#sadly home has really stressed me out a lot lately
cabbi3 · 11 months
i really miss drawing and being silly thinking about my blorbos
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chuuyasheaven · 5 months
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SUMMARY. It’s Chuuya’s Birthday today, and sadly he has to work till evening! He feels bad— for some reason— because he can’t spend the day with you. . But when he got home saw the food you made and a gift just waiting for him in your bedroom. .
TAGS. fem! Reader / Chuuya Nakahara, THIS A SMALL DRABBLE FOR THE FIC COMING, smut (p in v, praise, etc. idk), this is actually LAZILY written so yeah, idk anymore I’m just burnt out by school 😭, etc.
NOTES. Yes, I’m unfortunately still alive!!! Let me tell you buddy, writers block + finals anxiety/stress + depression is something you do NOT wanna experience at the same time. But yeah sorry for the late post I did not forget my blue eyed glorious beautiful most perfect man to walk this earth ginger sweet king’s birthday 🙏
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Just imagine the guilt Chuuya felt for not spending the day with you. . Why? It’s his birthday today and you had a day planned for it but no, work had to be done. He did not expect to come home to his favorite meal next to a glass of wine on the table, but he’s still grateful of course! The meal wasn’t the only surprise though!!
Chuuya was laying on his back while you were on top of him, in the most beautiful lingerie he has ever seen, undressing him slowly. He felt a rush of adrenaline through his body, was this really happening? Well, yes, it was! It’s his birthday, of course he deserves only the best. A lot of thoughts were rushing through his head before Chuuya felt your breath on his neck. He had not noticed you bending down, but he did notice your kisses trailing from his neck to his chest. “Fuck!”, he gasped as you started to lick and suck on his nipple, where he was pretty sensitive.
“Feels good, Chu?”, you asked with a seductive undertone before switching nipples. Your hand ran up and down his stomach, making him shudder time to time. Done with his upper body, you moved to his lower body, unbuckling his belt and opening his pants with a smile. “Jus’ relax, okay?”, you cooed to him, continuing to free his lower parts from remaining clothes. “I’m tryin’ to, sweetheart. It’s hard when you’re being so. .”, Chuuya stopped mid sentence when you took his cock into your hand. “So what, Chu?”, he looked away from your gaze flustered. “C’mon, tell me. And look at me when you do.”, you commanded him nicely while you were already stroking his tip with your thumb, slow and gentle.
“. . When you’re being so. . perfect.”
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23.53h/11.53pm, 30th April rn, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUUYA THE FIC IS BEING WORKED ON (fr tho)
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strniohoeee · 10 months
chris and reader are fighting and he accidentally shoves her and she hits her back causing her to form a bruise and she cries because it hurts a lot and this leads to matt and nick to intervene and then angst and fluff
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris and the reader seem to have a few disagreements. Sadly one argument leads to injuries that may not be fixable👥
Warnings⚠️: None, I like actually hate this….idk what’s going on lately, but I can notttt write for the life of me. I feel like I’m struggling to come up with good ideas for these requests.
Song for the imagine: Cry Me a River-Justin Timberlake
The bridges were burn
Now it’s your turn
To cry
Cry me a river
I wasn’t sure what Chris' issue was lately, but he has become insufferable. It was becoming a burden to hang out with them because of his attitude.
Chris and I weren’t the closest of friends like how Nick and I were, but we still spoke. However, him being in a pissy mood all the time was stressing me out.
I was hanging out with them all last week, and Chris and I kept arguing here and there. He was acting like a bitch and it became hard for me to be nice to him.
“No you were an asshole to the waiter” I said shaking my head at Chris
“I wasn’t at all” he said laughing
“Yes you were Chris. You acted like a spoiled brat” I replied
“I could really act like a spoiled brat” he said sitting up in his chair
“It’s so fucking embarrassing coming out with you. Like why do you act this way?” I asked him rubbing my temples
“I wasn’t acting any type of way, stop putting yourself in things that have nothing to do with you!” He said giving me a dirty look
“In case you haven’t noticed. You’ve been making this week painful for all of us, so lose the weird attitude or just stay home” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Please don’t tell ME what to do” he said taking a sip of his drink
“Oh cry me a river” I said rolling my eyes at him
That was the end of our bickering. Often exchanging dirty looks throughout our dinner, and not talking to each other. As I kept going over to their house though Chris and I would have at least two arguments a day. Then he would stomp down to his room and slam the door like a child, and ignore us for the rest of the day.
Just like today we had our first argument when I first got here because he left his sneakers in the driveway and I ran them over. I mean totally not my fault I didn’t see them.
He was ignoring me for that, but right now I wanted to make cookies for them and he was in my way. I kept my composure for a while, but I literally kept tripping over him
“Chris you need to get out of the kitchen” I said adding chocolate chips into the dough
“Why?” He said looking at me
“Because I keep tripping over you, and you’re in my way” I said looking at him
“I’m literally not in your way though” he said taking chocolate chips
“Yes you are, and you keep eating my ingredients you fucking heathen back off” I said smacking his hand away
“You’re such a bitch” he spat at me
“I literally do not fucking care get the fuck out” I said rolling my eyes at him
“There’s a nicer way to ask me to leave” he said smiling at me
“I asked you nicely now please get out” I said sighing
Chris snatched the bowl of dough from me and ran to the other side of the kitchen
“I’m not playing these childish games with you, give me the fucking dough” I said
“No I’m good” he said pushing me away and holding the bowl above his head
“I’ll fucking kick you in the balls right now” I said sticking my hand out for the bowl
“Not till you ask nicely” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Chris, I'm trying to do something for you and your brothers. I already asked you to leave and now you won’t. You’re so fucking annoying give me the bowl” I said
“Say please?” He asked
“Fuck you” I said
His face dropped and threw the bowl at me. I barely caught it
“Fucking dick” I said
Next thing I know off instinct I kicked him in the knee, and his face dropped
“You fucking bitch” he said and shoved me
But he shoved me so hard my back hit the sharp corner of the island in the kitchen and sent some things falling. Immediately losing my breath from the pain. I gasped and I couldn’t take a complete breath in
“What was that?” We heard Nick yell as him and Matt ran into the kitchen
“Christopher…..what the fuck is wrong with you” I said still shocked in pain
“Please I didn’t even push you that hard” he said
I felt tears in my eyes as I touched my back. A bruise for sure forming, and a large scratch
“I wanted to do something nice for you guys, and you fucking ruined it by acting like a complete imbecile” I said throwing the bowl down on the island
“Chris what did you do” Nick said walking over to me
“I pushed her” he said
“Are you a child? Like you’re a grown man, why would you push her?” Matt said looking over at him
“She kicked me in my knee, and I just turned around and pushed her….it was my reflex” he said staring at me blankly
“You’re such an asshole” I said pulling away from Nick as he looked at my back
I grabbed a frozen bag of peas from the freezer, slamming it shut and stomping past Chris shoving him on my way out.
I sat outside in their yard with the bag on my back as I let the tears fall. I was hurt and I was embarrassed.
Nicks POV
“Chris, what has gotten into you lately? Putting your hands on a girl?” I said staring at Chris
“I didn’t think it was that hard” he said
“Doesn’t fucking matter dude, you’re a grown man shoving people? Looks ridiculous” Matt said shaking his head
“You know what, whatever okay. She’s been barking at me all week and yall haven’t said shit” Chris said snapping
“Because you’ve been acting like a piece of shit. We agreed with her, and you still are so blind to it” I said
“You need to fix your attitude, and you need to fix what you just did to Y/N” Matt said
“I don’t need to do anything” Chris responded
“I’m not about to potentially lose a friend over your stupidity. Go apologize you animal” I said to Chris rolling my eyes at him
“Whatever kid” he said shoving past me
End of Nick's pov
I sat face down in a lawn chair as the peas soothed the ache in my back. My tears now dried as I listened to the crickets in the trees. My thoughts just running
Suddenly I heard the side door open and I figured it was Nick, but to my surprise when I turned my head, it was Chris and I looked at him and rolled my eyes
“Can we talk?” He asked me
“Gonna hit me with a lawn chair? Maybe throw me in the pool? Ouu how about throw the grill at me when I turn away?” I said giving him a sarcastic smile
“ No, I'm not going to do that. Actually came out here to apologize to you.” He said sitting in front of me
“ I don’t wanna hear an apology because I know it’s not real” I said to him
“ Whether you think it’s real or not doesn’t matter I’m going to apologize anyway” Chris said
“You could save yourself the embarrassment. I don’t want to talk to you” I said rolling my eyes
“Fucking listen to me already” he said getting annoyed
“No, okay! You really hurt me, and embarrassed me. I do not want anything to do with you” I said struggling to sit up
“ I know you hate me right now and I get that but please just listen. I’m not sure why I’ve been acting the way I’ve been acting but I’m just so sad and angry and lonely all the time and I let that get to my head and I let that affect you guys.” Chris said, looking down.
“Chris you don’t have to go through this alone you know. I know you might not like to talk about your feelings, but we’re all here for you” I said looking at him
“This just isn’t me. So I try to ignore it, but it doesn’t go away” he said shaking his head
“If you don’t address it, it will never go away. If it’s too awkward to talk to your brothers, just know that I’m always here for you, but not when you act like a piece of shit.” I said to him
“ I know, and I truly don’t deserve you after putting up with me for so long, just know that I’m sorry for putting my hands on you. It was the worst thing I could’ve ever done. Just know that this isn’t a reflection of who I truly am, I really am sorry for what I did.” Chris said looking up at me
“It’s fine” I said in a whisper
“It’s not okay. I hurt you really bad” he said shaking his head
“ Listen, what's done is done and there’s no going back. I may not forgive you right now, but I also cannot hold this against you.” I responded
“ I don’t expect you to forgive me and that’s fine but do know that I genuinely am sorry. I don’t even know what took over me. It’s like you kicked me and then a switch went off in my head and all I could do was put my hands on you.” He said
“ I can’t act innocent in this either because I did kick you and for that I’m sorry” I responded
“ yes, but I also didn’t have to push you” he said
“ Chris it’s fine I’m not gonna hold this against you” I told him
“I’m uhh I’m sorry. I’ll give you space” he said standing up
I nodded my head and looked at him
“Take this inside for me” I said handing him the bag of peas
“Sure” he said offering me a smile
“Chris there is one thing” I said as he gave his back to me
“That is?” He asked
“I’ll forgive you on one condition” I stated
“Go on” he said back still to me
“You rub my back and put healing ointment on my injury” I said giggling
“You have yourself a deal” he said looking over at me
“YAY” I said clapping my hands
I stood up and walked over to him
“Chris don’t beat yourself up over this okay. This was nothing” I said smiling at him
“I’m sorry” he said nodding his head at me
“It’s okay Chris” I said offering him a smile
“I need to do better” he said
“Yeah you do because right now I smell cookies. I’ll race you for it” I said
“You’re on” he said laughing
I smacked his chest and booked it into the house, locking the door behind me
“LET ME IN” he said laughing
“Nooo I don’t think I will” I said laughing
“There’s a spare key out here I’ll get in” he said
“No there isn’t” I said
Chris disappeared from my site, and I strained against the glass looking for him. I hadn’t heard him walk in through the front door.
As my face was up against the glass I felt two hands grab me causing me to jump
“CHRIS” I yelled turning around
“You have got to do better” he said shaking his head
“I thought I had you” I said laughing
“Maybe next time” he said slinging his arm over my shoulder as we walked into the kitchen
It’s so weird how an hour ago I wanted to punch Chris in his head, but now we were laughing while eating cookies as he rubbed ointment on my injury and massaged my back….man I was living the good life
The End
This was actual trash….like idk why I can’t come up with good ideas anymore. I just lose motivation towards the end, and write whatever. I promise I’ll do better😭😭 I love yall🖤🖤
These stories are my own original ideas, so please do not post them without giving credit, or asking. ☺️
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astrologythingzzz · 1 year
Moon sign observations ✨🌝
Hi everyone! I've thought about doing these for a very long time now! I'll be using my own experiences with the moon signs! 🌙
Some observations are going to be more accurate than others!
Take what resonates and please know that none of these are meant to hurt anyone! 🌝
P.s. I started a tiktok account. It's called Astrologythingzzz too. Check it out if you want to! 🧡
Aries moon
My mom has this placement. She's very ambitious, but also really loves to experience new things every other day! She can be very impulsive with money (it is in her 2nd house). Her emotions sometimes get the best of her. She needs variety and stimulation, when she was in her 20s she travelled a lot and had a big friend group! Personally, I've never met many people with aries moons so she's my only reference.
Taurus moon
My dad is a taurus moon. His most used sentence is "You can save money in every part of you life, but you should never save money when it comes to food." I think that's very typical for taurus placements. He craves stability and peace. He loves good food, dancing and family time. His love language is also giving you food that you like! He likes tradition, he's from Italy so he always makes sure that his children are very much in touch with his roots.
Gemini moon
That is my placement! I don't know anyone else with that placement, so I'll write down my own experience with this one. I'm bored easily, but I'm not superficial. Actually I'm not that social and not very outgoing. As a Child i loved reading and fantasising. I get very restless and nervous, sometimes I have sleep issues if my body is in distress (it is in my 12th house tho). I feel like there are two different gemini moon people, the one is the social, outgoing one, the other is socially withdrawn and nervous. Guess I got the latter one! 🌝
Cancer moon
These are the most loving, warm hearted people ever. They do everything for their family, they provide and make the best gifts! They really listen to the people they love, they also sense your feelings and are amazing at comforting. One of my best friends that I used to talk to had this placement. Sadly we are not involved with each other anymore, but she always felt like home to me. You can count on them to cook you your favorite meal or bake your favorite cookies!
Leo moon
Sadly I've never been truly involved with one. The ones that I know are very obsessed with their image. The girl has really long hair, she's even known for it. But the guy has always been very attention craving. He is very sweet deep down and romantic. But also kind of toxic, I feel like he's an unevolved leo moon. Hopefully I'll get to know more leo moons, they seem so warm and welcoming!
Virgo moon
My girl bestfriend has this placement. We both love talking about kind of everything (mercurial moons) wether it be books, gossip, personal stuff... She gets stomach issues when stressed. She loves animals, she has a very deep bond to her pet dog. She lives vegan and loves minimalistic interior design. She always cared for her younger siblings, cooking for them, sometimes even taking the role of a caretaker (she's a cancer sun). We haven't been very much in touch lately, but I still cherish her a lot! She helped me getting through many things and I can count on her to always be honest with me. I have also shared a flat with two other virgo moons, the one was absolutely crazy about houseplants, she had like 30 in her room. She was very nice and gentle, but a little too naggy for me. The other one is my soulsister, we always grabbed food or cooked together which was very fun!!
Libra moon
Sadly, I didn't have the best experience with this placement. A friend in school had this, and she just was very passive aggressive. She wasn't romantic or warm, she was rather cold and aloof. When I started dating my boyfriend, she got so jealous and accused me of never having time for her. We never really hung out anyways, but that's when she started getting toxic. Her mother was very strict so she also became like that. She was also the one person that always complained about the exams but in the end she always had A's. We lost touch after school and I'm very glad about it. I know that she was probably an unevolved libra moon, so I hope I'll get to know the nice, gentle and loving ones! 🌚
Scorpio moon
I lived with one for about 4 months. She was very shy, but she was willing to open up. When you criticised her, she felt completely offended and never really talked to me ever again. She moved out very soon and my other flat mates and I weren't so sad about it. She never talked to us, she didn't even get out of her room after this one incident, where we criticised her for never coming out of her room. We were 4 girls sharing a big flat, 3 of us were always going out and having fun together, she never even read our text messages so we just assumed she didn't want to be involved with us. She just seemed very cold. In the end she blamed us for being cold, even though we invited her out for like a 100 times. We were even a little scared of her, she just seemed so unfriendly. I have never heard of her every since and I'm not mad about it.
Sagittarius moon
I know some people with this placement. Actually many of them are studying to become a lawyer and they're pretty good at it. One of them is becoming a police officer the other wants to be a politician. They cherish their own opinion a lot, they love living life as they want to. They are down for partying every weekend, I also saw a connection with drinking too much... Sometimes the girls are "not like other girls" because of their love for danger and adventure. One of them always felt the need to rub under my nose how much she liked to perform sports and whatever. They are very sporty though. But I sometimes get the feeling they take themselves too seriously. Not my favorite moon placement, but they're alright. They can be a little braggy and their political views can be a little extreme. A love for animals and justice.
Capricorn moon
Sorry, but no. 🧡 They treat everything as a transaction, if they're giving you something, you automatically owe them. They can be funny though and really nice. They are very ambitious. I noticed they do have a problem with feelings, and if they're getting involved with you, it is for the long run. On the other hand, if you don't seem like the one, they will just leave you hanging around until they find a better option. Maybe that's just my experience. I feel like their childhood was very strict, they had to look after themselves and their parents weren't very supportive of them. Might have a narcissistic mom.
Aquarius moon
That's another placement that was my flatmate. She also had a very rough childhood. Her father wasn't even involved, her mother always favoured her brothers over her. It was really hard getting to know her and even though i had loved to stay in touch with her, I haven't heard of her after moving out, which is kinda sad. She was very emotionally codependent on her boyfriend, so there wasn't really space for any other relationship in her life. I just hope she's happy now. :) The other aqua moon I know studies the same subject at university like me. We get along very well, but we're not best friends. She also seems a little distant, she lives in her own world and has her own circle of friends. But she's very nice and very human(?) I love talking to her, it just makes me feel great! 🧡
Pisces moon
This one is a little tricky. My boyfriend has this placement, and he's the most gentle, kind, supportive, understanding and loving person I know. Pisces moons can be the most creative, selfless and caring people in the world. On the other hand, my bully in high school had this placement 💀 She always used me for homework and talked sh*t about me behind my back. I feel like pisces is a placement in general, that really needs to learn how to deal with their gentle and sensitive nature. It seems like many of them try to mask their feelings by being mean/ dominant/aggressive. But it's no weakness to show emotions! 🧡 Because of my boyfriend, it's probably my favorite moon sign! 🧡
That would be it! Hope you liked it!
If you can't resonate, please know that these are my personal experiences with the moon signs. Every moon sign has an evolved and unevolved part. I feel like I met a lot of unevolved ones. Sadly.
Anyways, see you soon, love you. Byee🧡
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corazondebeskar-reads · 8 months
you know you never stood a chance - deleted scene #1.5
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you know you never stood a chance series
deleted scene #1.5: because you look so fine
series masterlist
Joel Miller x f!reader
Words: 3.5k
Summary: set in the middle of deleted scene #1 (after Joel & Ellie come home but before you move in with them). Joel's acting weird lately.
Warnings: established relationship, technically spoilers for tlou pt 2 but no one goes golfing, poor communication, p in v, two idiots at the end of the world, fluff, tooth-rotting over the top fluff in the only way two assholes know how, oral (m&f receiving), brief Tommy & Maria cameos, a few butt slaps, good ole southern hospitality, when i started this i meant for joel to play guitar but sadly he does not.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Joel’s been a little weird lately. In a very Joel way.
Or maybe not. You’re not really sure what to think of it.
Ever since that first day when he walked you home from dinner, and you didn’t invite him in, he’s been… awkward.
Or maybe he hasn’t. You don’t really know Joel. It’s a startling realization you had after he left that night.
You lived with him for six months and traveled the country with him, but neither of those were very good representations of him. When you shared the apartment, you only saw him to fuck. You didn’t hang out shooting the shit or have riveting conversations about current events over breakfast.
When you were out of the QZ with him and Tess, there was no talking. Not a single unnecessary word. He and Tess communicated silently. You were on a need-to-know basis and never had a need-to-know.
And those months traveling with Ellie? Well, you’d learned a little more about him, but also, he was under such intense stress that you’re not sure how much was Joel and how much was the situation.
He’s been a lot nicer since he got back to Jackson. Well. Maybe nicer isn’t the right word.
He’s been more talkative and smiled more. Most of the time, when he opens his mouth, though, it’s to be a sarcastic ass.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it.
And, okay, maybe you do know him.
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You decide maybe you’re the one being weird, so you let it go until the weirdness intensifies one Friday night.
Tommy had you both cornered at the mess on Thursday. “So y’all are coming to the Bison tomorrow, right? Ernie came back with a couple of guitars to try to round out the act.”
Joel perks up at this, and you watch him carefully. He’s never seemed interested in whatever goes on at the pub. “They work?”
“They need some love,” Tommy says. “Reckon you might be able to fix ‘em up?”
“Shit,” Joel says, the curse drawn out and low as he thinks. “I might. He gonna let me come ‘n take a look at ‘em?”
“You could probably swing by tonight; see if any of ‘em can be saved.”
Joel eyes your empty plate. “C’mon, I’ll walk ya home first.”
“The Bison is closer than my house,” you say, utterly perplexed by the way this conversation has gone. “I can walk myself.”
“Nah, that’s okay. I’ll come back after.”
You think it’s kind of silly but he’s insisted on walking you home every day. Every day that you don’t end up in his bed, anyway.
Every time, he holds your hand. Sometimes you talk, sometimes you let the warm summer silence lead you.
He always kisses you goodnight. Never as chaste as the first time, but never letting it get out of hand, either. He doesn’t ask to come in. He doesn’t try to start anything.
He’s respecting your boundaries, you think, and it’s kind of weird. But good weird.
Tonight, he lingers with his arms draped loose around your hips, holding you close there but letting you lean your upper body back against the siding. He’s got a look on his face that you can’t identify.
After a moment, he narrows his eyes and jostles you a little with one arm. “Gonna come with me to the Bison tomorrow?”
“Since when do you go to Friday Night Live?” you tease.
He scowls. “Since tomorrow.”
“You can’t say since tomorrow; that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well, I just said it, didn’t I?” His face twists into something you do recognize.
“Hey,” you pout. “Why’re you mad?”
“M’not mad. Will you stop teasin’ me and answer the question?”
You’re so lost it’s not funny. But now you recognize the first expression. He was defensive.
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be a dick. Sure, Joel, if you’re goin’, I’ll come out and see what the fuss is.”
“Don’t gotta try to be something you just are,” he says. There’s a hint of a smirk lurking.
You bite down a smile, rolling your eyes.
“Alright, sweetheart. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” He leans down to kiss you.
“Whoa, mister. You already got a goodnight kiss. Getting greedy?”
He bites at your lip. “Hush,” he scolds, helping himself to several kisses. “That one expired. Gotta make it up to me.���
You’re grinning stupidly, now, but so is he. “Alright, you big baby. One more.”
But he stands up straighter and kisses your forehead instead. “G’night,” he murmurs.
As always, he waits until you’re inside with the door locked before he leaves.
You lie awake for too long, tucked in and cozy, but kept up by the colony of butterflies that he seems to have let loose with all that kissing.
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You’re getting ready to head down to the Bison when there’s a knock at your door. You’re trying not to think about how weirdly nervous you feel.
It’s probably just from the thought of the crowd. There’s a reason you haven’t bothered to check out the bar. Small spaces and big crowds aren’t your idea of a good time.
Maybe they were, once. You don’t really remember anymore. Now, they remind you of the hangings back in Boston.
And that’s a train of thought you’d like to derail, so the knock is a nice distraction.
When you open the door, it’s Joel.
“Oh, hey. Thought I was meeting you downtown.”
“Figured I’d walk with ya,” he says. The words are almost mumbled, and he stands stiff just outside the door.
“Alright, gimmie a few, I was just gonna change.”
“Y’ain’t gotta do that, you look nice,” he says.
You raise your eyebrows. “Thanks?” And you gesture to where a pot of tomato soup had spilled down the side of your tee and then splattered across the bottom of your jeans when it hit the floor.
“Right,” he says.
“You can come in,” you say before heading up to your room.
You spend more time than you’d like picking something to wear. It’s those damn crowds, maybe, making you feel like you need to look nice.
In the end, though, you just pull on a clean tee and jeans with a flannel you’d nicked from Joel when you were out on the road. He hadn’t said anything about it so you figured he never even noticed. It helps, fortifying you against whatever’s making your heart beat out of your chest.
When you get back down, he’s standing in your kitchen. You stare, trying to force your brain to reboot and accept the image of him looming in your space.
He’s got a glass of water in one hand and the other wrapped tight over the edge of the basin.
“You okay?” you say.
He clears his throat and turns around. “Yeah, just needed this,” he gestures with the drink. “For, uh, for these.”
You blink a few times. There are flowers clutched in his other hand, stems trimmed to fit neatly inside.
“Okay,” you say with a shrug.
He sets the glass, now full of purple and yellow blossoms, on the counter.
“We better get going before Tommy sends a search party,” you tease, grabbing him by the belt loops. He lets you pull yourself in, leaning up for a kiss.
It’s syrupy, and his hands come to your waist so he can lick into your mouth, drawing soft moans from you both.
“There’s the hello I was lookin’ for,” he says. He looks you up and down. “Y’look real pretty, sweetheart.”
“You need your eyes checked, old man.” You move to the door, and he follows, waiting while you stuff your feet into your boots without bothering to untie them.
“Sure, let me just call the optometrist,” he rolls his eyes. “You know I like you in my clothes.” He’s patient while you lock the door, but as soon as your key is stowed in your pocket, he’s got your hands wrapped together.
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It’s not until you’re sitting in the bar at a round table with Tommy and Maria that the gears finally come to a stop, and everything falls into place.
Joel’s dragged his chair to butt up against yours, and he’s got an arm slung around your shoulder. You’re leaning against him, talking to Maria about the equipment one of the patrol teams had found at an abandoned farm when your brain shorts out.
Of course, you don’t even get a second to process the thought before it spills from your mouth.
“Joel Miller,” you snap, sitting up and looking at him incredulously. “Is this a date?”
He pulls back a little, eyes wide and brows raised. “Yeah,” he says slowly, like he’s not the one that tricked you into this.
“Were you going to tell me?”
“I…” he looks wildly at Tommy and then back to you. “I thought you knew.”
“Let’s go get some drinks,” Maria says quietly. Her husband doesn’t get the hint, and she has to hiss in his ear about privacy before yanking him away from the table.
“You thought I knew? How would I have known?”
“I’ve been courtin’ ya for weeks,” he says, scowling. “Didn’t think I needed to spell it out for ya.”
“You’ve been what?”
He flushes a little but stands his ground. “Courtin’ ya. Y’know.”
“What are you talking abo—oh. Oh.” A lot of things are starting to make more sense. The flowers. The hand holding. The sweet partings. The way he pulls out your chair at the table.
“What the hell are you doin’ that for?”
He huffs a breath, arms folding across his chest. “Well, never mind.”
You take a deep breath, but it catches, stuttering in the suddenly humid room. “Can we talk about this outside?”
He must see it on your face because he puts a worried hand on your shoulder to steer you through the crowd.
Once in the open, soothed by the slightly cooler breeze, you cover your face with both hands.
“Joel,” you start.
“I was just tryin’ to do right by you this time around,” he tells the patch of grass under his boots.
You can’t help but smile just a little bit. “That’s sweet, but I don’t need you to do all that.”
He looks up at you, mouth still twisted down. But you see it for what it is again. Worry.
“You don’t have to try so hard, Joel; you already know I’m a sure thing.”
“I’m not just tryin’ to fuck you,” he snaps. His hands are clenched into fists, and he won’t look at you now. “I’m tryin’ to… I’m tryin’ to show you—”
You step closer, and he doesn’t shy away, but he does shut his mouth. You wrap your fingers back around his belt loops. “I know,” you say. “But I don’t need all that. I just need you. Just you.”
“I’m no good at this,” he grumbles.
“At what?”
“At… this,” he puts his hands on your hips. “At bein’… at relationships,” he finishes. His ears are red. “Never was.”
“Me neither,” you say. “But I’ve only had the one back before. You coulda lied and pretended to be a pro, and I’d never have known.”
He rolls his eyes and kisses the top of your head. “Just, are you… do you want to be—“
“Joel Miller, are you asking me to go steady?” you grin a little wickedly. “You wanna be my boyfriend? My boo? My beau?”
“Christ,” he says, wiping a hand down his face and groaning. He takes your hand and tugs, heading down the street.
You let him pull you along, still giggling and throwing everything you can think of at him as he weaves through the streets.
“You gonna call me shawty? Gonna make me your girl?”
He stops, and you run smack into him. “Yeah,” he says.
“What?” You hadn’t even realized you’d made it to his house, but he crowds you against it just to the side of the door. “You wanna call me shawty?” You can’t say you expected that.
He rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna make you my girl,” he says. His voice is low, with his head tucked close enough that his breath brushes your ear. One hand is on your hip, and the other is pushing the door open and sliding the key back into his pocket.
Shit, that was smooth.
“What? Ain’t got nothin’ smart to say now?”
You open your mouth, but only a squeak comes out, so you shut it and shake your head.
“Yeah? You wanna be my girl?”
Your throat’s so dry, you think you’d never had water, so you just nod a little, looking up at him through your lashes.
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He smirks and kisses you, hands roaming as he walks you backward into the house. When he pushes you down onto the bed, you realize you don’t even remember climbing the stairs.
Or taking off your pants.
He makes quick work of your shirts and bra but then pulls the flannel back on you. You roll your eyes, but it quickly becomes involuntary when he runs a finger across your slit.
“Aw, sweetheart. You’re all wet. Somethin’ got you all worked up?”
But you aren’t so far gone yet that you can’t bite back.
“Yeah, turns out this hot guy has a huge crush on me, but he was too scared to ask me out. A shame, really.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Well, I really wanted to suck his dick, but I don’t date chickens.”
“Well, that’s just not very nice. You’re hurtin’ my feelings, sweetheart.”
“Big tough guy like you?”
His fingers brush against your clit for little more than a second before he pulls his hand away. “Yeah, I reckon you’re going to have to make it up to me.”
He stands up straight. “Get to it.”
You grin and bring your hands up to his belt, taking your sweet time to drag the end from the loop and tug it away from the buckle. You flick the prong back just as he growls his impatience.
He tugs it out of the loops and tosses it on the ground as you slip the button loose and drag the pull down the teeth of his zipper one by one.
He grabs your chin, fingers digging dimples into your smug grin. “Think you’re bein’ cute, huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just trying to do a good job.”
“Gotta have it in your mouth to do a good job, sweetheart. I taught you how to suck dick better than this.”
He smirks when your eyes darken and you whimper a little at the memory. He lets go of your jaw and shoves two thick fingers in your mouth.
When he pulls them back out, he shows you how wet they are. “You’re fuckin’ droolin’ for it, sweetheart.”
“Uh huh,” you mumble. But your fingers are nimbler, making deft work of the zipper and tugging his pants down.
When his cock springs free, you waste no time swallowing it down. Damn. You had meant to drag it out and tease him.
“See? Ain’t that better?” He strokes your cheek before cupping the back of your head. “So fuckin’ pretty like this.”
You moan and look up at him through your lashes. He groans and pushes you down on his cock until your nose is buried in the thicket of hair at the base.
“Yeah? You feel pretty with my cock in your mouth?” His other hand cups under your jaw, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “My pretty girl,” he murmurs.
There’s a foreign ache in your chest. You use it to distract you while you choke on him, letting him fill your throat and mind.
He fucks you like that for a few minutes, pulling out abruptly. “Hands ‘n knees, sweetheart.”
You obey immediately, though you settle on your elbows instead, a pillow tucked between your arms and head. He gropes at your ass, squeezing and rubbing his hands over it before he gives it a few firm smacks.
As if he can sense the complaint you’re about to make, he spreads you apart and buries his face in your cunt. You forget all about your impatience—you may still yearn for his cock, but his tongue is a hell of a consolation prize.
He’s fucking ravenous. He nuzzles in—you’re absolutely going to have beard burn—and devours. Two fingers pump in and out of your cunt while he licks around and in, and you can’t really tell where he ends, and you begin. It’s all so wet and rough and blissful that you reach your orgasm in no time at all.
But he pulls away, yanking himself from you with heaving breath while you cry out in disappointment.
“Beg,” he growls, slapping your ass before starting to build you up again.
You do. You beg endlessly, pleas and whines and praise spilling from your lips, broken by gasps and cries, but when you’re close, he pulls away again.
He kisses your swollen labia when you nearly sob in frustration.
“Mean,” you peek over your shoulder at him so he can see your wet eyes and exaggerated pout.
“Yeah,” he smirks. “Just like you were earlier, teasin’ me.”
You gasp. “I made it up to you!”
He scoffs. “Yeah, but ya woulda sucked my cock anyway.”
Damn. He’s not wrong. That was as much for you as it was for him.
He’s stroking your clit gently, now, and you’re having a hard time keeping your brains in a line. Or ducks. Whatever it is, they’re not doing a very good job because you can’t remember what you’re mad about.
“Please,” you whimper.
“Please, what, sweetheart? You need my tongue back?”
“Yes—fuck,” you gasp as he stuffs three fingers in your cunt.
“Hmm. Better apologize.”
“I’m sorry!” you say immediately.
He shakes his head. “Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry I was teasing you, please, god-fucking—”
He’s sucking on your clit, pistoning his fingers hard enough that it almost matches the way his cock knocks your brain out.
Finally, finally, he doesn’t pull away. When you reach the edge, abdomen seizing, he works you through it and doesn’t stop until you’re whimpering on the other side.
He stands up, and you’d complain, but you’re too fucked out. Plus, he’s fully out of his jeans now, and all you have to do is stay like this, on your knees with your ass in the air.
He fists himself and drags the head up and down, parting you minutely but never slipping in. “Goddamn, you’re drippin’ for me.”
Your face is smushed into the pillow, but your moan is loud enough for him to hear.
“Whose cunt is this, sweetheart?”
“Wha?” you mumble.
He slaps your ass. “I said, whose pretty little cunt is this?”
“Yours, Joel.”
“And whose girl are you?”
You moan. “Yours, Joel.”
“That’s damn right.” He slams hard into you. “Say it.”
“I’m yours, Joel. I’m your girl.”
“Fuck yeah you are,” he grunts, thrusting deep on each go, barely pulling out only to slam right in. “And I’m all yours, sweetheart.”
You’re embarrassed about it later when he teases you, but his words make you cum.
“That’s it, good fuckin’ girl, cum on my cock. Just how I like it.”
His hand rubs over your lower back as he talks you through it, and it spills over into another orgasm as you clench and shake around him.
His mouth is filthy tonight, peppered with the grunts and moans you love to soak in. His hands never leave you. Eventually, he stops to roll you over and fucks into you with your knees bent up to your chest. Your fingers dig into his arms desperately as the force of his thrusts knock the air out of you over and over and over.
“Fuck, sweetheart, cup your tits for me,” he pants, pulling out and holding his cock at the base while it weeps, and when you obey, he tugs once, twice, before covering them in his cum.
“Shit,” he says, chest heaving as he catches himself on one arm near your head, hovering over you. “Shit, sweetheart. So good to me.”
He lowers himself onto his side next to you and traces an idle finger through the mess on your chest.
“Did you just fucking write your name in cum on my tits?”
“No,” but he doesn’t tell you what he did write.
He kisses you instead, and you roll your eyes but kiss him back.
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You wait until after he’s cleaned you both off and settled back in bed beside you.
“So what’s it gonna be? You gonna call me boo or babe? Or babycakes?”
He rolls his eyes. “Will you knock it off?”
“No,” you admit.
“‘Sides, I ain’t gotta come up with somethin’.”
You pour. “Why not? What if I want a cutesy nickname?”
He rolls onto his side and looks you in the eye. “Already call ya sweetheart, don’t I?”
You flush, heart stuttering. “Oh yeah,” you whisper.
“Good enough for ya?”
“Uh-huh,” you say. “It’s perfect… sweetcheeks.”
His pillow smacks you in the face, and you cackle.
*title from "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Dream World - A Sibling!Mutant!Reader Story - Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairings: None
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: swearing
Series: Yes!
Summary: Y/N just your average human being who goes to university. Meeting up with her friend to study only to procrastinate to watch movies with her. So when Y/N falls asleep in their living room, next to their best friend only to wake up somewhere else. And when suddenly a weird green monster appears in front of them they can’t help but panic and be mighty confused.
Word count: 3212
Authors Note: I wanna write some sibling stuff plus I enjoy mutant reader stories but there aren’t a lot. This idea just grabbed me and didn’t let me go so I will try to work on it every now and again but it will be probably be slow updates. That said I actually took the time to map out the story for once, so I’m hoping to actually finish this one. I just really need a project to work on at the moment.
Y/N knew immediately that something was wrong when they woke up and felt eerily peaceful.
Normally their mornings were stressed and hectic, them rushing around their own flat to freshen up and get dressed all while battling their sleepiness that was still deep in their bones.
Today though they woke up and it was nice and quiet. A stray sunbeam managed to fall through their window, bathing their face in a soft and warm light. This must be what has woken them up, but Y/N didn’t mind since for the first time in a long time they felt somewhat rested. Sure, their usual fatigue was still there but it wasn’t the sleepy haze that pulled at them, beckoning to return to the warmth of their bed, back into a dreamless void.
Yeah, today was surprisingly peaceful.
And this unnerved them.
There was no possible way that this would be the start for their day. Something must have been off, something forgotten.
But what?
Y/N absentmindedly pulled on their blanket, pulling it further against their face as they pondered what on earth could they be forgetting?
Almost as if the universe wanted to help out, their phone rang and when Y/N read the name on the screen they let out a panicked shriek. With this sudden spike of panic, that truly seemed to wake them up, they grabbed the phone and pressed on accept.
Lurching forward, pushing their blanket away from them only to kick it to the end of their bed, they yelled out “Oh my god! May! I’m so sorry! I just woke up!”
May’s laugh filled their ear “I fucking knew it! Honestly, I expected you to be late, but it’s been an hour now!”
Y/N pressed their hand against their forehead, sighing a deep painful sigh “I’m so sorry. I’ll be over there as soon as possible, and I owe you definitely a coffee and a snack. Give me like twenty minutes!”
“I mean I was about to say I waited an hour for you I can squeeze in a few minutes more, but free food does sound fantastic. Don’t stress yourself but get your butt moving!”
Yelling out a hasty goodbye and a few confessions of appreciation and love towards her good nature and patience, Y/N basically threw the phone back on the bed to sprint into the bathroom.
They knew they shouldn’t have hung out with both of their sisters till like 3 a.m. but they couldn’t help themself! Nowadays it’s difficult to get the whole family together since it seemed like they all managed to choose universities or colleges that have been too far away from each other which meant that it wasn’t a thing of casually meeting up anymore.
Both sisters had managed to visit Y/N during their free time, spending a few days at their place. Sadly, both drove back home at around 3 a.m. since they too had plans tomorrow.
Hence why Y/N is here an hour late even though they promised May that both would meet up to study for their graduation exams. It was the last two semesters and since time liked to fly past them, they offered May that the two begin slowly preparing. It was something a few teachers and professors said as advice. Y/N already knew this would mostly just be preparing for the immediate next exams and not the graduation exams, which was fine by them.
After all, Y/N liked to be busy and prepared. May would always roll her eyes at that but still go along with it. It’s also the reason why May called them Bee for a nickname. Y/N is a busy bee indeed.
That didn’t mean though they didn’t oversleep… every now and again. Or often.
After getting dressed and ready, Y/N threw their hands into the bowl that held their keys and fished them out with an annoyed sigh. Taking one more look in the mirror they decided that they looked presentable enough which meant they could finally leave their apartment.
It only took a few minutes until they arrived at their local library since they lived pretty close to campus. It was an incredibly lucky find and they were still praising whatever higher being was out there that allowed them to find a cheap flat close to their university. It even had a living room! It wasn’t just bedroom, kitchen and bathroom but also it had a god damn living room! Having a living room while only working part time jobs due to university was something special, alright?
It wasn’t difficult to spot May. It never was. She loved wearing brightly colored dresses that seemed to shine even brighter against her black skin. May also had a penchant to put little decorative clips into her black curls. And if that wasn’t enough, she also had the most warm and brightest smile Y/N has ever seen on a human. Being in the same room as May always seemed to cheer them up no matter what.
Today May wore a nice yellow dress with orange flowers printed all over it. She had her hair simply pushed back by a yellow hairband that was adorned by orange plastic flowers.
Y/N softly placed the coffee cup they bought on the way to the library and pushed it into May’s view, since she was still busy reading some sort of textbook.
Her eyes first landed on the coffee cup quizzically before her gaze followed Y/N’s hand and arm to finally look into their eyes.
“Y/N! You are finally here! And with an apology as well!” she happily exclaimed as she grabbed the cup without question and took a hasty sip from it only to immediately choke on the hot drink.
Setting down their bag on the table to sit down next to their best friend Y/N began cackling at May’s behavior “You damn well know it’s from the café outside, I really thought I didn’t have to warn you that it’s hot!” They were also holding onto their own hot drink, though clearly not taking a sip just yet.
It took a few more coughs until May could finally respond “Well, you should have. I was just so happy about a free macchiato that I lived briefly in a world where drinks were at the perfect temperature and not too cold or, if you can believe it, too hot.”
“Well, I hope your tongue isn’t too destroyed from a clearly hot beverage that you had your hands wrapped around because I also brought us this” A grin spread on Y/N’s face as they moved their hand that was hiding beneath the table to show that they were holding on to a little package.
May gasped excitedly “Cookies! I love it when you come too late, Y/N.”
“I don’t” Y/N deadpanned only to break out into laughter alongside May.
Fishing out their laptop Y/N placed it in front of them “Welp, time for the not so fun part. Might as well get this over with and then maybe we can do something actually fun.”
“Alright. Let’s get the show on the road then.”
It didn’t take long for more books to cover their table as they begun studying. It wasn’t going horrible, but both were groaning every now and again when they reached a new block in the road.
Luckily since the two had the same major they could help each other out or work together to find a possible solution.
While they took quick breaks in between they decided at one point to grab a salad or a pastry from the café outside. Since they have been cooped up inside the library for hours now, they decided to sit outside of the café with their newly acquired food.
May happily dug into her salad “So, why exactly did you oversleep this time?”
“Oh! My sisters visited me, and we hung out and talked for hours on end. It was nice seeing them both after weeks of just talking via phone.”
As Y/N continued to tell May all about what has happened in the lives of their sisters, May just kept smiling happily. Every now and again throwing some remarks in to keep the conversation going but she mostly kept on listening to Y/N’s happy rambling.
At some point Y/N became aware of this and faltered for a moment, feeling it rude to gush about their sisters to their friend while the two were hanging out but May immediately asked them to give her the details as to why the youngest decided to leave her part time job for another.
May was great like that. She knew how much the two meant to Y/N and she was always happy to hear about them. Their sisters met her a few times as well over the years, so it wasn’t at least Y/N rambling about strangers to May. Even then she probably wouldn’t have minded.
It made Y/N remember that May was also patient whenever they ranted about their current hyperfixation.
Y/N stopped talking as they took another sip of their drink, eyeing May as their thoughts kept swirling about “I’m glad I know you, May.”
Instead of just laughing it off or exclaiming that this was weird to say May’s smile just widened “Aww! I’m glad as well!”
She went quiet for a second. Both just happily basking in the little moment before she spoke up again, changing the topic “Well, if your reason for being too late are your sisters, I would have even forgiven you even without the coffee. Happy I still got it though.”
She stuck her tongue out towards Y/N for a second before taking a sip from her new coffee as if to almost make a point, even though this time she paid for her drink herself.
“Since I kept talking about my family, how about you tell me how your mom and brother are doing! Your mom doing better?”
May nodded energetically “Yes! The flu has finally decided to leave her alone! Good for Derek honestly because he was stuck with having to take care of her. Try telling my mom to go lay down and rest when she is all like ‘It’s just the dishes’! I’m surrounded by workaholics, for real!” She made sure to also narrow her eyes at Y/N accusingly.
Y/N’s eye lit up “That reminds me! We should definitely head back and continue working. But sorry, continue on.”
“You can’t be real, Bee! Just a little bit more! You can’t tell me that your brain isn’t still smoking as well! In fact, how about we head to your place and put on a few movies. I’ll even buy some snacks for us. You know as a way to strengthen us so we can deal with all the studying that will be upon us in the weeks coming.” May had the edges of the table in a death grip as she slightly leaned forward. Surprising even Y/N who is pretty much used to May’s mannerisms.
With a pained expression Y/N mulled this over. Studying is important but movie day with May and snacks sounds amazing indeed. Free snacks at that.
And to Y/N’s chagrin there was May, widening her eyes and pouting. The puppy dog eyes. Y/N’s kryptonite.
“No, we can’t… There are exams coming up…”
May leaned even closer, somehow her brown eyes seemed bigger and shinier.
“I won’t fall for it, May. I’m so much stronger since last time you pulled this.”
“Please?” May asked. Her voice wavered even a bit. Putting every ounce of emotion into this little word.
Staring another few seconds into May’s shining eyes they sighed, visibly slumping down in their chair “Alright. You win. Movie day it is.”
May pumped her fists into the air “Yes! Yes! No one can withstand the May puppy dog eyes!”
“I feel like at this point I should unionize with your mom and Derek so we all can work towards breaking this win streak of yours.”
“You may try but you all will fail either way. I would only need to break one of you for all you to fall like a house of cards.” She stood up to grab Y/N’s hand so she could start tugging them along. It reminded Y/N of a child that wanted to show their parent something amazing.
Y/N stood up and begun following May back to their apartment “You are evil Miss May Wellis.”
“And yet you love me!”
“Just barely.”
After going to the local corner store to grab some snacks, the two finally reached Y/N’s apartment. May was bouncing on her feet the whole way. Rambling off all the movies she really wanted to watch.
Once Y/N opened the front door of their apartment May brushed past them to make her way into the little but comfy living room. May loved hanging out at their place and honestly half of the decoration in the apartment was from her. She loved to make the small place as comfortable as possible.
Honestly if there was enough space Y/N would have offered for them to move in together already since May was lowkey already living here anyway, but alas multiple things got in the way.
The living room had a huge fluffy rug in front of the sofa which in return was covered in a ton of pillows and blankets. Courtesy of May, of course.
Y/N grabbed some drinks out of their fridge and went back into the living room to sit down on the rug next to May who was already making a bit of a nest using all the blankets and pillows. The snacks were on the ground ready to be taking and snacked upon.
“So, what do you wanna watch?” Y/N asked as they settled on the ground against the sofa.
May scooted over towards them to lay a blanket across the two “How about we rewatch The Mitchells vs the machines?”
This made Y/N chuckle “You really love that movie.”
“I do!” May exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air to accentuate her point.
With the remote in Y/N’s hand they just nodded along as May counted off all her favorite things about the movie “Alright, alright! I choose the next movie though!”
Opening up Netflix, Y/N looked through for the movie and started it.
Almost as if to show off how often May did watch the movie she began voicing along a few lines whenever she could which made Y/N just laugh along happily.
The movie ended way too soon for May’s liking, but this gave Y/N the chance to choose a movie. Choosing one of their own favorites. The second movie soon moved unto a third movie which led to a fourth, fifth and even sixth one.
Y/N and May chatted while they watched. Mostly about their essays and exams but also more about their families. Both had perpetual smiles on their faces as they casually cuddled together how they usually did during movie nights.
May’s head at some pointed landed on Y/N’s lab and when they absentmindedly begun playing with her hair, she let out a big yawn.
Minutes later May was fast asleep in their lab and it didn’t take long for Y/N to follow along as well. Falling into a dreamless sleep, holding on to their best friend. Their last thought being of how serene and happy the day was.
When Y/N woke up again, they once again felt unnerved.
Their eyelids felt like led and it took a lot of patience and concentration just trying to open them. Were they that deep in their sleep?
Yet as their eyes opened it seemed their gut feeling wasn’t for nothing.
They expected a lot when they woke up. Either they would have woken up and saw that they somehow managed to sleep sitting up, which would probably end up with a painful neck. Maybe they would have fallen down on the ground next to May to sleep. Maybe the two would have woken up just to properly get into their own beds.
But when they opened their eyes, they were met with a concrete ceiling.
Their flat did not have a concrete ceiling!
As panic rose in them, they shot up, only to be overwhelmed as their head began to pound. It felt like their skull was being split in two and they couldn’t help to curse as they clenched their eyes shut to get through this sudden pain that wrought havoc through their head. It seemed like every pound coincided with their panic ridden heartbeat.
Trying to get through their pain Y/N took deep and slow breaths. Everything was wrong but right now they needed to clam down and get through this. They needed to find out what exactly had happened.
There was a sudden gasp next to them. Fear struck like lightning through them. Their head immediately snapping to the sound.
A panicked and hoarse shriek left Y/N’s mouth as they saw something they could only describe as a monster.
It was a person? A green person. A hard surface, maybe a plastron, across his chest and something like a shell on his back. A blue bandana across his wide eyes. Two red crescents marked his face across his eyes. He was clearly in the middle of just casually walking into the room as he spotted Y/N awake. It looked like he literally froze up in the middle of his movement.
Y/N realized they were on a stretcher and moved back against the wall. It felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Everything is wrong!
The weird person monster thing suddenly seemed to realize that he must have frozen up because he shook his head to get out of his stupor, his shocked expression now changed out for a big smile.
He immediately strode closer to Y/N who tried their best to meld into the stone wall behind them.
“You are awake! Oh my- You are awake! How are you feeling?”
Y/N tried to say something, but panic seized up their vocal cords.
Blue, they decided to call him after his bandana color, seemed to notice their panic because his happy expression changed back into that of worry.
He softly put his hand on their shoulder in an almost familiar fashion, definitely noticing them trying to flinch away “Hey, hey. It’s alright. You are fine! You are safe!”
Are they though?
As they finally spoke, they noticed how hoarse their voice truly sounded “What… What is going on? Who- What? Who are you? What do you want from me?”
They didn’t think it’s possible, but Blue’s green skin seemed to pale. His mouth falling open as he took a step back.
“Y/N? You don’t remember… me?”
Y/N frantically shook their head. Should they? How? When? He did know their name though but there could be plenty of ways to find that out.
He just stared at them, probably trying to read their expression. His hands flew towards the top of his chest, his finger tapping against himself “I’m… Come on. This is not funny Y/N.”
But when Y/N didn’t relax he must have realized that they were very much honest with him.
“It’s me! Leo! Leonardo! Leon Neon! You know… your brother!”
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noonajoe · 2 years
When She Forgets Her Birthday (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader)
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"At Least Don't Forget Your Most Special Day"
Word Count: 600+
©noonajoe (Published on 6 March 2023 - 20:52 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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At first, he will forget because this person is actually experienced in dates, he knew when he forgot important dates he will be smAcKed *just kidding*
Today it’s your birthday and you act cold towards, him. Why? Because it's Q4 of the year, you have many jobs to do at the office. Kuroo didn’t mind that, it is just how it is, you’re a pretty busy career woman but still trying hard to be at home punctual because Kuroo often asks “going home late again? Can I have you 1 hour earlier today :(“
2 days have passed but somehow, it’s November. Huh? That’s weird, in October they are supposed to celebrate only 1 important day: your birthday. Kuroo was confused and checked his phone again, and he just receive a notification entitled “Y/N’s birthday” has passed 2 days late!
He was confused, and called her, “hon, you’re okay, right?”
“Uh? Really Tetsu, don’t mention your stupid prank/confusing questions now I’m still in the middle of work”
“Wow honey, you changed a lot” he pouted, well she forgot her own birthday and she didn’t even remember something missing around her? Okay this woman is pretty something
“Sorry honey, I’m just pretty stressed, I’m going back late again okay:( I’m so sorry for not cooking for you a whole week”. Ok but Tetsu is like, ‘honey sweetie please be sad a little that I forgot your birthday 🙁
They end up their conversation at 8 PM
He goes to the nearest bakery/convenience store/okonomiyaki stand, just anything to make a little surprise for his girlfriend, even tho it’s just a little. 
“I’m home, Tetsu?” the room was pitch black, and she didn’t see anything
He showed up, bringing a self-made pancake with waffles and ice cream, decorated with candles, and a piece of paper written “Happy Late 25th Birthday Kitten! Sorry your man here didn’t find any cakes left on the streets”
“Oh….?” she was confused while Kuroo is singing her happy birthday, and she checked the calendar. “Oh my dear, thank you for remembering it, Tetsu...”
“Seriously? You didn't remember? Even a little?” he asked
“Uh… yeah, well it's late for 2 days... so....”
“No one said happy birthday to you? Last 2 days?” he asked again.
“No one, hon” she said sadly. Well, Kuroo does know that Y/N hates birthdays because she didn’t have any friends, and also her parents were not remembering her day much because of financial problems since she was little, she always stays with her grandma yet she never celebrate her birthday. Not even once. She often sad when she saw her friends celebrating their birthday with their parents and relatives. that’s why before she met Kuroo, she always forgets her birthday. At first she just dont want to remember, but later she just forgets it. poor woman:(
“Kitten you have me now, okay? Please just let me spoil you with any stupid gifts, even I will give you a car on your special birthday” He strokes her head, hoping her to just depending on him more, it's her special day.
“Nuh-uh, no thank you mister rooster there. Car it's too expensive including maintenance, tax, and insurance. Just you remembering is more than enough for me” she answered him, kiss him on the cheek, and hugs him tightly because it's her 1st birthday to celebrate.
"Whatever then, that's really you. But remember if you forget your birthday again I will forcefully spoiling you" he hugging her back. She remembers Tetsu's important dates such as matches, birthday and even his cat's death anniversary. So he feel wrong not celebrating his darling girl.
“okay then, blow up the candles first please, don’t forget to make a wish” he laughs, stroking her head, leading her to blow the candles.
“Should I say my wishes out loud?” she jokingly asked him
“Well I will be glad to hear it, but if you don’t it’s okay. It’s your day, honey” he answered, with a smile, so many couples were angry when their partners forget their days but this time, it’s not so bad.
“My wish is you’ll stay remember again like this, even if it’s 2 days late” she blew up the candle.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Breaking point : Matt Murdock x f!reader
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A/N: so in my work I deal with a hell lot of dirty cases. This story was loosely inspired by one of them.
Domestic violence is probably the worst silent crime, since in a hell lot of times it leaves no traces. Victims are ashamed of it, scared to report it and it usually ends up ugly. So, remember, do not hope for it to get better, do not make excuses and try to justify the perpetrator. React. Act if you see violence. You may literally save someone's life.
Warning: anxiety, domestic violence,
When Matt was out of town I was usually spending time at my parents’ place.  It was a good way to mix the obligation of daughter’s visit and  a nice way to not miss him so much. Being in an empty apartment always gave me thoughts. Sometimes they were crazy, so, you know, it was better not to be alone.
So when he had to go to the other side of the country, dealing with the case with Jennifer Walters, the freaking she-hulk I grabbed some of my stuff and after a quick but sweet goodbye left to my parent’s house for a weekend getaway.
It was good at the begging, but the hell was soon to be brought to earth.
Let me just say, I had a really stressful week, like really stressful and when I’m under heavy pressure my anxiety kicks in and I can’t really talk. And besides, I was exhausted. So, when I woke up at 9 a.m., which was later than my usual, I felt the urge to stay in bed. Not like I’m lazy and I don’t want to get up just yet, but more like I can’t force myself to move or even I’m scared to move. Fuck! Should have listened. Instead I tried my best to water that feeling down, standing up and moving on with the day. Finally, after some traditional Saturday clean-up and some workout that made me feel slightly better, I believed myself strong enough to get downstairs, hoping for someone to just talk to. My dad was busy with his stuff but since my mum was in the kitchen I asked my classis good-willed question (even though I already knew the answer).
“Do you need help with something?”
“The whole house needs to be cleaned, since no one did it yesterday. The toilets are all dirty and dusty, so you can go pick some gloves and start the work. I don’t really understand how this place can get so messy all the time. And there are only adults, here. God, I have to do everything by myself, no one’s ever helping.” Right, come at me with the commands thrown with the speed of machine gun. Just what my anxiety screams for.  Besides,  we were standing in the middle of clean kitchen and my sister and I were taking turns in visiting parents and helping them at home and in the garden and with all the paperwork stuff they needed. So, was it fair to say no one was ever helping.
“Right…” I muttered sipping on my tea. “because the life is all about having clean house” of course I was not a slob and eventually I was going to vacuum, but come on, her attitude was influencing everyone and lately, barely anyone has been talking to anyone in this house.  But hey, at least it was tidy.
“What did you say?” she turned her gaze on me. Oh, shit. “Do you see yourself? In your age you look like a scruff, this sweater….” She wrenched the hem of my clothes “in your age…. That’s unbelievable!” she was just getting started. Abort! My brain screamed at me and knowing how this can go I retrieved upstairs. Sadly, it did not stop her from following me to my old room.
“What is that?” she started moving around “do you see that blanket. All dirty. And this…” she pointed towards the carpet “I would be ashamed to live in a piggery like this. Oh, and how about that psychologist that you have your session with? I’m going to get her number , call her, invite her in and show her around this mess . Then she’ll see who you really are” she hissed at my face and left. I did not engage just watching her carefully, at this point still calm, with a pinch of disbelief. What was happening? I offered her a hand and now she was ranting about everything.
“you know I think life is not only about…..” I started
“What do you know about life?!” she yelled ”you have no life! You are worthless, pathetic, grubby person.”
“And what do you know about life?!” now I had enough.
“Are you trying to preach me!?! You?! I am you mother!” she abruptly walked to me and I get back to my room, sitting on the bed to calm down a little. It did not stop her, as she started walking around the house muttering to herself. Well, muttering would be nice, but she was legitimately trash-talking me.
“Ungrateful piece of shit. She thinks she can talk back to me like this. It would be so much better for me without her. Who the hell does she thinks she it? That worthless fake of a …….”
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” I am ashamed to admit I finally broke, screaming my lungs out at her. All the childhood and teenage memories flashing thought my eyes. All those time I was forced to be obedient with every method possible. All those times, she hit me, scratched me or attacked me mentally aiming at everything I worked for so hard. All the times, when I had to be perfect, quiet and cover up for all the shit happening at home. Every single time I needed to earn the attention or a scrap of time for her, since she was always busy with work.  “I AM SO DONE WITH YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS!’I was not thinking straight in my blind rage. Oh, boy….
“THAT IS ENOUGH!” she was now possessing the fury of a raging animal and out of instinct I grabbed her throat.
“How do you like that, huh? Isn’t that what you used to do to me for so many years?!” yeah, I still had some scars on my neck from the time she was choking me and putting pressure with her nails. She let out a single scream and as I realized what I was doing I let go (even if it wasn’t even half as hard as her shriek indicated) and that gave her leverage as she throw me onto the coach, pushing my face down and pressing on my throat harshly.
“You’re out the house. You have five hours to get out! The clock is ticking! You…..” she panted and left, closing the door loudly. I barely had time to swallow all the tears and grab my hurt neck when she was back.
“Oh, and just so you know. I’m going to call the police. And your job. I’m going to show them everything you just did and tell them you are a criminal. You are done. You have nothing! Five hours! I don't care if you'll end up killed z raped or eviscerated!"
I was shocked. My whole body, especially legs were trembling so hard it was impossible to stand up. At this point she was capable of everything and my heart was beating frantically at the thought of her accusing me of being a perpetrator and a source of domestic violence. I literally felt my stomach drop, feeling cold and shivering at the same time with suffocating from the heat. My head was killing me, I felt dizzy and utterly terrified. What do I do? Oh, God, what do I do? Do I run? Do I stay? Do I call someone? But she will find me everywhere… Please, no. And what if she’s really going to make a call at the police station……
With all the thoughts spinning in my mind, now I understood why the casualties are always covered with the blanket. I felt sick…..Even the grounding technique I learned during my therapy was for nothing. She threatened me and treated me coldly and harshly all my life and yet I was feeling guilty.
“Ok, Y/N….. Calm down….. Calm down….. Deep breaths. …. Think…..”  I told myself.
After some time that felt like an hour, but was in fact just a couple of minutes, the brain fog dispersed and I felt  the urge to group chat with Matt and my sister. With a huge prick of conscience because I knew they were both busy, but there was no one else I could ask for advice of what to do. I wasn’t thinking straight and desperately needed a look from the outside this hell. I took one deep breath more and gathering my composure dialed their numbers.
“Hello?” my sister cheerful voice resonated on the other side of the line.
“Y/N?” Matt asked with almost the same amount of joy
And this did the job. My composure felt apart like a house of cards, since upon hearing them I just stared sobbing uncontrollably, not able to say a word, tears falling down like crazy.
“Oh my god” my sister whispered “Calm down.”
I sobbed even more, but a bit more quiet. Thank god, she knew exactly what to do. When I got like this (well, this was the first time with such intensity and I was sure she was terrified to hear me completely out of control), the best way was to talk to me calmly, telling me what to do. Not a command, just a way to hold on to reality.
“Just calm down” she repeated “sit down. Breathe. Just breathe”
“Ok….okey….” I panted
“Good. Breathe. Take a tissue and clean your nose.”
“Yeah, that.. that may be hard….” I hiccupped, now with a bit of humor hidden in the voice.
“What happened?” Matt asked calmly, but clearly disturbed. The daredevil was at this point surely awake and I was glad he was strong enough to control his alter ego and not overtake the conversation letting my sister lead the way. He knew better than to interrupt us.
“We…. We had a fight…..”
“Which one?” my sister asked simply
“there;s only one of them that can make me like this….”
“Ok, so it was mum, surely. Walk me through it.”
And so I started talking, briefing the case, as Matt would put it., both of them listening carefully. When I got to the point where I attacked my sister chuckled a bit.
“You did what?” I felt her smile through the fun “Wow! That is just WOW! I’m shocked!” was it just me or did she sound impressed? Since I was always a victim, beaten and humiliated maybe she was awestruck.
“Positively or negatively?”
“Don’t know yet… Just shocked.”
“I feel so guilty about it….” I hiccupped again
“Baby…” Matt soothing voice took over “you are a victim not a perpetrator, you hear me?”
“I do….”
“Listen, to me carefully, I am going to pick you up as soon as I can, all right? Don’t go anywhere…..”
“I am not able to go the garden in this state, let alone anywhere else…..” oh, those damn tears made my voice shake
“There’s some tranquilizing syrup in my old room if you need some…” my sister pointed out, alerted by my state.
“No, I….. I don’t think I need that….. But,….. what if she’s really going to do that? Call the police and ……”
“Of course, she’s not.” my sis said firmly “breathe. It’s all just talk, all right? Don’t worry about it….”
“How can I not worry about it…..” I wiped my eyes with the sleeves, feeling like a child and desperately needed someone to hold me.
“Baby…. Just stay calm. I;m already on my way .
“But I thought you were working……”
“Not anymore. I’m coming.” He repeated “No one is going to hurt you, I promise. I won’t let anyone harm you. You hear me?”
“Thank you. And I;m so sorry to both of you.”
“Are you crazy?! What are you sorry for?!” my sister exclaimed in-style and I smirked unwillingly. Her attitude was helpful
“Y/N…..” Matt sighed “how many times do I have to assure you, you mustcall me when you need me. I am here, anytime.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m gonna hung up now, but call me again if something happens, all right?”
“Thanks again, sis.”
“Talk to you soon.” The line on her side disconnected and now I was left with Matt on the phone.
“Matty….. I…. I think I need to catch a breath now. I’ll talk to you when you get here?”
“Are you sure? I can stay connected….”
“I’ll be fine for now. It’s just… a lot….”
“Ok, sweetheart. Lay down, get some rest, I bet the emotions are high.”
“Speaking as the human or the devil?”
“Both. You know, lawyers deal with different cases.”
“Sometimes I forget about your day job. See you soon?”
“Yes. Now, close the door and rest.”
So I did. The second I hung up, the shivers came at me again and I had to wear additional sweater to avoid freezing.  When the softness and warmth surrounded me I slowly started to drift off.
I sprung out of bed screaming, eyes wide open, breath expedited, sweat dripping down my forehead. I had no idea where I was and how the hell I ended up in my pajama instead of jeans and jumper.
“Y/N. Hey, it’s all right. You’re safe. “ it took deep, calming voice and a pair of strong arms sneaking around me to start thinking clearly again.
“Matty….” I turned towards him, diving into his arms, grateful that my knight in shining armor came for rescue, however cliché that sounded.
“I’m here….” He whispered holding me tighter to his chest, stroking my hair softly and leaning back so we were laying on the bed again.
“You don’t need to say anything” he assured “we’ll deal with it all later. You’ve just been though a traumatic event, let it all out. Don’t hold it.”
And then the tears started falling again. I felt the unfairness of everything that happened, the cruelty hit me hard and I could not understand why and how someone (my mother) could be so vicious. Matt said nothing for all the time I was shaking next to him, just keep holding me, providing me with little head kisses, warmth and sense of security.
“Can you stay with me like this?” I asked hiding my face in his chest
“I’m not going anywhere. “ he assured “Just need you to promise me something”
“You won’t ever go there again. At least not without me…”
“I promise. It didn’t felt like home there anyway. I think my home is somewhere else.”
“Really” he chucked caressing my back soothingly “and where is that?”
“With you” I muttered  “You are my home…”
“And you are mine Y/N” Matt kissed my temple “I love you. Rest now. And I am not leaving this like that.”
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measurelessdreamer · 24 days
Do you talk in your sleep?
My mom said it scared her when I was first in need of a toothfairy because she walked in the room and I started talking. Well my sister who I shared a room with at the time, responded. Yes we were both asleep but we would have nonsense conversations.
My husband has also witnessed the sleep talk. When we were first married and he worked until 4 am, he came home and I said something so he started telling me about work and realized at some point I was not responding in ways that really made sense so he asked if I was awake and I told him no, he asked if I was going to remember this in the morning and I said no. Well I was right on both counts lol.
I don't think I really talk in my sleep much anymore because I struggle with sleep now, used to be if I was asleep a car wreck could happen nearby or the barn could catch on fire and have firetrucks show up and I would not wake up, and I have to be so very deep asleep to talk. Yes those are both real events I slept through.
I also know my younger older brother used to talk in his sleep too. Just not sure of my oldest brother.
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
So sorry for the delay on your asks! I'm horrible. To my knowledge I don't talk in my sleep, but I snore, so I guess it evens out haha. My best friend talks in their sleep, though I never tried talking to them, but I witnessed it. They would say very random shit and I would get scared because sometimes it sounded relevant, like there was this one time when I had to stay up late for an exam and my best friend was already asleep and I think I was partly stressed because I was trying not to make any noise to wake them up. They are light sleepers and our dorm room is very small so we hear everything and I was being self-conscious about how much noise I was making because my best friend has sleeping problems and I wanted them to get some sleep. I think that I made a bit more noise at some point, like, I bumped my leg against my desk very loudly and they said "Well?" very judgmentally and it was so sudden that I nearly lost my shit haha. It was just so quiet and very late and I didn't want them to wake up and this just scared the shit out of me because I wanted them to sleep and I thought I woke them up, but luckily no. I told them about it the next day and they found it very funny, especially since we are not native speakers of English and they found it funny that they talked in English in their sleep because it hadn't happened to them before.
I think it's hilarious that you are capable of having conversations with someone while sleeping. I laughed at your exchange with your husband, but I think if I was your husband, I would freak out. I'm just the freaking-out kind of person in this context sadly haha.
I also have trouble sleeping. Like, I can fall asleep very easily, but I wake up multiple times per night usually and while I don't have trouble falling back asleep most of the time, the sleep feels sort of unsatisfying because of all the waking up. It really doesn't take a lot for me to wake up and be very much conscious right away. Before, I used to require more time to actually find myself in a fully functioning state, but these days, I'm just alert right away and it sucks when I want to sleep because I instantly start thinking about all I have to do the following day and I get stressed and that keeps me from sleep. It's hard. I miss the days when sleeping used to be easier, but I don't think I would be able to sleep through a car wreck, like, ever in my life. That is some superpower.
Thank you so much for the ask! ^^
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100493503004422 · 2 years
I know this isn’t like an ick or whatever but I genuinely am concerned that *I* might be the problem. My girlfriend is European and she’s a dual native speaker of English and an indigenous language that’s been like widely discriminated against and faced erasure multiple times, it’s a severely endangered language even in her own country. She moved to Boston to be with me and she doesn’t get to speak it much anymore because literally no one speaks it here, so when she does get to use it out in the wild it makes her super happy. And she’s super connected to it heritage-wise, like she can trace her family heritage to speaking this language for 700 years, with proof. Her parents died in January so she really does have no one to speak it with other than very occasional calls with her sister. Here’s the thing: I really fucking hate the language. It sounds weird, has some weird noises, sounds really harsh but also like Similish. I hate it when she speaks it out in public, I hate it when she tries to speak it at home. My family are encouraging of her speaking it around them even though they don’t understand a word because my parents immigrated from Romania and they know what it’s like. On a level, I do get it, I speak Romanian with my family and I am able to understand a lot of what my girlfriend says when she speaks her language because she taught me a bit when we first started dating. But I refuse to speak back to her in it because I hate the way it sounds. I’ve noticed that she’s been trying less and less lately and this week she’s just stopped trying at all. I asked her about it and she very sadly told me that I’ve just stopped replying to her at all when she speaks it, even in English. I didn’t even notice I’ve done it. On the one hand I feel super guilty and on the other I’m really glad I don’t have to hear it anymore. Am I a terrible person?
the short answer is yes. you know this. you typed all this bc you know how it makes you sound. I'm having trouble even coming up with a potential solution for you bc the solution is that you need to get over it. when you understand a language you don't hear it as discordant sounds anymore, maybe you should try learning it more so it sounds like meaning to you instead of noise. and other thing is desensitize yourself to it by listening to youtube videos of people speaking in it. bc I cannot stress enough how much you need to get over this.
at its core it sounds like you feel embarrassed by your girlfriend's heritage and she doesn't deserve that. if that's not the case you need to do work to make this not an issue for you anymore. shape up or ship out. Invalid.
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uridestiny · 7 months
The Warrior of the Moon Chapter 14: My next step?…
Previous chapter:
After several minutes of silence between us, with the sound of the oven, the sweet bread and the forest insects, Adrien's ears fluttered, he had probably remembered something.
¨Now that I remember, why were you and that adventurer holding hands?¨ Adrien's question baffled me, it took me a few seconds to understand what he was referring to.
¨He was just giving me a little tour of the city¨ That wasn't practically a lie.
"But holding hands?" He insisted with a mocking smile. "I didn't know you were a heart-stealer, sister."
I grimaced at his comment, he just shook his ears and tail at my expression, he was clearly joking with me. But I intended to hit him back.
¨And when one of my brothers would come home with a girlfriend, I wonder?¨ I smiled when I saw my brother's reaction, he changed his position and looked absently somewhere else while trying to remain calm.
I felt pleased with my victory, I really rarely could stand up to Adrien when he acted joking with me, but I felt relaxed knowing that he was even in the mood to make jokes.
¨And how are things at home?¨ Adrien asked.
"They’ve been boring, Aaron complains bitterly every day." I sighed at the idea of mentioning how my brother would be feeling at this moment.
¨Don't tell me, has he complained again that his coffee doesn't have enough foam?¨ Adrien asked in a joking tone.
"Not only that, he has even complained that he can't fall asleep because the pajamas he wore yesterday can't be worn again that same night because he's already worn them once and it smells bad."
Adrien laughed, he knew very well how Aaron usually complains a lot, especially when he was very stressed about work.
"He's probably worried about me too." Adrien sighed after laughing.
¨Believe me he does, he complained yesterday about your absence and your decision to become a soldier, every time we mention you, he complains bitterly... But he really seems very distressed.¨ I sighed a little sadly, knowing that Aaron had his own way of reflecting his concern, even if he seemed to act with annoyance or anger towards others at times.
"I bet he still complained but knowing that you left without warning. “ Adrien said and then his ears fluttered again. ¨Oh, wait, speaking of the evil...¨
Adrien raised one of his hands and took out a letter from his pants; he placed it on the table and I managed to see Aaron's name written on the envelope...
¨I received it recently when I was asked to return to rest.¨ Adrien paused, contemplating the letter and then returning his gaze to me. ¨At first I didn't think about reading it at that time, because when I didn’t find you in the Adders’ Nest I thought you had already started your way to return home, but now that I know you haven't left... And that Aaron is probably cursing the heavens and the hells right now...¨
I immediately understood Adrien's point, it was his way of pointing out that the best thing for me would be to return home before Aaron was angry enough to take it upon himself to come to Eorzea and drag us both back to Sharlayan.
¨Do you want to read the letter?¨ Adrien asked.
“No” I responded quickly.
¨I know what will be written, first a greeting, then a panicked message about my absence and then a final curse for you, and probably what he adds at the end will be, - ¨If you find her, convince her to come home, don't take her side because I already have a lot of problems to deal with right now¨ - I know he won't say that last part with bad intentions towards us... Lately he has been very stressed with the demands of the Forum.¨
Adrien sighed and ran a hand over his head, knowing he couldn't ignore his own twin's letter for long.
"I plan to send a letter to him tomorrow, first I will tell him that you are with me and that you’re fine, if I don't tell him that, he will probably come sooner than we think to scold us both for keeping him away."
I placed my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands that supported me, I thought carefully about the situation, I was cornered by what was inevitable.
¨Do you intend to stay here for a few days or are you planning to leave early tomorrow?¨ Adrien asked, I pouted, disgusted at the idea of leaving so soon, but then I remembered something important.
"I can't leave" I declared firmly. "I have a debt to pay here"
Adrien raised an eyebrow, confused.
"I uh... I didn't pay the adventurer who helped me today." At my comment, Adrien tried to contain his laughter, but he couldn't.
"I knew you and that adventurer were planning something," he said, laughing. ¨I won't stop you if you want to go on a date with your boyfriend, but I'm warning you sister, you're moving forward in leaps and bounds-¨
¨THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US!¨ I shouted indignantly, interrupting Adrien, but that only made him laugh harder.
I complained bitterly at my brother's laughter, he was clearly bothering me, but I never liked misunderstandings, and the mere thought of seeing myself dating a person I had just met made my blood boil with frustration and anger. I have little tolerance for this type of jokes.
When Adrien managed to control his laughter, he looked at me somewhat curious.
¨What kind of debt is it if I may know?¨
At that moment I could have sworn I could punch Adrien in the face, but I held back, because I really didn't want things between us to get tense again, so I swallowed my anger and pride and decided to explain what happened today as well as our meeting.
"From what I was able to learn, adventurers are rewarded for their efforts in helping people who ask for their services, and since I couldn't pay him before he left, I don't feel it's fair to leave without paying him properly." I finished explaining to Adrien.
He seemed to understand and then got up from his seat to stick his head out the window and check how much time he had left before he would probably receive his next call to continue his service.
"I would recommend that you think about it early in the morning, it's getting late and I need to sleep at least a few hours to be able to work tomorrow." Adrien said walking towards the door that led him to his room with bed.
¨If you want, I'll give you the bed, I'm just going to change my clothes ¨ He said while taking off his shirt; for me it was no longer strange to see him changing, but even so, I decided to turn around when I saw him walking into the room to look for more comfortable clothes.
¨It's not necessary, I remind you that I usually stay up late out of habit... ¨ Then I remembered something important. ¨Brother... When you return from your service tomorrow... Can we bake gingerbread cookies together?¨
After that question, I felt him reach out and pat my head again.
¨Of course, and we'll send a package of cookies to Aaron as an apology.¨ Adrien said with a smile.
I turned around and hugged him again, he had changed his clothes and was now ready to go to sleep.
"If you feel like going to sleep in a while, then the couch is available for you" Adrien said and then he let go of the hug, walking towards his room to sleep. "Good night Destiny"
¨Good night Adrien.¨ I smiled as I saw how Adrien said goodbye and closed the door to his room.
I sat in the chair next to the small table, looked at my empty metal cup for a moment and refilled it with the little warm water that was still inside the kettle. When I left it back in its place, I looked among my brother's utensils if there was anything that could help preserve the dessert that was left over after our conversation. I placed a cloth napkin on the bread, hoping that it wouldn't get too dirty, and I approached the oven boiler to reduce its heat and in a while it would turn off. The night is cold in the forest, not excessively but still felt considerably.
I turned off the oil lantern, leaving only the furnace boiler light on. I took a set of clothes out of my backpack and went to change in the bathroom. When I left, I was wearing more casual clothes that were ideal for sleeping, except for a jacket that I decided to take with me to go out.
It is a habit of mine to go out at night to look at the night sky; After all, my kind has always preferred the night for many of our activities, and although my brothers taught me many of their customs and raised me again in Sharlayan, they let me retain the customs that my own parents had instilled in me, among others. The most common was to go out to admire the night, the moon and the stars. Although I also used to sing at night next to my mother, being in a city like Sharlayan where every Scholar required their rest, I only limited myself to humming the song that my mother taught me or simply staying silent.
Leaving my brother's cabin, I managed to climb on top of the roof and sit on the tile on top of the wood. The air around was restless, I could tell something wasn't right, there was something... It just wasn't right. I looked at the sky seeking solace in the stars, but my eyes kept focusing on Dalamud.
I tried to ignore its presence, but it was difficult with its bright color standing out unusually in the sky, being unusually closer than it should be. I turned my back on Dalamud, hoping that would calm me down and focus my gaze in another direction. Although Aaron taught me the constellations, I really had little interest at this point in looking for them right now, my intention was simply to get lost in my thoughts until I started to feel drowsy. I thought about what happened today and how it was thanks to the kindness of people that I was able to make peace with Adrien. But I was still worried about the new storm that would come with Aaron.
Even after I turned 16, Aaron still saw me as a little girl, probably for the simple fact that I lived under his roof and we worked in the same place; Although at this point I could already consider the opportunity to be independent, I never considered for myself what I wanted to do.
While Aaron always pointed out that I should seek to study an approach to advanced magic or perhaps advanced research, I never really had any interest in following in his footsteps and showing myself as a useful woman for science. I preferred to follow my own pace without the need to feel pressure on others.
When you focus on something, there will be people who always expect you to do the best, and will pressure you to continue doing it at the cost of many things, you abandon what you used to do to adapt and continue doing it; I know those who don't find that a problem, and they adapt because it is what they have chosen to do and they know they are good at it.
On the other hand, Adrien has always supported me in doing what I want to do and taking my time to make a decision, because once I do it, it will be for life and although there is the possibility of taking another path, I must choose carefully where I should go and where I want to go.
The future is something that is always left to worry and to the expectation that things will be done as such, the thought of it has always filled my heart with fear; and even though Aaron and Adrien have different opinions about my future, it just shows that they care about me too much and don't plan to leave me alone. It's a little frustrating at times, but this feeling calms my heart every night I look up at the sky.
But, if I have learned anything today it is that "In the present there are many good things that we can do, because we are here and we are capable of making it possible."
Maybe I should keep my focus on the present and what I can do while I'm here.
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kestrelvylbrand · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @luck-and-larceny, who stole the cute lil section dividers from @ashenbun's post •°•°• and now I'm stealing them too!
Last song: The Parson's Project - Dr. Tarr and Professor Feather. I was driving home through a pretty bad rainstorm yesterday. Even though it was only around 5 pm, it was super dark and really coming down, so I was driving really slowly and feeling in a kind of gothic mood. I originally wanted to listen to this really cool Edgar Allan Poe album, but it wasn't on Spotify, so I went with The Parson's Project Tales of Mystery and Imagination instead.
Currently reading: Sourcery by Terry Pratchett. @vetinarivisuals and @luck-and-larceny have been bugging me to read his book for ages, and I've always wanted to, but I had several years where I just really struggled to finish books. With the new audiobooks starting to come out last year, it seemed like a good time to do it, so I'm working my way through all of them! So far, I've been going in order, though I may start diverting from it eventually.
Currently watching: The Great. I really enjoy it, it's a great show, I'm in season 2 at the moment. Though I gotta admit, in the first season, I was reminded a lot of A Royal Affair, and I kind of wonder if they took some inspiration there. Since it's only an occasionally true story, I feel like it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to take inspiration from another royal house.
Current obsession: Freelance work, sadly. My work has been crazy lately and I'm trying to get set up to be able to cut down my hours there a bit by doing more freelance work, but also that kind of sucks. Baldur's Gate 3 is likely gonna take over next week lol.
And then I just started my D&D game up after a few months of break and it's stressful and awesome and fun, so there's that too :D
Tagging: @vetinarivisuals, @dumb-hat, anyone who wants and hasn't been tagged yet! Tag me if you do so I can read it!
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hi. i’m not sure suppressing my stims is effecting me negatively. my mom gets embarrassed if i do it to much when we aren’t at home, so it’s important that i keep the stimming to a minimum. i haven’t seen any bad side effects, but that could be because i just don’t know what i’m looking for. is there a way i could identify any negative side effects? or a way to more effectively stim, so that i have to do it for shorter amounts of time? right now my stimming happens for a while, when it does, and i’d like to cut down on that. my family would be much happier, with me this way. you’ve said that there isn’t anything wrong with it, but the way it dampens my mother’s mood is a big issue for me. i love her a lot, and i want to do anything i can to make her happier, since she’s been having a hard time lately.-G
Suppressing a non-harmful stim in favor of another persons comfort is never a good answer.
Sighs. /g
I sadly don't know you personally nor your living circumstances. Are you neurodivergent in some way? If so, suppressing would not be a good idea. Redirecting from very 'embarrassing' stims (e.g. vocal stims) to more subtle ones (tapping your foot) is fine & works well (in my experience). It even can be necessary to prevent harmful stimming (hitting your head or yourself, nail biting, skin picking...)
Sighs again.
I do camouflage my autistic behaviours from time to time. I GET where you are coming from. I know that autistic people being openly autistic is not a want in society (what irony, I know).
Why do you stim?
That is a question you should ask yourself. Do you need it to be able to do something? Can you walk into the sensory hell of a supermarket & NOT feel the need to stim or tune out the noises? If so, then you are very lucky, because I can't. I mean, I can fake being unbothered, but that's just a mask. It will lead to me feeling like I'm being crushed alive when I lay down that mask at home.
I understand that you want to make your mother 'happy', but she shouldn't feel embarrassed about your stimming in the first place - that is a issue she has & it has nothing to do with YOU. /g /nm
The amount of time I need for active stimming varies because of many different factors. With 'active stimming', I mean a period of time when I am engaging just in sensory activities (this does not include my stimming when I do something). When I'm stressed, I need a few hours to calm down. On some days, when I'm relaxed, I might not need as much time, but still want it, because it makes me feel happy.
Can you 'stim more effectively'? I am not sure what you mean by that. Stimming IS effective, it has a purpose & therefore can't be made more effective than it already is.
You can try to 'actively stim' before doing something stressful to get you more regulated beforehand, but you can't really plan on that. It can help though.
To your question:
Negative side effects I EXPERIENCE when I'm not engaging in stimming when I want or feel the need to (which is highly connected to my signs of upcoming meltdowns & shutdowns)
Less sensory regulated (since there is no sensory input I can focus on)
Less emotionally regulated (stimming is a form of processing) - leads to anger outbursts
Feeling tension in my whole body to the point it hurts
Feeling like I'm slowly suffocating leading to panic attacks
Dissociation or feeling numb/ disconnected from my body to protect myself from overwhelm
Depressive thoughts
Headaches, stomach aches, feeling nauseous
I can't concentrate on anything (especially in a turbulent environment)
And many many more
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thewatermelloncat · 1 year
Six Weeks and Stuffed Wombats
Week Two
Summary: There is a saying that things get worse before they get better. Only two sessions in, Rosé didn’t think that her friendships would already start to suffer.
Prologue Week One
“Yesterday I didn’t do all of, since I wasn’t really home” Rosé brings up one of the empty thermometers as she hands her book over for Tamisha to look at. 
“That’s okay” Tamisha says. “Were you out late?”
Rosé shakes her head. “No, I stayed over at Denali’s.”
“Was there something that happened at home?” Tamisha frowns, remembering Rosé telling her last week about how she stays over with Denali when things aren’t great for her.
“No, it was just because” Rosé explains. “I had choir practice early this morning and her place is closer. So, it’s just easier sometimes.”
“Did practice go better than last week?” Tamisha asks.
Rosé grinds her lip between her teeth with a sigh. She should have known that her panic attack would be brought up at some point, but she thought that it would have been in the first week. The fact that they’d seemingly skipped over it made her feel like they wouldn’t have to talk about it. Except by now her luck has run out.
“Yeah, it went better” she finally answers.
“And your teacher apologised for last week?”
Rosé nods.
“Do they know how what they said affected you?”
“I don’t know… I hope not.”
“Do you have panic attacks often, Rosé?” Tamisha picks up her book, ready to write a note down.
“I don’t think so. I don’t really know what often means” she admits.
“One or more a month.”
“Then no” Rosé answers. “Only one or two every few months, maybe. It jumps around a bit.”
“So, you can’t find any patterns between them?” Tamisha’s pen hovers over the page. “No common factors, like stress or certain places?”
For a while Rosé sits in silence, far longer than it takes her to think of the answer. Then she finally nods.
“Could you share what they are?” Tamisha prompts gently, noticing Rosé’s hesitance to speak.
“I don’t sleep so well a lot of the time. I just... I don’t know” – Rosé sighs – “nightmares just seem childish.”
“Adults and children are just as likely to have them as each other. They’re a normal way of processing information” Tamisha assures.
“I always thought that dream reading stuff was mythical” Rosé frowns sceptically.
Tamisha smiles faintly. “Well, I don’t think they’re in anyway prophetic. But while we sleep our brain uses that time to process events and emotions. Just often in a way that doesn’t make any sense” she explains. “Can you tell me what normally happens in yours?”
Rosé takes a breath before she answers, “I’m normally in my room, in my bed, and I can’t move. I never know why, but I just can’t.”
“And how do you feel?”
“Stuck” Rosé scoffs a laugh, but her eyes shift uncomfortably. Her hand gripping onto the fabric of her jacket.
Tamisha stays silent, waiting for her to list more.
“Scared.” Rosé’s smile drops before she adds more quietly, “helpless.”
“And do you ever know why you’re scared?”
“Sometimes… sometimes it’s my dad, but there’s this other person… he… he’s not in all of them, but the ones with him are the worst.”
“And this other person, what does he do?” Tamisha asks gently.
“He… I’m sorry, I don’t” – Rosé cuts herself off with a sigh. Shaking her head before she looks away.
“That’s okay” Tamisha backs away for a moment. Then she notices Rosé’s hand gripped tightly at the edge of her jacket and reaches forward to pick up the stuffed wombat from the table between them. Handing it out for her to hold instead.
Rosé scoffs softly as she takes the stuffed toy from her. “I never had one of these.”
Tamisha smiles back at her reassuringly before she asks a different question, “do you know the person?”
Rosé nods, looking down at the toy as her thumbs stroke into its fur. “Family friend… of my parents anyway. Every time he stays over it’s a sure bet that I won’t sleep through that night.”
“Do your parents know how you feel about this friend?”
Rosé purses her lips sadly. “They don’t care.”
“And what about this friend, do they know how you feel about them?”
“I don’t think they care either” Rosé says quietly before she looks up again. “I’m sorry, can we move on?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
“More homework” Rosé huffs out a breath as she stops at the table in the cafeteria. Dropping her book on the surface and not caring about the few sets of eyes that get drawn her way at the loud smack.
“It’s to help you Rosie” Denali reminds her, looking up from her lunch.
“I know. It’s just” — Rose breaks herself off with a frustrated sigh as she drops into a chair. Then she leans forward to cradle her head over the table.
“What is it this time?” Denali scoffs a little at her dramatics.
“A dream journal” Rosé says, pushing herself back up again. “Which you can’t tell me doesn’t sound like the most childish thing to write about.”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I’ve thought about having one since I think it would be cool to go back and read all the weird things I think of” Denali admits. “Except I’d have to write really quick since I forget my dreams super fast.”
“Lucky” Rosé grumbles, sinking her head into her hands.
“Did she say why you had to do it?” Denali asks.
“Something about not processing things fully when we’re awake - like how we just brush stuff off with reasoning. Then that affects how we sleep because we’re subconsciously still thinking about it.” 
“You do just brush a lot of stuff off” Denali points out.
Rosé only hums because it’s kind of a fair statement. Except she still doesn’t want to write things down that she doesn’t want to remember in the first place. “She also gave me breathing exercises” she voices further complaint.
“Oh, those are fun!” Denali immediately smiles, sitting up straighter in her seat. “We do them sometimes in skating for competition preparation…”
Denali’s excited rambling continues but Rosé starts to tune it out.
She bets Denali wouldn’t think from such a high and mighty place if she had to do the exercises herself. A dream journal isn’t some ‘dear diary’ bullshit where she can write down the name of her crush surrounded by love hearts.
“… sometimes at training we get to lie on a bench for a couple of minutes practicing them while we visualise our routines…”
And for her breathing exercises are a break from an intensive training session, not some obligated task that she has to do within her own time.
“… they say it also helps with body awareness, but they’re really just fun to do—”
“I know how to breathe, Denali!” Rosé snaps. “I wouldn’t be alive if I didn’t!”
Denali cuts her spiel off and sits in a stunned silence.
Immediately Rosé knows she should feel bad about what she said - how she said it - but for now she can’t be bothered to apologise. She catches Denali looking at her warily, but she locks her jaw to keep herself from biting anything back about it.
Across the table Denali reads the warning glare Rosé holds toward her, but she catches that there is guilt in there as she then looks away. She could probably ask for an apology and Rosé would give it to her, but for now she won’t push it and she looks away as well.
So, they both fall into silence and no words are said for the rest of lunch.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Life Update
So first off want to apologize for getting upset over last nights episode. It was a great episode, truly and I am over the moon for the Madney engagement. I just get a little deep with buddie sometimes and I'm usually pretty good at pulling myself out. But lately this show and ship has been my one true escape.
Life has been pretty stressful lately. I'm a stay at home mom and student. So my fiance is the only one who brings home a paycheck. He basically works two jobs and is about to have third with some sort of hauling and dumping business. Basically he works a lot and his main job just isn't cutting it with the hours, so he's having to work extra at the second job. He's stressing out, which in turns stresses me out and I really only get to see him for a few hours at night. I miss him, he misses me, and our daughter. And he gets upset that he doesn't get to be around her.
My daughter is delayed in some areas, which includes speech. She cannot communicate very well which frustrates her. She's been having some problems in daycare because of it, even though when I enrolled her with a note from her therapist, they said they are willing to work with her. So I had to have a sit down with director and hash things out. Now were trying to get her into a program that will give her extra help with speech and some of her motor skills, were having her tested for autism and worked with both the daycare and her therapists to give the daycare some resources to work with her.
But sadly it doesn't end there for my daughter. She has had too many ear infections so we are having to put ear tubes in. It is a minor surgery but its still scary and stressful.
And to top it all off I have finals next week, one even next Monday before the finale. I'm not like super worried, but I want to keep my high gpa and get into my program.
(Also there are several storms coming through this week and I have really bad anxiety with storms.)
So yea I got a little down after the last scene with Eddie and Marisol. I saw people say don't be upset, don't complain, yada yada, which in turn made me more upset. So I went on this mini emotional roller coaster with it all. I've slept, my daughters appointments went well, sister gave me a gift card to Target so I did some retail therapy, and I've been able to think back on what has already occurred this season. Still a buddie truther, just need to remind myself not to get in too deep, maybe go back and watch some OUAT or my favorite comedies.
Anyways.... Needed to get that all out there. Sorry for the long post. Temptation Tuesday is coming and so is my 6x17 coda!
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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My allergies are really bugging me right now and I'm pretty uncomfortable. But hopefully by the time I'm done this my meds will have kicked in and I'll feel better.
Today was a pretty good day. The kids weren't as awesome but I still had fun.
I also slept better last night. Still not fabulous but it's getting better. And when I woke up I didn't feel like I was dying. So that was good.
I got dressed and I actually loved my outfit and my hair today. I don't love my picture sadly. But it's whatever. There are worse things.
I made a bagel and left on time. But because I didn't stop I got to the musuem early. Which was fine. I was happy to go say no good morning to my James.
I had a pretty easy morning. I didn't have to set anything up. Only had to show Rosia how to turn on the DVD player. My group has movie and lunch first. So no stress for me!
And once the school came so did everyone else. Just busy busy! But we got everyone in and they were all super nice. I found my group in the hoard and when I told them they had movie first they cheered. So cute.
I went to the back and got to hear some drama and stuff and then just walked around for a bit. I got them from the movie and took them to lunch and went to make sure my neighborhood stuff was ready to go. And then I was on my way to get them for programming.
And neighborhood went super well. Besides some loudness they were doing so good. We did have one friend who was a little all over the place. And some boys who wouldn't stop hitting each other. But we all did our shopping and buying and counting and clapping and it was fun.
At the end we didn't have as much bank time as I nor ally like but it's all good. We had to get out of the way of Jessica's tour. Because Jessica was teaching. And Mike. And Adam was almost two hours late because of some confusion. And!! Kristen was even back from the other building teaching. It was a very busy day.
My last program of the day was lights on. And it didn't go as well as yesterday's. But their work was still really fun and I had a good time. The problem came at the end when the teacher left the room to go deal with something and we kind of melted down. It wasn't all of them. But the half that was loud made everything a lot for me. And then regular guests of the museum just. Opened the door and came in the room. And I was very frustrated.
But it was close enough to the end of the day. So I gathered them up and took them to get their stuff.
I went back to the room to clean everything up. Took my materials to restoration. And took a moment. I was just a bit tired.
I was pleased though to find I had emails. I emailed Anna at awah about materials this weekend as well as following up on my stress from yesterday's emails. And she forwarded my question to Jake and it turns out I was totally in the right so there was no issue. And then emails from our insurance agent with a possible way to bundle our renters and car insurance and save some money. And a lovely message from my mom just telling me I helped her and it made me feel so good.
I sat with James for a bit and we discussed finances. We got paid today so things aren't so dire feeling. And nice for us it's a 3 paycheck month! I might be able to get my savings back to where it was before.
Plus I'm working a lot next month in preparation for being away for two weeks. For our honeymoon. Which is coming up and I'm super excited about!!
I would leave James at the desk to go do supplies with Meril and Adam. And we chit chatted and talked about feildtrips we took and kids that made our lives difficult and just worked on oysters and cans and it was nice.
And at 2 I went to head out. I would end up staying behind a bit longer to stand outside with Jessica to gossip and also fill in my calendar even more. Busy busy busy.
I decided I wouldn't go home yet. I would go get taco bell. I would go walk around the thrift store. It was going to be great.
And it was! I had fun looking around. Not as much goofy stuff. I did find two large pads of art paper. And I had fun looking at the toys. A woman approached me and asked if I was Italian and told me I was beautiful (and that she was heterosexual and then she was like that was weird why did I say that?? Which was objectively hilarious). And I tried on some shoes.
I didn't pick much up though. So I let myself look at clothes. And found three pieces I lied a lot. Two comfy at home ones and one nicer one. So I am a little over my hope of keeping my clothing purchases to 3 a month. With these brining me to 6. But I'm still trying!
I went and had my tacobell next. I got two tacos. A bean and a potato. And after I ate in the car I headed home.
It was beautiful out. And once I got home I opened the windows and the backdoor and just enjoyed the breeze.
I tried on the clothes and loved them. And once everything was put away I decided to take am early shower. And curl up on the couch to draw a peep bunny. Meril said I of course have to if I like them so much. And I do so it makes sense.
James got home. And would give me a big kiss and make lasagna for dinner. They soon jumped on their podcast call. And I have been just having a good night. Hanging out with Sweetp. Watching videos. Scrolling. Just resting. It was a good day.
Tomorrow I have a good day at the museum. A tour. Training/watching Cindy lead balls and track. And then I lead a cannery. So let's hope it's a fun day.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself!!
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