#roy mustang needs therapy
katharinedraws00 · 1 year
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Coming back from my grave, but this time around I’m bringing y’all some angst, this is fanart for @justanotherinterneruser fic “don’t look” I very much enjoyed reading it and maybe cried just a lil at the ending so I wanted to draw something for it :>
Hope ya like it.
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years
sometimes I wish I wasn’t raised by a southern libra woman because I’m spending a good amount of energy trying to pick out the perfect outfit for book club tomorrow bc we’re going to a local restaurant where people from college are undoubtedly going to be and I have an aggressive need to make sure everyone knows I’m Doing Soooo Good and that manifests as trying to control my appearance does this make sense
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finedinereception · 2 months
quite frankly the only roy mustang ship i could actually believe in is roy/alex. they are ideal for each other. they are the eccentric weirdos in public who actually probably need therapy. alex has the better moral compass. roy would ruin the life of anybody whos rude to his husband. most importantly olivier would fucking hate this development so goddamn much it would be unreal.
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limetameta · 2 years
If Metallic Crimson characters played DnD which classes they would be:
Solf J. Kimblee: bard but not how you expect lmao boom boom baby let's make some music tonight
Riza Hawkeye: paladin because she's all about those oaths and being comitted to this One Dude (roy mustang for example irl)
Roy Mustang: rogue - SOLELY becsue he thinks he's hot shit and thinks this is the sexiest class to be
Fuery: artificer - this just reads for him
Havoc: fighter - straightforward guy (intimidated by spellcasting mechanics)
Breda: cleric - realises this party needs a fucking healer and steps up because no one else will
Falman: wizard (honestly keeping up with spells is such a sisyphian task only he can deal with)
Edward Elric: barbarian - tbh he's just a little guy and he wants to smash shit in a fantasy setting and they let him - enters a rage any time someone calls him short even though his character is like 10 feet tall
Alphonse: druid - solely so he can get a following of many cat familiars Animal Handling maxed out w this one
Riza is most likely the DM but if she ever plays she's a palladin. Her campaigns are always absolutely terrifying and she makes people cry because this is basically her way of therapy ngl.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hi! This is an impossible question (i love these questions). Because I fall in love with characters so easily 😅 and I hyperfixate HARD. lol, so if you asked this 6 months ago, or ask again in another 6 months or with slightly different parameters, you'd likely get a totally different list from me. 😂 but I'll give you some of my most current top 10 character loves. And before ANYONE JUDGES ME, I'm well aware these characters being my favorites heavily implies I need therapy... I already know! Also, I'm still fairly new to anime. There is still ALOT I haven't seen. SO in no particular order, some of my top 10 favorites (and yes, I'll probably cheat and name more than 10 if i have multiple favs from one series, im not sorry):
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Kaladin Stormblessed/Jasnah Kholin - From Stormlight Archive (Book)
I relate to Kaladins struggle with depression alot, not only that, but his strength and courage and the way he is always ready to step up to help and protect others. Jasnah is a queen, she is such a strong woman and a role model of a character and so wise. And a total and complete badass. Smarter than everyone in the room? Yes. Blow up a man who attempts to mug her? Also yes. 😍
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Zuko - From ATLA (TV Show)
The ultimate redemption arc and childhood crush character! A badass, a sweetheart, an asshole but with a caring heart and that endearingly awkward struggle of him trying to make friends. He is just so cool
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Itachi Uchiha/Kakashi Hatake - From Naruto (Anime)
I can't pick between them and you can't make me! They are both so OP, so cool, so badass, so dramatic and have the best fight scenes and the ability to make me emotional as fuck
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Olivier Armstrong/Roy Mustang - From Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Anime)
Roy's revenge arc 😳😍 lol plus we love a badass man who loves the people around him and also doesn't mind knowing when he needs to let the others around him step up! General Armstrong, man idk if I wanted to be her when I grow up or be WITH her. Probably both. She is the KING. She is the toughest in the room. She takes no bullshit. I'm obsessed with her. When her and teacher were working together for a bit? I was in love. Lol
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Hua Cheng- From TGCF (Donghua)
Obsessive, protective, will do anything for his love, will be his most devoted worshiper? Takes no shit? Is the strongest MF out there? Soft for the love of his life only? Is it lowkey a little toxic when I put it this way? A little. Lmfao am I in love with it anyway? Yes. He is like the definition of scary dog privilege lmao
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Kaz Brekker - From Six of Crows (Book)
He IS the smartest person around and he will let you know about it. And he will pull off the impossible with no one knowing how he did it. He has got plans upon plans. And not only that, but he uses a cane, has a disability, has chronic pain, has the most intense ptsd. And it's written SO WELL and it's SO RELATABLE (the chronic pain part, not the rest of his tragic as fuck backstory) and he is the most insane badass.
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Inosuke/Akaza - From Demon Slayer (Anime)
Inosuke is just fucking insane and I love that so much. Lmfao literally child raised by wolves, is a loveable beast type character. 😂 I just want his happiness. And I love that he is an absolute weirdo and also a badass. Akaza is just.... such a good character so far! Lol and don't think that just because he is my favorite, I'm not rooting for the demon slayers to get their revenge! I am! I just also love him and I love how he is also insane, loves being powerful and I just know his backstory is probably going to make me cry. The way this show makes me SOB all the time!
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Vin/Kelsier - From Mistborn (Book)
Listen, does Vin suffer as a character from "not like all the other girls" syndrome, yes. Do I LOVE everything about her and how stupidly strong and badass she is anyway? Yes. I also love that the book has HER saving the male love interest and being the white knight too instead of the other way around as per usual. Kelsier is a genius and a madman and a crazy murderer.... and I love him so much. The man has ZERO CHILL AND IS DRAMATIC TO THE CORE. I love everything about that honestly.
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Nico Di Angelo/Percy Jackson - From PJO series (Book)
I'm having a hard time explaining myself for all of these and not just repeating "i just love them okay?!" Lol Look, Percy is THAT guy. He is the hero. He is the perfect boyfriend. He is the ultimate crush for everyone in the series. Lol he is loyal to a literal fault. He has the darkness and rage inside him that he keeps leashed and let's out whenever he needs to. Nico is RIGHT UP THERE TOO. The powerhouses these 2 are! Nico is scary and grumpy and adorable and just needs to be loved and they've been through so much and I just need them to have the happiest of endings. Nico deserves the world. He is also scary dog privilege too. He is perfection and speaks deeply to my emo kid heart.
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Octavia Blake - From the 100 (TV Show)
I'm forever and Octavia sympathizer. She DID THE BEST SHE COULD WITH WHAT SHE HAD AND SHE SAVED EVERYONE SO MANY TIMES. She was the most badass. The underdog story and the most tragic ending to her romance and even when she lowkey went off the deepend, it was understandable. Lol that's my bitch, and I'm sticking with her!
So yeah, they all lowkey are lovable assholes here honestly. No one worry about me please, I'm fine Maybe i just like mean bitches who are hidden softies full of love super deep down 😅😏 Honestly, my husband is the worldest sweetest man ever. I promise my real life taste is not so filled with red flags like 85% of this list is. 🤣🤣 I fully know how this list could look lol
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Charlotte Vanido history and facts post
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Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Vanido is the first child and only daughter of the Vanido family. Eldest child to Carmen and Richard Vanido, and older sister to Reynold ‘Roy’ Vanido. Founder of the group ‘The Glamour Gals’ and a professional dancer. A complex character with her notable features, who like everyone else here is figuring out how to work through life.
She is the only diagnosed autistic in the Vanido family, unlike her younger brother and her father.
She was born February 12th
She also faced the same abuse Roy did from their uncle. Is trying to get therapy for her and Roy, yet she won’t explain the abuse she went through so they have … no understanding for why she would need jt, so they won’t get it for her OR Roy.
Loves her baby brother to the moon and back — that’s her baby :(
She tries so, so very hard to spread love and kindness to anyone and everyone she meets, she chooses to love the unloveable, but she does also have a short fuse.
Along with her autism — she has rosacea and severe social anxiety.
(Unaware) lesbian — had one ex boyfriend that dumped her in a park and left her there. She develops her first lesbian awakening when she was at the beach with her friends, and helped Marigold with applying sunscreen
Does professional dancing — competitive ballroom and ballet
She also draws!
Her favorite musicians are TV Girl, Melanie Martinez, and The Smiths
She drives a white 1965 ford mustang — she got it for her sweet sixteen.
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royedgarbage · 1 year
have an absolutely unhinged fake relationship fic idea in my head part one??:
the exact nature of the argument is unclear, but seems to involve Roy's and Riza’s abilities to a) act and b) act under cover. the argument is heated, especially by team standards and culminates (for whatever reason) in Maes suggesting “well why don’t you try and fool a professional, go to couples therapy or something?” hilarious since neither of them are a) single b) dating each other nor c) interested in dating each other, resulting in:
The Office VS. Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye
The Terms and Conditions:
 i. The Office is in charge of finding the Therapist, and barring severe scheduling conflicts, emergencies, or unexpected bigotry they are not allowed to switch. ii.  They (Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye) are to pretend to have been married to one another for ten years for a maximum of three months. iii.  The above is the only thing they are allowed to have agreed upon before sessions start. They are not allowed to discuss therapy with one another outside of actual sessions if they can help it. They are not allowed to discuss backstories, character decisions, or whether they will be using either. iv.  Lying is not only allowed but encouraged. v.  The Office is only allowed proof that the sessions are occurring, they are not allowed to interfere with how Roy and/or Riza decide to fool the therapist. vi.  Loss is determined by:       1.  The Therapist discovering the ruse prior to the three month mark.        a.  If, for whatever reason, the Therapist retroactively reveals that they  knew Roy and/or Riza was attempting to trick them this results in a loss.       2.  Roy and Riza calling off sessions prior to the three month mark for any reason not previously discussed in the first term.       3.  The Therapist refers them to another therapist prior to the three month mark for whatever reason. vii. Success is determined by:       1.  Successfully fooling the Therapist for the entire duration of the three months.       2.  The Therapist, of their own volition, determining Roy and Riza no longer need their services at any point during the three months, so long as condition three of term six is not applied.          a.  Note: Roy and Riza are not to try for this condition on purpose, their objective is to pose as a couple in genuine need of counseling.       3.  If any outside party (here defined as any party not Roy Mustang or Riza Hawkeye) breaks their cover either on purpose or by accident at any point during the three months.          a.  Note: Once again neither Roy nor Riza may attempt to manipulate circumstances toward this particular win condition.       4.  An automatic win will be called if any outside party personally familiar with Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye’s actual relationship is revealed to be fooled by their acting at any point during the three months. viii.  A Draw will be called if:       1.  The conditions in term one are evoked at any point during the three months, and the Office is unable to provide an alternative Therapist within one week.       2.  An outside party determines that the bet is negatively impacting one or more of the following: Roy and Riza’s personal and/or professional relationship; work lives; personal lives; and/or personal relationships.       3.  Any outcome not outlined in terms six and seven results at any point within the three months.
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
IT'S OUR BOY'S BIRTHDAY!!! I wanted to ask, if you are up for it, to write about the moment you fell in love with Shigaraki. You have said he is different from the type of character you usually fall for, so what was it about him? Was it a scene, an episode? Describe it! Also, what are you doing today to make yourself happy? You deserve it, whatever it is!
Unfortunately I did not get to answer this on his birthday when you sent it.
It was the mall scene.
I liked him immediately when I saw him at USJ, but the mall scene reeled me in to him being a favorite.
I really don't know why...I honestly think it's because of how WEIRD he was in that scene. How out-of-left-field his behavior was. I really was wondering wtf his deal was. Like who forces a therapy session on their enemy. That was my first thought, and I also immediately wanted them to be BFFs after that scene too LOL.
And the more I look back at that scene...the more weirdness and hilarity I notice about it. But that's a different conversation.
I meant it when I said he doesn't fit my normal blorbo criteria. Comparing him to previous ones like...
Kanda Yuu from D.Gray-Man, Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket, Edward Elric and Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist, Tamaki Suoh from Ouran HSHC, Sarumi duo from K Project….
Out of all the characters I've had serious brainrot over, he is absolutely the outlier. The one he's most similar to is Kanda and even that is a stretch. They're both just beautiful and have long beautiful hair and are surrounded by death and tragedy. Other than that, Tomura has nothing in common with my previous blorbs.
And honestly even my favs since starting bnha in other manga all tend to follow my old pattern. So Tomura really is just an outlier lol.
It’s new for me to be obsessed with a character where you start off not being super sure if they’ll get a happy ending or not, but you desperately want them to and won’t accept it any other way. All of those listed above either 100% were destined for a happy ending, or if it’s Kanda 100% destined for bittersweet death lmao
Tomura is like—he’s the type of character on the surface who gets defeated and dies in the end. On the surface. In full detail, he’s the character who gets what he wants and needs, even if you’re undecided on whether he should or not.
He’s definitely different from my usual, and it’s been a nice change of pace. Touya and Toga are also in this category.
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aquietwritingcorner · 2 years
Knife to the Neck
Title: Knife to the Neck       Day: Febuwhump 2023 Day 4: Knife to the Throat   Fandom:  Fullmetal Alchemist Word Count: 1474   Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: K+/PG   Characters: Riza Hawkeye, Team Mustang    Warning: NA     Summary: Riza wants her hair cut. The problem? After having her neck cut open on the Promised Day, she’s not so good with sharp objects near her neck. Fortunately for her, she’s got a team that understands.   Notes: I wrote this in, like, an hour and with barely any lookover so here’s hoping it’s decent.    
ff.net || AO3
Knife to the Neck
Riza stared at the knife that laid on the box. It was a simple knife. The blade was sharp, there was the handle was good, it was quality. It wasn’t a standard issue knife, that was for sure, and she wondered just where Falman had gotten it. If she had to guess, he would probably come back with some story about his time up north. He did a lot of that nowadays. The north and Briggs, for all their problems, had been good for him.
But it still didn’t take away the problem of the knife for her.
She knew that the others were waiting. She had said that she wanted this. She did. The trip across the lands and through the deserts to where the remnants of Ishvalan people remained in their homeland was a hard and a hot one. The heat was constantly baring down on them, and no matter how much she tied her hair up, it seemed to add to the head she felt, holding in her own heat and compounding it. The need to ration water didn’t help either, often leaving her unable to clean her sweaty hair.
She clearly remembered how easy her hair care had been when she was in Ishval the first time around. Her neck and ears had stayed cool. Her scalp had felt free to breath. It had been easier to brush the sand and grim out of it when it was short. When she had washed it, it had only take a little water to get it clean enough.
All in all, short hair was better for her in the desert.
The problem?
The knife.
Riza had been uncomfortable with things near her neck ever since the Promised Day. At first, she had thought that it was a leftover reaction from healing. She had needed to be very careful with anything near her neck for a long while. However, after having what amounted to a panic attack when Becca had gone to cut a thread off of her shirt, she had to admit that it might be more than that.
She tensed incredibly whenever anything sharp came near her neck, even if it was of her own doing. She was uncomfortable with anyone near her neck, even Roy. But to cut her hair, she was going to have to let someone near her neck, out of her sight, with a blade.
Out of everyone on her team that could possibly do this for her, she trusted Falman the most. If she needed to, she knew that she could trust any of them with a blade near her neck. But Falman had the steadiest hands for details, and the best eye. The others would try, but if she let them near her hair, she was certain that it would turn out a mess. But not Falman. She was certain that he could make it look close to how she had worn her hair early on.
She just had to let him near her with the knife.
“Captain?” his voice was kind, although still very respectful. “Sir, we can put this off if you—”
“No,” she said, her voice mostly steady. She closed her eyes, blocking the knife from view. “It needs to be done. And I know I can trust you.”
There was a pause, and then movement. Riza opened her eyes to see Falman picking up the knife. “Then… whenever you’re ready.”
Never. She’d never be ready. Just like she hadn’t been ready for most of the things she had done in her life. But she had done them anyway. She would do this too.
“I’m ready,” she said.
Falman moved behind her, and Riza’s shoulders tightened. She felt him pick up her brush and run it through her hair, smoothing out any tangles.
She would miss this. She had let the men play with her hair on the trip. Roy had claimed it was physical therapy for his hands. Havoc had criticized his technique, claiming he had done better for his nieces. That had ended up in a squabble where Havoc had ended up braiding her hair to show Roy how to do it. It had evolved from there to Fuery commenting on how they would use similar braiding and twisting techniques on cables and ropes and showing them with her hair. Falman had taken and interest then, talking of the traditional hairstyles he had seen up north and using her hair to model them. Breda had claimed that he had no idea how to do any of that, which had led to Havoc telling him he’d never get a girl if he didn’t know a little something.
In the end, brushing, braiding, and just playing with her hair had become something that was relaxing and bonding. It wouldn’t have worked in the office, but out here, camping beneath the stars as they traveled, sitting around a campfire every night, it just became part of the routine.
She’d miss that.
“Here I go, Captain.”
Falman warned her before he picked up a section of her hair and used the knife to carefully cut it off. Riza drew in a breath and stiffened. Her jaw locked and she fought herself and her misplaced fight-or-flight instinct.
“Hey—did Ed or Al ever tell any of you that story of the botched sheep shearing?” Havoc asked out of the blue, and Riza’s attention diverted over to him.
“Really, Havoc?” Roy deadpanned, giving him a flat look.
“On to the next section,” Falman said quietly.
Riza’s nails dug into her palms.
“What?” Havoc sounded offended. “It’s not the same thing at all.”
“I don’t remember either of them telling a story like that,” Fuery interrupted.
“Oh, man, okay, I’m going to have to see if I can remember it,” Havoc said, leaning back a little. “I mean, they got a little technical, and I don’t know much about sheep shearing.”
“I thought you were a country boy too,” Breda said.
“Well, yeah,” Havoc countered. “But we weren’t sheep country. We were cattle country. Two very different things.”
“Moving on to the next section,” Falman said softly again.
Riza pressed her fisted hands into her thighs.
“What’s the story about?” Roy said, sounding as if he was giving in to a child.
Havoc didn’t seem bothered by the tone at all. “Okay, well, you know that girl of Ed’s, Winry Rockbell? Apparently, she’s always built things, and not just automail. Apparently she had it in her head to try something a little more automatic for shearing the sheep.”
Havoc told the story, with only minor squabbles here and there from the rest of the team and only Falman’s quiet voice telling Riza what he was about to do interrupting it. Havoc’s voice rose and fell as he told the story, making a surprisingly good and engaging storyteller. Riza knew he was doing it to distract her, but he was still doing a surprisingly good job of it. By the time he finished telling it, Falman had finished not only cutting her hair with the knife, but going over parts of it with a razor to make sure that it looked decent too.
“Finished,” he said, laying both the knife and the razor in Riza’s view. Having both those things in sight did help her to relax a bit.
“How does it look?” she asked.
Breda let out a whistle, and Havoc grinned at her.
“Looking good, Captain!” he said.
“Very fetching, sir,” Fuery put in.
“Very reminiscent,” Roy said, and Riza read what he really meant in his words, and in the fondness of his eyes.
She reached up, and ran a hand through it, feeling the lightness and the shortness of it. Falman dumped a cup of old coffee out and turned the polished bottom of it up so that Riza could use it like a mirror. She looked at herself in it, and nodded, satisfied.
“Very good, Falman, thank you,” she said, and she meant it for more than just the haircut.
“Of course. It was my honor, sir,” he said, and Riza read the double meaning in that too. He was thanking her for her trust.
Riza glanced at the knife, and then at the fallen hair around her. She still wasn’t comfortable with blades anywhere near her neck. But this was a big step forward for her. Perhaps one day she could put that trauma with all of the other trauma in her life, and not have it affect her on a daily basis.
She reached out for the knife, looked at it for a moment, and then handed it back to Falman with a smile.
Yes. One day, she’d be able to put it behind her. But for now she at least had a group of people that she could trust.
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dairogo · 2 years
WIP Sun-- er, Mon-- umm ... Tuesday
Thanks for tagging me, @nightofnyx8! I can blame one of the days on timezones, but the other is just life keeping me from my laptop.
I’ve mentioned this WIP a few times, and although I’m distracted at the moment by Wayward Youth, I am full of plans to come back to it when WY is done. It does not currently have a name, so I’m just calling it my FMAHP crossover. Not original in concept or anything, but sometimes you have brainworms you can’t drop and the earliest drafts of this one were, uh, in 2005 or 06 when I was first emailing frantically with @novelmonger about it. So maybe I have to write it out to make the brainworms get out.
Roy Mustang felt somewhat dazed as he left his meeting with Fuhrer Grumman. Even with the day’s notice he was given by the arrival of Marcoh’s letter, his sudden reassignment was an incredible turn of events. Of course, the letter made it clear that there was more behind Britain’s overture of friendship than a simple desire to strengthen alchemical and magical relationships, but Grumman knew only the surface of it all, and as Amestris opened up to the world around it, his desire for allies on the global stage knew very few bounds.
Still, magic, huh.
And even magic couldn’t draw people away from the allure of the Philosopher’s Stone.
In Fuhrer Bradley’s reign, Roy’s office had been stripped of its most essential personnel, leaving him with clerks and fresh soldiers who were able to sort through files, but were of little real use to him. Now, almost two years after the Promised Day, there was a combination of new and old faces that looked up at him when he returned.
“Marcoh was right,” he said. “We’ll be leaving for Britain by the end of the week.”
“Yes sir.”
“Who’s your team?” Major Miles asked, wearing a glare that clearly promised hell if he was chosen.
“You’ll stay here, Miles,” Roy assured him. “You and Blakely will keep the Ishval Restoration Project running while we’re gone.”
Master Sergeant Blakely would cope with the pressure. She’d managed very well with the mounting paperwork through the original set up for the whole project, and it would be more of the same for her while Miles was left to make the decisions.
“The rest of you will need to start packing.”
There was a chorus of acknowledgement from the remaining three, Hawkeye, Breda and Feury, who had been with him as the world turned inside-out. Havoc was still working towards his clearance for duty, heavily engaged in physical therapy in hopes that his legs might make it back to their full capacity. Falman had well and truly settled in the North. The three who were left were the core of his office as he worked to rebuild both Ishval and his own upward momentum.
They were fewer than they used to be, but they were his, and they had experienced the turmoil around Philosopher’s Stones before. Just because the Stone was being made in another country didn’t mean that Amestris would escape the consequences. After all, if someone made it, someone was sure to use it.
Edit: I'M MEANT TO TAG PEOPLE. I'M SO BAD AT TUMBLR YOU GUYS @novelmonger @tsaritsa @musing-and-music
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smoothshine · 2 years
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Inspired by an incredible work "Your warmth against my scars" by lassus. If you haven't read it yet, you definitely should :)
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mandareeboo · 3 years
for a drabble prompt: i rly like the thought of mustang trying to get ed and al to play chess w him as as a bonding activity. u decide the level of success in this endeavor
Alphonse sleeps the first few days. He doesn't eat much- his body has been in critical survival mode for so long, it only takes the tiniest morsel to fill him. They give him an IV of fluids to restore that end of it. Edward has to go under the knife a few times due to internal injuries (also getting stabbed through the arm isn't great, either) and almost immediately doctors urge him to go into physical therapy for his remade arm.
Despite the vast difference between their injuries and needs, Edward pays the extra to make sure they're roomed together, and he's the only one Alphonse trusts to cut his hair for the first time in four years.
He's cleaning up the last of the tresses when there's a solid knock on the door, followed almost immediately by Riza's head poking inside. She looks strange all gauzed up like she is. "May we come in?"
"They're letting you two wander around?" Edward asked, a bit surprised. "Didn't you, like, almost die?"
"Don't we always?" she returns, holding the door open. Roy shuffles in. One hand feels the side of the doorway while the other is clutched around his favorite chess board.
Alphonse smiles. "Hi, Lieutenant, Colonel. It's nice to see you."
"They're bumping me up to General, actually," Roy replies, almost absentmindedly. "Gotta admit, it's weird to hear your voice without an echo, Al. How're you healing?"
"They think I'll be able to start physical therapy soon, so I think it's going pretty good. I got to have a bun yesterday for lunch. It was delicious."
"No apple pie?"
"Nah. I want to sit down at a table for that."
Mustang followed his voice as they spoke, pointedly feeling for the edge of Edward's bed as he passed. The boy imagined he'd probably clonked a knee or two on Hawkeye's by now. He sat down and set the chess board in front of Al with a purpose.
"Oh, god," Edward said, realizing. "This again, Colonel?"
"Shut up. I have a good reason this time."
"We already know how to play chess, Colonel," Alphonse chipped in. Mustang had tried that one before.
"Well, I don't know how to play it blind. And I bet your body isn't exactly calibrated for accuracy, yeah? This could be good for both of us."
"Why not play with the Lieutenant?" Edward asked, watching as she casually sat in a visitor's chair.
Hawkeye snorted. "Because he throws a fit if I move. It took me an hour just for him to decide it was okay for me to escort him here."
"Chess," Roy asserts, stabbing his index into the board. "We're playing." He pauses, then awkwardly says, "If you help me set up I'll help you with your military dismissal forms."
"Ugh, fine." Ed shifted out of bed with a grumble. "Who'da thunk becoming a dog would require I entertain an old man."
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azure-arsonist · 2 years
One problem, Roy “I’ll let a twelve year old into the army” mustang wouldn’t know what therapy is
Riza might (while refusing to go herself)
Lmao Riza would get them therapy and then say she doesn't need it because she has Black Hayate.
Also yeah in canon fmab I don't think therapy as a medical practice exists yet lmao so it's hard to say.
That being said Roy would see it like, if he wants to use these kids in his grand plan he's gonna need them to get therapy so they can unlearn what they learned from living with Enji, especially Touya, because Touya's loyalty to his father (and other issues) is mmm an obstacle in many ways.
I don't know how long he'd have them go exactly but since Roy is both very smart and very dumb it would be regularly for a while at least.
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g0dtier · 3 years
roy mustang was 23 when he was forced to commit war crimes, got out of killing at least some people by fashioning faux bodies he set on fire instead, and was asked by his assistant to burn part of her back in order to make sure there could never be another alchemist with his powers and he fucking did it for her sake
roy mustang is built different. roy mustang needs therapy
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jmtorres · 3 years
for reasons definitely unrelated to the time, "sleep" for the wip meme?
in a surprising twist, i actually have prose for this one? from The Alchemist's Wife:
Ed was too tired to argue or care, willing to go back to the train station and bunk down on a bench like he had when they'd had to wait overnight for a connection on their trip to Central, but Al, who didn't even sleep, was apparently going to argue on his behalf.
"I didn't ask if you'd found what you were looking for," Mustang pointed out, tone soft in a way that made Ed uncomfortable. Maybe he was just sleepy, barely woken, and that was why his voice held no sharpness.
"I'm glad he answered, though," Al said. "You need to sleep in a real bed."
Bunches and bunches from the polycule fic chatlogs, ed having a hell of a time with the concept of a polycule:
at some point ed makes a comment about the vast experience roy has with either attraction or actual partners and roy is like "probably not as many as you think. are you judging me" and ed's like "no that wasn't supposed to be like a comment on your character" and roy keeps poking him like "but you think who a person sleeps with is a matter of character?"
but you know. ed keeps occasionally asking roy invasive questions like so do you only sleep with the hugheses or do you sleep with other people or
meanwhile ed is busy giving roy the cold shoulder for sleeping with Havoc.
roy trying to work through that one:
like yes Ed is in his house all the damn time now, yes they are making a body together, yes they have talked about so much personal shit, yes he absolutely thinks about what Ed will say about him sleeping with anyone,,,, but at the same time he didn't actually think Ed... wanted that from him?
an unexpected literal usage! Hawkeye on military-mandated therapy:
If they ask you about how you're sleeping, you say fine--that one's a trap, if you say you can't sleep they give you pills and take you off active duty.
eventually, eventually! ed might join the polycule. but roy's gonna be super pedantic about it.
and roy is like, "It's a good idea to have ground rules any time you sleep with someone, but there's sort of standard set of assumptions you can apply in... standard situations. Since this isn't a standard situation for a number of reasons, including the age range, gender, number of participants, and hmm, authority issues, we're not starting there"
ed is like "what do you mean authority issues"
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Did you want to see me broken? (--Bowed head and lowered eyes?)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mitQQD
by llamallamaduck
It’s not an exaggeration to say that between a tyrannical government, two overpowered, under-socialized teenagers, the sudden influx of foreign royals and his own crippling sense of self-loathing, Roy Mustang has his hands quite full.
That’s not to say he doesn’t need things. He does, very much. A new Führer, preferably himself. A good social worker with a phenomenal therapist in their employ. A diplomatic corps who advise things other than Yes, Sir, my expert opinion is that we should invade, murder everyone and take all their resources. A husband who will hold his hand through the copious therapy for his PTSD and depression.
What he doesn’t need, he notes, is a third wildly overpowered, under-socialized teenager, except this one is, by all accounts, a witch and has his lips sewn together with metal thread.
Words: 6915, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Whumptober 2021
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Norse Religion & Lore
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Roy Mustang, Loki (Marvel), Olivier Mira Armstrong, Maes Hughes, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric
Relationships: Loki (Marvel) & Roy Mustang, Olivier Mira Armstrong & Loki, Maes Hughes & Loki
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2021, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dimension Travel, Crossover, Roy isn't paid enough for this, Reluctant parent Roy, It's a family fic if you look sideways and squint
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mitQQD
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