#rpg abo
promoaboracing · 3 months
Pesquisa de RPG - ABO
Oi, gente!! Estamos trazendo essa pesquisa para saber do interesse de vocês em uma comunidade (Twitter/X + Discord) ABO com um plot parecido com a série "PitBabe". Se você tem interesse ou não sabe do que se trata a série, continua lendo aqui, que vou explicar tudo certin.
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Primeiro de tudo: sobre o que é a série? Em resumo, corridas de carro no universo ABO! Nela, temos duas equipes de corrida principais: X-hunter e Red Racing. E temos o nosso grande vilão: o Tony (não é o Ramos). Esse homem começa a patrocinar a Red Racing para que a X-hunter saia do pódio. Porém... ele tem outros intuitos por trás disso. Como consequência, sabotagens, traições e tudo de ruim começam a acontecer.
Contudo, para a nossa comunidade, a qual se passará na Tailândia (então, daremos preferência para chars tailandeses, MAS haverá estrangeiros também!!), pensamos em fazer com que o Tony patrocinasse uma terceira equipe de corrida, a qual seria NPC. Assim a X-hunter e a Red Racing seriam, sim, rivais e brigariam por tudo, mas elas também teriam um inimigo em comum = a terceira equipe.
Aqui, o Tony seria um problema por ter uma mentalidade muito conservadora, apoiando que as equipes deveriam ter, apenas, alfas e, de preferência, homens, correndo. A X-hunter e a Red Racing, apesar de todos os problemas, são equipes inclusivas e com ações afirmativas (cotas) para aumentar a quantidade de ômegas, betas e mulheres. Quando nosso Tony vê isso, ele fica indignado e passa a patrocinar a terceira equipe, já que ela é formada apenas por homens alfas.
Em segundo: nesse universo, da mesma maneira da série, teremos alfas, betas e ômegas, e esses subgêneros já existiriam desde o início da humanidade. Então teríamos cios, feromônios e tudo que é característico desse mundinho.
E como pensamos em desenvolver? Simples! Brigas entre as equipes, com direito a muitos plotdrops, eventos, competições e o que mais o público quiser. Também, pensamos em um sistema de pontos, através da participação em PD, eventos etc. Os pontos seriam equivalentes à fama do personagem e desbloqueariam vantagens e peculiaridades da fama (igual The Sims, gente).
Além disso, o nosso plot central é baseado nas corridas e rivalidade, mas também teremos um espaço para quem não é TÃO fã disso! Pretendemos ter uma equipe médica de emergência, figurinistas, tesoureiros, jornalistas... tenho certeza que vocês irão encontrar um lugarzinho aqui conosco. <3
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milominderbindered · 1 month
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dnd beyond im sorry ur a great site but real quick cojld we just
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could we just circle back to. one of these name suggestions. yeah no just that last one there.i just have a couple of questions yea
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so like not saying im above it but u do see how this would be a REAL bold choice to name my werewolf character right babes—
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woogoo-mood · 1 year
  │▒ᰢꫬ๑  (-ι_- )ゞ  🍜.  𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎  𝚝𝚘  ♡お᪾᪶૰
 │░⃯🌸  ° . ⊹  Ꮺ   petale! rpg⠀᳝༊ 🍥᭡│
 │ ▒᪶⃞⃯🐇 ˀˀ  ꒰ꦼたくさん書きましょう  🍡▒⃝⏎│
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ oioi tudo bem? Espero que sim!
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ venho convidar você para a petale
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ comunidade, bem bonita e com
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ sua ajuda sei que ela pode crescer
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ mais, e repetição livre pode usar
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ cantor ou entres outros havontade
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ ajuda a petale!! Venha ser um
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ membro na comunidade 🤍.
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ venha participar da nossa comu
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ amor, venha conhecer a PETALE
  🍡▒⃝⏎│ obs: aquele que entrar pode me pedir um MOODBOO aqui no chat do tumblr, porém tem que entrar na comunidade mesmo e ficar ativo lá 🤭
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Imagine someone kidnapping you for leverage.
You left to stay with your friend in a town a few miles away - just old schoolmates getting back together. Nothing out of the ordinary but the house... it feels strange. Jax seems to be unable to sit in one place, a feeling of something missing gnawing at the back of his head. You were always there. Quiet, most of the time, hardly noticeable but your presence seemed to fill the emptiness between the walls. How strange it is for him to not have you around.
Just when boredom is about to make him reach for a thick book you had left on the coffee table, the phone rings. Jax reaches for it without much thought, half expecting you to be on the other side. He is, however, sorely mistaken:
"I have a business offer for you."
Confused and surprised, he looks at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. It's nearing midnight.
"Who are you?" he asks.
"All in due time," the stranger answers. A hint of amusement hides in his voice. "For now, I'd like to talk about the goods."
"I never said I'd do business with you, man."
"Oh but we both know you will, Jackson Teller. Like I said, all in due time. Now, let's consider the benefits of this relationship."
Jax sighs. He's too smart to just hang up. "Alright, what do you want?"
"Nothing too big, just a few RPGs, M9s and M32-Hammers. Abo-"
"Are you serious?" Jax cuts him off. He lets out a dry chuckle of disbelief. "This is serious shit. Big guns. I don't deal that."
"I'll pretend I haven't heard that," the man's voice is suddenly low and stern, "and I'll kindly let you make a decision after you hear what you get in return."
He's even less interested in the exchange than he was before. It sounds like he might receive something big but big things, aside from being great advantages, are rather hard to remain inconspicuous. "What is it?"
"A true jackpot!" The stranger laughs in a raspy voice. His excellent mood is back. "To let your appetite grow, I'll give you a taste of the prize."
A static shuffling resounds on the other side of the call. The sound is loud enough to make Jax pull the phone away in a flinch.
Then silence.
His heart stops for a moment hearing your voice - it's small, frightened. Jax can tell you're holding yourself together with all the strength you have but it's not going to last forever.
"Jesus Christ, are you alright?"
"I thinks so..." you answer unsure. It's hard to be 'alright' when one is held hostage. "I'll be fine. Just do what he asks. Please, baby, just get me home."
Before he can reassure you that he will, in fact, bring you back safe and sound, the static shuffling resounds again.
"So, Jackson, what do you think about our little deal, huh?"
"I will fucking kill you."
The stranger clears his throat. "My messenger will give you details in the morning. If as much as a hair falls off his head, the deal is off and so is the girl's head. You know what to do, Jackson. Goodbye."
Jax throws the phone across the room. It sounds like it fell apart but he's far from caring about that.
The house feels strange. Its emptiness is imposing, deafening. The ghost of you fills the vacancy once again but this time it's haunting.
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oblicamera · 4 months
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࣭𖥔 Rules for requests!
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NOTA: Esse blog é feito de fã pra fã, sem querer prejudicar a obra/criador/personagens. Sinta se livre para bloquear caso não gostar.
Fandons que eu escrevo:
Atualmente escrevo somente sobre o RPG Ordem Paranormal.
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Eu escrevo:
• Smut (NSFW)
• Shipps
• Character x Reader
• Fluff
• Angst
• Qualquer gênero: GN!Reader/Fem!Reader/Male!Reader
• Trans!Reader
• Male/Female Characters
• Fics/drabbles/one-shot
• Dark content (alguns e sempre com avisos)
• AU!s
• Kinks "vanilla"
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Eu não escrevo:
• Gore pesado
• P3dofilia/inc3sto/n3crofilia/zo0filia
• Non-con/dubcon/cnc
• Mpreg/ABO/Hybrid
• Menores de idade
• Headcanons (não tenho criatividade)
• Hard kinks
• Pro-shipp
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• Critérios básicos (racista, transfobico, etc)
• Proshipper/Comshipper
• Menor de idade
• Rad/libfem, radgay
• Dream/Forever/BadBoyHalo Stan
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• Antes de tudo, eu sou uma pessoa também ocupada com trabalho e estudos, eu fiz essa conta pra passar o tempo livre fazendo meu hobbie favorito que é escrever.
• Seja paciente, por favor. Eu não escrevo extremamente bem, é só uma forma de entretenimento.
• As regras/fandons podem ser modificadas com o tempo, então vai ser sempre bom dar uma verificada nesse post de vez em quando.
• Provável que eu escreva em português, muuuito raramente em inglês por não ser meu idioma nativo, mas vou acabar usando algumas tags/palavras em inglês.
• Possa ser que as asks demorem um pouco por problemas pessoais, falta de criatividade ou tempo, sinto muito se isso acontecer com você.
• Eu vou tentar me esforçar pra descrever tudo da melhor forma possivel, se você puder detalhar como você quer (ex: Character x Reader, fluff, com cenários assim assim assado). Se for dito (ou não) um cenário muito complicado, talvez eu não faça ou não fique da forma que você espera, peço desculpas.
• Se tiver algo que eu não gostei/não escrevo, eu não vou responder/escrever.
• Se você tiver quaisquer dúvidas, pergunte na DM ou nas próprias asks! Vou estar sempre disposto a responder!
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entryn17 · 2 months
heyy can I know your thoughts on in stars and time? I like your thoughts on things
ahh, yes, of course!!! spoilers ahead for anyone else that might be reading :3
genuinely saying this - i think it's one of the best games i've had the pleasure of playing recently! it really does the idea of "character stuck in a time loop" justice. one of the things i'm particularly glad about is the pacing especially considering this all technically takes place in like, two locations for (technically) two days for the entire 20-30h of playtime. the dev did phenomenal writing it! the characters are all solid, the worldbuilding is good, the red herrings it pulls also, with the wish/time craft thing. i'm also really, REALLY glad it left some things unanswered at the end.
to elaborate on the pacing, it DOES feel like siffrin is slowly, surely losing their mind throughout all this. i don't think it happens neither too quick nor too slowly and i was immersed throughout! i like how different items have different dialogue and usage depending on when you interact with them at certain points throughout the story, and i thought all of the horror segments were truly unsettling!!
siffrin was a really compelling character and both them and odile really spoke to me because of the way the dev handled their relationships with their respective heritage. i burst into tears when i was playing odile's friendship quest; i hadn't really seen all of those particular thoughts and fears expressed for a while before playing ISAT, and so seeing them written out like this just felt like.. reopening a wound you thought had healed but was actually still pretty raw? and siffrin's desperation to connect, to learn more about where they came from, the hurt that is left unaddressed for so long that it blooms into resentment was just so poignant. odile and siffrin are really, really important to me because of this.
i really love the different small things that get recontextualized when you learn more. like the king asking if siffrin remembers, which i had assumed was about the loops in the beginning! and loop's "you may refer to us with the royal We" and such!! and the missing island too! reached the part where it had been mentioned for the first time in the library and then the game went on for a while to the point i was starting to think "isn't anyone gonna bring up the island that got erased from everyone's memories" and then THEY BROUGHT IT UP. AND IT WAS SO PAINFUL!!! the segment where siffrin tries to say the name got to me so bad!!!
also the little details i'll always die for the little details. the changes in flavor text, menu portraits, inner monologue. it's tiny thing after tiny thing until you pause, look back and realize that you don't even recognize siffrin anymore! like god!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm genuinely really curious how the dev managed to keep track of everything! how many switches and variables they must've used, how many event pages there are, etc.
ANOTHER THING. i think it's so fun how it does a subversion on RPGs as a whole. it's still that at it's core, of course! i'll always enjoy turn-based combat and it freshens it up with the rock/paper/scissors crafts system, and it's incredibly story rich and character driven but it's like.. i guess the RPG conventions that it plays with that i really, really enjoyed. like the whole "mysterious protagonist gathers a party and then goes on a journey to fight the big bad boss" (the big bad is even called The King!!!) except the majority of the journey leading up to that boss already IS over when we start, characters are leveled up and have gathered plenty of usable skills, and they've already have formed dynamics between each other! but we get to learn more about them through the loops! and at some point the king isn't even a threat anymore!!! i REALLY loved that when i realized how unimportant he'd become in the grand scheme of things!!! it was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but yeah in conclusion i feel only moderately strongly about this game. LOL
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understandableparadox · 3 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai review #2
Today's title: I was reborn as his highness the prince’s little evil dragon. 
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The understanding of cringe is an abstraction of the same feelings of those in Salem dragging literate women to a lovely communal barbeque where they will be served. Is that an exaggeration? Yes, am I making a ham-fisted reference to a sci-fi short story? Also yes, very clever you are, go get yourself a cookie. I will wait. 
Anyways that is to segway to the idea that sometimes our ability to consider a story bad is based on the ideas it presents. Sometimes these ideas are weird, that weirdness becomes correlated with the cultural idea of cringe. 
Anyways that is a segway from a segway to talk about omegaverse. That is a concept that exists, where did it start? Im staring down a deep and scary rabbit hole that i'm simply not prepared to delve down into. So let's skip that and get into the basics. ABO or Alpha Beta Omega is a setting in which the genders are changed as thus: alphas are sexually and socially dominant, male and female may share the same genitalia for the concept of sex. Betas are either normal humans or hyper submissive socially and sexually, male and females usually share the same genitalia in this instance as well. In some fictions the omega may take the spot of the beta and the beta will become the average human within the setting. Beta and omegas emit a pheromone that can set people into estrus and attract alphas, alphas can bite the base of a beta or omegas neck to mark them as theirs. 
That's the bare bones basics and also a segway of a segway from a segway into the story we are talking about today. 
The titular title is a manhwa, if you are a rock dweller that's a korean manhwa. Don't let the country jump fool you, we are still dealing with the normal rules of an isekai so let's keep moving. 
We start by examining the main character, shown to us to be the ubermensch of gamers. The true pinnacle of mankind, tall, strong, powerful, athletic, mewing like his god damn life depends on it to ensure that his jawline is capable of splitting atoms, causing mass destruction to the immediate area. 
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He gets shanked at a gaming event by im assuming a rival gamer who went insane and thought that he was irl stream sniping. 
He bites the dust and awakens as the shell of an egg breaks around him, staring up into the soft eyes of the main romantic interest, the crown prince. Oh, he's a little dragon now and also still a 18-19 year old man stuck in the body of a lil baby dragon. The two cavort around jovially, well one acts in a jovial manner, the other is trying to figure out what the fuck is happening and why hes stuck on a leash instead of cranking sick 90s in fortnite.
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They then remember what game they are in. The game is apparently a visual novel/rpg in which the crown prince raises a dragon that turns evil and he must slay it with the power of friendship and the god nuke spear he found in a cave. Cool, he decides to not be an evil dragon that gets hit with the god nuke spear. A wise choice. 
We get some more exposition before the world decides to run a fucking truck into my head by haveing a possible pre-pubescent child introduce the idea that this is infact omega verse. The wicked step brother pops in shouting “omegas lives are easy”.  
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Which hit me with an absurd level of whiplash but ok, let's try to keep moving. 
The story meanders around a bit more, we are introduced to the wicked step mother who is an alpha which yeah feminism, the queen pegs the king. 
She does the wicked stepmother bit and leaves and we are treated to a few too many shots of this toddler-esque character cuddling up to this baby dragon which if I must drill into the soft gray matter hidden away within your domed ivories is a full grown man who plays video games for a living. 
I am unfortunately well acquainted with the trope of Middle aged japanese business man in the body of a baby because god damn if freud did not hit a societal nerve, and I would never dream of being so crass as to say that this is equally creepy but I hope you can forgive me if I inch this close to the same rung. 
Gamer god decides to start speed running the game, assuming that if he gets to a certain event within the game in which the main character helps a goddess and gets a wish, deciding to yoink that wish for himself and get back to begging markiplier to do a nude calendar with him, bro just a quick twelve picks, its for charity bro, come on, tasteful buns out for charity bro. 
Anyways more meandering, quick break to have one more bed scene where gamer god in baby dragon form sniffs again this kids pheromones because hell is real and the only torture is the one we inflict upon the world with our thoughts and ideas. 
They get the fuck out of the castle and go to the spooky woods where they meet the princes arranged fiancee, an alpha who is drawn as a full grown man. 
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Anyways he is utterly nothing to the story and serves to explain why they are able to beat the random cabal of cultists in the middle of the spooky woods who have the goddess trapped. 
They free her, she hands out some random shit and then fucks off. The paladin, prince and dragon then decided to go on magical adventures for a bit where we learn that the dragon's gift turns him back into a facsimile of his human form which carries around the prince again. Cue badly drawn fight scene with with trolls, cue yet another mention of the princes pheromones because the author has decided that I need to be shot a few more times and let's be honest, im asking for it, tying myself up on the shooting range like i am, drawing an assortment of red dots on myself, beckoning any wayward bullet to find purchase in all the soft supple flesh they can burrow in. 
More magical adventures and they find the magic sage, oops it's actually not the magic sage its the evil sage who after tricking our party tries to use mind control to seduce gamer god which leads me to believe that the author has some straight guy x gay guy fics in the same hard drive i believe should be turned into the police. 
Prince goes ape shit and despite showing little magical affinity suddenly has the skills to summon the god damn grim reaper who saves the dragon. Gamer god passes out and in the meantime the real sage pops up and promises to teach the prince white magic and to train the dragon by chasing and fighting his familiar, a transforming rabbit. 
This is how the dragon meets mushroom fujoshi who does a lore dump and scares everyone in my discord because we were not familiar with Korean and Chinese internet slang and how it gets translated, please see below. 
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It's not what it looks like, it means “Couple Pairings' '. Which yes, i know, holy shit why would they translate it like that???
Who the fuck knows. They explain how shits happens. They were the true creators of the world. After playing the game in its entirety, they decided the ending lacked luster so they decided to create an omegaverse fiction in which the prince and dragon Bone Expeditiously. 
Now this either means that god themselves in all of their infinite wisdom and power was placed in their own schrodingers box. Either so enraptured with the true beauty of this fiction or infact so repulsed by its contents that they decided to trap multiple innocent souls along with the stories creator to force it to play out to its logical possibly bloody end.
She also states that the prince must kill the dragon if they wish to escape, but also how the fuck do you know that? Anyways she fucks off. 
We now reach the time skip, where thank the fucking gods everyone is now drawn like a fucking adult and its not only slightly werid when they sniff at each other. 
And nothing happens for ten chapters as these two twinks run around each other playing grab ass until the last three chapters where they introduce the concept of a marriage party, as the paladin broke up. 
Two affronts to decent racial design and orientalism pop up to create a bit more plot, they send the dragon off to be able to be human without a trinket and that's the end of it. 
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Is the story anything to write home about? Not entirely. It's very standard BL fair with twinkish men cavorting about and an absurd amount of flowers being drawn around them. The story is very much interested in the slow burn yet sporadically intense budding romance between gamer god and the prince. It seems scared to interact with its own premise of omega verse, only gently playing into the themes or using the fantasy sexism of alphas vs omegas to create shoehorned drama between certain characters or to create societal roadblocks for the character that teach about an inch high. If I must surmise my criticism, it's not cringe enough for me. 
What about art? Its standard, most manhwa you will read will be expertly to competently drawn. The art is serviceable to the story itself, though i will note that the author is fucking deathly allergic to anything that resembles the color brown or drawing anything aside from eurocentric pretty boys that look like they belong onto a old german propaganda poster. 
"Is the underlying story, barring any other concept, good?" 
It is decent, it's fine. It's a standard romance fair, if you are diving into this for something hot, spicy, something you would be loath to be caught reading then my apologies, this is not it. 
"on a sliding scale of min to max, how much is the author using this to explore fetish" 
Low. The author clearly has some fetishes but they only somewhat clash into the main story. Mostly through gamer god pretending he's straight to the author can have the multitude of gay men attempt to coerce him into something “taboo”. 
"How many story crutches does the author use to explore the story" 
I think the story avoids the vast majority of major crutches, though it does rely heavily on the video game trope which allows the dragon to suddenly push the game into a random direction due to knowing how to skip a part of the level or knowing where certain in-game items relevant to the plot are hidden. 
 "Is the author attempting to use the story as a way to explain why he is not weird."
The author is not saying anything, but interestingly I believe they are attempting to pass themselves as being weirder than they actually are. Do with that as you will. 
Do I recommend this? Read on your own time, dont feel bad if you dont wanna read it.
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awindinthelantern · 2 months
RPG Encounters: Trains
Need a one-session encounter as a bridge between larger story arcs in your Call of Cthulhu game, or Steampunk- or Roaring 20s-themed DnD/RPG game, and are looking for something unconventional? Or are you just a fan of trains (aren't we all?) and are looking for a way to incorporate them into your game in a way that isn't boring for your players? Here are a few session ideas, courtesy of various works of fiction:
Baccano! The luxury express train on which your players are riding is suddenly commandeered by a group of terrorists (who boarded while masquerading as a wedding party), who take the train's passengers hostage. A prominent politician's spouse and children are aboard the train, and the terrorists hope to use them as leverage against the politician to force them to have the terrorists' leader released from jail. The terrorists have already sent their demands to the politician and are waiting for their response via radio/telegraph; if their leader is not released from jail, they will blow up the train, or blow up a bridge the train will soon pass over (GM's choice). Players must defeat the terrorists to secure the passengers' safety. Feel free to make the situation more complicated by making the terrorists freedom fighters, and the politician an asshole who's willing to sacrifice his family rather than acquiesce to the group.
The Lady Vanishes (Depending on your player group's size, this may work best if you split your players up between several compartments, or have them riding together in an open coach) In a foreign country, one or more of your players are sharing a train compartment with 3-5 strangers (six people per compartment), one of whom is a very friendly old woman from their country who makes friends with your players. This old woman accompanies your players to the dining car for lunch, and writes her name in the condensation on the window when the train's whistle drowns out their voice, but when the train passes through a tunnel and is momentarily plunged into darkness, she vanishes from the carriage. Your players will assume she went back to their compartment, but when they return to it she is not there, and the other strangers swear that there was no such woman in the compartment with them. When your players go back to the dining car to question the staff, the employees also swear there was no such woman. No one aboard recognizes the woman your players were with. When they return to their compartment, an entirely different old woman has taken the first woman's place, and the other strangers insist that she was the woman your players were with the entire time. Unknown to your players, the first old woman was a spy carrying information dangerous to the foreign country's government, and the other strangers are domestic agents sent to get rid of her before she reaches her home country. It is up to your players to find out what happened to the woman they met, and rescue her, before the train reaches its destination, and the woman is disappeared forever.
Murder on the Orient Express (This may work best if your players have already achieved some renown) Your players are riding a long-distance sleeper train which will spend one or more nights en route to its destination. On the first day aboard they are approached by a wealthy stranger with a dangerous aura, who tells them that they have been receiving threatening messages and fear for their life, and they want to hire them as bodyguards. Hint to your players that the stranger is up to no good to encourage them to decline. Either that night or the following night, the train is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift or a rockslide, something that blocks the tracks. The following morning the wealthy passenger is discovered murdered in their cabin by their valet and the carriage porter, who break the lock on the door when they don't answer. Have your players investigate the crime scene, and leave clues that indicate that the murderer was someone aboard the train, and that someone is still aboard the train (if in winter, the window is open but there is no snow on the windowsill, and there are no footprints leading out from the window. If in a warm season, the rockfall blocked the train into a notch or on a cliffside, with no room for the assailant to escape through the window). The sleeping carriages are sealed up at night, which means the murderer is one of the passengers aboard this very coach. Have your players interrogate the passengers to determine who the culprit is.
Demon Slayer Your players board a train and settle in for a night of relaxation or boredom. Unbeknownst to everyone aboard, demonic forces are at work to commandeer the train and suck the life essence out from all of the passengers aboard to grow their own strength. Have your players discover and battle the monstrous forces lurking before they consume and kill everyone aboard. To spice things up, have your characters congregate in the lounge car after dinner, where, amid the dim lamps, several passengers make your players' acquaintances. As an icebreaker, one of the more gregarious strangers elects to tell the group of a ghostly encounter of theirs, and after them the other strangers start telling their own tales of woe or haunting. Soon after, one by one, the strangers start getting killed or injured in ways that resemble the stories they told, hinting that the monstrous evil aboard the train manifests as its victims' worst fears or trauma.
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crowdfundr · 1 year
Tabletop Nonstop
Zine Month has officially started! Check out these awesome TTRPG projects on Crowdfundr and support your favorites: https://crowdfundr.com/spotlight/tabletop-nonstop/
Meanwhile, let's take a look at the campaigns that haven't launched yet. Hit the button "Subscribe" on each campaign page to get notified when they launch!
CONTACT by J Strautman, an alien communication TTRPG. Interpret messages from outer space. Find patterns and new meaning in songs you��ve heard a thousand times. Communicate with the Messengers.
S.A.D. Zines Volume 2 by @breathing-stories. S.A.D. (small and delightful) Zines are tiny games that connect you to yourself and the place around you through the lens of everyday objects and natural features. They are an invitation to slow down, look around, look inside, and see and feel things in a gentle and held way. What mundane joy might you find, in the ordinary magic around you?
Dead Letter Society by Montford Tales, a two-player RPG of vampires, letters, and a secret society. Take on the roles of vampires exchanging letters via a secret society, pursue your ambitions, and delve deep into the world you create together. It can be played together or apart, in a single session, episodically, or asynchronously.
The Beast Within TTRPG by Valiant Dorian, a multiplayer, narrative-focused tabletop roleplaying game where players play as humanoids with the ability to shift into were-beasts. Unleash your wrath upon your adversaries with dynamic abilities as a humanoid and as a beast. What will you choose: your humanity or the power of the beast within? 
Stay tuned for the updates and don't forget to support these projects!
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promoaboracing · 3 months
Oi, futuros pilotos, como estão? Gostaríamos de falar um pouco, e de maneira resumida, sobre como as corridas irão funcionar. Então, vem aqui com a gente.
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A princípio, iremos usar as corridas de stock car, com as especificações da Nascar, como uma base para a comunidade, já que essa seria a mesma categoria presente em PitBabe. Contudo, iremos fazer adaptações para que seja mais prático a aplicação em uma comunidade de RPG.
Além disso, criamos uma 4º equipe NPC. Assim, temos, como NPC, a Tiger Racing e a BYX-Team e, como equipes aplicáveis, a X-Hunter e Red Racing.
Tendo isso em mente, pensamos na seguinte ordem de classificação
Cada equipe possui 10 corredores, os quais competirão entre si, e os 5 melhores avançam para a próxima fase;
Os 5 melhores de 2 equipes competem entre si e os 5 melhores dessa competição avançam para a próxima fase;
Os 5 melhores das 2 competições avançam para a final, em que sairão os vencedores.
Para exemplificar, temos a imagem abaixo:
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No total, teremos 50 vagas, das quais apenas 20 serão para corredores. Teremos mecânicos, patrocinadores, tesoureiros, marketeiros, jornalistas, enfermeiros e médicos, advogados e até apostadores ilegais.
E aí? O que acharam? Se você ainda não respondeu a nossa pesquisa, corre aqui pra responder!
Beijinhos e para qualquer sugestão podem mandar nas nossas mensagens, nas asks ou até responder aqui.
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pesquisahibridarp · 11 months
Pesquisa: híbridos
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Olá pessoal da tag! Como estão? 
Vindo aqui com mais uma pesquisa para a lista, mas desta vez trago uma proposta totalmente diferente! O plano é abrir uma comunidade voltada para os fãs da temática de híbridos, destacando desde já que NÃO se trata de ABO ou Omegaverse. Ha uma série de ideias já planejadas, mas antes de colocar tudo em prática, gostaríamos de testar o interesse de vocês.
O foco principal do RPG será na vivência cotidiana dos híbridos, explorando suas diversas habilidades em um vilarejo ou cidade própria. Ainda está em definição se o jogo se passará em um mundo pós-apocalíptico ou se os híbridos estão fugindo do mundo humano para evitar serem capturados. Esses detalhes serão definidos posteriormente, mas para isso, precisamos saber quantas pessoas estão interessadas em participar! O objetivo principal é criar um ambiente rico em possibilidades para desenvolvimento de histórias fascinantes.
As plataformas escolhidas para o jogo serão o Twitter e o Discord, oferecendo uma experiência interativa e imersiva. Esperamos que seja acolhedor e divertido para todos os jogadores.
A ask está aberta para recebimento de opiniões, dúvidas e sugestões. Sua participação é fundamental para ajustar os detalhes e oferecer uma experiência incrível para todos.
Fiquem à vontade para compartilhar seu interesse, expressar suas expectativas e até mesmo críticas. Vamos construir essa (talvez) futura comunidade juntos, explorando a riqueza e a diversidade dos híbridos em um mundo repleto de aventuras emocionantes!
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xkuja · 1 year
|| The Year 2022 in Review ||
So, @her-enlightened-ladyship​ made a review of her 2022 year, wherein she read 100 books and travelled and accomplished things. And then she tagged me, assuming that I also did a lot of things in 2022 besides doing a book and taking a lot of naps.
Well, maybe I did. Let’s see.
Projects I am proud of completing :
Put together a bunch of my Kuja art into my own zine, with print copies that people actually bought, which was nice. The digital copy is over at @kujazine for everyone who wants one now.
Took more naps.
Cooked an omelette without dropping it on the hotplates or turning it into scrambled eggs.
Started making an RPG game with help of @xzidane. We’ve made the whole story, now its time to make maps.
Got back in touch with a dear writer friend and started writing our story again.
Talked to a lot of neat people.
Got invited to partake in a Final Fantasy IX zine as a guest!
Books Read:
How to draw Vampires
Draw Manga Style
Innocent Bleu Artbook
Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It
Drawing and Painting Anime and Manga Faces
Manga Drawing Deluxe
Born to be Bound (that book by the lady who took to court over ABO tropes) - DNF
Everything Guide to Writing Graphic Novels
The Joy of Photoshop
Comics Read:
Liminal Zone
Dick Fight Island
Dragon Ball Z
Some manga where the different families fused together into big flesh mechas and fought
A lot of manga in the death game genre
Board Games Played:
One of those little things where you roll the metal ball bearings into the holes in the plastic maze.
Trust Me, Im a Doctor
Video Games Played:
Elden Ring
Planet Laika
Monster Hunter Rise
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XIV (does screenshots count as playing a game)
Fear and Hunger
Fear and Hunger Termina
Goblet Grotto
American Truck Simulator
Pokemon Violet
Tetris 99
Golf Story
TV Shows:
Trashy reality shows
Fun Places:
Nice hotel
Nice craft show
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twilightknight17 · 2 years
Day 1 -Isekai/RPG AU || Roommates || Flowers || ABO || Wedding Night
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years
Y’all git HYPED, because this is my first-ever crack at Established Relationship Hiccanna!!! Get ready for some of that sweet sweet “Anna is insecure about ‘not standing out’ in any super obvious way but Hiccup reassures her in the most blunt but effective way possible” trope that I’ve been meaning to really delve into since forever :D I love how he’d be really calm and patient with her when she needs it but also would straight up say “Uhhhh that’s bullshit???” when she starts talking bad about herself. Like YES king say it how it IS :O He’s also just. Genuinely confused, like??? HOW is it possible for people see his girlfriend as any less awesome than he sees her??? Including (and ESPECIALLY) his girlfriend herself??? Like it straight up Does Not Compute, Hiccup.exe has stopped working, please try again later
Yes, Insecure Anna is just as worthy of love as Confident and Self-Assured Anna and if anyone wants to dispute this and act like she doesn’t “deserve” Hiccup because she hasn’t totally conquered her self-loathing tendencies yet (but she’s working on it!!!) then I will throw ALL the hands with you I stg
Fair warning that this ended up being a shamelessly self-indulgent, projection-filled ventfic, because I needed an avenue through which to bitch about a very specific issue XD Anyways, to all the girlies who have ever sat in awkward, uncomfortable silence while your friends all talk super excitedly about some piece of media you’ve never seen/weren’t that into and you feel like you have nothing to add and also your friends aren’t bothering to bring you into the conversation...this one’s for you!!! :D
Also, not me using Anna to deal with my ADHD issues again XD Sadly, that classic shit attention span extends to literally everything, not just boring and lame school and work stuff. I can zone out during practically anything, even the most interesting movie/show/RPG game. Like I’m not bored, my brain just needed a smoke break and now all my friends are gonna think I’m stupid af for it ^^; Fun times! Also not me writing Hiccup reassuring Anna the same way I wish someone would reassure me--
Apologies in advance for potentially OOC Jack...I needed someone for Anna to squabble with a bit, so I upped his Little Shit tendencies just a bit XD In my defense, I DO think given whatever the Modern AU equivalent of “300 years of loneliness” is (probably something mental illness related), Jack would be drawn to more dark, “broody” media because he would feel like it better reflected his experiences. Anna, meanwhile, is like “To hell with this bleak grimdark shit, why would I watch something that just makes me even more miserable???” I do have them bicker a little For The Drama, but it’s mostly all in good fun XD
Not me writing fics set in winter/involving snow in some way to combat the horrible heat wave I’ve been getting where I live XD Physically I am braving 90+ degree weather, but mentally I am rolling around in a snowdrift.
Fic under the cut!!!
9:40 pm. The numbers briefly light up Anna’s phone screen as a text from Elsa slides in.
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight. Hope you’re having fun!
Anna twirls another mozzarella stick through her marinara sauce, watching the viscous red liquid seep into the gaps in the crumbly, golden-orange crust. With a little imagination, it could be a very crispy, basil-speckled submarine being sucked into a massive blood whirlpool. Now that’s a movie she would see—provided the blood looks fake enough, anyways. (She does not go to the cinema to get nauseous and uneasy, thank you very much—school does that plenty enough as it is.)
She is having fun. She’s having immense fun. How could she not be? She’s eating delicious empty calories, she’s surrounded by her best friends, and Hiccup is turning 19 in about an hour and a half. She’s at her best friend’s—pardon her, her new boyfriend’s—birthday outing and she is having the time of her life.
Or at least she should be.
It was an event they had all been planning for months. The new sci-fi thriller, Cold Life, was all Hiccup could talk about. An ambitious project based on a comic book series Anna had never heard of (as so many sci-fi thrillers were), the plot centered around a ragtag group of time travelers trying to prevent the heat death of the multiverse while also not causing too many timeline overlaps and unraveling reality. So you know. Very low stakes.
They made a movie night out of it, buying tickets a week in advance and surprising Hiccup with reserved seats in the back of an iMax theater. They bustled their way in and paired off, as they so often did, organizing by who was most comfortable whispering and joking under their breath to who. Anna watched the movie eating popcorn with one hand and holding Hiccup’s with the other (she’s still getting used to being allowed to do that), and now she’s sitting in a sparkly blue plastic diner booth, delicately picking at her food in such a way to make it last as long as possible.
It isn’t that she’s not hungry. She’s always some degree of hungry. In a world where she was her most authentic self, the chicken Florentine panini, the mozzarella stick appetizer, the onion rings, and the honey mustard sauce would be gone within minutes of being delivered. The reason they are all still on her plate in some capacity is because they’re keeping her busy enough to not look…
Well, busy enough to not look like she shouldn’t be there.
She looks up for the first time in a while, tearing off the end of the marinara-soaked cheese strip as she scans the diner booth. The lively conversations—the same type that usually give her some degree of comfort and belonging—are starting to agitate her.
They shouldn’t be. The topics are innocent enough. Merida and Astrid are raving about how epic the movie’s fight choreography was, occasionally ripping off pieces of honey chipotle wings with their teeth for emphasis. Rapunzel and Moana are wrapped up in an animated discussion about all sorts of visual imagery and motifs and other such things, trying to meander their way toward a conclusion about the meaning of the recurring pink glow on the horizon. Flynn and the twins are rating the explosions (of which there were many, despite explosions being impossible in the oxygen-devoid environment of outer space) with a surprising amount of thought. Mavis is spearheading a deep dive with Tooth and Johnny into the psyche of a character Anna found rather irritating. Finally, next to Anna, Hiccup and Jack are arguing over themes, and whether Cold Life is making a statement for or against the idea of inevitability.
Usually when they go out with friends like this, one of Hiccup’s hands is always reserved for Anna to hold. They’re still getting used to being together, and sometimes Anna (or both of them, for all she knows) needs a reminder it’s real. For years and years it was only ever friends—Anna gazing longingly when his back was turned, drawing hearts around their names in her notebook margin and covering them up when anyone looked. Wondering how he’d feel wrapped around her, or pressed up against her while they slept. Daydreaming about flooding his locker with candy boxes on valentine’s day. She’s still in shock from bumbling her sorry way through asking him out and him actually saying yes.
Yeah, I’ll go see Black Hole Tyrannosaur with you. You want to grab ice cream afterwards? Absolutely fucking surreal.
Black Hole Tyrannosaur, for what it’s worth, was very good. The concept of going through a wormhole and finding a planet containing several extinct animals who had fallen through gaps in space-time sounded ridiculous, but the practical effects were solid and the characters funny enough to make it a delightful ride.
They’d held hands across the seat, sprouting a tradition of linking one pair of hands and using the other to share popcorn. Anna glances at Hiccup’s hands now, one making slicing motions to indicate how distinctly the movie laid out that butterfly effect-style change is always possible and the other clutching the side of his head the way it always did when he was frustrated.
Usually he can convey his points well enough with one-handed gestures, but today is his birthday. He deserves to utilize the full power of elaborate, sweeping hand motions to discuss Cold Life. She’ll let the hand-holding rule slide, if only for one day.
Anna takes a long sip of the cookies and cream milkshake she and Hiccup are sharing, and feels a deep pit start to settle in her stomach.
It isn’t that she didn’t like the movie. It had some interesting concepts, and it entertained her well enough. She rarely got bored, per se.
It’s just that it’s one of those movies where you have to have your whole brain turned on. Whirring at 100% capacity the entire time, or you’ll miss about 16 important details. And then later details build off those details, and later details build off those ones. It’s an endless cycle of “if you zone out for a few minutes, you’re fucked.” And then when you try to play mental catch-up, you miss yet another plot-relevant piece of info.
Hiccup loves this kind of stuff. He loves sinking his fingers into complicated things and picking them apart to see how they work. He has an eye for detail that she could never dream of, and a knack for piecing them together like some kind of mental jigsaw puzzle. He’s probably the smartest person she knows. (Still a little shocking to her that he found her to be anywhere near his supreme Level of Brain.)
It's not that Anna isn’t smart. She can usually follow Hiccup fine when they’re chatting about this or that or the other, discussing pressing concerns like the future of AI or whether single-biome planets like the ones in Star Wars could actually exist. Not to mention she’s beaten him in chess. Several times.
It’s just that her brain is constantly running on full power mode. It’s the only way to keep up with her classes, no matter how wired and anxious it leaves her 24/7. And nowadays, even during what’s technically her downtime, her poor brain is spluttering and overheating like a computer that no one ever shuts down.
She couldn’t keep it on full power for an entire 2 and a half hour film even if she wanted to. It always flutters away mid-movie, demanding rest and leaving her at the mercy of shallow, mediocre movie takes developed by an Anna Runeardsen only half there.
And now, between her failure to keep track of Cold Life’s many timelines, her merciless confusion at the vague symbolism, and her frustration with mean characters everyone else seemed to think were fascinating and deep, Anna suspects she arrived at a very surface-level and mediocre take indeed. From what she overhears of the babble around her, she wouldn’t have anything to add—or worse, would cause a stir by accidentally disagreeing with something everyone else is in solid accord about.
All right, no more lying to herself. This sucks. Never in her life has she felt so painfully boring.
She considers trying to butt into Flynn and the twins’ conversation—how hard could it be to have a discussion about explosions? When she checks on them again, though, they’re packing up. From what Anna overhears, Flynn is apparently taking Ruffnut and Tuffnut to some monster truck show, so they can’t stay all night.
Do they even have monster truck shows in this city? If they do, Anna sure wasn’t aware. She wonders if the three of them are bored and faking an excuse to leave, although Ruffnut’s enthusiastic speculation about which unlucky car would be crushed the flattest seems to indicate otherwise.
Anna scans the table again, assessing her remaining options. Rapunzel and Moana have moved on to talking about some weird little piano leitmotif Anna completely missed. Mavis’s miniature discussion circle is now analyzing the main love interest, a rather nasty woman who used her tragic backstory of finding out she was an “accident” and her general bitterness over being infertile as justification to implode an entire timeline.
Her eyes pause on Jack and Hiccup, now discussing the “brilliance” of the ending. Though they seem to be disagreeing over what details they did and didn’t like, the general consensus was that the entire finale was very, very good.
Jack is being particularly insufferable about it, seemingly incapable of shutting up about what a mad genius Directorman Whatshisface is. During his spiel, he seems to be on a mission to dip his fries in every available substance on the table—honey mustard, ketchup, Merida’s chipotle aioli, Hiccup’s side of Ranch, the table sugar jar, someone’s abandoned spare BBQ sauce, Hiccup’s soda, Merida’s lemonade, his own mint chocolate shake. He barely seems fazed by even the most disturbing of combinations.
“Hey Jack,” Anna pipes up. “Which one tastes the best?”
“Huh?” He looks at her, blinking in confusion before he realizes what he’s subconsciously been doing.
“The ranch,” he says cheekily. “No question.”
And just like that, he’s back to gushing about the poetic cinema of the last 20 minutes of Cold Life. So much for getting him to change the subject to something she could talk about without making an idiot of herself.
“Okay, yeah, yeah, I get it, you think it’s brilliant that all their efforts were for nothing. I want to hear what Anna thought.”
Anna isn’t sure how long Jack has been going on when she hears Hiccup say her name. “Huh?”
Hiccup turns and smiles at her. “I want your input. I know those like…hopeless, depressing endings movies do sometimes aren’t your cup of tea, so I was wondering how this one fared.”
Anna blinks, eyes widening with shock. “You remembered?”
“Uh, I’m in love with you?” He looks at her like she’s completely lost her marbles. “Of course I remembered.”
Anna’s entire face grows hot, probably turning redder than the marinara sauce.
It isn’t like they haven’t exchanged “I love you”s. They’re six months in. Anna dropped an “I love you” after four (although rest assured, she knew long before they started dating—she just didn’t want to scare the poor boy off right after she somehow managed to woo him. Somehow.). He said it back after only a little contemplation (which she considered a win, from the guy who overanalyzes everything), soft and slow under a blanket fort. They’d been huddling for warmth and telling ghost stories, and when Anna accidentally came up with one so alarming she freaked herself out, she took a break from the spooky tale marathon to confess her undying love.
So yes. Factually speaking, he loves her. She loves him. It has been stated aloud many, many times at this point. Not exactly a surprise.
But every time he says it, it still feels like one.
Maybe it’s because she still, even after all this time, worries she doesn’t deserve it. Maybe it’s because she’s not used to people loving her and being so upfront and straightforward about it. Maybe it’s because the mere concept of someone she loves reciprocating the sentiment with equal or greater intensity will never not shock her.
Anna has never had reason to hold a particularly high opinion of herself. The idea of anyone thinking so much of her is still a little hard to grasp.
She’s never been first-in-line for anyone’s heart, or been anyone’s top choice. But now, with Hiccup looking at her like that, she can believe she’s his.
He isn’t exactly talking quietly, either. Hiccup has never been particularly loud—much to the chagrin of many of his more rowdy, boisterous family members, who always complain he’s no fun at parties. While not exactly soft-spoken, he didn’t often care to raise his voice and preferred a tone that could devolve into inconspicuous mutters if needed. Generally speaking, Hiccup cared quite a bit more about the cleverness of the things he said rather than the volume at which he said them.
And yet here he is, announcing that he’s in love with her so noisily that several of their friends look up in surprise. His enunciation leaves no room for argument, either—the oft-present incoherent mumbles and splutters have apparently gone on sabbatical.
He’s speaking with an open confidence Anna doesn’t often hear.
“I mean…I, uh…”
Anna isn’t so lucky.
“Good, right?” Jack cuts her off, mouth full of French fry, before she can stumble very far. “There’s something so beautifully ironic about them ripping themselves apart hopping between universes and sacrificing their own timeline versions of themselves…and then their plan still doesn’t work. And for a second there, you really thought everything was going to be fine! Like the way they set it up to trick you was brilliant—”
“I don’t necessarily think—”
As usual, it’s difficult to get a word in edgewise once Jack is off on a rant. “Kinda underlies this idea that you can try really, really hard, and still fail. That people with the best intentions can do everything right and still get fucked over. Like, that’s just life, you know?” He punctuates the statement with a bite of an onion ring dipped in tabasco sauce.
Anna frowns. “That doesn’t really—”
“And the twist of the heroes being punished when they fucked up, but the villains ultimately getting rewarded? Solid.” The bite of onion ring is not nearly long enough to slow Jack down. “I never see movies ballsy enough to flat-out show that evil rich people can buy their way out of trouble. At least not without some kind of ‘karma’ coming for them. Which it doesn’t in the real world, since karma isn’t really a thing.”
“Seems a little bleak, don’t you think?” By some miracle, Hiccup manages to cut in. “This idea that any efforts to spearhead positive change in society are ultimately doomed.”
“That’s not really the point, though. It’s more about how all societies will eventually end, and trying to prolong the inevitable is a waste of your own existence—”
“Will they, though?” Hiccup interrupts Jack a little more boldly as they fall into their usual movie-arguing rhythm. “I mean, no future time travelers have come from the end of the universe and told us for sure.”
“It’s likely.” Jack takes a noisy sip of his green-and-brown milkshake. “Entropy ultimately prevails and all that.”
“But there’s no point.” Anna finds herself shoving her way in before she can second-guess it. “I mean, like…what’s the purpose of showing us a story where nothing gets accomplished in the end? What am I supposed to take away from that?”
For a moment, Jack looks surprised before the usual air of self-assurance returns. “No, no, I think you’re misunderstanding,” he says around a mouthful of fry. “There’s not supposed to be a point for the characters. The point for us is that there’s no point for them. It’s kind of showing how everything we do is meaningless in the face of a cold, uncaring universe.” He grins, like he just put in the last piece of a particularly tricky jigsaw puzzle.
Ah, so this is the answer that she’s been missing for so long. Complete and utter nihilism.
“You seem oddly sanguine about all this,” Hiccup notes. Jack only smirks, raising his milkshake like he’s making a toast.
“What can I say? I’m just speaking the facts.”
Anna felt one hand clench into a fist under the table, the other starting to whittle away at the wood beside her placemat with green fingernails. It’s hard to tell if he’s actually that smug, or if he’s just trying to get a rise out of her. Maybe both.
Probably the latter. He’s not above causing a stir to get the attention on him. She’s not so different from him that way—dismissed and overlooked for much of her life, always wanting to be seen.
Still, there are other ways to go about it without talking over her. Or her boyfriend, for that matter.
“I guess you aren’t wrong,” Hiccup says, though he sounds resigned.
Jack looks briefly appalled that that was even considered a possibility. “Psh. Of course I’m not. Seriously great ending, though. I was more impressed than I’ve been in a while.”
“Yeah, kept you on your toes.” Hiccup doesn’t sound quite as enthusiastic as before. “Certainly couldn’t say it’s predictable, that’s for sure.”
“Really subverted all the stuff you—”
“Well, I thought the ending was stupid.”
She surprises herself with how ferocious she sounds.
As so often occurs, the entire table happens to go quiet the second she calls attention to herself.  Her friends all turn to stare, and she suddenly wonders if she’s made a grave mistake.
Maybe she should take it back. Force an anxious laugh, say she was kidding. Let Jack have his fifteen minutes of movie analysis fame while she goes back to hiding behind the remains of her panini. Maybe she shouldn’t stir up controversy and strife at her very own boyfriend’s birthday outing.
Then something warm settles over her fingers, still digging nervous trenches in the wooden table. She feels a thick hand curl around her own, and some of the tension trickles down her back and out of her body.
A couple quick squeezes, subtle but unmistakable. It’s a small gesture, but Anna knows exactly what it means.
I’ve got your back.
He’s taken to doing it when the old, rusty metaphorical springs that make up her body get coiled a bit too tight. It helps drain out the worst of the anxiety, social or otherwise, and get her bent back into place.
She glances up. Hiccup is giving her a soft look, encouraging and perhaps even a little…eager.
Right. He’s in love with her. He’s probably not lying about that. If he’s in love with her, he’ll probably want to hear her opinions. That logically tracks, right?
He gives her a small nod, as if to say go on.
And so she does. No turning back now—she has to commit to the bit, at least.
“So nothing they do will ever be able to save the multiverse.” She crosses her arms. “They try, and they fail, and they go back in time, and they try, and they fail again, and they keep doing that until they dissolve into the space-time continuum and cease to be, blah blah blah. It’s boring. It’s the same objective with the same result every single time.”
“Well, yeah, but the thing that makes it entertaining is the variety of ways in which they fuck up.” Jack smirks.
“Sure, the first few times. Then eventually it’s like…okay, is this going anywhere? Is it gonna show me some epic thing that makes all of this worth spending three hours getting my brain sliced up and handed to me? And then, to top it all off, you get Clinical Depression: Movie Finale Edition!”
She spreads her hands wide as she says it, mouth hanging open in mock wonder.
“I still don’t think you’re getting it.” Jack’s smirk turns to a frown. “It’s not really about some big dramatic reveal. In the real world, you don’t always get to know the how or the why of things. They just happen.”
There’s a note of bitterness in his voice, like he has quite a few of his own unanswered questions. A predicament that apparently he wants to see reflected in media everywhere so as to not feel alone.
Anna almost feels sorry for him until he continues talking.
“I mean…come on. Not every ending can be this cheerful ‘friendship and teamwork save the day’ thing. Anyways, it wouldn’t make sense for the story. If you pay attention to the plot structure, like Hiccup was saying earlier, it’s more narratively satisfying to end on a bleak note.” Jack sips his milkshake smugly before popping another handful of fries in his mouth. Hiccup looks away, eyeing the table guiltily. “Honestly, I think more movies could use endings where—”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Jack.”
Jack freezes mid-chew, the end of a French fry poking from his lips. The entire table turns to stare at Anna again.
She glances over the shocked faces of her friends, suddenly feeling mortified. Jack looks like he got smacked with a mallet.
“Oh, gosh.” She shrinks back into her seat, studying the few bites left of her panini. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. Geez. That was so rude, I—”
“Are you kidding?!” Hiccup’s voice cuts in, and a hearty hand slaps her back. “Annihilate him, babe.”
She looks up to see the shock has faded from Jack’s eyes to be replaced with…an almost playful glint. He’s not mad, she realizes. Not even annoyed. More intrigued than anything.
He’s challenging her. Which is good, as he is, from this moment forward, essentially consenting to being annihilated.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” She leans back in her seat, letting out the most exaggerated groan possible. “You’re so ridiculous. ‘Ooooooh, look at me, I’m such a deep and profound movie where everything sucks and nothing gets any better! I’m gonna win an Oscar because the movie awards committee loves pain and suffering and they think the only way to be respectable is to wallow in your own sadness and misery!’ Give me a fucking break. You think I need to be told by some...brainscrewey movie that sometimes things go to shit?! My life has been going to shit for years. And I don’t think I’m the only one. I mean…we’re all kind of fucked, right? Not like our majors are gonna make us more than pennies.”
She looks around at her friends, all studying liberal arts or humanities or whatever other field that was absolutely not hiring. Hiccup was maybe the only exception, with his path toward an engineering bachelor’s.
They stare back at her, eyes growing even wider. Apparently the perpetual optimist talking with absolutely 0 filter whatsoever isn’t something you see every day.
“The Adderall doesn’t always work, y’know.” She knows she’s oversharing now, but she doesn’t care. “Neither does the Zoloft. Or whatever else I try. I’m panickey, I’m stressed all the time, I pretend I have a promising future to keep myself sane but I really, really don’t. I see the world and the economy and the environment and all this stuff like…falling apart around us, and I need to delude myself into believing maybe everything’s going to be okay or I’ll lose it. And you think a movie about people giving their all to prevent a disaster and failing miserably every time is what anyone needs?!”
There’s a short pause before Jack speaks up again, this time lifting a finger insightfully.
“But narratively speaking—”
“Well, fuck the narrative!” Anna starts frantically waving her hands around, copying Hiccup’s over-the-top gestures in her desperation to get her point across. “Maybe if its message is this shitty ‘nothing you do will ever matter’ thing, then the narrative is what needs to change, not get an equally-shitty ending to go with it. I mean, last I checked, people watch movies for fun, and like…who enjoys feeling hopeless, crushing despair?! How am I supposed to leave a movie theater feeling satisfied and like…generally okay about the state of the world when none of the good guys get a happy ending, and they all died for nothing?”
“Arlin got a happy ending—”
“Fuck her too!” Before Anna knows it, she’s picking up an onion ring drenched in honey mustard and chucking it across the table. Drops of yellow goo fly onto her friends’ faces, and the fried vegetable lands on Jack’s cheek with a wet splat. He peels it off his face, eyeing it with distaste.
“She’s the worst,” Anna goes on emphatically. “Look, we all have problems, but you don’t see me going around and destroying timelines over it. Sorry, but I’d be different. Also, can we talk about how sexist it is that only the ‘traditional’ lady who wants babies gets a happy ending?! Bet they thought I wouldn’t notice that. Ha!” She smirks triumphantly, ripping off a piece of a mozzarella stick. “I see how it is. They think the one who wants to be a mom is the pure and virtuous and innocent one by default, so she’s the one who gets to live. But I see right through their bullshit, and I think Karis and Suret should have lived! Everyone else can die, I guess, if the plot really needs them to, but give us someone to root for, you know?”
Hiccup whistles, nudging Anna playfully. “That’s my girl!”
Anna gives him a sidelong glance, sure she’s blushing an embarrassing amount. “I’m your girl?”
He blinks. “I’d think so, unless you’re only dating me as a friend. In which case it might be necessary for us to have a talk about the nature of our relationship.”
“Did Arlin get a happy ending, though?” Moana asks. “I mean, she got stuck in that eternal time loop. And wasn’t the implication it was just a fake dream dimension?”
Rapunzel is temporarily distracted from their conversation, watching Jack with Merida and Astrid in a sort of morbid fascination. He pops the earlier-chucked onion ring in his mouth before beginning an elaborate routine to lick up the honey mustard splashed across his cheeks.
Anna shrugs. “Happy comparatively. It was still better than what everyone else got.”
“She had growth, though, man,” Johnny pipes up. Casual but insistent, in the way he has a habit of being. “At least she’s less of a jerk than she was in the beginning. So she kinda deserves it.”
“And Arlin’s psyche is so interesting!” Mavis stretches out her fingers, grinning. “Like…why did she feel so incomplete without kids? She was super well-loved by everyone for like…her whole life, so it’s not like she didn’t have a support system. And she was smart enough and rich enough to basically become whatever she wanted, so…why was she gunning so hard for her own kids? I mean, she could’ve easily been a pediatrician or a teacher or a social worker or something, if she wanted them around so badly. But she was so insistent on being a mom, so like…what is her deal?”
Before she can stop herself, Anna lets out a puff of frustration. “To be honest, it was hard for me to care when she spent most of her screentime being an asshole. Like, I know ‘unlikable main characters’ are the new fad or whatever, but they’re just…draining to watch.”
Mavis gives her a puzzled look. “Really? I love picking them apart. Trying to figure out how they work.” Johnny and Tooth nod emphatically.
Anna frowns. “So you don’t ever get like…aggravated, having to see somebody be a huge jerk over and over?”
Tooth shakes her head, rainbow-dyed hair forming a bright blur around the dark skin of her face. “Not if it’s fiction, no. I mean I would assume any reasonable person would know not to emulate that kind of thing, right?”
“But it’s not like…disheartening?”
Johnny shrugs. “Honestly makes me appreciate real actual nice people more.”
She hears a shifting in the chair next to her, and glances over to see Hiccup turning back toward them. For a time, it seems he was distracted by Jack’s show. The other boy has, to the best of his ability, cleaned the honey mustard off his face, and is now sipping his milkshake and watching Anna—the contrarian of the day, apparently—with great interest.
Hiccup opens his mouth to speak, and Anna preemptively winces. She can only imagine how inane and childish the love of her life will find her views on unlikable characters. Honestly, if this many people are looking at her like she’s nuts, she probably deserves for him to make a snide comment—
“Anything else I can get for you kids? A dessert, maybe?”
A new voice interrupts before Hiccup can realize Anna’s movie takes are probably horrendously wrong. Their waitress is standing by the booth, notepad in hand.
“Oh! Ah—” Hiccup looks down at his lap nervously, and Anna sees his eyes drift to the wallet in his back pocket. His brow creases, a note of sadness drifting onto his face.
She knows what he’s thinking. Even before they started going out, it became second nature for her to tell.
He thinks he can’t afford this.
They’re all broke college students, some more comfortable asking their parents for handouts than others. Hiccup’s the stingiest with money, with his need to prove to his dad he’s independent ensuring he spends nearly every spare moment working on-campus jobs and every paycheck only on rent and essentials. He doesn’t have much left over on less than minimum wage.
But it’s also his birthday.
“Oh—oh no, I think we’ll be okay—”
“I’ve got it.” Anna pulls out her duck-shaped purse and nearly slams it down on the table. “Are you still doing the February special? The one where you sub out chocolate ice cream for strawberry and you get a discount?”
She read about it online when they first picked the place. Something to do with having leftover strawberry-flavored stuff from not as many people ordering Valentine’s desserts as the diner planned, Anna guesses. Today’s technically the first day of March, since Hiccup’s “actual” birthday comes only once every 4 years, but perhaps it’s close enough.
The waitress nods, and Anna launches into the dessert order.
“Can we get a banana split? February special, so two strawberry scoops and a vanilla scoop. Extra caramel and hot fudge sauce. Oh! And, uh…I don’t know if pineapple’s in season this time of year, but if you have any…could you sprinkle a bit on the top?”
After the waitress leaves, Anna turns to see Hiccup gawking at her. “What?”
“I love you.”
He says it with so much force that Anna’s surprised the table doesn’t shake. Several of their friends smirk, and Anna feels her cheeks burn.
“Oh, stop it.” She rolls her eyes, smiling nervously. “It’s your birthday! You deserve nice things.”
“But…that thing costs like $10!” he spluttered, waving his hands around. “Plus tax! And…you remembered I like caramel sauce?”
It’s her turn to stare at him like he’s been claimed by insanity. “I’m in love with you? Duh.”
He dissolves into incoherent stutters, blushing like a madman, and Anna smirks triumphantly.
If her doing a nice gesture can evaporate his dignity this quickly, then perhaps he isn’t exaggerating about the high regard he views her in.
“But back to Arlin,” she says, sitting up a little straighter. “Was it just me or was the scene where she goes on and on to Cyndilla about how she wants a baby completely out of nowhere? It was so annoying—”
“You sure you’re not just projecting because you don’t want any babies?” Jack asks, cutting her off as he slurps annoyingly at his milkshake.
Anna narrows her eyes. “Say that again and I’ll use you as a projectile missile.”
Merida snorts out a laugh, giving Anna an approving nod across the table. “Drag him, lass! Ah swear, someone’s got tae.”
It’s snowing when they walk out into the parking lot.
Hiccup shivers, mouth no doubt still feeling the last traces of his birthday sundae. Smiling softly, Anna takes off her puffy magenta jacket and slips it over his shoulders. No trouble getting those skinny arms in the sleeves, though the bottom of the coat hangs a ways above his waist.
He frowns at her. “But aren’t you gonna—”
She pats his arm. “You ate ice cream. You need it more.”
The group is starting to disperse across the curb, finishing up conversations and texting their older friends for rides. No one, save maybe Jack and Rapunzel, seems keen to walk back to the dorms in the snow.
Elsa’s coming to pick Anna up soon. To what Anna’s sure would be the shock of her earlier self, she feels a prick of disappointment. She doesn’t want the night to end.
“I agree with you, by the way,” she murmurs, looping her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. “I think it was pro-inevitability—the movie, I mean. Nothing in the greater timeline changed in any meaningful way—nothing that I noticed, anyhow.”
“Ha!” Hiccup scoffs triumphantly as he wraps an arm around her waist. ��I knew it. Jack’s an idiot.”
“But…” She slides a hand into his thick hair, starting to twirl stands around her finger in little circlets. “I also think its entire statement on inevitability was complete bullshit.”
He looks taken aback, leaning away from her. This only presses him farther into her massaging fingers. “What? Really?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” She snickers. “Nothing is inevitable. There’s so many of these like…” She shakes her head. “Chaotic…chance…equation things I could never hope to understand that determine the probability of everything. And as I do understand it, they have to line up just so for literally anything to happen. Saying any cause will only ever produce one specific effect no matter what, and no matter if new outside stuff crops up and complicates everything—which it inevitably will, by the way, because random unexpected shit is always happening—seems…pretty improbable to me? Like, saying you can’t avoid a certain thing when there’s so many factors that have to work together to lead to any like…event…thing, and there’s like a billion other slightly and largely-varying event kinda things possible, acting like one is all special-weshial and can’t be altered no matter what seems kinda stupid.”
“So you’re saying…nothing is inevitable?”
“Yup. Same way nothing is certain-certain.”
“Oh? So not even us falling madly in love?”
Anna scowls at him as her cheeks begin to burn. “Okay, first of all, stop trying to be cute when I’m getting a point across. Second of all, especially that.”
She snorts mockingly, and Hiccup raises an eyebrow. “Care to elaborate? I mean…I had a crush on you for ages. You liked me even longer. Why wouldn’t we have gotten together?”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, we had all kinds of things working against us. You were so dead convinced I was out of your league for some reason, and I was terrified you’d friendzone me and it would like…totally ruin me. No offense.”
He boyfriend shrugs. “None taken.”
“Point being that it would have been so easy for both of us to just never say anything. And voila! There you have it! No more being in love and making everyone else tell us to get a room.”
She spares a sidelong glance at Merida, who’s currently glaring at them with her tongue stuck out.
“Well, we’d still be in love though, right?” Hiccup says, frowning. “We’d just be a lot more miserable about it?”
“Not necessarily. Maybe one or both of us would meet someone else we were convinced was our soulmate or whatever, and we’d get super obsessed with them. Like, to the point it seemed stupid to like anyone else. Or I’d get frustrated when you put walls up like Elsa did, and I’d stop trying to get through to you. Or you’d hear me fart in class or something, and then decide I was disgusting and never worth considering as a romantic option again.”
He pouts. “You really think I’m that shallow?”
“I doubt it.” She shrugs. “But it’s what I’ve come to expect. You ever hear that ‘never ever ever do anything gross or lame in front of the guy you like or he’ll be turned off and never consider liking you back ever again’ stuff on the internet? Had me watching my every move around you for a long time.”
Hiccup scoffs. “Well, you didn’t need to. I’ve known for years that you snore, and sometimes you stink to high heaven because you forget to put your deodorant on in the morning, and you can get so overwhelmed that you can’t bring yourself to shower for days, and you still have all your toys from when you were a kid, and you love predictable and critically-panned movies because surprises and endless trope inversions stress you out, and you panic when you have to make big decisions or decisions where you think people will hate you for getting it wrong, and guess what? I still love you.”
His volume drifts up on the last sentence, like he’s speaking over a blizzard instead of a light, silent snow shower. Anna catches glimpses of several of their friends turning to look at them.
She tenses against him, sliding her hand out of his hair. Suddenly she’s looking at the snowy concrete, unable to meet her boyfriend’s eyes. “Why do you always say it like that?”
“Say it like what?”
“Like…like loud like that. So like…any old person can hear.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Aren’t you embarrassed?” She finally looks up, grimacing slightly. “I mean—well, it’s just—I guess I wonder—aren’t I embarrassing?”
He looks genuinely perplexed. “…are you? This is news to me.”
“You’re not like…” She bites her lip anxiously, somewhat dreading the blunt answer she knows she’s going to get. Her voice softens, as though if she speaks too quietly for him to hear, she’ll have an excuse to drop the subject and put off learning what has to be a painful truth.
“You’re not embarrassed to be with me? Like…at all?”
To her surprise, his confusion only grows. “In what world would I be embarrassed to be with you?”
“I mean…I’m barely passing college. I’m addicted to Starbucks and posting food pics on Instagram and a bunch of other unoriginal ‘basic girl’ stuff. I can’t go more than a few sentences without accidentally saying something stupid. I’m super gross and can’t take care of myself half the time. My brain overwhelms itself over the dumbest things, and then I can’t function at all. I’m not really on track to become anything like…exceptional. And smart people movies fry my brain, and I probably form a whole host of bad opinions about them while I’m watching them. I’m kind of a failure.”
After a small pause, Hiccup lets out a deep sigh. “Okay, I don’t even know where to start with all that. First of all, half that stuff doesn’t matter to me. That’s what I’ve always told you, and like…let’s be real, I’m not a good liar. If I was bullshitting, you’d know by now.” He shakes his head, smiling fondly. “If any of those things did bother me on any significant level, I can assure you I never would have gone out with you in the first place. I knew you long enough to know what I was getting into, Anna. Secondly…”
He casts a glance behind her, Anna following his gaze. Jack is stuffing snow down a giggling Rapunzel’s shirt, the smug air from earlier long gone. Anna looks back to see Hiccup rolling his eyes.
“I didn’t get most of Cold Life, either. Really, I was humoring Jack more than anything, but it’s no crime not to be able to wrap your head around that clusterfuck of a movie. I was impressed that you were able to analyze as much as you did. Thirdly…”
His hands slide up her waist to firmly grasp her shoulders. “You need to listen to me here. You’re the farthest thing from a failure. You get up every morning and you work your ass off ten times harder than anyone I know—just to get through the day. You bite and claw your way through advanced high school classes and college applications and now these terrifying exams that are worth 60% of your grade, and you still somehow find the energy to look out for me when I can’t do it myself. You keep on smiling and trying to see the best in everyone and everything, even when people are awful to you and you feel like no one wants you around—absolutely not true, by the way. Honestly, I do all right in school because a lot of technical, mathy stuff comes easily to me, but…” He smiles meekly. “I wish I had half the resilience you do. I wish I knew how to bounce back when I do eventually find a class that’s too much, because gods know it takes the balls of steel you have. Or…” His cheeks flush in embarrassment. “Boobs of steel, I guess.”
“Nice.” Anna grins. “I have natural protection if someone tries to stab my lungs!”
“But…” She meets his eyes, a little embarrassed by how desperate she probably looks. “You think there’s still hope for me?”
“Absolutely. You just haven’t found your niche yet. Which is fine—most people our age haven’t, despite what stupid college marketing campaigns will try to tell you. But when you do find it? I know you’re going to kill it. Zero doubt in my mind. When you funnel all that energy into something, it’s going to blow people away.”
And then Anna Runeardsen stands on her tiptoes (curse her boyfriend’s growth spurt the last year of high school—now he towers over her and it’s really rather unfair) and kisses Hiccup Haddock like never before.
They’ve kissed probably dozens of times at this point, some more memorable than others. This one feels different, though—like something straight out of a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie.
(One where the actors have good chemistry, though. Not those lifeless budget movie kisses where it looks like two fish trying to eat each other.)
Her hand slides back up into his hair, and she breathes him in. He tastes like Oreos and hot fudge and ice cream and a shameless burst of self-confidence when she needs it the most. His lips are dry and chapped from the cold late winter air, but Anna doesn’t mind. It’s him, and that’s what matters to her.
Her heart still pounds every time, just like it did holding hands with him for the first time during a 6th grade game of Red Rover. All these years, and he still makes her feel like she’s floating on a summer breeze, wildflower aromas all around her and the sun in her hair.
Ironically, being with him is also as tranquil and easy as cloud-watching in the grass on a clear day. He excites her endlessly and keeps her grounded all at once, and she doesn’t know what she’d do without him.
Nearby, she can hear Merida gagging. This only makes Anna kiss her boyfriend harder.
When she pulls away, Hiccup’s hair is dotted with snowflakes. She smiles, brushing it out fondly.
“So,” she says cheekily. “Out of all the infinite possible timelines we exist in, I’m glad I’m in the one where I got to date you.”
He raises an eyebrow teasingly. “Are you sure? There’s probably several where you marry some famous actor, and get to livestream from a private pool all day.”
“Well…if you get that Silicon Valley job you’re striving for…” She pokes him playfully in the chest. “What’s the difference? Financially, anyhow.”
He raises a teasing eyebrow. “Anna, I don’t think you understand how money works—”
“Sure I do. There’s three categories of the monetary elite: ‘Rich’, ‘Richer’, and ‘Filthy Fucking Rich.’ And I, sir, am more than happy to just be in the ‘Rich’ category.”
He gives her a skeptical look, and she wonders if he knows she’s joking. She quickly backtracks.
“Or not. We could also be mega-broke together. I’m all right with living in a cardboard box under the freeway as long as I’m doing it with you.”
“Yeah, don’t get your hopes up about being rich.” He leans forward and kisses the side of her head. “I don’t think it’s time for us to start packing our bags for San Jose yet. I haven’t even passed my upper divs.”
Anna snorts. “You will, though. You really are the smartest person I know.”
“Maybe you have low standards, then.”
“I absolutely do not.”
There’s the soft crumbling of snow under tires, and Anna looks past Hiccup’s mop of brown hair to see a pale blue fiat pulling up to the curb.
“Looks like my ride’s here.” She leans up and plants a last kiss on his cheek. “We’ll have to continue this dispute some other time.”
“Good.” Hiccup snorts, crossing his arms. “You’ll have adequate time to realize you’re wrong.”
“I’m not,” she says breezily. “But even if I was, and you start failing absolutely every class starting tomorrow…” She blows him a kiss as she backs toward Elsa’s car. “You know I’m sticking with you no matter what, babe.”
“I love you!” He shouts the words at her as she closes the car door, loud enough for all their friends to glance at him again. Elsa snorts with laughter.
“Seems like your relationship is in terrible jeopardy,” she deadpans.
Anna snickers as her sister drives away. “Oh, yeah. I’m so concerned.”
...y’know, I thought up the “Eugene takes the twins to monster truck shows” completely on accident, but now I can’t stop thinking about it, like. Hilarious yet oddly wholesome??? For whoever was asking for more interactions between the side/supporting RotBTFD characters, I come here to deliver XD
Yes, Anna swears like a sailor because the only reason she canonically doesn’t is because she’s in a disney franchise XD She’s also older and wiser and just a little more cynical and not nearly as sold on the concepts of “destiny” and “one true love” as she once was XD I also find it extremely funny that I was combing over the dialogue and noticing some of Anna’s lines sounded more Hiccup-esque than I intended, and vice-versa...but then I realized that adopting someone’s speech patterns and mannerisms happens naturally when you date them/are around them a lot ;____; They’re absorbing parts of each other because they’re in love hELP
Amateur psychologist Mavis is so valid, I love her ;____;
For whatever reason I feel with an odd certainty that Hiccup would be a caramel guy. Also I was inspired by him ordering a pina colada milkshake in one of @lovestrucklyuniverse‘s fics and now I think he’s a pineapple guy too.
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byeolwonhq · 28 days
Delta, boa noite! Uma pergunta, teria como colocar um "dicionário" de alguns termos usados no Tumblr? Já faz uns dois anos que não jogo, entendi a temática do ABO, mas alguns termos usados no próprio RPG tem me deixado confuso😅
Boa noite, nony! Então, nós temos essa página, é a de mitologia. Ela foi organizada com base nos termos mais usados nesse universo, então se você tiver dúvida em relação a alguma palavra, é só usar o CTRL + F! Caso não encontre lá, também pode voltar e me perguntar, estou sempre à disposição para tirar dúvidas e te explicar como funciona a coisa. Apesar de parecer doida, sou muito paciente.
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bittwitchy · 4 months
so funny thing, ik the whole a/b/o thing has existed for years, if not forever, at least in fandom spaces, but when i was younger a show i really liked on the syfy network was called alphas, about humans with extraordinary powers that made them essentially mutants, or, alphas, i was even gonna run an rpg that mashed that show up w marvel and eureka, another show i liked and still like to a point tho the autism storylines they had that i appreciated as a kid i don't appreciate as much now bc it was very 'mom of an autistic who wants to cure autism bc its oh so hard for her to not be able to communicate with her child the way normal parents do' (note: he was semi-verbal, but still could express his needs and everything, like) and not written by an actual autistic w care for the fucking character and the solution was in s4 when they decided to do a time travel plot that completely ignored everything from season 1 about time travel, he was 'no longer autistic and perfectly normal' and even changed the actor out who was the same age as me same year and almost same day i think idk and thats really when i got super fucking pissed off but thats besides the point, anyways--
so for a really long time when i was on tumblr, i'd see 'alpha' mentioned, and i just assumed 'beta' was a normal human to the 'alpha' mutated human, so when i actually read an abo fic for the first time, i was so fucking confused lmao
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