#same bubbling feeling that makes me giggle in my bed at night when I’m reading fics
redshoes-blues · 10 months
God there’s nothing like the feeling of listening to a song and feeling the serotonin-inducing hyperfixation that will lead you to play the song on repeat for day/weeks begin to kick in. Especially when the song relates to a special interest.
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Hi Vodika 🥰
I'm back with a second ask for your follower celebration!
Could I get a Wolffe x Fem!Reader with a narcissus and pansy bouquet? Where the reader ends up in the hospital and Wolffe confesses his love for her when he visits and realizes how much she means to him?
Please and thank you 💚😘💚
Accidents Happen
Summary: You've been crushing on Wolffe for, what seems like, forever. But you're convinced that he'll never feel the same. However, when you're injured at work, things change.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Word Count: 2020
Prompts: Narcissus - unrequited love, Pansy - you occupy my thoughts
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: You did say that Wolffe was on your brain! So I hope this story makes you happy! And here's your personal divider that I made for you. As a note This is Wolffe's message, and This is the reader's messaging.
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Early mornings are the worst, you think as your alarm goes off at 5 am.
You lay in bed for a moment, listening to your alarm scream at you from across the room, before you sigh and swing your legs out of the bed and push to your feet. 
Early mornings where you actually have to do work the whole day are even worse. You blearily cross the room and hit the button on top of your clock, before you flip the lightswitch, making it impossible for you to go back to sleep.
And then you cross back to your bed, and grab your comm from its charger.
Several messages from your friends from the night before. Several more from your boss from last night and early this morning. A handful of emails that need to be deleted or responded to in kind.
You sigh heavily, and open the app for your work. You quickly log in for the day, before you go back to your emails. You absently answer several work emails as you pad through the apartment into your kitchen.
You set your comm down on the counter, still scanning your emails, and you grab your electric kettle to fill it with water. You set it back on it’s stand and flick the power switch, before you grab your comm again and turn to leave the room.
You start to reply to an email when the dark blue bubble of your instant messenger pops up on the screen.
You up?
Your heart speeds up and your face heats when you see the simple words sent to you by Wolffe. Your crush on him is, frankly, embarrassing. 
Tragically. Morning Wolffe. What’s up?
Comet has been harassing me to remind you about the book. The one with the birds.
You stare at the screen blankly for a moment, You mean The Raven Emperor series?
How should I know? Probably.
You giggle, Wolffe, there aren’t any actual birds in that book.
I really don’t care, sarad.
Well, someone’s grumpy this morning.
You’d be grumpy too if your twin brother stole all of your caf.
What, the GAR doesn’t give you a caf supply.
The GAR wouldn’t give us armor if we didn’t need it to win the war.
You can hear him rolling his eyes across the text message, and it’s kind of impressive. 
Me and the boys are going to 79s this evening
I wish.
I have a building that I need to appraise, and it’s something like 200 apartment buildings. 
I’m going to be busy until midnight
Well, next time then.
You wait a moment for Wolffe to say something else, but he went offline soon after.
I want to go on a date with you. Your finger hovers over the send button, before you sigh and shake your head, deleting the message. 
Wolffe would never be interested in you. Not like that.
You just have to be happy with his friendship.
And here you thought ‘love unrequited’ was just something in the trashy romance novels you read in secret.
You allow yourself to wallow for a whole 30 seconds, and then you remember that you still have to shower and eat breakfast, and you toss your comm on your bed as you hurry into the fresher.
The chat with Wolffe means that you don’t have time for a proper breakfast, especially if you give yourself time enough to shower properly, but you think it was worth it. He’s Wolffe, after all.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re scrambling out of your fresher, pulling your wet hair into a messy knot at the back of your head, and you hurry back into the kitchen. 
In your rush you accidentally pour some hot water over your thumb as you fill your travel mug with the water, and you release a pained hiss. “I don’t have time for this,” You say to the empty apartment. You eye the blister critically, and decide that it’s not worth the hassle of treating it
Quickly, but carefully, you finish putting your breakfast together, and you hurry out the front door.
Your boss wants you at the complex by 6 am.
And luckily, you make it. By the skin of your teeth, maybe, but you’re still on time.
“You’re almost late,” the stern looking older man scolds.
“The keyword there being almost,” You counter, as you look up at the building, “This is the Meridian Complex?”
“You spent how much on this?”
“2.5 Million Credits,” He sounds proud about it.
“This is a death trap.” You point out, cringing as a fake shutter falls off a window three stories up.
“It just needs a little work.” Your boss says, and then he pauses, “You are up to date on your vaccines, right?”
“Ha. You’re hilarious.” You pull your datapad out of your car, and glance at the information on the screen, “You have the keys?”
“Yup, all of the door codes are set to 00000.”
“Noted.” You make a note on the datapad, “After you.”
Half an hour later, you realize that your conservative estimation of this taking until midnight was far, far too generous. This is going to take days.
You look around at the rotting floorboards, and at the graffiti and holes on the walls, and you sigh. At least the paycheck is going to be really nice.
“Hey! I think I found a half decent apartment!” Your boss calls from down the stairs, “Second floor, 209. We can use this as a staging room.”
“Coming!” You shake your head at the sheer mess, and half wonder if you could message Wolffe and ask for the Wolfpack to help. You laugh softly at the idea, the boys would be more than happy to help, you’re sure, but it’s not realistic.
You start up the stairs.
But, if he was willing to help, you could spend more time with Wolffe, which would be a win.
A weird noise makes you slow to a stop, and you pause, tilting your head to listen better.
“What are you doing?” Your boss asks from the top of the stairs.
“...I heard something-” You trail off as there’s a cracking noise under your feet.
Your boss’ face goes gray. “Hurry!”
You go to take one more step, when the cracking noise returns. And when you put your foot down on the stair…it keeps going.
You don’t even have time to scream as the staircase collapses under you.
The last thing you see as you topple backwards is your boss’ horrified face, and you hear a shout of your name.
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Wolffe is not having a super day.
On top of the fact that Fox stole all of the Caf and the fact that he’s been confined in his office doing paperwork all morning, the fact that the Wolfpack’s pretty sarad won’t be joining them at 79s tonight just shoved him into an awful mood.
Nights out are always better when she’s with them.
He glowers at the various documents that need his signatures. He should be grateful. He’s not Marshal Commander. He’s seen the amount of work that Cody, Fox, and Bly have on a daily basis.
He’s lucky that he is only a commander and he only has this much work to do.
…yeah, nope. That didn’t help.
He rests his head on his hand as he taps his stylus against the table. “When Alpha said that a command position was worth it, he was a filthy liar.” Wolffe announces to the room at large.
He should make Comet do this paperwork in exchange for the free time he’ll need to read that book series he’s going to borrow-
Wolffe’s thought process is cut off when his office door slides open and Comet bursts in, “Commander!”
“What is it?”
“Sarad is in the hospital.”
Wolffe’s heart drops into his stomach. He drops all of his work and grabs his helmet, “Which hospital?”
“Coruscant General. Sir, where-?”
“I’m going to go check on her, of course.” He pushes past Comet, “You’re in charge until I get back.”
“Yes, sir.” Comet pauses, “Let us know how she is?”
“I will,”
The trip to Coruscant General doesn’t take long, Wolffe is able to walk the distance. And, as luck has it, no one stops him when he enters the hospital properly.
“Can I help you sir?” The nurse at reception asks.
“I hope so,” Wolffe replies, before he offers her name, “I was told that she’s here.”
The woman nods, “Are you the husband?”
Wolffe pauses for half a second, “Yes, that's right.” He lies.
She nods again, “On the fifth floor, room 517.”
“Thank you.” He marches over to the lift, and presses the button for the fifth floor. Wolffe’s mind is whirling. How was she hurt? How badly? Does he need to set up a guard rotation for her?
Did someone attack her? Does he need to get the guard involved?
The lift comes to a stop and he steps out, and heads to the nurses station. He offers her name once more, and again, lies about being her husband, and he’s pointed in the right direction.
The door is shut, and Wolffe lightly knocks on the door. He doesn’t get a response, but he pushes the door open anyway.
“Sarad?” The lights are dimmed, but not so much that he’s not able to see her.
She looks…bad.
Covered in bruises and bandages. Various machines attached to her, monitoring her heart rate and blood pressure and giving her IV medication.
“Oh, cyare.” Wolffe walks over to her, and looks her over. Every inch of her is covered in angry looking bruises or cuts. “What happened?” Gently, very gently, he brushes a strand of hair out of her face.
A lot of the tension he hadn’t realized that he was carrying drains from his body now that he’s sure that she’s not dying or dead.
It’s kind of funny, in a way.
Sure, he’s always known that his sarad was important to him. He’s not been blind to the fact that she’s always on his mind and that he never isn’t thinking about her. But he didn’t know just how important until this very moment.
Wolffe’s fingers linger on her cheek, and he’s startled when he hears a soft moan from her. “Sarad?”
Hazy eyes peer up at him, confused, “‘lffe?”
“Yeah,” He smiles at her, “It’s me. How are you feeling?”
“You’re at Coruscant General, you were hurt, do you remember?”
Her fingers flex, and Wolffe takes her hand in his free hand, “Stairs,” She mumbles, some of the haze leaving her voice, “The stairs collapsed-”
“Unlucky,” Wolffe says quietly, as he sets his helmet on the side table and then sits in a seat, “How are you feeling?”
She’s quiet as she considers his question, “...fuzzy.” She finally says.
He chuckles, “I’m not surprised, by the look of it, you’re on some good pain medicine.”
“Why are you in the hospital? Are you hurt?” She asks, her brow furrowed as she tries to puzzle it out.
“Come on, Sarad. You know the hospital doesn’t treat clones.” Wolffe brushes his fingers across her lips, “I’m here for you, of course.” He pauses, “I also let everyone believe that I’m your husband. Sorry.”
She hums, “I don’t mind.”
“That I lied?”
“Being your wife.” She clarifies, “Sounds like fun. Let’s do that.”
Wolffe laughs, “I think we’re skipping a couple of steps, Sarad.”
She hums again, her eyes fluttering closed, “Don’ care. Love Wolffe.” She mumbles.
His breath catches in his throat for a moment. And then a wide grin crosses his face. “Are you still awake, cyare?”
“I love you.” He whispers into her ear, and then he presses a light kiss to her temple, “You’re not going to remember this when you sober up, and that’s okay. I’ll just tell you again and again, as many times as you need.”
She smiles at him, the drugs hitting her hard again, “Stay?”
“For as long as you want me, sarad. Promise.”
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lunajay33 · 7 months
Enjoy the Silence🌪️Part.3
Summary: Things in your past has driven you to be silent but will someone be able to break that shell, will someone finally listen to you(might make this into a series!)
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After poring my heart out to Daryl, which was about a week ago, he’s been slowly helping me let go and move forward, he would stay with me some nights to help with the night mares or he’d hear me scream at night and come over from his room to settle me, comfort me
I woke up seeing him laid on the couch by my bed still deep in sleep, he was so handsome, I don’t know what it is about him but he was breath taking to look at, as I looked at him that tingly feeling in my chest happened, still not knowing what that was I decided to maybe talk to Michonne about it later when I got the chance
I decided to let Daryl sleep more knowing he barely ever got a full nights rest, I placed another blanket over him and went to get ready in the bathroom, then going upstairs seeing them eating breakfast as usual
“Morning y/n!” Rick said smiling
“Morning” I said quietly as I sat down and started nibbling in a piece of toast, over this week I’ve been able to open up more with the people in the house I felt safe here
“Where’s Daryl?”
“Still asleep, I woke him up again” I said as I felt my cheeks heat up
Everyone went back to eating when Daryl came up rubbing his eyes groaning as he sat next to me
“Why didn’ ya wake me?”
“I wanted you to sleep” I said smiling feeling that overwhelming joy just being around him
He squeezed my shoulder before he dug into his plate of food
“Well we gotta head out on our run soon so when your done Daryl meet me outside” Rick said as he got up and left outside after he kissed Michonne
Daryl finished, got his crossbow
“Be careful” I said and he returned it with a little smile before he left
“I’m gonna go out with Enid so I’ll see you guys later” Carl said leaving just me Michonne and Judith
“Sooo how’s things going with Daryl?” Michonne asked as soon as everyone was gone, with a wide smile
“Umm good, I was meaning to ask you something” I said picking at my nails feeling those nervous bubbles in my stomach
“What is it sweetie?” She asked as she bounced a giggling Judith
“When I’m with Daryl, I get this feeling in my chest, like my heart starts beating faster and my stomach feels weird, even thinking about him I feel it……..but I don’t know what it is, what does it mean?” I asked feeling stupid
“Oh honey, you like him”
“Ya I know that I like all of you”
“No this is different you wanna spend all your time with him, be his girlfriend, share private moments together, you love him y/n, like how I love Rick” I was shocked
Is this what love feels like cause if it is I never wanted it to go away, he made me feel so special, so important, he never made me feel like I was doing something wrong or that I was a burden he made me feel…….feel loved
“Love….i love him?” I felt like I was floating but I quickly came back down at the realization that he might not feel the same
“But what if he doesn’t love me? I’ve never had that before so why would he?”
She gave me a sad look but her eyes were happy
“I know Daryl, he’s hard to read but I can tell by the way he looks at you, the way he gets you things because it reminded him of you, take your chance and tell him because we never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow” she said getting up patting my shoulder before she went to get ready with Judith for the day
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As I worked in the gardens all day I kept thinking about Daryl, how do I tell him I’m not the greatest with words obviously, or how I’m feeling but then again when I’m with him it’s easy to talk to him about things
Michonne is right though, I don’t know what going to happen and if something happened to him or me and I never got to tell him, I’d regret it so I’ve decided next time we’re alone I’m telling him what’s the worst that’ll happen he doesn’t love me? Then atleast I have a friend still…..hopefully
The sun was starting to set and usually they would be back by now maybe they just got more supplies this time, I went back home bringing back some fresh tomato’s for Rick like he asked and placed them in the fridge, Michonne poured me a glass of wine and we sat on the couch waiting for them
“It’s been a while do you like they’re okay” I asked biting on my lip
“It’s Daryl and Rick I’m sure they just had to stay some where but I’m sure they’re fine, probably will be back by morning” she said as she took a sip of her wine
“So how are things with Rick?” I asked trying to make the subject not as gloomy
“Good, great even, I was able to calm him down a bit but I kinda like his crazy side, specially in bed” she said making me choke on the wine as my cheeks turned red
I never really talked or even thought much about that kinda stuff atleast I tried not to so I wasn’t sure even how to respond
“Sorry, do you not think of that stuff about Daryl? Nothing about him turns you all gooey” Of course I saw him as beyond handsome with his strong arms and the way he turned golden in the sun, or the way his voice would get deep in the morning made me feel a certain way but I didn’t know that was a turn on thing
“I mean I guess thinking about it everything about him makes me tingle and my head all fuzzy”
“Y/n you think he’s hot, that’s what being attracted to someone is”
“I’m learning so much I feel so far behind” I said embarrassed
“Don’t push yourself if this is all new take it at your own pace”
After we finished drinking and eating we said our goodnights and went to bed, I laid up thinking about Daryl missing his presence on the couch, I decided to sleep on the couch and when I laid down his smell was there making me feel comforted
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I woke up early from another nightmare and without Daryl I couldn’t go back to sleep so I walked out the front door and sat on the porch steps enjoying to cool morning breeze as the sky was bright orange and pink from the sunrise that’s when I heard the rumbling of a car pull up in front of the house and out came Rick and Daryl
Before I could even think I got up and ran into his arms holding him tight as I felt his arms wrap around my waist
“I was so worried are you okay?” I asked as I pulled back to look at him, he was a little dirty but that was normal other than that he seemed fine
“ ‘m okay, got blocked by walkers couldn’ risk it” he said squeezing my hips
“I have to talk to you……alone” I said as I saw Rick watching us smiling
“I’ll just go seeing Michonne and the kids” he said as he threw a bag over his shoulder and going inside after he patted Daryl shoulder
“So what goin on?” Daryl asked as we sat on the porch steps
“I was talking to Michonne…….i needed to ask her what this feeling was when I’m around you and she told me I should tell you because this world is never guaranteed so I’m just gonna say it and if you don’t feel the same it’s okay so here goes…….Daryl I love you, a lot” his eyed became squinted and he didn’t say anything making these nerves even worse
Before he said anything Carol came walking up the sidewalk interrupting us
“Hey Daryl you’re back how was it?” She asked, I was so embarrassed I wanted to shut myself off again so I got up and went inside leaving them alone to chat, Rick and Michonne were standing there smiling which only made the tears build up more as I ran downstairs to my room closing the door
I knew it, this was a mistake
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Taglist: @deansapplepie @in-this-minute @pollito-chicken
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
professor munson’s guide to passing the class- e.m (pt 4) 
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Pairing: Professor!Eddie Munson x Student!AFAB!Female!Reader
Summary: class starts to become more bearable after your agreement with your professor but you can’t help but want more from the new deal
Warnings: slight angst, a bit of pining?, discussions of love, mentions of sex, fluffy ending and corniness, slight of mention bi!reader if you squint
Word Count: 3k
A/N: here is part 4 of my professor eddie series! i have the entire series mapped out so i’m excited to keep moving forward with the series hehe :) enjoy! -sava
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A loud crash pulls you from your blissful slumber, sitting straight up in your comfy bed for a moment before tossing the covers aside to investigate. Looking to your alarm clock briefly, you see it read a little past 9:30am, making you sigh a bit before opening your bedroom door. Peeking around the corner of the kitchen, you see Nadia and Emilia standing near the sink, giggling like a bunch of school children. Emilia was cleaning dish in the sink, soaking it under the running water as little bits of dish soap bubbles floated up and around the sink, while Nadia stands beside her, holding her close.
Clearing your throat, you announce your presence, sending them both a timid wave before rubbing at your eyes as you try to fully wake up. They both turn to you, giggles fizzling out as guilt sinks into their faces, mimicking your timid wave. Emilia leaves her spot from the sink and goes to attend to the stove, the sizzling of the bacon finally meeting your ears. Nadia takes over dish duty, rinsing the last remaining dirty dishes that were piled up in the sink.
“Sorry Y/N, we didn’t mean to wake you. We were just making food for our brunch date. We're going for a picnic in the quad, and made all this food-” Nadia tells you, stopping her sentence mid way through and coming a bit closer. Her eyes squint as she takes in your form, eyes traveling down to your shirts. “Since when are you into Metallica?”
Your eyes go wide, realizing you’ve been sleeping in Eddie’s shirt for the past few weeks now and currently wearing it in front of your roommate, who has no idea about the arrangement you've made with your music professor. You look down for a moment, taking the fabric between your fingers and thinking of an excuse. Then, you remember Eddie’s words from the night you ran into each other at the bar. The night your arrangement started.
“Oh, I picked up on some of their songs thanks to my music class. It is really helping me expand my horizons,” you lie, flashing her a smile. Her face remains the same as she takes in your words, nodding slowly while backing away. She turns away from you, focussing her attention to the picnic basket resting on the kitchen table and beginning to pack the already prepared food away. 
Yawning, you walk around and plop down onto the couch, laying down and nuzzling into the throw pillows. You’ve made it a habit to see Eddie every Wednesday and Saturday for the past three weeks, basking in the bliss of countless orgasms each night you see him and relishing in some silly aftercare as a post-orgasm ritual. You can’t help but smile at the memory of last nights activities, with Eddie sitting down and playing guitar for you after you rode him like a bull. There was no denying he was talented, and it made you question why he never tried to pursue a musical career that was outside of teaching it. That old adage of those who can’t do, teach, was certainly not true in Eddie’s case. At least, that you know of.
“Alright love, we’re heading out. We left you some food so eat up,” Nadia says, breaking you out of your daydreaming world when placing a friendly kiss to the top of your head. You flash her a small smile as they walk out of the door, giving a wave to Emilia as you watch their fingers become laced with one another and making you temporarily warm and fuzzy on the inside.
As the fuzzy feeling begins to dissipate, you can’t help but feel a pinch of jealously replace it. Sure, you loved Nadia more than your own family at times, but you envied her picture perfect relationship. She and Emilia have been dating since the end of sophomore year, and have been inseparable ever since. They’re always doing cute things like going on picnic dates on the quad, or taking the weekend at times to go out an adventure somewhere new like they did when they went to Chicago in October to celebrate the end of midterms. Not to mention with Valentine’s day being next week, you were sure they had something magical planned out.
You want something like that. You’ve only ever known hook ups throughout your college career, not having someone you’ve been tethered to for a long time romantically since you were in high school. Romance wasn’t as easy to come by within the university. Most of the people who roamed the campus were only ever wanting a booty call, and if there was a decent guy or girl lurking around, they were already snatched up. So yeah, romance didn't come easy..at least not for you.
Part of you secretly hoped you could seek something like this out with Eddie. He was handsome, funny, very talented when it came to music, and a secret sweetheart that he has recently showed you after your rounds of fucking like rabbits. But because of his status as your professor and you being his student, it made things a bit more difficult. Not to mention, you swore to yourself you wouldn’t catch feelings for your professor. It was a nice fantasy though.
Finally pulling yourself off the couch, you drag yourself over to the telephone on the wall next to the kitchen, picking up the phone and dialing the number one button at a time. Hearing the dial tone, ringing begins to fill your ear before the other line eventually picks up.
“Hey! Are you busy today? Say around…2 o’clock? We could grab lunch at the bar?” You ask, twirling the cord with your index finger.
“Sure, I’ll meet you there.”
“So…what’s up” Derek says, plopping in his seat across from you in your usual booth. Letting out a sigh, you clasp your hands together before resting your head against them as you let out a stretched out groan. 
“I’m just…do you ever feel lonely?” You question, raising your head from your position. He shoots you a funny look before mimicking your position, hands clasped in front of his body while resting on the table’s surface and making you chuckle ever so slightly.
“I feel like I need more context before I answer that,” he teases, sending a sly smirk your way. Cracking a grin, you shake it off.
“You know how Nadia has Emilia? And how Eli has Jasper? What I guess I’m asking is do you ever crave a relationship like that, on a deeper level than just countless hookups with random people you have no intention of interacting with again,” you explain.
He takes a moment to ponder your question, grasping at his glass of water and taking a sip as you wait for a response. You knew it might be a shot in the dark to ask one of the notorious hookup kings on campus about a deeper connection, but that said hookup king also happens to be one of your best friends. The two of your weren’t strangers to confiding in one another, finding yourselves in the very booth you’re currently in on more than one occasion. Sharing your woes over a pint and ending the night in a fit of giggles.
You watch Derek set the glass down, visibly swallowing and looking to you. He begins nodding a little, shrugging his shoulders as he opens his mouth to speak. “First off, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just insinuate that I'm a manwhore," he begins, making you laugh. "But um...yeah. Yeah, I think I’d want something like that.”
“Yeah. I mean, hookups are fun and all, but there is no substance behind any of that. Being able to have a deep conversation with someone and spend time that isn’t between the sheets is very appealing. Like I have more interests than just sex,” he replies, taking a fry from the basket and chomping down a bite.
You nod before taking a sip of your own drink, silently agreeing with him. Setting down the glass, you take a fry yourself, pointing it at him. “Exactly! I mean, there is more to a connection than just the physical attraction and physical activities.”
“For sure. Like this,” he points between the two of you. “…this is nice, right? What we have” He asks, quirking a brow slightly and leaning in further on the table. You can’t deny the heat that rushes throughout your body at his words, cheeks feeling flushed as you look down at the table with a small smile creeping onto your lips. Spinning the straw around in your drink, you finally look back at him through your lashes.
“Yeah…but we don’t have a romantic vibe going on between us. We're just friends,” you say.
“Oh but we could definitely change that,” he lets out, voice dropping an octave as he tries to reach out even closer. Before you have a chance to respond, you feel a firm and startling grasp against your shoulder, making you jump nearly five feet in the air in fear. Turning to the side a bit, you’re greeted to see Eli and his boyfriend walking a few steps before sliding into the seats next to you. Eli wraps an arm around Derek, pulling him close for a side hug as he grabs a handful of fries with his spare hand.
Not far from the group’s usual booth, Eddie sits slumped against the bar counter, a cold beer resting in his hands that was quickly becoming warm from the heat of his palms. Hearing you talk about the troublesome encounters called love with someone who is clearly flirting with you made him feel some type of way. He couldn't deny the twinge of insecurity that flooded his chest, continuing to grow as he continued to dwell on the conversation.
The guy you were sitting with was clearly your age and had a better understanding of what love was like for your generation, even if the age difference wasn’t horribly big between you and him. But that guy could give you more than Eddie could. He looked like he came from money, not having to rely on a scholarship to stay at this school unlike some of his other students. Not to mention, he was definitely good looking, and any woman would be lucky to be caught in his direct eyesight.
Eddie kept comparing himself to the handsome stranger you called a friend. He could easily take you out and not have to worry about the stares you’d get in public. No pressure of losing a job or being discredited as a professional if he wanted to take you to dinner or join your side at the very bar you all find yourselves in currently. Eddie unfortunately didn’t have that same luxury, he had a lot to lose. Yet that doesn't stop him from craving that connection with you.
Standing from his place, he whips out his wallet and lays a couple of dollars on the countertop, turning his attention to the front exit and making his way out of the door. He can’t help but stop outside the window momentarily before continuing his walk to his car. He watches you throw your head back in laughter as you bump shoulders with one of the friends that joined your little group later on, smiling at the thought of your laughter.
He just wishes he could do better by you. 
“Alright class, don’t forget to read pages 87-104 for homework. There will be a discussion on Wednesday about the reading, and it will effect your participation grade. And don't try to bullshit your way through the class discussion either, you know you won't be a slick as you think you might be. You’re all dismissed,” Eddie tells the class, turning his back promptly to begin erasing the board before walking through the threshold of his office.
You stand from your desk and gather your things, placing them neatly in your backpack before zipping it up and slinging it over your shoulder. Taking small steps, you wait until your other classmates exit the lecture hall before walking up to Eddie’s office, rapping your knuckles against the wood in an attempt to pull his attention towards you. He remains seated at his desk, looking over a pile of papers and flipping through the pages quickly.
“Hello? Earth to Eddie?” You say, chuckling slightly as you enter deeper into his office. All he lets out is a small “hmmm” and shoots a quick glance your way, before directing himself back to the stack of papers. Scoffing ever so slightly, you sit in one of the vacant chairs on the opposite side of the desk from him, setting your bag down as you rest your hands on your knees before beginning to bounce them. “We uh-made plans for a discussion about last week’s reading assignment?”
Finally, he looks up at you, confusion etched into his features. He beautiful brown eyes lost in thought as his lips part. “We discussed that on Saturday night, didn’t we?”
“Yeah, but I thought we were going to continue the conversation. I was really interested in hearing more of your thoughts.”
“Is that so?”
“Um…yes? Look, is everything okay? You seem a little…distracted,” you question, quirking a brow at him. He scoffs, tossing his pen down and clasping his hands together.
“I guess you could say that. There's been something on my mind over the past day or so, and I was actually curious to hear your thoughts on the issue,” he says.
“And that is?”
“I was at the bar yesterday, and couldn’t help but overhear the conversation you were having with that…guy you were sitting with. So I was just curious to know when you were going to break things off with me, seeing as you're seeking something more than what I'm currently giving you. Can't help but think about that, so…yeah, I’ve been a little distracted,” he reveals to you.
You flash him crazed look, eyes wide at his words as you try to process everything. He was at the bar yesterday? He usually tries to show you in some capacity that he’s at the bar, having a signal for if either of you were in the mood for an unplanned sexual rendezvous. But with what he heard yesterday, part of you didn’t blame him for not making his presence known. Which also annoyed you a great deal.
“Eddie, I think you misunderstood that entire conversation. That was not me saying I don’t want to have sex with anyone right now. Yeah, sex is nice and all, but I just want...more. It was just me expressing how I want more than just a hookup, something like what my roommate has,” you explain, reaching your hand out towards his. He pulls away, standing up from his desk and making quick work and shutting the door to his office.
“Yeah but…you know I can’t give you that kind of relationship due to our different statuses. We both have a lot to loose if anyone finds out about this arrangement we’ve made, so we absolutely cannot take this public. For your sake and my own…I just don’t want to see you have to lose all the hard work you’ve done over the past four years because of me.”
You can’t help but feel heat creep up to your cheeks at his comment, biting your bottom lip as you look to the floor momentarily. “That’s sweet, Eddie. Really. But…who says we have to show the people around the school that kind of…affection?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…we can have little…dates….or whatever you want to call them, at your place. More than sex activities, like dinner or movie nights, or even playing board games. And if we wanted to do something in public, we could go a few towns over to make sure no one from campus sees us,” you suggestion.
Eddie can’t help but smile at the proposition, thinking about all the activities he could have you accompany him with just as an excuse to get closer to you and get to know you better. Taking you to concerts in Indianapolis to help broaden your music taste, going to nice dinners, maybe even taking you back to Hawkins and showing you all the spots you probably didn't know about. It was a tempting offer, but still risky. Yet, you were still willing to risk it.
“You really want something like that with me?” He asks, voice full of sincerity. You nod, a smile creeping onto your own face as the heat stays on your cheeks.
“It’ll be fun. I want to try this out with you. And for the record, this doesn’t mean that sex is completely off the table,” you tell him.
“Oh thank god,” he lets out, sighing over-dramatically. You swat at him, laughing from your spot in the chair across from him. “Then yeah, let’s try out the whole dating thing. Like you said, it’ll be fun. I think we can make it work.”
“Me too. Now can we continue our conversation about the reading from last week, please?” You ask him, shooting him a semi-serious glance. His chuckle comes from deep within his stomach, making his Adam's apple bob slightly which for some reason, turns you on more than you're happy to admit. He looks at you, taking your figure in before standing from his seat.
"Maybe later tonight. Right now though? I think you and I should go back to my place. I can make you a nice dinner if you're hungry. Maybe even reward you for being good in class today? How does that sound to you, sweetheart?"
You nod, quickly rising from your seated position and walking out of his office. You turn back to him for a moment, watching him back his messenger bag. "I'll meet you at yours, Professor."
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skzstoryvault · 3 months
Erase and Rewind (angst, fluff, smut - Hyunjin - Part 2)
good friend Hyunjin
multi chapter story
this chapter: angst and a bit of lightness
Chan broke up with reader
Reader is not taking it well
Hyunjin is being a supportive friend
Featuring insecurities, internalised misogyny and self-hate
This is in no way meant as a commentary on the real persons depicted here. They all deserve the world.
Please be kind.
Please do not report this post. If it's not your thing, just scroll away.
If you're underage, please scroll on, there is nothing for you here.
If you enjoy this story and are reading along, I would love to hear your comments in the replies, reblogs or DMs - however you feel most comfortable.
*** Part 1
The morning finds you snoring in your bed, naked after you tore your sandals, dress and underwear off before blacking out into the sheets.  Your phone buzzes with a voice message and you tell Google to play it for you.
“Goooooooood morning in the morning! How’s my favourite girl?” It’s Hyunjin, and he’s upsettingly bubbly. “Fuck you for being so chipper! Let me guess, orgy with the entire Versace runway cast.” You mutter, flipping the phone off too. “Why so sour, baby? And no, I went home right after you last night. Slept like the dead since!” Hyunjin says, still giggling and letting you know that you told Google you want to take the call, not hear a message. “I’m… I’m really sorry, Jinnie. I didn’t want to be rude to you or hurt you. I just haven’t had the best time lately. Please forgive me.” You say, realising he heard your unneccesary asshole reply. “No harm done. I’m flattered you think I can fuck thirty plus people in only a few hours. I am exceptional, but I don’t have sewing machine DNA. I’m also a bit worried, the more I think about it. I know you’re sad. Actually, sad doesn’t cover it. I know you took your breakup really badly and I wanted to ask… how are you doing?” “That’s very nice of you, Hyune. And yeah, I won’t be any fun for a while. I just… I never thought it would happen to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten with him. I’m so ashamed… but wait. I’m not supposed to tell you this. You’re in the enemy camp.” “Am not! I am your friend first, an asshole second.” Hyunjin says. “What’s this really about?” “I appreciate you asking, but I don’t want to pull you in my melancholy barrel. You might drown.” “Bullshit, baby. I can take a few dark thoughts. Only stupid people who can’t maintain a thought and an erection at the same time are perpetually happy.” You laugh at his words, despite your bad mood. “No, really, can I come over? I can listen and I can make you something yummy.” He suggests. “My home is a pigsty. I would be mortified if you saw it the way it is now. I need to tidy up and then I will gladly have you over.” “Then you come to my place.” Hyunjin doesn’t give up. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a drag and make you hate me, or worse, friend-divorce me.” He texts you a pic and gives you a verbal caption. “That’s you and me.” You open the pic and it’s the poster for the new Alien movie, “Romulus”, showing a close-up of a facehugger wrapped around a person. “Extremely violent, but I get the intent.” You say, sighing. “Okay, you got me. Let me wash my carcass and I’ll be right over.” “Yay!” He says  in a high-pitched, excited-sounding voice, and disconnects just as suddenly. You catch yourself smiling - Hyunjin is a tornado personified. He’s so intense in everything he does, from dancing to lying motionless on the living room sofa, and if he weren’t so unsettlingly beautiful, out of your league and completely not on the menu for you, he would be the perfect little guy. Everyone in the band is beyond gorgeous and looks are an afterthought when one considers their many talents and perfectly honed skills. But what endears you to them, and to Hyunjin especially, is their goofiness and their willingness to be awkward without censoring those instances away from the public scrutiny. Either way, Hyunjin’s weirdo facet is more dangerous to you because you are irreparably in love with it even while knowing you won’t have it. Hyunjin doesn’t swing that way, sadly. 
Chan even mentioned it in passing at the beginning of your relationship and you know he hadn’t meant it in a mean way and it was just fleeting relief. He said something along the lines of if Hyunjin was fishing in the same pond as them, no one would ever get so much as noticed by a girl.
Feeling clean and somewhat presentable, you show up at Hyunjin’s. His room at the dorm is actually a suite, just like the others’, and it’s tidy, boujee and comfy. He has a nice cosy living room with a painting corner, an all black bedroom and a bath just for himself, with a shower and a tub with massage nozzles. Everything is so clean and new and nice-smelling, absolutely not like a boy lives here. You guiltily think of your own apartment and the state of it, which reflects your emotional state, and sigh. You need to do better, as soon as you’re… doing better. Right now, you feel like a bum in your track pants and hoodie, standing on the thick carpet in your Halloween socks with bats and pumpkins.
“I’m so glad you came!” Hyunjin says, coming to hug you by wrapping himself around you completely. “I ordered us a mountain of fried chicken and two tubs of ice cream, one pistachio for you, one strawberry for me. We should be fine for a while. And I can have groceries delivered and make you whatever you feel like eating… as long it’s not too chef-y.” “Thank you, Jinnie, but the goodies you already got will be more than enough.You spoil me, and I’ve done nothing to deserve it!” “That’s not true! You’re my friend and I love you, which of course means I want to feed you and cuddle you and call you George!” You laugh at the reference, it’s so heartwarming, especially since Hyunjin already makes such an effort for you, peppering more English in your conversations, not being a patronising dick about your need to process longer when you don’t get a Korean phrase right away and, most importantly, setting his shyness aside and letting you into his circle of people he likes. 
“Let’s watch Hannibal and eat.” He says, unfazed. “We can talk if you want. Or not.” “Jinnie?” You say, following him to the sofa. “You know I love you too?” 
It doesn’t feel fake or forced to say it, because the love you do allow yourself to have for him is genuine and of a pure, PG-13 nature. 
“If you really love me, then start being nicer to yourself. I feel like you blame yourself completely. Channie-hyung is no church door. He can be a dick when he so chooses.”  “He wasn’t though. I don’t know what he told you, but he is a saint. I don’t begrudge him his decision. But I can’t help but hurt from it.” “What exactly was so fucking non-negotiable that he had to dump you? If I remember correctly, he made a whole production out of asking you out and he was a pest before that, whining that he would die if you didn’t want to date him!” You sigh deeply. It’s still hard to talk about it, but Hyunjin of all people might be more sympathetic to your angle. “Chan left because, while we generally agreed on the idea of not having kids, when I got sterilised he felt that it was way too… permanent and left him no room for revisiting the decision.” 
“Wait, you had a large invasive surgery and he got butthurt because he couldn’t get you pregnant?? Instead of helping you recover?” Hyunjin looks at you with lightning in his eyes. You’ve never seen him be this angry and it scares you a bit. Your shy, gentle and goofy Jinnie can be a big, big bitch, he just chooses not to be one.
“It wasn’t that invasive. I took a week off, the surgery was… um… minimally invasive and I spent one night in hospital. Then I came home and popped painkillers for the days after. They didn’t take everything out, just my tubes.” “Why didn’t you say??? We would have all been all over you, spoiling you!” “You were in Japan.”
“Oh. But after??? We could have come over and taken care of you. Why didn’t you say anything?” “You’re idols, Jinnie. And it wasn’t that big a deal to me, the recovery. It was a big deal to get it done, but because I’m foreign, being approved was easy. I also don’t like thinking about it, I feel kind of… entitled about my own organs not trying to kill or disable me? I just… I guess I was very naive, I thought Chan felt just as strongly about not having bio kids as me when we spoke.” 
“Yeah as a guy I can tell you, we don’t have much of a dog in the fight. We want kids because they sound like a great idea when you don’t have to risk your life, be left with lasting consequences or do most of the work. I would think of having kids as me doing it alone, because I only decide for me, and the older I get, the more I realise I enjoy having peace, getting to do what I want with my time and money, and the anxiety of having a bit of yourself and someone you love out in this evil world? I could not deal with that. My mom told me that she had an exemplary recovery from giving birth to me, but she still has some lifelong changes to her body that I would not ask someone I love to accept for my sake.” 
“Yeah well, being female is really not the hottest deal.” You say, sighing. “This is what’s bothering me the most about the break up, because reasonably, I understand that it’s only fair for people to part ways when their life plans don’t align.” “I would be out there having all of the sex if I knew that I can’t get pregnant. Although… ugh. Men can be dicks and give you other unpleasant stuff. I would require all my fuck buddies to submit a recent STD panel result.” “I don’t want to fuck many people, I get uncomfortable just thinking of that. I was hoping I could choose well and stop at one. Especially since I know how guys talk about women, it’s even in rap songs, wrist icicle ride dick bicycle and all that.” Hyunjin laughs, full-body and with his head thrown back. “Do not take life advice or sex advice from Nicki Minaj, she is married to a convict.” He then wills himself to be serious again. “I don’t know if I still think as highly about Channie-hyung as before, after what you told me. He’s still my leader and my big brother, but… for all his professions of love for you, he acted like he doesn’t even like you.”
“It’s okay, Jinnie, it’s not that deep, he is allowed to be selfish about his wishes, just like I am. I wanted to remove the possibility of getting pregnant by accident, he wants the possibility to get his partner pregnant.” 
“But then he lied when he said he didn’t want kids when he got with you! Dick move.”
“As you said earlier, he can approach this in a more detached way and I suppose he assumed I was also not as serious about it, forgetting we do not have the same freedoms when it comes to it.” “See? Dick.” Hyunjin says, holding a huge piece of glazed fried chicken to your mouth with his chopsticks. “For you. Open wide.” 
You laugh at how stern he is and obey, liking that he’s taking care of you. “And why do you think of yourself as single-use?” He says suddenly. “You’re a whole human, not an object.” “I can’t help it, Jinnie. I feel… used. Rationally, I know it’s absurd. But I still feel it.” “Maybe you’ve been listening to the wrong voices whispering in your ear for too long. Because if you really were used, it would mean a dick can change an entire human’s soul and being down to the atoms… and no dick is that superpowered. Much less Channie-hyung’s.” 
“It’s easy for you to say.” You counter, pouting. “You’re right, of course. But I’ll need a while to get to that point where I can like myself after absolutely failing at my life plans.” “When did you make those plans? And did you make them or did your mom tell you what to dream of? I wasn’t planning of being an idol, imagine how dumb I would have looked if I had told the scout, ‘I plan to try and be an interior designer and make people’s houses into homes! A career where few succeed and only if their daddy is rich or if they are connected. Being an idol is a huge change so I reject it!’ I think I did okay to change course. And you could too. Change course I mean.” “I’ll have to, I guess. I can’t kill myself or never leave the house just because I am too ashamed to show my face in the world after being dumped.” You offer, still unconvinced, deep down. “You came here, where Channie-hyung lives, so that’s already a big step.” Hyunjin commends you. “I figured I could gotcha him if he answered the door, like if he started with ‘oh stop following me, we are never getting back together’, I would have told him ‘I’m not here for you’.” You admit. “I’m not above pettiness, in fact I find it satisfying and I engage in it when I safely can.” Hyunjin holds his fist up, knuckles facing you, silently demanding a fist bump. “Petty bitches unite.” He explains. Part 3
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The same ones you asked me for the ask game 😊
angel; do you have a nickname?
I used to get called beany by everyone but now only one person calls me it but spells it differently 😂 and then there’s wifey if that counts
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
Red or black
bloop; spirit animal?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
I don’t read/what happened to Monday?/anything abba
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
A bear called Mr Ted
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
I honestly can’t remember anything
bright; mermaids or fairies?
They’re both scary but I’ll go with fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
buttercup; showers or baths?
butterfly; dream destination?
America, especially brazil
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
calm; favorite scent?
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
Both brown
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
Night time?
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
Some more marvel signatures and another funko mini moment
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
Anything my Nan bought me
cutsie; what makes you happy?
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
Probably when I went to a gay club with some course friends
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
daylight; favorite album of all time?
I don’t know
dear; zodiac sign?
Aquarius ♒️
delightful; concerts or museums?
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
dobby; dream job?
doll; how do you like to dress?
Like a little boy clashed with a 70s pop star at times
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
I’ve lived in a few haunted houses so yeah
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
I want to get a shuttlecock tattoo
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
Mmm hey wifey 😘
fairy; do you have a pet?
Yeah I have a pug and a terrapin
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
forever; where do you feel time stop?
In bed
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
No mine are fake and at one point I thought it was real
garden; how many languages do you know?
1 but I’m learning a second
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
@stephanieromanoff @wandas-honey @lilaloubear @haeva and many more
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
I don’t really know it changes
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
Yes but I never get any
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
Tea- milk and sweeteners (depends on cup size)
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
People watching but I call it people judging
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
Pink noise
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
Get smashed
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
I laugh loudly
kinky; do you blush easily?
I don’t think so
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
None right now but I used to wish when I was younger that a friend would fall in love with me
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
When I’m asleep
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
love; what is your favorite season and why?
Winter. Snow.
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
magic; what are five flaws you have?
1- don’t know when to shut up
2- can be annoying
3- lazy
4- can’t really read social cues until the whole conversation is over
5- always on tiktok
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
Cool darks
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
A friend
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
Plenty of free food
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
On tiktok
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
Don’t touch what you can’t afford
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
I love baking but sadly I only cook at the moment
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
No I don’t. I’d love to play the piano
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
I’ll get back to you on that one
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
Performing on west end twice
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
My friends
shine; art or music?
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
smitten; do you collect anything?
Funko pops
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
Two and a half
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
Strawberry laces
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
Yes and idk what it is
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
I dont really mind. I wear them when I’m in public
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
The Sarah Jane Adventures
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
A double bed with two and a half pillows, a duvet and a fluffy blanket
soothe; digital or vinyl?
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
Yeah I like them but idk if I’d want them
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
Nothing I’m very basic
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
The crazy one
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
I’ve only just woke up
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
Mind control
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
Going out
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
I like it but I don’t want to live there when I’m older
Thanks wifey. I deserved that 🥲
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rommahh · 3 years
{this show was off the walls. He looked so good. And the energy was just??}
You stood uncomfortably at your flights gate with Harry. After being with Harry for five shows, your anxiety had reached a peak leaving you to be faced with one of your worst panic attacks before the St. Louis show. Harry didn’t want you to feel so much mental pressure so he suggested that you go home, he even bought you a ticket without consulting with you.
Your shoulders were tense as you stood rigid next to Harry. You were beyond upset and sad. You felt like a burden who being sent away to make everyone else feel better.
“Love, it will be ok. I’ll see you in two weeks for the Nashville show.” Harry comments watching your face scrunch up withholding the tears. “I just want you to see your therapist for a few days.”
“I don’t wanna go. It was one panic attack. Ive done fine every other night and on the bus.” You huff not making eye contact with Harry. “You’re just sending me away.”
Harry feels his heart break in two. “That’s not-“
“We are now welcoming our first class passengers.” He was cut off by the attendant. You grab your duffle on the ground, opening your phone to the electronic ticket. You moved to get in the line but Harry was quick to grab your arm to stop you. You couldn’t stop the tears from welling in your eyes at the look of hurt on his face.
“You’re not even gonna say goodbye?” He whispers.
“Why should I? You said it for me when you purchased the ticket without even talking to me about it. I’ll call you when I land, I love you and goodbye.” You snatched your arm away, rushing to the slowly growing line of passengers.
Harry watched in defeat as you trudged onto the bridge that boarded onto the plane. You felt those traitorous tears push past the surface, your feet feeling like they were dragging behind you- wanting you to go back to your heart.
The entire flight home was painful. All hours spent on the flight looking lifelessly out of the window. Harry put you in first class but none of the comfortable perks could make you happy.
It was weird to walk back into your home with no one there walking in with you or even waiting for you. The house was dark and quiet and you felt scared to even be in the stupid beach side mansion all alone. Times like this made you regret moving in with Harry. This house only felt like home when he was there, any other time felt like your own personal solitary confinement.
Hey lovie, hope you’re flight went well. Having groceries delivered to the house for you. I love you and miss you. Xxx H.
You scoffed. That anger from before bubbling within you. He misses you? You left him on read, the pettiness easing the anger.
Harry’s eyebrows shot up at the small read notification under his sent message. He waited a few moments thinking maybe you just forgot to press send. Minutes turned to hours and hours turned into the next day.
You sat at the dining room table watching the waves eat up the sand and pull granules away at a time. Your laptop sat in front of you after you finished a telehealth therapy appointment. A ring sounded from the laptop signaling that someone was FaceTiming you.
Harry’s icon popped up in the corner of the screen. You hesitated before answering. You couldn’t bare to look at yourself in the camera knowing you looked a mess. Your eyes swollen from the sobbing during therapy. Harry thought you looked beautiful nonetheless.
“Good morning baby.” He broke the silence.
“Hi.” Was all you could muster. This wasn’t the two of you. You both would normally fill a space with sound and giggles and now it was just silence.
“How did you sleep?” He asks. He looked as disheveled as you. Hair messy, face red and puffy.
“Fine.” You didn’t look at him, playing with the frayed edges of your Live on Tour hoodie. Harry huffed in frustration.
“Is this how it will be from now on?” He snapped. Your head snapped up out of shock.
“You’re getting at me like somethings my fault!” You snapped back.
“Well, we didn’t leave on the right foot.”
“You sent me away!” You retaliate.
“No, I did not. You had a panic attack before I went on stage. I had to come on stage late because I was consoling you.”
You flinched at his comment and tone of voice.
“So it’s my fault? I can’t control the panic attacks. It wasn’t like I conjured one up for attention.” His lack of response broke you. “Really?”
“No, I don’t think you did it for attention but it’s a lot Y/N. I want to take you on tour with me but it’s a lot for me and you know it’s a lot for you.” He tries. His words hurt though. You’ve felt like a burden your entire life and to feel that way because of the love of your life hurts even more.
“Ok. Um, I have to go.” You choke out. Harry shakes his head, the weight of his words catching up with you.
“I didn’t mean it in that way. I love you and I only want to protect you.”
“Yeah, protect me by sending me away when things get tough. I’m sorry for being a burden Harry.” You hang up before he could get the last word in.
Harry sat on his hotel bed shocked. He doesn’t know how things escalated the way they did. He made her feel like a burden. His body racks with sobs as he thinks of how his love must be feeling.
The day of Harry’s Philly show you felt uneasy. You didn’t like not being with Harry. You got so used to your preshow rituals with him. It hurt to be left out after being so involved.
Harry felt the same way. His regret evident in the way that he couldn’t stop blowing up your phone with short apologies and messages. He woke up alone in the hotel room on the day of a show feeling like utter crap.
His stomach was in knots and his heart couldn’t stop pounding. Normally before a show you both would share a light meal and have small discussions about nothing. You both would take silly selfies together or watch tiktoks. But now it was just Harry.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, impulsively clicking your contact to face time.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up…” He mutters. He lets out a sigh of relief when your face reveals.
“Hi, Harry.” You murmur, your face squished into a pillow, his pillow because it smells good.
“Hi-hi baby.” He stutters fidgeting in his seat.
“What do you need?”
“I need you. You’re not a burden. I want you here, not there but here. I have a show in a few hours and all I can think about is how you’re not here with me.” He cries. You sit up in the bed, tearing up watching your boyfriend cry. His shoulders shook with the sobs that wracked through his chest.
“Harry, please breathe. Your gonna hurt yourself.” You try to calm him down but can tell it’s not working.
“Come back.” He whimpers.
“I-I think I’m going to stay home until Nashville. We both need a breather from each other and I know I need to see my psychiatrist and probably get some new anxiety medication. Which will take the two weeks to kick in you know?” You reason. Harry wiped his face of tears nodding understandingly.
“Ok. I miss you though. I fucked up horribly by making you feel less than. I know you’re not a burden and I’d do anything for you. The stress of tour is starting to weigh on me and I took it out in you when I shouldnt have. I also thought I was keeping you safe by sending you home, but I shouldn’t have done that. Because we are a team, I shouldn’t be making choices for you.”
“Thank you for apologizing. I understand why you did what you did. You were trying to protect me, I know. I love you Bubby.” Harry felt his world come back together at the nickname, a signal that you two would be alright. “You have a show in like three hours, you need to get ready. Eat some food, drink water please, and I’ll go and scroll through TikTok and send you all of my faves ok?”
“Ok. Thank you for being everything to me. I couldn’t do what I do today if I didn’t have you in my life.” Harry’s sincerity made your heart swell.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We will be alright. Now go!” You urged him to hang up the phone. He gave you one last smile before hanging up.
Watching Harry through some Instagram live wasn’t what you had planned for but it felt good to see him. He even wore the outfit you picked out with Harry lambert, the blue and pink paying homage to fine line. You’re heart gushes when he tells the crowd that he’s feeling really happy.
The next day you have another therapy appointment with your regular therapist, you even phone in Harry to join the call. You felt warm on the inside as your therapist reassured that you and Harry’s relationship was on the right path. She even said that you and Harry were meant to be together.
She didn’t have to tell Harry that for him to already know that information. I mean he had the ring sitting in his pocket to prove it.
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opalesense · 4 years
dinners at diluc’s
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kaeya & f!reader & diluc (NSFW)
5.5k words • ~40 min. read
summary: after lightheartedly joking about a threesome for the past few weeks, a drunken kaeya decides to shamelessly suggest that diluc should join in on all the fun.
warnings: alcohol, facefucking, double penetration, bondage, overstimulation, big dicked duo !!
notes: reader is in a relationship with kaeya before all this (kind of a sequel to this!) and thank you so much for 100 followers! i hope you enjoy this as a token of my appreciation <3
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DINNERS AT DILUC’S MANOR used to be as rare as a sighting of a dragon in Mondstadt. Though, over the past few months, Diluc and Kaeya have been slowly rebuilding their previously severed bonds over weekly meals together in an effort to achieve some sort of reconciliation. It was mostly my idea, but I’m sure after all these years of unforgiving distance, they were secretly grateful I was the one to finally push them towards reunion. With the strong sense of pride and swelled ego they shared, they wouldn’t outwardly show it, of course.
 Despite the good progress they were finally making now, I won’t forget that it started as a painstaking process.
 At first, the meals were tense and rather snappy, the boys sarcastically ganging up on me for forcing them into a room together when they “clearly had nothing to say to each other,” as Diluc remarked during the first dinner. Kaeya had agreed with silence, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, impatiently waiting for the night to be over. All I could do was sigh and pray things would get better from there.
 But now Kaeya had a drink in his hand, one that was made personally by Diluc despite having kitchen staff who could’ve done it for him. The brothers were riding waves of laughter, reminiscing on good memories and inside jokes with grins planted on both of their faces. They bounced stories off of each other as if they were completing each other’s thoughts, their minds so in sync – just like they used to be when they were growing up together.
 My heart fluttered to see a look of genuine happiness on Kaeya’s face. I could tell he’s been wanting a moment like this, a moment to truly reconnect with his only family, for a long time. And one glance at Diluc told me he was thoroughly enjoying the night as well, his smile breaking the usual stoic façade he upheld. So even after the meal was already finished and the staff had cleared the table then went to their quarters for the night, I sat and listened to their stories despite being unable to contribute anything to the conversation. Even though it was getting late, how could I possibly interrupt this rare moment?
 Then Kaeya had swiftly downed his drink. So he asked for another. And another. Then we collectively moved from the dining room to the living room to warm up by the fireplace. Kaeya asked for another drink. Then one more.
 “Kaeya, don’t you think that’s enough to drink for tonight? We still have to walk home,” I gently reminded him, feeling bad for interrupting the conversation so suddenly. But it was getting extremely late. I was getting extremely tired and cranky for sitting around and doing nothing for the past few hours but mindlessly listen to the men talk.
 “I’m having so much fun, sweetheart. Just one more?” he teased me by making puppy eyes at me, “Please~?”
 “No need to worry about him, [Y/N],” Diluc politely waved off my request, “I could always walk you guys home – it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to drag him along after a night of drinking. Or better yet, you two can stay in the guest bed upstairs then return home tomorrow morning when he’s sobered up.”
 I placed a hand on Kaeya’s arm. “Would that be okay with you? If we spend the night in his guest bed? I’m rather exhausted.”
 “Guest bed? Why don’t we just spend the night in Diluc’s bed!” Kaeya’s words began slurring as he giggled, “Maybe we can have that lil’ threesome we’ve been talking about.”
 My mind snapped awake immediately, eyes widening as I nervously glanced to Diluc who also had his jaw slightly dropped in shock. “K-Kaeya, you really must watch what you’re saying–“
 “Aw, don’t act all shy now, sweetheart!” He took his eyes off of me to face Diluc, who was now clearly perplexed. I sat perplexed as well, unsure of how I was going to come up with an excuse for what he said. Because it was true. We had been lightheartedly talking about having a threesome lately. But mentioning it to Diluc of all people on such a wholesome night like this made my heart quickly sink. He must be appalled.
 “Diluc, I’m so sorry, you know he says too much when he’s drunk-“
 “No, no, but it’s true! ‘Luc, you wouldn’t believe how much we’ve been talking about fuckin’ around with an extra... fuckin’...” Kaeya’s face began to soften at the realization of his actions as his gaze turned to the floor. “Oh... shit.”
 The three of us sat to process what had just happened for a moment, the firewood softly crackling to fill the silence. I didn’t know if I was feeling embarassment, awkwardness, anxiety, or all of it at the same time. All I knew was that for some twisted reason, the sudden mention of our fantasy out loud to Diluc made my thighs slightly twitch in excitement without thinking. How in the world did I just get aroused? I internally shamed myself.
 Diluc was the first to break the silence. “So... how long have you been thinking about this again?”
 “Diluc!” I snapped at him, not wanting him to encourage the thought. But one look at him and I could tell he was dead serious about the matter. Embarassment definitely kicked in now through a blush that quickly crept up to my cheeks. Are we really going to discuss this right now?
 Kaeya took a slow sip of his drink, finally putting some thought into what he was going to say. But just as I hoped he was going to take this opportunity to dismiss the topic entirely, to my dismay, he quickly muttered, “A few weeks now.”
 “Kaeya!” I smacked his arm lightly. My body shrunk into the sofa in disbelief. But my thoughts were racing along with my heartbeat. Diluc seemed to express genuine interest immediately after the initial period of shock. It was almost as if he had been thinking about it lately too. I couldn’t help but imagine the things that these two could do to me, or imagine specifically what Diluc was thinking about doing with us to be interested in the first place. Even though I hated to admit it, jolts of excitement started to tickle my nerves throughout my entire body but I didn’t dare show it. I can’t believe this is conversation is actually happening. I can’t believe we could actually do this.
 Diluc leaned back into his chair with a content hum. “If you’re seriously offering... I can’t say I would be opposed to the idea.”
 “Now that’s my man!” Kaeya excitedly pointed to Diluc, who then slyly chuckled in response. Kaeya exchanged glances between me and Diluc a few times before finally settling on Diluc. “Wait, you’re actually serious?”
 “Are you actually serious?”
 “Tell him, [Y/N], am I being serious?” Kaeya poked my leg, which elicited another twitch at the sudden touch. I looked up at him dumbfoundedly, failing to find words when I was getting embarassingly aroused. “I don’t think I’ve been more serious about something in my life, brother!”
 “I can’t believe the two of you right now,” I scoffed as I stood up, snapping myself out of the fantasies bubbling in my head. There was no way we would actually do it, after all, the brothers were getting along but not that closely. “Diluc, can you show me to the guest room, please? I’ll go to bed while the two of you joke about this convulted fantasy.”
 “Joke? C’mon, sweetheart! You know we’ve been talking about it!” Kaeya stood up to follow me to the main floor of the manor with Diluc trailing along, “Don’t play innocent just because Diluc’s around.”
 The three of us climbed the stairs, the two brothers still trailing behind. “It’ll be the last room down the hall once you turn left,” Diluc directed me. Kaeya hummed in what sounded like satisfaction.
 “Just look at that ass, ‘Luc. You know, you can touch her if you want, I wouldn’t mind,” I immediately turned around once I heard Kaeya mutter those words and glared at him. They both stopped in their tracks at the same time, Kaeya returning a stare more intimidating than mine and Diluc’s eyes trailing to the floor. I felt so small under the lust in his sapphire eyes, which were staring me down with a craving to touch me.
 “Listen, sweetheart, I know you’re being a brat right now but once we get our hands on you...” he stepped close enough to place his gloved hand on my thigh, shooting a chill up my spine and causing my thighs to squeeze together. I didn’t want to let him know that I wasn’t entirely opposed to this idea either but my body couldn’t control itself. My core was secretly craving his touch. He noticed my subtle reaction and let out a low chuckle.
 “Ah, I can tell you’re excited. Just keep walking, baby. You can drop that innocent act now and show Diluc how much of a slut you can be, okay? Can you do that for me?”
 I didn’t have the energy to hide it anymore, let alone answer him with words. I let my lips quiver as I turned back around, taking a few more steps up the stairs then walking down the hall while the brothers exchanged inaudible whispers with each other, presumably about me. My instincts told me they were plotting behind my back but they were so quiet that I couldn’t make out any real words. Before my hand could reach for the doorknob, Kaeya’s arm got ahead of me and gripped the knob himself. “Let me get that for you, sweetheart.”
 He opened the door and walked inside first. The room was surprisingly larger than I expected for a guest room. A large bed sat near the wall and with a glance to the side I could see it faced a large vanity. The rest of the room consisted of a warddrobe, drawers, a seating area, and a bookshelf.
 “This used to be my room, you know,” Kaeya pivoted his heels to face me while placing his drink down on top of one of the nearby drawers. “Diluc picked a good room for us. Hopefully it’s just how I left it.”
 “It should be,” Diluc followed close behind as I stepped forward to get a better look of the space. “I never asked any of the staff to touch this room aside from the occasional dusting and I don’t get many visitors who need to spend the night.”
 “Perfect,” Kaeya smirked. That grin usually indicated he was plotting something. My stomach was a mess of excitement, curiosity, and anxiety at the same time. Was this really happening?
 He knelt down to pull out the bottom drawer in front of him and rummaged through his belongings to pull out a bundle of something, though I couldn’t tell exactly what it was from the dim lighting of the room. “Just as I had hoped.”
 He hid the item behind his back as he stood up and took a step towards me, gently planting a kiss on my forehead. He then began to shower my face with kisses, wrapping his arms around me in a cute embrace and making me giggle. Just as I was about to push him away in jest, he simply said two words that made my heart stop. “Now, Diluc.”
 Before I could react or comprehend what was going on, Diluc had pressed his hips against mine with a grip on my waist while Kaeya squeezed me harder in our seemingly sweet hug, knocking a bit of wind out of me. Kaeya, despite being unbelievably drunk, still had an inescapable strength as he managed to pull both my arms down while keeping me in his embrace. My panicked eyes looked up at Kaeya’s face, which was focused on my arms now being pinned behind my back. Once I felt rope being looped around my forearms, I knew exactly what was about to happen.
 “Be a good girl for Master Diluc, okay sweetheart? I’m going to get another drink,” Kaeya loosened his grip on me and gave me another kiss on the cheek. “You want to do this, right?”
 I hated to admit it, but I shyly nodded yes. Kaeya smiled contently. “You can trust him. Everything he’s going to do is part of our plan. We’re going to have fun tonight, okay?”
 And with that, Diluc finished tying my folded arms together as Kaeya walked out the door. Before I could form a thought, Diluc held my waist to slowly guide me to sit at the edge of the bed, pressing his bulge against me throughout each step and kissing my bare neck. He then turned me around and planted a knee between my thighs into the mattress, slowly laying me down then beginning to unbutton my blouse as he continued licking and nibbling my skin. I breathily moaned at the excitement and nervousness of a man other than Kaeya touching me so calmly, so naturally. Diluc pulled the tucked in fabric up once it was unbuttoned to reveal my bare torso in its entirety, letting out a low growl at the sight. The excitement burned inside my core and I couldn’t help but gently grind against his clothed knee for some stimulation.
 He took notice of this and responded by pressing his knee deeper into my aching core which was so much more forgiving than what Kaeya would have done if I wanted to grind against his leg. Diluc trailed the kisses up towards my jawline, stopping just an inch away from my lips and muttering, “Do you care about this blouse?”
 “Rip it off,” I mindlessly whispered, not wanting to go through the trouble of getting untied for my blouse to come off. I craved touch, it could be from anyone at this point, but I needed to feel hands on my skin. Diluc made quick work of the insignificant piece if clothing, ripping it apart as if it were a piece of paper then tossing it onto the floor. He tossed his gloves along with it, my exposed skin suddenly meeting his warm touch as he caressed my sides and continued to kiss my neck, definitely leaving marks at this point. I sighed at his warmth, a stark contrast to Kaeya’s cold touch. Albeit, Kaeya always loved to use his vision to tease me, and maybe Diluc was doing the same thing here.
 “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Kaeya stepped into the room and walked towards us.
 “She’s gorgeous, Kaeya. Seriously, you found yourself a keeper,” Diluc paused his kisses to respond, never breaking eye contact with me, “You better treat her well, otherwise I might want to steal her away for myself.”
 “Ha! In your dreams. I’ll let you play with her all you want but in the end, she’s mine, dear brother.”
 Diluc scoffed lightheartedly and placed his hands on my back to lift me up, fully releasing my neck from his kisses as Kaeya waved a glass in front of me. “Now drink up, sweetheart.”
 “What is it?” I looked up at him expectedly.
 “It’ll make things easier for you later. Make sure to drink every last drop,” he gave out a short laugh, “That wouldn’t be the first time I’ve told you that in the bedroom, huh?”
 I scoffed at the suggestive joke and wrapped my lips around the edge of the glass. It was some kind of concoction that I couldn’t exactly recognize, but there was definitely hard liquor in it. I connected the dots and figured he probably had something planned where he wanted me to drink something strong to chase away whatever pain he was going to inflict on me tonight. My legs trembled with excitement at the thought, wondering what the two had planned for me behind my back.
 With each sip, Diluc worked on unbuckling my pants to reveal my half naked body, which was now completely surrendered to the two brothers who were also unbuttoning their own shirts without taking their eyes off of me. Kaeya finished first, having his top already halfway unbuttoned anyway, and reached down to strip me of my underwear. Resuming from where Diluc had left off, he leaned down to leave marks on my neck as well, his kisses being more sloppy and aggressive than sensual like his brother’s. Small pants escaped my mouth as his teeth nibbled down at the spots that were already slightly bruised, but he didn’t seem to care and only bit down harder knowing I was sensitive.
 But his passionate kisses on my fragile skin were only fleeting moments, and after one quick peck on the lips and a smirk, he climbed off of me to reveal a half naked Diluc tying his long hair up into a ponytail. Diluc’s messy red locks couldn’t distract me from his hungry stare. He eyed me down with such intensity, never breaking eye contact despite turning his head from side to side to gather all his hair into a bundle. My eyes darted to Kaeya, who had began unbuckling his pants and was also observing my body with pure lust in his eyes. I couldn’t help but trail my gaze down towards their hips, and in the soft moonlight, I could see their bulges creating large tents in their underwear, aching and yearning for me. I could’ve drooled at the sight of their bulky erections if my mouth wasn’t closed shut from nervousness. My core lit up with butterflies, wanting them now more than ever.
 My thoughts were interrupted by Diluc climbing onto the mattress next to me then swiftly grabbing me to turn me all the way around so my head conveniently hung off the edge of the bed. I let out a soft giggle at how he manhandled me, how he had lifted me and gently threw me on the mattress like I was dead weight. He must’ve noticed that I liked what he did because as he positioned his head near my throbbing folds and pinned my thighs up with both his hands, he gave a quiet chuckle to himself not long before wrapping his lips around my clit and gently sucking.
 I gasped at the sudden warmth but shock quickly turned into pleasure as Diluc’s hot tongue lapped at my wetness, making me flinch and arch my back at the sensation. I instinctively tried to pin my thighs back together in an effort to try and keep the tiny amount of pride I had, but Diluc was quick to shoot a dominant glare at me while he pushed my legs back apart. If anything, the subtle act of defiance only made him hungrier for me, his movements getting a little more aggressive and passionate. My sighs and moans of bliss made the redhead happily groan back in response, the simultaneous buzzing of his lips against my saliva coated cunt causing my brain to malfunction. I couldn’t think anymore and it had only been about a minute or so. I was in heaven.
 I looked up to Kaeya for reassurance that I was still in Teyvat as he hovered above me, stroking his cock in front of my face and looking down at me with a devilish smirk. “You should really give me a few pointers, ‘Luc. She’s going crazy over you.”
 Diluc kissed my clit before responding. “Have you ever considered learning how to properly please a woman instead of selfishly chasing your own needs?”
 “And have you ever considered sleeping with girls other than your maids?”
 “Fuck off,” Diluc’s warm breath against my entrance as he sarcastically laughed had me lean into his touch even more. “You know that’s not true.”
 His mouth latched onto my clit again, and as if it couldn’t feel any better, he managed to snake two fingers into my entrance while he sucked on my clit, his long digits teasing my walls by slowly scissoring my insides. If Kaeya weren’t a sucker for orgasm denial and hadn’t trained me to hold back my releases for months, I surely would have broken under Diluc’s touch by now.
 “Alright, don’t get too excited now, sweetheart,” Kaeya reached out to caress my cheek with his thumb, “Let’s show Diluc how pretty you look with a bulge in your throat.”
 “Yes, sir,” I mindlessly muttered and eagerly opened my mouth, earning a grin from Kaeya. He placed his hands on both sides of my jaw, chuckling as he rested the underside of his cock on top of my face, thinking about how it managed to in my throat when it was bigger than my head. My breath stuttered as Diluc’s tongue kept trying to grab my attention but Kaeya’s thickness always seemed to captivate me no matter how many times I saw it.
 “Very good girl,” he then guided his tip to meet my tongue and let out a low growl while he slowly pushed his entire length into my throat inch by inch. “My good little girl...”
 He wasted no time to fuck my throat as if my head were his toy, his fingers digging into my jaw with each groan that escaped his lips. At times Diluc would suddenly curl his fingers inside me causing me to moan in surprise, which then made Kaeya twitch in ecstacy as the vibrations in my throat clenched tighter around his cock.
 The feeling of being touched by two men at once made my insides burn like a wick fighting for its life at the bottom of a candle. My senses were overloaded as I tried to focus on one aspect of what was going on, darting between sensations as if I couldn’t decide what to pay attention to. Maybe Kaeya’s hands gripping my teary eyed face. Diluc’s fingers prodding my walls. Kaeya’s grunts and groans filling up the room. Diluc’s hot breath panting for air against my folds. Everything that led up to this moment was completely blocked out of my mind and I could think about was how restlessly aroused I was. The brothers’ movements became more merciless and the more I tried to hold back my release, the more it fought back. I found my legs gradually tensing up and my moans becoming more and more desperate to the point where I was dangerously on the edge.
 “Diluc, stop,” Kaeya quickly pulled himself out of my mouth and despite his initial hesitation, Diluc gave my clit one more kiss and pulled his head away to sit up straight. I was a coughing mess when I finally took a deep breath from suffocating for the past few minutes, and as a sign of mercy, Kaeya gently lifted my head to allow better airflow into my throat.
 Despite coughing my organs out, my legs shook violently as I still tried to hold back my release. I whined and wanted to scream in frustration at the denial of my climax, the ropes around my arms and Diluc’s hands pinning me down preventing me from getting up to stimulate myself a little more. Kaeya only laughed sadistically.
 “I knew it. You got a little close there, didn’t you, princess?” he teased. I groaned impatiently as my eyes were glued to his cock, which I noticed had strings of saliva still attached to my face. The drool all over his length only made him smirk, and it made Diluc sigh in envy.
 “P-Please,” I could barely think of words as my body trembled in pleasure, “M-More...”
 Kaeya’s laughter subsided as he caressed my cheek lovingly. “Tell us what you want, baby. Use your words.”
 “M-More...” more tears swelled up in my eyes as I struggled to come up with proper words or coherent thoughts, “K-Kaeya...”
 “Yes, princess?” Kaeya gently reached under me to lift my torso up and Diluc leaned over to help guide my shaking body until I was sitting up with my back leaning against Kaeya, my thighs still pried apart to prevent me from pleasuring myself. Kaeya climbed into the spot behind me while Diluc comfortably sat in front of me, staring at my body as if he were in a trance.
 “I...” the strength in my voice was faltering as I tried to form a sentence, “need you both...”
 “Poor thing. The alcohol must be kicking in,” Diluc placed one hand on the side of my thigh, gently massaging the spot and exchanging looks with Kaeya, who hummed in approval behind me. Kaeya’s hands ran up my from my waist to my shoulders where he began massaging my tenseness away.
 “Just relax now, princess. We’ll take good care of you, okay?”
 “Okay...” I whimpered innocently as I leaned into their massages, taking deep breaths while I bathed in their attention under the moonlight.
 Time always seemed to pass differently when I had a drink. In one moment, the brothers were massaging me to calm me down from edging, and in the blink of an eye, Diluc was pulling me down on top of his chest, kissing my neck softly like he did before. In another blink of an eye, my eyes stared into my reflection from the vanity across the bed to see that my thighs were bound together with rope and Kaeya was leaning over my back, whispering into my ear.
 “Can you tell us what you want now, princess?” he rubbed his cock to spread my wetness to my butthole and I could feel Diluc’s cock radiating heat as it was pressed against my stomach.
 As if the words travelled out on their own, I found my lips muttering, “I want to get stuffed full...”
 And as if the brothers were magical beings that could grant wishes on command, they were strategic and patient when they pushed themselves inside me. Diluc’s hands first pushed me down onto his cock. Each thick inch slowly stretched me out and my eyes widened once I felt his tip finally kiss my cervix. With a sigh of relief and a quivering breath, I planted my cheek into his chest at his sheer size alone, and just when I thought I had settled down comfortably, Kaeya had positioned himself behind me and slowly pushed himself into my other hole. Even though I imagined the pain of having two cocks penetrate me at the same time would be excruciating, the feeling was extraordinary, making me pant like a dog in heat. I subconsciously thanked Kaeya for giving me that drink earlier, knowing their large sizes would have painfully split me open otherwise.
 “Look at yourself in the mirror,” Kaeya groaned as he buried himself as deep as possible. My reflection was all I could stare at. I could clearly see every detail of the sticky situation I was in and I loved every inch of the sight. My attention darted around once again. Diluc’s hands gripping my ass, his knuckles going white with his strong hold on me. Kaeya’s soft hair draping down on me and Diluc, his muscles illuminated by the moon. Diluc’s eyebrows furrowed with his eyes completely closed, breathing heavily at the tight fit. Kaeya’s sapphire eyes staring right back at me, studying every part of this scene just like I was.
 “Don’t hold yourself back this time. Cum all over Master Diluc’s cock for me, okay princess?”
 And with that, he leaned back up, stabilized himself by holding my waist, and began fucking me steadily. Diluc followed suit, keeping his grip on me to fuck my soaking cunt as if he were waiting for this moment his entire life.
 It took awhile for me to process what I was feeling at first. My brain was fully expecting pain, but once I realized I was going to cum after only a few thrusts in, I completely lost control.
 “F-Fuck!” I yelped into Diluc’s chest as I watched the brothers pound into me in the damned mirror, “M-Master!”
 “Which one, baby?” Kaeya teased, earning a slight chuckle from Diluc. I moaned uncontrollably in response, my voice shaking with the way my body was being rocked by the two men who started at different rhythms at first but synced up each thrust moments later.
 “K-Kaeya! Diluc!” I sighed mindlessly, earning grunts from the two of them. They always seemed to be teasing me with chuckles, acting so nonchalant as if they weren’t fucking my brains out at the same time.
 An orgasm immediately hit me like a wave without any warning and I failed to hold back the loud moan that escaped my sore throat. If my legs weren’t tied right now, I would’ve definitely been shaking uncontrollably, but even now my abdomen violently curled up as I rode the waves of my climax. But the two didn’t care. They took my moment of weakness to fuck into me even harder, silently agreeing to pick up the pace and torture me in the best way.
 “Good girl,” Diluc whispered into my ear, clearly picking up the pet name from his brother. “Tightening around me like that... you really are such a good girl.”
 “I felt it too,” Kaeya groaned out, “Can you cum for us again, princess? You’re being such a good slut for us, you know that?”
 “I’m... I’m a good slut...”
 “Then cum for us again,” Diluc’s voice was almost demanding, his movements getting more desperate and sloppy as he started to take a little more dominance in speed over Kaeya, craving the sensation that I gave to him once more. “Cum on my cock, [Y/N].”
 Kaeya ganged up onto the intensity by leaning his chest over my back again, propping himself up with one hand and grabbing a fistful of my hair with the other, making me choke on my own air. “Don’t make him tell you twice, sweetheart. Be a good girl.”
 I had managed to reach my climax again shortly after, panting and trembling as I was cutely sandwiched between the two. As the two groaned at the sensation, they asked for another a few minutes after. And another. Then we collectively switched places so Kaeya could feel me cum around his cock. Kaeya asked for another orgasm. Then one more.
 “I c-can’t fucking take it anymore...!” I screamed into his chest, overstimulated and almost writhing in pain. “P-Please s-stop!”
 The brothers that I knew were long gone by now. Now they were simply horny messes chasing after their own pleasure, edging themselves and using my body as their toy, teasing that the night would be over soon then immediately asking me to cum more. They endlessly praised me about how my body felt so good, how tight the fit was, and how sweet my moans were. And despite the aching pain in my core, I secretly didn’t want this sensation to end either. But alas, all good things come to an end, and Diluc was the first to break.
 “F-Fuck,” he grunted weakly, “I can’t hold it anymore, I’m going to...!”
 “Cum in me,” I panted out, “Fill me with cum, please, Master Diluc...!”
 With a loud groan and a cry of pleasure, Diluc’s thick load had slowly surged through my insides, his cock throbbing with each pump of cum he dumped into my abused asshole. My tongue fell out of my mouth at the sensation of Kaeya still sloppily pounding my cunt while Diluc’s movements slowed until he finally came to a complete stop, his cock still firmly buried to hold his cum inside. Kaeya took this opportunity of having me all to himself to reach a hand to the back of my neck and pull me down for a kiss before finally releasing his seed in me as well, coating my slick covered walls with his seemingly endless loads of cum. Even when his movements began to slow to a stop as well, he continued to kiss me sweetly, sneaking in small smiles here and there before pulling away to press his sweat covered forehead against mine.
 “You did so good, sweetheart,” he whispered proudly, “You’re so perfect, filled with our cum like a good slut.”
 I let out a weak laugh, wiggling my hips gently while the two were still stuffed inside of me. “I feel so good... I’m really filled with cum...” I happily grinned, giggling as I softly cuddled against Kaeya’s forehead.
 “You sure are, cutie.”
 The three of us stayed comfortably in this position for a few moments, taking in the afterglow of such a celestial feeling of finally reaching our climaxes. Our tired pants echoed throughout the room, sweat trickling down our faces and my tears slowly subsiding as Kaeya massaged my scalp and showered my face in more kisses. Diluc let out a deep breath before slowly pulling himself out of me and climbing off of the bed. He started to pick up his clothes from the floor, his eyes glancing at the way his cum slowly trickled down from my hole. Even though I wasn’t facing him, I could practically envision his stupid smug grin forming when he finally decided to say something to us.
 “Can I expect you two for ‘dinner’ sometime again soon?”
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writertitan · 4 years
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 2660
themes: modern au, smut, sexual content!! mature and 18+ readers only!!
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For the past two days, your radiator had been making a god-awful noise whenever it turned on. Had being the keyword, until the early hours of today when it decided it couldn’t take it anymore and died on you completely. The winter morning air was frosty and you had woken up in the middle of the night to a loud and sad sputtering noise as the radiator said its goodbye, leaving you in a bit of a conundrum when you quietly got out of bed to try and see if there was any saving it. There wasn’t, and you were internally freaking out. 
Now here you were, glancing at a phone screen that read 3:23am with the chill of winter already seeping into your little apartment. The sleet outside didn’t help either; that awful mix of snow and rain was only bound to make your apartment even colder. 
You weren’t the only one who had been startled awake either, and you frowned in dismay when you saw Levi sitting up in bed with an annoyed, still sleepy look on his face. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked in a husky voice, making you feel even worse. Levi was an insomniac by nature - tonight he’d been getting an okay night’s rest, only to be interrupted by your damn radiator crapping out on you. 
“It’s my stupid radiator. It broke,” you whined, voice not even above a whisper as you gave it a pathetic kick with your feet. 
You heard Levi sigh in exasperation and looked to see him pulling back the covers for you as a silent beckon to come back to bed. You didn’t need to be told twice now that goosebumps had already started flourishing on your exposed skin, and immediately snuggled up next to him to preserve warmth. 
“I’m just cuddling for a minute,” you murmured, stroking his bare torso. “I’m gonna grab us some actual pajamas and some more blankets. I doubt my fucking landlord is going to respond to a text at three in the morning to come take a look at the damn thing.” 
Levi made a grunt of disapproval and held you to him tighter, shaking his head as he nuzzled it into your neck. The motion made butterflies swirl to life in your stomach and you giggled at the ticklish feeling of his bedhead, kissing it sweetly as your arms wrapped around him. 
“It’s gonna get real cold real fast,” you warned, “and we’re hardly dressed for that.” Levi only had his boxers on and you weren’t much better off, clad in only an old shirt of his and your panties. 
“Don’t you know any basic survival skills?” he said suddenly, his voice and his eyes taunting you, finally gazing up at you from his place at your neck. “We should be shedding clothes. Helps preserve warmth better.” 
“Bullshit,” you scoffed, but the idea was already planted, and you knew exactly what Levi was getting up to when his hand strayed from your hip to caress your thigh instead. He was so warm, his skin and his touch, and it made your head spin. 
“I’m being serious, you little brat,” he mumbled, his lips grazing your neck as he spoke. “I know exactly how to keep us warm in your shithole apartment.” 
His little jab at your apartment didn’t hurt. He’d been asking you when you were moving out for months now and had been asking you to stay over at his place more often, using his, “My apartment is better than yours” excuse each time. 
You instead answered him by pressing up against him even more, hands exploring his torso and then moving up to his hair to pull his face towards yours. In an instant your lips were captured in a heated kiss, tongues and teeth clashing as Levi maneuvered to get on top. He straddled you easily, a growing erection prodding at your stomach as his hands gathered the hem of his borrowed shirt on you to pull it up over your breasts and leave the fabric bunched up above them. His lips broke from yours and you whined, trying to follow him as he sat up fully, but his hands pinned you down by your shoulders. 
A blush rouged your cheeks as you watched him scan over your body, hands slowly moving from your shoulders to cup your breasts once he was sure you wouldn’t move, and you rolled your hips up slowly to tease him. You saw that primal glint in his eye appear as you did that, his gaze finally flickering back to yours, but he shook his head.
“Don’t move,” he demanded, hands moving over your nipples that had perked up from both arousal and the cold, his eyes examining the goosebumps appearing over your body. He gently tugged his shirt off of you completely, discarding it amongst your pillows before his hands returned on their journey along your skin.
“Keep me warm,” you whispered, voice saturated with desire as you watched him. You stayed still apart from your wandering hands that found his chest, his abdomen, and then finally, the tent in his boxers. He swallowed thickly but didn’t say a word, hands moving from your breasts to your hips in one languid motion, fingertips toying with the elastic of your panties. 
“Levi,” you breathed out, “...please...” That familiar smirk ghosted at his lips and, after what felt like an eternity ,a hand slipped under the fabric of your panties. You groaned in satisfaction and rewarded him with a gentle squeeze between his legs, his own groan mixing with yours. His free hand grabbed the blankets that were curled around your waists and tugged them up so the two of you were now completely covered and shielded from the increasingly cool air in your bedroom, the confined space somehow even more erotic. It was only the two of you, nobody else existed underneath those covers, the world was all but gone, and you were grateful for your little bubble as your breathing grew heavier and your mewls got louder. 
Two of his fingers danced around your clit, sliding between your slick folds as he played with you and you played with him. Your hand had worked its way beneath the cloth of his boxers to stroke his length slowly, matching his pace with you as you stared into each other’s eyes hungrily, lips parted and chests heaving for air. 
When Levi finally pressed into your clit with both fingers, your back arched and your eyes fluttered shut, pleasure piercing through you. His lips found yours again in another passionate kiss, lips fumbling together as the two of you stroked each other, Levi growing harder in your hand as your fingers trailed from his base to his tip, thumb gently pressing against the head of his cock occasionally. Moans were stifled into the kiss as you parted your lips and allowed his tongue to find yours, each of you needy and writhing in the other’s hand. Levi broke away for air and you gasped out to fill your lungs as well, but your lips found his neck only seconds later and your legs nimbly swathed around his hips to pull him closer. The hand that wasn’t around him trailed up so your fingers could get lost in his hair, a lock of it twirled around your finger as you nipped and suck at the most sensitive spot at Levi’s neck. 
“Fuck,” he grunted, hips bucking into you when your teeth grazed along his flushed skin, the whispered curse only fueling you. 
“Off, please,” you pleaded with him against his neck, referring to the thin fabric still separating your groins. You heard him whine when your hand slipped out of his boxers to tug them down around his knees, letting him kick them off the rest of the way. You also couldn’t help the little whimper that left you when his hand did the same to you, both of you exposed to the other now. 
Levi didn’t waste any time in taking hold of his length and guiding it to your folds, earning a loud moan of pleasure from you as he slid himself along you, tip of his cock pressing teasingly to your clit. There was no need or desire to bother to stifle the needy whine of his name as he rubbed his shaft against you, the pleasure almost overwhelming you when his head ducked down to take a breast into his warm mouth. A string of curses left your lips and you barely registered his free hand moving down as well, only noticing when a finger slipped inside you with no warning. 
Again your back arched and you writhed beneath him, and the peculiar sensation of a finger in you and a cock rubbing your clit, rather than the other way around, had you seeing stars. 
“Fuck, you’re wet,” Levi mumbled against your breast, a string of saliva trailing his lips as he came up for air again. His eyes were half-lidded, clouded with lust, both of you on cloud nine. Your hands kept busy and stroked his skin, both of you showcasing a slight sheen of sweat from the intense heat you’d created in your little cocoon of blankets. There wasn’t a single coherent thought in your head as your lips crashed into his again, needy as ever as your hips squirmed and bucked. 
“Levi,” you whined against his mouth, letting him swallow his name. 
“Use your words,” he teased back, adding a second finger to pump into you while his length slipped into your folds. 
But you could barely sound out his name, let alone form a coherent sentence. He knew this was exactly the case and got off on it, leaving you to mewl and whine and writhe under him as you scrambled to get it together. 
“Want you inside of me,” you gasped out finally, bucking your hips up roughly as his fingers curled inside of you. 
Levi’s lips were at your ear in an instant, breath hot as it fanned the side of your face. “I am inside of you.”
“Your cock,” you nearly cried out, legs spread wide and heels dug into the mattress as you tried to find the balance to lift your hips into his. “Want your cock inside of me.” 
And Levi didn’t need to be told twice. His fingers left you in an instant and, before you could protest, he filled you up by slamming into you roughly, already almost to the hilt. Your legs enveloped his waist as a groan scratched out of your throat, nails digging into his upper arms as he waited and stretched you. Both of you swore loudly, hips bucking into each other, and you pressed your forehead to Levi’s and rolled your hips to let him know you wanted him to move. He knew you like the back of his hand, knew what every action meant, knew what you were telling him without having to actually tell him. Just like he knew all of that, he knew exactly what kind of rhythm to fall into, already relentlessly pounding into you once you were adjusted to him. It was slower at first, with Levi putting in the effort to almost completely pull out before pushing back in, over and over, skin slapping against skin as he did so. The erotic sounds from your throat were nonstop now, one moan melting into the next, and Levi’s own noises soon joined with yours as he picked up speed. Your hips met his effortlessly, bodies in sync with one another, the familiarity apparent in the way you just knew each other. 
Sweat slicked your forehead and matted your hair to it, Levi’s appearance mirroring yours, the heat almost unbearable if not for the knowledge of the cold and biting air that threatened to penetrate your bubble. His hips rolled into yours, entire body pressed to yours now with no room for even an inch of space between your skin; you didn’t know where you ended and he began, and you didn’t want to know. Being connected like this, you were a single being, striving for the same jaw-dropping, toe-curling goal. 
Levi gripped one of your thighs to push your knee almost to your chest, changing your position just enough for him to bury himself deeper and hit the spot that made the coil in your stomach tighten instantly. His name left your lips repeatedly, the only thing you remembered, the only thing that mattered in that moment. Levi, Levi, Levi…
He pecked your lips between the little whimpers you gave him, leaving you absolutely breathless, so close to finally reaching the edge. One of his hands forced itself between your colliding hips to give your clit attention, the touch of his fingertips catapulting you closer to your orgasm, unable to resist for much longer. 
“Fuck...Levi...close…” you panted into his mouth, hands alternating between gripping his hair, gripping his shoulders, gripping the sheets. 
“Me too,” he gasped out in a low murmur. His free hand cupped your face to pull you in for another deep kiss while his fingers worked your clit, dancing around it sometimes, and then rubbing it directly, always in those slow, tantalizing circles. He nipped at your lower lip, whispering the word you needed to hear so badly into your parted lips. 
Between his needy kisses and his fingers and his throbbing cock inside of you, with Levi so unyielding and constant with everything he did, never faltering, it threw you over the edge into an intense orgasm, walls squeezing around him as you cried into his lips that were still smothered into yours. Your thighs pressed into his hips to keep him there inside you and you shuddered in delight when he came only moments later, both of his strong hands grabbing your hips and pinning them down so he could ride his high out, right into you. 
It took several more moments before the two of you could calm down, hips eventually lulling to stillness so he could rest on top of you, nearly putting his whole weight on you. But it felt good, it felt so good to feel him on you, in you, both of you catching your breath in the stuffy enclosure of your blankets. His mouth pressed a final kiss to yours before finding another favorite place to be - at the curve of your neck, to pepper short, endearing pecks to your skin. 
Levi didn’t make any moves to pull out of you so you stayed in that position, reveling in the afterglow of your orgasms, while you stroked his hair and breathed him in, head tilted so he could have full access to the expanse of your neck. 
“I guess you were right,” you whispered with a smile, eyes closed. Levi hummed in question and you giggled, a hand caressing his lower back. “We did need to shed clothes to stay warm.” 
That earned a chuckle out of Levi but he didn’t respond right away. Instead, he continued leaving kisses along your neck, slowly pulling out of you and shifting so he could be at your side instead of on top of you. 
“I’m always right,” he finally said, pulling you into his chest to snuggle, “Just like I’m right about you getting the fuck out of this shitty apartment.” His arm kept itself wrapped around your shoulders even when you swatted his chest, his other arm resting happily at your hip. You traced his chest with your fingertips, legs intertwining as sleep began to overtake you, the exhaustion of sex heavily seeping into your bodies. 
“So you would rather have me on the streets with no home to go back to,” you mumbled jokingly, sleepily, and then snickered when Levi’s scoff fills the air. 
“You’d have a home, brat.” 
You shivered as Levi adjusted the blankets to let some fresh air in, the coldness cracking through at last, but your shivers were easily abated by Levi nuzzling into your hair and pulling you closer, fingertips dancing over your back to soothe you to sleep. 
“Love you,” you mumbled, moving your head so you could press your ear against his chest to hear his steady heartbeat. You were already drifting off, warm and content and blissful, but you didn’t miss the quiet, “Love you, too.” 
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wheelsup · 4 years
baby’s favorite
category: fluff, dad!spencer x reader. warnings: none. word count: 1.06k. A/N: this blurb was requested by @saspencereid for my 750 celebration! prompts: “your hands are so small!” + “why are you looking at me like that?”
For the first few weeks of your daughter’s life, she was a complete mommy’s girl. If ever you left her sight for a split second, she’d burst into tears that only stopped once you picked her up.
Each time she’d have a fit, Spencer had one of his own for the fact that his own baby wouldn’t let him hold her. She only wanted you, and no one else could stop those fat tears from rolling down her cheeks — the same tears caused Spencer’s own when he realized he couldn’t do anything to soothe them.
From an objective, scientific perspective, Spencer understood that it was common in newborns to have outbursts due to overstimulation in their new, non-womb environment. They seek an anchor when it happens and, statistically, babies tend to prefer their mother’s comfort over anyone else. Their feel, their scent, and their voices are the most familiar to the baby. Even though Spencer spoke to her through your belly every morning and night for the previous nine months, hoping to familiarize himself to the baby, the sound of his voice was still muffled whereas yours was amplified.
The science laid it out for him; it wasn’t personal, and he’d just have to wait a handful of weeks to let it pass. Unfortunately, Spencer is also known to be a bit… sensitive? Emotional? Irrational?
He sure took it personally when he spent three weeks in agony watching his own baby prefer your arms over his. He felt cheated out of his paternal role, of being someone she looked to for safety, and he was willing to make his feelings known by pouting about it every chance he got.
Eventually that phase passed, but in the many months since then, Spencer hasn’t stopped making up for lost time.
He took her to the park every Saturday, just the two of them, and pushed her on the kiddie swings until she got tired. Every quick trip to the grocery store turned into a father-daughter excursion because he'd bring her along and put her in the cart seat, even if he was just going in and out for a carton of milk. On lazy afternoons, he’d stretch out on the couch to read a good book with her sleeping soundly on his chest. Eventually he’d doze off, too, and you’d find them in the same position hours later.
Best of all, every morning he would sneak out of bed before you woke up to get his alone time to play with the baby without you there to divide her attention. And God forbid that you wake up first — he’d tackle you in a heartbeat if you tried to interfere with their morning routine.
He said it was only fair to him that he should get to balance it out because you got more than your fair share of one-on-one baby time in those first few weeks. But it wasn’t balanced at all, in fact the scales would’ve broken apart under the weight of Spencer’s side.
He went out of his way to make sure he became the new favorite and by now all you could do was concede your throne.
But it’s a title you’re happy to give up to him, because coming downstairs to your husband and baby happily together is a sight too sweet to lose.
This morning, Spencer’s sitting at the kitchen table with your baby perched right on top, cradling her pudgy little body with one arm so she didn’t topple over.
He fed her hand-mashed strawberries from a colorful plastic plate, making little choo-choo noises to get her to open up — she’s an easy child and would eat it regardless, so you like to believe the train effects are really more for Spencer’s enjoyment. But she’s giggling right alongside him and these are the two most perfect sounds you’ve ever heard.
You hid behind the wall to watch them in this untouchable bubble they’ve created around themselves. Full of light, and laughter, and love.
“Gosh, look at you. You’re the cutest baby in the world,” he cooed, stroking her rosy cheeks with a delicate finger. He left a soft kiss on each side of her face, “I love you so much, you know that?”
She giggled at him and held onto his nose with one hand as he came down to her. From where you’re standing, it sure looks like she knows.
“And look! Look at your hands! Your hands are so small! I could eat them,” he popped one of her tiny hands into his mouth and pretended to gnaw on it before blowing raspberries on her skin.
She squealed and grabbed his chin, holding his face steady to get a good look at him.
Instantly her mood changed from bubbly giggles to a sort of quiet focus. Her eyes were trained hard and mouth agape, it was a look you’ve never seen on her before.
“What is it, angel? Why are you looking at me like that?” he laughed, but her face remained concentrated. Like she was trying to communicate with him but didn’t know how.
At first she was just babbling, trying to get Spencer to make sense of her sounds. Your stomach fluttered at the idea of what may come next.
Time stopped and Spencer was silent as stone. The grin melted off his face and his hands were shaking coming up to meet hers.
The more she looked at him the bigger she smiled, until it took over her whole face while Spencer’s was becoming wrecked.
“Dada!” she repeated more confidently.
With tears welling in his eyes, he hugged her warm body flush to his chest, smushing his nose into her as he pressed his trembling lips on her forehead.
“Yeah, angel. You’re right.” His sobs blended with his laughs as he stroked the wispy hairs on her head, whispering against her skin. “I’m your dad.” He repeats it to himself like he can’t believe it’s true, that he could make something so perfect and sweet.
Before she can notice his tears, he bounces her in his arms and peppers her face with little kisses until she’s having a giggly fit yet again.
In a minute, you’re going to go over there and give them both a kiss on the cheek. You’ll wipe Spencer’s eyes and tell your baby you’re proud of her. But for now, you’re going to let them have their little moment to themselves. Full of light, and laughter, and love.
taglist: @ellesgreenaway @suburban--gothic @sturmmhond @ssa-sarahsunshine @mercy-burning @reidspurple @mediocre-writer @honeyboysteezy @blondefrnk @andreasworlsboring101 @ssa-m-187 @calm-and-doctor @drayshadow @s1utformgg @reidgifs @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence @you-sunshine
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4joonkookie · 3 years
24 Candles
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Words: 2.6K
A smutty, 24-hour diary of Jungkook's 24th birthday.
Also, Jungkook has feelings.
You play with JK’s butt in this one. Find butt-free fics:
Here Here Here or Here
SMUT, BUTT STUFF, Happy Birthday to the LOML, 50 shades of JK, dom!JK, sub!JK, oral sex, quickie sex, desperate sex, unprotected sex, creampie, spitting, spit kink, conversational sex, butt plugs, toys, JK is deep and complex, JK has feelings, y/n is very in touch with JK’s emotions, strength kink, body worship, JK loves ARMY, JK loves you, fluff, angst, painstakingly canon compliant, not beta-read, trying to tame my shame but, WOW, also I am deviant trash.
03:57 AM
You awaken to moonlight blinking through the living room curtains. The sound of a bag dropping and feet shuffling wake you where you lay on the couch.
He comes around to you right away. He kneels down to the floor beside you and pushes his forehead against yours. He leans up to kiss you as you take in his familiar scent.
“I told you not to wait up,” he scolds, gently. Seeing where you’d set up camp to wait for him to come home in the living room.
“I didn’t wait. I fell asleep,” you reply, coaxing yourself into awakeness. You look at the clock, almost 4 am.
“Happy Birthday,” you whisper and kiss his forehead.
He doesn’t say anything. He just leans into your neck for a greedy inhale.
“You smell good,” he says, hovering above you and squeezing your waist at his words.
You giggle at the tickling sensation on your neck. “Aren’t you tired?”
Still kneeling by the couch, his hands glide up under your loose sweater. He grips hard, pulling at your nipples with both hands. He latches his mouth to one of them and pulls his lips away until it pops.
“I was,” he says, dark and low. On his knees and pressing you to the couch, he sinks teeth to your neck, promising a mark.
You’re taken a bit aback at his rough nature but remember it’s been a few weeks, he’s probably pent up. His pace reminds you that you are too.
Soon, your gestures escalate from clumsy and quick to activated muscle memory, moving in fast forward.
You urge him to remove his shirt and toss it across the room. You can hardly see his face but the moonlight reflects off of him. You feel him angle your hips at the edge of the couch, pull off your panties and watch his silhouette lean down between your legs. The sensation of his warm spit spills down your folds, caught only by his fingers sloppily pushing into your opening.
You shudder at the intrusion. He spits again, this time audibly and more, your body not quite caught up to where his mind is.
“Missed you, baby,” he mewls.
He sucks and licks and laps at you, reacquainting himself with your pussy after a long time away. He uses 2 fingers to rub a path over your clit before they sink inside you. He repeats this, over and over, satisfied little groans fall from his lips before he removes his fingers and leans up to kiss you, desperately. Tongues and teeth bang together while hurriedly you tug at his belt and free his cock.
You use the lowered fabric to pull him to the couch, mounting him. He slides you onto his length and you both groan.
You grimace being stretched open by him after so long. Strong arms smash your laps together, Jungkook pushing up and grinding into you.
“Did you miss me?” he pants, between thrusts.
You keep your rhythm, circling hips around his cock.
“I missed you, Jungkook,” you say, tugging back at his hair with both hands.
He chuckles, enjoying the sound of his own name. Your bodies continue to move tantrically, shaking and panting, skin slippery with sweat. Feeling your orgasm coming, you start bouncing on his lap, trying to take in more of him.
He leans back to watch you, hands on your hips. He watches as you envelop his cock with every thrust.
When he feels you pulse around him, he grunts and groans and spills inside. When you catch your breath, you stand on wobbly legs.
He’s exhausted. You can see the sleep taking over his body. You urge him to follow you to the bedroom to clean up and sleep.
1:48 PM
It’s nearly 2 and Jungkook is still fast asleep.
They always do this to him. They work him to the bone until he’s so spent, they can’t get another day out of him. By the time he gets home, he sleeps for days.
You mindlessly scroll on your phone, occupying yourself next to him. You’re just happy to be with him. His side of the bed is so often empty.
He finally stirs.
“Hey you,” you say, dropping your phone to the bed.
He lets out a groggy groan and looks at his watch. “Ugh. I’m sorry,” he says, regretful about how long he’s been asleep.
“Don’t be,” you say before kissing his lips and brushing hair behind his ear.
He’s tired but it’s more than that. He looks rough and truly worn out, his typical brightness is dulled.
“What’s on your mind?” you ask. Although, you already know.
He says nothing.
He was devastated when they cancelled the tour. He told you over the phone and you could tell he was upset when it happened but the toll it’s taken on him now, is apparent.
“I’m sorry,” you offer.
“It’s just…,” he starts and sits up, wringing his hands, emotions bubbling. “I’ve always been tired.”
You sit up and face him, setting your undivided attention. “Yeah?” you encourage.
“I’ve always slaved away on choreo. We’ve always been busy.” He looks off, wrapping his arms around his knees that are still tucked under the bed sheet. That compromise is… for them. But, now, I can’t even see them. I don’t know when I'll see them again. I miss them.”
It’s heartbreaking. All you can do is continue to listen, allow him an outlet for these feelings. He continues.
“It's like I don’t know what it's all for when it’s like this. I knew before, when we were performing, it was very clear.”
He shakes the emotions from his head. “Sorry, I'm in such a sour mood.”
“Shhh... “ you kiss his forehead. just wishing there was something you could do.
“Thank you for telling me. I wish I could help.”
“I know.” He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours.
You change the subject. “What do you want to do today?”
He positions himself so you’re face-to-face, sitting on the bed. He takes a deep breath. “First, I think I'll go to the gym. Clear my head. I'll make it quick”.
You shrug. “Take all the time you need.” You know it helps him.
The both of you stand up by the same side of the bed.
“And then...I’d really like to lounge around here with you if that’s ok?”
“I like that idea,” you reply.
“Maybe we can order in and…”
He kisses your neck.
“mmm...What do you have in mind?”
He presses his open mouth to yours, pressing his tongue inside.
“Some of that,” he teases.
You stand to your tiptoes and wrap arms around his neck, not wanting to let him leave again.
“And what else, birthday boy?”
This question, he opts to simply hold you tight. He hugs your body tight against his, inhaling at your neck again, planting a kiss on your lips.
“Maybe some toys?” He aims his gaze at the bedside table.
Your stomach flutters. “If you’re up for it,” you reply with a raised eyebrow.
He kisses you once more and heads out the door.
When you hear the door close, you collapse, flat on the bed and stare at the ceiling. You always look forward to when he gets home. But then you have to catch up with weeks of emotion, wishing you could’ve been there for the duration.
You can really feel the awfulness now. He was devastated when they postponed it 2 years ago. Now, after 2 years of holding on to hope just to have it cancelled and all other performances postponed indefinitely? He’s heartbroken.
When it was canceled you silently celebrated, knowing you’d have more of him to yourself. It’s not worth it if he feels this way.
On the other hand… concerts haven’t been happening for 2 years but the boys stay busy with packed schedules.
He always says it’s not the same without them. Jungkook has always been a bit more attached to fans than any other member, leaving his family at such a young age. Without ARMY, he seems very lost.
4:00 PM
Jungkook returns home in better spirits, wiping sweat with a towel from his forehead. He pecks your lips, walking through the kitchen.
“I'll take a shower and be right back,” he says, sweaty hair, clinging to his forehead.
“Can I join you?” you offer, as he walks by.
“I'll be quick.” he says, continuing to the bedroom.
You try not to think too much of it and shower in the other bathroom.
By the time you get out, his shower has stopped running.
You dress for your introverts-night- in in one of his t-shirts and perfume, nothing else.
The delivery food comes, you set it up at the kitchen counter and pour drinks.
4:30 pm
When he hasn’t come out in over 20 minutes, you lean your ear to the bathroom door and knock, concerned.
“Are you ok?” No noise is coming from the bathroom except his voice.
“Yes,” he replies, calmly.
“Do you need help?” you ask.
“No!” he exclaims, immediately. “I’ll be out soon.”
You return to where you sit at the kitchen counter wondering what he's doing? Is he hurting himself?
He follows behind a few moments later, casually kissing your lips before he sits at a nearby barstool.
“This is a ton of food,” he comments.
You say nothing and he gestures to clink your drink glasses before he starts eating.
You watch as he silently ravages. It always went this way too. He’s starved when he comes home. Most of the time when he’s working, he avoids eating altogether or can’t find the time.
He relaxes. You eat, drink and have conversation. He’s in better spirits, having taken some time for himself and away from work.
He seems comfortable, but squirms slightly in his seat.
He’s TOO comfortable.
You have a sneaking suspicion, now. One that’s not tied to his tough feelings about a cancelled tour.
“What’s up with you?” You query.
“What do you mean?” he asks genuinely. “Like, what we talked about this morning?”
“No.” You scan him. “You look like you’re up to something. Like you’re hiding something.”
Your tone is more serious but you try no to be accusatory.
“It’s nothing,” he insists.
You nod. “Ok,” settling. You continue eating though, conversation is lulled.
Out of curiosity, you open the app on your phone. It shows the plug is powered on and the vibrations are off.
You turn the vibe on, Jungkook nearly stumbling on his barstool. You approach him and he grabs the phone from you.
“I knew it!” You kiss him, standing between his seated legs, then, pulling back with sudden realization.
“That’s what you were doing in the bathroom?”
“Yeah. What did you think I was doing?”
You shake the thought from your head. “You got yourself ready without me?” you whine, disappointed.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“That’s so hot,” you begin to kiss his neck, no longer thinking about food.
“Well, can we finish dinner?” he says, with a mouthful of food.
You’re embarrassed by your own haste. “Of course.” You sit down calmly, patiently, and allow him to finish.
“What?” He questions as you eyeball him.
“Nothing. Just letting you finish,” you reply, sincerely.
He laughs and drops his utensils. “What, you can’t wait? You’re such a horndog!”
You scoff. “And who’s wearing a butt plug at the dinner table?” you tease, approaching to get your hands on him again.
“It hasn’t even been in for_”
“_So I’ll finish getting you readyyyyyy,” you interrupt, nearly pouting.
You slide your hands up his thighs, standing between them.
He hides a smile, you know he’s already caved in. Then, he lifts you up and you wrap legs around his waist.
He carries you to the bedroom, dropping you to the mattress. He undresses.
“Let me see?” you whisper, sitting up.
He slides face down on the mattress, burying his face. Your gaze follows his body. You straddle his legs from behind, caressing his back and groping at his muscled ass cheeks.
You pull his shy legs apart to expose the toy. You let your fingers drag over it, tugging lightly.
“You did this for me?” you ask. Ideas of what he was doing to himself in the bathroom flood your horny mind.
He nods, still mostly into the mattress.
“So pretty, baby.” You tug at the plug, sitting tight inside. You use the manual switch to set the vibe on. The low setting, like he likes.
You move the toy slowly at first until it glides in with ease.
“Is this what you did?
“Yes,” he moans.
“When you had yourself bent over the bathroom counter?” you assume.
“Mm-hmm,” he verbalizes and You push faster. He bucks back against the toy and your hand, his hole finally sliding open.
You settle him to his back, pillow propped underneath his hips and continue sliding the toy in and out of him.
He’s sufficiently opened, looking perfect.
He lays with legs spread, knees bent, eyes fluttering closed with every pump of the toy.
He fumbles your hands and pushes it all the way in to hold it in place and shudders, taking exactly what he needs.
You work the toy a little harder now., twisting and turning it along his walls, pressing against his prostate. Sweat drips over his body. Cum drips down his shaft and onto his abs. You lap at the cum on his body, cock and balls bouncing with each pump of the toy.
You make attempts to stroke him with your free hand and use your mouth on him but he shudders away each time, too close.
You’re not even thinking about coming, entranced in how beautiful he is.
He rolls you to your side, bracing a hand on your hip and slides inside from behind. He sets a pace and squeezes his own cheeks together on every thrust, clenching around his toy.
He buries his face in your neck and whines, his arms wrapped around your torso, tight.
He rolls you over and fumbles on top of you to pull another toy from the side drawer, powers it on, and holds the bullet to your clit while he pumps into you.
Precious ‘ah’s’ fill the air when he comes, pushing into you deep, feeling vibrations through his prostate and lower body. You buck against him when you come, too, shoving the toy away when it’s too much, but letting the waves flow through you.
Your bodies slow and Jungkook pulls the overstimulating toy out of himself. You drape your legs over each other, bodies tangled, and doze again.
03:52 am
He’s already gazing at you when you wake up.
You yawn and stretch, taking a hand and running fingers through his hair.
“Were you happy when you found out?” he asks, plainly, about the MOTS tour.
“What?” you stutter, suddenly awake. Guilt surges through your body. You hadn’t properly considered how it would make him feel the first time you heard the news. It’s different now.
He must understand that. It’s different now.
“I don’t want you to feel this way,” you start. “ I would do anything if you didn’t feel this way.”
He nods. “I know.” He grabs your hands in his. “Were you happy?”
You hang your head. “Yes. At first.”
“Good.” he caresses your cheek, lifting your chin. “I’m glad you were happy.”
The both of you doze again.
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
The Arrangement (Ivar x reader x Hvitserk)
Oh boy, so I don’t normally write smut but this idea came to me and would not let me write anything else. So here we are, friends. (I’m honestly so nervous to post this.)
A huge shout out to @geekandbooknerd for beta-reading this for me and listening to my ranting. You are the best, you beautiful person!
Warnings: SMUT, some feels, Ivar being Ivar 
Words: 5200
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
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 The fierce, blue eyes of Kattegat's king surveyed the Great Hall, full of people as they ate the evening meal.  Jovial conversations, yells for more ale, the pop and crackle of the large fire, even the fist fight that broke out…. none of it attracted his attention. No, instead his clever mind wrestled with one simple problem. Something he was certain no other man ever had to worry about. This problem had lately been at the forefront of his mind, slithering through his thoughts like vipers, distracting him from his duties. Weeks now he mentally wrestled with seeking a solution. Wracking his brain as what to do. He even considered going to the Seer, but quickly rejected that idea. The Seer only ever spoke in riddles and it would only further muddle his already troubled mind. He cursed the gods with his lack of a solution, for putting him in this predicament. 
 But this morning as he lay in bed, willing the pain in his legs to diminish, a solution came to mind. It was so simple, something he should have considered long ago…. but one that required trust. Something which admittedly was not his strongest suit. But for this solution to work, to gain what he yearned for, he must trust. There was no other way. It was like the gods came to him, spoke into his mind during his slumber, explaining what he must do. Though he trusted no one completely, there was one who he could trust with this solution. And the rewards…. oh, the rewards would be well worth it. 
 Besides, it could be fun. 
He observed where his brother sat at a nearby table, talking and laughing with some of their warriors. A broad grin lit up his face as he freely drank and shared stories. Although Hvitserk seemed to be fully invested in the conversation around him, from where Ivar reclined on his throne, he could see the way his brother's gaze darted frequently to another table nearby. Quick looks, never lingering, almost indiscernible from how his gaze shifted to his companions around him. But Ivar could see it. Many times he had witnessed his brother's secret looks. Now was the time to test it. 
 With a sharp order, Ivar sent a nearby thrall to summon the other Ragnarsson. Hvitserk glanced at Ivar with a confused expression before giving a single nod. As he rose from his spot at the tables, Ivar had a nearby thrall fill up his ale horn, eyes shifting from his brother to the one who continued to unknowingly entice the elder Ragnarsson. When Hvitserk stood at the bottom of the dais, leading up to the thrones, Ivar waved his hand, signaling for his brother to sit on the throne next to him. The Queen's throne. Your throne. 
 Surprise flashed across the face of the flaxen-haired Ragnarsson, eyes darting between the two thrones for a moment in surprise. Ivar wondered if thoughts of their beautiful mother crossed his brother's mind as he saw the throne as often as they did his own. After a second, Hvitserk shrugged and seated himself on the other throne. Silence persisted as they nursed their ales. 
 Looking over the crowd, Ivar returned his gaze to the one person who, beside his mother, he was most devoted to. You were smiling in a way that made his heart clench and his lips twitch, wanting to mirror your joy. He never understood your need to mingle with others during meals instead of remaining on your throne. At times, jealousy reared its head in his mind, but you always returned to his side, to his bed, sharing the latest gossip you heard or a particularly funny story. He would grumble but never admit how he enjoyed listening to you, or how he used that gossip to his benefit. 
 Now you sat with a few women he recognized as wives to wealthy traders in Kattegat. A baby lay in your arms as you spoke with enthusiasm to one of the women. With the light from the flames dancing across your face and the joy radiating from you as you cooed at the baby in your arms, Ivar knew there was no one as beautiful as you. Even more so than his mother. Every day he still found himself in awe that you chose him, you agreed to be his wife, that you loved him. It was enough to make him feel invincible. To conquer the world and lay it at your feet as an offering. 
 Without moving his head, Ivar peeked over at his brother, unsurprised to see him staring in the same direction. The horn of ale at his lips helped mask where his lingering gaze lay, but Ivar could see. He knew. 
 "I see how you look at her." Ivar said nonchalantly. 
 "Who?" Hvitserk questioned, eyes pretending to roam over the Great Hall. 
 Ivar smirked, fingers lightly tapping on the armrest of his throne. "My queen…. y/n."
 "She is a beautiful woman. Is it wrong now to admire someone so clearly blessed by Freyja?"
 "Ah, but I see your mind. You want to do more than admire, dear brother."
 Hvitserk shifted uncomfortably, head snapping to the side to eye his younger brother warily. "What is this, Ivar?"
 The young king leaned back, smirk still in place. After a tense moment of watching Hvitserk squirm, he dropped his voice so he knew only his brother could hear him. "I have a proposition for you."
 "I need your help with a…. sensitive matter."
 The flaxen-haired Ragnarsson scoffed. "Is this Ivar the Boneless actually asking for help?" 
 "Will you help me or not?" He sharply retorted, trying to force down the rising anger that bubbled under his skin. 
 "Of course." He said with a sigh. "What is it?"
 Ivar pushed off his throne, tossing back the rest of his ale and handing his horn off to a nearby thrall. "Come. We will discuss this in my bedroom." 
 He did not wait for his brother, already leaning on his crutch as he walked down the steps and down the corridor to the royal rooms. He hoped his plan worked. He needed it to work. Even if it meant trusting his brother with what was most precious to him. 
 Your steps were sure as you left the Great Hall and walked down the corridor to your bedroom. You had seen Ivar and Hvitserk leave the evening meal some time ago, but assumed they went to discuss important matters somewhere quiet. So, you stayed to talk with your friends, something you cherished. It was important to you that even though you were their queen, they could be comfortable in your presence and feel free to speak to you. Plus, you enjoyed the juicy gossip passed around. 
 One of the guards opened the bedroom door for you. You nodded a brief thanks and walked in…. only for your feet to stutter to a stop after you entered. Surprise flooded you to see your husband and his older brother both in your bedroom. Ivar reclined on his favorite, wide chair near the lit fireplace but what was most perplexing was how Hvitserk sat on the end of your bed, elbows on his knees with a guarded expression. 
 "My wife will not be needing your assistance tonight." Ivar stated to the thrall who had followed you into the room. "You may leave us….and inform the guards we do not wish to be disturbed for any reason."
 The thrall glanced over to you, since she was yours. The routine of helping you undress and prepare for bed, a regular occurrence most nights. At your murmured acceptance, she nodded her head and left, closing the door behind her. 
 "Is everything alright, Ivar? Have you heard something from your spies?" You quickly asked once the three of you were alone. Worry gnawed in your stomach. He had confessed to you late one night that there was a nearby earl he thought might try to attack and overtake Kattegat. 
 "Come here, my love." He held his leather-clad hand out for you to take, something you did without question. He guided you to stand between his open, brace-covered legs. With his other hand, he tapped his lips, a cheeky glint in his eyes. You giggled but obliged, pressing a sweet and tender kiss to his mouth in response to his wordless demand.
 His hands on your hips, he looked up at you with devotion in those piercing blue eyes. A sight that made your heart melt every time without him even having to say a word. 
 "What is going on?"
 "You know I love you, yes?" He softly questioned, still staring up at you like you were the moon and stars. 
 You cupped his cheek, his sideburns tickling your fingers. "Of course. And I love you."
 "Mmmm…. the gods have given me wisdom as how to solve our problem."
 "Our problem?" Your brows furrowed, confused by what he was talking about. 
 He pointedly looked at your belly then back up at you. 
 Then it hit you, and your heart broke a little at the heartache in his gaze. "Oh, Ivar, I told you…."
 "It's been a year, y/n." He interrupted, the grief slipping into his voice, even as he struggled to hide it. "We've been trying for a year and there is nothing to show for it. I never thought I could pleasure a woman until you came along and I hoped…. I hoped I could give you a child. Our child. But it seems the gods still will not grant me that ability. I need an heir, and I want to see you grow round with a child. I want a family with you. Something I never dreamed of before."
 Realization dawned on you as to why Hvitserk was in your bedroom. Eyes wide, you peeked over your shoulder at the other Ragnarsson, who was staring at the ground between his feet, then looked back at your husband. 
 "Hvitty has agreed. He will be my cock and plant a baby in you in my name."
 This time you fully turned around to stare at the flaxen-haired brother. "Hvitserk, are you sure you want to do this?" 
 Gods, this sounded like something your husband would force his brother to do. Actually, you were beyond astounded that Ivar would even let another man touch you. Before your thoughts could follow that trail, Ivar's voice brought you back. 
 He chuckled darkly, an edge to his tone like he was confessing someone else's secret. "My brother can barely keep his eyes off you whenever you are around….and when I told him my idea, he agreed without hesitation."
 You witnessed an adorable blush rise to Hvitserk's cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled under his breath. For a moment he looked like a young boy again, caught staring at his latest crush. It was so innocent and precious. Yet with the rumors you heard from some of the women of Kattegat, you knew he was far from innocent. There had been a handful of times you secretly noticed the Ragnarsson's heated gaze on you, but your mind played it off, thinking he must have truly been looking at someone else or he was just admiring your dress. Now your mind flipped through those memories with a different lens. 
 After giving your husband's hands a quick squeeze, you stepped out of his embrace. Heart hammering away in your chest, you watched the elder brother with a new understanding as you approached. This time you did not miss the way his eyes raked over your form or how he licked his lips almost in anticipation. The shiver that rolled down your spine startled you, but not unpleasantly so. 
 Almost in a mirror image, you stood between Hvitserk's legs, his hands automatically landing on your hips, just like how you stood with Ivar; but the way his hands felt unbound by leather and almost hesitant to touch you, was a reminder this was not your husband. After a moment, you cupped his face, his beautiful brown eyes meeting yours with such naked want in them, heat coursed through you.  
 "Are you sure, Hvitty?" You whispered.   
 "I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about laying with you." He confessed, a naughty smirk teasing his lips. His voice stayed low as you two traded secrets. "Are you alright with this…. arrangement? I know you love my brother, and I don't want to ruin that. Not for either one of you."
 You continued to stroke his cheek as you pondered his question. There was no doubt that you loved Ivar with all your heart. He was the love of your life and you knew you were his. Hvitserk easily was the brother you always wished for. You enjoyed his flirtatious teasing, especially when it made the jealous side of your husband come out because the sex after that was always mind-blowing. The blond was someone you trusted wholeheartedly. Your life was perfect, you were happier than you ever thought you would be. But there was one thing you always imagined, one thing you silently yearned for. So it was with that in mind, your answer, your decision was an easy one to make. 
 "I want a baby."
 His smirk grew, "I'll try my best to help with that."
 You laughed. "Oh, so gracious of you."
 He winked cheekily, taking one of your hands to kiss your palm slowly. 
 You shifted to meet your husband's cool gaze, with Hvitserk's hands gently kneading your hips. "Ivar, you are certain this is what you want? This won't cause jealousy between you and your brother?"
 Ivar scoffed. "Why would it?"
 "You threatened last month to gouge a trader's eyes out for staring at y/n too long." Hvitserk deadpanned. In the next second, he leaned over to lay a kiss on your hip meanwhile, his hand shifted to grab a handful of your ass cheek. You squeaked, surprised by the bold move in front of Ivar. As you tried to wriggle away, he only chuckled and pulled you to sit directly on his lap. It should not surprise you anymore how strong Hvitserk was, but somehow it always managed to catch you off guard. Though your mind certainly took notice of the bulge in his pants underneath you. 
 "He was talking only to her breasts. He is lucky I did not take at least one eye for his disrespect." Ivar leaned back in his seat. "You agree to this, my love?"
 "I do." You answered. 
 "Excellent. Come here for a moment." He beckoned you to him once again. 
 Hvitserk released you, not before palming your ass as you stood up. You swatted at his hands, but the smile on your lips let him know you were not truly upset. 
 That smile only grew as you glided over to your husband. For all of his anger and wrath, none of it ever touched you. Instead he treated you delicately, reverently. As if you were a dream and with one wrong move, you would vanish. Or a goddess he vowed to continuously worship. You thrived under his tender touches, drawing you further and further into the ocean of his profound love. 
 He guided you to stand between his legs again and for a brief moment you felt like a ball the brothers were taking turns passing back and forth. You dashed the thought away before it made you giggle. 
 "I have one condition for our arrangement." Ivar said, intently watching your face. His finger traced the edges of your lips, as if to memorize them. "Only I own your mouth. I was your first kiss. So as I live and breathe, only I get the pleasure of your kisses. Hvitserk can kiss and touch you anywhere else but there. Agreed?"
 You nodded mutely. The growing desire in his eyes caused your womb to clench and fire to begin warming your veins. 
 "Agreed." Hvitserk said from his perch on the bed behind you, his voice sounding a bit gruffer than a minute ago. 
 Ivar turned those piercing, passionate eyes back to you. "My love…." He placed a kiss to the valley between your breasts, allowing his face to linger there a moment. You carded your fingers through his loosened hair, feeling his hands gently holding your hips. When he looked up, gone was the sweet, loving devotion in his eyes, replaced with something wicked. "Shall we teach Hvitty what you like first?"
 "What do you have in mind?"
 "Take off your dress."
 "I need help with the laces." You reminded him as he was the one to demand your thrall leave earlier. 
 "Ah, you are right. Go to Hvitserk, he will help."
 Obediently, you walked the few steps back to the elder Ragnarsson wondering what game your husband was playing, but you could not deny the excitement thrumming in your veins. Without a word, you turned around to allow him access to the lacing on the back of your dress. You thought he would hesitate or his fingers would tremble knowing your husband was watching on. Instead they deftly plucked and tugged at the laces like he had done this many times. Once your back was exposed, his hand traced down your spine, causing you to shiver under the sensual touch. 
 Holding the front of the dress to your chest, you made your way back over to Ivar. Standing in front of him, his hands claimed your fingers from holding your dress to entwine with his own. Immediately, your dress slipped down your body to pool at your feet, leaving you completely bare before the two Ragnarssons. 
 Ivar's hands landed on your hips but instead of pulling you to straddle him, like you expected, he slowly spun you around and had you sit on his lap, facing his brother. What met your gaze was the wolfish look of Hvitserk, staring at you like you were something he wanted to devour. Ivar's hands slide up from your hips to cup your breasts as if offering them to his brother. 
 "Look at you, my goddess, my wife." Ivar whispered against your skin as he left hot, open-mouth kisses along the column of your throat. You could not help but whimper, your body so in tune with his. He barely had to touch you before your body begged for him to fill you. A dampness already coated your core. Without taking his eyes off of you, his hands fondling you in the way that made you breathless, he addressed his brother. "Is she not perfect, Hvitty? A goddess begging to be worshiped."
 "Gods, yes. Perfect."
 Normally you would be embarrassed by the praises. Now though, you felt like a lamb being toyed with by two wolves. Trapped by the lustful gaze of one and the feverish touches of the other. 
 Ivar's hands continued to fondle and pluck at your nipples, causing your head to fall back onto his shoulder. "That's right, you love these perfect breasts being played with, don't you?"
 "Ivar…." His name was a needy whine coming off your tongue.
 "Yes, my love. So sensitive. Just imagine it's Hvitty's mouth on them." 
 An unexpected, wanton moan escaped you at the thought. Your hips started rolling against your husband's lap, desperate for friction. 
 "Open your eyes." Ivar whispered into your ear. "Look at Hvitty."
 You obeyed even though your body demanded to close your eyes and wallow in the pleasure Ivar could induce in you. As your gaze locked with the elder Ragnarsson, you felt one of Ivar's hands skim down your stomach to part your legs, exposing your core. 
 Instinctively, you started to close your legs only for Ivar to tsk and bite the junction of your neck and shoulder. "Don't be shy. Let him see that sweet pussy." 
 Your legs fell back open, allowing his hand free reign to touch you where you most needed it. Your body automatically arched into his hand, silently begging for more. Sweat already began to dampen you as the heat burned hotter under your skin. 
 "I swear Valhalla is between her legs, brother."
 Hvitserk spoke up, his voice coming out rough and husky. "Touch her, Ivar."
 "You hear that, y/n?" Your husband teased, licking a stripe up the column of your throat. "Should I touch you?"
 "Please." You begged, too far along to care how needy you sounded. 
 He chuckled darkly, his hand dipped to your core, cupping and teasing you. You tensed as his skilled fingers played with your folds and clit but never entering you. He could tease you for hours, leave you on the brink as you begged for relief. It was a favorite game of his. You started to grind against him, your blood boiling with desire and the need for relief. 
 Somehow, he always knew when you were close, as if it was a sixth sense. 
 "She is close, Hvitty. Her pussy is weeping to be filled." He squeezed your breast, causing you to loudly moan.
"Do you want my fingers or my cock, my queen?"
 "I want you, beloved." You answered in a breathy sigh. 
 His teasing ceased, almost making you whine. Gently, he cupped your chin, turning your head to gaze lovingly into your eyes. It always seemed to astound him that you desired him, not just physically but as a person, as a friend, as a lover and a soul mate. He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, pouring in all of his devotion in a way you understood since words always failed him. 
 Slowly you rose to your feet but instead of walking away, you turned to face him. This was a dance the two of you had done before. Knowing what he wanted, you straddled his lap without fear of the wide chair breaking under your combined weight. This was not the first time you had made love on this particular chair by the fire. 
 Still gazing at you in awe and adoration, Ivar cupped your breasts. His thumbs teased your nipples. A low moan fell from your lips as your head tipped back. His mouth then descended on your chest, first leaving small kisses before taking one of your peaked nipples into his mouth. 
 "Ivar…." You groaned. "Yes, yes."
 In an action well practiced, you were already reaching between your bodies to fumble with the laces of his pants. Without hesitation, you sank down onto him, being filled in the best way possible. Your lips sought out his, drawing pleasure from his mouth just as much as his cock. Your tongues swirled as your hips rolled. It was delirium. This pleasure he could bring out of you. It was all-consuming. No matter how much he teased, he was always gentle and reverent when it came to worshipping you. A slow, sweet burn that sunk into every fiber of your body, called forth your very soul to dance with his, just as much as your bodies writhed together. 
 You unlocked your mouth, throwing your head back with a loud moan as your pace increased, riding his cock, seeking your peak. His growls and words of praise only spurred you on. 
 Finally it came, crashing over you, eliciting a cry of Ivar's name loud enough the guards outside the door probably heard. Three more quick thrusts and you could feel Ivar spill his empty seed inside you. His head dropped onto your chest, both of you panting and sweaty. 
 "You're mine." He murmured against your skin as if reminding himself or branding the words into your naked skin. "You're my goddess, my queen, mine."
 "Always." You whispered back. 
 After both of you came down from your erotic high, Ivar leaned up, pressing a toe-curling kiss to your already swollen lips. 
 "She's ready for you, brother." He loudly announced. 
 It was then you remembered Hvitserk in the room. So caught up in making love with your husband, you had momentarily forgotten what was to happen. You stared down at your husband, silently asking him if he was sure. 
 Ivar rolled his eyes but caressed your cheek with his calloused fingers. "It's alright. Besides, if you don't go take care of him, he'll probably blow his load in his pants soon."
 You smiled, kissing him once more before carefully rising off his lap. As you turned to look at the flaxen-haired warrior, never before had you felt the seductress until now. With your husband's seed spilling down your thigh, you slowly walked the few paces to stand in front Hvitserk. With each step closer, his ravenous gaze devoured your nakedness; a predatory look that made your thighs clench and put a quiver in your belly. 
 "How do you want me?" You softly asked, standing before him. 
 He swallowed thickly, fists clenching and releasing before he cleared his throat and answered hoarsely. "Lie down on your back."
 Embracing the inner seductress in you, you crawled across your bed, giving your husband and his brother a spectacular view of your ass. Nerves aflutter, you laid down on your large marital bed. Yet you could feel the longing ache between your legs growing the more you thought about what was to come. 
 Soon, Hvitserk hovered above you, completely naked. Although you loved your husband and his body, the sight of Hvitserk in all his glory made your mouth water and core clench in anticipation.  
 "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He confessed, barely above a whisper. "Gods…." His mouth landed on your neck, lavishing his affections using both teeth and tongue. Sweeping downward, his ministrations continued, drawing soft cries from you as he equally used his mouth and hands to caress all the curves of your body. Each touch, each caress, each bite and lick, all felt like he was trying to get himself drunk on the feel of your soft skin, your scent and the sounds of pleasure coming from you. 
 It did not take long for you to begin writhing underneath him, clawing at his back, utterly at his mercy. This desire he invoked in you was molten and drugging. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you fought to remember to breathe. 
 Pulling back slightly, he lined himself up. Then instead of gradually easing into you, he slammed into you until he was fully sheathed in your womanhood. A cry left your mouth at the same time as he groaned. You expected pain but instead your body readily welcomed the intrusion, hot and wet, waiting for him. 
 He pressed his forehead to yours, remaining frozen, giving you both time to adjust. "Gods…. this is Valhalla." He whispered with a touch of awe in his voice. 
 You rolled your hips; your body begging for more, for release, for him to bring you to new heights. "Hvitty…."
 "Say my name." He grunted, a slow thrust accompanying it. 
 "Again." This thrust was a little faster and harder. 
 "Say it." 
 His name rolled off your tongue in a gasp as he slammed into you, stars appearing in your vision. "Hvitserk."
 As a key unlocking, your fervid gasp seemed to unleash him. In the next moment, he began thrusting with abandon, almost animalistic in his pleasurable fury. He grabbed your hips, lifting them off the bed to begin pounding into you like a man possessed. 
 Never before had Ivar done anything like this and to your surprise…. you liked it. A lot. 
 Your hands clawed at the bed, desperate for something to hold onto. Cries of pleasure flowed freely from you. An inferno lived inside of you, threatening to burn you with ecstasy. Sluggishly you opened your eyes to be met with the sight of Hvitserk cradled between your thighs, sweat glistening on his flushed skin as he rocked into you, sending jolts of electricity each time. Those brown eyes stared down at you like he wanted to own your body and soul.
 With a silent scream, your peak overwhelmed you. Your eyes slammed shut as your back arched, delicious waves of pleasure making your mind cease to function. 
 Hvitserk followed quickly, a growl splitting the air between you as his thrusts stuttered to an end and his seed filled your womb. He all but collapsed on top of you after, both for you sweaty and sated. 
 "Did I hurt you?" He asked, his voice raspy and content. His head laid on your chest, his body seeming to be the only thing to keep you from floating away on waves of bliss. 
 "No." You mumbled languishly, too pleasure-drunk to say more. 
 He tipped his head to look at you, a lazy smirk on his face. "I really want to kiss you."
 "You know the one rule." You reminded him, brushing a hand over his frazzled braids. 
 He hummed, then with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned forward and licked your lips. At first you just stared as he grinned at you, but giggles soon fell from your mouth. 
 "Hvitserk! What did I say?" Ivar demanded, walking over to sit on the opposite side of the bed. 
 Hvitserk rolled his head to look at his brother, but kept it on your naked chest. "I didn't kiss her. You never said anything about not licking her lips."
 Ivar rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, as he unstrapped his braces and flopped onto the bed. His hand reached out for you, possessively tugging you out from underneath his brother and into his side. Not that you minded. You immediately curled against him, your eyelids straining to stay open. 
 "I'm alright." You answered the question you could see lingering in his eyes. "Just sleepy now."
 He smiled fondly down at you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. Sleep called to you as you lay in your husband's arms. So wonderfully relaxed, your muscles were loose and your womanhood ached in the best way from the lasting effects of your pleasure. 
 The sound of movement made you tip your head to the side, only to see Hvitserk getting off the bed and reaching for his clothes. 
 "Where are you going?" You asked, your voice lethargic as if already infused by sleep. 
 Those brown eyes jumped from you to your husband and back. "I figured Ivar would want me to leave now so you two can go to sleep."
 "Stay, Hvitty. The hour is late." Ivar replied, running a hand up and down your bare back. "Besides I plan on this arrangement until y/n is with child. You can stay with us."
 With a tilt of his head, the brothers regarded each other for a long moment before Hvitserk chuckled, tossing his tunic back to the ground and crawling into bed in just his pants. 
 "Thank the gods. This bed is ridiculously comfortable."
 You smiled, rolling over so your back was pressed to Ivar's chest, snuggling closer to him. His arm settled around your waist comfortably as he placed a kiss on the back of your neck. Snaking a hand over the covers, you reach over and entwine the elder brother's fingers with yours. Hvitserk startled initially but quickly brought your hand to his lips, a brief kiss on your knuckles, then laid it back on the bed, keeping your fingers entangled. 
 Sleep found you within minutes, tucked between the two Ragnarssons, one being your husband and the other who would give you a child. 
 Your last thought was wondering if Fate would allow this arrangement to work….and maybe continue. 
811 notes · View notes
yslkook · 3 years
TiO (8)
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook is a man of mystery and you take him on a date.
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, a shitty relationship, unprotected sex (pls use protection, these two are being foolish) , some choking, grinding, making out, oral
word count: ~6.3k
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts. a big thank you to @cutechim for creating the texts for me lmao<33
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Jungkook remains tight-lipped about what it was he had done over the weekend, when he had gone with Jin and Mina to a tattoo convention a few hours away. They had ended up staying the night there, and while Jungkook wanted to ask you to come with him, he wondered if it was too soon to ask. After all, you were both still enjoying each other’s company at your own sweet pace.
Eventually his little secret gets put on the back burner for the rest of the week. You were supposed to get bubble tea with him on Tuesday, but unfortunately a last minute work issue with your client and your application came up. You’d ended up working late, your eyes screaming in fatigue and went straight to bed that evening. He had understood, of course he did.
On Thursday, he was supposed to grab lunch with you at a cafe that he thought you might like, but this time it was him who had a conflict. His older sister had showed up to the tattoo parlor without any prior notice. She does this every so often, when things aren’t going well with her on again, off again shitty “boyfriend”.
Jungkook had sighed, cancelling on lunch with you to spend time with Jooyeon and comfort her with fried chicken and ice cream. You had sent an understanding thumbs up and a promise to call him later and end up having lunch with your work wife, Kira instead.
Kira who doesn’t fail to point out the glow in your cheeks and your general aura, even though it’s been nearly a week and a half since you saw Jungkook last. You roll your eyes and ignore the flames in your cheeks (and her laughter), and change the subject to your work projects. She tells you about some of the coding issues and compliance issues she’s been having with her software, and you tell her about the hours you’ve been pouring into your application for your client.
It doesn’t bother you that Jungkook hadn’t asked if you wanted to meet his sister. After all, he’d told you bits and pieces about her and her relationship. And in the last few weeks, your relationship has blossomed so beautifully. There was no reason to rush, you think. You’ll meet her hopefully under better circumstances for her.
Jungkook spends most of the evening with Jooyeon, letting her cry herself to sleep in his bed. His sister hardly ever cries like this, with sobs full of pain and hurt because of another man. But it’s been happening too much lately, too many fights and too much of Joo losing herself. It makes Jungkook see red more often than not. He knows what you’d say- that she needs him more than anything else and to not be so impulsive.
He makes sure Joo eats a warm meal before she falls asleep and he shoots you a text:
Jungkook: baby
You: hi
You: everything ok?
Jungkook: no, joo’s bf is a fkin asshole
Jungkook: she’s sleeping
Jungkook: miss u
You: im sorry baby :( can i call you?
He jumps at the chance, the sound of your voice and sight of your pretty face on video call instantly calming him. Jungkook is sure to wear a beanie to hide his surprise for you (but you don’t question it. After all, you’ve seen him in beanies plenty of times before and it’s dim in the apartment.) He moves to the couch, asking softly for you to tell him about your day. You recount every single detail from memory, shifting under your covers to tell him about how you had nearly stumbled down the stairs in front of your manager’s manager because you had missed a step.
It pulls a soft laugh from him.
“Jungkook,” You say quietly, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Jungkook sighs, “She’s just… Byung-woo and her have had this on and off thing for years now. He won’t commit to her and she just refuses to see him for what he is. Like, when it’s good, it’s really good. But when it’s bad, it’s awful. I wish she’d fucking see it for herself. I don’t know what to do anymore, baby.”
“Oh, baby,” You murmur, wishing you could hug him, “All you can do is be there for her but be honest with her. She’ll come around soon, hopefully. It’s hard to see past a shitty person sometimes, when all you want is for them to love you.”
“I hope so, too,” Jungkook says, “She’d love you, you know?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Don’t get a big head,” Jungkook chuckles, “Maybe you can meet her someday. Under better circumstances, I mean.”
“Really? You want me to meet your older sister?” You ask softly, feeling a little flustered, “That’s serious.”
“I told you, baby,” Jungkook soothes, “I’m serious about you.”
“Yeah. Seriously crazy about me,” You giggle to yourself. You know if Jungkook was with you, he’d flick your forehead.
“It’s true,” He murmurs, “Maybe I can see you this weekend?”
“Yeah, you still have to show me what you did over the weekend! Take care of Jooyeon first,” You reply, “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll drop stuff off, just tell me.”
“I will,” Jungkook promises, “Sleep well, I miss you.”
“Sleep well. I miss you.”
Jooyeon ends up leaving on Saturday morning after a lecture from Jungkook and with determined resolve in her eyes. You jump at the chance to take him out tonight, knowing how stressed he’s been the last few days.
You: be ready at 6:30 tn, im taking u out. and dress slutty
Jungkook doesn’t know how to interpret your text when he reads it. He considers asking Mina and Mei what this means, but ultimately leaves it alone. Replying to your message with a quick thumbs up, he busies himself with getting ready to see you (and surprising you, finally after a full week of wanting to show you what he had done.)
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Once you parallel park your car (which takes far too long than you’d like to admit), you grab the small bouquet of purple roses that you had gotten for Jungkook and text him saying that you’ll be up in a few minutes.
Taehyung had caught you struggling to parallel park, and had told Jungkook with a snicker. Which earned him a punch to the arm.
There wasn’t a particular reason that you had chosen to get purple roses for him, other than the fact that they reminded you of him. You hope he likes them.
Jungkook hears a soft knock at the door, and can already envision you behind it. He hopes you like his surprise, the one he’s been teasing you for a week about. You had given no hints of what you would be wearing- you had only sent him one selfie that didn’t give much of a hint into your outfit. He has no doubt that you’ll look gorgeous, but still.
Maybe Jungkook’s nerves shouldn’t be this intense, but he can’t help it. He swings the front door open, only to be greeted by you swaying on your feet with your hands held behind your back. His heart throbs when you pull your hands apart and present him with a beautiful bouquet of purple roses.
How ironic.
“Hello,” You say with a small smile, suddenly feeling a little shy and gasping when your eyes land on his hair, “Wow. You weren’t kidding…”
His hair is tied back into a ponytail, but it’s unmistakably elegant and so violet. Two neat pieces of his newly dyed hair fall into his face effortlessly, but then your gaze reaches the piercing on his left eyebrow. Your lips remain parted in surprise and without thinking, you reach up to touch his hair. It’s still soft, as it always is.
“Come in, baby,” Jungkook says, taking the roses from you, “You must really like me, huh? Got me flowers and everything?”
“Shut up,” You mutter, cheeks heating up, “Don’t get a big head.”
Jungkook only grins wolfishly at you and winks at you, eyes unashamedly glued to your ass. You roll your eyes, and swat his shoulder as you watch him put the rose in a vase and place it in the center of the dining table.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been in his shared apartment (that he lives with Taehyung and Jimin in) but you somehow feel shy in his presence again, as if it was the first time. The first time you had been here with him had been the first time you had spent the night at his apartment several weeks ago, after a night out with your friends.
You let your gaze wander, curious eyes settling on the subtle matching of the furniture and the cleanliness of the apartment. There’s not a stray speck of dust in sight, but maybe you’re distracting yourself from addressing the pretty purple of his hair. Your mouth is dry, and you’re probably drooling a little. You wonder if Jungkook prepared for this, the same way you did (in that you had washed your car, cleaned every inch of it and gotten a new car freshener).
A faint scent of fresh laundry and lavender sits in the spaces of his home. It calms you and gives you the boost to turn your eyes to him.
“Thanks for the roses, baby,” Jungkook says, giving you a smile and starry eyes. He pulls you into his arms, your back against the counter. “Surprise. Do you like it?”
“Uh,” You mumble, brain deciding to short-circuit with the way he looks at you. His smile turns into a smirk, deciding to further render you speechless by pressing himself closer to you and cradling your neck. He’s careful not to touch your face. He doesn’t want to mess your makeup up terribly, at least not yet.
“I know you like my hair. Your face says it all, baby,” Jungkook continues and ducks his head for a quick kiss, “You’re pretty.” He does quite like this dress, light blue and dotted in small flowers with thin straps. His eyes are instantly drawn to the drawstring at the center of your chest and he quells the urge to pull at it.
Jungkook’s mouth waters when he sees the side split of the dress but you want more from him immediately, but he pulls away to your chagrin. Even with the simple kiss, the burgundy color of your lipstick stains his plump bottom lip.
You shiver. It appears that he tried to take your words via text to heart- to dress slutty. He’s wearing a loose animal print button up, with the top three buttons undone. It gives you a delectable view of his pecs, his collarbones and a hint of the tattoo on his right side. As if you weren’t already weak in the knees for him as it was, he wears a black coat and tight, leather pants.
Jungkook pulls it off, like he pulls everything off and the purple hair blends seamlessly with his look. Tonight, he’d opted for two silver hoops in each ear and a thin silver necklace to match.
Your knees are weak, they’ve been weak since you had seen him in this offensive outfit and his hair, his new piercing that was clearly an attack on your entire existence.
The purple hair. The piercing. He’ll be the death of you tonight, you know it. Your legs are wobbly, panties already probably a little wet just from seeing him and from a few of his kisses. But you can’t help it. Without thinking, you press your lips to his, drawing your tongue into his mouth eagerly. You are so hungry, so eager to devour him and drink up anything that he offers you. Jungkook tugs you closer to him lightly by your waist but-
“Seriously? Right in front of my dinner?” Comes an amused voice from behind Jungkook and you nearly screech at the familiar sound of Jimin’s voice.
“I- I didn’t-You-” You stammer, feeling your face heat up to a degree that it’s definitely never heated up to before. You hide behind Jungkook to fix your surely wrecked lipstick. You’re certain his own lips are probably comically smudged with your lipstick as well. “Sorry Jimin, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know, we’ll leave-”
Jungkook only rolls his eyes at Jimin’s wide smirk and knowing eyes. He hears you scolding Jungkook for not telling him that anyone was home, to which he promptly responds “well, you didn’t ask!”
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Despite the very natural and easy flow of conversation between you and Jungkook in your car, you still feel overheated and jumpy, your fingers incessantly tapping on the steering wheel. It’s not Jungkook, it’s you and your own nerves. It’s not the first time you’ve gone out to dinner with him and it’s certainly not the first time you’ve had him in your car. If Jungkook notices, he says nothing.
“Where are we going, baby?” Jungkook asks, looking at you. You don’t meet his eyes, choosing instead to focus on the road despite being at a red light.
“Umm, that place you mentioned the other day. The one we talked about trying together,” You say softly. Jungkook can only wonder why you’re a little quiet, but he thinks he knows. You slip into your head so easily and he doesn’t mind gently tugging you out of your thought cloud and into reality with him.
“Can you help me park,” You mumble sheepishly, “I get nervous parking in such tight spaces.”
“Yeah, pull over here before it’s impossible to,” Jungkook murmurs. You nod and do so, hopping out of the driver’s seat to switch places with him. But before you can get in the passenger’s seat, Jungkook grips your wrist loosely. You look at him curiously, with wide eyes and he drops a kiss to your lips, swallowing your surprise.
“You’re so pretty,” Jungkook murmurs, “So fucking pretty, baby. I love this dress on you.” You preen at his praise, leaning forward for another kiss with a shy smile. He subtly squeezes your left tit before letting his hand travel downward.
“You look really good, Jungkook,” You murmur before he kisses you, “I-I really, really like it. A lot.”
He gently caresses your thigh from under your dress, the heat of his hand shooting straight up your core. Jungkook slips his tongue into your mouth quickly, coaxing your endearing nervousness away. As if you both aren’t pulled over to the side of the street where cars are passing you by (and surely wondering why you both were making out like this in public).
“Are we gonna be those people who have a roadside quickie,” You laugh, gently pushing his shoulder when you pull away.
“Roadside quickie? Get your mind out of the gutter,” Jungkook says but his lips twist into a wicked smirk, “But hey, if you wanna give me road head, I’m not going to complain about it-”
“Ha, you would be so lucky,” You scoff, feeling your nerves beginning to ease out of you, “C’mon, our reservation is soon. And then we can talk about road head.”
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Dinner goes perfectly and after a glass of wine you feel those inexplicable nerves wash away. What did you have to be nervous for anyway? It was Jungkook- Jungkook who you’ve known for years. Your friend before any of this. He asks you about work, how your application is going-
“Your client sounds pretty demanding,” Jungkook muses, “You keeping up with it okay?”
“Yeah, but I’m not even an application engineer so I’m just learning as I go. My true roots are data and data science but I get to see all of it. Which is cool. But also time consuming, like the other evening, I had to read up on the compliance regulations. But my favorite thing is creating modeling and programs for this app, it’s really cool because it’s healthcare specific. So I’m learning about that sector as well, it’s mostly python but we’ve been doing testing with different healthcare providers in the area and they’re all responding really well to it-” You’re rambling, you know it, but your passion for your career knows no bounds and Jungkook makes no move to stop you. He only smiles at you, eyes crinkling and nose scrunching, gesturing for you to continue.
It’s funny. Not even a few months ago, you would have cut yourself off from your own rambling. In an attempt to convince yourself that the other person didn’t need to hear about it. Maybe that was Sora’s subconscious influence on you. Today, you don’t think twice about it, glowing and shimmering under the dim, blue lights of the restaurant as you tell Jungkook more about your job.
He makes your heart race and he’s sitting right in front of you. Your chin is in your hands as you listen to the pretty words slipping out of his lips. He’s so dreamy, and you struggle to not let your gaze stray from his eyes and linger on his exposed tattoos and chest. You don’t even know where to look, deciding to settle on the way his newly purple locks fall to his forehead just perfectly.
“What do you wanna eat for dessert?” You murmur, looking at the menu and cautiously allowing your foot to brush against his.
In hindsight, you should’ve seen it coming-
“You,” Jungkook says easily, as if he’s talking about the weather.
“Corny,” You roll your eyes, but nudge his foot again. You end up deciding on sharing a slice of decadent, chocolate mousse cake. Which Jungkook ends up finishing off when you satisfy your sweet tooth after a few big bites.
He leans over without a second thought, thumbing away stray cream from the corner of your mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick the tip of his thumb and he looks at you with wide eyes before grinning roguishly.
“Wanna get outta here, baby?”
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“Should I take you home, Jungkook?” You ask, finding the courage somewhere in the remnants of the glass of wine currently evaporating from your system to take his hand in your lap once you’re both settled in your car.
“Do you want to take me home?” Jungkook asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“I have some wine I think you’d like at my place. I just got it,” You say a little breathlessly, “And I have to inspect something, I might need your help.” Jungkook laughs, a little derisively and you pout.
“You don’t have to bribe me with wine, baby. You know I would’ve been down regardless,” Jungkook says, squeezing your hand, “What do you need to inspect? Do you have a leak or something?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a leak alright,” You say under your breath, thinking about the growing wetness in your panties, “My man just showed up here with purple hair and an eyebrow piercing, looking like a damn model after one whole week. I have to inspect him.”
“Oh, is that so? In that case, I would love to be your lab rat. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen the inside of your bedroom before-”
“Who said you’d get that far?”
“I already did, baby. Did you forget?” Jungkook’s smirk widens, eyes sparkling with mischief. He gently cups your face, thumb on your chin and hovers just over your lips. You think he’s about to kiss you, so you close your eyes in anticipation of his lips on yours.
But it never comes. Instead, his breath fans over your cheeks and he lets out a low laugh. “I sure didn’t forget, and I know you didn’t either.”
You roll your eyes and swat his hand away, ignoring (but letting out a smile) when he chuckles. You decide to hold his hand for as much of the drive back home you can.
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Jungkook’s hands are on your hips even as you’re fumbling with the keys to your front door. He’s a distraction, his warm heat plastered against your back and the simple act of opening your damn door feels like too much of a chore. When Jungkook’s lips glaze over the back of your neck, his fingers roaming your waist, it’s difficult for you to focus.
So Jungkook scoffs and turns the key for you. “Can’t open the door, baby?” Jungkook taunts and you level him with a glare.
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands to yourself in front of my door!”
“You like it,” Jungkook says, shutting the door behind him and hugging you as you try to walk away from him to wash up. You escape his grip with a giggle and lock yourself in your bathroom, while Jungkook waits with a disgruntled pout.
When you come out, you head into the kitchen to pour out two glasses of wine and bring some snacks out. You’re not particularly hungry, though you wouldn’t mind eating and you’re sure Jungkook wouldn’t mind either.
Your train of thought is of course interrupted by the man himself and he wraps his arms around you from behind, pushing you into the counter. One might say that Jungkook is being clingy, but you know this is how he shows his affections. Through physical touch more than anything else. And you quite like it, you like the reassurance of his body close to yours. It’s what you’ve always wanted and never known that you needed.
“Missed you,” He breathes into your hair. Even if he’s been with you for the last few hours… You understand him. It feels like you’re both making up for lost time. For time that you could’ve spent together, rather than apart.
“Me too,” You murmur, “Can you take this to the couch, honey? I’ll bring the glasses and the wine.”
Jungkook hums and kisses your temple, squeezing your ass before heeding your soft demand. You sit next to him, thighs touching, and pour out a glass for both of you to enjoy. You lean against his shoulder, wrapping an arm around his bicep and turn the television on. But neither of you are really paying attention.
“Hey,” Jungkook murmurs, “I had a good time tonight, baby.”
“Don’t I know it,” You say smugly, “It’s not everyday a pretty girl takes you out for din-” He cuts your words off by pulling you into his lap, somehow not spilling even a single drop of wine in the movement. You would’ve killed him if even a hint of a wine stain appeared on your velvet couch.
You press your hand into his shoulder, the hint of his tattoo and the glint of his piercing catching your eye. You swirl your glass of wine with your other hand. “What a precarious position to be in,” You say dryly, even grinding your hips into his playfully. He gives you a look, and stills your movements with one hand on your waist. Jungkook sets his glass on the coffee table behind you and cradles your neck, pulling you down for a sharp kiss. It’s almost desperate and needy, nothing like his kisses from before.
You slip your tongue into his honeyed mouth, tasting seeds of his desperation with your tongue. But then, you remember your wine glass and pull away from his lips with a lewd smack to reach behind you and place it on the coffee table as well.
“So pretty,” Jungkook moans, pushing the straps of your dress to the side and dotting your shoulders in wine-stained kisses, “Pretty girl, my pretty baby-”
You tilt his cheek towards you for a kiss, whining into his mouth at his praise. It shoots down your spine in a delicious hum and his hands roaming the expanse of your back makes you feel warm and powerful.
The way your hips move in time with his, the way you fit into the crevices of his thighs and his chest- he just wants to give you everything. He wants to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Jungkook will give you everything, if you let him.
“And what about you?” You rasp with swollen lips and wild eyes when you finally pull away. You press your fingers into the exposed, inky part of his chest, where his shirt is unbuttoned for your eyes. “You look so fucking good all the time, but-but I told you to dress slutty and you did this for me, huh? You did this for me, bunny?”
Jungkook’s cock jumps in his tight pants and his throat goes dry. Your eyes are devious, filled with mischief and sin and he gives himself to you fully and wholly.
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods eagerly, “Yeah, I wanted to look nice for you, baby.”
“A-and your hair,” You mumble, feeling a little lovesick, “I love it, I love it, I love it-I just wanna- wanna make you feel good. Can I do that, bunny? Make you feel good?”
Jungkook nods with wide, doe eyes, wondering how the tables were turned so quickly.
“Take me to my bedroom,” You demand softly. The glasses of wine and snacks on the tray are left forgotten as Jungkook easily scoops you up in his arms. Even with your lips soft and slow against his neck, he somehow makes it to your bed.
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It’s definitely not the first time you’ve had Jungkook in your bed (or that you’ve been in his bed). It’s not the first time you’ve peeled his shirt off meticulously and licked your way down his chest, to unbutton his tight pants. It’s not the first time he’s seen you on your knees on your bed (to alleviate the strain on your knees if you were on the floor).
By now, the shock of your impatience has worn off. Jungkook frequently reminds you to slow down, that you both have nowhere to be except with each other.
It looks like his pants are glued to his legs, and while you can appreciate the visual, you want to appreciate the real thing. You groan in frustration and Jungkook does the work for you, pushing the offending fabric away and breathing a sigh of relief. You crawl closer to him, nails featherlight against his taut thighs.
He’s golden, his body taut and spilling with swirls of color in the divots of his muscles. Your mouth waters.
But Jungkook moves your hands away when you start inching closer, wanting to palm his cock. He joins you on the bed, pushing your back to the bed and hiking the skirt of your dress up to your hips. His hands are tight and warm and welcome on your hips, a flare of desire shooting down your spine and straight to your pussy. You buck your hips up towards him with a pout but he only squeezes.
“What did I tell you,” Jungkook murmurs, swatting your thigh lightly.
“You’ll have to remind me,” You breathe.
“Told you to slow down, baby,” Jungkook says, letting his fingers trail up your thighs and slip under your panties. His hand is warm in contrast to the rings on his fingers. They do little to cool your skin, though. “Impatient girl.”
“You say that like a bad thing-”
“And you talk so fucking much,” Jungkook drawls, hovering over you and dropping his weight on top of you, nudging your cheek to kiss you. You reach upwards to thread your hands through his hair but he’s quick, so much quicker than you. Jungkook pins your wrists with just one hand, and the mere action, the mere display of strength has you sighing and your pussy fluttering.
“Lift your hips,” Jungkook says thickly, and you do so immediately. It’s easy for him to pull your black lace panties off to the side. But before he does so he gives you a small smile of approval, knowing that you wore them specifically for him to see.
“I really do love this dress, baby,” He says, “Makes your tits and your ass look amazing.”
“Take it off, then. And see the goods up close,” You say, wiggling against his grip.
“I will,” Jungkook says lazily, “Don’t you worry your pretty head about it.” Without a single warning, he lifts you up easily into his lap. Your bare pussy brushes against his bare cock deliciously, your hips moving of their own accord. He stills you again, and carefully unzips your dress and pulls it off of you. His fingers on you are soft but firm, leaving your head spinning and hazy.
You haven’t even had his cock yet, and you’re about ready to combust. Jungkook pushes you on the bed, your tits bouncing with the force of your back hitting the mattress and hovers over you. You pull at his hair a little impatiently and he groans, the sound reverberating across the walls only to ring in your head. You want to hear it again, and again and again.
“Jungkook,” You whine, “Please, bunny, do something. Look at me, look at my pussy, come clean me up-”
“So needy,” Jungkook murmurs and ignores you in favor of kissing your tits, rubbing your nipples with his fingers, “‘M needy for you too, baby.”
“You’re so hard, so big,” You babble, “Please, want your cock, baby.”
Impatient. Jungkook kisses your chest, your belly, your hips and makes you cum on his tongue twice (while you tear up and cry a little bit, gripping his purple locks fiercely and holding onto his shoulder) before letting you stroke his cock. You’re about to push him on his back to blow him with determined eyes, but he stops you.
It appears he’s impatient too, and he wants to see you cream his cock before cumming all over your tits (which has become his favorite place to).
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“Jungkook,” You breathe sharply, “There, baby, right there-” You cut yourself off with a groan, stilling your hips and pushing his face into your chest. Jungkook’s groans are muffled against your tits, but you feel the wetness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue over your nipples.
“Shit,” You mumble, “Feels so good-”
“So pretty, baby,” Jungkook coos, pulling away from your tits to look up at you with lust in his eyes, “I’m yours, all yours-”
You groan, bouncing on his cock even harder as a flare of possessiveness flashes across your belly. “Move back,” You say softly, “Lay down. I’m gonna ride you so good, baby.”
Jungkook barely has a chance to catch his breath before your nails are on his chest, trying to hold yourself steady as you push yourself down onto his cock, pulling a deep moan of your name from his lips. His hands are tight on your hips, watching with wide eyes- he doesn’t know where to look, what to do.
He squeezes when one of your hands drifts over his and rests on top of his hand.
“I’m yours, I’m yours,” Jungkook mumbles, “Whatever you want baby, I’m yours-”
“You talk so much,” You say hoarsely, with a wicked smile, “It’s cute.” Your free hand floats upward, resting loosely at the base of his neck. His chain is cold against his heated skin but all he can focus on is the glide of your hand over his neck.
His cock twitches inside you and your smile widens. “Is this okay?” You whisper, “This okay, bunny?”
“Harder,” Jungkook groans, “Fuck, harder, baby.”
“Like this?” You ask innocently, closing your hand around the sensitive spots of his neck. His pretty eyes flutter as he nods, a quiet moan slipping out into the air.
“You’re pretty like this,” You say softly, “Shit, you’re pretty like this…”
He lets out a choked laugh at that. You lean forward, pressing your lips to his hastily. Jungkook thrusts upward, hips meeting your ass but your hand doesn’t leave his neck. Not just yet. You breathe into his mouth, allowing him to swallow your soft whimpers.
You wet your lips with a loud smack and cradle his cheek gently. Jungkook is mesmerized by the heat in your eyes, smoldering and burning through his skin. You let your fingers glide over your clit, gathering wetness and before Jungkook can ask what you're doing-
“Open,” You mumble hoarsely, “Open, bunny.”
Pushing a finger past his chapped lips, you gasp at the sight of him below you with your fingers in his mouth.
You could cum just from watching him. His tongue swirls over your finger before sucking lightly with a pretty flush covering his cheeks. Your eyes widen, another gasp brushing over his cheeks.
“Fuck,” You mumble dreamily, “You’re so good, bunny.”
Your body is burning, jaw slack and the feeling of Jungkook’s bare cock inside of you almost too much to handle. It was wildly irresponsible- he wasn’t wearing a condom and you weren’t on birth control, and it was a conversation for later. But you can’t think, not when it feels this good, not when you’ve had a taste of his cock in this way. Besides, he always pulls out just in time. But still, you both should know better.
“Oh, Jungkook,” You whine, “‘m close, I’m so fucking close, make me cum, bunny-”
“Baby,” Jungkook rasps, “My pretty baby looks so good on my cock like this. My smart, kind, b-beautiful girl, my angel-”
Tears prick your eyes- it’s easy for you to become overwhelmed like this. You tug your hands away and thread your fingers through his, dipping your head for a kiss.
“You like that, angel? You like being mine?” Jungkook murmurs, slowing your hips so he can take over. But he knows you’re close.
“Only yours,” You mumble. Jungkook pulls you into his chest swiftly and flips you so that you’re on your back. He places your legs over his shoulders and brackets your head with his forearms, his necklace just above your nose and his hair tickling your face. But you're mesmerized by the determination and adoration in his eyes.
“Jungkook,” You murmur brokenly, “O-oh, y-yeah, baby, there, mmmf-” You squeeze his biceps with a gasp, watching his face closely. Pushing his hair behind his ears, you cradle his cheek and pull him down for a sweet, long kiss.
His fingers dance across your thighs and rub your clit in slow circles and murmuring soft words of praise in your ear. You’re vaguely aware that your body erupts in a tidal wave of flames, warming you from inside out. You don’t hear anything except for your cries of his name, you don’t see anything but him through your blurry eyes.
“Baby,” Jungkook says through clenched teeth, “O-open your mouth, baby. Fuck, baby, this pussy- I’m gonna cum, baby, fuck-”
You open your mouth with hooded eyes and your tongue lolling out and Jungkook pulls out of you abruptly with a series of curses. He’s not fast enough to get all of his cum in your mouth, some of it landing on your cheek. You swallow his cum with a dopey smile and open your arms for him to bury his face in your tits.
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook says breathlessly, rolling off of you and pulling you into his side, “This pussy’s gonna be the death of me. Where’d you learn to ride dick like that, huh?”
“I’ll never tell,” You mumble, “Gimme a kiss.”
And so he does, tasting himself on your lips. He kisses you nice and slow, just how you both like after a night like this. Eventually he cleans you up and you do the same for him.
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Under the covers with only the shared warmth between your sheets to keep you company, you rest your head on Jungkook’s bicep and look up at him. Your fingers continue tracing patterns on his chest, tracing the swirls and curves of ink as they appear.
Jungkook dips his head to nudge your nose and you softly laugh as his hair falls into your face. “What are you thinking about, baby?” He murmurs, lazily draping an arm over you. By now, you’ve realized that Jungkook is possibly the most vulnerable with you in moments like this. When you’re both bare and basking in a post-sex haze.
That’s not to say that he’s not vulnerable at other times. But it’s just different like this.
You take his hand and thread your fingers through his. His fingers are bare, as you had taken his rings off and they’re currently sitting in your jewelry dish on your dresser.
“We just,” You murmur, “We spent so long being apart. When we should’ve been together. All because I…”
“Stop,” Jungkook says firmly but gently, “Don’t do that. You’re where you’re supposed to be. We’re where we’re supposed to be.”
“But we wasted so much time not being together because of me,” You mumble forlornly, feeling your throat getting a little dry, “Because I listened to Sora and didn’t-”
“Oh, baby,” Jungkook says, pulling you in for a hug and a forehead kiss, “That’s not true at all. We’re together now, and we both had some growing to do. That’s what matters.”
“Okay,” You reply in a strained voice. You don’t quite sound like you believe him, and Jungkook makes a mental note of that. “Do you feel like… we have lost time to make up for?”
“Do you feel like that?” Jungkook counters, making your heart skip a beat, “Because I don’t. I know it’s hard, baby, but you can’t beat yourself up for that. It’s in the past, baby. Forgive yourself. There’s nothing to race against, it’s just me and you.”
“I’ll try,” You say a little meekly. Jungkook nods and pulls you in for a soft kiss, one that has your toes curling and your belly flipping. He shifts so that you’re tucked into his side, surrounded by him and his hands on your skin. He kisses you until your previous thoughts don’t feel so loud in your head, he whispers to you and pulls sweet laughs from your throat until you can detach from the strange cloud that had suddenly appeared.
He’s your safe place.
MoM TAGS: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505 @dreadity @mysugarkoo @ULTRAANONYMOUSEY @moonchild1 @fan-ati--c
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
499 notes · View notes
erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Three Minutes
Prompt: Harry slips up and it’s only right his wife serves him a little punishment.
Word Count: 3.2 k +
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (sexting, dirty talk, public, subby!h)
AN: I’m excited to share this!! I’m pretty sure I’m going to do a part 2. Let me know if you’d like to see this! I’m dedicating this to @harrywritingsbyme because she’s an amazing writer and you need to read everything of hers! Requests open ☺️
Reblog if you can!
Harry was dreading his interview with Howard Stern. The guy was an obnoxious prick who had no filter and liked to put people on the spot - it’s what he’s doing right now. 
You were off to the side, watching the interview next to Jeff. It was matter of time before Howard brought you up to pick and prod at your husband.
“So Harry, you’re married, yes?” Howard asks, typical sunglasses on and curly permed hair donned. His mouth a little to close to the microphone.
“Yeah, I am,” Harry smiles tightly, hands rubbing on this upper thighs. He spares a quick glance over to you.
“She’s here, right?” Howard looks over at you and winks, “Fucking gorgeous babe, huh?”
You roll your eyes at the interviewers remark and Harry’s isn’t pleased but nicely responds, “She’s amazing, way out of my league.”
Howard laughs, “Now I have to ask you, does she tour with you?”
Harry replies, “Yeah. For the most part, sometimes she’ll go off to visit family or friends for a bit.”
The interview smirks, “Does she get worried you’re going to fuck other people while she’s not there? I mean you have girls falling at your feet. It must be hard to avoid temptation.”
You blink owlishly, attempting to contain the offended scoff bubbling in your throat. Jeff snickers and you send him a elbow.
Your husbands face can’t hide his annoyance at the question, “Are you asking me if it’s hard not to cheat on my wife?”
“I mean you could have a line up of girls after every show willing to blow you. I couldn’t be satisfied going home to the same thing every night.”
The band is looking back and forth at each other - clearly uncomfortable. Mitch’s face completely blank - of course.
“Well, I mean - I think that kind of stuff like...people going crazy over you was exciting when I was a bit younger. But no, I mean I’m very much in love and also consider myself a monogamous person.”
“Man, I mean - some of the songs you write about her? Watermelon Sugar, that’s clearly about eating her out,” Howard laughs, the tune playing softly in the background.
Jeff nearly chokes on the water he’s drinking and you pat him hard on the back - as payback for making Harry do this interview.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had pussy so good I’d write about it,” the interview jokes crudely. The women interviewer tittering in the background at his antics.
Harry fumbles, “Uh-uhm, it’s not uh- necessarily about anything or any act like...in particular. Just about having a good time with the person you love.”
The female interviewer who stays mostly quite chirps in to break the tension, “Is it hard to be long-distance when she’s not on the road with you?”
“Not at all. Most of the time she’s with me but we’re lucky we have technology that helps us not feel so far away from each other.”
Howard smiles, “How do you not go crazy being without sex for long amounts of time?”
It’s odd how obsessed this guy is with sex. As well as painting Harry as some sex-crazed rockstar who can’t go a day without.
Harry then goes on to put his entire, big ass foot in his mouth. “Y‘know that’s uh-that’s what good about FaceTime and Snapchat.”
The interviewer grins like a predator at Harry’s admission. You’re face is bright fucking pink. You’re gonna murder him.
“Well you heard it here first, folks. The key to how Harry Styles - one of the greatest artist of his time- keeps a happy relationship with his wife while he’s on the road. Dick pics and FaceTime sex.”
Harry glances over at you, his face apologetic as he already knows he in trouble.
You’re not that embarrassed - it not like it’s a weird thing to do but you didn’t want him talking about it with a trashy talk show host. 
The interview is almost over which is good because Harry’s about to lose his temper after he’s asked about his step-father’s passing and the stalker who was harassing you two.
During the interview however, you get a wonderful fucking idea as easy payback for Harry’s little slip up.
After Harry’s tossed his headset and microphone pack off with a little too much force to be unnoticeable - he’s sliding up beside you.
“Baby love,” He murmurs sheepishly into your cheek, nuzzling there for a moment, and breathing in the scent of your shampoo.
“You did good, H,” You reply softly, landing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back to brush his hair off his forehead.
“Y’not mad?” Harry asks warily, knowing he got nervous and gave a little too much information.
“No baby, not mad at all,” Your voice steady and believable. It was true - you weren’t mad, just a little annoyed.
He seems confused. He knows you like the back of his hand and usually, you get peeved when he says something in interviews you’d rather the word not know.
Like the one time he let it slip you had an affinity for hooking up in hotel pools after dark. Prat.
Harry multiple appearances that day and it ends in a dinner at a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills with big wigs.
You were invited but declined, despite Harry’s pouting and whines for you to go. You were the only thing that made these work obligations go faster.
However, you had other plans and a little bit of revenge to play on your unsuspecting husband.
All in good fun - of course.
Harry sits down with a group of people from his label. They’re all dressed in tight suits and rolex watches.
Harry on the other hand is in a flowy button-up only halfway done and a tight pair is skinny jeans. Jeff is dressed pretty casually too.
They were talking about tour dates and had just received their appetizers when he gets the text from you. Your name in his phone as baby love.
Harry nearly chokes on his water when he opens the message to reveal an image of you nearly naked in your shared bed. You skin tone standing out against the baby blue comforter.
You have one of his vintage tees on as well as some creme boyshort panties. The shirt is lifted though, rumpled up by your collarbones to reveal your breasts.
Harry wants to drool over the picture but doesn’t want to risk anyone else seeing his wife in any state of undress. So he quickly responds.
Baby, I’m at dinner.
You reply with another picture. A hand tucked down your underwear, cupping your heat. He can see the outline of your fingers underneath the thin fabric.
Already have something you could eat.
Harry can already feel himself twitch in his jeans. Cut it the fuck out now
Another. Fucking. Picture. Comes through.
This time you’re completely stripped, tits visible with soft pink peaks, and a hand strategically covering your cunt. 
Make me, H.
It clicks what game you’re playing. You rarely sent anything risqué when you where together because you had each other physically.
Harry curses under his breathe, locking his phone and pushing back his chair a little too fast - excusing himself to the loo.
As soon as he clicks the lock on the single-person restroom, he’s pressing on your contact information and you pick up on the very first ring.
“You bloody brat, I’m out at dinner,” Harry hisses at you, giving himself a rough squeeze through his tighten trousers.
All he hears back is a breathy moan. He’d know that sound anywhere - you’re touching yourself.
“What the fuck are you playin’ at?” Your husband demands, but the clipped edge in his tone tells you how much it’s affecting him.
“Just a little payback, babe...for spilling our dirty secrets,” you hum innocently, deciding to send him another picture.
It’s a simple photo without context some might not even understand. It’s just your hand but your fingers glistening with your arousal. 
Harry’s hand is about to crush is phone into bits as his eyes roam the picture. He was nearly panting, already able to imagine the taste and smell.
He takes a deep breath before he threatens you, “if you don’t pull your desperate little self together right now- I’m not going anywhere near that needy cunt and I’ll make you spend all night choking on me.”
Instead of the typical, sad whimpers he expects to hear - he receives a patronizing, high-pitched giggle.
“That’s not how it’s going to work tonight, H,” you inform him in a matter-of-fact manner before continuing, “we’re playing by my rules.”
Your husband laughs in disbelief, echoing against the bleak bathroom walls, “and what those rules, sweetheart?”
“You’re going to go sit through your nice little dinner, rockstar. And I’m going to send you pictures, maybe some videos to watch to keep you entertained. If you don’t open them within three minutes each time and reply - you’re not coming tonight. The couch will have a blanket and pillow ready for you.”
If he was in charge, he’d laugh and remind you that you two have three lovely guest rooms he could choose from. But he doesn’t want to push it.
“Fuck,” Harry spits, having to cram his hand into his jeans to adjust himself so he doesn’t look like a pervert when he goes back out.
But he was so fucking game.
He’d do anything you wanted from him - no matter if he could embarrass himself in front of business partners or fans. He was besotted, whipped, whatever you wanted to call him.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby?” You coo tauntingly, from the other end of the line. Basking in his little huffs of air and the agitated lift in his voice.
“Yeah, m’gonna be good,” he murmurs gruffly, his demeanor had changed now that he wasn’t in charge any longer - always willing to let you be dominant when you wanted to be. 
It wasn’t often - but when you did, Harry would fall into a nice, fuzzy headspace of compliance and submission. He always wanted to please and this amplified all of his desires.
“Best husband I could ask for, you know?” You reward, knowing that the games are just getting started and you wanted to make this last.
“I love you s’much,” Harry automatically returns, with deep devotion and honesty. His voice as sweet as maple syrup.
“Are you hard, H?” 
He grips himself, like he’d just remember, “m’really fucking hard for you.”
“Snap an picture for me, pull yourself together, and then go back to your table - don’t forget the rules.”
“Yes ba-“
Then you end the call while he’s talking.
Harry’s a little shaky as he swipes onto his camera. He grips the thick outline of his cock, rings glinting in the dull lights, and takes a picture.
He hopes it’s good enough and quickly sends it before splashes some cold water on his face and thinking of anything but his naked wife laying at home in their bed - wet and horny.
Jeff gives him a side-eye when he sits back down, casually throwing a napkin over his lap because he can’t help the semi that refuses to go down all together.
“You alright?” His manager asks him, the others still in the throws of tour venues and vendors discussions.
Harry nods, lying easily “the missus couldn’t find her phone charger - thought I nipped it.”
“You do love to steal those,” his friends agrees before cutting off one of them men to suggest three days at Madison Square Garden instead of two.
Harry’s clutching his phone like a lifeline, anticipating the indicative text vibrations that let him know you’ve sent something.
However, despite how many times he checks, fifteen minutes pass and still nothing has sent from you. He almost starts to worry if you’re okay.
But just like the sneaky little thing you are, you wanted to give him enough time to calm down and relax before rilining him up again.
When it finally alerts him, he’s unlocking his phone and opening the message thread as fast as possible. 
The picture makes his jaw almost drop on the fucking carpeted floor. You’re in one the large closets in your home- the one that holds all of his Gucci suits in particular.
There is a massive floor to ceiling mirror in this room that you’re standing in front of. You’ve slid on one of his custom silk Gucci button-ups that has styles embroidered on the breast pocket without doing doing up any of the buttons.
He’s an absolutely goner for you in anything that makes you look like his property - the large engagement ring and wedding band on your left ring-finger satiates that feeling quite well.
It takes he a moment before he realizes what else you’re wearing. Your fucking collar. It sat tight around your neck, the expensive leather biting into your skin.
Your one hand was holding the phone and the other had a hand teasing at one of your hardened nipples through the silk fabric of the shirt.
He keeps his phone in his lap with a dim light setting so nobody can risk a chance at seeing such explicits pictures of what’s his.
You look so good with my name on you, baby. Please, want to see you in just the collar, take off the shirt.
Harry fumbles along with the conversation, that’s revolving all around him, “Yeah, I loved Argentina. Definitely want to got there again.”
How’d you already forget I’m in charge? Maybe I’ll just go to bed if you’re not going to follow instructions.
As punishment - if you can really call it that - in the next image you don’t have the collar on any longer and you’ve done up a few buttons on the silk shirt.
Harry feels panicked at the thought of you stopping. He was in a nice, soft headspace clinging onto anything you were willing to give him - desperate to make you happy.
I’m sorry, baby. I’ll be good for you. You’re so fucking sexy. I can basically taste you on my tongue.
“Harry?” Jeff draws him out of his haze. He’s looking at him expectantly, eyebrow quirked, and a martini in his hand.
“What did you say?” Harry asks, eyes itching to dart back down to the screen of his mobile.
“Would you want Kacey to open for you again in North America?” Jeff repeats with annoyance.
“Oh, uh-yeah, that’d be great,” he tells them without really think about it.
He should be paying attention to this pretty important meeting but he can’t when he gets another alert.
The video is back in the bedroom, your delicate fingers sliding down your torso with the button-up pooled around your ribs.
Your hand slowly, at a near crawl- traces down with the camera until the manicured tips of your fingers are at your mound.
Harry’s stomach is tensing in excitement as he watches your fingers dip into the part in your slick, swollen folds.
He has to bite back a groan when the video cuts off and he reads the text below the attachment.
Was this the pussy you enjoyed eating so much you won a Grammy writing about? Was Howard right in his interview?
If Harry was in charge, he would have delivered a few resounding smacks to your arse for how cocky you were being - despite it being the absolute truth.
Did he write and win a Grammy based on a song about how much he loved eating his wife out? Sure fucking did.
Baby love. Yeah, wrote it about you. Write all my songs about how much I love you and your body. Everything is yours.
Harry is so good when he’s subby - is the thing.
Harry was a sappy sod anyways, always ready to tell you how much he loved you and thousand of other sweet things. This just amplified all of his warm, fuzzy emotions.
Send me a picture of your left hand
He hesitates for a moment, still nodding along to the ebb and flow of the business talk but having no actual idea what they’re talking about.
Harry places his large, wide hand flat on the table in front of him. He knew why you wanted his left hand - you were just as possessive as him. 
You want to see his long, slim fingers that feel so good inside of you. You want to see the glimmer of his wedding band as well as the tattoo of your name on the outer curve of his hand.
He doesn’t think to turn off his flash. It ends up going off in the dimly lit restaurant and blinding the table, reflecting off the silver flatware. 
He looks like a complete knob - taking a picture of his hand but also something weird Harry may do anyways and upload to his Instagram.
The men blink a few times and look at him with a confused expression. Jeff jabs him roughly in the side.
“Uh, snapchat streak,” he mumbles, tucking his phone back into his lap and sending it.
You were cutting it close, babe. 2 minutes, I don’t like waiting. But fuck, who’s name is that on your hand, who’s that ring for?
You, you baby. All of its for you, promise. I belong to you, only you for the rest of my life.
The response is quick.
But...you have girls falling at your feet, lining up to blow you.
A direct quote for the interview today. Brat - she knew how he hated when people assumed or talked like he had no self control or morals.
Only want your mouth, your cunt, your tits. So bloody gone for you, baby. Please send me another video.
He really shouldn’t be egging you on.
Your being greedy but you’ve been following the rules so I’ll allow it.
The video does not disappoint. You’re hand is nestled down between your thighs, pinching at your puffy, stimulated bud. Just the amount of pain you like. It’s a short clip but it has him wriggling in his seat.
He watches it again but before he can finish it - Jeff is snatching his phone out of his shaky hands and tucking it into his own pants pocket.
The manager’s obviously sick of the lack of focus and honestly, how disrespectful Harry’s being which is something he usual never is.
“Pay attention,” he whispers with a sharp, irritated tone before clapping Harry on the back to play off the scolding to the group.
Harry feels a knot form in his stomach as his phone sits stagnant in his friends pocket. His wife sitting, impatiently waiting for his response that she’s not going to get.
He watches his vintage wristwatch as fifteen minutes pass, he hears a few buzzes from his phone that go unattended.
Harry’s not fuzzy anymore - well not in a good way. He has anxiety bubbling in his tummy and his semi had finally disappeared from nerves of disappointing you.
He decides to engage in the conversation to keep his mind off of what is waiting for him at home. He craved to look at those images and videos again. To have it in real life.
It had been three hours since he responded. The people at the table insisting on dessert and alcoholic coffees despite Harry saying he was exhausted from a long day of promo.
At the end of dinner, Harry would love to lie and say he’s recovered from his shakiness but he hadn’t.
After shaking the hands of the record label men, he walks to his car with Jeff. He gets a nice talking to before his phone is being placed back into his hand and he’s sliding into his obnoxious vintage Ferrari.
He takes a deep breathe before he unlocks his phone. The buzzes he heard where not all from you. A few from Twitter, his mum, Niall. There was only one from you.
Game Over. You lose.
Thank you for reading💕🥺
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Part Two. Jackbox Shenanigans
warnings: swearing word count: 2.6k (not including pictures) behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
Y/n flinched awake, startled by the sounds traveling from the kitchen. Once again, the frosty air pricked her skin, trying to convince her to not move, to stay in bed under the warm blankets. Despite the feeling pulling her into her bed, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Texts from Karl flooded her screen and she replied as she took her comforter off her mattress and wrapped it around herself. She pattered to the source of the noise to find her roommate was making food.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Naomi asked, eyes wide with concern as she looked at Y/n. "I dropped a pan."
Y/n, who was observing the world through one squinted eye, shook her head and she sat at the counter in the kitchen. "No, I should be awake anyway."
"You're usually awake much earlier. Late night?"
Y/n nodded. "George streamed and we all talked for a little after."
"Oh, yeah, I watched his stream this morning..." she started, eyes focused on the food in front of her but Y/n still caught the mischievous glint in her roommate's eyes.
"Of course you did," Y/n laughed through a yawn. "That's your lover."
Naomi rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you gave me his number he would be."
"He doesn't give it to many people. I just barely got it and I've been friends with him for a year. I'm pretty sure Karl doesn't even have it."
Naomi groaned, though Y/n knew it was a joke... for the most part. She got another text from Karl, and consulted Naomi for a second opinion.
"Should I post this?" Y/n asked, lazily holding up her phone with a picture on the screen. Naomi squinted as she looked back over her shoulder. "Karl keeps yelling at me too."
"Yeah! That's a cute outfit. Make sure to credit Karl or he'll yell at you for that as well."
"No chance I'm doing that."
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Incoming FaceTime... karol <3
Y/n hit accept and held the phone up to make a face at Karl. He mimicked the position. "Hello, sir."
"Hello, ma'am."
"What are you doing?" she asked him, walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her comforter dragging on the floor behind her as it continued to protect her from the cold.
Karl got distracted and started messing with something out of the camera view. "Um, trying to figure out what to do for my stream tonight. What about you?"
"I'm waiting for you to give me a fit check!" Y/n yelled. Karl quickly looked at the camera and smiled. He set his phone down on his desk and ran backward so his whole body was in frame. He posed awkwardly a few different ways before running back and resuming his position.
"Yes!" Y/n hyped with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Let's go, Karl! Karl with the old man sweater!!"
He giggled. "You're the one that told me to buy it."
"Because it's sick. Doesn't mean it didn't belong to an old man before you."
Karl pouted before his face lit up. "Guess what. I met a girl."
"Oh?" Y/n cooed. "Where? Do you have pictures? Is she cute?"
"She's Jimmy's new cameraman. Camerawoman. I don't have pictures, and yes. She's very cute." His cheeks turned red and Y/n smiled, flipping off the bathroom light and heading to her closet. She threw her comforter back on the bed and tried to pick out an outfit.
"Come on, bud, elaborate. What's her name? Have you asked her out yet?"
"You don’t get to know her name, I don’t want to jinx anything. Plus, you’ll just look ‘Mr Beast crew’ and find out anyway. Also, no, I haven’t. I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her because I have not said a single word to her. I get so nervous when she's around I freeze up and just like... act weird. And then as soon as she's gone, Chris freaking roasts me so bad."
"Aw, I can teach you how to flirt if you want!"
"Yeah, okay," he scoffed, sarcasm dripping from his words.
"What's with the attitude? I'm great at flirting."
"No, you're not. I watched Gogy's stream last night."
"What does that have anything to do with anything?"
"I heard the way you spoke to Dream."
"You have zero game, Y/n. Absolutely none. Zilch, if you will."
"Yeah, because I wasn't flirting with him?"
"Not successfully, at least."
"Karl, what?" Y/n laughed but she was so confused. "No part of me was trying to flirt with anyone in that stream."
"Oh, come on," Karl groaned. "Don't do this again. Don't pretend to not like a guy and then cry to me when you're wack ass attempts don't win him over."
"Karl," Y/n started, looking directly at him. "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't flirting with him. I do not like him."
"I'm just saying, you talk about him a lot. Like, you always panic when he interacts with your posts because you're scared he's going to DM you right after. And you gush about him a lot."
"I do not gush. I admire the hard work he puts into his videos but I talk the same about him as I do with George and Sapnap. The only difference is I'm friends with them and not Mr. Minecraft. He's intimidating, that doesn't mean I have a crush on him."
Karl stared for a moment, trying to read Y/n's expression to detect any lies. "You'd tell me if you did, right?"
"Karl, I tell you everything. I'd tell you if I murdered your family." They both laughed. "It's impossible to hide anything from you, you're my best friend."
"Okay, sweet, but please don't murder my family, just to be clear."
"I won't. I love your mom too much."
"Well, how was meeting Dream, then? Despite apparently not being in love with him?"
"It was cool. Terrifying because it felt very forced but the four of us hung out on the call after George ended his stream and he was much more relaxed."
"That's true. Aren't we all?"
"Not you! You're the exact same person on and off camera. Just a little ball of giggles."
Karl giggled which made them both laugh more. Suddenly, as if he completely forgot until that moment, Karl sat up quickly and yelled, "What am I going to do for the stream?"
Y/n shrugged. "See if anyone wants to play Jackbox. Chat always loves those and it's relatively easy to throw together last minute. You just need to find people that are free to play."
"Genius. Who should we invite?"
"Yeah. It was your idea, you have to play."
"But, I've never played! And I barely know all your friends so I wouldn't get half the inside jokes. I'd be a boring addition."
"Please? They're your friends too! You just talked to Sapnap and George for four hours yesterday and George was the only one playing anything. That's friendship if I've ever seen it."
"But... others.... like literally everyone besides Sap and George...."
"Things like this are how you get to know them better. Besidessss, you're never boring."
"Fine, I'll play."
"YES!" he shouted. "Okay, who should we invite?"
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Y/n huffed and scooted her chair closer to her desk. She pulled up Discord and hovered over the voice chat everyone was in. An overwhelming number of voices chaotically spoke over each other as soon as she joined.
"Oh no," she mumbled.
"AYYEE!!" a voice yelled, the green bubble lighting around Quackity's name confirming her suspicions.
"Aye," she said back less enthusiastic. "Hi everyone."
"She's here!" George cheered.
Y/n could hear Sapnap huff. "Finally. Geesh."
"This isn't even your stream, calm down." Y/n's eyes scanned the names on the left to read who else was involved in tonight's games. She had suggested a few people to Karl but wasn't sure about the final list. Besides the boys who had already greeted her were BadBoyHalo and Dream.
"Hello, Bugsy! It's nice to meet you! I'm BadBoyHalo."
Y/n smiled widely at his voice. "Hi, BadBoyHalo! Nice to meet you too."
Her eyes slowly traveled to the last name on the list, which had yet to greet her. She wasn't bitter, but she was curious why he hadn't said anything yet. The boys hyped up him talking about her so much but she had yet to feel that energy from him. She picked at the bottom of her hoodie, eyes darting between the names as they lit up when someone spoke.
"Is Dream still AFK?" Sapnap asked.
"I think so," Bad replied.
Maybe that's the only reason he hadn't said anything. Y/n felt stupid for thinking it had anything to do with her.
"He's probably coding something or something like that," George teased.
"Haha nerdy ass man," Quackity cackled.
"Don't you also code shit, George?" Sapnap called out. "You're probably helping him test something after this, huh? As Quackity said, nerdy ass man."
"You know what, Sapnap? I'm not sure I like your attitude all that much."
Y/n smiled. Despite feeling nervous, she was already having fun just listening to everyone talk. The real nerves would kick in when they were live in front of tens of thousands of people and she would have to be funny.
A message popped up in the general chat, notifying everyone that Karl was joining the voice call soon so they shouldn't say anything bad.
"Everyone say something weird," Quackity directed.
Discord dinged and Karl's name joined the list on the side. "AAAHHHH-!" he started yelling over everyone to let them know he was here in case they were saying anything bad. With his luck, they were going to say stuff anyway to mess with him.
"So, yeah, that's how I lost my virginity," Quackity said as if he just finished a story.
"To a prostitute?" Sapnap added quickly. "Wow, I never thought you... oh Karl!"
"Language!" Bad gasped.
"What the..." Karl laughed loudly. "What did I just join?"
"Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry," Quackity apologized, which was hard to make out since he was laughing so hard, surprised at what Sapnap added to his joke.
"Bad, you can't say language about a prostitute," Sapnap defended. "That's really rude of you. Maybe it's a little unconventional but they're just tryna make some money the best way they know how."
George laughed with Quackity as Bad sputtered. "I-I said language about what Quackity said!"
"What, virginity?" Karl asked innocently and Bad yelled again.
"Bad hates people who have had sex!" Y/n called, causing Quackity to laugh loudly.
"Bad! How could you?! That's so messed up!"
"Wait, guys, is everyone here?" Karl asked.
"Dream isn't. We don't know where he went."
Karl groaned and started typing something, presumably yelling at Dream to join.
"Let's goooo! We're popping off!" Quackity started saying, stalling. "We're popping off!" George joined him, becoming absolute fools to keep the chat entertained.
"Okay, he's here!" Karl said. "Everyone's here!"
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry. I was... yeah, sorry," Dream stuttered out.
"Welcome back, Dream!" Bad chirped.
"Hello!" he replied. Unexpectedly, his next greeting was directed at Y/n. "Hi, Bug."
Y/n instantly got shy for no discernable reason. She blamed it on his voice and its ability to manipulate emotions any way he wanted. That and she was getting attention from someone first. "Hi," she squeaked back, hoping the contrast of her icy hands would cool her face enough to focus on the game.
"Bugsy, you are adorable," Bad stated simply.
"Sapnap! What did you just send me?" George asked loudly, and just like that, the attention was off of her and she could breathe again.
"What?" Sapnap feigned innocence.
This was going to be a long game.
"Let's play!" Karl decided. "Should we warm up with some Quippy?"
Y/n focused intensely on her answers, silently hoping the others would find her funny.
"Oh my gosh," she mumbled as everyone else finished writing. "Y'all, I'm about to get Quiplashed so hard. Don't make fun of me."
"I seriously doubt it," Dream said. "You can't possibly be worse than George at this game."
"Shut up, we always-  it's like 3 am my time. I can't, like, think of things 'cause my brain isn't functioning."
"Yeah, that's why," Sapnap teased.
"Surreee," Dream said.
The first round wasn't too bad. Y/n was in 5th place but she got quite a few laughs so she didn't care too much about where she stood. She got a notification from Dream on Twitter as everyone laughed at one of Quackity's answers.
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Y/n looked back at her screen and saw the new prompt and answers. She read them quickly as everyone was laughing and with a few seconds left to choose, voted for the one on the left. It was funnier anyway.
She loosened up substantially after another round, and she knew it was mostly because Dream had reached out to her. Something about him comforted her and made her feel safe, which warmed her heart.
"Bugsy! What the hell, that's so messed up. You're so messed up," Quackity yelled, laughing at the answer on the screen. They were playing Survive the Internet and her comment got taken way out of context, just as the game intended.
"Oh my gosh!" Karl cackled loudly. "Bugsy, I didn't know you felt that way. Oh my gosh? They're just kids?? Bugsy out the gang?"
Y/n hid her face in her hands and laughed. "Noooo!! Wait I never knew- I didn't know I was ever in the gang?"
"She really said, 'infant children? slaughter them all'," Sapnap joked.
"You know, I think you'd get along really well with Technoblade," Dream added. "Though his specialty is orphans, as it appears."
"No, no, no, whoever wrote that heading is SO messed up!" Y/n defended, rereading the heading that made her comment look bad. She knew it was a game but all the attention on her was making her embarrassed. "Who would think to put that?"
"Everyone cancel Busgy!" Karl yelled.
"Karl, no! You're supposed to be my best friend!"
"I don't know how I feel about my best friend killing children..."
"Nooo," Bad protested softly. "I like Bugsy. Don't cancel her."
"Everyone vote!"
The article with Y/n's name turned out to be Dream's. "Dream! What the hell is wrong with you?" she yelled, causing him to wheeze loudly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I wanted point."
The whole night ended up being like that. Y/n had a lot of fun and by the end, she felt a lot more comfortable with all of them. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap were loud and very high energy while George and Bad were quieter. Dream was half and half, sometimes matching Quackity's volume and sometimes going a while without saying a word. Overall, Y/n had a lot of fun and hoped to let back in the gang in the future.
A/N: WOOO PART TWOOO!! Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Also thank you so much for all the love on the first part!! I did not expect it to get as much attention as it did!!!!!
we clearly haven’t got to dream and yn being close yet bc they literally met the day before this but i added a small little dream/yn moment :] pls let me know how you liked this part!!!!!!!!!!!! 
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan
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yourtamaki · 3 years
history doesn’t repeat, it rhymes
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sakusa x gn!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, elements of depersonalization, non-explicit mentions of sex
dedicated to: @onyxoverride (thank you for beta reading) & @saintdabi
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you can’t remember the last time you saw your reflection.
it wasn’t deliberate, the way you turned your back to the full length mirror in your closet every morning when you got dressed, how you usually dodged your reflection coming out of the shower like you did just now. at least, not at first. not until you realized how much better you felt now that you didn’t have to come face to face with a stranger everyday. that was the only word to describe whatever lived in the mirror. a stranger. any recognizable part of you had rotted away long ago. all that remained now was an empty husk with dead eyes and a selfish heart. the same selfish heart that set you on this path in the first place. 
was it worth it? you wanted to ask your past self. was his love worth what you did to yourself?
the very first night you met sakusa set the tone for the rest of your relationship. you’re still not entirely sure why you accepted your roommate, hinata’s, invitation to his team’s party to celebrate their record win streak. it probably had something to do with the puppy dog eyes he threw you. regardless, you went, wearing an outfit you were losing confidence in by the second and leaning against a wall as far from the drunk crowd as you could get. you never liked parties like this. too many people, too loud. but for your best friend, you were willing to grit your teeth and bare it. 
a part of you, larger than you would ever admit, wishes you never looked to your left that day. wishes that you never spotted the curly haired man looking so sullen despite half his face being covered with a mask, that you didn’t notice the way his eyes flickered from his empty red cup to where you knew the kitchen to be, how he wearily eyed the crowd of people that separated him from it. 
“i was about to grab a drink. i can bring something back for you if you’d like?” the first thing you ever said to the love of your life was a lie. you were planning on staying tucked in your corner all night, safe from the dancing drunks who had no concept of personal space until hinata was ready to leave. and yet the words were almost ripped out of you the moment your eyes landed on him, a fierce need to help the man flaring up from nowhere. you could only assume he had separated himself from the party for the same reason you had and it pulled on your heartstrings. no one ever noticed when you needed help so why not extend that courtesy to him instead? he blinked at you as though he had to process your offer before he nodded. 
“yes, please i’d appreciate it.” his voice was different than you expected it to be. slow and calm despite the way his fist clenched and unclenched.  “just water. a closed bottle if you can find it.” 
his brows furrowed for a moment when you held out your hand before letting out a quiet ah and handing you his empty cup. it was endearing how he placed it in your hand, balancing it carefully on your palm. 
“be right back.” you shot him a smile and started to make your way across the floor, getting pushed and jostled the entire way there. you made quick work of tossing the garbage into the overflowing trash bag and dug out two water bottles from behind a rack of beer cans in the fridge. the trip back was no easier and you breathed a sigh of relief when you were once again in your small private bubble with the man. the discomfort you endured, the skin crawling sensation of all those bodies too close to you was worth the way his eyes lit up when he saw you’d returned. 
he accepted the cool bottle with a murmured thanks, pulling his mask down and tucking it under his chin. handsome was your first thought and his name was your second. the two distinct moles on his brow should’ve given it away that you were talking to sakusa kiyoomi. you’d seen enough of hinata’s games, heard enough stories to put a name to the face. he held your stare as you placed him in your mind, taking a sip from the bottle as he did. an urge to say something, anything to keep those eyes on you bubbled up hot and fast and you said the first thing that came to mind. 
“my roommate’s your teammate.” 
“is he? which one?” 
“hinata. shoyo.” you added as though there was another hinata on the msby roster.
“ah. my condolences.” the corner of his lips quirked up when you snorted. “i’ve seen how he leaves a locker room. i don’t want to imagine what his room looks like.” 
“it’s not pretty, that’s for sure.” you said, leaning your shoulder against the wall and taking a moment to regard him. “can i ask why you’re here? shoyo told me you don’t like crowds so a party must be hard on you.” 
“would you believe me if i said contractual obligations?” 
“nope cause i helped shoyo go through his contract and i don’t remember ragers being a part of the deal.” a small burst of pride bloomed in your chest when he laughed, a quick huff from his nose and amused eyes as though he didn’t expect it. 
“you got me.” you waited for him to explain and deflated a bit when he remained silent. that is, until you followed where his eyes had wandered. it was easy to spot hinata from across the party. he sat high above the rest of the crowd on bokuto’s shoulders, leaning back occasionally to test bokuto’s reaction time and giggling every time he was caught at the last moment. meian was trying in vain to pull the ginger down while atsumu seemed to be on facetime with someone recording the whole thing, his loud laughter ringing out clearly over the music. 
“you’re here for them?” you said just as the realization dawned on you. sakusa twitched, so small you wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t been watching him so closely. 
“spending time with your teammates promotes better gameplay on the court.” 
“i’m sure it does. but wanting to hang out with your friends isn’t a crime.” 
“we are hanging out. i’m here, aren’t i? if they wanted to talk to me, they know where to find me.” the bitterness in his tone wasn’t enough to mask the acceptance behind his words, of being resigned to his fate as the forgotten one. 
“well, i found you.” he looked over at you, something unreadable swimming behind his eyes before they softened.
“yeah. you did. you know, you’ve talked a lot about shoyo but i don’t know anything about you. i don’t even know your name.” he said. heat raced to your cheeks, flustered that he seemed to be paying as much attention to you that you were to him.
“i didn’t even notice, sorry.” you said before offering your name. he repeated it back, once, twice, rolling it around on his tongue and you watched his mouth, mesmerized by how it curled around a word you’ve heard your whole life until it sounded new again. he spoke your name in a soft, hushed whisper and you wondered if his lips would feel just as soft. half-lidded, his gaze flickered downwards like he was wondering the same thing.
the rest of the night was a blur in your mind. all you could recall was that you chatted with sakusa until the others found you and you drove a passed-out hinata home with a new contact saved to your phone.  
the reminiscing left you drained, clutching your phone in your hands, the screen frozen on that same contact as you collapsed into bed and yet you couldn’t stop the rest of the memories from flooding through your mind, the truth you’ve been holding off for too long. you’ve picked at a festering wound that was best left alone. if you didn’t think too hard about it, if you ignored how it grew and ate away at you, it wouldn’t hurt as much. right? but it was too late. you’ve pulled the string and now you’re left to deal with your own unraveling. 
you scrolled through your texts for what feels like a lifetime, the entirety of your relationship flashing by and disappearing in an instant until you could scroll no higher. of course you sent the first text. a formal message that didn’t look anything like how you actually text with one too many exclamation points in your desperation to come across friendly. 
your fingers moved across the screen and when your mind caught up, your thumb was hovering over the button to delete the entire conversation. you never wanted to see evidence of who you used to be ever again. you didn’t want to be reminded of the person you cut and broke and killed until they fit into sakusa’s neat life. but sentimentality stilled your hand, the phone dropping from your limp fingers and crashing to the floor. you didn’t bother reaching for it.
the accursed memories refuse to let you be, another bobbing up to the surface from the murky depths and pulling you under before you could stop it. one that showed what little agency you had in your own life.
it started the way it always did. you noticed him. noticed how tired he was every time you spoke. how you went from going out on dates to always staying in to maybe being lucky enough to say good night over the phone before he crashed for the day. and sure, you were lonely. so starved for him it ached. but that was overshadowed by your worry for him. you would lay awake wondering if he’d remember to eat that day, if he had the energy to clean his apartment and if he didn’t, how much was that adding to his stress? 
so you swung by his place the next morning after he had left for practice, spent the day cleaning, restocked his fridge and were nearly done making dinner when he returned. his exhaustion was truly hammered home when he walked straight past the kitchen on autopilot before doubling back, tilting his head at you in confusion. 
“what are you doing here, darling?” 
“helping out.” you turned back to the stove and busied yourself with mindless stirring, afraid that you’d been too eager and overstepped. “you seemed pretty tired these days so i wanted to do something for you but you’re back earlier than i expected so i can just go if you want to be alone just let me-” 
your rambling was cut off when a force barrelled into you and sakusa hugged you tight from behind, head buried in the crook of your shoulder. all at once, whatever anxiety had been growing fled you and you relaxed into his touch. 
“thank you.” it wasn’t the words that made your heart leap to your throat. it was the sincerity, the slight crack at the end that told you he had more he wanted to say but didn’t know how. 
you fell into a routine of going over to his apartment, looking after things, kissing him when he returned and staying over at night. at first, it was once a week. then over the weekend, then every other day. 
“you should move in.” even though you half expected your relationship to take this next step, it still took you by surprise the casual way sakusa brought it up. you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to move in with him just yet. you built a home with hinata and that apartment meant everything to you, all your happiest memories were made there and oh no sakusa was still waiting for an answer.  
“i should?”
and that was the end of it. you were packed and out of hinata’s apartment (because it was his now. his and atsumu’s. not yours, it’ll never be yours again) by the end of the month. most of your things didn’t come with you but that was fine, right? so what if you still felt like a guest in your home even to this day with none of yourself being reflected in the apartment? you got to wake up to see the love of your life every day and that made everything worth it. 
until you started waking up alone.  
extra training, he said. the team drafted new players and he had to get used to their play style, he said. and you believed him, trusted that he’d be home with you if he could. so you took the crushing loneliness and swallowed it down like a bitter pill. you smiled wide when he came home late with only the moon to light your bedroom and let him use your body to rid the stress of the day.
the dead of night was the only time you’d have him all to yourself. you could be greedy for his attention when he was buried inside you. it was easy to pretend you clawed up and down his back because you were caught up in the moment and not because you were desperate to keep him close to you. easy to pretend the tears in your eyes were from pleasure and not from how much you missed his voice. 
and when he was empty and spent, you would stroke his hair until he fell asleep and then, only then, would you whisper all the things you couldn’t tell him during the day. small, meaningless anecdotes that you knew would earn you a wry smile if he was awake to hear them, the one he used when he didn’t want to let on how close he was to laughing. the stolen moments were a salve on your fractured heart but it was never enough to heal it. in the end, when you were once again alone in your too-wide bed, it only served to remind you just how deep the cracks were. 
maybe that’s where you went wrong. you gave away your heart to someone and got nothing in return, nothing to plug up the all-consuming void in your chest. there was nothing left of you. no, that wasn’t quite true. there was nothing good left of you. you gave him your best parts and all you had now was pure resentment that burned hot and fierce in your core, so acidic it ate everything in its path. it burned away the dredges of your soul until all you could do was allow it to climb up and scorch your throat in a silent scream. 
another memory. it’s strange what your brain chose to latch onto as you spiralled. on the surface, you remember this to be a happier time. but as it overtook you, you’re reminded almost violently that the edges of this memory are stained with the early decay of your identity. 
before the early mornings and late nights, before you got into the habit of staring at your ceiling and wondering how you got to that point, you and sakusa had a tradition. you’d both find something, a story, a movie, that you think the other doesn’t know and share it with them. that day sakusa came to you with the myth of orpheus and eurydice. 
he told you the story of a man so in love with his wife he journeys to the underworld after she dies to find her, how hades tells him he can guide her to the land of the living but orpheus must trust that eurydice is following him. if he turns around, eurydice’s fate is sealed. sakusa explained how in every version of the myth, orpheus turned around at the very end out of an uncontrollable, unfiltered love for his wife. whether it was because he was excited to see the end of the tunnel and wanted to share his joy with her or because he feared she got lost, either one stems from the love he has for her. the love that sent him to find her is the same love that doomed her in the end. but the more sakusa spoke about orpheus, the more you wondered about the other protagonist of the story. 
“why didn’t eurydice try to let orpheus know she was there? she could’ve held his hand or touched his back or something.” you asked. you were laying your head on sakusa’s chest, letting the low rumble wash over you as he read you the tale. the question had been bugging you as the story came to its conclusion though you couldn’t place your finger as to why.
“she was a spirit. she would pass right through him.” 
“yeah but…” you searched for the words to explain your confusion. “she didn’t even try.” 
“it wouldn’t have mattered either way.” 
you opened your mouth to press the issue further, too stubborn to let it go just yet when you heard sakusa sigh out of his nose. it was enough for any question to die on your tongue and all that came out was a quiet, “i guess so.” 
it was a nothing memory. an empty thing to remind you of better times that you’ve had no need to look back on. so why did that moment swirl around your head now, as you crumbled in your lowest moments? scattered pieces start to form together in the recesses of your mind but before you could call them forth to make a full image, the bedroom door swung open and sakusa walked in. 
for once, you don’t slip on your well worn porcelain mask. you don’t school your expression and force it to mold into something that couldn’t quite be called happy. instead, you sat up straight in bed, held his gaze and did nothing to hide the maelstrom of hurt that raged inside you. a sick satisfaction shot through your veins when his steps faltered at the force of your stare. 
“what’s wrong?” he asked. 
what isn’t? you thought but instead said, “nothing. i was just thinking. about us.” 
“oh.” his eyes are already sliding away from you, a quiet detachment in his voice that made you grind your teeth in frustration. 
“remember that greek story you told me about?” 
“tell me again why eurydice didn’t reach out.” there it is again. a short, sharp exhale from his nose. he opened his mouth but you spoke before he could. “humour me.”
“she was dead, darling. she couldn’t touch him, he couldn’t hear her so there was no point.” 
“no point? there was no point in trying to tell orpheus that she was behind him? he climbed into the underworld for her and she couldn’t try?” 
“could you--?” he cut himself off and pinched the bridge of his nose. “it’s late. i’m exhausted and really not in the mood so can we go to bed?” 
“doesn’t that sound familiar?” you continued as though he hadn’t spoken. “one person bending heaven and hell for the person they love while the other can’t even meet them halfway. remind you of anything?” 
now you had his full attention. his brows scrunched together and you’re not sure if he’s trying to figure out the meaning behind your words or the reason for your hostile tone. you don’t feel like helping him out either and instead watched the gears turn in his head with something akin to glee. it’s his turn to be paranoid, to overthink, to pick apart every moment of your relationship and dissect it piece by rotted piece. 
“please don’t be vague. if you’re upset with me, tell me.” it was the most emotion you’ve heard from him in so long, you were taken aback for a moment. 
“i’m a bit past ‘upset’, omi.”
“i’m sorry.”
you scoffed. “you don’t even know what you’re apologizing for.” 
“you’re hurt and it’s my fault. that's enough for me to say sorry.” 
“you don’t understand.” he crossed the room in three large strides, sitting on the edge of the bed to leave space between you. 
“then help me understand.” 
you floundered for the right words to explain the mountain of revelations you’ve uncovered and settled for, “how do i take my coffee, kiyoomi?” 
he took your use of his full name in stride. “black. one sugar.” 
“no that’s how you take your coffee. that’s the only way you ever make coffee. i had to learn to like it.” 
“what, you’re mad i don’t know how you like your coffee?” you know he didn’t mean anything by it, that’s he's always been more blunt that he means to be but it doesn’t stop you from feeling patronized and the hurt loosened your tongue. 
��it’s not about the coffee! it’s not about the fact that eurydice was a ghost. it’s the effort, omi. you haven’t put an ounce of effort into this relationship. i’m the one who has to bend. i’m the one that has to change, it’s never you.” 
“i never asked you to.” the truth of the statement knocked the air out of your lungs. because that's the worst part, isn’t it? you have no one to blame your misery on but yourself. 
“i don’t know how to love you without sacrificing pieces of myself. and i’m empty, kiyoomi, i've given you all of me. and it feels like you’ve given me nothing in return.”  
his head was bowed while he listened but from how tight he laced his fingers together, you know he was fighting to stay calm. “you know i love you, right?”
“do you? do you love me or love that i’m convenient? love that i clean your place and make you food and have a hole you can--” 
“stop.” you didn’t know it was possible for so much heartbreak to be packed into a single word. it sobered you of your venom and in its place, shame came rushing in. 
“i’m sorry. i'm pissed at myself for letting it get this far and i’m taking it out on you. i don’t regret loving you. but it feels like that’s the only thing living inside me. like i’m not even a person anymore.”
“i should’ve noticed. it shouldn’t have taken you snapping for me to realize what was going on.” 
silence, suffocating silence, stretched and morphed time until it felt like you’ve aged a decade in a moment. and then sakusa spoke.
“you’ll help a stranger just because they look like they might need it and ask for nothing in return. you’ll make someone food just so you can be sure they ate that day. you’ll tell me about your day while i fall asleep and i don’t think i could sleep without hearing your voice. you’re kind and too selfless for your own good and the best person i’ve ever met. it kills me that i’ve been the cause of your pain.”
it was strange hearing those traits spun in a good light when you’ve thought of them negatively for so long. strange knowing where you saw faults he saw things worth admiring. “you hear me at night?” 
“and you like focusing on minor details. yes, darling. every night.” 
“i understand if you need… space, if you want to spend some time apart. but give me a chance. please. give me a chance to prove how important you are to me. i’m sorry that i’ve failed you. i’m sorry i've been taking you for granted. but that ends now. never again. 
“and i can help you, too. i can remind you of all the parts you say you’ve lost. i’ll tell you all about the person i fell in love with everyday if you need it. i’d never run out of things to say. please. you found me once, let me return the favour and help you find yourself. if-if you’ll have me.” 
his small speech wasn’t the reason tears stung the back of your eyes. as he finished speaking, sakusa reached out across the space between you and offered you his hand. a lifeline that you took, the lump in your throat to keeping everything you wanted to say stuck inside you. thankfully, you needed no words for sakusa to understand you. he brought your joined fingers to his lips and let out a shaky breath against them. the two of you stayed like that for a small eternity, drifted apart yet holding together with a bridge to link you. you’ve been fueled by resentment and anger for so long, you weren’t sure if you were strong enough to let them go. but you did know that you didn’t want to try without him by your side. 
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