#said he couldnt give them to me then because he was busy and his hands were dirty
veryberryjelly · 9 months
gone to shit
pairing : jake peralta x fem!reader
prompt : "can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."
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your day had been going too well for it to continue.
you had gotten to your local coffee shop before it got too busy, gotten up to the bullpen without getting catcalled by some jackass outside and you and your boyfriend were the only ones in the office which was nice.
it was quiet and the first 30 minutes your day was spent sat opposite jake just talking until your friends and colleagues filtered in through the elevator.
and then everything came crashing down.
multiple people in the holding cell caused the bullpen to be filled with noise which was unsettling.
the coffee you had gotten this morning spilled over your desk and your lap.
your phone had died half way through a conversation with your sister and you knew she wouldn't appreciate it seeming like you hung up on her.
and you had misfiled some evidence and had to talk to holt to fix it.
you hoped he would be in a good mood so this wouldn't end up with you getting reamed out.
unfortunately that was not the case.
while he didnt yell you could sense the annoyance & slight disappointment in his tone as he told you do leave so he could deal with it.
and you did leave.
but instead of heading back to your desk you went to the evidence lock up, heading towards the back corner and sinking down onto the floor, the cool surface bringing you out of your head very slightly.
but it wasnt enough to stop the hot burning tears from falling from your eyes.
this wasnt something you should be getting so upset about, there were people in the world that had it a lot worse than you and here you were crying over the tiniest things.
just because they had happened in quick succession it felt so overwhelming.
you were way too in your own head to notice your name being called quietly into the room.
it was only when you saw a set of shoes infront of you that your attention was pulled from the spiralling thoughts in your head.
your hands instantly lifted to wipe at your cheeks to try and pass it off like you weren't crying.
" woah woah, hey. what's wrong, babe? "
the sound of jake's voice did not relax you as much as usual.
you shook your head, trying to shake off this awful tightness in your chest but that did nothing to calm jake's worry.
he crouched down beside you momentarily before sitting down next to you, knowing that his gaze on you could overwhelm you even further.
his arm dropped to around your shoulders and your head instantly dropped down onto the soft fabric of his hoodie.
" you wanna tell me why you're hiding in the evidence lock up ?" he asked, his fingertips running over the fabric of your shirt.
" everything was just going so well this morning and then i spilled my coffee, the holding cell is so full of jackasses, my phone died and then i misfiled some evidence... it all just went to shit "
his small motions on your shoulder were calming you slightly but not by much, your shoulders were still shaking and you couldnt bring yourself to take a full breath.
jake didn't reply for a few moments but his fingertips kept tracing shapes over your shoulder.
" ok, well these are all easy fixes. rosa has a charger in her desk she'll let you use, the holding cell is thinning out really quickly and you left a spare pair of jeans at my apartment a couple days ago and i brought them to give back to you, so you can change into those. "
how he managed to solve all of your problems so quickly you'll never know, but you were just so grateful.
you turned your body further into his, smiling softly when he wrapped his arm tighter around you and pressed a short kiss onto the top of your head.
" thank you "
" you're welcome, babe " he said quietly.
both of you remained sat on the floor of the evidence lock up for a couple more minutes before jake moved to stand and lead both of you back to the bullpen.
before he could take you outside you pulled him back by his hand, a soft and playful pout resting on your lips.
"can i have one more hug?" you asked, tilting your head back to look up at him.
a grin spread across his face.
"aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."
you quickly closed the two feet between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his torso, your head buried against his chest.
another 5 minutes were spent surrounded by weapons in boxes just hugging your boyfriend.
but when you returned to the bullpen, everything seemed a little bit better
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princesssmars · 4 months
siobhan roy gets what she wants, and sooner or later its gonna drive her husband insane. 18+. fem!reader. fxfxm threesome. toms pov.
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when she first brings up the idea, tom awkwardly laughs and goes back to his dinner. its some fusion chicken dish at this insanely expensive place in manhattan, no prices on the menus. he asks her to repeat herself and she gives the same response.
a threesome. sex between him, her and another woman. but notnjust some random waitress or escort from some top of the line site like willa. she suggests you. her best friend of the past eighteen years.
the number eighteen just reminds of his shiv's insistence on not having a baby for at least ten years. he picks at his food until she lightly pushes his shoulder to look at her.
she's busy explaining the terms of their agreement and how this is beneficial to the both of them while he just watches. her eyes are squinting like they do when she smiles, and he thinks about the last time she had a real smile while talking to him.
he bites the inside of his cheek and agrees.
tom thought you were hot. and it was a bit scary. he'd heard some social media startup at a banquet remark how it was a shame your family has prioritized the humanities and technology for five generations, because if there was any pick of them to woo the world with a face and body it'd be you.
he never had any doubts about how much he cared for shiv. she was shiv fucking roy, he couldnt believe she was talking to him in that nightclub in ithaca. but he'd be a liar if he said he didn't let his eyes wander the first time he met you.
but he'd also be a liar if he said he'd never questioned just how close you and shiv were. his first introduction to a family and friends golf trip, and he studied how she corrected your stance from behind you, pressing her body into yours. but girls could be..touchy with each other. that was normal. what wasn't normal was roman teasing shiv for 'taking any chance to remind me you got to have a lesbo relationship with the girl everyone wanted in boarding school.' she gives a 'fuck you' and a punch to his arm before sitting next to tom, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
after that, he notices all of the little hand grabs under tables, the shared smiles when one of either of your siblings embarrasses themselves, and the late nights where shiv stays out with you to "go over some business". but he stays quiet. you're just best friends. and he knows the roys' have...odd relationships with the people around them. he's glad shiv has you to rely on when he's not around.
now he's standing over the bed, their bed, as the two of you giggle while shiv tugs your dress over your head, moving to yank your underwear down with quickness. he isn't sure where he's supposed to be or what he's supposed to be doing. a mixture of arousal and uneasiness grows in the pit of his stomach.
he feels like a creep just watching so he settles beside the two of you on the bed, feeling like he's made a wrong move once the both of you stop and your eyes settle on him.
"aw babe, i forgot you were here for a second. don't be shy. she won't bite." shiv consoles him, although the first part of her sentence does anything but. her cut hair rests softly on her shoulders, the black lace of her bra looking so nice against the paleness of her skin. he gives a gentle nod and turns his body towards you.
"yeah, tom. won't bite unless you ask me to." your hand grasps his wrist and brings it to your chest, his palm spreading out over your nipple and squeezing until you let out a hum. he eases into it, jumping a bit when a loud moan leaves your throat and your head goes back.
he looks down and shiv is between your legs, her eyes closed in content as she buries her mouth into you. she doesn't tease you like she does with him, hands bringing your legs to rest over her shoulders and digging into your thighs. he can only watch as your hand moves downward, ready to tell you that shiv hates having her hair pulled, when you get a grip in the red locks and pull, the woman groaning from between your legs.
he knew it all along, but this, all of this, cements it. you've done this before. shiv, the love of his life, his wife, has slept with her best friend, the maid of honor at their fucking wedding, and never told him. he makes eye contact with you, and you give him a smile as you grip his head and bring him into sloppy kiss.
throughout the night he can picture all of it from shiv's point of view. sticking her tongue in your mouth and tasting your lip balm. biting into the skin of your neck to hear your cries. licking over your clit until you cum into her mouth. doing all of it and more to her in return.
he leaves autopilot when he's on the bottom, mouth agape as you sink onto him and take a breather as shiv sits on his face. he's back inside his mind, fucking shiv's cunt with his mouth until his jaw aches and his veins cry out from gripping her thighs.
she normally chastises him for it, hating when he leaves marks. but right now she's preoccupied in you, and if just the sounds of you two kissing is sending him into a frenzy he can only imagine what it looks like. you're laughing, and she's laughing, and his ears strain to hear what the two of you are whispering about over the sounds of sex.
"god, you look so fucking hot-"
"'m so glad you finally did this, god, shit, got so tired of waiting-"
"i know, aw, i know baby. just a little longer, baby."
"im close, fuck tom, shiv!"
"god i fucking love you-"
tom's hips buck up as his high hits him like a freigh train, cumming inside of the condom he had fit on beforehand. you both tumble off of him, and once he gets his bearings he slowly stands and throws the condom into the trash. as he's walking into the en-suite bathroom shiv calls out that you're staying the night, her hand rubbing up and down your leg as youlay out on their bed.
can you tell which one of them i like more. its shiv i want to fuck shiv.
he smiles and closes the door.
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river13245 · 8 months
Why Couldnt It Have Been Me
Pt 2
pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Peter Parker x MJ (a bit), Ned x reader (platonic), Loki x reader
Warnings: unrequited love, heartbreak, Peter being oblivious, Reader being a bad boyfriend
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Walking into school the first thing you noticed was how loud it was. The hall were lined with students who were heading to class, or at their lockers and some where even finding places to hide so they could ditch class.
You would be ditching class if this wasnt the only class you had with your boyfriend. after pushing through people and avoiding them you finally made it into your science class. Shutting the door you let out a sigh while closing your eyes.
When you heard the bell ring you instantly walked to a seat and pulled out everything you would need for this class. Once everyone was ready the professor started explaining things and eventually said that everyone should get into groups of two.
You looked over to your boyfriend, who then looked at MJ. Noticing them two instantly look at each other you felt a small pain in your chest. He has told you time and time again they are nothing but friends. They knew each other in high school and have recently started hanging out again. Nothing else too it. You knew it was stupid to feel this way about it so you never brought it up to him again.
Ned must have noticed because he walked up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder before taking the seat next to you. "we can partner up."
You smiled and nodded. Ned had been your friend for many years now. He was Peters best friend and you two met from you hanging around him a lot. Over the years though you two had become closer, dare you even say that he was your best friend.
You two began to work but you couldnt help after a while that your attention began to drift over to Peter and MJ. They were laughing about something, He was probably showing her his web fluid that he kept in that desk since when the teacher wasnt looking he would work on it. Just like he showed you a few years ago.
You and Peter were sitting close together talking about him being spiderman when you asked. "so Spiderboy, How do you not run out of webs?"
Rolling his eyes with a smirk he opened up the drawer revealing all his things causing you to cover your mouth with your hand and nodding. "This is how I lean and make sure my web fluid is good. Its taken a lot of tries but I've finally managed to get it right"
"that's awesome Peter. Maybe you can take me around the town someday" He holds your hand and squeezes it softly "I would like to do that sometime"
Ned brings you back to the present by tapping your shoulder "hellooo earth to y/n"
Turning your head to look at him you notice the look he gives you. Ned looks over at the two of them and shakes his head. "They sure act as if they are more than friends" he says quietly.
Nodding you look at your project "yeah. I cant imagine what it feels like for you. You are his best friend, It seems he never hangs out with you anymore" he shrugs "he doesn't but it doesn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning, Plus I think I might have found a new best friend"
You look at each other and smile "I feel the same way. Would you like to meet up after this class so we could make sure the project is finished?"
"yes of course!"
The walk home was uneventful, usually your boyfriend would have walked you home but today and the past few days that hasn't been the case.
Finally arriving to your home you barely have your hand on the doorknob when your phone rings. Groaning you grab it from your back pocket and answer it "hello?"
"hey I'm sorry I couldn't walk you home today" the sound of your boyfriends voice came from the device. Shaking your head you fight the urge to sigh. "its alright I know you are probably busy"
There's a silence before you speak again "You are with MJ aren't you?" He doesn't respond for a moment, which causes you to scoff, "of course. I should have realized you haven't been walking me home or doing any of the things you used to do...because you are to busy doing them with her"
"y/n..me and MJ are just friends you know this. Just like you and Ned are friends" his tone held a scared tone behind it. "whatever Peter. I've got to go"
Hanging up and opening your door you throw your phone on the nearby couch and shut the door harshly. You refuse to cry about a man but the tears were beginning to form and the tight feeling in your chest was coming back.
You barely heard anyones footsteps until you felt two strong arms pull you in close and hold you. The hands that held you felt familiar so you didn't have to look to see who it was. "I've got you darling" He runs his hands through your soft brown hair as you cry on their shoulder.
When you finally have calmed down a bit, your face red from crying you look up at one of your closest friends "why cant it be me he wants....why cant anyone just want me"
He walks you to the couch and turns off your phone before using his magic to make you some tea and brings your favorite snacks. He also grabs a blanket and wraps it around your shoulders as you rest your head on his arm. "thank you Loki"
They nod and holds you close until you fall asleep. And only when they know you are asleep do they say the words you have wanted someone to tell you your whole life. "Its always been you. You have always been what I wanted"
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hotgirlgraps · 8 months
8. “you don't have to pretend to be alright around me. ” sick fic? for sick me 🥺
ofc, and i’m so sorry, i hope you feel better soon! 💗
8. “You don’t have to pretend to be alright around me.”
You could try to downplay it all you want, but your man knows you like the back of his hand. Any little thing that’s just slightly off about you, best believe it won’t ever go unnoticed by him.
He came through the door around eleven, just getting back from the arena. He picked up some cold and flu medicine on the way, along with a couple bottles of water and some gatorade, because he knew you probably weren’t taking hydration as serious as you say you are.
You made quick work of trying to not look like you were feeling as bad as you actually were, because you already told him you were starting to feel better before he left.
He needed to focus on his match and you knew he wouldn’t do that if he knew your fever was still spiking 102.
“Hey baby” He calls out to you, setting the bag down on the counter and pulling out the medicine and drinks. “I got you some stuff. How you feeling?”
“A lot better” You lied. Your voice was too raspy and you sounded too nasally for him to believe you.
He walked into the bedroom with all the items in one hand, taking one look at you was all he needed to do to be able to tell that you weren’t in fact feeling better, probably a little worse than you did when he left.
“Where’s the thermometer?” He asks, looking around the room. When he doesn’t spot it, he places the drinks and the medicine down on the bedside table and lays the back of his hand over your forehead.
“Baby, you’re burning up again.” He says with concern evident in his eyes. “Here.” he grabs the medicine and opens it, pouring two of the pills in his hand and passing them to you before he opens a bottle of water and waits for you to take them.
You do without objection and he’s relieved to see that. He passed you the water and sits down next to you, eyeing you cautiously.
“I’m fine, honestly. I don’t feel that bad anymore. Just a little tired.”
But he could tell you were lying.
“You don’t have to pretend to be alright around me.” he says, grabbing the water bottle when you passed it back and screwing the lid on.
“I’m not.” You lied, but he shot you a look that told you he doesn’t buy it.
“I just don’t want you to worry.” You admitted, and he shrugged his shoulder with a smirk following.
“Oh well, i’m your boyfriend. that’s exactly what i’m gonna do.” He grins as he lays down next to you, wrapping one arm around your waist.
“Tyler, you’re gonna get sick.”
But all he does is shrug again and place a kiss to your cheek.
“Like I said. Oh well.”
“But you have a very busy schedule coming up-“
Your words got cut off by his lips landing on yours, solidifying that he genuinely didn’t give a damn about anything else.
He pulled back after a moment and looked into your eyes, that same, boyish grin still proudly on his face.
You gave him a shocked look and he furrowed his brows.
“You think i’m worried about that?” He asks, “I’ll be glad if I get sick. Means I’ll be able to spend some extra time with my girl.”
You couldnt help the smile that spread across your face as he wrapped his arm back around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Besides, if you don’t share a cold, are you even a real couple in the first place?”
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whore4mattsstubble · 28 days
a/n!!::tiny use of y/n,smut(oral m! recieving/f! giving) MDNI,word count idek
chris x fem!receptionist
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It was summer,everyone was now off on summer break.except you.you worked at a very busy hotel,an all round busy hotel,but now it was summer it was completely PACKED.your job was stressful,so much so your life aswell.the time was now 1:30pm ,you were going for your break until you saw 3 young men.you noticed they were triplets due to their similar and defined facial features.you decided to do one signing in because the rest of your collegues had already left on break.you smiled as they walked ove
"Hi!What can i do for ya'!"
"Hey!Me and my brothers are here to check into our room?'"
You nodded and asked for the surname it was booked under.the 3 boys seemed to have different personalities,the boy who was holding the bags seemed to be more shy around new people(matt) while the older looking brother seemed to be more confident (nick) and the last boy you couldnt work out,(chris) all you could tell was he was staring at you,hard,not saying a word.until a raspy but not intimidating voice popped up.
His voice made your cheeks heat up.but soon the older brother realised this as you typed in the surname trying to figure the room.they had booked.
You whispered not looking up from your moneter still scrolling for the room number.
"your cheeks are getting really red ,are you okay?"
The brother ,who made your cheeks flush noticed this and smirked.
"Oh uhm yes,its just really hot in here!"
You said flapping your hands around
to make it look like your were hot.but after what felt like an eternity you finally found the room number.
"Your room number is..."
You said slowly letting the words glide of your tongue making chris more primal in wanting you.you tried a little to make it seductive.and it worked.chris was twitching for you,making it at subtle as he could but matt noticed.
"Hey bro.you good?" he laughed " your tweaking? "
Chris couldnt speak so he just nodded quickly.
"Alright then!" He laughed it off.
"Room 12! just down the hall to your first left past the foubtain!" As she pointed towards a hall.
As you went to hand the keys to nick,chris quickly and swiftly swiped them and quickly blurted out
"Me and..." He looked at your name tag.
"Miss Y/N,Y/L/N will find the room.while matt and nick give the keys to the valet!sound good? And if you get back early there"ll be a sticky note of the door number!"
He looked around as matt and nick murmmed in agreement.chris sighed in relief as matt and nick walked off.
He took a glance at the matching door and key number and grabbed your hand as he pulled you and him down the hallway.upon finding the room,chris is all over you kissing your neck leaving faint hickeys all over your neck as his hands wandered around your gorgeous body.
"Ive never heard a name as pretty as Y/N." taking small breaths inbetween kisses.you let out small elicit moans and pants as he gave you sloppy pecks along your jawline.
You barely whispered out "you make me feel so good christopher.."
You both started to get more and more riled up for each other until chris was laying his back on the bed.you crawled up to his jeans giving him doe eyes that were pleading for something and he new what that was.he slowly nodded and smirked as your developed a grin on your face..
You unzipped his jeans and boxers as they pooled around his ankles.your mouth was purely salivating over the thought of having your lips around his long, veiny cock..
You tried to tease him by kitten kicking the tip but chris wanted your plump lips around his lengthy dick.
"fuck ma your lips are so round and perfect 'round my length." Chris groaned loud and roughly
He grabbed you head and started bobbing it up and down causing his tip to graze the back of your throat making you let out small but just about hearable whimpers
"good boy chris.." You purred.
.that made chris feral.he was now moaning and groaning loud and proud.he was reaching his climax and you noticed that as you slowly started licking from his base to his now dark pink tip.he gently pushed your head away jerking his length into your wide open mouth.his seed was now filling up your mouth as you swallowed the last lot.as he realised his last string of cum into your pretty mouth ,you got up off her knees and helped chris pull up his jeans. As he buttoned them up there was a knock on the door.chris abruptly stopped praising y/n in her ear and kissing her cheeks as he heard this. He unlocked the dkor to see matt and nick smirking.chris awkwardly smiled and quickly shoved a note into y/ns hands which read..
"Call me..😉"
Y/n swiftly winked at chris and mouth "i will...dont worry.."
As she left the room innkcemtly sayibg her goodbyes.
Matt and nick sid in unison..
"If your gonna fuck the receptionist be sneaky about it we could hear you in the car park!"
"If your gonna fuck the receptionist be sneaky about it we could hear you in the car park!"
Chris was shocked he knew he was loud..just not that much!
He awkwardly smiled and chuckled.
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heeseung-min · 2 years
Am i the only one who prefers soft yandere?😭 can i request more soft yandere enhypen where their s/o asks for a cuddle because they couldnt sleep
Yandere Enhypen Reaction: Their s/o asks for a cuddle (Hyung line)
Warning: In this reaction, s/o is really fucked up so most of them are okay with the situation they're in and again this is just fiction...if you dont like yandere please scroll and go read something else
You groaned after failed from trying to sleep. It's already 2 a.m. which the common time for people to sleep. The headache has started to form but the only thing you can do was just whimpering. It was the first time you sleep without your boyfriend, Heeseung. The man went out to settle for some work two hours ago.
Heeseung always will be by your side and will be caressing your hair until you fall asleep however today is different and then you realised that without him you will face problem that you couldn't solve by yourself.
You reached the phone that was on the nightstand, finding your boyfriend contact and immediately press a call. You can't wait anymore. You need him. Now.
"Hee....I need you."
"Hey baby, what happen? Are you okay?"
You can hear a sound like someone pleading but you didn't even care about that. What you wanted right now is Heeseung. You wanted him to hug your body closer so you can feel his warmth.
"I - I can't sleep. I want to cuddle with you."
Heeseung smiled softly at your words. He imagined you were pouting while talking to him right now. He looked down at the man who were in weak state but still tried his best to plead at Heeseung to let him go. Too bad, the man shouldn't look at your way.
"I will be back in 30 minutes, y/n. Can you wait for me?"
You hummed showing you agreed with him since you were too tired to talk. The headache is slowly gone so you were feeling better a bit.
"Sorry for making you waiting. Come here, baby."
It's really warm whenever you hug him and the warmth brings you comfort that other people couldn't give. Hence, that's why Heeseung is very important in your life because only him can do this to you.
You looked to your side that was empty and started wondering where is your man. Since it's already the time that both of you should sleep but today he isn't here right now.
You walked out from the bed and looking for him and found the man at kitchen. He was too busy cooking something to notice you were behind him. He startled a bit when he felt your small hands hugged his waist from behind and smiled when you put your face at his back.
"What are you doing, y/n?" He asked as one of his hand was holding your hand while the other one was stirring the cooking.
"We should sleep right now. What are you doing?" You were whining when heard Jay laughed softly at your complaining. He turned off the stove after making sure the food has cooked completely and then turned to face you.
"I was cooking because I noticed you kept went to eat after few hours sleeping. That's why I'm making those so you don't need to prepare or cook anything." Jay explained as he hold your face. Your doe eyes are so beautiful and your lips making him gulped.
You were touched on how Jay treated you with a good care that nobody can give you the same treatment. Growing up without having love from your parents that were too focused on your sister rather than you making you wanted to cry when you see how Jay really take good care of you.
"I love you." You said it then pulled his shirt down so you can kiss his lips.
"I love you more." Jay mumbled after pulling out from the kiss. He stared at your face for a last time before turned to finish the cooking.
"If you want to eat, wake me up okay? We can eat together."
"You don't mind? What if you don't get enough sleep?"
"I rather spend my time with you than sleep without you beside me. Now, let's go to sleep honey."
You are bored. Jake had gave you free time to do what you want and he will not disturb you until the time is finish. However, after 30 minutes you started to give up on doing what you had wanted to do. You didn't feel the fun anymore.
You still have one and half hour more of your free time but you couldn't find other things you can do. Maybe you had used to always spend time with your boyfriend. Maybe that's why you felt empty when he is not beside you.
You tried to convince yourself that you don't need him and you can be independent. You continue to draw on the drawing paper but after few minutes you groaned at the sight of the drawing. It look so awkward that you can't even draw it anymore.
You kept your drawing equipments in the storage box and went out from your room looking for your boyfriend. You felt sleepy so cuddling him is the best thing to do before you take a nap.
Shocking at the thing he hold with blood splattered on his face to some parts of his shirt, you gasped loudly while backing away from him slowly.
"Oh sweetheart, what are you doing here? You still have long time before I can get you."
"I- i just- I was looking- for you.." His eyes soften at your words. He resisted himself from hugging you since he didn't want to make you feel disgusting with all of this blood.
"That's so sweet of you. Can you wait for me? I want to clean myself before I get closer to you."
You nodded once and went to the kitchen because the smell of blood started to get you nauseous. You ate ice cream to reduce the urge to puke and didn't even realised aften an hour, you already sleep at the kitchen counter.
"Y/n? Sweetie where- oh." Jake smiled softly at the sight of yours hugging the ice cream bucket. He took care of it and brought you to the bed and changed your clothes to a comfortable one. The man took time to look at your angelic face, appreciating your snores and left some kisses.
"I love you so much, y/n. If I need to kill our new neighbour to prevent both of you from meeting each other, I'll gladly do that."
God, you groaned when he smirked at you when he didn't even bother to switch on the heater. When you tried to do it, he will tie you up on the bed and left you alone in the room.
You can imagine how warm he feel right now when he wear the thick sweater and drink warm chocolate.
It's winter and Sunghoon wanted to torture you just so you will ask him to cuddle together. You love your boyfriend but sometimes he is just so annoying.
"Oh god, I feel so warm. The chocolate drink too is perfect for this season."
You rolled your eyes at his words. You knew he wanted to make you envy so you can beg him to give the warmth that you really need.
Sunghoon came closer to you. He knew you are stubborn to beg him but he also knew you will eventually give up being a brat and let him cuddle your body closer.
"What do you want?"
"Now now, that's not a tone that you should to someone that can provide you warmth."
Y/n sighed at his answers. You don't want to give up because it seems pathetic to you. However, when your boyfriend cupped your cheeks with his warm hands, you can't help but to sob. You literally sobbing when he started to leave kisses on your face because it provides a little bit of warm to your face. Sunghoon put his head on your shoulder while rubbing your back slowly. He is waiting for you to say the words.
"Please, hug me. I want to feel the warmth."
"Absolutely my dear, your wish is my command."
Sunghoon got rid of the rope on your hands and put some baby powder to sooth the redness. He kissed your forehead and brought your body closer to him and finally you got what you want. Even though you hate your boyfriend sometimes, you can't help that he also the one can provide everything you need. You also slowly grow attached to him and that makes Sunghoon happy.
So, I swear yandere reaction took me really long time to do😐 I am really sorry for those who request yandere reaction 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ and also i've done the hyung line...for the maknae line it needs time so that's why im posting this first...so thank you so much for reading this😔😔✋
Because he only want you to depend everything on him.
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kindnessisweakness2 · 8 months
Perfect Chaos - Part 9
“I should explain everything to you guys. I owe you that. Especially you Angel. I would hate you to think i was leading you on. I would never do that.” Riley sat around the fire pit as she spoke to them all. Angel, Lina, Coco and Ez all looked at her with worried expressions. She needed them to understand. She needed them to know why she was so worried for Angel’s safety. “I know things i shouldn’t know. Like club business. I know your all in the shit because you were running coke for Galindo and one of the shipments got stolen. I know Galindo thinks theres a rat at your table because it was BTT that jacked his shit. BTT are guns for hire basically, and Miguel thinks it was a Mayan that organised the hit. I know that by next Monday Miguel wants someone in his Pew to make up for the mistake.” Coco, Ez and Angel couldnt help but share glances of worry between them. “I know all about Ez and Emily’s old relationship, that its a sore spot for Galindo. That means Miguel already hates Ez and because your brothers he also dislikes Angel. I also know about the Rebels and the hate their pushing for the Cartel.” Coco placed his beer on the table and leaned his elbows on his knees. “You get all that from Jake?” Riley nodded. “Guess who the rat at your table is?” Riley sipped her drink and continued to fill everyone in. “He’s in Miguels pocket. Jake’s his ear in the Templo. Miguel wants rid of the MC and Ez dead. His wife clearly cant let go of her feelings and that burns Miguel. Jake set up the hit for Galindo’s shipment to start all this drama. Jake wants power and control. Just being patched doesnt give him that anymore.” Riley shook her head and sighed. "He knows I don't want to be with him anymore. I've tried to leave him before. That didn't go down well. He beat me so bad I couldn't get out of bed for days. Told everyone I was sick and he was taking care of me. Told me if I left him, he'd tell Miguel Coco was working with the rebels against him. He’d be dead and Lina would be devastated. I couldn't do that to any one. I don't want anyone hurt because of me.' Tears Welled in Riley’s eyes as Angel pulled her close. “This is why we have to be careful. I dont want him to come after you Angel.” Angel shook his head in disagreement. “I meant what i said. He’s not hurting you again.” Riley rolled her eyes at the stubborn man. “And i meant what i said. Im not letting any of you get hurt because of me." Lina leaned forward clearly frustrated. She couldn't stand Jake from the moment her friend started dating him. And she couldn't stand that he had used Riley's love for her and Coco to manipulate her. "Look how about we try and enjoy the next few days here. No Jake. No Stress. We will work out a plan before we head home." Everyone agreed, including Riley eventually.
An hour later and they had all moved indoors. The atmosphere was different though. Instead of depression and worry hanging heavy in the air, laughter now filled the indoor pool area they were all gathered in. Lina and Coco were all over each other in the pool, play fighting and making out. Ez was lay back on one of the pool chairs reading a book. And that left Angel and Riley down the furthest end of the pool. She would be lying if she said he didnt make her nervous. She was convinced that he could hear her heart beating ridiculously fast in her chest and she was trying to focus on keeping her breathing even. " Your beautiful." Angels soft voice made her snap from her thoughts. Beautiful? She was far from it. A ugly bruise spread on the one side of her face, her hair soaking wet and the oversized t-shirt she wore to swim in made her feel far from pretty. She smiled softly at him as her head turned to look at Lina who sat on Coco's shoulders, giggling as she covered his eyes with her hands. Now She was what you considered beautiful. Her tanned skin, long legs and wild curly hair had loads of guys falling at her feet. But she met her match in Coco and Riley was genuinely happy for them. Soft hands on her hips, again pulled her from her thoughts. "You don't see it. How amazing you are." Riley smiled at Angel, lifting her arms over his broad shoulders. "Thank you" she spoke softly, almost as if she spoke too loud he would disappear. Angels brows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at his girl. "For making me feel safe. For caring." Riley explained as she leaned into him fully. Angels heart lurched in his chest at her words. She really did feel like she was on her own. That no one cares. That she had to be strong. Angel gently leaned her against the side of the pool, her legs coming up to wrap around his hips. "I meant what I said Ry. I'll always keep you safe." Riley couldn't explain the emotions that Angel put through her. He really was incredible. Not being able to resist, she leaned forward and captured him in a deep kiss. Her hands cupping his face, his moving lower in the water to rest on her bum. The feel of his hands sliding underneath her shirt and up her back made Riley groan. Everywhere he touched made her skin tingle with excitement and warmth. She wanted him. She wanted him so bad, worse than she has ever wanted anyone before. None of this seemed real to her. That someone like Angel would want someone like her. He could have any body he wanted, but here he was kissing the life out of the girl nobody in their right mind would look twice at. "We should stop, it's not just us...." she spoke against his lips, inbetween kisses. " No one's paying attention baby." Angel trailed kisses down her neck, fingers hooking in the sides of her underware. "I could take you right here against the edge of the pool and not one of them idiots would notice." God, soaking wasn't the word. A gasp left her mouth as his hands moved lower. He filled her senses completely. She felt love drunk already, and it didn't make sense to her. How he could make her feel so much in such little time. Jake had never and could never make her feel this way. So wanted, so beautiful. "I have a better idea." She kissed the shell of his ear as she spoke quietly. Angel smiled as she drew him into another kiss before lifting herself out of the pool. Holding out her hand with a smile, she waited for Angel to get out or the pool before leading him towards the hallway. Lina locking eyes eith her as they passed a grin spreading on her face.
"Ooh go get it girl!! Make most of your alone time!! Don't do anything I wouldn't!!" Lina called out to them followed by lots of giggles. All Riley could think about was enjoying every moment with angel she could because as much as she hated to admit it, she knew there was trouble brewing and it was heading straight for her..
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
maybe uh thor and loki accidentally walk in on reader being in their little headspace? and then reader like kicks them out of their room and for the rest of the week reader avoids any sort of contact with them but then they get fed up and decide to confront reader and say they’re both willing to be reader’s cg? idk i just rly like thor and loki
Our tiny mortal-
Warnings: age regression, cg loki, cg thor, pacifiers
"Hello y/n. Can we come in tiny mortal?" My idiot brother asked knocking on y/n's door. We didn't get a response so I pulled on the handle and it opened. When we walked in I saw a small pile under the blanket.
"Oh sleep well tiny one." Thor smiled trying to leave. I got a strange feeling so I pulled back the covers. "Brother!" Thor yelled before his face shifted to confusion.
Y/n looked at us with sheer panic, a small object falling out of their mouth as they cried. "Go way!" They shouted throwing... a baby bottle? I looked down at the object that had bounced of my chest before looking at y/n.
"Okay calm down little one it's alright." I grabbed the bottle and placed it back on their pillow. "M not a wittle ge ou!"
"Y/n, I know you're lying but it's okay." Y/n lost the look of fear and innocence instead they got off the bed and started screaming. "I said get out loki! I dont want you in here get out!" They gave me a slight shove, which I was slightly taken aback by but I grabbed thor and pulled him out of the room.
Over the next few days we tried to cheer y/n up but they would barely go near us unless they really had to, even then it was when we were in a large group so we couldnt speak to them properly.
I told Thor about little space and how littles need someone to look after them and keep them safe and he agreed to help me.
We tried several times to get y/n to even start the conversation but they walked off each time.
I eventually got tired of this and went to find them. "Y/n!" I found them in the gym and stood by the door so they couldn't get passed.
"Loki I am busy, just let me go." I stayed by the door until Thor came. "Oh there you are. Hello Mortal."
"Guys I am really not in the mood to talk right now." Y/n sighed continuing their workout. "Is this because we know you are a little?" Thor asked making them freeze and look at me.
"We want to help you." I said, giving them a reassuring smile. "Yes we want to do that giving care thing."
"He means being a caregiver, we don't have to if you aren't comfortable but we want to help."
"Wait you want to be my caregivers?" We both nodded and y/n stood still for a moment like they were holding back for some reason.
"Do you want that?" Thor asked making y/n nod.
"See brother, that was easy now we have a tiny one." Y/n gave a small smile so I offered out my hand. "Come on little one." Y/n came closer but opened their arms doing grabby hands. "Up pwease." I let out a small chuckle and lifted them up into my arms.
"I am going to get us some poptarts then we can cuddle and watch some movies." Thor grinned rushing out the door.
"What do you think little one, cuddles and a movie?" Y/n nodded nuzzling into my neck.
"Cuddles and a movie it is." I smiled imagining what life was going to be like now we had found our little y/n.
Hope you like this <3
Thank you for the request, sorry for how long this took.
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kyyuri · 2 years
to be or not ! -yang jungwon
special chap ! the fund raiser (smau + written)
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★彡 synopsis: what happens when y/n, who is hopelessly pinning over her best friend, jungwon- gets betrayed by not one, but both of them ?! and what happens when jungwon falls for her despite all odds ?
a/n: GOSH IT FEELS GREAT TO BE BACK! sorry for the prolonged hiatus,, i had a lot of major exams this year and it was really tough >< but theyve finally ended so i will be updating more frequently! please continue to support this smau as always <3 (ps. 2 more chapters and this series ends officially 😭😭 might do spin offs if you guys want !)
word count: 694
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after days and dayyyyssss of hard work, jungwon had finally managed to pull off the perfect cake using the perfect recipe. jumping in joy, he slowly put the cake into the refrigerator. only 12 more hours till the eventful day he had planned. his heart was beating really fast. what if you said no ? what if you grew to resent him instead ? holding the keychain you returned him in his hands, he prayed to god. “please please please dont let me screw the only good thing in my life up again.”
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as expected, the hallway was jam packed with students, turning round each corner ready to try all the booths out. “jay oppa, hows all the funds so far ? “ you asked, packing another box of cookies for the students. “its going great, apart from the fact sunghoon is too busy taking fan pictures to even lend a hand. on the bright side, his face itself earned us $150 so far.” you chuckled “thats good to hear.” handing the box to the male student infront of you, you smiled, “ have a great day ! feel free to come back for more !” upon noticing his hesitance to leave, you were quick to question why. “can… CAN I GET YOUR PHONE NUMBER ?” he shouted at the top of his lungs, making the both of you flustered. you were too shocked to even speak. “um…um..” just then you felt someone hugging you from behind. “ynnnnnnnn~ its lonely here… come back quick please ..?” jungwon whined. the guy from before instantly took the hint that you were off limits once jungwon sent a glare his way. you giggled “okay wonie. lets go. “ jungwon just couldnt wait for the lunch shift to be over. “ill take over from here.” heeseung said giving a wink to jungwon. it was the signal. the signal to for ynwon final project. “thanks hyung !” and with that jungwon dragged you out of that class, bringing you to the school rooftop.
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“wonie why are we heading for the rooftop ? what about the bake sale ? its not over yet. “ “i know that but i wanna show you something.” as the door to the rooftop swung open, your jaws dropped. “wonie.. whats this ?” he smiled. “i prepared this for you ! oh and also this cake ! heeseung hyung taught me how to bake a while back.” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly “ a small smile creeped up on your face. “ thank you wonie. for everything. all the thoughts and effort you put into this. “ but when you turned from the view to face jungwon, all you see is a nervous boy. “won..ie ?” “i- i have something to say ! please let me finish everything before you speak. i- i- i have a crush on you and i didnt realised that i did i thought it was all normal and it took me a dating yujin to figure out that my feelings for her were ones of friendliness and my feelings for you are ones that can blossom into something more. i know i gave you a really hard time recently because of everything that went down and im really sorry for that and i understand if yo-you dont like me back anymore ! its really ok if you don-“ before he could finish his rambling, you leaned in and gave him a little peck on his cheeks. “wonie, i get it. you dont have to be sorry anymore. and besides, i like you back so isnt this a win for us ?” he looked at you absolutely stunned. “really ? you do ?” you nodded. he squeezed you into a tight hug “ im never going to let anyone take you away from me !!”
“sweet ! im getting my robux !” niki cheered softly from behind the door to the rooftop, earning himself a nice slap on the back from sunoo. “shh ! let the new couple enjoy their time together. i cant believe it took jungwon so many years to acknowledge his TRUE feelings.”
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kenobster · 1 year
@maiaspen replied to your post: RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP
Y?! 🤣😂 that is intriguing
Haha thank you - this fic didn't have a title; the "Y" stands for "Younglings." It's an idea I had of where Anakin is knighted and moves out of his and Obi-Wan's shared quarters in the Temple, and Obi-Wan is a little lonely and sad (in the children-moving-out-of-the-nest kind of way that all parents eventually go through). It gets worse when Ahsoka becomes Anakin's Padawan because Anakin is suddenly busy with a lot more responsibilities and they don't get to spend as much time together. Thus, Obi-Wan (as many grandparents do XD) takes up the hobby of assisting with the care of younglings/almost-Padawans, including helping them out with their studies.
Unfortunately, I couldnt get a decent excerpt out of this one, so instead have some headcanons my mom and I came up with while watching TCW to potentially go along with the idea:
In the youngling episodes (S5E6-E9, but specifically S5E8) after Ahsoka gets captured, the younglings are stranded on a ship and send out an SOS call. When Jedi General & Council Member Obi-Wan Kenobi picks up the call, literally everybody seems absolutely starstruck (1:01)--except for Katooni and Pedro.
Katooni smiles in greeting and gets immediately to business. She barely even takes a breath before she's giving him their coordinates.
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Considering she is a goody two shoes (and we all know which other Jedi is a goody two shoes), my mom and I assume they are on regular speaking terms with each other. We headcanon that Obi-Wan has lunch with her every Tuesday or something lol and gives her advice on her studies. He does this with all the younglings who want to, but Katooni is definitely his favorite lol.
While Pedro is equally starstruck (which is to say not at all), he does not seem to share Katooni's amicable ease. In fact, Pedro makes what we feel is a disgusted face the second Obi-Wan's hologram figure pops up lmao:
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This is especially hilarious when paired with another scene... aka, the one where Pedro is boasting about his lightsaber and says, "With this lightsaber, I'm going to challenge Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to a duel and kill him General Grievous!!!!" (S5E7 at 5:48) (You cannot convince me and my mom that this was not an edit to the original script; don't even try.) When these two scenes are paired together, it paints (in our opinion) a picture of a youngling who has gotten into enormous trouble, who has been caught red-handed getting into this enormous trouble, and who blames no one other than Obi-Wan Kenobi for the consequences of being caught red-handed getting into this enormous trouble lmao.
Our Pedro-versus-Obi-Wan headcanon is actually a continuation of a previous headcanon which sprung from episode S2E1. In this episode, Ahsoka refused to retreat from a battle, despite Obi-Wan's insistent commands at 2:37 to 2:55 (he even gave Anakin hilariously dirty looks for all the trouble at 2:53). Afterwards, the scene cuts to the the Jedi Council, where Anakin and Ahsoka are standing in the middle, and the very first lines are (at 3:58):
Mace Windu, stern, no-nonsense tone: "Padawan Ahsoka. Do you feel that Master Kenobi's description of the incident is accurate?" Ahsoka, looks down, absolutely ashamed: "... Yes, my masters."
And my mom and I are like wtf was Obi-Wan's description of the incident lmfao.
It took us a while, but we have finessed our answer to this question to be that Obi-Wan probably is the type who pretends to be completely oblivious and accidental as he throws people under the bus (this is based on countless other scenes, which would make this post far too long, but see one example in S1E2 at 15:27 when he does so with Anakin).
So what my mom and I think he said in the Ahsoka situation was something like:
"Ahsoka was very courageous and initially stayed to fight. Perhaps she was only resistant to my commands because she lacked the bigger picture... although, hmm, I did try to explain it to her... Oh well, she's young and I'm sure she did her best."
Which would be so incredibly damning lmao. Everyone thinks the scathing comments are unintentional, but they are not. Obi-Wan knows exactly what he's doing. In fact, he and Mace Windu play the good-Jedi-bad-Jedi game with younglings and/or Padawans on the regular, and it is wildly effective.
In our headcanons, Pedro is only one of the many younglings to have fallen victim to Obi-Wan's kind and forgiving demeanor only to find themselves totally bamboozled in front of the council later. Like, secretly-conniving Obi-Wan 'incidentally' brought up the fact that he found Pedro sneaking around the lower Coruscanti levels--oh no, that wasn't against the rules, was it? Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize--which resulted in Mace Windu assigning Pedro to babysit Grogu for several days. Pedro will never let this go. (Obi-Wan loves Pedro though, just as much as the other younglings! He's just worried about him and this is his way of protecting him.)
Sadly, these disciplinary tactics become less and less effective overtime... Mostly because Obi-Wan develops a reputation among the sneakier, brattier younglings who warn their younger kin:
"No no no, you can't trust him. You might think you can--he seems so sweet and forgiving and sort of naive--but you absolutely cannot, no matter what he says. Ever."
And meanwhile, all of the nerds like Katooni continue to have their weekly luncheons/study clubs with Obi-Wan...
... However, when he's off-world, they will secretly teach their Pedro-friends what they've learned. And they will assist in any ongoing mischief... the difference is that they have the good sense to not tell a Jedi Council member about these schemes, no matter how understanding said Jedi Council member might seem, because "like... isn't that just common sense?"
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chiimaera · 2 years
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IT HAPPENED SO QUICKLY,  she shouldve saw it coming. it was naive of her to think that she would be spared the cruelty of a world that was not her own. her brothers sins had come knocking and she had foolishly stood in the way. she didnt have the money to pay his debts this time, her bookshop didnt have the the means to act as collateral for what he owed to the sharks he had conned with promises of profit he never had. men had come to her shop as she was closing, demanding payment or the location of her brother so that they could get what they were owed. for all her foolishness, sigyn wasnt stupid. she knew what they would do to him.  so the woman refused. her loyalty unable to bend even in the face of danger. it wasnt in her to simply allow someone she loved to be harmed because it was easier. she couldnt turn her back on him, not now, not in ever. perhaps if she had waited a little longer, perhaps if she had convinced them to come to her home under some pretence in hopes that it would take long enough for her god to return to her as he promised. yet her anger got the better of her, that unwavering stubbornness that held her chin high and refused to allow them to see weakness in her.  she felt the blade slide through her, a sudden sharp pain cutting through her bravado as she stared into the unfeeling eyes of her attacker. he had said it was a waste to rid the world of a pretty face before he let her body drop to the hard floor. she didnt know what they took on the way out, too busy pressing her hand against the bleeding wound. she could taste copper on her tongue, taking in shaky breaths. she couldnt die. not like this. not now.  “ loki, ” his name left her lips like a prayer, gritting her teeth as she used what adrenaline she had to push herself to her feet. she tried to move toward the door—get help, dont die, put pressure, dont die, keeping going, dont die ! she kept her eyes on the door, taking each agonising step toward it as crimson bloomed through the bodice of her dress. keep going. keep going. she didnt make it to door before her legs gave out, hitting the ground with an hard thump that made her cry out on impact. it wasnt meant to be like this. she was supposed to live out her days with him, grow old and let him go peacefully. she wasnt ready to die, she wasnt ready to let go. she pressed her hand harder against the bleeding wound with a hiss.  as hard as she tried, she began to fade in and out of consciousness the more blood pooled, flowing into the creases of her floor boards underneath her. when she opened her eyes again, her body was being pulled off the floor into someones arms, a hand pressed over her bloodied one. she focused on the familiar gaze of @manifoldmischief​, filled with shock and despair. he was saying something but she couldnt hear it, lost in the hazy nothingness that threatened to take her. it didnt hurt anymore. her limbs felt cold though, her body heavy like lead.  she supposed this is what it meant to be human, what he had feared when loving something so fragile. it wasnt supposed to end like this. she wanted more time yet every passing moment slowed as her heart began to beat dangerously slow.  “ kiss me please, ” she whispered.  he obliged, his warm lips pressing against hers one last time. she prayed to whatever gods were listening, to the allfather himself, though she did not ask for life or a second chance. she prayed that he would find love again. that he wouldnt let this harden his heart. loki deserved to be loved, he deserved so much more than she could give him. but she would love him still, even in death for was that not the true meaning of fidelity? to accept death if it meant the happiness of those who you love.  “ i love you, ” she sighed so softly it was almost lost to the wind.   she did not take another breath.    
kisses with their last dying breath
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ihokshop · 5 months
fandom: project sekai tags: backlit lens flare!wxs; cyberpunk au; first meetings
vocaloid syndicate is recruiting.
the hologram appears for a second before it flickers out. rui frowns, he taps his earring, which returns with a low beep. he surmises as much: it was an unauthorized broadcast; he needs to fix the security on his devices; and he has no way to reply.
he puts it out of his mind before returning to the present. mizuki was holding onto a flash drive, looking determined. he had said that the rest of the group could come inside, but mizuki made it clear that it was a quick visit. he didn't blame them. with their group's big debut coming up, they couldn't risk exposing their identities too early.
it seems like they hadn't noticed the announcement, if it was even visible to them at all. he considers this.
"rui," mizuki reminds him.
"sorry. same time?"
"you know it."
he nods. just before they leave, he ruffles mizuki's hair. they fluster, annoyed, saying that it took them the whole morning to actually get it looking manageable today, which rui calls bullshit since their hair never looks out of place.
they manage to swat rui's hands away and leaves after an extended moment of making faces at him. he laughs, and returns to his tinkering.
the shop is silent save for the din of the outside. shibuya's streets are a loving clamorous symphony accompanying the way he assembles his machinery. he lets himself get lost in it.
creating something wasn't so much of a struggle in the assembly. he had a harder time thinking of how, exactly, to do it. most of the time he was struck the moment he saw its need, but when he was bored, he would fall into dips and slumps. of course, this is where music came in.
his penchant for music isn't known to most. he had been anonymous for most of the time he was active, and only nene really knew about the shit he got up to because he couldnt help but ask her to listen just in case something sounded wrong.
it's a mystery why VSyn wanted him in. he heard rumors of course — the collective who only looked for the best. literal legends were made from their ranks. recruitment was limited to a small pool the few times they decided to open their doors. that aside, nothing was known much about them, not even their selection process.
whether the announcement was real or not was not an issue. once doors opened, they found you or you find them. even if he was to disregard it, they'd find a way.
the tinny bell at the door is not enough to draw his attention away from his work, but a wry, "you look busy," gets him to say back, "aren't you in need of a break?"
nene doesn't say anything. he hums, waiting.
as usual, she breaks first, swinging herself onto the only chair reserved for customers. he looks up at her. she looks quite despondent before reaching into her bag to pull out her handheld.
"you messed with the thumbs too much again?" he takes it from her hands, looking at it. indeed, it was a little loose. "i could make a few more improvements-"
"who knows what you'll do with those improvements," she replies. "just help me, please."
"alright, alright."
she wasn't much for conversation, usually, but after a moment, she adds, "i saw emu, earlier."
"did you, now?" rui lets the silence build. nene knows he won't give this time, and she lets him.
"she said she really, truly wanted you and her brothers to get along."
he winces. emu and her good intentions. but her brothers have been more persistent about him and his tech, and he really doesn't want to let them know more about him than he's willing. it had been months since he accidentally slipped and talked about phoenix's vulnerable security within their earshot, and emu gotten even closer to what he had once buried.
"can't you?" nene insists, meaning more than just emu's brothers.
he could. he really could, but what was the point? hardly anyone looks up these days. their attention was caught like a rat on their devices and holos. he could hardly cross the street without someone accidentally bumping into him because they were fixated on their screens. plus, it had been a long time since his bots had last seen the light, and he had been tempted to take them apart for parts.
"maybe," he settles. "that's up to our star, isn't it?"
she scoffs. he could picture her swinging her feet. "right, our wonderful star, still stuck on his piano?"
"nene," he chides gently. he doesn't say anything more. he has nothing to say in defense. she doesn't look convinced, but refrains from saying anything else.
after a moment, he says, "i know you're worried—"
"we're all worried," she snaps. her mouth was set in a grim line. "i saw him with hoshino the other day, and all he could do was rave about his stupid virality."
ah, not good. emu was the one who suggested the performance, but nene was the one who cajoled tsukasa into actually performing. rui was the one who set up the whole thing, blinded by the need to make his actors shine in every circumstance.
(in that sense, isn't that what a director was supposed to do anyway?)
in any case, it was still a sore spot for all of them, especially with how tsukasa had been dissatisfied with their group performances, and had stopped showing up to practice. he hadn't been able to make a dent in tsukasa either. his eyes were starry, but dimmer. rui had told him to stop by the shop if ever he needs help, and he's yet to drop by.
it's been two months.
rui changes the subject before his thoughts get too carried away.
"did you know vSyn is recruiting?" it's too obvious, but nene is always easily distracted by talk of it.
nene startles upright. before she says anything, he puts her handheld before her. she tests the joysticks, listening to the clicks in satisfaction before putting it back in her bag. she then takes out a stick of gum and hands it to rui. he takes one.
making a face at the strong grapefruit flavoring, he says, "unusual."
"you lack taste."
"your taste is quite unique."
she glares at him. she's not quite looking at him, though. he follows her gaze and lands on a small blocky tulip made of yellow lego. it looks horrible and garishly bright. he tries to ignore the itch in his ears and chucks a pair of extremely pink cat paw thumb grips at her. she catches it with a bit of fumbling, and when she realizes what it is, flushes red.
"… i won't say anything if you don't."
"a fair trade."
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melancholyhime · 1 year
things ive been recalling, if someone even cares (if not its ok, bc its for me to write out and look at)
a boy from my childhood who loved me very much, his was instant and mine was slow and full of teenage shyness/awkwardness/undiagnosed autism. our friend pretended he saw a squirtle in my pool and swam away leaving us alone. the boys hands shook as he cupped my face. i remember that even now. his hands started to shake whenever he would touch my waist. he never touched me without asking or me reaching out first. he was a dork and a nerd and such a good son. 2 dogs. but my god he lied. he lied about a piece of his life i guess bc he wanted to seem cooler to me. he never had to be, and i never said i wanted anything differently. but i could never fully agree to be with him bc when i called him out in the lie, he wouldnt come clean bc it had gone on for so long. his lie was more important than telling me the truth, and it was the single door that remained closed between us. ive never been as intimately close to anyone ever again.
i said yes to a boy in college when he asked me to marry him. he asked me because we were fighting again. we were better as friends but couldnt see that bc of how much we had poured in to one another. i genuinely loved him. but i loved a lot of ppl, bc to me (always) love is not a singular definition. i choose the ppl i love and i love them different amounts and ways and quantities and reasons. he couldnt accept that: "you dont know what love is" i will never forget those words. we on and offd again for years. we didnt marry. i kept a letter he had wrote me until my actual first fiancee found it and accused me of still loving him (of course i did but again, different ways amount etc) so i tore it up to prove that i "didnt love him any more". i regret it to this day.
i tried women and polyamory bc i didnt fit anywhere. i didnt fit. no one stayed because i didnt know how to make them. i even called myself fridgid bc thats what i was right? like a broken toy that had an essential inner gear twisted out and it still worked but now it didnt do one particular function. i was pansexual, but no that wasnt right either. a partner touched me and i felt disgusted.
my last boyfriend hand made me cherry pastries one morning at the beginning of the relationship. my roomate kept telling me he wasnt good but that one act kept me attached for so long because it was so kind. and simple. and full of care. it meant he really cared (and maybe he did). he always wanted sex. i did not. he never forced himself on me but i felt so guilty that i would give it to him and feel icky afterwards. when we finally broke up we still had a few months on our lease together so instead of trying to "work it out" like he begged and i agreed to, he brought a girl home and fucked her loudly so i could hear what i hadnt given him, what he could have always had if i was just a normal loving, giving girlfriend who wanted to please her man, and then ignored me for the rest of the lease until 2 weeks before we moved out, when he apologized and asked if we could be friends.
and finally. finally. i googled the demi/ace flag. of course id seen it in lgbtqa posts but just five articles in of frantic reading tears streamed down my face because i finally found the ppl that felt the same way i did. i wasnt broken i was just made another way and the relief that i felt when i saw the explaination for everything i had saw and felt within and outside of myself.. i can never express the warmth that crept back into me that i hadnt realized i had lost bc i had stopped loving myself a long time ago bc i had been so busy trying to love others the right way and ignored myself--the worst thing u can actually do. all the self loathing evaporated. all the evil mean down talking i did to myself on the daily trickled quickly to a stop. i stopped calling myself broken and frigid, i stopped feeling i was made incorrectly, i stopped believing those people (including the evil part of myself) were right.
i am 38. it took that long.
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sketchguk · 1 year
Hey! this is soulmate mark anon! I read your answer omg I love your ideas! a cat sounds good to me too, it fits mc!! Patronusus are soooo special . I also like your stars idea though! maybe mc has soonyoung's constellation? I feel so bad for sonyoung that he knows shes his mate but she wishes it was mingyu, and soonyoung already HATES mingyu wetwytwytr. What do you think made soonyoung realise the mark is mc's? anddddd i've always been curious but idk if youve answered this already ... How did mc and mingyu fall into bed the first time??? WREWTRTTETR Like .... you said they r friends but they also were allso like fwb right ????? how did that happen ?? please tell me that scene so i can stop being curious last week I got so busy with work thats why i couldnt send any asks , now i'mm just in bed relaxing before sleeping. this week will not be so busy for me! Thanks for talking to e about my little ideas !!
Hey hey ! The cat patronus would really encompass all of mc's personality traits <3 I guess that's settled ✨ Funny how both of their patronuses are in the cat family. That's how it should be when they're soulmates !!
The constellation mark would be really pretty, but would it lead directly to Soonyoung in the end?? In a way, it's also special because the astronomy tower is Soonyoung's favorite place in Hogwarts to clear his head. He's taken mc there when she's felt stressed !! So there's definitely a connection there 💛
I also feel like quidditch should be involved in the very first stages of the mark because it has to be super generic for her to believe it's also Mingyu LOL
With every headcanon for this au, it's basically "how many times can we kick Soonyoung when he's already down on the floor?" He's always hurt one way or another LOL, poor guy. He's definitely frustrated with the way mc never considers him as her soulmate. And as hard as he tries to convince her, it just doesn't work out !!! But when the full marks are revealed, there's no way they can deny it then. He just has to trust the process !!!
If we're going with the cat patronus mark, I suppose it would be difficult for Soonyoung to realize that's mc right away. Hmmm. Maybe there are little details that pop up first !! I saw these designs and thought they would be super cuteee:
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lol the second mark would be so cute if the moon was replaced with the sun because mc is definitely the sun ☀️ So maybe the flowers pop up first before the full image of the cat !!
And they could be meaningful like mc's birth flower (but of course in the end, it varies by the reader). If we were going with something general, maybe it'd be tiger lilies !! Remember back when the herbology club would do farmer's market fundraisers?? Where they'd sell produce and flowers from the greenhouse?? Well Soonyoung first gifted mc a tiger lily stem (duh ahah). She received a bunch of flowers from her admirers, but when they're all piled up at her desk, the tiger lily is the one that always stands out the most, and it soon becomes one of her favorites !!
But imagine she doesn't recognize who gave what flower because there were always sooo many. People would hand them to her in succession, and she'd have to place them away so she can fully commit to her work at the market!! She's too busy, and she can't have her hands full when she's enticing other students to buy her cherry tomatoes. And that's always gonna be the sad part </3 She doesn't ever fully recognize Soonyoung's efforts when he tries so hard to have her love him
Oh how did mc and Mingyu become fwb !!!! The h*rny part of my brain really skipped over that part so that I could maximize the angst asap. Here's the idea I came up with. Let me know what you think!
Mc would ask Mingyu for advice because some of her suitors would flirt with her, but she doesn't know if she should give into their advances in spite of her big, fat crush on Mingyu. She tells him that she's wary about settling for some guy because she doesn't feel a genuine connection with those other boys, and she thinks they might just want to get laid. Mc confesses that there's no harm in saying yes, right? It could be a win-win situation. What if she enjoys it? (BECAUSE LATELY, SHE HAS TROUBLE GETTING OFF ON HER OWN !!! The only thing that makes her come is the thought of Mingyu). And if she says yes, perhaps this is her chance to get over Mingyu who doesn't want to pursue anything further with her. But when he asks what kind of connection it would take for her to fold, she tells him the truth. She feels most comfortable with someone who's her friend. Someone kind, respectful, and considerate. Someone like... Mingyu. She knows that this is a terrible idea because she genuinely likes him. But at this point, she'll take what she can get. She thinks that maybe after the first or second time, he'll catch real feelings for her. Yet time after time, he has never made it official.
And I'm sorry your work was so busy !! Thankfully you'll have more time now to relax !! Missed you lots <3 What is it that you do if you don't mind me asking?!! I'm actually gonna be the busy one this week because I'm starting a new job ahhhh (but it's per diem, so at least it's not full time. There's a lot of planning and preparation to do though, so I'm sure it'll eat up all my spare time) 😔 I will look forward to your messages after a long day though, that's for sure !! Hope you have an awesome week 💛
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quotescaption · 2 years
75+You Are The Love Of My Life Quotes
75+You Are The Love Of My Life Quotes William Shakespeare once said that, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” He also once said that, “You call it madness, but I call it love.”
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75+You Are The Love Of My Life Quotes
1. I mistreatment I couldnt veneration you subsequent to more I benefit your hands on right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.
2. Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are anything to me.
3. I be burning very approximately you all minute of my simulation; youon the subject of my adulation and my activity. Not all people are privileged to locate the wisdom of their liveliness. I am glad, cause I had found it bearing in mind I met you the adoration of my vibrancy.
4. From the day you walked into my dynamism, youregarding all I think about. Youconcerning the gloss I breathe. You are the stars in my circulate.
5. I may search for other thousand years but yet may not locate someone as gorgeous and tender as you are.
6. I veneration you, and I will honoring you until I die, and if theres a energy later, Ill high regard you as well as.
7. If you locate me not within you, you will never locate me. For I have been following you, from the dawn of me.
8. I saw that you were unchangeable, and consequently I loved you. Then I saying that you were not utter and I loved you even more.
9. You dont high regard someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a impression unaided you can hear.
10. I would rather spend one lifetime back you, than point all the ages of this world alone.
11. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
12. I praise you. I knew it the minute I met you.
13. I just yearning you to know that you’concerning unconditionally special… and the unaided defense I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.
14. If I loved you less, I might be responsive to chat very about it more.
15. Do I adore you? My god, if your esteem were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.
16. Remember, we’on the order of madly in high regard, for that excuse it’s pleasurable sufficient to kiss me any era you feel once it.
17. I am who I am because of you.
18. He looked at her the quirk the whole women sore spot to be looked at by a man.
19. I adulation how she makes me mood in the by now every single one single one single one share of is realizable, or gone activity is worth it.
20. You have bewitched me body and soul, and I idolize, I honoring, I venerate you.
21. Some adulation stories aren’t epic novels. Some are brusque stories. But that doesn’t make them any less filled later adulation.
22. To worship or have loved, that is allowable. Ask nothing subsidiary. There is no additional pearl to be found in the dark folds of computer graphics.
23. If you stir to be a hundred, I agonized feeling to alive to be a hundred minus one hours of day, fittingly I never have to alive without you.
24. You are my heart, my cartoon, my one and abandoned thought.
25. I fell in hero worship the pretentiousness you slip out cold: slowly, and subsequently completely one of at in the back.
26. With the sum world crumbling, we prefer this period to slip in adulation.
27. I worship you. I acceptance to in you every pension of. You are my dearest one.
28. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
29. Loving someone and having them respect you by now taking place occurring is the most precious issue in the world.
30. Being highly loved by someone gives you strength, though indulgent someone highly gives you courage.
31. The greatest happiness of liveliness is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in acrimony of ourselves.
32. Theres no temporary for a delightful adulation who says, No business whats muddled taking into account you, youin the works for traditional at this table’.
33. So, I be crazy roughly you because every share of universe conspired to guidance me evaluate you.
34. At the be adjoining of respect everyone becomes a poet.
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Quotes About Love And Life
36. To living following you is to alive. To rouse without you is to die.
37. Two people in lionize, alone, by yourself from the world, thats endearing.
38. Chemistry is you the length of my arm and vibes blaze to my mind.
39. To be thoroughly seen by somebody, later, and be loved anyhow this is a human offering that can be adjacent to concerning miraculous.
40. Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away and each and every one the things I deficiency to make known can judge no voice.
41. True flatter will accomplish in the turn of view – which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, it’s the most sweet lie we have.
42. No matter how in the incline away from-off you go, I will save tender you because you are the best issue that has ever happened to me.
43. There is no remedy for have emotional impact a pedestal but to respect more.
44. Love is always confront arms.
45. You don’t adoration someone because they’on reach, you hero hero worship them in spite of the fact that they’on not.
46. To living is along also to elevate – every one of defense is adjoining it, and every one one of healthy instinct for it.
47. To adore someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
48. The best business you can get is subside in respect. My cartoon has been distorted by falling in flatter.
49. Like the flowers that maintenance taking place front fragrance, your worship brings romance in my ordinary moving picture.
50. I wanted to make known you that wherever I am, every happens, I’ll always think of you.
There are for that gloss many heart-melting “you are the adoration of my cartoon” quotes.
51. I flatter you without knowing how, or once, or from where.75+You Are The Love Of My Life Quotes
52. I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless era, in simulation after moving picture, in age after age permanently.
53. Life has turned into a beautiful garden ever since you entered into my cartoon.
54. I admire you not because of who you are, but because of who I am back I am as soon as you.
55. Im here. I love you. I dont care if you need to stay occurring crying every night long, I will stay subsequent to you.
56. You were made perfectly to be loved and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my mass moving picture long.
57. I exaltation thee to the extremity and breadth and peak my soul can make a come by of.
58. If I know what adulation is, it is because of you.
59. There is a madness in passionate you, a nonappearance of marginal note that makes it atmosphere hence flawless.
60. I know I am in admire forward you because my authenticity is finally bigger than my dreams.
61. Its him. Something not quite him makes me atmosphere as soon as I am roughly to decrease.
62. I have a beat roughly your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a huge add-on.
63. Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept sentient. One must never, for whatever marginal note, direction his past approaching liveliness.
64. You can be creative unaided if you be stuck on simulation allowable that you nonattendance to adding together happening its beauty, you nonappearance to bring a tiny more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.
65. I enjoy mammal happy every daylight, and hopefully you can listen my happiness in my music. Life is beautiful.
66. I lack you today, tomorrow, previously-door-door week, behind-door month, considering year, and for the ablaze of my vibrancy.
67. Love is something eternal; the aspect might fine-space, but not the essence.
68. Grow pass past me! The best is before.
69. I promised to adulation you for the burning of my liveliness and that is what I am going to get.
70.In every the world, there is no heart for me related to yours. In every the world, there is no love for you associated to mine.
71. When someone loves you, the mannerism they chat roughly you is oscillate. You atmosphere safe and comfortable.
72. We loved following a be annoyed just about that was on zenith of high regard.
73. Love is once you meet someone who tells you something auxiliary just about yourself.
74. I couldnt have dreamed you into existence because I didnt even know I needed you. You must have been sent to me.
75. Since you have walked into my energy, I see why it didn’t produce a consequences in out when anyone else.
Where there is love there is life. This is a famous quote from the famous poet and philosopher William Shakespeare. He is said to have said this quote at the funeral of his beloved sister. I believe that this quote has a great deal of meaning to it. I find it to be very true that where there is love there is life. I believe that we can also say that where there is no love there is death.75+You Are The Love Of My Life Quotes
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I need google for social convention. how to ask for something back from someone who borrowed it
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