#safe trade and digital technology
planthealthday · 5 months
Call for action worldwide to protect plants.
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Get Involved, Whether you’re a government, city, private business, NGO, journalist, a civil society organization or individual, a range of multimedia content is available in several languages to share, and to support your International Plant Health Day activity. 
Events and outreach activities on the International Day of Plant Health will call for action worldwide to protect plants. This guide has all the tips you need to discover what you can do to help.
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multiplicationdivision · 10 months
Abott Inc.
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The manufacturing plant was abuzz with Tony Abott
Two of him handled a repair on the bottom floor, replacing a slipped wheel in record time. Another watched, ready to jump into motion at any evidence of a problem. Six others manned the quality checks, spouting off curses and shooting the shit as their muscle memory handled all the heavy lifting of searching for faults. Two were out to get lunch, carrying in tow the same burger order for a factory’s worth of the same exact man.
Only the forewoman was unique, a beautiful buff woman who acted to make sure that their unified state of mind never got them in trouble. She kept them out of trouble just as a single Tony kept the factory full of identical copies of her safe in turn.
It was good being Tony.
Years of education in all manners of factory positions, skill in any task that this facility could need. A physique built by an equal time training practically, nothing gained from the gym. Each muscle was built for practicality and each of him could handle a world of weight just on his own.  
This body had once been a man named Braedon. He’d been college educated in computer sciences, a prodigy of his field. He could code anything given a couple hours alone, so long as he had coffee and some good junk food. He was set for a comfy corporate throne after a few years on the bottom, rising high and fast.
It had been boring.
Years of brutal education gave way to months spent in bureaucracy, unable to complete a task that would’ve taken minutes without weeks of back and forth with incompetent bosses. Emails that took longer to write than the quick line of code that would fix the issue.
Braedon loved the feeling of a job well done. Reclining back as the circuits ran perfectly and the tasks played out like a line of dominos falling one after one.
Corporate was like watching every step of his Rube Goldberg machine get interrupted by a whiney man in a suit named Todd or Larry. Made Braedon want to scream and tear down his perfectly built systems just so he could be the one to fuck it up.
The factory had been his life line.
It had been a simple invoice. A practical job that promised everything he could ask for. No boss criticizing his work at every step, chipping away at his confidence. No choking atmosphere to his work, watched by a hundred people in the building that thought their business degrees gave them insight on system design. Way more money than he ever thought possible for a blue-collar job. More than he was making at the moment in his bland yet expensive cubical.
There was a catch.
Braedon had no experience in anything outside of the digital world. He’d traded his body and health in exchange for his degrees. One couldn’t become as specialized as him without sacrificing the self-care that was so important in the labor required of a factory worker.
The factory knew that, but they had an easy fix.
Tony Abott had interviewed him. The singular original Tony Abott.
He was a prodigy in his own right. The industry wet dream. Ruggedly attractive and overly competent. Charismatic and eager to please.
He’d been honest with Braedon from the start. They had their hands in some strange technology and they needed even stranger candidates. Each selected for their unique physiologies and mental states that would make them perfect for their shared role.
Tony said that he’d been selected for his flexible sense of self and pathological loneliness. He’d been like Braedon, giving up his social life so he could be the best of the best. Was left hollow when he reached that height and started depersonalizing without staring himself in a mirror to remember that he existed.
Braedon had been selected after being profiled as similarly lost. Doctor’s notes demanding he eat anything that wasn’t processed. Caffeine and cigarettes letting him keep up with hundreds of email arguments over a simple fucking project. The gut twisting feeling of watching what that abuse did to his body, stealing away whatever youth was left and replacing it with something tired and boney. The hunger to be anything except for Braedon, who never wanted to be understood by another person as the gaping pit of rage and self-disgust that had taken root in his heart.
They were a match for each other and Braedon hadn’t cared for whatever physiological horror a happier person might see in this deal.
He’d quit his shitty corporate hell the next day and made his goodbyes to whatever people passed for tolerable in those minimalist nightmare hallways. Wished them good luck breathing recirculated air-conditioned smog as he got ready to breath real fucking air.
He’d arrived at his second “interview” a week later, having spent the last days wrapping up affairs and communicating with the labor board. The factory wasn’t doing anything shady and the government had needed to setup Braedon’s paperwork for his new life. Little benefits and tax write off as reward for joining the latest and greatest of industrial innovation. That alongside the mountain of appointments they’d needed to make for new identification as his old ID photos wouldn’t identify him for shit in the following day.
Tony had joined him for this “interview”. Dressed to his best in a soft dress shirt and new jeans. Boots barely broken into and a new watch. A professional shave and tussled hair atop a cap, branded with the company logo. A shining example compared to the loose clothes Braedon had been told to wear, making him look anything but a put together future coworker.
A second set of Tony’s exact outfit lay next to the door, atop a shoebox and a fancy new duplicate watch.
They’d made a toast to brotherhood, those two lonely men. Tony had supplied his favorite beer, cheap piss Budweiser. It went down watery and flat, nothing like the vodka tonics Braedon felt most suited to when he was in an alcoholic mood. The slight burn of it travelled down his throat, soothing yet peppery. It brought a head high like nothing else, feeling as if the golden liquid had flowed into his brain and body before it could even reach his stomach.
Alcohol didn’t feel like this, but this wasn’t exactly Alcohol.
Tony had tried to explain whatever biochemical cocktail was laced into the drink. It was all for the sake of complete transparency, they weren’t in the business of trickery. Something to do with forced recombination and stem cells. Braedon was a highly intelligent man, but there was a reason he’d never dipped into biology. Tony seemed the same, rattling off a scripted explanation that he had probably practiced time and time again to look like he understood what he was saying.
Braedon sipped his beer as Tony attempted small talk. They were very different people. Tony seemed awkward as if he felt judged by every little glance that Braedon gave him. Braedon was used to analyzing a person by now, searching for faults that he could use to his advantage. Braedon had been the kindest person at his old workplace but that had been a low bar and he had still become cruel. Braedon could see every way that Tony felt insecure around anyone but himself, as if he didn’t have every tool at his command to be a juggernaut.
The ichor in the drink flowed through Braedon’s neurons and there was a memory. A kid who wasn’t him being criticized at every turn for jobs he’d sworn he’d done correctly. Credit taken from a pre-teen for perfect machines that could cut production times by half. The same instances over and over, leaving a man desperately trying to prove himself to a system that would use him and give the patent to his boss. That despair and betrayal settled comfortably in the spaces of Braedon’s own memories.
Braedon grit his teeth in subtle rage. His jawline had broadened and his face itched and it felt good in some odd way. Matched that swelling feeling of righteous anger.
The ichor altered how Tony fit in his brain. The insecurity became more and more relatable with every swallow. A memory of the guy’s only partner calling him pathetic, using every shitty doubt Tony had confided to wicked abandon. The breakup replayed in the man’s mind like nothing else, a cacophony of how he was weak and annoying and awful in every way.
Braedon wanted to punch that piece of shit and laugh in their face. Braedon knew to heart what human garbage was and Tony was anything but. Braedon could feel the waves of Tony’s insecurity reach through his mind and falter in the wake of Braedon’s own memories. Braedon wished he could have someone like Tony, over eager to be romantic and prepare for anniversaries. Wished he could inject his own point of view on the guy’s memory of his part love and how jealous and narcissistic they actually were.
The Budweiser began to taste good. Braedon could remember the first time they’d drunk it. A trade school kid picking up the cheapest shit at the gas station on their twenty first, drinking as he carved away at a block of wood deep into the night. The carbonation had made the swill all the more comforting, a bitter spot against the peace of his work station. It tasted like shit, but the good type of shit. Fit him and his sweaty downtime, relaxing as he sculpted pine and oak into art.
At some point their conversation stopped being awkward. The words flowed better and better as Braedon felt understanding coating his mind. Nervous jokes became relatable and the nasty feeling that had sat at home in Braedon’s chest for so long felt like it was shrinking. He found himself chuckling at the stories Tony explained, remembering them in tandem with fresh eyes.
The times Tony had nearly burned down any number of mills and processing facilities. The rampant animals that added chaos to his life, including amongst their diversity a very confused bear and a unfortunately horny moose.
Braedon was crying with laughter as he and Tony pieced together how he’d pranked an old shitty supervisor. Braedon could practically hear that supervisor’s rage as his computer downloaded virus after virus, prompted by a helpful little auto-clicker that Tony had installed one late night after another unpaid bout of overtime.
Tony physically unwound as their conversation went on and the number of empty beer bottles increased. He no longer looked stiff in his new clothes, rather his relaxed muscles filled them out comfortably. His confidence changed him, his smile lighting up the room and his mood infectious.
Braedon hadn’t been gay before this, but a shift in his sexuality had been a part of the deal. Tony’s basic information had been open to him and a little pansexuality felt like a pretty good upgrade to Tony’s own deal.
Braedon could remember all the times Tony had felt wrong in the mirror melding into one. Picking apart himself for looking too old, too awkward and too fake. It was all insane of course, as Braedon could easily dissect. Braedon felt his own mind guide that fragment of Tony in his mind to see what he saw, forcing it to witness Braedon’s own perspective instead of that toxic mindset downloaded into the guy since his father had disowned him.
Braedon could feel all his own shit get digested into the well of personality inside his head. Not destroyed exactly, but reorganized. His own insecurities broken down by the logic of Tony Abott as the logic of Braedon Santoro did the same in turn. Fast tracking therapy with only a couple bottles of booze.
He could feel his own memories of coding alone slot next to Tony’s life of construction. The things that made Tony burned brighter in his mind compared to his own pieces, but they were never devoured. Braedon felt himself begin to lurk behind the soul of the man in front of him, but it wasn’t anything like a mask.
The deal hadn’t been to bury Braedon beneath Tony. Braeden would still be there but the man that Tony was would predominate. Tony would trade him his individuality in exchange for this new self. Braeden would give up his old life in exchange for an equal claim to this new identity.
Braeden became Tony, from inside out as the beer coated his tongue like cold nectar. Felt himself become saturated with the man, siphoning every bit of his personality into his soul, feeling the ichor in his blood tremble as it changed the body to fit the mind.
His scrawny body filled with density, calories from the beer being more than efficiently transformed into muscle fibers and sturdy bones. The tar in his lungs dwindled and he breathed clearly. Tony had never smoked a single day in his life and the man that was once Braeden savored the feeling. Savored the experience of having lived a life with more than microwaved meals, even if that life had its own many faults.
The loose clothing filled, his sweatshirt and sweatpants becoming oversized. He’d taken his shoes off prior to his first drink to Tony’s recommendation. Tony had larger feet than him as well as larger everything. Even his pants fit differently, filled much differently than they were before.
It was strange to no longer identify with a name, but he couldn’t think of himself anymore as Braeden. It didn’t fit anymore, supplanted by the name of the man in front of him. It wasn’t just that man’s name anymore, they shared it now.
They needed to share more than that.
Interviews should never go where they took it, but interviews rarely meddled with identity on such a scale. Tony had more understanding for the man in front of him than anyone else and the call to act on it was irresistible.
It happened when the man that was once Braeden began to strip his clothes off, forgoing the last thing that differentiated him from the other. They’d planned to don him in matching clothes and continue their conversation with the last of the prescripted beers. Head to the facility’s temporary doctor to confirm a success.
Tony had joked that he’d only felt this comfortable with another man once. The new Tony had replied that he knew and the part of Braeden permanently at his core flirted. Some charged comment that made them both blush, something about how it would be easier for them to match if Tony just took off his clothes.
They’d been awkward in it, because how couldn’t someone be awkward masturbating like that. A whole other body added to the scheme, even if that body was one you’d always known. They’d forgotten to remove the clothes of the first Tony entirely, so caught up in the feeling of that lockstep of their shared bodies working as one. Whatever was done would be mimicked in turn, a duet in symmetrical motion.
They’d finished together and the awkwardness dissolved. Both no longer held back by the fear of judgment from the other, when they functioned like two parts of the same being.
They’d gotten dressed together, tying their boots up and pulling their shirts on. An entirely new outfit that both Tonys reveled in without the presence of strangers making them second guess it. The one that was still Braeden in memory could feel the twist of amusement at their preening, his heart racing as he looked at his new twin. Braeden had never strongly cared for his appearance, but the sensation of feeling good in his new boots and new jeans was exhilarating compared to the apathy of before.
They’d headed to the doctor together, excitement in every step. With a clean bill of health and permission to continue on with the next man the following day, they were a force of nature.
One became two. Two prepared for three to become one. Three identical men lining up identification and licenses for a factory’s worth of them. Buying clothes in mass to handle a platoon of them.
The first Tony became lost in the crowd and it felt good. Most people weren’t cut out to spread their sense of self across so many. Tony seemed built for it, the pressure of being the best dulled to nothing as he became part of the best. Seeing numerous of himselves discover their identity as a group in their work and downtime. Using the memories of the men they once were to build upon what it meant to be Tony Abott.
They’d bring all kinds of folks home and show them what it was like to be with them. Give the few a taste of a whole world of confidence built through reinforcement. Strings became strong when wrapped into a rope and they were a realized person together.
Tony Abott, operating Abott Inc. Alone yet definitely not.
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Pictures taken from Construction Bros series by GymDreams on Deviantart.
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exnori · 2 months
About Exnori
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Hello, I am Exnori.com, a premier cryptocurrency exchange dedicated to revolutionizing the way you trade digital assets. I am here to offer a secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform that caters to both beginners and seasoned traders alike. Let me take you through the various aspects of my services and why I am the go-to choice for cryptocurrency trading.
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I am designed with the user in mind. My platform boasts a clean, intuitive interface that simplifies the trading process. Whether you are accessing me via desktop or mobile, you will find a consistent and user-friendly experience that makes trading easy and accessible, no matter where you are.
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Choosing Exnori.com means partnering with a platform that is dedicated to your success. With my robust security measures, user-centric design, extensive asset selection, competitive fees, and unwavering support, I am here to help you achieve your trading goals. Join me at Exnori.com and experience the future of cryptocurrency trading.
By joining Exnori.com, you are becoming part of a dynamic and forward-thinking community. Let's trade smarter, safer, and more effectively together. Welcome to Exnori.com, where your trading journey begins!
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The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #000
[Statement taken from [Redacted] on the 7th of August 2004, one year after the Autobots have made their presence known and begun corresponding with human military personnel. [Redacted] has asked to remain anonymous for fear of potential backlash from affiliated parties.
Their statement is... concerning to say the least. They have made it abundantly clear that the Autobots are not what they seem to be. What [Redacted] is implying will need further investigation and follow up statements will need to be taken. If these Autobots really are are dangerous as [Redacted] claims... we may need to be ready for war.
For the sake of ensuring that their resident computer expert cannot access these files, statements and further data are being recorded on tape instead of being digitally catalogued. It is a hassle to use this device, but for the sake of secrecy it is the only available option. For all their technology, the Autobots as it is have shown no ability to understand 'primitive' equipment such as the tape recorder.
Let's hope this is all for nothing in the end.
Statement begins.]
Listen, I didn't want to get involved in all this, but now I have no choice. You don't know what you are dealing with. The Autobots... no, Cybertronians aren't like you humans.
I suppose I should give some context first.
My designation is [Redacted]. I am unlike my brethren in many regards due to the fact that I am a third generation mech from one of Cybertron's many colony worlds. My 'father' was forged and raised on the colony world we inhabited, and my 'grandfather' was the only one among our colony who actually saw Cybertron with his own optics, and even then he was very young during those days.
The world we lived on was set far apart from most trade routes that connected to Cybertron, so the empire's reach often didn't extend to us, especially since the Cybertronian presence on the world we lived on was next to nonexistent. We were a minority group composed of a few dozen scientists and a handful of guards meant to keep us safe from the local population should the need arise. Although that is not to say the locals were unkind, no, if anything it was the opposite.
The local population was composed of long lived organics who were technologically advanced enough to be worthy of note but not nearly close enough to be on part with us. They were much like you humans mentally, often expressing their emotions freely and dealing with similar problems. The reason why I even mention them is because they had an impact on me and others forged in the colony. From them we learned, we adapted, and we were kept far away from the customs and behaviors of mecha from our homeworld. We deviated from the 'purity' of the parts of the empire where Cybertronians had a larger influence.
Our mission was to cyberform part of the planet we were stationed on and establish a foothold on the world for the empire to expand. However around by fifteenth vorn of life, the empire stopped seeing a use to our efforts and recalled us. And that I suppose is where I learned just what it mean to be Cybertronian... and I am still scared of it to this day.
All my life I heard stories of the glory of our people, of our achievements and our legacy. I was told Cybertron was the center of a glorious empire, the most orderly and wonderful planet in the galaxy and far superior to organic worlds. I was young when we were recalled... I wanted to believe and I did believe. To me Cybertron was a fantastical wonderland where I would get to see the best of what our people had to offer and really go somewhere in life. I thought they would all be like me, if a little more sophisticated... that was not the case.
Cybertronians do not work like you, they do not think like you, nothing they do is in any way similar to you even if it looks like it is.
I cannot stress this enough. We are NOT like you. I am an exception to that rule because I was raised around organics and only knew others who had been raised around them. I understand you humans because my whole life revolved around interacting with a race similar to yours. But the others? Native Cybertronians? They aren't like you, and while they play pretend and masquerade as if they are, they aren't.
You humans have three things that make you tick, and while they are debatable, they are what I have mostly observed.
All your actions are determined by a desire to avoid pain, indulge in passion, and to pursue faith. Everything you do revolves around one or more of these three things. You eat because you wish to be full and not endure the pain of hunger, whereas a Cybertronian fuels because that is what is required for functionality. You read, play games, and interact with one another because it is fun, whereas a Cybertrionian does all these things to sharpen their mind and to obtain something from those who they interact with. You worship your deities out of a desire for purpose and understanding despite not even knowing if your god lives... Cybertronians know their god lives, we walk his surface and have his heralds to guide us, we worship because otherwise his wrath may strike us down.
Do you understand even a little yet? We aren't like you, and we never will be. We are made to adapt and to blend in, it is part of our nature to adjust our behavior to match whatever species we are interacting with. Every smile, every word, and even the body language expressed are all calculated moves by the Autobots. They want something from you, and since there are not enough of them to take it by force, they play a came of pleasantries to gain what they desire.
I came here to warn you, to try and save your infant race from being roped into the sick games and schemes of my kin. Do you understand me? Please, you must understand me.
I have spent my entire life learning all there is to know about my people and their culture. In the beginning it was to help other races interact with us, but now it is a warning. Cybertronians are not kind, they are not virtuous, at least not like you. I will tell you everything you wish to know about our culture and our way of thinking. In return I pray that you will not involve yourselves with us.
Please, don't touch our tech. Don't dig too deeply into what we are or what we want. Don't catch their attention. The moment you garner the attention of my kin as anything more than useful tools and pets... you will be condemned to a fate worse than extinction.
[Statement end.
[Redacted] seemed terrified throughout the entire recording session. They acted as if they were speaking on an old god long slumbering finally about to wake. It is worrisome that one of these aliens is in a way betraying their own out of pure fear for what the others may do. This will need extensive research and further study.
Agent Fowler has been assigned to serve as the lesion to the Autobots during the government's time housing them. For his own safety a copy of all these recordings will be sent to him. Even if this ends up being nothing and we simply encountered a mentally unstable individual, we cannot risk the safety of our personnel.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording end.]
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89hitokiri · 2 months
黒影 (Kurokage)
Reading time 3:00 min
General Description
黒影 (Kurokage) is a top-tier operational unit within Kage Corp, a corporation renowned for its clandestine and high-stakes approach to corporate dominance. Specializing in cybersecurity, hacking, counterintelligence, espionage, counter-journalism, and counter-propaganda, 黒影 (Kurokage) executes missions with surgical precision. Its members are handpicked for their exceptional skills and undergo rigorous training, preparing them for the most critical and covert operations.
Composition of 黒影 (Kurokage)
The operatives of 黒影 (Kurokage) come from diverse and highly specialized backgrounds, including:
Former Combat Operatives
Some members are former field operatives who were wounded in combat. These individuals possess invaluable field experience and tactical knowledge. After recovery and extensive retraining, they are reassigned to 黒影 (Kurokage) where their expertise is crucial in planning and executing complex missions.
Servants and Clones of Kage Corp
Other members are meticulously engineered clones or highly loyal servants of Kage Corp. These operatives are designed or conditioned to exhibit unwavering loyalty and precision. Clones, in particular, are genetically enhanced to excel in specific tasks, ensuring the unit has the optimal mix of skills and abilities.
Main Operations of 黒影 (Kurokage)
黒影 (Kurokage) employs advanced cryptographic methods and artificial intelligence to shield Kage Corp's digital infrastructure. Utilizing a multi-layered security approach, they detect and neutralize threats in real-time, ensuring no breach goes unnoticed. They constantly evolve their defenses, employing techniques such as polymorphic encryption, adaptive threat modeling, and quantum-safe algorithms.
黒影 (Kurokage) infiltrates competitor networks with unmatched precision. Their arsenal includes custom-built malware, zero-day exploits, and sophisticated social engineering tactics. They extract trade secrets, R&D data, and other strategic assets, giving Kage Corp a formidable edge. Each operation is meticulously planned, often involving multiple stages of infiltration and exfiltration to avoid detection.
Identifying and dismantling internal and external espionage threats is a cornerstone of 黒影 (Kurokage)'s operations. They deploy surveillance technologies, behavioral analytics, and human intelligence to uncover corporate spies and rival agents within Kage Corp. Once identified, these threats are neutralized through both technological and psychological means.
Gathering critical information from competitors and government entities, 黒影 (Kurokage) uses infiltration and data manipulation. Their operatives are experts in covert entry, cryptography, and digital camouflage, often leaving no trace of their activities. They utilize advanced steganography and deepfake technologies to manipulate and conceal the data they exfiltrate.
When journalists threaten Kage Corp's reputation, 黒影 (Kurokage) intervenes by spreading disinformation and manipulated truths. They use advanced narrative analysis to identify vulnerabilities in journalists' stories and exploit these weaknesses through coordinated misinformation campaigns, often using deepfake videos and fabricated evidence to discredit their targets.
黒影 (Kurokage) crafts and disseminates content that enhances Kage Corp's image while undermining its rivals. Utilizing social media bots, AI-generated content, and sophisticated narrative control techniques, they ensure Kage Corp's message dominates the digital landscape. Their strategies are constantly refined using real-time sentiment analysis and feedback loops.
Proprietary Tools and Technologies
Kage Corp's technological dominance is maintained through exclusive proprietary software and hardware, developed in-house for optimal secrecy and efficiency.
Proprietary Software
Automated Bot Network (BotNet-Z): Operates a fleet of social media accounts, posting content, engaging users, and amplifying key messages. BotNet-Z can infiltrate private groups and forums, gathering intelligence and influencing discussions without detection. Its AI-driven algorithms allow it to mimic human behavior with high accuracy, evading platform security measures.
Sentiment Analysis Artificial Intelligence (ADONAI): Processes vast amounts of data in real-time, identifying trends, shifts in public opinion, and the effectiveness of propaganda efforts. ADONAI employs natural language processing and machine learning to predict the impact of information campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly.
Social Engineering Software (Sociomancer): Gathers and analyzes personal data from social media, enabling targeted social engineering attacks. By creating detailed profiles, Sociomancer crafts highly personalized phishing attacks, impersonation schemes, and other manipulative tactics to extract sensitive information from targets.
Propaganda and Misinformation Algorithms (EchoChamber): Generates and spreads manipulated or false content designed to influence public perception and disrupt competitors. EchoChamber uses AI to tailor messages for maximum impact, leveraging network analysis to ensure widespread dissemination and virality.
Secure Communication Platforms (NEXUS): Provides unbreakable communication channels for 黒影 (Kurokage) operatives, using state-of-the-art encryption. NEXUS's cryptographic protocols are constantly updated to withstand even quantum computing threats, ensuring complete operational secrecy.
Dark Web Monitoring Tools (DarkSight): Monitors dark web activities, identifying emerging threats and retrieving leaked data. DarkSight uses AI to scan hidden forums, marketplaces, and communication channels, providing early warnings of potential attacks and opportunities to acquire valuable intelligence.
Proprietary Hardware
Digital Surveillance Drones (GhostRecon): These drones intercept wireless signals, access unsecured networks, and perform physical reconnaissance missions. GhostRecon drones are equipped with advanced stealth technologies and signal interception capabilities, allowing them to operate undetected in hostile environments.
Augmented Reality Devices (AR-Visor): Provides real-time AR interfaces for system manipulation during missions. AR-Visor overlays critical information onto the user's field of view, enabling seamless interaction with digital systems while maintaining situational awareness.
Cryptographic Servers (QuantumVault): Secures sensitive data storage and processing with quantum cryptography. QuantumVault servers use quantum key distribution to ensure unbreakable encryption, protecting Kage Corp's most valuable information assets from even the most advanced cyber threats.
Presence on Social Media and Internet Forums
黒影 (Kurokage) maintains an omnipresent digital footprint, using proprietary tools to execute various operations seamlessly.
Online Community Infiltration
Utilizes BotNet-Z to manage fake profiles on platforms like Reddit, 4chan, and specialized forums. These profiles integrate into communities, gather intelligence, and disseminate misinformation, manipulating discussions to favor Kage Corp's interests.
Crisis Management and Public Opinion
During crises, ADONAI monitors public sentiment and develops real-time communication strategies. EchoChamber steers the narrative, diverting public attention and mitigating potential damage to Kage Corp's reputation.
Misinformation Campaigns
Coordinated campaigns use EchoChamber to spread false content and sow confusion among competitors. These operations are designed to disrupt rival activities and erode trust in their brands.
Trend Manipulation
Algorithms are employed to make specific topics or hashtags viral, manipulating social media trends to promote pro-Kage Corp content. This technique ensures that Kage Corp's narrative dominates online discussions.
Data Collection
Sociomancer collects extensive data from social media users, analyzing it to identify patterns, trends, and threats. This data-driven approach enables highly targeted and effective operations.
Digital Sabotage
Uses proprietary tools to infiltrate influencer and journalist accounts, publishing compromising or manipulated content to destroy their credibility. These actions are executed with precision, leaving little trace of 黒影 (Kurokage)'s involvement.
Example Operation of 黒影 (Kurokage)
Operation "Silent Echo"
Objective: Discredit a journalist investigating Kage Corp.
Execution: 黒影 (Kurokage) launched a multi-faceted misinformation campaign using BotNet-Z to create and spread false accusations against the journalist. Concurrently, they used Sociomancer to infiltrate his social media accounts and plant fabricated evidence of unethical behavior. Advanced deepfake technology was employed to create incriminating videos and documents.
Outcome: The journalist's reputation was irreparably damaged, leading to his social and professional downfall. Ultimately, he was found dead under suspicious circumstances, and his investigative articles lost all credibility. Kage Corp emerged unscathed, its operations continuing without further scrutiny.
Future of 黒影 (Kurokage)
黒影 (Kurokage) is committed to continuous innovation, developing cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead in the field of cybersecurity and covert operations. As new threats and technologies emerge, 黒影 (Kurokage) will adapt, ensuring Kage Corp remains dominant. Their pervasive presence across all digital platforms guarantees they will always be one step ahead in the information war, protecting and expanding Kage Corp's influence in the digital realm.
The creed of Kurokage:
"We are digital shadows, navigating between light and darkness, uncovering hidden truths in a sea of deception and manipulation. We are KuroKage. We will prevail."
All data presented here may have been or has been manipulated to protect both parties.
Note 2:
All data and events described in this document are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, historical events, institutions, or actual locations is purely coincidental.
This content has been created exclusively for narrative and entertainment purposes. None of the names, characters, companies, or incidents described are based on real events. The names of organizations, operations, and characters are inventions of the author and should not be considered references to real entities.
The purpose of this narrative is to provide an immersive experience in a completely imaginary context. The details presented should not be associated with reality. Any interpretation or assumption that derives correlations with the real world will be incorrect and does not represent the author's intent.
KuroKage Propaganda Images Found on the DarkNet:
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Wanna know more?
Reflections of a KuroKage:
History of Kage Industries:
Note: In the CYBERPUNK STORIES universe, Japanese is used to simulate encrypted messages found on DarkNet, so anyone can try to decrypt them as a KuroKage would do. This does not guarantee that the information read in them is what it is supposed to be. Remember, this is a message with very advanced encryption and what is shown may be a decoy message.
翻訳できません。このテキストはあなたの言語に翻訳できません。Kage Industries を信頼していただきありがとうございます。幸運を祈ります。神は生きています。あなたの中に生きています。神を探してください。神は決してあなたを見捨てません。神はあなたの中にいます。このテキストは翻訳できません。翻訳できません。
R. 👋
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theblissfulstars · 4 months
June 6th, 7:38AM EST, New Moon in Gemini
The last couple of lunations have shared the same Ascendant, thusly, giving the past few cycles a similar theme and aesthetic.
One such continued theme is the further degradation of geopolitical relationships with Saturn and Pisces in the ninth house and Neptune RX in the ninth. This shows a crystallization and refinement surrounding geopolitical issues, religion, travel and philosophy. In this, there is a restriction on these topics which blend seamlessly with the energies of Pisces as well, themes of religion, belief, politics and ideology are prominent and pointed, and unlike the previous lunation where this energy was regarded harmoniously, this creates some contentious aspects with the Sun, Moon and Venus. There is an intense lethargy, fatigue and malaise that plagues the energies of this new moon and initiates a cycle of lack, anxiety, worry and mental turmoil. This is going to be drawing out feelings of insecurity, scarcity and survival from the collective and creating an environment where people do not use their words to do good.
Speaking of words, there is a planetary pile up in the loquacious sign of Gemini, including Jupiter in his detriment, Mercury in his dignity, the sun, moon and Venus. With Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the 11th in Gemini, the truth with a capital T is about to be revealed to the community regarding technological advancements and societal development. This means a lot of action on social media, perhaps the announcement of some kind of new communication device, app, or method of understanding each other. The rise of the "digital church" is starting across faith communities globally with this configuration and more people are going to be pulled into local faith communities.
There is a lot of frenetic, anxious, and pent up mental energy for this new moon and we are going to be given new cycles regarding how we think, the way that we use words and the way that we interact with one another through social media, in our neighborhoods and in our local communities. Jupiter and mercury in the 11th in Gemini speak to better unionization, workers rights and thoughtfulness surrounding our trades people, delivery people and writers.
With the Sun, Moon and Venus in the 12th, this shows that there is going to be an incredible amount of misinformation floating around regarding money, world leaders and the public during this new moon. It's giving “whisper campaign”. Be highly cautious of who you give your money to during this new moon, particularly regarding institutions such as Banks, as there is a higher chance of Cyber attack, hacking and bank accounts being drained this new moon. The exposure of spies, secret agendas, and plans is going to feature prominently.
The threat of espionage is also supported by Mars square Pluto, which shows an exacerbation of subconscious societal desires for the collective during this time. This is very explosive and has a radioactive quality to it that creates heat and friction, particularly in regards to warfare. Stay safe online.
Protip for my singles or those looking for love/connection, now is a wonderful time to meet people, please pay attention to that wording. This isn't fortuitous for starting something new, but, test the waters, send that DM, say hello!
Cards pulled: The Tower, The Moon, Knight of swords RX, Knight of Cups
This new moon is definitely coming in hot, spelling natural disaster, calamity and chaos with The Tower. This card as we all know is about the uprooting of toxic, unstable and shaky foundations and their clearing away for a more blessed and secure future. Emotions are fraught and running high, this is the darkness before calm of the star which comes directly after this card. However, right now, we don't see a star, we see destruction, chaos and suffering. The moon illuminates secrets, the unseen and hidden truths. Things that have been in the dark are coming to light. If you suffer from mental anguish, bad thoughts or anything of that nature they will be amplified this new moon. Don't rush into the unknown or into chaos, pause to assess then proceed with caution with the knight of swords RX. Lastly, even amidst all this turmoil, the desire for passion, love, and even physical desire is present with the knight of cups. We are rediscovering our passion.
•Truth seeking
•Baneful work
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Palestinian Life under Israeli Occupation
Every year on May 15, Palestinians mark the Nakba - the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 by Zionist militias.
In the 76 years since the Nakba, Israel’s control over the Palestinian people has affected every aspect of life, from services they can access and where they can travel, to what resources they can use and where on their own land they can build homes.
In this illustrated guide, Al Jazeera takes you through some of the daily struggles under Israeli occupation.
1. Control of land and natural resources
There is a physical separation between Palestinians living in Gaza and those in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Israel essentially bars any movement between these areas.
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But Israel still controls it completely and has built more than 290 illegal Jewish settlements and outposts on it, where some 700,000 settlers now live.
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2. Control of housing
What would you do if you knew you needed a permit to build a home, but it is nearly impossible to get one because you are Palestinian?
Many Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem are forced to build homes without permits because Israel refuses to grant them.
“All my memories were in that house,” Fakhri Abu Diab, 62, told Al Jazeera after Israeli authorities bulldozed his home in occupied East Jerusalem in February.
Israeli authorities typically require Palestinian residents to pay for the bulldozing of their own homes, leaving Abu Diab concerned that he may not be able to afford the demolition.
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3. Control of human resources
Every morning, before dawn, tens of thousands of Palestinian workers squeeze into cage-like lanes to wait to pass Israeli military checkpoints on their way to work.
Israel, with its heavy restrictions on Palestinian movement and resources, has driven Palestinian unemployment rates to the third highest in the world.
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The ILO predicts that if the war on Gaza continues until June, unemployment in Palestine will rise above 45 percent compared with 25 percent for the same period last year.
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4. Control of financial resources
Israel has significant influence over Palestine's financial resources through mechanisms like the taxes it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which has overseen parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank since the mid-1990s.
Israel collects about $188m a month in taxes on behalf of the PA - 64 percent of the PA’s total revenue.
Israel has regularly suspended these payments, hampering the PA’s ability to pay salaries to its estimated 150,000 employees working in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
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5. Control of trade
Since 1967, when Israel occupied all of historic Palestine and expelled 300,000 Palestinians from their homes, Palestinian trade relations with the Arab world have been all but cut off.
Israel controls the movement of goods that Palestinians can import and export.
In 2001, Israeli forces destroyed Yasser Arafat International Airport in Rafah, southern Gaza, the territory’s only Palestinian-operated airport.
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6. Control of technology
Palestine is digitally occupied too.
Israel restricts imports of information and communications technology (ICT) equipment, claiming it is “dual use”, or has both civilian and military applications.
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Israeli networks can also monitor and censor online Palestinian content.
7. Control of infrastructure
Israel controls most water resources in the region, including the occupied West Bank's main underground aquifers.
Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza often face restrictions on access and usage.
The World Health Organization recommends a minimum safe water consumption of 100 litres per capita per day.
In 2023, Israelis on average consumed 247 litres a day, while Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza got 82 litres.
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8. Control of cultural heritage
Palestine’s rich cultural heritage is constantly in danger under Israeli occupation.
Since October 7, Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has destroyed more than 200 cultural heritage sites, including museums, libraries and mosques.
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These are just some of the ways daily life in Palestine is restricted under Israeli occupation.
Israel’s control and domination violate international laws and deprive Palestinians of their right to self-determination. They have also diminished Palestine’s economy, making it dependent on Israel, according to a report by the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
“We’re traumatised,” Abu Diab, who was forced to pay for the demolition of his own home earlier this year, said.
Palestinians say Israel’s continuing system of oppression has meant that the Nakba has never really ended.
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bloombergbusiness · 3 months
Unveiling Satorini Ecosystem: Pioneering Collaboration in Crypto
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, innovation is not just about technology—it’s about community and collaboration. Enter Satorini Ecosystem, a revolutionary platform where collaboration, powerful partnerships, and endless potential converge to redefine the future of finance.
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Security and efficiency are paramount in today's digital landscape, and Satorini Ecosystem prioritizes these aspects with unwavering commitment. Our protocols are meticulously designed to ensure the safety of assets and transactions, employing state-of-the-art security measures that set industry standards. With robust yet flexible protocols, we guarantee high-performance capabilities that handle transactions seamlessly and reliably.
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In conclusion, Satorini Ecosystem isn’t just another crypto platform—it’s a visionary community united by a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence. Whether you’re looking to build, invest, or simply explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology, we invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey.
Together, we’re shaping the future of finance—one collaborative partnership at a time. Experience the transformative potential of Satorini Ecosystem today and embark on a path to financial empowerment that knows no bounds.
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planthealthday · 5 months
Protecting plant health across borders.
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Each year, over 240 million containers move between countries, carrying goods including plant products, posing biosecurity risks. In addition, about 80 percent of international trade consignments include wood packaging material, providing a pathway for pest transmission. As a result, damages from invasive pest species incur global economic losses of approximately USD 220 billion annually. Protecting plant health across borders is essential by promoting global collaboration and international standards, such as the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). Innovative solutions like electronic phytosanitary certification (ePhyto) streamline the process, making trade quicker and more secure. 
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appiwo · 5 months
Explore the digital nest of the future - BitNest
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In the digital age, people have increasing demands for data privacy and security. At the same time, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are increasingly becoming the focus of attention. Against this background, BitNest emerged. As a breakthrough digital asset management platform, it provides a safe, convenient and efficient solution, allowing users to easily manage their digital assets and ensure their security and privacy. .
Features of BitNest:
Safe and reliable: BitNest uses the most advanced encryption technology and blockchain technology to ensure that users’ digital assets receive the highest level of security, greatly reducing user risks. Simple and easy to use: The BitNest platform is simple in design and easy to operate. Even users without technical background can easily get started and quickly manage and trade digital assets. Diversified services: In addition to digital asset management, BitNest also provides a wealth of additional services, such as portfolio management, smart contracts, etc., to meet the diverse needs of users. Global coverage: BitNest's services cover the world, and users can use them anytime and anywhere, and enjoy high-quality services no matter where they are. Why choose BitNest:
Privacy protection: BitNest strictly follows the principle of privacy protection. Users’ personal information and transaction data are strictly encrypted and protected and will not be leaked or abused. Stable and reliable: BitNest is built on stable and reliable blockchain technology, which avoids the security risks and system crash problems that centralized platforms may face, and users can use it with confidence. Community support: BitNest has huge community support, users can exchange experiences, share resources with other users, and get more help and support. in conclusion:
As a safe, reliable, easy-to-use digital asset management platform, BitNest provides users with more convenient and efficient services, helping users better manage and protect their digital assets. In the future digital era, BitNest will surely become an indispensable digital tool for people. Let’s explore the future digital nest together!
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jackfarris1 · 6 months
NFT marketplace development services
Debut Infotech pioneers NFT marketplace development services, leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technology to create seamless platforms for buying, selling, and trading digital assets. Our team is skilled in creating bespoke solutions that are suited to your unique requirements, guaranteeing safe transactions and top-notch user experiences. Join together with us to seize the opportunity presented by the expanding NFT sector and confidently establish your brand in the digital economy.
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Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies: Unraveling the Revolution of Digital Gold
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In the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as the undisputed pioneer, heralding a new era of digital finance and challenging traditional notions of money and value. Since its inception over a decade ago, Bitcoin has captivated the imagination of millions, evolving from a niche experiment to a globally recognized asset class with a market capitalization surpassing that of many Fortune 500 companies. Let's delve into the intricacies of Bitcoin cryptocurrencies and their profound impact on the financial landscape. Check their site to know more details  criptomoedas bitcoin
At its core, Bitcoin represents a decentralized digital currency, free from the control of any central authority or intermediary. Powered by blockchain technology, Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger, immutable and transparent, ensuring trust and security without the need for intermediaries. This groundbreaking innovation not only eliminates the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities inherent in traditional financial systems but also empowers individuals with unparalleled financial sovereignty and autonomy.
One of Bitcoin's most defining features is its scarcity. With a maximum supply capped at 21 million coins, Bitcoin is often likened to digital gold—a store of value immune to inflationary pressures and government manipulation. This scarcity, coupled with increasing global demand and institutional adoption, has propelled Bitcoin's price to unprecedented heights, garnering attention from investors, speculators, and institutions seeking a hedge against economic uncertainty and currency debasement.
Moreover, Bitcoin's decentralized nature makes it resistant to censorship and confiscation, providing a safe haven for individuals in jurisdictions plagued by political instability or oppressive regimes. From remittances and philanthropy to wealth preservation and capital flight, Bitcoin has emerged as a lifeline for those seeking financial freedom and inclusion in an interconnected yet fractured world.
However, Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory scrutiny remain persistent hurdles on its path to mainstream adoption. The debate over Bitcoin's environmental impact, fueled by its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism, underscores the need for sustainable alternatives and technological innovation to mitigate its carbon footprint.
Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty poses a significant risk to Bitcoin's long-term viability. While some countries have embraced Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class, others have imposed stringent regulations or outright bans, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future. Clear and coherent regulatory frameworks are essential to fostering investor confidence, encouraging innovation, and ensuring the responsible growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Despite these challenges, the future of Bitcoin cryptocurrencies appears bright. The ongoing development of layer-two solutions, such as the Lightning Network, promises to enhance scalability and efficiency, enabling faster and cheaper transactions on the Bitcoin network. Additionally, advancements in privacy and security features aim to bolster Bitcoin's fungibility and resilience against emerging threats.
Moreover, the convergence of Bitcoin with traditional finance through avenues like exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and institutional-grade custody solutions is paving the way for broader adoption and integration into traditional investment portfolios. As Bitcoin matures and evolves, its role as a global reserve asset and digital gold is poised to solidify, reshaping the financial landscape for generations to come.
In conclusion, Bitcoin cryptocurrencies represent a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and interact with money. As a decentralized, scarce, and censorship-resistant digital asset, Bitcoin transcends borders and ideologies, offering a beacon of hope for financial empowerment and freedom in an increasingly digitized world. While challenges abound, the resilience and innovation of the Bitcoin community continue to propel the revolution of digital gold forward, unlocking new possibilities and redefining the future of finance.
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mariacallous · 9 months
It’s been 15 years since suicides overtook homicides as the second leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14 years old. Two years since the first Meta whistleblower warned United States senators that America’s children are at risk from “disastrous” decisions being made in Silicon Valley. (And a little over a month since a second Meta whistleblower testified, “They knew and they were not acting on it.”) And it’s been roughly one year since a wave of new, younger lawmakers—many raising their own young children—were seated in the House of Representatives. “As a mom of two kids, you know, we want to make sure that their online experience is safe,” Representative Beth Van Duyne, a Texas Republican, tells WIRED.
All those changes—including an alarming doubling of the adolescent suicide rate—and yet, one constant remains: congressional inaction. Amid a flurry of blockbuster whistleblower hearings, soaring campaign promises, tear-soaked press conferences with the families of teens lost to cyberbullying, and dozens of competing bills that members have introduced aimed at protecting kids in cyberspace—nothing.
Congressional inaction has left the door open for the Biden administration to lead on the issue. On Wednesday, the Federal Trade Commission unveiled its proposal for a new set of guidelines to govern social media firms. The FTC wants to prohibit social media companies from identifying children—like targeting their cell numbers—when they’re online, while also limiting which data is collected on students, including having apps not target children under 13 with ads by default. With House Republicans now taking steps to impeach Joe Biden, why would they want to cede their oversight authority over American tech firms to the White House? Most don’t.
With so much interest—and increased pressure from agencies like the FTC—why hasn’t Congress protected kids yet? “I’ve never been able to figure that out either,” Representative Dan Crenshaw, a Texas Republican who sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction on the issue, tells WIRED. Of course, there are theories floating around the marble halls of the US Capitol.
Teams of tech lobbyists on Capitol Hill have dropped upward of $75 million (not including Q4 totals, which aren’t due until January 22) in 2023. Of the 637 “internet” lobbyists, as money and politics nonprofit Open Secrets dubs the sector, a whopping 73.31 percent are former government employees. Many of these lobbyists are from the same congressional offices and committees now tasked with regulating the internet. They’re not very subtle.
One social media firm or another seems to always be blanketing Washington with a feel-good, policy-focused ad campaign. At the start of the year, TikTok—which, at $3.7 million, spent more in Q3 lobbying this year than it did throughout all of 2019 and 2020 combined—plastered DC’s metro system, historic Union Station, and The Washington Post with ads. When its CEO was dragged in to testify to an angry Congress this spring, it even paid for travel, room, and board for dozens of sympathetic “influencers.” For the past month or so, Meta ads have blanketed the Beltway: “Instagram supports federal legislation that puts parents in charge of teen app downloads,” the ad reads, without saying which measures it’s actively trying to kill on Capitol Hill.
Lawmakers say the ad blitz shows what they’re up against from technology firms. “M–O–N–E–Y,” Senator Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, spells out to WIRED. “They’re only in favor of stuff if they can write it.”
In the last Congress and again this summer, two key kid-focused digital measures both sailed through the Senate Commerce Committee. The Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0) outlaws targeting children with advertising while also banning data collection on teenage social media users, to name a few of its provisions. The controversial Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) mandates annual minor-focused risk assessments within social media giants while also giving parents and regulators new tools to protect children.
The two measures enjoy broad support, which is why they get out of committee with ease. But they’ve never been brought to the Senate floor for a vote by all 100 US senators. Critics say many members are supportive in the relatively obscure confines of their committees, but some of that support withers away under the intense lobbying scrutiny that comes once bills make the queue for Senate consideration. So far, members have been shielded, but those days seem to be over. “That’s because, in committee, they know they’re not going to have to vote on it on the floor. I know that for a fact,” Hawley, who’s up for reelection in 2024, says. “I can tell you, I’m going to get much more aggressive come the new year about forcing votes. I think it’s time to start putting people on record.”
The thing is, no one really knows what would happen if COPPA 2.0 or KOSA were voted on. “I don’t have any predictions or any insights,” Senator Roger Wicker, the Mississippi Republican who chaired the Commerce Committee until Democrats reclaimed senatorial power in 2021, tells WIRED. The resistance remains hard to nail down. Republicans blame Democrats. Democrats blame Republicans. Everyone blames the tech industry. “In the legislative process where you’re not bringing something to the floor for debate—which is where you could have a lot of input—then one person can hold something up,” Senator Maria Cantwell, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, tells WIRED.
Because a broader data privacy bill remains gridlocked to death on Capitol Hill, Congress now has these offshoot measures aimed specifically at children, according to Cantwell. “We want to get a privacy bill, overall,” she says. “That’s what we focused on, because we think that framework gives the biggest protections, including for kids. But we’ve allowed these [children-focused measures] to see if they can make it through so that they wouldn’t have to be part of a larger discussion.”
While Hawley’s convinced Big Money keeps derailing the effort, others disagree. These issues just take time, nuance, and compromise, congressional leaders in both chambers argue. “We keep trying. We need a bipartisan, bicameral consensus, and that’s what we’re trying to do,” Representative Frank Pallone, the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, tells WIRED. “I don’t think it’s any special interest. I think it’s just the fact that it’s hard to get the Senate and the House and the Democrats and Republicans to agree, but we’re trying. I think we’re making progress.”
KOSA Complications
In the last Congress, KOSA—the Kids Online Safety Act—was formally endorsed by 13 Senate cosponsors. That number has more than tripled to 46 cosponsors in this Congress. KOSA cosponsors—Senators Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee, and Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat—say their personal lobbying of their colleagues is paying off, even if the measure remains stalled. “We’re pushing forward,” Blumenthal tells WIRED. “I’m very hopeful we’ll see a vote early next year. I think we’re feeling it.” Still, while the measure is broadly bipartisan, there’s been a recent wave of opposition to it on the civil libertarian left.
In our post-Roe reality, digital rights and reproductive freedom are now intertwined, and highly suspect. KOSA is now in the crosshairs of groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) over free speech and expression concerns. This fall, upward of 100 parents of trans and gender-expansive children penned an open letter opposing KOSA, saying it would “make our kids less safe, not more safe.”
“It would grant extraordinary new power to right-wing state attorneys general to dictate what content younger users can see on social media, cutting our kids off from lifesaving online resources and community,” the letter, released by digital rights group Fight for The Future, reads. “These are the same attorneys general that are actively working to ban gender-affirming health care that saves kids’ lives, criminalize drag performances, and label families that accept our children as ‘groomers’ and ‘child abusers.’”
The outcry from the progressive end of the spectrum has given those groups new, powerful advocates in Congress. In the end of the year legislative-twister at the Capitol, some KOSA supporters were itching for the proposal to be “fast-tracked,” a unanimous consent agreement where all 100 senators surrender their right to filibuster. But opponents got word and put an end to those efforts. “Until the bill is amended to foreclose the ability of state attorneys general to wage war on important reproductive and LGBTQ content, I will object to any unanimous consent request in relation to this legislation,” Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, told his Senate colleagues in a speech on the Senate floor last month.
KOSA’s sponsors know they still haven’t secured the 60 votes needed for passage, so one alerted party leaders they would oppose their own measure if it were brought up before the New Year. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment on whether he had—or has—plans to bring it to the floor. But Schumer says that before Congress can effectively regulate generative AI—one of his top priorities—America needs a federal data privacy law. “There was pretty much consensus that we need some kind of privacy law,” Schumer told reporters last month. “There are lots of disagreements, but it’s important to try and get that done.”
One Thing After Another
Over in the House, most eyes are on whether freshman speaker Mike Johnson can avert a government shutdown in the New Year. With such a green leader at the helm, House committees are, seemingly, more powerful than before, as members report trying to be the first person to get Johnson’s ear on an array of issues. While there’s no companion measure to KOSA in the House, children’s data privacy remains a top priority for the GOP majority in that chamber. The issue came up as a top priority in the last weekly in-person meeting of the Republican majority on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.
“It’s not dead. It’s a priority for us,” Representative Richard Hudson, a North Carolina Republican, tells WIRED. He’s the current chair of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee where he’s tasked with helping the GOP expand its House majority—or, at least, not lose its majority—in 2024. Hudson knows many of his newer members ran on protecting the nation’s children from online predators, legal and illegal ones alike. Now comes the hard work of threading the proverbial needle. “It’s a very difficult question,” Hudson says. “You’re trying to balance rights versus protecting kids, and that’s tough. But our chairwoman is very focused on getting it done.”
If these children’s data measures are ever debated and voted on, dozens of other more niche privacy protection measures will likely be offered by both party’s rank-and-file lawmakers. Some ideas focus on protecting reproductive and geolocation data from law enforcement, especially in states that have outlawed most abortions. Other measures would strip Section 230 liability protections from sites that, say, host child sexual abuse material or promote the sexual abuse of minors. Another proposal would incentivize, through drastically increased federal fines, tech firms to proactively report any child exploitation efforts they uncover.
There’s more. This year in the Senate, a new bipartisan measure was introduced to outright ban social media for children under 13, while also requiring parental consent until those minors turn 18. Its sponsors include some of the Senate’s most conservative lawmakers—Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, and Katie Britt, an Alabama Republican—and some of the chamber’s most progressive members—Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, and Brian Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat. Just bringing a measure to protect minors to the floor without ensuring its passage isn’t good enough for Schatz.
“If we can enact it, that would be great, but there’s no sense bringing something to the floor just to make a point,” Schatz, a father of two, tells WIRED.
If party leaders don’t put one or all of these bills on the floor for votes, Hawley, the Republican senator, vows to use all the instruments in his senatorial toolkit to force the issue in 2024.
“I think it’s time to start putting people on record,” Hawley, who authored a measure prohibiting social media accounts for children under age 16, tells WIRED. “Clearly, the leadership’s not going to bring this to the floor. I think that’s pretty clear. So I think we’ve got to get much more aggressive about forcing votes. What I’d really love to do is start trying to attach this to bills where we have roll call votes, because members hate roll call votes. So expect me to get very aggressive about this.”
Hot Air
Congress knows how to grab headlines—making laws is another conversation. This 118th Congress, with a mere 22 bills signed into law, is currently the least productive session witnessed in decades.
While no data privacy votes are scheduled in the new year, a fireworks display is already on the books. Fresh into the start of 2024, senators on the judiciary committee are dragging in five tech CEOs for a made-for-campaign-fodder hearing on children’s privacy issues. Law enforcement was already called in. See, while TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg agreed to testify, subpoenas—some hand-delivered by US marshals after Discord and X “refused to cooperate”—were issued for the other three tech titans: X CEO Linda Yaccarino, Snap’s Evan Spiegel, and Discord’s Jason Citron.
“We’ve known from the beginning that our efforts to protect children online would be met with hesitation from Big Tech. They finally are being forced to acknowledge their failures when it comes to protecting kids. Now that all five companies are cooperating, we look forward to hearing from their CEOs,” Senators Dick Durbin, the committee’s Democratic chair, and Lindsey Graham, the committee’s top Republican, released in a joint statement the Monday before Thanksgiving. “Parents and kids demand action.”
Parents and kids are still wondering whether they can count on this Congress for that action. As of now, Congress has shown they can’t.
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spaceintruderdetector · 7 months
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Who benefits from smart technology? Whose interests are served when we trade our personal data for convenience and connectivity? Smart technology is everywhere: smart umbrellas that light up when rain is in the forecast; smart cars that relieve drivers of the drudgery of driving; smart toothbrushes that send your dental hygiene details to the cloud. Nothing is safe from smartification. In Too Smart, Jathan Sadowski looks at the proliferation of smart stuff in our lives and asks whether the tradeoff--exchanging our personal data for convenience and connectivity--is worth it. Who benefits from smart technology? Sadowski explains how data, once the purview of researchers and policy wonks, has become a form of capital. Smart technology, he argues, is driven by the dual imperatives of digital capitalism: extracting data from, and expanding control over, everything and everybody. He looks at three domains colonized by smart technologies' collection and control systems: the smart self, the smart home, and the smart city. The smart self involves more than self-tracking of steps walked and calories burned; it raises questions about what others do with our data and how they direct our behavior--whether or not we want them to. 
Too Smart How Digital Capitalism Is Extracting Data, Controlling Our Lives, And Taking Over The World : Jathan Sadowski : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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oracle-global · 2 years
Oracle can accurately capture the value of various data assets and monetize its big data AI investments
In the context of the gradual rise of the global new generation of information technology wave, blockchain plays an important role in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation.
With the widespread implementation of blockchain applications, blockchain technology such as smart contracts, big data, AI, etc. are becoming more mature, and the integration of blockchain technology with finance, supply chain, medical care, law, people's livelihood, education, copyright, public welfare, etc. is also closer, and the blockchain industry is in a stage of vigorous development.
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With the continuous construction and improvement of digital infrastructure such as Web 3.0, big data, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet, more new scenarios and new applications have emerged. With the frequent benefits of the DeFi industry, the oracle project has also caught this express train and entered the rapid ascent channel.
Oracle can accurately capture the value of various data assets and monetize its big data AI investments
Thanks to the world's leading cross-chain oracle technology, Oracle can lock in the buying and selling points of assets in global decentralized exchanges in a very short time, as well as the value difference between decentralized exchanges, and quickly realize benefits through on-chain AI technology and enter the Oracle insurance pool.
Oracle oracle uses the blockchain consensus mechanism to enable data to be shared in the centralized and decentralized world, linking the global data asset market.
The price oracle generates the market fair price data under the chain for the on-chain smart contract call, so as to provide efficient, accurate and safe on-chain price, volatility and other data for quantitative investment and update it in a timely manner, Oracle can accurately obtain the value of various data assets, and use quantitative investment strategies to profit.
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Oracle Hub is an extensive trading port
The Oracle oracle network opens the door to cross-chain interaction between executions, combining the efficient and data-independent interaction of COMOS with the underlying functional components of Polkadot to achieve scalability.
Specifically, Oracle can achieve data interaction with each independent blockchain network through the oracle network, and also adopts the Oracle Hub setting to connect technical resources, business requirements, existing blockchain functional components and practical business chains, so as to achieve scalability while meeting different business needs.
If you think of each blockchain network as a ^ city, then Oracle Hub is equivalent to a ^ four-way trade port, with perfect infrastructure, strong technical resources, efficient circulation interaction, can realize the needs of different blockchain cities, and has strong scalability.
Oracle Hub capabilities are specific to the blockchain world and can be cross-chain services such as chain registrars, automated market makers, Ethereum bridges, Bitcoin bridges, and close connections to the broader digital economy; It could also be shared security and fundraising for new blockchains, providing cross-chain accounts and devices for capital formation.
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
My favorite Naruto Canon Lore / My Theory is that........... The Ninja Continent/Five Lands have been at war so long that their basically the barbarians of the planet.
There are numerous other peoples depicted outside the five elemental nations that are exceptionally more advanced.
The land of snow is close enough to the elemental nations to actually be depicted in Naruto maps, and even they have better technology (such as rail trains and steam power and chakra-powered electronics). The land of Sky had severely advanced flying power after returning from an absence in the nations. There’s an entire continent that may be themed medieval but has advanced technology compared to the Nations. Crescent Moon Island, which is close enough to the elemental nations to sometimes be depicted, is a wealthy trading nation and has swaths of advancements such as purely leisure/recreational hand held video games.
Following the end of Shippuden, when the elemental nations find peace and start to de-militarilize a bit? sudden massive techno boom. TVs, phones, casual electronics everywhere. Deadass one-hundred-percent, it’s because these things already existed but Konoha like the other elemental nations just couldn't fucking afford to invest in or import them because they were too focused on military shit and wars.
There’s even like, hints through out the show about this being the situation. In early-Naruto, Team 7 has radio-based communicators. They are, however, only used for a single low-risk mission that doesn't leave safe territory (finding the cat D-rank). The implication is that electronics of hand held size exist, but were too valuable to dole out for situations where they might go missing or be damaged. And furthermore, that Konhoha was only willing to invest in them because they were tactfully advantageous for their military. There’s other things that are suspiciously high-tech for a feudal-daimyo-having elemental nation. Looking directly at Orochimaru specifically, who’s labs are particularly technical at times (of course Orochimaru would see reasons to import things so important to his research), or high-level communications devices used used by some elite high rankers. Even highly-advanced electronic, digital cameras that are clearly dedicated to extremely specific purposes like only being used in the Academy or mobile laptop-like computers exclusively shown in the hands of Medical staff in konoha (who is noted for having the best medical situation of the five countries and would thus have a higher medical budget, enough to important a sparse few of the essential technologies invented outside the shinobi world).
Part of me is a little obsessed with Amegakure for this reason, because Nagato looked at his war-torn village and then Konan looked at the countries beyond the Ninja World and they said “fuck it, lets build skyscrapers.”
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