itsjusteds · 6 months
So I play DND and my DM, @ryvdraws , came up with a backrooms themed oneshot where the end goal was a TPK. I played a silly little guy named Teddie and long story short, he fell down a hole and was abandoned
I thought it was fun so I drew it
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needle-noggins · 6 months
Really fucking wild that several people have told me that Bluebells is like, The Meryl fic. The Vashmeryl fic. to them. That I understand Meryl really well. That my fic is good.
It simply doesn't align with my self-deprecating feelings that it's mediocre or even just mid at best so it's just. shrimping me that people like and are inspired by my work to go out and make incredible stuff. I'm honored and I'm trying to believe that these compliments are true! What is happening!! I don't know but it's motivating me to continue and bust my way out of a writer's block!
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labwebs · 6 months
🕸️impatiently waiting for the new spidey series with mj and Peter happy and married to hit mu tbh. giiiiiiiiiiiive.
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spinxeret · 10 months
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+ @redhead-reporter asked: “ woah, woah, woah… slow it down a few miles, huh? what’s going on? where’s the fire? “
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+ There wasn't a single SHRED of calm anywhere to be seen in costumed Mary Jane . If the WAY she hadn't managed to STAND STILL for a single second since she'd arrived, then the absolute ANGUISH in her face made for all the EVIDENCE needed . Her heart POUNDED against her chest, the dimensional WATCH wrapped around her wrist ensuring she'd FEEL that even more with each BEAT . A hand reached up to PULL away her domino mask, revealing just as much DISTRESS in her eyes .
" ANNIE is missing ! " Three words, and the PAIN in her voice made it feel like she was absolutely CRACKING and falling apart with every one . Fingers CURLED at her sides, tight enough that even WITHOUT the borrowed spider-proportionate strength borrowed from her husband, it would have been TIGHT enough to leave MARKS in her skin . " Norman took her . And we TRACKED him here . Do you have any IDEA where he is ? "
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arxchnoverture · 1 year
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+ @spllledwlne asked: “ aren’t you tired? “ peter for mayday
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+ God , this wasn't EASY . None of these EVENTS got any easier . Every time that Mayday thought she'd dealt with her own GRIEF over losing her father, she'd find herself PULLED into another multiverse crisis . And seeing a THOUSAND different versions of her FATHER seemed to reset all of that back to SQUARE ONE . At the very least ? This reality hadn't been as BAD about that as others . Maybe it was because it seemed the version of her family HERE shared the same pain she was just BARELY keeping under wraps . She'd lost a FATHER , and they'd lost a DAUGHTER . Annie had told her as much.
" I'm ... I'm so tired. " Holding her mask in her hands, she hated how absolutely WORE OUT her voice sounded . As if it was a further admission of GUILT at how hard she'd been pushing herself .
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myuniverseinabox · 8 months
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andd a reference for Ryv's true form! They got uhh much bigger, since the last reference. Not to worry however! Seraphs are herbivourus.
Or. Well.
Ryvari isn't really a pureblood Seraph, so.. they might be carnivorous on occasion.
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frost-queen · 4 months
Till it bites you back // part 4 (Male!Reader x Eloise Bridgerton)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic   , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22  , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her   ,  @evilcr0ne   , @vviolynn    , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m , @thethreeeyed-raven , @anonymous-cat-21 , @lord-lyss , @nameless-flowerr , @hipsternerd9 , @kookietunes07 , @dd122004dd , @ryv-viv , @aquilla6077, @sauron559, @cluelessteam. @czarinera , @korane06 , @luvinyouwasred123
Summary: When unmasking Lady Whistledown doesn't matter to you anymore, you fear that what brought you together might turn against you. Not sure if Eloise Bridgerton would still be interested in you without it. [Part 1, part 2 & part 3 ]
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The room was quite. Only but a few sounds of a pen scribbling over paper. Aggressive scratch marks crossing things off. Papers crumbling together that landed with a soft thud on the floor. Just one more paper ball amongst the ocean of papers. Through the window fell the moonlight upon a wooden desk.
Some ink stains from the past engraved in the wood, unable to clean off.  The candle standing on a stack of books almost burned out. But a small flicker. Head down, you were too focused and agitated to do anything about the mess. You didn’t even hear the knock on the door, followed by it creakingly opening.
 Claude stepped inside, staring with wide eyes at the battle field of papers. Papers carelessly thrown and tossed aside. Most of them barely haven anything written on it. Claude took careful steps, gaze downwards to not step on a paper prop. – “Your royal…” – he started cut off by a loud groan of yours.
Followed by a new paper ball getting tossed his direction. It was without you looking up, so you weren’t really aiming for him. It just went his way. Claude moved his head aside, for the paper to pass over his shoulder, hitting the wall behind him before it plopped to the ground.
Claude straightened his jacket with a soft pull. – “Your royal highness.” – he addressed you, moving his hands to his back. Frustratingly you tore the paper before you, crumbling it aggressively in your hand. In utter frustration you threw it away, haven gotten up from your chair to use more velocity with it. The paper flew in Claude’s direction once more as he simply caught it with his hand. You blinked surprised at Claude, only seemingly now noticing him. Claude approached your desk, letting the paper ball roll off his palm onto your desk.
“I believe a restock of paper will be in order.” – Claude said without a glance upwards to you. Your first response was to exhale loud and worn out. Letting yourself slump back in the chair, wiping your hands down your face. – “Your royal highness it is late.” – Claude pointed out. His reaction made you turn your head to the side, seeing a full moon outside. It made you groan even louder with sorrow. – “Je m’excuse Claude.” – you let out. – “Please do not tell mama.” – you asked. Claude shook his head, letting you know it would be kept a secret.
You got up from your chair, walking through the rubbage of paper to your bed. Coming to sit at the end. Seeing the battle on your floor made you breath out a laugh. – “I…I’m sorry Claude.” – you said sheepishly, moving your hand over your eyes. – “I’ll… I’ll clean it up before breakfast.” – lowering your hand, you let it flop onto your thigh. Claude took out his pocket watch, quirking an eyebrow up. – “Which is precisely in five hours, your royal highness.” – he informed you with a cheeky smile. You groaned loud letting yourself fall back on your bed. Not a moment later, you sat back up.
“It’s just… the… the…” – gesturing at the papers, you felt foolish to even say it. Claude started to re-arrange your desk as it should be. – “Lady Whistledown.” – Claude filled in. – “Yes!” – you exclaimed loudly. – “How is your list going?” – Claude asked. You didn’t mind as you knew Claude almost your entire life. He was the only one, you allowed to overstep and mingle a bit in your affairs. – “It’s… it’s pointless.” – you told him. – “I have listed numerous thing. I feel like I have everything and nothing at all. For all could be Whistledown and all could be not. Does that make any sense?” – you asked Claude, sounding like a mad-man, feeling like a mad-man.
Claude looked around the room. – “Perhaps it is not unmasking Whistledown what is important, but rather the journey to it.” – Claude told you as it made you frown. – “Unmasking Whistledown IS what is important.” – you let out. Claude shook his head, clicking his tongue. – “You do not really care for it, your royal highness.”  - he went on.
“But I have to!” – you let out, getting up. – “I… I have to…” – you said on softer tone. – “For Miss Bridgerton.” – Claude proposed. You let yourself sit back down, shoulders slouched forwards. – “What if…” – you said soft, looking saddened up to Claude. – “You fear that without Whistledown, Miss Bridgerton will show no interest? That you need Whistledown to keep Miss Bridgerton close and enjoy her company.”
Letting your face fall into the palms of your hands, you knew Claude was right. All of this. The search for Whistledown. The investment in finding clues, figuring it out, was all to keep Miss Bridgerton close. Because she cared for it, you felt the need to care for it too. To be honest, you didn’t care much what that gossipy pamphlet wrote. Amusement for the ton, not so much to you.
You hated the prejudice that was behind it. You wanted to meet people for who they are. Explore their deepest by conversating, getting to know them. Not what Whistledown exploited about them. Claude approached you, placing his gloved hand on your shoulder. – “Your royal highness, try to get some sleep.” – Claude let you know, making you nod.
His hand slipped off your shoulder as you turned around, crawling further up into your bed to lay yourself down. – “Your royal…” – Claude started seeing you slip under the covers in fully clothing. Even still wearing your shoes. Claude exhaled soft letting you be. He blew your candle out as the room went dark.
The next morning you sat at the breakfast table, yawning loud. Claude stood behind you, a few paces to the wall. He cleared his throat loud as it made you sit up straight. Not a second later opened the doors, your maman entering. You got up, addressing her with a bow. Your maman sat herself down. – “Any prospects my son?” – she said placing a napkin on her lap. – “Maman! It is morning.” – you told her sitting back down.
“And not too soon.” – she answered. – “Have I seen any ladies yet?” – she gestured around the room at the countless other empty chairs at the long table. – “Have you been calling upon houses? Danced? Y/n I cannot think otherwise than that you are neglecting what I asked of you.” – she went on. – “Maman.” – you let out.
She simply gave you a motherly scowl whilst tapping her spoon against her egg to crack the shell. – “I…” – you started, but couldn’t finish. She lowered her spoon, placing her hand on top of yours. Giving you a pitiful glance. – “Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.” – she spoke in her mother tongue.
“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.” – you translated with a faint smile. She gave your hand a soft squeeze. You got up, leaning in to give her a caring kiss against her forehead. She moved her hand back finishing up her breakfast. After breakfast, her words kept echoing through your mind. You occupied yourself till the night fell for the next ball.
Knowing you would meet Miss Bridgerton once more. Not sure how she would react upon meeting you once more. Having investigated much with her about Whistledown. The carriage awaited as Claude opened the door for you and your maman. Claude gave you a promising nod before you stepped in.
Maman was fanning herself some cool as you looked out of the window. Seeing a crescent moon with a haze of clouds brushing past. The carriage wobbled on the cobble stone. Claude sitting in the front with the rider. The carriage arrived at the estate as you prepared yourself for the ball.
Claude stood not far from you. You kept yourself close to the walls. Upon seeing a pair of ladies and their mama’s come your way, your eyes widened. Turning on your heel with a nervous swallow and head into a different direction. Claude following behind you. Coming to a full stop, you saw more girls eyeing you with their fan. It made you turn a quarter on your heel, heading more to the centre of the ballroom.
Claude followed silently at each turn you took. – “Perhaps his royal highness wishes to hide behind the curtains?” – Claude suggested as it made you laugh loud. Stopping and swallowing nervously, you saw a mama pull her daughter your way. – “About that thought.” – you answered, ready to take on his request. You turned round, heading back, not wanting to deal with any ladies and their desperate mama’s to have their daughters married to royalty.
Reaching a wall, you felt like they had closed in on you. With desperation you looked at Claude. Just as they were closing in on you like hunters for prey, you heard a familiar voice. – “There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you.” – turning your head you saw Miss Eloise Bridgerton join your side, tugging her glove a bit higher. She casually joined your side, giving Claude a nod.
Claude nodded back at her. Eloise looked stunned at the girls who now seemingly have stopped, looking around as if their quest for speaking with you has been interrupted. – “It appears I have come at a proper time to whisk you away from all the ladies.” – Eloise chuckled out humouring. – “Yes.” – you answered. Eloise motioned with her hands to shoo the girls away.
They gave her a foul glance before toddling off. – “That should give you some breathing area.” – Eloise spoke with a smile. – “I am forever grateful Miss Eloise.” – you answered with your hand on your heart. You quirked your eyebrow up seeing Eloise manoeuvre to try and pull something out of her reticule. She smiled glorious once she had taken out the crumbled up papers.
“Since we’ve crossed out numerous names now. I am feeling that we are close to unmask her.” – Eloise spoke as you forced a polite smile back at her. She started giving you the papers, apologizing for it being so crumbled. She kept handing them to you, telling you all about her findings as you couldn’t bring a word in between. Claude cleared his throat softly behind you. – “Miss Eloise…” – you said for her attention.
Eloise kept rambling on as a paper fell out of your hands, dartling towards the ground. Having caught it just in time, having bend through your knees to catch it. – “Miss Eloise.” – you called out to her, desperate for her attention to stop. Eloise stopped abruptly, looking surprised at you. – “I…I…” – you began, swallowing your words back in by how she gazed upon you.
With those big sweet doe eyes as she waited for your words. Sighing soft, you felt afraid to let her know. Afraid to loose her. Afraid she would toss you aside once you tell her you have lost interest in Lady Whistledown. That you no longer care to unmask her, but rather wish to spend more time with her.
You carefully gave the papers back to Eloise as she accepted them confused. – “I am sorry, but I… I lost interest in Whistledown. I only kept going for you. To be closer to you, if you allow me.” – you told her. Eloise took a step back as it made you lower your gaze. – “I very much like to be around you without the fuss of Whistledown bonding us. I believe there must be more than that connecting us. There has to be.” – you explained further, hoping for her to see it.
Eloise blinked softly. Reflecting upon herself. You laid your hand out to her.  – “I thought uncovering Lady Whistledown was the most important thing in my life.” – Eloise spoke placing the tips of her fingers in your hand. You took a step closer, laying your other hand on hers that rested in your palm. – “I couldn’t have been more wrong.” – she finished.
“Is… is that Eloise with the prince, mama?” – Colin pointed out, making several heads turn. – “Why yes.” – Violet addressed in shock. – “She does not seem one bit annoyed by his presence.” – Benedict spoke, tilting his head to the side. – “That is grand for our sister.” – he chuckled out, receiving a slap against his arm from Violet. Violet smiled warmly in Eloise’s direction seeing how her daughter looked upon the prince. Touched by how her daughter seemed to have found love where she didn’t think she would.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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Ok so I've officially started work on part 3 of Write Your Ticket (RYV).
What does "RYV" stand for, wrong answers only
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five-rivers · 11 months
Ancestral Chapter 17
Written for day 1 of Ectoberhaunt's isekai weekend! Ignore how far past midnight we are, okay?
Sleep all too often came with dreams.  That was probably why none of them had really wanted to go to bed.  
Along with the anxiety, the revelations, the threat to all of their lives, etcetera, etcetera.  No one was really counting all that.  Much.  
Danny dreamed.  He knew he dreamed.  
Well.  Sort of.  This was really more of a nightmare.  Even though nothing bad had happened yet, the whole atmosphere of the classroom was steeped in unease and tension.  
"Ryv is one of the few Avlynyse words borrowed directly from French, without first passing through English," said Mr. Lancer, as he wrote on the board in Esperanto.  "Most likely due to the popularity of Marie Thérèse of France, who married Prince Alyn, later King Alyn, in sixteen eighty-eight pursuant to the agreement of marriage negotiated when she was five between her father, the Sun King, and Dr. Kahysy Wyrtmyn Royne Tyronoé, when the later saved her from dying of consumption.  Yes, Mr. Fenton, this will be on the test.”
“I didn’t say anything,” said Danny.  
“Queen Marie Thérèse was often quoted as saying ‘Parfois, j’ai l’impression que ma vie ici n’est qu’un beau rêve’ or ‘Sometimes I feel as if my life here is nothing but a beautiful dream.’”
“You don’t even speak French,” said Danny, despairingly.  
“Compare and contrast ryv with the thirteen other common Avlynyse terms for dream, such as ayslyn, traym, and revo.”
“That last one isn’t even Avlynyse,” protested Danny.  “It’s Esperanto.  You’re writing in Esperanto.  I don’t think you know that, either.”
“Compare and contrast King Georg Gyvry’s attempts to acquire royal spouses for his children, thereby securing alliances and diplomatic ties, with Queen Arynryd’s foundation of the School of Heroes.”
Danny stood up.  He couldn’t take any more of this.  He felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest, and all that was happening was Mr. Lancer giving a lecture on Avlynyse history.  And getting things wrong, but that wasn’t really relevant.  
“Mr. Fenton, this will be on the test.”
“What test?” asked Danny.  “This is a dream.”
“But you have to pass,” said Mr. Lancer, not looking away from the blackboard.  “You have to pass.  This will be on the trial.”
“What?” asked Danny, unable to help himself.  
“You have to pass the Trials.  Dr. Kahysy Wyrtmyn Royne Tyronoé was born in Royn on the Island of Tyrono, to the herbalists Byryta and Yud Wyrtmyn, also of Royn.  He was later sponsored by a client of theirs, Dr. Uwyn Font, to attend Argyntyn College.  While there, his ideas were instrumental to the resolution of the sixteen sixty-nine Argyntyn Cholera epidemic, and he was inducted to the School of Heroes.”
Danny turned away.  He already knew all of this.  Except where it was wrong, which was annoying.  He hated it when his dreams were wrong, especially when they’d be so interesting otherwise.  Like, one time, he’d had a dream about Jupiter, but it was way too close to Earth, and there was just no way the GAV could fly up there that fast, so, there.
Behind him, Mr. Lancer - that is, dream Mr. Lancer - had stopped speaking.  Danny felt certain that if he were to turn around now, Mr. Lancer wouldn’t even be there.  No.  He’d be replaced by something much worse.  Something terrible.  
He hunched his shoulders and covered his face, then froze as his fingers encountered something around his eyes.  The mask he’d worn the previous night, for the Moon Masque.  Had he even brought it home, after everything?  He didn’t remember.  He had been given back his not-so-ceremonial knife, and it was resting on his bedside table.  His fingers itched for it now.  Normal weapons, even Danny’s normal weapons, wouldn’t do anything against what loomed behind him, but maybe that would.  It had already banished one monster.  
There was only so long he could delay.  He turned.  The tunnel was long and dark, with no forks or turns.  He walked.  Fire and flowers licked from the walls, horribly red, ready to burn, ready to bleed, but did nothing to provide light.  
There was an end.  It was covered in metal instead of stone.  Dull green lines traced between metal panels and wires sprawled loosely over the floor.  He put his hand against the wall as he walked.  If he was right, this was where he would slip–
Remembered agony shot through his bones and heart and brain and he spasmed.  Through the green he could see Jazz.  Leo.  George.  Iris.  Vivian.  Lewis.  Matthew.  Joanna.  Grandpa Alfred.  Martin.  William.  Aunt Alicia.  Great Aunt Isabella.  Great Uncle Theodore.  
All of them dying.  All of them screaming, dying, melting.  
There was a sensation of cold in his chest and he choked himself awake, his ghost sense slipping past his lips.  He reached for the dagger instinctively, ready to fight.
“Fryth, myne yfyor.  Peace, Danny.  Dreams, only, have troubled you.”  
“Danny?” said Jazz, blearily, from the other side of the large bed.  “What’s wrong?”
“Um,” said Danny, staring.  Gwensyvyr had her hand phased partway into his shoulder, and that was clearly what had triggered his ghost sense and woken him up.  But, more importantly…  “You talked!”
“Yeah?” said Jazz, who was still not entirely awake.  
“Yes,” said Gwensyvyr at the same time.  “Although it would, ah, appear that you, only, can hear me.”  Her accent was strange and heavy, but still familiar and homey in a way Danny couldn’t properly identify.  
“Danny?” said Jazz, again.  “Did you have a nightmare or something?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “Yeah, I, um, nightmare.  Portals and murder plots, you know?  Ah.  Ha.”
Jazz was sitting up, now, and peering at the clock.  “It’s two,” she said, making a face.  “The sun was just barely up… What’s that at this latitude?  Nine?  So, five hours?”  She sighed.  “I feel like we just got over jet lag…”
“Mhm,” said Danny.  He wasn’t entirely awake either, and his brain wasn’t up for returning anything but exclamation points on the subject of Gwensyvyr talking to him.  
(And, as a point of fact, they’d been recovered from jet lag even before Matthew’s attempted emergency coronation, and that had been on the… The ninth?  The tenth?  And now it was…  Danny wasn’t entirely sure, actually.  Preparations for the Moon Masque had been a whirlwind.  Late January, anyway.)
(Maybe Jazz was right and they weren’t all that recovered from jet lag.)
“Should we go back to sleep?  I don’t want to throw my sleep schedule off too much, though…”
“Jazz, I don’t… I don’t think that’s really important.”
Jazz made a disgruntled noise, looked back over at him, and abruptly propelled herself off the bed.  “What–”
“Oh,” said Gwensyvyr.  “It might be that she might see?”  She pronounced the ‘gs’ in each ‘might.’ 
“Ohh,” said Jazz.  “She– That–  Hello, Gwensyvyr?”  Then she blinked.  “She’s gone?”
“No,” said Danny.  “Still here.”
“ I just–  I don’t see her anymore.”
“Alas,” said Gwensyvyr.  “A moment, only.  Yet still better than not at all.”
“Y-yeah,” said Danny.  He looked Gwensyvyr over.  “Your arm is better?”  It was, at least, covered in clothing again.
“It appears.”
“This is good,” said Jazz.  “This is good, right?”
“I mean, I don’t think it could be bad,” said Danny with a shrug.  “I can hear her, now.”
“Can you hear the others?” asked Jazz, climbing back onto the bed.  “Vivian?”
“I’ve been awake for a minute,” said Danny.  “And Vivian’s still with Matthew.”
“They have returned,” said Gwensyvyr.  
“Really?” asked Danny.  
“Three, four hours after you began to, ah…  Slevyn?”
“Sleep,” provided Danny.  “But they’re back?”
“I always forget that one,” said Gwensyvyr, mildly.  “Matthew still is awake.”
Danny rolled out of bed.  
“I guess we’re getting up, then,” said Jazz.  She brushed her hair out with her fingers as Danny hunted for something slightly more acceptable to wear downstairs than his pajamas.  Then, Danny remembered that Leo had come down that first day in pajama pants, a blanket, and no shirt, so it wasn’t like it mattered. 
The other ghosts, as silent as ever, pointed Danny and Jazz in the direction of the dining room, where Matthew, Irene, and Joanna were talking quietly and intensely.  They all stopped immediately when the door opened.  
Matthew and Irene looked absolutely awful.  Irene was still in her Moon Masque costume, and it was rumpled and stained.  It looked like she’d been pulling at her hair, with how it had come out of its earlier neat style.  Matthew had changed into a t-shirt and ratty jeans, and his arm was in a sling.  He looked pale, and his other arm had IV tape and various medical bracelets.  His nose was crusted with blood, and he had a black eye.  
“Is Sophia asleep?” asked Jazz, when no one else seemed ready to say anything.
“Sophia is still under medical care,” said Matthew.  He rubbed his eyes with his free hand.  “Nervous breakdown.  Grabbed a syringe from one of the doctors and tried to stab me with it.  Punched me really good, too.”
No wonder he and Mr. Kynbaz had been too busy to answer the phone.  
“Then, I had been given some Revyvtech drugs, because the knife,” he gestured at his shoulder, “had belladonna extract on it.  So I spent three hours after Joanna called getting all my blood replaced, just in case Revyvtech was also poisoning me.  Luckily, Physostigmine is produced by other companies, so Sophia and I were able to take that, and the amount of atropine that got into our systems really wasn’t enough to kill us, anyway.”  He sighed.  “I’m tired of getting poisoned.”
Irene patted his shoulder.  
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “So.  What are we doing about that?”
“The– The thing with Revyvtech.”
“We’re investigating,” said Matthew.  “Unfortunately, you can’t just accuse an entire company of murder.  You have to find the people responsible.  And you need evidence.  Security brought the medicines you tested to a forensics lab, so we’ll see if anything turns up there.  I don’t know what else to do.  I don’t even know if it’s safe to take the Trials, if these ‘blood blossoms’ bioaccumulate, if we’ll all drop dead the minute we finish them, the same way everyone else did.  I don’t know.”
“I don’t think they do,” said Danny, thoughtfully.  “I mean, I had a friend eat some for me, once, and I was still able to do things like phase through him afterwards.”
“There’s that, at least,” said Matthew.  He rubbed his eyes again.  
“You should sleep,” said Joanna.  
Matthew shook his head.  
Jazz cleared her throat again.  “Mom and Dad?” she asked.  
“Kyr Argyn, under house arrest in the Late Wing,” said Matthew.  “Pending an investigation, but of course all the investigators are busy…”  He stood up.  “We’re doing what we can do.  If the spirits are able to give you anything else…?”  He trailed off, hopefully.  
“He should sleep,” said Gwensyvyr.  “I do not believe anything I have to say to you will change that.”  She paused.  “Vivian’s story might.”
Danny shook his head.
“Let me know if that changes,” said Matthew.  He took a breath and held it for a second.  “Joanna, can you–?”
“I’ll keep everyone to the schedule as best I can,” she said.
“Good.  Good,” said Matthew.  He hobbled around his chair, towards the door, Irene helping him.  
“What schedule?” asked Danny, after they had left.  “To prepare for the Trials,” said Joanna.  “We’re going a little fast, but… the full moon is soon.”  She smiled shakily.  “So!  Since you two are up, why don’t you get breakfast - or lunch, I suppose - and we can talk about personal seals.”
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eamo2004 · 1 year
Okay, random idea for a new story set in the Renew Your Vows universe.
[Spider-Man Renew Your Vows: The Dark Daughter ]
So it's revealed in the Spider-Girls, a tie in for the Spidergeddon crossover, that in the Renew Your Vows universe, MJ miscarried and their universe's May died.
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The events surrounding RYV May's death likely echoes the events that take place in the original Amazing Spider-Man run, prior to One More Day. In ASM #418 after Mary Jane is poisoned by Alison Mongrain, and she goes into labor early, she is later told that she miscarried.
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Interestingly, it was originally intended for the miscarriage to have been a ruse and for May to still be alive, but to have been stolen by Alison Mongrain for Norman Osborn's nefarious purposes. This concept is further explored in Mayday Parker's Spider-Girl series.
My idea
My idea goes as follows. The Parker Family are still fighting crime in New York as Annie is getting ready to graduate high school.
Things start going wrong however when a new spider inspired villain arrives in New York, going after the Parker family to hunt down and kill them all. The villain even goes as far as to deduce their secret identifies and attack them at home.
Along the way of fighting this villain, it is eventually revealed to be none other than May Parker. It's revealed that MJ didn't miscarry, but in reality her baby was stolen by Norman Osborn in order to be trained to adulthood to assassinate Spider-Man and his loved ones.
The mission to stop this villain soon changes into a mission to save their long lost loved one from the darkness she's engulfed in, and make the Parker family whole again.
So anyways that's my idea, I definitely think it could work but would love to hear feedback.
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postsofbabel · 2 months
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕
Shshhhhsh! Ty, Ryv!! ❤️ Would never be the ZackSeph obsessor I am today without your lovely fics!!
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labwebs · 9 months
🕸️I’m still setting stuff up and need to make icons (maybe find a live action fc?) buuuuuut: @aspidergirl
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spinxeret · 10 months
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arxchnoverture · 10 months
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+ ( Honestly, the more you think about it, the RYV Parker family is in a special position when it comes to the whole Miguel debate, because considering that Annie is literally the PATTERNMAKER for the Great Web, able to repair threads and such ? She exists in spite of the idea that the multiverse can fall apart via canon events being disrupted . Not to mention that , as far as we know ? There is only ONE Annie across the multiverse . Does she not therefore qualify as an anomaly herself ? )
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myuniverseinabox · 2 months
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Just a quick reference for Ryv I did cause I decided last minute to add them back on art fight lol
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