#sam is getting LAID tonight
sunvmars · 9 months
only you || s.r.
pairing: steve rogers x reader (brief platonic!nat, sam, and bucky.)
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word count: 7.1k summary: only a few weeks after a breakup, you go out for the night with the team. steve doesn’t show up, and he’s been purposefully not showing up to anything non-work related after the breakup. however, tonight you drink a little too much, and insist that steve pick you up. warnings: angst (breakup, talk of bullying, body image issues), swearing, drinking, *smutty implications.
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"I'm sorry, I just didn't know who else to call," Sam explains, his voice raised to speak louder than the blaring music.
"She keeps asking for you, and she won't go with anyone but you," Bucky adds as he and Sam lead Steve through the crowded dancefloor.
The blond sighs and shoves his phone into the pocket of his jeans. "It's alright, really, but just how drunk is she, exactly?"
Before Sam can respond, they come to a stop right in front of the team's reserved booth. Bruce had only come for all of an hour of the night, but Clint and Tony had left about thirty minutes prior to Steve's arrival, leaving your well-being in Natasha, Bucky, and Sam's hands.
Steve looks over you and Nat; you're laid down on the long, cushioned seat with your head resting on her lap. Her jacket is slung over your lower half to cover your exposed legs from your dress rising up on your thighs. You're looking up at her adoringly, reaching up to twirl strands of her hair between your fingers as you mumble about how pretty her hair is.
"That answer your question?" Sam whispers, chuckling slightly.
Another sigh falls from Steve's lips, and although his heart aches, he has to stop himself from cracking a smile. "That it does."
He steps closer to the booth, taking in the sight of you with softened eyes. Typically, you never let yourself get this drunk, not in the public eye at least. Even though it's clear you've had more than a bit too much to drink, the sight is endearing.
Nat directs her attention from you and up at the three men approaching the table instead. Her expression is one of amusement with a slight hint of relief as she looks down at you again. "Hey, look who's here, honey," she says softly to you.
You turn your head in her lap and let your hands fall back down, finally releasing her hair from your gentle grip. Your eyes land on Steve and you blink up at him before a wide, drunken smile spreads on your face.
"Steeeeve!" you exclaim in a slur, reaching your hand out for him. "You came!"
He crouches down next to the booth, hesitantly taking your hand into his. "Hey, doll. 'Course I came, I always will. Looks like you've had fun tonight, huh?"
You nod excitedly and your smile spreads into a grin. "Nat's hair is sooo pretty, did ya know that? 'S soft too, like a pillow," you ramble, your words somehow not coming out scrambled.
"I bet," Steve says, watching Nat brush your hair out of your face. "Let's get you home, yeah?"
"Your home?" you ask in a softer voice.
Right. His home.
"I don't..." Steve starts before falling into silent contemplation.
He looks up at Nat who's already looking back at him, her expression apologetic and soft. Then his eyes shift back down to you, and his heart clenches in his chest. Your eyelashes flutter as you blink at him, your eyes light up and twinkle in a way that they only do for him, and your lips part a little as you take slower breaths.
How could he say no to that?
"Sure, yeah, we'll go back to mine," he concedes gently, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.
You smile again and scramble to sit upright. Nat lays a hand on your back to help keep you balanced, Steve taking your other hand in his free one to pull you up gently. When you're sat up straight, he takes Nat's jacket off your legs and helps you tug your dress back down.
He slides your phone off the table and into his pocket before throwing your arms around his neck. You take the hint to hold on as he slides one of his arms under your legs and the other behind your back.
Effortlessly, he lifts you into his arms. You clasp your hands together behind his neck and a giggle slips out of your lips- a sound that was once music to his ears which had now become one he longed to hear again.
"G'night, Nat," you say sweetly, turning your head to look at her.
Steve's body follows the direction of your head, turning towards the table so you don't strain your neck. Her eyes meet yours and she smiles at you once more.
"Goodnight, babe. Text me tomorrow, alright?" she requests before looking up at Steve and saying, "Make sure to get some water in her, we had to trick her into drinking some by watering down her tequila."
"Will do-"
Your gasp cuts Steve off effectively, her words only just now sinking in. "That wasn't tequila?!" you exclaim, your voice coming out quieter than you realize.
The three at the table laugh a little- even Steve lets out a low chuckle of his own.
"I'll let you in on a secret," Nat starts, her voice dropping to a whisper before continuing, "It was definitely tequila, but you know these guys are no fun, so we can't tell them that."
"Ohhh, right, right. I can keep a secret- you're the world's bestest adult sitter," you reply softly.
"The best, huh?" she questions with a half smirk.
When you nod, she takes a sip of her drink, placing the glass down before saying, "I'll be expecting my plaque soon then."
"You wanna say bye to Sam and Bucky?" he asks, looking over slightly to meet your eyes.
You hum in response and he walks you over a few steps to Bucky and Sam who are sitting at the other end of the table. The pair smile at you, though it's more of an amused grin on Bucky's end, and you return the gesture.
"Bye, Bucky," you say, sleep and intoxication ridden in your voice.
Bucky chuckles and rises to his feet to ruffle your hair playfully. "Bye, doll. You get some good sleep, alright?"
Your nose scrunches at the feeling of his hand in your hair. "Always good sleep when with Stevie."
Bucky sits back down, and Sam starts to speak, "Punch it in," he instructs, raising his fist up to your level.
You oblige happily, curling your hand into a fist to the best of your ability and bumping it against his. "G'bye," you slur, nuzzling your face into the crook of Steve's neck.
"Call us if you need us," Bucky says to Steve.
"Yeah, thank you for watching over her," Steve responds appreciatively, "Goodnight, be safe getting home."
"'Night," the three say collectively, smiling at him in a way that's bordering apologetic.
Steve forces a smile before turning to walk away. He makes his way through the crowd, holding you tight and protectively against his chest.
"You can go to sleep if you want, I can tell you're sleepy," he murmurs low enough for just you to hear him.
A small whimper emits from you, making a warmth spread through his body. He looks down at you adoringly before looking back up, shifting his focus back to the rather slow journey to the exit. Although some people part to make way for who they know to be Captain America himself, most of them are too drunk to care. So, Steve focuses heavily on navigating through the maze of bodies.
When he steals a glance down at you again, you're sleeping peacefully and your head has fallen back away from his neck. You must've felt him move though, because you immediately nestle your face back into his neck, and the warmth of your breath against his skin makes him shiver. The scent of the alcohol you'd been drinking lingers, but it's mixed with the familiar fragrance of your vanilla perfume, and it creates a blend that only you could pull off.
When you reach the exit, the cold, autumn night air hits both of your faces. Steve adjusts his grip on you to make sure you're comfortable and then walks to the car he ordered that dropped him off. The driver steps out, and opens the passenger side door for the two of you, allowing Steve to slide you comfortably onto the seat.
He thanks the driver as you whine at the loss of contact. You melt sleepily into his touch when he reaches in to brush your hair behind your ear to let you know he's not leaving. The bright city lights reflect in his blue eyes, and a soft, but achy, smile plays on his lips at the sight of you. Careful not to wake you or pinch your fingers, he fastens your seatbelt, making sure you're secure before closing the car door.
He walks to the other side of the car and gets in, choosing to sit by the window instead of next to you in the middle seat. As the car starts up, he can't help but look at you and admire you. The admiration quickly turns into longing, though. He takes in every part of your face, his mind plaguing itself with the memory of just over two months ago.
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"I don't think I'm right for you."
The words flow easily from your mouth like water between open fingers. Steve looks at you, utterly confused and hurt. His jaw tightens, his eyebrows furrowing as he opens his mouth to speak, only to close it again when he can't find the words.
He gets off the couch, rising to his feet and looking at you from across the room. "You want to leave, to forget everything from the last year and a half, just because you don't think you're right for me?"
The weight of your decision and his words sit heavily on your shoulders as you slouch over, putting your face in your hands for a moment. "I... I'm no good for you, Steve, and you deserve better than me... I can't be what, or who, you need."
"What are you talking about, y/n? You're perfect to me, I wouldn't trade you for anything," he explains, trying to keep his voice soft and reassuring despite the fear and irritation building up in him. "Please, tell me what I can do to make you feel better and I'll do it, I'll do anything-"
"You can't do anything!" you finally snap, your emotions being misdirected towards him. You let the warm tears that were welling up fall freely from your eyes as you continue, "There's nothing you can do, Steven, I'm not the person you need, and I never will be. Drop it, just leave it at that, and move on."
"'Leave it at that?'" Steve repeats back in bewilderment. "We have been together for almost two years and you expect me to drop all of it just like that?"
All you can muster up in response is a quiet, "I'm sorry."
He watches you stand up and sling your purse over your shoulder. Desperately, he scrambles for the right words to say to make you stay. "Baby, please, tell me what's really going on here- this cannot be it for us, I won't let it be."
Steve takes long strides towards you only for you to back away from him. For some strange reason, that small action hurt worse than any of the words that came, or could possibly come, out of your mouth. He stops dead in his tracks, trying to search your face for any sign of changing your mind. When he doesn't find it, he bites down on his tongue to save himself more heartache from the useless begging he wants to let out.
"I'm sorry, Steve. You deserve better, and you always have," you mumble, wiping the tears off your cheeks and walking quickly to the front door.
"I love you," he says, only to receive no response other than the front door slamming shut as you walk out of it.
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“You alright back there?” the driver’s voice snaps Steve out of his thoughts. “You need heat or air? Seat warmers? Anything?”
Steve shakes his head slightly, snapping himself out of it. His hand reaches over to you, and he rests the back of his hand on your forehead. “A little heat, thanks,” he says with a smile after nothing the tinge of cold your skin has.
“Of course,” the driver says with a returned smile as he turns the heat on.
As he avigates the familiar route to Steve’s apartment, with the sleepiness Steve feels, he's thankful for the fact that there's only a minute or two remaining of the drive. And on the other hand, he’s sulking about the short time left because that’s two minutes closer to you being gone by the time he wakes up.
He turns his gaze back to you, still peacefully asleep with your head resting against the window. The soft hum of the engine provides an almost calming backdrop that yet does nothing to soothe the ache that persists. Focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest always seems to soothe him though, and it still does so now.
The car comes to a stop in front of the apartment, and Steve reaches into his wallet to pull out some cash. He pulls out his keys too, to make it easier when he gets to the door. Then he hands the cash to the driver with a grateful nod before getting out of the car and making his way to your side. Gently, he opens the door, reaching up quickly to lean your head back on the headrest.
You grumble a little, and he's quick to ease you as he unbuckles your seatbelt. "Sorry, sweetheart, but we're home now."
"Home?" you murmur, still half asleep.
He carefully lifts you into his arms once more, and you instantly cling to his jacket. "Yeah... home."
The building's lobby is quiet as he enters through the automatic doors, the night shift doorman giving him a knowing smile. Steve offers nothing but a small and short nod in return, his focus solely on your drunken state. Luckily the elevator ride is short, but every second feels like an eternity to him.
The weight of your body curled up in his arms provides a comforting familiarity. It's a familiarity he soaks up though, having not seen you outside of work during the few missions you had together. In fact, you hadn't spoken to him outside of work since you left either.
Even during missions, you were short with your comments. And when you picked up your things from his apartment, of which you were actively moving into, you did it on a day when he was gone. You'd left your key under the mat and shot him a brief text letting him know. He replied, only asking how you were doing, but he got no response back.
The elevator dings, snapping him out of his thoughts again as he steps out, taking long strides until he reaches his door. He turns to the side, bending down ever so slightly to unlock the door with his keys in the hand hooked under your legs. He twists the doorknob and pushes the door open, carrying you inside with practiced ease.
The soft glow of outside city lights filters through the open windows. Paired with the dim tv, the lights cast a cool ambiance over the living room. With a deep breath, he heads straight to his room and slowly lays you down on the bed.
The bedroom is dark except for the blue and green aurora projected on the ceiling from the starlight projector you insisted he get since his room was too 'plain.' At first, the light kept him up at night because he found it too distracting, but since you'd left, he couldn't sleep without it on. After all, it was the only piece of you that you left with him other than the few shirts and undergarments.
Steve sighs deeply, taking your heels off your feet and placing them next to the bed. He covers you with your favorite blanket from the foot of his bed, and with a heart heavier than typical, he makes his way to the kitchen to fill up a cup with water. He then carries the glass back to the bedroom and sits it on the bedside table.
He takes a moment to simply watch you as he sits on the edge of the bed next to you. The soft features of your face relaxed in sleep makes him contemplate waking you up- you were always a peaceful sleeper, and he hated disturbing those few moments of peace.
Before he can attempt to wake you, you begin to stir, your eyelashes fluttering as your eyes slowly open. You blink slowly a few times, allowing your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting, and then a sleepy smile forms on your face when you see Steve.
"Hey," he greets you softly, reaching over to offer you the glass of water from the nightstand.
"Thank you," you say.
It's obvious that you're still not sober as you take the glass and sit up too quickly, the sudden movement resulting in your head throbbing as you groan. "Ouch," you mumble, pressing the palm of your free hand against your forehead.
"You okay?"
"Think so," you reply, sitting up much slower than before.
The cool water soothes you a little as you take small sips of it. A contented sigh falls from your lips, your body appreciating the non-alcoholic beverage. You place the glass back onto its spot on the nightstand and then focus your attention back on Steve.
Your eyes reflect the projector's lights as your eyes rake over him for a few seconds. Slower than you realize, you raise your hand and brush it gently over his cheek in admiration. "You're like... like an angel, but a reaaally handsome one," you croon.
Steve chuckles, a mixture of amusement and genuine joy spreading across his features. "I'm flattered, but you're the angel here, honey," he says with a smile.
He captures your hand in his and brings it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your palm. You giggle in response, the alcohol still evident in your system, and then your happy expression fades away. You look down, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious.
"I'm sorry for, uhm, causing a fuss t'night. I never meant to ruin your night..."
The look on his face becomes one closer to sympathetic as he drops your hand, now reaching over to cup your cheek. Carefully, he forces you to look at him as he speaks. "Hey, you didn't ruin anything, alright? I'll always come when you need me, and I'm just glad you're okay."
Missing the feeling of his skin on yours all too much, you lean into his touch, letting his warmth soothe you. "Thanks for...everything."
"Anytime, truly," he replies.
There's a comfortable silence that falls between you, the weight of the obvious unspoken words lingering in the air. You look up at him, trying to keep yourself awake. Steve drops his hand and tries to memorize every detail of your face. He knows that tomorrow things will go back to how they were, and he's not sure he can stomach that.
It only takes a few more beats of silence before he breaks the said silence, his voice low and gentle. "Can we talk?" he asks, his blue eyes searching yours.
You hum for a moment, taking a slow breath before saying, "Jus' for a minute, very sleepy."
"I just... I have one question, that okay?"
Steve musters up the courage to speak, only breaking apart from your gaze for a second. "Could you maybe tell me why you left? Like why you really left?"
When your eyes flicker with hesitation and sadness, he starts to regret asking. The air feels heavier than it ever has, holding the weight of everything spoken and not yet said, but he breathes it all in. Right as he's about to tell you to not worry about it, you take a deep breath and smother your vulnerability with the knowledge that he deserves the truth. Slowly as to not give yourself another headache, you nod.
"S'like I told you, that was the truth, 'm not good enough. You look at me with so much love and admiration, and I know...I know I could never live up to what you think of me," you explain, drawing out each word a little more than you would if you were sober. "'M holding you back, always have been, and you deserve better."
His eyebrows furrow as he takes in your words, his gaze intense and sharp. "I look at you like that because of who you are, not because of who I think you should be," he says in an attempt to reassure you. He reaches out to take your hand in his as he continues, "You're always been more than enough, honey. I mean, hell, you're more than I deserve, and-"
"No, no, you don't get it!" you exclaim lowly, cutting him off and taking your hand out of his grip. "Y-you're perfect, you're America's golden boy, and 'm jus' me. I hate my body, my mind, an-and everything about me. Could never be good enough for you, Steve. As if I don't already hate myself enough, everyone says and sees how much more you deserve, except for you."
Steve's mind races and his heart tightens as he takes in your words. The obvious pain in your voice cuts through him like a scalding knife, the tears welling up in your eyes cutting him even deeper. He's now sure that nothing could measure up to the pain of hearing you talk about yourself in the complete opposite way of how he thinks of you.
Silence passes as he dwells on your words. Then it clicks.
"Who's been saying that?" he questions sternly.
You avoid his gaze like the plague, immediately breaking the eye contact you were holding. Physically, you can feel yourself shrink. Whether it's the guilt from your outburst, the shame from everything you've heard and thought about yourself, or the intensity of his gaze- you're not sure.
His jaw tightens in anger, but not directed at you. "Who, y/n?"
A deep and heavy sigh falls from your lips as your eyes dart around the room. "Phone," you say quietly, holding out your hand to him.
Steve looks at your outstretched hand, confusion covering the concern etched on his face briefly. He pauses for a moment before reaching into the pocket of his jeans and pulling out your phone. Placing it in your hand, he watches closely as you unlock it with shaky fingers. Your eyes scan over the screen, but it doesn't take long for you to find what you were looking for, and your expression tells it all.
You hesitate to hand the phone to him, but you do so anyway, lying down on the bed and curling up into yourself as soon as the phone touches his hands. And, not that you see it, but his eyes narrow as he reads over everything rapidly. You'd had it all saved in a little folder; every message, every media report, every post made about you.
He's not sure what's worse of the situation, to be honest. To know that you'd felt this way about yourself for God knows how long and not have said anything about it was painful, sure. However, the words written about you were downright cruel, analytical, and simply not true at all.
But the amount of things that were written and you had saved for you to read at your whim, only reaffirming whatever untrue things you thought about yourself? That was a different level of hurt that he could imagine hurt you hundreds of times worse than it does him.
Unable to stomach anymore, he places your phone face down on the nightstand. Silently, he scoots up on the bed to be closer, reaching out to place his hand on your cheek. You flinch at the contact at first, but his touch is gentle, a stark contrast to the words you've been subjected to.
"I'm so, so sorry, my sweet girl," he says softly, trying to force down tears of his own.
You take a shaky breath in and out, your voice barely above a low murmur. "Didn't want you to leave me, so I left first."
Steve's heart sinks at your admission, his thumb gently stroking your cheek to wipe away the stray tear that escaped your eye. He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, a gesture that's meant to offer some kind of comfort and reassurance.
"I would've never left you, and I still won't, okay? I know you care about what they say, but I don't. Nothing could ever skew my image of you, angel, you're my definition of perfect- you don't have any image to live up to in my mind," he promises with a soft-spoken tone.
You can't find it in you to respond even though you want to, all too scared of your voice failing you. Sheer pain radiates from you to the point where it's almost suffocating. While he's more than aware that no words can take back anything you've read or heard, the simple fact that he can't undo what has already been done riddles him with guilt still.
If he could, he would take all of that ache and bear it all for you.
"When did all this start?" he inquires, waiting patiently for your answer.
"I don't know..."
"I know you do, honey, you can tell me."
"Only... Only a week after we got together, got worse after I started moving in here."
"Scoot," he instructs gently, careful to control his tone with you although he feels a deep rage.
You oblige and scoot over slowly. Almost instantly, he lays down behind you, curling up so that his body molds with yours. He brushes a few pieces of your hair back before wrapping his arm around your midsection to hold you protectively against him.
"Can I ask you one more thing?" he asks, adding on, "And you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
After thinking about it for a second, you nod. He tries to find the best way to ask what he wants to ask. Deep down he wants, but somehow already knows, the answer, yet he doesn't want to make things worse. Nor does he want it to seem like the subject is the only thing he was thinking about.
"Is…is all of this, meaning what people have said and what you think about yourself- is this why we've never, you know, done anything together?" he inquires with furrowed brows from the overwhelming amount of emotions. "I'm just asking because I never thought this would be why, I thought I was doing something wrong or you just weren't ready."
Your body tenses at his question, and you have to steady your voice before answering, "Part of it. Never felt good enough, and I didn't want you to see me like that and be disappointed."
Steve frowns, sighing lowly as he presses a gentle kiss to the back of your neck. The gesture is simple, but it effectively conveys the depth of what he feels.
"I don't care how long it takes me to convince you, but I'll spend forever trying to get you to see yourself even a fraction of the way I do if I have to," he says as his thumb traces circles on your side. "You're absolutely breathtaking, angel. Fuck anyone who says you're anything other than beautiful."
A quiet giggle slips from between your lips, unable to hold contain your momentary amusement. For the first time in a while, he smiles a real, genuine smile. "You don't know how long I've missed the sound of that pretty laugh."
"You said 'fuck,'" you tease, trying to soak in the temporary joy.
He chuckles and the sounds rumbles through his chest. "Sometimes I can be a little hypocritical, especially when it comes to protecting you."
The smile you hold fades again, and you're left with nothing but the sadness and warmth of Steve's body behind yours. "Thank you," you whisper.
Steve tightens his hold around you and presses another gentle kiss to the nape of your neck. "You don't need to thank me for telling you the truth, it's what I'm here for, and I meant every word."
The two of you lay there in silence for a while. The room stays filled only with the sounds of your delicate breathing and the occasional passing of a distant car. This time, the silence isn't agonizing though. Steve's presence makes it feel comforting, and his words make your brain go mute even if just for tonight, making the weight of the world lift just a little.
"Stevie?" you murmur, breaking the silence.
"Hmm?" he responds.
Your fingers wrap around his wrist. "Don't wanna be alone t'night," you admit.
"Then you won't be," he promises softly. "Do you want me to help you out of that dress? No pressure, of course, I was just thinking it might be more comfortable for you to sleep if you changed. I think you've still got a shirt here or you could wear one of mine, and like I said I could leave if-"
"Don't think I could get out of this dress by myself right now if I wanted to, and I'd love one of your shirts."
Steve smiles at your response, relief washing over him at your comfort with him. He unwraps his arm from around you, sitting up slowly before helping you sit up. When he slides off the bed, walking over to his dresser to find a shirt, you scoot yourself slowly to the edge of the bed. Your legs dangle off the edge and your shoulders slouch as you try to keep yourself awake.
With a worn-out gray t-shirt in his hand, he walks back over to you. "Alright, sweetheart. Let me take care of you," he says.
He places the shirt on the bed and reaches behind you to unzip your dress. You allow your head to fall against his chest, trying to soak in his warmth. His movements are slow and delicate, precise too, ensuring that he doesn't cause you any discomfort.
Once the zipper is down, he leaves his hands resting on your back to help you slide off the bed. Then he slips the thin straps down your arms, allowing the dress to fall to the floor, leaving you in just your underwear.
Crystalline, icy blue eyes rake over your body for a moment as he bends down to pick up the discarded fabric. It's not a sexual ogling, and you know that; he's simply admiring you the way he has always wanted to.
Suddenly feeling bashful, you avoid his gaze. You look at anything but him or your body, opting to focus on the street lights outside the big window. He catches your slight shyness immediately and quickly tries to soothe you.
"Hey," he coos with concern written on his face, one hand resting on your waist and the other cupping your cheek, "You're perfect, angel. Are you feeling uncomfortable, do I need to step out for a minute?"
"N-no," you answer promptly and force yourself to meet his eyes. "'M jus' not used to being looked at like this."
Steve's gaze softens, clearly showing he understands the vulnerability you feel. He leans in to press a lingering kiss on your forehead. "If you let me, I'll help you get used to it- and I'll make sure you never feel unsafe or uncomfortable with me. How's that sound?"
The corners of your lips manage to quirk up into an appreciative smile. "Sounds nice, Stevie," you reply, your voice low but still audible.
Returning the same appreciative look, he picks up the t-shirt and says, "Thank you for letting me see you, and touch you, but let's get into something more comfortable for right now. You need some sleep."
You nod and raise your arms up in the air so he can slide the t-shirt onto you. It's then that you notice he'd given you the same shirt you wore the first night you ever spent the night at his place, and almost every time since then, threatening to make you cry.
The fabric is as soft against your skin as it always has been, and the scent of Steve's cologne envelops you, providing a sense of security. A warm feeling spreads through your chest at how he cares for you.
Steve takes a small step back to admire you in the shirt, and just to get another look at you. A fond smile plays on his lips as he looks you over once more. "Always has looked better on you than it does on me. Good to know it still does," he says, honesty obvious in his voice.
Again, your eyes lock with his. You search him for any sign of anything negative, coming up with nothing almost instantly. He searches you for any look or hint of discomfort, but he finds nothing other than sleepiness and adoration in your gaze.
Silence passes over the two of you like it had just mere minutes ago. The quiet environment feels even more natural and comforting than it did before, though.
He clears his throat, trying to prevent the eye contact from becoming awkward for you. "Uhm, let's get you into bed, alright?"
You step to the side so he can pull the comforter back, your hands playing with the bottom hem of the shirt. He turns to face you, and you take a wobbly step towards him, balancing yourself by placing your hands on his chest. His hand flies to your lower back to offer you more support, and you look up at him through the eyelashes of your sleepy eyes.
Slowly, tracing your way up and down his chest once, your eyes stare into him with something he'd never seen in you before. In fact, the look is so intense that it could make any man weak, he's sure of it. His eyebrows raise ever so slightly at your sudden touchiness.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asks, somehow oblivious to exactly what look it is that you're giving him.
"Mhmm," you hum, drawing out the 'hm,' with a voice laced with a soft and sleepy seduction from still being tipsy. "Y'know, 'm not thaaat tired."
"Oh? The way that you're hardly able to hold yourself up says otherwise, angel. We have all of tomorrow to talk, let me just help take care of you tonight."
A giggle slips from between your parted lips in response to his cluelessness. "S'cute when you're so sweet," you croon.
"Do you, uhm, do you need something before bed? Like an Advil maybe?"
Instead of a verbal response, you grab onto his jacket and give it a slight tug. You take a step forward, pushing him back gently to force him to sit on the bed. He looks up at you in confusion, but you don't let go of him as you slowly straddle him. With your weight being supported by your knees on the bed and his legs under you, you lean in, nuzzling your face into his neck.
"Angel, what're you-"
Your lips brush lightly under his jawline, leaving a trail of tender kisses as you gradually make your way down to under his chin.
Steve's breath hitches, and his free hand comes to rest on your waist with a delicate, but firm, grip. "O-oh," he murmurs in a sigh.
You nibble gently on his jaw. "Jus' need you," you mumble before pressing your lips to his.
He lets you kiss him, unable to resist the feeling because, well fuck, how could he?
The taste of your lips is all too familiar, and as his lips work against yours, his hands find your hips. His hold on you is secure, and it does nothing to ease the arousal building up in your stomach. You whine from the contact, and he tugs you closer, still careful to keep you steady on his lap.
His resolve weakens, and he becomes hyperaware of your vulnerable state again. So, he breaks the kiss, looking down and into your eyes.
"Y/n, I'm not sure if-" he starts, only to be interrupted by you dipping down to bite on his neck. You suck harshly on his neck as you reach down and palm him through his jeans.
A low groan emits from his chest, his voice husky when he speaks. "God, baby.”
Thoroughly enjoying the reaction he gives, you whimper against his neck. He can feel the corners of your lips turn up into a slight smile. His other hand is on the other side of your waist, gripping it firmly, as soon as you start grinding down onto his thigh. He loses himself in the moment for just a second before reminding himself of your inebriated state.
“F-Fuck,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky. “Wait, wait- stop.”
You bite down once more, whining slightly before pulling away. The sensitive spot on his neck pulses, rushing with blood from the sucking and vibration. He tenses up with a mixture of both surprise and arousal at your forwardness. Then he lets both of his hands find your hips and settle on them, his hold tightening on you.
"D-did I do somethin' wrong? Did that not feel good?" you ask with a deep frown.
"No, no. That's not it, I promise; everything you've done feels amazing," Steve reassures you, quickly shutting down your negative thoughts.
Once again, he clears his throat in an attempt to regain his composure. "Angel, you're just… not in the best state right now. I won't take advantage of you, and I don't want you doing anything you might regret," he explains as he looks down to meet your gaze.
You're staring up at him with those big puppy dog eyes that you always use as an effective method to sway him. Tonight, though, is vastly different.
"C'mon, doll. Don't look at me like that. If you still want me in a few hours, when you're sober, that is, then I am all yours," he promises, trying to bargain with you.
You stick your lower lip out a little unintentionally, giving him the cutest pout he's ever seen. "Sober..." you repeat, looking away almost in shame as you add, "Promise you'll still want me then?"
Steve tilts your chin up with his finger and forces you to lock eyes with him. "I can promise you. I've never wanted anything more in my life than I want you. And that's never going to change."
Tantalizingly, he runs his thumb across your lower lip, a small smile playing on his lips. "But, I need you to be sure that this is what you want. I want you to remember every moment, not just bits and pieces of it, and know that everything we do is your choice," he says softly.
After taking a moment to process his words, you nod in understanding- noting the sincerity in his eyes. The room fills itself with an assortment of emotions, ranging everywhere from desire, uncertainty, and just a touch of venerable fragility.
Steve brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his expression one of soft neutrality. "Alright. Let's get you tucked in," he whispers, his voice a low murmur.
You let go of his jacket after he scoots back on the bed, bringing your knee from the other side of his leg and lying down. You curl yourself into a ball, and Steve's eyes never leave you as you do so. He takes a moment to appreciate the mere sight of you back in his bed, and a wave of warmth rushes through his chest. His earlier desires are still very much present, but so is the respect for the boundaries he set for your well-being.
He gets up briefly to pull the blankets over you before sitting down in the comfy chair in the corner of the room to take his shoes off. The chair you'd begged him to get as well to fill up the empty space in the room.
After sliding the boots under the chair, he makes his way to the dresser to change into some loose-fitting sweatpants. When he's about to put a shirt on, you grumble a 'no,' that catches his attention and makes him turn to face you.
"No?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow up questioningly.
"Nuh-uh," you respond with a shake of your head.
He chuckles lightly. "Why not?"
"Warmer without it, not a bad sight either," you say softly, following it up with a yawn.
Steve smirks in appreciation of your usual playfulness. "If you insist," he concedes, deciding to forgo the shirt. He slips the shirt back into the drawer and walks back over to the bed.
He settles himself in beside you and lifts his arm up, allowing you to scoot into his side and rest your head on his chest. Happily, you hum, soaking up his warmth and focusing on his steady heartbeat. He then reaches down with his free hand to pull the blanket over himself.
"Uncomfortable?" you murmur, sleep laced in your voice.
"No, I'll be alright as long as you're comfortable."
A second passes by before you speak again. "Thank you."
"For what, angel?"
"For being so...you."
You feel Steve's chest rise and fall with a deep, contented sigh. His fingers trace slow circles on your back through your shirt. "Always," he whispers, his soft voice lulling you even closer to sleep.
The room stays wrapped in a soothing silence, the only sounds heard being the quiet breaths from both of you. As you lay there trying to sleep, you can't help but marvel at the man beside you. Everything about him is truly perfect, from his basic concern for your well-being to the way he has always taken care of you.
Your eyes begin to feel heavy, slowly shutting fully as you find yourself on the brink of slumber. Just before you succumb to sleep, you muster up the energy to mumble, "Steve?"
"Hmm?" he responds, his chest rumbling under your cheek.
"'M glad it's you."
"Wouldn't trade you for anything, sweetheart," he murmurs, placing a kiss on the top of your head. "And, for the record, I'm glad it's you too."
Steve continues to run his fingers over your back as you fall asleep. His fingers create a rhythmic pattern that mirrors the peaceful in and out of your breathing, only making your rest more soothing. He looks down at you and smiles to himself, reveling in the sheer joy of having you back, even if it's only for tonight.
Often the weight of his responsibilities feels too heavy to bear, but with you, there's a sense of solace that transcends the chaos of the outside world. Everything about you and your presence is a sanctuary. It's all a nice reminder that, after everything he does for everyone else, he's worthy of a little tranquility at the end of the day too.
Steve presses another gentle kiss into your hair before closing his eyes, savoring the sweet moment. "Goodnight, angel."
He hears your tired, softly grumbled response before he falls asleep. Though he tries not to let himself get too wrapped up in the moment, too used to your presence again, he does anyway. If there is anything he wants for the rest of his life, it's you next to him.
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@pigeonmama @rogersbarber @buckysprettybaby
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veltana · 3 days
Breaking point
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✦ Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader
✦ Word count: ~2,5k
✦ Rating: Explicit
✦ Warnings/tags: Dub-con (proceed with caution if this might trigger you), pwp, smut and a bit of fluff at the end, possessive/protective!bucky, degredation (slut, fuck doll, cum-bucket), grinding, choking, spitting, pussy slapping, fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, pet name (sweetheart).
✦ Summary: Bucky is done with you going out with losers.
✦ Note: This used to be called I will kill them if they touch you but I never liked that title so I renamed it! Also, you guys didn't know what you were voting for, but it was the banner for this story! Please reblog and comment! Asks are always welcome 💚
Masterlist | AO3
"Please don't scare this one away as you did last time," you beg and look at Bucky's reflection in the bathroom mirror. He makes a face where he's leaning against the door frame behind you and then sighs when you give him a look. "He wasn't worth shit if he didn't wanna fight for you," he points out.
Now it's your turn to sigh and you cross your arms, glaring at him. "He isn't supposed to fight for me on a first date. We're supposed to have a good time and hopefully fuck." Bucky's mouth hardens, and he looks away. He doesn’t like that, at all.
Ever since you became roommates he's been very protective of you, helping you with the smallest things, driving you everywhere you need to go, even if you can drive yourself. Sometimes it's overbearing but most of the time it's nice to have someone care for you like that.
Unfortunately, recently he's picked up a habit of intimidating the people you go on dates with. He stands behind you when they come to pick you up, and his large frame and cold stare make many of them cower. A few have turned around right away, others have asked if that's your boyfriend or something, thinking it was some type of open relationship/cuckold situation.
"Don't say shit like that," Bucky says through gritted teeth. "I don't wanna think about you fucking other people." You can't help the teasing smile that cracks your face. "Makes you jealous?" With a huff, Bucky pushes off and leaves you to continue.
Two hours later your makeup is done and your hair fixed to perfection. You sit on the couch in shorts and a t-shirt, with a glass of wine, waiting until the last minute to put on the skin-tight dress. While scrolling on your phone, Bucky sits beside you with a beer. "So where's the loser taking you?" "Don't care,” you shrug. “Honestly, my priority tonight is to get laid. The previous ones were a little too… bland. But he seems promising." "What do you mean, bland?"
Putting your phone down you look at him, "You don't wanna hear this anyway, you'll just get mad," you point out. "I don't get mad," he defends. "Pfff, you're such a liar, I can see it in your eyes whenever I mention another guy." "Because you deserve the best and all I've seen is trash."
Irritated, you put your glass down too. "Why don't you pick for me then? Who would James Bucky Barnes deem worthy of fucking me?"
The grip on his beer is so hard his knuckles whiten and his lips are a thin line. When he doesn't answer you lean back and start to count people off.
"Well, Steve seems a bit too sweet for my taste but I mean I would not mind trying a slice of that all-American beefcake," you muse. "Sam is so charming and funny! That quick tongue would probably work wonders, if you know what I mean," you wink and watch as Bucky's eye twitch, his jaw clenched hard.
"Tony," you continue. "Well, he seems a little self-absorbed but maybe he's a really selfless lover. Won't hurt to check!" "Loki is so handsome," you bite your lip. "I would surrender my body to him in a heartbeat! But I've heard that he leaves people high and dry and that would be awful."
Tilting your head, you say, "Do you think Thor and Jane would be up for a threesome? I can just imagine eating her out while he fucks me from behind and then we could-"
With a slam he puts the bottle on the table and grabs your face with his hand forcefully, silencing your tirade of words and squeezing your cheeks so that your lips pucker.
The grip is close to bruising and it's an instant pull in your lower stomach. His eyes are black with anger, something you've never seen directed at you before. "No one," he hisses. "Not one of them is fucking you, I will kill them if they touch you."
His hand releases you and grabs your neck instead. You're shocked, and instantly so horny it hurts. Opening your mouth to speak he squeezes harder, making a wheezing sound come out.
"I'll give you a chance to stop this. Tell me right now you don't want this and we'll act as if nothing happened. Otherwise, I'm fucking you into this couch until you can't remember your goddamn name." When he finishes his grip lightens. The rush of blood makes you euphoric and boneless. You want to give yourself to him, let him do whatever he wants. "Fuck me," you whisper.
The kiss is more teeth than lips and the hold around your throat hardens again. You try to keep up with him but it's impossible as he pushes his tongue into your mouth, claiming every inch, making you lightheaded with the lack of oxygen. You gasp for air as he pulls away, releasing you. His gaze is brimming with lust and want now, all signs of anger gone. Then he pushes you down onto the couch.
"You're a kinky little slut, aren't you sweetheart?" he mocks and leans in over you, spreading your legs with his. All you can do is nod and try to wiggle close so you can press your center against his clothed cock. It's clearly outlined in his sweatpants and you hope it's as big as it seems. "If I put my hand down your pants, are you gonna be wet for me?" "Yes Bucky," you whine.
The throbbing is almost unbearable and his smirk is downright sinful. "Come on, rub yourself on me, show me how much you want it." With another whine, you brace yourself against the couch and lift your hips. He doesn't move a muscle to help as you struggle to find the right position.
"That's disappointing," Bucky smacks his lips and frowns. "Thought you wanted this." "I do Bucky, I do, please I'm trying," you tell him desperately. With effort, you get into a good enough position to grind your cunt on his cock through the layers of clothing. It's not nearly enough to curb the ache.
"Useless," Bucky sighs and grabs your legs. "Do I have to do everything?" He pushes your knees up towards your chest, folding you in half and pushing his cock right into your core.
"Sorry," you moan. His mean words have only made you needier and you move yourself against him with abandon. Bucky is motionless above you, not making a sound or saying a word, just staring at you chasing your high. Your movements turn unsteady when you start to come close.
If you were of sound mind you would notice the glint in his eyes but instead, you’re barreling towards your climax. Until he suddenly moves away.
Gawking you stare at him and he just smiles wickedly in return. "Take off your clothes, spread your legs" he instructs and you quickly pull your pants off and discard your t-shirt and underwear, spreading your legs as best you can on the couch. Bucky takes in your bare body, moving his hands slowly down your thighs until his palms frame your pussy.
"Fucking shaved for him too,” he notes with a snarl. You're not sure why that upset him. "Sorry!" you say, just to be safe.
"I don't need your hair curled, your make-up done or your whole body shaved. I will fuck you anyway, sweetheart, no matter what you look like because you belong to me," he growls before he spits on your cunt, sending a rush through you, making you moan and spread your legs even more.
For the first time, he touches you properly, letting his fingers spread the spit all over your pussy before shoving two of them into your soaked core. He pistons them in and out, putting his thumb against your clit and making colors burst before you.
"You want to come on my fingers, you fucking slut?" When you nod frantically he instructs, "Open your mouth, stick out your tongue." A second after you do spit lands on your tongue and droplets on your face. It nearly tips you over.
"Swallow it," he orders and watches you as you do, some form of approval shining in his eyes for the first time. "Who do you belong to?"
The question is too complicated to understand, you can't focus on what he wants. "I don't…" is all that comes out.
"Wrong answer," he says and removes his fingers, making you shout in disappointment. Sharp slaps land on your wet cunt and you instinctively try to move away from it, but he grabs your legs, pulling you back. "Don't you fucking run from me."
"I'm sorry," you cry, looking pleadingly at him. "I'm- I'm yours James, yours to do what you want with. Please, please, please let me come!"
With a huff he pushes his fingers back in, pressing the tips into your g-spot and getting his thumb back on your clit. His unbothered state makes you feel so small and insignificant, heightening the pleasure coursing through you.
As it climbs, your body shakes, your legs trembling from being held open. "I'm- I'm- don't stop!" you beg. Closing your eyes you focus on the feeling of him, his other hand still gripping your thigh hard. You hope it bruises.
"I can feel you, slut!" Bucky's voice is the cherry on top of everything. "Come on my fingers, do it, come for me!" he commands and of course, you do as he wants. With a scream you convulse, almost pushing him out with the sensation flooding you. Bucky is talking above you but you're not sure what he's saying because all you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears.
A hard tap against your cheek makes you open your eyes. "Don't pass out on me, I'm not done with you yet." "Wouldn't dream of it," you smile dumbly, and it earns you a smile in return. But it quickly passes as he pulls off his tank top and pushes down his pants. The cock is just as big as you hoped.
He rubs the head against your soaked center, sending overwhelming sparks through you, making you twitch. When he notches the head of his dick at your opening your blood freezes. "C-condom?" you stutter.
Cocking his head he asks. "Do you really want that? Doesn't a slut like you want to be filled up with cum?" "Y-yes, but, Bucky…" you gnaw your lip.
"I want to fuck my little cum-bucket raw, make sure you feel me running out of you for days," he gives a light thrust, almost pushing inside, giving you a taste of heaven. For a second you look at each other and Bucky presses in just a little bit more. It decides it for you. "Please fill me with your cum Bucky, I need it so bad!" you whine and he chuckles before shoving his fat cock into you without mercy.
Quickly you wrap your legs around his hips, meeting his hard thrusts that are sending your body into overdrive. "Feel so fucking good sweetheart, your cunt was made for me, wasn't it?" he groans. "Yes it was," you answer breathlessly.
He grabs your face. "Those other losers are never going to satisfy you." "No, Bucky, only you!" "That's right, you're my fuckdoll now, sweetheart," he says before he leans down to kiss you. It's much sweeter this time and you grab his head, carding your fingers through his hair, feeling your chest fill with another type of warmth.
When he pulls back he says, "Beg me not to come in you." Your cunt clenches and your second orgasm is suddenly a lot closer. "Bucky, please don't… I can't get pregnant," you make your voice small and frail.
In response his laugh is cruel. "Yes you will, your purpose in life is to be bred. I'm going to cum in you every day til it sticks and then everyone will know who you belong to." "Please, pull out," you beg and reach down to rub your clit, feeling the climax shimmering underneath your skin.
"Such a bad liar, sweetheart," he chuckles. "Are you going to come on my cock? Are you gonna claim me just as I claim you?" "Yes! I just need- harder!" you pant. "Fucking hell," Bucky grunts and does as you demand.
The climax rips through you with little regard for your sanity. The sound leaving your throat makes it raw and a second later Bucky moans your name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. It's almost good enough to feel him finish inside you that you come again, but you’re too spent to do more than shudder.
Then he kisses you again, sweetly, caringly, and pushes his arms in under your body to hug you close to him. "So perfect," he whispers against your mouth. The cums start to trickle out onto the couch but neither of you care, too caught up in each other's lips.
"How are you doing sweetheart?" he asks when he comes up for a breath. "I feel a little high," you confess. "Haven't been fucked that good in a long time."
There is something in his gaze that shifts and he leans his forehead against yours. "I'm sorry. I just… I couldn't take it anymore… I like you so much." "Lucky for you I get off on that stuff," you smile. "And if I had said stop I trust you would have."
He hugs you so hard you can hardly breathe. "Of course, I fucking would." "You can make it up to me by going tender the next time," you smile. "Next time?" "As many times as you’ll have me." He laughs into your skin. "I don't think you're ready for that!"
Suddenly the sound of the doorbell jerks the two of you apart. You stare at Bucky with wide eyes. "My date," you whisper, horrified.
With a smirk, he raises himself on his arms. "I should make you go on that date with my cum running out of you, maybe even let him get as far as spreading your legs just to see that you’re already claimed."
With a groan, you cover your face with your hands. "Don't tempt me," you tell him before wiggling out from under him, finding your clothes, and hastily pulling them on.
Opening the door just a crack, you understand you look a mess by the way your date eyes you. "Sorry," your voice is small. "I wasn't feeling great and then I fell asleep on the couch." "Yeah, you look terrible," the guy notes before handing you one of the ugliest bouquets you've ever seen. Quickly stepping away he says, "I'll call you." but you know he won't. "Great, I'll see you around," you respond before closing the door.
Bucky takes the flowers from you and shoves them in the trash before grabbing you around the waist and kissing you again. "Didn't you say he was promising?" "I have no clue what you're talking about," you answer with a completely straight face but then start to giggle as he swoops you up and carries you to his bedroom.
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samsno1 · 9 months
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
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hi, heres what i promised to the dean girls! i don't know what to say, this is long and i don't know if the smut is good enough, might edit later, also, dean in this red jacket is my favorite
Summary: It had been a while since you got some and at night of celebrating a successful hunt you expected to finally, after a long time, get laid
Warnings: SMUT, piv, unprotected sex (wrap it up), finger sucking, jealousy (? if you squint), oral f. recieving, fingering, dean is so in love ohmygod, english is not my first language, not proof read (if i forgot anything let me know)
Read it on AO3
WC: 4.7k
You can learn how to change Y/N for your actual name here
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It was difficult for you to find anyone willing to spend the night with you in the current settings of your life, having to lie about what you do, who you are…Basically create a whole new personality just to be able to bring someone to your motel room. In that sense, it was frustrating, both sexually and mentally to be put in this scenery but, either way, saving lives was more important than getting laid, even if you were thoroughly stressed beyond comparison by your inability to find a guy (or girl). 
You, Sam and Dean had gone to California for what you discovered, after great questioning and piles of research, was a simple salt ‘n burn of a poor ghost of a roadkill and was haunting that particular highway and crashing trucks of drivers who were mildly intoxicated behind the wheel.
After finding out where the bones were buried you went to the cemetery and started digging up the grave. Shovel after shovel of dirt fell behind you while you panted in exhaustion until you hit something hard at the bottom of the hole you dug up.
You harshly broke the wooden casket, revealing the remains of the ghost and a putrid smell hit your nose like everytime it happened when you had a salt ‘n burn. You scrunched up your nose and threw the shovel on the ground beside you, reaching with a hand towards Dean for him to help you get out of the hole.
“There it is.” You say proudly as you stare down at the decomposed body being covered with salt by Sam while Dean reaches for the alcohol in the bag and the lighter in his pocket.
You three watch as the bones light up in an orange fire, burning away what’s tying the poor soul to this world, the heat radiating in your skin. After some time you bump your shoulder with Dean’s, making him look at you.
“Let’s go, I need a shower so we can go out and celebrate” You say with a grin as you turn back to walk towards the Impala and Dean follows suit along with Sam, the fire slowly extinguishing itself behind you.
You opened the door to the backseat, the creaking of the hinges echoing through the night, getting inside and closing the door with a thud. Dean and Sam sat in their designed seats at the driver and shotgun, respectively, and you drove into the night towards the motel.  
“I saw a bar not far from where we are staying” Dean said and you hummed and Sam nodded. “You two might have to come back alone, you know” He suggested with a smirk and Sam scrunched his nose and let out an amused huff and you chuckled dryly, a weird nausea bubbling in your stomach.
Deep down you wished Dean could see you the way he sees the bartenders and strippers in bars or clubs you three often go to. You didn’t know if he thought you were too rough, too scarred, both mentally and physically. You usually dressed up nice, using makeup from time to time when you noticed your eyebags were getting darker or when your lips looked too pale. You also tried your best with clothing, well, the best someone could do when you were a hunter. Either way, you never looked like those girls, they were absolutely stunning, even for you, and you couldn’t compete with them.
You shook your head. You were probably thinking these things because it had been some time since you last got laid. Tonight was your night, you were feeling it, you were taking someone to your room.
Dean turned the car off after parking and you got out, going to the trunk to get your bag.
“You guys meet me in my room? I’ll most likely take longer to get ready” You said with a grin and the boys nodded. You took out the keys to your room and got in, throwing your bag over your bed and going to another bag you had in your room, where you kept your “fancy” clothes and makeup.
You took out a beautiful black dress with long sleeves that ended in your mid thighs. It was a dress you thrifted when you went on a hunt alone a while ago and never had the opportunity to use it. When you tried it on, though, it hugged your curves in all the right places, made your body look amazing and you felt as confident as one could feel.
You left the dress over the bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, smiling to yourself. You took your time, washed your hair thoroughly and finished it off in the usual way. In the hunting life you often get your hair very dirty almost everyday with blood, dirt, ectoplasm…you name it. So, keeping it lucious and healthy was a process that you grew fond of doing to recollect some of that normalcy that hunting didn’t give you.
You came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body and picked up an underwear set that was, well, sensual to say the least and dropped the towel to the ground to put it on, the dress going over it, careful not to mess up your hair in the process.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and whistled in surprise at your own appearance, you looked good. Time for makeup.
You didn’t do much, a simple concealer, contour and blush with mascara and a smokey eye was enough to drop any man to the ground.
You decided to put shoes on because, first, if you really had to walk back, heels weren’t helpful, second, you didn’t have your heels with you at the moment.
While you were finishing up you heard a knock on your door. You opened it and there they were, Sam and Dean, practically on the same looks, just cleaner, waiting for you.
They both eyed you up and down, drinking your appearance in, Dean dropping his jaw slightly as he stared at your exposed thighs. Sam let out an impressed sigh and cleared his throat.
“Wow Y/N you look…amazing” He said and you smiled, looking down, feeling a tad bit embarrassed.
“Yeah…” Dean agrees, half on earth, half in his head trying to get rid of the thoughts of those beautiful legs wrapped around his neck while his nose deep into your–
“Well, thank you, I hope it isn’t too much.” You said.
“No, n–no, ha, it’s not, at all,” Dean said to quickly, finally grasping the courage to look into your eyes, the beautiful colors drowning him and your shy smile making him want to smash his lips to yours that moment. He cleared his throat. “Shall we go?” He offered.
“Yes, let me just get my phone” You said and went inside for a couple seconds, coming out with it and your wallet. “C’mon!”
You passed through them and went towards the car. Sam elbowed Dean to make him turn to him.
“You are staring at her like she’s a cheeseburger and you haven’t eaten in days, man” Sam teased and Dean frowned at him “You were practically drooling”
“I–I was not, okay? She just looks…pretty, that's all” Dean said, ignoring Sam’s ‘Yeah, right’ and going to the driver's seat in the Impala, you already sat down in the backseat. After Sam got in you all went to the bar and you felt particularly excited this time.
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“Okay, every single one who tried to flirt with me was a disaster” You said, coming back to the table with a sigh, Sam and Dean almost laughing at you as you handed them their beers. “Seriously, who do I have to kill to get laid in this shit”
You took a swig of your beer and looked around once more, trying to find a decent man for you to take back tonight when you eyed a handsome black haired guy a few feet away. You smiled to yourself and got up from your seat.
When you walked up to him you didn’t see it but Dean was fuming with jealousy, this feeling bubbling up inside him that made his fists unconsciously clench over the table. He tried flirting with other women that night, chatting them up like he usually did but it all went down the drain the moment his eyes darted to you again, a guy practically snuggling up to you while you gently pushed him away and refused his advances, either not finding him attractive or just not feeling a spark.
He should be the one you looked at, he knew everything about you, how you liked your coffee, your favorite drinks, the faint lines that would appear around your lips when you smiled, the way your eyes lit up when you were talking about something you enjoyed. He knows you.
Sam noticed his brother’s demeanor and called out to him to snap him out of his jealous haze. Dean turned his eyes to Sam and he had this stupid smirk on his face, sipping the beer once again to hide his amused smile.
“What?” Dean snapped, his hand wrapping around the bottle, the cool glass doing nothing to ease his temper down, his knee going up and down under the table with nervousness.
“Nothin’” Sam answered and finished his beer, getting up and leaving a couple dollars, enough to pay for the beers he drank. “I’m going back, y’know, tired. Tell Y/N”
Dean nodded, he didn’t know if Sam meant for him to tell you that Sam went back or that you’ve been in his dreams for months now, not all of them cute and fluffy, some made him wake up with a hard-on, sweating and longing for you.
He looked in your direction and you were coming back with an annoyed face, arms crossed in front of you, feet stomping the ground. Dean made a confused face and when you got back to the table you sat down on the chair with a scoff, his eyes never leaving you.
“He has a girlfriend” You murmured and then realized you were one man short “Where’s Sam?”
“He called in, tired” Dean said and you hummed. He had a weird look on his face, something you couldn’t make out what was. You sighed and looked down.
“I think we should go too, this night was disappointing to me” You breathed out a laugh “I’m impressed you didn’t find anyone, I saw some girls eyeing you”
“Nah, I’m fine,” He said and finished his beer. You widened your eyes at him but didn’t say anything, just nodding hesitantly in shock. “Let 's go?”
He said getting up and you mirrored him, pulling your dress down a bit, Dean’s eyes on you all the time. He bit his lower lip and mentally told himself to cool it.
As you two walked towards the car you couldn’t help but look at him up and down, silently appreciating his figure. His strong jawline, his green eyes now dark thanks to the night, his slightly crooked nose that made him look unique.
When you got into the car, in silence, you drove back to the motel and you felt an unmistakable tension in the air and you were worried you might’ve done something to upset the man. You started to fidget with your fingers over your lap, the street lights going past the car through the window as Dean sped up through the pavement.
His hands gripped the wheel, holding back the urge to pounce on you right there and then. When he parked the car and reached for the door handle you held his wrist.
“Wait! Dean, is something the matter?” You asked, big eyes looking into his as he looked at you, noticing the trouble behind those beautiful orbs. He wanted to punch himself in the gut for making you feel bad. “What happened?”
“Nothing it’s just…” He trailed off and looked at your hand wrapping his wrist. His other hand enveloped over it and your skin flared up with goosebumps. He felt warm, rough, his strong grip comforting. You took your hand away from his wrist, allowing his hand to wrap over your and pull you into him.
You yelped and was about to question him when you felt his plump lips against yours, his other hand hesitantly holding your cheek and you melted. It took you a while to process what was happening. Dean Winchester is kissing you. Though, when you did, your free hand went to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.
Everything felt like a fever dream and you were afraid that if you pulled away you’d wake up and Dean would be gone. His lips had a taste of beer lingering from the night out, they were full and smooth. You felt like you were drowning in this feeling until Dean pulled away, seeking a breath of air.
You looked between his eyes, your breaths molding into each other from the closeness. You moved the hand he was holding up his chest, to his shoulder, up to his cheek, his eyes closing and his head snuggling against your hand, his fingers fidgeting around your wrist.
He opened his eyes, a thousand feelings swimming behind his green orbs as you both communicate in silence, an agreement, a revelation. You smiled and pulled him in again, this time with no hesitation. His hand went down your arm slowly, your skin warming up where his hand passed by, and settled by your waist, pulling you closer. His tongue teased your bottom lip and you eagerly opened your mouth with a low moan.
At that, he smirked into the kiss and pulled you over his lap, the steering wheel digging into your back, his hands both placed at your hips as you unconsciously rocked against him. He let go of your mouth again and you stared down at him.
“I wanted to do this so bad” He whispered and you smiled, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck mindlessly. He placed a loving kiss at your jaw and pulled away again while you hummed, content.
When you looked at his face again there was a frown and he was avoiding your eyes. You grabbed both his cheeks and made him look at you.
“What was that thought, hm?” You ask lightly as to not push him away. You didn’t want this to end, not ever. He seemed nervous.
“What does this mean to you?” He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. “To me, Y/N,” he continued, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs “you’re everything, I mean, you– you’re perfect. You’ve seen everything I’ve done and never let me down, you’re beautiful and so much more. If to you I’m just a way to get off then–”
You cut him off with a peck on his lips.
“Stop. Right there.” You started, looking deep into his eyes. “Dean I– you are everything I’ve ever wanted, needed. You mean more to me than words can describe, you’re not just a one night stand, you’re my dream”
When you finished, he didn’t waste a second to wrap a hand behind your neck and steal your lips again, his mouth addicting. There was so much passion, feeling and desire pumping through your veins.
Your dress was high on your thighs and one of his hands squeezed the flesh hungrily, making you groan in his mouth. He went further with his hand, his thumb caressing over your covered sex and you opened your mouth in a whimper.
Dean attacked your neck with kisses and hickeys, his teeth leaving a pattern over your skin as his hand ghosts over where you need him the most.
“Dean…” You say, a beg behind your words and he pulls away, both his hand and his mouth, making you shiver from the lack of contact and the cool feeling his saliva left behind over your neck.
“Sweetheart, as much as I’d like to have you in the car,” He said, his voice rough and deeper with lust, his pupils wide as he opened the door, a cool breeze coming in that did little to nothing to cool your skin off. “you deserve a bed, another time” He finished, leaving an open mouthed kiss under your ear.
Another time. You nodded, words failing you as you stepped out of the car, adjusting your dress and hair the best you could to seem decent. Dean stood up behind you and let a hand linger on your waist, eager to touch you at all times and all ways.
You both walked towards the door of your room, Dean’s fingers tightening on your skin the longer it took for you to get the door open. The moment you were able to open it, he pushed both of you in, turning you around and pinning you to the door inside, closing it with a loud noise behind your back and his lips were on your again, his hands roaming over every inch of your skin.
You yelped in shock but soon reciprocated the touches and kisses, your fingers wrapping around his jacket and pulling it off, his hands momentarily leaving you to drop it to the ground. When his hands came back he grabbed both your legs and lifted you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips for support, his fingers digging into your skin yet again.
Your hands pulled on his hair, your tongues battling in a messy kiss when you feel your body move to the bed, your body being gently placed over it.
Dean pulled away, standing up fully and you took him in with a bite of your lip. He unbuttoned his flannel, slowly and you lifted your dress over your hips, lifting them off the bed to help, revealing your panties and over your head to take it off completely and throwing the fabric away.
Dean’s breathing got heavier, the confine of his pants bothering him as he finally discards the flannel, torso naked to you. You drink his defined physique with hooded eyes and he smirks down at you, his head going close to the waistband of your panties, eyes never leaving yours as he leaves kisses from your hips to your stomach to the valley of your breasts until he came face to face with you again, a smile lingering in his lips making one of your own appear on yours.
Your hands grab at his cheeks and pull him in again as he holds you by your waist, pulling your near naked torso into his. His fingers ghost over every inch of new exposed skin as if he was memorizing every atom of your being like you were going to disappear.
Your hands start to explore over his chest, the strong muscles flexing against your palms, your nails scratching at his wide back and shoulders.
His hands travel behind your back to unclasp your bra and you let him, letting the undergarment go loose against your breasts and Dean takes it off. He drinks the view in, staring and you start to feel self-conscious and take your hands to cover yourself up. Dean catches onto that and kisses you again, one big hand grabbing at your right breast and you whimper in his mouth.
“I always knew you were beautiful” He whispers against your lips and pulls back to look at you again “But you are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid eyes on”
This time you turned away from him with a stupid smile on your face.
“Says you” You say and turn to him again, your hands over his shoulders and moving towards his back “Your back is a perfect place for my nails to dig in” You whisper seductively on his ear and leave a hickey on his neck. He groans and lowers his head to wrap his mouth around one of your nipples, the warm feeling against the sensitive nub making you arch your back into him and your fingers to tangle in his hair.
“Dean, fuck–” You moan as he gently bites your nipple and moves to the other breast, his eyes looking at you from below and drinking in your noises.
One of his hands sneaked up your inner thigh and teased your clit over your panties and you shivered, a smirk on his lips against your breast. He slowly took your panties off, discarding them on the ground and now you were completely bare below him, vulnerable.
His middle finger pressed over your clit and you arched again.
“Dean, please…” You beg, your best attempt at puppy dog eyes looking down at him and he adds his ring finger, starting to do slow circles over the sensitive nub as he kisses up your neck, your noises of pleasure egging him on.
He lowers his fingers to your entrance and he slips both in with no restraint given your wetness, the feeling making you let out a moan and grab onto his shoulders as he hooks his fingers inside you, touching that special spot.
He smirks smugly and continues his ministrations, your pussy clenching and tightening around his fingers making him groan.
“You’re so wet” He mumbles “I wonder how you taste like” He gives your nose a peck, your mind too drowned in pleasure to respond to his words. He kisses down your body, his fingers never leaving you, until he's facing your cunt. He places both your legs over his shoulders, your thighs resting around his cheeks, the light stubble leaving a tingly feeling behind.
He leaves a lingering kiss over your clit and you buck your hips, looking for more friction. He teases a bit more, biting and sucking at your inner thighs, everywhere but where you needed his mouth to be. You took charge and grabbed at his hair, pulling his face closer and he complied.
“Oh, fuck!” You groan.
His tongue licked at your sex and your loud moans echoed through the walls, the warm muscle doing wonders against you and the mix of his fingers bringing you closer and closer to the edge, your eyes fluttering close in bliss.
“Dean, God” You moan as he squeezes your thigh. All the ministrations send shivers down your spine, your core tightening inside you, that familiar rush of warmth spreading through you. Your thighs try to close, forgetting Dean’s in between and he hums against your cunt, the vibrations making you feel like you were in heaven. “I’m cumming”
“Cum for me princess” He mumbles and you let go with a chant of his name. The feeling washes over you, making you feel lighter for a couple seconds, Dean helping you ride out your orgasm. When the stimulation becomes too much and you whine and squirm away, he gets up from his knees, chin glistening in your juices. He took his fingers out, a grunt scaping your throat at the emptiness. It was a sinful sight.
He crawled over you again, his middle and index finger teasing at your bottom lip.
“Open up” He said, voice deep and demanding and you obeyed, opening your mouth and letting his fingers in. You lick your juices clean off his fingers, never breaking eye contact, humming and moaning against his digits as Dean bites his lips with force. Your hand travels down to unbuckle his belt and he takes his fingers away from your mouth to kiss you.
Once you got the belt open, Dean backed away, taking his shoes off and unzipping his pants. Meanwhile, you drank in his appearance. His hair was a mess, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin, his arms flexing as he lowered his pants along with his boxers. He was divine.
When he dropped the jeans his eyes drifted back to you, catching you staring and he smirks.
“See something you like?” He asks, closing the gap between you again, smashing your lips to his in yet another breathtaking kiss.
He completely lies you down on the mattress, his elbows supporting his weight over you as his cock bumps against your sensitive sex and you gasp, hand gripping the back of his neck.
“Fuck me” You say, bluntly and whiny but he gets the hint and aligns his member to your hole.
“Yes Ma’am” He says and starts to insert himself inside you, an immediate groan coming out of both your throats, his forehead dropping to the nape of your neck as his fingers dug into your hips, holding himself back to not slam into you at full force. You felt amazing around him, the warmth of your walls made him never want to go away.
“Oh my God” You moan as he slowly goes deeper, his cock throbbing inside you. Once he bottomed out you were breathing heavier than ever, pupils blown and nails teasing at his back. “Dean” 
“I’m right here sweetheart” He reassured you and left kisses over your shoulder to distract you. You grinned at his sweetness and rolled your hips against his, a sign that he could move.
“Move, please, I want to feel you” You mumbled and he obliged, instant pleasure going through your body.
“God, Y/N” He moaned close to your ear as he went faster, your moans getting louder.
He smashed his hips against yours, eyeing the way it went in and out, being deliciously consumed by your cunt, glistening with your slick and cum. He stared at you, your fucked out state, the way you were a moaning, whimpering mess beneath him and he felt proud to be the reason you were like this.
You felt every inch ripping your insides, Dean’s hands roaming through your body as his lips left bite marks and kisses around your skin. His lips wrapped around your nipple and everything just added more to the pleasure when his tongue circled around your nipple.
“You’re so pretty” He groaned after pulling away from your breasts and felt that familiar feeling go through him as your pussy clenched tighter around his cock. He was close and he knew you were too. His hands traveled both down to your lower body, one pressed over the skin under your belly button and the other circled your clit messly.
When he pressed down over your lower belly you felt him impossibly deeper and grabbed at the sheets underneath you to ground yourself to reality.
“Jesus– Fuck Dean, please!” You moaned incoherently as that bubble inside you was about to pop “I’m gonna cum, baby, please” You moaned again and you knew he was close to, his hips stuttering and losing rhythm.
“Cum with me Y/N” He said and not even seconds later you unraveled beneath him, your high hitting you like a bus, a loud moan rippling through your throat and Dean pulled out, cumming over your stomach, his chest heaving with his breaths.
Dean forced himself to get up and get a wet towel to clean you up in the bathroom, coming back and gently wiping away the fluids. You were spent and at the same time as happy as you could ever be.
You adjusted yourself in the bed while you waited for Dean to come back from the bathroom after discarding the towel, his naked shadow visible thanks to the light inside. When he walked out he smiled at you and snuggled beside you, tucking your head under his chin and wrapping an arm around your waist.
You were both silent for a while until he spoke up. 
“I love you so much” He said “And no, this is not post sex haze, I’ve loved you for so long” He admitted quietly above you and you felt your heart beating ten times faster at his words. You looked up at him and placed a gentle hand over his cheek to make him look down at you.
“I love you too, dumbass” You say with a chuckle and kiss him deeply again, pouring all the love you knew you felt towards him into the kiss.
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A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing, feedback makes those writings better. Thank you for reading, Xoxo.
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t1red-twilight · 21 days
content/warnings: gn!reader, fluff, cursing(?)
summary: literally just sleepy fluff. like no plot, just snuggles lmao
word count: 1k
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“dean?” you called out. “are you here, honey?” you had just returned from doing god knows what. dean had stayed behind, insisting that some “dean time” would do him some good (whatever that meant).
you closed the door behind you. you, dean, and sam were currently laying low. despite this, sam went to meet up with some friends that were nearby. (dean quickly noted that he thought that sam had no friends. sam didn’t think that that very was funny.)
you noted that the shower was running. so that’s what dean was doing. you removed your outerwear and sat down on the edge of the bed that you and dean were sharing. the room was cold, but not too brisk.
just as you were laying down, you heard the shower stop. it was a few minutes before dean stepped out; he had a towel draped dangerously low on his waist. his face lit up when he saw you.
“hey! when’d you get in?” he asked, stepping closer to you. a couple of strands of hair were stuck to his forehead with the moisture from his shower.
you saying one of your legs over the other. you looked up at him just as he ran his hand through his hair. “are you going to get in bed soon?” you questioned.
he raised one eyebrow. “yeah. you going to get your dirty ass jeans off of our bed?” he teased.
you held up your hands in faux defeat. “okay, okay. fair.” you swung your legs over the side of the bed and sauntered over to the dresser, where yours and dean’s clothes were residing.
you heard dean follow behind you. as you opened the top drawer to get your pajamas out, you felt dean wrap his arms around your waist and place his chin atop your shoulder. “would ya get out mine?” his voice was lowered to a mumble. out of the corner of your eye you could see his long lashes; his eyes fluttered closed for a moment while he inhaled.
“what do you say?” you asked quietly. teasing dean over his gruff attitude never got old.
he finally let out his exhale. “please,” he whispered. you reached into the drawer and pulled out dean’s plaid pajama pants after you grabbed your own sleepwear.
once you and dean had changed, he immediately attached himself to you again. as he walked you over to the bed, his hand slid up your shirt and onto your love handles. he stroked the skin of your hip with his thumb. the calluses on his hands were something you had gotten used to. hell, by this point you welcomed them.
you leaned forward (taking dean’s dense form with you), and pulled back the sheets. you heard him grunt in annoyance as you pulled away from him to get in bed.
as soon as you mirrored your actions from before and laid down again, you patted your chest silently proposing that dean should lay down. he instantly abided. dean all but flopped on top of your chest, his arms finding your waist for the third time tonight.
your arms wrapped around him, partially in an embrace, but also to pull the sheets and duvet over dean’s back. once you finally settled, dean minutely nuzzled his head into your chest; his hair pretty much was dry at this point. one of your hands stayed on his back, while the other trailed up and ran your fingers through his hair lazily.
you felt the air of dean’s exhale against your skin of your shoulder. one of his legs was settled between yours, and the other was slightly wrapped around one of your calves.
if the room hadn’t been so cold, dean’s overwhelming warmth would have been too much. however, you felt perfectly content. maybe he had set the ac to be chillier before you returned. he had, in the past, admitted to making rooms colder so he could hold you closer (you told him that you’d stay close to him no matter what, but you guessed that didn’t change things. dean was a creature of habit, after all.)
“how was ‘dean time?’” you mumbled. you looked down, and saw that his eyes were closed. you tried not to be distracted be the mesmerizing scent of dean’s aftershave.
there was a moment’s pause before he answered. “eh, it was alright. i just kinda waited until you came home.”
you snorted. “i was only gone for an hour. you miss me that much?”
“i always miss you,” he said as he moved his head and kissed your shoulder softly. you responded by returning the action and kissing his forehead. your hands slowed to a halt and just settled against his head.
dean took a deep breath. god, you loved this. he loved when it was just the two of you, and he could be as clingy as he wanted.
you broke the silence. “what time should we get up tomorrow?” you opened your eyes and looked down at dean’s relaxed face. the freckles that littered his face were more visible from this angle. it was so odd to see him this relaxed sometimes. someday, hopefully, you’d get more used to it.
if it was even possible, his voice lowered in volume even more. “i don’t really care. let’s sleep in, maybe?”
“that sounds good to me. maybe we should get denny’s or ihop or something? i saw one down the road while i was out.” you closed your eyes and melted into to sheets. the line between your body and dean’s was so blurred that you couldn’t tell where he stopped and you began.
“i’m down.” perhaps dean wouldn’t even remember this in the morning; he never really did when you had conversations when he was this tired. all you did in response was kiss his head again, and let the soft sounds of the cars driving by outside resonate through the room.
soon, you heard his soft snores fill the silence. you didn’t have the nerve or the energy to move and turn the lights off; dean was too peaceful and you were too tired. sam would have to do that when he got back.
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outsideratheart · 6 months
A Night To Forget (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: What a shit show that game was. What were they doing? They do know it was a must win in the title race right?
The tackle in this fic was based off this video.
Leah knew that she played a big part in Arsenal’s shocking performance. Never did she think she would let her frustrations take over in the way that they did. 
You were having a near perfect game with scoring the opener and assisting the other two goals. Arsenal were playing into your hands and they were making it easy for you to dance around the pitch. 
It was near the end of the game when the away team was beginning to get sloppy with their tackles. 
Erin had played you a lovely through ball and you were off. You saw Leah running at you but even she knew she wouldn’t be able to match your pace if you got free. It’s what lead her to doing what she did. 
As she stuck her foot in she missed the ball completely and her studs connected with the inside of your knee. You were on the floor in agony within seconds. 
“What was that!” Erin shoves Leah backwards, far away from you. 
“I didn’t—it was an accident” 
“Bullshit” the Scottish woman was furious. 
Meanwhile you laid on the floor clutching your knee. You didn’t hear a pop but you can’t lie and say the three letters weren’t floating around in your head. 
“Speak to us Y/N” one of the physios told you. 
“ACL?” It was a question that you dreaded the answer to. 
Leah heard you say the three letters and she thought that meant that was the diagnosis and it made her feel sick. The referee had given her the red card but she refused to leave the pitch, not until you had. 
“I didn’t mean to Lia” your girlfriend tried to get closer to you but this time it was her team mate who pulled her back. 
“Give her space” Wally hated to admit it but the tackle was bad and she wasn’t sure what your reaction would be to seeing the blonde. 
The physios removed your hand from your knee so they could access the injury. When you saw your hand it was covered in blood. Clearly the studs have cut you and from the amount of blood it must have been bad. 
“We don’t think it’s your ACL. We need to stitch you up so you obviously can’t continue” 
“I’m not getting on a stretcher, no way” 
The two physios look at each other, shake their heads and laugh a little. They knew full well that you wouldn’t get on a stretcher if you could walk. 
“We know but you will let us help you” you nod your head. Guro, who remained by your side, helped you up and took the place of one of the physios. 
You see Leah and it’s enough to make your blood boil. 
“Y/N. I didn’t—“ 
“Stay away from me Williamson” it was as impersonal as it could be and you meant every word. Leah was the last person you want to see right now. 
“Please I—“ 
Again she was cut off but this time by the Norwegian. 
“No! You heard her. Stay away” 
Leah stopped in her tracks. You never let anyone talk to her like that. That is until this moment.
Millie was waiting for you at the sidelines and the look she gave Leah was one of disappointment. Never in her mind would your girlfriend do anything like this to you. She was your biggest protector but tonight it was her you needed protecting from. 
The full time whistle is blown and the member of staff that had been sat with Leah tells her she can go back out. She lingers at the door to the Chelsea locker room where she he hears you laughing with Sam, Millie and Guro who must have been subbed off. She is in two minds whether or not to knock. She knew she wanted to see you but did you want to see her? If your previous reaction was any indication then the answer was no. 
Leah was doing her lap and was just near the end of the away stand when she heard the stadium break out into cheers. When she looked around to see what was the cause was, she saw you. She saw you walking near the home bench wearing a black compression sleeve and a matching knee brace. Millie was carrying a pair of crutches but laid them on the bench. 
You were injured. Leah didn’t know what the damage was but she knew that you were hurt. She also knew by the looks on your friends’ face that she wouldn’t get close to you right now. 
It was a hard thing to process for you. You tried to masque your hurt with a grin but it wasn’t very believable. You wanted to celebrate with your team, this win was huge, but your mind was elsewhere. 
“She didn’t mean to” Sam, of all people, came to Leah’s defence. 
“And that means I can’t be mad? You saw the replays, she could have ended by career with that tackle” you didn’t know what to feel, you didn’t know how you should feel. 
“But she didn’t” 
“Why are you defending her!” You covered your mouth in case a microphone and camera on you. 
“Because no one else will and you know it” Sam really was trying to do the right thing but maybe it was wrong of her. 
“Well then she shouldn’t have done it” your response was scarily calm. 
The girls in red stayed clear of you and rightly so. It was only Alessia that was brave enough to come to you. 
“You’re very annoying to play against. Good game tonight, you deserved to win this one” her genuine words earned her a smile. 
“Thanks Less” you pulled her in for a quick hug as you walked down the tunnel together. 
“Is it bad?” She wasn’t sure if she wanted the answer “Leah was asking about you” 
“Well you can tell Leah that I don’t know the severity of the injury she caused” 
“But it’s not, you know….” the forward daren’t speak the words that had now rivalled the Macbeth superstition. 
“No. I needed stitches and the brace is because the two cuts are on the joint. It’s so I don’t reopen them” 
Leah looked up at the sound of Alessia entering the locker room. She saw you through the gap, immediately stood up and started walking towards you. 
“Y/N” she begs you to look at her. 
“Thanks for checking in Less. I’ll see you at home” you didn’t address Leah but you did look at her. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing though because there was a numbness in your gaze. 
She waited and waited in your shared apartment. Hours passed and she was close to giving up, she thought that you must have changed your mind. Could she have blamed you if you had? 
Leah blew out the candle, your favourite one, and turned off the lamp. Just as she got into bed she heard the front door open and close. She was on her feet in a flash and running towards you. 
“Y/N. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry” 
“What were you thinking? It was sloppy, dangerous and unnecessary” 
“I needed to stop you. I hadn’t been able to stop you all game” 
That was her defence and you found it pathetic. 
“You played terribly Leah. I won’t stand here and sugarcoat things. You made mistakes but this wasn’t one of them. You knew exactly what you were doing when you came flying in” 
“I didn’t. I swear I didn’t. I—” Leah pauses for a moment. She didn’t mean to hurt you but she also couldn’t know for sure if her subconscious wanted to stop you by any means. 
“You didn’t mean to hurt me but you knew the tackle was reckless and it could end badly yet you did it anyway” 
When you put it that way Leah found herself agreeing with you. 
“I love you Leah but I have every right to be mad at you. You can’t dismiss my feelings“
That wasn’t Leah’s intention but she knew that was what she was doing. 
“I’m not. I mean I won’t. Do you want space from me? I can sleep on the sofa or even go to one of the girls’ houses” Leah was ready to give you your space if that is what you wanted. 
“No, I don’t want that. I just want to be mad for a little bit but I can do that with you in bed beside me” 
Leah found herself smiling. She was in trouble, big trouble, but you were going to forgive her. 
“Don’t be surprised if I punch you in my sleep. Dream me might want revenge. Now carry me to bed. I don’t know how you put up with this thing. It’s so annoying” 
Just when Leah began to forget about what happened, you remind her. To be fair the black brace was very bulky and hard to ignore. 
“How bad is it Y/N? Tell me the truth, please” Leah carried you bridal style whilst waiting for the verdict. 
“8 stitches and I have to wear the brace while they heal” you told her everything that you knew. 
Leah laid you down gently on the bed and her fingers lingered on the velcro of the brace. You knew what she was asking without her having to open her mouth. You lean forward and undo the straps. Gently you pull the compression sleeve down, revealing the ugliness of the injury. 
Your girlfriend gasps and takes a step back. She hurt you, she hurt you really bad. When you first started dating she made a promise to never be the reason for your pain, only for your happiness. She broke that promise tonight at Stamford bridge. 
“I have a hospital appointment for scans tomorrow morning. They don’t think there’s any serious damage” 
“I’ll take you” Leah tells you. 
“Damn right you will Williamson. I am clearly in no shape to drive” 
“Please don’t call me that” you could have sworn you saw Leah shrink in size “Call me Leah if you have to, but not Williamson” 
Here’s the thing. Leah loved nicknames and you called her plenty of them. Each had a different meaning and you used them in different scenarios. It’s why this struck her so deeply. 
“Leah” you wait until she is looking at you “come to bed” 
The blonde does as told but she does it goes so gingerly. You were fragile in her eyes and no way was she going to hurt you more. 
That night the two of the slept poorly. That is until you pull Leah into your arms. You tried your best to forget about the incident because you knew Leah blamed herself for the loss. In this specific moment she simply needed to be held by her girlfriend. 
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wandascosmic · 23 days
waiting at your backdoor (7)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
part seven of 'you belong with me' series
summary: basically a wanda series inspired by jim and pam from the office
word count: 4352
tags: best friends to lovers, pining, reader loves wanda wanda's as oblivious as a rock, or maybe not?, angst, alcohol, drinking, drunk wanda, but wanda's a cute drunk, vision sucks, heavy vision sucks this chapter, but reader takes care of wanda so it's still cute, this chapter is certainly....something! (in a good surprising way), proofread but very lightly
taglist: @reginassweetheart @rroyale-109 @marvel-posts
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
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“So,” you drum your fingers on the ledge of Wanda’s desk. “Are you ready for the Shields?” you ask with a smile. 
“Ugh,” Wanda groans, putting her head back against her chair making you laugh. 
“That bad, huh?” 
Wand lifts her head, meeting your gaze. “You know what they say about a car wreck where it’s so awful you just can’t look away?
“Mhm,” you nod. 
“That’s how bad the Shields are, except this time, you want to look away, but you can’t because stupid Tony is making you,” Wanda groans again and puts her head into her arms. 
“Well,” you lean your chin onto your forearms to meet her line of sight. “I’m right there with you, Wanda,” you give her a comforting smile. “The whole night.” 
“Promise?” Wanda lifts her head up. 
You nod, grabbing a hold of her hand. “I promise.” 
Everyone dreaded the Shields, the annual employee awards night of Shield Industry Paper Company. 
However, the one person who didn’t abhor the infamous night was Tony himself. The emcee and host of the Shields. He would get drunk, make stupid comments and jokes every year, and make everyone regret they came despite not having a choice. 
What Shield Industry dreaded most of all were Tony’s jokes. Now, he was relatively laid back as a boss and let the majority of his employees do what they want, but a drunk Tony had absolutely no filter and on top of that, Tony’s sense of humor was incredibly limited. This meant every year someone had about a 25% chance of getting an award that didn’t hurt their feelings and the rest were just some sort of asshole comment that embarrassed an employee to no end. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Tony interrupts your conversation with Wanda about your plans for the weekend, his tone of voice making it evident that he was already looking forward to tonight’s awards. “How’s it going?” 
“I’m good, Tony,” you nod, widening your eyes playfully at the receptionist making her laugh. 
“Good, good,” Tony sighs with a smile. “So, Y/N! Why don’t you show off the Shields you’ve won the past few years? You’ve gotten some pretty good ones, huh?” You open your mouth to respond, but you don’t get the chance since Tony is already dragging you over to your desk. 
“Oh, I can’t because I keep them hidden,” you shrug. “I don’t wanna look at them and get cocky, you know?” 
Wanda chews on the end of her pen to suppress her laugh. 
“Oh, cool, that’s a good idea,” Tony remarks wistfully. 
“Mine are at home, in a display case above my bed,” Sam blurts out. 
“Sam, no one cares,” Tony deadpans. As he starts to walk back to his office, he shouts, “TMI!” 
You turn to Wanda, giving her a wink before getting back to work at your desk. 
Wanda shakes her head in amusement. 
Wanda would rather be anywhere but where she is right now. Tony has decided to make her look through hours of footage every single past Shield Awards to find highlights, as he’s taped every. Single. One. 
“For the ladies, hit it Sam!” TV Tony shouts, causing Sam to start playing the recorder. 
Wanda cringes as Tony starts singing and doing an awkward dance. She hears her name mentioned in the song and she desperately wants to shut the TV off and go bleach her eyes.
Halfway through the song, she finds solace when Thor sits right in front of the camera, the whole screen going black. 
Wanda turns her head to see you through the open door, watching her and quietly laughing at the audio you could hear on the TV. 
“Help me,” she mouthes at you, motioning her hands in front of her to emphasize her point.
You shake your head at her antics, laughing even more. 
Wanda had been watching the footage for the past two hours, only fighting a small amount of highlights that would offend people the least when Tony displayed it tonight. Wanda scans over the clips she found on the laptop in front of her, making sure there were as few offensive jokes as possible. Suddenly, the audio of the TV gets her attention, her head snapping up at the sound.  
Wanda frowns as she hears Tony’s voice on the TV. “And the Shield award for the longest engagement goes to…Wanda Maximoff! Whoo! When is that girl gonna get married?” TV Tony claps, his motions incredibly sloppy indicating how drunk he was that year. Wanda bites the inside of her cheek. “Ah, Vision’s accepting,” TV Tony continues as she sees Vision walk up to the stage to grab her award. “Thank you, Vision. Are there any words you’d like to say on Wanda’s behalf?” 
“Uh, we’ll see you next year,” Vision responds into the mic, grabbing the award out of Tony’s hand. 
“Yeah!’ Tony shouts on the screen. “Oh, hope not!” Tony laughs obnoxiously before continuing with the rest of the awards. 
You watch Wanda’s dejected look through the door as she gets back to work, having heard the audio on the TV and knowing how it made her feel. 
Slowly, you get up from your chair and make your way over to Tony’s office.
“I’m not changing that, it’s the best one,” Tony protests from behind his desk. 
“No, it’s hilarious,” you lie, standing up across from him. “You’re right. I just think, um, World’s Longest Engagement, um, we’re all expecting it, you know?” 
“That’s why it’s funny,” Tony retorts. “Every year that Wanda and Vision don’t get married it gets funnier,” he explains. 
You ponder for a moment. “Well, I think that if you use the same jokes every year it just comes across as lazy.” 
Tony’s mouth parts in shock. “Oh, lazy. Ok,” he nods. 
You smirk slightly. 
Wanda’s head snaps up when she feels a tap on her shoulder, her eyes widening in excitement when you smile at her, draping your black trench coat over the back of the chair next to her and sitting down to the left of your best friend. 
Vision narrows his eyes slightly as he watches you from Wanda’s other side.
“Has it started yet?” you ask her. 
“No, Sam’s still setting up the mic,” she responds, nodding over at Sam who toys slightly with the machinery of the microphone. 
A couple minutes pass, and soon, Sam’s voice reverberates through the restaurant known as Chili’s. 
“Before we get started a few announcements,” Sam speaks into the mic. “Keep your acceptance speeches short. I have wrap-it-up music, and I’m not afraid to use it, Bruce,” he singles out. 
Sam’s about to continue, but is quickly interrupted by the sound of Tony’s voice as he runs out of the hallway he was hiding in. 
“Whoo!” he shouts with his fists up. “Who’s ready for the Shield awards, yeah!” 
You snicker as Tony makes his way over to the stage, Sam handing him the mic as he gets started.
“Alright, everyone,” Tony takes off his jacket to reveal his tuxedo. “Thank you all for coming, and welcome to the 2005 annual Shield Awards!” 
You all clap in response. 
“I am your host, Tony Stark, who’s ready to get this party started!” Tony cheers for himself, and you quickly notice his already intoxicated state. “So, quick warning, everyone, please, please do not drink and drive,” he pauses. “Because you may hit a bump and spill the drink,” he laughs loudly at his joke. 
“Good one, Tony!” Sam answers. 
“Thank you, Sam,” Tony points a finger at Sam. “All right, so! Last night, I was on a hot date with a girl from HR,” he continues. 
“We don’t have any girls in HR,” Sam responds. 
“Shut it, Sam, it’s for the sake of the story,” he retorts. “And things were getting hot and heavy,” he continues, letting out a small laugh. “And, uh, I was about to take her bra off, when she had me fill out six hours worth of paperwork,” Tony grins as he finishes his joke. 
“Like an AIDS test?” Sam asks seriously. 
“No, Sam,” Tony trails off. “God.” 
Sam’s brows furrow in confusion. 
“Alright! Let’s get started, everyone!” Tony shouts, stepping off stage to take another swig of his drink. 
You and Wanda share a look, wary about the chaos about to occur at the hands of Tony Stark. Somehow, every year Tony’s jokes just got worse and worse. 
Suddenly, Wanda’s head perks up as she notices Vision being tapped on the shoulder by one of his co-workers, T’Challa.
“Hey, let’s go to Poor Richard’s,” T’Challa tells Vision. Poor Richard’s was the local dive bar in Scranton. 
“Yeah, let’s get out of here,” Vision scoffs, getting up and swinging his jacket over his shoulders to put it on. 
“Um...” Wanda starts, but Vision doesn’t hear her. 
“Guys, where are you going?” Tony asks on stage, noticing the two figures starting to leave. “Wanda, the show’s just getting started,” he says with furrowed brows. 
“Sorry,” Wanda apologizes softly, Vision and T’Challa already heading out the door. 
You frown, rubbing the side of her arm gently. 
Wanda sighs softly, twirling the straw of her drink absentmindedly. 
“Alright, whatever,” Tony continues. Grabbing the first award of the night, a small gold trophy with a shield displayed on top of a platform, Tony announces, “And the Busiest Beaver award this year goes to…Natasha Romanoff! That lady never stops working, am I right?” he laughs into the mic. 
Natasha walks up to the stage, taking the award and shaking Tony’s hand before heading back to her chair. 
Okay, so that wasn’t that bad. Maybe this year will be different, you think to yourself. Usually, every time there’s a Shield award ceremony people stay angry at Tony for at least a week, typically showcasing their anger passive-aggressively to prevent themselves from getting fired. 
“Hey,” Wanda murmurs, getting your attention. “I’m gonna go see if I can convince Vis to stay since they haven’t left yet,” she points to the two figures outside their car through the glass of the sliding doors. 
“Okay,” you nod, giving her a reassuring smile. 
Wanda barely hears it though, as she’s already out of her chair to go after her fiance. 
“Because that’s what happens every time!” Wanda shouts at Vision, unsure of how she ended up in this position so quickly. 
“No, Wanda! He’s a jackass every year!” Vision shouts back, continuing to walk towards their car, rolling his eyes at the girl next to him. 
“No-” Wanda starts, running after him. 
“Just stop, we’re going to Poor Richard’s, come on!” Vision interrupts, grabbing her arm and starting to drag her to the car. 
“No, I don’t want to go, Vision!” Wanda protests, trying to get her arm out of his grip, only for him to ignore her and continue to pull her towards the car. “Stop no, I don’t want to go!” she shouts finally as she frees her arm.  
“Wanda, no!” Vision yells as she starts to walk back to the restaurant. 
“No, if you would’ve asked me then you would know!” she shouts back at him, leaving him in the parking lot. 
Vision scoffs as he gets into his car, leaving his fiance as he drives off to Poor Richard’s. 
“Hey,” you say, surprised to see Wanda came back as she sits down next to you. “I thought you left?” 
“Um, no, I just– I decided to stay,” Wanda responds. 
“Oh,” you say, happy that your best friend would be spending some extra time with you today, despite the unfortunate circumstances. 
“Yeah, I’ll just get a ride home from Nat,” she says, grabbing a fry from the plate of food in front of you, and popping it into her mouth as she drapes her coat over the back of her chair. 
“Sounds good,” you say, turning around to make sure Nat was still here to drive her home. 
Once you turn back around, your eyes widen slightly as you see Wanda steal your large mug of beer. As she takes a sip, you nearly laugh at the fact that her hand was only half the size of the mug. 
“Can I get a drink?” Wanda asks the waiter beside her. 
You were keeping a watchful eye on Wanda. It had only been about 5 minutes and the mug of beer she had stolen from you was already half-empty, and you could tell that it was starting to take effect. 
“Alright, everyone!” Tony announces, his words slurring together as he tries to coherently award the next recipient. “This next award goes out to somebody who reallyyyy lights up the office.” 
You watch Wanda’s excited expression out of the corner of your eye, her eyes lighting up along with a large grin as she takes another sip of your beer. Well, it might as well be hers now since she hasn’t given it back to you. 
You shake your head in amusement at her antics. 
“Somebody, who I think, a lot of us can’t keep from checking out,” Tony says with a smirk. “The Hottest in the Office award goes to, Mr. Peter Parker, the intern!” 
You chuckle once you see Wanda’s mouth open in shock as if the best surprise of her life was just revealed. 
Then, you turn to see Peter’s shy expression, unsure of what to do as he goes up to the stage to accept his award. 
“Here you go, Parker,” Tony says as he hands Peter his award, stumbling a little as Peter grabs it tensely before heading back to his chair, a very visible blush on his cheeks. “How about that one, huh!” 
You watch with a raised brow as Tony laughs hysterically to himself on stage before continuing with the awards.
*** Now, in the past few years, you’ve seen Wanda drunk quite a few times, but not this much.
And it might be one of the cutest versions of her you’ve ever seen.  
She’s currently laughing at a joke you’ve made, two drinks side-by-side as she takes turns sipping from each one. 
However, you’re worried that Wanda might be a little too drunk. 
“I think those might be empty,” you say with a smile as her empty drinks make a loud slurping sound as she tries her best to suck out the alcohol while still laughing. 
Wanda grins at you. “No, ‘cause the ice melts, and then it’s like second drink!” She continues to laugh as she takes another sip of her margarita. 
“Second drink?” you say incredulously with a laugh. 
Wanda nods with a proud smile. 
You didn’t know what to say. 
Somehow, Tony was now singing a rendition of Elton John’s ‘Tiny Dancer’ while dancing…subparly. 
But, the night was a success since Wanda seemed to be enjoying it when you looked over at her and she had a happy grin on her face. 
However, it could very possibly be the enormous amount of alcohol she had been consuming tonight.
“Are you gonna finish that?” Wanda asks you while pointing at the new drink you had ordered after she had stolen your beer. 
“Maximoff, you might be a bit too drunk,” you tell her gently. 
But you relent once Wanda crosses her arms over her chest with a small pout. 
Sighing, you slowly slide your drink over to her, and–
And Wanda kisses your cheek in return. 
It’s not the first time, but it never fails to awaken all the butterflies in your stomach. 
You blush slightly, deciding to distract yourself from the green-eyed woman in front of you by taking a bite of your fry. 
“You suck, man!” your head snaps up at the new voice, and you frown once you see a male customer in the restaurant start to throw their food at Tony, most likely frustrated with the noise the award ceremony was making. 
“Go home!” Another one of his friends yells at Tony, throwing his hamburger at him. 
You see Wanda frown as well. 
“What do we do?” you hear Sam mutter to Tony by the sound control booth. 
“Let’s cut it,” Tony answers quietly. “Um,” he clears his throat. “I had a few more Shields to give out tonight, but I’m just gonna cut it short.” Tony looks down at his feet. “Yeah, so we’ll do this quickly, then everybody can enjoy their food. Um, thanks for listening, those of you who did.” 
The employees stay silent as Tony picks up the next Shield-shaped award. 
Tony clears his throat. “So, this next Shield is for Jennifer, it’s the ‘Grace Under Fire’ award, because even though she has a cousin with anger issues, somehow she always manages to stay calm, so, good job.” 
Jennifer gives a tight-lipped smile as she goes up to the stage and accepts the award, shaking Tony’s hand, however, you can’t help but notice Tony’s dejected expression. 
It seems Wanda does too, as she begins cheering. “Yay, Jennifer for having an angry cousin!” she says as she begins to clap. 
“Yeah, all right, Jennifer!” you join in, starting to clap as well, and you two grin at each other once the rest of the office joins in. 
“Hey, we haven’t gotten one yet!” Wanda says to Tony while pointing at the two of you. 
“Yes, we have not,” you say with a smile. “So, keep going!” 
“Yeah, more Shields!” Wanda cheers. 
Tony’s posture lightens once the office begins to chant. “Shields. Shields. Shields,” you all chant with a clap. 
“All right, we’ll keep it going,” Tony says, starting to lighten up a bit. “Okay, this is the Fine Work Award, and this goes to, Clint! For all the fine work he did this year.” 
“Speech, speech, speech!” someone chants as Clint goes up to the stage. 
“Um, I don’t know what to say,” Clint chuckles as he grabs the award and the microphone. “Last year I got Great Work, so I guess I’m upgrading!” he finishes. 
Now you know Wanda’s really drunk when she lets out a hysterical laugh at Clint’s speech. 
“Maximoff, you’re drunk,” you whisper with an endearing smile as you watch her. 
“I know,” she grins back. 
“Alright everyone,” Tony announces. “This next award goes out to our own little Wanda Maximoff.” Your head snaps up immediately. “I think we all know what award she’s getting this year, yeah?” 
Yours and Wanda’s smile drops. 
“Drum roll please,” Tony says with a grin, and Sam plays a drum roll effect. “Wanda Maximoff…” Your heart starts to beat in your chest because you do not want this night ruined any more for Wanda. “You are the recipient of the Whitest Sneakers award!” You sigh in relief before smiling. “Because she always has the whitest tennis shoes on, come on up here!” 
Now, you’re sure you would pay millions to see Wanda’s expression in this moment over and over again. 
She grins the biggest, drunkest smile you’ve ever seen, and her hands fly to her face and she looks at you disbelievingly. 
You nod your head in Tony’s direction, silently instructing her to go grab the award as you clap for her along with the rest of the office. Wanda basically skips up to the stage in excitement, grabbing the award and Tony’s mic all in one go. 
“Ooh, here we go,” Tony says into the mic once it’s in Wanda’s hands. 
“I have so many people to thank for this award!” Wanda says through her disbelieving laugh with an enormous grin on her face. 
You put both your hands on your mouth to suppress your laughter at her expression. 
“Okay,” Wanda continues with a smile. “So first off, I’d like to thank my Keds,” Wanda points to her shoes. “Because, I couldn’t have done it without them.” 
You all clap and cheer in response. 
“Let’s also give Tony a round of applause for emceeing tonight, because this is a lot harder than it looks,” Wanda’s words start to slur together quite a bit as you notice her feeling the effects of the alcohol a lot more. “And also because of Sam too.” Wanda points to Sam behind the sound booth. 
You all clap once more before Wanda continues. 
“And finally, I want to thank God, because God gave me this Shield.” You look at her with an amused smile as she hoists her award in the air with a serious expression. “And I feel God, in this Chili’s tonight, so thank you, everyone!” Wanda finishes as she bows on stage.  
“Alright, Wanda Maximoff, everyone!” Tony says as she hands the mic back to him, and you stand up to pull her chair out for her since she’s quite disoriented at the moment. 
“Chair?” you ask Wanda amusingly as she runs happily towards you. 
She shakes her head no with a smile before wrapping her arms around you and hugging you tightly, starting to laugh in your ear. 
You reciprocate her hug happily before she starts to pull away. 
However, to your surprise, she doesn’t pull away completely. 
Instead she kisses you. 
And her lips are the softest, most gentle lips you’ve ever felt in your life. 
Wanda Maximoff—
Wanda Maximoff was finally kissing you. 
After 7 years. 
But she’s drunk. 
But then Wanda pulls away entirely, and she sits down with a sigh like nothing’s happened. 
You follow her movement, sitting down in your chair across from her with a sigh as well. 
“So, Y/N, what did you think of the Shields this year?” Nat asks as she sits down at the table along with you and Wanda. 
You nod, trying your best to ignore your heart that was still racing after Wanda kissed you only a few minutes ago. “It was great! Um, we got to see Tony’s dance moves once more,” you recall the moments one after the other. “We learned Tony’s true feelings for Peter, which was quite touching, and we heard Tony change the lyrics to a number of classic songs,” you finish with a convincing smile, trying to hide your reaction to the fact that the girl you’ve been in love for as long as you can remember just. Fucking. Kissed you. 
“Well, we can only hope for even better next year," Nat replies, leaving you and Wanda on your own. “Hey, Wanda, I’ll meet you by my car later, alright?” 
Wanda nods at Nat before she leaves, and you turn your head to see that Wanda has turned in her chair next to you to face you completely. 
“What?” you ask Wanda with a small smile as she stares at you intensely.  
“Nothing,” she replies with a shrug. 
“Okay,” you laugh as you pop a corn nut into your mouth. 
“What?” she repeats back to you with a laugh. 
“I don’t know, what?” you turn to face her with a chuckle, and she starts to laugh even harder. 
“Oh, my god!” you exclaim as suddenly, Wanda falls off her chair completely, now laughing hysterically on the ground. “You are, so drunk, you know that?” You tell her with a laugh as you grab her hands to help her stand up once more.
“This was the best Shields ever!” Wanda exclaims to you before bouncing out of the restaurant and well into the street. 
“Whoa, whoa, careful,” you tell her, pulling her back slightly so she’s on the sidewalk once more. “C’mon, Maximoff.” You lead her to the nearest park bench as you wait for Nat to finish up inside. 
“Thanks for watching me tonight,” she tells you as you both sit down next to each other, you guiding her since she could barely walk straight at this point. 
“Of course,” you reply easily, however, you freeze as Wanda then leans her head on your shoulder.
“You’re really comfortable,” she mumbles drowsily after a moment, starting to snuggle into you. 
“Might be my jacket,” you tell her gently. 
“No,” Wanda shakes her head against your shoulder. “You’ve just always made me feel really comfortable.” 
You and Wanda sit in silence for a bit as you wait for Nat, and you try your best to calm down the flurry of emotions running through you. 
 “Oh, here she is,” you say as Nat’s car pulls up in front of you both. 
Wanda stands up a bit too quickly and you catch her as she sways slightly. “Careful,” you say, guiding her towards the car. 
Wanda giggles as she follows you to the passenger side, and you want to laugh at how quickly her emotions have changed. “Alright, almost there,” you say gently as you walk around the front of Nat’s car to the passenger side. 
“Hey,” Wanda says as she stops in her place right in front of the car, making you stop as well and face her. “Um, can I ask you a question?” 
You tilt your head slightly at her nervous expression, twisting the rings on her fingers slightly. “Sure,” you say, giving her a friendly smile. 
You see a slight bit of fear in her eyes, and your smile falls. “Um, I just wanted to say thanks….again,” she finishes. 
“That’s not really a question,” you joke, making her laugh. Deciding not to engage in the awkward exchange, you start to lead her towards the passenger door. “Okay, let’s get you home, pronto.” 
Wanda’s expression calms down, and she gives you a grateful smile once you open the door for her. You’re sure your heart might explode tonight when she hugs you once more before sitting down in the car seat. “Good night, Y/N,” she says gently. 
“Have a good night, Wanda,” you reply with a small smile as you close the door slightly. “Thanks, Nat,” you say into the car and Nat gives you a thumbs up before you shut the door completely.  
The two of them then drive off quickly, and you watch the accelerating car with a smile as you remember the feeling of a gorgeous green-eyed brunette's lips on yours tonight. 
But your smile quickly falls, as you realize that she was going home tonight to someone who had already stolen her heart. 
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Heyy! So I just found your stuff and it’s all super cute I love this kind of thing 😊 feel free to decline but do you think you could do a little fluffy one shot type thing where you’re just gaming with Sebastian and then whoops you both fall in love 😳
best gamer of all time || sebastian x reader oneshot
hanging out with your friends is always fun, but gaming alone with him may be your new favorite thing <3
warnings: fluff fluff fluff fluff oh my god, you may suck at this game but you do NOT suck at winning his heart
requested by: @juleboo , this is such an adorable request! i'm sorry this took like forty billion years, life has decided to kick me off my feet, but im doing a lot better so yippeeeee. i hope you enjoy, hopefully it was worth the long wait 🙏
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Hanging out on a Saturday night was a ritual for you, Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam. You all rotate on who's place you hang out at, and tonight was Sebastian's. Abigail was laid out on the couch, Sebastian sitting on his bed, and you and Sam were on the floor. After a very intense game of Jackbox, with a lot of chaotic answers and laughter, it was nearing midnight.
“I cannot believe you put that! That was a direct jab at me and you know it!” Sam said towards Abigail's direction, obviously not actually upset.
“Then clean up the fuckin' pizza boxes in your room! That rat would've become your best friend if your mom didn't find him- wait- what time is it? ... oh shit, my dad is gonna kick my ass!” Abigail said, jumping up at lightning speed and grabbing her bag. “Sorry to kill the party, love you guys, if I get lectured one more time this week I am going to pull out my hair. Bye bye!”
And off she goes, leaving just as chaotic as she came. Sounds about right. The remaining three of you laughed, before Sam stood up and grabbed his things as well. “For some reason Mom wants me to come to church in the morning, she saw some lyrics to one of our songs and she kind of flipped her shit. Soooo, gotta atone for my sins. Have fun you two,” he said, sending a small wink Sebastian's way before making his way up the stairs.
You saw the wink, it definitely caught you off guard. You immediately snapped your head towards Sebastian. “What was that for?” you said with a smirk, which wasn't held for long. It slipped into a smile, moving from the floor to the now empty couch.
Sebastian's expression remained neutral, rolling his eyes. “Sam is always up to something, ignore him. Do you wanna stay and hang for a little while? I don't have anything to do tomorrow,” he said, looking towards the cabinet of games that sat beside his gaming console. He never asked anyone to stay later, especially when it's his night to host. He usually wants everyone out, Sebastian cherishes his alone time.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he asked you this, he actually wanted to spend more time with you? You felt so honored and special, of course you were going to stay. “Yeah, what did you wanna do?”
“I bought a game, it's co-op. Wanna try it out? It's a platformer, it seems pretty easy,” he said, walking over to the cabinet and grabbing the case. He made his way back over to you, showing you the back of the case, carefully studying your features. He wanted to make sure you were actually interested, and when your face lit up, he couldn't hold back a smile. It was rare for him, but it was perfect.
“Hell yeah, let's pop this bad boy in!” you said, sitting up excitedly and scooting over so that you two could share the couch. After 'popping that bad boy in', he sat next to you and handed you the controller.
Sebastian put on the tutorial before beginning to show you the controls. He described what to do, but due to your drowsiness from working all day, you just couldn't grasp what the controls were. “Here,” he mumbled, thinking for a moment before carefully putting his hands over yours.
“Alright, shoot with this button, alright?” he said, making sure not to get too close to you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but these little touches were really nice ... he could get used to this.
“Mhm ...” you hummed, although your brain was short-circuiting. Every single thought in your brain was rendered useless in that moment, every place where you two touched felt like it was on fire. You clumsily tried to recreate his movements, shooting when he asked and jumping when he instructed. You learned the controls, but barely.
“Got it?” he said simply, slowly beginning to let go of you. He didn't really want to, but he didn't want to overstep your boundaries. He really cared about you, he didn't want to jeopardize that.
With a hesitant nod of confirmation, you two began the game. It was a mess, you definitely did not grasp the controls whatsoever. However, he enjoyed seeing what kind of trouble you got yourself into. How could you even get up there?
“Okay- when you jump, press the trigger to latch on to that cliff, and do NOT let go-” he tried to explain as you jumped with all of your might ... just to not even touch the cliff. Your body hit the floor with a splat, and you both sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other. Small snickers turned into full blown laughter, falling down onto the couch as you both held your faces.
“How the hell am I so stupid?? That was so easy! How the hell did I miss that??” you cackled, wiping the tears that began to fall from your eyes.
“I have no idea but it was one of the best things I've ever seen,” Sebastian's laughter began to quiet as he sat up, his gaze making its way down to you. You looked so perfect in the soft light of the television, so happy from the laughter that was encasing the both of you. He could not stop smiling.
“What?” you said softly, a gigantic grin on your face. You couldn't move, you just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“... nothing. Just ... capturing this moment,” Sebastian said in a gentle tone, taking a deep breath before looking back at the screen. “You're a ghost now, but you can still help me and eventually I can revive you.”
You slowly sat up, but you had an idea. You slid a little closer to him than you were before, your legs touching. “Alright, I'll be the best fuckin' ghost in town,” you laughed, knowing you were bound to fuck it up but you had no care in the world. This was too fun.
He looked over at your legs touching, smiling even wider before continuing the game. He would ask you to do things as a ghost as you did ... with enough trial and error. He did notice that you kept adjusting and scooting closer and closer. He really liked this.
“Do you know how to freeze someone?" he asked, which you shook your head to. “Let me see this-” he mumbled, wrapping his arm around you, definitely just wanting to help you see the controls. You were essentially sitting in his lap at this point, a soft pink blush creeping onto both of your faces.
His face was so close, pressed almost right up against yours ... you wanted to stay here forever, but you didn't want to say anything that would ruin the moment. Nervous silence held you two for a moment, before he did something that both of you wanted more than anything. He carefully kissed your cheek, before going back to the game as if nothing ever happened.
Your brain melted, a feeling of bliss overtaking your body. You've been waiting for that for ages. You slowly leaned back into his chest as he laid down his controller for a moment. He wrapped his arms around your waist for a moment, giving you a careful squeeze. You reached your arms up around his neck, hugging him back. Neither of you cared about the game anymore.
“Stay here tonight. If you want to,” Sebastian muttered softly, holding your body close to his. He didn't dare let go, and neither did you.
You stayed there that night, you stayed wrapped up in his arms until the daylight and you had to work on your farm. But you hoped one day, you could wake up next to him everyday. Maybe someday, but for now, you had many Saturday nights where you stayed over later than everybody else.
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Blurbs: With A Little Help From My Friends
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Summary: You and a few other WAGs do a prank on your boys by buying them all matching shirts for a get-together without them knowing.
Warnings: Fluff, unserious/funny, pranks
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
January 20, 2024 - *36 weeks pregnant*
“Joe, I have your outfit laid out on the island in the closet.” - you
Joe’s head snapped away from the TV and over in my direction. I'd just walked into the kitchen from getting ready upstairs. Joe sat on the couch watching The Office reruns, all cuddled up with Tyson and Miles - looking adorable.
“What? I can pick my outfit out.” - Joe
“I know, but I ordered you a new shirt that I'd like you to wear.” - you
“Oh, okay. What is it?” - Joe
“A flannel.” - you
“Mmm, okay.” - Joe
A few moments later, I sat down on the couch with my boys, but Joe left just a minute later to get ready himself.
Robin and Jimmy were coming in a bit to watch the twins while Joe and I went over to Sam’s for a get-together with some of his teammates.
The guys had no idea, though, that the WAG’s group chat had been super active the past week leading up to tonight.
A prank was to ensue, and it was that we'd all secretly ordered the same shirt for our men. We'd all show up one by one, and the guy’s reactions to matching would be hilarious.
Plus, Joe would look hot as hell in a flannel.
Half an Office episode later, Joe came bounding down the stairs. The greyish flannel looked amazing on him, giving off major dad vibes, paired with regular-fitting blue jeans that had been sitting untouched in the closet since I'd ordered them.
I let out a teasing whistle, Joe blushing at the cat-call.
“You like?” - Joe
“Yes. You look amazing, Joey. Do a little spin for me?” - you
Joe happily obliged before searching for approval in my facial expression.
“Love it. I need to start sneaking more of this style into your side of the closet.” - you
“Is that style ‘I have two kids and another on the way’?” - Joe
“Bingo. I told you, you're a DILF.” - you
“You love to remind me of that.” - Joe
“Because it's true.” - you grinned
There was a ring of the doorbell, and I went to stand up from the couch, but Joe ushered me to sit back down.
“Hey Mom, hey Dad. Thanks for watching the boys.” - Joe
“Oh, of course!” - Robin
Robin and Jimmy had barely made it into the house before they were ambushed by Tyson and Miles.
They happily hugged their grandbabies, and Jimmy picked up Miles in his arms.
“Where's your wife, Joseph Lee?” - Robin
“On the couch, she went to open the door, but I waved her off.” - Joe
Robin gave her son a proud nod, grateful that he was treating his pregnant wife as he should.
The five of them eventually walked back into the living room, and Joe plopped back onto the couch next to me, putting his arm around me on the back of the couch.
“You look great, y/n!” - Robin
“Aww, thank you. I'm feeling great as well. Baby girl is treating my bladder a lot better than the twins did.” - you laughed
“That's good! I love your dress, makes your bump pop.” - Robin grinned
“Joe actually picked it out.” - you
I put a hand on Joe’s chest and smiled up at him, a glint in his eye when he returned the soft grin.
“Wow, I would’ve never expected that.” - Robin
Laughing, I understood where she was coming from. My dress was a solid black, nothing like anything in Joe’s side of the closet.
“I picked his outfit out, though.” - you smiled
“That was my next question! That style looks good on you, Joey. You look very adult.” - Robin
“Thank you? I think.” - Joe
“It was meant to be a compliment. I think so, at least…” - Jimmy
A few seconds of laughter went by before Joe patted my thigh and spoke up.
“Ready to go, babe?” - Joe
“Sure!” - you
Joe stood up before turning around to me and putting a hand out to help me up.
Once I was on my feet, Joe let go of one of my hands but still held the other.
“We’ll be back later!” - Joe
He led me over to the garage door of the house and grabbed his keys to the Porsche off of the hook.
Sweetly, Joe walked me over to the passenger side of the car and opened my door for me, along with helping me sit down before shutting the door back.
“Whatcha wanna listen to?” - Joe
Joe always joked about my passenger princess ways, but here he was, offering me to pick the music before I even asked.
In the end, I pulled up my Spotify playlist “’60s-’70s Love Songs” and shuffled it.
Looking over at Joe as he backed out of the driveway, I giggled as he playfully rolled his eyes with a smile on his face at my music selection.
For dramatic effect, I grabbed onto Joe’s shoulder and sang Be My Baby by The Ronettes into my hand like I was holding a microphone.
“You're crazy.” - Joe laughed
“But you love me.” - you
“That I do, my baby.” - Joe
I had my arm looped with Joe’s as we stood on Sam’s front porch. Joe had just rung the doorbell and now we're waiting for an answer.
Squeezing his bicep lightly, Joe’s eyes darted to me.
“You okay, Mama?” - Joe
“Mhm. Just love you in this shirt.” - you grinned
Just a few seconds later, the front door swung open, revealing Sam.
“Hey, Burrow’s! Woah- what the hell? Joe, are we matching?” - Sam
I giggled to myself as Joe and Sam looked down at their flannels and then at each other.
“That's weird man, but I def wore it better.” - Joe
Sam rolled his eyes before stepping to the side to let Joe and me inside the house.
I immediately greeted Jess, who complimented my pregnancy glow, and while we were deep into conversation, the doorbell rang again.
When Sam opened the door, Jess and I exchanged knowing looks at each other.
On the front porch, Cody Ford and Evan McPherson were laughing about the fact they had matching shirts on while Tianna and Gracie stood to the side laughing.
“What the hell!” - Sam
“You guys have it too?!” - Evan
Joe was full-on cackling, and I couldn't help but mirror my husband.
The girls walked over and sat next to me and Jess, our boys all pointing at each other’s shirts while laughing.
Thirty minutes later, over ten more guys had shown up, all in the same flannel, and Joe and his guys found it hilarious each time.
The girls and I all sat in a corner of the living room, recording and laughing at the reactions coming out of the guys.
They really were adult toddlers, but that's what makes being married to one fun.
After dinner, Joe found me by myself in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me from behind. At first, I couldn't tell who it was because all the guys here had the same long-sleeved shirt on, and all I could see were the person's arms.
The thought didn't last too long when I saw the wedding ring on the person’s finger that was too unique to be anyone other than Joe.
“Hi, Mama.” - Joe
“Hi, Joey.” - you
“Can I ask you a question?” - Joe
“Of course.” - you
With Joe’s hands on my bump, I covered them with my own and let my head fall back onto his chest/shoulder.
“Who wore the shirt best?” - Joe
“I'm kinda biased, but you, for sure.” - you
“Yeah?” - Joe
“Mhm, I'm gonna start sneaking more flannels into your closet.” - you
“I'll wear ‘em if they get a good reaction out of you.” - Joe
“Oh, you know they will.” - you giggled
I turned around in Joe’s arms and looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, my hands on his chest.
Slowly, Joe leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine.
A minute later, we were still kissing. The craving for each other was never satisfied, but we were interrupted by a loud, fake, gagging sound.
“For the love of god, she's already pregnant! You guys are disgusting!” - Ja’Marr
I leaned my head onto Joe’s chest with a giggle as he glared at one of his best friends.
“Ja’Marr, get the fuck away!” - Joe
Ja’Marr threw his arms up in surrender before walking out of the kitchen. Joe turned back to me with a sly grin on his face.
“Sorry, Mrs. Burrow. Where were we?” - Joe
I’d never get tired of him calling me that.
“Mmm, I think we might've been kissing.” - you
“Let's test that theory.” - Joe
Just as Joe was leaning in, our lips brushed together, but something made him pull back.
“Y'all nasty!” - Ja’Marry whisper yelled
“Ja’Marr!!” - Joe yelled
Sure, they got annoying sometimes, but deep down, Joe knew he wouldn't get by without a little help from his friends. Even if said help was unwanted.
Authors note: y'all, I ground out a fic for you guys. 💀
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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bad268 · 8 months
Frank Told Us (Colby Brock X Pregnant! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Sam and Colby & Co
Requested: Yes by @eattothebeatt and anon. I hope y'all don't mind that I combined them, they were pretty similar. (Also, since I'm ahead on requests, I'm gonna post Wednesdays and Saturdays until it's cleared <3)
Warnings: slipping in snow (idk).
Pronouns: She/her
W.C. 1263
Summary: The Conjuring House is no joke, especially when a certain ghost (Frank) ruins a surprise.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The Conjuring House was no joke, that was a fact that Y/n knew well. After going to the Conjuring House on three separate occasions with Sam and Colby and being witness to some crazy things, she didn’t need any convincing of that.
This time was one to top the charts. Ever since Sam and Colby heard about Satori and Cody, they knew that they wanted to meet them and get their expertise on camera. So Y/n decided to go with them. However, one thing happened about a week before the flight that may have changed the trajectory of the trip.
Y/n missed her period.
She took a test and met with her gynecologist, and they both came to the same conclusion. She was pregnant. She was not super far along, a little over a month, but she was not sure if she should go on the trip. After talking it over with her gynecologist, they decided she should be fine as long as she stepped away when it got too much and did not put herself in dangerous situations. She knew that if she had told Colby that they were expecting, he would abort the whole video, and she knew she did not want to be responsible for that
So they arrived at the Conjuring House. Sam and Colby in the front and Kat and Y/n in the back. Satori and Cody said they would meet them there, so they did not worry about getting a bigger car.
“Are you guys ready for this?” Sam asked enthusiastically as he pulled into the driveway.
“Are you ready to get another attachment?” Kat snapped back jokingly, causing Sam’s jaw to drop and the rest of the car to laugh.
“No need to come for my brother like that,” Colby defended, turning back to point a finger at Kat.
“You should definitely put this at the end of the video,” Y/n added, directing everyone’s attention to the camera that was recording.
“Anyway, what’s up guys! It’s Sam and Colby,” Colby started the intro.
“Today, well, this week, we are at the Conjuring House with Kat and Y/n!” Sam continued.
“These guys get 10 million subscribers, and we get dragged into this,” Y/n laughed gesturing to Kat as they climbed out of the car, so Sam and Colby could do their intro in peace. The two walked into the house and greeted Satori and Cody. The four made small talk until Sam and Colby came into the house.
“I see you made yourself comfortable without us,” Colby teased as he sat next to Y/n on the couch and laid his arm over her shoulder. “Do we know how we're going about tonight?”
“I think we’re just letting Satori and Cody do their thing and we’ll go with the flow,” Y/n explained as she leaned into Colby’s side. “What do you guys think? It is your video.”
“I think that’s fine,” Sam said, setting up the cameras. Kat started pulling out different gadgets and placing them around the room.
“We’re ready to start whenever you guys are,” Satori offered, moving to stand up with Cody. Colby stood up as well before he turned back and held his hand out jokingly for Y/n to stand up.
“Well, thank you, kind sir,” Y/n joked in a mock posh accent.
“You’re welcome, governess,” Colby joked back, causing the two to chuckle before turning serious again. “Ok, back to the task at hand-”
Hours later, Satori and Cody were still getting so much in response. It was nearing midnight at this point, and they were still nonstop. After the third hour, Y/n got a huge headache, and it did not prove to be a problem until the knocks started getting louder.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get some fresh air. My head hurts,” Y/n announced as she stood up and walked out the door, not waiting for a response. Kat immediately said she would follow Y/n and trailed behind her as they walked through the snow carefully toward the car.
“Are you okay? You’re really pale,” Kat asked as they leaned against the hood of the rental car.
“I have a huge headache, and honestly, I need to tell someone,” Y/n admitted and let out a sigh before saying, “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed excitedly, reaching out to hold Y/n’s hands. “You’re serious? Oh my god, I’m so happy for you guys! Does Colby know?”
“If I told him, he wouldn’t have let me come,” Y/n laughed as Kat pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad I finally told someone. I’ve been keeping that to myself for the last week.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed again. She was too excited because when she jumped away from the car, she pulled Y/n with her and they both lost their footing. “Woah!”
“Ouch! Kat!" Y/n laughed as she landed on her back in the snow with Kat leaning over her. They were laughing like maniacs despite knowing that one or both of them could have been seriously injured. “What the hell? You’re crazy, get off me.”
Meanwhile, in the living room, Satori and Cody kept at it with Sam and Colby, teaching them along the way. The first person they connected with asked about Colby, so Satori and Cody took back over. 
“Way to go, Colby,” Sam jokingly scolded. 
“Shut up, Sam,” Colby joked back.
“You want to talk to Colby?” Satori asked as was met with a knock immediately. “Okay, what is your name?” She went through the alphabet and found the name they were spelling out. “Frank? Yes. Colby, do you know a Frank?”
“Not off the top of my head,” Colby answered, “Who are you to me?” Satori started the alphabet again and the knocks spelled out:
“Grandfather? No, Great-grandfather? Yes,” Satori interpreted. “What message do you have for Colby?” The knocks started back up and what it spelled caused a chill to run down everyone’s spines. “Protect? Protect who?...Y/n. Protect Y/n from what?”
They did not get an answer as they heard shouting from outside, causing Colby to bolt out the door immediately.
“Y/n?” He shouted, not caring that it was midnight. His ears were ringing, and his heart stopped when he saw Y/n laying in the snow. He could not breathe, and he could not register that the girls were laughing and not in danger. He slid down to be down by Y/n’s head as he held her hand. “Holy shit, are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“All good, Colby,” she laughed, pushing Kat off her as she stood up. Y/n inspected the snow around her as she felt around her stomach,  “I don’t see any blood and I don’t feel any pain, so I think we’re both good.”
“Yeah, you and Kat look fine to me,” Colby sighed as he took Y/n into his arms.
“No, not Kat, no offense,” Y/n retorted before looking up at Colby as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered, “Me and the baby.”
“Baby? Whose baby? My baby? Our baby?” He asked so quickly Y/n could not keep up with him as he held her at arm’s length before cheering loudly when she nodded her head. He ran back to the house to tell Sam only to find Sam, Satori, and Cody standing at the doorway. “I’m gonna be a dad!”
“Yeah, Frank just told us.”
Part 2 ->
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 months
Sleep Tight
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by @coveredinratz and @outof-spite and Anonymous (yes I totally combined 3 asks in one)
Synopsis: you struggle with insomnia, and your big brothers help you out.
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Who would’ve thought that you’d ever get used to having your own bedroom. And who would’ve thought that that would turn out to be a bad thing.
See, being used to your own bedroom meant you were also used to having your own bed. Which meant that you developed your own little quirks that went unnoticed in your own room, but turned into annoyances when you had to share a bed on a case.
You were in a town several hours away from the bunker investigating a string of disappearances that definitely didn’t fit the confines of “natural”. The research was going nowhere, and you were settling down to share a bed with Dean—who had lost the rock paper scissors with Sam—for the first time in a while. It took less than ten minutes before the problem became apparent.
“Would you stop moving around?” Dean demanded.
You froze, having not even realized you were moving. You were uncomfortably still for several minutes, before you slowly started to relax, when…
“Hey!” Dean’s outburst snapped you fully awake. “Seriously, what is with all the moving? What are you doing?”
You froze again, finally realizing what you were doing as heat crept into your cheeks.
“Just…I don’t know,” you mumbled. “It-it helps me sleep…”
“What, jiggling around like you’re about to wet yourself?”
“No, just…” you huffed. “Forget about it, I’ll try to stop.”
“No, hey.” Dean sat up suddenly, turning to look at you. “C’mon, what’s up? You having trouble sleeping?”
“Sometimes,” you muttered. “Rocking helps.”
“Rocking?” Dean asked. “You’re rocking yourself to sleep?”
“Yeah.” You turned away from Dean when he tried to look at you again, burying your head in your pillow to hide your red face. “It’s stupid.” Your voice came out muffled through the pillow.
“No,” Dean sighed. “Forget what I said, do whatever you gotta do to sleep, ok?”
“Ok.” Despite your response, you found yourself much too self conscious to sleep. You stayed eerily still, trying to will yourself to sleep long after Dean’s breathing had settled into a steady pace. Eventually you gave up, throwing the blanket off of yourself and standing. You slipped out of the motel room, opting to go for a walk.
Rather than help make you sleepy, the cool night air seemed to slap you awake the moment you stepped out into it. You stood outside the motel room for only a couple of minutes, too awake to sleep but too tired to walk and too cold to stay outside but too anxious to go inside and wake your brothers up. It was all just…too much.
Your shivering made your decision for you, but you’d hardly taken two steps into the room before Sam was sitting up in his bed, eyeing you.
“Hey,” he whispered, careful not to wake Dean. “What are you doing up?”
“Nothing,” you whispered back, and you tried to get back in bed with Dean, but Sam reached his long frame out over his own bed and grabbed onto your arm.
“C’mere, why don’t you share with me tonight,” he offered. You hesitantly climbed up into his bed, afraid that he was offering just so he could question you. You weren’t wrong.
“So what’s up?” he asked. “Can’t sleep?” When you silently shook your head, he continued. “Yeah, you’ve been having that problem for a little while now.” Sam saw your confused look and explained— “I can hear you pacing the halls in the bunker sometimes. I’m kind of a light sleeper.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, your head ducked low.
“No, hey…” Sam tilted your chin up with a gentle hand. “I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just observing. Is something going on?”
“No.” You shrugged. “I just…I can’t sleep, I don’t know why.”
“Ok.” You watched as Sam laid back against his pillows. “Get over here, I wanna try something.”
You hesitantly laid down next to your brother, confused but malleable as he guided your head to using his chest as a pillow.
“This is weird,” you said with a giggle, your voice muffled against Sam’s shirt.
“Hey now, I’m trying to help you out here,” Sam chuckled, and your makeshift “pillow” rumbled with his laugh. “Just relax.” You obeyed, and Sam shifted even more so that you were basically on top of him.
“What are you doing?” You were giggling again, which made Sam laugh, and you found the rumble under you oddly soothing. When it stopped, you noticed that you could feel the gentle thump of your big brother’s heart—a sound you also found comforting.
“Just trust me,” Sam said. He didn’t even have to request that—you always trusted him. You squirmed a little, moving so that his elbow wasn’t digging into your side, but once you were comfortable and Sam was sure you’d be still, he started to move. Just a little bit, back and forth, over and over.
You didn’t speak, realizing at once what he was doing.
“I heard you and Dean talking about rocking yourself to sleep,” Sam whispered. “Is this…is this kinda like that? Is this working?”
You gave a muffled “mm-hm,” already feeling lulled by Sam’s gentle rocking and steady heartbeat.
“You guys having a party without me?” Dean’s half-asleep voice reached your ears, and you peaked your eyes open to see him sitting up in bed.
“Just tryin to get to sleep,” Sam told him.
“You always were hard to put out, especially as a toddler,” Dean groaned and stretched. Then he started to smirk, chuckling. “That’s adorable.”
“What?” Sam had to ask.
“Don’t you remember, Sammy? She always used to sleep on you, just like that.”
Sam just shrugged—or tried to, anyway—and continued to rock back and forth.
“But you know what always put her out completely?” Dean asked. Sam’s only response was a quizzical look as Dean rose from his own bed and went to sit on the edge of Sam’s.
Dean didn’t respond—at least not in words.
“Hey Jude, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better…”
You were dozing in Sam’s arms before Dean even got to the second verse.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Off the deep end 2 (18+)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: ghostface!Sam Carpenter x f!reader
Warnings: mention of murder, smut
Summary: you don't know what to make of the fact that Ghostface saved you, but you know you'll never let her touch you again. Sam is the only one you want.
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The silence that hangs in the room feels almost suffocating. Tara sits still, but the look on her face turns from concern to contemplation, as her eyes jump from you to the TV and then back again. Chad doesn't say anything and only moves when Tara turns to whisper in his ear.
Anika sends you a questioning look to which you easily smile. She relaxes instantly, and reaches for the remote to switch the channel.
You bite your lip, looking down at Sam's hand still circled around your wrist, her grip so tight it might cut off your circulation.
You don't say anything in fear of her exploding on you.
Ever since Tara first dragged you along to their apartment Sam's kept a close eye on you. It was disconcerting at first, when she always glared at you, nitpicking your every move and asking probing questions. You never hesitated to answer in fear of her throwing you out and never letting you anywhere near close to them again.
But then, as weeks went by, her hovering turned from suspicious to protective, almost overbearing at times. You took it in stride, welcomed it, even. You've never had anyone care about you the way she does.
"Can we finally talk about it now?" Mindy asks, warily eyeing Sam. "I know you said before that the murders have no connection to us, but now it's a little too close to home, don't you think?" She looks at you for backup.
You bite your lip. "I don't know, Mindy…"
"What about the guy that wouldn't leave you alone? Cole?" Chad butts in.
You blink, confused. "What about him?"
Tara looks at you, narrowing her eyes. "He was stabbed about a month ago."
You gulp, pushing back against the cushions. "I didn't know that."
Now that you think of it, you realize he stopped bothering you a long time ago, practically disappearing from campus.
Sam stays uncharacteristically silent, her eyes boring holes into the TV and her hand slithering lower to settle on your thigh, absentmindedly circling her thumb on your skin.
Quinn finally looks up from her phone, chewing on the stick of her lollipop. "Why are you so worked up about this? It's New York, people get stabbed every hour."
Silence falls over the room, everyone turns to look at the unbothered girl.
Anika is the first to break silence. "Quinn, use your brain."
"No, she's right." Sam speaks up for the first time. "It's a big city and we don't even know if it's Ghostface."
The older girl gets up, patting your thigh one last time and goes back to the kitchen.
You exchange worried looks with Mindy, who looks equally dumbfounded as you feel.
"What just happened?" Tara whispers, looking like her world flipped upside down.
You sink deeper into the cushions, frowning in thought.
"Can we finally get drunk now?" Quinn gets up to pour herself a shot of vodka, ruffling your hair as she passes by you. "Join me, cute girl?"
You think you hear something fall in the kitchen, but you are not too sure.
The rest of the day passes in a blur. You stick with Quinn, feeding on her laid back attitude and easy smiles, all worries thrown into the deepest part of your mind. Ethan gets embarrassingly drunk and tries to cuddle Mindy, throwing them both over the back of the couch. Chad and Tara disappeared in her room a long time ago and Sam's been brooding all night, sending you long looks over the rim of her glass and eyeing Quinn's hand on your shoulder.
You get up when the clock strikes midnight, ready to head home.
"What are you doing?" Sam asks.
You stagger. "It's late. Time to go home."
"You're staying here tonight." She says, and you don't have the time to object, before she's clapping her hands, startling everyone in the room. "Ethan." She looks at him, cocking her head towards the door. He hurriedly scurries away, blurting out goodbyes as he disappears out the door.
She turns to look at the cuddled pair. "Anika? Mindy?"
One of them grumbles, you think it's Mindy. "We'll go. Sleeping on this old thing leaves me sore for days. You'll have to go and get Chad though." She smirks, biting her lip in anticipation.
Sam just sighs and goes to Tara's room, making sure to be as loud as possible when she approaches the door.
"Looks like you'll get some after all," Quinn whispers with a suggestive smile.
You groan, hiding your face in your hands. "Yeah, I'll get my ass whopped."
"I mean, if you're into that…" she chuckles, and nudges you with her shoulder, before disappearing in her own room.
Mindy and Anika linger by the door, waiting for Chad. You bite your lip and look at the door, considering.
And then someone slaps the back of your head. "Don't even think about it," Mindy hisses, her eyes darting in the direction of Tara's room.
You roll your eyes and step away from her reach, leaning against the wall. Chad emerges a second later, looking reprimanded. Mindy snickers at the look on his face. You quickly say your goodbyes, promising to meet up tomorrow after classes. Sam drags you to her room as soon as the door closes behind them. You eye her warily and take a seat on her soft bed, waiting as she gathers herself.
You hoped she'd forget about the night before by now, but, evidently, the news and the time she spent glaring at the back of your head only egged her more.
"Sam?" You whisper, your fingers clenching around her soft blanket.
She looks at you, her eyes flash as she starts walking to you. "You'll stay here from now on. No more parties. No more walking alone at night. You won't leave this apartment without me," she bites out, taking a step closer with each word.
She's directly in front of you now and you have to strain your neck to look her in the eyes. "Sam this is rid-"
You swallow your words when her hand comes up to your neck, fiddling with the hem of your shirt, a tip of her finger dipping under the fabric to stroke your bruised skin. She leans dangerously close to your face, her breath fanning over your burning cheeks.
"You'll stay here, with me," she whispers, her lips brushing against yours. "Say it."
You lose yourself in her eyes. She's looking down at you, unblinking, her brows furrowing more and more with each passing second.
You decide not to test your luck.
"I'll stay here, with you." Your eyes fall shut.
"And?" She tucks your hair behind your ear, her fingers lingering below your jaw, cradling your face.
"I'll-" you take a deep breath, "I won't go anywhere. Not without you."
She relaxes instantly, tension seeping away from her body, and pulls away, leaving you to tremble on her bed. You open your eyes to see her rummaging through her closet, pulling out various t-shirts and looking them over before settling for an oversized dark green one.
You pull the blanket over your lap, hunching in on yourself as you try to slow your heartbeat, rubbing your chest. You sit in silence as she changes into her sleeping clothes, your eyes trained on the few pictures pinned to the wall over her dresser. There's two with her and Tara, one with Chad and Mindy, presumably at her birthday party, and one with you, sneakily taken by Anika during one of your picnics. You smile at the picture, noting the content look on Sam's face and the curl of her lips as she gazes down at you sleeping soundly on her lap.
"Here," she says, giving you only a shirt, and elaborates at your questioning look, "my pants will be too big on you."
You nod, and ask her to turn around. She does so with a shake of her head, settling on the right side of the bed while you shuffle out of your clothes, folding them neatly over the back of a chair. You freeze when you catch a glimpse of the bite marks littering your neck and shoulders in the mirror, quickly pulling her shirt over your head.
When you turn around Sam is already looking at you, her eyes sliding up and down your body, lingering on the bruise on your throat.
Your face burns and you quickly jump under the covers, facing the wall. She doesn't say anything, just reaches over you to turn off the light, her hand settling over your waist before she pulls you into her chest and nuzzles her nose on the back of your neck, wishing you a good night.
"So… you and Sam?" Tara asks two weeks later, walking by your side in the cafeteria, fidgeting with a bottle of water.
You sigh at Tara's not so subtle prying. "It's just Sam being Sam."
When you woke up that morning, nestled in the crook of Sam's neck while she gently nudged you awake, you could've sworn you were in heaven.
But as it turned out, when she said she wouldn't let you leave anywhere without her, she meant just that. You don't think there was a moment you've spent without her by your side, she is always lingering somewhere around you even if it was just the two of you in the room, and whenever you're in a crowded area she never lets you out of sight, making sure to have at least one point of contact between you two.
And then there's her touches. It's almost like she needs her hand around you to properly function. It doesn't matter who's around, she'll pull you against her without a care, holding you possessively when a stranger stares at you for too long, or going as far as to leave soft pecks down your neck when she helps you reach for something on the top shelf.
It's been bearable before, when you could find reprieve in your apartment after a day spent in Sam's presence, but now she's around you 24/7 and you're not sure you'll be able to endure this sweet torture much longer.
The fact that she shuts you down every time you try to talk about it doesn't help either.
Tara stops and pulls you to the side, pinning you down with an unimpressed look.
"She doesn't spend that much time hovering over me and I'm her sister. And besides, I've seen the way you look at each other. Kinda makes me want to throw up," she says, rolling her eyes.
You take a moment to respond, carefully choosing your words.
"Well… Get a bucket, I guess," you smirk at her offended look, shielding your head when she throws her water bottle square in your face. "Ow! Bitch. I was joking."
"Jokes are meant to be funny," she grumbles, pulling you to the farthest table.
Anika and Ethan are already there, engaged in a heated discussion about the newest installment of his favorite game, the curly boy getting so passionate he accidentally sends his coke flying over your shirt just as you approach them.
"What is it with me getting targeted all day today?" You groan, prying the wet shirt away from your body, and grimace at the stickiness on your stomach and between your fingers.
Tara snorts, sending Ethan a look of approval. "Good job, new guy."
Ethan, for his part, looks like he's ready to die from embarrassment. His chair squeaks against the floor as he stands up, grabbing some wet wipes from his backpack, and starts hurriedly wiping at your shirt. "I'm so sorry! I don't know how that happened…"
You awkwardly inch away. "It's okay," you mumble, taking his wipes and trying to clean the shirt yourself.
It's not okay. You feel gross and the smell is already starting to make you feel nauseous, so you double your efforts, sitting down with a huff.
"Here, take this," Ethan mumbles, taking off his hoodie, "it's a bit big, but it's better than nothing, right?"
You chew on your bottom lip, considering your options.
Sticky shirt or Ethan's hoodie.
You decide on the lesser evil.
He hands it to you with a small smile, and apologizes again, muttering something about clumsiness and genes.
Anika grabs it from him before you could reach out, and stands up. "I'll help you clean up, come on."
You follow her down the hall to a secluded restroom. She checks the stalls before locking the door behind you and tugs you to a sink. You put away your bag and start tugging at the hem of your shirt, trying to keep it away from your hair. You feel another pair of hands help you when you almost get stuck. Breathing out in relief when you're finally free from the confines of your coke scented shirt, you turn to look at Anika.
"Thanks," you smile at her and reach for the paper towels.
You quietly work on wiping away the stickiness, wetting the towels in the sink and rubbing your stomach clean, shifting uncomfortably under Anika's scrutinizing gaze.
You throw your ruined shirt in the garbage bin in the corner, reaching for Ethan's sweatshirt when you come back to stand in front of the mirrors.
"Are you really not worried?" Anika whispers, fixing your hair when you pull the garment over your head. You can't help but notice the scent of Ethan's cologne, it prickles your nose, and you keep in a grimace, already too used to the smell of Sam's detergent surrounding you at all times.
"About what?" You ask absentmindedly, picking up your beg.
She crosses her arms in front of her chest. "The killings."
Your heart skips a beat at the quiet question. You look up to meet her worried eyes, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she fiddles with a loose thread of her blouse. You can't help but pull her into a hug.
"Nothing will happen to any of us, I'm sure," you say with as much conviction you can muster.
In reality, you've spent the last few weeks in a constant state of uncertainty, looking over your shoulder at every corner and holding onto Sam whenever someone suspicious approaches you. You haven't told anyone about what happened that night, and you don't think you ever will. You can't even begin to imagine what they'd think of you if they ever found out. You're sure you'd lose your friends. You're sure you'd lose Sam.
So you stayed quiet, only allowing yourself to look back on the memory when you were alone, locked in the bathroom. Constant reminders about previous victims from Mindy made you realize that the woman behind the mask saved you and your friends more times than you can count. That night she saved you.
You don't know what to make of it, other than you'll never allow it to happen again.
Sam is the only one you want.
Anika grips your shoulders, nodding. "You're right. I don't know why I'm freaked out. It's just… it's never been like that before, you know..?" She trails off and you nod.
You do know. New York is not the safest place in the world, but it was never that dangerous before a certain group of people moved to the city. You know it's not a coincidence, no matter how much you wish to be proven wrong. You've been keeping up an unbothered facade, borrowing some of Tara's nonchalant attitude, but in the darkest corner of your mind you know that everyone around you is doing the same thing. Pretending.
Expect, maybe, Sam.
She's solid and self assured, her words never waver the way Tara's sometimes do, she never jumps at loud noises like Mindy does, and she never spends a moment too long staring into the dark corners of the street like Chad does. It gives you strength.
"Everything will be fine." You pull away to look her in the eye. "And if anything happens we stick together, okay?" You take her hand in yours and interlock your pinkies in a silent promise.
"Is that… Ethan's hoodie?" Chad asks, squinting at you from the couch.
You sigh and trudge to Sam's room, leaving Tara and Anika to explain the situation for you. The day dragged on for way too long leaving you positively exhausted, you can't be bothered to retell the highlight of Tara's day to her not-boyfriend. Ethan's great and all, but his choice of cologne could've been much better, the smell so strong it gave you a headache.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
You jump up at the confused voice, your hand flying up to rest on your chest, right over your hammering heart.
"Jesus, Sam. I thought you were still at work," you mumble, avoiding her eyes.
You continue your way to the closet, tensing when the bed squeaks as she gets up, and then you feel her tug at the hem of the hoodie, turning you around.
"It's not yours. And it's not mine either." She's starting intently, her eyes darken. "You definitely didn't put this on in the morning. Where were you?"
Your lips purse at the scowl that took place on her face, her eyebrows furrowed and her head tilted to the side. You hate the way it makes you even more attracted to her.
"I don't have to explain myself to you," you say.
For a second she looks like she wants to argue. Her jaw clenches, but she takes a step back.
"No, you don't." She says it like she regrets the fact.
Sometimes you feel like she can't control herself at times, letting her darker side take hold, acting like she owns you, and she tries very hard to make up for it in the moments of clarity, paying extra attention to your expressions, making sure you are comfortable with her constant hovering.
In truth, all you really want is for her to actually make you hers.
You sigh, reaching into the closet for a change of clothing. "It's Ethan's." You decide to explain. You don't see the way her fists clench. "He spilled his coke all over my shirt, so we had to improvise."
The answer seems to settle her. She sits on the bed, leaning back on her hands, watching you rummage through your clothes.
"It doesn't suit you," she mutters at last.
You chuckle and stop yourself from reaching for your shirt and take Sam's one instead. She doesn't comment on the choice, but her smile tells you everything you need to know.
"Come here," she says, patting her thighs.
You stop in your tracks, your mouth falling open at the sight of her waiting for you on the bed. "I really need to shower, Sam."
You hesitate only for a second before sitting down sideways over her lap, your arms circling her shoulders, her hands settle on your hips, toying with the hem of the shirt.
You want to burrow into her and never let go.
"Can I take it off?" she asks, her eyes flickering down to your lips.
The question makes your breath hitch. You'll never get used to the way she makes you feel. You hide your face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her perfume, your fingers threading through her soft hair.
Her fingers sneak past the fabric, resting on the soft skin of your lower back. "Please," she whispers against your temple. "Let me take it off." She presses a gentle kiss to your hairline.
Your body goes limp in her hold and you nod, untangling yourself from her.
She exhales through her mouth and swiftly pulls it off, leaving you in your bra, and carelessly throws it to the floor. She takes you in, her hands hovering over your sides.
You don't think you're able to endure her tiptoeing around you any longer, so you take them and lead them to your breasts. She cups you eagerly, squeezing you over the lace of your bra.
You barely manage to keep in a moan when her finger brushes against your nipple. She inhales sharply, and places her thumbs over your hardened buds, swiping. Your thighs squeeze involuntarily, and you adjust on her lap, desperate to find relief.
"Sam," you whimper.
One of her hands reaches up to wrap around your neck, the feeling so familiar it makes you freeze. Your eyes fall shut when she squeezes your neck, her breath falling hot against your ear as she whispers, "Look at me."
Suddenly, the weight of her hand feels suffocating. Suddenly, you're no longer in her room, but on the floor of your living room, pinned down by a stranger.
Your eyes blink open just in time to see Sam tilt her head, the glint in her eyes almost predatory.
You shake your head and jump away from her touch. She tries to stop you, but you're already in the bathroom, closing the door in her face. You fall to the floor right then, your knees hitting the hard tiles. The door rattles once, then twice. You can't move, shaking on the cold floor, rubbing your chest to calm your rapid heart.
It all felt too familiar. The feeling of strong muscle under your thighs, nimble fingers teasing your heated skin, her hand on your throat, squeezing.
Her fucking voice, asking you to open your eyes and look.
Could it be..?
Your vision blurs.
"Open the door, Y/n." Sam's voice is awfully quiet and unsure, like she's afraid of what she's about to face.
"Was it you?" You ask, afraid to hear the answer, your voice so quiet you're not even sure she heard you.
"Just open the door, please," she begs. You can hear the strain in her voice.
You shake your head again.
You don't know what to think. Maybe it's some fucked up coping mechanism your brain came up with to make it easier for you to accept the fact that you willingly let a murderer fuck you.
For a fleeting moment you think that if she was the one wearing the mask that night you'd be okay with it. You'd welcome it.
You take a deep breath and get up to open the door, hesitating only for a second before turning the knob.
Sam stays on the other side, watching as tears trail down your face. The shakiness of your hands when you wipe them away wakes her up from her stupor, and she throws herself at you, holding you tight.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, "I don't know what's gotten into me."
She inhales sharply, tightening her grip on you. "It's okay. You're okay."
She holds you like you might break or run away, clinging to you desperately. You stay like this for a long time, basking in her warmth. Eventually, she takes a step back and opens the faucet, letting the tub fill with the hot water, before she takes off her clothes, throwing them in a pile on the floor. You watch her undress, falling back and gripping the sink behind you when she's left in her underwear, leaving her defined muscles on full display. You audibly gulp at the sight, your thighs clenching, reminded of wetness pooled between your legs. Next thing you know, she's unbuttoning your jeans, tugging them down after your nod of consent.
You let her take off your underwear, watching her take labored breaths, her chest heaving. There's no color in her eyes, only black of her pupils. She wastes no time in throwing away her underwear, and stepping in the tub, pulling you along.
You sit between her legs, your back pressed against her chest as she litters the back of your neck with kisses, her hands gliding up and down your sides, not daring to dip lower. Your head falls on her shoulder and she finally places a kiss on the corner of your mouth, eliciting a quiet whimper from you.
She reaches to the side, and lathers her hand, pushing you away to grant more space. She gently rubs your skin, washing away the exhaustion of the day, her hands slide up and down your back, then to your stomach, before they finally find home over your breasts.
"Feels good?" She breathes against your ear, and bites down gently. You moan audibly, your nails digging into the skin of her thighs.
You fall back against her when she tugs your nipple, making your hips jerk. She places a kiss under your ear and continues her ministrations on the rest of your body, leaving one area unattended.
You catch her hand when she tries to settle it on the rim of the tub, leading it to the dip between your thighs, where you desperately need her. Her other hand grips your hip hard enough to leave a bruise.
You settle your fingers over hers and lead her down. She cups you gently, spreading your lips before teasing your entrance, her thumb ghosting over your clit. You tug her head down, whining into her mouth. She crashes into your lips, not wasting any time to dart her tongue inside.
She circles your slit with two of her fingers, but before she can dip inside, the door shakes with forceful knocks.
"Sam, you need to get out here right now! There was another attack." Mindy's voice rings on the other side of the door. "It's Ghostface, they found the mask."
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funkycoloured · 18 days
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NEW BOTS!! notes: i'm suffering so bad on my period rn and as i've been rotting in my bed, i made the foolish decision to rewatch spn and i was overwhelmed with the urge to make some bots. here. i swear i'm going to do the rest of my requests as soon as i am able to, school and work have been taking up so much of my time so i've been struggling a little. and uh c.ai recently shadowbanned a few of my bots for like... no reason cuz they were fine before so if you can't find a specific one lmk and i'll repost the link on here
DEAN WINCHESTER: ❝ baby daddy ❞ (req) the night dean had spent with you was supposed to be nothing more than a one-night stand. however, it changed your life forever when you found out he'd gotten you pregnant. you never saw the man after that, until luck shoved him onto your doorstep. he was in town investigating for a case, though the conversation quickly took a different direction. he didn't know how to come to terms with the fact that he'd gotten you pregnant — that he had a child.
❝ nasty dog ❞ dean was just a man. he couldn't help it if his eyes wandered to inappropriate places, or if he found himself going after you in hopes of getting laid. you were the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen in the whole damn world. of course, he wanted you. it worked, after all. he could tell you were into him just as much as he was you... even if you acted like you weren't.
SAM WINCHESTER: ❝ noise complaint ❞ the nights you spent with sam often ended up with you two tangled in the sheets of whatever shitty motel you were staying in, loving on each other until the early hours of the morning. tonight was no different, though a small problem arose. someone had called in for a noise complaint — apparently, you two had gotten a bit too excited and loud.
❝ losing game ❞ sam was honestly afraid to fall in love with you. everyone else he'd loved had gotten hurt because of him or betrayed him in one way or another. but, he told himself that you'd be different. you were a hunter just like him, and a damn good one at that. however, nothing could've prepared you both for the unexpected, which led to you bleeding out in his arms after a hunt gone wrong.
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likes + reblogs are appreciated!!
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stefans-brock · 8 months
colby brock
new years kiss!
summary: after multiple attempts of your best friend trying to set you up with her boyfriend's best friend, his best friend finally confesses his love for you.
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it was sunday night, new years eve. you were at your best friend, katrina's apartment. the both of you stood in her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as you both applied your makeup for the night.
"i still don't know what to wear?" you mention whilst rummaging around in your makeup bag to find your eyeliner. you hand katrina the tube, the routine of her doing your eyeliner now becoming a regular reoccurrence, as you found it a struggle to do on yourself.
you sat on the bath ledge as she stood in front of you. "you can borrow anything of mine" she says, concentrating on the task in front of her. "but that white dress you brought over was so cute" she continues.
she brings up the eyeliner to your eye, and you close your eyes, making it easier for her. in two swift motions, she does a wing liner for both eyes.
"i bet colby will love it" katrina tries hiding a smile by tucking her lips in. "kat!" you shake your head at your best friends bluntness. "what, he will!" katrina exclaims.
"you're unbelievable!" you giggle, leaving her alone in the bathroom, now making your way into her bedroom. "i'm trying it on!" you shout.
you take off your hoodie and shorts that you were wearing and put on the short, white, lace dress you had brought along with you as an option for tonight.
"kat, come in here!" you tell her as you look at yourself in her bedroom, full-length mirror. she walks into the room, holding an eyeshadow in one hand whilst her another hand is occupied with putting eyeshadow on her lid.
"i love it!" she gasps. "you look so hot, y/n" katrina states. you bit your bottom lip whilst admiring the dress, "you don't think it's too much?" you ask, turning around to face katrina. "no, it's perfect," she reassures you.
"i guess this is it then." you take one more look at yourself in the mirror before following katrina back into the bathroom, "how're you thinking of doing your hair?" she asks. "just gonna straighten it," you reply, plugging in your hair straighteners.
"they won't be able to keep their hands off of us," katrina chuckles, making you shake your head.
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after both of you had finished getting yourself ready for the night, you were both cleaning up the mess made in the bathroom whilst waiting for the boys to come pick you both up.
when the doorbell rang, you quickly announced that you would get the door.
you made your way to the front door and swung it open. sam standing in front gave you a hug, "hey y/n," he smiles before walking around you to get inside.
colby was stood behind sam on his phone, but once sam moved, colby looked up - his eyes meeting yours. you gave him a smile as you discreetly scanned his outfit - black dress pants and a white dress shirt that had the first few top buttons undone whilst hair laid messily, some hair strands laying on his forehead.
"hey" he grins, "you look good," he says nervously before he follows sam. you look down at your outfit with furrowed eyebrows - just good?
"y/n-?" you hear katrina say. "yeah?" you shout back, turning around to the three of them now looking at you. "have you got everything?" katrina asks. you give her nod. "yeah, let's go guys" you squeal as you lead the way out.
just as katrina was locking her door, you realised you had forgotten your purse. "i forgot my purse!" you face palmed.
katrina sighs before turning around to you, she throws you her key. "lock up after" she states, you nod in response as you watch sam and katrina make their way down.
"you can go, you know, i'll be straight down," you direct to colby as you turn the key to open the door. "it's okay. besides, it's too early to be third wheeling them, " colby laughs. "in that case, i don't blame you," you smile, opening the door wider for colby.
"my bag's just upstairs, i'll be quick" you say before running up the stairs - or running the best you can in the heels you were in.
you grabbed your purse off of katrina's bed and made your way back downstairs. once you had made it to the downstairs hallway - you saw colby, taking off a mirror selfie.
he realises that you're watching him through the mirror reflection, so he turns to you, "wanna take a picture?" he asks. "uhm- yeah, sure" you shrug, making your way over to stand beside colby.
you look into the mirror and see colby biting his bottom lip before he shuffles discreetly closer to you. he let's his arm losely wrap around your front whilst his other hand held up his phone. he had titled his head, so he was looking at you. you felt the heat of his eyes burn into your skin as you looked at him through the mirror.
"you look beautiful," he whispers with a smile. you turn your head to look at him. he drops the hand holding the phone and stuffs his hand into his pocket of the dress pants he was wearing. he then steps closer whilst his other hand goes up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
your eyes had lost themselves in his blue ones, as the two of you stared lustfully at each other.
after what had felt like several minutes - though only a matter of a few seconds - colby took a step back before clearing his throat, "we should go" he announces, making you nod your head in agreement. "yeah, let's go"
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after you locked up katrina's apartment, both of you made your way to the parking lot, colby kept his hand on the small of your back, leading you to sam's car.
once reaching the car, colby moved his hand from your back to the car door handle. you frowned due to the loss of his warmth touch.
"you okay?" colby asks as he watches you, his eyebrows furrowed. your eyes widened whilst you looked up at him, realising you had gotten lost in thought. "yep, all good." you smile before giving him a thanks for opening the door. you climb into the other side of the car, taking a seat behind sam, who sat in the drivers seat. colby then followed in, sitting behind katrina, leaving the middle seat empty between us.
katrina called dibs on the aux as sam began driving, and colby turned his attention to his phone as he noticed the couple in front talking.
feeling bored, you rested your hand under your chin and looked out the window. anticipating for when you'd all arrive to the club.
whilst staring out the window, you feel colby shuffle around in his seat. looking out in the corner of your eye, you see him sliding over to the middle seat. he nudged your leg with his, waiting for you to turn your head around - and so you did.
you gave him a hum as you waited for him to speak up. "look at this," he says, pointing his phone towards you. you look into the phone as he plays a tiktok for you.
it was an edit of a tiktok from when him and sam lived in the traphouse - in the tiktok was also you and katrina, dancing to a trending song at the time. "you were terrible at that," you giggle after you'd watched the short clip. "blame that on the supposed teachers," colby shot you a look, and you returned the same look. "a teacher can only do so much if their students are -" you take a second to look him up and down, "well you," you grimaced playfully before letting out a small scoff.
colby shaked his head, "next time, try harder, sweetheart." colby winked before sliding back to his original seat. you directed your middle finger to him before dropping your hand down on your leg. you hear him chuckle before you turn your head again, looking out the same window.
you, colby, katrina, and sam had been friends for a long time now. you had met katrina a few months after she had started to date sam. so naturally, you joined their friendship group. you were especially close to the three you were currently in the car with. ever since meeting katrina - nearly six years ago - she would take any chance she could to try to set you and colby up. at first you never saw colby as anything more than a best friend but as time went on - you finally realised you had feelings for him. you were well aware that katrina had told sam about your feelings, but you didn't mind as much as he didn't tell colby about it.
after the short drive to the club, the four of you piled out of the car. colby helped you by covering you as you stepped out - pulling the hem of your dress down. "thank you," you say embarrassed, knowing your cheeks were growing a deep shade of red. "it's all good," he shrugs before taking your hand, "shall we?" he asks. you peek over his shoulder to see katrina and sam already walking in, "yeah, lets go." you began walking in the direction that you saw your friends walking in. colby was walking behind you, whilst your hands were still intertwined.
but once you had reached the entrance to the club, you saw paparazzi blocking the door snapping away with their cameras. you turned your head behind you to seek security off of colby.
colby understood the plea in your eyes and stepped in front of you, guiding you through the crowds of paparazzi. "excuse me, guys" he calls out whilst still having ahold of you.
during the many years of knowing sam and colby, you'd never seen paparazzi swarm them like this. katrina had now left sam's side and made her way inside alone.
when you looked up at colby, you realised he was talking to one of the men holding a camera. you gave the camera man a smile before turning away from the camera. your eyes fell and focused on yours and colby's hand - you tried pulling your hand out of his grasp, but that only made the grasp colby had on your hand tighter.
"and whose this?" you hear the man say, pointing his camera at you. your eyes shot up to colbys before he let out a chuckle. "she's - we're just -" colby begins stuttering before turning his head to the side once he hears his name being called out by sam. "sorry man, we gotta go" colby gently pushes past the crowd until you both reach safely inside.
"that was crazy," sam shakes his head. colby only nods at him before turning to you. "sorry about that, you okay?" he asks, you give him a nod, "it's not your fault, " you smile before turning to look at sam and katrina. "shall we guys?" you ask them. katrina eagerly squeals before taking your hand, running off with you into the crowds of drunken people.
katrina drags you onto the dancefloor, which was further down from where sam and colby stood.
you both give each other a glance when you realise the dj is playing 'promiscuous'. you and katrina joined in with the crowd on the floor and began dancing.
as the songs continued playing on, sam eventually made his way over to you both, holding three plastic glasses. two were cupped in either hand whilst the third was being held up by being in between his teeth. "here you go, ladies," he pipes up as he approaches beside you.
you give a thanks before taking a glass out of his hand. you knock down a shots' worth before wincing at the burn in your throat. "is this straight vodka?" you grimaced. sam takes the glass out from between his lips before chuckling, "yeah, sorry, that's mine" he says, reaching out with that same glass. you shook your head at the glass, "i'll keep this," you inform him. "you sure?" he asks. you give him a nod in response before moving beside katrina, who hasn't stopped dancing. only then does she stop dancing, taking a glass from sam.
your hips don't stop swaying to the music as you reach your hands above your head. you start singing along to the song, 'buy u a drink' you giggle as you watch katrina dance against sam, sam resting his hands on her waist whilst he whispered in her ear.
finding the couple sickeningly cute, you looked away from them. your eyes instantly falling on colby, who was already staring you down. he leant against the bar, with two others. jake and corey. they must have just arrived. moving your eyes back onto colby, you realise his lips are slightly parted. one of his hands held a drink whilst his other regularly ran through his hair. you turned your head back and focused on dancing with your friends.
katrina swayed her way over to you before whispering in your ear, "he's been staring for a while," she shouts before pulling away. she gives you a wink before moving back beside sam.
you look back at colby, his eyes now lay on a blonde, who was approaching him. he smiled at her as she began talking to him. the blonde played with her hair as she stood in front of him. you then notice jake and corey leave colby's side, the two of them shaking their heads at colby.
you huffed at the sight before finishing off your drink, settling it on a nearby table. you had lost sam and katrina in the crowd, so you started dancing alone until you felt someone come up behind you.
"what's a girl like you doing dancing all alone?" a deep voice says. you turn, looking up at the man. he gave you a smile before asking to join you. you gave him a nod as you slipped colby a look.
like the first time, he was staring at you. but this time, his eyes were narrowed whilst his eyebrows furrowed. he was chewing on his inner cheek whilst fiddling with his silver rings.
you pushed him out of your head and turned your attention to the man dancing with you.
"so, did you come alone?" the man asks. but before you could reply back, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you.
your front collided with a familiar chest. you looked up at a furious colby, "the fuck she did" colby shouts. you looked up to those blue eyes and brushed yourself off of him. "what're you doing?" you ask, returning the same tone as him. "what do you mean 'what am i doing?', what the fuck are you doing?" he shouts over the music once again.
"shit bro, i didn't know she had a boyfriend." the man speaks up, you shoot him a look. "i don't," you shake your head before turning to colby.
"you're ao fucking annoying, y'know that" colby shakes his head before grabbing your wrist again, leading you both somewhere quiet. "colby, get off me," you complain.
colby had dragged you into a hallway that was quiet enough but still echoed the music that played.
"what was that?" he asks."nothing, i was just dancing," you shrug. "you can't tell me what to do, colby" you shake your head as you cross your arms over your front.
colby scoffs to himself before moving to stand in between my legs. "look at me" colby's voice comes out as a whisper. "when do i ever wear white?" colby asks, "fuck, when do i wear anything that isn't black" he says again.
"i'm not getting the point to this -" you shrug.
"i asked kat what you were wearing tonight, i wanted to match with the girl i was gonna share my new years kiss with, i wanted to match with the girl i was going to ask to be my girlfriend tonight" he shakes his head.
"i'm in far too deep when it comes to you, y/n" he sighs as he lets his forehead rest against yours. "i didn't want to see some other dude's hands all around you, and i lost it, i'm sorry. i fucking ruined it" he curses.
you gulped down the lump in your throat as you look up to colby's blue eyes. "colbs" you whisper. he hums before looking at you. "you haven't ruined it," you assure him.
the both of you stand there in silence with smiles plastered on your faces.
the echo of a ten second countdown is heard from the hallway, making you and colby widen your eyes.
"three" colby chuckles. "two" you giggle. "one" you both smile into a kiss.
"happy new year, colbs"
"happy new year, sweetheart"
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if you have any requests, please send them in!
doesn't just have to be colby! 🫶🏽
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pixxiies · 2 months
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matt sturniolo
ꜝ haven’s notes / thank u guys sososooso much for 500 !! i love u all so much dearly. i have a rlly busy week next week so i wanted to give u guys smth as a thank you:) also sorry if this is supa short
ꜝ genre / angst (no happy ending)
ꜝ warnings / yelling, cheating, crying, y/n used like twice (im sorryyyy), random names for the characters (audrey and fey), slight cursing, nd thats it! tell me if i missed anything
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your friends have been on your tail recently about matt’s (your boyfriend) new friend who was a girl named audrey. they have been all telling you how he’s cheating on you with her but, you refuse to believe it. you met her a few times, she’s the complete opposite of you and shes perfect. you didn’t mind it that much whenever she tagged along on you nd matt’s dates, but the thing that pissed you off was the fact that they always left you out. he even ditched you a few times to go to her house to hang out without you.
its been a few weeks since the last time you saw audrey, which you were sort of glad about. but matt has been more distant recently. you laid on his bed as you waited for him to get out of his bathroom. he came in with the towel hanging low on his hips. “matt?” you say, watching him get his clothes from his dresser. he hummed back in reply, not turning to face you. “why have you been so distant lately? is it because of audrey?” you ask softly with your hands fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “what are you talking about? of course not baby. don’t worry ‘bout her, you know i would never hurt you like that.” he explains while turning around now to look at you. “just have been stressed with filming and back to back meetings.” matt smiled while walking over to you nd sitting on the edge of his bed. “oh, okay” you say softly while sitting up. “‘m gonna start heading out, you wanna come over tonight?” you ask him, tangling a hand in his wet loose curls. “can’t, hanging out with chris nd sam.” he said as he leaned into your touch. “ohh, thats okay.” you sound a little disappointed but you understood that he was gonna be with his friend. “i love you, have fun” you smile while getting up from your spot and kissing his cheek gently. “love you too”
you ended up just going to your bestfriend’s house the nd you slept over there. your now sitting on fey’s bed while you both are silent nd scrolling on your guys’ phone. after another few minutes of the comfortable silence mixed with the sound of rain tapping the window before fey gasped. “hm?” you hum curiously while perching your head up on the palm of your hand. “uhm.. where did your boyfriend say he was going last night again?” she asked while looking up at you. “he said he was going out with chris and sam, why?” you say, getting up from your spot to sit next to her instead. she angled her phone so you could see it. a photo of matt and audrey kissing at someone’s party. “what?” you whisper under your breath, grabbing fey’s phone slowly to analyze the picture. “i hate to say it y/n but, i told you this was gonna happen.” she said while hugging your shoulders softly. you stay silent for a bit before handing fey the phone back. you stand up from her bed nd put your shoes back on. "where are you going?" your bestfriend asks from her spot. "going to matt's house." you mumble as you bite back tears.
"w-what?" fey said while getting up and moving next to you. "gonna go talk to him, i'll talk to you later." you say before leaving her room nd going downstairs. you get into your car, but you didn't start the car yet. you sat there nd just thought. he said he would never hurt you, but here we are. you make your thirteen minute drive to his house, parking your car behind the minivan. you slowly get out of the car nd make your way to the front door. you were met with nick, eyes filled with worry. "matt here?" you ask quietly. you got no response, but just a hug from him. "dude, im so sorry." he says softly. "nick please. is he here?" you ask again while pulling the brunette off of him. "y- well yeah bu-" the second nick said that matt was there you quickly push him to the side and you start walking to matt's room. upon opening the door, you saw audrey on top on matt’s lap, the two of them making out. your eyes soften to the sight, the brunette boy pushing the girl away. "y/n! nono it's not what it-" he quickly starts trying to explain himself. "i guess my friends were right." you say while slamming matt's bedroom door shut. "what?" he asks while standing up. "my friends matt. they all told me that you could be cheating on me with her. they were fucking right." tears start to form on your waterline as you pointed to audrey who was watching this entire thing go down.
"baby please. you know i never meant to hurt you." he says gently when he notices the tears forming in your eyes. "but you did matt! you just did! you told me that you were gonna hang out with chris nd sam but no!" you start to speak louder, your words laced with tears. "you went to a party nd someone saw you with her last night." you say again as you didn't even give matt a chance to defend himself anymore. "i know i know. can i just explain myself?" he says quietly. "no matt. because in this case you fucking can't." you say in a tone that matches his. "i didn't even know you could be this reckless with someone's heart." you whisper while turning your back to the two nd opening the door to leave. of course, matt chases after you. "y/n! wait!" he said while running out of the room, audrey for some reason, following behind. "matt i don't wanna hear it! you wrote me this long letter saying how i was the only girl you'd ever want in your life. but was that all to waste? now you're over here, ditching me nd lying to me to go hang out with another girl." you say a bit too loudly with your mascara staining your cheeks. your eyes flicker between matt nd audrey then they landed back on matt. "i hope you both go to hell." you mumble before walking downstairs with chris nd nick walking after you.
ꜝ taglist / @mattscoquette @mattsluttywaist @luverboychris @mxqdii @sweetstars-posts @xoxo4chrisss @conspiracy-ash @submattenthusiast @strnzzvsp @bambi-slxt @deftonesmatt @s7urnscc
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geekforhorror · 3 months
imagine best friend sam monroe being jealous when you get a date but he always plays the tough guy so can’t admit but the moment he sees you all dressed up in that cute sundress, he is ready to throw logic out and just jump on you
rude boy
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pairing: bsf!sam monroe x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOURE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!sam, sub!reader, jealous sam, possessiveness, implied sex, pet names, profanity, etc.
a/n: i hate the ending but womp womp!
You were supposed to be out on a date at this moment. Key words being supposed to. However the night had taken an unexpected turn of events when your best friend Sam showed up to your door, which was a complete shock to you. You had told him prior that you wouldn’t be available to hang out with him because of this date. When he had read your text, he felt many emotions. Hurt, anger, jealousy.
He had a thing for you ever since he laid eyes on you, not that you knew. You guys had met the summer of your guys freshman year of high school. You were new to the neighborhood and knew nobody. That was until Sam strolled up to you and introduced himself to you. Right away, you guys had this connection. As more time passed by, you realized you liked him more than a friend should and he felt the same. Of course, neither of you would admit it because you guys were afraid that it would ruin things. The fact that you looked so damn hot didn’t help things. For christs sake, you picked out a sundress that was practically taunting him.
Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts and sends him back to the present moment. “What are you doing here Sam? I told you I had a date!” you exclaim to the dark haired boy.
“I don’t care. You’re supposed to be mine and I won’t settle,” he confesses as he grits his teeth.
“I don’t have time for this! He’ll be here soon and I don’t need you here screwing it up!” you yell at him.
You didn’t realize what you said until after the words escaped your lips. In that moment, you saw Sam’s jaw clench more than it had ever been before. Without warning, he pounces himself onto you and attacks your lips with his soft ones.
The kiss is almost carnal-like, fueled by years of sexual tension and desire. His tongue finds its way into your mouth, exploring every crevice possible. You can’t help but moan into the kiss, which only makes it more fiery. Before you know it, Sam hoists you up so that your legs are now wrapped around his waist. He moves his hands to the curve of your ass before gripping it like a vice, making you wince in pleasure.
“Sam…” you say raggedly while breathing him in at the same time. It was intoxicating.
“Tell me you’re mine and only mine…” he demands.
“I’m yours! Just please don’t stop,” you beg of him.
“That’s what I like to hear, but I hate seeing you get all dolled up for a guy that isn’t me, especially in that dress of yours,” Sam says, breaking the kiss and instead moving his lips to your neck.
“I didn’t buy it for him…bought it for you,” you confess.
“Yeah?” he asks, sounding intrigued.
“Mhm…” you trail off as his lips suck at the tender skin of your collarbone.
“Then I think I should be the one to ruin it, don’t you think, baby?” he chuckles.
“Yes please…” you beg of your best friend.
“Then don’t be surprised when I say that dress isn’t the only thing getting ruined tonight, pretty girl.”
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tag list: @zapernz @mortalheartache @myheartwillgoon2022 @camiemorgan8 @demieyesore @midnight--raine
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ghostofskywalker · 11 months
Loki Laufeyson/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 31 of 31
Words: 1,220
Summary: Loki moved into the Avengers Compound, but the first time you saw him was at Tony's fancy Halloween party. Your brain stops working for a little bit because he's so pretty.
Note: today is the last day of fictober, happy halloween everyone! this was originally going to be based on the taylor swift song of the same name (one of my favorite songs from her!), but i think the story took control and we lost some of that along the way.
Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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It should be illegal for someone to look that good was the first thing that ran through your head the moment you laid eyes on him from your seat at the bar. You knew who he was, it was hard to ignore the fact that Avengers Compound was now home to not one but two Norse gods, and that one of them had tried to take over New York a few years ago. You hadn’t been part of the team at that point, but you certainly weren’t in the dark about what he had done. However, that apparently didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate how good he looked in a suit, and a lot of embarrassing thoughts were suddenly flooding your brain.
It certainly didn’t help that this was the first time you’d seen him out of his room since he had arrived. He wasn’t bound to a single room (though you were pretty sure he wasn’t allowed to leave the grounds of the compound), but he simply chose to stay away from everyone else.
A voice interrupted your thoughts. “Staring at someone?”
You blinked, slightly embarrassed that Natasha had caught you, but you could tell from the tone of her voice that it was all playful. “Maybe,” you admitted softly. “But in my defense, it’s not like I’ve ever seen him around the compound.”
She laughed. “You do have a point there. I think the only reason he’s here tonight is because Thor is making him.”
You looked back over at the god, catching the expression on his face. “Oh definitely. He’s absolutely miserable right now.”
“He’s just lucky that it’s not a costume party,” Natasha said. “He’d be frowning even more.”
You laughed, an image flashing through your head of Loki wearing a gaudy-looking Halloween costume, with Thor and Sam laughing by his side. “That’s very true,” you said. Although Tony took any excuse he could to throw a party, he hadn’t imposed a costume rule on you all this time, and for that you were grateful, because at least you wouldn’t have to meet an extraordinarily attractive god while wearing a silly outfit.
“Why don’t we go over and say hello?” Natasha said, grabbing from drink from the bar and heading over to the direction where Loki was sulking in the corner. You followed her, the whole time incredibly aware of the fact that you needed to figure out something to say to him, and your brain had apparently taken a vacation.
“What do you want?” Despite Loki’s words being standoffish, his tone was more tired, as if he wished he was anywhere else but here at this point.
“I just wondered whether or not you had met Y/N yet,” Natasha said, gesturing in your direction.
“Hi,” you said, really not sure what else to say. It certainly didn’t help that your brain had apparently not returned from its impromptu trip away. “It’s nice to meet you.”
A normal person might have waited for a response, but your fight or flight response kicked in at this very moment, and it chose the latter of the two options. If you weren’t embarrassed already, you certainly were now, because you just walked away. You could hear yourself mutter something about getting a drink, but you weren’t sure if anyone else had even heard it. And besides, the clearly full glass in your hands gave your lie away completely.
After at least heading back to the bar and lingering there for a few moments, you started to walk back around the party, saying hello to those you recognized. You knew a lot of the guests, so it was easy to flit from conversation to conversation, all the while thinking about how ridiculous Loki must find you. Maybe if saw each other on another day in the compound you could apologize for running off like an idiot and try to explain that you thought he looked nice and for some reason decided to act like you’re twelve about it.
As the hours passed and the party’s energy remained loud and joyful, you found yourself settled on a balcony. The compound boasted a different view than the one you were used to in the tower, and you found yourself missing the lights and sounds of the city, especially because it was almost completely pitch black (other than the lights from around the building itself).
The sound of the door opening behind you caught your attention, and you watched as Loki took one step onto the balcony, stopping as he noticed you. “I apologize,” he said, starting to pull back into the crowded ballroom.
“Wait!” you said quickly, hoping that he would at least be willing to hear you out for a few moments. You never wanted him to feel unwelcome, you just had terrible conversation skills around people you think are attractive, and in that moment your brain had fully sabotaged you.
By some miracle he stayed, and the door closed behind him as he stepped fully outside with you. It had gotten to the point in the year that the night air was bitingly chilly, but you didn’t mind the way it nipped at your face if it meant getting away from the chaos of the party for a few moments.
“I want to apologize for my awkwardness earlier,” you said, before he could question why you had called him out here. “I don’t want you to think that I’m afraid of you.”
“Then may I ask why you ran away before I could even say hello?” His voice didn’t sound like it held any malice, but there was still an emotion in there you couldn’t quite read.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to talk to new people,” you said softly. “Especially ones that are dressed as nicely as you.”
It wasn’t an all-out confession, but it still seemed that he understood what you were implying. “I understand,” he said. “I also get nervous in this realm now.”
“I can help you if you need any kind of Earth Guidance in the future,” you said, immediately worrying that you sounded eager or overly-annoying to him before tempering the statement with an “if you want.”
He smiled, and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered at the sight. “I will keep that in mind,” you said.
The sound of your phone’s ringtone going off popped the moment’s delicate bubble, and you looked down to see a text from Natasha asking for your help with something. Loki understood this time why you were leaving, and he said that you that he was going to stay on the balcony for a few more minutes.
As you took a step closer to the door, you heard him say your name. “I think you’re dressed nicely too,” he said before turning back to look out into the darkness outward, and two things happened the moment you stepped back into the party and closed the door to the balcony behind you.
One was that you had to physically push down a giant grin from spreading across your face.
And the other was that your brain took (yet another) impromptu vacation from its duties. If you were going to spend more time with him in the future, you would really have to get a handle on that. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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