persephoneprice · 8 days
mentor/tribute pairing dynamics as lines from noah kahan songs (part 1, based on my hcs)
livia cardew & facet - new perspective
You and all of your new perspective now / Wish I could shut it in a closet / And drag you back down
palmyra monty & velvereen - northern attitude
Forgive my northern attitude / Oh, I was raised on little light
sejanus plinth & marcus - carlo’s song
I keep burning my bridges down / Just to keep you alive
florus friend & sabyn - the view between villages
Feel the rush of my blood / I'm seventeen again / I am not scared of death / I've got dreams again
io jasper & circ - halloween
It's not Halloween, but the ghost you're dressed up as / Sure knows how to haunt, yeah, you know how to haunt
urban canville & teslee - hollow
And I've tried to hold my temper and obscure my rage / But these kids, they never act their age / And I've got one foot in the grave
persephone price & mizzen - come over
I know that it ain't much, I know that it ain't cool / Oh, you don't have to tell the other kids at school / My dad will strike it rich, we'll be the big house on the block / Someday I'm gonna be somebody people want
festus creed & coral - homesick ft. sam fender
Static cranes stand lifeless, castin' shadows on the town / I stare out that hallowed ocean as if to pick a fight / For thе dreams my old man dreamt for me lay on thе other side
dennis fling & hy - still
It's like I'm still here with you / I don't, I don't, I don't wanna say goodbye
iphigenia & sol - you’re gonna go far
The only time I got to praying for a red light / Was when I saw your destination as a deadline
apollo ring & otto - anyway
And I hope I ain't the last of what the world left you
diana ring & ginnee - godlight
To know me is to hate me / Is to hate what I've become / It's to watch me as I'm fallin' / From that ladder's last rung
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@butfilsongs okay thought it over and here’s the fix-it :)!!
Since in this post I said that I think at least some of the peacekeepers that came to grab the tributes during the arena bombing came from outside, I had an idea for how all the tributes could escape from the city.
What if, instead of running for the exit, the district 1 and 2 kids saw the tunnels blasted open and went in there instead? Ginnee and Otto survived by sheer luck of the bombs going off a little earlier, and their mentors were saved by peacekeepers. This works because of a thing @idontliketomatoesleavemealone pointed out about them wearing armor which would protect them at least a little. They are out of it, though, because blows to the head suck. Ginnee and Otto, like Panlo and Sheaf, end up greatly injured and are denied medical care. Here’s where the fun begins (for me at least, if you like Hurt No Comfort this is not for you):
Thanks to the peacekeepers coming in from outside and the tunnels being so much closer than the exit, the four escapee tributes make it out. Sabyn, Velvereen, Facet, and Marcus are on the run. They could try to escape the city and forget all about this, but… those other kids don’t deserve to die, and leaving them to their fate feels… cruel. And also, escaping the city is exactly what the Capitol expects them to do so going along with it makes it more likely for them to be caught. So they get out of the tunnels and figure out where the zoo is. Marcus clearly didn’t disguise himself, but now there are three other kids there to come up with ideas. Facet and Velvereen suggest they try to look more like Capitol kids so it’s more likely people won’t look at them twice. While they’re at it they snag some supplies for short-term disguises and then wait until it’s late to go over to the zoo.
Now, these kids may not have the best mentors (cough cough Livia Cardew cough cough) but they can see some of the others starting to care about their tributes. And these influential nepo-babies are the future of Panem. The four free tributes have had time to think things through, and the last thing they wanna do is hand the Capitol propaganda on a silver platter and turn their only hope of ending the games for good against them. In terms of trying to convince their overlords the tributes are human beings too, killing peacekeepers means they may as well confess to cannibalism and skinning puppies for fun. Also, it would be justification for the Capitol calling this an all hands on deck situation and throw everything into finding the tributes, which is the last thing they need. So the four escapees refrain from brutal murder and instead merely knock out the ones too close to the enclosure for comfort. They take some of the guns, though, because they’re not stupid enough to actually believe their attempts at showing innocence will do anything and they’d rather be armed if it comes down to the worst-case scenario.
Next they break open the zoo enclosure and wake up their fellow district kids inside. Some frantic whispering later and everyone’s awake and ready to leave. The four injured kids and Dill get carried on the backs of the stronger kids for obvious reasons, and off they go. I’ll stop here and consider collecting my ideas for the rest of their shenanigans in this City of Nightmares in a separate post because I have plans.
Yes, it does involve arson. No, Gaul’s lab does not survive. Possibly, neither does she.
That last bit is not entirely on the tributes.
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majorsoapfan · 2 months
Hello. I have been loving your fanfic it's so good I am using it as a coping mechanism after getting my heart broken 🥲 . Small question i might be reading too much into this but is facet younger than velvreene and sabyn in your fic or is it like a one year age gap ? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question
(kid velvreene looking after kid Facet is so cute 🥺)
(Love how you made velvreene be one of the responsible ones with her being in the last group to go up and her volunteering to go helping treech getting supplies then her saving sabyn when they were being watched and how she comforted both her and facet in chapter 8 as a velvreene fan this makes me so happy)
Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad that my fic can help with healing broken hearts. :) And don't be sorry, there's no dumb questions! And I'm happy to answer any questions you have!
And in regards to your question now, in my fic when I was planning everything out and going by the appearances of the tributes who don't have their ages confirmed, I saw Velvereen as being about 17 years old and in my mind, she's the oldest female tribute along with Sol. And both Facet and Sabyn are younger than her. Facet is 16, while Sabyn is 15-16 as well.
I'm glad that you're liking what I'm doing with Velvereen too! Out of all the Career District tributes, especially with the backstory I've made for her, I always saw her as perhaps the most responsible of those four, while Facet and Sabyn in particular due to the fact that they're younger looking, I've tried to show their youth/vulnerability more, especially as the Capitol hasn't gotten the chance to breed the 'Career' mindset into some of the Districts yet that would make them appear tougher and more ruthless like the Career tributes that Katniss faces in her Games.
(And yes, kiddie Velvereen and Facet are adorable in my mind too! <3)
It's always good to know that people like what I'm doing with the tributes.
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sasdaertg · 6 months
The other car going to the zoo
Hy : *coughing cause asthma is a bitch*
Circ : okay who here is the little mother ducker that is coughing?
Sheaf:*has an amused look on her face* a mother what?
Circ : a motherducker! Don't you guys say that when you are annoyed?
Otto *trying to hold back his laughter* no!
Hy : *coughs more*
Facet : okay but seriously who here is coughing?
Hy : asthma is a bitch okay!
Velvereen : oh you poor thing! That must be so hard for you!
Hy : I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.
Sabyn : of course she's sarcastic you dumb hoe!
Sol : says the bitch who isn't even supposed to be here.
Teslee : can you guys be a little more quit? I'm trying to come up with a idea how to kill somebody slow and painful but not using a weapon!
Ginnee : okay wtf
Otto : please Teslee have mercy with me!
Circ : I'm your district partner you can't kill me!
Panlo : please don't kill me I'm good at making bread!
Facet : that is the dumbest excuse I've heard someone say ever.
Hy : you can kill me if you want I will either way die very slow.
Sol : please don't go emo now hy!
Sabyn : *singing* ~I fell in love with an emo girl~
Velvereen: *also singing*~ I'm in love with an emo girl*
Circ *also suddenly singing* ~I fell in love with an emo girl ~
Everybody(expect for facet) : ~all I want is an emo girl~
Facet : okay wtf is wrong with you people?!
And then they got dumped into the zoo
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bloodredlolipops · 2 months
Associating TBOSAS tributes with songs from my playlist because I am bored and decided to do this for fun:
(Note: If any of these are your favorite song then you can say that you are the character I gave the song to.)
Facet: I / Me / Myself by Will Wood
Velvereen: Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Marcus: LOOK DON’T TOUCH by Odetari & cade clair
Sabyn: Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds
Circ: Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms
Teslee: I Am Not a Robot by Marina and the Diamonds
Mizzen: Home or Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
Coral: She Likes a Boy by Nxdia
Hy: Say It Ain’t So by Weezer
Sol: Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
Otto: Riptide by Vance Joy
Ginnee: Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Treech: Trees by McCafferty
Lamina: Not Strong Enough by boygenius
Bobbin: Bruno is Orange by Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Wovey: Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
Panlo: Lovers Rock by TV girl
Sheaf: Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds
Tanner: Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
Brandy: Mary by Alex G
Reaper: Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms
Dill: I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski
Jessup: Things to Do by Alex G
Lucy Gray: I’ve Had Enough by Melina KB
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spiralling-thoughts · 3 months
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Some bad sketches I did yesterday for the background tributes. Movie Hy and sol are such an underrated duo . Some love for sabyn because of how awkwardly they forgot about her in the scene where the tributes arrived, Otto had no chill with that crossbow (that I know I drew awkwardly). And of course the only named tributes from district 9 in the entire trilogy
Side note: I had no idea what the weapon that panlo grabbed during the bloodbath was so I went to the wiki and apparently it's a sword but I have no idea what kind of sword 🙃🥲
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thecoffeelorian · 7 months
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syekick-powers · 1 year
26, 11, 39 for Sabyn?
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
i feel like sabyn thinks of himself as Reasonably Smart. he's sort of like the midpoint between sylvus and cenryx--sylvus is the kind of learner who either picks things up immediately and with a great amount of success with minimal effort or doesn't get something at all and gets frustrated by not understanding right off the bat (and also has godawful studying skills with no discipline), and cenryx is the kind of learner who doesn't seem to have any particularly outstanding aptitudes at first glance but will study with a truly inhuman amount of discipline until he finally carves that shit into his brain like stone. sabyn has better studying skills than sylvus, but is not quite as disciplined with it as cenryx; sabyn has some outstanding aptitudes and some things that he absolutely SUCKS with, and has a tendency to avoid things he knows he's bad at, but doesn't become immediately and crushingly disappointed when he doesn't cotton to something right off the bat. he has a fairly decent picture of his own intelligence, but tends to underestimate his own ability to pick up things he doesn't feel an immediate draw to. he DOES have a higher int score than both sylvus and cenryx, but i feel like that's at least partially because lavinis's order gave him college-level education once he joined.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
i feel like in the sort of central temple where lavinis itself is generally going to communicate with the order and tell them things and shit like that, all the clerics who are lavinis's actual children get especially fancy and upscale living spaces. like a wholeass fancy apartment on like the top floor with a slappin good view outside the windows and just incredibly decadent furniture. he probably doesn't even have to cook his own damn meals.
his outfits and appearance are currently prescribed by the order more than anything. the only part of his body that he really doesn't have to regulate to certain standards is his hair (currently in a short undercut)--and even then, he has to slick his hair down for any kind of serious occasion. the rest of his appearance tends to come across as pretty decadent, but it's not by his own choice.
frankly, sabyn's own personal taste is fairly simple. if he were to dress and style himself and design his own living space, it wouldn't have NEARLY the same amount of fanciness and decadence. he's not particularly impressed by it and he prefers dressing simply and in comfortable clothes.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
i feel like if there's anything that will earn genuine scorn and mockery from sabyn, it's treating something weird and unusual and different like it's automatically bad. he's generally a nice dude the majority of the time and usually has a certain kind of endearing awkwardness about him and is generally kindhearted, but if you disparage someone (or something) for being "weird" or "different" around him he is going to either verbally rip you a new one immediately or shit-talk you behind your back something fierce. he hates that shit.
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catindabag · 7 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (49)
*When the Mentors lied about their Tributes’ skills on LIVE TV*
Lepidus: Welcome back to the ✨Table Talk✨! I’m your host, Lepidus Malmsey-
Casca: Booooo!
Lepidus: Ugh. Who let Highbottom sit with the audience again?
Felix: Just ignore him.
Lepidus: And why does your school want me to do another round of interviews?
Vipsania: To gain more sponsors-
Gaius: For money.
Hilarius: We love money.
Coryo: I need money.
Sejanus: To proclaim my undying love to my Coryo-
Coryo: Not now, Babe.
Sejanus: But-
Coryo: I’ll give you a kiss if you shut up.
Sejanus: Can you kiss me now-
Casca: Booooo! Get a room-
Felix: Back to you, Malmsey!
Lepidus: Um- okay. So here we are again with our favorite Mentors-
Festus: Yo, Leppy! Leppy, why do I have to wear this stupid paper bag?
Lepidus: It’s Lepidus.😑 And your Class President was the one who asked me to cover your face.
Festus: Why?!😫
Felix: Creed, just wear the bag.
Coryo: That’s what you get after you forced us to bail you out from juvenile jail, Bestie~.😊
Festus: I did nothing wrong-
Coryo: You trespassed and dumpster dived on private property.
Festus: I did not!
Felix: The President of Panem would disagree.
Festus: But I’m not even a fugitive!
Lysistrata: Not yet~.☺️
Festus: But-
Felix: Lepidus, please continue.
Lepidus: So my first question is for-
Livia: Just spit it out, Leppy. We don’t have all day.🙄
Juno: Yeah~. I even have an important appointment with my chiropractor after this.
Lepidus: Fine.😞 What are your Tribute’s strengths and weaknesses?
Livia: Excuse me?! Weaknesses?! That’s incorrect. My new bestie from ✨District One✨ doesn’t have weaknesses.🙄💅
Lepidus: That’s impossible-
Livia: Facet with his tasset can even stop a freaking bullet just by looking at it.
Lepidus: That’s a lie-
Livia: I’ve seen him do it before, Leppy~.
Palmyra: Just one bullet? That’s so lame, Livia. Velvereen the Wolverine can melt bullets and spit acid.😌
Vipsania: Ha! Both of your Tributes are nothing compared to mine. My Tribute, Treech the Leech can suck your blood out in seconds.
Pup: Well, my Tribute, Lamina with her stamina can drown anyone with just her salty tears.
Apollo: Bro, shut up. My Tribute, Otto from the Grotto can kill a grown man with just one punch.
Diana: Just one punch? My Tribute, Ginnee Houdini can turn you all into dust-
Juno: That’s so unoriginal, Ring. My Tribute, Bobby-
Hilarius: Bobbin.
Juno: Bobby Corn Poppy can lift a thousand grown grizzly bears with just one arm!
Hilarius: But my Wovey with just one knee can make you run for your money!
Gaius: You be lying, Hilari! My Tribute, Panlo with his hands low can kick all of your asses!
Androcles: That’s all you’ve got, bro?! My Tribute, Sheaf the Chief can strangle you with her eyes!
Io: Andie, stop with your nonsense! My Tribute, Circ with his quirk can fly you to the moon and back!
Urban: That’s all?! My Teslee from Mississippi can break a giant’s neck with her thighs!
Persephone: Do better, Urban! My Mizzen The Gremlin can break your bones with just using his zen!
Festus: Lol. My Tribute, Coral No Morals can knock you all out with just her profanities!
Dennis: Creed, sit down! My Hy So High can fly faster than a fly!
Iphigenia: Suck it, Dennis! Sol Aerosol can burn you all with just her sweat!
Domitia: Lame! My Tanner with a hanger moves faster than a spider!
Arachne: That’s just so and so! My Tribute, Brandy Sharp Candy will slice you to bits!
Clemensia: Little Crane is just jealous because Reaper The Sweeper has the strength of a thousand wild zebras.
Felix: And Dill with the drill has the agility of an eel!
Florus: Boring! My Tribute, Sabyn So Keen has the eyes of an eagle, speed of a cheetah, and the strength of a thousand flamingos!
Sejanus: But they won’t stand a chance against my friend, Marcus Spartacus!
Lysistrata: Wrong! My Tribute, Jessup with his getup will crush Marcus Spartacus like a bug!
Coryo: But they will all surrender to Lucy Gray and her army of Mockingjays!
Everyone:. . .
Festus: What’s a mockingjay?
Lepidus: What the duck and buck are you guys even saying?!😫
*Meanwhile, at the Zoo*
Lucy Gray: Sheaf the Chief-
Sheaf: Don’t even start, Baird.
Lucy Gray: But-
Sheaf: Do you want me to strangle you with my eyes?
Lucy Gray: Nevermind.😞
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I love reading all of your fix it AUs and the funniest thought popped into my mind but - all of them happening at once. The minute the tributes are dropped in things start going wrong. One of the tributes escapes via climbing the zoo enclosure (Treech, Lamina, Sheaf, Circ) (prompting tighter security, stopping Arachne from bringing in a glass bottle and Jessup doesn't get bit) and during interviews, mentors get knocked out and more escape (Brandy, Coral, Mizzen?). The Peacekeepers start really cracking down but everyone sees this. One Peacekeeper is *really* conflicted about this and eventually grabs two (Bobbin and Wovey?) and helps them escape. Otto and Ginnee dip since they know cattle cars best shortly after. Then the zoo gets compromised and everyone's like "Okay tour the arena while we set up the next enclosure" guess what happens next? THE ARENA EXPLODES. Because Otto, Ginnee and Sheaf already dipped, Panlo stands somewhere else, doesn't get exploded and instead escapes with Sabyn, Facet and Velvereen, and because he survives he actually prevents Facet and Velvereen from getting shot and Sabyn from falling. At this point there's like, 8 tributes left, so they decide "fuck it put the tributes in with their mentors while we figure out what to do". Most of the tributes left either have sympathetic mentors (Sejanus, Lysistrata, maybe Dennis?) willing to help them, or mentors who could be pushed in that direction (Lucy Gray, Sol, Reaper/Dill, Tanner). And on TOP of that, the escaped tributes return multiple times to extract more tributes during that whole process. Teslee escapes and blends into a workplace where she gets things done so the boss keeps quiet. At least one person fakes their death and it's pretty easy to when Dill and Hy are both doing pretty badly. Someone dresses up as a Peacekeeper. Tanner 'disappears' when Coral and Mizzen drag him into the sewers. The 10th Hunger Games, advertised as a spectacle for the first time, gets endlessly delayed and postponed until the Capitol public gets fed up and goes 'just skip this ffs' None of the tributes return to the arena, except for Lucy Gray, which is on purpose so that Coryo can win on technicality, (either that or the very few remaining tributes are put in the arena but they all hide, the Games take ages until they realize that the tributes. Aren't in the arena anymore. No one knows when they escaped.) the whole thing is an embarassment and no Hunger Games are held because it was just *that* bad.
!!!!! OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! I love that actually it's hilarious. Here's the order I'd do it in:
Lamina and Treech climb out of the zoo together and end up hiding on the rooftops of the Capitol while they try to figure out a way home. They steal some clothes and clean up a little, after which they're entirely unrecognizable. Coral tells Mizzen to sneak through the bars and hide out somewhere. She'll come get him. Bobbin overhears and Wovey ends up going with Mizzen. When Coral and Bobbin successfully knock out Festus and Juno while the peacekeepers are out of the room and gets out of her chains, Brandy decides to follow. Slamming Arachne's face into the table is very satisfying.
A peacekeeper comes in, notices the mentors aren't even seriously harmed, and starts to have doubts about these kids being violent monsters. Oh well, he's here now anyway. Might as well get some younger ones out. There goes Teslee and Sheaf! That's 9 down, 15 to go. In the cattle car back to the zoo, Otto and Ginnee dip. They offer for the other tributes to follow, but they decide it's probably best to stay in the car because a group of 15 getting out of the car is gonna be a whole lot more noticeable. Besides, if there's any trace of the car being opened, the peacekeepers will know what happened and have a far better shot at figuring out where they are. The longer it takes them to check the cameras, the better. With only 26 people in the arena (not counting peacekeepers) it's even less crowded. Gaius pulls Panlo deeper into the arena looking for allies so he has a better shot at winning the plinth prize and guess what? Both survive. Panlo saves Gaius from death by pulling him out of the way of some schrapnel, which makes Gaius rethink his cringy unfunny district jokes. One of the rebel scum just saved his pathetic ass, maybe he can stand to be a little nicer to and about them. He vows to apologize for being such a dick, but before he knows it Panlo is sprinting for the exit and knocks down a peacekeeper about to shoot Facet in the back. Now the other ones are aiming at Panlo though, and Gaius decides that this is his chance to make up for his behavior a little by bodyslamming the fucker. Marcus takes out another and Sejanus takes the last one, so Gaius' little bout of treason is not remembered by anyone important enough to get him killed. Marcus ends up staying in the arena and is a little nicer to Sejanus. Nobody knows who took out the peacekeepers that were guarding outside... (spoilers: it was Coral, Brandy, Bobbin, and Lamina)
One specific place suddenly has much better tech. Nobody knows why.
The meetings in preparation for the interviews don't go much better for the Capitol's reputation. Somehow, through means still unknown by the supposed superior people, Circ managed to not only knock out Urban (who is both older and stronger than him) but picked several electric locks and escaped the Capitol Academy without anyone noticing until a panicked Urban began running around the building demanding to know where he is. Strangely, he's not screaming about the prize. He's moreso concerned about whether such a young, vulnerable boy is okay and straight up forbids the peacekeepers from using lethal force when they find him. They don't. A business that's partners with the one that suddenly got tech upgrades gets them too. Everyone assumes it must be some sort of secret they shared with each other.
Oh, and the zoo enclosure is demolished before the meetings even end. So that's great. Oh well, only 8 tributes left anyway. Surely the mentors can handle them with some peacekeeper supervision?
Tanner disappears when Domitia takes him out to the market under the guise of needing muscle to carry their groceries. She actually just wants to show him more of the world because he showed interest. When a blond with striking blue eyes and a brown hat throws fireworks from the roof and a flash of red hair swiftly moves through the crowd, pulling Tanner into an alleyway... Well, there was so much chaos! How was she supposed to notice? That was the peacekeepers' job. And anything could've displaced that sewer grate, so putting the cover on the hole correctly is not tampering with the evidence! It's doing her civil duty to keep the streets tidy. When Clemensia sees the peacekeeper guarding Reaper looking a little more... dark-skinned, she decides that it isn't her place to comment. That would be racist! Her giving him as much food as he could easily carry is just her expressing her gratitude for his service. Hy collapsing in public and being dragged out of there by that same peacekeeper isn't anything suspicious at all. Nor is the boy with the familiar trilby causing a ruccus and running in the opposite direction, preventing other peacekeepers from following or checking that Hy is really dead. And she knows this, because Dennis agrees with her. Not suspicious at all. The inhaler Dennis got for his tribute disappearing later that same day isn't suspicious either. Nobody needs to know, and Dennis doesn't even have to mess with the security cameras. They're already looped. Even more plausible deniability, oh joyous days!
When Dill disappears, Felix doesn't deign it important enough to mention that it happened right after he figured out what medication would help her with her tuberculosis. He fully trusted that totally-a-peacekeeper to not let her escape. it's not his fault he ended up "failing". When he points at an actual peacekeeper to take the blame, it's totally a coincidence that it's one who mistreated the tributes the most severely. Who would people believe? Some random nobody or the son of the president? Exactly.
Iphigenia notices her dad is particularly invested in not letting Sol escape. So when she stumbles upon the girl climbing out of a window in the bedroom that conveniently has no security cameras, helped down by a redheaded girl while Hy waits down below, she promptly shuts the door and eagerly anticipates her father's reaction once he finds out.
Lucy Gray, Jessup, and Marcus are eventually thrown into the arena when the Capitol finally relents to their citizens' annoyed outrage over this disaster. For a week, nothing happens on camera. When the peacekeepers finally go in to weed the tributes out, they're... not there. At all. Nobody notices that one of the holes high up in the back wall of the arena was easily accesible from the outside by a skilled climber. Nor did they notice the several fabrics that started going missing a few weeks ago because surely they're not related? Cameras don't show anything, and nobody notices that they were looped to hide a brunet and a redhead scaling the side of the arena to drop in a long rope of stitched-together fabrics in a part of the arena without cameras. There was no way anyone could've seen the three remaining tributes dodging the cameras, Lucy Gray appearing last, and climbing said fabric to be coached down by the two intruders.
Gaul, desperate to keep her show on the road, attempts to get new tributes sent over. Surprise surprise, they're swiftly disappeared too. And again. And again. And again. Next year, there's one more attempt before the president finally decides the point has been made and it isn't worth the trouble. And if several former mentors, including his own son, sometimes disappear without explanation to return some time later looking happier than ever, who is he to pry? Surely nothing that interesting could be happening.
Peacekeepers never really pay attention to the tributes anyway, so of course they forget their faces once the search is declared dead. And the more recognizable ones who show back up on stage? Well, they're entertaining, so... It's probably their twin or something.
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sheaf-tbosas · 4 days
tbosas tribute surname hcs.. is this anything
facet beau-burnett - he seems like a double-barrell kinda guy to me. beau is very district one themed, and burnett js fit w beau.
velvereen charis - grace/charity in greek.
marcus dimaano - "invincible" in tagalog.
sabyn clay - another district themed one, js bc there's alot of rocks in d2, clays related to rocks...yknow.
circ scalar / noble - yet another math term, in canon i hc circ to not be actually related to teslee, but in a modern/alternate au i see them being siblings, so teslee's surname is there too.
teslee noble - math term, which is d3 related!!
mizzen fahey / callahan - both irish surnames which comes from d4s irish influences. again i hc mizzen to not be related to coral in canon, but in modern/different aus they're siblings!!
coral callahan - my oldest surname hc, it just makes sense to me 😭.
hy vega - district related.
sol hadley - district related againnn.
otto earnheardt - the lovely @persephoneprice came up with this one based on a nascar driver and i genuinely cannot unsee it. he is otto earnheardt to me. like he was the only character i was struggling with a name for and this makes sm sense!!
ginnee lynn - no reason at all other than it sounds good to say.
treech hayashi - forest in japanese.
lamina blackthorn - district themed again.. trees have thorns n stuff 😭.
bobbin woollard - district themed bc of wool solely 💀.
wovey loom - again district themed.
panlo clover - it just fits to me, could be district themed if u squint.
sheaf mais - maize in german.
tanner elby - no clue why other than it sounds good.
brandy maddox / elby - again w the canon vs modern au.. in canon they're not siblings to me but modern there is no way that they aren't twins. also maddox was js bc it sounds cool.
reaper ash - canon.
dill rivers - sounds cool, district themed if u squint (bc its a very nature based district and rivers r nature??).
jessup diggs - canon.
lucy gray baird - canon.
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losingmymindrn · 2 months
do u have any hcs for the lesser known tbosas girlies?? like any of the lesser known academy mentors and sol, velvereen, ginnee, sabyn, sheaf? love ur acc btw <3
● Sol seems like the person who is the quiet kid in class, but is actually super friendly if you just talk to her
● Ginnee was a dancer back in 6
● sheaf was very flexible, and if it was a modern au I bet her and ginnee would be really good friends :]
● Juno and Lysistrata are friends
● telsee and circ formed a family like bond (doomed by the narrative)
● Velverereen was rly strong physical
Thats all I have... for now ;]
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allass990 · 3 months
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Daşary çykyp, sazlamasaňyz, oýnasaňyz, iýseňiz, içseňiz, sabyn operalaryna tomaşa etseňiz, uklasaňyz we oýnasaňyz, gaçmaga synanyşmasaňyz, gaçýan zadyňyz sizi çyzmaga dowam eder. Hemme zat size ýatladar ýeňilendigiňizi. Sagat ýatladýar. Goşgy size ýatladýar. Bir sahna size ýatladýar. Iýmit size ýatladýar. Bir köçe size ýatladýar. Hatda ukyňyz we arzuwyňyz hem ýatladýar.
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spiralling-thoughts · 3 months
So there's a small itty bitty tiny detail that I noticed but it's honestly driving me insane , as the tributes were getting transferred to the zoo WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS SABYN????
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Like she's district 2 female tribute she would have been on the same cart as Marcus and would have been with him but she wasn't on the cart and I can't come up with any excuse as to why? The tributes from 1 and 3. 5 .6. 9 not being with them could be excused that they were on a different train and were dropped earlier than the next batch of tributes and since district 1 share a border with the capitol I am willing to bet that facet and velvreene were first to be picked up or last for their train but for sabyn? I can't think of any reason why she wouldn't be on the same cart as her district partner and so where was she? It doesn't make sense this is honestly an embarrassing mistake from the directors all they had to do was just have her actress sitting with the rest of them even if she wouldn't say a line did they not have her actress on staff or what??? I get that she is not a plot relevant character but CMON This is so awkward please tell me I am not the only one who noticed this and is scratching my head from thinking about it
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syekick-powers · 1 year
Sabyn! 1, 4 (for both early childhood and his second home), 17, 19, 21,27 (really want to know how he feels about what he wears), 37
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
sabyn's relationship with his adoptive father is mostly okay. i feel like there was some tension between them in that he wanted sabyn to Carry On The Family Business and sabyn REALLY did not feel like doing that, but by and large they had an okay relationship.
as for BLOOD father, lavinis, i feel like sabyn is kinda. intimidated by it a little bit. and while he appreciates that lavinis kinda gave sabyn a life to pursue that didn't involve getting pressured by his family to carry on the family business, sabyn feels like there's an equal amount of Pressure being applied from lavinis as well--though perhaps more from lavinis's order of worshipers than lavinis themself.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
sabyn's adoptive parents were mostly loving. they didn't usually discipline him because he wasn't usually a troublemaker and generally was a very agreeable child.
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
he travels all the time. lavinis kind of figured out that sabyn has a somewhat Unnatural level of charisma and decided to basicallymake sabyn a diplomat of sorts who is sent various places to represent lavinis's interests. generally his goal wherever he goes is to Make Lavinis Look Good. he goes all over the place to serve this end.
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
his deepest disillusion in childhood was "why the hell am i treated like the village freak when i just look kinda sickly and spindly. why are the other kids scared of me when i've done literally nothing to hurt them. can someone please just treat me like a normal person." while his deepest disillusion currently is "is there anyone out there who could help me figure out what i actually want to do with my life instead of forcing me into a fucking box and ordering me around."
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
sabyn's manners are pretty good. when lavinis's order picked him up he didn't have super amazing manners, but after they taught him a certain amount of etiquette, he cottoned to it pretty quickly and now has a pretty good idea of formal, upper-class etiquette. comports himself generally with a good amount of composure and congeniality.
i'm not entirely how the other two questions here relate to the first one, but i'm not 100% sure if sabyn fully has a "type of hero" he feels strongly about. i feel like, if anything, his childhood hero as a kid was probably his mother. the oldest cleric in lavinis's order is kind of a mentor figure for sabyn, but i'm not sure if sabyn really sees said person as a hero. as for who they hate, i'm sure there are some other clerics (his half-siblings) in lavinis's order that sabyn really doesn't get along with.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
sabyn kind of wears what lavinis's order gives him. the clothes are meant to look nice and project a certain air of refinement. sabyn generally wears them nicely, with minimum messing with the outfits. he wants to look put-together and competent and clean-cut, so there's going to be no amount of metaphorical Slouchiness in his presentation. if sabyn were to wear what he wanted, though, he'd probably dress in a more casual, comfortable, commoners'-clothes type of look that's not excessively decorated.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
sabyn lives in his own head to some extent. he didn't have a whole lot of friends as a kid, so he definitely got through his childhood via his imagination. i feel like he's just kinda reaching the age where he feels like he's less in touch with his imagination than he used to be, though, so he's not fully in his head with his imagination ALL the time, but if he's bored and not doing anything in particular he's definitely off in his own little world. most of being off in his own little world in this case involves him imagining things going how he wants them to go, being liked and appreciated and feeling satisfied. this sometimes helps him cope but other times just makes him feel more miserable.
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faucetrye · 9 months
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