#sad but will have happy ending when finished
So glad to encounter another White Collar fan! I've enjoyed following your watch of the series and reliving memories from my first watch, and I'm intrigued about the fics you mentioned you're working on. Can you share a little about the fics?
I'm glad you're enjoying my watch! It's been a wild ride and I'm so happy I got around to finishing the show.
And I will take any excuse to talk about my fics SO there's a few that are just general Neal whump, one in specific that I'm still thinking about and haven't actually written anything for yet is for s5e4 Controlling Interest, because they really didn't do enough with Neal getting drugged twice in (I think) one day??? Insane that there were no side effects. Also I think it would be interesting to go into depth about what Neal tells Peter before Mozzie gets there, because we know he's talking about his childhood and they only give us like one line, but I'm kind of waiting to finish the series and see if they fill in any more gaps about his mom themselves before I go out and write that one (they have to tell us more about his mom. right? please someone tell me they give us more about his mom, we've gotten like two lines and they paint a very sad picture)
The other two are VERY angsty AU's. The first of which is 'what if Neal kills Keller in s3' (I think in ep 11? when El gets kidnapped?) because there is NO REASON for Neal to be good with guns. Why is he that good with guns. There is no precedent for Neal to be that good with guns. I just think it would be interesting (read: very sad) if Neal accidentally kills Keller while trying to protect Peter.
The second is at the end of s4 when Neal is trying to keep James around so Peter isn't charged with Pratt's murder, James shouts "don't make me do something I'll regret" which my brain immediately went "ok but what if he did something he'll regret". Which started off simple but has spiraled out into a much longer fic so that one's taking a while to write.
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thiefoflight68 · 2 years
I am a hard-core Baku/Deku shipper. But I was asked to write a Baku/Todo story.
Please be aware that Izuku is dead and this is sad. Like all of my stories though it will have a happy ending
If I Have a Quirk, Then Why Do I Need a Gun?
minors dni 18+ 0nly
Bakugou sat on his balcony, the heat of the day slowly evaporating as the sun began to settle down behind the horizon. He watched as darkness seeped across the city, lights popping on, slowly at first, then at regular intervals until lights shone through the night. His phone flashed on the table, more texts, he ignored them. He drank from the almost empty bottle of beer. Reaching down into the cooler next to him, he grabbed another, his fingers only found ice. Looking down it was empty. “Fuck,” had he really already drank six beers? The empty bottles on the dark table lit up as his phone flashed again. “Fuck,” he grabbed the phone and scrolled through the names. Everyone, they were all texting, all the fucking extras.
Sero - Wanna hang out?
Kiri - Gotta a new video game, come over.
Mina - Found an awesome Ramen shop, we want to go dinner with you
Tenya - There’s a job fair tomorrow. Want to go?
Momo - Don’t sit around drinking by yourself, you might as well get wasted with us.
Katsuki let out a snort, at least she was fucking honest.
Denki - are you sad?
“Fuck,” he growled throwing the phone back on the table, piece of shit Dunce Head. “Am I fucking sad?!” He wanted to smash the bottles off the table, but he stopped, it was too much fucking trouble to clean up afterward, he knew that from experience. The smart ones hadn’t texted him, the ones hurting like him. He shifted in his seat, he knew that wasn’t fair, they were all hurting. He rubbed his right shoulder, would he ever forget? The physical weight of the casket had been nothing, carried easily, but the true weight, the weight of the body inside, had left a twisted knot in his muscle that would never heal. Tears slipped down his cheeks, hot and fast, he looked heavenward. “Damn nerd!” He shouted. A dog barked at him in the distance somewhere. His phone flashed again.
Shoto - I heard you.
Looking up, Bakugou peered at the apartments across the way, empty balconies.
Bakugou - Where the fuck are you?
Waiting, there was no reply. He shivered, his feet felt cold, he rubbed his arms, fuck was it already getting cold at night? He realized his feet were getting colder, looking down, a thin sheen of ice was forming over his balcony floor. “Fuck! Icy Hot!” Carefully standing on his bare feet, he slipped to the edge of the railing and looked over. Shoto smiled up at him, smirking, balancing on the railing he was touching Bakugou’s balcony.
“Howdy neighbor,” Shoto quipped sarcastically. Switching hands he warmed up the concrete slowly to melt the cool ice.
“What the fuck you doing down there?”
“I moved in last week, would’ve skipped it if I’d known my neighbor was an asshole.” Shoto dusted off his hands and jumped down.
“Fuck money bags, these places are shit, you slumming it these days?”
“I am, gotta wean off my dad eventually, figured life was starting over, why the hell not?” He leaned backwards over the rail looking up at Dynamite, he couldn’t see him well in the dim light. “Does yelling at him help?”
He paused for a moment at the change in subject. “Yeah, it does.”
“Good to know,” Shoto glanced away looking over the city, “I may try that sometime.”
“That Bakugou is the best use of that word that I will ever hear in my lifetime.” He didn’t reply, just stayed bowed over the railing staring at him.
“I jump rope at four in the morning.”
“Better not, I’ll bust down that stupid door and feed it to you for breakfast.”
“Cool, so what time you making that breakfast tomorrow then?”
“Making what?” Shoto’s brows snapped together, he saw Bakugou move slightly, his foot kicking the railing. “Oh, breakfast, I eat around seven,” he took a deep breath, “see you then?” Without waiting for his reply he went back into his apartment. Opening his fridge he didn’t have much food, not enough for breakfast. Grabbing his keys and wallet, Shoto let himself out and headed to the market.
Clenching his jaw Bakugou wasn’t sure why he’d said that, but seeing him there, lit up by the glow of the city, he wanted to see him, not just over the balcony, but see him talking, laughing, wait fuck, Icy Hot never laughed, Bakugou chuckled to himself. Tapping the railing with his hand, he thought back, fuck, Icy Hot did laugh, but only around him. He remembered all too clearly his face lit up, laughing at something Deku was carrying on about. He loved how Shoto looked in those moments, soft and happy. Dragging his lip through his teeth, Bakugou leaned on his hands, fuck, he’d never see him like that again, it was hard enough losing Deku, but that part of Shoto that he treasured, that only Deku could bring out, he’d miss that too. Pushing back, he growled, “you got me all fucking sappy damn nerd.” Going inside, he started his shower, he really fucking hoped he was listening to him.
Sleep is easy when your life isn’t a fucking nightmare, Bakugou took another swig of cold water standing at the open fridge door, he slammed it shut. Sitting at the tiny table in his kitchen, he downed more of the cold liquid, his eyes burning from lack of sleep. The nightmare was always the same, but then reality has a way of making things consistent. The moment when he’d lost sight of the nerd, that’s where the nightmare always started. The three of them had gone around flanking him for Endeavor, but he’d snuck back on them. The moment when Bakugou realized it was Deku by himself staring at All for One, his heart had wrenched, he wasn’t even sure if his scream had ever reached the greenette’s ears. The explosion had knocked them back almost five blocks, but that wasn’t what had destroyed the town that day. It was the void that erupted in the spot where the two had faced off, like a black hole settling down right on earth, pulling everything into its massive maw. Concrete, cars, lights, entire sections of pavement had sailed towards the now expanding black energy clinging to it like metal on a giant magnet. Standing stupidly looking at it, Bakugou would’ve been in the casket next to him, but Todoroki had grabbed him, encasing them in an icy fortress, that he’d fortified for almost fifteen minutes until the trembling subsided. Bakugou had released his fire, melting a hole, to run out, only to see a mountain of rubble. Endeavor had been able to take cover too, he was standing now at the top of the debris waving at them. Leaping up the shaky pile until he was next to him, they had begun the slow process of digging down to find the bottom.
Shoto sprinkled scallions, mushrooms and shaved cheese into the omelet, carefully tapping the edges. He watched the edges bubble. His phone was quiet. Shaking the pan slightly, he lifted the edge, letting the liquid slide underneath to continue cooking. Focusing he was able to keep the mounting frustration at bay, if he didn’t come, there wasn’t anything he could do, he’d eat the food himself. There was a knock at the door. “Finally,” he muttered. “It’s open!” He called over his shoulder, lifting another edge of the omelet. He heard the door slam shut as Bakugou came into his apartment.
The layout was the same as his own, his eyes quickly scanned the space. For someone that had just moved in, it looked immaculate, like he’d been living there his entire life. It was minimalist style, traditional furniture. He stopped, taking off his shoes quickly he ran back and put them by the door.
“Thanks,” Shoto looked pointedly at his socked feet.
“Sorry I forget sometimes living alone,” Bakugou rubbed the back of his neck, “smells good, what is it?”
“Omelets, nothing fancy.”
“Fuck, fancier than leftover rice.” Bakugou began looking through his cabinets for plates, finding what he needed, he set them next to Shoto. He looked in the fridge for something to drink. “Pouring anything stronger than this?” He shook the small container of juice.
“If you want alcohol, you can go home, I’m not contributing to your decision to slowly kill yourself.” Brows shooting up Katsuki stopped shaking the juice.
“Tell me how you really feel.” He snarled, stalking to the table slamming the juice carton down. He came back digging for glasses.
“There’s coffee too,” Shoto pointed to the coffeemaker.
“That’s what I fucking meant by the way.” Finding a coffee cup, he filled it up, leaning back on the kitchen counter he watched him make the omelets. “Do you really think I’m becoming a damn alcoholic or something?”
“No, sorry, I’m being sensitive, I think we’ve all been drinking more than usual, things are pretty fucked up.”
“Yeah, they sure the fuck are,” Bakugou took a sip of the hot coffee, it was good, better than the swill he bought. “Did Tenya invite you to the stupid job fair?”
“He did.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, he kicked Shoto in the ass gently, “and?”
“My dad wants me to work with him, so if I want some filler no-use job, I’ve got one.” Shoto plated the second omelet and handed it to him. “Let’s sit down.”
Sitting over the omelet Bakugou tried a small bite, “it’s good, not bad for a two toned brat,” he smiled at Shoto, his red and blue eyes not reacting to his jab. He shrugged, “so if you’re not working for your dad, what’re gonna do?”
“I’m putting in my application for one of the detective slots they’re making available to us.”
“Fuck them,” Bakugou’s fork clattered on the plate. “They yank our fucking pro-hero status and now you’re gonna go crawl on your knees like some slut after a few measly crumbs.”
Coughing, Shoto took a drink of his juice, swallowing hard. “Tell me how you really feel, asshole.” Katsuki sat staring down at his food. Shoto swirled his glass trying to think of what to say, how to explain, “look it sucks, I hate it as much as you do, but I’m not cut out for sitting in an office discussing finances with people, that’s my dad, not me.”
“So? Do something else then.”
Twisting his lips, Shoto tipped his head, “tell me then brilliant man, what are you going to do? Since you seem to have it all figured out.”
“I fucking don’t know,” leaning back, he glared at his plate.
“That omelet never did anything to you,” Shoto murmured softly, red eyes popped up surprised, he looked away again. “Katsuki, I don’t know about you, but I liked tracking down villains. I want to help, however I can,” Shoto leaned forward, “I wanna hunt down robbers, killers or whatever else comes my way. I wanna be part of the official police force.”
“No using your fucking quirk.”
“I know, that’ll be hard at first,” Shoto jutted out his chin, “but at least I’m willing to try, we have one year, two months already are gone, I gotta figure something out.” Taking another bite, he watched him fidget with his napkin. “Sero, Kirishima and Momo are all applying too.” Red eyes popped up again.
“Yeah? They are?”
“Yeah they are.”
“When’s the deadline?”
“Two weeks, if you get in they’ll promote you to detective right away, no bullshit street cop stuff, unless you want that.” Bakguou shrugged, twisting the napkin in his hand. Shoto let out a soft sigh, he looked like a little kid, sad and hurt. He wanted to hug him, tell him everything was going to be okay, but, this was Bakugou, the prickliest bastard out there, hugging him could hurt.
“I’ll fucking apply.”
“Don’t do it because of me, shit, do what you want.”
“I want to fucking apply,” Katsuki snapped.
“Okay, okay,” Shoto took another bite. “Are you going to the party?”
“What party?”
Shoto paused, “the invitation? Didn’t you get it? Momo sent it out last week. She and Tenya are hosting a celebration of life.”
“What the fuck for? He died four months ago.” Bakugou bristled, his knee started bouncing. “Why do we need to celebrate his life now?”
Poking his omelet with his fork Shoto gave him a tiny shrug, he could feel himself shutting down, the job, now this, why did he always have to be so difficult? “We didn’t really get a chance to do anything. Not just the group of us.”
“Yeah whatever,” pushing away his plate, Bakugou clicked his tongue, he thought about the fucking nerd everyday, bawling over some fucking pictures and memories with a bunch of extras was only gonna hurt worse. Fuck them. Crossing his arms, he clenched his muscles against the harsh pain rolling through his body, it was so sharp it felt physical. He’d make it through on his own, he always did.
Watching him, Shoto could see the defiance glinting in those red eyes, almost daring him. To do what? He knew what Midoriya would do, he’d go on nonsensically until Bakugou gave up and did whatever he wanted him to do. Shoto knew he could never be like Izuku, drawing a line in the sand with the blonde was necessary for him sometimes. But? Shoto looked at his stiff agitated posture, was he angry or hurting? What if he really did want to go? Tapping his fork against his plate, he took a deep breath. “All right then, I’m going. I would like you to go as well but I understand if you don’t.” The blonde grunted, his knee slowed to a stop.
“You’re gonna go?”
“I am,” He watched as Bakugou’s body relaxed, the tension flowing off him earlier dissipated, he sagged back into the chair, his eyes softened.
“You really want me to go too?”
“I do,” Shoto almost choked, the blonde’s voice was so soft, almost tender.
A small smile played across Katsuki’s face, he nodded, “Okay, it’ll be fucking hell, but I’ll go, for you.” Leaning forward he began eating his food in earnest, he was hungry suddenly. Shoto sat staring at him, he looked up, “what?”
“N-Nothing,” Shoto blinked, “wait, wait, you’re going because I want you to go?” He needed to make sure he understood.
“Yeah,” he took another big bite, “this is fucking good by the way.”
“Thanks,” Shoto sat back and watched him eat, he started laughing. His blonde head jerked up. Shoto laughed harder, he wiped his bi-colored eyes with his napkin, giggling almost uncontrollably.
“Why’re you laughing?” Katsuki was stunned, had he just made Shoto laugh? It was that face, the one he’d thought about last night, his features soft, his eyes half-closed in laughter, tears clinging to his lashes. His cheeks were even slightly red, a soft blush staining them. A rush of desire clogged his mind, he looked at his food blankly.
“I - I don’t know, because, because you’re going.” Shoto sighed, laughing softly, he finally stopped. “Because in a million years you wouldn't have gone with me in the past.”
“I would’ve,” Katsuki mumbled, “you just never asked.”
“Then that’s why I’m laughing,” Shoto smiled more broadly, “I would’ve never asked but instead told you to go fuck yourself.”
“Yeah, you sure would” looking up, his heart stopped at the beautiful smile cutting across Shoto’s face. His eyes darted back down, “why not now?”
“I -I’m not sure Bakugou,” a tingling swept through his body, did he know? Looking at him across from his table, he felt a serene calm, ready to conquer the world outside his door. He missed him, he missed Midoriya too, but if he was being honest, and why the fuck not at this point, how could life get worse? He really missed the blonde, the last four months had been absolute hell. Looking around the little apartment, he wondered what had caused him to take this place, it was a shit hole. Was it chance? Luck? Shaking his head, he picked up his empty plate. “Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re going,” he grabbed the blonde’s now empty plate, taking everything to the kitchen.
“Thanks, I better run, I gotta meet my hag later today to go over some stuff.”
“The application?”
“Yeah, I’ll do that too.” Katsuki headed down the hall to the door. “Shoto?”
“What?” He turned, the hair on his neck standing up at the sound of his given name spoken so gently from him.
“Thanks for breakfast, I’m glad you’re my new neighbor, it’s been a while.”
“It has,” Shoto smiled, “of course, you’ll change your tune on that soon.”
“Looks like you’ve been laying off the gym, part of the application process is a fitness test,” Shoto nodded towards his small beer belly. “Gonna need to start working out. I’ll come get your ass starting tomorrow at 6am.”
“Fuck that,” Katsuki opened the door slamming it behind him. Shoto laughed to himself as he finished up the dishes. He really had missed him.
Standing at a table by the bar, Shoto had watched the group trickling in slowly, hugs and tears already started. The rule had been no black, so he’d gone with gray trousers and a snug button up dark blue shirt. Kirishima waved at him as he headed to his table.
“Shoto, good to see you.” He thumped him heavily on the back. Turning he ordered a drink at the bar and joined him again. “Is he coming?”
“He said he would.” Kirishima sipped his drink, surveying the group. Momo and Tenya were working on connecting to a large screen. Suddenly a picture of Izuku flashed up, in his training outfit, he was laughing at someone off camera. “Fuck,” Kiri downed his drink, he rattled the ice looking at the table. “Fuck.”
Clearing his throat Shoto nodded, he managed to keep his bi-colored gaze on the picture of his friend though. The rush of emotion made him hot, his skin prickly and uncomfortable, like wearing itchy fabric. He took a sip of his cold drink. Izuku looked happy, he always did and he was, then the switch would be flipped and he went from best friend to holder of One for All, that's what made him special.
“Hey guys,” Momo had a small microphone, “wanna keep this informal, so how about everyone cuddle up here, we’ll say some stuff, keep it light and then afterward, we can go to dinner, drinks, or dancing,” she forced a smile, someone laughed quietly. “Well we’ll do something.”
“Shall we?” Kiri motioned to the area where they had set up chairs, Shoto followed him. The door opened and Uraraka stepped through, Shoto did a double take.
“Ochako?” She looked at him, her eyes were puffy, so much so he could barely see her pupils. Her skin was sallow, pasty white, her hair pulled back in a clumsy braid. She walked blindly to him as she stared at the huge picture of Midoriya.
“Shoto,” her voice sounded lifeless.
Putting his arm around her, he guided her to a group of chairs. Mina jumped up and sat on the other side of her holding her hand. Tsuyu sat behind her, hand on her shoulder.
“So,” Momo continued, her voice shaky, “we wanted to remember the good stuff today, talk about the man we knew as a boy, and then a pro-hero.” A quiet had settled on the group, the door opened with a loud bang, Katsuki walked through, he was dressed in black from head to toe.
“You start already?” He strode into the room, his eyes landing on Shoto, arm around Uraraka. He made his way to him, sitting down, he patted his thigh, “sorry I’m late.”
Staring at his hand on his thigh, Shoto whispered, “it’s okay, we just started.” He could see he’d spotted the huge picture, his body jerked visibly but he stayed quiet, unmoving. Shoto noticed he held a small bag.
One by one everyone talked about funny stories they’d had with Izuku, mostly about him getting into scrapes, but always about his friendship. Even Ochako had shaken off her stupor to talk, Shoto and Kiri after her. As the stories finally lost steam, a few eyes glanced at Bakugou, he’d remained motionless the entire time, Shoto wasn’t even sure he was listening.
“You’ll done?” His voice gruff, he looked around the group.
“Uh, sure I guess,” Tenya walked over with the microphone.
“I don’t need that shit.” Standing up he walked to a nearby table. “You know I grew up with Midoriya, could say we’ve been friends for a long time, that is when I wanted to be his friend, he was always my friend though.” He cleared his throat. “Cleaning out his shit I came across these things.” He pulled out a figurine of All Might and his notebook, he set them on the table. “You could say this encompasses him in some way, his obsession for All Might and heroes, the drive to be the best. Difference was he did it because that was what he had to do, right?” Bakugou picked up the figurine, “I did it to be the best, better than all you fucking extras.” He looked up, his eyes glassy with unshed tears. “What I realized, too fucking late, was it wasn’t a damn competition or a right, ya know?” He shook his head, “to put on that suit everyday was a fucking privelege to him. His obsession was to better this world by taking down All for One and villains that abused their powers.” He put everything back in the bag carefully. “So his mission was completed, his life dream fulfilled. I might fucking miss the damn nerd, but he did what he wanted to do and let’s face it.” He gazed at everyone in the room. “Every single fucking one of us would’ve happily stood in his place. We would’ve given our lives to do the same thing and been fucking smiling while we did it, so that’s all I hang on to,” wrapping up the bag he shoved it under his arm, running his hand through his blonde spikes. “Izuku was fucking smiling when he killed him.” He quickly moved through the small group of chairs and walked back out the door.
“Shit,” Shoto bounced to his feet and ran after him. He could see his big body lumbering through the restaurant they had chosen. Winding through the tables he pushed open the door to the street. “Katsuki!” He turned. Shoto caught up to him, he grabbed his hand. Words disappeared from his mind, he stood looking at him.
“Yeah?” Watching red and blue eyes dart back and forth scrutinizing his face, he stayed still.
“I.” Shoto clamped his mouth shut. The blonde didn’t move, the flow of people on the sidewalk parted around them.
“Okay, come on.” Katsuki closed his hand around his and began walking. Shoto didn’t even look where, he just stumbled along one foot after the next, Bakugou’s words pounding in his ears. Before he knew it they were in front of their building. He was leading him into their lobby, pulling him up the stairs. He stopped at his floor and walked quickly to his apartment, unlocking the door. He yanked Shoto in behind him, turning as he flew through the door, he wrapped up his waist and slammed him against the wall, arms caging him there. He covered his mouth in a kiss, demanding and powerful.
Shoto’s heart had started pounding once he realized where they were going, he grabbed him with his other hand but kept following. Once in the apartment he was on him, pressing him into the wall, his mouth on him, his tongue pushing its way into his, hot and insistent. Shoto let go, the mind numbing sadness melted away finally, the rage of desire building in his body took over. Grabbing his ass, he pushed him against his now rigid cock, he could feel Bakugou was erect too, the sensation of his hard flesh even through their pants almost dropped him to his knees.
“Fuck,” Bakugou manuevered him off the wall not breaking the kiss, he pushed him into his bedroom. His fingers deftly unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it free from his trousers. Tugging it down off of his shoulder roughly, he dropped his mouth to his chest, sucking on his soft pink nipple. He heard Shoto gasp, his fingers driving deep into his shoulders. Hitting the bed, he laid him down, not stopping his sucking and biting, loving how his nipple hardened under his attention. He felt Shoto’s fingers grasping at his shirt, standing up he pulled it off, unbuckling his pants he let them fall to the floor. Smiling, he slowly unbuckled Shoto’s gray trousers, not breaking eye contact, enjoying the look of lust that flashed in his gorgeous eyes, he unzipped his pants with his teeth. Kneeling before him, Bakugou freed his hard cock from his underwear, he wrapped it’s silky length in his hand.
“Katsuki,” Shoto let out a strangled cry, his body spasming as his muscles clenched. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“Good,” with that he took his dick into his mouth and licked, running his tongue along the tip, flattening his rough taste bugs against his sensitive skin, he traced a vein as he moved down his entire length. He stopped briefly, his grunt of pleasure turning into a hum as he felt Shoto’s cock surge from the vibrations coming up from his chest. He bobbed his head, sucking, moving up and down his shaft, pushing deep one last time until his lips nestled at the base.
“Ka, Ka,” A blinding jolt ripped through Shoto’s body as he felt the tip of his cock enter the back of the blonde’s throat, the ridges squeezing him, the orgasm ready to release held back. Shoto blinked, he wanted to cum, his toes curled, “fuck,” he heard him chuckle and squeeze the tip of his dick harder in his throat. “I wanna cum, fuck.” Cheeks pulling in against his jaw, Katsuki pulled back in one long sucking motion, milking the orgasm from his body. Bucking into his mouth, the powerful release shook him, he shuddered, crying out, the blonde suckled him through the waves of cum. Finally able to open his eyes, he put his hands on either side of his face, those red eyes piercing. “Fuck, Kat -” The blonde cut him off with a kiss.
“Taste yourself.”
Katsuki’s tongue swept into his mouth roughly again, Shoto could taste his own tangy seed, his mind blanked again, he could feel another rage of desire roll through him. Digging into the blonde’s arms he dragged them both up on the bed, his hand already shoving at Katsuki’s underwear, releasing his dripping wet cock. He teased the tip with his thumb, smearing his cum across the top. Shoto pulled from the harsh kiss, he could feel his lips were raw, they’d be swollen tomorrow. “Tell me you have fucking lube.” Katsuki nodded, pulling open a small drawer, he pulled out a jar. He sat up, letting him continue to spread his precum around his dick.
“What do you want?”
“Ah, shit, didn’t think about that, are you any good at hitting the prostate?”
“Let me find it with my fingers and my dick will never miss. You?”
Shoto chuckled, “me too.” He stared into those red velvety eyes. The blonde leaned over his body.
Running his hand up Shoto’s muscled abs, Katsuki followed with a kiss, licking his skin, he nipped it gently. “I wanna fuck you, but if you want to go first,” his voice trailed off as he licked up to his chest, sucking his other nipple.
“You sucked me dry asshole, so I’m not fucking hard,” Shoto closed his eyes feeling his mouth tugging painfully on his bud, he could feel himself getting hard again, fuck, not hard enough though. Digging his fingers into his blonde spikes, he dragged him up to his face. A small smirk as he bit the blonde’s lip. “If you don’t make me come again from my ass, then I’m gonna show you how it’s done.” Katsuki grunted, a cocky smile on his face, he opened the jar and held it out to him. “Gonna make me do all the work?”
“No, make sure it's cool, I know some people can have allergic reactions to this shit sometimes.”
“Oh,” Shoto looked at the jar, “use that myself, we’re good, got a condom?”
Reaching into the drawer, he pulled out a box, “looks like we’re about the same size,” Katsuki held his dick against Shoto’s half-erect shaft.
“You got a nice thick one,” Shoto ran his fingers up his sensitive shaft, “fuck, that gonna fit in me?”
“When I’m done it will,” sliding his fingers through the lube, he slipped down between his ass cheeks, his fingers pressing on his taint, he found his hole, tapping firmly, he began to push in, circling his finger, he latched his mouth back on to his nipple. Shoto’s fingers digging into his scalp, he pushed his finger in slowly. Hooking his fingertip, Katsuki searched for his spot, getting him used to having something in his ass. Finding the small hard area, he massaged it with the pad of his finger, Shoto clenched down hard. “Found it,” Katsuki laughed, licked his reddened nipple, biting his flesh.
“Ah, fuck, you gotta bite?”
“I do,” he bit him again. Katsuki moved to the other nipple and bit him, Shoto jumped under his arms, ass clenching. Pushing in a second finger, he heard Shoto suck in his breath and groan. “Okay?” He looked up at him, shit, his dick twitched, he was flushed red, both eyes blazing, his mouth working open and closed. He scissored his fingers, stretching, adding more lube as he stroked his hard nub. Lubing his thumb, he pressed it firmly on his taint.
“Stroke me,” Shoto reached for his now hard cock, the blonde smacked his hand. “What the hell?”
“You said I have to make you cum from your ass, no cheating.” He bent back over his nipple, grinding his flesh between his teeth.
“FUCK! Shit, damn, that hurts!” Shoto twisted his torso away from his mouth.
“Yeah, but I got three fingers in you now.”
The fucker did, the sharp pain as he stretched him was washing away as his finger didn’t stop stroking his prostate, the familiar warmth filled his muscles, the tingling sensation building like thin layers one on top of the other. “More, this shit isn’t working. Fuck me already.” His fingers were sending him into his high too slow for his taste.
“Put on my condom,” not taking out his fingers, he thrust his hips toward him. Shoto reached for the box, pulling it open, he ripped the top off one package, expertly sliding it over the tip and down his shaft. “Ah, fuck, your fingers feel good.” Katsuki enjoyed the feeling of his hands, “are you fucking using your quirk Icy Hot?” His dick felt warm on one side and cold on the other. Shoto smirked at him. “Do you realize where my fingers are right now? You wanna go there?” Shoto’s eyes widened for a moment.
“I can take it.” He laughed as Katsuki’s brows shot up, surprise registering in his eyes. A warmth began to flood his ass, hotter than what had pushed through him earlier. He shifted, everything was getting hotter, “oh shit.”
Twisting his fingers Katsuki pushed hard against his prostate, firing his quirk very lightly. He watched as Shoto’s face contorted, his moans belying the pain evident in his eyes. Katsuki stopped.
“Don’t, don’t stop, fuck, do that again.” Shoto fisted the sheets in his hands, the warmth kicked back up, he rubbed and bucked, the searing heat making him sweat, fuck, the pain was almost intolerable but that sweet feeling on his prostate battled for attention. His hand disappeared from his ass. “What - fuck, I’m close.”
“I’ll fuck you to orgasm, no quirk needed.” Katsuki lined himself up and thrust hard into him. He liked it a little rough, he’d be happy to do that for him.
The pain shot through him, his hair lifting from his scalp, Shoto wailed out as the blonde pulled back and rammed into his spot, his ass flared like a volcano, the heat from his own body now washing through him, Katsuki’s thick cock filling him, pounding into him, setting off eruptions as his muscles clenched and trembled. “Kat, Kat, Kat.”
“Sho,” he breathed in response, sweat dripping from his face as he dug his fingers deep into his thighs pushing him up and back, his dick sliding up and in, angling over and over into his prostate. “Gonna go deep,” this time he rammed in balls to his ass. He ground his hips against him, relishing in the tightness of his warmth, the muscles fluttering around him, sucking on him. “You are so fucking tight, suck me Sho, suck my cock, pull me in.”
“Deep, Kat, too deep,” Shoto arched his back but that only drove the blonde’s fucking huge cock deeper into his body, “fuck!” He seethed through gritted teeth. The blonde began to roll his hips, moving sideways, up and down. His hands found his nipples, leaving his legs perched on his shoulders, he twisted and pinched the buds hard, they started burning. “Oh, crap,” Shoto blinked, a new wave of warmth filled his ass, the pain from his chest setting off new surging spasms. “I, fuck, I’m cumming.” The release hit him like a two ton truck, his hands grabbing at the bed frame behind him, he smelled burned wood, his eyes rolling back, he screamed.
Campfire, Shoto stirred dreaming, he dreamt he was sitting at a campfire, his eyes opened slowly. He was on a pillow, looking around he didn’t recognize the room.
“You awake?”
“Oh, shit,” Shoto turned to see Bakuogu sitting naked next to him, a bottle of water in his hand.
“What happened?”
“You fucking came so hard you almost took my dick off,” he smiled at those half lidded bi-colored eyes, he looked so fucked out Katsuki knew he’d get hard again if he sat and stared at him too long. “You burned down my bed too but thankfully put it out at the same time.” Katsuki looked at his now scorched headboard, a black mark going up the wall.
Shoto spun to look at his bed, the campfire, that was the smell. “Never done that before,” he mused. Katsuki leaned over him, kissing his lips tenderly.
“Then you’ve never been fucked right until today.”
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surreal-duck · 2 months
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live drama adaptations part 2 (prev)
cast reveal and girls movie night 🔥
#i actually had the first three pages done for like. months now. and then i just forgot 🧍‍♂️#theres one more part to this but as to when ill finish that. haha#duck scribbles#minicomic tag#midoyuzu#and a bit of tomohaji on the side#doodles#enstars#midori takamine#hajime shino#yuzuru fushimi#tori himemiya#ibara saegusa#this is. a lot better quality than the first initial one amsdkjgshdgsmd i kindaa wanna redo it but its already a multiple part one i dont#think ill do that to myself rn akjdgskjwkjgjkd#its been 8 months i doubt anyone would remember the initial one but its ok u dont have to read it#i completely made up this manga and am now a little sad its not a thing that exists#i wish haruno was a real character i could post mangacaps of#thought too hard about it and there isnt any way to fit it into here but there is also a fourth character harunos childhood gyaru friend#also in love w her. she ends up having some sort of alliance with naoto but obviously its in vain too but its all chill#manga ends with haruno opening her dream cafe and asahi later joins her there after training a new team to take care of their old one#naoto becomes a regular there also w his new bf :] happy ending !!!#wow i have drawn Way too much lately. forgive me for such behavior ill probably be posting a lot less from here on out askjdgksjhgs#needed the food for when im away from my laptop for a week....#guess ill never get to finish that other lil comic i had planned for that sleepover drawing i made back during rarepair week </3#does anyone actually read these anyhow. i talk too much maybe
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grimstrawberry · 3 months
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If I don't make light of everything, I'm gonna explode.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 22 days
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"Spread across the comforter are their film strips from the photo corner at the dance... A full size picture of the four of them signing their team letter to the camera with huge smiles on their faces."
On the Run from Tomorrow, ch. 17
Last chap's up. I am getting so horribly emotional trying to write a note here, so just...
JNPR 💛🧡❤️💚 Forever
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sky--phantom · 1 month
Trespasser! 🫡
btw, pls don't hold the hair clipping against me 😅 this is her hairstyle, and I liked the outfit too much to change it because of the neck.
Also, warning, I ended up rambling at the end 😅
Lavellan when she spots Solas and the Viddasala
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I don't know why but this one just seems so funny to me out of context 😂 like, "honey, you know that thing you told me not to do?"
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Solas as Lavellan talks about how she discovered he's the Dread Wolf. I don't know how to describe this expression, sad, fond, proud? I think there would be a "Solas approves" here tho 🥲
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"What is the old Dalish curse? “May the Dread Wolf take you”?"
"And so he did" (this is the other line that kills me)
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They closed their eyes and lowered their heads at the same second during the "I would not have you see what I become". These two angsty mfs
(Though judging by how Solas' bags in DAV + that bit told in the GI article, she wasn’t exactly wrong to say "I cannot bear to think of you alone")
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The Anchor flares up
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"Solas, var lath vir suledin"
"I wish it could, vhenan."
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the kiss 😢
It kills me how he brushes her hair back, and then holds her face. He also holds her hand with his other one.
They both just look so fking wrecked during this kiss.
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And then he leaves 😞
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now to wait for their next meeting in DAV 🥲
I still can't believe that, besides his visits to her dreams (which I think is probably a whole other post), this is the last time they meet. Pretty sure DAV is 8 years after this.
This was devastating. Both of them are wrecked, this is not what they want, but it's the path Solas has chosen to walk through. It hurts because falling in love with Lavellan is probably one of the few times in a while that Solas has done something just for himself, not for the cause, not for the people, but Solas
("The blame is mine, not yours. It was irresponsible and selfish of me") ("Because I made a selfish mistake. Because you deserve better"),
and he has to break it off. No matter how Lavellan and the other members of the Inquisition have helped him see people as, you know, people, this is a mission he has set for himself, something he believes he has to do, his duty.
(Also, I forgot to mention it during the Crestwood post, but it hurts when he stops saying vhenan and changes to Inquisitor)
So, Solas drags his feet, walking slowly, but still walks away from Lavellan and towards the eluvian. He walks away from the person who fell in love with him when he was just Solas, and walks towards the path where he is Fen'Harel, the god of rebellion who has tried to help his people, even if it doesn't turn out well.
He leaves behind a Lavellan whose heart is breaking for the 3rd time because of the same man, who has to deal with what happens with the Inquisition (mine disbanded with the angry option), and the loss of an arm. Also, you know, dealing with the fact that he is an elven god and wants to destroy the veil.
So, yeah...
Sorry that this got a bit very rambly 😅 I just finished the game a little over 2 weeks ago, and there are a lot of thoughts running around my head.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Solas in DAV, and how the Inquisitor will be integrated into the game as well. (side note, I'm so curious about that, bc they haven't even mentioned if the Inky CC will have the same options as Rook) (I just want to know if there are prosthetics and if they can have body tattoos)
These are more general, just thought they were pretty
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Attire mission: Purchase premium attire to get an extended romantic story!
Me: *on Liam's route* Romantic my ass! This is a tragedy
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kohakhearts · 6 months
theres a really. special kind of despair in the uncertainty brought about by moments of success and achievement. the inevitable “what now” of reaching your goals. and i kind of wish someone had warned me how hollow graduating university would feel, tbh
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sysig · 5 months
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Reading moodboard #84430940 (Patreon)
#Doodles#I wonder what this is in reference to lol - could be anything really!#Bit funny actually - I was reading something else in overlap at the time - a fic from another fandom though it ended up not being for me#Different authors just speak to different people! It was fun to come back to something familiar and realize Just how much I appreciate it ah#Novel and familiar! My very favourite <3 And of course it was a wonderful experience on top of that hehe ♪♫#Numbers lol - I really have done way too much age headcanon math pfft#I just love timelines! And even if the hints aren't exact they /are/ hints and I'm going to use them!!#The numbers that are established are such fun markers - and using characterization as hints towards how many years have passed! Ah! ♪#Like how it's definitely possible that Max took a two year but considering his family he was probably pushed to do a four year#There's no confirmation either way but it's just so fun to consider what they'd do based on how they're written!#These are the kind of written math problems I enjoy hehe#I was being a bit self-deprecating for that doodle actually tho lol - art mimics life and all that pfft#Also confirmation of him being a Lit Major ❤️💕💖💞💗 Small details give me big love you must understand this lol#As evidenced lol ♪ Adding to my playlist definitely didn't help it very strongly upgraded to Big Love for like a week straight lol#Terrible ♪ Couldn't stand it <3 Genuinely painful ♫#Lol - ''finding'' more - it's what had my blood on fire! I'm so grateful for mirrors#Anyone who's been following me for a while knows I have this whole thing about Legacy and what you leave behind and the internet in general#That the internet is forever except when it's not - that plenty of things get deleted or lost etc. etc. and it makes me very sad :(#So seeing that there was an in-built preservation - it only saved Some things but anything saved is precious!! It made me very happy <3#And then finishing off 💔💕 Beautifully heartbreaking ah#Even skim-reading later made me cry again! It's deeply affecting hhh#Another experience I'm so happy to be able to have ♥ Another tally on the wall haha <3
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Had a dream last night that two of my best friends came to stay with me and also Mabel was alive 🥹
#we were all tucked up in my bed with me in the middle#every time i opened my eyes one of them was like ‘omg do you need anything??’#she tried to bring me an energy drink and a glass of water. and then turned on a tv i don’t have & put on a movie with the sound down#i ‘woke up’ still in the dream and one of them was gone so i went downstairs to make the other one a hot chocolate#it was a ridiculously complicated hot chocolate. it was like the luxury hot chocolates i used to make at work#and i look round and i see mabel standing at the kitchen door patiently waiting for her lunch and i’m like ‘MABEL. BABYYY’#so i tried to let her out the patio door but the key wasn’t in the patio door and also the garden gate was open#i couldn’t find the key and i was like ‘mabel must need to pee. like. she must’#i ended up putting her on a leash (she was deaf & senile & had zero recall so couldn’t be unleashed even on the driveway)#and we were about to walk down the driveway into the garden so she could pee there and then i was going to close the gate & try to find the#patio door key. i woke up before i could do any of this or finish making the hot chocolate#i was happy but also sad that i woke up. i miss my little mabel. i miss her face#at some other point in the dream i remember seeing her half asleep in her basket and i was just like 🥺🥺🥺#i just wanted to stand there and look at her because i knew she wasn’t supposed to be there and i wanted to enjoy however long i had#with her. and that’s something i don’t think i always did when she was alive. and the guilt eats me up#she was so loved. i loved her so much. but i wish i’d given her more. i wish i’d been less annoyed by her quirks#like how she could never be let off a lead and how she used to stare at me for hours even though she didn’t want anything (had been fed#recently; wouldn’t go for a walk or play with me if i tried; wasn’t receptive to attention)#if she came back for the day and all she wanted to do was stare into my soul i would be so happy. i feel so awful for ever being annoyed#by her habits. she just wanted to know where i was 😭#personal
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yourbestbuddie · 1 year
If it’s the middle of the night and you’re reading Byler angst do not make the same wrong choice that I made tonight.
Don’t think of the New Year’s Day bridge it made me fucking depressed just now.
“Please don’t ever become a stranger who’s laugh I could recognize anywhere…”
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marcmorrigan · 2 years
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the B in Beyond Birthday stands for baby boy. and also beautiful. and also blood. and also... Beyond Birthday
#beyond birthday#death note#another note#death note another note#my art#sketch#blood cw#i mean it could be jam. you dont know.#also. He Is Looking At L.#this is FRESH hot new art btw. i drew this Today#im still figuring out my Face for him and i could not for the life of ne decide if i wanted him to have eyebrows or not... my L does#so it doesnt really make sense for beyond to NOT have them prior to the. end. of DNAN. he does have no eyebrows after... well you know#the first concept i drew for him was of him in recovery and it was so scary that i had to stop working on it#and i turned that sketch layer on again when i finished this one and jumpscared myself SO bad... evil fucking drawing apparently#anyway. pretty happy with him! he looks like Himself... i dont like the idea that he and L are indistinguishable when hes Doing His Bit#hes supposed to look different even in his makeup but still very similar and i THINK i achieved that... i want them to have very#different faces but similar Vibes. yknow?#like i want the faces to be different but the energies to match#i see a lot of people make beyond Not Japanese which is kind of confusing to me like... is he not canonically japanese? the way he talks#to naomi seems to at least imply he is#regardless of canon! my beyond is lol. my L has japanese heritage as well but hes mixed and wasnt born in japan#my beyond was born in japan and was brought to wammys after L... he latched onto him right away lol. or at least tried to#he was in LOOOVE in love with L as soon as he saw him#they r very 'sandbox love never dies' to me... omg actually beyond/L jennifers body au would be so cute and funny#beyond birthday voice I Was The Snowflake Queen#BEYOND BIRTHDAY VOICE MY TIT...#anyway. anyway. i love him so so so much. hes really scary to me but also really sad and compelling#his dynamic with L is like. so. much. just. much to think about#MUCH to think about. when it comes to beyond birthday. and trust... i Will Think About Him.
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permanentreverie · 2 years
The way that first love: hatsukoi is just hurting and pain but so good
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madzillus · 2 years
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Stede wip from a little gentlebeard comic I’m working on!
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littlecafe · 10 months
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i didn't post my spotify wrapped yesterday!! ive finally broke my curse of my top artist never having a song in my top 5
i did split like 4 months this year with apple music again but i think it's accurate overall just some places moved a bit, from lastfm the last 5 artists rounding out my top 10 are nerd connection, woodz, kai, lexie liu, and glen check!
perfume - nct dojaejung
magician - lexie liu
kitsch - ive
save me, kill me - cix
spicy - aespa
honestly i think my soty is actually my number 6 song this year, it's maybe i'm lonely - rachel chinouriri
omg last year i didn't get any artist messages but i was scammed because i was supposed to get one from seventeen at least but this year i got 13 and i love the format of them telling you ur top song by them too after the message that was really cute
i recorded it all because i always record my wrapped now but the messages were from ive, txt, p1harmony, aespa, glen check (i was so surprised both at the fact that they're one of my top artists but also that they made a video asjkfhsdf), dpr ian, enhypen, tinashe, ateez, rachel chinouriri, taemin, cix, stayc
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saintedbythestorm · 11 months
Not dad trying to tell me about some big fallout news he heard about from some work colleague 😂 oh what the poor man just subjected himself too.
#it was about that leak from weeks ago. dad got quite the details about it. he walked right into that one.#and that dear sir is why we do not try to bring news about the hyperfixation. i will know about it and you will hear about it.#dude even got the history of fallout 3 as a bonus. since that was the one he mentioned 😂#he also got a very veeeery long version about why i would necessarily get so excited about the leaks.#you know age of the document. the whole company sale thing. how much the time line clearly has already gone to shit. etc etc etc.#yeah... yeah i think he really came to regret that one 😅#listen i have only slept 5 hours. am high on caffeine and painkillers- almost had a migraine ok.#which means i have like 0 filter rn and am quite brain tired. i will not realise how long i am going on for once i get started rn.#the info dump has started and it will end when i brain says so. i sure af won't notice I am doing it cause I'm just excited to share#not until i manage to like finish my long ass story do i realise i went on for like a good 20-30 minutes... oops.#and that may just be a generous estimate cause i got really going on the infodump ok. it was a blast. ngl.#i am very passionate about fallout ok. this is what happens when you fall asleep to fallout lore most days of the week.#yes i lost the plot ages ago about this hyperfixation. it makes me very happy. so i don't even care. i will keep doing it.#til the hyperfixation dies and bring great sadness to the lands... til we find something else. god knows when that is though.#i am very ok if fallout hyperfixation just... doesn't go away actually. i like hyperfixation. brings many a solution when upsetty.#.... i really need to stfu up now. hi. 👋 why are you still reading this??? these ramblings of a madman. 😂#ryder speaking#i got this far before i realised i did not in fact write wouldn't get excited... well i aint fixing it now 🙃
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