#rumple's c wip
cepheusgalaxy · 1 month
Meet the wip: Rumplestilstkin's Child
[PT: Meet the wip: Rumplestilstkin's Child /end PT.]
Extra info:
Tags: #rumple’s c wip
Genre: High fantasy
nope. haven't done it yet
About the setting: I’m not really sure. Fantasy land, I guess. Castlevania vibes? Idk
Notes section:
I love this one. Is probably my oldest wip but I haven’t worked on it much
The story follows Vaiva, a child that was stolen from its mother at birth afterher having made a deal with Rumplestilstkin
This wip goes all the way back from when I had a little fairy tale book collectiona and there was a little rumplestilstkin tale there about a mother who gave away her child to him after making a deal in desperate circumstances... and i couldn’t help but imagine what happened to the child?
Previously used tags: n/a
Cast: Vaiva [protagonist], Rumplestilstkin [minor antagonist/supporting/minor character????], (undefined cast)
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
Candied Apples 𖤣𖥧𖡼⚘.˚⭑ anticipated july 19 ❤︎❤︎
the THIRD & FINAL part of ⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall | main masterlist COMING THIS FRIDAY. FINALLY.
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18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | 2/3 parts | wip | word count: pending. thievery in the garden.
You shiver again. You just want his hands back, even just the forefingers that had lingered on your shoulders — something, anything. You gnaw at your lip. “C-Captain?” you say meekly. “Rocket?” “Yeah, angel?” You can’t feel his touch, but you can tell he’s toying with the bow. The featherlight weight of it shifts against your spine; the ribbon whispers against your skin.  “Touch me?” you beg softly. “Please?” “Gonna,” he husks. “But sweetheart, I told you I was a real jackass. Greedy. Mean as shit. Told you I was awful.” You hear him inhale: so slow and steady and measured that you think it must be in an effort to keep his own control. “I’ll be rough with you later like you asked for, angel — but this first time, I’m gonna be mean. I’m gonna be so frickin’ lightfingered that you’re gonna feel like you aren’t being touched at all.” Your flesh heats and you find yourself shivering again at the same time: hot and cold, fevers and chills. Slowly — slowly — he pulls on one of the tails of the bow, and you can feel the tension of the knot at your back, being pulled taut. The slight tug is echoed in the tangle of nerves in your belly, tied somewhere right around your cervix: tightening, tensing. Then the knot holding together the back of your dress melts into something slack and loose. Maybe it would be nice if the knot in your abdomen did that too — but, perversely, it only winds tighter. Another whimper rises high in the back of your mouth and bubbles out, soft and pleading. He chuckles at the sound — and abandons the bow.  Just — drops the threadbare ribbon to stroll another circle around you, eyes licking hungrily over your loosened straps, the disheveled dip in your neckline, the way your knees peek out from the rumpled ruffle of your skirt and press into the cushion on the floor. The way your fingers curl desperately into the worn fabric.
there is another preview of this chapter.... the THIRD & FINAL part of ⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall is COMING THIS FRIDAY. FINALLY.
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wind·fall /ˈwin(d)ˌfôl/ noun. an apple or other fruit blown down from a tree or bush by the wind; an unexpected piece of good fortune.
semi-shy touch-deprived reader tries to avoid meeting knowhere’s intimidating captain. is profoundly unsuccessful.
based on a prompt by @creativepromptsforwriting: The apartment she moved to has a beautiful, well-tended garden. After a while she finds out that her neighbor is the one tending to the plants and she decides to help him out one day.
⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall masterlist | main masterlist flower dividers & banners by @/saradika-graphics
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notasapleasure · 8 months
Ahhh so excited to see the fabulous WIP list!!! I would love a little teaser for C: We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo's - if that sounds fun. <3<3<3
Thank you my dear!!! <333 Here you go - I hope it's as fun to read as this bit was to write! It was sort of a challenge set by @r0b0tb0y to figure out what it would take to get Brasso to lamp Cassian, and how much Cassian would enjoy it...
The draft's getting awfully long and needs some editing, but hopefully it'll be ready to post soon.
(ask me about my wips!)
Cassian fell to the floor and felt a bruising jolt in his arse and pelvis, felt the bare stone graze his palm where he tried to break the fall. He anticipated the sharp crack of his head against the floor to follow, but Brasso dived down to catch him, his hands buried in the lapels of Cassian's huge coat.
He was half straddling Cassian, a knee on the floor to one side of his hips, and a boot planted on the other side of him, so he looked like he might be about to propose before nutting Cassian squarely in the nose.
His expression didn't actually do much to dispel that notion, and, as he felt the pain swell in his jaw, Cassian thought he could probably live with that general turn of events.
"Cass, I'm sorry, shit, I thought you were coming for me, you stupid bantha fucker." Brasso released one hand from Cassian's coat to take his chin and turn his head from side to side. His fingers probed Cassian's scruffy beard for blood or swelling and their tips were hot where they met skin. Brasso's eyes were warm and worried, his lips parted a little, grease on his cheeks and brow from work, and nog still glinting wetly in his stubble.
With sudden conviction, Cassian's cock gave a twitch and heat throbbed in his guts - harder than it had done earlier when Brasso had gripped his wrist. The pain in his jaw and his bruised arse cheek seemed to throb in time with it, and Cassian licked his lips quickly, composing his argument as well as he could: "Do that again."
"What?" Brasso squinted at him.
Cassian gave Brasso the most honest look he could muster and tossed his chin. "Again. Hit me."
Brasso pulled a face and his eyes slid away from Cassian's like he hadn't noticed the element underlying his request. He placed a thumb and forefinger to either side of Cassian's eye-socket and peered into the depths, anywhere but directly into the fierce centre, muttering about knocks to the head and concussion.
There was nothing for it, Cassian figured, feeling each touch of Brasso's hand on his cheek like a branding iron. He grabbed the back of his friend's neck with his grazed hand and pulled him into a kiss that bumped teeth against teeth with the initial force of the gesture.
Brasso made a sound of surprise, muffled against Cassian's bottom lip, and Cassian tilted his head to press his tongue into Brasso's mouth. He tasted of the same damned nog - but on his tongue it was mellow, sweet but not cloying, something Cassian pushed for sample after sample of.
Brasso did kiss Cassian back eventually - slowly, carefully exploring and meeting Cassian's movements, his hand slipping away from Cassian's face to hold him up by both lapels again.
When Cassian let him pull away, Brasso looked down at him with a measured expression that did more to tighten Cassian's pants than swooning adoration would have done. Brasso's cheeks were flushed, yes, and his hair rumpled and spiked in disarray from Cassian's fingers, and there was a smudge of blood on his cheek from Cassian's grazed palm - but his expression was that of a man standing on the gallows scaffold, resigned to his fate, a little stunned by it, but relieved, at last, to see an end to uncertainty approaching.
"That's it...?" he said softly, almost like he was unaware of the words emerging.
Cassian laughed and squirmed, trying to rub his cock against the inside of Brasso's thigh and inject some equivalent urgency into his partner. "Doesn't have to be...hit me again and let's see where it goes."
"You stupid - " Brasso started saying again, more decisively than his previous words.
Cassian cut him off, figuring it didn't much matter what kind of stupid he was this time. He pulled Brasso into a kiss again and it was only brought to an abrupt end when Brasso moved back to brace himself and haul Cassian to his feet by his lapels.
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uniasus · 7 months
Got tagged by @c-l-y-d-e for most recent line in a WIP.
Here's the end of the next part of the Wide Open Heart series.
Yugi gave him a peck. ::See you in a few seconds.:: Yugi disappeared and Yami flopped on his partner's bed. He instantly felt cold and missed Yugi, so he squeezed one of the pillows. He'd follow in a moment, but he wanted to lay here just a little bit longer in the bed they rumpled. Scent was halfway imaginary in the Puzzle, like many things were, but he took a deep breath anyway and vaguely noticed Yugi's hairspray and leather, the sweater scent of coconut, the whiff of sweat. Smiling, he joined his partner in the real world.
I'd tag more people but rushing to pack - so have at it, anyone eager to share!
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
7, 21, 37 for the WIP ask game!
Woo! :D
7. When are you most likely to kill a character?
If we're talking fic then very rarely. Given that I tend towards fluff or H/C with a heavy emphasis on the comfort, I don't often kill characters off. Most likely it'll be either because it's already canonical (a rewrite of a scene, an AU where I'm following the same basic events), or they're a comparatively minor character whose death is forwarding the plot in some way.
21. What is a word you use too much?
Out of curiosity I slapped a few of my fics into an online word counter and excluding obvious stuff like character names, "eyes" came up a fair bit. Which tracks because yeah, when I'm at a loss to describe what a character is doing I generally revert to them looking at something to spark a new thought or explanation. I should probably work on that😅
37. Name a series you’ve abandoned writing
Box Step Love. I got about 17k into a rumbelle (Rumple and Belle from Once Upon a Time) ballroom AU a couple of years back before setting it aside. Honestly, at this point I can't even remember why I stopped writing it, but I remember being happy with what I had! It's one of my many, many "Maybe I'll finish it someday" fics.
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hencethebravery · 4 years
>> first and last lines writing game <<
I’ve been writing all wknd so I’m going to take advantage of that and play these games that @eirabach has been doing. I love you, boo.
Tagging: @jump-on-winds-back @mymostimaginaryfriend @justanotherwannabeclassic @distant-rose @jadeddiva @soft-october-night
>> 01. last line(s) you’ve written
01. wip, “dearly departed,” spn, deancas: Despite all this, and perhaps in keeping with his own preference for following through on his habits, he has never once stayed for Open Mic Night. It’s not as if he has anything against it in theory, he just never felt especially compelled to do so. And he was never a big fan of crowds generally.
“You should think about staying tonight,” Meg advises, sliding his third cup back over the counter. “I’ve heard this guy before, he’s good.”
02. wip, “the apportioners,” og: Case in point: Never betray a demi-god. Particularly one so unbelievably busted. Who would go so far as to force her to watch the other demi-god she is almost certainly (and regrettably) falling in love with, commit one more atrocity. To force her to watch her son die. Again. To force her to watch him choose between her and his family. Far, far more trouble than they’re worth. And sure—sure. She is angry. She may well always be angry. And yet. There’s the kitchen. The small, warm kitchen with the cream-colored tiled floors, inlaid with red grout. Where Edie makes too much bread and Estelle stores her spelled sourdough starters. Where Greg made her a cup of chamomile tea and described the unique softness of Clemente’s thread—how it curled and straightened and existed. And so she refuses. She refuses to do what some other irreparably broken version of her friend has expected her to do.
So. She lets him go. Again.
>> 02. first lines of my last 20 10 (20 is just... so fucking many; if you wanna do 20 be my guest but i have shit to do today) fics
01. wip, “dearly departed,” spn, deancas: Creative writing is so not his forte and really, what’s there to say about The Lodge that hasn’t already been said? A revolving door of adjectives that infect the collegiate discourse every few years—when some starry-eyed freshman sees the tall, thin door frame in all its carved, unknowable glory and gets it in their sweet, sweet head that surely no one has ever thought to opine on the virtues of a local, now-legendary establishment that seems to have haunted Main Street since long before time began. So, what is there to say that hasn’t already been said?
02. complete, “untitled,” spn, deancas: The two of ‘em establish the somewhat rude habit of bailing during get-togethers without telling anyone. They stop answering their phones at any point before noon shortly after that. He’d call it a side effect of New Couple Syndrome (NCS), but it’s something they continue doing long after any reasonable person would call something “new” (and honestly, he’s not even sure you could say it was “new” when it was new, technically).
03. complete, “untitled,” spn, deancas: There’s a fucking manticore in Memphis. Seriously. Human face, body of a lion, the whole freakin’ nine.
“Certainly one of the more… imaginative of God’s creatures,” Castiel muses, “albeit, unsustainable.” 
04. complete, “herbalist’s guide to skyrim,” star wars, reylo: Rey Kenobi really needed to get in the habit of bringing dates to restaurants she had no emotional attachment to. She had already lost an unacceptable number of extremely dear favorites that had been there for her when she’d had less than nothing and now? Blighted by the memory of mediocre men who she knew she had given far too much power. She knew she had an association problem, okay? She and her mildly overpriced therapist were working on it. Had been working on it. For a while. She really missed the dumplings from Hunger Pang.
05. complete, “a grief observed,” star wars, reylo: The presumptive triumph inherent to the return of the self? Painfully short-lived. It is brief and blinding and there is a feeling akin to invincibility singing in his veins. A humming that echoes in the gruff tenor of what could only be his father’s voice. How it must have felt when the heroes made yet another daring escape—against all the odds. The euphoria that occurs when you have begun to think that maybe, just maybe, you’ve finally won. It makes the loss so much worse than he could have ever imagined. Not when you’ve gotten so close to having everything you never even knew you wanted. And that’s half the battle, isn’t it? Knowing what you want. Like it’s easy.
06. complete, “a super solid history of the “good old fashioned lover boy(s),” c. the beginning (or there about) to now-ish,” good omens, aziraphale x crowley: Perhaps one of the cruelest tricks that God has ever played (and the list was indeed long) was in allowing angels to believe they were incapable of love. There is some amount of debate as to whether or not this was entirely by accident. She was a busy woman after all━perhaps that was why it, the question of whether or not angels were truly capable of love, had slipped through one of her metaphysical cracks (of which, admittedly, there were many). Those who managed to refrain from falling had quite an easier time believing this particular theory to be very much the case. A largely unspoken, slightly offended, “She would never,” followed by an affirmation of the belief in the long held assumption that they were above such things anyway, so really, what did it even matter, and can we please return to the task at hand?
07. complete, “first family,” ouat, captain charming: If the chronically thin, awkward, and punk-ass 15 year old version of Killian Jones could have, somehow, opened a portal in time and space; a feat which might have allowed him to peer into the future in an attempt to witness what it might hold, he would have likely imbibed several ill-advised shots of cheap bloody rum, and then quite dramatically flung himself atop the rumpled sheets of his perpetually unmade bed. If the younger Jones had even an inkling of the type of life he’d be living as a 35 year old man─with a full time job, a mortgage, a husband, one wildly photogenic dog─he would have done everything in his power to steer himself off such a disturbingly clean-cut, well-behaved course.
08. complete, “untitled,” ouat, captain swan: Rather predictably (and not without a somewhat inevitable feeling of frustration), Emma Swan was one of those people who had never put much stock in the notion of “vibes.” She had a “freaking superpower,” according to Ruby, which allowed her to suss out the truth about people, but as soon as Ruby suggested that the same might be true of certain places, Emma had chuckled, as if it was some unheard of thing.
09. complete, “untitled,” ouat, captain charming: In the end, he’d chosen the place because to be quite bloody honest it was precisely where you might expect the writer of an obscure indie mag to live. It was an older building (a suitably generous designation), tucked in between the modernist monstrosities of the last 20 or 30 years. Replete with gorgeous, if not ill-kept, accoutrements framing the windows; crumbling steps and a brick exterior in varying shades of red and orange. The aesthetic was rounded out by the kind of neglectful landlord you might expect, a horrid man who frequently enjoyed reminding his tenants that he lived, “out of state,” and they’d have to, “be patient.”
10. complete,” untitled,” ouat, captain charming: There’s an old adage about assumptions that Killian Jones finds physically repulsive. It is so unerringly awful, in fact, that he won’t even deign to repeat the thing in his own head. You know what it is, it’s not as if he needs to speak the actual words. And regardless of the fact that there’s this old, tired saying about assumptions, people still do it, and he’s done it, and ya know what? It kind of worked out in his favor, so, take that.
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jackabelle73 · 4 years
Kind of late, but for the Time themed fic asks how about: Friday and Fortnight?
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
It was hard to pick just one, b/c really, isn’t all fanfic an exercise in self-indulgence? After considering my AO3 page, I’m going to say Operation Labrador. I’m picking this one b/c it’s so tooth-rottingly and unapologetically fluffy. It was a gift fic, and the giftee requested fluff, so that gave me permission to silence the voice in my head that all good stories need conflict. I incorporated my life-long love of animals into this fic, and I included all my favorite characters and give them the relationships I wanted them to have. I turned Storybrooke into a peaceful town where all the characters get along and the worst problem they have is finding some lost puppies. Okay, so maybe there’s a smidgen of angst -- lost puppies? oh no! -- but it’s all resolved so easily and tied up in such a neat bow, that it hardly matters. Definitely indulged myself while writing this one. 
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
I think it’ll probably be my Showdown fic from last year, which may be published under that title b/c I have yet to pick a real title for it! I knew when I was eliminated from the Showdown after two rounds that I wanted to finish it, and I’ve been chipping away at it, a few words at a time, ever since. It’s up to 18K words, and I think the majority of the story is there. I just need to go back and fill in some gaps, and polish it. I’m testing my dubious self-control with my plan to finish it before posting. 
Here’s a sneak peek, from what will probably be chapter three: 
“What cake Bae like?” Gideon asked. 
“Bae never had cake,” Rumple confessed. 
Gideon sat straight up, staring at his father in dismay. “No cake? Never ever?” 
Rumple held out a hand to him. “Come here, son.” 
Gideon scrambled to sit on his Papa’s lap, where Rumple could hold him and stroke his wayward curls. 
“Gideon, when Bae was your age, we didn’t live in this large castle. And I didn’t have magic.”
“Why no magic?” he asked. 
“Well, I wasn’t born with magic, like you. I acquired it later.” 
“Oh. Where Bae live? Little castle?”
“No. We lived in a very small house, and we didn’t have much.”
“Much what?” Gideon asked, confused. 
Rumple hesitated, and looked for Belle for guidance. How to explain to their son, who had never wanted for anything in his short life, how desperately poor his father had once been?
“Gideon, how many toys do you think you have in your room?” Belle asked. 
His little face scrunched in thought. “Hun’red?” he asked, naming the biggest number he knew. 
“Oh, I bet it’s more than that,” Rumple teased, bouncing him on his leg and making him laugh. “It’s probably a thousand by now.” 
“Is tousand more than hun’red?”
“Oh, yes. Much more.” 
“And how many books do you think you have?” Belle asked.
“A tousand hun’red!” Gideon yelled. 
“Rumple, when Bae was Gideon’s age, how many toys did he have?” Belle asked, after they’d stopped chuckling at the answer. 
“Oh…. I’d say four, or five, maybe?” 
Gideon counted on his fingers. “That all?” 
“And how many books did Bae have?” 
Rumple shook his head. “None.” 
“No books?” Gideon jumped up, agitated. “Papa! Bae need books! And toys! And cake!” 
“Yes. Bae deserves to have all those things.” Rumple looked pained as he said it. 
“When Bae come home? You say he come home when I older. I this many!” he exclaimed, shoving four upheld fingers in his father’s face. “When Bae come?” 
“Well, Gideon…” He glanced at Belle quickly, and she nodded. It felt like the moment had arrived. “When Bae comes home, is up to you.”
“Me?” Gideon’s eyes went wide with wonder. 
“Yes. We can find Bae, and bring him home, but it will take all three of us. And you, my boy, are the most important person for this spell. You can bring Bae home to us, if that’s what you want.” 
“Yes! Yes, Papa!” Gideon exclaimed, jumping up and down. “We do it now!” 
“Are you sure, Gideon? You’ll have to be very brave,” Rumple cautioned him. 
“I brave!” he insisted, and stood up tall. “Mommy’s hero! Heroes brave!”
“Alright then,” Belle said, reaching out to take Rumple’s hand in hers and squeeze in reassurance. “Let’s go get your brother.” 
Thank you for sending the ask! This was fun!
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gettingitwrite · 5 years
6 and 18 for the ask game? c: -touchingmadness
Oooo thank you! I’ve already answered 18 (it was dialogue) but here’s 6 <3
6. Search for the word “dream” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context
For a moment, Lynda thinks she’s walked straight back into heaven. The bedroom inside matches the angelic appearance of the demon who inhabits it. Everything is white and gold, the expanse of her king bed covered in plush pillows and a white fur throw, though the covers are rumpled. Standing here, the events of the past few days could almost be a dream.
(have the whole paragraph because CONTEXT)
This is when Lynda (the fallen angel) first meets Mahogany (a demon that looks like an angel, though doesn’t act like it). Mahogany’s bedroom reminds her of heaven.
Ask List Here
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
The OC Masterpost (2.0)
A while ago, someone asked who were my ocs, so I made a big post introducing them. Since then, the post became outdated so i decided to make a new one. They are separated by wip.
main wips
1. Ein
2. Meine
3. Totsuka e Jandir (updated with Jandir's new name!)
secondary wips
4. Trisaster
5. Snow White
6. Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
7. The War Of The Human Throne (now with picrews!)
8. Unchosen One
9. Across Time and Odds
10. 9 Gates of Hell
11. The Witch's Paladin
12. Rumplestiltskin's Child
coming out eventually
13. Clou & Venera
14. Elysium
15. Gate
16. Rosered
wipless ocs (they need a whole other post)
Petrichor - (he/him/it) Witch guy in witch uni. He is a stoic and playful dumbass who thinks he's funny (x <- link to his design sheet)
Jake Valentine - (he/him) You will never hear about him from me but here he is
Gesse Valerie - (they/them) Jake's fuckbuddy
Michael Mia - (he/they/any) Ask me about him ask me about him
Yohann - (he/him) He's just a little guy, really
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OC Gallery [to be made] - Old OC Masterpost - WIP Intro [to be made] - My Silly Selfsonas Intro [to be made] - OC Trivia Bingo (original ask game) [to be made]
Feel free to ask me about any of them! ^^ I love talking about my ocs, and I also have a bunch of ask games saved you can pick an ask from.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
rumplestiltskin’s child
Basics: Vaiva (he/her/any)
Background: Sold to Rumplestiltskin by his mother at birth.
Role: Protagonist
Main traits: Mischievous, selfish, self-sufficient, hotheaded
*Notes: She makes shameless deals with people like daddy taught her to 😌
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jackabelle73 · 5 years
Number 5 from the New Year fanfic ask list?
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
Urrgh... you’re asking the hard question! I’m actively working on two WIPs at the moment, with two more waiting in the wings and clamoring for attention. I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to finish the first two before going back to the second pair; we’ll see if I can stick to that. 
So the two active projects are Love and Happiness (waiting months for an update b/c I got stuck) and the fic I started for the Showdown last year, which I’m trying to complete in its entirety before I post any of it on my blog. It doesn’t have a title yet, so I just refer to it as my Showdown fic. 
TBH, I’m not sure which of those will get finished first. I just know that I’ll be relieved when they do.
An excerpt of the Showdown fic: 
“What Bae’s favorite cake?” Gideon asked. 
“He never had cake,” Rumple confessed. 
Gideon sat straight up, staring at his father in dismay. “No cake? Never ever?” 
Rumple held out a hand to him. “Come here, son.” 
Gideon scrambled to sit on his Papa’s lap, where Rumple could hold him and stroke his wayward curls. 
“Gideon, when Bae was your age, we didn’t live in this large castle. And I didn’t have magic.”
“Why no magic?” he asked. 
“Well, I wasn’t born with magic, like you. I acquired it later.” 
“Oh. Where Bae live? Little castle?”
“No. We lived in a very small house, and we didn’t have much.”
“Much what?” Gideon asked, confused. 
Rumple hesitated, and looked for Belle for guidance. How to explain to their son, who had never wanted for anything in his short life, how desperately poor his father had once been?
“Gideon, how many toys do you think you have in your room?” Belle asked. 
His little face scrunched in thought. “Hun’red?” he asked, naming the biggest number he knew. 
“Oh, I bet it’s more than that,” Rumple teased, bouncing him on his leg and making him laugh. “It’s probably a thousand by now.” 
“Is tousand more than hun’red?”
“Oh, yes. Much more.” 
“And how many books do you think you have?” Belle asked.
“A tousand hun’red!” Gideon yelled. 
“Rumple, when Bae was Gideon’s age, how many toys did he have?” Belle asked, after they’d stopped chuckling at the answer. 
“Oh…. I’d say four, or five, maybe?” 
Gideon counted on his fingers. “That all?” 
“And how many books did Bae have?” 
Rumple shook his head. “None.” 
“No books?” Gideon jumped up, agitated. “Papa! Bae need books! And toys! And cake!” 
“Yes. Bae deserves to have all those things.” Rumple looked pained as he said it. 
“When Bae come home? You say he come home when I older. I this many!” he exclaimed, shoving four upheld fingers in his father’s face. “When Bae come?” 
“Well, Gideon…” He glanced at Belle quickly, and she nodded. It felt like the moment had arrived. “When Bae comes home, is up to you.”
“Me?” Gideon’s eyes went wide with wonder. 
“Yes. We can find Bae, and bring him home, but it will take all three of us. And you, my boy, are the most important person for this spell. You can bring Bae home to us, if that’s what you want.” 
“Yes! Yes, Papa!” Gideon exclaimed, jumping up and down. “We do it now!” 
“Are you sure, Gideon? You’ll have to be very brave,” Rumple cautioned him. 
“I brave!” he insisted, and stood up tall. “Mommy’s hero! Heroes brave!”
“Alright then,” Belle said, reaching out to take Rumple’s hand in hers and squeeze in reassurance. “Let’s go get your brother.”
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jackabelle73 · 6 years
This doesn’t make any sense meme
I saw this meme on The Ticklish Pear and thought it looked like fun, so I’m gonna do it even though no one tagged me. 
Rules: Find the first sentence of your WIP that contains each of these words: ‘this’ ‘doesn’t’ ‘make’ ‘any’ ‘sense’. Post them in order as if they’re a single excerpt.
I’m doing this twice b/c I couldn’t decide whether to use a Glee fic or an OUaT fic, so I’m doing one of each. 
For my Glee fic, I”m using my unpublished Klaine fairy tale WIP. 
She wasn't accustomed to being this far from Lima and tension had radiated through her muscles, felt by Kurt's legs against her sides, ever since they crossed the bridge into Westerland.
"The king doesn't usually pick my staff for me, or interfere in the running of the stables in any way.”
He'd make sure to give her one....if he got the chance.  
“Why can’t I go somewhere else, anywhere else?”
"And you?" he asked, out of an ingrained sense of politeness.  
For my OUaT fic, I’m using an unpublished Rumbelle s6 AU, also a WIP. 
Slowly, afraid that this was somehow a trick, she cracked her eyes open and looked at her husband perched on the edge of the bed in which she lay.
“Then…that doesn’t sound so bad.”
“I had to take it, at least temporarily, because I knew Pan or his shadow could be watching to make sure I did.”
She couldn’t speak any more, her words cut off by a racking cough.
“It’s the only explanation that makes sense though,” Will said reasonably.
I’m gonna tag: @ussjellyfish, @poca-staks, @rumple-belle, @galactic-pirates, @rumbelle-ficbrarian, @scribbles-by-kate, @redheadgleek, @lilyvandersteen, @klaineandbiscuits, @notthatbea, @slayediest, @hazelandglasz
There were more people I wanted to tag, b/c I was trying to spread it out over two fandoms and there are so many wonderful writers in each, but I should probably stop there. 
No pressure to participate, but if you do, tag me so I can see what you post!
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jackabelle73 · 7 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
Thanks so much for including me in this, Nonnie! I’m flattered. It took me a while to answer this, b/c I always struggle with picking my favorite anything. My answer is always, “I like different (fill in the blank) for different things.” And sometimes, it just depends on my mood when you ask me. 
That said, I picked three of my Glee fics and three OUaT fics. 
Just Another Gypsy
A Kurt-centric story, with other Glee characters making appearances. He’s a struggling theatre actor in NYC. The theatre geek in me had a lot of fun with this one, including as much theatre lore as I could. 
Careful the Wish 
A Klaine story in which they’re considering adoption through the foster care system. I know now that much of how I depicted a matching event wasn’t accurate, but I hopefully, the emotions came through. I’m proud of the ending on this one, especially b/c the appropriate ending occurred to at the last minute before my posting date. 
Between the Moon and New York City
This one’s still a WIP, nearing the end but it has a couple chapters left. I’m proud of it, if for no other reason, for being the longest fic I’ve written at ~95K words currently. It took me 2.5 years to write that much, but I did it. This fic will easily top 100K by the end, making it my first novel-length fic. I set it in my hometown in NC, where Blaine is a local and they meet when Kurt visits from his home in New York City. 
Once Upon a Time: 
Precious Moments
This isn’t one fic, but a series of ficlets, depicting everyday moment’s in Gideon’s childhood. I enjoy writing these b/c canon gave us so little of Rumbelle raising their child, so I love giving the fandom these fluffy family feels. 
Desperate Enough and Deciding Fate
I’m listing these two together b/c even though they were posted months apart as separate fics, they both play with the same set of headcanons. Desperate Enough shows Rumbelle’s first meeting, before their canon meeting, and Deciding Fate depicts what happens when Belle summons Rumple again. I got a lot of satisfaction from providing explanations for things that canon left vague or completely ignored. 
Operation Labrador
I wrote this one soon after getting involved in OUaT fandom, and I’m including it b/c it still makes me feel good. There’s no conflict between the main characters here. Instead, they’re all working together for a common goal. It depicts a Storybrooke where everyone’s happy and they all get along. 
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jackabelle73 · 7 years
Popular Fic by kudos meme
I was tagged by @mariequitecontrarie
Most popular fics on AO3, by kudos, are: 
Between the Moon and New York City (169)
Glee -- By far my longest fic, currently ~84K words over 13 chapters and nearing the end. Pretty sure it’ll top 100K when finished. I set it in my hometown and brought New Yorker Kurt to North Carolina, where he meets local guy Blaine. 
Precious Moments (82)
OUaT -- A ficlet series focused on Rumbelle raising Gideon. I’m a total sucker for kid fic, so I’ve had a lot of fun writing these and the response to them has been just as much fun. 
Between Present and Past (56)
OUaT -- This was meant to be a fun little one-shot, an AU of what might have happened if Belle had accompanied Rumple to NYC in the “Manhattan” episode. But I got a bigger response to the ‘one-shot’ than I’d anticipated, and wrote three more chapters. It’s still a wip, currently in limbo as I try to figure out how to proceed, but I haven’t abandoned it. 
All That Matters (36)
OUaT -- A one-shot (and will remain that way!) of the first few moments after Storybrooke residents are unexpectedly transported back to the Enchanted Forest. Mostly written b/c I wanted to show everyone’s reaction to Rumplestiltskin turning back into his sparkly imp self. 
Careful the Wish (36)
Glee -- I mentioned I’m a sucker for kid fic, right? In this one, Kurt and Blaine are considering adoption from the foster care system and attend an adoption event. This one is one of my favorite Glee fics that I’ve written, b/c the subject matter is near to my heart. 
Least popular fics on AO3, by kudos:
The bottom five are grouped pretty close together, with An Unexplored Realm, Holding My Soul Together, Learning Lullabies, Over the Slushie Rainbow, and Hummelberry in the Big Apple all having 0--10 kudos on AO3. For the most part, these are Glee fics that I transferred to AO3 long after they’d originally been posted on LJ or ff.net, so I’m not surprised they didn’t get much love on AO3. I’m slightly surprised that the OUaT fic An Unexplored Realm is so low on the list, but that fic got its share of attention here on Tumblr. 
I’ll tag: @nadiacreek, @black-john-lennon, @bonnie-wee-swordsman, @ficdirectory and anyone else who wants to do it! I’ve seen this meme mostly in the OUaT fandom, and almost everyone I could think of from there has already been tagged, so I branched out into other fandoms.
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jackabelle73 · 7 years
WIP meme: family, love, books
Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was at work and then had Internet problems. But I’m answering now! You gave me some great words, and I have more unfinished WIPs than I’d like to admit to, so here are just a few snippets that had those words. Under a cut b/c this got loooong, even without using every instance of the given words. 
“Is there a problem here?” Neal asked. He held a sword atthe ready.
“No concern of yours, boy,” Nottingham growled at him,hardly sparing him a glance. “You can run along.”
“Nah…I don’t think so. Belle is the only family I have inthis realm, so yeah, this concerns me.” Belle caught a ghost of a smile senther way, even as Neal kept his eyes on Nottingham, and she felt a warm glowinside. He’d called her family.
“Family?” He looked between them, as if trying to figurethat out, but quickly gave up. “Fine, then. I can take you.” Nottingham startedto draw his sword.
–untitled post-Lacey fic
Heartthudding, he turned….and there he was. His boy, dressed in….a larger versionof the clothes Gideon was wearing. Shocked out of the initial shock of simplyseeing Bae again, Rumple gaped at him, scanning him up and down.
“Go ahead,laugh. It’s his dream….it’s not like he knows what my style was when I wasalive.”
“I’m…suddenlyvery grateful that he left me in pajamas.”
And then theywere both chortling, pointing at each other’s clothes and laughing in a waythat Rumple hadn’t in ages. He loved the life he had now. He loved Belle, andGideon, and if asked he would say that he couldn’t possibly want anythingelse….except the man in front of him now, alive and whole and a part of theirhappy little family.
–from an untitled fic that I thought would be a “Precious Moments” ficlet, but it’s turning into something very different. I’m not sure what it is now.
“Belle…I want to know your child, darling. Of course I do.But–”
“No buts,” Belle said firmly, her heart sinking. “I thoughtI was quite clear, Father. You can accept me and my family, or not. If youwon’t accept us, then my child will grow up with no grandparents at all. Rumplewill see you out.” She didn’t raise her voice, but Rumple appeared at the dooron cue.
“You heard your daughter, Mr. French. I’ll walk you to thedoor.”
Maurice stood, but paused, looking down at Belle as ifhoping she would stop him.
“I’m sure the Storybrooke rumor mill will inform you whenthe baby is born. If you change your mind, you know where to find us. All youhave to do is find acceptance.”
–from an alternate S6 fic that I started as my NaNo project last November, and wrote 25K before I just ran out of gas. It’s sat on my hard drive ever since.
“I heard that the Dark One is the one who sent us here. And…thathe’s dead.” Another long drink from the flask, as he regarded her over it,waiting for her reaction.
She pushed down the voice inside her, the one that wanted toscream and wail and rage against all the gods for the unfairness of it all,that her True Love was gone and this waste of human existence still lived…butshe refused to let him see her feelings.
“Yes. He’s gone,” was all she said. “Now if you’ll excuseme, I have better things to be doing.” She turned away, to be brought up shortby her cloak, the end of which was held firmly in the grip of Nottingham.
–untitled post-Lacey fic
“So, Will…” The queen leaned forward to begin pouring thetea. “You’ve had dealings with this Dark One before, do you trust him?” Shepassed a cup to Rumple, who took it despite his complete disinterest inrefreshments. But the queen seemed to want to play out this little charade ofcivility, and Will Scarlet was clearly deferring to her. So he’d humor the bothof them….for now.
“About half as far as I can throw him,” Will responded,accepting his own cup. “Ta, love.”
“Which begs the question of why we should help him, or evenallow him into our castle.” She sipped her tea, looking at Rumple over the cupin challenge.
–from an alternate S6 fic that I started as my NaNo project last November, and wrote 25K before I just ran out of gas. It’s sat on my hard drive ever since.
Gideon was going through a phase. At least, Belle hoped tothe gods that it was just a phase. All the books she’d read agreed that it wasnatural for toddlers and preschoolers to push limits. That was how they learnedabout the world, and their place in it. Testing the limits of imposed rules,and their own abilities, helped them to learn how much they were capable of,and that there were consequences for breaking rules. It all sounded verylogical on paper.
None of the books ever said that she’d want to murder herown child.
–from the next “Precious Moments” ficlet
“I’d catch you eventually. You have to sleep sometime.”
“And you have toeat sometime—and I know ten different plants in this forest that will kill you.”He blinked, seeming to comprehend her words, so she pressed her point. “Itwould only take a few seeds in your flask, or a berry mixed in your food, andI’d never have to deal with you again.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“I’m not. I learned from the Dark One himself.” Inactuality, she’d learned more from books, but evoked Rumple’s name anyway. Hewas more frightening than her books any day.
–untitled post-Lacey fic
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jackabelle73 · 8 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
Okay, so this was harder than I expected. I’ve written relatively few fics, in only two different fandoms, compared to many fic authors who have a hundred fics spread over several fandoms. So I didn’t have to narrow down from an overly large pool of choices, but it was still hard. I like different fics of mine for different reasons, but that said, here are my chosen five, split between the Glee and Once Upon a Time fandoms: 
Just Another Gypsy (AO3) -- This fic combined two of my fangirl loves, Glee characters and Broadway. Kurt is a recent college grad just starting out as a Broadway performer. (Can’t find the Tumblr post, but available on AO3.) 
Careful the Wish  (AO3) -- Kurt and Blaine attend an adoption event. I think this one is close to my heart b/c kids and child-related issues are important to me, and I love the idea of Klaine starting their family through adoption. Fanart by @bowtiedarling. 
Between the Moon and New York City (AO3) -- Set in a small town in NC, where Blaine is a local and Kurt is a visiting tourist from NYC. This is a WIP, with 12 chapters posted so far and 4 planned chapters remaining. Fanart by @riverance
Operation Labrador (AO3) -- This was an RCIJ gift fic for @chrissykp, who requested “floof family fluff involving animals,” and I ended up having so much fun with that prompt. Rumbelle, dogs, almost all the Storybrooke characters working together for a common good...what’s not to enjoy? 
Love is a Locked Door (AO3) -- Set during Belle’s first night free in Storybrooke, after escaping the asylum. Canon-compliant, works as a missing-scene sort of fic. I enjoyed getting into Belle’s mindset for this one. 
Precious Moments (AO3) -- I couldn’t stand it, I had to give this one an honorable mention, so I’m listing six. This is a ficlet series that I recently started, that’s rapidly becoming one of my favorites to write. Each chapter is a stand-alone story, depicting an everyday moment in Gideon’s childhood that Rumple and Belle almost didn’t get to have. Shameless kid!fic fluff. Four installments so far, with several more prompts waiting to be filled. 
(I’ll tag people in their inboxes, after I put some thought into who hasn’t been tagged yet.) 
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