#rw news year dinner
dreamcastingdust · 7 months
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Gourmand has two hands
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lgcmjun · 9 months
let’s celebrate your birthday on sunday, rowon messages earlier in the week. i would like to have you for the entire day. make time for me? he wonders, albeit briefly, if he’ll be doing too much – but the thought is fleeting. he wants to do this for minjun, if not as a gift, then as a thank you.
come sunday morning, rowon brings the birthday boy to an indoor botanical garden, reminiscent of a brighter spring. the ( inedible ) flowers are in full bloom, their colours vibrant against a green backdrop. and despite the signage telling him not to touch, rowon discreetly steals a blue star flower for minjun. they represent strength and resilience – things he hopes minjun can find this new year.
in the afternoon, rowon leads him across the busier roads of seoul, through the various street food vendors, then down along the han river. there’s an outdoor swimming pool tucked away in one of the neighbouring parks, but since summer has come and gone, they’ve transformed the pool into an ice skating rink. now whether or not it’s minjun’s first time, it doesn’t matter; rowon still offers him his hand. ( totally not a clever ruse to keep his own hands warm, thank you. )
for dinner, he takes minjun to a cozy hole-in-the-wall restaurant specializing in hearty soups that are popular during the autumn months. pork bone, oxtail, army stew – he has him trying them all so they can recreate them later on in the comforts of the dorm kitchen. their evening ends with the host bringing out a small pistachio cake topped with a single candle. luckily for minjun, rowon spares him the embarrassment of a birthday song in lieu of a few dozen photos.
at last, the night closes in a familiar place – high above the ground, right beneath the stars – on a rooftop they’ve made into their second home this winter. it’s here that rowon presents a final gift that he has kept in his inner coat pocket all this time. “thought i should get you something a little more useful than another hoodie,” he muses, eyes twinkling with amusement as he offers the velvet box. “happy early birthday.” inside is a sleek wristwatch with a thin dark blue bezel, accompanied with a note that reads,
every hour, every minute, down to the very last second.
and isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was  some invisible string tying you to me?
it wouldn’t be a surprise the way minjun anticipates sunday, since the message arrived on his phone. the more he read it, the more time slowed its pace, and the more he messed up his steps in practice and lost precious seconds while doing laps in the university’s heated pool. 
but when sunday finally comes he is surprisingly on time and obedient as they meet outside the company and start their journey. it’s all a mystery and minjun doesn’t want to ask much, so he just follows rowon, taking the subway and buses on this short trip he can proudly say is planned only for him - for them.
he quietly takes his phone out and takes a picture of rowon when he’s not looking when they’re passing by the lilies, the botanical garden makes him remember a conversation about edible flowers and how much fun they had over it. for many times, minjun wanted to reach out his hand and grab rowon’s but so far he’s settling for walking beside him, their shoulders lightly touching.
the hours run too fast maybe because minjun is enjoying his day so much and it’s only in the afternoon when his eyes are so fond of the pool now ice skating rink when he finally takes rowon’s hand and they both start sliding around, that he feels like turning to him with the brightest of the smiles, “promise me we will return here on summer, so we can swim together?”. yes, time’s certainly moving too fast, but as long as he’s there with him, minjun doesn’t feel like ending that day too soon.
which is good because apparently, rowon knows everything that’s about to happen. that’s the only explanation because how would he explain their next stop being a restaurant? it’s cold but minjun doesn’t even feel it, not when too many hot dishes are being served, and even if he does think of ways to make everything spicier, because in his head he’s already thinking about cooking rowon’s favorites later on, everything is forgotten when the cake is gifted to him. minjun feels his eyes kind of water but he closes them fast, his hands gripped together as he makes a wish before blowing up the candle. “thanks hyung…” he quietly says, reaching out for rowon’s hands under the table.
“one last stop”, he hears rowon say and he forces himself not to pout, not to think too much about how he doesn’t want the day to end, how much he’s thankful that there’s someone out there that thinks of him that much to go through so much just to give him the best birthday ever. minjun follows rowon to the place he knows by heart, their safe zone and it’s only when it’s the two of them in the silence of the rooftop, that minjun realizes how lucky he is.
he takes the box with a surprised “oh” and as he opens it, he’s too tempted to say rowon didn’t have to do that but it’d sound disrespectful and so unlike minjun. so he smiles at what rowon said first “hoodies are very useful you know, but i’ll keep stealing yours for all that matters” minjun’s reply comes with a soft chuckle but then his attention is fully on the watch and he looks back and forth “hyung..this is…beautiful”.
minjun is still admiring the watch, he nearly misses the note but when he reads it, his reaction is genuine -  his heart isn’t skipping beats, it’s beating out of its normal rate, and it’s making minjun stare at the last word before rowon’s signature and think of so many things. it makes him want to ask and do things but he bites his lip as an initial response, eyes searching for rowon’s, just as his hand finds his - fingers intertwined because he needs that for a second (or maybe three thousand). 
they stay like that for he doesn’t know how long but then minjun moves and maybe because it’s almost his birthday, he feels braver to do it. the kiss is on the corner of rowon’s lips and he feels his tingling with the touch, as fleet as it is - and maybe not to sound too much, and because it’s impolite not to thank for everything, minjun just whispers “always, wonnie hyung”
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
Remember when 12
the Right thing
RW masterlist
They had argued back and forth for hours after bringing Marinette back to the base. Everything was circumstantial. They all had heard her talking with the supposed captors freely. No one could prove either way whether she had been there willingly. Batgirl had gotten information from her and Red Robin had been close enough to hear but the others were not close enough so they could only go by what they had seen. She was giving them information and when the time came they were leaving with her.
She had basically broken their drug ring case wide open and claimed it was all an accident. They knew there was a new product and new players but no one had any information on it until last night. Oracle displayed it on the screen and they confirmed the 3 men involved. They had been working with Falcone but apparently they decided to take over the drug trade with their new product. All had been actively seeking Batman when Black Mask had put a large bounty on him. How they began working together was unknown.
Jack Buchinsky--Electrocutioner-
-Costume can generate electric shocks
-alias Jack Gruber
Lieutenant Howard Branden
-former SWAT GCPD
-corrupt cop
Garfield Lynns--Firefly
-pyro terrorist
-costume with flight capabilities
Nightwing had actually become almost convinced. He still had questions and doubts but believed what the others had seen and didn't think she seemed like she was plotting. He made the case that she had been seen and connected to the men and therefore would not be safe on her own. Hood was convinced by this argument and Batgirl and Oracle stopped arguing the point. The discussion ended and they all went about their day.
Red Robin went off to sleep. She was fed and someone sat with her throughout the day. Batgirl had the last shift before patrol. She brought her dinner and fresh clothes. Batgirl was adjusting the equipment so she could put on a movie. Red Robin was careful not to be seen entering the Batcave. He had to wait until daylight was fading and it worked it perfectly with Batgirl being the least likely to stop him.
"You aren't trying to sneak up on me are you?" Batgirl said without turning around. "You think your plan is a shock to me?"
"I think you know I am right. You will either help me or not try to stop me." Red Robin replied.
"What if I try to stop you?"
"I think you won't. You remember when it was you in a similar position. You know this is wrong."
"She can't know how to get back here."
He held up a blind fold that he had with his spare helmet. She nodded and walked away. Red Robin approached Marinette. Since she was no longer needing medical treatment she had been moved to a chair but her hands were still cuffed to it so she couldn't get to the manor from the inside or outside. He picked up the keys and unshackled her hands.
"Come," he said.
She followed after him rubbing her wrists a bit. They were not locked painfully but they still felt funny being released after so long. When they got to his motorcycle he explained that she would need to be blindfolded to protect the location. She nodded and he wrapped the cloth around her face before helping her put the helmet on.
Once she was securely behind him in the motorcycle with her arms around him from behind he rode off. He wove in and out of the cars and traveled up and down the streets with no particular location in mind, but just to confuse her sense of direction. He pulled into a parking garage and rode all the way to the top. It was within a mile of the coffee shop that she worked at and not far from the grocery store so he suspected she lived close.
He helped her off and undid the blindfold every though she probably could have managed on her own. She wasn't sure how she felt about him now. He hadn't positively responded to any of her flirting even if it made him blush but he had defended her and probably upset his team by helping her escape. Part of her really wanted to ride away with him on his motorcycle. She didn't know if she liked the idea of running away with him or if she really liked the feeling of leaning against him. He pulled her out of her thoughts by asking a question.
"Will you be okay from here? Will the magic you use work?"
"I just have to say the magic words," she responded. "Are they going to be mad at you?"
"Yes. But it is the right thing to do. They will get over it eventually."
"So you just let him walk out of here with her?" Batman asked.
"What else should I have done? He is right about this." Batgirl replied.
"We still need information from her and she is probably in danger. These men are not known for being nice." Nightwing added.
"You cannot protect people from evil by becoming evil. We should be better than that," Batgirl said before walking off.
"I found something on her," Oracle said. "My search was taking too long but then I remembered the French connection."
She loaded information on the screen. It was reports from Paris a few years back. The hero was called Ladybug and with her partner Chat Noir fought Hawkmoth for control of magical artifacts. As she searched she added more information for them to read. Knowing a location helped her search Paris records for an aged down picture of Rouge Gorge/Ladybug as a civilian.
It was another hour before they could put together the entire story. The public didn't seem to put together her identity but the bat family had already seen her unmasked. There was a defeat of the villain and the heroes had given a very odd press conference about it. They had recovered the artifacts but Chat Noir had done most of the speaking which was a change from how their past interactions had been.
As a civilian, Marinette had been treated by a series of doctors for amnesia from a supposed fall. Her memory was affected for several years of time. She no longer remembered her close friends and little was known about how to treat it. The story was told on a popular blog as a follow up a little over a month after the 'fall' because the girl was at the hospital again. This time after a fire.
She ran from the hospital during the night. It was later discovered that the arsonist was paid to set the bakery on fire and she was not supposed to escape. With her parents dead and her memories gone, no one knew where to look for her. She hadn't been seen since. Oracle checked the name in a number of databases and travel records. It hadn't been used for anything since then.
"That isn't the name she used at her job." Nightwing said. "Her name tag said Val."
"I already tried for records from the coffee shop. She doesn't exist in their records. Her employer probably pays her in cash." Oracle explained.
"So she is just in hiding here and accidentally cracked our drug ring case?" Hood asked.
"She was worried when she was shown the video of herself. All the information gathered strongly suggests she was hiding from this Hawkmoth, who was probably responsible for the fire." Oracle said.
@silverwhiteraven | @ira-sairain | @iloveitwhen | @wannajointhecrabcult | @toodaloo-kangaroo | @ertyzeta | @no-username2544 | @mystery-5-5 | @laurcad123 | @jiso-lee | @razzledazzle247 | @kaithehero | @diamondjewel123 | @comet-kun |@theymakeupfairies | @roselynfey | @moongoddesskiana | @cresentmo0n | @2confused-2doanything | @officiallydarkgeek | @vixen-uchiha | @athena452 | @nach0ava | @ladybug-182 | @ladylb | @redscarlet95 | @bigpicklebananatree | @swiftie-miraculer13 | @kokotaru | @damnaged-princess | @i-wanna-be-a-ninja | @velvetterabby | @deepestobservationwombat | @trippingovermyfeet | @kking13
**the speed of this update brought to you by collective outrage and inspiration. 😘
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 25 November 1836
7 ½
1 10
No kiss F34° at 8 20 and fine but hazy morning out at the Rock-work and about - Wilson from Spa house here at 8 ¾ to take A-‘s 5 gates made here by Richard Woodhead to Upper Hagstocks -RW- here and went with them and took 1 stone+ of old lead pipe to solder with   said he should about 2 ½ lb. per gate - sometime in the hall with the York joiners - breakfast at 9 ¼ - had Charles Howarth - paid him up for railing, gate setting in the 2 Conerys and sheers making for Hipperholme Quarry - out again at 10 50 - about with Mark Hepworth who brought 2 loads oak roots etc with Robert Mann and c° - 2 of his men at the low fishpond water drift head - the rest subbing large old roots between the hall croft and Pearson Ing -off to Halifax at 12 ¼ - called (at 12 ¾) and sat 25 minutes with Mrs. Veitch - gave her back the mourning she sent 2 or 3 weeks ago as a pattern of her size - then went to the bank - shut every Friday at 1pm for the rest of the day - admitted by the house door, and got £80 in their notes £18 in gold and £2 in silver = £100 - got also order on the branch in York for £294 payable to Mrs. Mariana Percy Lawton being the balance in full of her account with me - reeking interest up to the 31st of next month inclusive - so that I now owe her not one farthing - having sent off the order tonight, with the account up to the end of the year, a few items being added [?] to have accumed since M- left here - sent off the order containing a little note to Mr. Wolstenholme (to get pay for and send by M- on Tuesday a piece of Ivory 4in. long x ½ in. sq.) directed to ‘Mrs. Lawton at Mrs. Belcombes mister court York ppd’ from the bank went to Mounsey’s
bought a pair of large coarse worsted stockings for A- to draw over her boots and wear in riding - then to Waltons’ to speak about harness for the market cart - ordered a set of 2nd hand to be ready by tomorrow week - good - to be £2 - then to Nicholson’s - paid A-‘s bill for the things for the school £30.16.2 + 7/4 and paid M-‘s bill for things for her school to be sent to meet her at Manchester on her return from York £6.3.7 ½ - then to Whitley’s bought 4to account for the gardener to come tonight  - then bought stamps at Hartleys after leaving Whitley’s and returned up the old bank - Mr. Stocks of Catherine Slack, the quondam nuisance of a magistrate, who died about a week ago, buried today - a host of people Robert Mann told me, rejoicing to be rid of him - Mr. Husband and Mr. Wood Mr. Bates’s engineer met me at the middle garden to know if the wheel was to be geered for the corn-mill - yes! I supposed Mr. Harper had ordered all about it - no! he had not said anything but Mr. Husband was to see how it had best be done - Mr. Husband said that, of course, I knew this geering the wheel to the corn mill would be extra - yes! I had only to say the job was to be done as well and as reasonably as it could, and must be done in time so as not to keep the colliers waiting - for the rest I left it to Mr. Harper and Mr. Husband and the engineer to settle - came in at 3 - took the money out of my pocket and went out to Robert Mann and c° stubbing - Mark Hepworth had brought 2 loads of oak-roots from yew trees quarry this morning and was just arrived from yew trees with the large yew tree felled at Hilltop when the new barn was built and having lain in yew trees farmyard ever since - sent up a couple of loads of Stumps and roots from the stubbing between the hall croft and Pearson ing - came in at 5 ¼ - sometime with Mr. Husband telling him how to do the ceiling off of the drab room from the stair-case - dressed - wrote and sent off my letter (containing the money order) to M- (vid. last line of last p.) and wrote and sent note to ‘Mrs. James Briggs’ Mrs. Lister and Miss Walker begged her acceptance of 2 concert tickets for the 28th instant - note of thanks by Frank  - dinner at 7 - coffee upstairs - A- read French - spelt over tonights’ paper - Letter 3 pages and ends and under the seal from Miss Pickford! dated ‘Sainte Teresa a Chiaja 39 Naples November 8th 1836’ - the letter cut and having been furnigated at Marseilles - having the Marseilles postmark of 19 and 24 November - Miss Pickford had seen in Galignanis’ paper the death of my aunt - sure it ‘would sorrow me much’ - a line or 2 on this subject - the rest rigmarole - with difficulty legible - but it seems she is quite well - quite recovered since A- and I saw her at Geneva - seems in the midst of ‘folk’ at Naples - fine day tho’ a little sleet and small snow between 8 and 9 am F33° now at 10 55 pm at accounts till 11 ¾ - wrote check to go to the Bank tomorrow for fifty pounds note - the hall stairs put up today and boarded over to prevent damage
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iberiandoctor · 4 years
Five Works in 2020
I was tagged by the lovely @angel-in-new-york-city! This was fun, thanks for letting me play!
Rules: Choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Here are five works, in seven different fandoms, in this past Year of the Plague.
1. The Adoration of the Earth: 
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Strange/Norrell, [E], 6,000+ words.
One should never flirt with odd books at Solstice-time in Faerie, as Mr Strange learns to his great chagrin.
My first JSMN fic, written for @threedomiciles in 2020′s Smut4Smut challenge. Writing explicit fic is challenging, and writing it in Susanna Clarke 19th C. pastiche even more so; still, I’m pleased with how things turned out! Plus, I live for esoteric footnotes ;)
2. The Lark and Her Lieutenants: 
Les Misérables  - Victor Hugo, Cosette/Marius, Enjolras/Grantaire, Valjean/Javert, [G], 18,585 words. 
While Cosette is stirring up the Revolution, Grantaire meets a young man in the Luxembourg Gardens.
My Les Mis Quarantine Edition Big Bang fic, a collaboration with the awesome @thebansacredbanned. Now with art from @sssara-b! In this story, Cosette and Enjolras swap roles: Enjolras is the shy ingenue, Cosette the revolutionary leader; Valjean just wants to get his daughter off the barricades.
3.  The Instruments of Their Master: 
La Comédie Humaine - Honoré de Balzac/19th Century CE France RPF, Corentin/Manuel, [E], 5,700 words. 
The Duke of Otranto had two protégés: one, a police spy; the other, a promising future Deputy. The lessons these men learned under his tutelage — none more during the Hundred Days, when the Republic hung on a knife’s edge of war and politics — left the one greater, the other more guilty.
My Yuletide treat for @kainosite, in very much a fandom of two; a crossover pairing between Balzac’s fictional police spy, Corentin, and noted 19th century French politician Jacques-Antoine Manuel. Set in France’s Hundred Days period, Napoleon’s spymaster Joseph Fouché pits his two protégés against each other so that they can better work together to secretly thwart old Boney; hatesex and politics and history collide!
4.  Diamonds Taking Shape ... : 
Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston/Crazy Rich Asians (2018), Alex/Henry, Nick/Rachel, [T], 4040 words.  
 … and an intersection with Crazy Rich Love (:winky face emoji:)
My Yuletide assignment for @legendaryguardian; when I saw I’d matched with them on both CRA and RW&RB, I knew I had to write this crossover! Alex & Henry visit Singapore, and have dinner with Nick & Rachel at Gardens by the Bay.
5.  The Age of Imagination and Experience: 
Call Me by Your Name, Elio/Oliver, Oliver/Michol, [M], 2/9 chapters. WIP.   
 “Ah – to have that kind of innocence, the innocence that seals the mind against imagination and the heart against experience!" A Gilded Age, The Age of Innocence AU.
I started writing this Gilded Age AU for the December CMBYN Challenge, though the way it’s going, it’ll be well into 2021 before it finishes! I have loved Wharton’s The Age of Innocence for more than half my life, and I couldn’t resist envisioning Elio as Ellen Olenska and Michol as May Welland, with Oliver as Newland Archer, the man in the middle. Having a bisexual male love interest in place of Wharton’s foreign divorcee is a different narrative proposition, and I am very much enjoying exploring 1870s New York society through Oliver’s eyes.
I’m tagging all the talented creators mentioned in this post, and anyone else who wants to join in - @breadcrumbsandstars, I know you wrote a lot last year? @saltedpin; @raspberryhunter, so did you guys!
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
( I dent the other ask to early)
HP/RW/HG, fic where Ron is being secretive and distant towards the other two. One day they arrive at their flat and see Ron whispering with Lavender and have lots of paperwork in front of them. Also, this is the first time he is smiling and laughing since a long time causing both Hs to be angry
He’d stopped drinking with them, started staying late at work and going to the gym, and while Hermione had no reason to doubt either of these as excuses (after all Harry was perfectly capable of checking his work logs, it’d be a pretty stupid thing to lie about), there was just something, different about him. He was hiding something, that much Hermione was certain. He didn’t seem as happy.
“How late do you work tomorrow?” Hermione asked them as they all settled into bed. “Because we need to get the shopping done and I thought we might make an evening of it, have dinner.”
“We should be off by six,” Harry said, looking over at Ron for confirmation.
“Er, sounds lovely but can I take a rain check?” Ron asked. Hermione waited for him to provide an excuse, a reason, but he merely climbed into bed and turned down the lamps. “You two have fun.”
In the darkness, Hermione sought Harry’s eyes and it was clear her worries weren’t as baseless as they had once seemed.
“He hasn’t been fired, has he?” Hermione asked stupidly as they sat in a cafe sharing a drink.
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I mean, he hasn’t been working with me as much, but-“
“But something’s different about him.”
Harry didn’t look like he wanted to admit it. But finally sighed and nodded. “But something is different about him.”
The confession made the air between them thick as Hermione’s brain whirled. They’d always done everything together. From the tent to the battle to the desperate months after when they’d all realized they’d never wanted to be apart again. The dangerous spells that had bonded them and the five years after when they’d all laughed at how reckless getting married at only eighteen seemed.
Now as Hermione frowned down at her ring the decision felt more rushed than ever.
“You don’t think,” she whispered, too afraid to speak it let alone name it.
But Harry wasn’t as quick to read her mind. Perhaps too frightened to want to.
“That there’s,” she continued, dropping her voice even lower. “Someone else?”
“How can you say that?” Harry asked of her looking thoroughly offended.
Patiently, her eyes burning, Hermione sat there as Harry searched for another excuse and faltered. Quietly he repeated, “How can you even think that?”
“We have to say something,” Hermione resolved. “We can’t just not know, it’ll drive me insane.”
Somehow, things went back to the way they were. It was as if Ron knew of their suspicious and had stopped sneaking around behind their backs. Still, sometimes he’d read a letter and frown or smile or some other great emotion that before would have been news to tell them. Hermione tried ignoring it all the while tracking his movements. Yet she was still surprised, the night she and Harry came home late to find their flat occupied.
“Ron?” Harry called out into the flat. “Is someone here?”
His head popped out from the kitchen. “Oh good, you’re home.”
Nothing amiss except he hadn’t told them he’d be home before them, hadn’t told them why. And then, as they approached the dining room, a burst of laughter echoed. A laughter Hermione knew. She hurried, racing Harry, and there, sitting at their table, was Lavender Brown.
To her credit it looked innocent enough, papers spread about. Why had she been laughing?
“I wanted it to be finished before I said something,” Ron said, walking over to greet them. Ignoring their stunned looks of betrayal. He kissed them both, guiding them over to the table yet Hermione remained stubbornly in her spot.
“What was finished?” she hissed.
“Sit down,” Ron said and for the first time, he seemed to realize he might have done something wrong, how this might look. “Hermione, let me explain. It’s not what you think.”
Lavender had the decency to look frightened as Hermione allowed herself to be steered to the table, seated furthest away from the other girl. A noise in the kitchen interrupted her glaring and emerged George, adding to the puzzle.
“I thought you wouldn’t be back yet,” George said, a glass of water in hand.
“That’s a way to be greeted in my own flat,” Harry quipped and Hermione was grateful that he at least could see what was so plain to her, that he was upset too.
“Sorry to disappoint, the surprise party isn’t until seven,” George said good-naturedly, taking the seat next to Harry’s and picking up the quill closest to him.
“Oh, is that what all this is?” Harry said and his anger was dissolving. “All this paperwork for a surprise party?”
“Yes, well, you’re not very popular,” Ron said sarcastically, “this isn’t even making a dent in all the letters we have to send begging people to come.”
The four of them chuckled and Hermione still upset not to know, crossed her arms over her chest to make her displeasure known.
“We’re getting to it,” Ron said, sensing her anger. He picked up a stack and shuffled through it. From within he plucked out a piece of parchment and thrust it at her. ‘Here.”
Curiosity got the better of her and Hermione leaned forward to look at it.
“It’s just numbers,” she said.
“Yes, well, they’re important numbers,” Ron said, tossing another paper at her. “It’s how we’re going to open back up the shop.”
Hermione blinked, looking at Ron in disbelief and then George. “Then what’s she doing here?”
“Lavender,” Ron said carefully, “Is helping with marketing.”
“And you’ve been meeting with her, alone?” Harry asked.
“Yes, well, it wasn’t anything like that,” Ron said, his face flushing.
Harry's glare shifted to Lavender who’s eyes went wide and in a very hoarse voice whispered, “I told him to tell you.”
Hermione glared down at the paper, her face becoming a frown and then glanced over at George who’s smile was fading. It was to him that she posed her question. “You’re reopening the shop?”
“It was just talking and then numbers,” George explained. “I didn’t want Ron saying anything until we were ready.”
She glanced at Harry who was staring at George with a hopeful expression and then to Ron. Somehow all three of their eyes met and Hermione put aside her crossness, sitting down beside Harry and avoiding Lavender still.
“So,” she said, looking to Harry for help.
He gave a calming smile. “Give us the pitch.”
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morgan-tessa · 4 years
November 21, 2014- Both attend the Limitless Gala.
June 24-25- Tessa and Morgan in Charlottesville, PEI for Special Olympics.
June 25- Special Olympics Fundraiser and Gala.
June 26- Morgan and Tessa spotted by a fan at the airport leaving PEI. (Pics taken)
July 5- Tessa in Vancouver (seen at Medina restaurant.)
September 5-6- Tessa in Vancouver for Air Miles promotion
September 7/8- Possible Tessa RW&Co photo shoot at the same time as Morgan (see post above)
September 10- Both Morgan and Tessa train at the same rink.
Sept 13-17- Morgan in St. John’s for training camp.
September 14- PaulE Hockey post on Facebook “Congratulations to Morgan Rielly and Tessa Virtue. He shoots he scores!”
September 18- Lonny Huggins post on Twitter “ Tessa x Morgan Rielly”
October 20- Comment left on Virgin Radio Winnipeg Instagram picture that Tessa might be dating Morgan Rielly.
October 25- Tessa at Leafs game with Jordan
November 5- Tessa spotted at a downtown Toronto coffee shop with a “blonde man”.
December 5- Toronto Raptors game where Morgan bails on tradition with Auston Matthews because “his girlfriend is in town.”
Dec 10(?)- Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner follow Tessa on Instagram while on road trip to Vancouver. Mitch unfollows shortly thereafter.
Dec 12- Dan (@265kilometers) on Twitter comments “Seeing as apparently figure skating Twitter talked about it last night I wonder if Leafs Twitter knew Tessa Virtue and Morgan Rielly were a thing for a hot minute”
December 17- Tessa at Leafs game
December 28- Tessa at Leafs game with her friend Midori (who follows Morgan that night)
Jan 1- Tessa follows Morgan on Instagram and likes his “Happy New Year” post
Jan 9- Tessa and Morgan attend “A Night with the Blue and White”
Jan 12- Morgan injured in game
Jan 13- Morgan has CT scan on injured right foot
Jan 23 Tessa seen out at a restaurant with Morgan & Aryne Tavares (Johns wife) follows her (picture with fan)
Jan 24- Tessa seen in hospital gift shop where Leaf players get treatment (pic on Twitter)
Jan (25?)-Morgan’s dad follows Tessa on Instagram
Jan 26- Tessa spotted at dinner by a fan
Feb 24- Tessa responds to Morgan’s picture on Instagram with 😍
Feb 27- Episode 248 of the podcast “Spittin Chicklets” (recorded 1/24) airs with Auston Matthews commenting about Morgan’s girlfriend. Auston calls her “an absolute sweetheart.” (approx 1:08:00 into the podcast.) 24:50 here https://youtu.be/T1d77lFpLQA
March 2-7(??) - Tessa in California when the Leafs were playing there. & Morgan’s brother follows her Instagram
March 10- Tessa at Leafs game with Jordan
March 18(?)- Handwashing video at Tessa’s house
March 23- Tessa on Arkells Instastory with Morgan at his house (1st confirmation)
March 24- Push-up challenge Instastory at Morgan’s house
March 26- Tessa and Morgan workout video on Instastory
March 31- Tessa choreographs for Max (Morgan filming)
April 2- Morgan- when asked about quarantine life with Tessa Virtue: "We're in it together, trying to keep each other sane, and do our part... I really won't talk about it too much, but I'm really glad I'm not alone."
April 3- Tessa posts Instagram pic with puzzle and flowers with the caption”It’s the little things” to which Tyson Barrie responds “ There is no way that @morganrielly is anything but in the way when it’s puzzle time.”
April 11- Pictue and video taken for the “Great Kitchen Party” taken at Morgan’s house. (Still in quarantine together.)
April 15- Tessa records a bit for the Great Kitchen Party where she talks about the activities she’s been up to with Morgan. Walks, hikes, games, etc.
April 19- Tessa posts a throwback video of her dancing with Sam. Mitch Marner comments “teach @morganrielly to dance throughout this quarantine, god knows he needs it 🤣”
April 24- Morgan posts an Instastory with his dog Maggie ‘social distancing’ while on a hike.
April 25- Morgan Q&A with RW&CO on their Instagram
April 29- Tessa and Morgan appear together on the Great Kitchen Party-Home Edition. Eating sushi from Zen in Vancouver.
April 30- Tessa does a dance (choreographed by Randi Strong) in the kitchen/dining area while Morgan films.
May 1- Tessa does an Instalive dance choreography session with Sam. While wearing Morgan’s sweatshirt. During the live Sam mentions the comments are asking where Morgan is. Tessa replies that he would pick up choreography quickly like he did when she helped Max with a dance for his song “Years in the Making.” Morgan is seen in the comments with a 👍 and “Let’s go”.
May 11- Morgan and Tessa provide lunch for the entire staff at a Vancouver hospital.
May 12- First photo of them together via Tessa Instastory. (Wearing Frontline workers T-shirts)
June 24- Tessa on Arlene Dickinson’s Podcast titled Reinvention. When asked where in Vancouver was she staying she replied, “I’m at my boyfriends. We’re self isolating together which has been quite nice to just spend this quality time together.” (Recorded after T’s birthday while in Vancouver)
June 27- Alex Kerfoot follows Tessa on Instagram.
June 29- RW&Co Q&A Instastory where Tessa says “I don’t have a strong urge to put on my skates but there is a fellow RW ambassador I am eager to skate with.”
July 11- Morgan spotted in Toronto walking a dog. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheMidasTouch_/status/1281968093271597057
July 26- Tessa posts a picture of a puppy with the caption “Find yourself a puppy with the same interests as you.”
July 29- Tessa on the podcast “The Lilah Jo Show.” where when asked who is the person that she can be the most “authentically Tessa” with her answer was her mom....and Morgan.
July 30- Tessa posts a picture of flowers presumably from the Leafs organization while the players are in the bubble.
Aug 26- International Dog Day post on Tessa’s Instastory. Pictures of Puppy Zoë and of Tessa and Morgan together.
Aug 31- Tessa Instastory about moving day. (New apartment)
Sept 5- Tessa and Morgan spotter together for dinner in Toronto (via Twitter)
Sept 8- Puppy Zoë pics
Sept 14- Tessa IG Zoë is not a cheap date pic
Sept 15- Zoë “forging” Tessa’s signature in books.
Sept 26- Morgan and Tessa are part of the Marathon of Sport fundraiser for Motionball
Sept 27- Hanging out on a boat with Mitch Marner. Zoë and Zeus (Marner’s dog) picture
Sept 28- Morgan’s Instagram of him fishing with Zoë
Nov 1- Tessa tags Morgan in a posted video. First tag on main.
Nov 9- They have started putting up their Christmas decorations (as per Instalive on 11/10)
Nov 14- Cribbage game post on Morgan’s Instastory
Nov 15- Master’s Sunday (golf) post of Zoë. Tessa’s Instagram
Nov 17-Zoë is a mood post from Tessa
Nov 19-Christmas Quilts for the family from Tessa’s mom. Instagram.
Nov 21 - Morgan Instagram post of picture from Graffiti Alley
Nov 23- 1yr post retirement post from Tessa
November 27- Tessa appointed to the Order of Canada
November 29- Morgan and Tessa on Wickfest (via Hayley wickenheiser Instastory)
November 30- Tessa Instagram Kashi ad
December 1- Holiday mood at home Tessa Instagram + “Home for the Holidays” Tessa hosts tv special
December 2- Tessa Q&A with Kashi
December 3- Tessa’s INstagram posts burgers from @mattyspattysburgerclub + Q&A for The Brick + Morgan on zoom with words of encouragement for the World Juniors
December 4- Morgan on a zoom with Sick Kids Hospital (snapshot released 12/8)
December 6- Morgan walking Zoë at Graffiti Alley
December 9- Tessa Instagram ads for Kashi and The Brick and a studying for finals + Maple Leafs Instagram releases video of the team at the training facility
December 10- Morgan participates in a toy drive with sponsor Mercedes Benz Newmarket
December 11- Zoe + “Homemade” turnovers. (Tessa’s Instagram)
December 13- Tessa’s study buddy Zoë
December 14- Morgan CCM Assist video (via CCM Instagram)
December 15- Tessa Nivea Ad
December 16- Tessa getting her coffee fix + Maple Leafs training video with Morgan + Morgan thinking hockey (via Morgan’s Instagram)
December 18- Tessa at the car wash (Via Tessa’s Instagram
December 19- Done with finals and ready to relax with “Rumnog” (via Tessa’s Instagram)
December 20- Maple Leafs reverse Retro picture with Morgan
December 21- Nivea lip balm ad (via Tessa’s Instagram) + Article about Tessa in Flare
December 23- Morgans holiday greeting for the Boys Club Network + Tessa Instastory about mixed drinks and “physically distanced, but emotionally connected” (the shoes!)
December 24- Tessa posts a family picture from childhood + Nivea ad and Buick “Christmas Card” (via Buick Instagram)
December 26- Morgan in support of the WJC photo shoot with Nike (Via WJC and Morgans Instagram)
December 27-Tessa posts inspirational quote on Instagram
December 28- Zoë fancam on Tessa’s Instagram
December 29- Barbie post + Bonlook
December 31- Tessa’s Instagram post about a care package form @inthegreyboutique (poor Morgan’s arm) 
+ Leafs look back 
+ New Years Eve post “Season’s Finale” 
+ Scrabble
+Peace out 2020
Have additions? Send me an ask or message me. I will not post anything other than the information here. No names. Promise. This is for information purposes only.
Have mean things to say? Save it. I’m not interested.
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adenei · 4 years
The Mixtape Mishap - Chapter 3
The Missing CD
December 28th - The Burrow
Ron and Harry had joined Ginny and Mrs. Weasley at the table for breakfast. Fred and George were still there, finishing up their morning coffee before heading to the joke shop for work. Pig had returned with empty claws the morning after Ron sent the letter to Lavender, so he was cautiously hopeful that he was in the clear. As he began to tuck into his eggs and bacon, he noticed an owl outside the window.
“Ginny will you go fetch the letter from that owl hovering outside?” Mrs. Weasley asked. Ginny did as she was told with a slight huff. She came back with a glaring red envelope.
“Is that a howler?” asked Fred, his curiosity piqued.
“Who could possibly be on the receiving end of one of those?” George added.
Ginny tossed the envelope towards Ron. “What’d you do now, brother of mine?” 
Ron’s face turned red as he made to get upstairs to open it in some sort of privacy. He managed to make it into the bathroom before it exploded.
Ron winced as the letter burst into flames. Once it had turned to ashes he cleaned it up and disposed of it. Should have known that’d happen, he thought as he opened the door to return to breakfast. He noticed his mum had left the table, presumably to attend to the long list of chores she’d had sorted for the day. As he sat back down, he noticed everyone staring at him.
“What?” he asked, turning his attention back to his forgotten food.
“Breaking up with a girl over a letter?” Fred scoffed.
“And on Christmas, no doubt?” George quipped.
“Oi, shut it, the lot of you,” Ron said with a rude hand gesture.
“Geez, Ron, I didn’t think her gift was that bad that you decided to chuck her for it,” Harry sniggered.
“Really, Harry? Who’s side are you on anyways?” Ron said in annoyance. 
“Guess ickle Ronniekins needs his older brothers to help him out,” George said.
“Don’t worry, Ronnie, we’ll get right to your crash course in wooing the ladies when we get back from the shop tonight. We’ll have to start with the introduction though, since you broke the most basic rule. It’s a shame, really,” Fred added.
“Sod off, will you? So what? I chucked Lavender. It wasn’t working out, and I didn’t want to wait until we were back at school. Like you two’ve never done something stupid when it comes to dating.. Don’t you have a shop to open?” He nodded to the clock as he got up to take care of his empty plate and go back to his room. Fred and George also hurried off, realizing they’d stayed longer than they should have.
“You were awfully quiet during that whole thing,” Harry commented to Ginny.
“What? Maybe I’m happy he’s rid of that bimbo. All the better for the rest of us, right?” Ginny tried to play it off cooly.
Harry snorted, “You’re starting to sound like Hermione with that language.” Ginny didn’t respond, but her eyes grew wide as she worried that Harry may have caught on to something.
When Harry noticed her change in demeanor he said, “You don’t think…”
“Can you keep a secret?” Ginny asked. New Year’s Eve couldn’t come soon enough.
December 30th - The Granger’s House
Hermione had excused herself from dinner with her parents and made her way to her room to finish packing up her things. She planned on heading to the Burrow first thing in the morning after her parents had left for work. She wanted to make sure she could sneak up to Ginny’s room before the boys were awake. All of her clothes had been packed, and Hermione placed her new CDs and the walkman in the bag. 
“Hmm, that’s odd,” she said to herself. “Where’s the mix I made the other day?” To be completely honest, she hadn’t thought about it since after she made it. Her parents had kept her busy over the past week, with visiting distant relatives whom she hadn’t seen in years, and different outings here and there they hadn’t been able to do in ages. 
She checked the desk drawer where she thought she’d placed it after she finished using the notepad that day. When Hermione realized it wasn’t there, she began checking all the other spots it could have been in her room. It was nowhere to be found. She made her way to her dad’s office, thinking maybe she left it by the computer. When Hermione didn’t have luck finding it there either, she became more frantic. She searched high and low in the office and her room once more before she gave up and lay on her bed, grunting in frustration.
Okay, let’s be logical about this, Hermione thought. You carried all the CDs back in here after you’d finished burning the two copies. You wrapped Ginny’s present and wrote the note to Harry, and set them on the pile with the rest of the Christmas gifts.. “Oh my God, I never separated the two mixes. It must have ended up in the Christmas pile at the Burrow.”
There was no way Ginny would have given that to Ron, right? No, of course not! Hermione was sure that Ginny would have just held onto it until she saw her tomorrow. At least, that’s what Hermione kept telling herself as she retreated to the bathroom for a long, hot shower, followed by a restless night of little sleep.
December 31st - to the Burrow 
The next morning, Hermione was awake at an obscenely early hour, having given up on sleep. She bid her parents goodbye as she entered the code at the fireplace, enabling the floo feature. Hermione made sure she had all her belongings and tossed some of the floo powder from her pouch into the fireplace. She stepped in, and then next thing she knew she was in the living area of the Burrow. 
Finally, luck was on her side as she saw the downstairs was empty. She made her way quietly up to Ginny’s room, and entered without making a sound. Hermione knew it’d be a few hours still until Ginny woke up so she got out one of her books and made herself comfortable on the floor where her camp bed was normally laid out.
Around 8:30, Hermione heard Ginny start to stir. Finally. Hermione remained quiet as Ginny woke up. When she sat up, Hermione cast muffliato on the door, and said, “I hope it’s okay that I’m here a little earlier than expected.”
“Holy mother of Merlin, Hermione! What the hell? How long have you been here?”
“I flooed in around 6:30 this morning. I couldn’t sleep.” Hermione shrugged.
“Does Mum know you’re here?”
“No, nobody was downstairs when I got here. I came straight to your room. I’m sorry, it’s just-” Hermione didn’t want to waste anymore time. “Was there a second mixed CD in your Christmas package that said Bad Blood on it?”
“Er, yeah. It had the initials RW on it so I assumed you wanted me to give it to Ron.” Ginny stopped when she saw the look of anguish on Hermione’s face. “Oh, no, was he not supposed to see it? Or hear it? I’m so sorry, Hermione! I really thought it was meant for him!”
“I have to get that CD back, Ginny. I have to.” Hermione pleaded.
“Can I ask what’s on it?” Ginny asked.
“What’s on it, what was in it, it’s all the same,” Hermione said as Ginny looked confused.
“Mum got me a couple new albums when she got yours for Christmas, and I’d been listening to them a lot so I got out some paper and wrote the names of the songs and some lyrics on it. It’s been the first thing that made me feel a little bit better after Ron...well, you know. Anyways, I went and compiled those songs onto a CD so I could listen to just those ones when I needed to indulge in the heartache. I never meant for it to be in his hands,” Hermione explained. “Please, please help me get it back!”
“Okay, okay. I’m sure it’s in his room. When he and Harry are down for breakfast, I’ll pretend to have to use the bathroom and let you know the coast is clear.”
A knock on the door interrupted them. Hermione quickly ended the muffliato spell and hid on the far side of Ginny’s bed.
“Hey, Gin, you awake? Breakfast is ready.” they heard Harry ask from the other side of the door.
“I’ll be right down!” Ginny said as she got out of bed and quickly got dressed.
“Okay, I’ll make sure Ron doesn’t eat all the food before you get there.”
“He better not!” Ginny retorted. Turning to Hermione, she said, “I’ll walk up and make sure the coast is clear, and let you know on my way back down.” She opened the door to head up and check and was back a minute later. “Go ahead,” she hissed.
Hermione got up and peeked her head out. When she was certain for herself that the coast was clear, she quickly made her way upstairs and into Ron’s room. Now, to find what she was looking for..
* * *
“Morning!” Ginny said as she sat down at the table. 
“Good morning, dear,” Mrs. Weasley said. “Sleep well?”
“Yes, Mum. I can’t believe these two beat me to breakfast,” Ginny responded. She noticed Ron had already finished eating and was getting ready to leave the table. No, no, no, not yet!
“You’re done already?” she asked him quickly.
“Er, yeah, since when do you care how fast I eat.” Ron looked at her oddly. So did Harry for that matter.
“Just noticing. Where are you headed?”she questioned as he took care of his plate.
“Was going to go back up to my room. Why are you acting so weird?”
“I’m not! I just- just thought you’d want to wait for Harry to finish at least.” 
“Pretty sure he can handle finishing breakfast without me, right mate?” Ron asked as Harry nodded. He turned to head towards the stairs.
“No!” Ginny yelped.
“Ginevra!” Mrs. Weasley scolded. “What is the matter with you?”
“Sorry, Mum.” For once Ginny couldn’t think fast enough to keep Ron downstairs. 
“Ron, wait a minute,” Mrs. Weasley called as he stepped onto the stairs. “Do any of you happen to know why there’s a floo stamp at 6:30 this morning? Your father didn’t leave until 7. Everyone else left later, and I haven’t seen any additional bodies here yet this morning.” She eyed Ginny.
“Er, no, I was sleeping, wasn’t I? We all were,” Ron said as Harry nodded.
“Mum, what day is it?” Ginny asked even though she knew the answer.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, dear,” Mrs. Weasley said as she looked at her daughter. Ginny tried to give her Mum a silent look indicating that it was Hermione. “Oh, did she arrive that early?” Mrs. Weasley asked.
“Who arrived? I didn’t know you invited a friend over, Ginny. Who’s here?” Harry asked. In his defense, Ginny hadn’t told him Hermione was coming.
When Ginny didn’t respond, Mrs. Weasley said, “Oh honestly Ginny, does it really matter now? Just tell them she’s here!” Apparently Mrs. Weasley was done with the games.
“Who’s here?” Surely not… “Where is she?” Ron asked suddenly.
Ginny blanched. Ron didn’t bother waiting for her answer as he bolted up the stairs.
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flvcr · 4 years
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ᴡᴇꜱᴛᴍᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴀꜱᴋ ₀₀₁ : ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴜʀᴠᴇʏ
𝙬 / 𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚 𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙤𝙧
ᴀɴꜱᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴇᴛɪᴇɴɴᴇ
when you think of westmere, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?  
❝ i guess it’s more of a feeling for me ? this sense of warmth. it’s just bits and pieces engrained in my mind of those in town. it’s starting to feel like home for me ? i mean, i’ve moved around a lot, and although i think back on those cities fondly, this is a new one for me. ❞
have you read rw wallace’s books?  if you have, which ones your favorite?
❝  i’ve read through them all, mainly as a result of joining a book club in town - some a couple times more than the others. if i had to choose, i think my favorite one is secret identities. although i’ve marked up corruption and creation a bunch, that one’s pretty solid. i read the first when i moved to new york, and then once i discovered it was inspired by westmere i knew i needed to come visit, and ever since it’s definitely lived up to the hype set in merelake. ❞
what spot is your favorite in town and why?  
❝ favorite ? hm, the gazebo, at night, is a bit surreal. there’s this bit of stillness for a moment that just seems to encompass the entire town, and the very next second the crickets are chirping, it’s almost like you can hear everything yet NOTHING all at the same time. ❞
if you were stranded at night, who’s the first person you’d call and why?
❝ @sebmeier​ . let’s just hope the poor sod isn’t standing beside me this time. oh, cause he’d put the pedal to the vettel. but if he’s with me, @mcttie​ - it’s a given. ❞
how often do you talk to your parents/family?
❝ we text here and there throughout the week, my parents and siblings alike. we have a family group chat, ha, um, but it’s nice. i call my mum on thursdays, we’ll facetime and have a proper meal together. if my siblings are visitng, or dad is around they’ll join too. ❞
how would your best friend describe you?  what about your worst enemy?
❝ probably in the same fashion - an ass that just won’t quit. i’m only kidding. perhaps more along the lines of me being a pain in the ass ? ❞
do you like celebrating birthdays?  what about holidays?
❝ birthdays ? hm, no, well not my own. i do enjoy gift giving though, and writing a card, so i guess i enjoy others birthdays. holidays, eh, it more so depends on the one. i enjoy halloween, that dream-like christmas bubble of time is a bit uncanny, and i’m a proper sucker for valentine’s day. all the others are a bit of a wash. no offense to the easter bunny and what not. ❞
do you believe in ghosts?  aliens?  are you a conspiracy theorist?
❝ ghosts ? definitely. growing up in montpellier, i could’ve sworn there was this girl that used to come and play with me, but a couple years back when i tried to explain her to my parents, they said they had no idea who i was describing. aliens? there’s absolutely no way we’re the highest form of life in this galaxy, if so, that’s awfully depressing. i guess you could say i’m a conspiracy theorist, i mean, i’m not sold on the ideology of lizard people quite yet, but i do often slip into the online void - some of those just ... click, y’know ? ❞
if you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d do?
❝ lately i’ve been thinking of designing some type of rec center filled with after school programs and an ice rink, of course. although, i don’t necessarily need to win the lottery to really set it in motion, i suppose. regardless, i think it’d be a bit exciting to develop a program that’d engage with the youth of westmere, it’s a bit shoddy now, but who knows ? maybe one day it’ll come together. ❞
is the glass half full or half empty?
❝ that all depends on what you’re putting into it, hm ? are you taking or giving ?  ❞
are you more at home in a room full of people or being alone?
❝ of course i enjoy spending time with others, but a room FULL of people sounds a bit nightmarish.  i read this thing about how you become the most like the five people you surround yourself with, but it makes me wonder, at what points are you ever truly yourself ? i figure you can only find out when you’re completely alone. ❞
are you someone who follows a routine every day or prefers the spontaneity of life?
❝ a mix of both ? during training and the hockey season, i think a routine is a bit easier to follow. however, knowing i’m out for the season, i’m looking forward to the spontaneity of life here in westmere. ❞
do you want kids someday?  if you already have kids, would you want more?
❝ i haven’t really thought that far ahead. someday, maybe ? i do enjoy spending time with @salingcr​ and his rugrats, so why not ? yes ? ❞
what’s your go to karaoke song?
❝ runnin’ with the devil - van halen.  ❞
what throwback movie are you crossing your fingers that drive on by will show someday?
❝ meet joe black, although i’m not sure if they ever would due to the length of the film. ❞
what’s your favorite ice cream flavor down at ice queen & king?
❝ mint chocolate chip is a classic, but lately i’ve had a hankering for their mocha almond fudge. can never go wrong there. ❞
ᴀɴꜱᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴇᴛɪᴇɴɴᴇ
if your character grew up in town explain what they think of town and why they still live here. 
— n/a.
if your character moved here at one point or another, explain what they were thinking when they moved.  was it their choice?  a parents?  how did they feel about moving? 
— after being gifted the first of rw wallace’s books while living in new york, etienne knew the town depicted in the story was a place that he desired to be a part of. so, once his lease was up, he opted to move to westmere, commuting to new york during hockey and training season. he’s enjoyed it ever since, definitely no regrets.
what is your character’s earliest memory?
— his earliest memory is from halloween when he was about four years of age. still living in montpellier, his parents took him and his siblings from business to business to do a bit of trick-or-treating, popping in and out of different store fronts asking for candy. that year his parents dressed him up as jason voorhes, finding it comical for his age.
is your character’s family big or small?  what is their relationship with their family like?
— etienne has two older siblings, each of them being two years apart. he and his siblings are very close, as well as his parents - they have a family group chat.  he definitely gets along with his mother the most, the two of them having a virtual dinner on a weekly basis.
is your character the type to have a lot of good friends or a few really close ones?
— etienne has both ?! a solid amount of good friends, and yet also a tight knit group that he feels that he can be a splash more expressive and vulnerable with when the time comes. he does make a point to insert himself in others’ lives, wanting to be there for truly anyone who may need / want him, but he sometimes finds it difficult for himself to open up to that connection.
what is your character’s life philosophy?  how do they see the world?
— with a deep appreciation and love for  matthew mcconaughey this video here basically is etienne’s philosophy / way he sees the world in a six minute nut shell. BUT taking things from it, etienne is very realistic and straight to the point - will tell you what’s wrong / what the problem even if it’s a little blunt and borders on the rude end of things. he just doesn’t think living in some delusional realm is the right move for any one by any means. he may come off having a superiority complex when one is asking for his advice, but it’s just cause at the end of the day he thinks he’s being honest / right and by all means helpful, even if the other person doesn’t want to acknowledge it. aside from that, he has a deep appreciation for all forms of life, the earth included - just treating peeps with kindness and the like !!
what are some goals that your character has?
— in regards to his hockey career, he’d like to be awarded the nhl foundation award. fingers crossed he’ll be cleared to return in the following season if all goes well with his recovery, bc he really wants to go into the playoffs and win the stanley cup. he is also hoping to attend the winter olympics in beijing in 2022. 
what does a typical day in the life of your character look like?  
— a typical day, as of late, for etienne consists of him waking up a touch on the early side to a freshly made pot of coffee, then followed by taking olive on a walk/run around town. after that he will shower, make a bit of breakfast, perhaps check on seb’s chickens ( just to be safe ) and then spend the day either reading or working in his makeshift studio. he enjoys the throwback days offered down at movie magic, so he’ll drop in to watch whatever film is being shown. otherwise, he’s likely with friends - doing whatever can be done in the day. 
what does your characters house/room look like?  is it messy & cluttered or is it neat & organized?
— for a visual, click here ! his house and room altogether are rather neat and organized. if things are  messy, even in the slightest, it’s an indication that something is wrong. he lives with sebastian, and with seb also being rather tidy, the two never have any issues, nor really any conflicting design ideas throughout the home.
what does your character’s typical wardrobe consist of?
— for an overall visual, click here ! etienne enjoys dressing up, give him a lil sweater vest and he’s beaming - he likes to look sharp, and a bit on the clean cut side. he can be a bit adventurous with his wardrobe, but definitely loves a splash of color. on the other side he his more casual looks are a jeans ( flare, skinny, cord ?! the options are endless ), a fun lil graphic tee to spice things up ( he prefers the more ridiculous ones ), and a jacket ?! he’s looking sharp, def won’t be wearing the same thing twice.
what’s a quote that describes your character?
— “ It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ” ― Theodore Roosevelt
why did you choose your character’s song?  
— etienne has wide range of music taste, having bounced around growing up, he’s had various influences and exposures when it comes to what he enjoys listening to when he’s on his own. he really took a nose dive into rock music when he was practicing and developing his hockey skills - enjoy being on the ice and listening to / mentally playing back a power guitar riff doing a game. overall, rock music is the genre that he finds the most “ fun “ and he can be caught, embarrassingly so, doing his own little variations of air guitar. but he really fell in love with eddie van halen and truly believes he’s one of the best guitarists of all time, so van halen is one of his fav karaoke songs - not only to sing, but to simply act out.
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How was your trip aside from seeing the fantastic show?
Oh it was amazing!! We had an incredible time. I’ll do a play by play with some photos and if you don’t have any interest, just move along haha 
Started out in Niagara Falls on Friday - obviously its a massive tourist trap and has very Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg vibes, so we had a very expensive dinner for the view that wasn’t worth the value and then checked it out in the daytime that next morning. I think we ended up leaving by like 9:30 am haha
We made a pit stop in Niagara-On-The-Lake on our way to Kitchener and what an adorable little town!! I never got a chance to try ice wine while we were there so I’m going to have to find some somewhere. 
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In Kitchener before the show, we explored St. Jacob’s Farmers Market (I got a bag of chippery chips and my friend got a doner kebab which just took me back to London and studying abroad and I miss ittttt) - so many Mennonites working there, it was really interesting. 
We had dinner before the show at The Rich Uncle Tavern in downtown Kitchener and I cannot recommend it enough! It was absolutely delish and such a cool vibe on the inside. 
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Headed to Toronto on Sunday morning and I had my first Tim Hortons experience. It was… like every other coffee experience? Also timbits are just donut holes right? Anyways. 
We went to the Royal Ontario Museum (that city pass life) – my friend made a joke about one of the artifacts being yet another thing the western world stole and of course, it was said right in front of a docent who then told us that the museum purchased those items from the Vietnamese a few years ago. Whoops! 
We had lunch at Hemingway’s and it was such a fun place. I imagine when it’s not, you know 38 with 20 mph winds, the patio is a lot cooler, but was really good food! 
After lunch, we got super lost trying to find Casa Loma and ended up wandering around the mansions on Russell Hill Rd before we finally figured out how to get to the ~castle. Which was stunning!!! I felt like we were playing clue with the conservatory/secret passageways. 
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That night we grabbed more Tim Hortons to walk ourselves to Yonge-Dundas Square and the Eaton Centre, before we took the subway to the CN Tower. My friend is super wary of heights but I dgaf so we went at night so she would be less scared. 
Then we went to Smoke’s Poutinery for our first poutine experience. omg its both awful and amazing at the same time. If I was drunk, I think you’d have to drag me out of there, but it was just a tad too much gravy for me. 
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Monday we did the Aquarium, which was a lot of fun! Thank you to my anon who recommended it. I showed photos of it to one of my nieces last night and she was obsessed. 
Then we went up to graffiti alley, explored some of the shops on Queen Street, etc. and finally went to the Eaton Centre to truly shop. We went floor by floor and into any store that we didn’t recognize haha (no photos of tessa in the rw&co but I did see her on the wall in bonlook!) Managed to grab a Canadian Olympic team shirt from Hudson’s Bay (thanks for that tip!!!) 
And then off to London for our final stop! We headed there a little earlier than I expected so we didn’t have a diner plan. We ended up walking around Covent Garden Market for a bit before going to Milos’ Craft Beer Emporium for dinner/drinks. What a good vibe there. It felt like a lot of bars we have at home, but of course we had to get Ontario beers. I had a sour beer from Bellwoods Brewery (felt fitting with the band) and it was delish. 
Obviously, the fact that Canada let Target fail is horrifying to these Americans, and Google told us that Canadians typically went to Canadian Tire instead, so we had nothing else to do but tour the store that destroyed the best store in the world. Listen. I’m so sorry Canadians, but Canadian tire is trash and I really want you to accept that. It smelled like a mix between an Ollie’s and a KMart. I even messaged someone and said “I can’t believe Tessa Virtue had a m&g in one of these” hahahahaha
Unfortunately, the Bag Lady is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so we couldn’t go there, but we went back downtown to The Early Bird for breakfast and it was DELISH and so filling omg. Cannot recommend it enough. 
And then I took my friend on what I called A VM Tour of London HAHAHA 
We started with Bud Gardens because it was right there (as someone who lives in a city that is larger than London but not like… that much larger population wise - wow wow wow that is a small downtown), drove right past Molly Bloom’s, Tessa’s house, and then off to Ilderton, the arena, Scott’s parent’s house, and finally the Skate Shop. 
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Can I just pause for a moment and talk about how they picked SUCH a good location for the skate shop? There are new subdivisions going up all over the place right there and its close to the suburbs of London. It was a solid move. Also it’s super cute on the inside!!! They did such a good job. I loved all of the photos they had in there, including 2010 OD Nationals, Mahler, the Greg Kolz ones. Ugh. Well done. 
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My friend is SUCH a good friend. Like I cannot stress that enough. I drove and she took photos of everything and I love her for it. 
Finally, we ended up at the Museum London for a bit since it was donation-only and explored that before we hit the 401 and headed home. 
I’m genuinely not kidding when I say that I teared up on the 401 imagining teenage VM making this drive weekly forging their friendship. I got really sappy and I’m not even sorry about it. 
Overall, it was SUCH A FUN TRIP. Thank you to everyone who gave me recommendations on where to go, where to stay and what to eat. 
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saucylittlesmile · 6 years
Post-One-Year Anniversary to PyeongChang Timeline
links to post-Sochi, post-comeback, and post-PyeongChang timelines
2019, continued:
February 22 -- Scott poses with several junior ice dance teams on the ice at Toronto Cricket Club and is thanked for his help (Toronto)
February 23 -- Tessa posts from Florence, Italy + Scott at Ilderton Arena + Scott posts a video from Thank You Ilderton + attends Paul Brandt concert that night (London)
February 25 -- Tessa posts with Carolina Kostner and Anna Capellini (Florence) + VM confirmed as skaters for Fantasy on Ice + Great Kitchen Party/b2ten release video about their organization's partnership with an interview with VM
February 27 -- Tessa's Nivea Urban Skin commercial debuts + Scott's Leaf Nation interview game session Guess Who? is released + Scott posts on twitter regarding a Leafs game + Tessa posts from Tuscany, Italy
March 2 -- Scott at a Blue Jays spring training game (Dunedin, Florida) + Tessa posts from Tuscany
March 3 -- Tessa posts from Tuscany
March 4 -- Scott works with Carreira/Ponomaranko at Novi (Detroit) + attends a celebratory dinner + Tessa posts her new Nivea commercial + Toys R Us/Barbie announces Tessa as one of their choices as a Canadian role model and an appearance
March 6 -- Tessa announces partnership with Barbie
March 7 -- Scott tweets about Tessa’s Barbie partnership
March 8 -- Tessa appears on several morning shows with her Barbie “Close The Dream Gap” promotion and a Barbie event (Toronto)
March 9 -- Tessa at Toys R Us as an appearance in partnership with Barbie/Mattel as a Canadian Role Model for Barbie's 60th birthday (Mississagua) + Tessa and Scott individually post about Lajoie/Lagha’s Junior World gold medal win
March 11 -- Scott’s Leafs TV interview is released (taped February 19)
March 14 -- Tessa tapes commercial for Air Miles partnership (Toronto)
March 17 -- Tessa appears as a presenter for the Juno awards (London)
March 19 -- Tessa spotted at The Root Cellar for dinner (London)
March 21 -- Tessa attends Nivea UrbanSkin launch event (Toronto)
March 22 -- Scott in an Instagram story doing coach duty (Montreal)
March 23-24 -- Tessa and Scott doing choreography with Sam (Montreal) + Tessa spotted on a flight back to London
March 25 -- Scott coaching Lajoie/Lagha (Montreal)
April 1 -- Scott and Tessa speak at M&M Food Market partnership rally (Mississauga, morning) + Tessa and Scott 'London Sportspeople of the Year' celebrity dinner and auction (in support of Thames Valley Children's Centre) (London, evening) + Tessa’s Nivea No Limits peacock commercial is revealed + Tessa’s cover on Glory magazine is revealed and Tessa is named as one of Canada’s 30 under 30 leaders by Bay St. Bull
April 2 -- Tessa appears on several shows to promote Nivea No Limits campaign (Toronto)
April 3 -- Tessa posts about Scott making a coffee purchase with their Visa card + VM spotted at lunch at King St. Eats + Tessa and Scott tour the Walter Carsen Centre with Canadian National Ballet’s Heather Ogden and Guillaume Cote and announce an upcoming project with Cote
April 4 -- VM working with Ogden/Cote again + filming a segment for Hello Fresh + attend Air Canada Wanderluxe gala in support of SickKids Hospital and Herbie fund + Tessa revealed as a guest judge for upcoming season of MasterChef Canada
April 5 -- VM spotted at Granite Club on the ice (Toronto)
April 6 -- Scott in Calgary participating in a development camp for skaters
April 7 -- Scott continuing at the development camp (Calgary) + Tessa in photoshoot (London)
April 8 -- VM release a short, silly segment promoting their appearances April 9 + Tessa posts from Toronto
April 9 -- media day for Rock The Rink (RTR) - most cities and dates are released for the fall tour + VM appear on several radio and TV shows promoting it
April 10 -- day 2 of RTR media day
April 11 -- Tessa in London, England
April 13 -- Tessa with Lilah and Sasha Fear (London)
April 14 -- Tessa on the ice and at tea with the Fears (London)
April 16 -- Tessa and Scott in practices for Ice Fantasia (South Korea)
*****Ice Fantasia (April 19-21) (South Korea)
April 24 -- Tessa at a photoshoot (Toronto)
April 25 -- Tessa appears on Anastasia Bucsis’ podcast Player’s Own Voice (to air in June) + Tessa at Jessica Mulroney’s One Connection event with Bumble Bizz (Toronto)
April 27 -- Scott in a photo with a fan in a restaurant (exact date unverified) (Ilderton area)
April 29 -- Tessa in a dance studio with TVA Sports (Montreal)
May 1 -- Tessa appears at Villa Maria College to promote FillActive FitSpirit (Montreal)
May 2 -- Tessa at a photoshoot for BonLook (Montreal) + Tessa attends the Canada Youth Summit as a guest speaker with FillActive FitSpirit with Sophie (Ottawa) + Scott coaches for his mom/aunts’ skating school (Komoka)
May 3 -- Tessa and Scott at a restaurant with Rock The Rink’s band Birds of Bellwoods (Toronto) + Tessa and Scott attend CSOI ‘incognito’ (Toronto)
May 4 -- Tessa attends Jordan’s barre class at BarreBelles + has an outdoor photoshoot with Adidas (Toronto) + Scott spotted arriving at Tampa airport
May 5 -- Tessa attends Run for Women (Moncton)
***** Canada's Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Mallorca (May 9-16)
May 16 -- Tessa’s Air Miles commercial drops
May 17 -- Tessa’s 30th birthday!  posted pictures, location unknown
May 19 -- Tessa spotted out for a meal (Stratford?)
May 20 -- Tessa at the Budweiser Stage in partnership with Air Miles (Toronto)
***** Canada's Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Newfoundland (May 22-27)
May 27-28 -- Tessa and Scott give a talk at Investor’s Group Presidents Academy conference (New York)
May 29 -- Tessa posts as a partner of Colgate + Tessa and Scott are named as guest judges on the upcoming fall season of Battle of the Blades + spotted in the Sendai train station
*****Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 31 - June 16) (Japan)
May 31 - June 2 -- FOI, Sendai
June 3 -- Tessa goes out with other skaters to karaoke + Tessa’s episode as a guest judge on Master Chef Canada airs (taped in December 2018)
June 7 - 9 -- FOI, Kobe
June 14 -16 -- FOI, Toyoma
June 20 -- Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
June 21 -- Tessa at a shoot for MAC
June 22 -- Tessa attends Jordan’s Barre Belles class + Tessa, Jordan and the McMorris brothers attend the Arkells concert at Budweiser Stage (Toronto)
June 24 -- Tessa in Prince Edward Island + night out with other celebrities attending the Special Olympics gala (including Elisha Cuthbert Phaneuf)  + renovations begin on the new location of Moir’s Skate Shop
June 25 -- Tessa attends the Special Olympics Enriching Lives Summerside Luncheon + the Enriching Lives gala (Charlottetown) + Tessa’s new collection with BonLook is revealed
June 26 -- Tessa spotted at the airport (Charlottetown)
June 27 -- Scott attends Canada Day celebrations at Parkhill-West Williams Public School
June 29 -- Scott takes a photo with a fan in his local area
June 30 -- Tessa posts Instastories of an at-home outdoor workout BarreBelle style with Jordan + a picture of her at the cottage
July 1 -- Tessa posts for Canada with a cottage pic
July 2 -- Tessa shares and IG story from the cottage featuring her Olympic gold medalist beer fridge from Molson
July 3 -- Tessa posts a picture with Jordan from the cottage
July 6-13  -- Tessa on vacation in Vancouver and California with Liz, Madori, and others (exact dates unknown)
July 15 -- Tessa posts herself at London airport
July 16 -- Tessa at a photoshoot (Montreal)
July 17 -- Tessa has a reunion dinner with queenopain, Jaime from b2ten/Reconditioning/P2 (Montreal)
July 18 -- Tessa and Scott give a talk at Deloitte Canada financial advisory summit (Mont Tremblant)
July 20 -- Tessa and Scott each post to social media to encourage people to go to Tim Horton’s to buy a Special Olympics doughnut to support the cause (Scott’s photo was taken with Dave Campbell, osteopath from b2ten)
July 26 -- Tessa attends a MAC meet and greet at Yorkdale Mall (Toronto)
July 27 -- Tessa does a Shopper’s Drug Mart Nivea ‘fireside chat’ at Vaughn Mills (Toronto)
July 31 - Aug 1 -- Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas (Montreal)
August 2 -- Tessa attends Osheaga and has a meet and greet with the winner of a Nivea contest (Montreal) + Tessa and Scott release an Apple playlist 
August 3 -- Tessa attends Osheaga
August 6 -- Tessa attends Walk of Fame Hometown Stars celebration for Chris Hadfield (Sarnia)
August 7 -- Tessa and Scott each receive their Walk of Fame Hometown stars (Ilderton and London) + Scott’s engagement to Jackie becomes official public knowledge + Tessa and Scott do several interviews
August 8 --  Moir’s Skate Shop re-opens in their new location (Komoka)
August 12 -- Tessa does a photoshoot with Paul Buceta (Mississauga)
August 13 -- Tessa and Scott have a media day for Rock the Rink, with Kaetlyn, Elvis, Jeremy, and Birds of Bellwood (Toronto)
August 14 -- Tessa and Scott in the dance studio with Guillaume Cote (Toronto) + Scott does a coaching session at Granite Club (Toronto)
August 16 -- Tessa’s Adidas ad comes out
August 17 -- Scott attends a wedding
August 18 -- Tessa and Scott’s Hometown Stars events air on local TV
August 21 -- Tessa is announced as an ambassador for RW&CO + she attends an event to promote their collaboration (Toronto)
August 22 -- Tessa has a photoshoot (possibly MAC) (Toronto)
August 28 -- Tessa and Scott spotted practicing (Komoka?) + Tessa has a shoot with new partner Yves
August 29 -- Tessa spotted out (possibly the 28th) + Tessa gives talk at private Adidas event + has a possible interview at Assembly Chef’s Hall
August 30 -- Tessa and Scott practicing (Komoka?) + Scott posted out with Jackie
September 7 -- Tessa has a meet and greet for The Brick at West Edmonton Mall (Edmonton)
September 8 -- Tessa attends the TIFF Dior launch party Toronto + Tessa and Scott have a late night practice session with Gui Cote
September 9 -- Tessa and Scott spotted for another practice session
September 11 -- Tessa has a shooting day, for unknown reasons relating to Team Canada Champion Chats (Classroom Champions)
September 12 -- Tessa’s Adidas VRCT jacket ad drops
September 15 -- Tessa posts about packing for RTR rehearsals
September 16 -- Scott borrows AC/DC lyrics to tweet about leaving for Vancouver for RTR rehearsals with the cast
September 17 -- first glimpse of on ice RTR rehearsals with the cast via Jeremy Abbott (Abottsford) + Tessa and Scott announce they are stepping away from skating after RTR
September 19 -- Tessa and Scott guest judge on the premiere of Battle of the Blades (Hamilton)
September 20 -- Tessa and Scott are back to rehearsals for RTR (Abbotsford)
September 21 -- Tessa and Scott attend an Elton John concert with Jeremy Abbott, Kaetlyn Osmond, and choreographers Matheiu and Randi
September 23 -- Tessa and Scott drop the puck at a Vancouver Canucks/Ottawa Senators (Abbotsford)
September 30 -- Scott visits a local dance school with other members of RTR (Abbotsford)
October 1 -- Tessa attends We for She as a keynote speaker (Vancouver)
*****Rock The Rink tour (October 5 - November 23)
October 5 - RTR, Abbotsford + Tessa and Scott have photo taken with a fan at a liquor store (exact date unknown)
October 6 - RTR, Penticton
October 7 - RTR, Vancouver
October 8 - RTR, TBA  (removed from lineup)
October 10 - RTR, Red Deer
October 11 - RTR, Dawson Creek
October 12 - RTR, Prince George
October 13 - RTR, Grand Prairie
October 16 - RTR, Calgary
October 17 - RTR, Lethbridge
October 18 - RTR, Regina
October 19 - RTR, Medicine Hat
October 20 - RTR, Brandon
October 22 - Tessa and Scott spotted travelling from Toronto to London
October 23 -- Tessa and Scott to be awarded honorary degrees from Western University (London)
October 24 -- Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades (Oshawa)
October 25 - RTR, Winnipeg - removed from lineup
October 26 - RTR, Saskatoon - removed from lineup
October 29 - RTR, Sault Ste. Marie
October 30 - RTR, London
October 31 -- Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades finale (Toronto)
November 1 - RTR, Sudbury + Tessa and Scott do a radio interview via phone
November 2 - RTR, Kitchener
November 3 - RTR, Kingston
November 5 -- Scott does several joint television interviews with Special Olympians (Toronto) + individual radio interview (including information that his wedding will be in July) + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game with Max, Patrick, and Andrew Poje
November 6 - RTR, MIssissauga + Scott announced as a Board Ambassador for Scott Hamilton’s Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer (to unite skaters and communities)
November 7 - RTR, Ottawa + Tessa and Scott along with Patrick, Tatiana, Max, and Jeremy are spotted having breakfast at Sunset Grill (Ottawa)
November 8 - RTR, St. Catharines + Impact magazine releases interview with Tessa + Tessa spotted out to dinner with friends before the show at Merchant Ale House (St Catharines)
November 9 - RTR, Oshawa
November 10 - RTR, Cleveland - cancelled + Tessa attends a Barre Belle class (possibly with Jordan)
November 13 - RTR, Peterborough
November 14 - RTR, Laval + Tessa announced as part of Classroom Champions
November 15 - RTR, Quebec City
November 16 - RTR, Moncton + Jeremy shares a video of the RTR cast watching Austin Powers on the tour bus
November 17 - RTR, Halifax + Jeremy’s personal takeover on IG for Edges of Glory shares behind the scenes and short chats with the cast and crew as the tour comes to an end + Tessa and Scott film a segment for This Hour Has 22 MInutes + the cast is spotted at The Press Gang Restaurant and Oyster Bar and at The Lower Deck (Halifax)
November 18 - Scott out at a Karaoke Club
November 20 -- Tessa spotted at Winsor House (St. John’s)
November 21 -- Tessa tapes a television interview for “Out of the Fog” + Scott spotted out and about (possibly with Patrick, Max, and Tati) (St. John’s)
November 23 - RTR, Saint John’s, with family in attendance
******May 12-19 - GKP Ireland (Galway and Conmerra)
******May 20-27 - GKP Italy (Matera)
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 6 years
Writing meme
Thanks to the gorgeous @stanclub @beckzorz @evanstarff for tagging me!
Q: What is your coffee order?
Black. No milk, no sugar, I love when that bitter darkness hits my empty soul (she said, as she gazed pensively out the window like the overly dramatic bitch she is)
Q: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Strapped metal spikes to my feet and climbed a glacier in Alaska
Strapped a dude to myself and jumped out of an airplane
Strapped a bag full of snickers and cheese sandwiches onto my back and hiked some mountains in Romania
Also, one time I was at a party and Brad from Real World San Diego was there and he was smoking and when he put his cigarette down and turned away, I grabbed it and took a drag and then turned to my best friend and said “dude I totally made out with Brad from Real World” (also if RW Brad ever reads this, sorry I’m creepy)
Q: Who has been your biggest mentor?
For work? I have a career mentor whom I’ve known for 13 years and I want to be her someday. For writing? I’m kind of a loner. I should remedy that.
Q: What has been your most memorable writing project?
That has to be Safe with me. It was the first multi-chapter story I ever wrote and it was a serious labor of love for more than six months. Most of it was written during a difficult time in my life, and immersing myself in that story helped me get through everything.
Q: What does your writing path look like, from the earliest days until now?
Just like @evanstarff I tried my hand at Babysitters Club fanfic because I was too impatient to wait for new book releases, although at the time I had no idea that fanfiction was a thing. I just wanted to be Claudia Kishi. One summer, I decided to make my own book of “book reviews” so I wrote summaries of every Sweet Valley book I owned and stapled them together and drew a book cover. It was so badass. 
When I was 11, I wrote a short story for my English teacher that made her cry (I was very into angst at that age, this is shocking I know) and that helped me learn how powerful human emotion can make a story. 
When I was 12, I discovered how much I love poetry and I wrote notebooks FULL of it. Weirdly I became obsessed with Lord Byron and all I wanted to do was read and write all things romance. Clearly at 12 I had so much experience, so my poetry was wildly insightful...
When I was in high school, I wrote short stories and was my school’s yearbook editor.
When I went university, I wanted to major in journalism and English and then - I didn’t. Convinced myself I should do something ‘practical and business oriented’. I’m still annoyed about that.
Two years ago, I discovered fanfiction and decided to try my hand at it, and never looked back.
Now I write for fun, in the evenings and on weekends. In my spare time, I’m working on an outline for a novel, and I hope I get my act together to actually finish it one day. 😉
Q: What is your favorite part about writing?
Editing. Is that weird?
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
Alarm, work email, gym, work email, breakfast, work email, commute, email/meetings/work stuff, commute, make dinner, work email, write and drink tea, sleepy time
Q: What does your writing process look like?
It took me a long time to discover this, but three key things.
I worship at the altar of the outline. With anything I write, I outline all the scenes I want to hit and then start plugging in the content that goes there.
When i say content, that means trash most of the time. It is verbal idiocy, I just freeform type and pour out every random thought and piece of dialogue and pretty phrase in my head. 
And once I get it all out, then I start to organize it all -  build on the ideas, rework the dialogue, move stuff around.  
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten?
Chin up, kiddo.
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Never be afraid to speak up. You will always know more than you think, so don’t shrink yourself down to make other people feel better.
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing?
It doesn’t matter how many writing advice articles you read or how many books about writing you read or how much you talk to other writers, the only way you’re going to get anywhere is to sit down and write. 
It might be terrible in the beginning. It might only be two sentences a day. You might want to throw your computer or your notebook out the window. THAT IS OKAY. Embrace terrible, because terrible writing is always better than nothing. 
And never forget that the first draft is literally the worst your story will ever be. It will always get better. Guaranteed.
Not sure who has all done this, but would love to hear from @st-eve-barnes @prettyyoungtragedy @justreadingfics @interestedbystanderwrites @captainrogerrsbeard @youngmoneymilla @sgtjbuccky @4theluvofall and anyone else who wants to share!
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Titus’s Diamond Ranch Academy testimony
I attended Diamond Ranch Academy (DRA) for 10 months from 2017-2018. My parents were lured and manipulated into sending and keeping there. I was well-liked for the majority of my stay but still would've rather been shot on the spot than attend this 'Treatment Center'.
My Experience [Simplified]:
Why was I there?
My family and I butted heads before DRA, and more so after.
Got work experience in the kitchen.
Comically easy school-work boosted my GPA (The curriculum makes common core look amazing), (My GPA was a 3.6 before DRA).
Harrassed almost daily (To be fair, this is the standard).
Constant fear of Physical harm, Rape, Harassment via human bi-product (Urine, Feces, and Semen are the main issues).
Contacted a disease at least once a month.
Physical harm or power abuse via staff (Staff are constantly being fired and are leaving because of how often this happens).
A constant sense of hopelessness as my parents were caught in these snakes trap.
Most of the food (They provide laxatives in medical because of this).
No contact with the opposite gender whatsoever.
Constant theft and damaging of personal items.
No access to music (Unless your child has been attending DRA for over 10months or has mental issues. Side note: If your child has mental issues they will for certain be harassed).
No access to [real] technology. (More on this later)
Many more...
[Simplified End]
Things to know before reading:
The Watches:
Note: All the watches are just detention in special clothing (Bumble Bee attire). This is not a joke, they put your kid in the same room where they put the kids who have been misbehaving and make them sit there for weeks at a time.
Suicide Watch: Suicide Watch is exactly what it sounds like, kids are watched more closely (not actually) so they do not kill themselves. The fact that kids try and kill themselves while they're here should raise some flags to you as a parent.
Run Watch: Run Watch is also exactly what it sounds like, if a kid of suspected of or has tried to run and been caught, they will be put on this watch. Many kids have been caught running, they have what they call bounty hunters to go and track down kids who have ran. The locals often help out when a kid tries to run, but not in defense of the kid. Every kid who ran while I was there was caught, brought back, and punished.
Gay Watch: Gay Watch is when your kid is caught having, or doing, sex/sexual things with/to another kid. I personally never saw it, but it was said you'd get a rainbow shirt.
My Experience:
The beginning of my DRA experience started with being kidnapped and driven to Utah. Luckily I got through this unscathed (I mention this because it's not uncommon for new kids to show up beaten or bruised). As soon as I got there, I was given a tour of my prison and assigned a therapist. My therapist immediately put me on Suicide Watch (SW) and Run Watch (RW) telling me it was because "I'm new" (Spoiler: this rarely happens and while I'm not 100% sure why I think it was just because he was having a bad day). They made me wear a yellow t-shirt, black shorts with no pockets, and flip-flops. We nicknamed this outfit "The Bumble-Bee". While I was a Bumble-Bee I got the joy of sitting in a classroom with all the 'bad kids' doing almost nothing for about a week. I say ALMOST nothing because they managed to get my scholarly agenda setup. I completed almost an entire quarter of most of my classes during that week (Remember what I said about the school-work being comically easy?).
After I was taken off the watches, I got to participate in regular DRA kid things. It only took me a day to be targeted and harassed by other DRA kids. I later learned this was a regular thing and didn't think much of it until after I left the place. This continued throughout my stay but wasn't really a problem as I was easily able to harass back, as most of the staff don't really care.
The regular weekday schedule is, wake up at 6:00-6:30 am, take morning medication if needed, eat breakfast, go to school until 3:00 pm (lunch is in the middle of the day), participate in clubs, sit and do nothing in dorms until dinner (this was supposed to be used for studying, but as I said, the school-work is comically easy), eat dinner, go upstairs and clean dorms and occasionally do non-dorm chores, Netflix and showers (if everyone had been behaving correctly, the staff love blanket punishment and if a kid in your dorm or a group of 8+ kids had been misbehaving would take your tv cord), then lights out at 9:00pm.
The weekend schedule is, wake up at 7:00, take medications if needed, eat breakfast, back to dorms for deep clean (an hour of dorm cleaning), after that, if we everyone was good, we could watch Netflix or do an activity until lunch. Activities included going to the weight room, basketball gym, and sometimes the field. Back to the schedule, from lunch, we would have nap time (people rarely napped), after naptime is benefit if you made it (more on that later) or if you didn't, detention until the end of the day or more Netflix until dinner, after dinner its Netflix and showers until bed at 10:00 (I think).
We did get some holidays off. Just not the whole week or anything close to that, just the day of the holiday. To give you an idea of what holidays are like; For Christmas, we got the day off, two boxes of cosmic brownies or oatmeal cream pies and assorted treats (total value of about 10$), played dodgeball and got to watch a movie in the commons area.
Notice how I haven't mentioned the barn/ranch yet. Even though the name of the place is called Diamond RANCH Academy and you are paying a minimum of 66,000$ [Maximum I believe is around 120,000$] for your kid to attend, they ask I think another 10,000$ per month for your kid to have access to the main gimmick of the place. On the topic of money let me go into what you'd be paying for.
The administration would have you think are paying for whatever problem with your teen you told them about to be solved. What you are actually paying for is very likely to be a huge waste of your teens time, detriment to your teens health, and massive detriment to your relationship with your teen. Why do I say this? Well, I have kept up with fellow DRA survivors and observed their lives as well as my own.
I keep up with about 87 of the about 130 people I attended DRA with via Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook. Out of the 87 I know, only 2 have stopped their drug usage (but both continue to use Marijuana) and are better versions of themselves (I must note when I asked them about it they told me it's not because of DRA, but because they decided themselves that they were going to stop). Of the 87, 59 of them said their relationships with their family had worsened and the other 28 (I could not get ahold of all 28 of them, probably not a good sign) had said their relationship was the same as when they left. The 85, in my opinion, have become worse versions of themselves then when I knew them at DRA. My own personal relationship with my family has worsened since my return from DRA.
Out of space so here are some important notes:
DRA kid testimonials on their website:
We are forced to smile in all pictures.
All of the kids giving video testimonials are bribed with treats and candies (highly valuable to us because we'd rarely get any), I know because I knew (and know) them and asked about it.
DRA testimonials on this website:
Not sure about all of them, but I find it highly suspicious that most of them are from California. Not going to name the one but there is one that says 'Trust the staff and program' which seems VERY suspicious to me. I'd say, if you do decide to send your kid here, trust your kid and read through the lines of what the admin will be telling you at the same time. Remember they are running a businesses and make money off of you sending and keeping your child there.
Administration Lies:
Note: Most aren't direct lies, just not full truths. Note: They will tailor what they tell you to you specifically
Example: There was a regular kid they tricked into coming, they told him DRA had school dances, access to phones, girls, and regular hikes.
DRA has a seasonal dance club, for girls campus only.
The Staff alone have access to smartphones and kids can rarely talk on wired phones, and only to family or people the family has cleared (Not an easy process, also they will usually hang you up if you try to tell them about how terrible DRA really is).
There are girls there. But they are on a whole separate campus, and you will be heavily punished if you get caught trying to or making contact with any of them and vice versa.
There are hikes, sometimes, for benefits (I never went on a single one).
They have an Ice-Cream Machine - They do, but it has been broken for years.
They have dogs, cats, horses, and more. - They do, but you have to pay the extra 10,000$ per month to access them.
They have Xbox - They do, but you have to progress pretty far into the program to get access, and the only games are Minecraft, StarWars Battlefront 2, Skyrim, Mirrors Edge, and Batman Arkham Night. All which you are not guaranteed to play and are likely to have to share with someone else.
I'm out of space, to sum this all up, if you have to send your kid anywhere, please consider somewhere else.
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adanceforrain · 6 years
I’m Not Asking for Permission
My best and longest friend is planning to propose to his girlfriend. They’ve known each other for less than a year but he tells me this has been the easiest relationship he’s ever been in, almost as if they’ve known each other their entire lives. I see the way he talks about her and can’t help but feel, of course, happiness but also envy. Throughout our dinner last night his pupils seemed dilated. Not from designer drugs but from being so deeply in love. Although he’s on the verge of being fired ‘cause his boss (unfairly) hates him, he tells me he’s happy. And I see it. It’s undeniable.
“Life’s great. Adam, I really hope one day you find someone that’ll make you feel this way.”
He goes on to tell me how after meeting her, he knows now for certain that home isn’t a place but a person. As long as he’s with her, he is home. Every day they say “I love you” a thousand different ways: doing each other’s laundry, cooking each other dinner, randomly buying each other small gifts, actively listening and supporting one another during times of need, providing affection ranging from tender to carnal, and far, far more. They speak to each other in every language of love in full fluency. They willingly give whole pieces of themselves to each other with reckless abandon, and they each treasure deeply every bit they receive. Nothing and no one is ever taken for granted.
“RW, don’t you agree that it’s only human nature for us to get bored? Even if we have the shiniest toy, which we initially are madly in love with, eventually and inevitably the novelty wears off and our feelings are dulled. How do you plan to sustain the love and romance long-term? In the gay community, I’ve noticed that it’s hard and almost impossible to stay monogamous and maintain the love that once existed.”
“Sure. But DM and I are realistic about love. We both understand and expect the passion to eventually fade, but a new love will be borne out of it: we’ll become the best of friends and life partners. Also, when I tell her I’m going to marry her, I’m making an oath of loving her for the rest of my life. Even if she were to get acid burns all over her face and become irreversibly mutilated, I’d still love and take care of her. I made a vow to unconditionally love her, and I intend on upholding every bit of it. It’s about character.”
We ended the dinner with RW telling me he’s going to buy the ring next weekend and then drive to DM’s parent’s house so that he could let them know he’ll be marrying their daughter.
“And what if they disapprove and say no?” “Adam, I’m not asking for permission to marry their daughter. I’m telling them. As a courtesy.”
I then thought, how sweet it would be to love someone so much to become this fearless and bold. And even more sweet, if the object of your affection reciprocated every bit as much as you feel. To love and be loved in return.  
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calorieworkouts · 6 years
30 Convincing Reasons to Start Running Now
What assures a much healthier body, a sunnier expectation, and the perfect opportunity to catch up? This is no commercial. Running is just one of the most effective butt-kicking, calorie-blasting exercises around. Still not persuaded? Below are 30 majorly factors to hit the ground running.
The Run-Down-- Your Action Plan
1. Do it anywhere
Run, that is. Whether on the treadmill or in the park, it's very easy to rack up miles. Even better: Attempt lacing up the sneakers on that particular following holiday to check out a brand-new place.
2. Make new friends
Tired of meeting duds at bench? Take a look at neighborhood running teams or internet sites like meetup.com to hit the trail with other health-minded individuals. "Twenty concerns" is equally as great over a run (boozy brunches optional).
3. Save some cash
Forget fancy tools or a costly fitness center membership. When it comes to running, all you have to get begun is the ideal shoes. (Don't stress, running spandex is optional.)
4. Visit the doctor less
It's not only apples that could maintain the doctor away. Energetic people are much less most likely to develop colon cancer. And also girls, females who regularly participate in extreme exercises like running can reduce their risk of breast cancer by as much as 30 percent.
5. Eat more carbs
Who doesn't enjoy a pasta dinner? Currently there's a reason to drink up a lot more pastas. During intense training like preparing for a race (sorry, stations searching doesn't matter) boosting carb consumption may help running performance and boost mood during harder runs Higher dietary carbohydrate material during escalated running training lead to better upkeep of efficiency and state of mind state. Achten, J, Halson, SL, Moseley, L, et al. Human Perfromance Laboratory, School of Sport and Workout Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT Birmingham, United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2004 Apr,96(4):1331 -40. Epub 2003 Dec 5. .
6. Keep it interesting
Forget boring laps around a track. Interval training assists increase metabolic rate as well as rev cardiovascular physical fitness. Incentive: Studio reveals runners that do intervals have more enjoyable while running (actually!) and might be more most likely to keep it up High-intensity period running is viewed to be more enjoyable compared to moderate-intensity continuous exercise: effects for exercise adherence. Bartlett, JD, Close, GL, MacLaren, DP, et al. Studio Institute for Sport and also Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores College, Liverpool, UK. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2011 Mar,29(6):547 -53. .
7. Live longer
Who doesn't wish to live forever? Not only do runners have fewer specials needs and also remain energetic longer compared to their sedentary equivalents, they in fact live longer. Or even as weekly running times lower with age, the healthy benefits continue ticking Reduced impairment and also death among aging runners: a 21-year longitudinal research study. Chakravarty, EF, Hubert, HB, Lingala, VB, et al. Department of Immunology and also Rheumatology, Stanford College School of Medication, Stanford, California, UNITED STATE. Archives of Inner Medicine, 2008 Aug 11,168(15):1638 -46. .
8. Get primal
Turns out Bruce Springsteen was right besides: Child, we were birthed to run. It's what transformed us from apes to human beings and also was used by our forefathers to outrun prey over long distances.
9. Slip into skinny jeans
Running is among the most effective calorie heating elements around. For a 160-lb person it could burn even more than 850 calories a hr. Not like we're counting or anything.
10. Bring sexy back
Not only can having a rockin' jogger's bod boost confidence in bed, routine workout will aid adaptability in between the sheets-- and also obtain you in the state of mind much more often.
11. Boost memory
Exercise has actually been revealed to aid keep the mind sharp as well as could possibly even lower signs and symptoms of dementia. Striking the track might likewise secure the brain against Alzheimer's, even amongst those with a household history of it Physical workout protects against Alzheimer's condition in 3xTg-AD computer mice. García-Mesa, Y, López-Ramos, JC, Giménez-Llort, L, et al. Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB), CSIC-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain. Journal of Alzheimer's Illness, 2011,24(3):421 -54. Cognitive feature in elderly marathon runners: cross-sectional data from the marathon trial (APSOEM). Winker, R, Lukas, I, Perkmann, T, et al. Unit of Occupational Medication, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 2010 Dec,122(23-24):704 -16. Epub 2010 Nov 15. .
12. See the sunny side
Active people see the glass as fifty percent full not just while they work out, yet for around twice as long after disconnecting their kicks than their less mobile counterparts Long-term results of cardio workout on emotional outcomes. DiLorenzo, TM, Bargman, EP, Stucky-Ropp, R, et al. Department of Psychology, College of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO. Preventive Medicine, 1999 Jan,28(1):75 -85. Exercisers achieve greater intense exercise-induced mood enhancement than nonexercisers. Hoffman, MD, Hoffman, DR. Department of Physical Medication & Recovery, Sacramento VA Medical Facility, Mather, CA. Archives of Physical Medicine and also Recovery, 2008 Feb,89(2):358 -63. . Discuss "Pleased Feet!"
13. Get a natural glow
Believe it or otherwise, functioning up a sweat can free the face of substances that obstructs pores and leads to outbreaks. A solid sweat session can also improve all-natural oils, keeping things fresh and also healthy and balanced. (Simply remember to remove makeup pre-workout and also clean delicately subsequently to avoid outbreaks.)
14. Improve self-esteem
Need another reason to go green? Joggers that ran outdoors and got an excellent view of nature showed enhanced self-confidence post-workout than those that had just undesirable scenes to gaze at The psychological and bodily wellness results of environment-friendly workout. Pretty, J, Peacock, J, Sellens, M, et al. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, UK. International Journal of Environmental Health and wellness Research study, 2005 Oct,15(5):319 -37. .
15. Stay steady
Older runners could maintain their equilibrium far better compared to non-runners, securing their knees as well as ligaments at the same time. Take that, yoga! Take care not to overdo it, though: Also much workout can result in anxiety injuries and also bone loss Age-related deterioration in leg-extensor muscle-tendon systems reduces recovery performance after a forward fall: settlement with running encounter. Karamanidis, K, Arampatzis, A. Institute of Biomechanics as well as Orthopaedics, German Sporting activity University of Cologne, Carl-Diem-Weg 6, 50933 Fragrance, Germany. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2007 Jan,99(1):73 -85. Epub 2006 Oct 25. .
16. Turn down the pressure
Running is an all-natural means to keep hypertension away-- as well as quick. Amping up exercises can assist lower blood stress in just a few weeks.
17. Build stronger bones
Resistance training is awesome, but word on the road is that running might aid create also more powerful bones compared to cranking out reps. As an impact workout, running assists develop the muscular tissue that lower-impact exercises neglect, keeping bones healthier also as they age.
18. Get an energy boost
Feeling slow? Try going for a run instead. Simply one running sesh could increase power and also try fatigue Exercisers attain better severe exercise-induced state of mind improvement than nonexercisers. Hoffman, MD, Hoffman, DR. Division of Physical Medication & Rehabilitation, Sacramento VA Medical Center, Mather, CA. Archives of Bodily Medication and also Rehabilitation, 2008 Feb,89(2):358 -63. .
19. Bring the furry friends
Dogs are man's friend for a reason-- but they can likewise be man's finest workout partner, also. When it's time to take off, grab a chain to offer your family pet a brand-new type of treat.
20. Carve that core
A solid core improves stance, enhances arm or legs, as well as assists make daily activities a wind. As well as whether we feel it or not, running engages that stomach, enhancing those critical muscles. Bonus offer: A solid core in runners could boost efficiency, too.
21. Sleep better
Runners have the tendency to adapt to set sleeping programs in order to maintain running efficiency high. Even a lot better: Operating additionally motivates greater quality sleep, which translates into far better Zzz's all evening long.
22. Do it year-round
Rack up those miles no matter exactly what the weatherman says (dress suitably, though!). Temperatures still not just right? Jazz up the ol' treadmill run to obtain the same health benefits inside.
23. Jam out, speed up
Pop in headsets when running to enhance speed and get a little music boost. We won't judge your playlist.
24. Check off those goals
Studies suggest that individuals who establish and also fulfill (or surpass) long-term physical fitness objectives (like registering for a half-marathon!) are a lot more dedicated as well as completely satisfied with their workout routines than those who trudge along aimlessly Dose relationships between personal goal setting, theory-based correlates of setting goal and also increases in exercise throughout a workplace trial. Dishman, RK, Vandenber, RJ, Moti, RW, et al. Department of Kinesiology, Ramsey Student Facility, The College of Georgia, Athens, GA. Wellness Education Study, 2010 Aug,25(4):620 -31. Epub 2009 Aug 4. . As well as who doesn't feel great regarding crossing products off their pail list?
25. Show your heart some loving
Running for merely a hr a week can decrease the danger of heart disease by almost half compared to non-runners Exercise kind as well as strength in connection with coronary heart condition in men. Tanasescu, M, Leitzmann, MF, Rimm, EB, et al. Division of Nourishment, Harvard School of Public Health, U.S.A. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Organization, 2002 Oct 23-30,288(16):1994 -2000. Reductions in occurrence coronary heart condition risk above guideline exercising levels in guys. Williams, PT. Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Donner Lab, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA. Atherosclerosis, 2010 Apr,209(2):524 -7. Epub 2009 Sep 16. . And for those already striking the advised exercise standards, an added surge of exercise could decrease the dangers of cardiovascular disease much more. (Just be mindful not to exaggerate it and also trigger more damage than great.)
26. Run stress away
Ready to pull your hair out? Rather than tuning into a truth TV marathon, attempt running an actual one. Not just does running boost the mind's serotonin levels, routine exercise could in fact redesign the brain, making it calmer and even more anxiety resistant The Tranquility Computer mouse: An Animal Design of Anxiety Reduction. Gurfein, BT, Stamm, AW, Bacchetti, P, et al. Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, UNITED STATE Department of Speculative Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA. Molecular Medicine, 2012 Feb 29. doi: 10.2119/ molmed.2012.00053. .
27. Be one with nature
Want to really feel the lawn please your toes? Try minimalist sneakers or nothing at all! Just make sure to ease right into this kind of running to stay clear of injuries.
28. Increase stamina
Running consistently will boost endurance, making workouts more enjoyable as well as productive. And allow's not forget that long lasting longer isn't really restricted to the track-- it works in ... other locations as well.
29. Get there faster
Instead of a leisurely night stroll, try a jog around the community rather. It'll shed more calories in the very same amount of time.
30. Sound like a pro
We've got the running terminology to get you in the understand. Ready, established, go!
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todd--chavez · 5 years
2/20 - Thursday night MA took me to one of Apple’s cafeteria’s for dinner. Not the spaceship obviously, it was an office in Sunnyvale. 
2/21 - I took Friday off because I have a lot of PTO saved up and I needed a three day weekend to wind down. Met with KG in Palo Alto, I haven’t seen him this year yet. We went downtown and ate at Oren’s Hummus. I got a shakshouka. Then we went back to Stanford campus and he showed me around. I learned that Stanford has an “honor code” thing where TA’s and professors are not allowed in the room during quizzes and tests which sounds dumb. He told me how people do cheat on the tests. Got dinner at Uzumakiya Udon with EC, WP, TS, PC, RK, and JK for EC’s birthday. Then went to RK/JK’s place for cake and games.  
2/22 - Went running at MV and ST penny boarded over. She fell while riding around campus. I had a single spare bandage. We later went to Soupterra which was mediocre. Then we went to Rare Tea to meet RW because apparently there’s a BOGO for their new strawberry shake thing. After loitering in there for an hour without buying anything we ended up going to McDonalds instead. And then we went to Target. 
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