#said some insane touch grass now shit
musashi · 5 months
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literally not my fault!!!!!!
What is it with people who abandon me and acting like it's my fault they're bitter insecure losers
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hella1975 · 6 months
ive never felt more rural than i have in the past few weeks since hanging out with a lad who has only ever lived in cities. what do you MEAN YOU'VE NEVER DONE A MORRIS DANCE
#he didn't even know what morris dancers WERE i said some shit like 'you know it's summer when the morris dancers come out'#and he was like 'the what now' I FEEL LIKE IM GOING CRAZY. HE'S FUCKING WITH ME SURELY#AND THIS HAPPENS SO OFTEN ABOUT THINGS I JUST ASSUMED WERE BASICS#'harvest festival 🤨' PARDON. YOU ARE JOKING#and also the CONCEPT of a village is baffling to him. i said there's probably about 100 people in my entire village#and we don't have a pub or a single shop the closest ones are in the NEXT village over which is a 3 mile walk#and this boy was HORRIFIED. we are both in a constant state of thinking the other is taking the piss#and now every time i think/do something abundantly rural im SO self-aware 😭#my mum told me the farmers are gonna do a xmas tractor run through our village this year#(they usually miss our village bc even by village standards it's tiny)#and she was like 'shame you'll miss it! i'll send you a video!' and im there already picturing this boy's face when i show it him#like sigh. yeah. yeah okay maybe the rural england is ingrained deeper than i feared. never escaping the allegations etc#had a conversation with him the other day that concluded with me 100% genuinely being like 'you need to touch grass'#i literally said 'i think it would fix you. like actually go and touch some grass what the fuck'#bc at this point he's so far removed from nature that it's INSANE TO ME. i didnt realise how much i took growing up rurally for granted#THESE PEOPLE DONT EVEN GET DRUNK IN FIELDS. THEY HAVE NO FIELDS. I HAD TO EXPLAIN TO HIM WHAT A CAMP OUT WAS
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noctilucous-sunni · 2 years
the very tiring, horrible, not at all good day where you were not a track star [sagau]
Part 2. [masterlist]
warnings: swearing, i couldn’t create a cool title, cultish behaviours???, implied violence???, i don’t know what this is and i don’t want to find out, old crusty writing skills reborn!
info/tropes: imposter!au but with humor??, light crack, light comedy, cult!au, gn!reader
notes: like i said in a previous post, ive been on a writing hiatus for 2 years! Which is why this is very self-indulgent and me simply brushing up on my writing skills. It’s rather bad but i had fun writing it haha 🥴🤭 also its my first time writing for sagau! this was my originally intended first writing post bc it was the first thing i wrote for genshin but then i never finished it and then i posted hands as my first written post and here we are, back to the beginning :) i haven’t edited much of this, i just added on to it so my writing skills (and any characterization) in here are super crusty oof.
feat. character(s); diluc
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It had been a painfully normal day, and maybe that was the source of all your current problems. You had just completed some exams and instead of studying yet again, you decided to take a short break. As you got home, dragging yourself towards your bedroom, you huffed, letting go of your bags and then collapsed onto the bed quite comfortably. After a few minutes of just lying there and rethinking your life choices, you finally decided to sit up and take out your computer. You hadn’t played Genshin in a while and you felt like rewarding yourself with finishing a quest or redecorating your teapot.
As usual, you quickly and painfully lost track of time. When you checked your phone, you saw the time and winced. 11:30 pm. Did no one call for you? That’s quite odd actually, you would usually be berated by your mom to go downstairs to socialise and eat. How did time fly by so fast? Wait, did you even eat yet? You couldn’t sneak out now, you’d be caught and chastised for staying up on a school night. Instead, you and your growling stomach simply had to deal with it. If your stomach could text emojis to you it would probably send you an angry face. You quickly closed your laptop and placed it on your desk. As you turn off the lights, you yawn before wrapping yourself in a cosy blanket burrito. Not too bad of a day, you supposed.
If only you had known what was going to happen. Your future self was probably laughing at you right now.
As sunlight playfully peeks from behind clouds, you shuffle in your sleep, wishing for five more minutes. When it gets warm, your brain finally starts to wake up. Sitting up, you frown as a calming breeze rustles your hair. Wait.
A calming breeze? You didn’t leave any windows open. HECK, you didn’t even HAVE any windows in your bedroom. Your half-asleep brain was barely processing anything, let alone allow you the energy to sit up and stretch your arms.
Why.. was there grass.. and trees.. and not your bedroom? And was it animated? The grass was nice though, you remarked, threading your fingers through the grass strands. You’re touching grass haha. Albeit, probably not real grass but… still.
You chuckle. Maybe I should go out and touch grass. You think, laughing to yourself because this was absolutely ridiculous. YOU KNEW that you probably would be terrible at surviving in those sagau fics you always read. Thank god this wasn’t that. Phew.
You shake your head, but the very animated grass in front of you hasn't changed. Haha. This is funny. Wake up brain, hello??? You thought, before your face falls. Light panic and worry set on your face. You rub your eyes once more but nothing changes and a worrying realisation sneaks into your thoughts.
No… No! That was crazy talk! You weren’t in a game! That would be insane, and concerning and…
Holy fuck, you were in a game. HOLY-
Genshin, to be exact but YOU KNEW exactly where you were. Windrise?? You pushed the thought away.
Shit. Shit shit shit! This was bad. Bad!! If this was anything like those sagau fics that you adored reading.. then… Well, you were screwed. Hopelessly, horribly, utterly, completely fucked. Only god could help you now.
Huh. Wait, did this mean that you were god now?? DID THAT MEAN THAT YOU COULD ONLY HELP YOURSELF? WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT BE?? To be totally honest, you had no idea if you were but it wouldn’t hurt to check. It actually probably would hurt but still sounds better than finding out through being stabbed by a guard or something, you pondered.
While deep in thought, something cold had nudged your shoulder. You instantly jumped, and let out a yell before realizing that was a very bad and stupid decision. Hoping nobody heard you, you look at where that weird cold thing had been, laughing softly. It was only a couple of cryo slimes. They were really quite cute.
Your hand hovered over one of them, reaching to pat them hesitantly, before letting down your guard. The fact that they weren’t attacking was good wasn’t it?
“Over there!”
Ah. And you thought that you could get away before anyone would notice you. Of course someone heard you. You should have known. The shouts had begun to increase in volume and well… you should probably start running right? The cryo slimes all get very defensive around you and push you in the opposite direction of the approaching guards. They basically do your own work for you when you are too frozen to act. You wish that this was a really weird out of body experience right now but it was starting to be evidently clear that this ‘dream’ or whatever it was, seemed too vivid and realistic that it had to be real. This is not the type of shit you could make up, but oh god you wish it was.
Still unmoving, you watch as guards and angry knights approach, yelling loudly.
“Hi? Heh.” You say and wave awkwardly. What were you doing?? MOVE!! RUN!! You internally yelled at your brain to make your legs function. Oh… you were so fucked. That's when everything starts to get a little too real and you are thrust into action mode. A spear heads your way, barely missing your side by a meter. Another lands right in front of you.
They had horrible aim, fortunately. Really, someone needed to improve the training for these guards and knights. THIS WAS NOT THE TIME TO REMARK ON THEIR SPEAR THROWING SKILLS!! You shook your head, jumping into action.
Your feet instantly start moving of their own accord and you continue to let out an excruciating list of curses that even a sailor would be surprised to hear. While heading past Springvale, your legs have already started failing you and as you near the Statue of The Seven near Dawn Winery, you collapse, your body screaming for a break.
Breaths come out in short pants and you lie on your back, looking at the clouds above before closing your eyes briefly. Maybe the guards were gone… and if they weren’t then… Well, you needed this break. The thought of “what if they weren’t” makes you crack one open. But it only leads you to noticing a casted shadow on the ground that wasn’t there before and you instantly get in a defensive position with your hands in front of your face.
“Stop! Don’t come closer! I.. will… punch you in the face!” You shout hesitantly towards whoever you presume is towering over you. When nothing happens, you look up confused, only to see Diluc, mirroring your own expression of confusion.
“Your grace?”
“Whoa, you are so pretty, what the fuck.” You said absentmindedly before covering your mouth with your hand. “Oh shit. I mean… uh..” You stumble over your words as you stare at the pyro vision holder in awe and then wince.
Diluc blushes lightly, and he coughs, looking away for a mere second before returning his gaze to you.
“Your Grace…” He starts to say before hearing you wince.
Frowning, he crouches down to your level to inspect you better. “Are you alright? Have you been injured?”
You flinch lightly as he gets closer and then you try to scoot backwards a bit, still suspicious of how much he is not trying to kill you. Unlike those guards that were chasing you earlier. How rude.
“I’m not going to harm you, your grace… I’m simply worried, I…”
“I’m fine.. but… didn’t you hear some news about an imposter??” You ask, cautiously waiting for his answer.
He sighs, shaking his head. He starts speaking but you end up not listening and instead simply stare at him, how he looks absolutely gorgeous and how his hair looks so pretty and soft and you almost reach your hand out to touch it. And this is when your head and memories became fuzzy.
It had become cold and wet all of a sudden?? You remember you had tried to stand up but then the ground met your face yet again, or very nearly did. And then it wasn’t really cold and wet?? You remember your legs and feet aching and then you simply became warmer?? Darkness clouded your vision soon after that. The timeline of events were very confusing to you and your poor brain was too exhausted and muddled from well, everything that had been occurring since you awoke.
Diluc looks at your unconscious form in his arms, after you previously attempted to stand. All of a sudden, he had to catch you haphazardly when you failed. He sighs, brushing some strands of your hair away from your sweaty and rain-soaked face. “Your grace..?” He calls worriedly, suddenly aware of how hot your forehead was, despite the rain cooling you down, it probably made you worse. The wine tycoon stands up, keeping you close in his arms as he hurries back to the Winery, not wanting to stay in the rain for too long, especially due to your current condition and health.
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a/n: this was about 1.5k i think hehe. yes i am making a part two. hope you enjoyed whatever the hell this was hahaha.
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
Like holy shit. Like that Poly-Anon, what the hell are they on?
You never said you hate poly people or open marriages or anything. Are they Mr. Fantastic cuz boi if that wasn’t a STRETCH!
But yeah, sure we can have the poly relationship, hell I read that shit all the time. I even have some sketches of it in progress. But by far my favorite is divorce!Peter.
You get so much more ideas and history with that. Peter dealing with no longer being with someone he loves, learning how to deal with that while getting feeling with Miguel. Maybe he never even liked MJ that way and couldn’t realize that he was gay and only saw her as a friend until recently.
Hell for extra spice and drama, have it so Mayday still exists during the divorce AU. Have Peter trying to figure out how to be a single dad while figuring himself. Maybe Miguel is fighting to understand if he likes Peter that way or if he just sees himself in him.
Divorce is so liberating for people and it can be so with these people. So many ideas can come from it. I don’t know why so many people hate it when we write or draw divorce.
I think the answer is a pretty clear and loud "homophobia" and this recent insistence on progressive circles to paint same-sex attraction as "inherently limiting" or "biased"; which are both absolutely /insane/ takes. You can't be a man and *JUST* like men, that's a waste! That's suspicious! That sounds like an ulterior motive! (Being gay is passe to a certain type of terminally online guy. Real enlightened allies would fuck anyone at any time! Words don't mean anything!!!!!)
People's insistence to read any interest in m/m relationships as a malicious attack designed to prod at *them* in particular is so fucking tiresome. The world does not revolve around you. Nobody has to care for straight ships and it's not revolutionary to try to reinforce them as a holy central aspect in characterization or storytelling. It's not more dignified or substantial. You just think straight people are inherently 'neutral' or pure because they dominate the media field.
My preferences and my gay art exist in a minuscule internet bubble that doesn't endanger or erase the fact that Marvel is a rampantly cishet company. I can do whatever I want and it doesn't matter; they will keep publishing the same thing they've been publishing. But I *HAVE* had my art stolen multiple times now to be reposted on tiktok or resold on etsy with any gay/trans elements I've put on it scrubbed out - to appeal to this very same straight audience -and that pisses me off. I am not trying to cater to these people and never will. I *HAVE* had my gay art used as a point of ridicule against me for years; and tbh it does nothing to me anymore but I refuse to quietly accept this treatment as default.
I don't have to center the experience of M/F nuclear family in my gay art and I won't; it does not appeal to me, I don't care for it, and I cannot be talked into changing my mind. Anyone finding an issue with this should go outside and touch grass.
Evergreen tweet, really:
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If i say "i like these two gay dudes, I would like to see them kissing" and you hear something else about someone completely unrelated, that sounds like a skill issue
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this kingdom v, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook is thinking about giving his noona a break. She's been grinding League of Legends games for weeks. A change of pace was good, right? (Jungkook definitely wasn't pressured by Kim Taehyung to serve a little romance for once in his life instead of constant horny). They go camping by the sea. They still fuck. Jungkook is predictable. He wouldn't say he was though. Not out loud. Maybe under duress.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; Jungkook is low-key high-key? a brat; some technical LoL talk; fluff, tbh; intense smut (fem reader, spit kink, pet name (for JK), gagged + cuffed JK, edging, pain kink, handjob, begging, m-receiving oral / face-fucking, mentions of ball-squeezing, semi-public groping, indecent exposure(?), multiple orgasms, doggy, scratching, spanking, fingering); non-idol!BTS; long black-haired, tsundere softsub!Jungkook x self-assured, cocky, power-bottom/softdom noona!reader; switches between Jungkook’s and your POV; ft Kim Seokjin yelling at you to touch grass
yup, JK is still obsessed with her booty. happy JK day!
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
“Little bunny, I know you want to scream, but the neighbors said we’re too loud, so I’ll have to silence you for now.”
Yeah, okay, like that wasn’t loud.
“I know you like that.”
Jeon Jungkook really wanted to tell himself that he didn’t. He was a simple guy. Food, games, girls, in that order… obviously. His friends liked to tell him he was a total simp for his woman, but Jungkook begged to differ. He was a sensible man. He wasn’t going to get all starry-eyed over some pretty girl. That was all cosmetic shit anyway. It was the stats that mattered.
She stuck her tongue out and spit slid off the pink tip, splattering onto his crotch, onto her hand around his rock-hard dick.
He could explain.
Jungkook bit down hard and tried not to let his eyes roll back into his head as she started jacking him off again.
She cocked her head at him, stroking her thigh with his belt, tracing the red mark at the inner part as she pushed him to the brink, again, with her spit and her hand. She wasn’t just a pretty face. No, his noona was drop-dead gorgeous. That dangerous smile, that messy hair that was usually in a defined ponytail, that sexy body that was a knockout in clothes, but even better naked. Perky tits and lovely waist that fit just right in his hands and flared out into that perfectly shaped ass that was now planted on his tense leg as he slammed his handcuffed hands into the headboard and chomped down on the ball gag, electricity all over his nerves as she adjusted her grip, now slightly higher, slick, sensitive, tight, please don’t, please don’t, he kept telling his head and his head whispered back, please do, just one more time, just–
She stopped and dropped down, wrapping her lips around the wet head and soaking it with saliva, cutting off his orgasm with softness and making him scream into the plastic.
He tried to jerk his hips up but her knee came down and pinned him, still leisurely sucking on his dick like he wasn’t thrashing on her bed and making the whole bedframe clatter against the wall. Staring at him to make him self-conscious, so he glared back, his long black hair a mess over his eyes, feeling the stinging strain all over his body and he hated it.
He didn’t like it one bit.
She stared into his eyes.
Okay, okay, okay, it was a fucking lie, it was all a fucking lie, he loved every agonizing second, fuck, so fucking stupid that he loved it so fucking much, stop looking at me like that, shit, getting harder, seeing peeks of her little pink tongue slipping out from her full lips, caressing his shaft with the utmost care, saliva dripping down and pooling onto his crotch, I’m gonna go insane, her hands sliding down, smearing it everywhere, two fingers slipping around his balls and stroking the space just under him and Jungkook was done for.
His eyes rolled back into his head, feelings her nails drag over his skin.
She popped her mouth off him and kissed up his tense abs, his shaking chest, past his racing heartbeat, and he couldn’t look, couldn’t bear her smirk of triumph as she planted a wet, sloppy kiss on the plastic ball gag that he was drooling around.
Fuck me.
His brain, annoyingly, reminded him.
She is.
Jungkook growled and snapped his head back to that wolfish, smug grin that was hovering above him.
“Why are your hands up here?” she purred, her fingers sliding up his arms, massaging his flexed forearms, fingers stroking his clenched fists above his head. She tapping her fingertips against his white knuckles.
She licked his face.
Hot, slick, possessive.
“Don’t you wanna fuck my pretty face?”
He was breathing very hard.
Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.
But this was her kingdom.
Her head moved to the side, tucking into the crook of his shoulder, Jungkook groaned, seeing her raised ass in the air. Round, perky, so delicious he wanted to sink his teeth into it. She placed her weight into his chest and he felt her hard nipples against his skin as she threw his belt over her back, using both hands to readjust the placement.
She let the leather cut into that curve, bouncing lightly to let him see it sink into her flesh.
Loosened her grip a little and snapped it down onto her ass, moaning lightly into his ear.
Probably didn’t even hurt that much but Jungkook was too horny to give a single fuck. Pride? What pride? Fuck pride, his arms came down and desperate, gurgled whimpers were emitting from his throat, pushing down on her shoulders with his forearms, and she laughed, he didn’t even care. Begging? Sure, why the fuck not, call it begging, he didn’t care anymore, shoving her down his torso, handcuffed hands awkward and jerky, but she moved like liquid, sliding down his body, placing her hands on the bed.
Lifted her head.
Hovered above his embarrassingly hard dick and grinned, letting her tongue hang out.
Jungkook grabbed the top of her head and pushed her hair away from her face, ticking his chin down.
Fucking start!
She looked down and licked the dark red tip lightly.
He should have pulled on her hair, but he forgot. Jungkook just found himself whining, holding her hair back, shifting his hips impatiently.
“Don’t hold back, little bunny.”
Her tongue curled around the head of his cock and collected it into her lips in one swift motion.
Damn, those flawless mechanics.
Jungkook pushed her head down and she swallowed his length. Hot, wet, tight. He wanted to say he controlled the pace. He really did. He pushed down, but there was a split second of hesitation on pulling up – he was still holding onto her hair – but she got the hint, pushing back against him as if to defy him, so he pushed down again, she pulled back, a tug of war all of a sudden, her lips so soft, her throat so tight, her tongue all over him, all around the head when she ascended and underneath the head when she descended, him shoving her down, her jerking back up. The increased speed and roughness she used in resisting his hands, he returned in the force of his palms, and now they had created a furious, intense rhythm, his eyes squeezing shut, warm wet sleeve around his throbbing cock, so good, I hate it, I hate that you’re so fucking good, hate it so fucking much that I love you, fuck, but the words were muffled and trapped in his throat, his teeth sinking into the ball gag, thrusting his hips up and hitting the back of her throat, the muscles back there tightening, immobile, didn’t even gag.
He was scared he was going to fuck it up with his frenzied desperation, and he opened his eyes, seeing her shoulders lock, her hands bracing herself, and she glanced at him.
Hell, maybe borderline bored.
His cock jerked and Jungkook gasped behind the gag, snapping his head back into the pillows and forcing his hips up, sliding into the deepest, tightest part of her throat, and his orgasm shot out, his tense body violently flinching with each throb. Seeing white and moaning messily, wretched, wrecked, losing grip, ricocheting pleasure piercing through him, feeling her head retreat slightly, swallowing noisily around his cock, the vibration strumming through his veins, compounding the already overwhelming sensations.
Holy shit.
Her tongue, so soft, pressing to the base of the head, teasing the thin skin there.
His body collapsed into the mattress and her mouth followed, sinking down and licking all around.
His woman was always number one in his head and he was a total simp.
Not that Jungkook was going to say that out loud.
“How’s your wrists?”
“Ah. Cool.”
You turned away and rubbed your throat, swallowing lightly. The soreness was mostly in your jaw. You locked it for too long. Should have relaxed it in the tiny increments of ascending. You isolated the muscles and flexed it as you put the handcuffs in the nightstand. You picked up the ball gag beside you and chuckled, seeing the teeth marks. This was going to be expensive, trying to keep Jungkook silent.
You tossed it in the trash, shrugging.
“Are you okay?”
You stood up, plucking Jungkook’s white t-shirt off your gaming chair. “Hm?”
“I asked if you were okay,” your boyfriend snapped from behind you as you slid his shirt on, covering your naked body. He cleared his throat as you popped your head out, turning your head to look at him while you pulled your hair out of the neck hole.
“I… I didn’t want to be too rough on you.”
He was chewing on his lip, voice softened.
You smirked.
“You’re never rough on me, little bunny.”
You sat down and swiveled around, tapping your keyboard to wake your computer up. Jungkook was sitting on your bed, wearing only his black boxer briefs, loosely holding his phone. There were small marks by the sides of his lip, including a dent from his lip ring. You had massaged the sides of his mouth after removing the gag. Jungkook had tried to push you away, but you slapped his hand away and checked his piercing, ignoring his protests.
You let him wipe the drool off his own mouth, though. He wasn’t a kid.
“Shouldn’t you go to sleep?”
“I gotta play one more game,” you replied, logging into League of Legends. “Ten points from completing this mission. Probably just an ARAM. A Summoner’s Rift game will take too long.”
You heard rustling and seconds later Jungkook was behind you.
Your mouse hovered over the ‘Find Match’ button but you didn’t click it.
Instead, you sensed a shift in Jungkook’s tone and faced him, seeing him standing behind you.
“What up?”
His eyes shifted from the screen, to you, and for a split second you braced yourself, feeling as if the unpleasant conversation was coming. The you-game-too-much conversation. It always came, especially with the older guys you had fucked. When are you going to grow up? It’s nice to have hobbies, but you should focus on your career and starting a family instead of video games. Blah, blah, blah. They yapped like annoying dogs and you’d tell them to fuck off and then ghost them. It was a pain in ass dating someone who didn’t understand something as simple as your love for games, and you had no problem cutting out those kinds of people.
Except this was Jungkook and, in this moment, you realized how much it would really hurt if he asked you to stop gaming.
Fuck, I love this guy.
Jungkook ran his hand though his long black hair and shifted his eyes, darting his gaze to your face, to the wall, to your neck, to your computer, to your face, and so on.
“Do you have tea?” he mumbled.
You blinked at him. “What?”
“Tea.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Not every drink in this place is an energy drink or soda, right?”
You frowned. “Uh… I think my mom got me a box of lemon tea when I was sick, yeah…” You stood up, wandering off to the kitchen, trying to remember which cabinet it was. Opening random ones and reaching to the back. It was in the third one you opened, a little box with tubular packets of instant lemon-flavored black tea that could be made cold or hot. Your mom knew how lazy you were. “You want tea?”
“I want to make you some hot tea, yeah.”
You popped up from the ground, clutching the box of tea. You were behind the peninsula of the kitchen counter and Jungkook was on the other side, peering over to watch you search.
He jerked back, eyes getting all shifty again.
An awkward silence.
You stared at him as he shuffled around the counter, pointedly not looking at you as he neared. Snatched the box from your hands and scuttled sideways like a river crab, reaching into one of the lower cabinets for a pot.
“I have an electric kettle.”
Jungkook flinched as you reached around him and brought it out from an upper cabinet, placing it on the counter. You glanced at his face. He turned away.
His ears were red.
“Go start your game,” he barked gruffly.
A weird tingle danced through your chest and you reached up reflexively, touching your cheek.
It was warm.
Am I blushing?!
You yanked your hand away from your face and spoke up. “I… I can just make it myself, you kno–”
Jungkook’s head whipped around so fast that you backed up, hitting the counter as he pushed you into it, crowding you with his larger frame. Dark brown eyes flashing, brows furrowed, lips twisted into a frown, and his cheeks were bright pink.
“I’ll do it,” he gritted out.
You blinked at him.
He cleared his throat, leaning in closer. “I mean, I’ll do it, because if I don’t, you’ll think I can’t. I can make tea better than you can anyway.”
“It’s, uh, just the powder packets…” you pointed out, poking the box in his hand, not looking away from his face.
Jungkook looked down and saw the packaging. “Oh.” His head lifted and there was no more anger. You always knew he had some big peepers, but they were extra noticeable today. Just… stunning. Jungkook was always stunning, no question. Even your parents overlooked the tattoos and piercings because Jungkook had such a handsome face. He was always polite around them too.
You really are the perfect guy, Jungkook.
You opened your mouth to tell him that, but he closed the distance between you and him and placed a light kiss on your lips, his clean scent filling your nose.
“Go win, noona,” he murmured, kissing you again and nudging you with his nose, pushing you away from him, back towards the direction of your computer. “If you play too late, all the degenerates wake up.”
You chuckled, scooting away from him.
Then, before you forgot, you pressed your lips to his ear, whispering softly.
“I love you.”
You slipped past him and went to your computer, clicking the ‘Find Match’ button.
“What champion are you playing?”
Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness, the calculated bloodthirsty Zaun enchanter support that could turn opponents against each other with her ultimate, causing them to attack each other once her dark pink cloud of chemicals possessed them for a few seconds. You pioneered her with confidence, dancing the line of too close and just out of reach. Paired with Amumu, the Sad Mummy, whose ultimate stunned everyone within the giant area-of-effect circle, you two could provide great setup for your last three teammates to kill the entire enemy team.
The problem was, your other three teammates weren’t being patient.
“Fucking shit…”
The Amumu was great. They even communicated when they had their ult even though you could see the cooldown by the mummy’s portrait on the right. They were definitely following your lead. Your other three teammates were playing stupid now though. A couple won teamfights and those idiots thought they were invincible, not waiting for your and Amumu’s setup.
“What the fuck, why didn’t your Diana wait?” Jungkook complained as your screen went gray.
You rubbed your forehead. “Didn’t wait for Amumu to engage.”
“He had two seconds until his ult was up! Come on!”
You stifled your laugh, reaching over to the tea Jungkook had set on the side of your desk. His tattooed hand shot out and flicked you away from it, putting your hand back on the mouse.
“You revived.”
“I was going to take a sip of your hard work.”
He gave you the side eye. “It’s too hot right now. Don’t you know the concept of boiled water? Come on, Sett is gonna go in again like a fucking dumbass.”
You cocked an eyebrow as you bought your items and right-clicked your way back to the center of the map. “You wanna play for me?”
“Hell no. I don’t know how to play Renata.”
He was sitting on the edge of your bed, watching your game from behind. Surprisingly, not backseat gaming, only commenting and getting angry for you even though he wasn’t even in the game. Sometimes it really bothered you when someone watched, but this game was going to end soon… hopefully.
“It’s pretty easy,” you said as you played, right clicking and making sure to keep Renata out of arm’s reach from your opponents. “The Q is a hook to yank an enemy around, the W is an attack speed steroid and revival if your teammate’s health hits zero and kills someone before it runs out, the E is a shield that slows when you throw it out. And the R–”
“Is that nasty pink cloud that makes everyone go berserk, I see that,” Jungkook finished for you, his pitch hiking excitedly. “Shit! Nice!”
You had mashed R the second you saw Amumu throw himself into the fray and the enemy team pile on top of him. Killed four of the enemies and were now chasing down the last to ace them.
“This Amumu is actually really good,” you hummed, keeping an eye out as you attacked the tower. Everyone else had ended up dying after killing the enemy Maokai. Damn tree was unkillable. “I don’t know if we can win though. My Draven can’t kill Maokai and he won’t build fuckin’ lifesteal to survive either.”
There was silence as you focused, suddenly pulled into the game. Huh. You weren’t one to give up easily, but it hadn’t been going well and you could see your teammates weren’t really thinking about how to win fights, and yet, slowly but surely, you could see the tides were turning. The cooldowns were getting shorter, Amumu was getting tankier, and you focused on staying alive, because even if your inhibitor was down and your teammates were being dumb, you didn’t die, keeping them alive and winning the latest fight by the slimmest of margins, hooking the enemy Jinx and pulling her towards you, dying from her rocket as your teammates closed in and killed her.
You could see the angle now.
You had enough movement speed now to get close and bait the damage dealers into going for you, since they were avoiding the tanky Amumu. Now the fights were different. The enemy team was getting impatient, chasing after you a little too much, not thinking that you would have the gall to turn and fight, using your ult to buy that crucial second of time for your teammates to capitalize.
You could feel it.
The best feeling you could get when you were playing games, that kind of floating elation when you knew you were doing everything right, completely absorbed and moving by instinct, timing your movements to both start the fight and make up for your teammates’ weaknesses. Sometimes you had to accept the ones playing with you weren’t the best, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t win. You just had to predict what the opponents would do, how your teammates would react, and keep them alive for as long as you could, pushing forward bit by bit, grinning as you spied the enemy Jinx stepping a little too close.
A primary damage dealer seeking to kill the low-damage support. What could go wrong for her?
Q, W your Diana as she jumped in, R, E to shield at the last second and–
“Holy shit.”
Aced the enemy team.
“They can’t win now,” you declared.
You almost forgot Jungkook was there. Your mouth responded to him but your head was in the game, mapping out the path for victory. You died one more time, yet everything was falling into place. Finally, your teammates realized to simply follow your lead with Amumu’s engage, and that was all you needed, to control the pace, and you did so flawlessly.
“Shurelya’s was definitely the best choice here, we needed that speed up,” you muttered as the enemy nexus exploded, sitting back as the VICTORY screen popped up. “I’m glad I built that instead of Imperial Mandate,” you went on under your breath, peering at the ending statistics as you reached over to the mug of tea waiting for you, sipping the piping hot liquid.
Oh! Perfect temperature.
“That was crazy,” Jungkook sighed in awe behind you.
You almost splashed the entire mug onto your face in surprise. Oh, shit, that’s right! You swallowed hard, wincing at the amount, sudden pain and heat.
“Ack, uh... yeah…”
“Is it too hot?”
You waved hurriedly as you heard him scramble to his feet, choppily jerking your head as you tried not to cough. Not you choking on tea and not his dick. “Guk, fine… I’m fine…”
You caught his eye and froze.
Jungkook also froze, realizing his expression and stance of concern, torn between showing it and not showing it, but then it was too long of a timeframe and now he was just staring at you and you were staring at him, wheezing silently for a moment. You weakly took another sip of tea. He wiggled backward and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed again.
“You… You’re good, right?” he finally asked.
You nodded slowly. “Y… Yep.”
You drank some tea.
Jungkook’s long hair was tied up in ponytail, exposing his awkward face. “Cool. Cool.”
You breathed out. You weren’t usually awkward around Jungkook. It was kind of hard to be, because he was so funny. His behavior was probably infuriating to some, but it mostly made you laugh. Maybe some thought that you were enduring his childish behavior a little too much. You didn’t really see it that way though. Jungkook always had good intentions, and he tried not to show too much of his kind nature by pretending to be harsh. It was just…
Well, when you thought he might ask you to stop gaming, you realized that you might actually consider it if it really did bother him.
And that was made you embarrassed.
That would mean you loved him that much.
Yes, you knew you loved Jungkook, more than any other guy you ever dated, of course. The sex was incredible, he was fun to be around, you liked all his little quirks and his predictably stubborn reactions to your behavior. You would be sad if he gave up on his pretend fighting-for-dominance schtick. But enough to rethink your gaming habits? Whoa. That was a little insane, no? And he was right here. You weren’t exactly alone to process this new revelation. Plus, he made you hot tea because he was worried that he had hurt you. It didn’t matter if you said you were okay; you always said you were okay.
There was no reason to worry him.
You found yourself gazing into his eyes and he was gazing back, silent and entranced.
Maybe he knew that you would always say that you were okay, that you would always stay strong in front of him, that you never wanted him to feel guilty for being himself, especially when you asked for it.
You smiled at him from behind your Poro-printed mug.
Jungkook smiled back, probably instinctively.
Oh, God, we’re so gross.
You hastily took another sip and did not choke this time.
You heard him clearing his throat and scratching his head, reaching over the bed to pick up his phone.
“Hey, noona…”
“Have you ever been in a camping caravan?”
You scrunched up your face in thought. “Uh… think my dad took me camping a couple times when I was young. We rented one of those camping trailers, yeah. Went to go fishing and stuff. I never caught anything,” you added with a laugh. “Mostly he toasted a billion marshmallows and I would chow down until I felt sick,” you snickered, remembering those nights in the woods under the starry sky. “Mom never came. She thought it was horrible being away from a comfy bed. Why live like cavemen when we’re civilized human beings? So, it was only Dad and I, until I got a computer and then we kinda stopped…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling rueful as you remembered.
“Let’s go next weekend.”
You sat up, blinking rapidly, shaking yourself out of your thoughts. You could call you dad later. “Huh?”
“The LoL event will be over by then,” Jungkook mumbled as he poked around on his phone. “I’ll rent one and we’ll go.”
You chuckled awkwardly. “Jungkook, you’re not gonna want me out in nature. I barely touch grass as it is, let alone know anything about camping. My dad did everything.”
“S’fine. I know stuff.”
He looked up.
“I’ll do everything. You won’t rest your wrists unless you’re nowhere near your computer.”
You felt your face burn. “What! I–”
“Will just switch to a phone game or a console game when the event is over,” he finished for you with a roll of his eyes, going back to his phone. “I’ll rent it, pick the camping site, and we’ll go next weekend.”
“You’re not even gonna let me exp–”
“I won’t–”
“Yes, you will. Let’s go camping, like you and your dad used to do.”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. You wanted to say, I’m not addicted to gaming, or, you’re not the boss of me, or some equally dumb shit, but then your recalled sitting by the sea with your father, a little cold, your child self snuggling by his arm, and he was asking you, did you have fun? You told him you did. You wanna go home now and watch TV, don’t you? Heh, I guess you put up with your old man long enough, kiddo. You had thought that was weird for him to say. I like hanging out with you. He had laughed. It’s the marshmallows, huh? You had punched his hard bicep with your tiny fist. No, you stupid dummy, I love you, Dad.
And then your father did a weird thing.
He started crying.
You were startled, because nothing sad was happening, as far as you knew.
He had hugged you super tight and you had wriggled around, confused, and now older you remembered this moment that child you thought was weird as fuck. He had stopped pretty quickly and started tickling you, making you forget all about it, but you remembered now, his warm hug and him patiently teaching you how to fish despite how fucking terrible you were at it, lighting sparklers at night, carrying you on his shoulders as he hiked along the path you were supposed to do together, scolding you to stop tugging at his ears but you kept doing so.
You were a rebellious little shit.
You heard Jungkook call your name and you snapped back to present time, seeing your boyfriend raising an eyebrow at you.
“You spaced out.”
You blinked slowly, clearing your blurry vision. “Ah, sorry.” You stood up, taking your now empty mug with you. “Okay. Let’s go next weekend.”
“Let me wash that.”
“Jungkook, I can wash dishes.”
“Not like how I can wash dishes.”
“What, did you spend ten thousand hours doing dishes and now you’re a  master at it or something?”
“Give me the cup.”
“Never met a man so aggressive about clean dishes, sheesh…”
Jungkook could not believe he was the one trying to convince his girlfriend that they should eat a damn vegetable.
“I’m fine with getting a fourth pack of pork belly,” he was hearing himself saying and still not quite believing it. “But we should bring some kimchi to sauté in the pork fat.” He never thought he be advocating for cabbage, but here he was, forcefully adding the packets of kimchi into the shopping cart. Shouldn’t this situation be reversed?
She frowned at him, dropping in the packs of instant noodles. “Are you sure that’s good?”
“Of course, it’s good. You think I don’t know what good food is?”
“You’ll eat anything, Jungkook.”
“I just hate wasting food,” he grumbled, seeing a small pot on a lower shelf. Oh shit. He forgot to pack one. That would be bad if she wanted noodles. He quickly picked it up and added it to the cart. “Did you get rice?”
“Ah, I’ll go get it.”
“I can follow you, you know.”
She turned and, right in the middle of the grocery store, flipped up the bottom of her oversized red and black T1 hoodie, exposing her slinky black leggings molded to her perky, plump ass. The most perfect shape he had ever seen, and those juicy, squeezable thighs.
“Oh. I know.”
His dick immediately shot up.
“Noona!” he hissed, but she was already walking off, causing him to hurry along awkwardly with his now very inconvenient tent in his pants while they were in this very convenient grocery store. Great. Just great. He wasn’t planning on pitching a tent in the store, but here he was. Ugh, her perfect ass though. Damnit. He fuckin’ loved it when she made it bounce as he jacked off on her command and had her roughly squeeze his balls like they owned her money. A whole fucking lot of it too. Love it when he begged her to smack her ass and knead it and sink her fingers into those juicy cheeks as he roughly pumped his dick and felt the violent pressure of her inescapable grip borderline destroying his poor, helpless balls.
He jumped, nearly flinging himself into the aisle of snacks as the subject of all his horny fantasies pressed up against him and nuzzled his neck.
“Do you wanna get some drinks?” that wolfish smile asked innocently as she not-so-innocently palmed his rock-hard dick through his sweatpants, sinful fingers curling around the length, lightly rubbing his balls underneath at the same time.
“S… Stop…” he breathed, feeling his cock throb and jerk happily from her touch. Stop, his mouth said, keep going, his dick said, you’re in public, his brain reminded him, and his dick agreed, hell yeah, I am, if only it was a little more public–
Jungkook forced his hand to shoot forward and wrap around her fingers, squeezing them and himself hard enough so his dick was choked into submission to avoid jail time for indecent exposure. He was two seconds away from dropping his pants and humping her right here in the goddamn grocery store. Would be a cool headline, but Park Jimin would never stop teasing him about it if it happened, so…
Not worth it.
He shoved his forehead against hers, glaring as piercingly as he could, which, admittedly, was probably not that intimidating, but he had to fucking try, didn’t he? One of them had to be sensible in this relationship! Not that he wanted to be, hell no, he wanted to be her sex slave, what, no he didn’t, well, I do but now is not the time to think stuff like that, he scolded himself, clenching his jaw as he fiercely stared into those gorgeous, mischievous, daring eyes. She was so damn pretty. Everything about her, especially like this, no makeup, just glowing under him, smirk and all.
It nearly made him sick.
“Stop,” he growled, low and dangerous.
Her smirk turned into a pleased, stunning smile as she strongly pulsed her palm around his length.
His eyes almost rolled back into his head.
Kissed his nose and let go of him, breaking out of his grip easily.
Jungkook had to bite his tongue to avoid screaming.
“Shit. I forgot something.”
“What is it? I’ll go back in since I’m paying for groceries.”
Jungkook shoved you back into the passenger’s seat before you could stand up. “Stay here.”
You cocked in eyebrow, resisting his grip. “Why?”
His hold tightened, his hand sliding down the front of your hoodie, pressing down on your thigh. That would stop a lot of women. Men too, probably. Would stop anyone, really, Jungkook’s tattooed fingers sinking into the inside of your thigh, squeezing hard and powerfully, but it didn’t stop you, too used to his type and his antics.
You crossed your legs and squashed his fingers in between your soft thighs, leaning towards him slyly.
You loved his eyes. Those big peepers gave him away every time, no matter how tough he was acting. His lips could be set in annoyance, his brows could be furrowed angrily, and he could try to hide under his large, charcoal dray bucket hat, but you saw the sparks within those large dark brown orbs. Fear and desire, mixed together. An expression you knew well.
You were the main perpetrator of both emotions for Jeon Jungkook.
“What do you think you’re doing, little bunny?” you whispered, hot and heavy.
He set his jaw, tugging at his hand. Trying to pull away, but not really, the pads of his fingers curling in, his breathing shallowing. You lurched your hips forward and the side of his hand pressed against your clothed pussy, crushing him from three sides.
Jungkook leaned in too.
Growling low, all bark and no bite.
“Can you listen to me for once–”
You licked the side of his lip, outlining his lip ring.
Stared into his eyes.
“S… Stop…”
His eyelashes lowered. Your head tilted. You flexed your legs, constricting his fingers between your thighs, inhaling the breath he let out with effort. You dismantled his defenses, one by one, and Jungkook refused to look at you, refused to lose until he could refuse no longer, because you were so close, centimeters from his lips, and his gaze lifted, knowing you would take what was yours the second he made eye contact, even right out here in the public parking lot, anywhere, always forcing him to walk the line of decency and desperation.
You knew he liked it.
He wouldn’t say, but those eyes willingly surrendering, pleading to be taken, were enough.
Your phone vibrated in your bag.
Both Jungkook and you jerked, squinting at the tiny black backpack that demanded your attention with a thrilling buzz. You reached over and he took the chance to yank his hand out, his breath catching, biting back a sound and forcing it back down his throat. Sounded suspiciously like a whimper, but he mumbled, I’ll be back, and stumbled out of the car, hastily adjusting his crotch before sprinting back to the store.
You watched him go, the corner of your lips quirking up.
Glanced at the phone screen and answered.
“Yah!” Kim Seokjin shouted. He did not know the meaning of a normal volume. “You are supposed to say hello! Where are your manners?” Well, maybe that habit was restricted to you, considering you answered with what instead of a pleasant greeting.
“Are you in jail?” you asked nonchalantly. “Otherwise, I can’t imagine why you are calling.”
“I am not in jail. I am a good boy,” Seokjin snapped, and you imagined his facial expression twisted into hamster-like fury, glaring at the phone even though you couldn’t see. “Also, are you implying you wouldn’t bail me out? Yah! I’d help you, you ungrateful–”
“After I figure out why you’re there and taking out the appropriate party, yeah, I’d come get you and your broad shoulders.”
You heard Seokjin mumble your ominous usage of taking out the appropriate party, and he was very aware you didn’t mean a nice date. “Anyway,” he pivoted, getting to the point of his call. “Since I know you never touch grass, I’m inviting you to my parents’ summer party this weekend, along with Jungkook, where you two will behave like normal human beings,” he added warningly. “There will be lots of meat barbecue and I’m inviting the other guys so you better come.”
You raised your eyebrows.
Apparently, Seokjin didn’t like what happened last time when you snuck off to the bathroom of his parents’ house to make out with Jungkook’s neck, leaving bite marks under his collar as you stroked your boyfriend's chest through his shirt, forcing him to look into the mirror as you pressed your chest to his back and watched him try to stifle his moans as you reached down, down… Only for Seokjin to stumble in and yank your hands off the younger man, scolding you in the corner, you insatiable animal, I knew it, I can’t take the two of you anywhere, and you grinned at his skittish panic, shifting your gaze to Jungkook and licking your teeth, teasing that deepening blush on those cheeks.
Still, Seokjin was inviting you again.
Probably would glare at you and Jungkook every two seconds, but that could be a fun game.
“Oi, stop plotting!” Seokjin barked. “Where’s Jungkook? Tell him.”
“Ah, Seokjin, you’re too late. Jungkook is actually taking me to touch grass. We’re going camping.”
You heard a gasp. “Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook, the friend I haven’t seen in months because he’s lost his mind over your fat ass.” He was trying insult you but you hummed approvingly, and Seokjin snorted. “Is taking you camping? You, who can’t live without games and internet?”
You imagined him squinting suspiciously.
“Who are you and what did you do to my friend?”
You checked your nails. “Sorry I can’t come. Tell your mom I miss her cooking.”
“What did he do? Is he threatening you? Should I fight him?”
A laugh burst out from your lungs. “You really think Jungkook can threaten me?”
Seokjin made a high-pitched confused noise. “I can’t imagine why you would willingly go camping.”
“Do you think you can fight Jungkook?” you teased.
“Well, no, but I can throw Jimin in front of him and I’m sure Taehyung will show up–”
The trunk opened and you whipped your head around to see Jungkook shoving something into the back hurriedly. He jerked up and spied you peeking at him from the front. You tilted your head at him and spoke into the phone.
“My piece of meat is here. You won’t be able to call me this weekend but we can chat later, Seokjin.”
“Ew, don’t call him a piece of meat, that’s disgusting, don’t ever speak to me aga–”
Your boyfriend glared at you from the back.
You stuck your tongue out and licked the air.
He slammed the truck closed.
You crouched by Jungkook’s side as he attempted to attach the caravan to the car.
“Should we ask the employee again?”
“I got it,” he mumbled under his breath, doing who-knows-what. In his big bucket hat, oversized sweatshirt, and loose pants, all charcoal gray, he looked like big boulder against the ground. You were tempted to sit on him, but you didn’t want him to get distracted and later have to chase a runaway trailer because it detached, so you let him work on it.
Okay, a small part of you considered the risk.
The other part of you was enjoying his focus on making sure everything was secure. There was something attractive about it. You almost wandered off to ask for help again, but you realized your need to do that was your unease in depending on someone else. You didn’t want anyone to think you couldn’t do something if you set your mind to it. Especially a man. Being interested in video games jaded you – a woman taking on a hobby that was primarily male-dominant got you plenty of sexist comments over the years, and now you were forever nagged by the constant feeling of, I shouldn’t rely on a man for anything.
Of course, this was different. Jungkook was your boyfriend. You could and should rely on him. He wasn’t doing this to try to one-up you and hold it over your head. He was just doing it because this was his suggestion and he was following though. It wasn’t that deep.
You stood up and took a step back.
“Got it.”
Jungkook straightened, taking off the gloves he was wearing. “Wanna check? It’s super secure.” He turned and held out the gloves, glancing at you. “I don’t want it to roll away after spending all that money.”
Well, since he asked…
You reached out and took the gloves from him, giving him a small smile. “I liked the blue caravan, though.”
Those big brown eyes narrowed into slits. “We didn’t get to pick. They gave me this one. You want me to go back and complain after I just attached it?” He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Fine, fine.”
A quick swipe and you grabbed his forearm, squeezing it with a chuckle, pulling him back towards you.
“I’m kidding. This silver one is good.”
He frowned, the slight upturn of his lips exposing the tiny mole underneath. “Just good? You want the blue one or not? You think I can’t exchange it? I’m sure I can get whatever you want–”
You held his forearm, pressing it to your chest. Hard muscle against your breasts, and he blinked at you, looking down in bunny-like curious confusion. So close, and it usually meant something else, something usually as intriguing as it was indecent, but this was a different kind of tension, a moment where you held him and hugged his forearm. You smiled, and it wasn’t meant to tease him or throw him off.
“Let’s not waste any more time,” you said to him. “I want to be with you. Only you.”
His lips parted, stunned to silence.
Alright, you were teasing him a little bit without him knowing. You knew he liked these cheesy lines. He often watched dramas on your bed while you played games. Propped himself up with all your pillows and plushies, set up a table of snacks as you crushed kids in League of Legends. He would get so invested in the storylines that his mouth would be open while watching.
It was actually low-key hilarious.
Jungkook’s expression morphed into a stern stare.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
Oops, your amusement was showing on your face. Better change the subject.
“What the first thing you wanna do when we get set up at the campsite?”
Jeon Jungkook would never, ever say that he was predictable.
He was but he would never say that.
What was he supposed to do when his girlfriend was the hottest woman that walked the planet and knew all the things that drove him crazy? He could have staked down the awning on his own but she wanted to try at least once and, well, that required bending over in those leggings of hers, borderline indecent with how perfectly shaped her ass was, the seams molding and framing her hips.
What was he supposed to do?
Not stare?
He wouldn’t be human if he didn’t.
Jungkook would have preferred to do everything for her, but he knew she would hate that. So, he did what any good boyfriend would do – stare pointedly at her butt until she was finished, then stare at her face when she straightened and checked her work with that almost smug, proud smile she had when she did something successful on the first try.
Fuck, he loved her smile.
She was so fuckin’ pretty.
And then she turned and that smile was directed at him and Jungkook probably would have melted into a puddle if he wasn’t completely rigid – in more ways than one – and forgot how to speak. So knowing, so calm, so stunningly out of place surrounded by the beach and the forest. There was a sense of comfortable ease when she was absorbed in her games and her computer; camping was completely out of her element and yet it was always so damn sexy when she faced challenges head on.
Jungkook would know.
She faced him head on.
And ruined his whole life.
“Who’s the best, little bunny?”
“You are, you always will be, noona – o-oh, fuck!”
He was really hoping no one was going to notice the indecent exposure he was committing right now with his pants at his ankles and his cock down her throat, but in Jungkook’s defense, he couldn’t do anything when she squatted down in front of his pants and stuck her tongue out. He forgot about pride, about resisting, about playing hard-to-get, just went straight to whining her name as she wiggled that glossy pink muscle and teased him, say please.
Jungkook took in that nimble tongue, those juicy thighs, the curve of her plump ass and put on his best begging tone.
So now she was sucking his dick right there at the campsite. They lasted about five minutes before this moment. No hands, for she was still wearing the gloves. It amazed him every time, the control of her lips, tongue, throat, fitting around him with light pressure, swiping strokes, and tight suction. Jungkook wouldn’t say that he was predictable, and maybe he was, but he sure as hell didn’t care, so warm, so soft, the tip of her tongue darting out and lapping at his balls, he was going to go crazy feeling the cool air against his saliva-covered balls and the hot tightness of her throat choking the swollen head of his cock, pulsing around his throbbing length every time she swallowed him.
He was moaning far too loud.
There was no one to hear but her and the sea.
“Gonna cum, please, please let me cum–”
In hindsight, Jungkook realized that she was giving him no indication that she wasn’t going to let him cum. He was simply used to being edged. Alright, maybe he hoped for it, just to last a little longer, but no, not this time, and he wasn’t prepared for the sudden rise without the cutoff, throwing his head back and gasping and the pleasure rocketed up from his core and shocked every cell in his body, forgetting anything else but the pure, unadulterated nirvana that was the height of orgasm, his cock jammed down her tight throat and shuddering as she swallowed. Wet, squishy, warm all around, lustfully moaning to the open sky as his spine shook, shoulders lurching, heart racing.
There was no one like his noona.
The whole package.
The right body and the right mind.
Ten minutes into being on the camp site and Jungkook already had his first orgasm.
Hopefully no one heard.
“Your bucket hat fell off,” she commented, licking her lips after detaching from his crotch.
Jungkook twisted and nearly fell over due to his pants being around his ankles. Spit was running down his thighs. Her arm hooked around his knees and held him still, her laugh against his still-wet cock.
“I’ll get it. Sort yourself out, my love.”
“Sort – you did this to me!” He barked, then froze, heart aflutter.
No way.
She didn’t just.
Jungkook did not sort himself out.
He just stood there as she stood up and collected his bucket hat from behind him and continued standing there when she came back, his pants untouched, crotch still a bit wet but drying off from the air, mouth open, her voice ringing in his head.
My love.
No way such a simple pet name would cause such malfunction.
“If you wanna stay naked, you can stay naked, but I’m going to look for wood to start a fire and if your nuts roast in the sun, don’t blame me.”
Jungkook wasn’t a simp.
This was probably the most sun you've seen in ten years.
Alright, maybe a slight exaggeration. Still, if you asked your past self, say, a month ago, if you would be putting on the one T1 baseball cap you owned and standing ankle-deep in cold water from the literal ocean, past you would have scoffed and said that wasn't your style. Yet, here you were - stunningly clear blue sky, cooking in the sun's rays, cooled off by salty ocean breeze with dense sand under your bare feet as the water came in a calm rush, white foam waves framing tumultuous blue.
Wasn't too bad, actually. Nature was kinda nice. Who would have guessed?
You caught yourself smiling as you heard wild splashing of barreling activity beside you.
"Found my shorts."
"Nobody's here," you chuckled.
It took him a second to realize and up his volume by several notches.
"Noona, where are your pants?!"
"My hoodie is long enough."
Before Jungkook could sprint away to snatch up your leggings from the chair beside the caravan, you spun around and grabbed his arm, squeezing his hard forearm tightly and yanking him against you. The ocean laughed and danced upwards, leaving splatters of droplets all over your legs and his, but you were preoccupied with looking up into those big peepers, round like dinner plates when your body molded to his, as if he was completely and utterly shocked that you would pick him over anyone else in this world to press your thighs against.
“Hey,” you whispered with all the slyness of a big bad wolf coaxing a poor little bunny.
Your favorite expression of Jungkook’s was his wide eyes and slightly open mouth, such an amusing contrast to his colorfully dark tattoos, hard muscles, pierced lip, and heavily adorned ears. The juxtaposition of cute and rough was too perfect.
You leaned in and kissed him, slow and soft and with every intention to turn it to anything but.
Every intention.
This is love.
You breathed in his scent, clean with a little hint of fresh sweetness. He always used the nicer laundry products with the gentle fragrances. You always told him you would do your laundry later, and yet you still caught him folding and sorting your suddenly clean laundry after a night of gaming. You would catch him setting up the takeout like it was a gourmet meal, always your food first and his after. Heating it up if it was cold, never forgetting the chopsticks or the napkin. You half-considered telling him, it’s no big deal, you don’t have to do that, but then you saw Jungkook’s face after, hiding his embarrassment and acting as if he hadn’t just done all that, so instead of telling him he didn’t have to do it, you always remembered to say.
Thank you.
The ocean laughed and danced under you two.
You drew away, adjusting your cap with a smile.
Jungkook blinked quickly, bewildered. Likely expecting something else, and now he didn’t know how to react to rather chaste action, his cheeks flushing pink under his bucket hat.
“A… Ah…”
You turned your head to hide your smirk. Kept your grip on his arm and rubbed your thumb against the soft fabric of his gray shirt. Looked back out to the water and it waved back at you, sending a breeze your way.
“Jungkook?” you asked, calm and serene. Maybe more serious than you meant for it to be.
He stumbled over his words.
“H-Hm? Yeah?”
You remembered, years and years ago, standing at a similar spot with your father, holding his hand and watching the synchronization of the sea. The sun had been sinking down then too, just like now. You were much shorter then. Asked too many questions, of course, like any other kid.
“Why did you bring me here?”
The zephyr pranced around you and him, playful and daring, sending your hair aflutter around your shoulders. Good thing you were wearing the hat.
You felt Jungkook’s arm slide up and he wrapped his fingers around your hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles.
“Taehyungie said I should…” He coughed and swallowed his mumbles, standing a little closer, his larger frame framing you, never covering or shadowing all you were. “I wanted to make a good memory. Just you and me.”
You looked away from the shimmering waves and faced him, the one with too much fire, or so the fortune teller said. A brightness in those dark brown eyes, perhaps a slight awkwardness, yet the eye contact remained, a tiny smile creeping onto his expression.
You hoped you could always feed that fire, never let it die out under your watch.
“It’s always just you and me,” you teased, light like the cool droplets clinging to your skin.
A little unease.
“Are you…”
His fingers tightened around yours.
“Happy, noona?”
His face tried to remain neutral, maybe even borderline playful, but his hold on you gave him away, gripping too tight in his nervousness. You stared into his eyes. You never lied to Jungkook about things like this. You couldn’t.
Dad, why didn’t Mom come with us? Doesn’t she love you?
Of course, she does. Your father chuckled. She can’t love anyone else. That’s why we’re got married.
Then why didn’t she come?
Because she’s a princess. He broke out into a full-on laugh then, the sound melding with the mirthful waves and calls of nature, a world rich with sound and color. You splashed water onto his legs and he yelped, pretending to run away as you chased after him, kicking up sand and tumbling too fast, falling headfirst into his strong arms.
If Mom’s a princess, what am I then, Dad?
He grinned at you, mischievous and wolflike, an expression you could match in the mirror.
Don’t tell her, but you’re my queen, forever and always.
“I’m always happy with you, Jungkook.”
You squeezed his hand, tighter than he held you, making him inhale sharply.
“That’s why you’re my king, forever and always.”
You tilted your head and leaned in to kiss him again. Let your tongue graze his lip ring and sucked in his gasp. Pressure of lips to lips, sliding your tongue into the wet warmth, into his soft sound and whispers of love. A deep breath, and his scent mixed with the salt of the sea, you arm slipping around his waist and bringing him closer, blocking out the sun with your passion, feeling the contours of his body against yours, drinking in his kisses as you let go of his hand and lifted your cap, freeing your hair to the whims of the wind, causing it to curl against your cheek and his.
Jungkook yelped as the ocean splashed up his legs and soaked his shorts. You laughed and stepped back, dragged along by his hand on your arm.
The water seemed to be scolding you. Get a room!
You yanked your hat back on and grinned at your boyfriend who as glaring at the ocean angrily as if this had been a personal attack. He looked ready to throw hands with dihydrogen monoxide. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that he wasn’t going to win that one. Better distract him.
“Let’s eat. The sun is going down already.”
Dinner was an alarming amount of samgyeopsal. You and Jungkook probably weren’t going to survive on a deserted island. You would probably need the help of six big heads to avoid being hopelessly addicted to carbs on your first day. Thankfully, this was a campsite with access to water, an outhouse, and an hour’s drive away from civilization. You grilled the meat as Jungkook hunted for the tableware. Right before the meat was fully cooked, Jungkook asked you to scoot the meat to the edges and dumped a packet of kimchi onto the hot pan covered in pork fat, cutting it up to make it crispy.
“Did we get rice?”
“What do we need rice for?”
“We didn’t get rice?!”
“I’m just kidding; here it is, little bunny.”
Jungkook squinted warningly and you smiled back, unperturbed.
“Let me go get the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
She had been shoving sparklers into the fire and watching the chaos of sparks snap, crackle, and pop out dangerously. Jungkook had warned her not to do it. Fruitlessly, of course, because she did it anyway and he knew she would.
His older girlfriend wasn’t good at listening.
“Don’t put any more in.”
She pouted at him and he jerked back at the unexpected cuteness. Shit, what was with her today? Endless attack after attack, hitting him right in the uwus. He could only take so much before he couldn’t hide his swooning anymore. He quickly raced back into the caravan and found what he was looking for, gently but swiftly picking up the package and the wooden skewers.
He bounded back to her inappropriately poking the fire with another sparkler.
“Ey! Stop!”
She turned her head and was about to chuck it in to be a complete butt. Instead, she froze, eyes growing wide as she spied what was in his hands.
“You… You got marshmallows?”
Fuck, what was this gaming hermit with the fantastic beast of an ass so damn cute for?! Those damn sparkly eyes for fluffy white confectionary and the instant bounce up to hurry over to him were melting him faster than ice cream on a hot summer day.
“Y-Yeah, I got marshmallows,” he announced as if he wasn’t clearly holding them already. “You have to toast marshmallows when you go camping. That’s the rule.”
She stuck close to him as they sat back down, holding the skewers as he opened the bag.
“Heh, true, true.”
It was a little ritual, her taking a skewer and carefully spearing the large marshmallow right at the center, handing it to him and then doing the same for herself, setting the materials aside so they could lean over the fire, slowly turning them in the dancing flames to avoid burning them. It was dark now, colder by the open sea where the humidity wasn’t trapped by the urban jungle. Crickets and cicadas conducting their symphony in the forest, adding to the Bluetooth speaker Jungkook had set up to play some tunes on low.
Under the stars, wrapped int their jackets now, roasting sweet fluffs together.
She had looked so happy talking about toasting marshmallows with her father and he had that happiness now, complete with a pleased hum and the lively little dance of her shoulders.
“I don’t think I’ve had marshmallows in forever,” she laughed, tongue between her teeth.
Jungkook was frighteningly close to passing out from her cute charm. “How do you eat them? Do you–”
But he had no chance to finish as she raised her golden-brown marshmallow and pressed the flat of her tongue against it, presumably checking the temperature, then proceeded to open her mouth as wide as she could and shoved the whole ooey-gooey whiteness into her lips to devour it. Her eyes closed and did a little squeeze of joy, wrapping her tongue around the skewer to get off whatever clung on, covering her mouth as she struggled to swallow the mess with a laugh.
Holy shit.
Was he allowed to be horny after seeing that?
Not allowed or not, Jungkook was horny now.
His marshmallow would have burned if she hadn’t retrieved it from his limp hand and shoved it into his open mouth.
“Mmmphf! Hot!”
He fanned his mouth in panic and snatched the water bottle, chugging a fat gulp as the burning thick stickiness coated his mouth, pure sugar and heat bursting onto his tongue, quickly cooled down by bottled water.
“You have to eat it right away when it’s done,” she was saying in between snickers, taking the water from him so she could drink too. “Otherwise it doesn’t taste good.”
“You tried to kill me!”
“You won’t die from a marshmallow.” Devious sparkle in her eye and that smirk that made his dick jump up in interest. “You’ll die from old age after getting a heart attack from too many orgasms.”
“No, I won’t,” he snapped, jamming a poor marshmallow onto a new skewer and waving it at his demon of a girlfriend like a rosary. “The heart health of my family is excellent. You won’t get rid of me that easily.”
The glint in her eye was evil.
“Counting on it.”
“S… Should have bought more condoms… o-ooh, fuck meee…”
Jungkook growled in irritation that quickly morphed into a drawn-out groan as you slammed back into him, on all fours like an animal and fucking him just as ferally. Got a little lower to get more leverage and had him clutching your ass for dear life as your bodies shook the entire bed built into the silver caravan, making the whole thing shake. Pretty obvious what was happening, if the continuous slapping of hips and Jungkook’s uncontrollable moans through the open windows didn’t give it away already. You felt him squeeze and drag his fingernails over the curve of your ass, softness under his strength, falling apart once again to your tight heat and pulsing constriction for the third time.
Back-to-back… to back.
You slowed and focused on tightening around his girth in rapid throbs. Hummed approvingly at the increased hardness, savoring his whining shudder.
“P-Please, move again, please…”
“Helping you last longer, little bunny.”
“Fuck you,” he snarled with no malice whatsoever.
“Good idea, you could work a little harder and at least meet me halfway.”
Far too calm, of course. It was unfair, it was chipping at his ego, it was fueling the fire, and Jungkook growled again, grabbing your hips and sinking his fingers in punishingly, immediately loosening as you started up again, meeting your ass with a harsh smack of his crotch, loud and wet and obscene. It only took a moment to get the rhythm and it was there, fuck, yes, right there. So hard, so deep, your body angled just right to feel all of him, even his balls slapping against your clit, slippery and slick. The air was heavy with sex and salty ocean air from the open windows, so good, so intense that it was perfect, your fingers curling into the sheets, overloaded with pleasure. His cock, slamming into you and your pussy clenching around it to feel it all. His sound, desperate and loud and on the brink. His hands on you, possessive and hungry, telling you I love you, I love you, I love you, maybe more than his mouth was, considering that he was currently a moaning mess.
Jungkook slid his hand back and smacked your ass, gasping as you kept up the pace, half-losing his mind as you took over him. Again, harsh slap and you tightened around him, punishing him further, his fingers sinking into your waist, whimpering your name.
“I can’t, fuck, I can’t, I’m gonna c-cum, fuck!”
You had the audacity to snicker as you rammed back into him and sank all the way down to the base as he threw his head back and cried out, cock jerking and hips flinching as he rutted into you, trying to get impossibly deeper, trying to feel more, whining as you came around the sudden sensitivity. You let a contained exhale, letting the release wash over you, feeling it saturate your senses, nerves tingling with ecstasy, lost in the euphoria that was Jeon Jungkook.
His hand detached for your waist and he clawed at your back, groaning and delirious, sending slicing stings of pain through your bliss, amplifying it with his rough touch.
“F… Fuck… fuck…”
Captain America would not be impressed with his language.
Jungkook was falling over, swaty chest against your back, reaching up to cup your breasts, squeezing them. Running his fingertips over your hard nipples and shuddering, hot breath on your skin, panting hard like he had run a marathon.
Couldn’t do this all day, it seemed.
“Seems like you had fun,” you teased, keeping your voice even as your heartbeat thundered in your chest.
“F-Fuck you, why… why are you so… damn… s-smug…?”
His hips were not moving. You pulsed your muscles around his semi-hard length and Jungkook moaned, low and loud, burying his face into your hair and neck, flicking your nipples. You stayed on your elbows, resting your chin on your forearm, highly amused.
“As… A-As soon as he wakes up again…”
“Are you sure you’re not going to pass out?”
“Even if I do, I’ll wake you up in the middle of night.”
Predictably, you were roused by a dick trying to spear you in the thigh in the middle of the night, Jungkook’s lips whispering your name by your ear. No, nibbling at the curve of your ear as you rose from the dead, blinking hard at the lack of light, hearing the ocean and the cicadas singing in harmony.
“You’re always horny,” was your half-asleep response.
He was feverishly kissing your shoulders and the space right under your ear, the place you enjoyed the most. “Can I put my dick in your mouth? I washed off.”
You could say no, but this was very nice, the kissing and the soft kneading of your titties, gently pulling at your nipples and sending shivers through your torso. You hated being woken up in the middle of the night. At least, you had thought so… before Jungkook. You let him play around a little longer, enjoying the building arousal and his lips working your skin.
Maybe you were weak for Jeon Jungkook.
“Well, I’m not moving, so you’ll have to get up here.”
That did not deter Jungkook in the slightest.
The second you turned around, Jungkook put his knee down by your shoulder and shoved his rock-hard dick into your half-open mouth.
“O-Ooh, fuck, yes…”
You wrapped your tongue around it and rubbed against the slit, hearing him whine and gasp. You expected him to fuck your throat roughly, and he would have if he was slightly less horny, but he surprised you by feeling around for your hand and hooking it around his thigh, pressing your fingers into his skin until you dug your nails into his tense muscle. He moaned approvingly, slowly thrusting his hips forward as your tongue slipped around his balls and the base of his cock, then up to the head, rubbing against the underside, all the while keeping your throat tight, lips along the length, eventually retracting your tongue to give him that perfect pressure all around, pressing the head to the roof of your mouth.
You pressed down, sinking him in deeper.
Some would choke at this point, but you wouldn’t do that to your king.
Instead, you tipped your head back to give yourself the smallest sliver of breathing room and deep-throated him, not going as fast as you would if you had more breathing space, but steady, controlling the pace with your nails embedded into his thigh. You reached up with your free hand, running your fingers over the base of his wet balls, massaging them as your own saliva was running down your chin.
Sacrifices must be made.
Jungkook was gripping the windowsill above the bed so tightly that his knuckles were white, gasping your name pathetically, then biting his lip once he realized what he was doing.
You smacked his thigh hard, narrowing your eyes when he looked down.
“W-What…? N-No, don’t stop, please, don’t stop,” he rambled, the mole underneath his lower lip trembling in fear. “What d-do you want? Do you want me to beg? To tell you how good you are? God, you’re so fucking good, I don’t want anyone else, I never be satisfied with anyone else…”
You cocked an eyebrow but tipped your head back again, taking him deep as he continued. You couldn’t exactly instruct him with your mouth full of his dick, so you focused on tonguing him from tip to base, rubbing along the length and cupping the girth as you drew back, listening to his stream of horny consciousnesses.
“Ooh, yeees, noona, y-you’re the best, so soft, so tight, so much control, so much skill, you’ll a-always b-be my queen, thank you so m-much, oh, f-fuck…”
You could tell he was getting close because he was falling silent, focusing only on breathing, hard and heavy, trying not to cum too fast, squeezing his eyes shut and clutching the windowsill, fucking your face at the same pace, building and building, a little tighter, throat closing in around the throbbing head, and his shoulders shook, tattoos standing out in the moonlight, arms flexed and tense as he tipped his head back, groaning wanton and lewd, burying so deep into your throat that you could barely taste the cum as it shot out. It probably didn’t taste great at this point anyway. You swallowed around him, small gulps that stimulated him. His hips jerked, aftershocks making his eyelids flutter, jaw clenching, the muscles of his neck glistening in the low light.
You calmly laid there, barely breathing, lazily licking around his cock as he didn’t move for at least thirty seconds.
Did he pass out from the good nut or what?
“S… So good… I d-don’t wanna leave…”
You tapped his thigh and waved your thumb in the air to mime out, I’m dying here.
He peered down at you and didn’t move.
You poked at his balls.
He got off you.
“I’m going back to sleep.”
“But… what about her?”
And Jungkook moved your panties to one side and shoved two fingers into your wet pussy.
“Fuck, feels so fucking good in here…”
You kept your expression neutral as you stared up at him, deadpan. You did love sucking dick. There was no question about that. However, sleepy or not, you weren’t going to make things easy for your little bunny.
You clenched around his fingers so tight that he had to force them in.
His face was right next to yours, his shudder washing over your cheek as he felt it. You adjusted your hips to perfect the angle you liked and cocked your head at him, catching his eye.
“That’s it? You’re not that strong, huh?”
You pressed his buttons, and, predictably, Jungkook flared up, sliding his other hand under your head and grabbing a fistful of your hair, tugging far too lightly to be cruel. His brows furrowed, dark eyes flashing.
“Watch what you say, noona.”
You opened your mouth and licked his cheek, hot and wet.
“Give me all you got, little bunny.”
You saw his teeth sink into his lower lip, silver ring gleaming at the edge, and he clenched his jaw, shoving his fingers all the way up to the knuckles, rougher, faster, deeper, accelerating until you loosened your grip. Slick, sweet, sparks all over your skin, yes, like that, good boy, and Jungkook bit back his moan, forearm muscles bulging with his rapid movement. You reached down to wrap your fingers around his tattoos and felt him flex at your touch, his breathing erratic against your cheek, trying to maintain the fast speed and consistent depth, because too slow would be boring and too deep would be painful, no, he wanted you to sigh against his lips and shiver around his fingers, wave after wave of euphoria sinking into your core and spreading out in harsh throbs against the pads of his fingertips, dragging his face to yours to kiss him, thrusting your tongue into his mouth as he thrust his fingers into your pussy, humming into his garbled moans interrupted by your tongue. One taste was not enough. Never enough when it was Jungkook, and you felt it coming, succumbing to the bliss with a satisfied hiss, and his tongue took your place, thrusting messily into your mouth as you came around his fingers, soaking theme even more with viscous sweet-sour stickiness, coating him with your taste.
He gasped, moaning into your mouth.
You inhaled it, exhaling back into his lips, lustful smoke exchanged between you and him.
“Jungkook, my love…”
He murmured your name, the queen of this kingdom.
Different background, same scene.
“This is the most walking I’ve done in the past five years.”
“Come on, the viewpoint is up here.”
“Jungkook, you might have to carry me down or I might just end up rolling instead.”
“I’ll carry you, now come on, let’s take a picture here.”
Hm, well, there were some distinct differences in between this climb and climbing the ranked ladder of League of Legends. They say exercise is all mental fortitude, but you were pretty sure what was being tested here was your calves and not your strong mental.
“Ugh, you always look so pretty in every photo.”
“You’re welcome,” was your grump response as you drank a fat gulp of water, staring out into the lush green forest. It was nice. Not as nice as your bed, but nothing was as nice was your bed.
Maybe Jungkook.
He leaned his chin on your shoulder, looking out with you.
“It’s nice,” you commented. “Seokjin isn’t going to believe that I touched grass, let alone did a hike.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing himself against you.
“You can do anything, noona.”
You smirked. “Yeah?”
“Uh huh. And I can do it if you can’t, but I bet you could if you really wanted to.”
“Well, I really don’t want to walk back down.”
Mysteriously, Jungkook’s large hands migrated to your ass.
“I’ll carry you.”
“Uh huh.”
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helluva-dump · 10 months
Just gonna say it here
As much as I dislike Vivziepop and how much it a crybaby brat she acted in twitter yesterday… can you like not defend right wingers that literally donated to politicians that want to eliminate the right of lgbt people????
Like wtf… is this the hill you guys wanna die on??? Literally defending right wingers that want people like me dead????
Listen I love FNAF but I honestly cannot stand Scott, I see him the same way as Doug TenNapel. Loving their works but that doesn’t change the fact they have harmful politics. Like the dude donated to anti lgbt causes and you call people that bash him “SJWs???” Who the fuck still lives under that mentality???
No Shannon, getting rightfully angry at someone donating to bigoted people and causes doesn’t make someone an “sjw” it’s literally basic human rights.
Yes, he may not react like a baby on twitter like Viv does and I don’t think he deserves to get doxxed and harassed, but that doesn’t change the fact he donated to donations that harmful to queer people.
I swear being a critical myself, I see antis hate shit over the dumbest reasons and now I see some going too far to justify and defend someone that’s a bigot.
The only “sjws” are mainly antis that take fiction too seriously…. Like if you like a problematic character or ship, that means you support abuse and abusive irl 🙄🙄🙄 like god forbid you can’t like blitzo or Verosika because “they do horrible stuff and if you like then your horrible too”
Like holy shit, just because I like a few questionable characters doesn’t mean I support their actions. And this is coming from someone like me who doesn’t like Stolas or Stolitz but just saying people actually support abuse and r*pe is a little out of the line…
Yes, I’m annoyed with how Viv is writing the character and I want her to make them face consequences, but literally getting mad at those that still like some of these characters is honestly childish and you need to touch grass.
And before you call me an ass kiss, I do NOT like Viv. I criticized the shit out of her many times and I don’t like how she works as a “professional”, nor how she treats her employees, giving fans false hopes, and I don’t like Stans that blindly eat shit up and worship her without question.
That being said, the antis getting to the point where they will literally defend a right winger content creator or even get angry if someone likes problematic characters like blitzo or Verosika and call you a r*Pe sympathizer is insane.
If you seriously have this mentality, fucking unfollow me and do not fucking interact. If you actually that queer people are sjws for getting rightfully angry at Scott, please go fuck yourself and fuck off the critical tags.
Your only proving Viv’s point with the homophobia and that’s not fair for criticals that had valid reasons to dislike her, cut that shit out.
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prodlaw · 2 years
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luffy is an ar 43 childe main
childe main luffy !!! mayhem !!! maniac !!! cannot use bow mode for shit!
basically explores his overworld like crazy ... has 100% exploration on dragonspine because he said fuck sheer cold we die like real men :D aka a 100 times until he realises .... fire .... fire good
does not use healers. what are they. whats this wack 1000+ hp increase. is it free? do the game gods suddenly like him?
can't build characters asks law for help who fucking busts a blood vessel seeing all the 5 stars hes sacrificed on shitty artifacts (DEF% circlet on diluc, cries real tears)
has bad luck on pulls though its crazy
he doesnt even save primos,,,,
ust pulls and didnt know about losing the 50/50 he'd just be happy either ways
"haha look a character!"
also randomly joins worlds and steals stuff . he has no etiquette Smh
does not do abyss or if he does its just a headache he has no idea he doesnt read the opponents info he has no team synergy he is just random bullshitting go in this sanji is an ar60 yae main
has raised all thee waifus but he has a thing for being humiliated by women so ... yeah .. yae
yae defender since day #1 !! he has fought whole wars for her on twitter when people were saying her kit is shit ... he started not one but 3 fan accounts
his team is basically yae, raiden, jean and lisa (whos going to tell this man theyre all girlfriends)
is now getting ready to ascend to the title of no.1 yelan main in the whole wide world .. is sacrificing his sanity to give her 300% crit damage
like luffy he does not give a fuck about the storyline, just plays for the characters (ahem.... ladies .... is also subtly growing on ayato)
hes also a big whale. does that surprise anyone? no?
r5 donut c6 kokomi and is trying to get her to deal big damage #RoadTo100K
skips dialogue
tries to cook some ingame dishes, his almond tofu and sweet madame are actually kind of good! robin and nami have benefitted from this one
zoro is an ar56 ayaka main
got into the game because luffy and sanji were heavily into it and he's fallen into a deep whirpool of genshin ayaka impact
does not give a fuck about the story + dialogue
initially played it for funsies but as soon as he saw ayaka Goddamn
compares sword styles with her secretly its so Cute
has raised her shes insane crazy 500k when he coops people clap they scream they shout
too bad shes the only built character he does not give a fuck about anyone else
ayato came and hes building him also but everyone else is irrelevant. THIS IS AYAKAS WORLD!
does not like traveller since hes not interested in ayaka
wants to punch the shit out of him
generally annoys him
keeps on whining about how traveller uses a shitty ass blade, how ayakas much better than him etc etc.
takes boss fights very Seriously is very Good at them also
does not know how hes gotten to ar 56 but will #grind until shes c6 (hes f2p and benefitted GREATLY during the ayaka banner)
ace is an ar60 eula main
whale whale whale whale
needs to touch grass hes spent his LIFE INSURANCE MONEY on this game
loves everything about it
follows the story, loves the characters, worldbuilding everything
surprisingly dedicated a lot of braincells to it! built his characters fr
he streams it also does stupid challenges n shit, ie. i die i roll
it's him and his eula against the world! he loves a woman that can kick serious ass
very fun to coop with. will go to heart island with you. will carry you.
36 stars spiral abyss like bro is full mental illnessing it he wants the primos even though he can go to the shop and basically go batshit
his luck is very bad though like he has NEVER gotten a character before 60 pity
his c6 mona speaks for herself! and so does c6 keqing!
would have mained childe but heart of depth domain sucks 4 years out of his lifespan per run (1 like = 1 decent crit piece for ace)
has hit 1mil with eula . but at what cost?
law is an ar57 xiao main
im sorry he instantly connected with him
the emo fatherlessness is universal
basically built the entire team around xiao, eg. xiao/jean/albedo/zhongli
also admires zhongli and would have mained him but he saw emo boy first
has primordial and him at c1 but he has never paid, he's not that deep in yet
just has decent luck and saves pragmatically
like luffy he has his evil moments and steals stuff from players (has gotten threats of doxxing/being cussed out)
but other than that his genshin routine is doing dailies, event and then hes out!
follows lore actively though, finds the various cross cultural references very fun
would probably pull for baizhu if he becomes playable
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© prodlaw 2022 ♡ reblogs & feedback are appreciated! requests are open
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chainrave · 7 months
Ngl I haven’t even considered AkuRoku to be „pedo“ until I saw people talking about it. Sometimes it’s really not that deep and people just ship shit because it makes sense. Especially when it comes to media from fucking 2000whatever, it’s not something anyone ever cared about. People shipped Link with tentacles no matter what canon age he was, everyone liked something weird. Now the internet is crowded with people applying moralizing readings to everything and everyone who lived through gross out humor like happy tree friends, celebrity death match and drawn together has to take it and act like we’re the bad guys. The type of shit Gen X got away with showing on TV, man. I don’t wanna hear it from people who have an unhealthy obsession with collecting acrylic stands from same-face syndrome Genshin characters (that all look young) and who believe Osama Bin Laden was a good guy because people on TikTok said so. Absolute insanity.
fandom culture is so different now and i don't necessarily think it's wrong to be conscious/critical about the media you consume but the way newer fans handle it is such an overcorrection that it's just thinly-veiled conservatism perpetuated by groupthink. it's like, did you all miss the memo that fandom is a goofy ass hobby that's supposed to be fun??? since its inception back when sexually repressed stay-at-home moms were writing nasty star trek smut, it's always been meant to be a self-indulgent creative outlet unrestrained by canon and convention and morality
and you're right, it's not really that deep. shipping shouldn't be that deep. fandom in general shouldn't be that deep. consuming and creating fiction shouldn't be that deep. but, well, here we are. i try not to get annoyed at newer fans because this is all they know, but i do think getting off tiktok/twitter and touching grass would do them (and fandom as a whole) some good
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aemiron-main · 10 months
gonna be completely honest with you I have no real interest or care in henry or the theories around him its a lot of reading I don't get it the things I have seen (admittedly out of context) do not make sense to me you get it you get the point I do not Go Here but that other post is um. yeah. batshit crazy. like again from my no context knowing of what's going on here on your blog. the WORST possible option (i know the theory is that he didn't do it but REMOVING that) is that you're poor little meowifying a guy who killed some children which is like. literally a non issue that is standard fandom behavior like??? and comparing y'all to billy stans is on a different level??? like if they don't like you guys they can just say they think you're annoying or something there is no need to moralize this???
HELLO, ANON!! (and I saw your follow up messages, so I'll just answer those in this post! <3)
And that is COMPLETELY fair, I don't expect anyone to read my posts or care about Henry or any of the theories- I just think that people should maybe consider reading the posts before criticizing them (I don't mean you obviously because you're not over here criticizing them). And IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINK IT'S BATSHIT CRAZY!!! And YES!! Removing that, WORST CASE I'm WRONG and poor little meow meowing a guy with the condition that i DO believe he's innocent. Like you said, people poor little meow meowing murderers is nothing compared to so much shit that goes on, but hell, I'm only poor little meow meowing him because I do genuinely believe that he's innocent! I wouldn't even be DOING IT if I didn't think he was innocent!
AND THATS SO REAL CAN THEY JUST SAY THEY THINK I'M ANNOYING??? LIKE IT'S OKAY!!! Just say you don't like me!! I'm fine with that!!!! There's no need to moralize it!! I think part of the moralizing is due to people realizing that They Were Wrong but not wanting to admit it & now trying to grasp at being Morally Right because they couldnt be Factually Right but even THAT backfired because now their supposed "Morally Right" rhetoric is "children, especially autistic coded ones, are just Born Evil and Child Abuse Is Okay If The Kid Is Deemed To Be Born Evil"
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sistervirtue · 3 months
question for ur God Head Death Sentence ocs + ur knowledge on yugioh: which ones do you think would be into card games like that, and like,, how would they play it? Try to go about it competitively, play casually, or maybe someone just builds a deck just to mess with one person specifically?
pluto would be hardcore into it like he keeps up with meta he has opinions he has a deck. multiple even
following that, he has taught virtue how to play because theyre flatmates. that being said, shes far more lax about it. solidly skilled because things with intricate rules and structured order are up her alley, but i think she takes it easy on people
leopold would never pick a hobby like that up on his own but once introduced to it he is taking that shit so for seriously. hes not so much a fan as it is that he refuses to lose at any game of skill and intellect. he would run some insanely intricate gimmick deck that makes your brain hurt to try and detangle. that said he will throw the match when he faces lacramioara. but if she catches onto it she gets pissy so its a delicate dance
lacramioara is not super good at it, but she gets really competitive. shed also play with cards she likes, as opposed to one that are actually good. in a way hes the only one who truly has the spirit of the game, except for when people are at risk of being attacked. that said, its a hobby shed do for maybe a week before he got bored
johnny vc now what in the goddamn are you little freaks doing in there. she would get the tutorial but its clear she doesnt care nor does she particularly understand the rules. this isnt even a game shes going to entertain. go outside and touch some grass
cross has definitely stolen someones soul through a game of yugioh like he has definitely contracted someone that way. maybe multiple people. for this reason he does play a pretty insane deck i think hed run a classic bing bong fuck ya life deck that focuses a lot on controlling the graveyard.
gabriel plays for fun and is pretty chill about the whole thing. he just wants to enjoy himself. theres lots of music themed ones i think hed like but its not really a hobby hes super passionate about. he pays attention when people want him to engage, though
michael is another one that actually doesnt particularly care for the game but refuses to lose. would run a power deck or deck destruction meta like kaiba does. he sits there smiling at you the whole time but you can feel the rage pouring off of him the vibes are awful
raphael thinks its all kind of silly. this is a game for children. he would not play even if offered he doesnt really care he gets dragged along to game night because someones bound to bleed at some point
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alirhi · 1 month
Finally caught somewhat of a break. I'm in a tremendous amount of pain even with my meds, but it's been a good day overall.
A few weeks ago, we had a small electrical fire in our bathroom, only we didn't know that's what it was at first. It tripped the outlet on the house, which shut down power to the camper and killed the fire before it could really catch. This happened every time we tried resetting the outlet and plugging the camper back in, until finally one of us was inside while the other fiddled with the power and loud buzzing was heard and bright blue light from sparks/flames was seen and we went "oh. okay, no touchy. got it." So we've been without even the minimal power we had for some time now, just one extension cord run from the house, through our kitchen window to a power strip we used to run lights, the space heater on colder nights, and charge electronics. It fucking sucked. We ended up putting the small appliances in storage, since we couldn't use any of them. no power to the outlets, and nowhere to put them near the power strip.
So anyway, that sucked ass, but we got through it, and a few days ago we talked to someone outside the entrance to Walmart who was asking for donations to help the homeless. I told him "sorry, we're in the same boat" and he asked if we need help. Sis and I explained the situation we're in the best we could, asking if he knew any electricians who would be willing to help for free, and he took sis's number and said he'd put out feelers online. Said he was pretty connected.
Dude wasn't kidding. The NEXT MORNING, someone called, and she was texting with him and setting up a time for him to come out and take a look. This afternoon, he replaced the bathroom outlet and faulty wiring that was causing the fire, cleaned out the crappy paper insulation that was feeding said fire, and was kind enough to do it all for free. He then gave me a quote for the cost of installing a 30amp outlet on the house so we could fully power this damn thing and have things like a working fridge and running hot water. It'll be insanely pricey, but when he broke it down for us, I realized he was still giving us the steepest discount he could. We'd mostly be paying for the (holy shit expensive) wire. Absolute sweetheart, as is the man outside Walmart who put us in touch with him. I'm so glad I didn't just scoot by with a "sorry, not today" when he asked if we wanted to donate.
Sis also found a baby garter snake in the yard today with a crushed tail. He still gets around okay and the injury seems to be low enough that his organs are functioning pretty well (he peed on her hand lmao and chugged water when we put some out for him; I've never seen a snake drink before and that was cute as hell).
We called a wildlife rescue that's going to take him tomorrow and see what they can do to help him, so he's resting in a fish tank with some paper towels and the little bottle cap full of water. Absolutely enamored with lil sis lol. He was scared at first, which makes sense; poor thing was trapped, injured, and these huge stompy creatures were hovering over him and touching him. But then she got him free of the dirt and grass he was caught on and he slithered all over her arms and shoulders. kept trying to go up her sleeves to hide lol. I asked to hold him before he's gone (originally she was going to drive him to the rescue while I waited for the electrician, but it was too far away and she didn't want to drive alone) and he wasn't having it. Wanted to stay with her.
Even after we got him in the tank, he stuck as close to her as he could. While she was standing nearby talking to the friend who loaned us the tank, he was nestled in the corner under the towels, when we got him inside and she sat by him, he smooshed up against the side she was sitting at and kept trying to climb out to her. Now she's in her room (opposite side of the camper from the seat she'd occupied) and he's hanging out on the side of the tank closest to her room. Every time she gets near or walks by, he follows her the best he can. it's fucking adorable. Wants nothing to do with me, but that's okay. He's still cute and sweet and I hope he makes it through the night and they can help him tomorrow.
I'm so grateful we were even there for sis to see him trapped. We never go into friend's yard if we can help it, but she's got baby chicks and said we can play with them if we want, so naturally we both booked it over to the coop to see the cute fluffies lol. and there next to it was this poor little guy stuck and hurt and dehydrated and probably scared to death.
I feel so blessed that someone was able and willing to help us, and that we're able to help this little snake. I just keep praying... Mother above, please let him be okay. He's such a wee babe.
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cielhunternorwood · 1 year
I guess in order to keep this tumblr existing, I decided to do another summary and review covering another gacha which I've picked up, dropped, and picked up again. I blame Vanguard.
This time, it's Artery Gear, a gacha which apparently has gameplay based on another gacha, Epic Seven. I've never touched Epic Seven, but if the gameplay of AG is anything to go by, then I probably never will. I'll just get right into it.
UI/Graphics: Simple and Consistent/10
The UI is actually pretty okay. It's simplistic in look and easy to navigate. More importantly, it's very responsive. I think the only real issue is the localization for the West leads to some cut-off of words on the menu. The font is simple and easy to read, with no real flourish to it. You can take that as you will, but it's something I'm okay with.
Gameplay: Grossly Imbalanced/10
Here's the biggest problem with Artery Gear: balance. It doesn't exist, and it's more apparent when you do the Exercise mode, which pits your AG team against other players' teams.
It plays as a turn-based RPG where each AG has three abilities (or two if one is passive) to use during their turn for either fighting or supporting the others. The turn order is based on an AG's Speed, and the stats are simplistic in being Attack, Defense, Crit stuff, and Status effect stuff. There is also percentage chance for doing Follow-Up Attacks, basically to back-up an ally strike with a basic bash, and Riposte, which is a counterattack/effect.
The game follows a rock-paper-scissors balance of classes, between grass, fire, and water-- SORRY, IT'S CRYSTAL, MOLTEN, AND THUNDER. And of course there are something like sub-classes, with certain characters being for tanking, some for bashing, some for status effects, and some are healers. So, balancing a four-person team revolves around all of that, and there are a lot of slots for setting teams for any situation.
Okay, that's all the basics of how it works. Now for how imbalanced it is: Speed. Speed and Bonus Turns. If you do any Exercises, you'll come across what are known as "cleave teams", which are basically steroid-induced hyperspeed teams designed to smash in PvP in one turn before there's a chance for counterattack. Even if you manage to survive the first strike, you're more than likely to get turn-delayed by status effects and hit by a second strikes (or the enemy triggers Bonus Turn and gets to attack twice).
This isn't even including just how much even the rarest AGs waffle between barely useful to so insanely broken that they're a must-have for PVP or Raid bosses. And that usefulness is largely based around status effects such as Invincible, Speed Reduction, and Accuracy Down, but also passive skills that do some really broken shit just by someone SNEEZING near the AG.
Even with these imbalances, though, story missions are an absolute slog and require significant grind and leveling to continue, especially when equipment stuff can make or break you. To avoid rambling on anymore, let's just say it's an exhausting experience filled with frustration if you don't min/max, and even then you're going to have troubles abound.
Music: Vanguard Sound/10
GhostFinal. Enough said.
But seriously, the music for Artery Gear comes from Vanguard Sound Studio, who started off doing music for Mica Team in Codename Bakery Girl and moved to Girls' Frontline from there, expanding into Punishing Gray Raven, Aether Gazer, and going so far as to make music for the cyberpunk game Anno: Mutationem.
Suffice to say, their music is amazingly good, and GhostFinal is one of those who works on PGR regularly. So, all the music is good quality-wise, and it all fits with the general tone of AG, which is depressing often but has a tinge of hope here and there. It's part of the reason why I returned to AG after so long: listening to the combat music, which is pretty good. Not the best, but definitely solid.
Character Designs: PUT ON PANTS/10
So here's the worst part of Artery Gear: character designs. If you thought Fate Grand Order had horny as hell designs, well, you definitely won't like the huge number of girls whose only real covering is an armor plate over the vag and the equivalent of metal pasties for the nipples. The designs are insanely nonsense.
All the form-fitting dresses, bodysuits, underboobs, side boobs, cleavage windows, midriff windows, FBI-signaling lolis, and a sparse few decently-dressed girls. This game is super horny, and it's a damn shame because there are some good designs otherwise ruined by flat-out horny detail.
On that note, there are some alterations and censorships for the global version, but it is often inconsistent as there are times when the uncensored is visible on in-battle sprites at random times, or times where the censorship is ONLY on the battle sprite. It's ridiculous how they didn't fix any of that in all this time, and whether one's horny or not, it's obnoxious when the game itself can't keep it together.
Economy: Stingy as fu/10
Okay, let's keep this as brief as possible. You have facilities for generating money and "Cat Orbs" for leveling girls up over time, though the rate is so low. On the plus side, there are grind stages for both, though you only get one run a day that gives huge amounts and further runs just aren't worth the cost.
Speaking of cost, most of that money will go into Gear, the equipment for the girls of which there are six types. They all need lots of money to upgrade to a feasible level, but the upgrade materials themselves are exceedingly rare. You're more likely to use low-level Gear to upgrade than the actual chip things.
And getting Gear means grinding specific boss fight-style stages, though you have to make sure to get not only a gear of a certain set you want but with the main stat you need and good sub-stats to boot. As much as you can transfer sub-stats from one Gear to another, it's also expensive as shit. Overall, you will be hemorraghing money without an excessive amount of grind.
Story: Trying to be Gray Raven/10
So the basic story is there's some kind of virus thing that has hit the world, turning people and robots into Puppets. The only thing capable of fighting Puppets are Artery Gears, girls who are enhanced cybernetically and stuff to fight them. They aren't completely immune to being Puppetized, but they can resist it. And, naturally, the main character that is the player is their Commander (Shikikan for you GFL/PGR players).
You're in charge of a ship tasked with eliminating Puppetmasters for the surviving humanity, and you go around helping other surviving cities or some such. Honestly, I lost track of the story at some point more because it kept dropping characters or plot points in with little context when it wasn't focusing on the "woe is me" stuff with AG girls and all that.
It's that very basic "post-apocalyptic viral infection, only these things can fight it" story that people liken to Nier but has been a thing for some time now (even before God Eater). This story, though, seems to especially take from PGR in a lot of ways, though their flagship characters are pretty forgettable (and also largely useless gameplay-wise). There's a bit of mystery going on with the Commander player, but it's not explored much, and it's nothing like the PGR Commandant thing of "seemingly normal Commander who manages to survive a lot of deadly situations".
Overall: Wasted Potential/10
This is one of those gachas that feels like it had something good at the start and then went too hard into the pandering to the horny player without much thought into making the game fun overall. There are some parts of it that feel like legit effort was involved, but the rest devolves into either shoe-horning or a system falling apart that hasn't been fixed to become more streamlined.
With how people say it's hugely borrowing from Epic Seven, it makes me wonder if it's AG's developers themselves or something carried over from that which is awful. Either way, its current state is disappointing rather than downright bad, and the only saving grace is its hands-off auto-battling makes grinding easier if you have the stamina for it. But if you can get past the grind-heavy gameplay and horny-even-by-gacha-standards designs, it's at least aesthetically pleasing and consistent. Also has some good music.
At least it's better than NIKKE.
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batshit octave,,,? 🥺 /silly
EEK! silly au that went from crackship to crackship to divorce to crackship to Oh God my best friend’s gone apeshit and it’s all my fault to My boyfriend sent my ex best friend into super hell
JJ. So apparently a discovery he was fuckboy asshole dev’s self insert in some way and We Didnt Like That so we destroyed him and turned him into a whore instead
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credit of art to my sibling rocket btw why is he so huge on my phone okay anyways yeah hes colors. and also for those nonprhd knowers he owns the Scriptbox which is just silly fucked up colored boxes. There’s a scriptbox in af1 near Dilly Donka’s im pretty sure but yeah scriptboxes exist
Anyways I created the scripterverse which is basically scriptboxes but theres a million of them and entities live in them, and JJ is the God of the scripters yay 🎉
OCTAVE. He is a scripter. He is the first and Only scripter to have left and moved out of the scriptboxes and lived off in paper robloxia. JJ’s technically the first to leave but he Lives in the scriptboxes still so. Whatever
Octave is monochromatic and we all know that and I’m sure yall can guess why I picked Octave for this AU :smile:
Scripter oc, C-Pod/Doc(not medkit sorry medkit hi medkit if u see this), scripter of butterflies. He did experiments (WITH CONSENT) on some butterflies which turned them Grey and also fucked them up a little but he’s not wholly aware of that
JJ pays a visit, sees a grey butterfly and “Oh these green ones look cool.” “… JJ those are grey.” “No, they look green to me! Can I keep one? ^_^” bad idea. Doc mentions that anyone with Achromatopsia (can only see in grey) have been extremely distressed by the butterfly and requests to keep it out of sight from any. Octave has achromatopsia. For now :)
JJ accidentally lets the lil shit out. GG. JJ runs over to Octave, who he hasnt seen in Centuries, and is like AY BESTIE dont touch a green butterfly okay?
“… JJ, what is a green?”
JJ trusts Octave a lil too hard on “you’ll know when you see it” and hey Octave Does see it he can see the green and it’s making him kind of distressed but Hey butterfly pretty. He touched it.
He absorbs the butterfly’s color (green), and suddenly he can see anything that is green (grass, leaves, etc etc) and hes like Holy Shit i can see things. Aborbs other living things and Woah i can see More Colors. Boy goes batshit, runs around draining ppl’s colors (and unknowingly their energy too), and then remembers people talked about colors and JJ is Full Of Colors
So! He went straight to JJ! ^_^ and he became this whole fucking monstrosity!
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Also credit to my sibling rocket for this! If I forget to tag this as eyestrain later on forgive me and Tell Me so I can tag it as eyestrain
Yeah. He becomes a whole fucking bastard. And he just cant get enough. He eventually goes insane and loses his shit and everything and he gets his ass kicked by… oh hey Blueband is here too yeah portals exist because I said so I forgot this is also a crossover but only for Blueband see JJband was a crackship that turned into a major comfort ship so Blueband is here too yes I am a JJband enthusiast die if you hate it
There are two alt routes to this, 1 being Doc finds a cure to fix his stupid ass and 2 being Blueband sends him to superhell for fucking with his boyfriend and hurting everyone
1 is basically Octave is STILL an asshole but now he has glasses that help him see color so hes not so fucking petty. Aponi exists. We love Aponi. She says slurs. Aponi is a purple butterfly (see: purple is negative to green) and she kind of threw Octave to heck and took the colors back and returned it to everyone yippee yaya i just realised she exists in Both routes but in the peaceful route she and Octave actively hate each other and Aponi calls him slurs
2nd route, blueband just fucks him up and destroys him and sends him to superhell and torments him forever and refuses to let him die dont worry about it! ^_^
Yeah . Colordrained AU is a whole
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Hello Ma, I have read through of what happened to you. Please always remember that your blog has created such a safe place for your followers, non-anons and anons. I can tell you bring so much love to your writings and especially to the characters. You brings life to them and it is what makes it more enjoyable and bring happiness to everyone <3 and I hope your writings gives you happiness and much needed comfort in life as well.
For as long as I had been in Tumblr, I have seen many great writers/artists who got discouraged to continue doing what they love because of some people who clearly don't know how to mind their own business.
If anyone else sends you hate, always remember that your followers, non-anons, and anon family are here for you and to defend you. They're attention seekers, so as much as possible, let's not give the poltroon anymore of what they want─attention.
To the haters: please touch some grass and get a life. No one asked for your opinion.
Learn some proper netiquette before you come to the internet. <3 Otherwise, none of us want you here
As you can see, I am holding myself back from... saying things. Your blog is the absolute safest place I have ever seen and I hope that will be maintained for as long as you are here. We love you and your works and you deserve all the love in this life time and to the next and to the next.
Let us all respect each other and not lose anymore great writers/artists who deserves to be recognized, supported and appreciated.
~sincerely and respectfully, silent anon
Silent anon, thank you for saying this! I was actually talking with another writer friend who I met on here about the hate.
I think something people don't understand is that we chose to continue to put this content out for free because we love to do it and alot of us know that it brings alot of people happiness. I wouldn't let one person ruin my live of writing but I can imagine people getting continuous hate for writing what they write. These are fictional stories and characters that we are giving new life to because we adore them. There is SO MANY quality writers on this app it's insane. Alot of us could be writing professionally and do. But we still chose to out our content on here for free, asking for likes, comments and reblogs in return.
It's really annoying when someone comes into my safe space and says shit like that. I'm not even entirely sure their point. Like I said before, who do they think writes the majority of children's/teen/ young adult books?? It's adults...
A while ago I actually decided I would start writing my own series. It's currently in process now but I stopped because I wanted to come back to fanfiction. There was just something I love about this community and I never want to leave. The dedication of so many writers/arts/fans of these characters is so amazing!
I know I'll get hate, it's part of life and I think we can all expect it. I don't expect people to like me all the time but I do expect basic respect.
So please do not come on my blog belittling me for enjoying anime. If you don't like what I write, don't say anything. Block me and move on. I've come up with a personal plan for addressing hate in the future if and when it comes. No matter how old I am, I'm still a person with feelings and those feelings do get hurt.
Now that I've ranted, thank you so so much for you continous support! I promise I'm not going anywhere. I have 119 ish headcannons to finish writing 😅 and I wont stop until they are done!
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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schneesisterss · 3 years
Do you have any head cannons for the other Dimitrescu sisters? I loved your takes on Cassandra!
thank you! <3 and Of Course I have headcannons for the other two. (though not as extensive as the ones I have for Cassandra bc you know... brain rot) BUT HERE:
ADD/ADHD representation
stims include, but not limited to: jumping, hard blinking, leg bouncing, word/phrase/noise repetition, and fidgeting with her clothing
and i’m also CONVINCED she gets the zoomies at random times of the day
Alcina, hearing loud and fast footsteps up and down her hallway at 3am: *sigh* “Daniela! Take it outside!”
followed by a loud THUMP and painful groan (she definitely ran into a wall)
hates loud noises but simultaneously has no volume control
especially when she gets excited
Cassandra has to constantly remind her to lower her voice
“Dani, i’m standing right here, why are you yelling?”
she loves play-fighting with her sisters
Cassandra is more willing to entertain her than Bela but the both of them like to see their sister happy. so whenever they recognize Daniela getting antsy they’ll wrestle with her a bit
(Cassandra gets way to into it sometimes and makes Bela be the referee lol. Cass always ends up pinning her younger sister with a proud, competitive smile on her face. Bela let’s Dani win, but we don’t tell her that)
has the keenest senses of the three which makes her the best at stalking/killing pray
and since she can hear the best out of all of them, she unintentionally eves drops on conversations
so Daniela, bless her, has all the tea
tactile learner
will just. touch things
“Life hard, Mothers gown soft”
can get trapped in her own head and doesn’t know how to express to her family what’s bothering her
this can make her very reserved at times and she’ll distance herself for days on end
her mother is really the only person who knows how to get her out of that state. Alcina walks up the long flight of stairs to the highest point of her castle. her youngest daughter likes to come here sometimes when she needs the quiet. “Daniela? Are you up here?”
“Hello, Mother.” Alcina looks up to see her daughter lounging on a banister high up on the ceiling.
“What are you doing up there, my love?” Daniela rubs the fabric of her dress between her fingers. “Cassandra and Bela were arguing again. I don’t like when Cassandra yells.”
Alcina shakes her head. Those two were always going at it. She’ll speak to Bela about it later. “I haven’t seen you in a few days.” Daniela then grabs a fist full of her dress and tugs at it, blinking hard. “Come down for a moment. Talk to me, baby.”
and Daniela simply rolls herself off the banister and into free fall. Alcina, already prepared, catches her with ease and holds her bridal style against her chest. Daniela runs her hands over the sleeve of her mother’s dress.
Alcina gave her youngest child time to gather her thoughts, knowing it sometimes takes longer for her to be able to understand them herself. Daniela finally spoke up: “It’s been very loud recently. Around the castle. Small things, like footsteps or glasses clicking, they sound so loud in my head.” She covers her ears with her hands. “Even now I can still hear Cassandras voice through the castle, it’s pushing in my ears. My head hurts, Mother.”
Alcina gave her daughter a quick squeeze before setting her down. “Follow me baby, I want to show you something.” Daniela followed her Mother through the twists and turns of the castle until they ended up at a door that was just like all the others. It blended in and maybe that’s why Daniela has never noticed it before. “In here.” her mother guided.
Inside was a small library and lounge room. A fire place tucked in the corner and, of course, a wall a wine next to it. Daniela looked at her Mother questioningly.
“Listen.” her mother said, and Daniela did. She heard... nothing. Nothing outside of the quiet cracking of the fire place. “This room is sound proofed. Come here whenever you feel overwhelmed.” She leaned down to stroke her daughters head. “Just don’t tell your sisters I showed you my secret getaway room.” and with a wink, the tall woman exited the room and shut the door behind her.
The next day Daniela was at breakfast like nothing had changed. She didn’t even mind when Cassandra yelled at a maiden for breaking a plate, it only made her laugh.
(if you get overstimulated you KNOW what i’m talking about)
personal space? never heard of her.
loves to cling to Belas arm and Bela let’s her bc she thinks it’s just. so cute.
will also sometimes just crawl into her mothers lap and fall asleep. then Alcinas like: “well.. i guess i’m not moving for three hours”
Daniela: “if I run an jump at Cassandra, she’ll most certainly catch me.” *takes off in a full blown sprint*
Cassandra: “NO IM HOLDING HOT TEA—” *drops tea to catch Daniela* *proceeds to cuss her younger sister out, all while Dani is wrapped around her like a koala*
(this happens a lot. Dani will just... climb on Cassandra. piggy back rides, getting on her shoulders, wrapping her hands around her neck from behind and letting her feet drag on the floor, etc. Cassandra complains adamantly but never once moves to get her off)
Cassandra: “hey Dani, I dare you too—”
Bela: “Mother said Daniela isn’t allowed to accept dares anymore.”
Daniela: “apparently I have ‘no regard for my personal safety.’”
it takes a lot for Daniela to get genuinely angry, but when she does, it’s.... bad.
Very Very Scary when mad
turns into a completely different person that you Do NOT want to fuck with
dangerous and violent
much more dark and sadistic as compared to her normal personality
came home one night covered in blood and laughing hysterically. it scared the shit out of her sisters bc if they would try and get close, she’d slash at them with her weapon.
(this was one of the only times Bela had seen Cassandra genuinely worried and afraid for their sister)
when Alcina came to see what was wrong, Daniela, still laughing madly, swung at her too. Cassandra quickly shot out her arm and grabbed Belas elbow to stop her from getting involved. Bela whipped around with a growl but Cassandras glare and squeezing nails told her to back down. Mother can handle it.
Insane Laugh™️
thinks it’s funny to intimidate the maidens by showing her fangs and snapping her jaw
she often likes to find Bela when she’s reading a book to convince her to read to her (Bela almost always complies)
that’s it for Daniela. just a hyperactive baby with a murder streak <3 ONTO THE FINAL SISTER
Mama’s (and I cannot stress this enough) Girl
needs constant reassurance that’s she’s doing a good job and yes this reassurance can ONLY come from her mother
this girl never sleeps, pls baby you need some rest
she spends the time she should be sleeping reading books or running errands for her mother (whether Alcina asked her to or not)
she has read almost every single book in their giant library
Cassandra doesn’t understand this at all
“Why are you always cooped up in here?” Bela glanced up over the pages of her book at her younger sister. “This is the library Cassandra. Take a wild guess.” her voice was completely level and had no inflection. Cassandra gritted her teeth, “You think your so much better than me.” Bela sighed and closed her book. She didn’t want to do this again. “No. I don’t.” she said seriously. Cassandra eyed her for a moment then looked away, Bela saw the guilt on her face before she turned on her heal. “You’re so boring.”
because she reads so much, she is incredibly smart and just knows facts about random things
Daniela, daydreaming: “I wonder why grass is green.”
Bela, immediately: “the pigment that most grasses produce, Chlorophyll, absorbs almost all blue and red light and reflects green light which is why we see green. so I mean, technically grass is every single color EXCEPT for green.
Dani, confused as fuck: ....
Cass: “Bitch, how do you even know that?”
Bela’s sisters just end up using her as Google
“Hey Bela, how far away is the moon?” “238,900 miles.”
“Hey Bela, how many different climates are there?” “Twelve”
“Hey Bela, what’s the worlds deadliest poison?” “Botulinum... why?” “No reason.” “Dani. WHY?”
“Hey Bela, how much can I sell a human skull on the black market for?” Bela, concerned: “Cassandra why would—” “HOW MUCH?” “Well... are all the teeth still in tact?” “...No.” “Than only about $500.” “FUCK.”
“Hey Bela, I have this weird rash on my back and—” “Daniela. Do not finish that sentence. Go ask Mother.”
she is so quiet
and not just because she doesn’t talk very loud or even much at all. she’s just So. Silent. when she moves
just pops up in random places without anyone hearing her approach
even Daniela can’t hear her coming, which is saying something
Cassandra, minding her own business, drinking blood tea: .....
Bela, suddenly right next to her: “Hey I was wondering if— stop screaming, it’s me— have you seen Mothers lipstick? It’s missing.”
refuses any type of help with anything or else she feels like she failed that task
Never asks for help, Never asks for favors, and Never Ever will burden her Mother with any of her problems. Ever.
(Alcina thinks this is ridiculous. her eldest daughter pushes herself too hard.)
sometimes when her anxiety becomes too much she shuts down and becomes very indifferent to things around her. this has caused many fights between herself and Cassandra because Cass will get really fired up when all Bela does is respond with a monotone voice and blank stare.
overthinks literally everything and is a perfectionist
this makes her prone to panic attacks :(
when this happens she shuts herself in her room, not wanting to bother her Mother or sisters
Bela closes her bedroom door behind her and stumbles to her knees. she can’t seem to get air into her lungs no matter how hard she tried. she had failed. Mother asked her to bring her the head of that stupid man-thing, but somehow he knew their weakness.
how could he know? are Cassandra and Daniela ok? where are they? where is Mother?
Belas breathing was shallow and short, her chest burns as she presses her forehead into the ground. She claws the skin of her chest raw, leaving angry, red marks behind, desperately trying to open her lungs.
she stays as quiet as she can, only gasping few and far between. she will not be a burden. she should deal with the consequences of her failure. alone.
a sudden knock on her door makes her scramble backwards on her bottom till her back hits the opposite wall. then Belas worst nightmare, her Mothers voice.
“Bela?! Bela, is that you?” Alcinas words were rushes and worried. the door handle jiggled. “Bela, baby the door is locked, please let me in.” Bela covered her mouth and cried silently while her Mother begged to be let in.
the sound of snapping wood had Belas eyes flying open, her Mother had broken down the door. Bela shrunk into herself. She’s going to be so mad. I’m a failure. the ringing in her ears became so intense she couldn’t hear anything else.
large, soft hands cup her cheeks and a muffled voice through the air: “Bela, my love, you’re alright thank god. Are you hurt anywhere? Let me see.”
Bela pushed weakly at her Mothers arms and said between sobs, “I-I’m sorry, M-Mother.”
Alcina looked at her eldest daughter with confusion, she had no physical wounds, but the look on her face was heartbreaking. “What are you sorry for, my love?” this only made Belas breathing spend up even more, her face red from the lack of oxygen. Alcina quickly pulled her in close.
“Now Bela, listen to the sound of my voice,” she said it gently but just hard enough to grab her daughters attention. “I need you to copy my breath. Do it now, love, listen to me. Do what i’m telling you to.” Alcina took exaggerated breaths and noticed that instantly after her command, Bela had tried to follow, but the smaller girls breath was still choppy and small. Alcina rubbed a thumb across Belas cheek. “You’re doing so well baby. Keep going just like that. Good girl.” a smaller hand was placed on her arm and grabbed at her sleeve. “Good baby, use me to ground yourself. Keep breathing now, you’re doing so good.” Alcina kept whispering soft encouragements and praises until her daughters breathing was back to normal and she was laying limp on her chest.
Alcina moved the hair away from Belas face. “What a good girl, you did so well.” Bela squeezed her eyes shut and pushed into her Mother until her face was hidden. “I’m sorry Mother.” came a muffled apology, though her voice was much more steadier than before. “I failed you, I couldn’t stop the man-thing. He shot at the windows! He knows our weakness, Mother. What are we going to do? Where’s Daniela and Cassandra, are they ok? I should have stopped him for you I’m so sorry I—”
“Quiet.” Bela immediately seals her lips and looks away, already extracting herself from her Mother’s arms. She probably hates her. Alcina simple tugs her back and forces Bela to look in her eyes with a quick tap to the forehead. “Bela, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” Her daughters eyes go wide and she nods. “You have nothing to apologize for. This is not you’re fault and I will not allow you to think that way. Plus, the man-thing won’t bother us any longer, I took care of it.”
“But—” Alcina raises an eyebrow and Bela gives in, nodding hesitantly. “Good girl.” Bela exhales through her nose at the phrase and squeezes her Mother’s sleeve again. They sit like that for a few more moments, calming down.
Bela suddenly shoots up. “Daniela, Cassandra, are they—” “They’re fine my dear, Daniela got a little banged up, but Cassandra was already patching her up before I could even get close. We didn’t know where you were, that’s why I was so worried.” Bela relaxed and again nuzzled her nose into her Mother’s chest, took one more deep breath, then stood. “I’m going to go check on them.”
She steps through the now empty door frame and pauses. She spoke without turning around: “I won’t fail you again, Mother.” and shifts into a cloud of flies and disappears.
(am I projecting again? idk help)
can play the piano
no like you don’t understand, she is so good at piano
this girl has mastered songs by composers like Liszt, Beethoven, and Ravel
she’ll play for hours on end, if she starts a new piece she Will Not get up until she can play it through perfectly
she pretends not to notice Cassandra secretly listening to her play, hidden behind a nearby bookshelf
while her younger sisters always jump head first into a fight, Bela takes a more calculating approach. learning her enemies movements from afar before advancing and ending it in like 3 quick moves.
“Well Bela, if Mother asked you to jump off a bridge, would you?”
Bela, already climbing over the railing: “Hm?”
and there you go for Bela! my sweet child.. please learn self-care.
*ahem* I went overboard again didn’t I? WELP. I regret nothing. Give me more headcannons.
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