#ruins of war
azertyrobaz · 2 years
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I never thought of it like that.
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queen-daya · 7 months
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Hunter Being Omega’s Dad -> Ruins of War
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locitapurplepink · 4 months
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Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @trapezequeen , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @catcucumber-salad , @aesira-of-orion , @storminormins and anyone else who wants to vote this one.
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nightmonkeysstuff · 1 year
This may have already been noticed and pointed out by someone much smarter than me, but I just realized something about The Bad Batch that solidifies my opinion on how amazing it is.
Okay so we all remember this gorgeous clone
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This was Captain Wilco, who appeared in the episodes Spoils of War and Ruins of War from season 2.
He met his untimely end at the hands of rat bastard Rampart as follows:
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Now get this, the name Wilco comes from the military and radio voice abbreviation for “will comply”. HMM?? The writers of this show sat down and thought, “oh what should we name the clone that will get killed for disobeying orders from a pompous monster?”
How about fucking WILL COMPLY. Like- Bro.
The absolute detail and thought they put. Because not only did his name contradict his actions, it truly symbolizes the clones were so much more than soldiers. Even after Order 66, they were people who knew good from bad and right from wrong, they didn’t live to just follows orders.
So yeah that was my little rant, sorry if someone else had already pointed this out but I had to share. RIP Captain Wilco you were too good for the galaxy and RamFart can rot in hell.
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fanfoolishness · 5 months
Tech, Wrecker, poncho?
A Good Poncho
(Thanks for the prompts!)
"Got you something," Wrecker said, tossing a pile of cloth into Tech's lap. Tech blinked up at him, perplexed, and held out the cloth for inspection.
It was sturdy, dense material, yet finely woven in such a way that Tech suspected it would repel the elements handily. It was also woven in some of the most garish colors he had ever seen -- a nearly fluorescent yellow, running stripes of orange and red, and edging in a ferocious green.
"What is it, and why?" Tech asked skeptically.
"Souvenir poncho," said Wrecker, grinning. "Hey, if Hunter and I had to try to blend in, figured we'd get you something too just in case. You never know when you might need a good poncho!"
"I cannot fathom ever needing this item, Wrecker, but the thought is appreciated."
Tech groaned, coming to on his back. From the steady mechanical hum in his ears and the familiar sensation of the bunk below him, he knew he was back on the Marauder. His left leg throbbed, but the pain was noticeably less severe; that combined with his muzzy awareness of the situation suggested that his leg had been set and braced with the aid of some powerful pain medication.
"You're awake," Wrecker said from somewhere nearby. "Good to see it. Can't believe you were up and fighting on a broken leg!" His voice was warm with unmistakable pride.
Tech rolled to his side, squinting at where his brother sat nearby. His goggles were missing, likely removed by one of his brothers once it was apparent he had lost consciousness. "We have been genetically modified for increased pain tolerance and healing capability. It is not so surprising."
"I'm trying to give you a compliment." He chuckled. "Need your goggles? Here, I got 'em."
Wrecker handed them over, and Tech affixed them back over his eyes, the world shifting into clearer focus once again. He still felt peculiar from the effects of the pain medication, but knew that it would pass in time. "Thank you."
"Need anything else?"
Tech considered, running through the sensations in his body. "I am cold."
"Got it," Wrecker said, getting up and rummaging for something. He returned with a vast fabric square in yellow, orange, red and green, rolling it out over Tech and tucking it in around him. "Ha! Looks great on you."
Tech sighed. "I suppose you were right."
"About what?"
"'You never know when you might need a good poncho.' Thank you, Wrecker." He gave Wrecker a small smile, and was gratified when it was returned with one of Wrecker's ear to ear grins. Tech settled back against the bunk, warm and secure with the sounds of the Marauder around him, and fell back into a restful sleep.
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feathered-serpents · 2 years
Wait king you can't drop the idea of "ruins of war" and not elaborate 👀👀 did you have any other headcanon on that??
My gut feeling is that the next game will be in Egypt since the GoW 2018 was originally gonna be Egypt, but I'm super into the idea of a DLC back in Greece, like a brief look into what happened without having to commit a full 60hour game to it. Atreus trying to find a connection to his heritage would be so interesting, especially considering Kratos' desire to leave it in the past. I honestly dont think Atreus would be able to resist not checking it out if he had the chance and I'm into the idea that he'd be drawn to Greece naturally since his god powers essentially come from there
I don't honestly have too much for it! It's just a concept. Mostly based on how I thought "Ruins of War" sounded like a really DOPE DLC name
Here's what I do have in mind though
This would set up the next game which... would be in Egypt!
Like you, I also have a gut feeling it's going to be in Egypt. It's a pretty well-known mythology I'd say, about on par with the Norse mythos in terms of general knowledge. I also think the next game will be mostly if not entirely Atreus-led, so, this DLC would be entirely Atreus-led. Greece would be a bit of a pit stop before he reaches Egypt, because the two are VERY close together
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We wouldn't know at the start of the DLC that he's headed to Egypt, that would be revealed at the end. We'd just know he's going somewhere and that somewhere was not intended to be Greece
If he's on a boat, which I imagine he is, he's going to have to go right by it. And he would know that! I don't think he'd be planning on stopping there, but like you said, he couldn't resist. It’d start with “we’ll just sail by it” and go to “we’ll just stop at this one tiny island” and increase more and more until you’re exploring the mainland.
2. Angrboda is there
There's not much else to this. Angrboda is there! She would be the companion for the whole DLC. He brought her with him to see the world after spending her entire life in the Ironwood. He's very excited she's there and she's really mesmerized by everything she sees. It's all very cute
Also, speaking of the boat. I’m picturing one large boat he’s actually using to cross the ocean being a bit of a “home base” and a smaller, life boatish boat the player used to navigate around the Grecian shore. Atreus is rowing it of course, and Angrboda is the one sitting in the boat with him. Like Kratos did with Atreus and Freya. There would be a banter that goes like this:
Atreus: *groans*
Angrboda: You okay?
Atreus: Yeah. This is just harder than father made it look.
Angrboda: Oh! I can take over. If you need a break.
Atreus: No! No, I’m fine. I’ve got it.
Angrboda: Uh. Okay.
There’s an animation whenever you get out of the boat where Atreus is visibly rolling the pain out of his shoulders. But he utterly refuses to let Angrboda take over
3. New mechanics
New mechanics! I've posted about what I think an Atreus-led game would include, new magic, new shapeshifting, and maybe Atreus gets a sword. Specifically, I want to delve into the idea of "magic is tied to the land" like Freya mentions. This DLC would give a taste of that. Atreus would get a few new proper spells. Not runes. Spells. Greek spells. It's implied the lands of Greece have died since Kratos killed all their gods, but what if Atreus coming back reawakened it just a tiny bit? Since there's Greek god blood in him? He's the grandson of Zeus. The land would know him.
New shapeshifting form too! Just one. Probably a lion. Because lions are significant in Greek mythology AND fit the Egypt aesthetic so he can have it at the start of the next game and it would make sense! Lion Atreus! Woo! Maybe an eagle as well. A bird form would be fun, there’s a lot you could do with the flight aspect in gameplay
Maybe hold off on the sword for no other reason than I want Atreus' first sword to be a khopesh.
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Look at how cool that is. That's literally the only reason I don't want to give Atreus a sword in Greece, khopesh are Egyptian
4. Atreus would find out about Lysandra and Calliope
Despite being somewhat aware of his father's past... I don't think Atreus actually knows about Lysandra and Calliope. We never have any indication he does, and even after Kratos filled Atreus in on his past killing gods, I don't think he ever told him about his first family. I think it was too painful for him, and he probably justified it with "Why should he know? They're gone"
But I do think Atreus would want to know. Especially about Calliope. Family is important to him, we see that multiple times in the game. I think finding out about her would be a very bittersweet thing for him. He had a sister. He really had a sister! But she's gone... he'll never know her. It'd be a weird thing for him to process I think, and I'd want to see him go through that
I think Atreus takes very naturally to Greek writing. So, he’d find their names on something. Probably a monument in their honor. Something with the inscription “Lysandra, beloved wife and mother” “Calliope, beloved daughter.”
How he’d put together their connection to his father, and subsequently him, I’m not very clear on. It would probably be a gradual process. He finds their names and as the DLC goes on he’d slowly put together that they knew his father, and then at the end he’d realize they were his father’s first family. As well as how they died
That’s it! That’s all I’ve got. I know it seems like a lot but I still don’t know what they’re actually doing in Greece. Obviously “exploring” and “learning about Kratos’ past” but those are very broad. I have no idea what the particulars would be yet
I should also say, I don’t EXPECT this to be a real DLC. This is not a theory or even really speculation. It’s fanfic. Just an idea I’m having fun with and nothing more
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roguerebels · 2 years
Ep. 146 of #RogueRebelsPodcast!
We talk #TheBadBatch season 2 premiere!!
Toys, video game equipment, and who's the most hated?
Check out the FULL podcast for more wherever you listen!
#StarWarsPodcast #SpoilsofWar #RuinsofWar #Omega #Tech #Crosshair
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swreactions · 2 years
SWR Ep 100: The Bad Batch Season 2 Premiere with Jason Fry
Welcome to the 100th episode of Star Wars Reactions!
HAPPY 2023!!!!!
Host Aaron Harris is flying solo this week but don’t worry, sitting down with him for this episode is the legendary author and Mets fan Jason Fry!
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Together, they break down the season two premiere of the hit animated series The Bad Batch! You don’t want to miss a moment of their discussion of “Spoils of War” and “Ruins of War”. From the return of our band of misfits to the introduction of new characters, they cover it all.
Plus Jason lets us know about his upcoming book from DK, Star Wars Timelines! Click the link below to pre order your copy now!
Aaron closes things out with the first Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week! This is a centennial you don’t want to miss!
Star Wars Reactions: Elegant discussions for a more civilized age!
Follow Jason Fry on Twitter!
Pre order Star Wars Timelines here!
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movyman32 · 2 years
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jonberry555 · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Pertes considérables des Japonais," Le Soleil. April 12, 1943. Page 15. ---- Voici une preuve de l'efficacité et de la valeur des fusiliers marins et des soldats américains. Ces chalands et ces barges ont été coulés dans la rivière Lunga et photographies après que les Japonais eurent été chassés de cette ile de l'archipel des Salomon. (Central Press)
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welcometotheoddlands · 11 months
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The temples and anomalies all look like burned out wrecks to me.
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Omega Smiling in Every Episode -> Ruins of War (2x2)
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locitapurplepink · 3 months
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Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @trapezequeen , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @catcucumber-salad , @aesira-of-orion , @storminormins , @thebadbatch2022 and anyone else who wants to vote this one.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
After seeing your headcannons for the merrical kids, I’m curious about why BD-1 is not allowed to babysit?
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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ddeck · 1 month
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"I sense my padawans. Aayla Secura shimmering in the force — a beacon of blue light."
— Star Wars: Republic #75
+ close-up undercut
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