#sad snom
gildedgaggle · 5 months
Been a while, hasn't it?
Our blog lost contact with this website in early 2023, and we just got contact back!
I'm Delino, a former Pokemon trainer from Kalos. I use he/they pronouns. 18 years old.
no idea what most of this new stuff is. no idea what pelipper mail is but we have it on because it might be fun.
ta writeer, aspiring journalist from alola. she/her only. 14 years old.
-Ta Writeer
Plus side of being gone for so long is that the Live feature is finally gone! Completely! It's nice to not have to snooze it every week.
I'm Tapestry, Pokemon shelter worker from Ferrum, and also now working with @taskforcedistortion. He/him, please, and I'm 26 years old.
Can't believe how much Mimikyus in Orre fancontent I've been missing!!! Can't wait to see what everyone thought of the season 1 finale and the season 2 reveal!!!!
MonDegreen, Orrean, and biggest fan of the show Mimikyus in Orre you'll ever meet. She/they pronouns, and 21 years old!
We are the Gilded Gaggle of Goofs, or GGG for short. A group of friends running a tiny Gliscord server together.
I am Sad Snom. Pearl Clan member, and the server owner of the Gilded Gaggle of Goofs. I prefer they/them pronouns. I am 29 years old.
-Sad Snom
Hello! Remember this blog?
If you joined Pokemon IRL after January 2023, probably not.
This was the blog that I joined Pokemon IRL with, though I stopped using it in favor of Tropius' blog.
However, I thought it might be fun to bring it back!
These five have no idea yet about the craziness that happens on this website these days. Have fun introducing them to it!
Pelipper Mail and variations are on. Magic anons are off. NSFW interactions are strictly prohibited.
I hope you enjoy this time capsule from early Pokemon IRL!
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snom-pixelates · 1 year
Bad keeps putting a Totem on Ramon. He spent like a whole minute silently opening and closing the door to Ramon's house. and keeps endlessly pacing around his area.
he's just
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he's so sad.
Bad was literally the second dad to that kid, man...
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starry-daydreame · 1 year
Legit fuckign went through all 5 or 7 or 43 or whatever the fuck stages of grief when I saw this
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I've followed this user since I joined this hellsite like 3 years ago :sosb:
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mysterydungecn · 2 years
Tag List!
I have no idea how these work, so I hope I’m doing this right.
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i-am-a-snom · 1 year
Sometimes I feel like I need to post here; let you know I'm okay. But can never think of what to say.
I've been busy doing other things and I feel like I just vanish for months on here.
It makes me sad I can't post more right now.
But I should hopefully get to do more in a few months.
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my brain was so incredibly mean to me today that my heart physically hurt in my chest from the sad :(
looking at snoms to feel better 🙏
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soggypotatoes · 1 year
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pogledomdosrzi · 1 year
Ljubavni zastoj
Negdje između 44 glasovne
U kojima sam prepričavala naš prvi izlazak
I uporno govorila
"Joj jest mi bilo lijepo"
I priče gdje sam tebi objašnjavala
Kako si moja iz dubinskog pristaništa duše
Sigurna luka
Negdje između pomisli
Kako bi meni stajala tvoja jakna
Do nošenja tvoje trenerke na tjelesnom
Negdje između možda bi moglo da uspije
I ne dam da nam ne uspije
Dok sjedimo na podu tvoje garaže
Na starim kartonima
Razglabajući svašta nešto
Što samo ti zidovi će čut
I ni jedni drugi
Između jedne subote kad sam dala
Još jednu šansu ljubavi
Te neke daleko više sedmica naredne
Kad sam osjetila
Koliko sam se zapravo zaljubila
Nekad davno to je tako nemoguće djelovalo
A sad je tako realno
Sad je
Toliko opipljivo
U mom srcu kad poskoči svaki put
Čim te vidi u masi
U mojoj duši kad spava dječijim snom
Kao što nije smjelo ni sa kim drugim
U mom umu što se zanosi
I prenosi
Na neke nesagledive poljane
Kao kiša u ljetno predvečerje
Natapa zemlju i travu
Uzgaja raznoliko bilje
Podstiče opojne mirise
U mojim dlanovima
Što znaju da pripadaju nečemu
Tek onda kada miluju tvoju kožu
Šta ima strah da kvari
Kada počinje biće bez glasa da viče
Kako se opet zaljubilo
Tačno jasno koliko je zapravo bilo suđeno
Da baš tada
Nadođe jedan čitav okean emocija
I ništa takvu zaljubljenost ne može opisati
Kamoli dočarati
Kada ljubav sjedi nekoliko centimetara
Ispred tebe
Raširenih ruku da možeš stati u naručje
Otkopčane košulje do pola
Da možeš naći skriveni putokaz
Kako bi se moglo pod kožu
Ljubavi zavući
I ljubav priča jezikom koji ne želim
Da iko drugi sem mene razumije
Govori mi riječi
Na način
Govori mi tako da se ne mogu odlučiti
Dal' da ga slušam
Upijam riječi njegove kao da su zadnje
Koje ću ikad moći čuti
Ili da ga gledam
Kao da ću istog trena zauvijek zažmiriti
Tako predivnog
Jao živote
Kako da dokučim rješenje
Ovoj muci
Kako da čujem i vidim istovremeno
Te mi ni malo ne pomogne
Kada osjetim njegove usne
Jer tada sve u životu prestaje
Što je ikad započelo mimo njega
Tada on nastaje
Opstaje onda kada je i miljama daleko
Ne znam šta se dešava oko mene
I ne želim da saznam
Ruku na srce
Ni ne umijem
Da tada mislim i o čemu drugom
Kako da mislim
Kada na njegovim usnama
Razaznam sve i jednu zvijezdu
Što je ikad sijala u mojoj glavi
I ljubav mi kaže
Da ne bi zažalio kada ni jednu drugu
Ne bi dodirnuo do kraja života
I ljubav grlim
Ne dam mu da mi se ispusti iz ruku
Ljubav i ja se smijemo
Kao da smo tek došli na svijet
I spoznali šta je biti sretan
Posebice zaljubljen
Šta da radim sa sobom
Onda kad mi kaže
Da izgledam kao da bih mogla biti
Majka njegove djece
Kako ću da postupim
Ako mi duša eksplodira od sreće
Ljubav mi i kad se svađamo
Jasno i glasno
Da se zaljubio
Da ne želi da ne izgubi
I ja plačem od olakšanja
Plačem od ljubavi
Sreće i straha
Plačem kao dijete malo
Jer ne želim ni ja
Da njega izgubim
Ne znam kako ćemo
Sa ovih naših
Šesnaest i sedamnaest godina
Kuda ćemo
Šta ćemo
Ali oboje smo oduvijek željeli
Od madraca i bez posteljine i daski započeti
I oboje smo zaljubljeni
Do ušiju
I preko njih
Te ne znam za njega
Ali ja znam
Da se moj dječiji
Tinejdžerski san
Toliko realno
Kao što i tvoje ruke na mene
A moje na tebe
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little-buggy-boy · 2 years
hello!!! with your url i assume you're knowledgeable with bug types.. would it be immoral to keep a frosmoth in johto? i know it's not their natural region/habitat, and i don't live in the coldest place... as much as i love them i don't want to keep one if it'll be sad/in pain :(
Ooh that’s a bit of a tricky one. I haven’t dealt with Snoms or Frosmoths before since not many visit my area and I haven’t gone to Galar before, so I don’t have any personal experience so I’ll try my best.
It’s probably not the best for them since they would be in a warmer climate than they are used to, and I’ve always seen ice type Pokémon take a hit during warmer times of the year. I would recommend keeping a fan and possibly a kiddy pool for ice baths. It isn’t abusive/immoral or anything, but it certainly isn’t the healthiest. I would definitely be weary and watch the weather for any temperature spikes so you can keep your Frosmoth safe!
I would try to contact someone with more knowledge about ice types. Apologies if this is incorrect information! Good luck!
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kimpining · 5 months
top 5 worms? top 5 unjust depths Moments? top 5 izzy noises? top 5 weapons you would use?
long ass post. yeesh!
top five worms:
1) snom, the most beautiful and wonderful 'worm pokemon'.
2) izzy is practically some manner of worm, when it comes down to it.
3) sandworms sweep. shai hulud are sick as fuck.
4) the huge worms that are like an environmental obstacle in hollow knight are pretty cool. i guess maybe they're just normal sized worms, since hollow knight is so bug-sized? huh.
5) koyomi araragi has no bones in his body. one of the most wormy thangs.
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top five unjust depths moments:
1) it's majida's quest in the finale of surviving an evil time. the beautiful intersecting of violence and love and this community that keeps driving her further and reinforcing what she needs to do, culminating in decking the shit out of radu. it's so fucking killer.
2) murati, stuck in her diver after its power died and looking out of a small reinforced glass port in it with a broken arm and drifting in and out of consciousness as she's getting the vaguest psychic flashes. it's a real powerful image. stuck with me a lot.
3) 'the only heterosexual kiss in unjust depths'. i love the way hunter iii's bites are described as really just ruining his flesh and self and adelheid just keeps sneaking quick peeks. it's so fun. dude had it coming. and i think its the first Real body horror bit in the story. so it was of course deeply enrapturing.
4) homa and kitty's final moments. i think it's incredible. really incredible sadness and woe and a moment for homa to actually stop and process the hell she's been through as she has to deny a dying woman any last rites. it's so good. homa can speak to the dead...
5) gertrude lichtenberg exhibiting 'gertrudeswag' in norn's solitary confinement cell in sinners under the firmament. it's so good. beautiful sign of the gertrude swag to come. just losing her mind and declaring hell on earth for everyone forever because of a breakup.
top five izzy noises:
1) thine coquettish lilt
2) your soft little 'waw' you say after certain things i say and express to you.
3) the noise when you [] inside an izzy
4) you have this like, tone, that builds as you know you're going to start doing a bit that's got this funny unmistakable confidence to it that's so charming. like your voice gets heavier with the weight of the Joke.
5) you have a Conceited Chuckle that is charming. when you're playing up your confidence a bit. it's so cute! adorable, even.
top five weapons you would use:
1) spear. history bears this one out as the best weapon. it rules. it's got range. it pierces. can be planted in the ground for increased stability. what other weapon went 1v1 against jesus and won? it's got cred.
2) zweihander. it's fucking huge i just want to swing it around in a grocery store and knock a bunch of shit off the shelves and mulch a watermelon.
3) fire axe. honestly any two-handed one-sided axe. i'm familiar with them and they're comfortable and extremely useful when chopping firewood and various other things.
4) knives are aesthetically very intimate and personal in a lovely way. beautiful tool to perform harm on others.
5) i've grown more fond of kukris recently. lovely shape they seem so neat and useful for carving things and such. no personal experience so shrug. but i would love get some.
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gildedgaggle · 5 months
Hey, you lot seem fun, what's your favorite pokemon
Take a wild guess.
-Sad Snom
Hint: It's in their username. And Meowstic for me.
I'm rather partial to Lurantis myself.
-Ta Writeer
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swiftbluelightning · 3 months
(@gildedgaggle) Hello, Solais. I am curious, what were your people like? -Sad Snom
They were... kind. Kind, is what I remember. They supported each other to the end, loved one another, helped at every moment they could. It was what drew me to them, made me lend them my kindness in turn.
It takes a village to raise a child, is the saying, I believe. A child had their parents, of course, but everyone pitched in to help, to look after them, feed them, clothe them. These hallways were once full of light and laughter and love and joy.
I miss those days.
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m-t-nester · 4 months
(@gildedgaggle) Hello. I believe we are in similar boats, as me and my friends have been gone from this website for quite some time, and are overwhelmed by everything.
It is nice to meet you.
Do you have a favorite instrument? Not necessarily to play, but to listen to.
-Sad Snom
At least this place has html customization… I miss Livejournal, Snom. I really do.
As for a favorite instrument, probably the piano? I hear it sometimes on the beach, from one of the larger villas. I think someone there likes to play it….
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lovelylotusf1 · 9 months
I love these tag games. Thank you @ravenrage27 for tagging me <3
What color are your eyes?
Blue! Sometimes they appear grey if the light hits them weirdly.
Tell me about your pets. Or your dream pets.
I don't own any pets but my family does. We have 10 lovely chickens, 7 of them hatched by us! I also want to have my own chickens someday, they are silly little girls. The named ones are the ones we hatched ourselves:
Cookie & Cream (can't tell them apart)
Share some interesting facts about yourself:
I have been to 7 countries already (if you include my home one 8)!
What was the first fandom you were a part of?
Actively? F1.
Passively munching on fics? Probably Yu-Gi-Oh.
Do you have any phobias?
Can't stand getting my blood drawn.
Are you a picky eater? If so, what food can't you stand?
I am so sorry to everyone who knows me in real life. I am a very picky eater🫣😔 Certain textures just don't vibe with me and I'd rather stay withing my comfort zone than risk throwing up at the dinner table. (That's why Lando is my pookie ❤️)
Do you eat the burger and fries at the same time? Or one after the other?
I don't really eat burgers. The thing that gets close would probably be Schnitzel? There I eat them both together.
Winter or summer?
Winter babyyyy
What fanfiction tropes are your favorite?
Anything fluffy sprinkled with a good amount of pining. Preferred: mutual pining but they both think the other isn't.
Are you studying or working? What did you study, what is your job?
Studying to become a teacher! Which is why I bury my real identity under a whole lot of different emails😎😭
What is the last country you visited?
Hungary! Specifically Budapest, last summer.
What country would you move to after retiring?
I'd like to stay in my home country, Austria.
Who was your first crush?
Proud aro-ace person here so I never really had one! The only experience I can tell is the following: There was this one guy in middle school who like 5 girls had a crush on. I convinced myself sooo hard that I liked him like that as well. Turns out: Not everyone has to try really hard to have a crush.
How did you get into F1 fandom?
A friend of mine used to play the F1 game during class. He got obsessed with it, then got me and another mutual friend into watching the races with Miami 2022. Almost a whole year passed and I was just casually interested, not really thinking too much about it except watching it regularly.
But then I got curious and wanted to know if there even are any fics for this. Turns out: There are! A ton! And I fell into a rabbit hole and don't want back out.
I'm a bit sad that I wasn't as into it in the beginning because I missed a whole lot and didn't appreciate everything enough😭 Seb's last season? Seen, not appreciated. Oscar's silly season? Didn't even see it. Nico Hülkenberg commentating for the TV station where I watch the races when he didn't have a seat? Thought he was just a regular guy aaaaaaaa
Anywayyy, my taglist:
@wisteria-wisteria @borntogayz @charlclerc @laura1633 @piastrology & everyone who sees this and wants to participate!!
(feel free to ignore though)
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snomonomicon · 7 months
the Snomonomicon is actually more powerful than the necronomicon. because yes, the elder gods you can summon have the power to destroy the universe, but snoms also have the power to destroy the universe, and they have the power to destroy sadness, which Cthulhu can’t do
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meteor752 · 2 years
Dsmp Pokémon AU: Scarlet and Violet update
Yep we’re doing this
Just gonna go through the ol’ teams and see if there’s any updates I can make now that there’s some new guys, plus any changes I would make. Also I’m not adding any Pokémon to all the new people, I don’t even think I have a team to everyone on the server in the first place
Tommy still has a good team. Okay not like good good, but it’s very Tommy. Wouldn’t change it
There’s some like, possible changes I would like to Tubbo’s team. Like, I gave him a Xatu and a Grookey for like no reason. I don’t know what if replace it with tho. Maybe a Galar Weezing? Or a Gumshoos? Idk. Tell me if you have any ideas yourself
Well we’re evolving Ranboo’s Girafarig to a Farigiraf. Other wise it’s still good
Gonna make a change to Purpled as well. Instead of Ambipom we’re adding Houndstone, cause it’s like purple-ish and that’s all I need. Dogchamp
Tommy Innit - Camerupt, Scorbunny, Galvantula, Shiny Galar Linoone, Exploud, Snom
Tubbo Schlatt - Beedrill, Mareep, Alola Vulpix, Ribombee, Xatu, Grookey (????)
Ranboo Beloved - Male Meowstic, Farigiraf, Zorua, Buneary, Axew, Umbreon
Purpled Bedwars - Mienshao, Espeon, Noibat, Shiny Gourgeist, Drapion, Houndstone
Feral three, or something
Okay so Dream’s team fucking suck. I intended for him to first have all green Pokémon, but then I gave him a Drifblim for some fucking reason. So yeah we’re changing this quite a bit. Removing the Breloom, Serperior and Manetric, we’re instead adding Tatsugiri, Shiny Espeon, and Scovillain
George’s team is still pretty good. I still like it
I didn’t give Karl a fucking Spinda, I’m disappointed in myself. Replacing the Furret
Dream Wataken - Sceptile, Tyranitar, Drifblim, Tatsugiri, Shiny Espeon, Scovillain
George Notfound - Quagsire, Komala, Walrein, Snorlax, Foongus, Munna
Karl Jacobs - Poliwag, Spinda, Tangela, Croagunk, Noctowl, Stufful
Puffy’s team is still pretty good. No real gripes here honestly
I’m gonna remove Niki’s Fennekin and Vaporeon, and evolve her Cottonee to a Whimsicott. I’m giving Niki a Flamigo cause it’s just sorta funny, and a Dachsbun as a throwback to her bakery days
Puffy Schlatt- Flaaffy, Dubwool, Altaria, Dhelmise, Empoleon, Archeops
Nikki Nihachu - Female Pyroar, Dachsbun, Milotic, Mimikyu, Whimsicott, Flamigo
Prank duo or smt
We’re gonna evolve the Fennekin to a Delphox and give it to Fundy in exchange for his Bronzong. Partly cause fox, and partly cause it’s Furry bait! Which is funny! The rest remains the same
Replacing Eret’s Gothitelle to instead have Kingambit, cause it’s a king Pokémon that evolved through the betrayal and massacre of their fellow kind. Sorry queen
Fundy Soot - Thievul, Vulpix, Delphox, Mienfoo, Scizor , Marowak
Eret King, - Mawhile, Salazzle, Garchomp, Meowstic female, Kingambit, Seviper
Immediately giving Foolish a Garganacl, cause it kinda looks like building blocks. We’re replacing Cubone for it.
Giving Sam a Mabosstiff instead of Elgyem, cause it kinda has that guard dog vibe, and I can see it t training up his Lillipup
Ponk gets a Grafaiai instead of their Slakoth
Foolish Gamrs - Gofagrigus, M Arodactyl, Shieldon, Sharpedo, Sensu Oricorio, Garganacl
Sam Awedude - Fran the Lillipup, Ferrothorn, Golurk, Magnezone, Turtonator, Mabosstiff
Ponk Obsby, Medic in training - Tropius, Blissey, Bounsweet, M Pidgeot, Grafaiai, Bellsprout
Jack Manifold only
Sad little man
Jack’s team are just…good Pokémon. Diverse team. He’s been at the gym challenge for ten years, he’s built up a good team
Not changing anything
Jack Manifold- Druddigon, Raichu, Pyroar male, Talonflame, Aggron, Samurott
We’re changing Rat from being a Rockruff to being a Fidough, mostly cause it’s the most Bad Pokémon ever lol.
Skeppy’s team is either pranksters, Gem related, tounge users, or a combination of the three. We’re keeping it that way
Bad. B. Halo - Shroomish (Muffin), Walrein (Mr Squee Gee), Chansey (Eggsy), Blitzle (Roberto), Hydreigon (Snappy), Fidough (Rat)
Skeppy Halo- M Sableye, Carbink, Impidimp, Gigalith, Lickitung, Gengar
(See I say that but I’ve only given Velvet one Pokémon sooooo…yeah)
Antfrost needs to have the fucking weed cat. We’re getting rid of Sneasel, not even a real cat, and giving him Sprigatitio. The moment I saw this cat I knew Ant was getting it
Velvet has a Cherubi. This is because I don’t know much about Velvet. I’m adding on a Milcery, because baking/cake related and it sorta looks like cu-*Gunshot*
(If someone has any suggestions for a Velvet team I’ll gladly take ‘em)
Antfrost Cake, - Purugly, Delcatty, Liepard, Persian, Sprigatito, Torracat
R.Velvet Cake - Cherubi, Milcery
Punz is the same as Jack in that his Pokémon are mainly just…good Pokémon. I am changing his Dewott to a Lokix tho
Punz Bedwars - Absol, Greninja, Lucario, Zangoose, Bisharp, Lokix
Human man
I’m giving Charlie a Clodsire. Don’t care if it ain’t really goo, it’s goo enough and it has zero braincells. It’s perfect
Charlie Slimesicle, - Muk, Goodra, Ditto, Slugma, Clodsire, Gulpin
Fast as fuck boiiii
Connor has fast boys. The fastest Pokémon added were like, the box art legendaries and I’m not giving him those. He keeps his team
Connor Eapans - Togudemaru, Rapidash, Ninjask, Accelgor, Jolteon, Sandshrew
Shady business man
Out of the originals, Schlatt was the only one I didn’t give a full team. We’re changing that today. Mans getting a Wooloo from his sister, a Paldean Tauros, and a Gholdengo
J. Schlatt, -Gogoat, Combee, Wooloo, Purrloin, Paldean Tauros, Gholdengo
ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᔑリ⊣ᒷ ᒲᔑリ
Callahan keeps his Sawsbuck
Gym leaders
We’re switching Hannah’s steenee for a dolliv. I would give her Arboliva but she’s the first gym aight.
HBomb gets a Tinkatuff cause I think it’s funny. We’re removing Sylveon
New duck Pokémon means new Duckie for Quackie! I’d love to give him a Quaquaval, but he’s gym three so like, damn boy. Quaxwell it is, swapped out with Golduck
Wilbur keeps his team. Was thinking of giving him Annihilape, but it’s too strong.
Switching Sapnap’s Infernape for Armarouge
Philza keeps his team, but switching his extra Tepic for Lechonk
Drista keeps her team (I’d give her Roaring Moon if I could but it’s like from 3000 years ago or smt, she ain’t that powerful)
Switching Techno’s Abomasnow for Baxcalibur
Hannah X. Rose, - Roserade, Dolliv, Petilil (Venusaur, Bellossom, Gossifleur)
Haitch Bomb- Fairy Terra Skitty, Spritze, Tinkatuff (Mime Jr, Granbull, Gardevoir)
Alex Quackity - Ludicolo, Ducklett, Quaxwell (Hawlucha, Politoed, Tepig)
Wilbur Soot - Banette, Froslass, Mismagius (Jigglypuff, Wooloo, Krookodile)
Sapnap Halo - Armarouge , Alola Marowak, Houndoom (Pancham, Chimchar, Charizard)
Philza Minecraft - Honchcrow, Corviknight, Male Unfezant (Lechonk, Pluzle, Phantump)
Drista Wataken - Flygon, Haxorus, Salamence (Lopunny, Kadabra, Mareanie)
Techno Blade - Mamoswine, Baxcalibur, Beartic (Steve) (Doublade, Emboar, Beldum)
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