now she lives with the gems, however she still hasn’t mentioned her past
sorry about the wait! i was just tying up some loose ends :/ but i’m back and better than ever hahaha
- rose never pried into y/n’s past much she understood that as a pearl she was most likely unable to speak of her past owner as well
- so seeing her cowering on her knees in front of her just wrecked her
- as a diamond she was used to gems kneeling before her begging for their gems to be spared, but this was just on another level
- rose wasn’t even mad about it which is what surprised her the most
- while tears fall down y/n’s face rose just gently pulls her into a hug
- “shh. it’s okay. i won’t let anything happen to you, i promise.”
- rose had an inking about the true horrors of y/n’s last. she’d never speak to her about them in fear of upsetting the young gem
- however rose would protect her with everything she had
- the shattering sound had interrupted her very long winded rant about sword technique
- when her head whipped around to see y/n she is quickly alerted before she even gets the chance to scold the gem
- y/n was shaking in her place before dropping to her knees and begging pearl for forgiveness
- pearl freezes not exactly knowing what to do
- “y/n, it’s just a vase.”
- when she hears her beg not to get shattered she stops in her tracks
- pearl lowers herself to the crying gems level and softens her face
- “i’m not mad. i promise. you’re okay y/n. everything is okay.”
- she almost wanted to cry seeing how genuinely terrified y/n was
- helps y/n clean up while gently reprimanding and comforting her
- hotheaded as ever the shattering of glass caught ruby’s attention
- “just perfect! another thing i have to clean up!”
- she was already angry from a bad mission so her snapping was just her blowing off steam
- ruby quickly shuts up when she notices her crying softly
- y/n holds her gem defensively while begging not to get shattered
- ruby quickly burns out and starts to apologize
- “wha-what? no! i would never do that. i’m so sorry y/n. i was just overreacting!”
- tries her best to get y/n to calm down and it eventually works
- “geez kid what happened to you.”
- despite how stoic she normally is y/n was still terrified of the gems still face
- the moment the vase breaks and sapphire turns around y/n immediately starts to panic
- breaks down in front of sapphire begging her not to get mad at her
- sapphire recoils slightly not seeing her react like that
- “y/n i had already foreseen it. it was an accident. i know that.”
- her reassurance does little for the gem who lets up on her crying only slightly
- sapphire tries to handle it as best she can without showing how worried she really was
- “i promise i’d never hurt you y/n. no one here would, but can you please tell me what happened to you before we found you?”
- to say garnet didn't already for see the entire thing happening would be a lie
- yet she still couldn’t exactly find the right path to choose
- it wasn’t until the shattering of glass caught her attention
- y/n was already freaking out before she even said anything
- fat tears start to roll down her face as she begins to cry for mercy
- garnet simply walks forward and places her hand in her shoulder which freaks her out more and she cries harder
- “it is okay y/n. it was an inevitable, and mostly my mistake for not preventing it. please try and calm down.”
- garnet sits down on the floor with the crying gem and gently takes her hands
- “y/n please relax. you’re okay, i would never hurt you. and if you ever assumed i would i’m sorry for giving you that impression. just take a moment to breathe. i’m with you.”
- the motherly presence and love garnet had for the girl was so obvious and it did help her calm down
- garnet goes to get donuts with her :3
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universellie · 1 year
What if you were new to Beach City, and the first person you met was Pink Steven?
[Steven Universe x gn reader]
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You’d be in Beach City on the hunt for a sense of self. Trying to figure out what and who you are, an identity. The unassuming small town would be the most perfect place to begin.
You’d be walking along the beach, pondering life in general, maybe what you would have for dinner when an almost 7ft glowing pink man would hurtle towards you.
He’d be making frustrated sounds as sand lifted with every step he took. Gripping his head, muttering nonsense. It was a simultaneously terrifying and intriguing at the same time.
You thought if this wasn’t a chance to make your life interesting, then what the hell was?
You’d wave a hand, calling out “Hey, you okay?” as he was about to barrel past. He’d slide to a halt, turning to look at you. “Who are you?” he’d question, tilting his head to the side.
You’d introduce yourself, he’d stomp closer, bending down to be at your eye level. His eyes would be wide and curious as they studied you. You’d notice the diamond shape pupil.
After the introductions, he would nervously apologise, explaining to you that he was just stressed out.
“You can talk to me if you need to Steven, I’ve got a free evening and an un-judgemental ear.” You’d affirm, sitting on the sand opposite him, idly scribbling nonsense.
He’d explain he’d had some past… issues, things he never worked through. He never went into detail about it but instead avoided eye contact.
You would both talk about your hobbies, where you came from, your families etc. Stevens mood would alter every now and then with his pink glow varying between it’s intensity.
Eventually he come to a soft dim glow, he’d turn, pulling you into a tight bear hug. You would feel him shrink around you back to what must be his normal size. His massive arms crushing you in their grip, huge hands splayed across your back. He would bury his face in the space between your face and shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he would breath you in.
“Thank you.”
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Characters i ship
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The Ruler and The Rebel
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The Queen and the Servant
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I think I might write a late 4th of July fanfic of either Spinel or Pink/Rose watching fireworks with the reader for the first time
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dearest-painter · 1 year
*laughs evily because I'm going to give rose quartz! reader trauma*
While being Dark Quartz, the diamonds come and see the fusion and knowing that Rose Quartz! Reader is Pink Diamond.
They demand they unfuse this instant, but Dark Quartz refuses, and as punishment, White Diamond has no choice but to corrupt Rose Quartz! Reader, which causes both Darkiplier and Rose Quartz! Reader to both be corrupted.
Steven and Eric see this, and Pearl has no choice but to bubble both of them so they won't cause any harm.
Now all Steven and Eric do is be in Rose Quartz! Reader's garden and cry their eyes out, knowing they lost their parents.
Garnet is the one to comfort both of them and, when doing so, unfuses because they know it will only remind them of their parents.
Pearl is dealing with the grief of losing Rose Quartz! Reader ( like in the show ) and is with steven because she doesn't want him to meet the same fate.
Amethyst is the one to take their mind off it by going to Funland to cheer them up and make them smile.
( Could this be a oneshot? Only the beginning of the writing could be the oneshot )
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Awww can we give them fluff Soon?
TW/CW:Abusive behavior,abusive relationship, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,Yandere behavior,Corruption:((,Being bubbled for safety, first half is in Dark and Rose Quartz!Reader’s mind while bubbled, the gif doesn’t match but like couldn’t help,Tell me if I need to add more
Summary:You never asked for it, you just wanted to be with the man you loved yet your ‘family’ couldn’t deal with it. You just wanted to live a peaceful life with your sons and lovers
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It..it wasn’t our fault..right? ‘No it wasn’t our fault dear, not at all’ then why did they do this to us? Why did they make us like this? ‘Because their jealous and cannot understand that you’ve truly found someone to love’ D-do you think if this could all turn out differently if we just..agreed? ‘Maybe but the other outcome was very dangerous for both of us’ Yeah…I hope Steven and Eric are okay..I know their scared and if I could I would comfort them. ‘So would I, I know they’ll be in good care but I cannot help but miss them’
Steven and Eric looked at the bubble that held their corrupted mom and dad…it was all those fucking diamonds fault! If they just listened to them then they would still be a happy family! “Steven?” Steven looked to see a worried Pearl crouching beside him. “Are you okay? You’ve been lost in thought for longer then usual” “mhm..just miss them” Pearl nodded and pet Steven’s hair then left as she knew he needed space. He just needed a way to get revenge and fix his family then all of this can go back to normal…
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Hey, quick question. Does the ask box work? Cause i don’t see it and on my other blogs they said it doesn’t work.
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Waiiiiit Tasha definitely has the cutest dice and color coordinated notebooks and pens that she saves JUST for DnD night with the other werecats 🥺💕
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bluelockmaniac · 4 months
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▯ synopsis. how bllk boys propose to you ★ ft. sae, rin, kaiser, nagi x fem!reader
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itoshi sae. private, no words, & silent romance.
sae taking you out on late-night, fancy dinner dates was a regular occurrence. what was unusual tonight, however, was the way his sharp gaze lingered keenly on your every movement as you slid on your thigh-high stockings.
the mattress dips next to you, and you glance up innocently to see your boyfriend, dressed in a simple yet elegant beige suit. he appeared as calm and composed as ever, yet there was something unfamiliar about his approach that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
to your surprise, he takes your hand, caressing it gently with his thumb before sliding an intricate diamond ring onto your ring finger. your breath hitches as he lifts your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on your knuckles. he peers up at you through his thick lashes, lacing his fingers through yours, chuckling softly at the sight of your ridiculously wide eyes.
but you feel something else, this time resting in your other hand's palm. two tickets to spain.
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itoshi rin. also private, but awkward.
it had been an entire hour since rin had asked you to leave your shared bedroom. you had complied without question, assuming that perhaps he needed time to analyze a football game to prepare for an upcoming match, and you perfectly understood how important his career was to him.
suddenly, you heard your boyfriend's peculiar, startling voice calling out to you from the room. you immediately turned off your television, dashing to the sound of his urgent words. you burst open through the door, only to abruptly collide into his firm chest. your hand flew to your face to rub your nose in pain, but you quickly noticed the slight quivering of his fingers as he shut the door behind you.
his eyes take you in with uncharacteristic nervousness, before strangely glancing away as his hand digs into his suit pocket . . . suit?
your mouth hangs open in shock as he fishes out a velvety crimson ring box. however, much to his dismay, his attempt at trying to open the small, lavish box fell short of his expectations as it slipped from his restless grip and hit the ground with a soft thud.
"fuck," he curses under his breath.
the white-gold tapered ring spun in its place momentarily, before coming to a rest in front of you.
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michael kaiser. semi-public, romantic.
you thought you would never catch kaiser dropping down on one knee to slip a pretty ring onto your finger. and you were right— you wouldn't.
a pair of cerulean eyes were glued to you as you gave your order to the waitress. their owner swirled his glass of champagne, a subtle, persistent smirk resting on his lips. you felt him brazenly intertwine his fingers with yours, gently rubbing your knuckles as you made an effort to quietly ignore his gesture.
kaiser took this opportunity, while your attention was on the waitress, to deftly maneuver a three-stone rose quartz ring onto your finger. you hadn’t even noticed the cold touch of the metal band around your skin, assuming it was just his cool fingertips.
as the waitress left, you glanced back at kaiser and furrowed your brows in embarrassment when you realized he had been staring at you intently this entire time. “what? is there something on my face?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.
he grins, setting his glass on the table before pulling out a red rose and tossing it to where you hand lay. “no, meine liebe,” he teased, pointing to your hand, “but there certainly is something on your finger.”
curious, you glanced down and almost immediately, a loud gasp escaped past your parted lips, drawing the attention of diners around you.
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seishiro nagi. straight to the point.
"mmh, baby, 'was your ring size?" he mumbles, adjusting his head on his comfortable pillow (your lap) slightly. your hand freezes, halting the pleasant motion of your fingers raking through his snowy white hair.
"heyyy..." he whines, poking your thigh gently, "keep going, don' stop..."
you quickly nudge his head, eliciting a low groan from the large man. "sei... are you planning to propose to me?" you ask, meeting his gaze with hope.
he pushes himself up, sitting cross-legged on the bed, then pulls you onto his lap. he blinks sleepily before sighing, then resting his hands on both of your cheeks. "i thought we were practically married, but reo kept nagging me about buyin' you a ring or something..."
he leans in closer, forehead meeting yours. he strokes your lip with his thumb before taking you by surprise with a lazy kiss. he pulls away and looks back at you, eyes wordlessly demanding answers.
"well?" he tilts his head. "will you marry me?"
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a/n: me personallyyy . . . all four will be accepted but a girl can dream .
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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