#rvb!villains au
smilysstuff · 11 months
Thinking bout making an Inverted AU, just imagining everyone's personality being the opposite-- already biting my nail thinking of how I'm gonna approach Sarge's inverted self💀
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This already looks cursed-(forgot to add Tex, but we already know she's wearing white armour 😭)
Did Simmons first, according to Google apparently the opposite of Ginger is Ash Green
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What did I DO to him.
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dragongirldg · 1 year
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Grif’s hero/ villain name. He is not liked by Colonel Blood (Sarge). He’s so lazy, man.
This is for a new fic I’m writing.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
I absolutely plan on having Simmons crush on Grif’s hero/ villain persona and Grif getting very jealous of himself.
Because that would be funny :3
Then Simmons getting flustered at any compliment he gets as his hero/ villain persona.
Simmons meeting Grif in his costume gives him an opportunity to flirt with the very handsome hero/ villain. Grif struggles to combat this because one it’s Simmons flirting with him and two it’s Simmons flirting with him.
Grif meeting Simmons in his costume gives him an opportunity to get an autograph from the mysterious and cool hero that doesn’t speak most of the time.
Grif in costume gets many opportunities to look at Simmons butt and Simmons also gets to look at Grif’s butt.
Simmons gets full armor while Grif has baggy clothes and a leather jacket and a helmet.
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donut-entendre · 2 years
what is your “spaghetti donut AU?” it seems really cool
OUUUUUGH okay the best I can summarize without spoiling too much is basically I looked at Donut's numerous "deaths" and looked at a lot of weird lines from him and said this man is a horror movie monster (the og joke 'theory') And then it spiraled out to an AU where Donut is in fact a weird spaghetti monster that I am... still actively figuring out how he works BUT I can summarize with "what if the Thing and the carrion monster had the personality of Donut" and uh now he's a worm to me. forever. a worm (he is many worms but they all ID as the same guy so?) who's carrying around the world's most mentally ill ex-villains because it's hilarious. they;re all scared of him. he eats cat food and raw yeast and he is a man who will see a mouse and eat it. at some point I decided he was a cat before he got his hands on a human shape because his name is donut. look me in the eyes and tell me that "Franklin Delano Donut" is not the most cat name you have ever heard in your life. anyway hes sooooo normal [donut violence happening loudly in another room but i close the door with my foot]
I have sideblog for it where I mostly rb things that make me go ah yes the worms and I also have an ask blog but I have been a tired little boy lately
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theredkennedys · 3 months
my au my rules. this au is literally called Chucker Spiderverse AU in the archived discord thread so be warned oooOoOOoooOo . gay men OoooooOo
writing out the backstory that me and my friend Donut have been working on for the better part of a year, most of it was inspired by the new itsv movie that was released then. and because I don't plan on writing anything huge for this I'd like my brainstorming to have a wider audience.
All art posted is most likely @franklindonuts , aka Donut the cocreator of this shit,,,hey buddy😆 go show him some love pleeeease
you can see my art of this au here
this will 100% be somewhat incomprehensive but hey I'm just a fag having fun and I was born yesterday🧚‍♀️
Tucker is the spiderman in his universe with Church as his "guy in the chair". (Putting it out there that this Church is Alpha, which is significant later on.)
They both share an apartment, I don't think I ever specified why but probably for school reasons. They're both young adults, I want to say around 19-21, similar to their Blood Gulch years.
Tucker loves being spiderman. He loves helping people, being almost an idol for people- a lot of jokes were thrown around about that:
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Imagine Tucker after he got his sword. He has a genuine purpose now and he's going to be good at it.
but goddd Tucker is Tucker and is stupid and reckless. being spiderman doesn't make him invincible but he loves to think otherwise. he pushes himself too far too often because he knows if he doesn't he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if someone got hurt when he was taking it "easy". Church knows this but he's still pissed off when Tucker comes back bloodied and bruised from a Villain of the Week that he shouldn't have taken on :/
(Donut art)
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mental illness
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It's literally just the Spiderman Effect. No one will Ever be able to understand what it's like to be spiderman but other spiders, regardless of how much you tell them or show them, they won't get it. and Church doesn't Get it. He's not stupid, he understands WiTh GrEaT PoWeR y'know but there's a mental toll that can't be communicated in a way that makes sense :/
regardless, Church hates it but he also hates how much he cares about Tucker. Cocreator said that he figured they were both close and willing to become A Thing but the time was never right, and Tucker was scared of liking a dude, etc. Normal stuff between these two. But they're insanely close, I'd like to think even moreso after Tucker's whole spiderman thing and the fact that Church also has to realize that Tucker is not invincible.
(despite them not being A Thing, Donut art of The Spiderman kiss and other gay shit)
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Now this is the kicker of why I said to take note of the fact this is Alpha Church specifically.
Now I'm aware of the clowning on the whole "canon event" thing and some people's opinion on it (mostly that it's dumb and cliche), but I find it a very unique and convenient way to give a character a significant plot boost.
That being said, Tucker's "canon event" is Church's death.
I don't ever think I solidified how/why he dies, moreso that it's just a wrong-place wrong-time type of thing. Some brainstorming from Donut about it:
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but i never asked him for elaboration so I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. anyway
Tucker finds Church similar to how Miles found Peter in the first Spiderverse movie. He doesn't know what to do. He's frantic and scared and horrified that his best friend is coughing up blood with raspy breaths.
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(Alpha s10 parallel with tex lalalala)
Obviously. Obbbviousllyy Tucker is distraught and inconsolable. Something something he has the Worst depression of his life. He doesn't know what to do with himself, the one person who knew about everything is gone, and I'm sorry (not) lol but it's not like in rvb where Church revives 8 times before dying like a normal person.
Church was always there for Tucker and he's at a loss of what to do now because, despite the threat of it, he should've never died. It wasn't even a concern in his head ever because it seemed so unlikely.
Tucker doesn't know what to do with himself, he wouldn't have gotten this far without Church. But really, it was All Tucker. All Church did was give him little tech bits to help him function better but it was All Tucker. But he isn't able to realize that through everything and it ruins him.
I will have to make a continuation post because I love adding images and Just hit the mobile limit🧚‍♀️
thanks for reading if you got this far
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rubykgrant · 8 months
Imagine RvB characters with superpowers. But just one each, like in RWBY or My Hero Academia. Could totally see Sarge being an unstoppable force, or Tucker being the center of attention, or Caboose being able to make things not work properly. Church splitting off parts of his psyche as clones. Maine having permanent copies of powers. Wash making a memory fog. Kimball having a speed buff for herself & others. Jax making videos of his memory. Just so many possibilities!
There are a handful of RVB Super Power AUs out there that are all very interesting (the two I'm more familiar with are the "Villain AU" by @smilysstuff , and "We Didn't Even Kiss Until Issue 26" by @cinaed . I've also seen some cool Spider-Man/Spider-Verse concepts from @leonardalphachurch and @donut-entendre ~)
You've got some cool super power ideas for them too! The characters are all so weird, it is easy to take the various talents or certain personality traits and turn them into super abilities, either ones that fit easily with them, or perhaps ones that seem like the "opposite" of what is typical.
If I was going to put them into a Super Hero setting, but maybe try to make it a little different from some of the others I've seen... I might put them in a Batman scenario! Except it doesn't totally follow the same formula... because NONE of these dudes are a billionaire playboy who is also a scientist and expert martial artist. So instead...
"Blood Gulch" is actually the name for a small area of the city (basically, Crime Alley), and through some random (or perhaps connected) events, a lot of people have had an unpleasant experience there... Church woke up with no memory besides his name and a few vague bits of info of his life. Tucker was attacked, and his child was kid-napped. Caboose lost his penny (everybody thinks this is stupid, but you don't understand; it was the GIANT penny!). Donut got nailed with a grenade. Grif got ran-over by a tank (followed by Simmons agreeing to give up some organs to try and save his life at a hospital, but when doctors insisted Grif wouldn't survive the surgery, Simmons followed a very shady tip that somebody from that area could help them both... and so Simmons got a back-alley operation, then woke up a Cyborg. Grif is OK). Sarge got shot in the head. Tex "died" for the first time, and discovered she doesn't STAY dead. A strange villainous voice seems to "haunt" the area, but is only ever heard when Doc is around. Nothing bad happened to Kai, but she got busted for throwing a rave in an old warehouse there once.
Not all of this happened on the same day or anything, but it sure is a COINCIDENCE that all these people hurt somehow in this general area, isn't it!? Anyway, Church meets Tucker after Junior got kidnapped, and despite seeming so unfriendly, he's the only guy that listens to Tucker's weird story (because the group that took Junior didn't seem... human). The cops won't help, and Tucker doesn't want to leave the city unless he has a lead, so... Church takes him to where he's been crashing.
Which turns out to be a HUGE mansion, that has sat abandoned for years. Church may be a hobo, but he's a hobo with standards (also, he seems to know all the combinations for the locks. wonder why). Eventually, they run into Caboose out on the streets, sobbing over his penny. He follows them around all night, and Church finally agrees to let him com back to their mansion. Once inside, Caboose's clumsiness and nonsensical luck allows them to discover SECRET PASSAGEWAYS! There is a whole underground lair below the mansion! With some very interesting (and suspicious) technology. Oh, and it seems to be OCCUPIED as well?
So, while all that was going on, Sarge has been running around Blood Gulch at night, being a weird vigilante about it (he still has his own shotgun, but after it got damaged, the thing doesn't actually fire anymore. instead, he carries it around for the AESTHETIC, and a lot of people in the city start rumors about a guy who has a gun he doesn't shoot for some "metaphorical" reasons, but it really isn't that deep; it broke, he doesn't want to throw it away, he can't afford to get it fixed, and he's too stubborn to just get a new one. on the plus side, various bad guys have gotten the idea that if they don't use guns, the vigilante won't shoot them, so everybody has gotten less lethal in general). Sarge also collects weirdos who have gone through their own odd incidents...
He likes the idea of having a cyborg on his team, and Grif seems to be good at... not dying? That comes in handy. Donut just kinda invited himself and stuck around. Sarge finds an abandoned robot one night, so now they have a robot! His speech functions are stuck on Spanish, but Lopez is very capable at just about any task (he will still complain the whole time). Sarge decides to call their group... The Red Hood Gang! He still wears the red hoodie he had on when he got shot when doing vigilante stuff (plus a mask, and other gear). They move into what they THOUGHT was an old cave system outside the city... and find it has LOTS of interesting tech inside!
When Church's group finds out the Reds are basically living in their basement and hoarding all the cool junk, and the Reds realize these guys have an upstairs with actual bathrooms and a kitchen, they proceed to have a whole war over who gets to keep everything. As they fight and claim certain things for themselves, one of the big computers comes online... and a strange, high-pitched voice who introduces himself as Vic starts giving them info and "advice" on how to find the people that have caused their problems. Begrudgingly, the two groups decide to work together (Church's team calls themselves Blue Birds, since the gear they get is blue, and themed after birds; also, they get a cool vehicle! Sheila is their Batmobile~).
So, now the Reds and Blues are all doing vigilante stuff. They still bicker with each other, but no longer enemies. Other people in the city do not know how to deal with these chaotic weirdos. They eventually meet up with Tex, and Grif's sister figures out what her brother is up to. Doc has a brief time being "kid-napped" by the :evil voice" as O'Malley tries to be a full-on villain like the Joker, but eventually he settles down, accepts that he's really part of Doc, and they other accept Doc is part of their group too. Tucker even gets Junior back, and Caboose finds his GIANT PENNY! Things seem to being well... but THEN-
A corrupt police force doesn't like all these vigilantes exposing their own criminal activity, and hire outside help of a special agent; Washington. He initially tries to very seriously solve some of the problems in the city, and when he gets framed for even BIGGER problems, he just has his own villain-moment, taking it out on the Reds and Blues... but they win him over. New vigilante hero! He moves into the mansion with the rest of them, but one night when they return, the place has a new guest; Carolina, who informs them that this is HER FAMILY'S HOME. She's been away, doing all kinds of cool secret martial arts training around the world (that's right, she's the REAL Batman~), and comes back to to find a whole circus moved in while she was gone?
She also explained that the underground caves were where he father once had a whole secret project going on, with people being part of several experiments that claimed to make them "super heroes", but those running the show had ulterior motives (some of them were selling tech to other groups, thus creating lots of criminals with a huge advantage). Wash had been part of this program, but like the Reds, he never knew about the mansion above ground or the connection to Carolina's family. Tex was part of it too, but she kind of forgot some of it. Church... well, it seems that one the plans of Carolina's father was to try and bring her mother back to life, and one attempt involved a sample from a supernatural pool of energy, which he tested on himself first. The result was Church (this is a bit like all the R'as al Ghul/Jason Todd stuff).
More Batman-tastic shenanigans ensue... meanwhile, over in Metropolis, all the Chorus problems are happening! Instead of a surviving child of Krypton coming to Earth, a ship containing the collective history and technology landed on the planet. In secret, a group has been slowly using the advanced tech for personal gain, and some people are also stealing it for themselves. Two sides of a "war" break out, each being manipulated into fighting because once they're all gone, nothing will stop a certain rich business man from taking everything for himself (Hargrove is basically Lex Luthor. Felix and Locus use lots of Krypton tech, and also have access to the temporary Super Serum that gives them small doses of powers).
Sorry, that was a LOT for a basic "Batman/Superman" AU haha
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jade-kyo · 4 months
Season 15 post Restoration thoughts
Back when Restoration was first announced I rewatched the shisno trilogy to weigh the pros and cons of everything getting retconned. I’ve decided now that Restoration has aired to do another rewatch like that but this time more just general thoughts and headcanons
welp let’s get started!
Oh hey this is actually funny
Still say Dylan’s original cameraman was funnier, they should’ve kept him instead of Jax. Frank you will always be famous to me.
Bringing back Vic was a big brained move fr
On the topic of Vic I’ve always liked the theory that he was actually one of the alpha fragments, specifically the love fragments… hmm things to consider
The whole situation on chorus is also interesting… further things to consider
Oh hey look at that Dr. Grey actually sounds like herself. What a wild concept.
The reds and blues are actually friends and act like it? WHAT A WILD CONCEPT
Grimmons closet sex you will always be famous to me
But also Church basically writing gay smut of his friends is very funny
Man this is actually funny. Wild concept.
Nah but there’s a legit joke about them getting a bad movie bro predicted the future
Canon band au
I love how all the things Carolina mentions happening are so low key compared to the others. Like yeah Grif convincing Simmons GoT was real is wild meanwhile there’s actual dinosaurs
Yeah the whole red team and blue team thing IS outdated. Concept wild.
Genuinely love how you can tell just how much Carolina loves these idiots and their shenanigans. Such a concept.
“No he means Church” frothing at the mouth
“I’m not in the military anymore” yeah Grif that sure is a GREAT point. Concepts are wild.
But also can’t believe we’ve had to watch grimmons get divorced twice
Dead beat dad Tucker jokes my BELOATHED
Man remembering the characters ranks. Really concept the wild.
“We’re having fish” bro why did you say it like that makes you sound like a cannibal 💀
Loco you will always be famous to me
“You don’t have to destroy the past to have a future” what a great way to show that you can let go of the past and trauma while also honoring the memories of those you lost. Concepts really do be wild sometimes.
Damn I think I’m coming back around on carwash- I am not immune to hand holding and funny take off your suit bits. Platonic or romantic they make me feral. I’ll take it either way.
Freelancer death room is a genuinely cool and fucked up scene
As much as I’m enjoying this rewatch I still can’t stand the Sarge butchering that starts in this season and just get progressively worse
Y’all were right Temple is totally gay for Biff
Oh god I forgot about the shitty animation
Also werent the simulation bases started after Tex fled from PF?? And also after Carolina went MIA???
Rip Biff bro did not deserve that but to be fair the second he said his girl was pregnant he was doomed by the narrative
Caboose cursing my beloved
Donut is a furry confirmed
While I am enjoying this rewatch I think I figured out what always bugged me about this season. The reds and blues are the wrong kind of dumb. Like yeah they’re idiots but you seriously didn’t consider once that the blues and reds might be lying to you? Especially after everything that happened on Chorus?? But especially Carolina and Wash not really questioning it??? Like idk it just feels off
Temple has so much potential as a villain cause like he’s not wrong… and I think evil sim troopers is such a cool concept…much to be considered
Oh actually acknowledging how much they’ve accomplished especially on Chorus?? Of concepts to be wild
Another thing that bugs me is this constant use of “good guy/bad guy” language. just feel off for the themes of RvB.
Ah yeah Grif’s volleyballs
Grif might be able to give Wash a run for his money on that Sarge impersonation
Locus-Grif team up my beloved
But also I think Caboose not understanding death is weird like yeah he’s dumb but again not that kind of dumb??? Idk just one of those things that doesn’t entirely sit right with me
I do like the interactions between him and the team tho
Loopy Wash my beloved
Again will never forgive what they did to Sarge
Locus is gonna steal yo kneecaps
Ah yes Church’s obsession with fucking up Wash continues.
Honestly in hindsight I don’t actually love Wash getting shot. It really feels like they just use him as an angst punching bag because he’s a fan favorite. And this is coming from someone who LOVES angst
Also I feel like Tucker rushing out is ooc when a big part of his arc on Chorus was him doing that, getting people killed, and then learning that sometimes you gotta think things through. Kind of the start of how they undid and then redid his arc
Okay again this weird insistence of all the enemies being comically evil shitty people is very antithetical to the core themes are RvB
Everybody shut the fuck up the Caboose and Tucker moment after Caboose ties the guys shoelaces together is so fucking cute holy shit I am frothing at the mouth I love them so much
My hatred for anything time travel related remains
Yeah Sarge your monologues ARE better. Sure wish they’d remember what those monologues actually meant for your character development. Wilds the concept huh.
Man Grif choosing to stay with his friends no matter what. Truly concept in my wilds.
Oh god they hit you with the Caboose feels that should be illegal
Still don’t like that Caboose got to say goodbye tho. I said it last time but it’s too- fairytale-ish. The themes of grief in rvb have always been about how it’s unfair and a lot of the times you don’t get to say goodbye and you don’t get closure but you still have to learn to let go and move on despite it all. Want it noted this is also a criticism I have of the Chex stuff in restoration.
Furthermore Tucker really was prepared to create a time paradox in order to bring back Church AND THEY JUST NEVER CIRCLED BACK AROUND TO THAT???? Bro Tucker grieves Church so much and they just never address it
Also Vic’s sacrifice is further proof that he’s an alpha fragment
Dylan’s speech at the end is very good and it makes me love the simulation headcanon more cause that means it’s technically Church, or at least what Church believes/hopes the world would think of the reds and blues.
Also can’t believe Temple, Bucky, and Cronut are all still alive and they just never brought them back in any way.
Alright then that’s seasons 15! …. On my hands and knees begging for forgiveness S15 TAKE ME BACK IM SORRY I WAS EVER MEAN TO YOU!
But in all seriousness I’m way more open to this as a possibility of what happens next than I am Restoration. This is just glorified fanfiction and like it’s fun! I have fun watching it! I’ve got my complaints but still at least it gets that these characters care about each other. It may not have the strongest writing but it’s not terrible and you’ll catch me rewatching it and enjoying it from time to time.
… do I have to watch s16- can’t I just skip it? Please no amount of Restoration sucking is going to make me like that season. I might just skip it and if I’m ever feeling more up to it I’ll circle back around to it. In all honesty I think 16 and Restoration are on the same level for me. Bad seasons that I mostly ignore but I will on very rare occasions rewatch them if not just to bitch and complain. I do think Restoration is a little better than 16 but still easily in the top 3 worst seasons of RvB.
Welp in that case you will most likely see me talking about s17 next unless I’m just really feeling the self hatred enough to watch 16
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circular-bircular · 1 year
since this is apparently the syscourse topic this month, got any good did headcanons?
Good timing, was chatting about this in discord.
I don’t actually have any “DID” headcanons I don’t think, mostly cause the worlds of the shows I watch or books I read don’t usually have the same sort of… everything that ours does. Here’s some of my fave headcanons tho, reserved entirely for AUs as I don’t think there’s evidence within the media for this:
Steven from Steven Universe has DID, though his abilities due to being half gem lead to physical manifestations of his trauma (AKA second to last episode of SU:F). This one has a LOT of basis tbh, but equally enough basis for PTSD or CPTSD.
Ivan from Villain’s Code has DID. There’s a lot of basis for plurality in a spiritual possession sense, but. My guy literally got raised by a cult and uses multiple names and multiple identities. Absolutely within the realm of reason (if we forget the whole “oh shit the cult was actually summoning a real god cause this is a book where that’s a real thing” thing)
Church from RvB has traumagenic plurality, though not DID. I don’t believe church has a traumatic childhood? But nonetheless, that man is fUCKED UP. I’ll be honest though, my memory of this is a little bit blurry, particularly due to how much I related to a lot of the story regarding his fragments.
I haven’t really clocked any others off the top of my head? Though now my brain is musing about a possible form of plurality (clearly obviously possession-type plurality) in FNAF when it comes to Cassidy/Charlie/Crying Child/Afton within the AI that runs the Pizzaplex…
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dbphantom · 2 years
Since I've seen you post a lot about it, what is this H20 AU of yours I see you talk about? Is it a crossover? A revamp of the show? Something else? I see it's plural in your bio :0. I gotta know more, I'm curious
bbbbbb OMG thank you for asking!!!
So the answer is kinda... yes? H2O is my special interest, has been since I was about 6, so it's pretty much what my life revolves around XD
I have... a few H2O AUs. Basically for each major thing I'm into I have an H2O au for that piece of media. Like Borderlands or FFXV (currently my two 'big' ones). If you go back far enough on my blog you will probably find others, like TAZ or RvB or Generator Rex when I was big into those. These you can consider the crossovers, though they're more like me transplanting H2O's concepts into the piece of media I'm fixating on at the time.
I also have an AU for the main show [H2O: Just Add Water], which you can consider a re-vamp. Technically, I have two, one I did solo and one I worked on with one of my besties, the latter of which incorporates Mako Mermaids stuff. I also have one for the cartoon. That is also an H2O au that is a revamp of the show! Mostly because the cartoon makes me really sad with how mean the girls are to Lewis. Like they can be mean in the OG show, too, but their cartoon counterparts are something ELSE, let me tell you…
The crossovers are a little like this:
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The re-vamps are more like this [in the style of the cartoon because I kinda love it, but you didn't hear that from me]:
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So if you're still curious, to elaborate on what an H2O AU is in crossover form:
Zane Flynt from Borderlands 3 is a merman [all the Flynt bros are, and they all have their own powers]. I have a Guardian OC, the Driver, who basically created the moon pools as a Vault defense experiment and 'moonstruck' in this AU is a unique form of Guardian possession (which I called before the games actually introduced it as a mechanic hehe) and moonstones are the same crystals as the ones in s3 of H2O.
The Flynt bros using their magic:
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The Driver (my Guardian OC):
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H2O AU also rewrites the plot of the main game a bit to make it make more sense, gives Zane an actual backstory + fleshes out the Black Ops Outfit he joins, and adds a couple new 'DLCs', like Junpai-7. Junpai-7 is the main area of events for the majority of the H2O-centric stuff, as it's the place with the 'first' moon pool, where the Driver has been stuck since the Eridians disappeared, and has a whirlpool Vault with a sea monster.
That Vault is opened with an Eridian Compass, which kinda works like a log pose from One Piece in that it constantly points to the location of the Vault, as well as opens it. About 30 years before the events of BL3, the Rogues are smuggling the compass to Mary Geoise (a place on Junpai-7... totally a one piece reference since Junpai-7 is all about pirates :P), and Zane takes a job from Cutlord Karuu [Pirate Queen] to get the compass from them. This is why Clay does not acknowledge Zane's existence in the main game, because Zane is an annoying little shit and steals the compass from them XD
The Eridian Compass:
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The compass ends up getting lost and nobody gets the Vault open until 30 years later when the VHs head to Junpai-7 on recommendation of Digby Vermouth because of the Sun Fest going on (the people of Junpai-7 celebrate the sun because the moon is what the Driver uses to create merppl/control them via possession, and the residents hate it because she does crime with it). The whole plot of the 'DLC' is the VHs arriving for the Sun Fest, getting roped up in the Driver's plots, and finding the compass to open the Vault. Is fun.
Zane's return to Junpai-7:
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The second 'DLC' story involves a new Siren named Minerva, the Wise Owl, who is a villain and her power is Phaseline. Basically, she can yank your lifeline out of your body and cut it with a pair of scissors, then attach it to her own. She walks around with a giant pair of magnetic scissors [to cut the line] that turn into two swords. Her scarf is her lifeline weaved into a bunch of stolen ones. This grants her the memories, lifespan, and experience of those she steals the lifelines from. She can also control the movement of the scarf with her powers. This DLC focuses on chasing her down in order to turn Vaughn back to normal (he got turned into a baby when she stole his lifeline, because her power can't actually kill someone). Basically, I wanted a villain with time powers, but without the bullshit that happens when you give someone time powers. Shenanigans happen when she steals Zane's lifeline instead of Moze's and leaves him as a 30 year old with no memory of the Crimson Raiders.
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There are also other magical creatures in this AU because I think they're cool. Like the Hammerlocks are werewolves (there's a precedent with wereskags. technically.), Zer0 is a dullahan (like Celty from Durarara), and Troy Calypso is a psychic. All these guys correspond to a crystal, like how Sirens have Eridium. For example, psychics are powered up by the red Eridian crystals, explaining why Troy has two of them around his neck all the time :D
Werewolf Alistair, Dullahan Zer0, and Psychic Troy:
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The girl on the top of the 2nd pic is Hiromi, who was the sniper in Zane's old Black Ops Outfit. She's also psychic. Two other characters I made for this AU are Nino and Emma, who were also part of that Squad. Emma was the leader, while Nino was more of a brawler type. Those two are also dating. That Black Ops Squad is where the triangle logo on Zane's jacket (and other things) originated from, it's their squad logo. I think that has been retconned because of New Tales, but I don't consider New Tales canon soooo... Also, each of them has an animal motif on the back of their jackets. Zane's is the spider he has in the game, Nino is a snake, Hiromi is a hawk, and Emma's is a praying mantis. They met on Pandora after Dahl abandoned the others there and Zane found them. They find and fix up an old Dahl ship called the Lorelei (H2O reference) and Zane joins the squad after that.
You can read that story here, but it's old so... forgive any awkward wording, please.
The Black Ops Squad + their jacket designs [I'm not fond of Nino's now, this is kinda old]:
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Their backstory also includes the Obsidian Block, which was a corporation Zane mentions in his backstory ECHO log (with Barnabas) that is then never mentioned again. So you KNOW I had to flesh that out. They're a medical corporation, like Anshin, so a lot of their focus is on biotech and stuff like that. They're headed by the corporate AI Dr. Denman (another H2O reference). They have a CEO that changes every few years, but they're more of a figurehead than anything, because Denman runs the show. They also have a hired mercenary named Sophie (Will's sister in H2O :D), and the current CEO at the moment is Greg (Dr. Denman's assistant in H2O). Barnabas originally joins the Black Ops Squad halfway through their travels (after they ditch the Lorelei and get a different ship bc she breaks down on them), but ends up backstabbing them after Zane falls for him and reveals his secret because Barnabas wanted $$$ from the Obsidian Block.
Dr. Denman from the Obsidian Block, and Zane in his infiltration getup x2:
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[The logo is incorrect... I misheard him on the ECHO recording ;-; it's the Obsidian BLOCK, not BLACK]
Um I am really sorry, I was going to also explain FFXV H2O AU, but this got WAYYYY too long, I'm sorry about that. FFXV H2O AU is almost similar to BL2 H2O AU except... kinda... not... at all... >~<
It involves a story rewrite, but the story changes for FFXV H2O AU (I call it Alkali) are way smaller until post-Altissia. I also add backstory for Ignis Scientia (you might notice a trend with characters that don't have definitive backstories XD) and flesh out his uncle (Celor Scientia- I gave him his name... and his personality... and his design...) because dude had 2 lines in the audio drama Parting Ways and um. I felt like that wasn't enough.
But yeah! That's the gist of it. I add merpeople and then go absolutely fucking wild with the lore to make it work in-universe :)
Take this silly comic as apology and also as thanks for making it this far:
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boxonthenile · 1 year
1, 2, 4, 23, & 35 for the ask meme.
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
it depends on the story I'm trying to tell! one-shots are fun because they're self contained, but I like chapters too.
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
This also depends on the fic. I'm getting better at planning and outlining, and it has been GAMECHANGING.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
I wish I had an answer for this, but I really don't know. ADHD always be making connections. Lately, I've been finding inspiration in folklore thanks to the au roulette challenge.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
there's a tweet by defunctland that says "I hate literally every step of the filmmaking process. The only thing I hate more than making a film is not making a film." That's my approach to writing. it sucks so bad and I hate it but if I didn't do it a part of my soul would wither.
so I guess that's my advice? find that art that makes you feel like you're blooming and pursue it. if that's writing, then keep writing. write badly. delete your art. try again. it's a little better this time. share it, or don't. write again. try something new– a new tense, a new genre, a new style. suck at it. try again. suck less. you'll hate it. you'll find so much joy and light in it.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
Brennan Lee Mulligan said evil is boring. and it can be! I agree. I also threw that concept in the garbage immediately, because villains are so much more compelling when they think they're right.
you are telling a story. you have to consider what is narratively satisfying. Yes, someone obsessed with money and power is an easy villain to write, and depending on the narrative, it's satisfying! It can even be done to great effect. (Felix from RvB comes to mind.)
but why is your villain making the choices they are? do they just have no regard for anything around them? or do they think they're making the right choices? do the ends justify their means?
as an example, the villain in my dnd campaign is a demigod-turned-demon lord trying to resurrect their mother, the dead goddess of illusion and lies. they are willing to sacrifice the material planes of two universes to do it. at their core, they are a scared grieving child trying desperately to make things okay again. they are also coy, manipulative, and clever. these things are all part of them.
your villain is a character. their personality, motivations, and relationships should be as complex as your protagonist.
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sco07ut · 2 years
hi i’m scout and all i can think of is rvb aus so here’s my directory
race to the edge au
(rtte is a how to train your dragon series set between the first and second movies)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!rtte au
good omens au
(go is a book and miniseries about an angel and a demon trying to prevent armageddon)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!go au
blood gulch villains au
my personal villain au in which the rnbs are villains and the freelancers are (corrupt) heroes
posts are tagged under: #rvb!villains au
streamers au
an au where the rnbs are all various content creators! i haven’t really got much for it at the moment but i do plan on adding to it :)
posts will be tagged under: #rvb!streamers au
wings of fire au
(wof is a book series about various dragon sub-species split into tribes that fight each other a lot)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!wof au
roleswap au
an au in which the reds and blues and blues and reds swap plotlines, and simmons has to watch grif die
posts are tagged under: #rvb!roleswap au
wolf 359 au
(wolf 359 is a podcast about the crew of a space station initiating first contact with aliens and discovering that command is full of lunatics!)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!wolf 359 au
over the garden wall au
(otgw is a series about two brothers lost in a place called ‘the unknown’ trying to find their way home)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!otgw au
bbc ghosts au
(ghosts is a series in which a young couple inherits a historic mansion, only to find it’s already inhabited by the most annoying ghosts you will ever meet)
posts are tagged under: #rvb!ghosts au
i’m just gonna add to this as i inevitably create more
(questions are always welcome)
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smilysstuff · 2 years
RvB Villain AU. The Reds and Blues as petty criminals and getting away with their shit
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Yes I'm a lazy shit for not doing the colors. Spare me the pain-
Info bout them
Leonard L.(oser) Church as Ghost
Ability : Phantom
Transparency, Levitation, Permeation, Possession
Lavernius Tucker as Excalibur
Ability : Sangheili Weapon (Yeah not really great at naming things.)
Summons a weapon created out of an unknown element
Micheal J. Caboose as Cobalt
Ability : Super Strength
Unnatural and powerful strength
[REDACTED] Sarge as Sergeant (Seriously?)
Ability : Mechanic Creation
Creates impossible inventions within a few minutes if not less
Dexter Grif as Avalanche
Ability : Snowfall
Allows user complete control over the element of ice and snow
Richard 'Dick' Simmons as Android
Ability : None.
He's just really, REALLY good at hacking. Also sarge turned him to a cyborg.
Franklin Deleno Donut as Lock-On
Ability : Shift lock
Allows the user to literally lock on to a target of their choosing. Basically *cough* *cough* aimbot
This AU is gonna be my new fic project, so look forward to that?
That's basically much it, thanks for @mirror-mask-zone for helping me creating this AU too. They r awesome :))
I'll give Church an actual outfit once my motivation juice is back. Also Grif's super power was inspired by that one fic named 'Living like this'. I find Grif having snow power quite ironic and hilarious, Grif is the new elsa confirmed.
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dragongirldg · 1 year
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For the hero/ villain AU fic I’m writing.
He doesn’t have an actual name, they all collectively just call him the Maroon Solider. Obviously Colonel Blood is happy to have a soldier to lead. The Maroon Soldier speaks with sign language so that they don’t have to speak.
That said the one time he ever spoke out loud his voice cracked in front of the elderly woman in charge of the science department of the secret military devision he is in and she continued to think he was an adorable child that needed to be doted on until she retired and he felt obligated to give her a retirement gift and cake.
She couldn’t eat the cake, but the gravity gun/ mini robot is very useful.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
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For the AU (any AU but this one is the Hero/ Villain AU) Simmons is a Vet that was discharged for losing an arm and a leg.
Obviously he has the right wheelchair, I just can’t draw.
Simmons has dyed hair and brown eye contacts. It’s unnecessary but he’s through, which is why it takes Grif a long time to realize he’s the guy he slept with when he was 18.
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leonardalphachurch · 3 years
au where instead of being transported to vague outside of time dimension doc is teleported to the mercs in season 11 and spends chorus with them
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Here's an idea for villain vibes: the kids release the Great Devourer and Lloyd ends up keeping it as a giant pet
And then Lloyd befriended the giant evil snake monster, because of course he did...
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