#ru tag
fourteeninafez · 6 months
rtd, talking about the toy maker being racist: he's a murderer, a mass murderer
me: oh so we make him German then, right
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stellamancer · 2 months
not necessarily a summary, but a storyline with something too good to be true?? (lmaoo, sorry, i just liked ur nier fic sm, i think u would rock smth like that😔)
LMAO. justice for my nier fic!!! it's good!! i want to say everyone should read it because i do think that but i also don't think it's very representative of my typical work at all.
anyway a story about something that is too good to be true (in the vein of nier fic).
i actually thought that would be too hard to think about but. and honestly, i'm sure there's a fic like this out there already lmao.
so uh. lmao.
cw: character death, yandere (not reader or geto)
reader is a non sorcerer who comes from a rich household, and seeks out the monk suguru geto after they think they've been cursed (which they have). i want to say that they are... anxious during their first meeting; they've heard about this man and how he strikes fear into the hearts of even the most rich and powerful of men.
but when they meet him, he's not only handsome, but cordial to boot. he collects the curse and sends reader on their way without too much fuss once they've paid for his services.
and that would be that if reader didn't keep getting cursed over and over, and they visit geto over and over, and he is not only handsome and cordial, but he's charming, and kind. and reader starts to fall in love with him.
geto can tell too, he's no stranger to people feeling this way about him, and he's not above manipulating the emotions of non-sorcerers if they stuff he wants (money and curses to harvest), so he plays into it a little. i'm a romantic at heart so i do want to think that maybe he did grow a little fond of them but at the end of the day, they're still. a monkey. :'D
anyway, as reader's visits to geto continue, concerned parties (people they know mostly) start to warn them that he's using them and that he doesn't really care and i want to say that reader dismisses them, but i don't want them to be that dumb, so they kind of take those words into consideration, and like, they can kind of see what people are saying but it's hard to really... stomach when he is just so nice and charming, but in the back of their mind they start to think something is wrong, but at the same time they. don't want to think about it because it really does feel like geto really cares about them.
anyway, things really come to a head when the person who has been cursing reader finally goes off the deep end and they try to just kill reader. maybe they're a suitor reader turned down who has finally decided if they can't have reader then no one can. they start chasing after reader and reader calls geto for help, but it goes to voice mail. and not like... after ringing a bunch of times, it goes to voice mail in the way that you can tell someone just sent you to voice mail
and at that moment reader realizes geto never really cared for them at all.
the suitor catches reader and drags them to an alley to kill them and after they think they've done it (reader is dying but not actively dead) they realize what they've done and try and scamper off
geto actually does show up and he kills the suitor then and there. very mercilessly and then
Footsteps, soft yet scratchy against the asphalt approach your bleeding body. You try and turn your head to look, but you can't seem to get your body to listen, to obey. The sound stops and the person squats down, moving so that they enter your field of vision. It's Geto. Your lips twitch as a smile tries to make it's way onto your face. "...so you came after all." "...did you think I wouldn't?" he asks and you wonder if you're imagining his voice sounding gentle. You must be; he has no need to be paying you any sort of lip service any more, not with you at death's door. "...I don't... have anything to offer." It's a struggle to even speak, but you would hate to leave his questions unanswered when he came all this way. His gaze is unreadable as he stares at you, then, after a moment, he tilts his head and frowns. "No... I suppose not." You let out a weak chuckle. "...sorry to have wasted your time." If this were back at his compound, or perhaps if he even felt a fraction of emotion toward you, you think he'd be kind and tell you that it wasn't a waste. But he says nothing, his silence speaking the truth of how he feels. What a fool you've been. Not that it matters now. "...in my bag... I think i have about... five hundred thousand yen," you say slowly. "...is that enough... to ask for you to embrace me?" Geto frowns, disgust marring his handsome features. "...sorry," you mumble. Your eyes are staring to feel heavy, your thoughts growing more and more blurry. "I just... wanted you to hold me... even just..." Your time runs out before you finish your sentence, before you can feel Geto's fingers brush against the fading warmth of your cheek. Hours later, when your body is found, your personal effects are found along side you. Untouched and undisturbed.
[send me a summary or premise of a fic you'd like to see me write]
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violetmessages · 1 year
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torchwood fandom really is a special place
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hi nessa omg how are you doing !!!! <3 happy spring :-)
hiiiiii ru !!!! i think i’m sick but i’m okay <33 how are you!!! happy spring! i hope it’s so beautiful to u 🌺🌻
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naughtystiel · 2 years
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oh fuck its bigger than i thought!! pack it in
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oldblackpeacoat · 1 year
hi danny
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hii ru!!! <3
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ruu-minate · 1 month
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In some interpretations of Greek myth, Amphritite is known as the goddess of the sea and fisherman’s bounty; providing all the rich plant life and shellfish and such.
Inspired by the Hades 2 art. I just wanted to draw some ocean gods.
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ruemxu · 1 year
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geto suguru
>> ruemxu
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fourteeninafez · 1 year
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I would literally die for him. he's just so so so so SO baby. he's been abandoned in a cold dark cell and got a FEVER and I'd die for stinky
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stellamancer · 7 months
niku-niku-neko, tell me, what idolish7 (or any) song would you assign me? 😌💞
of course my sweet little ru ru!
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[send me an ask and i will assign you a song that is likely from idolish7]
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gretahayes · 1 year
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Batman #440 (Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying)
Hi Tim !! First appearance of our baby stalker. Love how they set him up so we'd think it's a villain and not the world's strangest thirteen year old
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ventura highway ! :)
omg very interesting thank you !!!!! i had not listened to it before <3
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naughtystiel · 2 years
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mothcpu · 1 year
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ms paint & scan variety pack
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velvetwyrme · 11 months
EOVD Doodle Dump!
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Today (the 30th) is the anniversary of me posting the first chapter of my fic, exes of varying degrees (wow!!) and for some reason, I haven't posted any of the art I've done for it despite drawing uh... QUITE A FEW PIECES while I was writing it!!! So I figured now was a good time to redraw some of them so I could post them all at once!
There's also another comic that ended up needing its own seperate post, so y'know. If you want to see Edge with cat ears... go check that out.
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Also, take a look at the best gif I've ever made (+ context):
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The mention of Stretch looking a little green was to inform the audience he looked sick but it was also a very subtle reference to the pear wiggling gif hrhdherjhwfejjhefkjh
These are the old versions of the art I redrew :'] My anatomy is a little wonky (*wheezes.* Sans' spine... the readers ARM...) but I still kinda like em! I drew both of them at work LMAO
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capricioussun · 6 days
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He has anxiety
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