#ruby is disabled
rubyroboticalt · 1 year
me: man i havent had the executive function to do anything lately whats up with that
the pnefarious anglerfish:
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[id in alt tex]
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curlyhaircripplegf · 11 months
When the pain hits your hips like a big ass cruise ship that’s a flare up
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tangramkey · 4 months
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I made gijinkas of Ruby and all her sisters !!! Who is your favorite?
(Version without names under the cut!!!)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 8 months
Blake: (signing to Yang)
Yang: Okay, I think I got this! (Struggles to make same signs using one hand and fails gloriously)
Blake: (laughing so hard that she's crying)
Weiss: (wearing protective eyewear) Ruby, what's going on?
Ruby: Yang’s trying to learn Sign Language.
Weiss: Sign language?
Ruby: Yup!
Weiss: The amputee is learning Sign Language?
Ruby: From Blake.
Weiss: From the mute, deaf girl.
Ruby: Hey, it could be worse. Blake could be trying to teach you.
Weiss: ......
Ruby: Too far?
Weiss: I'll let you decide. (Grabs her cane and walks up the small set of steps)
Ruby: Weiss! (Rolls wheelchair over to the steps) Come on! That's not fair!
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cdmodule · 1 year
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A few months ago I drew out some headcanons related to various disablities & other physical conditions and decided to finish them up now that It's disability pride month ( Even If not all are necessarily disablitles <3 )
[ First time doing Image descriptions so I'd appreciate feedback! ]
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stinkyhyena9000 · 4 months
Hey there, party people!!!
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I know I'm not too active on here, but I'm glad y'all are still here!
I recently had the pleasure of commissioning two YCHs from the artist @trisiray. Go check them out and support them if you can!
Ruby's a character we really don't a lot of, even in the movie, so I'm glad I was able to comm some fanart of her. Some day I'll have to list my many, many HCs for her.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
I know the bones cracking thing was supposed to be a sign that the person was a Chuldur but like my bones do that every single time I move. All I could think about was basically "heh. good one. sounds like that relieved a ton of tension." the entire time 😭😭😭😭
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thereforeispam · 1 year
Okay, but when do disabled people get their cut of the "I'm different and that's a good thing" pie in children's media?
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rusty d you want to make morris gibbons a companion you want to make him a companion so bad
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rubyroboticalt · 8 months
right so my hearing ass heard about qsmp sign languages and HOO BOY STRAP IN because i have linguistics autism level 1 and am conversational in asl. are you ready? Good.
there are a half dozen sign languages that are somehow derivative of langue des signes française, french sign, abbreviated as lsf. starting with asl, american sign language, which mr gallaudet based on lsf. i, as an asl speaker, can somewhat understand lsf videos, this is a concept called mutual intelligibility and will be important later. língua brasileira de sinais, brazilian sign, abbreviated as libras, is likely derived from portuguese sign (lgs) and lsf. okay, so that is two sign languages derived partially from lsf, taking vocab and grammar and evolving separately after splitting apart. all three, libras, asl, and lsf, have a degree of mutual intelligibility. pidgining between them is likely to be an exchange of vocab, using the most common sign between all the speakers; or whatever sign is taught to another speaker first.
there are more sign languages than just those three! asl has parented other sign languages. lengua de señas peruana, peruvian sign, abbreviated as lsp, is derived from asl. lengua de señas puertorriqueña, puerto rican sign language, abbreviated as prsl, is a derivative of asl. lengua de señas argentina, argentinian sign language, abbreviated as lsa, is also derived from asl. it will be abbreviated as lsar in this post. there is a degree of mutual intelligibility between asl and each of these three languages, though the degree varies. given that the lsf-derived sign languages also have some mutual intelligibility, it's likely that the six sign languages all have mutual intelligibility. how much will vary from language to language and speaker to speaker.
this is still not all of the connected sign languages! algeria has langue des signes algérienne, abbreviated as lsa, and as lsal in this post to distinguish from argentinian sign. seven total sign languages that are somehow derivative of lsf (thanks, colonialism), and that share a degree of mutual intelligibility.
spanish sign language, lengua de signos española, abbreviated as lse, may be related to lsf, but mutual intelligibility begins to break down between lsf-derivatives and lse. the breakdown of mutual intelligibility becomes complete with mexican sign language, lengua de señas mexicana, abbreviated as lsm. lsm does not have any mutual intelligibility with its relatives lsf and asl. this is where the pidgin begins to become unintelligible with lsf-derivatives, though lsm may share intellibility with other latam signs like lsp, libras, and prsl.
the big kicker for the qsmp signed pidgin becoming something taught, something learned from the other residents, is when you add british sign language to the mix. bsl is completely different from lsf, asl, lse, and their derivatives. it has different vocab, different grammar, different alphabet, the whole shebang. there are exactly two brits who log on frequently, and one joined late. the discrepancy in speakers between bsl and lsf-derivatives is massive. instead of contributing grammar, the pidgin likely picks up vocab from the bsl speakers, and applies it to the fairly-standard lsf-derived grammar.
of course, we must consider the eggs, who are canonically mute and literally use sign items to communicate. this is where the pidgin the adults sign becomes a creole, as a creole forms when a pidgin is the first language taught to a child. and that is where lengua de señas de qsmp becomes a creole, when it is taught to an egg to communicate.
so thats how i think the qsmp would form a pidgin sign language combining all of the signs from the countries the current islanders are from. and i havent even touched asian countries that have been teased, or korean sign because tina is korean. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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curlyhaircripplegf · 1 year
my current thoughts on mobility aids I've used
Unassisted walking
Not feeling judged 
No jokes at my expense
Reduced fatigue
Able to take weight off one problem area at a time
Hurts shoulder 
All weight on wrist
Can only assist one leg at a time
Able to switch gaits to take weight off problem area(s)
Very stable and balanced
Can move quickly
Significantly reduced fatigue (still affected by inclines)
Cannot hold anything
Difficulties opening doors
Difficulties going upstairs for non-fatigue reasons (you try walking upstairs and also carrying two big sticks, it's difficult)
My arms get tired (they’re getting stronger)
People love to stare
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veshialles · 2 months
y'know one thing that really sucks about growing up disabled that I feel never really gets talked about is the sheer difficulties of learning how to do things for yourself. So often, people would see me struggling with something and instead of sitting down with me and teaching me how to do it and then letting me do it myself, would just get frustrated with me and do it for me, often tearing the tools to complete a task from my hands in both the metaphorical and literal sense. Which just really fucks you up because next thing you know you're 25 years old and don't know how to do fucking anything because nobody ever had the patience to teach you, because they thought you were too slow moving, too slow-thinking, too clumsy, too stupid, and got mad at you about it instead.
all this is to say thank you to the people who do show me patience when I am still learning, guiding me through how to do things without coddling me or taking over for me
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
I had a movie marathon with my mom just now, where amongst things, I actually decided to watch Ruby Gillman with her as she never saw it in the cinemas with me. I know I keep talking about that movie, but I think it's such a beautiful Little Mermaid inspired remake so I wanted to hear her opinion so bad. It wasn't her favorite but she actually preferred it over Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. She hated the Dutch voice acting and the soundtrack, but the story and animation itself didn't turn her off at all. She actually liked some jokes and the story of a young girl with autistic undertones and her mother just trying to protect her, is a theme our household definitely understands. My mom isn't perfect, I have made it no secret she's also neurodivergent and it causes quite some family drama, but at the end of the day I am still her number one person in the world. On her good days and when I have bad ones, that scene where Agatha is calming Ruby down could have been taken directly from our household. This is actually one of the few things I haven't praised Ruby Gillman so far about, but this is one of its other beauties. The Little Mermaid novel was written by an autistic author writing about literally struggling amongst humans and being a fish out of water. Ariel SHOULD have been an autistic Disney princess. Perhaps in the late 80s, this was overlooked, but the live action reboot? It has ZERO excuse for its disability erasure. If they had actually cared about updating the story in modern day, they should have written her with autistic undertones and preferably have her played by an autistic actress. My mom, when I voiced my frustration about Disney's autism erasure, not only fully agreed but she started on her own complaints of how disabled kids deserve their own princess. Ever since becoming slightly cripple due to an accident, she started sympathizing a lot with the wheelchair community and she's actually grown more passionate about their representation due to that. But Disney gives zero fucks, took a neurodivergent princess away from us and its not fair. But Dreamworks came along, and gifted us a Little Mermaid remake with Ursula/Ruby now being the autistic princess instead. I cannot thank Dreamworks enough for this.
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hasellia · 11 months
So I have a question for the disabled pokémon community in regards to designing a character, from an able bodied presenting person. I'm gonna give my sketch of Wally so far below under the cut if that helps.
I'm designing my take on older Wally, and I wanted to make him more visably disabled. I'm aiming for something aligned with cripple punk ideals beyond aesthetics, but I'm not that well read about it and I don't want to betray those values. Since his condition is only loosely implied to be asthma, which from my own limited observations is mostly seen through the use of medical inhalers, I thought I'd take a few creative liberties. I'm giving him a futuristic mask attached to a small cylindrical filter on his back through two large tubes on the side. It's not a permanent fixture, and he can take it off to sleep, eat, talk over tea, etc. It's sort meant to look like a knight mask, reminiscent of gallade. The mask functions as both a filter (since he works in/near the battle factory at the Hoenn battle frontier) and also as a drug administration device when he's having asthma-esque episodes. My idea is meant to invoke images of more villainistic / ableist characters (like the obvious Darth Vader), but once you meet him, Wally's is actually a very soft, sweet guy. He's just is also capable of annihilating you in a pokémon battle, so people talk up how scary he is to battle. I know this in itself is a trope, but I'm unaware of how the disabled community feels about it and if it's initself abeist. The rest of his clothing isn't villainous, just kind of a progress of what he wore when he was younger.
So, is there anything I should do differently or should know before going forward? I'm not going to pretend that I'm immune to being abeist, and I'm not sure if implying that Wally has some form of fictional pokémon asthma is really the proper way to go. But I thought I should at least try to reach out to the disabled community before I do anything that might be speaking for them.
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lovelettelane · 11 months
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Oc chibi version
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lamphous · 3 months
they just put up a temp art installation in the lobby outside the gift shop I work in and I glanced by on my way out yesterday but didn't look close until today and one of them is A GIRL FROM MY 8TH GRADE HEALTH CLASS? HALFWAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY? HELLO???
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