#saints row westside rollerz
masschase · 5 months
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A new WR Casey design, this is from a shared AU I'm working on with @whoredmode. It's a combination of his Ultor AU (I love this AU go check it out) and some ideas I mentioned in my AU list about Playa and Boss being different OCs.
She's a little older than in my main hc because she joined the Rollerz a couple of years prior to the start of SR1. She's friends with Donnie (how else is she going to get her car fixed every other week?) has a mixed relationship with Sharp, and Price can't stand her.
I wanted to say a bit more about the AU itself but I got distracted and now I have to sleep, haha. But the basics would be that in this AU: SR1- Anteros is Playa while Casey is part of the Rollerz, SR2- Anteros becomes a part of Ultor after the coma while Casey does jobs for the Brotherhood before slowly moving over to the Saints, and SR3- Casey takes over from Johnny as Boss and Anteros is a part of the Morningstar.
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cheezvt · 6 months
Tonight! We go back to Stilwater and see what goes on with The Westside Rollerz and their cool cars and David Carradine. Come watch!
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thetenthirteens · 1 year
the only upside to all this medical nonsense is an excuse to just play a lot of Saints Row.
I do need to finish the very first game sometime, but my disk had an issue and wouldn't register the final checkpoint on a story essential (and very difficult) Westside Rollerz mission.
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danthepest · 4 years
Imagine being one of the Saints grunts/wannabes when the Boss joined up. You’ve been with the crew for a while and Julius is finally ready to take the fight to the other gangs. Then this nobody shows up and ends up beating the tar out of the ones who were supposed to canonize them.
So whatever, Johnny kicked ass too. So what. They’re still on the same level as you. Hell, even below you because they just joined. You keep reminding them to step up and who they represent. Then you hear how they’re getting the gang rerspect from various pimps, dealers, hijackers and crime lords.
B-but whatever, they still need to prove themselves useful in the fight against the VKs, LC and WRs. And before your very eyes, this newbie overtakes you and becomes to the go-to person for Dex, Lin and Johnny because they get shit done. It doesn’t take long before they go from being #2 for the lieutenants to being Julius’ #2 and then finally, actually running the gang. All without saying a word.
This mute motherfucker literally appeared out of nowhere, took out the gangs and is now leading yours. And it scares you. You can’t tell what they’re feeling or thinking. their body count and trail of destruction speaks volumes. Gone is your bravado, replaced with fear and doubt of your place in the gang. You start kissing up to them because you know you’re fucked if they turn their sights on you.
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red-asphalt · 4 years
Mr Sharp, to a client: I’m sorry Ms Jackson.
Donnie: Ooh!
Joseph: I am fo’ reeeeaaal!!
Donnie, Joseph and Lin in unison: NEVER MEANT TO MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER CRY
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nocturnofshadow · 4 years
Sound off, fellow Saints Row fans
With SR5 on Volition's main burner and slated for an info dump later this year, I figure this might be a good time to stir the fandom pot. How many of y'all would like to see/be part of an active RP server for the series?
This has been an idea I've been playing with for a while now, and I want to make sure there's an interest before I kick this off officially.
So! Anyone interested, sound off in the notes!
A few key points, to give y'all an idea what to expect:
-Paragraph style default/recommended. As a writer- and RP-scener myself, I find this style of RP the most satisfying and engaging. Multi-para isnt expected but equal effort will be, as a courtesy to all players.
-Multi-role/Multi-faction. The server will cater primarily to SR 1-3. IV will have its own little section if there’s enough demand, given it's more player vs aliens and not exactly faction-based. This means that you can stretch your legs into more than just the Saints. You want to roll with Los Carnales and fuck up some VK ops, or be a Luchadore and smack down some Saints? This is the place to really stretch your creative legs.
-Reward System. These are plans for the future, if and when the server really takes off, but how fucking satisfying would it be to see your OC rise through the ranks of their gang? Active (and sometimes ballsy) roleplay will net you attention from your superiors, with potential for promotion. With events, this means you can call the shots with your Boss (or, if you're particularly good, potentially take the mantle of Gang Boss for yourself).
-Social networking. Whether you're roleplaying or just hanging out in chat to gush about how much you love the games, this is meant to be a central hub for fans of the series. You're bound to make friends (even if you're real fuckin shy like me lmao), and that's the biggest plus to this server.
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saints-flow-family · 4 years
It isn't just me who thinks the Westside Rollerz missions are difficult, right? It feels like there's a jump in difficulty all of a sudden. I'm not complaining, it just feels so sudden. But I'm sure it'll be worth it all, although I can't drive a shoot for crap so wish me luck.
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stilwaterskeeter · 5 years
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Girls && Fast Cars: Lin
I’m Lin. I’m the best damn racer to ever come out of Chinatown.
Playlist Link.
Will be adding music to the playlists I make as I find it, so check back in for updates and new music every now and then!
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jothebuttmunch · 5 years
Sharp: I truly believe water can solve all of our problems
Sharp: Weight loss? Drink water
Sharp: Clear skin? Drink water
Sharp: Tired of someone? Drown them
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megafreeman · 7 years
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Westside (Rick) Rollerz
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masschase · 1 year
for the art meme: 24. casey dressed up as a member of a different gang?
OOOH I LOVE THIS ONE! I've wanted to do something like this for sooooo long and this is the perfect little push!
Send me stuff to doodle!
Because I associate Casey with royal blue and because of the whole possible mistaken identity thing around it, the gang I've always wanted to draw her in is the Rollerz. I'm going with the assumption she managed to help them enough that they persisted a little longer, because I would say this is here around 2010. Lil lore for this idea below the pic.
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The past minute has been a blur of guns and fists and primary color. Casey finds herself laying on the ground next to a red car and a dead member of what she doesn't yet know as Los Carnales engulfed in flames. She's just about to attempt to drag herself off the floor when a guy in a blue shirt and visor approaches her. He has a gun in his hand but he doesn't yet aim it. "You one of us?" he asks, inspecting her face carefully to see if he knows her. She glances down. The blue hoodie. The black pants. She looks like one of them. She has various responses to his question but they all vy for attention in her head. She doesn't have time to find her voice, however, as a guy in a yellow shirt and white tank top comes up behind the one in blue. Her eyes dart to him, and because the person in front is watching her face so intently, he sees the subtle movement. He turns and shoots the main behind him dead, and turns back to Casey. Maybe he knows all the members really well, maybe she just looks too young, maybe it's the fact she looks utterly terrified, but something about her gives her away. "You ain't one of us, are ya?" he asks. She begs herself to just get over herself, say something; a plea, a crude joke, anything that'll persuade this guy to spare her. Still, words fail her. She looks down and shakes her head. Without words to blag with, there's no point lying. He pauses for a moment, and then between the fine, wavy wisps of her long bangs, she sees him lean down and offer her his hand. "Ya are now." he tells her. He takes his hand and accepts the help up, astonished. She frowns at him as if to say "Why me?" "It's either this, or I'd have to kill ya." he tells her, a deadly serious look on his face which tells her this isn't an offer. It's an obligation. "Welcome to the Westside Rollerz, kid."
My next choice would have been the Luchadores because I love the idea of finally drawing her looking as tough as she really is. But I think I'm going to do them in order for now!
A lil lineup with all 3 SR1 gangs should be going up in the next few days! :D
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saintlexii · 3 years
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- I just wanted to do a little off track betting. 
- I have a family, I can't afford to be a hero!
- This thing still better run!
- You better have insurance!
- Do I look like some poor person you can just hit?
- You think you're a big man, don't you?
- To sit in sullen silence on a dull dark dock.
- China Town is a poor substitute for the real thing.
- I'm going to Rico's club tonight, it's not like I we him money.
- How much do you cost?
- I can't believe that bastard had the balls to hold the door open for me.
- I can't believe my nephew joined up with those Westside - whatever they're calleds.
- Why those mother fuckers keep asking me what time it is?
- Ain't no way around it, my crew's gonna fuck you up!
- Men like you make me sick.
- I don't wanna lower myself by speaking with you.
- People like you turn the Barrio into a warzone.
- I've heard all about you, so don't think you're getting any of this!
- You wanna head on back to my trailer, baby?
- I'm pressing charges!
- I'm surprised Julius would get mixed up with someone like you.
- My people don't really know your people.
- I wanna read about this stuff, not live it!
- Oh wow, she's gotta be a hooker!
- The police will take care of you soon enough!
- Thanks for checking if I'm okay, asshole!
- Can't believe my parents still give me a curfew.
- Get lost drop out.
- Maybe Tanya will hire me back.
- My grandpa says Julius ain't nothing but a bitch, that true?
- Trust me, you don't know who you're dealing with.
- You hear what they sell under the counter at Brown Baggers?
- I hope I have better luck tomorrow.
- I don't know what people are talking about, you don't seem like a bitch.
- You bottom feeders only make things worse.
- Wow, that's so big... Really, I mean it.
- Why are you strapping that on?
- You're prettier than that last girl I had.
- Is this your first time or something?
- Use the cigarette lighter.
- I thought you said I could keep the panties.
- Don't be shy, use as many fingers as you want.
- You deserve a uh ticket!
- I gotta hit the showers, I smell like a whore.
- You woman hating jackass!
- It'll wash out of your hair eventually.
- Sorry about your handbag.
- I got some pills if you wanna party!
- You missed me, asshole!
- I swear, the next person to call me twinkie gets their nose broken.
- I wander what happened to Luz. I haven't seen her since she started dating Angelo.
- Hey, are you a pimp?
- Have you ever thought about getting a real job?
- Why don't you ditch those skanky hoes and be with a real woman?
- It's not all about material possessions, man.
- I wish my parents would let me shave.
- You look familiar... Did I defend you once?
- When Hughes is elected, all of your ghetto friends are gonna be history.
- You tell that scrub, Dex, that I'm on to him.
- It takes more than running the Row to impress us here.
- You got something you wanna say to me, bitch?
- Up to no good, son?
- You got your work cut out for you, Playa.
- Any good clubs in Saints Row?
- You don't think being in a gang is a turn on, do ya?
- How the fuck did they make child support mandatory?
-It breaks my heart seeing a sister disrespecting herself by turning tricks.
- You lookin' lonely, honey.
- You know a guy named Troy? That asshole never called me back.
- When are men gonna get that talking about cars is a bigger turn off than syphilis. 
- I think all the rap music is making kids violent.
- Fur is murder!
- So what is 3rd Street? A modeling agency?
- Those Rollerz are a blight on the suburbs.
- I have seen you friend Johnny in court. He has quite the temper.
- So you hang out with that Johnny guy, right?
- Oh darn, I forgot to wear those panties he likes.
- Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you pick the hoe.
- Be careful, flashy clothes don't stop a bullet.
- We need to save the trees!
- Look, I don't want any trouble... homie.
- How am I supposed to pay for a hooker when I keep getting held up?
- Are you one of those awful gang boys?
- Could you give Johnny my number?
- Stay away from the drugs, you hear me?
- Shit, my baby sister's more gangster than you.
-I wander where I can meet some Asian chicks.
- If you want some high grade dick, just let me know.
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jageshemashftw · 4 years
Do y’all wanna see my Boss’s outfits on my current playthrough of the Saints Row series?
Trick question, of course you do!
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Obviously, the default outfit you start with.
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I call this the ‘Initiate Outfit’ after the Playa first joins the Saints and ‘earns his colors’. Pretty obviously just the default outfit with a purple shirt, but that’s kinda the point.
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This is the ‘Vice Kings Arc’ outfit.
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This is the ‘Los Carnales Arc’ outfit. (it’s not THE Los Carnales!)
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The ‘Westside Rollerz Arc’ outfit.
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And, finally, the ‘Epilogue Arc’ outfit. Cause if I’m gonna be press-ganged into being a government hitman, I’m gonna look professional doing it.
That, and I figure if your gonna have a meeting with an important city Alderman, you should look your best!
That’s it for the first game. Figure I’ll upload these game-by-game. See you when I start playing SR2!
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vamprnce · 5 years
glad I noticed this now but if you put all the gangs and non gangs together in sr1 thru 3 they make up the rainbow
Red- Los Carnales/Brotherhood/Morningstar
Orange- Ultor/STAG
Yellow- Vice Kings/Ronin
Green- Sons of Samedi/Luchadores
Blue- Westside Rollerz/Deckers
Purple- Third Street Saints
in conclusion Saints Row is indeed Gay™, happy pride
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sanpatron · 5 years
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I don’t particularly know why it’s taken this long for me to realize the full extent of the Boss’s betrayal at the hands of Julius. I knew it was fucked, I knew it had affected him greatly, but I never truly sat down and really dove into just how horrendous it actually was.
There have been plenty of posts I’ve read from people I know who’ve examined this, who’ve really taken their time to dive headfirst into what it all means and really word it in a way where you can truly understand the extent of it all. It’s in reading these posts that I’ve decided to more or less compose it all in my own post in regards to my Boss. A way to really showcase the shit he went through and how it drastically changed him as a person.
Django joined the gang around October of 2004 at the age of 20 (his birthday is in December). He had been wandering around the country aimlessly without any real idea of what he wanted to do with himself. Felt no sense of purpose, no sense of belonging. Other than his family back home he was truly and utterly alone in the world. Yet that all changed once he stepped foot into Stilwater.
He found himself caught up in a fight between Los Carnales, the Vice Kings and the Westside Rollers. Thankfully before he wound up getting himself killed solely on the merit of being here at the “wrong place, wrong time” Django was saved by both Julius and Troy. Extending a hand towards Django Julius decides to try and recruit him into the Saints, and in realizing that he basically owed this man big time, Django decides to take the invitation and meet him and the others at the church.
I want to stop here for a moment and say that the Saints were originally formed as a response to the increasing violence between the three warring gangs across Stilwater. Julius definitely had his good intentions, but to echo the same statements made in another post, I really doubt there was ever a point in time where Julius didn’t want to hold some sense of power. To be the guy who was in charge of the city. Oh sure, he decided to leave the Vice Kings (which he was originally a part of alongside his best friend Benjamin King) due to the direction in which they were going. But given certain details that I will get to in a second, I really do believe that Julius wanted just as much to be at the top as he did to protect the city.
I say this because he uses the increasing violence within the district of Saint’s Row as an example of the city going to hell because of these warring gangs. He wasn’t even originally from the district, he was from Sunnyvale where he and King grew up together, eventually forming their own gang. He latched on to this idea to protect the Row as a means to start a rallying cry and get all these incredibly angry and very violent kids to fall under his leadership and form a counter group. Not a single one of the Saints knows this and it isn’t till you’re riding around with Ben in one mission where the truth comes out.
Hell, the speech that Julius gives during the custscene after the tutorial missions turns out to be a word for word copy of Ben’s very own from when he first formed the Vice Kings. It’s this same speech that the Boss would later use when he takes over the gang after his coma stint. Julius basically puts out this preconceived image of himself in order to get all these people who are significantly younger than him to join his cause. It’s this exact thing that let someone like Django essentially fall under his spell and believe a single thing that ever came out of that man’s mouth.
Julius is manipulative, but I wouldn’t say he’s the sort to pull some Machiavellian-type shit. Cause as I will get to later, there was no point whatsoever before his arrest where he was considering on betraying everyone and leaving them all high and dry. No, Julius’s manipulative actions are the direct result of an incredibly simply and human emotion; selfishness. Yet this will also come into play much later over why his betrayal even happened in the first place.
So once Django is canonized and helps take back the Row, he’s basically let to do whatever necessary to take down the other three gangs and bring some sense of peace back to Stilwater. 95% of the time it’s with him acting as a weapon, which is something he is scarily good at. This is something that not only Julius but other lieutenants definitely pick up on, and it’s why when you need something taken care of where no one is left alive and as much destruction as possible is caused, you either send Django, Johnny or both.
And as time goes on and more of the city turns purple, Django begins to feel more and more like he’s found his purpose. He managed to find a place where not only is he validated for the work he does but the people within the gang accept him and make him feel good about it. Django has gotten a taste of power, of violence, of money, of fame. A taste of generally living a better life to the fullest where he feels like he’s at the top. Not only that but, for the first time ever, he has friends as well. He has people he’s beginning to care for and feel a connection with after spending an entire childhood basically lonely as shit. Frustrated over his inability to truly connect with anyone.
At no point in time do I think that Django ever wanted to usurp Julius. He respected the man. Looked up to him. He was the embodiment of what the gang stood for and a sign of pure loyalty. So to then be promoted to his second-in-command once all the gangs were dealt with must have come as a pleasant surprise. One that definitely awoke something even more within him. He was ready to take on that title and he was absolutely prepared to save the man from police custody after everything he had done for him.
And I want to make something incredibly clear here; up until this point I don’t think Julius had in mind that he was going to betray the Saints either. Everything was basically coming up fantastically and he was getting the power and recognition that he wanted. Hell, he doesn’t give a shit about what Django had to do to get results. He practically justifies and validates every single little action the Saints have taken.
“ We did it, playa. 3rd Street owns this town. Now, that's not to say that shit didn't cost, and I ain't talkin' about what happened to Johnny's leg or losing Lin. Those two were soldiers, they knew the risk. Hell, Johnny gets off on it. But we crushed a lot of families playa, and someday they're gonna holla at us. But believe me when I tell you, we did the right thing.
With the Rollerz wiped out, Benjamin gone, and the Colombians in our pocket, there ain't gonna be a need for a gang war ever again. And in the end, that's gonna save a lot more lives than we took. So relax, playa, you've earned yourself a break. You've impressed the hell out of me son, and I've told the crew you're gonna be my right hand- ”
Julius was downright ecstatic with the results he and the gang had been getting. He was more than happy. And as you can see right there he was happy enough with what Django had done that he decided to give the guy that high of a promotion. Everything seemed to be going fantastic up until he gets arrested during this little phone call.
Once the two of the final three missions play out in which the Saints do what they can to save Julius everything seems to go right back to normal. That is until Django is called out to Alderman Richard Hughes’s yacht on that fateful December night. Once arriving, Django is greeted by the alderman and is essentially given a speech about gentrification and his political power before telling his men to turn their weapons onto him.
However, before even getting a chance to fire a loud beeping is heard and without even a moment to react the yacht blows to hell and everyone, but Django, dies. Instead our poor little gangster is put into a five year coma, staying on life support on the request of Troy for, as it turns out, he was an undercover cop this whole time.
Years later Django will once again wake up, and after a series of events that lead him towards saving Johnny and then the two of them deciding to resurrect the Saints, Django decides to pay Troy a visit and find out what’s been going on. It’s here that in the game (SR2) you get to find a couple of taped recordings at the police station. The first involves Dex (former lieutenant of the Saints) confronting Troy of being an undercover cop and stating that he’s dropping his colors and taking a job at the Ultor corporation.
The second is Troy speaking to Julius after his arrest and asking him to speak to Johnny and Django and convincing them to step down, thus disbanding the gang and keeping Troy from arresting the people he’s come to call his friends over this time.
The third tape is where Django learns the truth; Julius was the one who had planted a bomb all those years ago.
A punch to the gut can’t really describe the sort of feeling Django must have felt from learning this. It had to have been one of the most horrific, most anger-inducing things he could have ever heard. To have this man, the one who had taken you in, gave you a sense of validation and appreciation, told you that the work you performed was fantastic, let you have this sense of belonging and purpose within a group, who you practically looked up to be the one who tried to assassinate you is absolutely sickening to him and fills him with such rage.
Five years of his life. Five whole fuckin’ years. I know a lot of people make the argument that your 20′s really ain’t that special, but that’s not the point here. The point is that whether or not they would’ve been extraordinary, Django lost five whole years of his young adulthood. An incredibly pivotal point in him growing up was completely lost on him due to almost dying at the age of 21. He will never get those years back. He will never truly know what he missed out on. It’s practically one of the reasons why he acts so brash and angry and hotheaded during the entirety of the second game.
Everything had been taken away from him. His city, his friends, his sense of identity; all of it was snatched right out of his hands and thrown to the gutter cause of one man. The one man he looked up to the most after everything he had done for him. If Django felt sick at first when trying to process the amount of time that had passed and how much he had to catch up on, then he more than likely felt horrifically ill at this revelation.
When their final confrontation plays you can see Julius direct the blame entirely on how the Saints were handled and how Django acted. It’s ridiculous given the fact that Julius did not start thinking about how terrible the Saints or Django were until his gang activities got him in trouble. This is where the selfishness plays out. As soon as he was arrested and realized their were consequences to his actions, the man figured he’d better fucking dip and completely disregard what that meant for everyone else.
He abandons the Saints, abandons the people who allegedly wished to help out, and soon starts claiming his has morals—that he could not stand up to Django whatsoever and that he was the monster destroying Stilwater all along. I really doubt he could have gotten Django to back down after basically awakening something in him, but he didn’t even bother trying whatsoever.
And as the two have their final confrontation Julius really lets it be known how he’s come to despise Django, how he seems him as the problem, putting all blame squarely on him despite knowing full well that he has the biggest hand in this after all. It’s with all of this plus the anger that Django already felt towards everything, plus his brash and arrogant attitude that it truly twists him into the monster he’s become today.
Their final confrontation can be found here.
As a friend of mine who has way too many blogs here to tag said
“ I like the subtle implication that a huge part of him, if not all of him, died on the boat ”
And it’s true, this is exactly what he thinks. This is exactly what was going through his mind as he spoke to Julius. Django is gone. Django is completely dead after that explosion. And in having that part of him be completely eradicated he can now turn towards his new identity, one that he will showcase to the entire world. If Julius is going to call him a monster then fine. So be it. He will accept this new identity of his and run with it. Revel both the fame and infamy he will garner. 
From anger and betrayal The Boss has now been born.
Julius may have had his good intentions, he may have genuinely wanted to keep the city safe and do something right. But his desire for power outweighs that, and the fact that he will never truly admit his mistake is such a damning thing. Shit, he probably thought that the Boss murdering him only served to further prove his point.
Yet after all is said and done, after the Boss has finally killed the man who turned him into what he is, there really is no true sense of satisfaction. The Boss is a man who finds a feeling of catharsis when taking revenge on people. To him it “fixes thing”. It makes things right. Yet with his killing of Julius he’s fully aware of the fact that it won’t truly change much for him.
He’s far gone now. Completely transformed into an entirely different beast. Julius’s betrayal is going to leave a scar on him that’ll last a lifetime. One that he can never truly let heal whatsoever. He’s not one to brood, especially with this when it’s already hit him like a ton of bricks. However, he will forever remain conscious of the fact that what happened is leaving an impact.
That what Julius did to him will always affect him in some way. His trust issues, his difficult connecting with others, all of it has been now heightened by these events. This is a scar that will remain with him for a lifetime, and that truly infuriates him to no end.
There’s nothing worse than knowing you owe the personal growth and identity you have, good or bad, to someone who hurt you.
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red-asphalt · 6 years
Saints Row is now on backwards compatibility.
You know what that means.
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My children have returned to me.
Thank you, @volition
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