#saeran after ending spoiler
sonendan · 8 months
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How hard must have been to find out that the people that "saved" you are not the angels you thought they were...
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
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I have now completed all the routes of Ray's After Ending
#prince's gaming tag#mm spoilers#mysme spoilers#mystic messenger spoilers#ray after ending spoilers#ray after ending the final end spoilers#I DID IT!!!!! ALL TEN ENDINGS HAVE BEEN GOT!!#I didnt show them all here but trust me i got them. Im so exhausted lolol#I had to use a guide for one of the bad ends bc it would not show up no matter what i did (i didnt show that one)#But the rest of them including this one i got myself babey!!! King of games!!!!!#Jk i got the bad relationship end my first run bc i couldnt pick a mindset and stick with it#I know this wasnt the intent but when i was reading this i got the idea in my head that im in a poly relationship with both of them#But im sure the intent was the opposite of the secret end where instead of saeran hanging with saeyoung and his MC gf#Here its Saeyoung hanging with Saeran and his MC gf#Its so funny Saeyoung tried to take over the closing words bc he's usually the one delivering the finals words#Bc he's what I call 'True Route Bae'#But in Another Story especially in his route and after ending Saeran takes on that role so he gets the last words#They have a cute banter about it and it made me chuckle#Now i gotta go back into Ray's route to get his third bad end and then i gotta play main story and collect some common cgs i missed#But i might wait for tomorrow bc trying to get all the endings of Ray's after ending drained my energy#But I enjoyed it so much!! Had a great time! Now i can go into the tags and now worry about spoilers
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I see, so as per usual Jumin's issues stem from Chairman Han being a jackass,,
*slowly raises bat*
If you look at your only child who has struggled to find people who love and appreciate him as a true friend while you've done nothing to support your son's true passions or interests and call him a robot as a retort to his greatest emotional and physical loss when he's masked every single emotion he's ever felt for his own safety due to your and his birth mother's bad parenting, you're Chairman Han. Literally, get the hell out of here, Chairman Han.
Mystic Messenger has a sliding scale of bad parents but Chairman Han is up on that list very high. I've always disliked the man but him doing this right here? I was seething for Jumin... because I know Jumin is never going to tell his father off for what he's done to him.
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
"i suppose this is it, hershel. i have to go back to my own time... back to that day when we.. parted. (no, claire) im sorry i cant stay. (claire, wait) we had so many plans for the future. you won't forget, will you? our shared past, and our, lost future. (you cant go, i dont want to say goodbye again, i cant, i wont) i know you. and i know you'll stay strong. after all, that's what a gentleman does. i must go now hershel. thank you for everything. goodbye"
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merkerlerspeaks · 1 year
Biting clawing scratching the agent that fired the gun btw
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annbourbon · 11 months
Mystic Messenger Timeline (Explained)
I'll be obviously skipping a lot of stuff in between, but this is just to make things clear. It's not the way you're supposed to play, just the timeline.
⚠️ Contains Spoilers ⚠️
⚠️⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️⚠️
⚠️⚠️ You've been warned ⚠️⚠️
First Rika Behind the Story (DLC)
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Then I'll start counting as Year 1, the events that lead to the RFA and Mint Eye foundation.
Year 1:
V and Rika know each other
They meet Saeyoung
Saeyoung leaves
Rika kills the Twins's mom
Rika gets engaged to V
Mika and Rika (Mina) create 1st draft of Mint Eye
V buys the department
*on that note, seems that there are 4 cameras but Saeyoung only knows of one*
**This also implies that Saeran was abused as soon as V and Saeyoung took their eyes off of him since Rika used Saeran as model to defeat Saeyoung's skills as a hacker.
***What happens because neither Saeyoung nor V know anything about Saeran whenever they reunite for RFA parties and their engagement? Why no one asked anything?
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Year 2:
Rika meets Jumin
RFA begins (yes, it was Mint Eye first, and the reason why the name was Magenta first. Mika?)
RFA 1st party is held
Jaehee joins RFA
Rika kills Sally
RFA 2nd party is held
According to V and Saeyoung this is where the hacker starts attacking the RFA (first time)
Rika blinds V
Saeyoung installed the Special System. AKA: The Bomb
Plot holes: Where's Mika? Why they don't notice there's another person living there? It's not that easy to hide your presence 💀
But according to V, he knew about Mika. It's at least implied.
10. According to several chats during Yoosung route, they barely paid attention to V being blinded. This of course included Zen, Yoosung, and Jumin (who is worried and suspects something but doesn't intervene despite V having severe corneal damage from external trauma)
11. There's a point where Jumin admits barely seeing Rika after the 2nd party. Meeting with her and V for the last time 3 months before her death. Yoosung Route. Day 9. Chat room 7AM called V's eyes.
*At the same time, there's a line, I forgot where exactly, that says that both, Rika and V called off their engagement at some point. They don't say anything about coming back together after that. wtf!?*
12. "Rika commits suicide"
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Another Story
1 month after her death, prologue.
Five months later
*means 4 months after they break up their engagement? Assuming they did not break up before but because of Rika behavior blinding him. Which kind of solves the plot holes from Year 1 setting Mika on the apartment and V not fully knowing but suspecting, although it would be impossible or almost impossible without his eyes do something about it. Especially since his blindness is recent. If you need to understand a bit more about blindness watch my post on Rika killing Sally. It may be a dog, unlike V lol but it's still enough information to set up the rest of the story.
Anyways, let's go back to our timeline no?
Bad ending prologue #1 (Casual & Deep) and #2 (Another) are part of the same story and unlikely that it is set into an *alternative route* like some people like to say. Bad ending prologues even from Another Story seem to fit almost too perfectly when you think about it, but only if you agree to go with Unknown after rejecting him several times.
Because it would fit into the idea that the MC's were captured by the cult and discarded after a while (or put to work under Mint Eye. But also because according to the opening on the Casual and Deep, it would mean that Saeran's been watching you, so does Saeyoung.)
As I said before, the other MC's are either dead or anything but MIA (whatever that means for Mint Eye?) and this one, the brunette, is selected and it's the only one who survives and passed the whole trial. Not at first but it doesn't matter. This MC is not dead. The others are. You think "The others" are just the player with different image? I've got news for you, each one of this has a number~ check this post ^^
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Either you become the assistant of Unknown with that bad ending which is an option available for every prologue or you enter Day 1 to Day 4 of Another Story and play throughout to reach:
Day 6 and Day 10 from Ray/Saeran Route which are part of the same ending. They're not a different ending. Both however lead to the Casual Route, Day 1 (after the prologue)
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Which means, if you get the bad ending in the prologue of Casual/Deep you'll be going back to Mint Eye. Yes. It's not supposed to be your first rodeo there. And if you have a Bad Ending on Mint Eye, you're brainwashed andd set on Casual/Deep (You're supposed to be an spy, but who do you work for? Are you a victim or a villainess? that's another story 😜)
My theory?
*This is where I'm still stuck, so I'll be fixing major plots here and there and editing this same post over and over until I get it right. Please bear with me 😭*
Rika DLC > 1st party > Rika gets engaged > Saeyoung leaves > Rika kills Sally > Rika kills Saeran's mom > Rika starts torturing Saeran > Mint Eye begins > 2nd party > Hacker attack > Bomb is installed > Rika blinds V > Rika dies > Another Story (prologue) > Another Story (Day 1 to 4) > Another Story (Day 6 & 10, bad relationship both of them) obviously with what causes these bad endings > Casual Route (with bad endings included) > Deep Story (with bad endings included) > Secret Endings (except for V dying, we'll get there) > Another Story again but V route happens first (no happy or normal ending) and then something weird happens:
And this part if I'm being honest, I have no idea but I'm fixing it cause my theory is that
V and Saeran's route become so intertwined that is almost impossible to know what happened.
The bomb on Mint Eye? Saeran? Although it is suggesting in the bad endings that he died, we never saw that to happen.
V dying in the secret endings?
Saeran burn?
Seven does mention a couple of numbers, associated with the other MCs, somewhere in the game. Unfortunately I can't remember if it's on a call or a chat so I'm going back all over again because I was so shocked at the time I was unable to take a screenshot.
Truth to be said I can't fully find the order rn but! I will, I definitely will. I need time. I mean, more time. I've been working on this for 6 to 7 years now, I'm posting this because it's so big I can't keep it to myself and I'm freaking out here. So I'll be editing this in the future. As many of my other posts. Sorry lol
Ironically, Saeran's AE would be indeed the Final Ending.
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mochiimiiki · 2 years
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| Saeran Choi Headcanons |
{GE Saeran x mc}
Warnings: spoilers for Saeran/ Ray route and after ending, sevens real name, some parts slightly suggestive (will be marker) so feel free to ignore those bits
A/N: the amount of pain and angst this man specifically has gone through is unbearable, out of all of the RFA members him and seven had it worst (my opinion). Anyways some happy hc because i think he deserves to be happy
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After everything was resolved between Saeran and Saeyoung (which mind you took a while) the three of you decided to move and leave behind Saeyoung’s bunker, a place you had called home for the last six months
the reason for this choice was quite simple; a reminder of what was.
the twins didn’t need a reminder of everything that had happened over the course of time anymore than they needed the unpleasant memories. So they left.
The house which saeran and you moved to is a beautiful cottage, with a small farm attached. Saeran spends most of his days attending to the livestock and garden he grows, don’t worry though he definitely doesn’t neglect you (whether saeyoung came or not is up to you)
Saeran spends his days down in the dirt, very literally. As he’s all hands and knees and very much determined the best plants are grown from intense love and care
other than gardening and farming Saeran’s other past times are reading. He doesn’t have a particularly favourite genre but loves a good book with a happy ending. He reads all the books he can possibly get his hands on, very much including children books and fantasy novels. He was deprived of imagination when he was small so now he allows himself to indulge in it as he’s free to do
Saeran spends as much time with Saeyoung as he does his garden. This is mostly because Saeyoung is always around helping out on the farm, trying after years of being seperated to bond with his brother. Saeran deeply appreciates Saeyoung doing this as he knows being outside is something out of a comfort zone for Saeyoung (with unpleasant memories still always fresh Saeyoung feels safest behind a desk and screen).
Saeran is actually afraid of the dark so hopefully you don’t mind but he keeps a little nightlight by his bed side, it’s actually a cat and can change all sort of colours. It was invented by Saeyoung no doubt. Saeran treasures it with his whole heart.
Everytime you and Saeran go shopping he always collects a little toy, his inner child never had so much as a teddy bear so when he sees something he likes he gets it. Of course he asks you if he even should or if that’s silly, but naturally you insist that it’ll help heal his inner child.
Everytime Saeran sees you he gives you a kiss. On the forehead, cheek, neck, shoulder or lips it really doesn’t matter. He feels like giving you a kiss each time you see one another. It grounds him, reminds him that even though he has nightmares this, with you, is real.
Which means he ends up kissing you very often; you’re watching tv and he comes in from the garden. A kiss. You’re making dinner together and you go to the toilet, come back, a kiss. it doesn’t matter how much time apart you’ve spent. He just has to give you a kiss.
Now as mentioned before he does get nightmares and unfortunately they’re quite often, gently shake him awake if you hear him crying out in his sleep and murmur that it’ll be okay. He’ll hold you without saying anything until he drifts off again. Over time they fade away as he heals.
{suggestive} each time the two of you make love, and yes it’s 100% love making, saeran makes it his duty to tend to you. Running a soft, warm cloth over your body as you come down from your high. fixing your sweaty hair out of your face before heading off to fetch you some water and maybe a snack if you’re hungry. He treasures you and shows you that every way possible.
ofc u should give him aftercare everyone once in awhile (after you do he’ll not stop kissing ur face <3)
Saeran is a very tactile person. He went so long without physical touch that now he has yours he won’t let it go, ever. Has a hand on you, hovering about you or grabbing you every time he’s around. It’s probably another form of grounding for him, especially in crowded places where he feels very out of place and anxious.
Saeran 100% has hands on you everytime you kiss as well. and i mean everytime.
Work wise neither you nor saeran probably need to work as saeyoung has a lot of money and sold multiple cars to give saeran money. (he confirms at one point the gathering of cars was for his family)
However, Saeran never got to experience normal work and pay and so he does in fact work for awhile. He stays on with Jumin even after Jumin got elected and worked as part of a security team for a few months. But when you guys moved to the cottage/ farm he quit his job to focus on his life with you and Saeyoung. He just wanted a little bit of normalcy to feel complete.
One thing that doesn’t sit right with him no matter how much time has gone by is being out and about in a normal shop with normal people. It just never feels quite normal. He will of course insist on coming with you anytime you want to go shopping but other than that he doesn’t express any interest in exploring things like the cinema or public pools. Public places with so many people make him uncomfortable, especially with the way he’s recognised now because of the debacle with his dad.
His sanctuary is being in your arms, chatting with Saeyoung and your little farm together. (farmer Saeran brainrot)
Saeran devotes everything he has to you, that fact does not change no matter how much time passes. Every choice he makes is with you in mind, despite the fact you trying to dissuade him in order for him to form his own choices. But they are still his own decisions that he was free to make, he didn’t decide these things because he felt indebted to you but rather because he simply adores you and that was what he wanted to do to show you.
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rfaromance · 2 years
Love her or hate her, no Mystic Messenger player can deny that she is central to the overarching plot of the game.
Depending on your view of her, her major role in Ray (Saeran) After Ending is either intriguing, exciting, frustrating, or infuriating.
Personally, I loved the portrayal, insight, and development in Rika during the RAE. Read below the cut for my Rika thoughts. Spoilers abound for Ray's route, RAE, Rika Behind, and even the Secret Ending. Also, uh, it's a long post. Longcat long.
(If you're interested in opinions on the RAE from a Saeran-loving POV, I'd suggest you consult @marshmallowprotection who pours her heart and soul into her analyses, especially regarding Saeran.)
If you're reading now, I'm assuming you have enough background in the game's lore where I don't need to explain the basics, so I'm going to dive right in.
At the start of Another Story, our well-intentioned but common-sense-challenged MC ends up being personally escorted to Mint Eye. And MC chooses to fixate on Ray and his mysteries and allure, ultimately trusting the not-so-honest rose boy instead of the highly mysterious V, who apparently is not an AI but also should not be anywhere near this cult.
In MC's defense, sometimes it's easier to choose the evil you know versus the evil you don't.
Rika doesn't have a problem with this, initially. She knows that she needs to throw Ray a bone. Allowing him to have a little doll like MC to dress up and pose and control and adore will appease him, and he has a plan to make MC useful for her goals, anyway. It's a win in her book, to keep Ray indebted to his Savior and also the possibility of luring the RFA members to her faster.
But a major distinction exists between Rika in Another Story (AS) and Rika in the original timeline (OS). Much like Saeran's mental state deteriorated further over the extra year and 6 months (give or take) between AS and OS, giving us Unknown, so did Rika's. In the SE, she explicitly tells Unknown that he was a failure and she wanted Saeyoung instead. She no longer valued Saeran's prior contributions to Mint Eye or her mental state--she wanted results now, and she would sacrifice anyone and anything to achieve them.
(Well, almost anyone. Turns out sacrificing V was not what she wanted, after all.)
But her goals are different in Another Story. She's still pursuing her dreams of making people happy by "saving" them from a tainted world of pain, but she's still itching for the personal happiness she has wanted all her life: love.
She wants a loving family. She has never known what it feels like to have a family that loves her, as her earliest memories are in the orphanage, and she was adopted by a vile, hateful woman who cursed her and subjected her to physical and emotional pain, verbal abuse, neglect, humiliation, warped "religious" cult ideas of sin and salvation, and the list goes on.
When she learned of two twin children who needed loving, protective parental figures... she became obsessed. She could save them. Nobody ever saved her, but she could save them.
That delusion of forming a happy family with V and the twins only became worse after Mother Choi's death. (I hesitate to call it a murder, because it was an act of imperfect self-defense, and thus I'd argue it was voluntary manslaughter under USA law. But if we're being technical, under Korean law it's murder under extenuating circumstances. Legal jargon differs across countries.) Having taken Saeran's mother away from him, Rika got the idea that she needed to be his mother now. They would both have a good family now--that's a win-win, right?
This is the Rika we still see in Another Story. That's why she gives him the name Ray, to eliminate his past and all traces of V and Saeyoung, molding him into her obedient, doting son. That's why she dresses him up in layers upon layers and forces him to study hacking, so she can control every aspect of her sweet child. That's why she swipes Ray after she catches wind of his kiss with MC in the garden. She doesn't know or care who instigated the kiss; all she needs to know is that MC poses a risk to her fantasy, her game of house.
So she tortures Ray until he can become her puppet-son again. Except she ends up with Suit Saeran, and for the time being she'll allow that because at least he isn't tripping head over heels for MC.
That backfires too, and when Saeran frees himself of that stuffy suit and allows his body to breathe, once Saeran makes his own decision to abandon those shackles, follow his heart, apologize and atone for his wrongdoing, and break out of his gilded cage with MC... Rika loses it.
She's lost everything. Mint Eye be damned, she's lost her illusion that she will reach a "happily ever after."
So when V blames himself and crawls back to her, not wanting to see her crumble alone, she locks a collar and leash onto him. Honestly, it's the worst possible ending for V. He can't shake his self-hatred and guilt complex, and he feels the need to stand by Rika even as she sends them both on a path of destruction, because he refuses to abandon her like his father abandoned his mother. He didn't even love her anymore, but he wanted to give her the peace that he never could when they were together. This was how he felt he needed to pay for hurting her, even if it meant destroying himself.
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Okay, screenshot is a good place to wrap up the backstory and dive into the RAE itself.
I've seen complaints that Rika's character was inconsistent in the RAE, but candidly I think the fluctuations in her goals, emotions, and actions represent her fragile mental state in a phenomenal way. She was highly sensitive and susceptible to emotional influence, whether positive or negative. The seemingly smallest, most trivial events could send her reeling. She clearly has a lot of mental health issues and trauma that have never properly been addressed. Instead she turned to the worst possible coping mechanisms: comphet, making a cult, and brainwashing folks into being your make-believe family.
She didn't team up with Saejoong because she likes the guy. She sees him as a means to an end: getting the twins to live with her in her game of house.
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The "he" that Rika refers to in this chat is Saejoong. He's a horrendous parent, but he managed to capture Saeyoung, and therefore Rika sees him as a tool. She also is adamant that the younger twin is "Ray", not Saeran, because the boy she needs for her happy ending is the submissive one with pruned wings, not the independent one who flies away on his wings of love.
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If MC tries to inquire into Rika's motivations, she simply says she chooses happiness and to focus on the small joys in life. She's no longer as guarded and high-strung, because she has much less to lose. She doesn't feel the need to be perfect, to be a Savior. She's at peace with herself, instead of constantly seeking approval. Part of that cab be attributed to V's (reluctant) acceptance of Rika for who she is, instead of trying to fix her.
She's trying to be more open and honest, and with that attempt we get a Rika who is less guarded and poised, and rather a Rika whose mask is off and is trying to navigate what it means to simply "exist." She just wants her family of 4 to live "happily" together, and a lot less scheming is required. She almost has the energy of "I'm going to be the fun, cool mom. :)"
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I bet she's awful at stacking chairs, though.
Now, many characters AND players have wondered, "Why in the WORLD would Saejoong team up with Rika?" He thinks she's nuts. We know that Rika is using him, and I'd venture that he's doing the same. He knows he's caught between a rock and a hard place, but he also knows that this woman is desperate to take his troublesome bastard sons and disappear with them. She can't exist in public, after all, or she'd risk her secret of being a cult leader getting exposed. It's a weird solution, but he was in no place to refuse her offer. Coerce Saeyoung into making false broadcasts to bolster Saejoong's public image, and then let Rika, V, and the twins run off into the sunset.
A special insight that you only get during the Normal Ending is that Saejoong thought he and Rika were similar, which is likely another reason he was willing to collude with her. And the Normal Ending is the reason that I felt inspired to write this post at all.
On day 3, Rika accuses Saeran of hating her. She's furious that she doesn't have Ray anymore, because Ray needed her and gave her a purpose. Saeran doesn't need her, and that sends her into a panic. But he chooses to be compassionate and to try to sympathize with her.
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On day 4, we get this exchange between MC and Rika:
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Rika breaks down in MC's arms. She didn't know what love was, and she didn't know how to reach it herself. Her solution was to control, to manipulate, to clutch desperately onto people who showed her even a shred of warmth... but always staying just distant enough where she could withdraw or flee if she felt threatened, or worse, sabotage the connection herself.
She didn't know what love was because she'd never experienced it. Her mother was a malicious, cruel woman. Mika sacrificed and manipulated her. Her priest assaulted her. V did his best, but he kept pushing his ideals and methods onto her instead of listening to her. She kept Saeran through control. She brainwashed and gaslit believers, smooth-talking her way into their minds and pockets. She even kept V bound to her by blinding him; we can only assume he got treatment after his trial.
MC and Saeran showed her what love is. It's about kindness for the sake of kindness, not to curry favor. It's a willingness to step out of your comfort zone to help those you care about. It's being brave when you're terrified. It's communicating in more ways than one, always listening and considering the other's thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions.
For the first time in her life, she saw love. She saw love in Saeran, who'd lured her and V away so that his lover and brother could be free. She saw love in MC, who'd always been gentle but firm with Rika, expressing genuine intrigue and concern for her. She saw people who didn't immediately demonize her for her worst mistake: the death of Mother Choi.
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She's being honest with herself, too, acknowledging and understanding that her actions were wrong. And she starts bawling, because she's been repressing herself, her fears, and her needs for so long. She laments that she yearned for love like a child, but her body was too big now... and that made the void feel larger and emptier.
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She finally got the answers she'd been trying to find for her entire life: What is love? And is she worthy?
So when the opportunity comes for her to set Saejoong straight, she tears into him. Now, she only does this in the normal ending. In the good ending, Saeran is the one who talks to Saejoong, says his piece, and gets his peace. Clearly that's the best possible ending for Saeran, because it allows him to put his last demon to rest. Now he can focus on healing and finding happiness on his own accord.
But in the normal ending, Rika shows that she's not just a sob story for MC and Saeran to pity. She's taking their lessons and her new convictions to heart and putting them into action.
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And Saejoong truly loses his cool when he hears that the investigation team is coming. He knows he's toast, and so he tries to appeal to Rika one last time: "You know that you'll be going down, too."
To which Rika says: "Yes. It's long overdue."
Rika has a long, difficult road ahead of her, but it'll be a surprisingly peaceful one. She wants to heal. She wants to live a better life. She wants to be honest and true, and that means atoning for her crimes.
But then, she's going to devote her life to love.
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The RAE Normal Ending is, in a bizarre way, the best outcome for Rika that Mysme canon gives us. (Because seriously, shipping her off to Alaska to GTFO was the laziest and most unsatisfying ending for her that I can imagine.)
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fictionfixations · 6 months
jaehee best route presentation
this is just me jokingly dunking on mysme's other routes and pointing out the weird and wacky shit that happened in comparison to jaehee's significantly more tame route (because i love her route. we stan jaehee in this household.)
meant to make a presentation cause a bunch of friends were getting together to make some dumb af presentations but im procrastinating
anyway ive never played deep story or another story mode. and the only routes ive actually played are jaehee's and yoosung's. i cant be bothered to do anyone else's (the notifs get so annoying. im the type of person who sometimes spends whole days in a row desiring me time and being all alone. so guess what when you give me a game thats basically like a messenger in which you have to actually interact by then? its like. actually socializing! which no. it hit my social limit and i just stopped trying after multiple bad endings trying to actually get to zens lol)
since im not gonna be showing off my presentation (because ah.. socialization.. and two, now im kind of scared i might trigger someone..?)
so. here.
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its a gif..
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[ Content warning: Swears, possibly triggering content, uh. Mention of bombs, death (faked su//cide), possible implied in//est thoughts (he doesn’t harbor those thoughts I don’t think, but it can still be the impression he gives off), ..mention of s*x maybe?, kidnapping, held captive, weird shit that’s meant to be kinky but actually comes off as really creepy, INACCURATE PORTRAYAL OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES, cringe, false reporting / negative media, captivity, yandere ending sob??, and ill add more if i can think of more - and torture. I wont go indepth but ill mention it. …beastiality? Just remembered headbang. I dont think its said but ppl kinda see the implications of it i think. ..ive never played his route so i have no clue | is cucking a trigger??? I dont..>>>????? / sexual implications probably  | mentions of S/A. It doesnt happen but a character falsely accuses another to ruin their reputation, toxic relationships ]
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thats it lmfao
what i was going to continue with:
jumin. so. you know that bad ending where you're basically kept in his house and he puts trackers in your shoes so you can only walk as far as like the kitchen away from him and doing so alerts him and shit?? and its played off as being some kinky shit i think but like hello? (also i think. it was either him or saeran, but we fuck in the basement he has trauma in??)
(i mean theres also the thing with his cat. the 'i'll treat you like my pet' or something like that line?? i dont remember. or zen having a dream that elizabeth his cat was running away so he locked her up even worse so then when he opened the door she ran??)
707 is the most story-depth i think, the one ppl consider canon. in which. crazy shit probably happens there with the obligatory kidnapping and bomb threat. i honestly cant remember i didnt even go to his page to check . altohugh i think theres an ending where saerans is like 'give me a hug'. 707 does. then saeran kills him. which. oof…. poor guy. or its revealed who their dad is and basically bad things happen i think?
saeran/ray/unknown. inaccurate depiction of mental disorders or something like that (not meant to offend with wording, but i can never remember the names of shit). it was like.. we first get to know ray whose the nicer one. and then there's saeran whose an absolute asshole. there was something like 'if you dont listen something bad will happen' (which is apparently something his mom said to him or something like that?) very sucky situation
V. cucking??? IDFK wtf
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DRUGGed. from. RAY's. TORTURE. okay. okay.
(someone explain to me whats going on in that ending where we're cucking, im so confused)
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so. yknow. jaehee's route is significantly more tame. and relaxing. and stress relieving imo.
the end
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doodlezzz · 7 months
Sorry I forgot to post about finishing Saeran's AE. ! !SPOILERS! !
-It was wonderful. I loved every bit of it. Except for the endings, I don't understand how the normal end wasn't the good end. I feel like they should've called the good ending "Happy Ending" considering it had the best outcome overall of them. Vanderwood joined the RFA, Jumin became president, Yoosung became a baker, Zen's career hit off, I feel bad for Jaehee because NGL I forgot what happened sorry, Rika decided to actually change herself, Both V and Rika went to prison. In the end the twins finally got their freedom. Saeyoung escaped both the agency and his father getting to finally reunite with his brother. Getting the happy ending they wanted. All of them stayed single but were happy. [I guess you could say, they lived, "Happily ever after" Ha Ha Ha... I'm a genius (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)]
-Normal ending: sigh. . .
The normal end, Saeran proposed promising himself to MC and the twins still got their freedom. NEED I SAY MORE?!?! How is that not a good ending??? I DON'T KNOW HE LITERALLY SUGGESTED TO MC HE WANTED TO MAKE A HAPPY FAMILY HOW IS THAT NOT A GOOD END!? [Side note: I went on a rant after finishing the game and sobbed. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)]
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goofysocks3 · 7 months
so, I'm currently on day 3, and I have a couple mixed opinions.. LETS GET INTO IT!
for starters, V.
I'm not sure why I came into another story with a large amount of resentment towards, him; he hasn't exactly done anything suspicious story-wise so far, once again this may or may not age poorly!
Though I do find it a bit weird how he instantly trusts MC seeing as she seems to have some sort of association to the Rika in his memories. I think it's that sort of concept where you latch onto anything that reminds you of a loved one who was lost. I'm also seeing the same type of thing with Yoosung; who decided that MC is safe, seeing as she has some type of connection to the Rika of his memories, and yada yada. In short, I'd call it 'blind love'.
Blind love in my terms is similar to when you have a crush on somebody; you overlook their flaws because to you, their good features override whatever it is that they may turn off an onlooker. Essentially V and Yoosung seem to be sort of 'overlooking' MC's suspicious origins seeing as she seems to know of Rika after her supposed passing.
So as I was saying, V. I don't really know how to feel about his personality; I mean, Ray's little façade of V freaked me out a little and I actually believed it, not sure if he really does have a side like that to him but I guess I'll find out soon?
Next on my list is Ray.
I kind of spoiled a bit for myself through the CG's and a short summary of Rays 'personalities' that I just so happened to read the day I was planning on starting another story.. anyways! Ray's current 'Prince Charming' persona is really putting me in a whirlpool of emotions, thinking; when's he gonna switch? whats gonna happen? is he gonna hate MC by the end of this route?... and much more.
I'm not sure exactly how these personalities come about, but I do know that: 1. Suit Saeran seems to be him off the 'drug' that he's being 'poisoned(?)' with, where he has a semi-violent and controlling personality (I think, once again I still dont know why he'd be violent or if I'm even close) 2. I don't remember what Unknown was, 3. Saeran Choi would probably be himself without anything (I'm probably wrong) and of course, 4. Ray, who is being 'drugged'. I didn't think another story would actually have such dark content like this, (despite the warning lol) especially not with Ray, seeing as I knew near to nothing about him! I'm so surprised and honestly for once I can actually say I basically have no clue whats coming! which is new, since I somehow always seem to spoil things for myself :0
Anyways, let me know your thoughts! am I close to the actual plot points? or am I just yapping a whole lot? avoid spoilers if you can :3 maybe give it 9 more days lol
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cherrychipheart · 1 year
Heya~ It’s been a while. 5 years
First off... I’m genuinely surprised that my dead blog still gets likes and reblogs occasionally. During the course of time, a lot of asks were sent, and I’m really sorry for having left you guys hanging. At that time, high school grades were a priority ;; Now that I’ve been free from all that for a while, at the very least, an update was necessary. 
1. Updating blog theme
There were concerns that the blog was hard to navigate and to add, also lead to external links. I’m incredibly sorry to those who experienced this. The blog has now reverted back to the vanilla tumblr theme. 
2. Back to being active?
I’m afraid that I have lost all motivation to continue this blog. There are 15 drafts/unposted theories that were left sitting there, and when I look at those posts, I think man, what was I thinking? As of right now, I’ve forgotten 80% of what my theories were originally about, that I’ve had to reread them over and over ; And it’s unlikely I’ll ever get back on track. So with that, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to answer all of the asks, since the part of my brain concerning itself with Cheritz has been collecting webs and dust 😞
3. The future of this blog    
I’ve considered deleting this blog for some time. It’s pretty much dead, but I’m still conflicted over whether I should or not. It’s actually my very first and only tumblr blog...  
4. Moving on
Part of what made this fun were some online friends I made along the way in creating these seemingly wild theories. I’ve lost touch with them overtime, but its a part of growing up in general, moving on with life. I’ve had so much fun also looking at others’ theories and looking at the asks. In fact, there were some that were like a revelation o.o, things that I had never considered. There was one ask which talked about how some of the organisations making contact with the RFA sounded like they were making desperate wishes 😮
Anyway, I’ve moved on. From Mystic Messenger. From Nameless, Dandelion. All of Cheritz I’m afraid. I was never interested in The Ssum from right when it was announced back in 2017, because first, it came out of nowhere, and I had doubt that it was connected to the previous games. Turns out... 
I’ll leave that there for you to figure out (don’t wanna risk spoilers haha).
But the biggest demotivator for dropping my blog has to be...
5. Cheritz’s declaration that the story of Mystic Messenger was up to interpretation
That particular post shook me. Starting from Nameless, Cheritz had established that their future games were truly something to look forward to, at least for me. It’s not just throwbacks or cameos, it’s within the same universe. The announcement of MysMe and introduction of Jumin’s character hooked me in right from the start. It was very exciting back in the past. But now, it’s just... eh. Cheritz appears to want to please everyone. Apparently, the Mysme fandom that hadn’t played Dandelion or Nameless were angry that they had to check out the two to understand the story of Mysme which was why Cheritz had made that post (don’t quote me, even I’m unsure of whether this is true or not 😶 But if Cheritz had to make a post like that, it must mean something)
Ultimately, I actually hadn’t even started V’s route nor got a satisfactory ending with Saeran. Their routes were a big surprise, and I felt it got messy quick. When I looked at the story of Mysme at face value (so looking at it independently without any connection to the other games) and paired with other people’s perspectives of Saeran’s and V’s routes based off screenshots, I found there were some inconsistencies regarding the characters and their point of views of events. And if that’s at face value, then there’s just no way I’ll be able to, well, make connections between the games. And the fact that Jumin’s got a route based off a bad ending... well, more profit is good I guess? They are a company after all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ultimately, if there are inconsistencies, paired with the fact that Cheritz says that the game is up to interpretation... what, then, is considered canon or a theory?  
If you’ve read this far... nah, there’s no way haha.
6. Just some rambling (my own thoughts, feel free to disagree of course)
I feel like Cheritz has made a mistake. By saying that Mysme can be interpreted in any way, only to connect the Ssum back to Mysme, and killing Lynn Project. Dandelion and Nameless had a clear direction. Lynn Project could’ve had a direction, who knows? Both Mysme (any additional content after the main story, new routes etc) and the Ssum don’t feel like they have a clear direction, with how they’ve had to develop these two within either a tight time frame, or lacking storytelling and anticipation. 
Anyway, I’m not sure if people are still interested in the theories surrounding Cheritz games. If so, it’s really impressive their brains haven’t fallen out. Mine fell out a long time ago. Looking back at my theories, I have now understood how crazy I must’ve sounded to others haha. 
7. So what am I doing now?
At the moment, it’s still unclear on whether I should keep this blog up or not. It all depends. Although I doubt there are others following this blog to begin with (like, is there even a discord server for Cheritz fans on theories and headcanons?)
I’ve moved onto other things at this point: working for a living, learning art, checking out other otome games, Kdramas, and so on.           
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
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I love what they have
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marshmallowprotection · 6 months
I think this is the opportunity to get separate title screens of GE Saeran and Saeyoung, don't you think? I mean, it's been a while since these brothers celebrated their birthday in their respective timelines, currently it has taken place in AS Saeran's story. Now I do want to see Saeyoung and his MC together happily maybe flying in a spaceship hahaha.
Don't get me wrong I loved these years seeing the twins together celebrating happily as they deserve but I think they can go back to being with their MCs in separate title screens. Since the title screens are likely to be based on AE's... What's stopping Cheritz from having SE Saeran appear together with Saeyoung and his MC? I miss that redhead and I think he could have appeared in several title screens with Saeyoung these years but Cheritz doesn't want to :'(
I love seeing the twins together, too. But, I also want to see them separately because as much as I want them to stand together as a family once again, they are also individuals. They have a life outside of each other. They'll always be family, but their MCs are family, too! Show me content for the After Endings specific to each brother so I get to smile at the different universes.
I want to see Saeran and his MC together post RAE and I want to see Saeyoung and his MC post SE! I want Saeran and his MC in a garden, sipping tea and sharing snacks. I want Saeyoung and his MC working together in his toy shop, tinkering and playing with the stock!
But, even if they were to do a single photo, I would give them a couple hundred dollars if they would just set it in the Secret Ending. There is only one photo of SE Saeran in existence. I would like another one, preferably in high quality, and I'm offering them all the money in my wallet to make it happen.
I honest to God don't know why they haven't done it because at this point, there is no need to hide it, no more fear of spoilers anymore. They used Suit Saeran and Vanderwood on the title screen. Those two are technically spoilers if you haven't gotten to them in the game, so there is nothing stopping them in my opinion. 
Because, the only thing I could rationalize over the years as to why they didn't use it was because it was a spoiler. But, if you're willing to put content on the main screen that’s a “spoiler", then you can use SE Saeran. I'm right there with you, Anon, give us some content with the Secret Ending! I don't even mind if MC is not there. I would just love to see their new family dynamic displayed in more artwork! 
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
An update on my progress playing Ray's after ending (spoilers under the cut)
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I know Saeran is supposed to be a pacifist but I can't do this. Let me fight them PLEASE 😭 as if forcing him to be his father's puppet wasn't enough they had to go and drug him too.
His whole speech was so upsetting to read through and I have a feeling its only going to get worse from here. Bad time to be a saeyoung MC huh.
Also, I'd like to have a word with whoever drew the CGs for this because this broke my heart
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mrszeoxin · 10 months
Mystic Messenger (Another Story)
The long awaited Another Story. I had no real ideas of what to expect going in, other than these two stories are in a different reality from the first five routes. But I really didn’t have too many ideas about it, and I’ve tried to avoid spoilers about it. I was super excited to finally play them!
V’s Route
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I was low-key dreading this route. I’m not a huge fan of V. Especially given what happens after 707’s route, it made me really not want to play V’s route. I didn’t like V, I didn’t like Rika, I hated their relationship, so I figured V’s Route wouldn’t be for me.
The common Another Story route was really hard on me, because I’m more drawn to Ray than V, but I pushed through. But once I got to V’s Route it became actually painful having to reject Ray all the time. I cried so many times during V’s Route and 95% of the time it was because I felt bad about how I had to treat Ray and the things Ray had to go through.
V’s Route was emotionally exhausting, way worse than even 707’s route was for me. It’s just so heavy and not as many funny parts to break it up. The content is also pretty dark. It also deals with many complex themes that make you really have to evaluate your morals and such.
I honestly didn’t think I’d like this route at all, but I’m grateful I played it. I think I got to see a lot of growth and depth in the characters which was great. It made me actually like V. It gave me even more reasons to love Jumin (Jumin Han apologist all day every day). And the ending was really good. Full disclosure I did the forgiveness ending, and I don’t think I’ll do the judgement one, so I can only give thoughts on the one I did. And I’ll say it was really good and heartwarming. The ending definitely made all my tears and trauma worth it.
I will say if you are on the fence about playing I’d recommend it even if you don’t like V, but just be prepared to be emotionally rocked.
Ray’s Route
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This is the route I had been waiting for and was so excited to finally play. I’ve been so interested in Ray/Saeran/Unknown since I first played the game. So I was so excited to get to play this route, especially since V’s route made me so depressed for having to betray and leave Ray.
I had so much fun playing this route, I’ll say it was hard because Another Story seems to just be more exhausting than other routes. There are more calls and more chats you can’t miss than the other routes, plus there are many late night and early morning chat rooms so my usual style of sometimes skipping the last chat of the day and waking up to play before the third chat of the day doesn’t work as well.
But other than the fact Another Story is hard, I really loved this route. It was so good and really just gave me everything I could’ve wanted. I like that Saeran is such a complex character, his route is very similar to his brother’s in that way. I don’t want to say too much as I like to avoid giving spoilers even if the game is older, but I’ll just say even when he’s struggling mentally and being not as nice, it was still super good. They knew what they were doing with the CGs in his route.
I also enjoyed that his route is technically longer than others since his after ending give an extra four days of content. Overall I just really really loved his route. It was so fun to play, even when it made me angry or sad, I still absolutely loved it! I think it really wraps things up and ends with all the characters getting to be happy if you get the AE Good ending, which I really enjoyed. Playing this was so satisfying especially since I did stop playing in 2017 and never got to experience this before. It was such an amazing experience, and I was so happy to see all my boys happy.
Final Thoughts
Another Story is so rough, the chat room times suck, there are calls after practically every chat. The content can be pretty heavy and dark. And it definitely made me really feel things both good and bad. I cried multiple times in both routes.
I really love this game and I’m so happy to have gotten to replay it this year and finally finish it. I know there’s a lot of mixed feelings about Cheritz in the community, but I’m so grateful for this game.
I genuinely love the characters and stories we get to see. If I had to pick a favorite I really don’t think I could. It’s probably a three way time between Jumin and the twins, I absolutely adore all three of them, next would be Yoosung, then Zen, then Jaehee, and V would be dead last. This game has such great characters I really do love them all and often just want them all to be happy. Even characters I hate or feel very angry towards I usually just want them to be happy by the end. I really enjoyed Ray’s Good AE as the true end to the game.
I’m going to miss this game, but I’ll probably play it more in the future. I haven’t done any bad ends because I’m general they make me too sad and I want everyone happy. But I might play Jumin’s BE 2, and the AE that goes with that, just because I’m very curious. I’ll also probably play the Christmas and April Fools DLC when those holidays come around. But I probably won’t make posts about them.
I hope y’all enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next game review!
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