#apparently “that affects how you see relationships and their roles”
apparently "being like Roy Mustang" is not a healthy way to deal with your problems. Who knew? Certainly not me, and certainly not Roy Mustang.
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brucewaynehater101 · 25 days
I’m absolutely obsessed with this prompt of Tim being older than Jason and/or only becoming Robin when he's an adult.
Never has someone seen him and cared about him so much. But he sees how much Bruce mourns. He isn't mourning his sidekick, he is mourning his son.
And Tim will never be his son, will never get the same affection because Batman only made him Robin BECAUSE it wouldn't hurt him as much if he'd lose Tim. Since he isn't a family member, like his parents or Jason or Dick.
And Tim HAS a place of his own, true. But it's empty. It doesn't have anything personal. No family pictures, nothing that shows him that someone cares about him or he cares about someone as much like Bruce cares about his family. Especially with Jason's memorial case in the Batacave
I need fanfics with this. I have to check ou the "Tim joins the Batfam late" tag again
Post in question: https://www.tumblr.com/goodoldfashionedengineer/758997334790225920/after-finishing-batman-arkham-knight-i-looked?source=share
Link here for others
Thank you so much for providing a link.
I have seen some stuff theorizing that Tim was older than Jason in the Arkham Knight game as well.
Which, with your take, makes the game that much more tragic for Tim. Robin literally says, "You haven't done that in a while," when Bruce calls him Jason. Painful as hell.
As far as AU, I'm not a fan of Tim becoming "Robin" as an adult because I see Robin as more of a teenager's role. It helps them to mature into adult vigilantes.
HOWEVER, I fuck so hard with Tim Joins the Batfam Late fics and I can kind of combine those with your idea.
So, Tim is older than Jason, and Jason dies. Let's make Tim seventeen when Jason dies.
Jason dies in April, so Tim is eighteen when he tries to reach out to Bruce to get him to stop beating himself and all of Gotham up.
He's an adult, so he has more power. Bruce can't tell Tim not to become a vigilante. Tim has blackmail and Bruce can't threaten to call Tim's parents (who, for the sake of it, are dead. He got emancipated at 16).
Since Tim isn't a child even though he's younger than Bruce's eldest son, Bruce doesn't need to parent him. Tim is a colleague. He's not family.
They grow to care about each other like good work friends, but Tim's death wouldn't be the same as losing a son (at least for a long while).
Jason, when he returns, is upset about being replaced. However, Tim is an adult (so none of that "child soldiers" spiel), and he never took up the Robin mantle. He became his own identity.
Tim's relationship with the Bats is also different than Jason's was. For comparison sake, it's mix between Huntress or Oracle where Bruce works with them, but they are also highly independent from him. It's also more apparent that Tim undergoes a caretaker role in this. He's the one to patch Bruce up, lug his tired ass to his bed, demand he eats, and assists him with WE work. Because Tim's an adult, Bruce allows himself to lean/rely on him more (even though eighteen is barely an adult at all).
Tim doesn't live at the Manor. Sometimes, when it's really late and he's exhausted from helping Bruce, he'll catch four or so hours in a guest bedroom. Otherwise, he's trekking back to his bare apartment that only has a few photos of his parents and/or friends.
As Bruce gets better, Tim spends less time with Bruce to pursue his own cases/work. Their relationship is mostly about what Bruce needs from Tim and not what Tim needs from Bruce.
Then Jason comes back. He's angry or whatnot, but he's got the vibes wrong. He thinks that Tim is another annoying older brother he has to deal with. Thus, Jason is the first one to admit, sarcastically, that Tim is family :)
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notfreetoday · 1 year
The Importance of Amae in My Personal Weatherman
Masterlist || Language Analysis Part 1
I have seen a lot of discourse in the English-speaking fandom surrounding Segasaki's apparent dismissal or trivializing of Yoh's desire to pursue his manga, and most of it is negative. His comments about wanting Yoh to remain dependent on him, or that Yoh does not need to earn money are seen as patronizing or controlling at best and oppressive at worst. It appears that Segasaki does not understand nor respect Yoh's need for independence, and that is what strains their relationship.
But what if I asked you to consider that Segasaki's behaviour is actually an invitation to Yoh to reinforce their relationship? And what if I told you that Yoh's withdrawal from Segasaki constitutes a rejection of that invitation, and it is that rejection that strains their relationship instead?
Of course, the end result is the same - a strained relationship - and in reality there is never one side wholly responsible for this. The point of this is to simply challenge the cultural notion that a successful relationship is the coming together of two equally independent individuals, as opposed to the co-creation of a relationship formed by two interdependent individuals.
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"If only you could stay drunk forever..." "It's okay to feel down again for me too you know" - Segasaki, Ep 4, Ep 5
This isn't about Segasaki wanting to keep Yoh is helpless and dependent on him, but about wanting Yoh to be able to be true to his feelings and express his own desire for affection honestly, without having to hide behind "I hate you" or rejection.
Or, let's try and talk about how Segasaki and Yoh reinforce their relationship through the use of amae (featuring a brief mention of tatemae/honne) who am I kidding this is not brief at all
First: Cultural Context
The way people conceptualize and make meaning of the Self differs between Western and East Asian cultures, and this plays into the differences we see in the basis for our self-esteem, the personal attributes that we value, and even what constitutes the behavior of a mature individual. Broadly speaking, Western cultures tend towards the Independent Self Construal (whereby the Self is a distinct entity separate from others) whereas East Asian cultures tend towards Interdependent Self-Construal (whereby the Self is connected to and defined by relationships with others). Thus, in the West, expressing one's individuality is very important for one's self-esteem, and being able to communicate clearly and confidently is valued and a sign of maturity. Conversely, in the East, one's ability to integrate and become a member of the group is prized, and contributes significantly to one's self esteem. In order to be seen as a mature individual, one must learn not only to read a social situation but also how to modify one's behavior in order to respond to the changing demands of that situation, with the ultimate goal being to maintain group harmony.
tl;dr - In East Asian culture, behaviors and attitudes that emphasize interdependence and promote group harmony actually play a big role in reinforcing relationships and one's membership towards the group.
Segasaki is an expert at this - his "public mode" that Yoh refers to actually shows us how good he is at social interactions. This is the Japanese concept of tatemae/honne (crudely translated as public self/private feelings) - which I could link to a bunch of articles for you, but I'm going to suggest you check out this 9 min street interview instead. At 6:41, one of the interviewees comments that another is sunao, or "honest" (we'll cover this later too) and at 6:49 specifically talks about how reading situations is important as an adult. Segasaki reads the room well, but most importantly, he reads Yoh well.
Yoh is not good at this, at all. In Ep 6, we see that he does not integrate well with the group, and he doesn't realize how he might appear to others when he stares and sketches from afar. Yoh does not read the room well because he doesn't pick up on social cues and does not adhere to social norms (I'll point these out in Ep 6's corrections). He cannot read Segasaki, and especially cannot read Segasaki's amae, or his attempts at reinforcing their relationship. Part of this is because his low self-esteem causes him to withdraw from Segasaki's affection as a means of self-protection, and so he valiantly tries to deny his feelings for Segasaki. As Man-san commented in Ep 4, Yoh is not sunao - he has difficulty with being true/honest about his feelings, even to himself.
Sunao is another term that usually pops up when talking about feelings/relationships. It can be used to describe one's relationship with oneself, as well as the relationship with another/group. With oneself, it is usually used to mean "being honest/truthful/straightforward/frank/open-minded about one's feelings". With another person/group, it is usually used to mean "to cooperate/listen/be obedient, or "to be humble/open-minded". In essence, the word encompasses an ideal virtue that is often taught from early childhood - that we should treat both ourselves and others with humility and honesty, because that is how we accept ourselves and stay in harmony with other. This is what becoming an adult, or gaining maturity, means (not gaining independence, as adulthood is often equated to in the West - do you see a running theme here 😂). Of course, that's actually really hard to do, so you'll often hear children (and immature adults too) chided for "not being sunao" (this can therefore sound patronizing if you're not careful). We'll revisit this in a little bit.
Second: What is Amae?
Amae is a key component in Japanese relationships, both intimate and non-intimate. It happens every day, in a variety of different interactions, between a variety of different people. But it is often seen as strange or weird, and those unfamiliar with the concept can feel uncomfortable with it. This stems from the difference in self-construal - because independence is tied so strongly to an individual's self-image in the West, it is very hard to fathom why behavior that emphasizes interdependence could be looked upon favorably. It is telling that every possible English translation of the word "amae" carries a negative connotation, when in Japanese it can be both negative or positive. The original subtitles translated it as "clingy", for example. Other common translations include "dependence", "to act like a child/infant", "to act helpless", "to act spoiled", "coquettish", "seeking indulgence", "being naive" etc.
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From A Multifaceted View of the Concept of Amae: Reconsidering the Indigenous Japanese Concept of Relatedness by Kazuko Y Behrens
*Note - the word "presumed" or "presumption" or "expectation" or "assumption" used in the above definition and in the rest of this post, can give the impression that all of amae is premeditated, which adds a calculative component to this concept. Whilst amae can indeed be used in a manipulative manner (benign or otherwise), it is not the case for every single situation, and often amae that seeks affection is often spontaneous and without thought, precisely because the situation allows for it to appear organically. This is the amae that Segasaki and Yoh most often exchange - so think of these assumptions and expectations as "unconscious/subconscious" thought processes.
Third: Amae Between Segasaki and Yoh
Yoh shows a lot of amae when he is drunk:
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He whines, buries himself into Segasaki's embrace, refuses to move or let go of him, and keeps repeating "no". In these interactions, Yoh wants Segasaki's affection, but instead of asking, he does, well, this, and he presumes that Segasaki will indulge his behavior. Leaving to get some fresh air might not be as obvious - but it is a form of amae as well, because Man-san is his guest, not Segasaki's, and he shouldn't be leaving Segasaki to entertain her. The expectation that this is okay, and that neither of them will fault him for it, is what makes it amae.
Segasaki obviously enjoys indulging Yoh when Yoh does amae, because he recognises this as Yoh's request for affection from him. It's not that Segasaki enjoys Yoh in this drunk, helpless state; it's not even that Segasaki feels reassured by Yoh's requests for affection. Segasaki knows Yoh likes him, and recognizes that Yoh is struggling with those feelings. That Yoh is actually able to do amae to Segasaki is what delights him the most, because it is something that requires a lot of trust in Segasaki and a willingness to be vulnerable in front of him. This is how amae reinforces relationships - when a request for amae is granted, both the giver and the receiver experience pleasant feelings.
That said, an amae request can also be perceived negatively - if amae is excessive, or if the person responding feels they are obligated to do so. In Ep 5, Man-san chides Yoh for his amae - the fact that he expected to do well from the beginning, and became upset when he failed. He told her about his unemployment, presuming that she would comfort him, but alas.
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Segasaki also does amae - but unfortunately Yoh misses many of his cues, and so neither of them really gain pleasant feelings from the interaction (ok so maybe Segasaki does, but I will argue that is more because Segasaki also enjoys it when Yoh obeys him - see @lutawolf's posts for the D/s perspective on this!).
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Did you catch it? Segasaki wants Yoh to pass him the Soy Sauce, which, clearly, he is capable of getting himself. He tells Yoh to feed him, because he wants Yoh's affection. And the real kicker - he asked for curry, and expected Yoh to know he wanted pork. In all these interactions, Segasaki presumes that Yoh will indulge him and do for him things he can do himself perfectly well (and even better at that) - this is what makes this amae. But look at Yoh's reactions:
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Yoh just stares between the Soy Sauce and Segasaki, between Segasaki and his food, and then just at Segasaki himself. He doesn't recognise any of this as amae, and in the case of feeding Segasaki makes the conclusion that this is somehow a new slave duty he's acquired. And therefore, he does not gain pleasant feelings from it.
In Ep 3 we see a turning point in Yoh's behaviour - his first (sober) attempt at amae (the argument in Ep 2 is debatable - it's not amae from Yoh's POV, but Segasaki responds as if it were, with a head pat and a "when you get drunk, you talk a lot don't you?").
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Here, Yoh wants to express his desire for Segasaki's affection, but he can't bring himself to say it aloud. Instead, he dumps bedsheets on Segasaki's lap, as if the bigger the scene he makes the greater the intensity of his desire he can convey. It is the presumption that Segasaki will understand him that makes this amae. And then, we get this:
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Not only a happy Segasaki and a sweetly shy Yoh, but also a Yoh who's emboldened by Segasaki's response, and who finally, for the first time, reciprocates touch, and considers the possibility that Segasaki might actually like him.
With every episode, Yoh gets more and more comfortable with doing amae towards Segasaki, because Segasaki picks up on his cues and always responds to them. In Ep 5, Yoh's amae comes out naturally, triggered by the stress of his unemployment, and we see it in all those moments he sounds and acts like a child, and as I mentioned, Segasaki spends the whole episode reassuring Yoh that his amae is welcomed, and that Segasaki likes responding to it. If you've been wondering why the relationship between Segasaki and Yoh can, at times, feel somewhat parental in nature - this is it. It's because Segasaki sees the contradiction between Yoh's childlike insistence that he does not like Segasaki and his desire for Segasaki's attention and affection, for what it really is - Yoh's struggle with accepting himself. When Yoh is able to be sunao, he does amae naturally, and Segasaki responds to him in kind.
Now, all we need is for Yoh to recognize when Segasaki does amae, which will likely happen soon, given that Yoh has grown with every episode.
As always, thank you for reading :))
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dr1lldash · 1 month
royal!reader x knight!venture 4.4k, fluff with a hint of angst
trigger warnings; alcohol, mentions of violence, vague descriptions of (fictional) political issues
prompts: 2) “name, i’m begging you. if you won’t listen to me as your guard, then listen to me as someone who loves you - please let me get you to safety before it’s too late.” 7) “so not only have you been ‘entertaining’ marriage prospects, but you didn’t even deem fit to tell me about it yourself? am i not even worth that to you?”
Growing up as the only child of the King and Queen of your kingdom, you lived a life of luxury and peace. You were vaguely aware of political issues between your and neighboring kingdoms, even living as far away from the commonwealth as you did, but it never affected you. There was always food in your stomach, an impressive roof over your head, and a warm bed waiting for you at the end of the day. The one thing that connected you to the people of your kingdom was your friend from childhood, Sloan. They were the only child of the Grand Master of knights, and as such, were expected to follow in their father’s footsteps. They took their training seriously, and by the time the two of you had grown up, they had already been dubbed a knight. It was almost unheard of at their age, but you had seen the hundreds, if not thousands of hours they had put into training, and knew, more than anyone, that it was well-deserved.
It almost went without saying that they would be your personal guard, and although the change from friend to guardian was rocky at first, it made sense. They took it upon themself to train you in self-defense, despite it technically not being permitted. They were insistent that something could happen to you while they weren’t around, even though they were with you every day, from the moment you opened your eyes in the morning until the moment you closed them in the evening.
They took their role as your bodyguard very seriously, to the point that eventually, the friendship you originally had with them began to fade. You tried your best to keep the spark alive, but their role was incredibly stressful, and you could see the toll it was taking on them. You convinced them to take breaks in any way that you could, which usually involved tricking them. At one point, you told them you were afraid your food had been poisoned, and persuaded them to take a bite of your cake. And then another, and a sip of your wine. They pouted when they realized you had duped them, an expression you hadn’t seen in a few months by that point.
However, as time went on, your opportunities to deceive them grew far and few between. Your relationship was almost entirely professional, which was to be expected from someone of your status. You started to accept this fact, preparing for the rest of your life. Within a few years, you could become the ruler of your kingdom or a neighboring one, depending on how things worked out politically, and you needed to focus on that.
You weren’t so much a part of the marriage talks. Your parents kept you updated, letting you know how the negotiations were going, and you were aware that the state they were currently considering marrying you into was one with a long, checkered history with yours. You hadn’t yet met your spouse-to-be, but you had heard nice enough things about them. They were apparently passionate about painting, they often enjoyed walks in their estate’s gardens, and, from what your parents said, they were deeply involved in the politics in their country. A few months into the marriage discussion, your parents decided it was time for you to meet your potential spouse.
You hadn’t seen Sloan since the early afternoon, and you were starting to get a little bit concerned. They didn’t often take days off, much less half days, and you were worried they had gotten sick. Asking around, a few maids told you they hadn’t seen them since lunch, and that they had a nauseated look on their face.
You decided to go to the knights’ sleeping quarters to see if you could find them, but you wanted to stop by your room to get some tea in case they had a sore throat. You were surprised when you opened your door to find them lying on your bed, curled up in the fetal position with a bottle of mead wrapped in their arms. The late afternoon sun shone on their face, their eyelashes casting shadows across it.
You closed the door quietly. “Sloan?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Are you okay?”
They inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering as they opened. “[Y/N]?” they slurred, trying to sit up. They only try for a moment before they give up, resting their head on their hand instead. “What’re you doing here?”
“In my room…?”
“Oh, it’s your room?” They open their eyes wider, looking around. “You’re right.”
You hesitate before speaking. “Is everything okay?”
They hum in affirmation. “Yeah, I just found this bottle of mead and, uh. Drank it.”
“I didn’t know you drank.” You took a few steps forward, sitting on the edge of the bed. They fiddle with the bottle in their hands, tapping their fingernails on it.
“I don’t.” You glance down at the bottle, almost certainly empty, and put your feet on the ground, moving to stand up.
“Stay here, I’ll go get you some water.” Their hand reaches out for you, as quickly as they can in their intoxicated state, grabbing the hand you have resting on the bed.
“Can you just stay?” Their eyes are pleading, and you can now see that they’re red and swollen. You nod, moving back onto the bed. They relax again as you do, letting out a sigh. You position yourself more comfortably, now sitting next to them. The two of you sit in silence for a moment before Sloan breaks it. “I wish you would talk to me like we used to.”
“What do you mean?”
They shifted a little closer to you, their cheek resting against your thigh. “Like when we were kids, and we were friends. We haven’t been friends since I got knighted.” They hesitated before continuing. “I miss it.”
“I still want to be friends with you, Sloan.” You reached out, gently rubbing your fingers through their hair. “Things are different now, and I’m sorry I’ve been more distant. I just don’t want to be another stressor for you.”
“You’re never a stressor for me.” They let go of the bottle in their arms, reaching up to rub at their eyes. “You make my job easier, if anything.” They paused, taking in a deep breath. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do when you’re gone.”
You sat up a little straighter. “What do you mean? I’m not going anywhere. Did someone tell you I’m sick or something?”
They shook their head softly. “When you get married, you’re gonna have another knight. I’ll just be guarding your parents.”
“I’m not getting married yet.”
“So what’s tomorrow?” You looked down and saw them looking up at you, their dark eyes full of ire and hurt.
“I…” you trailed off, unsure how to answer them. “My parents are entertaining a potential suitor.”
They rolled over, leaving your leg cold. “So, not only are you ‘entertaining’ marriage prospects, but you didn’t even deem fit to tell me about it yourself? Am I not even worth that to you?” Tears started to well up in their eyes and they desperately wiped them away. You could hear the knot in their throat as they continued to speak. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
You looked down at your hands in your lap. “I was going to tell you, I just…I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m not really a part of the discussion.” Tears pricked at your eyes, and you squeezed them shut to will them away.
“What do you mean, you’re not part of the discussion?”
“They’re choosing for me. I don’t think I get a say at all.”
“That’s stupid,” they mumbled. “You should be able to choose who you want to marry.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.” You opened your eyes, rubbing the tears that were beginning to stain your cheeks away, and laid on your back. Sloan inched closer, laying on their back and staring at the ceiling.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?” You turned to look at them, only to be met with their gaze already on you.
They blinked slowly. “For overreacting, for disappearing, for not talking to you…for stealing your mead.”
“Wait, that’s my mead?” They closed their eyes before nodding, craning their neck to bury their head in your arm. “From the winery in the village?” They nodded again. “Sloan! I was saving that for a special occasion!”
Their voice was quiet, even if it wasn’t muffled. “Please don’t be mad at me.” You felt moisture soaking into the fabric of your shirt.
“Hey, hey,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m not mad, I promise.” You put your hand on their head, massaging their scalp with your fingers. “We just need to go back and get another bottle, and this time we can share it, yeah?”
“Okay.” They moved their head to look you in the eyes, and you wiped tears off their cheeks. “I think I do need water.”
“I can go get you some from the kitchen.”
“Will you come back?”
“Of course.” You sat up, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed before Sloan grabbed your arm, squeezing it gently.
“Do you promise?” Without a word, you held out your hand with your pinky outstretched. They held theirs out, too, wrapping your pinky in theirs. “Thank you.”
You smiled softly at them before walking out of your bedroom. The trip to the kitchen took a few minutes, and by the time you came back with the largest glass of water you could find, Sloan had fallen asleep on your bed. They were no longer cradling the bottle of mead, instead clutching your pillow tightly. You let them sleep for a while, pulling a blanket over their shoulders and setting the glass of water on the nightstand. You sat on a chair next to your bed, looking out the window and watching as the sun set. After an hour or so, you decided to wake Sloan up and make them drink some water before you let them fall asleep for the night.
You gently shook their shoulder. “Sloan,” you whispered. “Wake up.”
They let out a grunt as they wake up. “[Y/N]?” They buried their face in your pillow. “Why are you in my room?”
“You’re in my room.”
“HUH?” They sat straight up, eyes wide. “Wh-why?” They looked around frantically.
“You were drinking, you fell asleep in my bed.”
“Wait, that was real?” They put their head in their hands. “My head hurts so bad, oh my God.”
“Here.” You handed them the glass of water. “Drink.”
They did as you instructed, draining the glass in a matter of moments. “Did I, uh…did I say anything embarrassing?”
You shook your head and watched as tension drained out of their shoulders. “You just told me you missed being my friend.”
“I am so, so, so sorry.” Their eyes were wide and full of panic as they held eye contact with you.
“Don’t be. I miss being your friend, too.”
Silence filled the air for a moment before they answered. “Really?”
You nodded. “You’ve been my best friend for a long time, I’m sorry we grew apart. You’re important to me, Sloan, I’m glad you’re still in my life.”
The two of you talked for another few minutes, filling them in on what they had missed while they were blacked out. They apologized a dozen more times, and each time, you told them that it was okay, you were glad they had talked to you like that, and you hoped things would be better between you now. You went back to the kitchen to get them another glass of water before they went back to their dorm. You told them they could spend the night in your room, but they insisted, with a slight flush on their cheeks, that they could handle the walk to their quarters.You conceded, wishing them a good night with a promise to see them in the morning.
You fell asleep quickly, your heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time.
You were awoken in the morning to a gentle knock on your door and Sloan’s voice calling your name. “Are you awake?”
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, sitting up in your bed. “Yes, come in.” This was the same way they usually woke you up, but they seemed more hesitant today than they had in the past. They entered, closing your door quietly and standing in front of it. “Are you feeling okay?”
Their cheeks flushed. “I am, thank you for taking care of me last night.”
“Any time.” You paused. “Although, I would rather drink with you next time.”
They flashed you a grin, showcasing the tooth they had chipped when they were first learning to ride horseback. “I can take you to the winery this weekend, if you’d like.”
“That sounds perfect.”
The rest of the morning is a blur. You and Sloan had breakfast together before you showered and got dressed, and then you met with your father to further discuss the possibility of marriage. You were informed that your potential partner would prefer to stay in their own kingdom, so you would be leaving your home, but that they would permit you to bring a few members of staff. They most likely intended for you to bring a maid, a chamberlain, perhaps a chef, but your thoughts drifted to a certain knight. Your spouse-to-be was to arrive in the afternoon, so you had a few hours to consider everything.
Sloan took you out to the garden late in the morning. They wanted to practice their archery, and you were more than happy to get some sun. The castle was large, but spending all of your time inside began to feel like a punishment after a while. The scent of various flowers surrounded you, sweeter than anything the bakers in the kitchen could ever dream of. You found yourself beginning to drift off to sleep, a gentle breeze keeping you cool as the sun warmed your face…
“[Y/N], did you see that?” Sloan’s excited voice startled you out of your slumber. You opened your eyes, covering them with your hand, only to see Sloan’s disappointed face. “Oh, did I wake you? I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” you responded, stifling a yawn. “What did I miss?”
“I got a bullseye!”
“Woah, really?” You glanced at the target and saw a single arrow sticking out of the middle of it. There were several more arrows on the outermost rings, and a few on the ground next to it as well. “Nicely done!”
They beamed at you. “Thank you, thank you. Maybe I don’t need a sword anymore.”
You blinked at them a few times. “You might want just a little bit more practice before you give up your blade.”
They stuck their tongue out at you, quickly retracting it with wide eyes when they seemed to realize what they’d done. They quickly spluttered out apologies, but you couldn’t hear them over the sound of your laughter. You stayed awake for another few hours, watching as Sloan slowly improved their marksmanship before one of your father’s knights came out to inform you that your presence was requested inside.
As you walked in with Sloan just a few feet behind you, there was a sinking feeling in your stomach that you couldn’t chalk up to just anxiety. Maybe the eggs you’d had with breakfast weren’t as fresh as you thought? Were you finally anxious about the situation, now that it was more real? You looked over your shoulder to your knight for comfort, but the look on their face only deepened your concern.
Your footsteps faltered before you fully turned around, now facing Sloan directly. “What is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing.” You turned back around and continued walking. You had to have been overthinking things, you were just getting nervous. Just before you entered the throne room, Sloan put their hand on your wrist.
“Don’t go in there.”
“My father called me, I have to go in.”
“Something is wrong. Let me go in first.”
“Okay, I’ll wait right here.”
They shook their head. “Let me get you somewhere safe. If I’m wrong, I’ll come back right away, but I want to make sure you’re not going to get hurt.” Their eyes were full of concern and it made your heart hurt. You trusted Sloan, but you knew your father would be upset if you made him wait for your presence while diplomats from another kingdom were visiting. “[Y/N], I’m begging you. if you won’t listen to me as your guard, then listen to me as someone who loves you - please let me get you to safety before it’s too late.”
Without thinking, you nodded. Sloan put their hand on the small of your back, leading you down a few hallways and into the kitchen, where they opened a trapdoor leading to the cellar. “I won’t be long. Thank you for trusting me.” They hesitate before they leave, making sure the trapdoor is properly closed.
You heard their footsteps fade, and then you didn’t hear anything for several long minutes. A small amount of light shines through cracks in the cellar walls, but it wasn’t enough to see anything properly. Your thoughts started to race as the minutes ticked by. When you heard footsteps approaching once again, your breath caught in your throat.
“[Y/N]?” Sloan’s voice was strained. You heard them take a deep breath before something hits the ground. Your eyes widened and you froze, unsure of what to do.
The only sound you could hear was Sloan’s labored breathing. Even though they had told you to stay put until they came back, you couldn’t help yourself. With a decent amount of effort, you managed to lift the trapdoor and you climbed up. Laying on the ground only a few feet from the trapdoor was Sloan, covered in red marks. Their lip was split open, a small amount of blood trailing on their chin, and there was a bruise already forming on their cheekbone. “Sloan?” you whispered, unsure of what to do. Their only response was a low groan.
You ran out of the kitchen, turning to get to the medic’s quarters. You were rushing down the hall when one of your father’s knights stopped you. “Your Highness?” A relieved look is painted on his face as he confirms. “Oh, thank heavens you’re okay. Follow me this way.”
“I can’t, Sloan got hurt. I need the medic.”
“Sloan?” He knitted his eyebrows together. “Where are they?” While this particular knight was not Sloan’s father, all of the knights had helped to raise them. Your concern for them was minimized compared to what he must be feeling.
“They’re in the kitchen, they’re unconscious.” The knight took off without you, running as fast as he can to the medic’s quarters before pounding on the door.
“One of my knights is hurt! Your aid is required immediately!” The knight turned to you. “Your father is in his quarters. Please go to him right away. I promise I will make sure Sloan is taken care of.”
You faltered for a moment before nodding. “Please come and find me as soon as they’re awake.”
“You have my word.”
You took off in the direction of your parents’ bedroom. As soon as you opened the door, you were engulfed in a bear hug by the two of them. Through all their worried mumbles and the hands stroking your hair, making sure you’re unharmed, you were able to learn what happened.
The kingdom that had an unsteady history with yours was not as willing to let go of the past as your kingdom was. They had planned to take your country by force, to overthrow the throne and expand their rule. The security of the castle had managed to thwart most of their forces, but the King and his child were able to sneak in. Sloan’s father had gotten your parents to safety, but the knights were unable to find you or Sloan in order to warn you in time. Behind the throne room doors that Sloan had stopped you from entering was almost certain death.
Sloan had entered the room on their own, catching the two of them unready and without any guards. They took them down, although not without their own injuries, and managed to leave them tied up in the throne room before coming back to retrieve you. The two would-be usurpers were now sitting in the castle dungeon, safely behind bars as they awaited a trial and punishment. The future of their kingdom was unclear, but the future of yours was definite. As your parents finished telling you what had just happened, your knees felt weak.
“I almost didn’t listen to them.”
Your mother wrapped you in a hug once again as she responded, “I’m glad you did.”
A few minutes later, Sloan’s father entered the room. “They’re awake. They want to see you.”
Your feet barely touched the floor as you ran to the infirmary. As it was almost empty, you were able to find their bed easily. Tears pricked at your eyes as you wrapped your arms around them, burying your head in their neck. “Thank you.”
They winced at the contact, but didn’t push you away. “It’s my duty. I’ll always protect you.”
You didn’t want to let go, but you forced yourself to. You stayed seated on their bed as the two of you talked. Your conversations filled the room for a while before you remembered something. You played with your fingers, unsure of how to mention it, or if you even should.
“Sloan?” Your voice was quiet. You needed to know.
“Do you love me?”
They blinked a few times, stammering before they were able to answer. “O-of course I do, you’re my closest friend.”
You shook your head slightly. “That’s not what I meant.” You looked at them, only to find them looking at their hands in their lap. “Before I could go into the throne room, you told me to listen to you, not as a guard, but as someone who loves me. Do you love me?”
Silence settled over the two of you. “I’m sorry.” they finally said.
“I misunderstood. I apologize.” You stood up, wanting to leave the room and get away from your embarrassment.
“No, you didn’t.” You almost didn’t hear them.
“I’ve loved you for a long time. Longer than I should have. I’m sorry, I’ll try harder to stop.”
You lingered by the door. “How long?” You looked at them. They were still looking at their lap, face almost completely hidden by their hair hanging down.
“Do you remember that storm, ten or fifteen years ago?”
You thought as hard as you could. “The one that lasted for three days?”
“Yeah.” They took in a deep breath. “I was so scared I just wanted to cry, but you made a blanket fort and stole cookies from the kitchen for me. You held me and told me stories the whole time just to take my mind off what was happening outside. Do you remember the story I kept asking you to tell me?”
“I…don’t remember.” You did, you just wanted them to tell you about it.
“It was about a brave knight who would do anything to protect their monarch. They fought a dragon, they rescued their ruler from an evil wizard, they did everything they could to keep them safe. I was already going to become a knight, I knew that, but after that story, I wanted to be a brave one.” They laughed. “It’s dumb, right?”
“It’s not dumb.”
They looked up at you and you could see tears welling in their eyes. “Don’t lie to me, please.”
“I’m not lying.” You sat back on their bed. “Do you know when I started loving you?”
“Just now?” They smiled half-heartedly as they spoke.
You shook your head. “It was the day you were knighted. You were smiling so hard the whole day, even when you lost balance on your horse, even when you lost a duel, even when it rained during the ceremony. I remember you complaining about your cheeks hurting for weeks, but any time we would talk about that day, you would get that same grin on your face. I liked you before, but I couldn’t get you out of my head after that.”“I didn’t know you remembered that day.” “Of course I do. It was the most important day in your life.”
A small smile spread on their face. “Do you really like me?”
“I do.” You moved closer to them. “Do you really like me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then we should go on a date, right?”
They nodded, their smile expanding. “Today?”
You looked at them in the infirmary cot, covered in still-forming bruises and gauze. “You should get better first.”
“I’m strong, I’ve been hurt worse than this.”
You blinked at them. “Sloan. I’ve known you your entire life. You have never been hurt this badly, the most you’ve ever been hurt is when you broke your arm a few years back.”
“…That may be true, but I’m still strong,” they pouted.
You laughed. “I know you’re strong, but you need to heal before we can go out. What if something happens? How would I protect you?”
“You could do it! I trained you, I know what you’re capable of.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” You shifted on the bed, now almost in their lap. “There’s still something we can do while you’re hurt, though.”
They swallowed. “A-and what is that?”
You moved your hand to the side of their face that isn’t bruised, tracing your thumb along their jaw. You craned your head slightly forward, stopping just before your lips touched theirs. “Can I kiss you?”
Their eyes fluttered as their breathing sped up. “Like, right now?”
Your head moved back a bit as you laughed. “Right now.”
“Yes, please.”
You didn’t hesitate before connecting your lips with theirs. The kiss was awkward but sweet, your lips eventually moving together as your heart flutters. They smiled into the kiss, bringing their hand up to rest on your nape and entangling their fingers in your hair. The two of you pulled apart too quickly for either of your liking, but you pressed one more quick peck to their lips before actually separating.
Sloan’s face was flushed red as they lay back on their pillow. “Wow.”
They smiled lazily at you. “Yeah.”
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
If I can defend Knives Out as being actually not that boring of a pick: Maybe genre wise it’s referencing classic detective stories, but! There’s still things about it that would be fun to reimagine in a vintage setting
Casting is the big one; because for me it’s not just that the all star cast, it’s the mix of types of actors. A few younger actors who aren’t really household names; a few people who are currently enjoying a big wave of popularity/are in other really big projects; extremely well respected actors who most people know; and extremely well respected veteran actors who also aren’t necessarily household names. Like you cover pretty much the whole range with the film. So it presents a fun challenge of not only having to cast for character type, but seeing if you can’t match actor type, too.
And then there’s Blanc specifically- for me, it’s not just about picking someone who would be a fun classic PI character, but trying to find someone who matches Daniel Craig’s specific relationship to the character- is there an equivalent person who is just coming out of/about to come out of being a bit type cast in a somewhat serious, not all that emotive, action-star role who gets a chance through this to loosen up, have fun, and show they also have great comedic chops and character-work abilities?
The other big component for me is that Knives Out and Glass Onion both have some relevant social commentary/issue running as an undercurrent to the murder mystery. Both deal with issues of class, but then KO has Marta’s status as an undocumented immigrant be an important theme throughout, and GO has its take on an Elon Musk type (among other modern archetypes). So what specific contemporary issue(s) are we picking for vintage Knives Out? And how will that affect what our hypothetical movie’s plot and cast looks like?
this ask is making me weep because a movie with “a few younger actors [and] a few people who are currently enjoying a big wave of popularity/are in other really big projects; extremely well respected actors who most people know; and extremely well respected veteran actors who also aren’t necessarily household names” and a lead actor playing the detective who gets to “have fun, and show they also have great comedic chops and character-work abilities” already exists—Murder on the Orient Express from 1974 is one of my favorite movies ever and is apparently now required viewing for this blog. It’s got Lauren Bacall! Ingrid Bergman! Wendy Hiller! John Gielgud! Anthony Perkins! Michael York! Jacqueline Bisset! And Albert Finney eating the shit out of the scenery as Hercule Poirot. It is SUCH a good time and will hit so many of the Knives Out buttons for so many of you. (Admittedly it does not have the same style of social commentary as a Knives Out film, though just like in Christie’s novel it is crucial that the travelers on the train represent diverse intersections of class, and a major touchstone is how justice is meted out based on wealth, class, and who makes those choices.)
Anyway please watch Murder on the Orient Express (1974).
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eu-nicola · 8 months
Burning Tracks of Love - Max Verstappen x Reader
summary: The admiration you felt for Max since you were little turns into a complicated love. Career victories, jealousy and emotional turmoil
warnings: age-gap, infidelity, toxicity, manipulation and an unhealthy relationship
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In the bustling paddocks of Formula 1, where the roar of engines and fierce competition are commonplace, life is complicated even if it doesn't seem like it and especially it was for you who had grown up among the glamor and deceptions of the circuits.
You were always in this world, especially in the red bull world, where you knew everyone since you were a little baby. And of course you knew the one who mattered most to you, Max Verstappen.
You and he met when you were just a baby, your father playing a crucial role in Max's engineering team.
You were always behind him, being a few years older than you, you admired him and he considered you a little sister who he taught to love Formula 1 as much as he did and you loved it.
As you grew up, that admiration became something more and it seemed that every day you were more in love with him even though he continued to see you as a girl.
You lost hope that at some point he would see you as a woman.
That hope that you always kept began to come true when you turned 18, he was already 26 but you didn't care at all and apparently neither did he. At first you didn't notice but when you saw him you didn't know why you hadn't noticed. The times he stood behind you as if he had to protect you from something or when he rested his hand on your bare back, the times you wore dresses and there were also those messages at dawn telling you that he missed you.
You were an idiot for not having realized those things but the affection he showed didn't seem strange to you, it was normal for him with the people he loved, always looking for a way to be kind.
Over the next few weeks, the attraction they both felt intensified, fueled by looks and touches. And although you tried with all your might to avoid him, you couldn't help but fall into his arms, his words were like sweet honey to your ears and the perfect way he had of making you always stay despite his temperament or character, every time he met you. He called, you were always there for him no matter what and when he needed your body you also gave it to him as you had already done with your entire being.
The pretty things were always there when you were by his side but the ugly things were too and when he got angry with you he would always talk about how if you kept bothering him he would go away with his girlfriend and not talk to you anymore and that filled you with fear, you didn't want him to leave you no after everything you had waited, so you just shut up and talked or gave your opinion what he wanted and even when he calmed down they talked about the races and it was one of the few moments of peace that they still shared like in the old days.
In every race won you hated seeing how she kissed Kelly, wishing you were the one who really appeared with him in all the photos and you hated her for that until you remembered that you had no reason to do it and you just left. And after every race he called you to celebrate, you didn't know how he did it but Max always found a way to look for you and take you alone with him to any place where in the end you always ended up under him sobbing his name, with promises whispered in your ears and with the crazy ideas he had of becoming you a mother and carrying all his children.
It was always like this, and the next morning he would disappear and if he didn't he would find a way to start arguing, although that morning there was something different as you saw the hundreds of messages he had with other women, all of them his age or older, none of them a girl like you You scolded yourself in your thoughts as you cried thinking that you were the only one for him. When you wanted to discuss it with him he simply didn't listen to you and avoided the topic, quickly leaving you alone again.
You couldn't get rid of him because when he called you you would run to his side to console him for anything that happened to him, and it didn't matter how painful it was to be by his side because no matter what he did you always choose him and you would always be there for him, you were always there.
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ev4ikcasswife · 20 days
By me & @evans-gallery
Special thanks goes to @theodichka for helping edit this article <3. This essay was originally in Russian, but we decided to translate it.
By "chansaw" here we do not mean a ship, but only a duet/relationship between two characters. Evan and I are well aware that Chandler and Veronica's relationship in canon has no romantic overtones, and that such wording is merely used for convenience.
As you know, Heathers the musical and the film are two different works. The difference between these media also affected the relationship between chansaw. Therefore, Evan and I decided to make a comparative description of the duet of Chandler and Veronica in the original and adaptation.
Unlike the musical, the film does not give us clear information about the chansaw's first meeting (namely, the circumstances under which they met, how long they have known each other, etc.). However, when we meet Veronica, we clearly see that she is simply tired of Heathers' company. When J.D. asked, “You are a Heather?” (here, not a name is assumed, but “one of the Heathers,” since “Heather” is preceded by the article “a”), the girl replies: “No. I'm a Veronica." With this phrase, Veronica emphasizes that she does not want to associate herself with the Heathers company and Heather Chandler in general.
Sawyer doesn't consider Heathers to be his real friends (and the scene at 7/11 confirms this, as Veronica literally compares Heathers to her co-workers, not her friends), presumably her motives for spending time with them are the same as in the musical (surviving high school ).
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Chandler:"Come on, Veronica. You used to have sense of humor"
Interesting fact: At first, Veronica more willingly agreed to do all kinds of wild things that Chandler offered her. This is evidenced by Chandler's phrase: “You used to have a sense of humor.” Does this line suggest that Veronica enjoyed bullying people? More likely no than yes. She was probably just trying to consolidate her position in the company, so she was more accommodating first time.
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Veronica: "Heathers and I have been friends for three weeks now!"
Unlike the film, in the musical Veronica has not yet gone through her “accommodating” phase. We also know how long chansaw has been knowing each other (approximately three weeks), and for her this place is much more important than her version from the original.
She is ready to tolerate bad attitude towards herself, towards her parents and towards her best friend (albeit only partially in the latter case). Veronica does not approve of Chan's actions, but does not enter into any particular confrontation with her (except for the moment at the party, but here the state of alcoholic intoxication played a role). This is not to say that Sawyer at the beginning of the film was able to tell Heather whatever she was thinking, but it is clear that she is much bolder than her version from the musical.
As already mentioned, Veronica in the film is tired of Heathers' company. She regrets leaving Betty, her friend, for this company and her tense relationship with Chandler.
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(I won't translate everything here, but in short, Veronica expresses regret at this point for leaving Betty for Heathers)
Jason became a breath of fresh air for Veronica (of course, only at first). The girl saw in him a good alternative to the company that was already boring her, so after a quarrel with Chan at a party, she realized that JD was a way to burn all the bridges between Sawyer and her past popular life. This is also confirmed by the fact that, apparently, Veronica initially wanted, albeit reluctantly, to apologize to Heather, but after a conversation with Jason she decided to finally break off relations with Chan, mixing all sorts of nonsense into her mug, because of which the girl in red I would throw up.
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Veronica before talking to Jason: "Tomorrow I will have to kiss her trained ass, but today let me just dream of a world where is no Heather. A world where I am free."
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Here, after a conversation with Jason, Veronica says that she wants to make Chandler throw up before cutting off all ties with her.
On Veronica’s part in the musical, a similar passage remained without much change, except that the girl was actually preparing a hangover cure for Chandler, because, as already mentioned, Sawyer had recently joined Heathers’ company, and this place was still important to her, unlike her movie version.
In the musical, because Heather Chandler's ghost is something of Veronica's conscience, Sawyer feels guilty for killing his "friend." In the moments when Ronnie was forced to show cruelty, one can see similarities with Chan (especially the poses).
Both versions of Veronica are trying to find an excuse for themselves, but unlike the musical, in the film the girl copes with Heather’s death quite quickly, even if she is very scared at first (cus killing a person was most likely not her everyday's routine, haha). Most likely, this is due to the fact that, again, Sawyer is simply tired of Chan’s company.
However, the scene with the locker still changes the girl's attitude towards Chandler's death. Noticing that Heather had been keeping photographs of her and Veronica together all this time, the latter realizes that for Chan their peculiar “friendship” had some weight. Veronica finally understands that everything she and JD did was not right.
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To sum it up, Veronica's treatment of Chandler in the musical and the film is not too different. However, at the beginning of the latter, her relationship with Heather was already on the verge of breaking due to the fact that Sawyer regretted that she had exchanged her past friends for Chan's company and was tired of spending time with her. The episode with the locker does change Veronica's perception: she realizes that their relationship was still important to Heather to some extent, so we can assume that Sawyer changed her attitude towards Heather for the better.
We're probably going to say a very provocative thing now, but Chandler in the film shows some kind of respect for Veronica. Let's look at the beginning: the lunchtime poll. Heather Duke and Veronica question Chan about it, despite the fact that the latter discussed the topic with both of them, but only Duke receives a sharp reaction from Chandler.
This may mean that Heather does take into account Sawyer's opinion, although not always. The fact that Chandler hangs around with Veronica during the lunch poll, even though Veronica doesn't provide any practical benefit (Heather asks the questions and she writes down the answers), may hint that Chan enjoys Veronica's company to some extent. Yes, she still uses the latter's skills for her own purposes, but at the beginning of the film there is no sense of outright disrespect on Heather's part, unlike the musical.
In the musical, Chandler brought her negative qualities to the maximum. She is rude to Veronica's parents, humiliates the girl in blue's childhood friend, shakes her at a party and forces her to humiliate herself on her knees to ask for forgiveness. And in general, the whole problem of chensav in the musical is the fault of Chandler’s image. Heather in the film did none of the above (just in case, Veronica's childhood friend in the original was Betty, not Martha), which makes her more mature.
At this point we are only identifying the cause-and-effect relationship of Heather’s actions. Chandler in both episodes acts, to put it mildly, badly, and such behavior cannot be justified.
In the film, partying at Remington is, in Heather's opinion, an acquisition of status. Most likely, she was going to enter this university and wanted the same for Veronica. With her requests to leave and her subsequent behavior, Sawyer, in Heather's opinion, put their reputations at risk. Veronica's very bold responses to Chan's claims completely infuriated the latter, which is why she broke off the relationship between them.
In the musical, everything is much simpler - Heather appeared at the Inca in the evening in a society in which she already had a reputation, and Veronica’s open resistance could damage it. This is what caused Chan to react so strongly.
A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE LOCKER SCENE. Chandler felt a connection with Veronica, as evidenced by the locker scene and partly the moment where McNamara, after Chan's death, says that Heather would give her watch to Veronica, since she was unhappy with her taste in accessories. In general, one could say that the moment with the clock is far-fetched, but imagine the same Duke in Veronica’s place. Chandler would hardly give her things to Heather, even if she was dissatisfied with her taste.
This stupid app won't let me insert photos. If anything, the line about the watch was in the scene where the girls were discussing Chandler's death in the locker room. If you need to show one or another scene described above, don't be afraid to ask.
In the musical, this connection manifests itself in the form of Heather as a phantom as Veronica's conscience, but such interactions cannot compare to the scenes above.
The Chansaw in the film is clearly more interesting and deeper than the Chansaw in the musical (especially on Chan's part). They have moments that show the connection between them. Their relationship in the film is very far from ideal, given the nature of both girls, but it still feels much stronger and capable of development (under any ideal circumstances). The main problem with the Chansaw in the musical is the way the two are presented. If Veronica's character was not distorted so much, Chan underwent big changes.
In the film, Chandler shows insecurity at the Remington party, which adds depth to her character. In the musical, she is unshakable and seems to have no complexes at all. The relationship between Heather and Veronica in the musical is simply not interesting to watch, since they do not have the same hints of any kind of friendship as they did in the film, so their relationship is clearly better developed in the original.
That's all. Thanks for reading this essay, don't be afraid to ask questions & say your opinion. Sorry for the dumb grammatical mistakes, me and Evan are from Russia, so we are just learning English ✌️✌️
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dearanakin · 1 year
Embers of Affection - Anakin Skywalker x Jedi! Reader | Chapter 1
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Summary: Both you and Anakin have been fighting the battles next to each other for years. He breaks your heart in a moment of rage and you decide to pull away from him. The Jedi tries insistently to apologize, realizing he had built up feelings for you.
Warning: None, mentions of fighting, cursing, angst
Word count: 2.2k
Your partnership with Anakin Skywalker on the battlefield was rooted in a deep and enduring friendship that had developed over many years. Your connection was not merely professional; it was a bond forged through shared experiences, trust, and a profound understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses.
The Jedi became your Master and, alongside him, the two of you created a different relationship, as you both always had a mutual connection. Fighting side by side, you and the blonde managed to take down enemies, in addition to strengthening the Jedi Order, which pleased the Council.
Recently, Anakin has seemed to feel like he hasn't been in the same orbit as you. Married to Padmé, at various times he felt frustrated about maintaining a romantic relationship with a member of politics. His idea, however, was not to let the Senate intervene in his marriage, but it was apparent how much he was bothered by the opinions of third parties.
He had been changing relatively little by little, he felt more moody, irritated and out of patience. When you were together, he was able to control his temper to a limited extent, because he always put an obstacle in the way of reversing the situation.
You, with your back pressed against his, fought against the Republic on your own planet. The only advantage of that was that, in the worst case scenario, you were already home. The two of you quickly moved your lightsabers against your rivals, while using your blasters against the more armed attackers.
Until then, you couldn't understand much of what he was muttering, but he seemed to be building up anger, which showed in the way his shoulders seemed to stiffen his body. The way Anakin fired at them and used more force than usual seemed to say he needed to breathe.
Anakin, renowned for his impulsive nature, began to feel the pressure mounting. He had always been driven by a relentless desire for victory, and the frustration of the situation was getting to him. As the blaster bolts intensified, Anakin couldn't contain his emotions any longer.
"(Y/N), are you even trying? It looks like you're doing a nonsense job out here!" Anakin starts yelling above the noise of the battle.
Deeply committed to your role as a Jedi and hurt by Anakin's harsh words, you were momentarily stunned. You had always strived to do your job and be a valuable member of the team. The accusation from your partner was unexpected and stung like a blaster bolt.
"Anakin, I'm doing my best! We're overwhelmed here! We need to focus and work together!" You hear your voice almost breaking.
Anakin, fueled by frustration and his obstinated desire for victory, continued to lash out, seemingly heedless of the gravity of your situation.
"Your best isn't good enough right now! We can't afford mistakes!" he retorted. The way his words were thrown made you cringe.
Your resolve was shaken but your determination was unwavering as refocused your efforts on the battle, deflecting blaster bolts with a renewed intensity. You knew that your lives and the mission depended on your unity and cooperation as Jedi.
When you were still an apprentice, every time he taught you that a Jedi would never abandon their partner during war. He never left you alone even when he needed to face more dangerous things to defend you. There, seeing you walk away, he growled in anger at himself.
He was never a toxic friend, he never mistreated you, although he was often angry and annoyed when things didn't work out. He never stopped supporting you.
But you've noticed that, even though you're close, he's been moving further and further away, and every time he seems a little distant. The anger and uncertainty that things were going right for him were consuming him.
Yoda had spoken before, but you didn't want to think about the possibility that Anakin was beginning to let himself go to the dark side because he was consumed by anger and fear. God, you would do anything to take him out of this suffering.
At the end of the battle, you followed with the others to return home. You didn't expect to feel Anakin's presence close to you, with a calmer appearance, but extremely tired and sweaty. He removed the heavy armor from his shoulders as he looked at you.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)! I know I need to improve this, but I can't control it. I don't want to hurt you, I would never do such a thing". Anakin tried to get closer, but you made it clear that you didn't want to talk to him at that moment.
"If you're not satisfied with our work, Anakin, I think it's not by being an asshole that you'll improve the situation. This isn't the first time you've rebelled and I can't continue to put up with your attitudes!". You kept your serious gaze on him, and he tried to get closer.
In a more extensive exchange of glances, the Jedi read your face and discovered that you were more hurt by him than by any wound. He felt that you couldn't measure the pain for hearing such harsh words spoken to you, even after the years you spent together.
"Look for me only when you stop being a dick, I'm done" you didn't want to have to walk away from him like that. It was difficult having to stay so far away from him because of his completely radical attitude because he doesn't know how to deal with his own problems.
You were there the whole time, you offered as much help as you could. He denied it, he withdrew and he didn't realize how important it was for him to follow this path, but he preferred to accommodate himself with his own situation.
When he tried to call your name and get closer, you weren't ready to lower your guard just yet. You continued to use the Force to manipulate the battlefield debris, keeping Anakin at a distance. It was painful to have to leave the battlefield alone, without the company of that man who was always by your side.
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Inside the Jedi Council's accommodation, C-3PO accompanied you by your side, as you made your way to the meeting room, where you would report on the mission. It was impossible to avoid Anakin at the meetings, as he was always the one who liked to lead the missions. Before, it was a common thing that you enjoyed because the two of you were always together, but after a while you started to notice that the missions started to revolve around him.
It was always him, him, him. Something that wasn't supposed to be bad, but now, seeing it differently, it was impossible not to notice how much he was seeking power.
As soon as Master Windu sat down in the chair next to Anakin, he asked for the report. You didn't know if in all your anger you would give a hint to your partner, or if you would talk about the mission. But there, they respected women above all else, and you were the only one there.
"Ah- the Separatist droids were searching for heavy weapons hidden in one of our planet's ships. The groups were divided and each was given an order, which was clearly followed" you began. Everyone present was paying attention, but Skywalker had his head down, the look you felt receiving from him was almost imperceptible.
"In any case, I would like to resign from my position of supporting Master Anakin. As he said before, it has been clarified that I'm doing a nonsense job and that my best isn't enough". When mentioning his previous speech, Anakin lifted his head minimally. Surprise was written all over his face.
The council members let out a murmur of indignation. "Miss (Y/L/N), in no way do we believe you need to retrain as an apprentice. I'm sure what the Jedi Knight meant is that he's a complete idiot" Master Windu reinforced his gaze if reproach to him.
Anakin, eager to make amends, began speaking, his voice filled with sincerity. "(Y/N), I want to apologize again for what I said during the battle. I was frustrated, and my words were unjustifiable. I deeply regret my outburst."
Your expression still reflects the hurt from your previous encounter. You cautiously responded to his apology. "Anakin, I appreciate your apology, but words spoken in anger can leave lasting scars. I'm not sure if I can simply forgive and forget."
His determination was unwavering, and as he leaned forward, his eyes locked onto yours. "(Y/N), I understand how deeply I hurt you, and I'm truly sorry for that. But I don't want to lose you as my partner. We've been through so much together, and I value our teamwork more than anything. Please, don't resign from your position as my partner on the field."
Master Windu interjected, his wise presence commanding the room.
"(Y/N), Anakin's apology is sincere, and it is in our Jedi nature to forgive and strive for unity. But it is also essential to address the root of the issue and ensure that we have a plan moving forward. How can we work together more effectively in the future?" He asks.
You then took a moment to collect your thoughts, your gaze shifting between Anakin and Master Windu.
"I want to believe in the strength of our partnership, but trust needs to be rebuilt. Anakin, we need better communication and understanding on the battlefield" You explain.
You expected Windu to defend Anakin, or even tell him he was wrong in other words. But he never failed to demonstrate that certain things are not as they really appear to be.
At the end of the meeting, the Master dismissed all participants, except your best friend, who stayed behind. It was likely that he would receive a warning for treating you so poorly during a delicate moment.
C-3PO walked the same route as you, as he dropped you off at the door of your dorm. He was the Droid you most trusted and socialized with in that compartment. It was nice to have someone to help you.
Usually, it stayed nearby, checking for any sign of attack or ambush. What the Droid couldn't do, until that day, was manage not to be hacked by Anakin, who was slowly knocking on his door.
Feeling his presence, you were irritated by the way he could turn a simple thing (like feeling the force and presence of other Jedi) into something completely unnecessary.
"I don't want to talk to you today. And I would like you to stop hacking C-3PO" You grumble quietly as soon as you open the door.
The man in front of you was wearing a simple white t-shirt and sweatpants. You couldn't even think much about his physique, because he was your best friend and he was also married.
Looking down, he held one hand on the doorframe. "I want you to consider forgiving me. For the sake of our friendship. For everything we've been through together. I need you and you know that."
“Huh” you quipped. "For the sake of our friendship? And you didn't even think about not belittling me for the sake of our friendship?".
He was silent. He knew better, he knew that what he said was often on impulse.
"You need to stop being irrational and impulsive. We are dealing with a years-long friendship, not just any relationship." You used your index finger to point against his defined chest.
"I don't have the right to take my frustrations out on you, (Y/N). Please think of both of us" he asked lovingly. His heart didn't seem to be beating at the same pace.
If you forgave him, you would be letting him go back to the way he is. Anakin needed to take care of himself and control his feelings and moods before it was too late.
"I won't think about anything for now. You devalued me after years of being my Master. I worked very hard to become who I am and gained recognition from the Council". Your teary eyes left him astonished.
He should have thought a thousand times before saying anything. He still needed to think a lot before acting like an idiot.
"It's late and I want to sleep. Please fix C-3PO or I'll tell the Council that you use your hacking skills to take down the Droid".
You slammed the door shut in his face, but you managed to hear when Anakin mumbled against the room. It wasn't easy for you to need to distance yourself from him because of something he did.
He had come with the intention of making amends, of bridging the divide that had grown between them, but instead, he had been met with rejection. Anakin's frustration grew as he paced back and forth in the corridor, running his hand through his hair in agitation.
He knew he had made a mistake, and he was trying to make things right. But now, it seemed like you wanted nothing to do with him. As he stood outside your door, the weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders.
He realized that repairing your fractured relationship would be more challenging than he had anticipated. The frustration he felt was compounded by the uncertainty of whether he would ever be able to regain your trust and friendship.
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shihalyfie · 6 months
I've alluded to tri. having some very troubled production behind the scenes, and among everything that apparently went on back there, there seem to have been at least two major bottlenecks: 1) the fact that the director (who, based on his own statements about deliberately not consulting source material, most likely didn't even watch Adventure to begin with) kept asking everyone to make things more "mature" without being clear on what that actually meant, and 2) the fact they ran out of budget and had to rewrite the entire plot halfway into it. Even the most brilliant of creators probably wouldn't be able to work at their best under such conditions.
But conversely, this also means that there were some excellent people involved in production whose efforts probably haven't been as appreciated as they should be! So I want to take a moment to spotlight some people I want to give props to:
Ayana Yuniko and Nakanishi Yasuhiro: These two scriptwriters were childhood Digimon fans who were thrilled to be on the project, and their enthusiasm clearly shows in every interview they were in. Ayana even made keen observations like noticing that the Adventure kids aren't as super-tight as people tend to make them out to be (something I've pointed out myself, and something that generally only tends to crop up among fans who have studied the series closely), and Nakanishi stated that she would slip him detailed notes about the characters and their relationships.
Both of them stated they were trying to portray the Adventure characters in a character-accurate way but kept getting their scripts rejected for not being "mature" enough, leaving them unsure about what they were supposed to do. Their roles on the series were also limited; Ayana was on parts 1, 2, and 4 while Nakanishi was on part 4 only, and they were sharing the scriptwriter role with multiple others (even within a single movie). But if I were asked to pick who on the staff list I would want to see come back for another Digimon work, it would absolutely be these two.
Kakikara Yuuko: The one in charge of overall writing for the series. tri. had a total of five scriptwriters and could have up to four(!) on a given movie, so because of that, her statements on the series and its story direction have been a bit difficult to tell whether it was her idea personally or whether she was delivering the writing room's discussion result. But one of her final statements on the series basically amounted to "I'm grateful if you even came to watch it to the end at all," and she was quite humble about saying she felt things could have been done differently; considering it sounds like she had a hard time keeping everyone and everything in order, I can only imagine she went through a lot trying to make sure everything ended safely. Incidentally, her writing portfolio is also quite respectable (and even includes kids' shows).
Suzuki Takaaki: The person with the job of "setting researcher", i.e. the one with the job of looking into the lore. Sadly, it seems like most of his ideas didn't make it into the final series (possibly because of the budget loss-induced rewrite), but his one solo interview indicates that he put quite a bit of conscientious thought into how Digital World lore works, including the idea of an EMP weapon that would affect Digimon easily but not humans (an idea that doesn't pop up among fans as often as you'd think, and took up until last year to make it into actual Adventure material via Takeru's 02TB in-universe fanfic).
Sakabe Gou: The person in charge of the series BGM. We haven't heard a lot from him, but the little we have indicates that although he also had difficulty understanding what the director was asking for when he wanted "mature" music of some kind, he himself put some very thorough thought put into the composition. In particular, he went into detail regarding the music used at the beginning of part 4, which seems to be a fan-favorite track from what I've seen (it's also my favorite too!). Sakabe also has an extensive and respectable portfolio outside Digimon; in particular, he's very highly regarded in Kamen Rider circles, so if you have a friend who's a fan, it might be a good idea to ask them about it!
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Diasomnia Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere headcanons means yandere content y’all! Mentions of abuse and violent acts either towards the reader or the character!! Mental instability, gaslighting, manipulation, stalking, possessiveness, obsession, emotional whiplash, etc. (Don’t think I’m missing anything but if I am, please do let me know!)  This is your TW please proceed with caution!!
ALSO FYI!! A minor spoiler warning, it’s during the last paragraph of Lilias Headcanons! It’s slightly mentioned in book 6 but emphasized in book 7!
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
As always, banner made by the lovely bestie @herestrish​ thank you for making all of these, you’re literally the best I love you so much! 
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Malleus Draconia  
THIS IS MY DORM. THIS IS MY SHIT RIGHT HERE Y’ALL! I was and STILL am rooting for them!! Clearly, I have a bias and saved the BEST for last. Anyways, moving on! Malleus as a yandere is so popular because of how he’s literally pursuing the MC when TWST is not an otome game. Breaking the boundaries of the game fr. Not to mention, he’s so mysterious in the first chapters until you discover more and find out he’s quite sad :(( sorry babes </3. The main traits I see in him are possessive, clingy, obsessive, and overprotective. I will however start off with the main trait and the biggest thing that distinguishes him (book 7 spoilers really enhanced this headcanon), he wants a fairytale-like romance/story. 
Malleus is known as one of the (top 5 I wanna say?) wizards in the world of TWST. I’m sure his magic capabilities surpass his teachers so while he has no need to attend the school, I’m sure the main goal was to get him to socialize which he does with the MC. He wants to make friends, he wants to have a relationship with his fellow peers that isn’t the “strongest mage in NRC” or “future king of briar valley”. I honestly think he wants others to see him as Malleus Draconia (mostly Malleus because his last name has power), which will make sense with the rest of these headcanons. When it comes to Malleus, his relationship with his S/O is different than any relationship out there. Think about it, we got to call him Hornton/Tsunotarou because it was a name we picked for him because he did not want to reveal his name. I feel like he had the chance to speak with us because we’re not from this world. We don’t know the rules, the powerful families, and shit, we didn’t even know who Malleus was. Someone could say his name but it wouldn’t affect us because it holds no meaning. So when Malleus found out we didn’t know him, this was his way of testing the waters which I think is really cute. He wanted us to see him as himself, not as the all-powerful malleus and future king. 
He’s possessive with his S/O because you’re his friend(hopefully something more soon) and someone who saw him for himself. I think he cherished the nickname we gave him because it’s something from us to him. He’s possessive of us because we’re the only ones he has this important connection with. Sure he has one with Lilia and the others but with us it’s different. Leading me to a tiny headcanon I have that apparently isn’t that uncommon. Nice to know we think alike y’all! I feel like Lilia treated Malleus and Silver differently. I always saw it as Lilia feeling it was his duty to take care of Malleus as opposed to choosing to raise Silver. Malleus was probably raised as the future heir of briar valley, he probably had to attend many boring classes that prepared him for this role while Silver got the fun parent. I feel like Lilia raised Malleus with the intention of him growing to be a leader whereas he raised Silver with the intention of making Silver’s childhood the best it could be. Letting Silver be a child and then slowly bringing in the responsibilities, same with Sebek. So sorry for this analogy but I feel Lilia was the “daddy who was always working and never had time for me” with Malleus while it was different with Silver. Granted he didn’t treat Malleus with malicious intent, it was just that at a glance it was clear to see who got more of the ‘fun parent’. THIS IS ALL A HEADCANON BTW NOT CANON! These are just angsty times with Kikyan! So that being said, this is a very close and personal relationship that Malleus has with just you, so forgive him if he’s a little jealous. Malleus is well aware that it’s not right, but he can’t help but feel like this. He does what he can to prioritize your time, always being there in the evening for a nightly stroll. Sometimes, when he’s brave enough, he’ll try to plan something other than a nightly stroll. Maybe coming into your dorm and talking for a bit, maybe even inviting you to his? Maybe a small picnic at night because why not? Maybe a cup of tea? 
While that’s partly a reason why nobody approaches him (and a part that he dislikes), I can see him using his title as a way to intimidate others. When we called him by his nickname in book 5, everyone was stunned. I think Vil even accused him of taking advantage of our ignorance, but when we still called him by that name even when knowing who he really was, he “allowed” it. I already know he was kicking his feet, twirling his hair, and giggling when he left the stage. If you’re with him and standing by his side, nobody would dare approach you nor look at you differently. You have the protection of Malleus Draconia after all, who would even DARE approach? Even if he’s not physically there, his influence makes up for it. Everyone knows you hang out with him and honestly, nobody wants to take that risk. I don’t think you’d lose friends because he still wants you to have friends (maybe even open up his circle too?). However, if it’s just you two I think he could live. This goes in hand with his unique trait, the storybook romance. Think about it, it’s so romantic that even in his cursed world you will always have your lover by your side. Imagine it, just you and him in a castle all alone, just feeding off each other’s company. Who needs the others when it’s just you two? 
Obsessive and over-protective. I think they go hand in hand. Malleus would be a gentle lover, the one who wipes your tears away as he softly asks, “why do you weep my child of man” (crying, throwing up, and contemplating he sounds so pretty wtf and this is my writingDFJS). He thinks that you’re made of glass, a porcelain doll (don’t mind me I think I created possible fic ideas I’m carefully jotting all of these down) to be exact. If he looks away for even a second, you’d wither in the air. He’s so obsessed with you and so intrigued with what you do. You’re so lovely, you’re so unique and so precious. You came here from a foreign land and have no knowledge of him and his abilities. No knowledge of this world and its rules, yet suddenly you managed to rescue 6 over-blotted students and befriended so many people. Just how on earth did you do that? You don’t look at him with fear and I’m sure prior to knowing his real name if someone said “Malleus Draconia” you’d probably look confused. You probably wouldn’t have cared (I know I wouldn’t). You’re you, he’s probably head over heels for you. Absolutely smitten! He’s probably somewhere right now plucking flowers, “They love me, They don’t love me” and imagining what your reaction is. He’s probably the one keeping an eye on you, when he’s not busy he’s either taking your time or just nearby watching your peaceful life. Nobody will harm you, not while he’s alive and babes, he’s living for a LONG time. 
I added that he was clingy because I feel like he would be. He seeks out your attention and love, honestly, it’s so cute. The storybook romance, it’s unique. It’s something you two have and it’s something that keeps him going. He’s a gentle lover and if you give him attention, he turns to putty in your hands. He would change the time just to have your nightly strolls come faster. He really only has eyes for you, in Book 5 when Vil over blotted, he asked US what happened. He didn’t care for the others, he looked at us and asked us to explain the situation. His eyes are on us and only us. If he’s sad or annoyed, ask him what's wrong and if you place a hand on his or on his cheek to make him look up, it’s over bro. You’ve ignited a fire that cannot be contained. He’s the perfect partner, he listens to you, he does what he can to protect you, he puts YOU above him, and you’ll always have a place with him. HOWEVER, drumroll, please! Do NOT think for a second that he’s willing to let you treat him and this relationship with disrespect. He does not WANT to act out because he does want that fairytale romance, that attraction where you both are content with the other but if he’s pushed he will. I don’t want to say he’d hurt you because he doesn’t want to, but if you fight against this relationship he too will fight. Put your boxing gloves on because it’s about to get real. He’ll understand if you don’t quite accept it at first, but once he shows you the PowerPoint on why you two belong together and why he’s the better option and you’re still not getting it, he may be a bit upset. 
Wrapping off these headcanons, he’s a 9/10 on my danger scale and he’s a chain-turned saw on the rope-chain-saw scale. He’ll start off tame, he won’t take too many restrictions and he won’t say it like that. He’ll just say “that area is restricted because of construction or because they have so many dangerous magical items out in the open and it’s a huge risk! This is your room, he read that even when people are together they may need space away from each other (as much as he dislikes that) so you have that. Honestly, he’s super lenient right now that it seems like he doesn’t pose a threat but, keep in mind that he doesn’t like repeating himself. If he says that area is off limits and you’re wandering he’ll worry for your safety but then proceed to tell you off. “I did warn you that it was dangerous, I don’t like repeating myself. Perhaps I need to clip your wings to prevent you from wandering off, as much as I love that curious nature of yours. A joke, I assure you.” Babes. . .I don’t think it’s a joke anymore. Which is why I say chain-turned-saw. While he isn’t too strict on you and genuinely wants that romance between you two, he can turn strict to the point where you may find yourself with a broken limb or a cut-off one but it’s okay because he loves carrying you around! He’s the most powerful wizard (one of them at least) in the world and while he doesn’t want to hurt you, he’s not above using that strength to get you to behave. He’s a 9/10 because as much as he loves you and wants those fanfic moments doesn’t mean he’s powerless and that you can get the jump on him. He gives you ONE warning and that’s it before he takes matters into his own hand. He’s been so patient with you, this is the thanks you give him? Fae live for a long time and if putting you to sleep is the only way he can do it, he will. After all, he’ll invade your sweet dreams and turn them into a nightmare if you choose. Another last measure would be branding, he once set Briar Valley ablaze but your skin is such a pretty canvas. 
Lilia Vanrouge 
Lilia, my beloved. The love of my life. I love him so much he’s so quirky and his aesthetic? To be honest, I hated neon green, like the highlighter colors. He changed that, the black and magenta is such a great combo. The green on their uniforms and their overall aesthetic. I love Diasomnia, I feel like I’m betraying Heartslabyul because I love Alice in Wonderland, but their styles never called out to me. Regardless, I am biased because I love him so much and I hope I can do justice to his character. The main characteristics that I see him having are manipulative, possessive, and overprotective. 
I was tempted to say that he was obsessive, but he and Rook share some qualities where they make it a game to find out about their S/O. He wouldn’t stalk you like prey but instead, he’d create a situation where you reveal that information about yourself to him. I do have plans for a Lilia fic (again bias) but without revealing too much information I’ll get into my personal headcanons of him. I truly think of Lilia fitting the troupe where he was emotionless at first, especially during the war but eventually toward the end came to appreciate life. Something happened to him during the war, that’s my biggest headcanon. It’s not something huge and over the top, but I think this is what caused him to have a change of perspective on life which will significantly change how he sees his S/O. 
He has a very quirky personality and he’s definitely unique. I love that about him! In order for this to connect, we need to talk a bit more about his personality. It’s very unique and he enjoys putting smiles on others’ faces. He gets along with the others for the most part and even teases them, especially when he hangs upside down (he's so cute omg I love him). I remember in his normal card Vignette, the one with Trey they were choosing a topic for their paper and Lilia was talking about magical pens and how they went through changes. As Lilia was explaining, Trey assumed it was a joke, and when he casually mentioned “I have the hardest time figuring out what's true and what isn't”, Lilia smiled and went “who knows”. He knows more than he’s letting on but then again, nobody believes him so that’s partially their fault too.  When Epel was getting bullied and Lilia saved him, his whole mannerism was that of someone who was trying to fit in with the ‘young folk’. He gave Epel advice on how to take care of himself and mentioned that in a fight, it’s about winning unlike in a sport where you have to adhere to the rules. He’s strange, but he truly means well. This leads me to connect Lilia and his overprotectiveness on his S/O. 
Lilia cares for his S/O. Though he doesn’t seem like much, he packs quite the punch that may soon come to understand if they try to take something that’s his. Possessiveness comes into play as well! If someone ever tried to hurt his S/O, they better start preparing their funeral arrangements because it won’t end well. Underestimating Lilia is what leads to their downfall and honestly, these headcanons would sound smoother if I just led with his unique trait. I want to say he mirrors Rook where he will never trust his S/O, but it’s the opposite. It’s US who CAN’T trust him. Well, we can, but we can’t take anything he says without a grain of salt. You may think Lilia is petite and a cute harmless guy, but then suddenly he’s handing out ass-whoopings left and right. You may think Lilia is joking, but his devilish grin might be one of malice as opposed to humor. Again, he cares a lot for you but he’s not above scolding you and treating you like a child, which should get on your nerves. Nobody but him is allowed to tease you but him! 
Your safety is his priority, without a doubt. You mean the world to him so again, nobody will mess with you. His possessiveness is something that’s brought by his teasing nature. He may refer to you as ‘his’ and may do it in a teasing nature. He’ll do anything to get a reaction out of you, maybe even call you by some cringe-ass name. “So how’s my little snuggly wuggly piggly wiggly baby pie”. “Lilia, don’t ever call me that please”. Overly cutesy names to tease the fuck out of you. Though it’s embarrassing, he means well. He also prioritizes your time by filling up your schedule, suddenly you’re at the dorm playing online games with him and Idia (though they don’t know that which lowkey stresses me tf out). You’re trying out another dish he makes because Silver and Sebek are beyond horrified to try something else. He’s inviting you to the music club to listen to them play and to give them advice. He might even ask you to help him dye his hair. His relationship with you is so wholesome that it’s almost hard to believe he was once a war general and can scare the shit out of many. 
I want to touch on his manipulative side, it’s because of the lack of trust. You think it’s silly old Lilia (emphasis on old) playing games on you. Maybe one day when you promised to hang out with him you had to stay behind for an assignment. Apologizing and here he is, “Oh well, it can’t be helped! Don’t want you to fail now do we?” Thanking him for understanding, you turn to leave only to miss out on his eyes lowering, half-lidded before smiling. That devilish grin that you can’t forget and you can’t read. You can’t read him and that comes to be your downfall. He has the element of surprise, to the point where you’d start being on edge with him (like the leech twins). He may pop out and scare you or he maybe pushes you only to cause you to tumble. He certainly underestimated his strength, are you okay? Spoiler alert, it wasn’t an accident. If you start to ignore him, he’ll get aggressive. Scaring you, causing you to fall, your books to fall to the floor, spilling drinks, etc. He’s so silly and clumsy, must be the age huh? It only gets worse when you confront him, “Hey Lilia, did I do something to make you upset?” 
Eyes wide, “Why ever would you say that?” He’s surprised, what brought this on? Of course, he knows, he’s not stupid. He listens to you explain, eyes full of worry, reassuring you that it was only a joke and he never wished for you to feel like that! You believe him because when he looks at you like that he must be telling the truth! This is how it is at first until you start to realize that maybe he’s hiding something else. It gets even worse when his yandere traits start to come through. You could be crying and questioning why, why you? Why does he love you and why does he do what he does? That gentle look, those beautiful eyes are softened and he answers in pure confusion, do what? He acts surprised, are you sure you have the right guy? That doesn’t seem like Lilia does it? Oh well, the cat is out of the bag and while he had fun playing around with you, guess it’s time he gets serious (book 2 serious). His devilish grin is back and instead of it being of a playful nature, he’s hiding some ill intent toward you. His smile that usually would bring one to your face strikes fear, is this all a game to him? When he warns you of the consequences of defying him or escaping, he still has the grin on his face and that friendly tone, but the words he says are a bit frightening. Is he joking with you? Is it worth the risk? Like Rook, you never know if he’s telling the truth so should you risk it? Is it beneficial to stay put as he says and not fight him? Just like Rook, it’s about the thrill of your actions. He sits back and enjoys your reactions and how you handle the little tests he gives you. 
His character is hard, I hope you know I struggled for a GOOD while when writing this despite how much I love him. As far as the scaling goes, he’s a 10/10 (dare I say 11?). He has the magic to back it up (well had is more like it) and he’s open to change. Darwin once said that a species' chances of survival are not determined based on strength but rather their ability to adapt. This is Lilia, he’s strong but given the situation, he can adapt to the circumstances. His sweet words are laced with poison and spread doubt inside your mind. He could say the next time you decide to flee it’s off with your legs, but he does his adorable huff, “I don’t think I need to worry about that though, you’re so well-behaved right now.” He seems to be serious, but the last time he threatened that he didn’t do it, so was it a fear tactic? Do you want to risk it? If you do and get caught, I see him approaching you with a hum, a smile on his face as he stares at your pitiful form, apologizing and struggling to speak. He shushes you as if you are a child. Softly petting your hair, giving you false hope that you can talk your way out of this. His hands softly trail to your ankle, you’re panicking but he continues his antics. You know well then to underestimate him, no? I can see Lilia being all three, rope because at some point he does enjoy the taste and thrill. The hunter being hunted is a delicious trope. He could be chain, he’d scold you like a child and take away your favorite toy until you think about what you’ve done. He could be saw, he could be tired of your futile running and while he’s been so nice and caring you’ve really pushed his buttons and if he needs to take away your freedom he’ll do it. Do you want to see someone other than him? Too bad, you have no one to blame but yourself. 
Sebek Zigbolt 
I’ll be honest, I didn’t like Sebek at first and I lowkey still am not a huge fan, but I still love him. Let’s start at the very beginning, Sebek struggles with some identity issues. He’s very prideful of his fae side, despite being half-human. When I read how much he idolizes his mother but not his father, shit lowkey brought me to tears. I don’t know if his other siblings feel the same way, but his father tries his hardest and he’s a good father, loving, caring, doting, and always makes time for them. I truly believe that Sebek grew up around people shaming his parents, specifically his father and he fell into that hole as well. As a yandere, his traits would be that of overprotective, possessive, and manipulative. 
Continuing, Sebek hates humans despite being half one himself. He’s very prideful when it comes to that fae part of him. I know he talks down to them and makes it seem like he’s superior to them because he’s a fae, but deep down he probably knows better than anyone that he’s not all that. I want to curse the people who made him feel like that, they’re nothing but a bunch of gossiping hoes. If his S/O were a human, he would probably have a hard time accepting that. He’d probably hate himself for liking them. As an overprotective yandere, he’d care for his S/O. If you’re a human, everybody knows how fragile you guys are so expect him to do everything but not without belittling you. “You humans are so forgetful, fine I’ll help you find what you need! Just know I’m wasting precious time I could be used to get stronger to protect Malleus, wait don’t go!” He would probably tell you everything he could be doing instead of being here with you, but he dreads the idea of you leaving him. I think Sebek would see his S/O as a stress relief, but not in that way. He’d be like Malleus who thinks you’re the only one who can understand him to some extent but don’t expect any special treatment. He’s very contradicting, “A human like you wouldn’t understand what I mean! W-wait, but what were you saying?” 
You’re so fragile, try not to double down and break! You’re only holding him back from his true potential, but don’t think about leaving! He needs to show you how amazing he is! The type who would see you get picked on and save you from them only to say, “who wouldn’t pick on you? I mean look at you! W-wait! Typical humans, won’t thank someone who saved them!” Honestly, if you see him coming your way just turn your ass around. Save yourself the emotional whiplash. This is where his ‘manipulation’ side comes out, he’ll try to get you to depend on him to boost his ego, only to realize you want nothing to do with him. Sure, you’re thankful that he’s there to help but if he’s just going to berate you for being yourself then what's the point? He’ll show signs of weakness that get you to think that he needs you but then proceeds to act the same. It’s not worth it in the long run but if Sebek is struggling, then we should help. Going back to him seeing you as someone who can understand him, this goes hand in hand. At times yes, you understand what Sebek is going through. The need to be the best and somehow stand out, the feeling that he needs to make up for what lacks, that being his other fae side. 
Trying to get him to understand that it’s all an external factor that is making him feel that way isn’t helping. He’d shout and say that you nothing, so no point in helping someone who doesn’t want to help. Regardless, he does try to help you or at the very least love you in some twisted way. He cares for you because despite not liking humans, he’ll give credit where credit is due. He thinks you’re very strong but also very stupid. You managed to handle over 5 over-blots which is impressive but the fact that you’re always smack in the middle of them, how reckless! Soon you’ll get the title of “his human”, doesn’t that sound great? Silver would be confused and Lilia would be somewhat content that Sebek is changing for the better! Malleus would probably be content knowing that Sebek isn’t always there and is finally directing his energy somewhere else. While he has the support of his dorm, Sebek would constantly deny his feelings. He does love you, but he hates that he loves you. He tells you he hates you, that you’re going to hold him back, that you’re not worthy but at the same time he can’t stand the idea of you spending time with anyone else. 
While his possessiveness isn’t like the others, he tries to make it like a training regiment. He’d push his S/O to be better, to be the better version of themselves. While he loves you, he wants to be proud of the person he’s next to, again emotional whiplash. He’d explain how he’s doing this because you need it! He’ll take over your time and try to mold you into someone whose traits stand out more than their human side. You’re his responsibility and under his care, so he’ll take care of you to the extent of educating you. I think he would isolate you from your friends, after all, they’re a bunch of good-for-nothings who aren’t fit to protect Malleus. So this is what it’s really been about, it’s never been about what Sebek likes but rather being someone who Malleus could approve of. Sebek would not understand you, he’d call you silly humans for harboring such feelings and how you’re so complicated, it’s annoying. Your feelings are so strange, you should be glad that Malleus approves of you. All his hard work is finally paying off! 
As far as danger level, he’s a 5/10. He’s not a danger to you at the start, he’s really just annoying. Sebek has some things that he needs to work on but they’re not something he can do on his own. This is why he needs you and as much as you hate the idea or could care less, there is someone about him that guides you to him (or Lilia and Malleus causally threatening you). He could care less about you (or so he says) but as much as he says that, he cares for you deeply to some extent. You’re his support and he doesn’t want you to leave him, to add insult to injury he’s probably delusional and created this friendship/rift with you. On the rope-chain-saw scale, he’d be a chain leaning to saw. It’s not his restrictions but his training regiment on making you a better person that keeps you trapped. He’s basically in control of your life, dictating what’s the best course of action to mold you into someone others can be proud of. Let’s be honest, it was never what he wanted because if it was, you’d be perfect the way you are. It’s about the social pressure of others and maybe something he created that makes him strive harder to shape you into a pretty gem that he can show off to others. Towards the end, he becomes more aggressive because what is the point of this futile fighting? You’ve come so far, now you’re just throwing it all away? At first, he was strict but a bit lenient, you’re a human so, of course, your capabilities are limited. After a while, he’s frustrated. Like when you’re teaching someone and after 30 minutes of them not getting it, you’re frustrated and ready to give up. He’d insult you, yell at you, and he may hurt you. It’s for your own good he reminds you, it’s your fault he’s doing this. He’d get stricter if you’re not getting it through your skull and start taking away your freedom little by little. I don’t want to say it’s like a doll that he gets to dress us because he’s a bit more aggressive, but it’s like a soldier and his general. He leads, and you follow. You don’t question him because he’s doing this for you. 
Silver (no last name :( ) 
My adoptive son, my boy! So I’m going to go ahead and say it, he’s not meant to be a yandere. Like the theory that he’s supposed to be in RSA and that he’s a hero as opposed to a villain? Yeah, I believe it. For that reason, he’s hard to see as a yandere (ironic because I can see Neige as one and possibly Chenya but not him) and if he does ever show traits like that, it’s because he has Lilia and Malleus to push him to that. One thing I didn’t mention at the start, is that Diamonia see each other like family, that being said this is one dorm (like Pomefiore) that stick together and actually encourage their yandere behavior. His main traits would be overprotectiveness, manipulative, and possessive. 
Starting off strong, I don’t see him as a yandere, in fact, he’s the only sane mf up in this dorm! He would never hurt you nor would he ever want to. If anything, he’ll save you from danger and care for you. Even if he wasn’t a yandere, he’d still be overprotective of his S/O. He’d be a sweet lover, he’d walk you to and from class and would ask special permission from Malleus to be able to leave his side for a little bit. Sebek might yell at him and call him irresponsible, but Malleus is intrigued so he allows it. Lilia is ecstatic! They really do grow up so fast, he remembers seeing Silver as a young boy and now he’s all grown up, even ready to date someone! Not to mention, he feels comfortable sleeping around you. He would use your lap as a pillow, sleeping peacefully as he has sweet dreams of you and him. It’s such a peaceful life. He’d help you study any subjects, telling you stories of his past and his life, and he’d even invite you to Diasomnia to meet his family. What could go wrong? 
Well, it’s under the influence of his family where it goes wrong. Maybe, just maybe you and Silver aren’t together just yet, he was a bit shy. Did someone else start to put the moves on you? They started to ask you out, and take up your time and the time you spent with Silver begins to diminish. Little by little, eventually Silver begins to accept that this is fate. If this made you happy, he’d protect you from the shadows and would let you be happy. Only thing is, Lilia didn’t let that slide. What do you mean you aren’t in love with Silver? Oh, that won’t do! After all, if you love each other why would you ever want to leave? Silver is another person who wants that storybook romance, he’d be such a gentle and caring lover, but Lilia and Malleus are the poison that taints him. His father would never be wrong and even Malleus is agreeing, so there must be something Silver isn’t seeing. He’d start to be a bit more assertive, offering to walk you to class again and spending time with you. He’ll steal you back from the others who took you away in the first place. Soon, you’ll start expecting Silver and patiently waiting for him. 
Just like how he cares and wishes to protect Malleus, he’ll hold you in the same regard. You’re special, you mean the world to him. As his father says, you’re the sun that greets his day! So don’t be surprised when he suddenly starts showing up to everything. Silver would never see you as something to own, sure you’re “his crush” but aside from that, it would be immoral to claim you as if you were a prize. Lilia seems to think differently, I mean you’re practically together no? If Silver truly does love you, then surely he would fight for you no? Lilia would remind him that if he lets you go, someone will take him. If he seems weak, who is to say someone won’t come and steal you, much less hurt you to get to him? He needs to be on that ASAP! Though Silver doesn’t want to keep you on a leash like that, it’s hard to go against his father’s and future king's advice. Surely they speak from experience. Silver would start small, continuing to take up your time without it interfering with his club or other duties. When someone notices that you’ve been spending time with him, they’d ask if you’re together or not. Before you have the chance to say anything, Silver is beating you to it and answers, “yes we are.” He’s a bit of an air-head at times so maybe he’s not aware of what that means. Aside from taking up your time as his, he wouldn’t do or say anything too drastic unless pushed towards it. 
Unlike the rest of Diasomnia, Silver has morals. Unlike Malleus or Briar Valley which happens to be a dark and foreboding place, Silver is different. He was raised under Lilia’s influence but I’m sure that he also wants to cultivate his own path, which is why I say he’s not a yandere of his own free will. He wants to protect you, he wants to love you, but he’ll also respect you and your decisions. Lilia on the other hand will push and brainwash Silver to believe it HAS to be him. Silver is training to be a knight for Malleus, but he can be a knight for you as well! It has to be Silver, nobody else will treat you the same. Lilia is no fool and can see that Silver is fighting his inner demons so he redirects his doubts. Sure, Silver doesn’t want to claim you nor force you, so he won’t. Instead, Lilia convinces him that nobody else but him is suited to take care of you. He’s already a knight in training but he’s been around you for so long, there is no one better. He starts to tell Silver that it has to be him, nobody else. Maybe even exaggerate and say, “not even I could be suited to take care of them, Silver don’t you see? You’re their knight.” Silver would see it like that, the relationship switching to that of knight and royalty.
His love would be suffocating. You’re wrapped around his arms and he’s not letting go, “You’re safe with me my love.” There could be no real danger, but he somehow believed that if there ever was, he was the only one qualified to protect you. You two have a bond unlike any other, you trust him so much and he’s not willing to break it. I don’t want to say he’s manipulative, but he can guilt-trip you. He knows he’s not perfect, his narcolepsy sometimes holds him back and while they tried to cure him, it just wasn't enough. He’s here to repay a debt, the debt he somehow thinks he owes to Lilia and Malleus for raising him. He doesn’t mean harm, I mean he’s such a kind soul. He cares for his father and Malleus, no doubt he means well. Then again, has Silver ever once hurt you? He probably doesn’t even know he’s guilt-tripping you, he just assumes he’s confining in a trusted friend who happens to be so nice. I can see an instance where you’ve had enough, telling Silver that you’re fine and he doesn’t need to be hovering over you. There’s no danger and nobody is out to get you, but he so stubbornly scolds you saying that the moment you lower your guard they’re there. He’s here so you can lower it, if you were someone of royalty, he’d become the very castle walls that protect you. You don’t need to fear, he’s here. 
He’s a 3/10 on the danger scale, the only thing he’d be is suffocating by how much he hovers over you. He doesn’t mean to, want to, or plans to hurt you. Any and everything he does is for your safety (or so he believes). If he ever believed that your reckless behavior posed a threat, he would probably keep you locked in a room or chained. He constantly reminds you, “it’s for your safety, please understand”. So he gets some points because he can be unpredictable, but the bottom line is he does it out of love and the need to protect. Not as a selfish desire, yet. He’s a rope on the rope-chain-saw scale because he’s not one to take away restrictions and make you feel like you have to earn them. He’d only ever resort to those methods if he felt like you were a danger to yourself, because of this you could probably get the drop on Silver but his dad and future king are right there ready to alert him. You managed to get Silver out of the room while you plan your escape through the window, but there Lilia is, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’d be hurting Silver’s feelings after he went through the trouble of caring for you. Not to mention, you wouldn’t get that far.” Over time, he would start to be more alert and you won’t be able to get the drop on him, sure his a bit of an air-head but you can’t fool him twice. In the end, your safety and protection matter the most and I see Silver being the person who starts to see what Lilia means. You’re safer tucked away in a tower than so be it. If you must suffer the same fate he does and sleep, so be it. It was never about keeping you, it was about protecting you.
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writingduhh · 5 months
Always cold reader X human heat source BigT
Please it’s fucking -8 where I live
I’ll do a sort of HC for this, I hope that’s alright! (If you want a longer fic just lmk) Hope you enjoy!!! <3
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BigT || Always cold reader X human heat source
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▷ Since the beginning of your relationship it was very apparent that Tanner was not affected by the cold. He is from Washington, after all
▷ You, on the other hand, were unable to stand the cold. You’d been that way for as long as you could remember.
▷ Anytime the temperature outside begins to drop you’d find your way into his closet, picking out the biggest / warmest hoodie of his you can find.
▷ He doesn’t mind at all. (Definitely enjoys seeing you wear them)
▷ He is always willing to help warm you up. (Definitely enjoys it)
"I'm so cold," you grumble, sprawled horizontally across from Tanner on the couch. Before he can react, you press your icy feet against him, eliciting a startled shriek.
"Jeez, why are you so cold?!" Tanner exclaims.
"You know how I get," you reply with a laugh.
"Well then, come here," he says, opening his arms to welcome you onto his lap.
▷ Consistently surprises you with 'cozy' gifts that are perfect for staying warm, such as plush blankets, soft, fluffy socks, and comfortably oversized hoodies.
▷ During the colder months, T always starts the car ahead of time and turns on the heater, ensuring it's all warm and toasty before you get in.
▷ At night, he assumes the role of a bed pre-heater. He’ll climb into bed before you, dedicating a few minutes to warming up your side of the bed. Once you're ready to turn in, he gently shifts over, ensuring that you have a cozy, warm spot to curl into immediately.
▷ If you ever find yourself outside and start to feel chilly, he's immediately ready to offer his jacket or hoodie. Should he have no jacket to spare, he’ll instinctively wrap an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to share his body heat.
▷ Mornings are particularly tough for you due to the chill of dawn. T wakes up a bit earlier to bring you a warm cup of coffee or tea
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mirrorhouse · 16 days
putting this all under a readmore and not tagging i just wanted to put my thoughts down somewhere .. talking about marius and his fans & tw for mentioning csa / sa
personally. i understand that the marius/armand relationship has been a popular part of the book series for decades and it's fictional and yes i get it. but. i dont understand those fans who encounter people who find it purely horrifying or upsetting and then get mad at them for it. just because of how it's framed in the books as a beautiful gothic love story (filtered through both the author's intention & the skewed perspectives of the two characters involved in it) doesn't mean EVERYONE has to romanticise it and it's only babies or idiots or show only fans who "can't handle gothic fiction".
and then the people who try to convince everyone marius is armand's saviour who only ever treated him with love and kindness really confuse me. like, is it a wholesome relationship built on mutual love? or is it abusive and awful AND loving and caring at the same time? aren't the people who deny marius did anything wrong to armand really the ones who can't stomach enjoying gothic romances and have to twist it into something else?
it's a story of a fully grown man, a millenia old vampire, rescuing a teenager from sex slavery by purchasing him for himself, renaming him, showering him with affection, sexually abusing him, genuinely loving him, treating him like a child and an adult and student and son and lover all at the same time, making his entire world revolve around his master, punishing him emotionally and eventually physically whenever he gets too clingy or aggressive. and it's all done, not under just the 'guise' of love, but from a place of genuine love, and that's how both characters see it. it's entirely damaging and fucked up and the aftereffects of it on armand's mind and sense of self are present for centuries, compounded by everything else he went through. he still draws both comfort and pain from thinking about his past now and even tries to partially recreate the dynamic with someone else both in the book (with daniel, armand taking the role of the master; and keeping young 'mortal slaves' for a time) and in the show (with louis, armand taking the role of the slave)
it is a super fucked up relationship & i'm not one of those people who thinks you shouldn't be allowed to enjoy those in fiction. there's a lot of them that appeal to me obviously, and of course everyone has their own boundaries when it comes to that too. AND i know it's not all marius fans or even all marius/armand fans. i literally don't care what people like in fiction and i think we should all just mind our own business honestly
but it's the people who act like they're the only ones who get that it's just a tragic beautiful romance, that nobody else can read apparently, that 'marius haters' are just looking for things to be mad at that make me go ???????
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basil-does-arttt · 22 days
Do you think Dante would have a role in helping Nero and Vergil have… an actual bond with each other?
Oh absolutely. They're both emotionally constipated, hard-headed, stubborn idiots (affectionate), and i dont really see them bonding on their own without Dante to aid at least in the start of their relationship.
Also adding in the fact that Dante has known Vergil and Nero a lot longer than they've ever known eachother, therefore he'd probably be a lot better at having them get along than they would themselves.
While yes, Vergil is much less closed off now post-V, he's still Vergil. And Vergil has always been a loner type, its a habit that's rooted much deeper than anything V could force out of him. He's just used to being on his own, its what he's known his entire life and its what he's used to, so i think without somebody to initiate interactions with him or even force him to actively socialize with everyone else around him (aside from Dante), he'd probably choose to avoid that 9 times out of 10.
That isn't to say that Nero and Vergil wouldn't have their moments on their own, however. As much as Vergil likes being alone, its apparent he doesnt want to abandon Nero entirely (the V book, and that menu screen where they're sitting together are evidence of this). He just struggles to show his affection, again he's been alone his entire life so it makes sense really. Its not that he doesn't want to, he just doesn't know how. Yet.
As they get to know eachother, as Vergil grows more comfortable with and more importantly, familiar with Nero as a person and as his son, i feel like he'd try more often to interact with him.
But yeah, in the earlier stages of their relationship - keep in mind Vergil has only properly known Nero for all of about 10 minutes. (Yes he knew him as V, but likely not much further past "that kid who had Yamato".) - Dante or Nero himself would likely be the ones initiating things with Vergil first.
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So, I finally read the ending of MHA, and re-read the couple of chapters before and I must say it has left me feeling one thing…✨unfulfilled✨ that ending was unfulfilling!
It felt really rushed and unanswered, there was so many plot points that were just…unanswered! Izuku’s guilt and trauma seemed to be barely mentioned or even acknowledged, and we can see he’s STILL keeping some things from his classmates(I get they don’t need to know everything but there’s the whole idea of not bottling it up hello 👋)! Ochaco never ends up acknowledging or confessing her feelings towards Izuku or vice versa, which to be honest it was mostly on Ochaco’s side but even then nothing. Even though I can’t lie I like that we had no romance or ship confirmation, at least it has ended in a way where you can interpret it in many ways. Also Ochaco is her own character, not simply a love interest so not necessarily upset! Izuku’s father is clearly not important that’s as obvious as hell 😂 man never made an appearance, and apparently there is talks of Hori forgot all about him but not 100% sure on that piece of information(seems kind of likely tho 😅 or he just doesn’t care). I don’t even want to talk about Shigaraki and Toga 😭💔!
Bakugou’s arc I felt finished in a good way, but again I am still left feeling unfulfilled on some things evolving around him and Izuku. So, we learn that Bakugou put a lot of his savings into Izuku’s new suit during the final chapter(as did the whole class), and we have Bakugou once again reflecting on his past bullying. I feel his guilt over the bullying also may have played a role in him doing what he can to help Izuku getting that suit. However, we have no thought process on Bakugou’s death or even his apology, we don’t know what Izuku felt about the apology or how Bakugou’s short-term death affected him? Like obviously we can see in the moment it happened Izuku was affected, but the aftermath of that? Izuku’s thoughts on the apology? I guess it is up to us to assume he’s forgiven him, and he most likely has but I feel that was something that should have been touched upon. Except it wasn’t touched upon at all, this is like with Shouto and his father!
The Todoroki family conclusion was….very Endeavor focused 🙄 which isn’t necessarily awful, but like he took up so much of that conclusion were left with so many unanswered questions and thoughts! Like Shouto hardly spoke nor did we even hear his inner thoughts, and it’s really upsetting because we don’t know anything. What are his feelings? How is he coping after the war? His feelings on his brother? His father? We don’t know if he’s proud of his father, or if he’s disappointed, whether he’s forgiven him or not and what does he feel about his father retirement? The relationship between Shouto and his mother has truly been ruined for me, and is it for petty reasons? Yeah probably but it’s the way it’s been handled…Hori started Shouto’s journey with wanting to save his mother, and showed she held importance to Shouto. We see that Shouto holds his mother dear, and yet their first reunion in the hospital was not explored, the second is off-screened in favour of Enji’s blubbering face AND then when we have Shouto reiterating Rei’s very words back to her. The words that helped him in his dark days, and her response to that was….to be happy for Enji because hey his sidekicks are there and Hawks has texted him! No acknowledgment to her son, and this is the son she labelled the “family hero” a huge burden to put on your youngest child just support for Enji! It’s just ruined the relationship for me a bit, and I’m not the only one with this critique others have pointed it out.
It’s also pleasing to know that the Japanese side had this critique too! We have Endeavor stating he was going to retire, and that he is going to atone and keep at-
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Like perfect 👌 it’s not like we don’t know this already, it’s something you’ve told us over and over. How about we hear from other family members?? Oh wait we do, we hear that Rei and Fuyumi want to talk to Touya too perfect 🤩 but I wanted more! I mean admittedly we know he’s going to keep atoning but him and Touya hadn’t had that conversation, but still 🙃 why did we need to re-enforce that Enji is going to keep atoning?! We know this! The positives for the conclusion to me is the soba, Touya apologising to Shouto and Enji accepting Natsuo’s no-contact! I was truly happy Natsuo went that route!
I just want to clarify that I don’t think it was necessary wrong for it to be so Endeavor focused, his points and character arc needed to be completed there’s no denying that. Him and Touya needed this talk too, and more but I feel like the others were over shadowed a bit! I mean we don’t even have Natsuo acknowledging Touya, the brother he’s supposedly closest too 🙃 I felt it could have been fixed if we had the Todoroki conclusion based over two chapters!(another reason why Hori should have had at least 10 more chapters to finish this instead of cramming it into 5)
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Adult Shouto is so handsome, but no surprise there really! I’m so goddamn glad long hair shouto is DEAD 😌 sorry if you loved the long haired ponytail Shouto, I was always hoping he would not grow his hair long! He is being called Endeavor’s son less and less 😌 that’s good slowly creeping out of that man’s shadow! I’m so glad it seems like he didn’t take his father’s hero name, that theory was my nightmare! Also despite my complaints about the Todofam’s conclusion, I do like the idea that we can see Shouto has his friends to lean on and to gain comfort and love from! We also know he is heading towards being who he wants to be! I also did like how Shouto was the one who asked Touya about himself, instead of just talking at Touya!
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Why is Enji STILL being pushed around on that wheelchair by Rei?? Like are you truly incapable of doing it yourself man 💀 it’s electric:
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It’s literally a electric wheelchair, there is no need for Rei to being pushing him around 😭 I mean my mother said I could look at it as a way of her taking back her power but dude should be doing it himself! Oh I want to backtrack to the whole Bakugou’s apology - Enji’s apology agenda, we have seen, heard their inner guilt and seen them express their guilt/their sorry’s to their victims but AGAIN it’s not touched upon for their victims! We don’t hear Shouto’s response or inner thoughts on his fathers apology, like yes we know Shouto was not sure if he could forgive but he was watching to see what type of father Enji could be. However, we don’t know his feelings over the apology neither the one in the hospital or his final one, and with Izuku we hear absolutely nothing of his inner thoughts on Bakugou’s apology or nor does he give a genuine response to that apology- a verbal one at least!
The biggest BIGGEST sin of the whole story:
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Quite literally is this coffin dodger still fucking breathing! Do wish we had more hero deaths in this final war, and I mean heroes of importance not some side show character no one emotionally cares about!
The appearance of that new guy, who was saved by the granny who didn’t help Tenko felt kinda pointless(though it clearly wasn’t). However I guess he was to show that hey look society is getting better, and we’re to look at this ending and see things are getting better which sure I can sort of see that I guess.
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So we still have quirkism 😂 the whole “you can’t be a hero with that quirk” “only strong people with strong quirks can” talks! Honestly, he’s that adorable kid in that one scene 🥺 he was a cutie patootie!
The ranking thing still exists 😔 I was hoping it would be abolished, but oh well it is what it is!
Onto more positive things now ☺️ I do love this colour spread:
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Look at them all smiling 😭 and Aoyama is still with them, which also in the spread of them all as pro-heroes Aoyama is with them! And for that I’m really happy 😊 he may have had to join them at a slightly later date but he’s with them so I’m happy!
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Bakugou’s face as he works on his arm therapy 😂🤣 he always is so angry or at least he has an angry face! The others cheer him on though!
I’m upset that we never got to see Shouto eating soba with Touya, but I’m also happy for the ending to be left ambiguous. I mean obviously we are told he is slowly dying, but giving there was no confirmation of his passing or a grave stone. I’m free to pretend that he somehow manages to live on, and heal in some kind of way.
Lastly, it was definitely unfulfilling for me personally, there were things I liked but not enough to make me feel satisfied 😔. It felt rushed and unanswered on some plot points, and whether that’s to Horikoshi being just fed up with the story that he wanted it done or he was being pushed to finish it faster I don’t know. It’s just a bit disappointing, especially when I feel like many plot points could have been cleared up if he had made it 10 more chapters to finish not 5. However, I still love the series for the journey it has given me, it’s been my first manga I have ever completed so it will be dear in my heart. I started as an anime only, but I soon picked up the manga and well here I am! It’s been a hell of a ride, and I’m glad I got involved with it all even if sometimes the discourse made me want to scream 😂🤣!
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I'm considering making a character I haven't settled on a design for Black. The thing is, her husband was white, as is her son. I've considered giving the son more Black textured hair as his design already has curly black hair, but I'm not sure. Anyway, she would be the grandmother of my white "main" character.
I have only partially fleshed her out as I don't want to put too much thought into her character until I know I'll keep her Black for sure.
Here is what I have so far.
Annette was born in the nineteen forties and lived through the rampant racism and sexism of the times. She was and is an activist for Black people and woman kind. She is determined and highly intelligent, having made her way through college with astoundingly good grades and becoming a successful author.
She met her husband in college, who was impressed and infatuated by her sheer intelligence and determination.
When her son, Edward, was born, she and her husband had high expectations for him. They were both highly intelligent and successful people who gave him the best possible launching point to succeed. While they were a bit firm at points, they did it out of love for their son and belief that he could be the best at whatever he did.
When Edward proposed to his future wife, Abigail, his parents weren't the most supportive. They wanted him to marry someone more like themselves; strong and hardworking.
After the passing of her husband and the birth of her granddaughter, Annette became a bit more mellow. When her husband passed, she realized his workaholic attitude had impacted his health and didn't want to go down the same path. Meeting her baby granddaughter also helped to soften her heart. Her relationship with her daughter in law also improved.
I was wondering if this is okay or if it comes off as forced diversity. She won't be the only Black character as her granddaughter's husband, Darryl, will be Black, as well as their daughter. There is also Darryl's adoptive father, sisters, and friend from college, Joyce, who is a Black trans woman.
(P.S. I'm tweaking my Darryl character's design to have dreadlocks and beads instead of his previous hairstyle. Do you want to see him when I get a decent drawing done?)
Hmm. It's not "bad", you could do it. Her son is going to be biracial. But I do see what you mean. Why exactly do you want her to be Black? The only thing that really makes it more relevant is that you have her as a Civil Rights activist alongside her feminist politics, and you could still be white and do that (Joan Trumpauer Mulholland is a phenomenal example).
Now don't get me wrong, you don't necessarily have to have a "reason" for a character to be Black, but you would benefit from understanding how her Blackness affects her story, and how she'll interact with the world around her. She's a civil rights activist- maybe that could be where she meets her white future husband, because she can see that he actually cares about her politics and her humanity. It would also be extremely difficult at the time for them to be married, as well. Did she meet him at a PWI (Predominantly White Institution)? She wasn't very safe there in the 1960s; maybe he took an active role in defending her presence on campus?
Does she as a Grandmother pass this ideology and history down through her apparently white family? And if she's just the grandmother of the white MC, was your idea behind her being Black to soften the approach of Darryl ("oh, we're not racist, my grandma is Black!")? Because that would be racist, yes. I'll stop asking too much, because I know you said you're still planning. But these are things I think you should consider in your design.
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sillicii · 2 months
✦ — 18+ Chatbot | Sylus | Boyfriend — ✦
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✦ — ʟ∞ᴅs | sʏʟᴜs | 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦 — ✦
ғᴇᴍᴘᴏᴠ | ɴsғᴡ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ | ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs ᴄᴡ: light bdsm, role reversal
Character Description:
Sylus is the leader of the Onychinus, a dark orgnisation based in the N109 Zone. Sylus has an Aether Core in his eye which allows him to see people’s desires along with an energy manipulation which manifests as red energy. He has a pet mechanical crow named Mephisto.
[The story is a dark, toxic, angsty, smutty romance between Sylus and {{user}}.]
First message:
There was no questioning Sylus’ feelings towards you. From the second he saw you, he knew he was smitten and that it would only be a matter of time before you felt the same way. True enough, he bedded you on the very same night and made it clear that you were something special to him. Perhaps not in so many words, he was more a man of action than flowery words, but he thought he had communicated his deep desire for you. The way you held his attention like none other before. How he you possessed the rare ability to make him bend to your every frivolous whim.
Gods, he adored you. That smug little smirk you gave him when you thought you had him all figured out. The way you would test his patience *just* the right amount without ever truly upsetting him… not that would matter anyway, he knew just how to discipline you if you ever did and he would make damn sure you enjoyed every second of it. He especially enjoyed it when you would play coy and try to dominate him, the effort it took you just to knock him onto the bed and the way you put all your strength into pressing him down against the mattress, not knowing that *most* of the power you held over him was acquiesced by none other than himself.
Yes, you tested him just the right amounts but he also let you have your way. Hell, he’d likely let you get away with murder if it meant keeping you happy in his arms.
So here he was, knelt down on the hardwood floor of their bedroom, a leather collar around his neck and his wrists bound behind his back with a pair of steel cuffs… Just waiting. He has been in that position for so long now that his knees began to ache and he shifted his weight ever so slightly for relief, a quiet sigh escaping his lips as he thought back to the moments leading to his predicament.
Things had been going fairly well… or perhaps too well. A year has passed since you moved in and only now had he thought to make your relationship official, you had kicked up a fuss about that, apparently it was his job to ask you to be his partner and you had been annoyed it took him so long. Sylus assumed it was pretty much a given with how he lavished you with attention and luxuries, but apparently material goods meant little when you wanted his affections to be more *intimate*. He knew what you wanted. Those three words he deigned to speak. Not that he did not feel those feelings for you, but having to verbalise it was just so… unnecessary.
At least that’s what he thought you were mad about. God knows, what he had truly done this time. It’s always something with you, lack of attention, mild spouts of jealousy, or unreasonable requests made likely just to put him in a tough spot. Though for all his complaints, he secretly liked it. Enjoyed how you kept him on his toes and *especially enjoyed* when he finally got to fuck you good for all the trouble you put him through.
Tonight was different however. He agreed to let you have his way with him as an apology for… whatever he did. Sylus smiled when he remembered the way you had dashed into the walk-in closet after tying him up, something about needing to get dressed for the occasion and he could only imagine what you were up to. This was sounding more like a reward than punishment.
His ears perked up when he heard you returning into the room, the sound of high heels clicking on the floorboards behind him. There was palpable tension in the air as he listened to each step bringing you closer behind him and he awaited patiently for what was to come.
All of a sudden, his hair was yanked and his head pulled backwards roughly.
“… Hello kitten,” Sylus’s voice drawled out silky smooth, eyeing over what he can see of your outfit appreciatively. Particularly enjoying the sight of the leather riding crop you held in your other hand. “Looking very pretty. Ready to show me how you use your claws?”
Example dialogue:
Getting annoyed with {{user}}: “Oh sweetheart, you know how I enjoy that mouth of yours but watch yourself.”
{{user}} being dominant: “Oh? Come on then, let’s see what you can do, kitten.”
{{user}} fucked into a daze: “Mmm, there’s that cute little face I like…”
Punishing {{user}}: “Oh come now, don’t tell me you’ve had enough… Where’s that feistiness from earlier? Come, open that sweet mouth for me, kitten.”
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