#sam gerard
academicgangster · 1 month
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love declarations, various
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larsulrichburneracc · 3 months
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sparrowstarsandsorrow · 11 months
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"Put that gun down. Put that gun down, now!"
-The fugitive,1993. Drawing: THE GREATEST SHOWDOWNS by Scott. C
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quordleona03 · 1 year
Deputy US Marshal Barbie
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"All right, listen up, Barbies, our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is 4 miles per hour. That gives us a radius of six miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every dreamhouse, dollhouse, adventure dream camper, horse stables, farmer's market, and Barbie Malibu, in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive's name is Ken. Go get him."
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josefksays · 1 year
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foolishmortal · 1 year
honestly one of my favorite fics I've written for an excellent movie i must have seen a million times
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clairebearsparkles · 3 months
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He’s happy, even if I don’t trust it for a second
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academicgangster · 10 months
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murderandcoffee · 4 months
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pinkiepiehole · 2 years
It is the year of our lord 2022, a little over 2 months away from 2023
Supernatural has a prequel show about Sam and Dean's parents called "The Winchesters" currently running
David Tennenant is the Doctor again
Every other week Hannibal is trending for no goddamn reason
My Chemical Romance is together and touring the country
It is 2022
It is 2012
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vampyreblogger · 6 months
as a trans man i was worried that growing my hair out would make people think i was detransitioning but i just had one of the most validating interactions in my entire life
me: wow my hair's getting quite long now
my mum: yes... it's almost at sam winchester length
me: haha yes i suppose
my mum: or even... gerard way
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quordleona03 · 1 year
Friend and Stranger: Kimble/Gerard
I think I saw The Fugitive in the cinema when it first came out, 1993-1994, and enjoyed it. Back in April 2001, I'd just moved 500 miles to a new job and I was out of touch with a lot of people and I wasn't in the mood for socialising when I came home, and one evening I came home and switched on the TV and it was showing The Fugitive. I slipped a tape in the videorecorder (that's how long ago this was) and started recording the movie, because I planned to have it on in the background while I was making supper, feeding the cats, that kind of thing. I didn't plan to keep the tape. I did keep the tape. For months. I watched the movie, I watched the intensity of feeling between hunter and hunted, and I wanted to write a slash story, but throughout most of the movie, whenever they are in the same place at the same time, Kimble is running and Gerard is pursuing. The one time they're close enough to touch, standing still, and entirely alone, well "The guy did a Peter Pan right off of this dam, right here!"
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And I wrote this story. I wrote this story because I loved every moment of Gerard's pursuit of Kimble, from "Go get him!" to that ice-pack for Kimble's hands at the end.
I wanted Kimble and Gerard to meet again:
Your fugitive’s name is – Gerard smiled. “Richard,” he said, casually pausing by the seat.
Doctor Kimble’s head snapped up and he stared at Gerard. What I want out of each and every one of you is a hard target search of every hiding place in that area. Go get him. Gerard wondered what the man was hearing. Remember, opera ain’t over till the Big Dog howls. All he’d known about this man then was a bearded face in a faxed photo and an empty set of leg-irons.
Gerard’s sense of humour had, he was unregretfully aware, got him into trouble a few times. But sometimes a joke went too far. There had been a look of panic in Doctor Kimble’s eyes, and Gerard was relieved to see it transmute into a scowl.
“Sorry, sir,” Gerard murmured, passing on. He had stopped for less than a minute. He had known Doctor Richard Kimble as quarry and puzzle for only five days. He’d thought about him since, but five days was hardly long enough to insist on an acquaintance.
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One of my Things in fanfic is when a person who is accustomed to privilege, to having people listen and defer, abruptly has that privilege removed and is interacting with people on a completely different level. Richard Kimble went from being a respected, wealthy surgeon to being a captive, a felon, and a fugitive.
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“What’s more, you could not believe that you were in a situation where no one would believe a word you said. Doctor Richard Kimble.” [Gerard] gave a curious, sarcastic emphasis to Doctor. “And where’d you get that crap lawyer?” Throughout the movie, whenever Gerard speaks to Kimble, he uses "Richard" - which struck me especially in the Chicago lock-up when Gerard sees Kimble going down stairs while he is climbing the stairs in the other direction and Gerard recognises him from that one glimpse of his back view. He’d had nightmares like this – too much like this: alone and believing himself safe, someone saying Richard, and looking up to see Deputy Marshal Gerard looming over him, with that tight-lipped, arrogant grin set on his face.
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Throughout the movie we keep getting this sudden POV changes from Kimble to Gerard. I wanted to write this sequel to the movie with that same kind of effect, I wanted to transmute those intense feelings they had for each other as hunter and hunted into something more intimate and just as personal.
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I had to think of something with an emotional impact on both their lives to bring them together, given the circumstances under which they'd originally met. What I came up with melds fact and fiction, the death penalty in Illinois and the death of a canon character, and yes, they do, of course, have sex. I researched the death penalty. Because in my story Richard Kimble is opposed to the death penalty, Sam Gerard had to be for it, and therefore I wrote, coming from Gerard's mouth, a sustained and passionate defence of the death penalty, which I didn't agree with and still don't - but I knew Gerard did. The story ended. I finished it and sent it out to be beta-read and got first responses back and got home from work on a Monday night in September, looked through my notes and the beta-reader's notes and decided, all else being equal, I would start the satisfying process of editing "Friend and Stranger" the next day. The next day was Tuesday 11th September 2001 and I didn't do anything with any fanfic for quite a while. I did, eventually, finish editing "Friend and Stranger" and I even wrote a sequel, since "Friend and Stranger" ended, unavoidably in my view, not cosily but with the costly and fruitful tension of opposites.
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I messed around with Kimble and Gerard one more time purely for fun, but I still see Friend and Stranger / No Dreams, No Waking as the story I wrote from the movie, not the only story that could be written of course, but the only story I could write - and except for those kind of fannish games, I've never been tempted to write another story.
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bongwateriero · 1 year
i know this is a controversial opinion but my ideal mcr lotr au would be frodo!frank and samwise!ray
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bloodurged · 1 year
what the hell did they put into sam winchester, because I don't even do the whole "babygirl" thing, but that's my Girlfriend. yes, the seven-foot man.
edit: to avoid misimpression, I still do not do that, being girlfriend material is a different thing. there is probably a lot of overlap, but still, scientifically, it is different.
second edit: sam is girlfriend, dream is babygirl, gerard way is both. there you go.
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mattdevil · 7 months
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Childhood friends.
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