#rude behavior
clairethecutepup · 2 months
Okay, some tumblr etiquette, dear users: DO NOT use tags for posts, unless that post actually contains something to do with what's listed... I think I speak for all of us in the "Corn Kidz 64" community, for one thing and sorry to say, when we see posts spammed that have nothing to do with Seve, Alexis nor even Ally.
I'm already annoyed by "sex bots" (fake accounts for advertising porn) taking over tags like "Ed Edd n Eddy," I don't want to also dig through unrelated content to see others' posts of actual CK64 stuff nor even have MY stuff get drowned out by unrelated content. I already have all the far better CK64 content to steal attention away from my stuff, thank you. 🧐
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Mad the mask stops me from spitting on people who think pepper spray is funny
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
Me: I don’t think anyone can tell I’m from Baltimore. I don’t have any sort of accent that indicates where I’m from.
My Colorado born and raised partner any time I say a word with an ‘O’ in it:
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bc-byron · 1 year
Never Double Dip
I hope you know how low it isto double dip a chip.It's rude and crude for bitten foodto make a second trip.In manners school they teach the rulethat double dipping isn't cool.Don't be a punk and double dunka chip that touched a lip."Just think of others," Mother said.That's why I TRIPLE dip.-B.C. Byron Make sure to use each corner, and dip quickly so the mouth germs don’t have time to migrate to…
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I'm making a callout post
@strawberri-syrup left the call without even saying goodnight OR goodbye
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cksdays · 2 years
Dealing with Jerks
It’s not easy but it must be done. #jerks #contention
I was discussing the rude behavior of a certain individual with a friend. My friend, positive this person was aware of his actions, made the assumption that he would cower under a perceived authority figure. “Surely,” she surmised, “he’d act different toward this person’s wife.” I thought about it. “Only if he thinks he is doing something wrong. But let’s face it, he probably isn’t aware of how…
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oca-rinn-a · 3 years
people who have phone conversations in smaller indoor public spaces and/or while ordering or checking out at a store, please change your behavior.
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Alright. My building has 7 apartments, which means there are 7 trash bins. Of those 7 only apt 1, 4 and 7 have numbers, I’m assuming 2,3,5 and 6 wore off.
Someone keeps filling up EVERY SINGLE UNNUMBERED BIN every week!!!!!I know it’s the same apartment - it’s the same bags. I think it’s the 3rd floor (apt 5), they are the same ones who put pizza boxes in my (labeled) recycling bin.
So I have a cricut. I have vinyl. The number 3 is fairly easy to cut out. The question is - do I make it black or do I make it purple or hot pink or rose gold?
I think rose gold will be hard to see. Purple is pretty close to black but hot pink is pretty much on brand for me?
Either way after trash pickup tomorrow I’m claiming a bin. I’m tired of this.
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greateggcult · 3 years
somebody is going around the homestar runner wiki and vandalizing it.
There’s a section now dedicated to “Allen’s cock”. I’m going to start taking screen shots. Was not expecting to stumble across this.
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cork-screw-who-420 · 3 years
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Okay, which one of you did this to The Cheat?
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trafficpan-ic · 3 years
You all not wishing me luck or success is like killing me -one and only mood
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 3 years
In the past when I would get rude comments on my stories, my heart would plummet and I’d get the need to argue back, to let them know how rude and unnecessary it all was.
But now, my heart sometimes still plummets and occasionally I get the itch to reply but instead I just delete the comment and forget about their existence. Their opinion is as empty as the void I limited them to 💆‍♀️
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krabandkrill · 3 years
Bb, for someone who doesn't care about us as an "invasive species", you're really bothered by how much we're messed up.
... Come to think of it, you aren't really acting like you hate us at all... You even seem to be the one who cares about us the most?
If we agree to be your army will you accept us as family? I've never been in either before, but I imagine the latter must be quite nice.
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Big brother:...my must your life be sad and depressing if you consider the vaguest form of concern towards you to be affection, or even ask to become part of a family of a creature which will not hesitate to kill and eat your kind.
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Throwback: Meghan the rude one
Throwback: Meghan the rude one
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cherry-valentine · 5 years
The other day I was pushing my mom through a store in her wheelchair. A random woman, a complete stranger to us, stares at mom for a minute then looks at me and loudly asks, “So what’s wrong with her?”
Context: My mom is very sensitive about her disability and always feels embarrassed about having to use a chair. She tries to draw as little attention as possible to herself. It’s such an issue for her that she refuses to go in local stores because she’s afraid of running into someone she knows, so we always go out of town for shopping trips. It’s also worth noting that we are both quiet in public and definitely do not give off any kind of “talk to us” vibes.
My mom immediately turned red. I was stunned that this woman could be so rude. I chose to ignore her and move on down the aisle. The woman literally PUTS HER HAND ON THE BACK OF THE WHEELCHAIR to try to stop me, and asks again, even louder, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH HER?” (it’s also incredibly rude to ask someone else a question ABOUT a person in a wheelchair instead of asking them directly, as it implies you think they can’t speak for themselves). I looked up at the woman in shock. She apparently mistakes my shock for stupidity, because she points at mom and says, “YOUR MOTHER,” as if I don’t know who she’s talking about, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH HER?”
Again, I decide to ignore her instead of making an even bigger scene and drawing more attention (at this point people were beginning to stare). I pushed the wheelchair forward, causing the woman’s hand to release it, and made it almost to the end of the aisle before I hear the woman yell, “DID SHE HAVE A KNEE REPLACEMENT?”
I finally turned around, gave her the most angry glare I could, and said, “NO.” and left the aisle.
I honestly couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe anyone could be so rude, or so ignorant, that they thought any of that would be okay. So please, even if you are trying to be friendly or helpful, even if you have the best of intentions, DO NOT DO THIS. Unless you have reason to believe the person is in need of assistance, don’t approach strangers in wheelchairs and start loudly quizzing them about their disabilities. Some people, like my mom, are very self-conscious about it and do not want to discuss it with strangers.
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