rouletterp · 2 years
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crystallinestars · 4 months
How They React to Your Death Part 2
I am back with more Genshin angst. Somehow, I feel like this part isn't as sad as the previous one, but it might just be author's bias.
Part 1 can be found here.
Characters: Gorou, Baizhu, Zhongli, Diluc, and Tighnari
Reader has death descriptions. Some are more graphic than others, but I don't get into the nitty gritty details
🐕 Gorou
Gorou had always harbored reservations about your participation on the battlefield. He had taught you how to fight upon your request and having fought many battles side-by-side, Gorou knew you were a capable fighter. But despite this, a part of him always worried about your safety. He couldn’t help it; he loved you too much to risk losing you.
He tried to keep you safe by suggesting you stay behind in Watatsumi and help Kokomi with strategizing, but this resulted in arguments between you. His ears flattened and his tail sagged like a scolded dog’s when you said you wanted to protect Watatsumi and its people since they were your home. Plus, you didn’t want to stay behind and anxiously wait for news from him just to know if he was still alive. Gorou had no comebacks to your points and could only sigh in resignation and apologize.
When the Watatsumi troops joined another battle against the Shogunate’s forces, Gorou trusted you to handle yourself. He had to believe you could because he couldn’t always protect you amid the chaotic battlefield. However, he forgot that there was more than just your life he needed to worry about. His own was at equal risk.
While fending off several opponents, Gorou didn’t notice an enemy sneaking up behind him until it was too late. Turning around, Gorou found himself with no time to react as the Shogunate soldier thrust his spear forward, prepared to impale the Watatsumi General through the chest. Gorou heard you shout his name, and then suddenly you appeared in front of him, intercepting the lethal blow. The strained little gasp of pain you let out as the weapon tore into your flesh ingrained itself into Gorou’s memory. He remained frozen in place, eyes wide with horror and disbelief as he watched you collapse to the ground.
Unfortunately, the enemy soldier gave him no time to come to your aid. Having retracted his spear, he aimed it once more at Gorou. Seized by panic, Gorou made quick work of the Shogunate scum before falling to his knees beside your figure.
The wound in your chest looked deep, as evident by the copious amounts of blood that seeped out from under your armor. He knew the situation was bad and that you might not even make it, but he tried to reassure you that he’d get you to a medic and you’d be fine. Despite his attempt to stay calm, internally he was panicking. Your eyes already looked unfocused, as if you couldn’t perceive the world around you. Gorou tore off the fabric of his pants and tried to bandage your wound to stave off the bleeding, but paused when you reached a hand up to touch his cheek. Your fingers were icy cold.
“Go…rou,” you croaked, your voice almost inaudible over the sounds of screaming and clashing metal of the ongoing war. Then, your hand fell away from his face, and you went still, your gaze hollow. Gorou called your name in a wavering voice. He repeated it several times and grasped onto your shoulders, begging you to respond to him, to please give him a sign that you were still with him.
You remained unresponsive.
Despair squeezed his heart like a suffocating vice, but he could not spare time to grieve for your passing. The battle was not over, and the Shogunate soldiers closed in on him once more. Reluctantly, he left your body where it was, and buried his anguish beneath a layer of anger and a desire for revenge.
That day, Gorou felled more enemies than he’d ever defeated in previous battles. He was ferocious, almost beastly in the way he slayed his opponents with a bow, teeth, and claws. It was a rookie mistake to let his anger blind him in his quest for vengeance, but Gorou couldn’t control the urge. He could either be a slave to his anger or let his sadness consume him to the point where he had no fight left in him. So, he fought.
Despite the losses Watatsumi suffered during the fight, Gorou’s army managed to win and push back the Shogunate forces. Once the fighting was over and the injured were rushed back to camp, Gorou made his way back to where your body lay in the blood-soaked ground amid the victorious cheers of his remaining men.
He knelt beside you and hugged your cold and stiff corpse in his arms tightly. He didn’t say a word, only closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his shoulders shook in an attempt not to cry. There was a familiar stinging in his nose, and his vision blurred, but he refrained from crying. He couldn’t return to his men while looking like a weeping mess, because seeing their ever-confident and reliable General crying would shatter the soaring morale of their victory. But if anyone happened to look in Gorou’s direction, they’d see his hunched-over figure cradling you to his chest, while his ears drooped and his shoulders shook.
The days that followed were a blur. Gorou’s army returned to Watatsumi to recuperate and brief Kokomi on the results of the battle. Gorou was heralded as a hero for the fierce way he fought and brought victory for their cause, but the Watatsumi General couldn’t bring himself to feel happy. He tried to put on a smile and congratulate his men for helping to win the battle, made speeches to keep morale up, and oversaw the training of future soldiers. Life kept him busy, but there was a distinct hollowness to it now that you were gone. Before, he would take breaks from training to eat lunch or dinner with you, take walks by the beautiful beaches of Watatsumi, or hide away in your shared home and let you brush his tail much to his delight. Now… there was only an empty void.
When night fell and Gorou found himself lying alone in bed, he would surround himself with articles of your clothing that still carried your scent, and cry. When there was no one to see him fall apart, he would break down and cry hard while whimpering your name until sleep claimed him.
These crying fits only stopped when Kokomi approached him one day. She still looked composed and refined as always, but Gorou could see the sadness in her eyes that had become more prominent ever since she learned about your death. You were her dear friend, after all, and it pained her to lose you. She handed him a letter and explained that it was something you wanted her to give to Gorou in the event you perished in battle.
When Gorou fished out the letter and read the first few sentences, tears welled up in his eyes. The way you wrote to him was as if you were right there, speaking directly to him. He could almost hear your voice as you apologized for leaving him so early, but you were always prepared to give your life to him, Kokomi, and all of Watatsumi because you loved them so much. You told him to not let his grief consume him because you wanted him to enjoy the life you fought so hard to protect. Above all, you would be happiest if Watatsumi remained safe under his and Kokomi’s guidance.
It took Gorou several tries to read the letter since the tears blurred his vision, but once he calmed down, he found that the anguish in his heart lessened, if only a little. It would be a long road to come to terms with your death and not being able to enjoy life with you anymore, but for your sake, he will try. And maybe one day, once his own time comes, Gorou will tell you all about how Watatsumi overcame the war with the Shogunate and flourished in the following years, just as you hoped.
🐍 Baizhu
Baizhu is Liyue’s best doctor. He boasted a hefty record of healing patients with even the most obscure and difficult-to-treat illnesses, giving hope to the sick that they still had a chance to lead normal and healthy lives. But for all his amazing healing abilities, there were illnesses that even Baizhu could not cure. The day you died served as a stark reminder of his limitations.
You’ve been ill with a rare and mysterious illness ever since you were little. You had difficulties breathing, often coming down with severe coughs, and your body was weaker than normal, so you couldn’t participate in physical activities with other children. When the illness got particularly bad, you were left bedridden due to how weakened it made you. Worst of all, no cure for it existed. No matter how many doctors looked at you, nobody could figure out what caused your illness.
When you grew up, your condition worsened, but you had a shred of hope. Your parents heard about the amazing healing abilities of a doctor in Liyue, and your family traveled all the way to the Harbor in the hopes that Baizhu could cure you. To his chagrin and your disappointment, he could not. Even Changsheng’s powers couldn’t transfer your illness to him. Whatever disease you possessed was a result of your genetic composition, which made it all the more difficult to treat. The best he could do was concoct a medicine that staved off your symptoms, but it was by no means a cure.
Since then, you frequently came to Bubu Pharmacy to get medicine. Against all odds, you had become close to the doctor during your many visits and eventually became his lover.
Baizhu did all he could to search for a cure, not only because you were his patient, but also because he genuinely loved you and didn’t want to watch you suffer. However, despite the many late nights he spent researching and mixing various medicines, nothing helped you long-term. The best he could do was curb your symptoms for a time before you became resistant to the medicine and felt worse again.
The more time passed, the worse your body deteriorated. At first, you struggled to do any strenuous activities, so you resigned yourself to walking and not lifting anything heavy. Then walking became difficult, so Baizhu took the time to come visit you at home and give you new medicines to try in the hopes of getting you back on your feet. You would always smile and thank him, saying that he was better off focusing on his other patients, but Baizhu hated it when you said that. It sounded like you had given up on getting better. Even if you doubted you would live for very long, he promised he would find a way to cure you.
The doctor genuinely believed he could help you. It is a doctor’s job to heal the sick and save lives. No matter how impossible the task seemed, he believed there was a cure for your illness somewhere out there, it just needed to be discovered. But before he knew it, your condition got worse to the point that you coughed up blood and became bedridden, barely able to lift a spoon to feed yourself.
Baizhu experienced a rare panic, and spent all of his free time at your bedside, tending to you and giving you various medicines in the hopes of finding something that stuck. As the days passed and you continued to worsen, Baizhu still refused to give up. You had to get better eventually. You had to. Even as your breathing became weak and you could barely hold your eyes open or speak due to your feeble state, Baizhu refused to face the reality of your impending death.
Utilizing all the medicinal supplies and his knowledge, Baizhu continued to try and treat you. When that didn’t work, he tried to split the burden of your suffering by transferring some of the illness to himself using Changsheng. He would not—could not—give up. Even when your hand went limp in his, even when your breathing stilled and your pulse flatlined, even when Changsheng pleaded with him to stop, Baizhu didn’t pause in his desperate attempts to get you to open your eyes and smile at him again. Not until all his medical supplies were depleted and your body had grown cold.
He still refused to accept your death and his failure. If traditional medicine and Changsheng can’t help, what if a higher power intervened? What if you became a living corpse like Qiqi? Perhaps with the blessing of an adeptus, you could be brought back to life and continue to live together with him like before.
Hearing his deluded mumbling, Changsheng had to snap Baizhu out of his spiraling thoughts by reminding him that Qiqi’s case was special because she was still alive when she was granted an adeptus’s blessing. Her words cut him like a knife, for as much as Baizhu didn’t want to lose even this little shred of hope, he knew Changsheng was right. There truly is nothing that could bring you back.
At that point, Baizhu had to face reality. You were gone. Your illness ended up claiming your life despite his efforts.
That night was a rare time when Changsheng saw Baizhu weep. The doctor silently cried as he cradled your lifeless body in his arms, and apologized over and over for being unable to save you. He failed you both as a doctor and as your beloved, and the guilt ate him up inside.
Despite how firmly Baizhu believed that he could save everyone in need of his aid, deep down he knew it was improbable. Some injuries and illnesses were beyond saving. But out of all the people he couldn’t save, why did one of them have to be you?
Ever since the night of your passing, Baizhu slept poorly, plagued by guilt and self-loathing for not being the perfect doctor. The one person he wanted to save most, to spend the rest of his life with, was gone all because he wasn’t skilled enough.
Back when you were alive, he promised to create the elixir of immortality and get you to be the first to try it. He dreamed about a happy future where you, Changsheng, himself, and everyone else could all lead happy, healthy lives. But he was too late, and that promise was left broken, just like his promise to marry you one day.
Despite the tragedy, Baizhu tried to move on. His patients needed him. There were still so many lives he needed to save, so he couldn’t give up now. He tried to smile through the pain and work as usual, but even Qiqi could see how sad his smiles were. He is filled with longing whenever he thinks of you, as well as the ever-present guilt that never faded no matter how many years passed. Despite how painful it was for Baizhu to remember you, he held those memories dear to his heart. As short as your relationship had been, it was a truly special connection he knew he would never have with anyone else.
In the distant future, Baizhu will dedicate years of his life to researching your illness and developing a cure. Though the medicine won’t bring you back to him, he finds a bit of solace in knowing that no one else will have to lose their loved one to the disease the way he did.
🔶 Zhongli
Zhongli always knew you would die before him. You were a human, after all. Your lifespan was but a blink of an eye for his 6000-year-old existence.
When you expressed a desire to be in a long-term romantic relationship with him, Zhongli made it very clear that he was an ancient supernatural being who had lived thousands of years, and would live thousands more even after you die because his lifespan was unlike yours. He wondered if this would discourage you from pursuing him, but it did not. After carefully weighing the facts, you remained steadfast in your resolve to build a future with him, and he couldn’t help but admire your determination.
The decades you spent together were some of the happiest Zhongli ever had. You gifted him new memories and experiences of the simple, relaxed life he always wanted ever since he stepped down from his position as Liyue’s Archon. Drinking tea at the teahouse while chatting about his extensive knowledge on various topics, participating in festivals, hosting small gatherings to meet his adepti friends, and getting married were just some of the things you did together. Life was peaceful yet eventful, and Zhongli felt a sense of fulfillment from it. Being able to enjoy the fruits of his thousands of years’ worth of labor felt rewarding, and doubly so since he got to enjoy it with someone he loved.
As the years passed by, Zhongli noticed how your skin gradually developed wrinkles, and your hair gained new white strands. He knew you were getting older, while he still retained that ever-youthful appearance of a handsome young man. To avoid suspicion from the public, but most of all, to appease any insecurity you might have about growing old, Zhongli manipulated his appearance to age together with you. Each year, he added more wrinkles to his skin and grayness to his hair to match the speed of your own aging.
You were surprised when you first noticed these changes, but Zhongli could tell you appreciated his efforts. You had appeared downtrodden about growing older, while he still looked the same as the day you first met him. Now, you seemed more at ease, though he could still catch glimpses of sadness in your eyes. After all, the fact he had to manually age his appearance was a constant reminder that he was not human and that you would have to leave him one day.
As you grew older still and your body developed aches and pains that usually came with old age, Zhongli helped you through the difficulties. He did the more strenuous work around the house, supported you during walks, helped you read text you could no longer see clearly, and fetched your medicine from Bubu Pharmacy to keep your ailments at bay.
Despite the differences that came with you growing old, Zhongli never loved you any less. Everything about him was as constant as the bedrock of Liyue itself, and his love for you never wavered. Even when your beautiful, youthful looks faded, and he had to take care of your frail body, he still loved you just as much as when you first became a couple, if not more. He loved the person you were on the inside more than what you looked like on the outside, and in his eyes, your beauty never faded.
However, it still pained Zhongli to see your lovely hair grow white, and your body weak. It meant that death would come for you soon, and you would have to part ways. He knew it was inevitable, but a part of him silently pleaded ‘Not yet. Don’t go just yet, please stay a little longer.’
As you reached your late 80s, your health grew worse to the point you spent most of your time at home. Both you and Zhongli could tell that your time would come any day now, but you said that you were prepared. You got to live a long, happy life and had no major regrets, so death didn’t scare you. Rather, you have grown to accept it.
Zhongli would stay up late at night in bed with you to watch your sleeping face, trying to ingrain the memory of your features and of being together into his mind, because he knew each night might be the last.
One night, Zhongli woke up to the sensation of your life force growing faint, until it completely disappeared. He didn’t need to check your pulse to know you had passed away since he felt it. Your spirit was gone. His heart sank at the realization that this was it. He would no longer get to hear your voice, see your reactions to his stories and affections, or make new memories with you.
Zhongli had lost countless friends and companions throughout the Archon War. He was used to death and saying goodbye, but each time was no easier than the last. The weight of loss settled heavily on him because, despite the years he spent mentally and emotionally preparing for your death, it was still difficult to sit there beside your lifeless body and accept the fact you were gone. There were still so many things he wanted to experience with you. It was truly unfortunate that your human lifespan was so painfully short.
Zhongli took your limp hand in his and held it for a while as his mind went through your shared memories together. In his memories, you were vibrant and lively, the opposite of how lifeless you appeared now. With the part of you he loved most gone, all that remained was a body of flesh that appeared almost like a stranger. It made him miss you, but also helped in coming to terms with your passing.
He mourned for you throughout the night, up until the sun rose above the horizon.
Zhongli took part in arranging your funeral. He carefully supervised every step of the process to ensure your funeral was perfect, and that you were given the proper respect in your journey to the afterlife. Once you were laid to rest, he found himself wandering around aimlessly most days. He walked along the same paths the two of you used to take strolls on, visited your favorite locations in Liyue Harbor, and frequently brought your favorite food as an offering to your grave.
At the teahouse, Zhongli sat at the same table where you always had your dates and stared at the empty seat where you used to sit. He could picture with perfect clarity how you used to sit in that same chair and give him your undivided attention when he recounted tales of times past, and he always loved it when you did. Now, he could only stare off into the distance while reminiscing about the good times he shared with you. Though Zhongli was saddened he couldn’t make more memories with you, the ones he did have made him grateful that you had been a part of his life.
🦉 Diluc
Diluc met you shortly after you arrived in Mondstadt with nothing but a satchel of mora and the clothes on your back. You said you came to the nation of freedom in the hopes of starting a new life but never disclosed any details about your past. Though he was curious about the life you led prior, Diluc learned to let it go. After all, Mondstadt was home to many people with mysterious backgrounds and origins, so what’s one more?
During the months you spent together, you had both fallen in love with each other and began a courtship. Diluc knew with certainty that he wanted to marry you, so one fateful night, he got down on one knee before you and presented a golden ring topped with a piece of garnet. You said yes, and Diluc felt the happiest that night than he had in a long time, not since his father’s passing several years ago. Now, he was looking forward to having a family again.
After Diluc lost his father, Adelinde and Elzer were saddened by the drastic change in their Young Master. Diluc used to be so optimistic and passionate, brimming with the desire to become a knight and help people. After Crepus’s death, he had become closed off and aloof, becoming bitter at the corruption running rampant within the Knights of Favonius. However, with your arrival at the estate, Diluc seemed to slowly warm up and smile more, and the senior servants couldn’t be happier by the positive change. They hoped that your union would heal their Master’s wounded heart.
Initially, Diluc didn’t plan to host an engagement party, but his butler Elzer convinced him to go through with the Ragnvindr family tradition. With your agreement, Diluc hosted a ball and invited prominent figures in the business world to attend, most of whom he worked with. During the party, he introduced you to his business partners, making idle chatter and receiving congratulations on your engagement. Everything seemed to be going well, albeit a tad boring, until the two of you were approached by an unfamiliar man in a lavish suit.
The man said he was an acquaintance of yours, and sure enough, you seemed to recognize him. However, the way your posture stiffened, and the color drained from your face set Diluc on edge. He wanted to reject the man’s request to speak with you in private, but you interjected and agreed. Diluc didn’t want to leave you alone with someone who made you uncomfortable, but the pointed look you gave him made Diluc hold back his protests. With great reluctance, he let you go.
He was anxious the entire time you were gone, unable to fully focus on the business conversations and propositions he was discussing with some of the guests. To his great relief, you returned safe and sound, albeit with a troubled expression on your face. Diluc made a mental note to ask you about what happened once the ball ended.
The man you spoke with didn’t reappear that night, and the party came to a successful close after plenty of eating, drinking, and dancing.
Later that night, you fell sick. You were vomiting and sweating quite a bit, and at first, Diluc thought you had food poisoning. However, when he noticed you were vomiting blood, panic surged through him. You were poisoned.
He called his servants and asked them to fetch a medic, but your condition continued to deteriorate quickly. In mere minutes, you were unable to stay standing and were gasping for breath, so Diluc laid you down on the bed. Tears streamed down your cheeks while you apologized to him, as if you knew you were going to die and why. As if someone intentionally poisoned you.
Diluc tried asking for more information, but by that point, you could barely breathe, much less get a word out. All you did was futilely gasp for air while gazing at him with eyes full of remorse and fear.
Diluc didn’t want to think about the possibility of you dying because the mere thought opened old wounds that never fully healed. But as he watched you slowly suffocate; it triggered a surge of fear in him. This scenario felt so familiar. It reminded him of how Crepus died. Due to the Fatui’s schemes, his father had disintegrated into nothing in his arms, leaving him and Kaeya alone to pick up the pieces. He couldn’t do anything to save his father then, and it frustrated him that he couldn’t do anything for you now, except sit there in fear and despair. Diluc gently took your hand in his, both for your comfort and his, and you clung to his hands like a vice. Despite Diluc’s empty reassurances that you’ll be alright, that the medic is on his way, you had passed away in front of his eyes with a pained expression on your face. The sight of your last moments made his stomach churn.
As he sat beside your body in the dark room shrouded by night, his thoughts shifted to the reason behind your death. You were poisoned, but why? Did someone do it to try and get to him? He did have many enemies, after all. Then, he remembered the suspicious man that had terrified you so much and couldn’t help but think the secret lay with him. Whatever the case, Diluc swore to get down to the truth of the matter.
He gently removed the engagement ring from your finger and hung it on a chain around his neck to always keep with him as a memento. A reminder of the future he was robbed of with you, and of your life which was taken far too early and cruelly.
News of your poisoning spread to the Knights of Favonius. Jean organized an investigation team to catch the culprit and bring them to justice, but Diluc knew it would take them too long. Even after the Knights had improved their ethics with Varka, Jean, and Kaeya at the helm, Diluc was still reluctant to leave everything to them. He insisted on investigating the matter himself. After many weeks of searching for clues, and even partnering up with Kaeya, Diluc managed to find the truth behind your murder. It infuriated him. You were once a Fatuus but had defected from the organization and ran away to Mondstadt to start a new life. You wanted a life where you were free to live the way you wanted, instead of being forced to commit atrocities in the name of the Tsaritsa. But nobody leaves the Fatui alive. Your superiors had found you and sent a Fatuus to infiltrate the ball. After you resisted their attempts to coerce you to return, sometime during the party they spiked your drinking glass with poison, which was how you perished. You were killed for wanting to live your life for yourself.
The injustice behind your death pushed Diluc on a quest for revenge. He swore upon the ring hanging from his neck that your murderers would atone for what they did. After delegating the running of the Winery to Elzer, Diluc packed necessities and embarked on a Fatui hunt. Over the next few months, he diligently searched and hunted down every member of the Fatui squad that killed you. He refused to take breaks, searching day and night for the exact location of the perpetrators and planning his revenge. He had tunnel vision that wouldn’t go away until his mission was completed. Diluc successfully slayed every Fatuus involved in your death. None were spared. Once his mission ended, Diluc returned to Mondstadt, but he became colder than before, much to Adelinde and Elzer’s dismay. He was more stoic and aloof than before, rarely smiling or expressing any emotion. He completely closed himself off, not allowing anyone to get close. Diluc had lost too many people he loved and didn’t want to grow attached and experience another potential loss. Sometimes, Adelinde would catch him sitting idly by a window and staring outside with a pensive, almost sad expression while twirling the ring around his neck. Elzer would spot Diluc standing by your and Crepus’s graves in the light of dawn, presumably after returning from another patrol around the city. Diluc would stand there for a while with his head lowered, looking so lonely and defeated, before heading inside the manor.
Diluc would never find someone new to love, of that he was certain. He will continue to wear the engagement ring around his neck up until the day he dies, and when he does, he hopes he will be buried alongside you and his father. If he cannot be with those he loves in life, then maybe he can be with them in death. Until then, he will push on and continue to live, blazing a path of justice to protect the citizens of Mondstadt so that no more victims end up like you and his father.
🍄 Tighnari
When a mother reported her child had gone missing within a withering zone in the Avidya Forest, Tighnari immediately dispatched a search and rescue team.
As a fellow forest ranger, you wanted to come along to help look for the child. Tighnari knew you were fairly capable of handling yourself despite not having a vision, but just to be safe, he paired you up with Collei. After all, it was already dark, and who knew what dangers lurked within the afflicted forest.
Right before you and Collei set out to search your assigned part of the forest, Tighnari told you both to stay safe and vigilant. Never did he think the reassuring smile you gave would be the last time he would see you alive.
He managed to find the missing boy before the withering got to him, and escorted the child back to camp for a checkup. As time passed, the other rangers returned, but you and Collei were nowhere in sight. Just as Tighnari was starting to get worried, Collei rushed over to him, out of breath.
In a panic, she explained that your pair had run into a hilichurl camp within the withering zone, and were chased by hilichurls through the forest. She got separated from you in the dark, and wasn’t able to find you again despite searching for a while.
Tighnari fought to stay calm as he rushed towards the location of the withering zone, and stopped when he saw your figure collapsed on the ground just outside the boundary. His heart dropped at the sight, and he quickly knelt beside you to check your vitals.
You had no pulse.
Tighnari felt like he was dreaming, as if he was watching someone else kneeling beside your body. That this wasn’t real. But as he looked at your glazed eyes which stared off into the distance, never once looking at him, reality set in.
You were dead.
Once he accepted that fact, Tighnari’s heart felt heavy, as if weighed down by an anchor.
You had tried to find your way back to camp, but having spent too much time in the withering zone, and not being a vision holder, you had inevitably succumbed to its effects just as you had gotten out of the zone. A pang of guilt welled within his chest. If he had paired up with you instead, or assigned you a different area to search through, would you have made it out alive? These thoughts looped in his mind and wouldn’t leave Tighnari alone.
When he returned to camp a while later, the rest of the Forest Rangers saw him carrying your body with a grim expression on his face. The fact Tighnari wasn’t asking for immediate medical assistance, and the way his ears drooped low, were all the rest of the Rangers needed to know you had died.
The guilt persisted like a phantom all throughout your funeral, and the days that followed after as he tried to keep it together. Breaking the news to your parents was difficult, but Tighnari forced himself to be the one to tell them. He was prepared for their devastation, and subsequent angry accusations for not protecting you like he promised. For once, he didn’t sass back, but rather quietly accepted their hatred. He believed that they had every right to blame him. After all, Tighnari was the one who was supposed to keep you safe, both as the leader of the Forest Rangers, and as your lover.
Tighnari never thought he would miss you as strongly as he currently did now that you were gone. It was nothing new for you to go days without seeing each other because he sometimes had to go to Sumeru City to give lectures or conduct botany experiments in Pardis Dhyai.
But this time was different. This time, he knew he would never see you again.
Never again will he come home to be greeted with your smile, and he missed the warm feeling that filled his heart back then. He missed your voice, the way you pet his ears and tail, the meals you brought him when he was busy with work, the letters you wrote to him when he was out on a trip… he missed you.
Some nights, he would wake up with tears in his eyes, filled with longing for the happy dreams he had about you. But they will forever remain only dreams, taunting him with a life he can no longer have because you’re not here anymore.
You will never return, and Tighnari was left with a heavy feeling in his chest that refused to completely go away no matter how many years passed. He will always regret sending you out with Collei that day.
He threw himself into his work to distract from the ache in his heart. The thought of someone else dying to the withering like you did scared him, so Tighnari made it his mission to eliminate all the withering zones in the forest. He never wanted something similar to happen to anyone else, and it was the only way he thought he could atone.
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Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 8 - Misunderstandings
Although Salveen and Jxo’s tent was relatively small, ever since Xilä had moved in, it had quickly become a social hub- much to the elder’s delight.
Salveen loved to entertain guests. So whenever the Sully siblings, Spider and any of their other friends came by to visit Xi, Salveen was always happy to whip up something tasty for them. 
The kids- as Salveen liked to call them, although all adults now, with the exception of Tuk, had started a weekly game night involving a combination of human and Na’vi games- resulting in a fun but boisterous atmosphere, especially when things turned competitive. 
Neteyam had learned early on that Xilä was quite competitive herself. He enjoyed sitting back and observing her taunting words towards her opponents, the excited glint in her eyes when she was about to win, her banter with his brother and Spider when things got heated, the little dance and handshake she and Kiri would do whenever they’d beaten the guys. 
She was a sight to behold and it was always difficult to look away. 
Tonight however, the first thing he noticed was that she seemed different. She was quiet. Reserved. Almost as if in a daze. 
Neteyam had arrived late and smack dab in the middle of a heated game between Lo’ak, Spider, Kiri and three other guys they usually hung out with. They were all seated around the rounded table in the centre of the tent, talking loudly and animatedly to each other. 
“You’re such a cheat monkey boy! I saw you hide something under your butt!”
“Oh yeah?” Spider taunted. “Come see for yourself then,” he said suggestively. 
“Don’t be gross man, that’s my sister,” Lo’ak grumbled over a mouthful of whatever treat Salveen had prepared that night. “Xi, are you sure you don’t want to get in on this rou- Tuk, would you let the girl breathe already?! She hasn’t even gotten a turn yet!”
Tuk, who was seated in Xilä’s lap, spat out her tongue at him. “We’re having girl talk Lo’ak!” 
Kiri snorted. “Tuk do you even know what girl talk is?” 
“Of course I do. It’s when girls talk. Duhhhh,” she sassed with an eyeroll before turning back to Xilä to continue to say whatever she was before. 
“See this is why I say we should leave her at home,” Lo’ak complained, “but noooo, because mom says if she wants to go, we have to bring her along.” 
“Neteyam, hey man,” W’aote said, being the first one to spot him arrive. “Sub in for me this round will you? I’ve got to piss,” he requested, standing and leaving before Neteyam could even respond. 
Neteyam sat in his spot, greeting everyone as he did. He looked over to where Xilä and Tuk were seated on the other side of the table with an expectant stare, waiting for her to acknowledge him..….but she didn’t. 
Clearing his throat he asked, “ Where’s Salveen and Jxo at?” 
“D’avi’s,” they all replied simultaneously with the exception of Xilä.
“Xi, do you want to play this round?” he called out with a grin, but it soon dropped and his ears fell backwards when all she gave him was a polite smile and a quiet, “no thank you.” 
Throughout the night it became abundantly clear Xilä was avoiding him and he fucking hated it. She still smiled and laughed and participated in a few of the games, but he knew her so well by now, he could tell something was wrong. 
She was not herself….she was not herself with him specifically. Her smile never met her eyes when they fell on him, it was almost as if she was forcing herself to be around him. 
Later into the night, when he finally got paired with her for a team game, she kept her head tilted so that her hair cut off his view of her face. His jaw clenched and he ground his teeth in irritation and his desperation to find out what caused this sudden change, intensified. 
They had no privacy being in a room full of his siblings and friends. A few times he asked her under his breath if she was okay, and each time she’d smile and say she was fine.
It was a fucking lie of course. He was fighting a powerful need to toss her over his shoulder, march them out of there and make her tell him the truth. 
Neteyam was so focused on Xilä, and trying to figure out what had happened in the few hours he had left her alone, he was oblivious to his brother’s concerned glances. 
Lo’ak seemed to be the only one to pick up that something was off between the two. He didn’t comment on it of course, but decided to keep the others distracted and unaware of the strained tension emitting from them. 
During their final game, Xi was the first to lose. Feigning a headache, she stood and bid everyone goodnight before making an escape to her room. 
Neteyam cursed under his breath when Kiri stopped him from trying to covertly sneak after her- announcing to everyone, it was his turn to play.  
By the time the night was truly well and over, he stayed behind when everyone had packed up and left. Making his way into her room, he stooped and flicked on her lamp, ensuring it stayed dim. She was snuggled under a thick pelt, fast asleep. 
Refusing to leave her just yet he laid on his side, propped up on his right arm as he stared down at her serene face. He frowned while he traced her features with the pad of a finger- noticing the slight puffiness under her eyes for the first time. 
Had she been crying?
His feather light touch smoothed over her baby soft skin, her little twitching nose and those fucking kissable lips. He needed her to wake up already so he could see her eyes. He felt like he hadn’t seen them properly all night. 
What was he missing? Why wouldn’t she look at him? Why wouldn't she talk to him?
Giving up trying to figure it out, he kissed her forehead and gently pulled her into his arms. She murmured incoherently when he moved her, then snuggled into him unknowingly as she settled against his chest and slept on. 
He only wanted to hold her for a little while. 
When Neteyam awoke in his own bed the following morning, he felt like the universe was out to get him. 
He had one goal and that was to get to Xi’s tent first thing, but no he could not....because his father woke him at the crack of dawn to inform him that he had to leave to attend to a situation.
This meant Neteyam needed to step in for him to conduct an evaluation on one of the warrior units- which was scheduled first thing. 
Neteyam was irritable and cranky. He was snapping at everyone as he tried to get himself ready for the day. It truly seemed like his family members were all purposely trying to piss him off. 
He felt horrible after because he had even made poor Tuk cry by yelling at her when he noticed she had painted flowers on the handle of his lucky dagger- thus ensuing an earful from his irate mother. 
“Get out!” Neytiri hissed through clenched teeth after her long angry berating. She had had enough of his bad attitude. “What is with you today? This is not like you Neteyam! Your mood has been like this all morning! Fix it or don’t come home.” 
“Bro. Bro!” Lo’ak called out, jogging to catch up to him when he stormed out. 
Neteyam made his way through Home Camp while adjusting the jewellery and comm device he had put on badly in haste. He blew out a breath, strapping a visor to his forehead. “Leave it Lo’ak. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Fine,” he said with a condescending grin. “I just thought in case you hadn't realized, and to reiterate what mom said...but you’ve been a massive dick.” 
Silence greeted Lo’ak as he continued to keep pace with his seething brother who was now fiddling with the strap of his riding satchel.  
“Is this about you and Xilä?” Lo’ak asked, going the direct route.
That had Neteyam halting and turning to stare at his brother suspiciously. “Why would you ask that?”
“A hunch?” Neteyam didn’t look like he believed him, so he went for the truth instead. “Look, I don’t know if you guys see yourselves, but usually you’re all….touchy and flirty. You two can’t keep your hands to yourselves, at all,” he said with a grossed out face. “You’re both completely oblivious to the sexual tension you create.” 
Neteyam swallowed. He honestly didn’t care at this point who saw them together. “So?” he said.
“So, I noticed she was all weird around you last night, okay? When you came in, she didn’t even glance your way…if anything, she looked tense. Normally Xi can’t wait to plaster herself to your side, and then you get this stupid goofy look on your face.” 
Neteyam’s ears lowered and a lodge formed in his throat. “.....I thought I was being crazy. It was weird, she was different- distant. I tried talking to her but all she did was fucking smile and say everything was fine!” 
“Are you going to go find her now?”
“I fucking wish,” he sighed, “I’m due to conduct an evaluation right now. Dad asked me to step in for him since he’s off dealing with some situation or the other...I’m already late and she’s all the way on the other side of Camp. I’ll have to find her after.” 
“Do you know what you did?” 
Neteyam rubbed the space between his eyebrows as if in pain, without response. That was all he thought about all night. He had no clue what he could’ve possibly done. 
So why was his idiot brother so adamant that he did something? 
“Not that I know of okay? And this could be all just a one off. We don’t know that something happened for sure.”
“Did you fuck her?” Lo’ak asked crassly. 
“What the hell man!” Neteyam hissed venomously with a backslap to Lo’ak’s arm, glancing around to make sure no one had overheard.  
Lo’ak simply shrugged. “I’ll take that as a no then. Did she want you to fuck her and you said no?”
Bewildered, irked and utterly pissed off, Neteyam stormed off, muttering an, “I’m fucking done with this conversation,” as he went. 
But the annoying pest that was his brother seemed to be resilient. “I’m just trying to help you, asshole!”
“Well I didn’t ask for your help!” he seethed over his shoulder. “Lo’ak, will you stay out of it?! This is none of your business!”
“Maybe, but I’m making it my business! Xilä is upset over something you’ve done and you need to fix!”
Neteyam stopped and rounded on his brother again, braids flailing around dramatically as he poked a finger to Lo’ak’s chest. “You keep saying that! What the hell makes you think it was something I’ve done?! Huh? What do you know? And quite frankly, why do you even fucking care?!”
“So what if I care!” he roared. “And I don’t know anything, alright?! I’m not the one she’s being weird around. It’s you dumbass! So I suggest you figure out whatever the hell it is you did you did, grovel your ass off and fix this shit!” Lo’ak yelled, giving his brother a two handed shove for good measure before he stormed away. 
Spider, who had observed the entire ordeal from afar, jogged after Lo’ak. He shot a bewildered looking Neteyam a curious glance as he went. “Hey cuz, what was that about? You two looked pretty heated.” 
Lo’ak shook his head as he headed straight for the labs. “Trying to talk some sense into him is all…Hey did Xi say anything to you yesterday?” he asked. 
“Uh…like what?” 
“About Neteyam? She was all weird last night.”
“No she didn’t and shit, I didn’t notice,” he frowned. “She seemed fine though. I don’t get why you think something’s wrong.” 
“Yeah I’m sure you didn’t notice,” Lo’ak said sarcastically. “Probably because you were so busy flirting with my sister,” he grumbled, ignoring his best friend's splutter of denial. “She’s not fine, Spider. It’s Neteyam she’s all off with. Something’s changed.”
“Um, no offence cuz but ah, you know the bet’s off right? You won….Why are you so worried about this? I care too but it’s not like it’s our problem to fix. They’re adults, they can work it out themselves.” 
Reaching the outskirts of the labs, instead of heading inside, Lo’ak sat on the steps of one of the trailers with a heavy sigh.
“Do you remember what I told you I overheard my parents arguing about a while back? About what the council wants from Neteyam?”
“Mhm, yeah I remember. It’s shitty,” Spider said, climbing onto the railing to perch on top. 
Lo’ak snorted. “Shitty is putting it lightly, he’s the eldest, so it’s expected of him. And you know the idiot…he’s all about following rules and tradition…so he’ll just go along with whatever they want- be their fucking puppet.”
He became silent for a moment. “That could have easily been me... except it’s not. I get to do whatever the fuck I want and he doesn’t. His whole life is already planned out,” Lo’ak explained. “They didn’t get to control my mother, so they’re trying to control him instead.”
“It bothers you…you feel guilty, don’t you?” Spider said seriously, staring at his friend with a frown. 
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I know I can be an asshole sometimes but I do care about him and I at least want him to be happy about the person he has to spend the rest of his life with- she’d be part of the family after all and…I’d rather it be someone I could put up with,” he added quickly, trying to play off the deep emotions he was suddenly sharing with his best friend. 
Spider ignored his joke and considered his words. “And you think that person is Xilä?”
Lo’ak gave him an “are you for real” look.
“Have you seen him this happy with anybody else? If they don’t sort this out themselves soon I’ll have no choice but to meddle…….His time is running out.”
Xilä stood from afar, watching with weighted breath as a team of ikrans swooped in complete synchronisation. One rider in particular caught her eye, causing a flutter to tickle her stomach. 
The riders landed one by one, gracefully dismounting before either releasing their beasts to open air again, or leading them over to the ikran enclosures a couple feet away. 
Neteyam spotted her the moment he landed. A prickle of relief and happiness tinged with uncertainty at the sight of seeing her there- waiting for him, flooded his chest. 
Although it hadn’t even been a full day since he’d seen her, he missed the heck out of her. All morning he contemplated last night’s events. He just wanted to hold her already- he felt deprived. 
Hurrying to dismount, he released Buddy to the open air again.
“Hey kids,” he called out to a small crowd of children who were all excitedly watching the warrior’s arrive. “Careful alright? Not too close to the fence,” he advised as he passed them, reaching out to grab his satchel that was hooked on a fence spike.
“Yes Sir.”
“S-sorry Sir.”
“You guys that was Neteyam,” one of them whispered in awe. 
Not stopping for a second he quickly closed the distance between him and Xilä as he removed his riding visor and then unstrapped his bow and arrow carrier, tucking them all into his long riding satchel before swinging it across his back. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said when he was finally toe to toe with her. “Are you- have you been waiting for me?” he asked hopefully, focusing intently on her face, taking his fill of her.
She stepped back trying to create some space when he cupped her jaw. “Yeah,” she smiled softly, keeping her eyes averted. “Can we talk for a few minutes? I won't be long, promise.”
Neteyam nodded, feeling a little a swoop of dread. “Ye-ah,” he replied, his voice cracking. 
He was beginning to hate that polite smile of hers. All he wanted was to see her light up the way she always did whenever she saw him. He wanted to lean in and hug her or even kiss her, but he refrained. 
He was also going to take more than a few goddamn minutes thank you very much. This sudden awkward thing they had going on was going to drive him insane- it needed to end.
Before he could lead them somewhere more private however, a voice called out to him. 
“Nete!” Leati hurried over, having just landed. Slowing to a stop in front of them she touched his bicep. “Where are you going? There are still a few more routines to run through. My team is gearing up right now, I already called for the direhorses to be escorted ov-”
She abruptly stopped, just noticing who he was with. She side eyed Xilä, then continued to relay to Neteyam all the drills he would miss as she turned her back so that she stood between the two of them, blocking Xi from Neteyam’s view.  
Xilä stepped back and looked away uncomfortably, she didn’t want to see them together. She was on a mission to end things between her and Neteyam- she just wanted to get it done and over with but she refused to stick around and have them rubbed in her face. 
She had had a good cry fest yesterday- getting everything out of her system, as Salveen hugged and soothed her while desperately trying to figure out what was wrong- Xi didn’t tell her though.
Later on, after assuring Salveen she was fine, the reluctant elder and her husband eventually left to spend time with their pregnant daughter and son in law. 
Xilä retired to her room until late when her friends started to arrive for game night. She had concluded the entire situation between her and Neteyam must have been one big misunderstanding on her part. 
The more she thought about it, the more the signs were all there. No wonder he kept saying they shouldn’t have been doing what they were doing. No wonder he kept stopping them from going further. 
She felt as if she missed something from D’avi's explanation about mating and relationships, but then remembered Neteyam was the son of the Olo'eyktan. The rules must have been different for him. She’d forgotten there were many customs she must not have been familiar with and deduced this must have been one of them.
If anything, she simply felt stupid. Leati was right- she had stupid silly hope that somehow she and Neteyam would end up together……forever- mated and bonded as one for life. But that was all it was- silly hope. A daydream. 
Yet it was all very real to her... Xilä was in love with him. 
The realisation had sent her into another round of bitter tears and as much as she loathed Leati, she couldn’t bring herself to continue to sneak around with her betrothed. She refused to be like some of the women who would blatantly sleep around with her father- knowing well he had a wife.
And so, Xilä decided she definitely needed to officially end things between her and Neteyam, and fast- not only because she was not a cheater but also to protect her own heart. 
Not wanting to stay any longer she said, “Um, Neteyam we can talk later, I’ve got-,” but she was cut off when he quickly side stepped Leati and reached out to take hold of her hand- preventing her from leaving with a fleeting panicked and pleading expression across his face. 
“Yeah I know all that Leati,” he said, turning serious as he faced the female warrior again. “But something important has come up. Why don’t you guys break for lunch and I’ll page Gwuyle to finish the rest of the session for me.”
He should have done that in the first place and gone after Xilä first thing that morning. 
Xi frowned, staring up at him. She wasn’t sure if he was even aware of his actions because not only was he holding her hand, but when she tried to pull away, his tail wrapped around her thigh.  
Leati made a strangled noise and blinked disbelievingly. Her eyes darted from Neteyam who was suddenly paging Gwuyle right then and there through his comm device, to their linked hands, to his tail curled high around Xi’s upper thigh- its tip, completely hidden under her skirt. 
Xilä, who had somehow momentarily gone mute, yanked her hand from his grasp, wide eyes on a murderous looking Leati. ‘Oh shit,’ she thought, swallowing guiltily.
However- Neteyam, who seemed oblivious to the tension and reactions of the two women- only because he was still on the line with the clan’s second in command, simply tugged Xi closer with an arm around her waist, so that her front clashed flush against his side.
She stumbled and clung to his warrior belt for balance, cheeks purpling from his actions. 
She was stuck. Immovable by his hold. To anyone looking their way, they were the picturesque image of a romantic couple.
Accepting defeat, Xi slumped against him, smushing her face into the space between his pec and bicep. He seemed to have taken that action as her being affectionate, because as he wrapped up the call he pressed a casual kiss to the top of her head. 
Misreading Leati’s muted, shocked expression, Neteyam continued on as usual. “Relax Leati. Gwuyle is just as good a reviewer, you’ll be in good hands for your team’s evaluation. Have some lunch and have your team check in after.”
Leati sputtered pathetically. “I- what..but, but it’s not even lunch yet! Nete can’t you-” she stepped forward to caress his free arm but Neteyam cut her off with an exasperated sigh.
“Then have an early lunch, Leati, run a practice drill or something. Anyone else would gladly take advantage of extra time before an appraisal- Oh great, the direhorses are here.” He whistled to his own amongst the herd being guided over by a group of wranglers. 
“Nete, please stay,” Leati pleaded. “What is so important anyway?!” she snapped, glaring at the back of Xilä’s head unnoticed.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said distractedly as he watched Antoyle approach. 
Neteyam’s massive direhorse chuffed in greeting. A small squeal escaped Xi when she was suddenly hauled up onto the massive beast- Neteyam keeping a large palm on her thigh to keep her steady. 
“I’ve gotta go Leati, good luck, alright?” he said, giving her a parting smile before easily mounting the creature behind Xi and securing an arm around her once more.
Xilä caught one last withering glare from the female warrior before Neteyam was charging them off. 
Riding hard and fast, Neteyam led them deep into the forest. He knew it was petty and probably overly possessive of him, but he was purposely taking them somewhere far. Not only for privacy, but also so that she couldn’t escape without his help to get back. 
Passing through a thick wall of vines, they found themselves in what Xilä could only describe as a hidden cocoon of serenity. 
A small tricking waterfall flowed in the far corner, pooling in a somewhat shallow well of rocks. The flora was thick and abundant.
Glowing plants illuminated the sunless hideaway, creating a serene and romantic atmosphere. 
“What is this place,” Xi asked, momentarily distracted by its beauty.  
“It is niwan loreyu, one of the many beautiful secrets of the forest,” he said over her head as he pulled them to a stop. “Very few know of its existence,” he continued as he dismounted and disconnected his queue. 
“I feel…” she couldn’t quite explain the feeling but it felt good- as if she were being hugged lovingly.  
“It is Ewya you feel,” he explained, while removing his comm device to stuff into his bag- he didn’t want any interruptions. He then tossed his satchel to the soft flooring. “Her presence resides heavily in this place.” 
“Did we really need to come all the way out here?” she grumbled as she accepted his help to get down- legs aching slightly from the long trip. Antoyle trotted off to graze on a patch of rich grass. 
“Yes,” he grinned, tugging her hips closer, relishing in the feeling of her finally in his arms. 
“You didn’t need to leave your duti-”
“I wanted to,” he said earnestly. “God, I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks,” he groaned, nuzzling his face into her cheek, affectionately. He froze when she suddenly tensed up. 
She swallowed as a guilty flutter emitted within her. “You shouldn’t have done all of that,” she whispered, stepping out of his arms as she avoided his stare. 
“Done what?” he asked, allowing her to go but itching to pull her back. 
“Leaving with me…holding my hand- the tail thing, the touching- all of it! Especially in front of her.” 
He frowned at her with a tilt of his head but stayed silent. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered more to herself than him. Squaring herself she faced him head on. “We need to stop, Neteyam.”
There was a small tightening in his chest at her words. He knew what she meant but asked anyway. “Stop what?”
She didn’t exactly know how to label it. “What we’ve been doing…you and I…everything we’ve been doing for the past-”
Her jaw dropped. “What do you mean, no?!”
“I don’t want to,” he said simply.
“Neteyam, the sneaking around- it has to stop.”
“Then we will stop sneaking around. We will stop hiding. I know we never talked about it, but we can do that. We don’t have to remain a secret if that is what’s bothering you. Sweetheart, I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been hiding you,” he said sincerely. 
She stared at him incredulously. “You want us to go public?! We can’t do that, what will-”
His ears fell back. “What’s so wrong about that?” he snapped.
“Neteyam,” she said, sounding so broken he felt a small part of him crack. “I don’t think you’re thinking clearly.” She rubbed the heel of her palms into her eyes. “Shit. Why is this so hard to do? I can’t stop thinking about you and all those stupid orgasms and now we have to sto-”
“You didn’t didn’t like the orgasms?!” he asked, alarmed- ears twitched high as his tail went limp. 
“No! Yes! Yes, okay! I liked it, I wanted it, I mean I practically begged for it didn’t I?” she shrieked somewhat hysterically. “But that’s not the point,” she said in frustration. “That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m telling you we need to end this!”
“Why? Tell me why? Why do you want to stop? Give me one good reason and then we’ll end things.”
Her face scrunched up in hurt. “Because I like you...much more than I should, but I know the truth now and I don’t want to come between the two of you…I-” She faltered and took a shuddering breath. 
Neteyam’s frown deepened- clearly not understanding. “Xilä what are you talking about?” 
“You don’t need to pretend anymore!” she snapped, folding her arms in vulnerability. “What I don’t get is why you didn’t tell me! I get that it’s supposed to be this big secret until you decide to announce it but- gosh Neteyam I feel like such a fool!” 
“Xilä,” he said seriously, staring at her in great concern. If anything he was looking at her like she’d gone and lost her mind. 
But she misunderstood his worry. “It’s okay,” she said quickly. “I’ll keep it a secret…‘Teyam, you’re my friend and I want us to stay that way even after- I don’t want to mess this up and I’m not blaming you…but I really don’t get why you didn’t say anything.”
When she noticed his clueless expression she mumbled out, “I know about you and Leati. She told me.”
He raised a questioning brow. “Me and Leati, what? Baby I don’t understand anything you’re saying right now. I honestly feel as if we’re speaking two completely different languages.” 
“Neteyam,” she said in a shaky voice, eyes pooling with liquid. “Why didn’t you tell me you were betrothed?” 
A beat of silence filled the air. 
“What?” he breathed out, incomprehensibly. 
Filling the sudden silence, she began to ramble as she fidgeted with her fingers. “Well I know it’s technically none of my business but well I thought maybe that’s something friends share with each other. Especially friends who did the amount of kissing and touching we did.” 
Shaking out of his reverie, Neteyam closed the distance between them, halting her movements by loosely linking his fingers with hers. 
Tilting her chin up he said very seriously, “Xilä…I am not betrothed.”
“But- yes you are.”
“Sweetheart, I’m pretty sure I’d know if I was intended to be bonded for life with someone,” he said intently. “Who the hell did you hear that shit from?” he demanded. 
“Well from Leati. She- I…” Xi spluttered, not meeting his gaze. “She said you two were…since months ago! Before you and I. You don’t just make that stuff up! You don’t lie about things like that! Why would she-”
Neteyam muttered a, “goddammit Leati,” under his breath as he tugged her closer so there was no space left between them. “Eyes, Xilä.”  
She knew the drill and looked up immediately. Her chest pressed against his upper abs so she had to arch her spine slightly to see his face properly. 
“So let's just go over this, shall we? Clear the air so that we’re on the same page.” 
She nodded, trying hard to focus on his stern voice and contain the flutters swooping around in her tummy from their proximity. Neteyam however looked like he was fighting to reign in his annoyance. 
“Xilä, I am not betrothed to Leati. I am not betrothed to anyone. Alright?” 
“When did she tell you that?” 
“Mm. That why you avoided me all of last night?” he asked, irritated.
A guilty expression appeared on her face. “Yes.”
All of the pieces were finally coming together now. Neteyam released a heavy sigh, nodding in understanding. He cupped her face and pressed a quick peck on her forehead.
“Come’re.” He hoisted her up the way he always did and her arms and thighs automatically wrapped around him. He couldn't deal with the distance between them anymore.
In short strides, he stepped into the rippling pool and took a seat, slumping against the rocky wall as he adjusted them into a comfortable position. The water was warm in comparison to the cool air but felt good, relaxing her slightly sore legs.  
Straddling his lap, the water covered her from her waist down. Her skirt fluttered around her hips, before sinking as it became soaked. His knees jutted out of the clear water when he propped them up, causing her to slide forward which made her core land flush against the skin just above his loincloth.
A large palm slid up her back, arching her towards him while his other soothed along her thigh. “Can I have a kiss? Please?” he pleaded- one small taste was all he needed. 
Xilä felt a bit emotional but held it in. Shaking her head up and down eagerly, she cupped his jaw, and with a soft, “yes,” she kissed him. 
The kiss was fleeting but it was very much needed in the current situation. Neteyam broke them apart with a final one, two, three sweet pecks before he was pulling back to see her face. 
“So we need to talk. There are some things you need to know, Xi,” he said seriously. 
“Alright,” she nodded, bringing her hands together to fiddle with his battleband. 
“First of all, Leati-” He tsked. “I think she probably misinterpreted a particular situation- which I will tell you about now. I’ll be sure to speak with her and clear the air of course but this is all honestly one huge misunderstanding.” 
“Well I’m quite curious to know what it’s all about. She was very territorial over you.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I know how she can be sometimes.” He took a breath and rubbed her thighs under the water. “Xi, when I turned eighteen the council told me I was required to find a wife by twenty-one. They thought I’d take a woman already by then…but when I hadn’t, they decided to give me a deadline.” 
Xi’s brows rose high and her jaw loosened. “They can do that?! Why would they even do that to you?”
He shrugged. “Because they can. Apparently it’s a mandatory tradition to ensure and secure the line of leadership. I’m not even going to go on about the heir they also require,” he said with an eye roll. 
“Wait wait wait. They’re giving you a deadline for finding a mate AND they are telling you when to have a baby by?! That’s ridiculous!”
Neteyam held his laughter. Her upset reaction was too cute for him to handle. “Yeah…but I put my foot down about that one. Don’t worry, no babies to worry about right now.”
“Okay…uh, continue,” she said with a blush. 
“So I’ll be honest I didn’t really try all that hard to find someone. I was too focused on my position. My training and skills were my priority- the whole mate thing, as much as I agreed, it was a lot of pressure. So I ignored it for a long while.
By the time I was a couple months away from the deadline, the council decided to take matters into their own hands. The fucking rumour mill ran wild when it became public knowledge I was looking for a mate. Every eligible female was practically being shoved down my throat.”
Neteyam shook his head. “Anyway let’s just say I learned the hard way that not all women wanted me for me. Quite a few only cared about the fucking title and the perks that came with it.”
Xilä bit down an angry retort about said women, but stayed quiet instead, soothing her palms along his chest, comfortingly. 
“The council was pissed when still I had no one chosen by my twenty-first birthday. They were all so disappointed... but I knew this was my duty. I knew I had to follow through and do it anyway. So I begged my father to plead my case and get me three more years. It was granted but it came at a cost. If I didn’t find someone by then, they’d choose for me.”
Xi's angry protest was interrupted when Antoyle chuffed, annoyed by an insect flying around his snout.
“A couple months ago, Leati’s mother- Fe’ska suggested I take her daughter as my mate. That was all it was…a suggestion. Leati and I, we don’t run in the same circle but our mothers are friends, so we’ve known each other since childhood. But I could never and have never seen her in any romantic light,” he assured, staring directly into her eyes. 
“You remember the meeting I attended a while back? The one you said I was all prickly afterwards?” 
She nodded. 
“Not only did I get another warning that my time was running out, but they decided on Leati as their final choice if I don’t succeed....If I don’t find anyone by my birthday next month, I’ll end up with Leati. She and I never spoke about it…but her mother must have said something. So that’s the only reason I could think of her making such an assumption, which is ridiculous anyway you take it.”
“Wow,” Xi whispered, slightly overwhelmed by the information thrown her way. 
“Yeah, that’s it- all of it. That��s everything.”
He seemed worried as he tried to read her emotions. “I um, I just want you to know, I wasn’t hiding all of this from you, purposely. I’ve actually been trying to get some more time but- they’re not budging.”
“It’s okay I get it. I don’t get the entire situation though. Can’t your father do something? He is Olo'eyktan!” 
Neteyam shrugged. “He can, he’s offered to step in, but I already agreed when I was eighteen. There’s a binding contract and everthing, so I have to keep my word.” 
“What are you going to do, then?” she rasped, uneasiness sinking in her stomach. She hated the whole Leati as his mate, deal.  
He pursed his lips and stared at her in silence, thumb tapping on her skin. “It depends.”
Her brows furrowed. “On what?”
“You, baby.”  
Her ears flickered. “Me?” she squeaked.
“Earlier, you said you like me too much…is that still in effect after everything I just shared?” he asked hopefully. 
“Umm, well. Honestly, I may have downplayed it a bit,” she said sheepishly. “It is more…love, than like.”
Xilä held her breath as she watched his expression morph from apprehension to understanding, to pure giddiness. 
“You love me?” he said with the widest grin on his face she had ever seen as he leaned in while simultaneously tugging her forward. “As in, love love? In love with me?”
Xilä giggled at his teasing and sailed her hands up his body to grip his neck, thumbs stroking his skin. She bore a matching grin while he nuzzled her cheek, trailing along her face to rub their noses together. 
“That’s quite funny,” he said, “because guess what, sweetheart?”
“What?” she hushed against his lips, crinkling eyes boring into his. 
“I’m in love with you too.”
She knew it was coming, his teasing tone had said it all but yet she still felt that bubble of emotion surface. 
Neteyam’s face softened into a concerned frown. “Sweetheart. Xi what’s with the face?”
She choked on a laugh, shaking her head. “I’m okay. Sorry,” she smiled through teary eyes. “It’s stupid.”
“Tell me anyway,” he said, kissing her scrunched up nose.
“I’ve never had anyone say those words to me before,” she admitted shyly. “It felt good, that's all.” 
“Fuck….” he whispered, in upset. He seriously loathed her parents more than anything at that moment. 
“Then I will make sure you hear those words every day for the rest of our lives, okay? Baby, I will try my hardest to make sure of it,” he promised sincerely. “I love you Xilä.” 
“I love you too Neteyam.”
“Can we stay here forever?” Xi sighed, in complete contentment. 
“If you want,” Neteyam agreed easily. 
He’d give her the damn universe if she wanted it. 
Xilä sucked the last of the sweet juice that coated her fingers, humming happily as she did. “Well that was delicious,” she said, tail sailing like it usually did whenever she ate something yummy.
They were still in their little hideaway. Seated side by side, they munched on some picked, ripe fruit as they dried off on the soft, sweet smelling grass. 
Neteyam’s legs were splayed and propped up, but he’d dragged and draped her both thighs over one of his. Xilä leaned her temple against his bicep and took his hand to play with his fingers on her lap.
“Will they have a problem with it? Well, with me?” she suddenly asked, feeling a bit insecure. 
“Who? The council?” he asked over a mouthful of fruit. 
“Sure, but more importantly your parents. I’m probably not who they were hoping you’d end up with,” she admitted.
He looked down at her with a crooked little smile. “My parents will probably understand more than anyone else. My father is from the stars, remember? Against all odds they fell in love and chose to be together. And as for the council….” he shrugged. “I don’t fucking care. You know why?” 
She shook her head. 
“Because I. Choose. You.” 
Beaming, she stretched up and used a hand to tug on his neck, begging to be kissed. He obliged eagerly, sweeping a tongue along her bottom lip so she’d open up for him. 
With a simple move, she was scooped into his lap. Her palms danced down his chest, fingernails grazing his nipples as she trailed her way to his bare midriff. He had taken off his belt and left it out to dry. 
“I always liked these,” she mumbled against his lips as she stroked his abs appreciatively. 
“Mmm, I know. I’d see you staring at them all the time whenever you thought I was distracted,” he smirked, chuckling when he heard her shocked gasp. 
Xi sat back. “You did?!” she shrieked, feeling thoroughly embarrassed. 
Neteyam licked his lips and plopped the last of his fruit into his mouth.
“Oh yeah,” he murmured, leaning back on one arm comfortably while the other reached up to pinch a pebbled nipple through her top. “These would get all showy, and your tail would flicker all eager like,” he teased. 
“Oof, I can’t believe I was so obvious!” she wailed, slapping a palm across her face in horror while he laughed out loud. She lightly smacked his chest in retaliation. 
“It was cute, baby,” he said, licking away a drop of juice that escaped him. Xilä stared as he tried and failed to catch it, so she leaned forward and licked the bead from the corner of his lip for him, sucking on the skin a bit. 
When she pulled away Neteyam smirked again. “You're quite a spicy little minx you know that?” 
She shifted in his lap and wiggled her little butt into him. Her eyes glinted, knowingly- a stark difference to her blushing disposition a few moments ago. 
He knew that look all too well by now. Sitting up, he pulled on the tie behind her back and instantly removed the strip of cloth from her chest. Eyes locked on hers, he tackled the tie on her hip next, pulling the slightly damp skirt off of her, flinging it to the side as well. 
“What do you want Xi?” he asked, reaching down to free her of the under cloth she usually wore. 
She knew the drill by now. Tongue or fingers. 
“Wait.” Gripping his wrist, she stopped him from tearing the poor flimsy cloth off of her. “You can’t keep doing that,” she said sternly with a hint of amusement. 
In quick succession, her nimble fingers undid the tiny knot and then she was finally bare to him. 
“I can always get you new ones made, you know?”
“Yeah? And how’s that going to look if you’re constantly requesting them from the seamstresses? What are they going to think?” 
Neteyam shrugged. “Probably that I am keeping my mate thoroughly satisfied?” 
“Your mate?” Xi asked, lighting up by the thrill of his words.
They had spoken about it not too long ago.
When he officially asked her to be his, she hadn't been able to contain her excitement. Xi had practically tackled him with slew of yeses and kisses. She was actually going to be his wife and would be forever grateful to the Great Mother for blessing her so abundantly.
Realizing what he said, Neteyam’s ears flickered backwrds and his cheeks tinged purple. Xi thought he was freaking cute whenever embarrassed.
“Sorry, I just- well you know what I meant…” he stuttered, rubbing at his temple bashfully. 
 Xilä’s smile was relentless. She loved the sound of those words coming from his lips. 
Having enough of the roles reversed and Xi’s giddiness at his embarrassment, he tossed a sudden curve ball at her. 
“I want you to ride my face.” 
Her smile slipped right off when she understood his meaning. “Uhhh, um. How will that work? Won’t I stifle you? How will you breathe?” she asked innocently. 
“I just won’t,” he teased, playing with her breasts as if they were his favourite toy. 
“You could die, Neteyam!” 
“And I will die a happy death,” he countered, lifting her to her knees so he could suck on the rounded flesh of her chest. 
All the while, poor Xilä was contemplating the logistics of his request. There was apparently a lot she still didn't know. D'avi had obviously not been able to educate her on everything, so she knew she’d have to learn and figure out the rest herself.
“Relax baby,” he said, seeing her concerned expression. “I’m teasing. I won’t die because I’ll have plenty of air. It's only my mouth you’ll be riding anyway. If you don’t like it we can stop. You don’t even have to do-”
“No, I want to do it!” she protested. “I want to try. Oh and um, I choose both by the way,” she said, realizing she’d never responded to what she wanted from him. “Tongue and fingers.”
Neteyam shook his head with a laugh. “Yes, Ms. Little Greedy Butt, as you wish. Now come here. You’ll get your tongue first,” he said, lifting her entirely as he laid back. 
Xi was in for another sore legged journey.
What a rollercoaster this one was! It was touch and go for a minute but so happy it was all cleared up.
Do you guys hear the wedding bells?!!!
I think Lo’ak was my favorite part though lol
Okay, so hadn’t planned on it, but please let me know if you want the rest of the spicy scene from the end or if it’s fine that way. I’ll add it to the next part if you do.
As always lemme know that you guys think :)
@jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure
If you'd like to be tagged or I forgot you by accident, please let me know.
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mrssylvatica · 4 months
first kiss - elbert / alfons x MC
517 words || first kiss oneshots, there are versions where each person initiates.
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◇ CW: mildly suggestive mentions in alfons' section of course
"I... I'm glad..."
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Elbert initiates:
Elbert left a handwritten letter next to your typewriter to come see him in the garden at sundown, but you didn't know why. When you arrived at the designated time, Elbert stood alone with his back away from you, his trembling hands clutching a singular flower. Multiple other "imperfect" flowers lay strewn on the ground, abandoned. Ah... he put so much thought into getting the perfect flower just for you...
When you tap Elbert on the shoulder, he's startled out of his thoughts...
Enveloped by the warm setting sun, Elbert cups your chin with both hands, hesitating before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. It's simple, it's affectionate, but most of all, it tests the waters. He has to make sure you like it first. "Do... do you like it?" Elbert smiles meekly as he whispers in your ear, caressing the back of your head and running his fingers through your locks. If you look at his face right now... you'd see his cheeks flush a light pink like a child caught breaking a rule.
MC initiates:
You two stand side by side, fingers interlocked and gazing into the distance together. Your gaze turns to Elbert, whose ocean blue eyes turn to look at you from the corner of his eye...
You step on your tiptoes, your hands using his shoulders for support as you plant a gentle kiss on his porcelain cheek. Elbert's eyes widen a bit in surprise, but then he gives you the sweetest smile and pulls you back in for a kiss, on the lips this time.
"I... I'm glad..."
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Alfons initiates:
Alfons would catch you by surprise, sneaking up from behind and grabbing your chin to kiss you. As his thin, firm lips consume yours, you suddenly realize... he's kissed you several times, but never on the lips... it's like it's only reserved for a special person... When he's done, you're a breathless, flustered mess and what does he do? He just smiles innocently at you as if nothing happened. When you complain, he just chuckles. "Oh? Whatever could you mean? You've done more than that with your lips before." Oh, that BASTARD...
MC initiates:
This was one of those mornings when Alfons would sneak back into the castle when the sky was barely brightening. He sat on a stool in the kitchen, replenishing his stamina with a small bowl of soup. There was no sign of a smile on his face... as he did when he was sure he was completely alone.
When he put his gloves back on and was about to leave, you appeared in front of him, silently getting on one knee. Alfons looked amused. He was used to seeing this sight, but it felt different today. You reached out for his hand and brought his knuckles to your lips with a gentle smile. But Alfons looked... a bit sad, like you had just awakened something painful within him. Maybe it just means more to him when you fulfill this happiness by yourself, without an illusion...
He motions for you to stand up and pins you against the wall to kiss you properly.
SHITPOST MAIN: @rou-luxe
Author's Notes
just a quick idea I had for my babies I need fluff right now my mental state is in shambles
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lemon-muncher · 2 years
Can i request Tamaki with a mean dom fem reader who has a bigggg and thick strap to rail him with because she wouldnt get a hug from him 😈.
Its Aly 🤭.
This is pretty lengthy, so sorry in advance
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Tamaki Amajiki... he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. His soft amd shy demeanor makes him a fan favorite in the hero world. His fans numbered in the hundreds, hoping he'll give them a small glace behind his big hood. His only 'awful' feature was you, his loving wife.
You had met when you were both students at UA. Just like his current self, he was shy and reserved leaving you to court him. His bright red face and quivering lips from the moment is embedded in your mind. Thus started your relationship.
As you both grew up and he grew more popular in the hero ranks, you grew bitter of his fans. They distracted your husband from what truly mattered. It's not his fault he's so precious, he just gets distracted.
You were walking side by side at a hero event the two of you had been invited to. Your fans cheered as you waved and gave this a small smile. You turned your head to face your raven haired husband. You tapped his hand with your finger, indicating you wanted your hand held. It wasn't a new form of affection but for some reason he ignored your advances.
Looking to find why Tamaki was acting differently, you noticed his red ears as he faced his adoring fans. He was stuttering as he answered questions he got from the crowd. It was shocking really. He knew your rules. He knew ignoring you would result in punishment later. Yet he blatantly disobeyed you. Well, I guess all good boys have their off days.
You laughed to yourself. You quietly murmured in his ear, "I guess I have to re-education you on my rules~" His face turned a brighter red than it was before. You simply smiled and turned to put all your attention on your fans and the event. As the night prolonged, you couldn't help but wonder what type of punishment you would be doing. It's been awhile, and felt almost refreshing.
The drive home was interesting to say the least. You were silent, seating in the passenger seat of the shared vehicle. Tamaki was quiet like he usually is, but tried to start a conversation with you. "Y-you looked great t-tonight Y/N..." His usual stutter echoed in the quiet car. You remained silent, wondering what your husband was thinking.
As Tamaki pulled into your driveway, you finally decided to speak. "You know you're getting a punishment tonight..." His grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I...I know. I'm sorry." You hummed to yourself, the tent in his pants telling you otherwise. You handed him your keys," I'll give you 5 minutes to choose your punishment."
Your system for punishment was simple. Tamaki got to pick and if you found it suitable, you'd go with it. It was a certified way that both yourself and your husband were comfortable. After 5 minutes you got out of the car, locked in and headed inside to you shared house. It was quiet and the lights were off. The only indication that Tamaki was inside was his dress shoes that were messily placed by the door.
As you got closer to your bedroom, the light shined into the dark hallway. The sound of small whimpers echoed out making you throb. As you stepped into your shared bedroom the image before you almost made you cum right then and there. Tamaki laid with his ass facing the door. His fingers working in and out of his wet hole. Next to him laid your strap on with his favorite dildo attached to it. It was one that mimicked one of if tentacles, long and thick just the way he liked it.
"Already prepping yourself, huh? You really ARE a slut for Mommy~" With quick strides, you enter the room, your hand sliding down his back. Your nails dragged against his skin, a small whimper escaping his lips. Before Tamaki could say anything you thrusted two fingers into him making him moan. "Since you decided you didn't want to be touched tonight, I'll grant you that wish."
You roughly pulled your fingers out of him and grabbed the strap-on that laid next to your husband. You could feel your eyes dilate as you looked at Tamaki as if he was your prey. While still keeping on your formal wear, you attached the harness to your body. You slowly climbed into bed behind your whimpering lover, his eyes never leaving yours. "I hope you're ready~"
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I'm making a part 2.... eventually. Anyways enjoy this 😌
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audriel · 6 months
behind the scenes: let's start thinkin' bout it
chapter 1: a wish for more time
in this time travel TKA fic, naturally there's a lot of personal headcanon regarding the future, of what's happening after the end of the webnovel. i'm inclined to be hopeful for Happy's future, not solely based on favoritism, but also the main fact that all of Happy's remaining members have all playoffs experience, both main and reserve team members. With Su Mucheng of the Golden Generation is also the most senior member, this makes Happy has the youngest and yet experienced lineup, which even Samsara cannot boast the same. it makes me think with Happy's environment, theirs is a team that won't have much problem in regeneration. Blue Rain might be the only team that can say the same or even might be better as Happy still needs to be beaten back and blue first in S11.
some personal headcanons hinted in this story:
Fang Rui had a crush on Lin Jingyan. his old partner is his first love
Qiao Yifan and Luo Ji are the last of the original members of Happy. they retire in S18
Su Mucheng is the first to retire following Ye Xiu. she retires in S12 at the age of 27 after preparing Qiao Yifan and the team accordingly
Fang Rui and Bao Rongxing retire in S14, at the age 27 and 28, respectively. Tang Rou, lasting longer than expected due to her professional piano background, retire in S15 at the age of 28. An Wenyi retires next, in S16. Mo Fan retires in S17. and finally, Qiao Yifan and Luo Ji, establishing Happy's tradition of retiring by the age of 28 with Su Mucheng and Fang Rui as the sole exceptions
Su Mucheng is the only captain who stays in Happy after retirement, besides Wei Chen and Bao Rongxing who works in the guild. however, Baozi is often struck by wanderlust so he might suddenly leave Happy, but can be counted on to be found online helping the guild. Mo Fan makes an appearance here and there, no one really knows what he does
An Wenyi continues his education, resuming his previously disrupted plans. Tang Rou inherits family business. both Ye Xiu and Fang Rui find Glory-related jobs, with Ye Xiu based in Beijing while Fang Rui based abroad
Yu Wenzhou holds the record for the longest active player in the League
Tyranny wins S11, Han Wenqing and Zhang Jiale retire. Zhang Xinjie becomes captain, Song Qiying inherits Desert Dust
World Invitationals are held once in two years. So is the International League (the name is undecided), which is basically the professional Glory clubs around the world competing against each other, with the participants are champion and the runner up from domestic league for each country
With this there's international competition every year, and to accommodate the players (and to extend their career lifespan), in S12 there is secondary league for lower ranked teams, leaving the top teams in the primary league with less packed schedule
Happy wins the domestic league in S12 and S14, and the international league in S13 despite only being runner up in domestic league (unknown to public, they're on fire knowing Fang Rui is about to retire)
Fang Rui in some ways are more influential than Ye Xiu to Happy, especially in the later years. Happy's younger generation barely knows their legendary captain and God, but have known and been taught since training camp days by Fang Rui (alongside Wei Chen and Qiao Yifan)
in the wake of Ye Xiu's retirement, Fang Rui is the most capable and experienced in dealing with team and club management. his appointment as vice captain is to mainly to reduce his burden (although everyone agrees Su Mucheng is a better captain, Fang Rui included)
Fang Rui reclaims his old class (and the title of King of Thieves) to add diversity to Happy's tactics. Happy purchased Lin Feng's Thief account from Blue Rain. he is the second pro player to be registered for two account cards after Fang Shiqian
however, like Fang Shiqian (and Ye Xiu), it puts heavy burden on his body, particularly his left hand, trying to keep up with his golden right hand. he quietly has a surgery for it, and change his playstyle, which rely less on his speed and reflexes and more on his mind and experience
Qiao Yifan becomes close to Yu Wenzhou initially due to Fang Rui, but then Yu Wenzhou becomes Captain and later Team leader for World Invitationals when Qiao Yifan joins which leads them to spend a lot of time together, thus the notebook
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erroremma · 2 years
Say hello to my current Miraculous team~!
We've got Lucil/Wildbug They love rock and other types of music, they're studying to be a musician in Paris while living with their mother, but they've lived in London the majority of their life with their father. In this alternate universe of the series, Lucil got the Ladybug Miraculous instead of Marinette. Master Fu slipped them the Miraculous after an admittedly unplanned pickpocketing of Fu's wallet. Lucil noticed the pickpocket, chased them down and brought the wallet back to Fu. They have a MASSIVE crush on André and don't bother hiding it. Flirting galore whenever there happens to be a good moment between the two of them.
Pronouns: They/Them Age: 19 Height: 5'9''
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Andre/Serre Noir André practices martial arts in France. He lives on his own, working as a barista during their free time from school; they study music alongside Lucil. After spotting Master Fu walking with a bunch of bags outside of the cafe they work, he invites Fu in for a cup of tea and after their shift, he helps Fu carry his groceries all the way home. Although Lucil flirts on them constantly, there's no romantic feelings from André towards them. He likes them, but purely platonically.
Pronouns: He/They Age: 21 Height: 6'3''
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Maeve/Mielbee Maeve's one of the top dancers in her school, joining in break dance tournaments here and there. In her free time, she works as a pizza delivery driver. When she won a tournament, a few kids approached her and asked if she could teach them some moves. This was nothing new for Maeve, and she gladly taught these aspiring dancers some basic moves. What was new was that a much older Chinese man approached and asked if he could learn these moves as well. Despite her reservations, she decided that if the man wanted to learn, nothing should stand in his way. She tries her hardest to teach him a few dance moves, but the man's bad back gets in the way. Maeve helps the man to a bench and goes to get him some pain reliever. When she returns, the man has vanished. Maeve notices something extra in her bag after she leaves the tournament; a six-sided black and red wooden box with a bee hair accessory inside.
Pronouns: She/Her Age: 19 Height: 5'2''
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Jieun is a Paris-based musician who studies classical music and enjoys researching history and folklore in his spare time. They work at the same cafe as Andrè, primarily because he has a crush on the cat miraculous' holder.
Pronouns: He/They Age: 23 Height: 5'3''
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Liv is a ballet student in France. She spends her free time working in her parents' garden and selling flowers. Sometimes, when she's alone, she'll listen to rave-type music, rather than the ballet music she usually would listen to. It's a kind of secret she keeps from everyone but her best friend, Maeve.
Pronouns: She/Her Age: 20 Height: 5'4''
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Elyna/Glitchbit Elyna attends the same school as Marinette and Adrien, but they've never met. Elyna is an exceptionally adept hacker who taunts Max and Markov by occasionally breaking into the tiny robot for fun, only to prove they can get past Max's finest firewalls. Her narcolepsy makes her school life difficult, but she still manages to get good scores. Nobody would be surprised if they hacked their grades. She also quite enjoys DJing, especially for her friends.
Pronouns: Any Age: 17 Height: 4'6''
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Jayce/Tovalry Jayce is Lucil's older brother, he works at a sports store and spends his free time mostly outside playing basketball with friends and hanging out with Lucil or Jieun. He enjoys plenty of different sports, but basketball, badminton and bowling are his favorites. Pronouns: He/Him Age: 27 Height: 5'6''
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Kaleb/Serroid Kaleb is a tattoo artist and piercer with his own business. He knows Jieun because Kaleb did his tattoos and they've remained friends since. He also works with Agni. They aren't the best of friends, but do occasionally hang out outside of work.
Pronouns: He/Him Age: 29 Height: 6'3''
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and finally, Agni/Rouge
Agni is a tattoo artist who works for Kaleb, but her other passion, aside from art and tattoos, is fashion. She is a fan of the pastel gothic style and designs and sews her own clothes as well as accepting commissions from others. When she transforms into her hero form and uses a specific element at her command, the gradient color in her hair changes to match that element.
Pronouns: She/Her Age: 29 Height: 5'1''
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Feel free to ask them anything!
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lgbtqmanga · 2 years
New Releases Nov. 15, 2022
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Canis: Dear Mr. Rain (Second Edition) by ZAKK
Canis: Dear Mr. Rain features story and art by ZAKK in this new expanded and updated edition of the original CANIS.
Hat maker Satoru finds Ryou passed out on street and is then embroiled in an international crime drama.
Business is tough at men’s haberdashery Dante. A big sale is coming, and they are extremely understaffed. So after getting chewed out by his staff a broken Satoru heads home to find a stray napping in the rain.Ryou isn’t your standard American longhair, though. He is a mysterious nineteen-year-old with charisma, good looks and an air of someone with a past, despite their age. After a meal, a nap and a shower Ryou was ready to model for Satoru. But their contract was for just one day. And the reason why Ryou had to go was he had a meeting with the mafia.
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Failed Princesses vol. 6 by Ajiichi
Upon realizing what her feelings are for Kurokawa, Fujishiro confesses to her! Kurokawa, however, is taken aback. This isn’t the Fujishiro she knows and admires! What will happen when her own feelings well up—and explode?
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Futari Escape vol. 1 by Shouichi Taguchi
A professional manga creator and her slacker girlfriend try to relieve the pressures of adulthood by finding joy in the little things in life–and each other!
Two young women—one an overworked manga artist, the other a jobless slacker—try to escape the realities of adulthood. Whether it’s by going into debt while splurging on an epic meal or taking an impromptu trip, “Kouhai” and “Senpai” find a way to make the most of their days! Kick back and relax with this adorable yuri comedy!
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun vol. 1 (Novel) by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
The wildly popular danmei/Boys’ Love novel series from China! Also known as 2ha (“Erha”), this highly requested historical fantasy epic about a tyrant’s second chance at life and the teacher he can’t get out of his mind will be released in English for the first time!
Cruel tyrant Taxian-jun killed his way to the throne and now reigns as the first ever emperor of the mortal realm. Yet somehow, he is unsatisfied. Left cold and bereft, abandoned by all he held dear, he takes his own life…only to be reborn anew.
Awakening in the body of his younger self—Mo Ran, a disciple of the cultivation sect Sisheng Peak—he discovers the chance to relive his life. This time, he vows to attain the gratification that once eluded him: all who defied him will fall, and never again will they treat him like a dog. His greatest fury is reserved for Chu Wanning, the coldly beautiful and aloofly catlike cultivation teacher who betrayed and thwarted Mo Ran time and again in their last life.
Yet as Mo Ran shamelessly pursues his own goals in this life he thought lost, he begins to wonder if there might be more to his teacher—and his own feelings—than he ever realized.
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Yuri Is My Job! Manga vol. 10 by Miman
Sumika realizes that her friend was right about her crush on Kanoko. In order to keep things professional, Sumika distances herself from the first-year, but Kanoko doesn’t understand why Sumika’s suddenly grown so cold... As the customers in the salon begin to notice a change in their relationship, an alumna shows up, complicating things further.
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Part of the Network’s Annual Summer Nights Programming Event
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STUDIO CITY, CA – July 17, 2023 – Andrew Walker (“Three Wise Men and a Baby,” “Bottled with Love”) and Brittany Bristow (“Holiday Date,” “Love, Romance & Chocolate”) star in “A Safari Romance,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, August 12 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s annual Summer Nights programming event.
Megan (Bristow) is a research scientist living her dream in South Africa pursuing a Ph.D. in Ethology, while working as a ranger on a nature reserve. When Tim (Walker), an American theme park designer, arrives to capture footage for an immersive, safari-themed attraction, Megan serves as his guide. As they explore the savanna and observe giraffes, elephants and lions in their natural habitats, they open up to each other about their dreams and begin to grow close. Things are going well until Amy (Simoné Pretorius, “Hotel”), a woman from Tim’s past, arrives to take over the project. Amy’s reckless disregard for rules puts Megan’s job at risk and threatens Megan and Tim’s budding romance. Megan, knowing that Tim will soon return home, is also wary of giving her heart to someone who lives half a world away – but she may find that love is an adventure worth taking.
“A Safari Romance” is from Leif Films Media and RHP International. Leif Bristow, Stephen Hays, Peter Graham, Rick Garman, Michael McLaughlin, Josh Rous and Meren Reddy are executive producers. Borga Dorter, Agnes Bristow and Luke Rous are producers. Leif Bristow directed from a script by Agnes Bristow.
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fabseg-creator · 1 year
Miraculous: Tales in the Opposite Universe (Inversed Personas AU): Chapter Two final part
This story is a fanfiction (Not an official script for an episode of the TV show). Some characters result from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (original title: Miraculous: Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir). It contains some original characters (OC) but they're fanon. All rights reserved to ZagToon.
Part one two three four five six
Their reactions are mixed. We can heard theses:
-Nino and Alya: Nino: "This dude is wonderful. If the Adrien we know was really cool like his 'twin', if he is capable to be cool with us, I would like to be friends with him." Alya: "This girl Marinette is so different. She is so sweet AND outgoing unlike the other Marinette from Fathom Academy. The crazy thing is there exists some other parallel worlds. There are our counterparts who living here." N: And Rou… About Wayhem ? Aly: After his confession, I feel… troubled. I must recognize… he is honorable (thinking) How ironic, I supported Lycène in the past. But now, I feel sad to our boy."
-Kitty Section gang: Juleka: "Same look. Same silhouette. But she's more beautiful compared to the Ice Queen we know. So rad !" Rose: "That's so crazy to see this girl is not emotionless. She's open-minded. She behaves just like most of us. I would enjoy MDC sometimes acts like her." Luka: "I feel their melodies in them. (smiling) They are full of surprises." Mylène: "These two (Marinette and Adrien) seem be in a date. Are they a couple ? Ivan: "We guess: Just like us two, Mylène." Mylène blushes.
-Nathaniel and Marc: Nathaniel: "If there exists another MDC and Adrien from another universe, there exists some other versions of ourselves from." Marc: "I guess. Meanwhile, these two counterparts are so different. Our other selves must be different too." N: "I imagine." Mrc: "And about superheroes ?" N: "Rouge Chance and Alley Cat are the protectors of Paris. Ladybug and Noir ,who have same superpowers as out two heroes, are the protectors of their own Paris too. That's fascinating." Mrc: "Fascinating ? Hmm… Yeah. I guess you're right, Nath." N: "Another thing: Have you an idea about a name for our two universes ?" Mrc: "Hmm… We would call them: Opposite Universes."
-Alix and Max: Alix (nervous): "Their stories from the two teenagers and other heroes are crazy. Parallel worlds. I wish I will never meet a possible dark version of myself. An evil alter ego." Max: "If I calculate probabilities of your theory, I can assure there's no chance it can happen. You're safe."
-Kim and Ondine and Socqueline: Ondine: "Another parallel world ? I hope our alter egos are a couple, Kim. And you could be a brave boy. Dymanic. Sportier. Athletic. Not exhausted. A champion." Kim (blushing): Do you think that about me ? A champion ? O: "Of course. And I feel you are capable of this." Fascinated by the Marinette's and Adrien's stories, Socqueline is thinking how could be her life in the two latters' world. Socqueline (thinking): "No matter where you came from, I guess you and Adrien are both lovers together. And you, Marinette, I'm curious to find out if you ans my counterpart are good friends. That makes me think our lives between MDC and I could be different for the best."
-Sabrina and Chloé: Sabrina: "What do they casually do in her their world ? I would like to know that." Chloé: "I hope these two aren't utterly ridiculous. (blushing) But sincerely, I don't think at all Marinette is ridiculous… Huh… Not bad about MDC. I like her, of course. The two parallel girls are… beautiful. But only our 'queen' MDC is perfect… for me." S: "You'll talk to MDC about that for an other day. I don't know she's interested by these parallel worlds' stories. She prefers the ordre and the safety." Chl: "C'mon Sabrina. I am certain my counterpart in their world is not ridiculous like me. I hope your alter ego is respectuous toward my alter ego. May we be equal friends. (thinking) Am I a queen according to this world ?" S: "I even hope your alter ego is charming enough for my alter ego making the latter proud of her." Chl (speaking lowly, cringing): "Better opinion: your alter ego is proud as my alter ego's sidekick. Heheheh !" S: "Have you said something, Chloé ?" Chloé startles. C: "Huh… Nothing, Sabrina. I like you, do you know ?" S: "Damn, Chloé. It will be fine. If I am rude with you it's for make you a strong and proud girl with sense of discipline. For prove to everybody you're not useless. You've already succeeded some tasks, right ? So don't be clumsy." C: "I swear." S: "Fine. And now, let's be quiet. Wayhem is going to talk again. For finish he had begun."
Holding the mic in his right hand, Wayhem makes the announce. W: "My friends. I express my regrets about the incident from earlier. We resume our rally: A police of robots is in project. And I have a guest from Fathom Academy to introduce to both you like I previously said. She was already late when Lycène had attacked Alley Cat and Ladybug. I warn you too she doesn't like the insecurity but she finally decide to come." In the crowd, we can see Marinette with Adrien, Cerise, Alya, Nino and Socqueline. Marinette (whispering to Cerise): "Is she the girl you spoked me about, Cerise ?" Cerise (whispering): "You'll see what does she looks like, Mari. I know her. She's a friend of mine and my beloved friend. Despite her personality." M (whispering): "Beloved… Friend ?" C: "She's already here. Let's go to listen her." The guest (who us wearing the Fathom uniform) comes on stage, she approaches behind Wayhem. The latter turns and shakes hands with her.
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W: "I thank you for joining our movement." Marinette and Adrien are astonished and troubled to see the girl. The more amazing thing about the guest is her physical look: She is blue-longhaired and despite she has a burn scar on the right cheek of her face, she exactly looks like… W: "Can you introduce yourself, Marinette ?" Parallel Marinette/MDC (insensitive): "Of course. (to the public) Hello everyone." This is the Marinette Dupain Cheng's counterpart. The Ice Queen of Fathom Academy and alternately called by most of young Parisians: M.D.C.. M and A (simultaneously thinking): "Is that… her ?"
End of Chapter Two.
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
send in one of the following emojis and my muse will react . accepting
The night in itself was ordinary - the average number of patrons, the regular faces in the crowd and the presence of Six by the pool table, playing by himself. It should have been an odd sight - a guy going through the motions of the game all alone - but somehow even that had become a staple of the Killer Queen. When Sierra Six was playing, no one dared interrupt anymore (not that he had outright disrespected the code of conduct of the place before - but Melissa suspected certain arrangements had been made outside).
The difference was in how the barmaid had been watching him play for the last few minutes - Melissa had a beer herself, the bottle resting in-between fingers while the woman gazed at the ex-agent with a certain gleam in her eyes. They hadn't talked about anything in the open, of course - whether they had kissed, fucked or shared confessions about their pasts was no one else's business.
And yet, it was not too hard to see something had happened - their interactions shifted in the absence of the tension that had dominated the two of them before. The oldest employee around called it first - even if Melissa was not aware of it, the crew of the diner was placing bets or whether or not they had been intimate already.
Suddenly, Six looked her way - and it wasn't an accidental movement of his part; the angle was precise and the motions perfectly calculated, making the barmaid realize that he knew he had been under her watch the entire time (the man had merely chosen not to return it thus far). And maybe the reason was in how he did it - there were no words there, sure, but Sierra Six looked at Melissa under a new light.
Perhaps, now they had finally crossed the line (and kept acting like they wanted to do it again), there was no reason to pretend otherwise. Well, the clients and staff were likely preventing them from acting on the thing, sure - neither one of them wanted their individual, private lives to become a topic of conversation - but Six eyed Melissa with a longing in his clear blue gaze that had the grip around the bottle growing tighter and breathing becoming shorter.
Fuck - she had it bad, hadn't she?
And then... He pointed upwards, dragging the barmaid's attention back to him but now with a look of confusion. From her place behind the counter, the brunette frowned, struggling to follow his directions. Was it something on the ceiling? Melissa looked everywhere but saw nothing, and then gazed at Six again, who now was smiling softly in that reserved way of his and motioned with his head towards the jukebox, and then again up - ah. The music - the speakers were up there.
The woman struggled to get the lyrics at first - but then recognized the tune played, a random Tom Waits song that didn't have any particular meaning to her. Melissa stared at the ex-agent again as if he had gone mad, but realized he was now moving his lips alongside the lyrics, particularly a part that contained the sentences 'see that little jersey girl in the see-through top / with the pedal pushers, sucking on a soda pop? / well I’ll bet she’s still a virgin but it’s only 25 til 9 / you can see a million of 'em on Heartattack and Vine'.
Once that part of the song had ended, his smile widened a bit - he pointed at her next, staring at Melissa with his impossible blue eyes before cracking another grin and mouthing more words at her (this time, she had been paying attention to catch them faster).
'It's you. You're the virgin.'
"The fucking nerve," Melissa said with a snort, shaking her head and taking a larger sip of her bottle; the sound of the beer placed against the counter next was louder than expected, but the barmaid was not really angry - the entire joke about her sexual experience (or supposed lack thereof) was not one she cared to relive now so Charlie and the rest of the girls could participate, too.
Instead, Melissa brought her drink to the pool table - she rounded it slowly, eyes locked with the assassin the entire time until they were side by side, although the barmaid leaned against the border of the table rather than facing it forward like Six. Grinning, the brunette placed the beer in-between them, head moving a little backwards before offering him a little smile that wasn't as mischievous as the glint in her honeyed eyes.
"Well, if that's true, then someone didn't do their job properly," a chuckle followed, "I get off work at 2am if you're willing to stay around and fix that."
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rouletterp · 2 years
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expires 01.14.2023
603 cha eunwoo ( lee dongmin ) , astro — alice
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Métis Rou Garou Stories
At the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota, the Michif legend is that there was to be no fiddle playing or dancing during Lent, except on St. Patrick’s Day. If one danced during Lent, their legs would dry up and they would see Aen Rougarou.
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carddio01 · 7 months
Convenient Connections: Navigating Shuttle Options to Tijuana Airport
Tijuana Airport, officially known as General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport (TIJ), serves as a vital transportation hub for travelers visiting Tijuana and its neighboring regions. Among the various transportation options available, shuttle services offer convenient and cost-effective means of traveling to and from the airport. In this guide, we explore the shuttle options available to travelers, providing insights into navigating these services for seamless connections shuttle to tijuana airport.
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Benefits of Shuttle Services
Shuttle services to Tijuana Airport offer travelers several benefits, making them a popular choice for transportation. Firstly, shuttle services operate on scheduled routes, providing regular departures and arrivals to and from the airport. This ensures travelers can plan their journeys effectively, minimizing waiting times and uncertainties associated with transportation. Additionally, shuttle services offer cost-effective fares, making them an affordable option for budget-conscious travelers. By sharing rides with other passengers, travelers can split the cost of transportation, further reducing expenses. Moreover, shuttle services provide door-to-door transfers, offering convenience and accessibility for travelers staying at hotels, resorts, or residential areas in Tijuana and surrounding regions.
Scheduled Routes and Stops
Shuttle services to Tijuana Airport operate on scheduled routes with designated stops at key locations throughout the city and surrounding areas. These routes typically include major hotels, transportation hubs, tourist attractions, and residential neighborhoods, ensuring convenient access for travelers. By pre-booking shuttle services, travelers can select the most suitable route and stop closest to their destination, facilitating a smooth and efficient transfer. Moreover, shuttle services offer flexibility in scheduling, with multiple departures throughout the day to accommodate varying travel itineraries. Travelers can consult shuttle service providers or online booking platforms to view route maps, schedules, and stop locations, allowing them to plan their journeys accordingly.
Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Shuttle services to Tijuana Airport provide convenient pick-up and drop-off options directly at the airport terminal. Upon arrival, travelers can easily locate shuttle service counters or designated meeting points within the airport premises. Shuttle service staff facilitate the check-in process, assisting travelers with luggage and providing information on departure times and boarding procedures. Similarly, travelers departing from Tijuana Airport can arrange shuttle transfers from their accommodation or preferred pick-up location to the airport terminal. By availing of airport pick-up and drop-off services, travelers can enjoy a hassle-free journey with minimal waiting times and seamless transitions to and from the airport.
Shared Ride Experience
One of the distinctive features of shuttle services to Tijuana Airport is the shared ride experience, allowing travelers to connect with fellow passengers and share the journey. Shared rides foster a sense of camaraderie among travelers, providing opportunities for interaction, networking, and cultural exchange. Moreover, shared rides contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing the number of individual vehicles on the road, thereby minimizing carbon emissions and traffic congestion. Travelers can enjoy the benefits of shared rides, including cost savings, social engagement, and eco-friendly transportation, while traveling to and from Tijuana Airport.
Booking and Reservation Process
Booking shuttle services to Tijuana Airport is a straightforward process, with multiple options available for travelers to make reservations. Many shuttle service providers offer online booking platforms, allowing travelers to select their desired route, schedule, and number of passengers. Online booking platforms provide real-time availability, fare quotes, and secure payment options, enabling travelers to confirm their reservations with ease. Additionally, travelers can book shuttle services through travel agencies, hotels, or airport information desks, providing alternative channels for making reservations. By booking in advance, travelers can secure their seats and ensure timely transfers to Tijuana Airport, enhancing the overall travel experience.
Navigating shuttle options to Tijuana Airport offers travelers convenient connections and seamless transfers to and from the airport. With scheduled routes and stops, airport pick-up and drop-off services, shared ride experiences, and easy booking processes, shuttle services cater to the diverse needs and preferences of travelers. Whether traveling solo, with family, or in a group, shuttle services provide cost-effective, reliable, and accessible transportation solutions for exploring Tijuana and its surrounding regions. By leveraging shuttle options, travelers can enjoy convenient connections and stress-free journeys to Tijuana Airport, enhancing their overall travel experience in this dynamic destination.
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chairlcg · 8 months
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[daniel henney — 44 — he/him] Introducing  ORYN MINJUN BYUN . Word on the street is they are a HITMAN and member of THE SYNDICATE for the past 7 YEARS . Though they are RESERVED and IRASCIBLE , they can also be HARDWORKING and HUMBLE . In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in. 
✉ FUN FACT: dude's known to be super aggressive on the job! cleaners hate him!
Has a mutt named Rou ( short for Roulette ).
Has a prosthetic for his left arm.
( TW: death, dismemberment vaguely )
Expectations were to be set high and flawlessly achieved even before Minjun's time, as was the Byun way. Born with a gilded spoon in his mouth, the very same was also to be used as admonishment whenever needed. Sometimes even prematurely to nip rogue habits and thoughts in the bud – if only to ensure a concrete mold to his path in life. Always a quiet soul, the rigidness of his upbringing was seen as unwavering obedience. When in reality, that was far from the truth.
The love offered by both parents may have not been intended as conditional, but it certainly was interpreted as such. Unlike his coveted sister, the golden star of their family, Minjun never felt immersed at home. Always a few steps back, always on the cusp of shadows, he still met the world with scintillate, starry eyes and a laugh that shook the evening sky itself. And while the beginnings of his rebellion wasn’t exactly welcomed, he made sure to wield the simmering ferocity with a tight grip – be it at home, school, or otherwise. Something that gleaned a droplet of pride from both dearest mother and father.
How ironic it would be to have the very same notion serve as the cornerstone to future tension.
The tragedy that befell his father was more devastating than anyone could have predicted. It was too soon, too abrupt, too painful for all friends and family to withstand. Without preexisting, solid connections to those still around, Minjun was simply unable to process such a thing. So he vanished shortly after, gone at the age of sixteen.
Where his path twisted was left to the whims of rash choices and quick cash. Not once did he stop in a city for more than a few months. There was already a comfort in discomfort, of a fast lifestyle, of living on the outskirts of what the city life illuminated to the unassuming eye. Years passed and he was hardly a stranger to busted knuckles and deep bruises. Violence had been such an addictive vice to cope and stay alive. Hidden spots to trade spilt blood for cold cash, he keeps at it because it's all he knows to do.
With fame came the slacken ease of his own hubris. Unbeatable was he as reflexes and skill were honed razor sharp and lightening fast. Oryn hadn’t thought much when approached by a hotshot prospect all those years ago. Some tall, thin, weaselly build of a man that always got his way. If not, well — he wagered that’s what the spread of hired muscle was for ( sad hairlines, ill-fitted tees, and all ).
“My guy, I like your style, but why don’t you go down in the second and make three times your worth?”
My worth? He wanted to scoff, let a rare smile whet that steely gaze. But he doesn’t. Not a single muscle moved aside what’s needed to give a timely response. “No thanks. Not worth my time.” It’s the wrong thing to say to an influential figure, but moneybags wasn’t the only one haughty with pride. Of course, there were more words to be said, he was certain of it, but it wasn’t given the chance to take air. There was a match to be done and he intended on getting his share fair and square.
Turns out, consequences can’t always be avoided entirely. Some borrowed time can certainly go a long way, but to think oneself impervious to the finality is just downright foolish and stupid.
And that’s what he’d been.
Fucking stupid.
None of the details really stuck in the end. Someone, or a few someones, got the best of him somewhere at some time, relocated him from joint to joint, kept him passive by some substantial damage. The works of some revenge plot wanted by someone with too much time on their hands, i.e. the aforementioned fat cat with deeper pockets and even deeper connections.
All he knew was that his audacity of defiance wasn’t something taken lightly. That much he could understood. To disrespect someone’s status apparently warranted punishment fourfold. Not to mention how he broke his opponent’s elbow like a stick and made their most prized cash cow useless for ‘far too long’.
Then nothing. Not a single blip stored in the banks of his bruised, sore memory.
The state he found himself upon waking was fucking awful. Whatever pain he’d known prior couldn’t even begin to compare — hopefully never will ever again. And if that wasn’t enough cream to the spoiled crop, things kept getting progressively worse. The more rooted he was in reality, the more aware he became of three specific things.
The first, and arguably most important, being how dead he was supposed to be. How he’d actually been dead for precisely six minutes and fourteen seconds. All of that pumping to the chest might have added to the slew of injury, but hey — it kickstarted his poor heart with a vengeance. So much so that the medic almost thought he’d come to swinging. And perhaps he might have if that were possible.
Aside from being beaten to a bloody pulp, he also lost some weight. Which was to say how he’d be walking the world a limb lighter. The mangled mess that was once an arm couldn’t be saved. Remember that cash cow? Remember how cleanly that joint had snapped by his own doing?
Maybe it’s best that he lacks the details after all.
There’s hardly a stump past the junction of his left shoulder, but it still doesn’t click. Not completely. Probably won’t when another wrench is thrown by way of a single subject immediately after that discovery. A delicately guised ultimatum that would bind him to a name, a popular organization around these parts, for having saved his mottled skin at the last minute. That alone awoken the throttle to run again — run as fucking far as he possibly could.
IVs were torn out in a flurry despite the startled warning given by the attending medic. And, shit, that fucker was right. There he went like a off centered pendulum. No one tells you how unbalanced one less arm can be, but he still fought to make headway. Didn’t stop until the nurse was yelling right at him while simultaneously preventing another crash landing.
Right, about that third thing. It doesn’t make itself known until right then. There’d been enough clarity for him to understand what’s said with the aid of sight, but it’s grossly muffled. Temporal bone fracture, he’d be told later on — once this whole thing blows over.
In the end, his own self-proclaimed end that is, he relents to the offer. They had given him the chance to live again after all, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Ever. Or so he tells himself to keep that thistle of self-hatred deeply rooted at the core of his psyche, because he’d be so entirely lost without it.
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All About the Gojo Siblings
All about Satoru and Utahime Gojo’s children; stories set in my Jujutsu Kaisen Canon Divergence AU. Featuring arts by @magentacravat 🫶✨
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Soichiro Gojo
Nickname: そうくん (sou-kun)
Kanji meaning: 奏 (sou) — play (the instrument). 一 (ichi) — one. 郎 (rou) — young man, son.
Born in Kyoto, 23 September 2022, Sou-kun was a talkative baby. He loves to cling to his mother, and likes to fall asleep to his father’s humming. He inherits Satoru’s humour and Utahime’s sense of maturity.
Despite being talkative as a baby, he can be a little shy in the playground and takes his time to warm up to new people outside his family and relatives. After his sister Micchan was born and as he gets older, he mostly tries to seem more ‘mature’ and reserved, because one time he heard from Unkie Choso that as a big brother, protecting his younger sibling has become his responsibility. His favourite person is Momo Nishimiya, who loves to spoil him with chocolates and mochi.
His cursed technique doesn’t show until he is fourteen years old. It’s considered very late for a descendant of great sorcerers especially for a Gojo, thus many sideline him because he doesn’t seem to be as strong, but his parents, sister, and family love him regardless.
Fun fact: Soichiro likes to read. He carries a kindle (a gift from Megumi on his eleventh’s birthday) in his bag wherever he goes. His favourite place to read is actually the train.
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Miyu Gojo
Nickname: みっちゃん (micchan)
Kanji meaning: 海 (mi) — sea. 優 (yuu) — gentle.
Born in Tokyo, 6 July 2025, Micchan was a carbon copy of her father as a baby. Much like her brother, she is a talkative baby and is always curious of her surrounding. She inherits Utahime’s temper and Satoru’s wittiness.
As a child, she can behave nicely if she wants to. On a few occasions, she may appear to be quiet and reserved like her mother, but don’t let that fool you! She loves to pull a prank on her brother, especially during clan meetings or gatherings (or other occasions when they’re expected to be in their best behaviour), making him lose the composure and end up embarrassing himself. Her favourite person is Maki Zenin, who taught her all the ‘cool moves’ (in her words).
Her cursed technique has something to do with singing, and her cursed energy is almost unlimited.
Fun fact: Miyu is a picky eater. She has sweet tooth, but she dislikes certain types of sweets like caramel (her father tells her she’s missing out, but she doesn’t care). She also loves shopping with her mother shopping, and they usually are accompanied by Momo Nishimiya.
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