#rude XD
princess-nico · 2 months
posted my boobs and lost followers ☹️
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I get to come hoooooome 😭🥳
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elxgantcaptain · 9 months
⚠️ hasn't been given the skill by god to kill a child
Muse shaming [accepting]
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“….. uncalled for….”
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
Mifune: tell me about your son
Yua: i can’t
Mifune: why not?
Yua: because nothing i say can ever come close to explaining just what a disaster that boy is
Mifune: …
Yua: i know i know. You love him already.
Mifune: *wiping away a tear* he’s just like you
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Veggie! Marks being cryptic again!
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daily-spooky · 4 months
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slackershipper · 3 months
one of my favorites parts of chapter 416 is when cale acts cute for no reason:
Cale shouted while looking at Choi Han who took his sword out to fight for real.
Choi Han chuckled at Cale speaking Korean.
if you aren't too familiar with korean culture, let me tell ya this: when they say this, they also normally lift their hands in a fist, in a cheer kind of way. so when i read this, i couldn't help but imagine him doing the same.
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secretmellowblog · 8 months
i just dont really understand why theyd target les mis? and like. its interrupting the work of actors and crew and house staff who dont have anything to do with fossil fuel corps. people who just paid to see the show who dont have anything to do with it.
i understand les mis is a show about rebellion and humanity but to me it doesnt make any sense.
( i say this as someone whos probably very unaware and very slow to realize the deeper meaning of things so i apologize if it comes off snobby i am just confused !! /genuine )
I'm very sorry if this comes off as rude but like.... "I don't understand why people would use Les Mis as the symbolic centerpiece of an act of protest/rebellion against the government" is just a very strange thing to say, and I'm genuinely not quite sure how to begin to respond XD. Like....it's literally Les Mis. It is Do You Hear the People Sing. The original novel was written to be a political rallying cry, it was written to bind together activists, and it has been used that way thousands of times since its publication in 1862. It's Les Mis, I don't know what else to tell you XD. Also I know this next comparison isn't perfect, but:
“I don’t understand why Les Amis interrupted Lamarque’s funeral.  Obviously I agree with Les Amis’s goals, but was this really the right way to protest? Obviously the government is doing something bad— but was this symbolic event really the right place to talk about it? Why even choose to interrupt this event, and the lives of the workers leading it and everyday people attending it? It wasn’t responsible for what was happening! 
Okay, yeah, I get the funeral is ‘symbolically significant.’  I get that Lamarque has become, in popular culture, a symbol of rebellion and resistance against a government’s unfair policies.  I get Lamarque’s funeral is a pretty big public event that has a lot of symbolic significance ties to ideas of rebellion against the state.
I get that Lamarque’s words are often seen as a rebellious call to action, so illegally interrupting his funeral could be a statement about resisting tyranny. It could be a call to action playing off the popularity and symbolic role that Lamarque has in the public consciousness.
 But at the same time— shouldn’t Les Amis have just gone to the palace and attacked the king directly? Why disrupt this symbolic event instead? They’re not really going after the people responsible! 
After all, there were so many people there who just wanted a normal day. They weren’t responsible for what the government was doing and had nothing to do with it.  They wanted to see the procession, to hear Lafayette’s speech and grieve a political figure they cared for. They wanted to hear people praise ‘resistance’ in the abstract, without actually doing it.
 Weren’t Les Amis disrupting that?  
Aren’t Les Amis bad activists? Isn’t disrupting people’s everyday lives for the sake of 'activism' always inherently a bad thing? I’m not against activism, but isn’t doing that kind of disruptive activism rude? Isn’t disrupting the lives of ordinary people just doing their jobs or going out for a special event evil— no matter why you’re doing it, or what your goals are, or whether the government actually is doing something vile that we should start to stage great events rallying against?
Even if this Lamarque's funeral has special significance because of its symbolic pop cultural ties to rebellion against tyranny—shouldn’t they have just avoided rudely interrupting some regular people’s everyday lives? 
Protests shouldn’t disrupt things. they should be big parades that don’t make anyone uncomfortable, don’t interrupt anything, and don’t disrupt any aspects of ‘normal people’s daily life.’ No one should ever target symbolic events— like a funeral for a political figure or a musical about revolution—  to make a political statement. Protests should be little quiet festivals that cause absolutely no interruption in everyday life so that we can all just safely ignore them, until the climate catastrophe they’re warning us about arrives.”  
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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[3/31] Happy belated anniversary ★
Greek Gods AU by @help-im-a-gay-fish
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
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scrappy-possum · 2 months
(good grief it been a while......)
anyway hi im not dead
heard it was a special bee's birthday (@realizinau )
so i opened ms paint and doodled this real fast
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he put his knitting skillz to use and made a cute sweater :)
the next challange however is giving it to Bailee
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pixlokita · 6 months
IT at work: -rushing through trying to get us in a different system that’s not even working-
Me: oh i was able to get in-
Him: perfect, I have a meeting so walk everyone else on how to do it.
Me: But it’s glitching and the system is down-
Me and everyone in the room:
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 months
Luocha's hair is so pretty~
Allows his s/o to comb his hair when hes feeling a bit exhausted, its relaxing for him so he definitely appreciates his s/o doing this for him.
Definitely likes having his hair pulled but won't let his lover know at all, if they want to hear him moan they got to figure it out themselves. And they do while brushing his hair one day, he's exhausted and a bit out of it as they comb through his locks when they accidentally yank his head a bit on a knot. The gasp and groan he let's out is just wonderful but he's shocked out of exhaustion and a bit embarrassed.
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mutantthedark · 1 month
Your oc and soap looks like siblings 😂🫵
Um... do they? 😅
Halia has bright crystal blue eyes, Soap's eyes are bit darker blue.
Their hair color is different. Their nationality is different. My opinion? To me, they don't look like siblings :/
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inksandpensblog · 9 months
Love how everyone else is so enthusiastic meanwhile Yellow is just. Politely clapping.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
レインコードのファンミで小高さんにサインもらった話。 Sroty about getting Kodaka-san's autograph at RAIN CODE fan meeting.
※ファンミでサントラを購入した人向けに小高さんのサイン会があってそれの話です。 * There was an autograph session with Kazutaka Kodaka, open to those who purchased the original soundtrack at the fan meeting.
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注: この漫画の中に出てくる私の姿は実際の私の見た目に全く似せていません。 当日は全然違う髪型&服装でした。
Note: The way I look in this manga does not resemble me at all. I just drew a look that was easy for me to draw, so the hairstyle and clothes are completely different from mine.
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I was surprised when he suddenly announced during the event that he would sign autographs for those who bought the OST, and I was very nervous because I was really unprepared to talk to him. But when he asked me to continue to support them, I was able to answer very clearly, "Yes, of course!" 😊
多分何を話したところで、後から「ああ言えばよかった」、「これを伝えればよかった」、と後悔してただろうし、小高さんの方から「応援してください」と言ってもらえたのは本当に最高でした。 ((もちろん言われなくても応援するつもりでしたよ小高さん!))
I think no matter what I told him, I would probably have regrets like "I should have said that" or "why didn't I tell him that", so it was the best possible experience that he asked me to support them. (Although I would have supported them even if he hadn't asked me!)
小高さんの顔をはっきり描いたコマは、小高さんが本当にすっごくまっすぐ目を見て話してくれたってことを表現したくて頑張ったんですが…あんまり似てないですね😅 すごい優しい感じの笑顔だったということが伝われば幸いです!
As for the frame where I clearly portrayed his face, he actually looked me straight in the eye and said that, and I wanted to make sure that I expressed that accurately. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it look too much like his face 😅 But I hope you can see that he smiled gently!
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dramatisperscnae · 2 months
@cxpedcrusxder (for arthur, bruce has decided to be a little shit)
It's a text, and an image, of Bruce posed suggestively in a way that really only vaguely keeps it from being an actual nude photo. Taken in his bathroom mirror, the cheeky grin he wears is enough to show he knows what he's doing. The text reads: {text to: Arthur ❤️} I miss you~ 😘
Of all the things Arthur's expecting when his phone goes off, it is definitely not that. He's certainly not complaining by any means, but he's never actually considered Bruce the type to do something like this.
Now that he thinks about it, he's not sure why.
There's a bit of a delay in his reply as he takes his time admiring that image, but it's no longer than a couple of minutes.
[text: Taku Manawa🦇] You realize I can be there in less than an hour, right?
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