#ruby overshares in the tags
apparently "being like Roy Mustang" is not a healthy way to deal with your problems. Who knew? Certainly not me, and certainly not Roy Mustang.
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pia-writes-things · 2 years
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J'ai publié 10 881 fois en 2022
C'est 5 184 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
176 billets créés (2%)
10 705 billets reblogués (98%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 5 485 billets en 2022
Seulement 50% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#dw - 1 033 billets
#kaamelott - 499 billets
#stranger things - 355 billets
#stranger things spoilers - 260 billets
#pia's oversharing - 231 billets
#vdf - 174 billets
#upthebaguette - 169 billets
#funny things - 166 billets
#esc 2022 - 148 billets
#inthetags - 133 billets
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#en plus (je vais pas faire une dissert dans les tags parce que j'ai des disserts à rédiger pour les cours présentement) mais ça aurait été
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I just finished The Ruby’s curse and I think I will never be able to thank Alex Kingston enough for writing it.
Granted, story-wise or writing-wise it’s not the best book I’ve read. It’s really good but I’ve been able to guess some plot points before they were revealed and all that jazz.
But it’s still one of the best book I’ve read because of the care with which it’s been written. I don’t know how to say this in English but it’s like the book transpire Alex’s love and care for the show, for River, for the Doctor (and probably for us, the fans). There were so many Easter eggs, private jokes and other references, it was a true joy to read as a whovian and I think my heart doubled in size multiple times during my reading. But also all the parts about Cleopatra and Ceasarion were so cool and interesting and just... You can feel that she wrote about two of the things that interest her the most in life, and two of the things that she loves the most in life and as a reader, those kind of books are always the best to read.
Anyway, I’m awfully biased about this, obviously, but I truly loved this book and it’s like, the ultimate comfort book! We don’t deserve Alex and I hope someday I’ll be able to thank her, one way or another.
34 notes - publié le 5 janvier 2022
Holi, hola, frenchside of Tumblr!
Je ne crois pas en avoir parlé ici mais, je fais actuellement partie de la revue littéraire de mon uni en Colombie, El Galeón (insta: @gacetaelgaleon, site web: https://gacetaelgaleon.wixsite.com/galeon)
Et, hier, le rédacteur en chef m'a proposé d'ouvrir une nouvelle section dans la revue le semestre prochain (donc à partir de janvier), une section pour les textes en français 🤗🤗
Du coup, l'idée serait que je sois en charge de trouver des textes originaux en français et de faire le processus d'édition pour ensuite les publier, une fois tous les 15 jours 😍
Ca peut être en format écrit mais aussi audio ou audiovisuel, ça peut être de la fiction, de la poésie, des essais académiques, à peu près tout et n'importe quoi de littéraire 😊
Donc, si c'est quelque chose qui vous intéresserait, si vous avez envie de voir comment ça fait de publier des textes dans une revue littéraire, ou si juste vous trouvez ça cool de publier des textes en français mais en Colombie, vous pouvez me les envoyer et on pourra travailler tout ça ensemble 🥰
Je vous avoue que je sais pas trop dans quoi je me lance, mais j'ai déjà fait un peu de beta-reading par le passé et je prends des cours d'édition donc a priori, je sais à peu près ce que je fais ^^
Pour les critères techniques, c'est juste en dessous :)
Format: Word
Police: Arial
Taille: 12
Interligne: 1.5
7 pages maximum ou 10 min max pour des audio ou vidéos
Si le texte est un essai et a des citations: normes APA 7ème édition
Images: JPG ou PNG haute résolution
Audios: MP3
Vidéo: MP4
Les propositions doivent être envoyées à [email protected], avec pour objet "Proposition de publication" et l'e-mail doit contenir les détails suivants : Nom complet de l'auteurice (ou des auteurices). Courte biographie, 100 mots maximum. Adresse électronique Numéro de portable Si l'auteurice (ou certain.e.s d'entre elleux) est mineur.e, une lettre d'autorisation signée par un.e tuteurice légal.e majeur.e doit être jointe.
Voilà, voilà !
36 notes - publié le 1 octobre 2022
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Pia refait sa culture queer français part. 1
(Celui là je le liveblog parce que même si vous dormez toustes, je sais que c'est le genre de truc qui vous fera délirez)
42 notes - publié le 16 novembre 2022
If I had a nickel every time Anthony Stewart Head played a character named Rupert, I'd have two nickel. It's not much but it's weird that it happened twice.
64 notes - publié le 20 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Joyce’s expression when she corrects Hopper’s pronunciation of “chianti”. That’s it. That’s the post.
67 notes - publié le 22 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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To make the ARG more enjoyable for everyone, I’ve decided to start tagging things appropriately (like suicide, blood, etc)
I’ve also changed the icons and background to further reflect, because ohhhh boy!!!!!
Does this ARG get pretty intense at times. :)
That still won’t change how the story will be told though. The story will still go on as usual.
There just needed to be a couple aesthetic changes is all.
Beyond that, I hope you enjoyed the ARG up at this moment!
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catelyngrant · 3 years
I, uh, had some feelings in the tags of this post by @nakedmonkey (with excellent additions from @lush-retina and @eddiemartha​) that turned into notes for a reply that then turned into 2500 words of meta that I figured I should probably turn into a post of its own rather than hijacking that one.
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Anyway. I have thoughts about Ava, Deborah, and their relationships with honesty.
So to start with Ava: Ava lies for selfish reasons and uses truth to keep a distance; we see both of these things on display in the very first episode. She pretends to be friends with Taylor in order to beg for a job, and lies to Deborah about being a fan for the same reason; we also see her talk about how she’d kill herself and being fingered at a funeral. As Brené Brown says, “using vulnerability is not the same thing as being vulnerable - it’s the opposite. It’s armor.” That pretty much sums early!Ava up - she can justify her schtick with the “raw honesty” vibe, but she’s rarely honest and truthful about things that matter. We see this continue to play out in the early part of the season as she continues to lie, both directly (to Ruby) and indirectly (not letting her parents know that she’s living in Vegas - and when she does have those conversations, we start to see how it’s always been easier for her to lie). 
The thing is - she’s a bad liar. We see her try to play the antique salesman and completely fall apart, and then she appeals to him with truth, which also doesn’t get her anywhere. She panics later in the season when she’s trying to lie to Deborah about first the voicemail and then the interview. Even when she’s pretending to be friendly with her LA acquaintances, it’s desperate and obvious and embarrassing. Lying doesn’t come naturally to her but vulnerability terrifies her, and she lands on what she calls “raw honesty” but is actually oversharing as an attempt to push people further away and protect herself. (She also uses “honesty” in self-destructive ways, as is introduced in the pilot with the tweet that got her “cancelled” but is further demonstrated down the line.)
Deborah, on the other hand, has lied almost her entire life. She’s such a good liar that she believes her own lies half the time. Her career is built on the story of a fire she didn’t set, a story her own daughter believes, and when she tried to tell the truth she was shut down and ignored. As she says, “I realized people would rather laugh at me than believe me.” She lies to survive, and keeps secrets for the same reason. She fake laughs when Marty is flirting with her, she pretends to enjoy herself in bed with him (presumably…), she lets DJ sell photos of her to TMZ rather than confront her, she never faces her sister or any of the painful truths that might emerge from such an encounter - hell, she lives her life in a wig and stage makeup. She lives the lie so well that most people don’t even realize it’s not the truth. And when she does tell the truth? She aims for the jugular. She’s most honest when she’s being cruel (see: DJ’s birthday disaster, DJ’s earrings not being good enough, her whole breakdown with Ava in the finale).
And of course, all of this begins to change when they meet. We’ve got Deborah who lies as easily as breathing, who began lying out of necessity and who hasn’t been truly honest or vulnerable with anyone in probably just as long; we’ve got Ava, who only lies for specific purposes (mainly ambitious) and is very bad at doing it but good at recognizing it in others, and who uses oversharing as a way of keeping people from getting too close. They have the same endgame - protect themselves. Get ahead. Stay relevant. Don’t let other people in.
In their first meeting, Ava comes in with false charm and fake niceties that Deborah almost immediately dispenses with - she admits that she never wanted to meet with Ava and that Jimmy sent her against her wishes. It’s only then, when Ava has nothing to gain and no reason to think that Deborah will ever end up being a person she has to protect herself from, gets going. She’s harsh and mean and tells Deborah exactly what she thinks of her with no goal except needing to vent her frustration and helplessness, and immediately they begin that magical back and forth that begins to define them. And it’s then - Ava, being honest from a place of how she’s feeling rather than just using oversharing as a defense mechanism - that she makes Deborah laugh for the first time. A true laugh, which we don’t see from Deborah very often. It’s rare enough that it makes Deborah follow Ava out. It’s rare enough that she offers Ava a job.
From there, it’s really interesting to watch how they progress throughout the season. At the beginning their old habits are in place - Ava’s spiel about bisexuality, Deborah’s gig at the pizza parlor opening, etc. - but we begin to see cracks. We see them making each other laugh, genuinely. We see Ava getting to see a truly honest version of Deborah in the late night pilot, and beginning to connect with her in that way. We see Ava learn about DJ’s paparazzi gig and tell Deborah the truth, not to hurt her or push her away but because it’s right. We see Ava begin to see the layers of Deborah and push her to be honest - to tell the truth to the world and not hide behind the facade. 
In return, we see Deborah start to open up - just a little. There’s the scene in the desert, where Deborah breaks and tells Ava that she has no idea what hard really means, giving Ava - and us - just a glimpse of what she’s endured and just why she’s so guarded. Fascinatingly, one of the other first times we see her being really honest in a way that’s really vulnerable is when she’s drunk and runs into Ava and George and tells Ava that she’s mad at her for not having to endure what she did back in her youth. (She also tells George about Ava’s bisexuality and having deeper emotional connections with women, but that’s a whole different meta.) 
This culminates, of course, in 1x06, in a couple of ways. First there’s Ava, who left a voicemail that had some truth to it but was mostly self-destructive. Like Deborah, Ava goes for the jugular when she uses truth as a weapon - also like Deborah, it’s usually coming from a place of fear, pain, and self-destruction. In this case, Ava’s grown enough to realize just how self-destructive this voicemail is, and she’s desperate to fix it (foreshadowing...); also in this case, she manages to fix it without Deborah finding out. 
At the same time - as Ava’s frantically trying to salvage the relationship that she’s only just beginning to realize is important to her - we have Deborah opening up to Ava, really opening up to her, for the first time. She tells her about the fire, and how she told the story because she didn’t feel like she had a choice. She tells her about her experience with therapy. She tells her about Frank, and how they had a private little universe where she was happy and felt loved, and how he blew it all up.
And Ava listens. She validates Deborah’s pain and just how unfair everything she experienced was, in a way that it’s likely no one ever has before. She tells Deborah that she should tell this story to the world, not because it would be good for her career or because it’s what people expect, but because it could help her heal and she deserves the chance to write her own narrative. She tells Deborah that she could make anything funny, and it’s probably the most honest thing we ever see her say on the show.
And it’s telling - very telling - that the very next episode, Ava has a sex dream about Deborah in bed with her, no wig, no stage makeup, just sharing an intimate moment, and being insanely jealous when she sees Deborah fake laughing with Marty. It’s telling that in the very next episode Deborah tries on vulnerability again to connect with DJ, this time, in her lovely birthday speech, and then almost immediately after - while she’s still raw - lashes out horribly in a deeply misguided attempt to protect her daughter from what she sees as the same mistakes she just relayed to Ava. It’s telling that she’s rejected by DJ, again, as a result, and immediately falls into bed with a man who a) canonically doesn’t satisfy her and b) betrays her while she’s, as she says, “literally naked” (though still wearing her hairpiece). It’s telling that, apart from her speech to DJ, the most honest moments we get from her this episode are her saying “You look pretty” to Ava and then her reactions when Ava calls her to make sure she can witness DJ’s wedding. 
But in the aftermath, they make it work. They find an amazing dynamic where they’re honest with each other, they laugh with each other, they build a show around the truth of Deborah’s life and yeah, it’s partly because Deborah needs to find a way to stay relevant, but there are other ways to do that. Marcus is actively seeking other ways, safer ways, to do that, and Deborah says no, she’s going to do this raw, honest, vulnerable shit with Ava instead even though it’s risky. Even though the last time she trusted someone like this, he hurt her very, very badly. And they find a dynamic in which they push each other, and get under each other’s skin, but in a way that’s productive and is about furthering their understanding of each other (i.e. Ava learning about Iris and what sort of shit Deborah had to put up with in her youth, how she’s carried it with her all these years and laughs about it because she doesn’t have a choice until Ava explicitly says how shitty and awful it was; also, Ava probing about why Deborah didn’t do more to protect female comedians after she’d become more powerful and Deborah initially lashing out but then banishing the asshole host from comedy forever). They help each other grow.
So by the time the interview with the British writers rolls around, and all that follows, it makes sense that we see them both revert in the most awful, painful ways. We see Ava lying to Deborah - partly selfish, she doesn’t want to risk her current gig, but also because she doesn’t want to throw Deborah off before the big show; we see, again, how bad she is at it, and when we contrast her lies with her telling Deborah “Trust me,” and Deborah admitting “I do,” it’s a fucking gut punch because in a single scene we’re seeing both how much they’ve grown and how easy it will be for them to fall back into their old habits. Ava is so torn between her ambition and the genuine connections she’s feeling, both to Deborah and to Ruby, and in the end she makes the healthy choice both times. She sends Ruby away to focus on her career rather than falling into another self-destructive spiral, and she refuses to betray Deborah to advance her career, except - from Deborah’s perspective - she betrayed her the moment she lied to her and abandoned her right as she prepared to take a giant leap of faith in her career, no matter that she came back in the end. (It’s possible Deborah has some triggers.)
Which comes to one of my favorite, and one of the most fascinating, scenes in the show: when Deborah talks to the reporter. She’s honest, yes - probably as honest as she’s ever been in public, at least since the late show pilot. She talks about abandonment and how in stand-up, no one can ever let you down. When the reporter says it sounds lonely, she doesn’t deny it - she just says that it’s true. So what’s this about? It’s off-brand af, but the thing is, in this moment, I don’t think Deborah has it in her to keep up the façade anymore. I don’t think she sees a reason to. Ava - the only person that ever wanted to hear the truth from her - is gone. She’s not going to do the new set, so this is going to be her last show, and she has no plans after that. She’s desperate with Marcus, immediately promoting him and giving him a raise because she’s terrified that he’ll leave her too. She’s Deborah Vance so of course she’ll find a way to claw back up to the surface and come up with something new, but in that moment, I think she’s just done. She doesn’t have anything left to lose, so why not be honest for a moment?  
And God, I could talk about the finale forever because the way they use truth-telling just kills me. They are entirely, brutally honest with each other in the best and worst ways. Ava tells Deborah that she’s proud of the show they built. She tells her that she thinks about her and that they have a human relationship. She tells her that she’s sorry she lied. She tells her that she sees her - that Deborah’s scared and running away. She tells her she’s a fucking hack.
She tells her that she thinks she’ll make history.
And Deborah - she tries to lie, she tries to convince herself (and Ava, too), like she has for so long - that none of this matters. That all Ava is to her is another employee whose paycheck she signs. That she doesn’t think about Ava. That she knows what works, and that she doesn’t want to do the new show. And when she snaps - when she shouts that this is her life, that this is nothing more than a blip for Ava, that she doesn’t need her or anyone at all - when she slaps Ava - it’s all fear. It’s all of the things that she’s been refusing to acknowledge for decades bubbling up because the one person she let herself trust, truly trust, let her down. She’s terrified of what her future holds and she’s hurting like hell and it boils over in honesty, yes, but the self-destructive kind. She uses honesty as a weapon, but in true Ava fashion, at the end of the day she’s really hurting herself.
And then she goes out and tells the truth onstage. She goes to Boston and tells Ava that she can’t quit, because she’s too good. She tells her that she doesn’t want to do the tour without her. 
And Ava - who, after leaving Vegas, found herself in the same position that Deborah was in earlier in the episode (feeling betrayed by Deborah, staring down the end of her career in comedy, having just lost one of her few loved ones) sent an email to the British writers telling the “truth” about Deborah. We end the season on Deborah making this huge leap forward, going against her every instinct and thriving for it, while Ava faces the consequences of falling back on old destructive habits - consequences that won’t just affect her, this time. Her self-destruction will have casualties.
She burned the house down, just as Deborah came to bring her home.
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thepixelelf · 2 years
thank you for tagging me in this daisy @hoshranghaes I love oversharing when I don't think anyone will even read these <3
favorite time of the year? : don't think I have one, honestly! although I do love that time of year when I start seeing flowers in yards and parks and stuff :)
comfort food? : our family recipe dumplings!!
do you collect anything? : bear paraphernalia, or bearaphernalia, if you will (it's not a serious collection but I have a good amount)
favorite drink? : wintermelon juice with milk foam + tapioca pearls! it's pretty sweet so I couldn't drink it everyday or anything, but I love it a lot
current favorite song? : I don't really ever pick fave songs because my brain doesn't work like that but if I'd have to name one in this moment... elevator by dkb!
favorite colours? : baby pink... hot pink... viridian and phthalo green... raspberry pink... sapphire ruby emerald... LAVENDER AND WISTERIA...
last song? : I think I clicked a tumblr audio of a txt song this morning??? I don't even remember how it went but it was called can't we just leave the monster alive?
last series? : my sister and I are making our friend watch naruto >:) I actually haven't seen it since I was a kid and back then I don't think I even reached the second season lol... I can say now though that I'm getting invested (also the first season english closing theme is tear worthy I belt it)
last movie? : uhhhh the live action sonic the hedgehog? maybe.. it was over a week ago but I don't watch movies all the time. also it was the first movie even though the second one recently came out because my group of friends (currently watching naruto) said we'd watch it "once the pandemic is over" two years ago... it was funny I liked it lol
sweet, savory, or spicy? : sweet!!
current craving? : water... gonna go pour myself a glass
thing you’re currently working on? : wonwoo smau... detective jihoon n ghost soonyoung au... shitty fanfiction ch 17... getting a job... a title swap blurb with archer seokmin... except I'm not really working on any of them because I have zero work ethic ;0
not tagging anyone the bloodline ends with me
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alaqatzam · 4 years
creator tag meme
okay so I was tagged by @aquietthinker and I am really excited bc I don't see many tag games these days and I get tagged in even fewer so thank you v much for hitting me up in this, love both you and your works!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’ve published about 29 works to my ao3 in 2020, with only one or two being kept unpublished for whatever reason. This year wasn't as active as other years for me but I do know that my writing hasn't suffered, and I've been impressed with quite a few that I’ve published this year! So here be my top five
falling (E). Okay so this fic may not be the best work I’ve ever done, but I'm proud simply because it’s one of the longest fics I’ve ever written, the word count may not be as high as other people’s fics but for me it was a real big boy fic. It was originally just going to be an excuse to write a throuple kinda thing but I managed to put in a lot more plot than I’d previously expected. This fic is defo an achievement for me. Plus I managed to rope Ruby into helping me out with it and when we have our writer to writer moments it really fuels my soul.
taste tester (M). Bit of a controversial fandom to be calling my fav fic but I do not care, this was a fic that got me out of a writing slump and got me back into the groove, that and it was the first piece of fic in a while where I focused on feelings and characters over smut (shocking, ik) so I really cannot overlook this fic and its value to me.
bad moon rising (M). Despite Brooke forcing me to replay her singing ‘bad moon arisin’ every time I think of this fic, I really do love it. It’s gritty and graphic and a total step in a different direction for me, it let me channel the grossness of my zombie au’s in a more concentrated way, and making Alex suffer in fic form is really neat, so ofc I love this bad boy.
it’s just what you do (T). It’s a fic based off a Lana del Ray song, need I say more? I swear I hype this fic up in my head way too much but I have really fond memories of writing it. This was another fic I bullied Ruby into helping me out with, I kinda talked about it with her the entire time I was writing it, and it probably annoyed the fuck out of her but it really helped me find the hype to write it as thoroughly as I could when I was writing it bc hassling her about my fics and oversharing about them with her is one of my top hobbies, ily Ruby sm. The ending is really bad but it was a way for me to insert some friends and their oc’s for fun and lit rally no other reason.
Okay so I'm cheating a bit for this last one, but its the you are the wilderness series (T). The fics are all set within a zombie apocalypse au and I really couldn't choose which one to include, so I figured I’d include the series. I was able to test my angst skillz in this series, as well as my ability to get a bit grim, it was really fun to write and one of my favourite series to date.
Thank you again for tagging me, this was so much fun to fill out and made me even more narcissistic than I already was x
I'm gonna tag the usual suspects because I have no other friends and also I love they: @eggsyjpg, @s-n-o-w-p-i-e-r-c-e-r, @militarizedsubconscious, @bronweathanharthad and @the-beeses-kneeses (bc you can do top 5 art pieces and you are both art and an artist)
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carvour · 4 years
i was tagged by @goddamnyouhyde​ to answer some shades of red asks (thanks, dude, i hate red /j). thanks for tagging! i think you probably just wanted me to answer one or two but jokes on you i’m answering all of them >:)
crimson: if you could have only one photo or poster on your wall, what would it be? > probably the original poster artwork for spiderman: homecoming. that shit looks awesome. maroon: what role do you play in your group of friends? > the lesbian. come to your own conclusions. ruby: favourite pre-2000 song? > anything chet baker. brick red: have you ever been in an abandoned building? > plenty of times! i ate lunch there during the summer with my friends (before COVID haha) when i got off of camp. merlot: do you have any unusual fears? > it might not be that unusual, but... dogs? dogs lowkey terrify me. vermilion: have you ever pulled an all-nighter? if so, tell us about the first time. > i’ve pulled an all-nighter a shit load of times, but the first time would probably have to be when i was 10 years old and i passed out for 14 hours, so i couldn’t sleep for 3 days straight afterwards. no joke, i just wasn’t tired at all. carnelian: at what point did your life change without you realising? > learning what the world asexual meant. burgundy: how often do you make your bed? what do your favourite bedsheets look like? > i almost never make them unless guests are over, to be honest. my fav bedsheets, though, are these yellow honeycomb ones with my cream-colored throw blanket overtop :) red ochre: are you inclined to watch a tv series if a lot of people on the internet are talking about it? > it depends. i usually get to a lot of stuff late in the game, so i might rediscover it myself after the hype has died down and watch it on my down time.  garnet: what’s the most expensive thing you own? > either my hoodie from cloakbrand or my computer.  sangria: to what extent do you enjoy sour candy? > i’m not a masochist, so i enjoy it on occasion.  cardinal: what is the first song that made you cry? > eleanor rigby, i was four years old and asked my piano teacher to play it on guitar after our lesson was done. she had no idea that a four year old could know what the beatles were, but she was happy to play it. blood: which of your family members is your favourite? > my cousin maggie on my mom’s side. i love both of my parents equally, but maggie and i relate way too much. rosewood: have you ever had a penpal? would you like one now? > i used to, when i was little, but i feel like pen palling would be a fun thing to get back into. scarlet: think of your favourite genre. what kind of media in that genre do you prefer - books, films, or tv series? > horror films, dystopian books, crime/mystery tv series.  carmine: do you prefer having or not having a schedule? > depends on the amount of work i have to do. persian red: answer with a picture of your dream holiday destination.
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> scotland :D strawberry: what album would you love to have on vinyl? > if spies are forever could be on a vinyl, you bet your A.S.S. i would get it in a heartbeat.  claret: talk about a memorable experience on public transport. > my american history teacher getting us lost on the new york metro while traveling to a museum. fun times, fun times. i also witnessed a cello battle on the subway when i was 5 and living with my aunt. mahogany: what is your favourite musical instrument, in terms of sound? > french horn or guitar (trumpet is also pretty, but i think i’m just used to it by now.) lipstick red: if you could live one day with no one recognising you, what would you do? > commit crimes against capitalism. wine: tell us about your first experience with alcohol. > i’ve never actually drank alcohol outside of sipping my mom’s beer once. it was bitter and i hated it. cherry: thoughts on mainstream music? > if you look hard enough, you can find good things.  pomegranate: favourite and least favourite fruits? > i actually love pomegranate and strawberries! kiwi is ok, i fucking HATE honeydew and cantaloupe.  imperial: what film, in your opinion, has the best cinematography and/or special effects? > skyfall has some breathtaking cinematography, and the special effects in under the skin are upsettingly realistic in terms of how they portray the main character (i’m not going to spoil it, watch the movie yourself if you wanna know)
again, thank you for asking! i overshared a shit ton but i just like talking about things. thanks, ellis :D
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Professor Brick Wall & Professor Overshare
by Heres_a_gay_theres_a_gay
Lena Luthor is known at National City University for her amazing labs & being called Professor Brick Wall where as Kara Danvers is known for journalism and is called Professor Overshare. When they're forced to share a classroom, there's naturally some confilt, but there might end up being something good too...
Words: 1787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Burn Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Fluff, Jealous Kara Danvers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Kinda, They're professors, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff with a side of angst, I don't think there'll be that much tho
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/18875656
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louthegreatfurrry · 6 years
Pick one of your muses. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your muse in a new post. Tag five people to do this meme.
Tagged by @justafictionalthing !
(because things get confusing - me, marvin, claus, the grinch)
“Come on, you little - get over here!”
“Do I - gh - do I have to?”
“Ugh, fine. What even is this anyway?”
1. What’s your name?
And I’m Claus!
...the grinch.
2. what’s your real name?
Well, if we’re going with that - Klatremus.
Do I really have to say it?
...Felix. Wipe that smile off your face, Marvin!
3. Do you know why you’re called that?
It’s... a thing in literature. Mikkel Rev is famous in stories and tales and things like that.
Klatremus translates to Climbingmouse, which, hey! Happens to be what I am.
Guess I looked like a Felix.
4. Are you single or taken?
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I’m incredibly handsome but that’s it.
I’m - oh, come on, Marvin.
None that I know of.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
*squints* Oi, Lou, what’s that?
Hm? Oh - it’s, uh, someone who has no flaws.
Are you kidding me?
Fraid not. Claus, stop laughing or you’ll hurt yourself.
7. What’s your eye color?
Uh... Claus, help?
Reddish-brown, like very dark rubies.
- you didn’t even look!
Didn’t have to.
8. What about your hair?
Uhm... is that my fur or my hair?
It obviously says hair. Mine’s brown, so’s yours.
I guess.
Mine’s -
9. Have you got any family members?
...ah... does Claus count?
You bet your ass I do.
Claus, then.
I have a wife and three children, so I suppose so?
10. Oh? What about pets?
...obviously not.
A very good dog.
11. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
P - hey! I was going to say that.
...I don’t get you two.
I do!
You’re not part of this...
12. Do you have any hobbies or activities you like doing?
Reading, knitting... terrorizing people.
You. I like you.
Oh, come on. I like singing, playing my ukulele... terrorizing Marvin...
13. Ever hurt anybody before?
Define hurt.
If anything we’ve been hurt by others.
14. Ever killed anyone before?
I sure hope not.
I’ve done tons of bad things, but killing someone ain’t one of them.
15. What kind of animal are you?
Oh, this one’s hard.
*snorts* Fox and mouse, respectively.
Uh... I’m a... *scratches head* cockroach. Sure.
16. Name your worst habits.
Marvin snores.
I do not!
Do too.
All my habits are bad, but I guess stress eating might be one of them.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Who is there to look up to? Mother Bear? Ha.
I look up to Marvin.
- why in Bucky would you -
*covers his mouth with a hand* That’s not important. I look up to no one but myself.
That’s a lie.
Don’t stick your nose in places it doesn’t belong.
I assure you, it very much belongs here. We look up to Donna and Cindy-Lou because they keep going even when times are hard.
Hey! Stop oversharing!
Sorry not sorry.
18. Gay, straight or bisexual?
Are you kidding me?
Ah yes, the infamous three genders - one, one, or two.
I... am not sure. Gay or bisexual, usually.
Lou, this is your fault.
I’m sorry I don’t have consistent headcanons, sometimes it just fits better, okay?
Anyway... we’re neither.
19. Do you go to school?
Never had to, never will.
In some stories we have, but not in canon. Thank Merlin.
I went to school when I was seven. Never came back.
Unfortunately, yes.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
...do I tell them?
We have a daughter!
Or you tell them, okay, sure.
There’s no marriage in the Forest, but I guess yeah? What marriage means I already have.
Happily married and with kids, so yes.
God, if I do - there’s little I want more than that. Give me peace and affection, damnit.
21. Do you have any fans?
I have some. Lou knows them all by name.
Except for the young kids.
Someone needs to shake some sense into them, I’m way cooler than Marvin.
I can inform you that one, you are not, and two, you have at least double the number of fans.
I have some fans, too. *grimaces*
Hey! I told you to stay away from the grinch tag on tumblr!
I was curious!
And curiosity killed the yak!
22. What are you most afraid of?
Getting a tad personal there.
That’s kind of the point, Marvin.
I’m most afraid of the dark.
...you’re a fox.
I’m not about to admit it!
Fine. MIne’s losing you.
I’ve already admitted it over Christmas dinner, might as well again. It’s being alone.
23. what do you usually wear?
Yeah, that.
Uh... nothing? Scarves? Sweaters?
24. Do you love someone?
How could I not?
25. when was the last time you --
Yeah we’re not doing that.
26. well -
not that either.
27. What class are you?
I’m... sorry, what? Low, I guess?
Oh I’m high, that’s for certain.
I’ve never been higher than middle and I’m not expecting to.
Oh shush, you’re all highclass.
Of your heart, maybe.
Yeah? That’s what matters.
28. How many friends do you have?
What’s a “friend”?
29. what are your thoughts on pie?
What kind of pie? 
You’ll eat anything Marvin, why does it matter?
Me eat everything? Are you drunk? Have you ever seen me even consider an acorn?
Last winter, yeah.
We don’t talk bout that.
30. favorite drink?
31. -
Yeah no we’re not doing any more questions thanks for your time goodbye
(i tag @pb-and-jammie , @somethingscarlet13 , @annettesrandomwritings , @crazydane666 , and @little-vamp-blog)
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ao3feed-sanvers · 5 years
Professor Brick Wall & Professor Overshare
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
by Heres_a_gay_theres_a_gay
Lena Luthor is known at National City University for her amazing labs & being called Professor Brick Wall where as Kara Danvers is known for journalism and is called Professor Overshare. When they're forced to share a classroom, there's naturally some confilt, but there might end up being something good too...
Words: 1787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Burn Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Fluff, Jealous Kara Danvers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Kinda, They're professors, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff with a side of angst, I don't think there'll be that much tho
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
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small-red-rose · 6 years
Ruby’s Tarot Card
You got: The Lovers
You’re someone who’s very in touch with your emotions and beliefs. People can’t help but notice how authentic you are — they find comfort in the fact that what they see is what they get and trust you easily. You might be a bit of an oversharer at times, but you have an open heart and are always happy to share it with others.
(stole it from @midncghtxcat)
(tagging: whoever wants to do this)
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billyzigz-moved · 7 years
my comic ideas
cause they need to fucking go somewhere,,,
Anathema: A slice of life comic following Ruby Vazquez, a 3rd year college student and biology major. Ruby has spent the past few years raising her half sister, Ana, with her father after removing her from her abusive mother and gaining custody. The sisters are very close but Ruby moving from home to a campus apartment begins to strain their relationship.  Ruby tries not to overshare about Ana and attempts to keep her a secret from her new roommate, Mae Lewis, but she eventually finds out and pushes Ruby to reach out for help.
Unnamed Pirate Comic: A young, chaste princess is kidnapped from her castle by a brash, beautiful pirate. The pirate, Captain Maria, plans to hold Princess Noelle for ransom, but soon finds out the princess does not want to return, knowing she will only be met with suitors and dresses and her mother begging for an heir. Maria takes her in, helps her dress and present in a way she’s far more comfortable in and makes her apart of her rag tag crew. The longer Noelle stays, the closer the two become, eventually sparking a romance.
Unnamed Magical Girl Comic: I’m not super familiar with magical girls so I want to make a comic following a girl (maybe nb) who hates the idea of magical girls and sailor moon but is granted the powers of one. It would be more comedic and satirical with no true villain. It would just be super short for fun.
And Then There Were None: A comic based on the first Agatha Christie play I ever read! It would possibly be a modern interpretation, just for kicks. Basically the story (from what I can remember) is all these people come to this secluded mansion of sorts, and one by one each is killed off in a gruesome way reflecting the poem “10 little Indians” (name varies thats just how they put it in the play) until there are none. These are just the ones I have more fleshed out, there are also some inspired by old art and old characters, but they just need more work.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 5 years
Professor Brick Wall & Professor Overshare
by Heres_a_gay_theres_a_gay
Lena Luthor is known at National City University for her amazing labs & being called Professor Brick Wall where as Kara Danvers is known for journalism and is called Professor Overshare. When they're forced to share a classroom, there's naturally some confilt, but there might end up being something good too...
Words: 1787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Burn Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Fluff, Jealous Kara Danvers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Kinda, They're professors, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff with a side of angst, I don't think there'll be that much tho
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd via IFTTT http://archiveofourown.org/works/18875656
25 notes · View notes
Professor Brick Wall & Professor Overshare
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
by Heres_a_gay_theres_a_gay
Lena Luthor is known at National City University for her amazing labs & being called Professor Brick Wall where as Kara Danvers is known for journalism and is called Professor Overshare. When they're forced to share a classroom, there's naturally some confilt, but there might end up being something good too...
Words: 1787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Burn Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Fluff, Jealous Kara Danvers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Kinda, They're professors, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff with a side of angst, I don't think there'll be that much tho
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
0 notes
Professor Brick Wall & Professor Overshare
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
by Heres_a_gay_theres_a_gay
Lena Luthor is known at National City University for her amazing labs & being called Professor Brick Wall where as Kara Danvers is known for journalism and is called Professor Overshare. When they're forced to share a classroom, there's naturally some confilt, but there might end up being something good too...
Words: 1787, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Burn Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Fluff, Jealous Kara Danvers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Kinda, They're professors, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff with a side of angst, I don't think there'll be that much tho
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2LSvVUd
0 notes