gildedgaggle · 2 months
Asking this here too.
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gummyartstradingcards · 4 months
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Spring Training:
Delino DeShields Jr. assigned 88 (minor league camp)
Carson Fulmer assigned 89 (minor league camp)
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mysterydungecn · 2 years
Tag List!
I have no idea how these work, so I hope I’m doing this right.
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cristianismosimples · 1 month
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“Mesmo quando eu andar por um vale de trevas e morte, não temerei perigo algum, pois tu estás comigo; a tua vara e o teu cajado me protegem”. Salmo 23:4
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viridian-rat · 2 months
(@gildedgaggle) Rat? Can I tell you a story? -Delino
um. yea. sure
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wurmple-on-a-string · 2 years
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! Lots of stuff happened! There's some weird group trying to make humans into part Pokemon, @aerial-aceing-it is part Espurr now, and Delino from @gildedgaggle found a mystery dungeon here in the human world! Oh, and I got adopted by @friendball-irl! -Tropius
Like- consensually?? Because that sounds awesome but also like a Neo-Plasma style plot that can go terribly wrong. Or at least be sensory overload. But also wow I could live my childhood dreams to be a Zoura-
Congrats on the adoption!! But what do you mean mystery dungeon. Like that one fever dream we all got at some point?
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wingsofachampion · 2 years
Feel free to have yall's characters stumble upon mystery dungeons, like Delino of @gildedgaggle did! Only if you want to, though, please don't feel pressured to!
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manoelibirdvoid · 2 years
Jesus te amor
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friendball-irl · 2 years
(@gildedgaggle) How about Ice? -Delino
No joke, I love Ice types. I've been HEAVILY considering getting a new pokemon recently and I may just have to go for an ice type. Either that or a fairy or steel type.
Snom - No explanation needed. It's Snom. Frosmoth is also GORGEOUS.
Snorunt - I wouldn't mind a Froslass tbh. They're very calm and actually quite artistic. My mom's Froslass loves to make these super awesome 3D murals of ice on our house's wall outside.
Alolan Sandshrew - It's a curling stone. It's a BABY. They're absolutely precious. Alolan Sandslash are super sick looking too.
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hiya-im-mary · 2 years
LM3 Headcanon timeline! (Part 1/???)
(How the royal Boo family split apart)
The current ghost king of the time (who we know as Emperor Boo) has to choose one of his sons as the new king. He does not want to give up his title due to his power hungriness and want to keep “ghosts in line”. He takes one of the old gemstones in the castle and absorbs himself into it,for it to be put in the next crown for him to control the next King in their body. King Boo is unfortunate enough for this to take place
Coronation day for the next Boo King takes place. No matter how hard King Boi fought it,the crown was placed onto his head and we wasn’t himself anymore. His father controlled his actions,and he could only watch. Meanwhile his brothers went on,not knowing what happened to their older brother. Prince Boo went off to make his way in the world,lying about being a king and taking place in Mario events. Boss Boi went into Isle Delino as to not be noticed as royalty,given how the law there is.
(Skipping the first two LM games, onto LM3)
King Boo has been freed from E.Gadd once more by a hotel owner who happened to be a fan of him. Hellen Gravely. He offers her an option to help him capture a “ghost capturing menace” She accepts to help King Boo with it. Of course,this isn’t him,but rather his father. He did not really care for her. As long as she was useful to him
LM3 takes place. Hellen and her staff act somewhat different over the Crown Jewel’s effects. When this wasn’t happening,she was wondering if this really was right. King Boo insisted on letting her staff hold onto the elevator buttons. This only let them all be captured and stored in capsules,one by one. By the end of it. Hellen feels regret for putting her staff through this,apologising to them all from her capsule. But…When she hears that King Boo called her and her staff useless. Something clicks. He did all of this. She bent over backwards for him,she lost everything because of him…and he didn’t care?! …From this moment,she hated him. She loathed him. She would make sure he would regret ever hurting her or her staff like this ever again.
The crown had been broken off from King Boo and he was free…Ish. There still was the issue of being within a capsule for the viewing pleasure of a scientists. As well as Hellen. He desperately wanted to apologise to her. Yes it technically wasn’t his fault,but his father’s. But he still felt guilty,and everyone deserved an apology from him in his eyes. But…Hellen wasn’t as forgiving to what his father made him do through his body. To her,he was just playing nice so he’d get her within his grasp again. So he could use her again. She would NOT accept this. Hellen directed all of her rage at the King. It was…scary seeing her so angry. But…he did have a feeling this would happen
It was a while since the lab was built in the last resort’s place. The ghosts could only see the dark walls of their prison,unless E.Gadd wanted to study them. But…With the power that King Boi had left,he managed to move somethings outside the place when E.Gadd left them on display and left…and the capsules were removed! They were free!!! They could escape! He offered to guide all of them out of the lab to the best of his abilities. Hellen wasn’t very trusting,unlike her staff. But before she could make up her mind on it,E.Gadd was coming back. While trying to leave,Hellen was separated from King Boo and What was her staff! She only had her cat,Polterkitty. And…it was lonely.
Hellen founded a new hotel. She worked from the ground up,like her last one. It wasn’t as big,but she knew these things took time. Maybe one day. She managed to find the LM1 ghost’s paintings in an abandoned Lab,and offered them to stay.
King Boo was guiding the ghosts out of the lab. But…he realised there wasn’t anywhere for him or them to go. But… he would make something. He used the lessened magic he had to make a mansion. Something that could fit all the ghosts he brought with him. This was their new home! And…everyone liked it! It took a while to get used to it,but…at least it wasn’t a capsule with little to no space!
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gildedgaggle · 5 months
Been a while, hasn't it?
Our blog lost contact with this website in early 2023, and we just got contact back!
I'm Delino, a former Pokemon trainer from Kalos. I use he/they pronouns. 18 years old.
no idea what most of this new stuff is. no idea what pelipper mail is but we have it on because it might be fun.
ta writeer, aspiring journalist from alola. she/her only. 14 years old.
-Ta Writeer
Plus side of being gone for so long is that the Live feature is finally gone! Completely! It's nice to not have to snooze it every week.
I'm Tapestry, Pokemon shelter worker from Ferrum, and also now working with @taskforcedistortion. He/him, please, and I'm 26 years old.
Can't believe how much Mimikyus in Orre fancontent I've been missing!!! Can't wait to see what everyone thought of the season 1 finale and the season 2 reveal!!!!
MonDegreen, Orrean, and biggest fan of the show Mimikyus in Orre you'll ever meet. She/they pronouns, and 21 years old!
We are the Gilded Gaggle of Goofs, or GGG for short. A group of friends running a tiny Gliscord server together.
I am Sad Snom. Pearl Clan member, and the server owner of the Gilded Gaggle of Goofs. I prefer they/them pronouns. I am 29 years old.
-Sad Snom
Hello! Remember this blog?
If you joined Pokemon IRL after January 2023, probably not.
This was the blog that I joined Pokemon IRL with, though I stopped using it in favor of Tropius' blog.
However, I thought it might be fun to bring it back!
These five have no idea yet about the craziness that happens on this website these days. Have fun introducing them to it!
Pelipper Mail and variations are on. Magic anons are off. NSFW interactions are strictly prohibited.
I hope you enjoy this time capsule from early Pokemon IRL!
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gummyartstradingcards · 9 months
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from natural satellite names
Adranis Adraq Adras Adus Aegaclia Aege Aitari Aitea Alde Alenemir Alinciste Amab Amalbio Amalde Amari Amastone Andore Anke Anus Anymea Aomet Aomir Arbaume Arganke Argarvi Argemon Arme Arnsa Arnsaoe Arpa Arpornsa Arvi Arviuq Arvos Athe Athemos Atlasto Atus Aumere Auttury...
Bebe Bebermeti Bebes Belasie Belike Beri Beriters Bermisto Berokkivi Besde Bespitone Bespori Bessin Besto Bianis Calara Calaraq Calas Calastlas Calbionn Caldemip Calia Calimone Call Callenris Callenus Calliete Callito Cari Cariela Cars Cartito Carvos Casiandin Caston Castyx Cela Cestelike Chalin Chars Chordeia Corax Corinanis Coris Coristo Corthe Cressip Culia Culindene Culo Cupinoede Cupiteus Cyll Cyllia Cylliapus Cyllichea Cyllike Cyllir Cyllirros Deiaq Delino Demedeus Demir Demos Deso Deura Dike Dilfaraxa Dind Dino Dion Diond Dysnoe Dysnomede Earn Earpasid Elimastea Elinoe Elmistone Enerespo Eneso Enrir Erbande Erditeus Erganda Erind Erokkinda Erse Euan Euanus Eucelia Euceso Eucestonn Euck Euke Eupinamab Eupitan Euraxa Eurosamab Eurtungre Eurydora Farbanda Fare Farind Farsetea Farvi Fene Fenus Ferchae Ferde Fereip Fereste Ferosito Fora Forand Fore Fori Fortisco Frandome Franyme Fraq Fras Fraxa Gaclia Galiband Ganke Gari Greid Haegan Haegir Hala Halia Halichoe Hall Hallis Halthea Handia Hanistea Hanoe Hathypsa Haturot Hauti Hautone Hebos Hela Heles Heliso Helison Hemon Herie Heuck Himalthe Himona Hyon Hyone Hyonn Hyono Hyonoe Hyperin Hypso Hyrrhe Hyrrhon Hysnoe Iadene Iadus Ijir Ijirax Iocarbe Iora Iore Iornjote Iscorasto Issaxa Istea Istone Istyx Jancistyx Jandeste Janthe Janymia Jari Jarpo Jarthimab Julibano Julind Julisto Julo Jupitanke Jupito Jupo Juponome Jupora Kaladus Kalas Kalino Kallene Kalydeme Kariadus Karmippe Karnsax Kate Kathea Kinda Kivi Kollencis Kollian Kolydelad Kolype Kolysnome Kora Korano Koraxi Laoe Larbe Lathi Lede Lenesdeia Lyke Lykelene Makalthel Makatheri Mallene Marir Marviuq Masid Masie Mathypson Matitan Mearge Mede Medelad Megir Mers Mete Methe Metund Miras Mirrhos Missa Missath Mistyx Mund Munda Munde Mundome Mune Muneptund Mungr Mungres Nancurymr Nanoe Nanus Nanymr Narqeq Neriadus Neros Nesde Obebosper Ober Obos Opeteus Oran Orir Orthe Ortite Palao Palde Paliars Palina Palir Palitan Pallinda Palthel Palthypso Palys Panaq Pand Panus Passiade Paste Pasto Perculo Pherdia Phnia Phoe Phon Pluti Pluton Poll Polysno Pone Porde Pore Porir Pranthere Pranus Prokkina Pron Pros Prospid Prote Psalyke Psaome Pucel Puces Pucesponn Rhobos Rhoe Rhos Rote Saliaq Samakalas Samarthe Samathys Saoede Sida Siet Sinamalia Sind Sinome Sitea Skale Skalia Skaliban Skatlad Skatlarin Skollir Skoranymr Skorthi Spere Spereip Spithel Stea Stebesde Stebos Steur Suran Suromede Surthela Sury Surymede Surymr Suti Sutiapus Suton Sutonn Sutonomea Suttune Syco Sycoressa Sycori Sycornaq Tandapuck Tandome Tanus Tanymir Tarbelars Tarcuras Tarie Tarpo Tartungr Tayge Taygemon Teberie Tebhiorn Terde Than Thea Thel Thelir Themir Themon Themonome Therbebhi Theuanth Thiondome Thoede Thoedeson Thorax Thosa Thyrriet Thyrros Thys Tiariad Tiarviuq Titea Tithimas Titne Trie Trielas Trielene Trinoe Trinome Tris Trix Umbris Umbrix Umeda Umede Vene Xida Ymea Ymeda Ymege
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mysterydungecn · 2 years
name. Bench
pronouns. He/they
preference of communication. I prefer Discord, but if you prefer Tumblr IMs I’m ok with that! I’m happy to give out my Discord to whoever requests it!
name of muse(s). Gen, Saltriv, Burhalla, Nisaqui, Arctozolt, Coleane, HTML, Cedar, Thievul, Sad Snom, Delino, Ta Writeer, MonDegreen, Tapestry, Lidequir, Acacia, Apoyime, Pahelia, Gen, Vernir, Ayueg, and Leviene, at least for my tumblr muses.
rp experience / how long. I’ve been RPing since August of 2014! I’ve RPed across many sites since then. FFN forums, Warrior cats forums, chatzy, Discord, Thousandroads forums, and most recently, tumblr. I’ve only been RPing on tumblr for about two thirds of a year now, and only started doing RPC-style RPing about two weeks ago, but I look forward to doing more!
best experience. Best experience I have RPing is in my own server, though tumblr is great too! My top three formats for RPing are Discord, Thousandroads forums, and tumblr.
rp pet peeves / deal breakers. Godmoding and all that stuff, but I also rarely can deal with post-apocalypse or grimdark stuff. I also don’t really like it when people try to force headcanons on my worlds, such as my PMD world being post-apocalypse. I also don’t really like to do shipping. I’m good with most other stuff, though!
fluff, angst, or smut. I thrive on fluff, and can usually do angst just fine! Absolutely no smut, though.
long or short replies. Depends on the platform. On discord, I tend to do short replies, on Thousandroads and tumblr, I try to do longer. I’ll try my best to match reply length, but sometimes I can’t go all the way, or am feeling inspired and write way too much.
best time to write. Depends. Usually tends to be late morning to early afternoon for me, but sometimes I’m feeling inspired in the early morning, late afternoon, or evening.
are you like your muse(s). Honestly, there’s a little bit of me in most of my muses. Gen has my anxiety, Coleane has my hyperempathy, and so on.
tagged by. @surgingchef tagged anyone who wanted to do it, and I wanted to!
tagging. @just-a-bit-digital @volot @visionairio @profutured @rxmedyfind
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cecilcooperstown · 4 months
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Delino DeShields
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