#running man animation liu
aster-may · 2 months
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My friend said Liu looked like a butch lesbian and now I cannot unsee it
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pacifil · 5 months
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emzi-148 · 5 months
So… I have this little thing I did where I, when I can, reference fandoms I'm in, but mostly referenced Ninjago. Here are the instances I did:
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(Neon is partially ionized Plasma & Chlorine is poisonous)
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Our teacher said we can label them with our own letters, so…
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Not really that heavily, but the blue & orange is referencing Jay & Cole, the green dot is Lloyd/Liu, the pink & grey is Miyo, and the red is Kai.
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And just recently:
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(don't mind my ugly handwriting)
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hozel-sol · 11 months
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Just comeback to the fandom 3 day ago, and I love Liu sm!! He's my favorite character!!
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willowkenshin1234 · 4 months
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superciput · 4 months
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catcucumber-salad · 2 months
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@locitapurplepink @aesira-of-orion @zaya-mo @chaioticcoffee @clownery-and-fuckery @emerie-karr @feeling-uncomfy @saphiranishimurashan @superciput
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First Post! Running Man Animation Concept Art by Seung Uk Hong
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zing-zing-2012 · 11 months
Liu and his cat
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Well well well green and his cat
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draikathedragon · 2 years
My Life Is Spiraling Out Of Control At This Point, So Have A Bug Boy Serotonin
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 months
Hii! How was your Christmas?
May I request Bi-Han, Reptile, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, and Kuai Liang with a s/o who decides to bring back a cat and sneak it into their shared home? And later they decide to introduce the cat to the boys and the cat instantly falls in love with the boys? (Separate please)
Thank you and have a happy new year! :)
author note: I survived Christmas so I can be happy🫡. Hope yours was good too! Happy New Year to you too dear!!!💫💫
warning: I noticed just at the end I changed a bit the prompt, if you want it redone tell me, no problem🫡
Bi-Han: -Battle of glares. The day you bring the cat in Bi-Han sets rules with the little beast. -If the cat tries to get cuddles while he is training with his men, he'll brush it off. -It's a bit depressing how much Snowflake (Snow for friends) loves Bi-Han, who barely scratches its chin, but you, a fool in love with the ball of fur, barely get a pur. -Your photo gallery is full of pictures of the cat sleeping on Bi-Han man-tits (smart kitty).
Syzoth: -He…doesn't really enjoy the cat presence; memories of cats playing with reptiles, 'till they get tired and… better not remember. -Since you mostly take care of Vinny, Syzoth doesn't have to worry much. Doesn't mean he won't jump every time the cat lands on his shoulders. -The first step is taken by the cat, curling on Syzoth legs for a power nap. He stayed still, greenish eyes wide. -You prompt him to caress the little furball head, and he does, slowly, prepared to run away if he senses an attack incoming. -Nothing happens, kitty now purring on his legs; it's a small step.
Liu Kang: -He loves it the second you bring the kitty home. -But there is a problem…Liu Kang is allergic to cats! He didn't think to heal from all kinds of allergies while he was at it. -He'll just look at you two from afar, cooing at you two cuddling. -The kitty will try to cuddle up to him more than once, attracted by his warmth, but if Liu Kang doesn't want to end up in the hospital, you'll have to take it away.
Shang Tsung: -He knows there is a new add in the house, just one foot in the house. -Shang Tsung despises the kitty, its black long fur, its wide soft eyes, his cute mewls… -He loves kitty, as much as he loves you (but not as much as he loves himself). He brushes the cat fur and gives the best food, to have always the shiniest fur. -The cat understands his good intentions, purring and making biscuits on his lap, but the animal still prefers to sleep with you, sensing some danger coming from the sorcerer.
Kuai Liang: -He…doesn't have the best relationship with cats, memories of angry cats scratching him when he was just a kid. -So he was worried that the cat would be wild, hurting you more than anything, but…Sparkle is nice! -Liang loves to scratch her under the chin, obtaining the cutest purs. -Sparkle loves to cuddle up on his lap, biscuits are often made on his chest, tho.
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aster-may · 1 month
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The sillies
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pacifil · 5 months
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Hihi!! Can I request (platonic) Jeff, Ben and Toby having an older brother-like relationship with a new teen/child!reader that’s been taken in by slender who has a habit of running off on adventures, climbing things they aren’t supposed to climb, never turning down a challenge no matter how dangerous or dumb, getting in trouble a lot, etc (except they survive every time somehow?? Who knows why.) please and thank u :) have a lovely day!!
Protective big brother figures, here we come.
Honestly, at his extremely old man age (of 28), he doesn't have the energy for this. BEN does his absolute best to look after you and keep his eyes on you, but he finds that to be challenging when you're constantly on the move. He finds it's better off that he just goes into your phone so he can be with you while you're running around doing stuff, so he can yell at you through the speakers to not pet that animal because it's extremely dangerous, don't try and climb that plant because it's poisonous, and do NOT challenge those demons to a fight, they WILL beat your ass. He feels like he'd have a heart attack if he wasn't already dead, but he keeps his eyes on you and proves to be a good big brother figure, just as he did for several other residents of the mansion. If you ever do get in trouble, he's quick to leave your phone and help you out, and shockingly, lectures you just like Slender always lectures them. He cares for you a great deal, and he doesn't want you to get gravely injured, especially with how dangerous the Underworld is, so he accompanies you whenever you're out and about. It gets him out of the mansion for a change, which is nicer than he'll admit to, and it allows him to keep watch over you, to the best of his abilities. Keeping you safe and happy is his biggest priority, and he does a damn good job of doing both of those things. 
Jeff has always been protective over Liu and everyone dear to him, but that really gets kicked up a notch with you. The man watches you like a hawk, because he knows the second he takes his eyes off of you you're gonna run off and do something stupid again. Jeff is tall and pretty damn muscular from all of his training, so if he physically has to hold you back or carry you away from something he will, and you aren't gonna get out of his hold. He honestly starts threatening to wrap you up in layers of bubble wrap before you leave the house every day, and if you seem particularly mischievous one day, he trails after you, knowing if he doesn't you're gonna come home with some form of injury. Jeff is honestly a good big brother figure, because despite the bullshit he gets up to, he never encourages it, and he never does it around you, and he's pretty damn good at getting you to relax quite a bit. He still lets you have fun, of course, but he hates seeing the people he cares for in dangerous situations, or constantly getting hurt, so he shows you some tough love. Jeff is honestly shocked at how much like Slender he starts to seem around you, in a good way at least. He gets better at explaining why you shouldn't be doing something, and he gets better at pushing you to put all your energy into more reasonable things. He's not perfect, of course, but he's a pretty damn good big brother. 
Toby, for the first time in his life, understands why Tim is always so fucking frustrated with him. You're exactly how Toby was when he first came to the mansion, and while he didn't see anything wrong with his behavior then, when it comes to the possibility of you getting hurt, or worse, he finally understands why Tim was always yelling at him for doing stupid stuff. While Toby still does stupid stuff, he tries to encourage you to do safer stupid stuff. If you wanna climb something, climb one of the trees safely on the mansion's grounds, instead of a tree directly next to a cliff. If you're gonna accept a challenge, at least make sure it's something you can do successfully, because he swears if he has to watch you get hurt from doing something you know is dumb one more time he's gonna blow a gasket. Toby teaches you the art of putting your chaotic energy into safer means, and while you still get in trouble every now and then, you come back to the mansion with far fewer injuries, and you seem much happier, now that you have your big brother Toby looking out for you and partaking with you. Tim teases the fuck out of Toby now though, because Toby will always come home with you and sigh in exhaustion, giving Tim a look that says he finally understands, and Tim says he deserves it to make up for everything he did to Tim and Brian.
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ghostherlig · 7 months
i am very slow with writing atm with being sick and also my wrists are starting to hurt more now that it's getting colder- but here's some silly goofy random headcanons while im recovering!! (for johnny, kenshi, raiden, and kung lao) under the cut bc this really ran away from me- (collected over the course of this entire day as things popped into my brain, i apologize for the mass of words you're about to read :'))
johnny can play piano!! he has a grand piano that he really loves and he plays anything from classical to ost's to his own little tunes whenever he thinks them up- he has a recorder attached to it so he can remember them or maybe post his own song one day
(based off the previous hc) if/when kenshi is over/moves in he'll play at night and let kenshi listen in- but randomly johnny will transition what he's playing into the jaws or michael meyers theme and that's kenshi's cue to start running- because now the house is in hide and seek mode, and as soon as johnny stops playing, he'll be searching
kenshi used to play the violin growing up, but he dropped it once he was old enough and competent enough to commit himself to the yakuza- he can still remember some of the songs he used to love to play. he hums them from time to time and has been caught doing the motions of playing the violin before
kenshi loves animals but has an extra soft spot for cats and bunnies especially- he's a cat magnet in places where strays are common, they always flock to him (he for sure keeps catnip in his pocket when he can)
johnny loves his action and hero films but kenshi enjoys romcoms and horror- romcoms for the stories and drama, and horror films because the sound design usually slaps- he also can tell you what fruit or vegetable was absolutely destroyed based on the sounds alone
lao and raiden are way too good at Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes- raiden is on the manual while lao is on the bomb and they can crack the normal mode in like 45 minutes (they're a little slower when they swap places but they can still do it impressively fast (fastest speedrun time is sub 30mins)
johnny knows how to play mahjong after taking a role and having to play on-screen for five minutes- he wanted it to look authentic and thought "there's no better way than to actually play"- raiden and lao found out and now they're all trying to teach kenshi with specially made tiles with braille in the corners
kenshi is ridiculously good at poker- he brought a deck of cards with braille stamped on them and him and johnny played strip poker for a night- needless to say kenshi was smirking to himself as he switched his button up for johnny's
johnny can do pitch and diction perfect impressions of people he's heard talk for long periods of time- you can bet that a lot of his free time at wu shi was spent scaring his fellow champions by talking to them in liu kang's voice from behind a wall-
(based off the last hc) johnny only does it around people he knows well or as a party trick with different characters from pop culture- most often his power is used for evil though
raiden isn't a morning person and actually is super groggy in the mornings- the first thing he does on early days is take a cold shower to wake himself up
(based off the last hc) lao is a morning person and is usually the one to wake up raiden by ripping his blankets off of him- he's lucky he has survived this long, but he tells everyone that if looks could kill, raiden would have killed him long before he made it to wu shi
we all know kung lao eats for a family of five, but that man also naps like a divorced dad after an all you can eat buffet- he is OUT after he's done absolutely fucking up like five full plates of food
raiden really likes boba!! kenshi took him to get some after an errand run and he fell in love with the taro flavor- he also really enjoys winter melon and the regular thai tea
johnny always gets his boba with coffee- he doesnt really like tea flavors and no matter how many sips of kenshi's tea he has, he will always prefer his coffee
kenshi bought johnny a really nice espresso machine that he uses every morning- johnny didnt buy himself one before that bc he never thought he would enjoy making coffee at home and it was easier to just stop by the local cafe since they always had his order ready early- but he finds it really calming and really nice to slow his mornings down and make a latte before leaving for work
johnny, to return the gesture, bought kenshi a really nice kitchen knife since he knows the man really likes to cook- it sees a lot of use as it's a santoku that he basically uses like a chef's knife (it's his sharpest and most well treated kitchen tool, right next to his 8 inch cast iron)
kung lao owns maybe three articles of clothing with sleeves- all of them are coats for when it rains- oh and one hoodie that he stole from raiden that somehow survived when he went into his wardrobe and cut and hemmed all of the sleeves
when kenshi visits, johnny makes him coffee in the morning too but since kenshi doesnt always like the bitter coffee flavor he'll add some fun home made syrups- he has plain vanilla, but also has seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice, snickerdoodle, sugar cookie, white mocha, peppermint, etc.
kenshi LOVES mint chocolate flavored things- he especially loves the kitkat flavor and the pocky flavor, as well as ice cream- johnny CANNOT stand it, he's never liked mint outside of gum and even then he prefers cinnamon or clove gum (the first time kenshi kissed him he was confused bc he tasted like spices)
johnny keeps a jar of butterscotch candies on his desk for when he needs to brainstorm ideas- he finds he thinks better when his mouth is occupied (oral fixation haver)
(based off the previous hc) kenshi bought him some violet (the flower) flavored candy after he found out johnny always kept a stash- he also will refill the giant glass jar with butterscotch candies when he knows johnny is busy and will forget
(also based off the candy hc) lao and raiden also buy him hard candies- they get him ginger and lemon ones that johnny falls in love with immediately- he has two jars on his desk now, one for butterscotch and one for ginger
raiden really likes sketching and coloring- lao bought him one of those adult coloring books with mandalas and really intricate shapes and raiden finished all of it in like two weeks- he used to sketch in his free time and has an entire sketchbook dedicated to drawings of lao and his features (a lot of his arms, hands, eyes, and smile) it's hidden under his mattress
kung lao shaves his own undercut when it gets too long- normally cant let it grow out for longer than two or three weeks. sometimes, raiden will offer to do it for him so they can spend a bit of time together and just talk and be close <3
johnny definitely really enjoys washing kenshi's hair- johnny has a bit of a curl to some of his hair but he never uses the products he's supposed to or the methods he's supposed to when it dries- so it's pretty straight, but kenshi's is pin straight and doesnt tangle the way his does sometimes, so he really loves running his hands through it and has even convinced kenshi a few times to sit so johnny could put coconut oil in it for him
johnny loves coconut flavored things and purposefully buys ice cream bars that have coconut cream based ice cream- kenshi was unaware of this and was offered one and said yes thinking that it was vanilla- kenshi does not like coconut, so it was a very sudden and unpleasant surprise
kenshi cuts fruits as his way of showing love very often- he washes and cuts fruits for himself when he's stressed but preps it for others out of love and will often take apple slices, peeled oranges, cut melon (of any kind), or strawberries and grapes up to johnny's in-home office while he's working
johnny buys kenshi small gifts year round and goes crazy for the holidays and his birthday- he asked kenshi how he would feel if johnny bought him (technically them) a house back in japan- kenshi drew his line in the sand and capped johnny's gift prices at $2k per holiday/birthday (which he had broken before)
raiden keeps taxidermy bugs!! he always loved butterflies as a kid and his first framed butterfly was a gift from lao
please excuse any typos, it's later in the day now and my eyes are a little strained- i hope this was comprehensible, lol
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willowkenshin1234 · 5 months
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Chibi Liu
I'm bored anyways
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