#saito-mitsuko's stories
mitsuko-saito · 5 months
Arien's adventure journal
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Chapter 1 - The Origins
Dear Diary, today it's the same shitty day here at the village with corrupted people, living as an orphan means that you can't trust anyone, because your parents abandoned you ever since you were just a baby. Yeah, life sucks.
Oh, who am I? My name is Arien. My age? I won't tell you hehe, but I'm gonna tell you where am I. This is a small village in a hidden part from Outworld, the owner of this village thought that this would be a good idea to hide from the emperor Shao Kahn's schemes.
I am an orphan, which is seen as a bad thing in this village, people look at you with disgust, seeing you as a thief, a pest. If you are going to visit the Greatsaint village, you need to know 1 rule, you need to have enough strength both physically and emotionally.
Luckily, when I was growing up with no parents by my side, I've made new friends.
Rogue- yo Arien, we have been waiting for you
This is Haydée, but we call her Rogue, the most smartest girl I ever met in this village, she has brains and brawn, she could be a perfect warrior.
Ethan- yeah I was almost sleeping here
And this is Ethan, he is very strong, he is the brawn of our little group. When I arrived, I rested my hands on my knees while I was panting from running.
Arien- sorry guys, I was busy with that old man Jun. He can't stop picking on me.
Rogue and Ethan looked at each other with a worried face and then looked at me.
Rogue- Arien, y'know that guy isn't just an old man who owns our orphanage.
Ethan- he owns this entire village - Ethan explained opening his arms demonstrating the village around us.
Arien- I know guys. But we can agree that Jun isn't a good man to get along with. He steals from the poor here. He takes advantage of the others saying that he is protecting us from Shao Kahn.
Rogue- that's why we are going to make ‘justice’’.
Me, Rogue and Ethan went to an alleyway and we started to jump up on the walls and the houses' roofs. We do this kinda of thing ever since... I don't know... forever?
Anyway, other children wish to be like us, but this is a risky 'job' for them because what we do here is stealing the rich. But for a good purpose. You see, there are a lot of people with a lot of gold and money who don't help the weak or the most needy.
We hid behind a pillar and we saw a well-dressed woman buying fabrics in a tend nearby, Rogue looked at me with determination and made signals for me and Ethan, doing the same hobby as always.
Rogue climbed the wall and saw the lady enter in the middle of a crowd of people. Rogue climbed down and followed the target. I joined her in the crowd along with Ethan, he gave me a needle for sewing from that tent where we saw the woman, so I didn't waste any time and walked fast behind her.
I used the needle on her right side to sting her a little bit so she could see me while Rogue stole her money sac.
“Sorry, lady” I pretend to apologize for the sting
“Watch it, kid!” she cursed
Rogue ran away from the crowd and we reunited again in a secret alley.
“So how many?” Ethan asked
“Woah— that woman is so rich as Jun” Rogue’s eyes widened and I checked the sac, she was right, that's so many coins
“I never thought there would be someone who has this quantity of money as the terrible owner of here” I commented, and that's right, no one except Jun is that rich here. There are 2 ways to get rich: born into a rich family or getting married, maybe she has a heritage.
We walked back to the orphanage and entered by the window, the kids noticed our presence and ran happily toward us, and Rogue hugged them. She loves children so much. We even promised that one day we could get married, get out of this village, and live happily as a family.
Ethan carried one of the children on his shoulders without difficulty. He also has a big heart as his sister.
“Haydée, you won't imagine what we did today,” one of the kids said to Rogue, she was about to ask what is it until we heard Jun’s voice
“How could you lose that money I gave you??” he asked angrily to someone
“Honey, I-I… I swear to you it was with me until I was bumped by a kid from yours… probably it was one of your orphans” it was a female voice, I looked at Ethan and Rogue and threw the sac to them, Rogue hid the money below the mattress and commanded the kids to go to their beds.
I went to hear more of their conversation
"You’re stupid and careless. How come I ever married you? It must have been him again!” Jun yelled, but then he took a deep breath
I got scared and heard steps, so I ran toward my bed and pretended to sleep, Jun’s steps got even closer and I felt one of his hands moving my front hair, he noticed my forehead sweating and then he slapped me in the face. I fell from the bed while feeling a sharp pain in the cheek.
Jun checked my bedsheets and found nothing and started to check my pockets… still nothing.
“Where’s the money?” asked Jun
“What money?” I asked him back
“Answer me! Or you will sleep out of the orphanage again”
“Threaten me all if you want, but I don't know which money you are talking about”
He punched me again and he threw me out of the orphanage along with my bedsheets.
“You’re running out of my patience!!” Jun yelled before angrily closing the door
I just ‘tsked’ and wrapped the sheet around me, it was so cold and then I heard a ‘psk’, I noticed it was an old man calling me.
“Hey little boy” he started to call me
“Go away… I do not have any money” I said not staring at him
The old man walked in my direction and knelt, I backed away a little bit. He showed his hand and opened it, and then some kind of green fire magic appeared. I was amazed and how did he do that? Most people here in the village don't use magic like the rest of the Outworld.
“This magic amazes you, right?” the old man asked, and I nodded, making him chuckle “I saw that you were having problems. Tell me, what would you do if you got magic like teleportation? Or a fire magic?”
“Hmm…” I started to think “I would help my orphan friends to get out of this sick village and go somewhere else. And I would burn down this village along with Jun. I don't care if he suffers” I started determinedly at the old man, he laughed. A very wicked one.
"I admire your spirit, young boy. I've got something for you" The elder went to search something on his bag and grabs some kind of golden bracelet, I hesitated
"I can't... Why--"
The old man disappeared...
tagging: @theelderhazelnut @zoetheneko @amphythewanderer @elderglocks @roselyn-writing @devilzukin7
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theelderhazelnut · 10 months
Rise of the Villains: What’s the cult of the Elder Gods?
Note: In my mk au, there is a cult on which Ombra wants to take revenge. She takes her plan to a global level, massacring many cultists and their families. In this post, I wrote a summary of their origin.
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After defeating the One Being, it was The Elder Gods turn to feed off his energy.
But as we know, OB maintained his consciousness and kept fighting the Elder Gods in many ways.
All of the realms, including the nature and creatures in them are a part of the OB, and the more aware their consciousness becomes, the more willing they are to fight the Elder Gods. In other words, the truth becomes clearer for them.
The Elder Gods know this, so they decided to use a weapon called “religion” to control the mortals and even the gods. They made a religion and devided it into several cults, and put each of protector gods in charge of them (to be worshipped and stuff). Without the Elder Gods intending it, however, more minor cults/religions were born.
Using this religion, they control the minds of the inhabitants of the realms to prevent any violations against themselves.
The first being who defied The Elder Gods, especially on this matter, was Falkus which put him through a lot of trauma.
Also, Ombra is one of these poor souls.
Taglist (bc this is a huge part of the story :3): @quantum-lover @roofgeese @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @takiisieju-moved @maddenedroses @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @inc0rrectmyths @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu @cassietrn @breakfwest @nightbloodbix @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @ninibear3000 @cyb3r-v4l ( Writing taglist is here to be added/removed)
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zoetheneko · 1 year
Hey guys!
Im gonna start writing a WHOLE fanfic about Zoe's backstory (with lots of tragic and funny stuff).
I already started making a masterlist of the chapters. It'll probably come out once i dropped a few chapters.
The name of this fanfic is Mortal Kombat: Heartful mayhem. Everything about the story will be tagged with #mortalkombatheartfulmayhem.
Stay tuned ;3
@darialovesstuff @theelderhazelnut @mitsuko-saito @scentedcandleibex @geeky-trash01 @huepazu @loverofthewindgod @licoricelump @krysta-cross @jaydraw209
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Masayuki Mori and Machiko Kyo in Ugetsu (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1953)
Cast: Machiko Kyo, Mitsuko Mito, Kinuyo Tanaka, Masayuki Mori, Eitaro Ozawa. Screenplay: Matsutaro Kawaguchi, Yoshikata Yoda, Isamu Yoshii, based on stories by Akinari Ueda. Cinematography: Kazuo Miyagawa. Production design: Masatsugu Hashimoto. Film editing: Mitsuzo Miyata. Music: Fumio Hayasaka, Tamekichi Mochizuki, Ichiro Saito. 
When does beauty become a flaw? To put it another way, if beauty is only skin deep, how does an artist present it so that we don't linger on the surface of a work and fail to comprehend its depths? I raise this in connection with a viewing of Kenji Mizoguchi's Ugetsu, a film universally praised for its beauty. It's easy to be mesmerized by Mizoguchi's visual compositions and by the sinuous fluidity of Kazuo Miyagawa's cinematography, as well as the poetry of the screenplay, all at the expense of feeling the coherence of the film's story and characters and ideas with our own lives. I find myself preferring Mizoguchi's less exquisite films to Ugetsu: Sansho the Bailiff (1954), surely, but also The Life of Oharu (1952) and even an earlier film like Osaka Elegy (1936). A case in point: The scene in which Genjuro (Masayuki Mori) returns home after his dalliance with the ghostly Lady Wasaka (Machiko Kyo) is a crucial and mythic one, evoking among other things Odysseus's return to Ithaca. And Mizoguchi stages it memorably: Genjuro enters the near-ruin of his house and finds it empty and littered, the fire pit cold. The camera follows him through the house in a long unbroken take, watches as he goes out the back door and sees him through the windows as he circles the house and re-enters. Only this time when he enters, the room is clean and the fire is burning brightly; his wife, Miyagi (Kinuyo Tanaka), embraces him. Overwhelmed and exhausted, he lies down and falls into a deep sleep beside his son, only to wake in the morning to find the cold empty room he first entered and to learn that Miyagi is dead. It's a magnificent sequence, a tour de force of acting, directing, camerawork and editing. It makes a larger, deeper point: that Genjuro will never escape from ghosts. A less gifted director than Mizoguchi would have used conventional techniques like dissolves or double exposures to make the point. But there's also something distracting about instead employing a long, circular tracking shot with an invisible cut: We marvel at the technique at the expense of sharing Genjuro's experience. There is an art that conceals art, and I don't think Mizoguchi attains it here.
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filmstruck · 6 years
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Director of the Week: Yasujiro Ozu by R. Emmet Sweeney
The Director of the Week is Yasujiro Ozu, and FilmStruck has gathered 34 films that span his career from 1929 – 1962. It is a monumental collection, and you should watch all of them if you can. But time is short, so I’m going to focus on two pivotal works from his silent period, movies that form a link from his earlier nonsense comedies like THE LADY AND THE BEARD (’31) to the pared down family dramas (TOKYO STORY, ‘53) that he is known for today. They are TOKYO CHORUS (’31) and I WAS BORN BUT… (’32). Both are working class comedies about the daily grind of office work, and the stresses of putting food on the table when you have kids. They are light-hearted and silly, with Ozu’s penchant for knockabout humor (he is an unheralded master of the fart joke), but they also get at the desperation of the parent who has to put on a brave face for their kids while money troubles mount.
TOKYO CHORUS follows the travails of the Okajima family, whose patriarch Shinji (Tokihiko Okada) has lost his insurance company job after sticking up for an older colleague who was fired. With two children begging for new bicycles, Shinji desperately seeks work, eventually agreeing to help his old schoolteacher operate a restaurant. Shinji’s wife Tsuma Sugako (Emiko Yagumo) is embarrassed to see him walking the streets toting advertisements, a humiliation for this once upwardly mobile family. 
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In a close-up, she wipes away a single tear and says, “I never asked you to stoop to something like that.” Shinji then stands up and silently spins the fan in his hand. He is speechless, humiliated, dropping the fan on the ground, an image of their momentary separation. Ozu has a way of emphasizing objects so they take on totemic value, whether it’s a teacup or a paper fan, each is ingrained so closely into the characters’ world that their misuse feels like a betrayal. That insert shot of the fan feels like a divorce.
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They continue to talk, but Shinji has his back turned as he takes off his suspenders – they no longer exchange eye contact. Shinji stares at an incongruous cutaway of laundry sitting on a line and reflects, “I feel like I’m getting old. I’ve lost my spirit.” The laundry on a line is cut with the couple sitting on a diagonal, as lifeless as clothes on a wire, emblems of a dull routine. Tsuma then agrees to help Shinji at the restaurant, both trying to make the best of it, because there’s nothing else they can do.
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In I WAS BORN BUT… the family is in better economic standing, though there is a similar scene of parental exhaustion. Salaryman Kennosuke Yoshi (Tatsuo Saito) has just had a vociferous argument with his two rambunctious boys, who were humiliated by how their dad ingratiated himself to his boss by playing the fool. Their father, in his own words, is an apple polisher, keeping the boss happy so he can keep food on the table. It is a story of disillusionment, children recognizing their place in the economic order, and that their dad is not truly in control of their, or anyone’s destiny. After the kids are in bed, Kennosuke grabs a bottle of Hennessey, lights a big cigarette, and tells his wife (Mitsuko Yoshikawa), “I don’t cozy up to the boss because I enjoy it. But we’re far better off now than we were before.”
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His wife then walks to the kids’ room, and checks on them. Ozu cuts to an adorable close up of the two grungy-faced kids sleeping, one with his mouth very ajar. Like the woman in TOKYO CHORUS, here the wife wipes a tear away looking back at her husband. 
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Kennosuke kneels down to be with her and their kids, a smile creeping across his face. He asks, “Will they lead the same sorry lives we have?” Ozu cuts to a long shot of a teapot steaming in the foreground, the family visible through a rectangular slat in the sliding doors. It is as if routine is calling them back from their bittersweet reverie, the question left unanswered.
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If you are unfamiliar with Ozu’s earlier work, there is no better place to start than TOKYO CHORUS and I WAS BORN BUT…, which retain his early training in comedy, but in which domestic tragedies are delicately, heartbreakingly rendered.
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wolforion20 · 7 years
The summer when Sakurai Kasumi was in middle school, her mother passed away. She was despondent and contemplated suicide until she met a remarkable little boy and the neighborhood dog. The two instantly bonded, but were forced apart when Kasumi’s father and stepmother came to take her back to live with them. Kasumi gave the boy a precious hairpin made by her mother and told him that he must return it to her someday. Fast-forward 30-some years later and Kasumi is a 45-year-old divorcee raising her teenage son by herself.
Episode 1: Forbidden Games
The drama opens with Ozawa Yuri [Saito Takumi] finishing the detail work on a chair when his doorbell rings. He opens the door and finds Sakurai Kasumi [Harada Tomoyo] there with clothes for him (she works at a high-end dry cleaner that caters to the wealthy). He seems confused and it is rather awkward. As Kasumi bends down to take his dress shirts from her bag, inspiration seems to strike and he immediately invites her in to try out the chair he had just made. Kasumi hesitates for a while as you can tell she is completely confused, but she does eventually come in. She is amazed at the simplistic beauty of the chair. Is it really okay for her to sit on it? Yuri assures her it is and she finally sits down in the chair.
Yuri kneels down next to the chair while Kasumi enjoys the seat. It feels like she’s some rich country madam and some interesting show will soon start. Yuri quickly apologies saying that nothing will happen and Kasumi laughs happily. She runs her hands over the carved details on the chair’s arms and Yuri just sits and watches her…enraptured.
Kasumi then leaves, but finds another van parked near her own. She tries to back it out herself, but has great difficulties. She mostly walks everywhere and has not driven herself for a long time. They are shorthanded at the cleaners and thus she is doing jobs she doesn’t normally do. Enter Yuri to save the day. He offers to help her back the van out. Kasumi, as before, hesitates, but eventually accepts his help. Instead of stopping the van and getting out, he keeps driving. This really throws Kasumi. He asks if he should head to her shop and she says yes. Apparently he was on his way out to get some food after realizing he was ravenously hungry and stopped and helped her. It’s very awkward and very odd. It’s lucky he’s not some creepy killer, isn’t it?
As they come to a red light, Yuri proposes a game. If the next light they come to is green, then shall they continue on to some unknown destination? Earlier he had mentioned about going to the beach and asks about if they really should go. Kasumi does find this amusing. What would happen if the light were to be red at the next intersection? Then of course Yuri must stop, lol.
Kasumi during an inner monologue says that of course the next light was neither green nor red, but rather yellow. That is the story of her life. Her husband divorced her to marry a much younger woman and left her to raise their teenage son. Her life is very ordinary with nothing amazing or spectacular happening in it. You know, to add insult to injury, ex-hubby (a photographer, by the way) constantly swings by her job to demand money from her. What a jackie. Oh, and we get to meet her son Tsugumi. He is a high jumper in track and field since he loves to look up at the sky as he jumps over the bar. They have a cute relationship and she does things that embarrasses a typical teenage boy. They are cute together.
We get to meet a regular customer of Kasumi’s workplace, Shirai Maho [Yamaguchi Sayaka]. Maho is the wife of a wealthy businessman and spends money like water (she’s the top client of Kasumi’s work who spends the most money in a year). Theirs is also a lot of rumors about her being a second or third wife. Oh…and it seems she’s having an extramarital affair with Yuri (we learn this later, though, not right at this instance). Go figure. It’s a very tangle web just to start. But, Maho gives Kasumi a very expensive dress as a gift since she says it doesn’t flatter her own looks. Kasumi takes the dress, but wonders if she will ever have a chance to wear something so beautiful.
Kasumi eats lunch at a café where she happens upon Yuri once more…or rather Yuri happens upon her. She’s just starting to eat when he comes to sit down. There are other seats, you know, so why must he sit with her? He immediately brings up their drive from the other day. He then tells Kasumi that she’s his destined person. She immediately tells him that he’s made a mistake as she’s already 45. This shocks him. Really? She looks so young, he thought that she was only 44. What a blow. This annoys her very much, but before she can really react, Yuri’s assistant [Ohgo Suzuka as Ayase Riri] yells at him that it is time for an interview. He turns to leave, but comes back to invite Kasumi to a party he’s having later that week. The girl is stunned. What just happened?
The waitress asks if Kasumi is acquaintances with the famous young designer Ozawa Yuri. Eh, he’s famous? The waitress says that the restaurant’s interior was designed by Yuri and then takes Kasumi over to a magazine where he and his work is featured. She can’t believe it. Meanwhile, Yuri is posing for photographs and complaining to the photographer when Maho arrives. Yuri doesn’t give her too much time as he’s very busy being the boss of his own company and that makes her rather unhappy.
Kasumi goes to visit her mother-in-law Fuji Akari [Kusabue Mitsuko]. Even though she and Fuji Yoji [Koichi Mantaro] have divorced, she maintains a good relationship with his mother who also does old-time portraits for her clients. The two sit down to tea and snacks and Kasumi asks if Akari has ever been to a party. Why? Has a man invited Kasumi to one? Kasumi laughs it off saying she believes Yuri was only teasing her with the invitation. While they are chatting a song comes on the radio. Akari loves the song and goes to turn up the volume; it is called “Forbidden Games.” This song really seems to affect Kasumi. It is also a favorite song of hers. This surprises her MIL. Kasumi then opens up about the summer her mother passed away when she was 14. She was sent to live with her maternal grandmother for awhile in 1986.
As Kasumi was complicating suicide, a dog started barking and swimming towards her. Kasumi freaked out and falls into the water. A little boy wearing a cape arrives and pulls Kasumi upright (the water wasn’t very deep, but she was panicking). Kasumi asks if the dog is the boy’s. No, Halo is the neighborhood dog. The little boy then introduces himself as Amuro because he is a hero (I’m guessing in reference to the popular anime Mobile Suit Gundam where Amuro Ray/Amuro Rei was a mechanic turned pilot of the giant mobile suit and this would have been on TV probably when they were younger). The two immediately begin to spend all of their time together.
The little boy likes to carve things, but he refuses to tell Kasumi what he is making. Then one day Halo is hit but a car. Amuro takes care of the animal and wraps it in his cape telling Kasumi to stay away so she doesn’t see. The two then make a grave for the dog and began to decorate it with dead grasshoppers, broken toys, and bad test papers. At that time, they came up with a plan to bury things there that were related to bad memories or caused them pain in an effort to overcome the problems. The adult Kasumi breaks into tears. She had kept a diary during the time her mother was sick and they built the grave around that diary. Akari apologies for making Kasumi tell the heartbreaking story, but Kasumi shakes it off. No, she had always hoped to tell Akari some day.
We take a break from the story with a brief interruption. Yuri is working on something with wires in his apartment when Maho enters. She sees the chair and says it looks lewd to her. She goes to sit in it, but Yuri pops up and pushes her butt away with his hands. She is not allowed to sit there. Maho is miffed, but says that is okay as a bed is more their forte anyways. Shakes head. Already not liking her. Yuri…is different. I just wonder what goes on in that head of his because you don’t really know. It’s interesting how he physically rejects Maho quite often (even though they are lovers) and even keeps her from that chair, but he’s immediately interested in Kasumi and asked her to sit there calling her his “destined person.”
Back to 1986. Kasumi’s father and stepmother come to take her home with them which means Kasumi and her Amuro will have to part ways. Amuro rushes to the train station to give her a present. It’s a shell he’s been carving and he’s made it into a music box! It plays…of course…”Forbidden Games.” Kasumi is touched by the present. What can she give him in return? The precious barrette that she wouldn’t let her stepmother touch since it was handmade by her mother before she passed away! She only gives it to the little boy after stressing he must return it to her someday. The two then watch until the train puts them out of sight of each other. That was their last meeting.
Kasumi goes back to Yuri’s apartment to deliver his laundry, but he’s not there. She leaves his things at his door and goes to leave, thinking about his invitation. Wouldn’t you know, Yuri happens to catch sight of Kasumi as she’s leaving and he rushes out to see her. She tells him she left his things for him and starts working with a machine to check the inventory. He seems fascinated by this. She tells him it’s nothing impressive and he catches sight of a coat. Isn’t that his? No. He then changes the topic and asks if she’s married, dating, or has someone she likes. This annoys Kasumi once more and she practically shuts his head in her van’s back door. She’s 45, right? There’s no way she hasn’t done one of those things. She goes to leave and he slams his hand down on the back of the van, shocking and trapping her. It’s weird to see him so much more awkward in his approach with her. You can feel that he’s struggling and can’t really get out what he wants to say. It’s cute as he can see a boyish side of him there, awkwardly dealing with his first crush almost. She tells him he has thick lips and gets in the van to drive off. Before she can leave, he rushes to ask her once more to come to his party. She refuses since she’s very busy, but he tells her to come whenever she’s free as he’ll be waiting.
So she told him a half truth. It’s not a lie that work is very busy, but it’s a lie that it’s too busy for her to go to his party. Anywho, while Kasumi’s coworkers gossip about Maho, she is there to pick up last minute emergency clothes for Yuri’s party. Kasumi has no problem taking care of this and tells Maho next time she can just deliver them to her house. Maho then invites Kasumi to go to the party with her since she has no one to go with. Kasumi hesitates…she has nothing to wear, right? Maho reminds Kasumi that she gave her that designer dress. Kasumi then ends up reluctantly agreeing to this scheme. Things go well until Kasumi lets Maho know that she’s delivered clothes to Yuri’s apartment and tried out that chair he refused to let Maho sit in. Yep, Maho is the jealous kind. Forget that she’s a trophy wife of a wealthy businessman, heaven forbid someone go near her boy toy.
Maho goes home and tries on the dress. Tsugumi comes home and is floored by the site of his mother in that designer dress. Who is she? Does it look that bad? Not at all. Kasumi then gets a call from Maho. Looks like she won’t get to wear a pretty dress after all. It will be a costumer party. This so reeked of a setup, I can’t believe Kasumi wasn’t suspicious. Her son couldn’t believe that she would need to dress up like an extreme anime/manga character. Kasumi says it can’t be helped and that Maho would be going as Doraemon (as if it is believable that Maho would dress up as a popular anime/manga chubby blue character). Just…not believable at all. But, then again, Kasumi is a very innocent woman given her age and what she’s been through. She has no reason not to take Maho at face value, does she? In reality, Kasumi is a very simple person.
So Kasumi heads up to the party where Maho opens the door and immediately demands her coat. You can see enough from the cracked doorway that Maho was definitely NOT dressed as Doraemon, so Kasumi should have just turned around and left, but she didn’t. She handed over her coat and was completely humiliated by Maho who introduced her as a person she always depended on from the dry cleaner’s and people immediately poked fun of her costume. Oddly enough, Yuri doesn’t save the day, he just did the character’s catchphrase. The horrified Kasumi immediately runs out. Yuri watches as she walks away and calls out to her. It’s too cold to go around dressed like that. He throws down a scarf. Kasumi watches it fall. It it catches on a tree, Yuri is a bad person; if it makes its way to her without a problem, Yuri is a good person. The scarf lands safely in her arms and she wraps it around herself.
We finish with Maho taking the very drunk Yuri to bed. The minx wants some action. Yuri says he’s too drunk and looks over at the table where he has Kasumi’s barrette inside a little glass case. He then seems to be in the mood after that…just weird. Kind of creepy for some reason. End episode. See? Already very complicated and we haven’t even gotten into the meat of the story!
I had to look up Harada Tomoyo’s age. This actress is actually 50-years-old! I thought she may have been in her late thirties, but she’ll be 50 in November! She has definitely aged very well. Meanwhile, Saito Takumi is only 4 years older than myself, so he’ll be 36 this year. A real-life age gap of 14 years. Not the worst. In the drama, I want to say Kasumi was 14 when she meets the little boy who was between the ages of 5-9 (I believe). So in the drama, it’s only a 5-9 year gap, isn’t it? Oh, and Yamaguchi Sayaka is only a year older than Saito-san in real life, just FYI. And just for fun, the man playing Harada’s husband, Koichi Mantaro, is two years younger than she is in real life while the boy playing their son was born in 1998 making him 19 sometime this year.
I find this drama to be intriguing. I feel like Yamaguchi tend to play characters I don’t like very much. I have a feeling she’ll do everything she can to come between Yuri and Kasumi. These two are drawn to each other and you know since she’s older, divorced, and has a teenage son there will be tons of problems with just society hating on them for that. I am surprised that the drama lets you know from episode one that Kasumi’s Amuro is really Yuri. I would have thought they would have tried to make that plot twist go for a little longer. Oh, sure, there were tons of hints before they came right out and showed us Kasumi’s barrette in Yuri’s apartment, but you still think they’d keep that a bit more suspenseful. Of course, this will set up situational irony since we are all well aware that sweet little Amuro has become the very complex Yuri while Kasumi has no idea of his real identity.
Unmei ni, Nita Koi Episode 1 Recap The summer when Sakurai Kasumi was in middle school, her mother passed away. She was despondent and contemplated suicide until she met a remarkable little boy and the neighborhood dog.
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theelderhazelnut · 9 months
Baldur’s Gate 3
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Warning: none
Pairings: Ombra x Astarion
Characters: Ombra (my oc), Astarion, Gale
Summary: Ombra, a metal bender, is merely tolerating her new companions because she has other plans in her mind. One of these people disgust her to the core, but her depressed soul eventually find him “lovely”. Her busy, calculated mind can finally rest for one night. But does this vampire deserve her love truly?
Author’s note: Yay my first fic for BG3! I may post more drabbles like this untill I start posting the whole story of Ombra! I really love how these two work out together. Extroverted, charming boyfriend x introverted, also charming girlfriend.
Taglist: @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @cyberneticsanguinaire @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu @cassietrn @breakfwest @nightbloodbix @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @ninibear3000 @cyb3r-v4l @sinclxirx @gavincruikshanksexhusband @voidika @orbitinytheworld (writing taglist is here to be added/removed)
Out there around the camp, the fire was burning in my death; the death of my soul actually. The thick fabric of my tent was strong enough to shelter me for a while until I get rid of my stupid “companions”. Astarion, however, was the most stupid of them all.
I pushed away the fabric slightly to peeked at his tent which was a few meters away from mine. The gentle light of a lantern dimly lit his private place. He was awake; probably reading or taking notes. His voice rang in my ear.
“Even your spirit is of iron. I like that.”
I would be in a much more peaceful state of mind if he would shut his mouth for five minutes. But the more I explored in my heart, the more I realized that I would miss hearing his voice, his rich British accent, and the way his crimson eyes flamed with naughtiness.
I am always direct with my emotions. I either love someone to death, or I don’t even flinch if they are tortured in front of me. But my mind was beginning to be confused about him. At first, I loathed him just like how I felt about everybody else around me. He was no different. He was just a regular talkative, narcissistic, immature person who believed each and every one of his opinions were valuable.
But now, I couldn’t forget about the way his pale eyebrows rested, and his smile became true when he witnessed my monotone tone become a bit harsher when I was lol easily annoyed by others. When I pushed them away, and gave structres for our next move with a permanent glare on my face. And when I don’t seem to be bothered by the death of our companions.
If my calculations weren’t bteraying me, I would say that Astarion understood me, deeply. His guesses were seemingly right about the real person I was beneath these twenty layers of defense. This real person was as harsh as my outer facade, just even weirder.
I heard him stepping out of his tent, and I immediately closed the fabric door.
My heart raced in my chest.
I listened closely. His footsteps were approaching untill they stopped near the fire place.
“If it wasn’t for her analysis skills, I would not hesitate to throw her out of our way.” Gale whispered.
My lips curved donwards into a smirk.
“We owe her all this information we have gained untill now. Also, her presense is quite an entertainment for me.”
“Your opinion about her seems to be altering, Astarion.”
I didn’t hear him expressing anything as a response, istead he walked towards my tent. Quickly but silently, I crawled to my sheets, pretending to be asleep. A few moments passed after what seemed to be hours, untill I felt him sitting beside me. He didn’t say a single word, but his gaze weighed heavy on my figure.
“Are you asleep?” He murmured softly.
“…no… .” I replied with my eyes closed.
“So, may I?”
I opened my eyes to make sure he was not about to kiss me. Astarion gestured to my side.
“You may.” I crossed my arms, watching him getting comfortable next to me. He lied down on his side, and rested his head on his palm to hold it up.
“I couldn’t sleep either.” Slowly, he reached out his hand towards my face, and once he was not rejected, he shoved a wavy strand behind my ear. I wanted to grab his hand and keep it there, telling him how much I enjoyed this little act of affection. But instead I hid behind my stone face and kept glaring at him.
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, I was thinking about some certain things.” His voice trailed off as his eyes roamed down my body.
I kept looking at him, silently seeking explanation.
“Can I ask you something?” His grin faded away “Would you please don’t abandon us?” The blue cloud of sadness shadowed over his usually sunny gaze.
I raised my eyebrows in concern. “Who said I’m going to leave?”
“I am well aware that you are only tolerating this…” He searched for the right word. “…this companionship. I see that you are constantly looking forward to the tiniest chance to separate your way.” He put his hand on my shoulder.
“Stay with me, Atoosa. Please.”
My heart melted once Astarion called me by my real name instead of “Ombra”; a nickname so widely used by people that it had almost replaced the real one. It was just a simple Persian name untill he said it, and it was the most soothing lullaby.
And he just begged me to stay by his side not because he needed my iron bending powers and strategic mind, but because he’d miss me. Myself.
I frowned. “Why do you care?”
His eyes widened in shock. “We-well I am very sorry that I have found beauty in you! In your terrifying manners! In the way you don’t care about anything but your own goals! I am very sorry that I love you!”
My heart forgot to beat for a second. I did not trust my own ears. Astarion knew very well how to get what he wants by mere words. He knew how to fold those words in golden paper and sell it to you.
“Not all of your actions agree with that, Astarion. I’m not here to play your game.”
Suddenly, a large hand grabbed my jaw firmly, and forced me to look at him straight into the eyes. They were burning with anger and desperation.
“How many more days do I have to claw at any chances to save you from danger? How much more do I have to watch you from afar? How many nights do I have to stay wide awake horrified that you might leave us tomorrow? We two resemble more than you think.” Astarion closed his eyes and sighed deeply, loosening his grip around my jaw. “My apologies, darling.” He kissed where his fingers were pressed to although I did not feel any pain.
I leaned in and attached my lips to his. They were soft and cold. My heart beat blasted in my head as he kissed me back. The warmth of his mouth dropped on the dry skin of mine. Perhaps this time it was better to trust my heart, and let it rule over my exhausted brain. He was the angel to sew the bloodied feathers of my broken wings. He was the one on whose shoulders I could lean my head and sigh all my pain out without scaring him away.
I loved him.
“How can I just forget about you and run off?” I whispered.
Astarion chuckled, magnetising even more blood to my cheeks. “Ah, I knew you had a heart somewhere deep in your chest.”
I smiled. Astarion was the ray of sunshine through the thick clouds gaurding my heart.
All of a sudden, life was saturated with colors. I found joy in it.
For the first time in a long while, Astarion reminded me what happiness felt like.
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theelderhazelnut · 8 months
Rise of the Villains: Darker than Black
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Warning(s): none. Ombra is a jerk at the end. I’m sorry.
Pairing(s): Ombra x Alex ( @chadillacboseman )
Characters: Ombra, Alex and Alora ( @bihanspookies ). Billie ( @cyberneticsanguinaire ), Argen (my oc), Kano and Erron are mentioned.
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Alex is making Ombra curious. She wants to learn more about him. And she realizes that he has the power to make her feel funny. Also Alex learns that Ombra knows Turkish just like him.
Author’s Note: This is all about these two developing feelings for each other. I’ll write more stories about their cute little love story. I hope I did Alex and Alora justice!
Writing Taglist (to be added/removed): @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @takiisieju-moved @cyberneticsanguinaire @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @elderglocks @cassietrn @breakfwest @nightbloodbix @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @ninibear3000 @cyb3r-v4l @aceghosts @voidika @orbitinytheworld @strangefable @cloudofbutterflies92 @sinclxirx @gavincruikshanksexhusband
It was worth it to encounter Kano so uncomfortably often just to see him for a few minutes. Alex Demir was making me more and more curious each day. He was handsome for sure, and also charming in his own way, but those kind eyes looking at me so cheerfully and that toothy smile did not belong to this mess of a fight club.
I put my hands in my pants’ pockets, and watched General Argen dodging Billie’s poweful punches and kicks. Argen happily followed me and insisted on fighting all day in the cage; just like a toddler going to the amusement park with his mother. The savage crowd around the fighting cage were ripping their throats apart by their mad screamings.
I scanned them from where I was standing - away in the shadows -, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alex. I would not miss that messy bun and headband, and of course, that height. But apparently, he wasn’t there cheering for Kano’s daughter.
I turned on my heels to go for a walk around the club; all around it. That was the main reason I came here in the first place, and that very motovation blooming in me made me nervous. From the first second Argen and I entered the portal to Earthrealm I kept reminding myself that this would pass swiftly. I would analyze him, his behavior and who he actually was, and then I would erase him from my mind completely. The only reason that dragged me all the way from Metalrealm to Black Dragon was his Turkish accent, not his cute jokes and the way his pretty eyes gleamed when he looked at me… .
No! No, no, no, no, no!
I stood still. I was obeying my emotions.
“There you are, Ms. Ironhead.” A feminine voice called, a little bit lost in the distant yellings and deafening music. Her auburn hair was neatly braided, and the sleeveless turtleneck highlighted her well trained muscles.
“Alex and I heard that you have paid us another visit. He’s looking for you, I guess. He was thinking that he could use your help with that new bomb he’s crafting. And I have found you now. Guess I just did him a big favor.” The woman explained.
Despite her implied humor, her intense blue eyes were daggers to my own.
I nodded. “Thank you.” And I started walking again.
“Nice jaw, by the way.” She threw a compliment in a totally monotone voice.
I rose my hand in appreciation, then immediately made a turn, and the increasing volume of the noises was reduced dramatically. I dashed in the corridor untill I reached the stairs. I flew upstairs, passed a corridor, and made another turn. My heart was booming in my chest. I took steady yet silent steps towards his room. I stopped breathing in order to listen closely, figuring out the situation. Not a single sound was emitting except the clatters of some objects.
I bit my lips, and knocked the door two times.
“Yes?” Alex called.
“It’s me. Ombra.” I responded, trying to maintain my usual nonchalant tone.
The door was opened, and a familiar, tall figure appeared before me. His white tank top was barely covering his muscular chest and abdomen. As usuaul, his dark hair was tied up in a bun, and a few thin strands were lightly kissing his forehead. His smile grew wider the second my eyes met his.
“Hi!” The word jumped out of his mouth as though it had been waiting for it for days.
I allowed a tiny smile to colorize my pale face. “A lady told me that you were seeking my help.”
“Yeah I thought it’d be cool if you let me use your powers for this little bomb I’m making.” He stepped aside so I could take a look at the mess he proudly created on the floor.
“May I come in?” I asked for permission.
Alex politely gestured for me to enter. His room was dimly lit by a study light which was focused on the piles of wires and screws on the floor. On the wall, I spotted several polaroids of some of the mercenaries and him. At the far end of the room stood a training dummy with a picture of Kano’s face taped to the head of it. The paper was nearly ripped in pieces. Every single one of these mercenaries seemed to be thirsting for Kano’s blood, and they were only tolerating him because they were forced to work for him for some reason. This lack of freedom, and living your life the way someone else desires it was a redundant line written all over the pages of my past. I knew his anger to bits.
We sat down on the floor. I watched the way his brown eyes shone in enthusiasm as his muscular arms began working once again. This made me even more certain that he was pretty invested in this job. But crafting explosives in Kano’s territory would not remain a mere hobby for long.
“What are you making this for?” I asked in a low voice.
“Kano needs it to blow up the basement of this drug dealer.” He explained briefly, his eyebrows lowering slightly in discomfort.
However, this was not a surprising sight. The research I had done about Kano and his mysterious fight club clearly unravels this fact that almost evetyone who work for him were compelled one way or another. And Alex was one of those who was here crafting weapons for Kano because something terribly went wrong in the past.
And I wondered what was that. But I was far away from his walls to dare and ask this too private of a question.
“Are we together in this?” Alex asked, his eyes scanning mine. They were searching for a glint of hope, yet they were concerned.
“No.” I nodded. “This is all Kano’s business.” I watched as that glow in his eyes faded into the gray ocean of realization.
I bit the inside of my cheek. The chances were high that Alex was desperately hoping to do another mission with me.
Suddenly, he stopped working, held his arms close to his torso, and dropped his head slightly to avoid eye contact as far as possible. A few more strands of dark hair hung down from his headband. His large hands stroked the wrench slowly.
“I am happy to see you here again.” He almost whispered. Cautiously, he made the eye contact he was afraid of.
Inevitably, my lips curled down into a small smile. Was it too early to say the same thing to him? I couldn’t just say nothing.
I nodded slightly. “Seninle muhabbetimiz güzeldi.” (Translation: Your company is a delight.) It was finally the right moment to reveal some portions of me.
My smile grew a bit wider as I saw his eyes widen and his lips part in disbelief.
“You…” Alex left his sentence unfinished, his mind still too busy to handle the words.
“Yes, I know Turkish. But I am not Turkish, at least not totally.” I helped him to speak.
“What do you mean not totally? I thought you were a Metalrealmer.”
I took a deep breath. “Well, the truth is that I am only a half-Metalrealmer. I was born in Iran, and I have Turkish ancestry.”
Alex was listening with such enthusiasm and curiosity floating in his brown eyes as though I was revealing arcane truths from the depths of the universe. Then maybe going a little further wouldn’t be harmful.
“It’s complicated though. My parents sometimes used to speak Turkish at home, but that differed from this language. Both have many words in common, but they’re still not the same. I have to give a history lecture to explain what exactly is the reason for that.”
“This is…interesting. To be honest, I did use to wonder why you look so different from your buddies.” He was referring to the other four chiefs in charge of the MRDO.
He opened his mouth to continue - there was a ninety nine percent chance that he was going to introduce himself -, but I closed it with my next words.
“I know you were born in Istanbul.”
“Yeah. Did Erron tell you that?” Alex pronounced his name with such caution as if Erron would have told me something inappropriate.
“No. I did an overall research before I stepped in this fight club.”
Subtly, Alex let out a breath of relief. “Niiiice.” He paused for a moment. “How much do you know?”
“Just that you are a Turkish mercenary. Kano is doing a good job. There are barely any information about him and his organization accessible.” And that was why I had my guards up high in the sky the first day I set foot in here.
Alex hummed uncomfortably. These tiny signs of annoyance appeared whenever I mentioned Kano. Something tragic must have happened between these two.
He began working on the bomb once again. His brows were frowned in concentration, and the muscles in this forearm twisted from time to time. I looked away at my thighs. He was…quiet attractive. That was what almost everyone thought, right? RIGHT?
“So can I use your powers?” He said. “Would you please make two bolts?”
“If I remember its shape correctly.” I twirled my hand in the air, silver dust gathered around my fingers, and just as I visualized, two bolts appeared between my fingers. I handed them to Alex who had been watching me in awe.
“So cool!” He exclaimed.
I fought the urge to not tear down the whole building just to see this sparkle of amazement across his face for a bit longer.
I had to go. Things were getting out of my control, so I stood up without a second thought. Alex got up immediately as well, looking at me with his long brows wrinkling his forehead in worry. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I just have to go.”
“When will I see you again?”
“Soon.” I stopped at the doorway, and saw Alora walking this way before I turned to Alex. “By the way, my name is Atoosa. “Ombra” is just a very famous alias. I thought I’d let you know.” And I walked out of his room. Maybe in another timeline, Atoosa’s heart was not surrounded by enormous iron walls, so she would stay just a little bit longer and smile just a little bit wider.
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
2 in 1 uquizzes
Tagged by lovely @inafieldofdaisies <3
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What is your OC’s true role in the story?
The fallen prodigy
hello old friend, it's been a while hasn't it? I remember when you were just a child, gape-smiled and beaming like the sun. where have you laid your youth to rest my love? is it buried beside your heart perhaps? I know how deeply life has wounded you, it took away everything, didn't it? oh poor soul, you held onto happiness with bloody, shaking hands but still fate ripped even that away from you. your past lovers are dead or did some betray you? turning away in fear of what they once admired. your comrades have been slain, or their priorities shifted. I've heard you too have changed your way of thought. the people fear you know, do they normally cower at the sound of your name? ah don't fret, that makes two of us. the masses tend to despise the things they do not have the will to comprehend. the villian finds sympathy for you don't they, well I could have seen that from a mile away. you two are the oldest friends, you made a deal with them correct? to save your late love, they tried to hold their end of the bargain, really, but I fear you are cursed to forever be despondent. oh what a sad and miserable life without love. is that why you chase loneliness? for is it truly a life of sorrow if you yourself has chosen it? but don't become bitter from the pain. trust when I say I have seen wounds unfold a man, turning the gentlest spirits into seething beasts. please, keep seeking love, even if it seems you are forbidden from it. you are the master of your own fate, I see how tired you are. the scars never healed, they twist and wrap around your entire person. your eyes are dark and lifeless, rest. but keep fighting, not with the sword you have forsaken so long ago, but with your heart. I'll be rooting for you my friend.
Soooo accurate! This one is just made for her lol
The “oh” quiz
The late-night talk
Oh. you figure it out when you realize just how vulnerable they are willing to be with you. it isn't everybody who could or would stay up talking into the night with you, not with such affection or easy familiarity. it isn't everybody who is so understanding of you. it isn't everybody who could bare their soul to you in return. that kind of intimacy... it means deep foundations. it means comfort. it means trust. maybe it's a secret, maybe it's a story, maybe it's something you just never thought of before -- but they say something, late at night, and you realize all at once how remarkable they are, and how special it is to exist in the same time and space as them. "oh" indeed.
Yup totally.
No pressure tags: @maddenedroses @neonneurons @vivilovespink @roofgeese @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @takiisieju-moved @strangefable @voidika @poisonedtruth @socially-awkward-skeleton @captastra @jacobsneed @nightbloodbix @cassietrn @littledarlingbunbun @huepazu @loverofthewindgod @irklos34 @breakfwest @shegetsburned @bihansthot @aceghosts @euryalex @jillvalentinesday @angryvengeful @saito-mitsuko @hi-thisiszira @mintspider @unpetitoiseau and you!
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zoetheneko · 8 months
Zoe's lore: Part 3
Notes: this part had gaps that were difficult to fill. I wasn't not even sure if putting them into writing is enough to make you guys understand the many key scenes of this chapter of the story.
Even when was cleaning herself up and getting her injuries treated, the girl would only stir up a few words and little eye contact was made between her and the staff.
Once in her room, all she did was laying in her bed and stare at the ceiling. Want someone would come in to bring her food, she'd just look away from them.
While the kid was contained in her room, Cassie, Johnny, Kurtis & Rambo were discussing of what they should do with her. They can't set the girl free like this, they need to make her talk; Someone had to stay in a nearby room for a while to make sure that the girl was kept stable, or in case things went south.
Everyone agreed for Rambo to go an do it. According to Cassie, it would bring "reenforced support".
Now, everything was (kind off) settled.
When the night came and everyone went to sleep, at first and for a few hours, everything went just like every night at the medical clinic.
But then a terrified scream alarmed John and the nearby staff, it came from the girls room.
John rushed first to it and once he opened the door, he found the poor child laying on her side with her face shoved into the mattress, back towards the door shaking and cry. Oddly, there were no signs of a fire.
Rambo could now tell that she woke up from a nightmare. He moved towards the other side of the bed and took a seat beside her.
The girl gazed in surprise when she turned her head to see who was beside her, his hand lying on her shoulder. It was him, John Rambo right? The guy who got her out of that desert, he was there and he was actually cool with her.
She suddenly got up and gave a hug to him, starting to cry again. After a while, she let go of him and went back to sleep.
The next morning, the girl's mood changed.
She gave less cold-shoulders and looked at people a bit more often. Perhaps it was a good sign and seemed at a decent enough state to make a conversation.
John actually came to the kid's room with her dinner and tried to have a chat with her. He asked to introduce herself since she wouldn't do so the first two times. The girl's name was Zoe.
Through the conversation, she also told him that she was ready to tell her story tommorow.
After the chat was over, John exited the room and came to Sonya & Cassie and told them that the girl, Zoe, was willing to coorperate.
To be continued...
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@theelderhazelnut @geeky-trash01 @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @huepazu @mitsuko-saito @bloody-arty-myths @zombieoffender @onehornedbeast
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zoetheneko · 8 months
Zoe's Lore: Part 4
After breakfast, Zoe was escorded to an interrogation room to speak about her past situations to General Blade and Commander Cage.
Once she sat down, Blade told her to proceed with her story. And so she did.
Zoe was wondering a forest looking for food until she was by an of angry animal, which she couldn't remember how it looked like. She attacked back with her fire powers and killed the beast on the spot, leaving few damages to the forest.
Feeling that the woods weren't safe anymore, Zoe stormed out of them and found herself wandering a desert for two days, she later found shelter in the canyon and scared off everyone that passed by and tried to harm her. It lasted for a week before Rambo and Stryker got to her.
When Zoe was done with her story, Sonya asked for her to be escorded to a cell, since she looked like she mostly recovered from her injuries.
She assigned Rambo to supervise Zoe for when she wants to go out of her room. He thought of this to be weird of her to ask this, but he agreed to do it anyway.
Zoe asked to be out her room with Rambo, after lunch.
They had a walk around the hallways of the SF's prison. Then when they sat down for a moment, Zoe suddenly asked John as to what was he doing in this army base. He hesitated a moment, but gave in and said that he wasn't really in the army anymore, that just joins the crew to go on more dire missions when they need his expertise. Zoe asked more about it, John answered most of it.
Zoe then added that it would be nice if she could hang out more with him and learn a thing or two about survival; she did what almost looked like begging and swore tjat she would behave.
After time was out and Zoe went back to her cell, John thought about what she said earlier for a while. It was difficult for him to make that decision since he was never asked to mentor somebody before; he had to put some more thoughts into it.
The day after, he met Sonya again and spoke about what Zoe said during her hour off the cell yesterday and how he was willing to bail her out. Sonya was obviously hesitating but couldn't help but wonder if John was able to actually take an initiate in and train them on his own.
Sonya accepted the request, thinking in hope that it would redeem that kid for what damage she caused on her troops.
Few moments later, Zoe was bailed out and moved into a private dorm room. She did not expect for the boss to listen. But it didn't matter, she was happy to be out of that dawn cell.
To be continued...
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@theelderhazelnut @geeky-trash01 @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @elderglocks @mitsuko-saito @bloody-arty-myths @zombieoffender @onehornedbeast
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Hideo Sugawara, Seiichi Kato, and Tomio Aoki in I Was Born, But.... (Yasujiro Ozu, 1932)
Cast: Tetsuo Saito, Tomio Aoki, Mitsuko Yoshikawa, Hideo Sugawara, Takeshi Sakamoto, Teruyo Hayami, Seiichi Kato. Screenplay: Akira Fujimi, Geibei Ibushima. Cinematography: Hideo Shigehara. Art direction: Takashi Kono. Film editing: Hideo Shigehara. 
The family was source and inspiration for many of Ozu's greatest films, but he often focused on the problems caused by the elders in a family, as in Tokyo Story (1953) and The End of Summer (1961). The family is supposedly the basic element in society, but Ozu's films often show how society itself strains familial relationships: Elders who have outgrown their usefulness can become obstacles to a family's ongoing concerns about fitting into and making a way in the larger society. I Was Born, But.... turns things around by focusing on children, whose self-centeredness can be as troublesome to the family dynamic as that of the very old. Ozu's films are about expectations that can never be quite fulfilled, and in no part of life are expectations more important than childhood. That makes the film sound more grimly serious than it is, for on the surface I Was Born looks an awful lot like American-style comic films about kids -- the Our Gang and Little Rascals comedies, for example. It focuses on Ryoichi (Hideo Sugawara) and his younger brother, Keiji (Tomio Aoki), who have just moved to the suburbs with their father, Yoshi (Tatsuo Saito), and mother, Haha (Mitsuko Yoshikawa). The boys are unhappy with the move, partly because the local kids bully them as newcomers, but also because Ryoichi in particular resents Yoshi's expectations that he'll get high marks in school. Eventually, after playing hooky and being scolded, they begin to adjust, and Ozu's picture of boyhood becomes lighter and more amusing. We see them adapting to their new corner of society: They overcome the bullies and make friends with Taro (Seiichi Kato), who just happens to be the son of Yoshi's boss. But then Taro lets them come over to his house on an evening when his father is showing home movies to Yoshi and some other employees, and Ryoichi and Keiji are embarrassed when some of the films show their father making funny faces and clowning for the boss and co-workers. It's an eye-opener for Ryoichi especially, who becomes aware of his father's place in the corporate hierarchy. Back home, he demands to know why his father isn't a corporate executive instead of a middle manager, and Yoshi is hard-pressed to explain this particular fact of life. The boys pitch a tantrum -- Keiji always following his older brother's lead -- and Yoshi spanks Ryoichi, only making matters worse. By the film's end, the boys and their parents have reconciled, but one senses that everyone has learned one of those lessons that only life can teach. I Was Born, But.... is one of Ozu's late silent films, and it's masterly in provoking serious thought about a near-universal experience while being engagingly entertaining. It's also very much of its pre-World War II time. Perhaps only in hindsight do audiences notice the hints of Japanese militarism in the story: the military-style drills that the small boys undergo at school, and the fact that when Yoshi asks his sons what they want to do when they grow up, they want to be generals. The performances of the young actors are extraordinary, as is the cinematography of Hideo Shigehara.
0 notes
byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Yuzo Kayama and Hideko Takamine in Yearning (Mikio Naruse, 1964)
Cast: Hideko Takamine, Yuzo Kayama, Mitsuko Kusabue, Yumi Shirakawa, Mie Hama, Aiko Mimasu. Screenplay: Zenzo Matsuyama, based on a story by Mikio Naruse. Cinematography: Jun Yasumoto. Music: Ichiro Saito
Mikio Naruse's Yearning could almost have been a Douglas Sirk romantic melodrama, with Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson in the roles played by Hideko Takamine and Yuzo Kayama, except that Hollywood would never have allowed the Japanese film's bleak downer ending. (Sirk argued for an ending to the 1955 All That Heaven Allows in which Hudson's character died, but was overruled by producer Ross Hunter.) Like Sirk, Naruse takes the woman's side and uses the film for sharp commentary on the changing role of women. Reiko Morita's (Hideko Takamine) husband died in the war, after a brief marriage, but she stayed on to help the Morita family rebuild its business after the war ended, and in the subsequent years has run the family grocery and liquor store with great skill. But now a new threat has emerged to their business: the supermarket, which can afford to cut prices below what the Morita's store is able to charge. Reiko runs the store almost single-handedly, with no help from her brother-in-law, Koji (Yuzo Kayama), a college-educated layabout. And then her sister-in-law, Hisako (Mitsuko Kusabue), acting on a suggestion from her husband, proposes that the family convert the store into a supermarket because of its prime location. Koji, as the surviving male in the family, would become president -- if he can clean up his act. The problem with the plan is that there's no room in the scheme for Reiko, who is not actually a member of the family, even though she has kept it going for years. Meanwhile, Koji also discloses to Reiko that he's in love with her, which causes problems because she's his brother's widow as well as because she's 11 years older than he is -- the kinship and the age gap being huge challenges to tradition. When the situation reaches a crisis point, Reiko decides to go home to her own family, which lives far away. Koji follows her onto the train and in a long ride they try to work things out. Naruse and his lead actors give this concluding section a great poignancy, though it ends abruptly and painfully, leaving the audience to work out the consequences of the ending for themselves.
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Hello guys! Good afternoon! This is my OC Nicholaus Sander, he is a wartb OC not MK or another fandom, he plays a huge role in my story, As Aliyaa is darkness he is the light, he and Aliyaa used to be the winged protecters although he’s the only one who has wings unlike her. He is light giving form, he has 8 wings but i couldn’t draw them because it would take all the space in the page.
His story is very very long, so i’m gonna summarised it for you guys.
The light one(by everyone even Aliyaa)
The winged beast by the enemies and demons
The winged protecter
Winged warrior (by superiors)
The winged protecter of Virginia
The exalted protecter
Sword of light
Defender of light
Darkness breaker
The divine wrath
Powers and abilities:
Wings of holy fire
Light magic
Fast healing factor
Light manipulation
Celestial blessing
Superior powers
Two blazing swords of celestial fury
Faster than the speed of light
Transcend to a higher power very quickly
Has 5 forms (zealous, arisen, aflame, Transcendent and exalted)
Immunity to darkness
Can’t get corrupted or incourrptible
Absorps strength/power from the sun and light
No one can defeat him while light exists or sun
Doesn’t tire
Fire doesn’t affect him
Can hear people in every dimension or realm.
Nicholaus sander was just a human being, he works in the field of law, you can say he work as a judge 👨🏼‍⚖️, he is very good at doing his job, He met Aliyaa In the court of Virginia. She was defending some people who stole something. But he quickly forgave them because Aliyaa mercy effected him. Time goes on and the first Light one died. His sword fell from the sky and it dropped into Nicholaus feet, Aliyaa knew that the previous light one dimmed (died), Aliyaa warns him about the sword it he touched it and the sword didn’t see him worthy of the power it will burn him terribly. He didn’t listen to Aliyaa as he grasped the sword the fire burn him, but he didn’t die. He felt his flesh wrought anew, reborn as the new aspect of justice. The new light one. His mother knew about this and told him the truth. She told him that the previous light one was his dad. Enraged by his mother for hiding this, he kindles his sword with fire and burns her alive. His powers continue to develop as more wings appear. He and Aliyaa fight the demonic creatures and saved countless lives. The superiors Honoured them by Calling them the winged protecters of Virginia. Day by day his heart grew cold and merciless, he is obsessed with justice, unlike Aliyaa his justice has no compassion, he judges people coldly. He has a pupil his name is ronan, Ronan never liked Aliyaa and her sense of “justice”, he loath her compassion and mercy, he hated her existence, she disturbs his work and his master work. He tried to arrest Aliyaa while she was talking to the people, He told her that she corrupted his master and she should leave this place, he and his friends came with chains and handcuffs Aliyaa only answered with dark chains of her own, black and deadly she strucked him down, His lifeless body fell on the ground and his friends ran. After knowing That his pupil had died, Nicholaus went furious and burnt everything to the ground, he even burns Aliyaa, and she told him that she is the one who killed ronan, both fought and their powers clashed Blinding light and burning darkness. Aliyaa listened to the cries of the people she faltered and he kicked her, she fell and collapsed on the ground. Aliyaa thrown her sword and cried telling him to choose justice not vengeance. He saw himself in Aliyaa face. A celestial glory with mortal feelings. He spread his wings and flew away, secretly crying as he left. Then Aliyaa ran away to the forest, leaving her dark past behind. It has been centuries since the light one left Virginia but Aliyaa is sure that he will return.
@saito-mitsuko @fanaticforgames @dumbgaming @arianneofstratford @evelynendar @melissalix @lorabeyc @loryeen @luxluxx34 @lisadelise @kyd35 @magical-apple @lor
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mitsuko-saito · 2 years
Mitsuko - The Angel of the Light
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Name: Mitsuko Saito
Age (physical): 10 years (Mk 9), 35 years (Mk X) e 37 years (Mk 11)
Age (spiritual): 1.000.000 years
Race: Angels - Serafins/Seraphins
Realm (born): Orderealm
Realm (protects): Earthrealm e Orderealm
Weapons: The divine sword, plume adagues
Powers: Light manipulation, Earth manipulation
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(Mitsuko also have healing powers, she can make her wings appear when she wants and she uses them the expel the dark forces and of the sinners)
Her clothes:
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Her aesthetic (created by me):
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Her story (sorry if this English is terrible, I made this from the google translator)
WARNING: abuse since childhood and a lot of violence (if you don’t like it, please skip it! Thanks)
In a small city, there was a house where a woman and three children lived. A mother named Hana Saito, and her three children, Sophia (older sister), Mitsuko (the middle sister) and Shiro (the younger brother).
They were very happy, even living inside a forest, Hana never let her children go out into the forest, and they never understood.
One day, Hana met a man, in whom Mitsuko did not have a good impression. His name was Josh, in Mitsuko's view he was never a good man.
Josh always acted strangely, until one day, Hana disappeared. And after that, Mitsuko's life began to become hell. Josh began to give her orders such as cleaning the house, being used to hurt her siblings, etc. He always asked her to do bad things... She felt so much pain and she couldn't take it anymore.
She wanted to know where her mother was, and why he always treated her badly. Always scratching her back, as if he were looking for something, until one day, Josh kicked out Mitsuko. All hurt and hopeless.
She ran into a forest near the city and took off her life, finally in peace...
So was what she thought…
Mitsuko heard a sweet and feminine voice
Cetrion- poor child, that wasn't my plan for you. I'll give you a second chance to live, just like I did with Shiro. My name is Cetrion, goddess of Virtue and mother of all angels. I'll see you soon, child of the Light.
Mitsuko woke up near a Mortal Kombat tournament, she met Raiden and Liu Kang. They treated her very well. She always saw Liu Kang as her older brother.
In the middle of the tournament, she met a boy named Arien, he was a student of Shang Tsung. He didn't have a good first impression with Raiden, and he didn't have a very good reputation. But he changed sides and decided to fight with Mitsuko (if you want I can show him his story) And also, she saw that her older sister, Sophia, was working for Shao Khan, and that disappointed her a lot. I’m
In the end, she saw several champions die in front of her eyes, Raiden invited her to participate in the White Lotus. She accepted.
There she met Bo Rai'Cho and Fujin, she had a great relationship with the two. She saw Fujin as a real father to her, unlike Josh, the God of the wind said he knew her past life, of an angel named Miguel, he was an angel just like her, white hair, kind personality.
Fujin- he always helped people and also their enemies. The poor boy died as a child...
At MK10, she began doing research on her clan of angels, along with her husband Arien. She discovered that there were several species of angels on earth and Outworld. When she managed to gather the species, she became their new leader.
And also, she teamed up with Sophia to get revenge on Josh.
At Mk11, Mitsuko disappeared, leaving Arien and his daughter, Cheryl. When Kronika stopped time, she brought the child Mitsuko to the present.
To gather an army of angels against Kronika, only one angel could lead them, and the only one was Mitsuko. Then at the age of 10, she led a huge army of angels.
In the aftermath, current Mitsuko was in the void along with Fujin, Nightwolf and Shang Tsung. She found out that Shiro worked for Kronika, it infuriated her. She saw her best friend become a God of thunder and fire, and embraced him after so many years without seeing him.
She had to use her healing power to resurrect Sindel, and the rest you know. But when Mitsuko was on the boat of the Outworld champions, she was defeated by Shao Kahn and had her wings torn off and died.
When Liu Kang restarted time, she had a more peaceful life, with no deaths, no violence and no betrayals.
Tagging: @zoetheneko @aliyaaaepel3 @theelderhazelnut @tora-lotus @starneko123 @bisexualjohnnycage @lorabeyc
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Both art and Mitsuko Belongs to the lovely
Now for the chapter finale!, But i gotta tell you! There will be two ending in this fantic one is a good one, one is a dark sad one.. and i will keep you guessing xD
Chapter 10 of (Au where Selviya is the mother of Mitusko Saito)
Selviya is driving her car, then she and her childrens arrive in Manchester UK, They went to House of Levsloky’s. Along the way she thought of Raidens word. her first Daughter fate..
“I am sorry, but i only foresee a dark fate for her! A fate you cannot stop for her!” Raiden says, regret in his voice.
“You are the reason that she is in this! So you Accpet me to correct your mistakes Raiden? Please..” Selviya replied mocking him.
She brushed the memory from her head and focused on the trip.
Maria levsloky was the one who opened the door she was surprised and happy.
“Selviya! Darling! And my beautiful grandchildren!” Maria Levsloky happily said
“Hello mother! How are you and dad today? I know its a bit early but i missed mother!” Selviya says as she hugged her mother. The children were happy at this sights. Evn Liu and wang although that they are a bit frustrated.
“Ooh! I missed you too and my grandchildren too! Come inside! I had just Made tea and Sweets!” Maria welcomes them happily
“Thank you mother!” Selviya responded.
“Grandma! How are you doing today!” The children asked, she chuckles and gives each a hug and a kiss.
They enter and they met their Grandfather Aran levsloky.
“Daddy! I missed you so much!” Selviya Greets and hugs her father, he chuckles and rubbs her back
“Ooh me too babygirl, although it only been a week you last visited!” Aran chuckles. She give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Grandpa!!! We missed you!” The children say and all of them hugged him at the same time.
Unbeknownst to them Mitsuko Followed them and she was looking at them from their window.
She felt a twinge of pain in her chest, oh how she wished she were with them and hugging the elderly people. She stills remembers them. How the Grandma used to make delicious food and biscuits, the dad tell amazing stories of his youth. She missed her old life. A life was ripped unjustly from her. She is mad at her mother Selviya for not fighting for her. But she fully knows Selviya cannot win against the older gods. Because she did not reach her full celestial potential. She still a bit mad.
“Thanks mother, did i say your tea and Biscuits are delicious as always?” Selviya praised her mother Offerings tea and biscuits
“Oh hehe! I’m glad you still loved them, as you were such a cute toddler!” Maria says, chuckling afterwards
“Yeah because you made them delicious! Whats your secret recipe?” Selviya Asked, While raising her eyebrow at her mother.
“a chief does not tell her secrets!” Maria kindly refused to tell her.
“Ooh a wonderful chief i see!” Selviya took a sip of her tea
“As you say!, so tell me whats the occasion of visiting did your Bear did something to you?” Maria asked, she take a long sip after that.
“Oh no.. nothing of that! I’m here because i missed you and i need you to teach Want and Liu an etiquette a lesson for they obviously lacked it!” Selviya kindly asked her mother, her mother nodded agreeing for it, Liu and Want gulps at them.
“Sure why not!” Maria agrees, Aran rolls his eyes
“What did they do? Did the start snowball in a Food table?!” Aran asked, a bit annoyed
“Yes! They did!” She related, He chuckles
“Honey you know that they are kids! They cannot differentiate from Fun or seriousness!” Aran said trying to justifiy their doing
“Dad! You don’t get it! They promised me to not do snowball fight in food table!” She replied a bit annoyed
“Well. I know that they are a bit naughty but that does not mean you put them into a heavy etiquette session. Especially with .. you know who!” Aran said
“Fine! Let us agree to disagree!” Maria blurted
“Well … I think i’ve got a better idea! Mother can you tell them what did they do to those who disbehave in your time?” Selviya asked her mother
“Well. They used to spank and Let us write homeowrk many many times. And there are worse punishment that i will not mention!” Maria replied
“Aside from worse punishment.. it does have a a negative impact right?” Selviya muttered.
“Are you kidding? Its leaves a destructive impact!” Maria answered
“I had a very cool idea…” Selviya devilish rubbed her hands together
“and what is it?” Aran and Maria asked
“Liu and Wang! If you misbehave again! I’m going to use Aunt Aliyaa item shears of destiny! That will take away your power!” Selviya threatens them (but not really) all of them gasps
“We will behave we will behave!” Liu and wang replied, Really scared of the threat
“Good! My children” Selviya added, she she hugged their children all.
After hours of talking to their grandparents and They eventually had dinner there and left for the Lin-Kuei clan.
But before Selviya entered her car. She saw someone shadow and she looked at it.. a Sudden realisation caught her.. its someone of their past.. a daughter…
“M-Mitsuko?” Selviya Asked unbelievably.. Mitsuko Came closer. She seems different and older. Her wings spread as they seem larger and more wider.
“Hello mother..” she replied with little emotion.
The children are watching the scene from inside their mother car..
“Mitsuko! My daughter! I missed you so much…” Selviya told, her eyes cannot stop streaming, her tears fall non-stop. Still Mitsuko did not flinch as she looks at Selviya
“What did they did to you? You seem distant! From me!” Selviya added, Still cannot control her tears yet Mitsuko coldly looks at her.
“What had to he done! Training me as an Angel Warrior!, To be a Servant of these damn Elder gods! I don’t blame you mother or my father.. my childhood was stolen from me!! I have no emotions left! No Feelings left! I’m only a Cold angel with no heart at all! A soulles servant to them .. how i hate my fate..” Mitsuko bitterly said
“I’m so sorry..” Selviya said looking at her eyes and understanding her pain.
“So mother.. you forgot about me huh? You build a family of your own.. and these children?.. there you’re biological ones huh? Unlike me!” Mitsuko Says, nearly having her mental breakdown.
“Not blood-related doesnt mean you aren’t my daughter! You are my daughter and in every passing day i think of you! How you were Stolen from my arms.. Mitsuko i love you with every fiber of my being!” Selviya confessed, Mitsuko knew that Selviya doesnt lie and she cannot do anything!
She looked at the children. They seemd a bit terrified of her. Liling opens the car doors and she hurried behind her mother. Mitsuko looks coldly at her.
“Mother.. who is she?” Liling asked
“She is your sister.. my lost lovely daughter..” Selviya replied, as she smiles through her tears. Selviya is really hesitated to hug her or not.. Mitsuko understands this and came to hug her they both hugged each other. And Mitsuko left to the skies..
“I hope i can be with you again.. perhaps in another life..” Selviya muttered to herself, she still continue crying.
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