#sade hemingway
balletdolls · 1 month
Things I do when I’m not girlblogging
+ some questions for u guys to leave in the comments!
I spend a lot of time away from social media because I am very big on consuming my time with hobbies. The only social apps I use are tumblr and Pinterest. So here are some things that I really enjoy doing:
1. Painting!!! Ever since I was little I’ve found that not only am I pretty good at painting but it’s also very therapeutic. My favorite type of paint to use is oil although it is expensive.
2. Reading. I will not be caught dead without a book in my purse. My current read is “the sun also rises” by Ernest Hemingway.
Q#1: what kind of books do you like to read?
3. Sewing. I recently been into sewing and I’ve been learning from a private teacher. My current project is a dark blue gown.
4. Writing. My diary is my most prized possession. I write about my day, dreams I have, feelings, and even some poetry
5. Exercising. I have a peloton and a Pilates machine which I use A LOT. but exercising doesn’t require expensive equipment there are tons of videos online! other than that I love to go for walks. I cannot go a day without any sort of physical activity.
Q#2: what’s your favorite form of exercise?
6. Sleeping. I LOOVE to sleep. My favorite hobby tbh. I go to bed around 10:00pm. I cannot stay up late. I also frequently take long naps.
7. Music!!!!! I’m always listening to something and I looove making playlist.
Q#3: do u have any themed playlist? Any very specific playlist? I’d love to hear
That’s all I can think of! Please answer the questions!! i would love to hear back from some of my mutuals or any followers who would like to be friends🎀🌷
^ song of the day 😊
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acetone4veins · 30 days
Mean Girls + Quotes Part 2
Find part 1 here
More quotes that remind me of mean girls characters and their various relationships :)
"i became bitter and untouchable. i craved affection but even the mere thought of someone caring made my stomach turn."
"i have survived everything but i fear that i cannot survive myself."
Cynthia Chapman
"was i raised without love? or was i born unlovable?"
"am i lonely because no one cares, or am i lonely because i'm not strong enough to let anyone get close enough to care?"
Rob Hill Sr.
"of course i look angry all the time. my entire life i've been fighting a war. i am soaked in pain and sadness. the irony however, is that i'm not actually angry, i'm trying to learn how to be happy. and that in itself is a war."
"i thought - i want to go home. i want to be in a place that feels like home. where that was, i did not know."
Katie Kitamura
"i understood myself only after i destroyed myself. and only in the process of fixing myself did i know who i really was."
Sade Andria Zabala
“do you ever wonder where you took a wrong turn? where your life became the exact opposite of what you wanted it to be?”
"i have always tried to make a home for myself, but i have not felt at home in myself."
Jeanette Winterson
"of course i'm angry. do you have any idea how many times someone should have helped me?"
"hurt an artist and you'll see masterpieces of what you've done."
"i don't feel guilt at being unsociable, though i may sometimes regret it because my loneliness is painful."
Susan Sontag
"what a sick little head, your love always turns into obsession."
"i don't think people love me. they love versions of me i have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. the easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love."
“i only know how to exist when i’m wanted.”
Mary Lambert
"i don't want to beg. i know you can feel it, my longing, the aching, my need for love. i don't want to beg. but oh god - oh god, please. please. love me. love me."
"for once i need to choose myself, or else i'm going to lose myself."
Veronika Jensen
“i believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. i believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. i believe while i tremble; i trust while i weep.”
Charlotte Brontë
Regina and Janis
"longing, how soft a word for such a ravenous feeling. how we hunger in silence."
"dig your teeth into me. come on, i dare you. take a bite. open me up; raw and candy floss pink on the inside. make it hurt. i figure, you're going to hurt me one way or another. might as well be with your mouth."
Ashe Vernon
"i don't know what to do without you, i don't know where to put my hands."
"you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love."
Franz Kafka
"i love you and i always will and i am sorry. what a useless word."
Ernest Hemingway
Regina and Cady
"i love you. i love you unconditionally. i loved you even in my ignorance. i loved you when i didn't even know. i just love you."
"and on some days, i wish our paths had never crossed because you don't know how heartbreaking it is to know that someone like you exists in this world and i cannot have you."
“i must have you exclusively, fiercely, possessively.”
Henry Miller
"i still haven't figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do."
William C. Hannan
“fuck my pride. fuck everything. i’m so desperately hungry for you.”
Henry Miller
Gretchen and Karen
"the way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right; as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes."
John Mark Green
"when i think of life, i think of you. when i think of love, i think of you. safe to say that i really like thinking about life with you."
"come on, dance with me. the earth is spinning. we can't just stand on it."
Dino Ahmetovic
Regina and Gretchen
"i suffer in my loving, and you know it."
Willa Cather
"i loved you to the point of ruin. i loved you until my lungs were filled with ash."
Tina Tran
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belle-keys · 2 months
Biographical movies and dramas about writers:
Tolkien (2019) - about JRR Tolkien
The Edge of Love (2008) - about Dylan Thomas
Set Fire to the Stars (2014) - about Dylan Thomas
Colette (2018) - about Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
Wilde (1997) - about Oscar Wilde
The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960) - about Oscar Wilde
My Salinger Year (2020) - about JD Salinger
Rebel in the Rye (2017) - about JD Salinger
Mary Shelley (2017) - about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Gothic (1986) - about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Shakespeare in Love (1998) - about William Shakespeare
Sylvia (2003) - about Sylvia Plath
Dickinson (2019-2021) - about Emily Dickinson
A Quiet Passion (2016) - about Emily Dickinson
Vita & Virginia (2019) - about Virginia Woolf
Becoming Jane (2008) - about Jane Austen
Miss Austen Regrets (2007) - about Jane Austen
Kafka (1991) - about Franz Kafka
Byron (2003) - about Lord Byron
Total Eclipse (1995) - about Paul Verlaine
Capote (2005) - about Truman Capote
Rowing with the Wind (1988) - about the Romantic Poets
Infamous (2006) - about Truman Capote
Quills (2000) - about Marquis de Sade
Neruda (2016) - about Pablo Neruda
Juana Inés (2016) - about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Daphne (2007) - about Daphne du Maurier
Priest of Love (1981) - about DH Lawrence
Little Ashes (2008) - about Federico Garcia Lorca
Lope (2010) - about Lope de Vega
Howl (2010) - about Allen Ginsberg
The Last Station (2009) - about Leo Tolstoy
Young Goethe in Love (2010) - about Johann Goethe
Tom & Viv (1994) - about T.S. Eliot
Céleste (1980) - about Marcel Proust
Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012) - about Ernest Hemingway
Balzac: A Life of Passion (1999) - about Honore de Balzac
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) - about Charles Dickens
Shirley (2020) - about Shirley Jackson
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017) - about Alan Alexander Milne
Heart Beat (1980) - about Jack Kerouac
In the Heart of the Sea (2015) - about Herman Melville
Notes: Not all of the films on this non-exhaustive list are entirely “about” the lives of their respective writers to a tee. I cannot vouch for the accuracy or quality of all of these movies. I’ve only seen about 75% of these films personally. And yes, I know this list is very Westernized – I’m working on it.
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Favourite writers?
I have so many and not enough time to read!! Actually this may sound absurd but lately I’ve been thinking that the concept of a “writer” is so steeped in modernity when really it’s not the name of the simple humans who spin the fables who are important.
We remember not the human authors of the Egyptian & Tibetan Books of the Dead, the Bhagavad Gita, the Kabbalah, the Quran, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible etc. But instead we remember the content of these higher texts and that the human is a humble vessel for greater and sacred ideas which transcend beyond the petty ego and flesh.
But sorry my crazed pedantism aside, I do have certain authors I love returning to time and time again. I like the Brontë Sisters, Aldous Huxley, Flannery O’Connor, Raymond Chandler, Nathanael West, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, the Marquis De Sade (he’s fucked but his writing style is flowery), Oscar Wilde, Percy & Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, Homer, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Amrita Pritam, Rene Guenon, Goethe, Jim Thompson, Schopenhauer, Faulkner, Philip K. Dick, Emily Dickinson, Sappho, Catullus, Euripides, Orwell, Suetonius, Shakespeare, HG Wells, Tennessee Williams, James M. Cain, Poe, Camus, Bret Easton Ellis, Malcolm X & Jim Morrison.
I know it’s a weird list but I tried to include only authors who I’ve read several works by and whose works actually moved me as a human being and English major 💗 I enjoy all types of books but my fave genres within fiction are noir detective, philosophical, gothic romance, science fiction & horror novels.
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sagittariusmars2 · 1 year
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(Top to bottom) love advice from celebrities
Pile 1
I see that Greta Garbo, Jane Austin and Marquis De Sade have love advice for you, I see that Greta wants you to be more comfortable in your independence and don’t be so quick to be dependent on someone. Jane wants you get out of the mindset that you have yo have a partner or that you will never find love because things aren’t going how you expected, have more fun and be optimistic. Marquis wants you to know that life is full of ups and downs so you gotta learn how to enjoy the ride, don’t change who you are to be more suitable for anyone and be more honest. Signs- cancer, Scorpio, Gemini. Initials- B, Q, C
Pile 2
I see that Marlene Dietrich, Ernest Hemingway, Bianca Del Rio, and Melina Trump have love advice for you. Marlene wants you to be more comfortable in your feminine energy or be more comfortable dressing up, be comfortable with having the spotlight on you and getting compliments. Ernest wants you to know how rare pure love is and you shouldn’t allow just anyone to have access to it, having strong boundaries keep the bad energy away. Melina wants you to take more pride in your appearance and have more confidence, spend more time with the people you care about. Bianca wants you to know that you have potential you haven’t tapped in to yet because you’re holding your self back with your pessimism, don’t think you’re meant to be alone because that’s the type of thinking that causes blocks in ur life. Signs- Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Aries. Initial- U, T
Pile 3
I see that Gala Dali, Joan Collins, and Britney Spears have love advice for you. Britney wants you to understand that love can be risky but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give it ur all every time, take more risks and spend time with the people you love. Gala wants you to take the time you have alone to grow and ground yourself so that you’re ready for when ur person comes, Joan wants you to have more confidence/tap into ur potential and know that you can have anyone you want. Signs- Taurus, Gemini, Leo. Initials- U, E, Z
Pile 4
I see that Oscar Wilde, Henry the 8th, and Queen Victoria have love advice for you. Henry wants you to act more like royalty because you deserve the absolute best, to attract the best you have to believe you’re the best. Oscar wants you to be more aware of the people that just want to use you, pay attention to red flags/your intuition more and don’t fall for temptation. Queen Victoria wants you to know how important you are and know that you’re the catch so people should chase u not the other way around, don’t be tempted by pretty things and make sure you’re looking for stability. Signs- Leo, virgo,libra. Initials- J, V, O, U, C
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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garadinervi · 18 days
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Ágota Kristóf, L'Analphabète. Récit autobiographique, Éditions ZOE, 2004
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«Leggo. È come una malattia. Leggo tutto ciò che mi capita sottomano, sotto gli occhi: giornali, libri di testo, manifesti, pezzi di carta trovati per strada, ricette di cucina, libri per bambini. Tutto ciò che è a caratteri di stampa. Ho quattro anni. […] So leggere, so di nuovo leggere. Posso leggere Victor Hugo, Rousseau, Voltaire, Sartre, Camus, Michaux, Francis Ponge, Sade, tutto quello che voglio leggere di francese, e anche gli autori non francesi ma tradotti, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Hemingway. Il mondo è pieno di libri, di libri finalmente comprensibili, anche per me. […] In seguito avrò ancora due figli. […] Quando mi chiedono il significato di una parola, o la sua ortografia, non dico mai "Non lo so". Dico: "Vado a vedere". E vado a vedere nel dizionario, senza stancarmi mai. Divento un'appassionata di dizionari.» – Ágota Kristóf, (2004), L'analfabeta. Racconto autobiografico, Translation by Letizia Bolzani, «Scrittori», Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona, 2011, pp. 7 and 49-50
Cover Art: Ágota Kristóf (5 years old) photographed in Csikvánd, 1940
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
hey, what poem did you use for hobie's face in kaleidoscope crush? (actually, if it's not too much to ask, what poems did you use for the entire piece? your art looks fantastic) :)
thank u so much! i’ll do my best to list em. they should be in order from bottom left, around the character, to bottom right lol
from blossoms by li-young lee
saying your names by richard siken
only ever yours by louise o’neill
the second coming by dante émile
famous quote by farouq jwaideh (i think)
transformation and transcendence by emily rapp
little dog’s rhapsody in the night by mary oliver
abundance (after mary oliver) by amy schmidt
a moveable feast by ernest hemingway
letters to véra from vladimir nabokov
on a train by wendy cope
i have dreamed of you so much by robert desnos
valentine weather by edwin morgan
from my favorite love songs by oozins
tiny beautiful things: advice on love and life from dear sugar by cheryl strayed
for m by mikko harvey
did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard by lana del rey
the shortest and sweetest of songs by george macdonald
persephone to hades by nikita gill
the riot act
ordinary things by ryebreadgf
comme des garçons: poem denim jeans by junya watanabe
line from disco elysium
from these violent delights by micah nemerever
other lives and dimensions and finally a love poem by bob hicok
coffee and cigarettes by sade andria zabala
letters to milena from franz kafka
drunk confessions by spencer thomas
here again now by okechukwu nzelu
letters to caitlin by dylan thomas
desperation sits heavy on my tongue by tullipsink
i am praying again, awesome one by rainer rilke
i hid my love by john clare
and lastly, the one everybody goes wild for:
how will you/have you prepare(d) for your death? by chen chen
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“When I finished writing Intercourse one colleague advised me to add an introduction to explain what the book said. That way, readers would not be shocked, afraid, or angry, because the ideas would be familiar—prechewed, easier to digest; I would be protected from bad or malicious readings and purposeful distortions; and my eagerness to explain myself would show that I wanted people to like me and my book, the quintessential feminine pose. At least one knee would be visibly bent.
Other colleagues—probably more to the point—told me straight-out to publish it under a pseudonym. I would not; and Intercourse became—socially speaking—a Rorschach inkblot in which people saw their fantasy caricatures of me and what they presumed to know about me. First published in the United States in 1987—simultaneously with my novel Ice and Fire—Intercourse is still being reviled in print by people who have not read it, reduced to slogans by journalists posing as critics or sages or deep thinkers, treated as if it were odious and hateful by every asshole who thinks that what will heal this violent world is more respect for dead white men.
My colleagues, of course, had been right; but their advice offended me. I have never written for a cowardly or passive or stupid reader, the precise characteristics of most reviewers— overeducated but functionally illiterate, members of a gang, a pack, who do their drive-by shootings in print and experience what they call “the street” at cocktail parties. “I heard it on the street,” they say, meaning a penthouse closer to heaven. It is no accident that most of the books published in the last few years about the decline and fall of Anglo- European culture because of the polluting effect of women of all races and some men of color—and there are a slew of such books— have been written by white-boy journalists. Abandoning the J-school ethic of “who, what, where, when, how” and the discipline of Hemingway’s lean, masculine prose, they now try to answer “why. ” That decline and fall, they say, is because talentless, uppity women infest literature; or because militant feminists are an obstacle to the prorape, prodominance art of talented living or dead men; or because the multicultural reader— likely to be female and/or not white—values Alice Walker and Toni Morrison above Aristotle and the Marquis de Sade. Hallelujah, I say.”
— Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse
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thepaisleyreview · 4 months
General Fiction. Mostly sorted.
Key: strikethrough means duplicate to be deleted ; bold means recommended ; I have not listened to everything.
Bowles, Paul - Baptism of solitude
Burroughs, Wiiliam S (see own file) - Lectures - Musical Collaborations - Novels - oddities - Single Tracks - Spoken Word
Camus, Albert - The Plague
Deighton, Len - Horse Under Water (1963) [Lailey, 2014, Harper] Deighton, Len - Funeral in Berlin (1964) [Lailey, 2014, Harper] Deighton, Len - Billion-Dollar Brain (1966) [Lailey, 2014, Harper]
de Sade - The Marquis De Sade Reader (ed M Crosland)
Hammett, Dashiell - The Glass Key Hammett, Dashiell - The Maltese Falcon (Unabridged) Hammett, Dashiell - The Thin Man
Hemingway, Ernest - The old man and the sea
Holm, Anne - I am David
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World Huxley, Aldous - Ultimate Revolution
Kafka-Metamorphosis-1912 Kafka-The_Castle-1926 Kafka-The_Trial- 1925
Mievillie, China - Looking for Jake and Other Stories Mievillie, China - Un Lun Dun Mievillie, China - The Last Days of New Paris Mievillie, China - Embassytown Mievillie, China - Perdido Street Station (2000) Mievillie, China - The City & The City (2009) Mievillie, China - This Census-Taker (2016) Mievillie, China - Three Moments of an Explosion Stories by China Mieville Audiobook.mp3
Miller, Henry -Tropic of Cancer (1934)
Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita (note: read by Jeremy Irons)
Anais Nin - A Spy in the House of Love (Audible) Anaïs Nin - House of Incest
Orwell, George - 1916_kitchener_George Orwell.mp3 [note: I don't know what this is either.] Orwell, George - 1984 Orwell, George - A Clergyman's Daughter Orwell, George - Animal Farm Orwell, George - Down and Out In Paris and London Orwell, George - Homage to Catalonia
Proust - Remembrance of Things Past Captive, The (RoTP 5) Fugitive, The (RoTP 6) Sodom & Gomorrah (RoTP 4) Swann's Way [Naxos] The Guermantes Way - Remembrance of Things Past, Volume 3 Time Regained (RoTP 7) Within a Budding Grove
Sterne, Laurence - Tristram Shandy
Vonnegut, Kurt - Cold_turkey.mp3 Vonnegut, Kurt - Breakfast of champions Vonnegut, Kurt - A man without a country Vonnegut, Kurt - The Sirens of Titan
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memoriasdelecturas · 11 months
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Leo. Es como una enfermedad. Leo todo lo que me cae en las manos, bajo los ojos: diarios, libros escolares, carteles, pedazos de papel encontrados por la calle, recetas de cocina, libros infantiles. Cualquier cosa impresa. *** En primer lugar, hay que escribir, naturalmente. Luego, hay que seguir escribiendo. Incluso cuando no le interese a nadie, incluso cuando tenemos la impresión de que nunca interesará a nadie. Incluso cuando los manuscritos se acumulan en los cajones y los olvidamos para escribir otros. Al llegar a Suiza mis esperanzas de convertirme en escritora eran casi nulas. Es verdad que publiqué algunos poemas en una revista literaria húngara, pero las posibilidades de publicar mi obra se quedaron allí. Y cuando, tras varios años de impaciencia, por fin conseguí acabar dos obras de teatro en francés, no sabía exactamente qué tenía que hacer, dónde enviarlas, a quién enviarlas. *** A los veintiséis años me inscribo en los cursos de verano de la Universidad de Neuchâtel, para aprender a leer. Son cursos de francés para estudiantes extranjeros. Hay ingleses, americanos, alemanes, japoneses, suizos alemanes. El examen de ingreso es un examen escrito. Un desastre, me ponen con los principiantes. Después de unas cuantas lecciones, el profesor me dice: —Habla usted muy bien el francés. ¿Por qué está entre los principiantes? Yo le digo: —No sé ni leer ni escribir. Soy una analfabeta. Ríe: —Ya lo veremos. Dos años más tarde, obtengo mi certificado de estudios franceses con matrícula de honor. Sé leer, de nuevo sé leer. Puedo leer a Victor Hugo, Rousseau, Voltaire, Sartre, Camus, Michaux, Francis Ponge, Sade, todo lo que quiera leer en francés y también a autores no franceses, pero traducidos, como Faulkner, Steinbeck, Hemingway. Todo está lleno de libros, de libros comprensibles, por fin, también para mí. Tendré aún dos hijos más. Con ellos ejercitaré la lectura, la ortografía, las conjugaciones. Cuando me pregunten el significado de una palabra, o su ortografía, ya no diré más: —No lo sé. Diré: —Vamos a ver. Y voy a consultar en el diccionario, incansablemente, voy a consultar. Me convierto en una apasionada del diccionario. Sé que nunca escribiré el francés como lo escriben los escritores franceses de nacimiento, pero lo escribiré como pueda, lo mejor que pueda. No he escogido esta lengua. Me ha sido impuesta por el destino, por la suerte, por las circunstancias. Estoy obligada a escribir en francés. Es un desafío. El desafío de una analfabeta. Agota Kristof | La analfabeta
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hemingways-habits · 3 years
Uh. Hmmmm. Yup. This........
This makes me feel some type of way
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bitters-enthusiast · 4 years
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as some may know, i started the idea of a flower themed masq, and timmy (@timmys-and-scribbles ) had it take off!
i took a quiz to see what kind of flower represented sade the most, and ironically enough, i got forget-me-nots!! can anyone say matching couple costumes with muriel?? 👀👀
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kuchipachi · 4 years
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trista mateer/ sade andria zabala/ miranda july/ hozier/ neil hilborn/ ernest hemingway/ bon iver/ trista mateer 
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talitalitalitalita · 5 years
Café literário
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astrognossienne · 2 years
What celebrities can you think of that have managed to develop their sun or reach its highest potential if that makes sense? Like how you said Betty White is one of the few developed Capricorns, do you think there are others who have done the same with their sign?
aries: lady gaga, kristen stewart, reese witherspoon, jennifer garner, selena, jessica chastain, bette davis, marvin gaye, gregory peck
taurus: malcolm x, audrey hepburn, george clooney, leonardo da vinci, elizabeth II, penelope cruz, cher, william shakespeare, daniel day-lewis, stevie wonder, orson welles, tchaikovsky, socrates, jimmy stewart, laurence olivier
gemini: lauryn hill, lenny kravitz, jfk, marilyn monroe, stevie nicks, johnny depp, prince, paul mccartney, naomi campbell, judy garland, jean-paul sartre, marquis de sade, michael j. fox, anne frank, miles davis, josephine baker
cancer: robin williams, princess diana, meryl streep, diahann carroll, prince william, elon musk, solange, dalai lama, nikola tesla, tom hanks, nelson mandela, angela merkel, mike tyson, alexander the great, frida kahlo, liv tyler, ernest hemingway, anthony bourdain, julius caesar, natalie wood, franz kafka, ringo starr, richard branson, malala yousafzai, debie harry, elizabeth warren, chris cornell, missy elliott, marcel proust, antoine de saint-exupery, cat stevens, helen keller, kawhi leonard, lena horne, michael phelps
leo: jackie kennedy, jennifer lopez, arnold schwarzenegger, robert de niro, coco chanel, kate bush, helen mirren
virgo: michael jackson, keanu reeves, mother theresa, karl lagerfeld, elizabeth I, jeremy irons, ray charles, mary shelley
libra: desmond tutu, rita hayworth, cardi b, brigitte bardot, gwen stefani, catherine deneuve, kim kardashian, oscar wilde, bruce springsteen, christopher reeve
scorpio: lisa bonet, grace kelly, vivien leigh,alain delon, pablo picasso, winona ryder, marie curie, hedy lamarr, rupaul, chloe sevigny, robert f. kennedy, carl sagan, sylvia plath, joni mitchell, anna wintour, albert camus
sagittarius: jimi hendrix, zoe kravitz, brad pitt, bruce lee, tina turner, frank sinatra, ludwig van beethoven, edith piaf, maria callas, jane birkin, adam clayton powell jr, marina abramovic, jane austen, gianni versace
capricorn: david bowie, aaliyah, betty white, dolly parton, mlk, ralph fiennes, michelle obama, francoise hardy, kate moss, sade, marlene dietrich, joan of arc, benjamin franklin
aquarius: abraham lincoln, jennifer aniston, shakira, mozart, oprah, megan thee stallion, paul newman, fdr, thomas edison, virginia woolf, kelly rowland, brandy, michael hutchence, peter gabriel, eddie van halen
pisces: sidney poitier, anais nin, albert einstein, kurt cobain, liz taylor, drew barrymore, juliette binoche, edgar cayce, jon bon jovi, johnny cash, chopin, michelangelo, nina simone, fred rogers, ruth bader ginsburg
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sjcavenaugh · 3 years
“I want to love you like Hemingway, but devour you like De Sade.”
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