#rp: convos
regina-the-sorceress · 4 months
How about we go out on that trip you promised me?
*I look up from where I’m working, grease in my hair and on my face and hands*
Oh right! Shopping! I forgot with my backlog of commissions after the ball and everything.
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skyshroom · 6 months
‘When you think about me, why do you always bring up the ball?’ Fabian is not beating the gay allegations this episode unfortunately
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pixiecaps · 9 months
Chays discussing his feelings with Phil | QSMP - hangin with ma eggs before New Years :D 4:34:00
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Chayanne: I lost four siblings already and even if we grow stronger so do the threats. It doesn’t really matter does it? And Papa Missa isn’t here either. I know we ended well but he wasn’t happy neither with himself.. nor with me.
Phil: Don’t say that Chayanne.
Chayanne: I’m really trying to do the right things but then I am always to be blamed.
Phil: It’s part of growing up kid. That’s part of growing up unfortunately you never know.. you could be doing the right thing or not. Trying to protect your daughter and like trying to protect my son. I’m doing the same thing I’m trying to do my best here. You’re trying to protect your siblings. (Sighs) You’re right there are new threats. There are new threats and it just seems like its all futile its all pointless. But I can assure you it’s not. It’s not the case. It’s always worth it.
Chayanne: I was the egg that woke up before we left and no one took me really serious. Everyone downplayed how I felt.
Phil: But they listened to you right?
Chayanne: And all the eggs got the books and threats and we all decided to leave and suddenly it is: Well Chayanne said we would leave so we followed him. So it is me, huh? And then Tallulah doesn’t want to stay with us. So she is mad at me because I couldn’t keep the promise. And I can’t fix it. And now Tio Forever is going insane. You know I asked Tallulah what to say to you.. and she said, “We say nothing.” So I had her back and said nothing. And she turns around and told you anyway. And suddenly it is Chayanne told all his siblings to keep quiet.
Phil: Wait who was saying that? I didn’t say that.
Chayanne: I’m really tired of it.
Phil: I’m sorry Chayanne. I’m sorry you have to go through this shit.
Chayanne: And now she is god knows where and I am worried. Now what?
Phil: We go find her. We go find her Chayanne, alright? It’s what family does, we stick by each other.
Chayanne: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to go to the nest. I don’t care. I reclaim it. If workers attack me so be it. I want to build and farm and just don’t have to think about it.
Phil: Listen Chayanne when it comes down to it. Your siblings see you as a leader, now I know you’re just a kid but you’re strong, alright? Because you’re my kid. And sometimes being a leader isn’t all glory, right? Sometimes you fuck up, sometimes things don’t go the right way, sometimes you feel like you didn’t do the right thing or you didn’t do enough. Thats just how it goes. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to go through this at such a young age. I’m sorry. But right now Tallulah is out there, Tallulah is out there somewhere looking for Dapper… By herself.
Chayanne: But I need a break I can’t keep doing this Dad.
Phil: I know Chayanne it’s okay you can lean on me when you need to. I’m here. I’m always going to be here. But we got to find your sister. I agree it’s too much responsibility to be put on your shoulders right now. But your siblings need you. But if you want to stay here that’s fine too. I know it can be a lot. You’ve had so much weight put on your shoulders and you’re right its not fair.
Chayanne: Everything I decide will be wrong. I don’t have the energy to go. But if I don’t go then I’ll feel bad about it as well.
Phil: Listen if you really don’t want to go, if you’re just tired of this, I won’t blame you, okay? It’s a lot. You’re just kid at the end of the day.
(Chayanne in the end decided not to go)
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fallenembe · 16 days
*She pulls out her phone, opening her contacts. She hesitates over Deadpool's contact for a minute before hitting it and calling him.*
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starlingdrawz · 7 months
I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes
I never once was treated right, you're what I'm missing in my life
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After dealing with many toxic boyfriends, Louie finally found the one who would treat him like a precious jewel
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burr-ell · 11 months
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Okay so she’s blocked me (as is her right and, to be fair, I would do the exact same thing) but she had made a post that I responded to with my sideblog.
However, she then deleted the post, so she’s not getting notifications on it anyway. Since that is the case, I’ve decided to screenshot the whole thing and share it here where it will reach more people. Because there is a specific part that is really telling of the kind of person that she is.
So. Here begins the screenshot posting!
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Now, after this exchange, there was a reblog from @elysia-nsimp that I also screenshotted, along with the tags.
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And there you have this lovely little update!
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a-new-hetch · 24 days
riveting conversation that was
ik shes probably busy dealing with drones or some shit but man who starts a conversation and then just doesn’t say anything? not a great start to repairing a relationship
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pekenja · 11 months
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Tina and Bagi in magical girl outfits ✨💜🤍
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hells-sirenqueen · 2 months
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"...exactly. We may have mended a bridge between us but I can still sense some resentment from you. If Lucifer and I are out of the picture, taken out by God, you'll finally get your bittersweet revenge of being publicly punished for the crimes we committed against you. We were not, as they say - a match made in Heaven, despite what God intended for us. Never were, never will be. I know there is still a part of you that hates me with every fiber of your being. You want me to suffer. You want me to die. Well, if things go as I think they might..as most of my gut feelings are correct thus far, you'll finally get your wish, Adam. Congratulations. You'll be finally rid of your first wife and the angel that stole her away from your grasp." Lilith stared down Adam, hands firmly on her hips,"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that you don't want to see us fall. Tell me that everything we've worked towards this past month actually meant something to you..I have my doubts.."
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tcmbcy · 3 months
open to: anyone.
connections: significant other, friend, co-worker, ex-teammate from his days on the penguins, go wild
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“I  don't  need  a  break,  I'm  okay,”  Marcus  huffs,  holding  on  to  the  edge  of  the  rink  he'd  been  skating  on.  It'd  been  a  good  couple  of  years  since  he'd  actually  skated,  since  his  injury  took  him  out  of  the  game  entirely  and  he  hadn't  been  on  the  ice  since.  Sure,  he  had  a  dream  job  now  of  coaching,  but  that  did  little  to  satiate  his  desire  to  actually  skate  again  that  spent  every  day  eating  at  him  little  by  little.  Bringing  his  eyes  to  lock  with  theirs,  he  shook  his  head.  “Don't  tell  me  I  need  to  get  off  the  ice,  it's  not  happening.”
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regina-the-sorceress · 5 months
*a few hours after the last contact the Cube begins Blinking again, the recording is of my, visibly... agitated?*
Hey lovely, where are you? I'll come get you now.
*I’m rubbing Ember on the belly when I see your message*
I’m at the lair, I felt bad leaving Ember alone with just the bone chew toys. Is everything alright? You look upset.
*I’m not wearing the armor, but it’s close by*
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cassandra-j0n3s · 1 year
[i slowly wake up and rub my eyes and look around]
i fell asleep in the…kitchen…?
[i decide not to question it as i get up and stretch and walk ever to Raph’s room and peek in]
..Raph?…you awake..?
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heroexxs · 1 year
open to: anybody !!
based on:  this plot
made with legacy editor !! reply with whatever you want !!
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miles was standing outside in the pouring rain trying to get their car to start again. with the hood popped up, he pushed his hair out of his face as he tried to figure out what was wrong with it, as well as finally taking a minute away from their car ride. things had been tense the whole way and this was not making it any better. as he finally gave up and shut the hood of the car a bit too hard, he sighed again and took a deep breath before climbing back into the front seat. “... looks like the battery’s dead.” he muttered as he looked over at them. “there’s not much we can do, it’s late probably everything’s closed... we’ll just have to call someone in the morning.” as miles tried to dry his hands off on his already soaked pants he let out a small sigh. “guess we’ll just have to wait it out. i knew we should have left earlier, we shouldn’t have even visited my parents anyway.” 
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fallenembe · 1 month
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@deadpool-wade-wilson DAD DO WE HAVE A SHARK!???
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jane-lynndrake-t · 18 days
Z: I serve my master—
Owens, through laughter: Z, we have no master! Our life vow is over!
Jan: is it because you already die—
I smacked Owens up side the head for interrupting, and it startled Z into laughing
Owens: hey! I’m still a dangerous assassin, lady!
Jan: honey, all I see are a couple of bums
Owens: oh my god we’re a trio of bums
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