#s: quincy
whimhaven · 1 year
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new cas light + new sims! 🤍
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texaschainsawmascara · 7 months
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Quincy Jones & Peggy Lipton
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deadpresidents · 2 months
Which President, in your opinion, was the most reluctant to seek the position? Which wound up hating it the most by the end of his term?
I am a strong believer that nobody truly becomes President of the United States "reluctantly". That's not exactly the kind of job that seeks you, especially the modern Presidency.
For a significant slice of American history, many of the people nominated for President acted as if they were being called upon to run when, behind-the-scenes, they were very active in building their campaigns and corralling supporters. Until the 20th Century it was frowned upon to openly run for the Presidency, but almost all of the Presidents wanted the gig.
I'd say that George Washington was probably more reluctant than most of his successors and likely would have preferred retiring to Mount Vernon after the Revolution, but I think he also recognized that he was the guy who needed to be the President that set the precedents. I think Ulysses S. Grant would have been perfectly happy to not be President, but once he was elected in 1868 he also wanted to keep the job. He even tried to run for a third term in 1880.
That 1880 election might have been the one case where the winner -- James Garfield -- genuinely wasn't interested in the Presidency at that point. He had gone to the Republican National Convention to support fellow Ohioan John Sherman (and defeat Grant's hopes for a third term) and gained some major attention after giving a well-received speech placing Sherman's name in nomination. When the candidacies of Sherman and James G. Blaine -- another anti-Grant candidate -- stalled, Garfield became a compromise choice and was eventually nominated on the 36th ballot. Garfield was apparently legitimately shocked by the events leading to him leaving Chicago as the GOP nominee.
By most accounts, William Howard Taft was far more interested in a potential seat on the Supreme Court than becoming President. At heart he was a judge and believed himself to be better suited for the judiciary than the Executive Branch. But Taft turned down three offers by Theodore Roosevelt to be appointed to the Supreme Court (in 1902, 1903, and 1906) because he felt obligated to complete his work as Governor-General of the Philippines and then Secretary of War. But Taft's wife desperately wanted him to become President and by the time of President Roosevelt's third offer of a seat on the Court, Taft was already being talked about as Roosevelt's hand-picked successor in the White House. And, as with all other Presidents, once he had a taste for the job, he didn't want to give it up, running for re-election in 1912 against his former friend, Roosevelt.
Gerald Ford is the only other President who hadn't spent a significant portion of his political career with his eyes on the White House. Ford spent nearly a quarter-century in the House of Representatives and his main ambition was to be Speaker of the House, but Republicans weren't able to win control of the House when Ford was in Congressional leadership positions. But even with Ford being a creature of Congress, he did attempt to put himself forward as a nominee for the Vice Presidency, first in 1960 and then in 1968, and Nixon kicked the tires on picking him as his running mate in 1960. No one wants to be Vice President without seeing it as a potential stepping stone to the Presidency, particularly at that point in history before Vice Presidents were empowered with some real influence within the Administrations they served in.
As for who wound up hating it by the end of their time in office, I think it's safe to say that John Quincy Adams didn't shed too many tears when he was defeated for re-election in 1828. And I'm sure he wouldn't use the word "hate", but nobody can convince me that George W. Bush wasn't thoroughly ready to escape Washington by late-2007. There were times in 2008 when he seemed like he just wanted to hold a snap election like they have in parliamentary systems and go home to Texas. If some Presidential insider published a book that said that Bush asked if he could just give the keys to the White House to Barack Obama in July 2008, I wouldn't be the least bit shocked.
On the other hand, if there were no term limits, Bill Clinton would have been running for President in every election since 1992 (and the crazy thing is that he's still younger than both of the presumptive 2024 nominees). I'm kind of surprised that he didn't make an effort to repeal the 22nd Amendment in the past 20 years. Clinton loved being President and was trying to find something Presidential to do until minutes before his successor was inaugurated in 2001.
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sojutrait · 11 months
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turns out layla rather not spend her entire morning shoveling horse manure so she put her pride to the side and hired a ranch hand named quincy. and immediately gained a sentiment with him when he introduced himself
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rotting-ink · 25 days
*giggles and twirls my finger through my hair* Sooo, do our lovely LI have any kinks and what are they?
oh lots but we gotta keep it short and snappy, dont we?
Book 1:
L Rawlins- It's a secret, but Primal Play. They act like they're too in control and good to want to resort to animalistic ways but god, they're so repressed and would love to fuck the MC in werewolf form.
Seir- Worshiping but in a humiliating/degrading way. Cooing at their master for their lovely hole, their pretty chest, perfect for being used, all the while dragging their claws over their sides.
V De Winters- Big part is knifeplay. They enjoy watching you squirm as they press the cold blade against your skin, but wouldn't want to hurt you. Also loves watching you squirm against restraints.
Z Chambers- They adore sensory play. They're also a switch, so if you want to take turns being blindfolded, they're ALL for it. Also gags, bondage, anything that adds to the experience.
S Della Rovere- Public sex. If they're not allowed to tuck their hand into your undergarments in the corner of a bar, then what's the point? They love risky sex.
Book 2:
Saleos- Petplay. They want to be the one in charge of taking care of you, they want to become the master and you their familiar. They want you in a collar at all times, even a subtle one.
Starling Knight- Clothed sex, usually semi public that's rushed. They're busy but god, they could kiss you if you come visit them and you two can have a quickie.
A. Lancaster- Predator and Prey. Look, they help hunt down the Witch. What makes them think that A doesn't want to do the same in a relationship? You get an hour to escape into the forest or the town. And no matter what, they'll truss you up and have their way with you. Safeword and tap system in hand though.
Book 3:
Quincy Beaumont: God, what AREN'T they into? They're the kinkiest. They love toys, they love public sex, they love all pleasure. But most of all, they love marking. They need you covered in hickeys and bites at all times.
D. Woolf: Slow, intimate sex. They're not that kinky, and in fact, the most submissive of the group. Just use them. Use them however you want. Fuck them, sit on their face, ruin them. Please.
E. Rawlins: They love taking you to extremes. Edging to overstimulating. Scenting you by rubbing their cum into your skin. Biting and making sure to ruin you for anyone else.
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possible-streetwear · 1 month
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catboysghost · 2 months
i wanna cry so bad
i feel like i might be dramatizing but i really feel sad. i want to see my babies and the story and i literally had nowhere else to see it than that notion link that is not working. plz plz plzz does someone have a link with all the nukani stuff? that link is not working anymore and im so sad i cant continue seeing stuff from my babies and i cant continue the lore
thank u ppl from tumblr :( looking forward your help
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berryblu-soda · 8 months
its so incredibly funny to me when characters are basically puppets of the narrative and are overpowered bc several people wanted the specialest little guy to take control of or whatever, bc i´ll be rewatching the first episodes and it´s like
"oh if only i hadnt done *insert pecific thing that triggered the adventure*", or other characters going "oh if only i hadnt dragged you into this mess, you wouldve had a normal life :("
like!! no!! his ass is like 3 villains´ group science project that somehow got out of their control and started biting their ankles, he´s not "doomed by the narrative" , he´s the narrative´s OC, frankenstine´s monster wishes he was him
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myvinylplaylist · 9 months
Michael Jackson: Bad (1987)
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2001 Special Edition Reissue
Epic Records
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ourladyofomega · 20 days
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jazzdailyblog · 3 months
James Moody: A Jazz Icon Whose Music Still Resonates Today
Introduction: James Moody, born ninety-nine years ago today on March 26, 1925, in Savannah, Georgia, was a legendary jazz saxophonist, flutist, and composer whose impact on the jazz world is still felt today. Moody’s career spanned over six decades, during which he collaborated with some of the greatest jazz musicians of his time and left behind a remarkable body of work that continues to…
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View On WordPress
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Quincy OC Avalielle Forsthe Goache painting on A5 paper + PS edit
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Sorry if you've been asked this before but do you have a book on each of the 46 presidents and which presidents do you have the most books on?
I have been asked this question a few times, but it's all good: I never get tired of talking about books.
Yes, I have at least one book about each of the Presidents. (Just to be a super dork and annoyingly technical, there have actually only been 45 different Presidents. Biden is the 46th President, but Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms.)
Anyone who has followed me for a little while won't be surprised to hear that I have far more books about LBJ than any other President. I have an entire bookcase just for my books about LBJ and it's overflowing. I did a quick count of the LBJ books on that bookcase and currently stacked nearby within sight and I have at least 108 books about Lyndon B. Johnson (that's including a half-dozen books about Lady Bird Johnson, as well).
As for which Presidents besides LBJ that I have the most books about, I figured Lincoln would probably be the runner-up, but I actually think it might be John Quincy Adams. Ulysses S. Grant is near the top of the list, too. Oddly enough, I also have a surprisingly large collection of biographies about Herbert Hoover. I can't say that I ever went out of my way to build a library of Herbert Hoover books, but once I got the six-volume Life of Herbert Hoover biography series it seemed like a bunch of other Hoover books just started sprouting out around them from time-to-time.
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irlkisukeurahara · 11 months
I'm sorry Renji you're hot and the animation on the Bankai reveal was amazing but this episode was still mid. They rushed over Renji vs Mask and for what. Makes me scared on how they'll handle Rukia vs Äs Nödt. Pls don't do my 3rd favorite character dirty PLEASEEE
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rotting-ink · 3 days
What are the ROs like when they realize they're in love? Which one's have an "Oh shit!" moment lol
L Rawlins- L takes a moment to feel all soft and fluttery about it, then feels horrified. They're double your age! Feels like an old pervert for a while.
S Della Rovere- Fucking sings it from the rooftops. They've been in love before, but that was years back! Has a "we're so back" moment, they adore being in love. Will immediately go to the Witch and celebrate this, even if the Witch has no fuckin clue what they're on about.
Z Chambers- Feels horrified. They were only supposed to help you out! Not!! Not this!! Oh god! On the verge of a total nervous breakdown all the while having a poker face.
V De Winters- Deeply elated. However, also completely miserable about it. Going to lie there, in bed, with a bottle of wine for ages and just groan out a cuss word. Going to go back to normal after a while and be extra charming to their little Witch.
Seir- Well... They always did. They always knew.
Saleos- Very very BIG oH SHit moment. Horrified, only meant to fuck around with their previous master but now? God. Just when life was getting bearable again.
Starling Knight- Head in hands, groaning. Lets their head hit the desk. Going to take a shot and then never think about this ever again, they're an adult for god's sake and no they do not get butterflies around you!
A Lancaster- Fully wants death in the moment. "Are you completely kidding me." So angry about it they become an asshole to you. Gonna show up to your cottage to blame you for it. So goddamn angry about it.
E Rawlins- In Book 1, they're aware that they have a puppy crush. By book 3, they fully have that turned around into knowing they've always been the one for you. So has gone from puppy crush into wild dog fixation.
Quincy Beaumont- Smile falls. Lies all melancholy on their bed, the opera director begging at their door. Won't get work done until their muse gets there and then there's more touchy and draping over you and starts... Oh. >> It gets a bit dirty here.
D Woolf- Going to go to A. And just sit with a cup of tea, all bug eyed. A is going to leave them to it, knowing they just get like this but D is feeling all soft and rosy inside.
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possible-streetwear · 12 days
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