#same sex marriage legalization
desi-lgbt-fest · 2 years
@wishopenastar sent me this fantastic Twitter thread about detailing the process of Special Marriage Act and my god... I am so so sad right now
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For people who don't know, there's a case going on in Supreme Court to allow same sex marriages under the Special Marriage Act. It's a huge victory for queer rights if it passes. But the realities of this act are not exactly 'user friendly' if i may say so.
I'm attaching screenshots of the thread but there's no description because it's very long. You can click on the source above to get the og thread
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Tldr: the special marriage act under which we want the same sex marriage to be legalised has questionable procedure that involves publically displaying sensitive information. It's very prone to be delayed if anyone objects to it and the local judicial authorities can just simply refuse to register and you can't do much unless you want to get in lengthy court battle.
The special marriage act as of now is most used for intercaste Hindu marriages or interfaith marriages, or marriages of people who want to get married without any family presence or rituals. It's a terrible news of queer rights but also my heart goes out for all the couples in past who have not found the reprieve they sought under this Act.
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eremin0109 · 11 months
"oh but the matter of same-sex marriage legalization is so complex with many different dimensio--" just what exactly is so complex about wanting to marry the person that you love? what? that we'd have to amend a couple dozen laws to accommodate the change? this constitution was CREATED for the most diverse nation in the world, you think we're incapable of making those few changes? of course not!
then what? it's against the ancient indian culture and ethos? seriously? do these so-called "protectionists" of our traditions not know that our Gods themselves were gender-fluid? there are more instances of homosexual and homoromantic relationships in Hinduism than in any other major faith in the world, between prominent deities no less. throughout medieval and contemporary history too, the Indian subcontinent has always been an inclusive place, when even the ostracized communities of the world found their home.
So, why is it that only now we can't take care of our own?
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
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Looks like the Thai government is trying to strategize to have same-sex marriage legalized before Pride. I’m a weirdo that loves these kinds of political machinations to maximize timing — I hope it works out.
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blehphegor · 3 months
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I am actually in love with him ..
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happy pride month to the lesbian storks from Chýnov and their two babies and to them only
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canisalbus · 8 months
Just the thought of a wedding between Vasco and Machete is mind-numbingly sweet. They deserve the best one possible.
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ukulelette · 2 months
thank you Paulchard for making Italy gay again 🌈
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findafight · 2 years
QPR stobin in their forties, married since, like, '87, finding out about qpr language. They see someone mention it or just stuble upon it on the internet and go oh!! That's us! That's what we have! :) Because they're still involved with lgbtq activism, and are like oh!! These young people have words for what we are isn't that amazing!
I think Robin would find out that sometimes people call their queerplatonic partner "zucchinis" absolutely hilarious and never refer to Steve as anything else. He's her zucchini. Her sweet yam. Her pumpkin pie. Steve giggles at it and says "because we're fruity!"
They don't get divorced to get married to their romantic partners because that's a hassle and also they don't want to. What would happen to the children. To the cats. To the fish the cats long to eat that they are expressly forbidden from eating because their mother and father are cruel and deserve jail for a thousand years. They are each other's PERSON, no romantic relationship will change that. This causes some stir when it's revealed Steve is Eddie's partner and also Steve has a wife. Eddie Munson, beloved queer metalhead/rocker is a homewrecker?? They try to explain! They do!
Steve is like 'okay well we were best friends and soulmates and very queer in the 80's it was just easier to get married especially seeing as I wanted my parents to have nothing to do with anything incase I died, so no brainer. We already lived together, it didn't really change anything except we were able to adopt!" "But don't you want to marry someone you actually love?" "I love Robin more than anything else besides our children??" "Not...what about Eddie?" "Yeah I love him he's my partner. But I don't want to marry him I'm already married to Robin." "But you aren't in love with her" "not romantically no. We're what the kids call 'zucchinis'" "I'm sorry what" "zucchinis! It's what some people call a queerplatonic partner! Like, a life partner that isn't romantic but is still the most important person! Rob thinks it's a very funny name and I gotta say, with the unconventional nature of this type of relationship I agree it fits."
Steve gets on twitter and is like "sorry to everyone who doesn't understand platonically spending your whole life with someone but I'm different" and then logs tf off and lets people freak the hell out in the replies.
And Eddie is like yes my partner is married. No he's not cheating. Yes we were together when he got married. No I'm not jealous. Yes I knew he was getting married I know you know this I was the best man. No he's not getting a divorce to marry me now same sex marriage is legal. Yes I'm fine with it. No it's not a problem. Yes I understand ya'll don't get it. No I don't actually care you don't get it. Yes Robin and Steve are the most important person in each other's lives. No I'm not hurt by that they were like that when I met them. Yes I love him. No I'm not worried they're actually in a secret heterosexual relationship that's ridiculous and stupid this interview is over.
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theleafling · 11 months
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offonaherosjourney · 2 years
At some point Kazuki is going to vent to a mom from daycare about how hard parenting is and how he wished Rei helped more around the house and the woman is going to nod understandingly and ask Kazuki how long he and Rei have been married and Kazuki is going to give her a puzzled look and say "married? we're not even dating??", and that woman is going to laugh because haha turns out that Kazuki the failed stand-up comedian does have some good jokes after all.
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moliathh · 9 days
people accusing alutegra shipper of homophobia and lesbian/aroace erasure are so funny because ONE, as a fan, i cannot make or remove a queer representation of a media, that act can only be done by the creator/producer/corporation/ institution themselves, the fanworks you make for a ship does not held the same weight as official materials. It's a bit insulting that you are comparing fanworks made out of love (that could very much be made by queer people) to a phenomenom driven by hate and bigotry and was a contributing factor to the oppression of queer people. Throwing around big words, accusations, that were meant for something very serious and harmful to refer to something unharmful just because you dislike a ship is not a very LGBTQIA+ friendly thing of you to do. Do you think of homophobia so lightly? Accusing REAL queer people who are being subjected to homophobia on a daily basis because of something they love?
SECOND OF ALL, let's assume that your headcanon is true (i haven't speak of the fact that its basic fandom etiquette to treat headcanon as something personal and not universal and don't harass other people over unharmful difference in opinion). Let's say, Integra is a lesbian, which is a headcanon. Did we collectively forget Alucard is canonically genderfluid? Yet you're referring to Alucard/Integra as a "cishet" ship? Does a queer person get stripped of their queer identity when they participate in a relationship that is male/female presenting? I thought we are about "queer rep"??? How convenient it is to deem him a cis het man and headcanon Integra as a lesbian to make the shippers look bad. Oh, and on the way of watering down queer identity into a caricature, you are also claiming ace people cannot have sex and it's disrespectful to depict ace people having romantic/sexual relationship. As if asexuality isn't a spectrum ranging from "little to no attraction" and the definition of sexual interaction is very loose, especially for queer people. Do you even care about queer people at this point?
And before any of yall jump me, i am queer myself how can i be homophobic my bitches are gay I AM GAY. I'm so sick and tired of yall justifying hate by pretending to care about the alphabet mafia. DO YOU REALLY? It was never that serious, just say you hate the ship and get tf going. I think its perfectly fine and cool to hate a ship just because you hate it, i do! I have headaches and want to vomit when i see ships that i hate but i dont feel the need to moralize it nor do i have to bring it to the face of the shippers or bad talking them. What really piss me off is how you drag real QUEER people through the mud for some fucking little pixels. Go outside, have some empathy. When fascism and censorship comes to wipe us out none of us gonna be spared because you are "one of the good ones" so stop fucking eating at your own community omg if you dont like something and its unharmful then BLOCK
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desi-lgbt-fest · 2 years
This is so fucking sweet... They look gorgeous together!
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911-on-abc · 6 months
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I have mixed feelings about Tim but I genuinely respect him for at least being honest about this (x)
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chappellrroan · 4 months
Sorry to sound like a stupid American, but I am a stupid American, who's bjp and why do we dislike them
ooh this is very long topic but to summarise it, bjp is bharatiya janta party aka one of the major political parties in india which thrives on religion divison, caste oppression, islamophobic sentiments which was in office for last 10 years and since the 2nd tenure was won by clear majority they had way too much power, their ministers have been charged with assault, corruption, money laundering etc. the most recent case being of a member of legislative assembly being involved in a sex scandal which was kept under the wraps for last 3+ years and now he's fled to Germany, not to mention their control over press and the fact that Narendra Modi the leader of the party, who is also the prime minister has never attended a press conference in last 10 years, it's the right wing of india to put it simply which continues to ignore the middle and lower middle class common man and economically weaker sections, they seek vote only on religion which you can already assume is too damaging for nation as whole and if Election 2024 were to give them clear majority we would've been a hair length's closer to apartheid and one party dictatorship (not that we already weren't but still). These are only the surface level issues but i hope that gives you the idea of why we hate them.
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yilinggusu · 6 months
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Prapai spoke Thailand legalizing same-sex marriage into existence. He would go all out in proposing to Sky and giving him a beach wedding on a beautiful beach somewhere in Thailand. I need that episode right now. And Fort will get to marry Peat too. You know he'd do it because he's been simping for Peat since day one.
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You posted about getting married young, and I just wanna say thank you? I got really lucky and met THE woman when we were 17, and engagement is in the horizon for us at 22, 23. Sometimes it gets to me when people say we're wasting our youth, it's nice having someone batting for us
Also love the pfp, carmilla fans are still alive and well and if you've got any fanfic recs lmk
Congrats! I hope it works out for you. (I would say "girl" at 17, not "woman," but I assume it's just a random word choice since it sounds like you're the same age, so not a big deal.)
While I of course don't advocate for child marriage- ie marriage below age 18, and really I think 20+ is wiser -the whole "date around or you're Wasting Your Youth!!!" narrative pisses me off, like I said. I grew up with that shoved down my throat to the point where I believed my own desires to just meet the right girl and stay with her forever were just youthful romanticism; that I'd "mature" and want to date more people instead of wanting to settle down. (And for some people that is the trajectory! And that's fine! Just...not everyone.)
When your mother got so lost in the Swinging Sixties sauce during her own teen years that she goes too far the opposite way of most parents, I guess?
Yeah, someone might regret a young marriage. But they might regret ANY marriage- that's just a risk you take when you get married. Trusting people to know their own minds in relationships that present no actual red flags is important, even for teenagers. Teaching young people not to trust their own (harmless) emotions and desires for their lives because it doesn't match what you'd have them do seems horribly backwards to me. It's a dangerous precedent to set for them.
When I was 16, I thought I'd be perfectly happy if I married a girl I met at that age- when we were older, of course. Now I'm 30, and guess what? I still think that. I would have been satisfied. Hell, I wish that had happened. It's not right for everybody, but it would have been right for me.
I hope things work out for you two!
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