#san vs nas
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Storage Area Network (SAN) A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a specialized network that provides high-speed block-level access to data storage. Unlike Network Attached Storage (NAS), which provides file-level access to data, SANs are designed to provide direct access to individual storage devices, such as hard drives, solid-state drives, or tape drives. A SAN typically consists of a dedicated…
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thelingodingo · 5 months
Inarizaki's Kansai Dialect
Japanese Dialects are split into Eastern and Western, with the Standard Japanese dialect being Eastern (Kanto region) and Kansai region dialect being Western (eg. cities of Osaka and Kyoto, and of course Hyogo prefecture- where Inarizaki is from). The pitch, tone, and stressing of the sounds is different from standard Tokyo Japanese so you should be able to hear the difference in how the Inarizaki members speak even if you don't know any Japanese.
just in case yall didn't know, Suna is the only member on the team that does not use Kansai dialect as he was scouted from Aichi prefecture, so he basically just speaks in the standard dialect
Some linguistics of the dialect that may or may not be heard in the show:
"ya" ending vs the standard "da" ending.
Kore kirai ya. vs Kore kirai da. (I hate this.)
the use of the "h" sound instead of "s"
Han vs standard san (honorific suffix, not really used anymore)
Negation suffix "-hen" instead of the standard "-nai".
Taichou kanri dekitehen koto, homen na. vs Taichou kanri dekitenai koto, homen na. (Don't compliment him when he's obviously not taking care of himself.)
verb "oru" vs the standard "iru".
Dareka ga mitoru yo, Shin-chan. vs Dareka ga miteiru yo, Shin-chan. (Someone's always watching, Shin-chan.)
verb "temau" vs standard "teshimau"
Naitemau yaro! vs Naiteshimau darou! (You're gonna make me cry!)
Negation "suru" verb becomes "sen" instead of "shinai".
Ki ni sen dee. vs Ki ni shinai yo. (Don't worry about it.)
Some words that are different in Kansai dialect:
Honto becomes Honma (really)
Sodane becomes Seyade (thats right)
Nande becomes Nandeyanen (why)
Totemo becomes Meccha (very)
ii becomes ee (good)
"aho" means stupid in Japanese, but apparently in the Kansai dialect calling someone an "aho" is actually a compliment?! (even though it has the same definition)
Overall, I could watch the Karasuno vs Inarizaki episodes a hundred times just to listen to Inarizaki's dialect and how different it sounds to the rest of the characters in the entire show.
Although Karasuno speaks in the standard dialect (which isn't very strange since Miyagi is a suburb close enough to the Kanto region), theres a few lines here and there where one of them says something using the Tohoku dialect (the dialect that would be used often in the rest of Tohoku, such as Aomori).
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(I especially like Kita's voice, thank you Nojima Kenji.)
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Honorifics: Jade Leech
Jade generally refers to the first-year students as "first-name-kun."
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Exceptions: There is at least one instance of Jade using "-san" with Epel, and at least one instance of Jade using "-san" with Ortho.
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Jade refers to all second-year students as "first-name-san."
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Exceptions: Jade does not use any honorifics with Azul or Floyd.
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Jade refers to all third-year students as "first-name-san," with no exceptions.
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Floyd's honorifics and nicknames have been compiled here!
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ywpd-translations · 5 months
Ride 772: A jersey never seen before!!
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Pag 1
1: Those two are accelerating like they're right before the sprint line!!
3: Just now it was the second stage “shironeri”
4: Are you surprised, San-na? Obviously, once we get before the finish line, I'll pull out the sixth stage
5: “Golden yellow”!!
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Pag 2 / 3
Who will win the title of fastest!?
The black horse Kiji Kyuui!!
Sohoku's Team SS who's aiming to be Japan's number one!!
Or Hakone Academy's Doubashi!!
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Pag 4
2: Woah.... what incredible speed! Those two competing for the lead
You're right
3: It's Hakogaku VS Sohoku, you know, those two have the exact same cards – it's exciting
Of course Sohoku's Kaburagi is fired up for his revenge
Incredible, it's the same as last year
4: Oi, they're still coming!!
They're chasing!!
5: They're chasing!?
What incredible energy!!
The one running in the front is from Sohoku, but there's someone else behind....
That jersey....
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Pag 5
1: It's a jersey I've never seen before!! Who's that!!
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Pag 6
1: It's not Hakogaku, and it's not Kyufushi either
I've never seen them before, is it their first time participating this year!?
2: On his shoulder
3: it says “Gunma”
4: Yon
5: Yon
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Pag 7
1: Yon
3: He's coming up right behind me!!
4: But I won't let this guy go!!
I thought my part was over, but there's still work left to do!!
5: It's a simple thing
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Pag 8
1: I just have to stop his legs from 30seconds to one minute!!
2: If I do that, then those two will have passed the sprint line!!
As long as the race is completely over!!
3: I'll make Issa have his revenge!!
4: This is the guy who that day
5: When we were practicing on Minegayama
6: Fell from the sky
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Pag 9
1: On a mountain bike
2: The MTB two-times in a row champion!! Gunma Ryosei's Kiji Kyuui!!
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Pag 10
1: And of course he's riding a road bike today!!
2: Road bikes are nice, you know
They're light, they react quickly, there's less loss of mechanical transmission
3: The thing that's most different from mountain bikes is that the road surface isn't uneven but flat
4: Alright, he's clinging to me!!
From now on it's a race! I'll gain time!! I'll stop him!!
5: And, you know, whenever you want
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Pag 12
1: You can accelerate at your own timing!! Yon!!
2: He got me!!
What was that just now!! He definitely turned his body like he was going right!!
3: I reacted thinking he was going to attack from the right
4: A “feint”!!
5: And from a slanted stance like that he moved straight forward?
6: The left side was narrow, there was nothing but the ditch cover
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Pag 13
1: And this guy jumped forward no matter the situation!!
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Pag 14
1: Immediately after clinging to me from the back!!
2: When road bikes cyclists, after a solo run, approach someone from behind
3: they always take shelter from the wind behind them
4: To rest their legs!! At least for 10-30 seconds
5: That guy did it for less than 3 seconds!!
6: Dammit, so there's guys who can have their legs recover in just 3 seconds!?
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Pag 15
2: This time I'll cling to him!!
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Pag 16
1: Three seconds are enough, aren't they?
3: Mountain bike is a sport where you have to continuously produce high output of energy on your own
4: In comparison, in road race, where you can rest behind someone and use them to get ahead, you only need to put out power for a split seconds
5: Really
6: Road racing is full of excitement and learning! It's really....
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Pag 17
1: Fun!! Yon!!
2: He accelerated in the curve!!
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Pag 18
2: He's controlling the bike's frame tilting it just at the right angle to not let the pedals....
3: hitting the road!!
4: The “tires”!!
I heard that in MTB the control of the tires is essential!!
Is he applying that to road racing!? Dammit!!
5: But!!
6: I wasn't in the SS team for nothing!!
7: I can do something like that too
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Pag 19
2: Ruwa-
3: The pedal hit the road!!
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Pag 20
3: Ugh!!
Number 5 lost his balance!
He's losing speed
Ugh!! I'll make Issa have his revenge.....
4: I heard a loud noise, are you okay?
6: Huh
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Pag 21
1: Stay safe
2: …. he worried about me.... and then left.... taking his time... so that's... Kiji Kyuui!!
4: Hahaha, San-na!!
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Pag 22
1: This is the third stage!!
“Pale yellow”!!
2: You're fast..... aren't you strong?
Really, Orange
3: Honestly, when I first heard two of you were coming up, I was disappointed
“This year too, huh”, I thought
4: But turns out it's an equal one-on-one race!!
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Pag 23
1: This is the best, Orange!!
You're the most serious guy!!
Let's do it!! A full throttle battle!!
2: I'll take you on!! But I told you earlier!! You don't know my “golden yellow”, you'll lose!!
3: There are 2km left until the finish line!!
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argumentl · 11 months
The Freedom of Expression-Ep 22, Guest: Morikawa Toshiyuki
(starts with casual baseball talk between J, K, and T while watching the game)
J: Ah! Leader! We already started! The director is waving!
K: Haha, oh yeah.
J: The broadcast already started! There are aready comments coming in! We were too engrossed in the game!
K: We actually have yesterday's game on our screen here. This is the moment where Hiroshima are about to score.
J: Aghh, no! What a terrible time to start the show!
K: Yeah, haha
J: What an awful show, so insensitive! Anyway, Kaoru, please introduce yourself.
K: Yep, This is The Freedom of Expression Live, Im Kaoru from Dir en grey.
J: And I'm Joe Yokomizo.
T: And I'm Tasai from Tokyo Sports
J: Yes, so the viewers can't see, but we are watching the game from yesterday on the channel DAZONE, between Hanshin and Hiroshima in the Climax Series. And this is just where Hiroshima score??
K: Yeah
J: But you dont care, right??!
K: Hahaha. What do you mean by that?!
J: *looks at the game* Aghhaghhh! Thats where they scored?!
K: Yeah, see. Its terrible, we might lose!! (*sarcasm - He already knows Hanshin won the game*)
J: Oh, you are awful!
K: Hahaha
J: You know, Kaoru was so happy in the dressing room, I've never seen him so smug!
K: No no...
J: Those were the kind of smiles you would never expect from the Leader of DIR EN GREY!
K: Hahaha
J: You didn't have a care in the world! Anyway, Leader, today is gonna be a kind of celebration special edition for 'THAT', right?
K: Yeah
J: And 'THAT' is...
T: Joe, don't forget about Youtube!
J: Ah, Youtube! We are broadcasting on youtube too! But hey, Youtube viewers! Only half way for you! Do not imagine that you can watch the whole thing on Youtube!
T: Joe, don't make them sad.
J: No, I mean they can see the juicy parts on youtube, and then be lured over to Niconama. Its a sophisticated trap, you see.
K: Well, yeah, right?
J: Yes, but hey, there are a lot of comments coming through on youtube too. You can see their names.
T: Yeah, like "Its the Tigers collab Happi coat!"...Yeah, it is.
J: Ok, Leader, remind everyone again what we are celebrating!
K: Well, the Hanshin Tigers have made it to the Nihon Series.
*loud applause*
J: Congratulations! They made it at last!
K: Ah, I thought this moment would never come....Eh?!
*Morikawa san enters singing the Hanshin Tigers song 'Rokkou Oroshi'*
M: 🎶Rokkou oroshi ni sassou to
souten kakeru nichirin no
seishun no haki uruwashiku
kagayaku waga na zo Hanshin Tigers
Oh oh oh oh Hanshin Tigers
Fure Fure Fure Fure🎶
(※Official Eng lyrics found here.
'Dashing swiftly through the wind blowin’ from Rokko
Like the big sun soaring in the clear blue sky
Mighty spirit of the youth shows the victor’s grace
The name that shines in glory “Hanshin Tigers”
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Hanshin Tigers
Go, Go, Go, Go!')
J: Incredible! It's today's guest, voice actor Morikawa Toshiyuki!
M: Thank you
J: Your spirits are not dampened!
M: No, really, congratulations.
J: But what are you doing here?!
M: Well, I was hoping that it would be me and Kaoru watching a Hanshin vs DeNA game today. ※T.N-Morikawa is a DeNa(Yokohama) fan.
J: Ahh, now you are in a difficult position!
M: Ah, but really, Hanshin have been so strong this year! We were well and truly beaten.
J: Kaoru, don't you have anything to say to Morikawa san?
K: About Yokohama? Well, last year WE were well and truly beaten by them! We didn't get a single win at their stadium. We couldn't win!
J: Haha, look at Morikawa san's smug face.
M: This was my face last year!
J: Haha, right?!
K: Honestly though, I'm glad we ended up with Hiroshima instead of Yokohama this time. Yokohama would have been scary!
M: Yeah, I can understand what you mean. Actually, I told Coach Miura(Coach/manager of DeNA) that I was coming on this show..
J, T, K: Ehhh?!
M: I said, 'I'm going on Kaoru from Dir en grey's show to undergo public execution...
J, K, T: Hahaha
M: Anyway, he told me to make sure to talk a lot about the greatness of Yokohama.
J: I see, I see...Uhh, we're gonna be kinda celebrating later though...
T: Joe, don't say that to our guest!
M: Hahaha
J: But hey, you've written a lot down for us to use later on, right??!
M: Yes, but why don't you explain the connecton between myself and Kaoru.
J: Oh, of course, the connection is that Morikawa san provided the narration for the Dir en grey interview special that was broadcast on WOWOW last month!
K: Thank you!
M: Oh, no, it was my pleasure.
J: By the way, the WOWOW interview special will actually be broadcast again tonight at 2:45am...
K: Oh, great timing!
J: Right?! So everyone, please check it out. Anyway, because of this connection, here we are with Yokohama fan Morikawa for this Hanshin crelebratory special!!
T: Look at that comment! "All my fave people in a row, I'm about to have a heart attack!"
J: Ahh, wow. Hey, by the way, how did you two come around to this idea of baseball talk?
M: Well, this is actually the first time we've met.
J: Really?!
K: Yeah
J: Well, Yokohama were doing better last year, now its maybe a bit of a tougher position for you, but you are just here for your team, right?
M: Yes
J: So, just say whatever you like.
M: Haha, I'll try my best.
J: Ok, the notifications. We are always asking for comments and messages from viewers. Anything is ok, thoughts, suggestions, requests, anything. People using X, formerly Twitter, can use the hastag TFOE to contact us. Anyone can watch the first half of the show for free, but you need to be a member to watch to the end. If you become a member, you can watch these broadcasts in the archives for one year, and also enjoy members only videos. So please use the link at the top if your screen to join, Leader, point to it please, and enjoy the show to the end. Ok, lets just take this moment to properly introduce Morikawa san. Tasai san, could you?
T: Well, he needs no introduction, I'm sure you all know him, but he has had a career in voice acting spanning 40 years! He has worked in anime, narration, dubbing for foreign movies...He is even known as the king of BL anime. In anime he had voiced Ubuyashiki Kagaya in Demon Slayer, Takumi in NANA, Nick in Zootopia, the second voice for Nohara Hiroshi in Crayon Shin-chan, and so many more that its impossible to count them! For foreign movies, he has voiced the dubs for Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, for Keanu Reeves...I mean, even just those two are exciting enough! And if you go to Disney Sea, you will also hear Morikawa san's voice in certain areas of the park too.
J: Ah, incredible! Well, it would be great to hear some stories from the world of voice acting from you, but for the main part I wanna try and stick to baseball talk.
M: Hanshin talk, right? Hanshin winning, right?
J: Yeah, hey by the way, speakIng of your work, are you actually in a band too?
M: Oh yeah, kinda. Its like a vocal unit with fellow voice actor Tachiki Fumihiko san. He has quite a husky voice. So its him and me, and we are called '2Hearts'. But both of us tend to have a really busy VA schedules, so its actually a miracle if ever our schedules coincide...in one sense we are a miracle pairing, haha.
J, K, T: Hahaha
M: I'm hoping we can actually do more with that.
J: You did the narration for Dir en grey's interview special, so that must mean you were aware of Dir en grey?
M: Of course, I knew of them. But I'm quite seperated from the music world in general, so since I was asked to do the narration, I've done a bit of checking online, sorry!
K: No, no
M: But I thought you guys were really cool! As for rock, I like hard rock most. I LOVE Guns and Roses, I used to listen to nothing else! Years ago when I went to LA, I went to see them in West Hollywood in this venue called Troubadour. Its a really old place, The Doors, and Jim Morrison etc have played there before. Anyway, I was able to join them on stage! I'm just a VA, but I told them I was an artist, and they let me sing! I love them so much. There's also the venue called Whisky a go go, right? Thet let me on stage there too!
T: Did you sing there??
M: No, I didn't sing there, just went onstage.
J: On this topic, do you have any questions for Kaoru about the music world?
M: Well, you've come so far with one band, but don't the members ever feel like going in different directions? Haven't they changed their outlook since starting the band?
K: Hmm, yeah. Well, things do come up sometimes which we have to discuss and work out, but generally yeah, we haven't changed all that much. No one has ever really directly said, 'We need to do this!' or ' We need to go like this!' or that kind of thing. Someone might say something like, 'I'd like to do something like this for the next album', but no one has ever actually tried to force the band a certain way.
M: Ahh, but still, to continue on like this...the members must all be of the same feeling.
J: Isnt it kinda like family, being in a band?
K: If it were like family, wouldn't you eventually wanna leave though?
J: Ah, ok, yes. If you are with them constantly, you wanna leave home..
M: Like, 'I'm leaving home!' haha
K: Yeah, hahaha.
J: Hey, a comment just came in saying Morikawa san's songs are also really cool! Is it that you were having musical differences with the partner in your vocal unit?
M: No, no, its simply that both our schedules are too busy.
J: I see, ok, haha. Lets just leave it at that. Uh, so I'd like us to focus on baseball if we can. Yokohama didn't do so well this year, but Morikawa san, how long have you actually been a fan of Yokohama.
M: Oh, I've been going to watch them for as long as I can remember, my parents would take me...as Yokohama fans. Well, the team are the Yokohama DeNA Baystarts now, but back then they were called the Yokohama Taiyou Whales.
J: Ahhh yes! The first baseball hat I ever bought was a Yokohama Taiyou Whales hat! I liked that player, John Sipin!
M: Then why did you become a Hanshin fan??
J: No, no, this is just for this show!
M, K, T: Hahaha
J: I honestly know nothing about baseball though.
K: Surely you never wore that?!
J: No, I did in elementary school. There wasn't anything else going on in those days, there wasn't pro-soccer, or anything like that.
M: But to wear a Taiyou baseball hat then, that was ahead if its time!
J: Yes! The orange and green, right?! It was a forerunner, right? You would get bullied just for wearing it!
K, M, T: Hahah
M: Anyway, since that time I've been going to the Kawasaki stadium, and also the Meiji Jingu stadium. Actually, back then the stands in the Jingu stadium were all just earth/soil. I used to be always sat with my back to the game digging holes in the mud, and the Taiyou players would get mad at me.
K, J, T: Hahaha
M: Like, 'Oi, start supporting us!!'. There were that few people there, that the players would shout over to me for more support!
J: Haha, so empty! You couldn't even get away with taking your eyes off the game?
M: Right!
J: Conversely, the players should have been focussing on what they were doing! Nevermind looking at you!
M: Haha, yeah. So since then we have gone a looong time without any major wins.
J: From my point of view, its seems like Hanshin and Yokohama are both the same kinda 'often losing' team.
K: Thats right.
M: Hanshin have been Japan champions once before, right?
K: Yes
J: What about Yokohama?
M: Twice! Twice! hahaha.
J: Omg, no fair! The Giants and such are always winning!
M: The fist time Yokohama won was in the 1960s.
J: What?! The same era as the Vietnam war?! What are you saying? Don't you have anything more recent to celebrate??
K: Haha
M: Well, they won again more recently in 1998.
T: The Machine Gun lineup?
M: Yes, thats right. So I took a day off work then, and celebrated with them from the stands.
J: Ah, you were there? So you understand how Kaoru feela now?
M: Yes, I do. But for Kaoru, the real fight starts from here, right? You are aiming for No.1 in Japan, right?
K: Yeah
M: So if it all goes smoothly, Hanshin will be number 1, they will enjoy celebrating, and then by next season they can return back to the lower levels to cool off....
K: Hahaha
J: Ah, harsh! Next year will be the Baystars' year?
M: I hope so!
J: Thats harsh, pulling Hanshin down off their pedestal like that!
K: Haha
J: Morikawa san, I like your character!
M: No, but you know, once the players reach their goal of becoming No.1 in Japan, they have a lot going on. They will have their celebratory trip, they will be pampered in all their interviews...
J: They will appear on tv shows too.
M: Yes, so following all this, its back to the grind.
J: By the way, Kaoru, we will talk more about this in the second part, but did you think the Baystars were strong this year?
K:. Yeah, but Hanshin were stronger. haha. Last year we were totally beaten by them though.
M: Yeah, but since Okada became the manager of Hanshin, they've really transformed.
K: Our opening match this season was with Yokohama, and we had a good start straight away, so I was excited about that.
J: You thought it might happen?
K: Yeah, oh, also, last year and the year before, Yakult came out top in the Central league, but this year they were in 5th place. So its like Morikawa san said, about slumping after you win.
M: Yeah, Yalkult's slogan this year is 'Ok, lets go'...
J,K,T: Hahaha
M: Go where???
J: It sounds like to just go shopping or something, haha.
M: So you can really tell where they're at now by looking at their slogan.
T: What was Yokohama's slogan this year?
M: It was, 'Yokohama Challenge'.
J: Oh, Challenge is a good word. What was Hanshin's slogan again?
K: THAT (アレ/A.R.E)
J: Oh, thats what THAT was?? I didn't realise that was the slogan!!
K: Hahaha
J: They won with that slogan?? Maybe I should make THAT my life motto!...Ok, I think we still have a bit more time on the free section....Yes, I finally understand what THAT means. But Hanshin have had a lot of different managers before, right? This year's manager, Okada, if you even just look at his face, he is shocking.
T: Joe, don't say that.
K: He has a serious look.
J: He does! What do you think is good about him?
K: Well, he believes in the team. He was saying, Why couldn't the team win last year, even with this great lineup?? So he is just making most of the team.
J: Morikawa san, what do you think it is that has made Okada lead the team to victory?
M: He is unwavering. Since he started the role...There was one time this season where, what was it again? That thing with one of the other directors about changing the pitcher. I really thought he was determined when I saw that. He envisions the future victory over the of situation right in front of him. Some fans and other people were questioning his decisions previously, but now they don't really. I think maybe he is also a bit difficult to approach. For those young player, he is too much of a legend, there is quite a distance between them. I think thats a good thing. Like, even if he gets too serious...
J: He has a kind of dignity about him, or a kind of simultaneous dignity and foolishness.
K: Yeah, so he doesn't even have to say things directly.
J: Really? I see. Is it also that he prioritizes the team as a whole over individual players skills, and that mindset has then permeated the team?
M: Yes, there is an element of that.
T: Tasai, whats your opinion?
T: Well, just as the others have said, but also, if you look at the Pacific league, teams like Orix and Lotte are always changing up their batting order, they don't really play baseball with a fixed shape, wheres Hanshin are really playing and winning 'proper' baseball, by keeping a solid team each time.
K: They havnt really changed up their order at all since starting the season.
J: Oh, is that unusual?
K: Well, it used to be the norm, but teams change up their order more often these days.
J: Oh, look at the screen! Its showing footage from 1985.
K: This was the year Hanshin got to No.1 in Japan.
M: Okada was a player then, right?
K: Yes, he was.
J: I'm not entirely sure if my memory serves me right, but was that also when Kakefu san and Bass san were in the team.
K: Yes, yes. Thats when Colonel Sanders was thrown into the river.
J: Oh, that was then?! Osaka people are crazy!
K, T, M: Hahaha
J: Why on earth did they throw Colonel Sanders into the river??
K: Cause it looks like Bass!
J: Really?? They need their brains checking! I don't understand that at all, haha. I didn't know it was thrown in because it looked like Bass. Ahhh. If you compare 1985 to this year, how are they different?
K: Oh, they are totally different.
M: The style of baseball is different too.
J: Ok, please explain, I'm sure there are many viewers like me who know nothing. How is the style different?
K: There used to be...what was it called, the lucky zone. It made it easier to get home runs, if your hit landed in there. It was like a fence, slightly inward from the wall.
M: In high school baseball too, the lucky zone became kinda like a bullpen.
J: Oh I see. But now it doesn't exist?
K: No, it used to be easier to get a home run.
J: Ahh, I see. Well, I suppose the game changes as technology advances. And the pitchers must be throwing different balls too.
K: Yeah, their throwing speed is much faster.
J: How fast can they throw?
T: They can easily throw at 150km these day.
J: Wow, thats amazing, I didn't know that. I gave up watching baseball a long time ago, but I'm giving my all with it just for today.
T: Actually, I have a question for Morikawa san...What would you say was the one thing the Baystars were missing this year, which would have helped them win? From the fans' perspective.
J: Ahh, thats a tough question! Don't we need alcohol yet?
M: No, its ok. Well, before the season started, all the fans agreed that the lineup we had ready was going to give us the best chance to win. But the reality was that after the season started, the conditions of each individual player didn't combine to make the team we had hoped for. It wasnt the right balance, and of course Yamazaki etc were unwell. And then there was Soto, he joined the team midway during corona, and he was here from the start of the season this year. But he somehow didn't excel. A lot of the players who we had placed high expectations on didn't quite fullfill their potential. They couldn't keep the batting line connected. The pitchers did a god job, but their fatigue started to show in the later stages. While we were busy trying to figure out how to retain a good balance, Hanshin just shot off into the lead.
K: But at one point Yokohama did catch up so there was one one game between us.
M: Yeah, that was our peak, haha. We thought we were on a roll then, we we actually just sunk straight down after that.
K: I had thought that might be the end for Hanshin.
J: Weren't you pretty happy in the early stages??
K: No, no. As I said before, I couldn't trust the team. I thought our only future was to start losing.
M: As for the balance between the six teams, Chunichi just couldn't win. All the other five teams were determined not to lose against them.
J: If you lost against them you were hopeless?
M: Yes, and then Yakult found themselves falling.
T: And then The Giants suffered bit.
M: Oh, 10 in a row, right?
J: Morikawa san, no wonder you have no time for your band activity, you are too busy watching baseball!
M: Haha, no I watch it at night, I record the games and watch them later.
J: Ahh, you really love it though. Ok, so we are at about 30 mins now, so we have come to the end of the first part of the show. When we start the second part we will do Kanpai, and get straight into the party to celebrate..is it the Central league win?
M: No, the CS (Climax Series) win.
J: Ah, ok. So ever, please have a drink ready to join us for that. That will make it a bit more exciting for those of you like me who know nothing about baseball. So, everyone please become a member. Let me explain how it works. The second part of this show is for members only, so you have to be a channel member if you want to watch to the end. If you join, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for a year, and you will also get an extra members only video in the coming days. We challenge ourselves to all sorts in these extra videos so please 'Check It Out!'. Ok, How to join! There should be a blue link at the top of your screens now. Leader is pointing to it. Please use this link to joIn. Also, thank you to everyone who has been watching on youtube. We will continuing on Niconama, so please use the link in the discription to jump over to niconama. Ok, here's how to pay for membership. If you click the blue link, you will get a page asking you to choose your method of payment. Choose your preferred method, click proceed, enter your details, and thats it. If you have yet to join, please do so to enjoy the rest of the show. So, Morikawa san, do you have ny announcements?
M: Announcements? Not Yokohama related? Haha. Well, I'm currently featuring in a movie showing nationwide, called The Creator. I'm doing the voiceover for Ken Watanabe for some reason.
K: Wow!
M: So please check it out in theaters. I'm Ken Watanabe!
T: Thats interesting, haha.
J: How many actors have you provided voice-overs for so far?
M: I've never counted, you count them.
J: Not like 100?
M: Oh no..
T: Its more like 10,000.
K: You know, Ken Watanabe is also a Hanshin fan.
J: Morikawa san, how far are you gonna stray into away territory?!
M: Very, haha.
J: I feel for you wearing that shirt.
M: Actually, yesterday, I mean this morning, I was speaking to Mizuki Nana, who sung the naitonal anthem and Rokko Oroshi at the first game of the Climax series. She was telling me she was trembling, singing the national anthem at such an important game before the whole stadium. Anyway, thats a bit of trivia for you.
J: Really?
K: It was our first time hosting a CS final at Koshien too.
J: Oh, I see. Hey, how about Dir en grey doing that?
K: Doing what??
J: Singing the national anthem.
K: Who would sing it??
J: I don't know...You could, Kaoru!
K: Haha, no way.
J: You can do it Kaoru! We'll be supporting you!! Anyway, Kaoru, any announcements?
K: Uh, the tour starts from next month, so please check it out.
J: How are preparations going?
K: Getting there.
J: Oh good. Haha, yeh, someone commented 'Metal growl opening ceremony'. Anyway, please check out the tour if you can. We will have a quick break here while we change over to the members only content with more from Morikawa san, so wait right there. Back soon! 'I became a member!' Thank youuu!
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Blog Update: Muse List Update
The Muse List for the Hentai girls been updated to now have the list of hentai that i've seen or in interested in.
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e?
Princess Knight Catue
Taimanin Asagi
Kangoku Senkan
Kyonyuu Fantasy
The Pit Coxville Stories
Meet “n” Fuck Game
Ochi Mono RPG Seikishi Luvilias
Energy Kyo-ka
Buta no Gotoki Sanzoku ni Torawarete Shojo o Ubawareru Kyonyuu Himekishi
The Beauty and The Beast
Sennen Reijou ~My Lady, My Master~
Aijou no Injoku Elf
Elf Oyako to Pakopako Ibunka Kouryuu!
Tasogare no Shou Elf
Kaika - Ochita Elf Tsuma
[Fan no Hitori] Remnant of the Demon King
[Fan No Hitori] Hypno App Fantasia (Hypno App x Time Stop Fantasia)
Ou-sama Appli - King App
Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru
Hajimete no Hitozuma
Hitozuma A-san to Musuko no Yuujin N-kun
Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku
Saimin Seishidou
Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru
Natsu, Tsuma no Sentaku
Houjou no Reizoku Elf | Fertile Slave Elves
Echiechi Haishinsha wa Ani no Yome!? ~Hoshigari Manko no Daibouken~ | My Sister-in-Law is a Porn Streamer!? ~The Great Adventure of a Famous Pussy~
VictimGirlsR Watashi wa, Makemasen! | I will not lose!
Succubus Queen vs Goblin Grunts
VictimGirlsR "JK de Refre -Flesh & Refresh-"
VictimGirls R Chikan Bokumetsu Campaign | VictimGirls R Molestation Eradication Campaign
Joshi Luck!
Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii
Inma no Mikata! | Succubi's Supporter!
Oideyo! Kunoichi no Sato Kiwami ~Fuuma Kunoichi Soutoujou no Maki~ | Come to the Kunoichi Village! Climax ~Fuuma Kunoichi's Full Appearance Volume~
Fella Hame Lips
Fella Pure
Ajisai no Chiru Koro ni | Bigleaf Hydrangea Leaf Falling Time
Kaos Comic
Illustrated Interracial
Yair Comics
Isekai Yarisaa
Shikijou Kyoudan
My Mom And Sister Are Size Queen Sluts
Otome Dori
Saimin Seishidou
Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin
Kyonyuu Princess Saimin
Seika Jogakuin Kounin Sao Ojisan
Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chu
Muttsuri Do Sukebe
Tsuma ga Kirei ni Natta Wake
Ki no Tsuyoi Onna Joushi (31-sai) Hitozuma no Yowami o Nigitta node, Mainichi Nakadashi Shitetara Sukkari Kawaiku Natte Shimatta Ken
Okusama wa Moto Yariman
Genkaku Cool na Sensei ga Aheboteochi!
JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai
Tachibana-san-chi no Dansei Jijou Matome Ban | Tachibana-san's Circumstances With a Man
Let me know in the comments if there's a hentai that you think i could be interested in
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sleepyhead-poll · 8 months
Thank you for your patience! I have finished making the match-ups for Round 1 which will be under the cut. A little information first.
Round 1 will be posted between Friday, January 19th and Thursday, January 25th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 128 participants (32 participants in each individual set) divided in 64 polls (16 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 1, 64 participants will make it to Round 2 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. All polls will be queued between 12 PM EST and 1 PM EST of the day it has been assigned. Each poll will last a week.
I've double checked everything but I am only human, so if you notice any errors or have any questions, the ask box is open :)
ROUND 1A (Will be posted on Friday, 19th of January)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) vs. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Sanada Ryu (Kimi ni Todoke) vs. Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Yumemi Nemu (Vocaloid) vs. Yokune Ruko (UTAUloid)
Ritsu Sakuma (Ensemble Stars) vs. Konoe Kanata (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Star) vs. Snoozer (Hamtaro)
Yoshihito Usaida (Gakuen Babysitters) vs. Chayanne (QSMP)
Koshiba Kiri (Beauty Pop) vs. Yuuya Amane (Nukoduke!)
Panda (Polar Bear Cafe) vs. Towa Motosu (World Dai Star)
Jeff (The Wiggles) vs. Takenaka Hanbei (Samurai Warriors)
PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper) vs. Budwin (Papa Louie)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) vs. Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Judai Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sleepy Gary (Rick and Morty) vs. Sleepy Ernst (Destroy All Humans)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code) vs. Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Snoopy (Charlie Brown) vs. Garfield (Garfield)
Peppermint Patty (Charlie Brown) vs. Shari (Wayside School)
ROUND 1B (Will be posted on Sunday, 21st of January)
Takane Enomoto (Kagerou Project) vs. Kuro / Sleepy Ash / Sloth (Servamp)
Howard Philips Lovecraft (Bungo Stray Dogs) vs. Saiko Yonebayashi (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Belphegor (Obey Me! Shall we Date?) vs. Nanaki Kazuaki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club HAPPY KISS!) vs. En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Hotaru Yura (Magia Record) vs. Hyp (Touhou: Fantastic Danmaku Festival 2)
Hisoka Mikage (A3!) vs. Meitenkun (King of the Fighters)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4) vs. Mint (My Time at Portia)
Priscilla (Rune Factory 5) vs. Ryker (Rune Factory 5)
Dreamer / Protagonist (Melatonin) vs. Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Hypnos (Hades) vs. Clovis (Percy Jackson)
Talon (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs. Towtow (Super Smash Bros.)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs. Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head (My Hero Academia) vs. Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) vs. Agares Picero (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Mr. Zzz (Batman) vs. Vooshvazool's Bat (The Neverending Story)
Enrico Pollini (Rat Race) vs. Unconscious Argentinean (Moulin Rogue)
ROUND 1C (Will be posted on Tuesday, 23rd of January)
Portgas D Ace (One Piece) vs. Denjiro Kyoshiro (One Piece)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) vs. Sans (Undertale)
Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) vs. Midnight (Fairytale)
Ahito (Galactik Football) vs. Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project) vs. Laffey (Azur Lane)
Bedman (Guilty Gear) vs. Noelle (NieR Reincarnation)
Nemu (Haibane Renmei) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time) vs. Snoozing Carpenter (Sky: Children of the Light)
Aurora Sya Lis Goodreste (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs. Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Sakuma Fueko (Watashi no Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no you na nani ka) vs. Eve (Eaternal Nocturnal)
Sleepytime Tea Bear (Celestial Sleepytime Tea) vs. Elle (Crush Crush)
Sleepy (Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) vs. Hastings (Once Upon a Time in Space)
Sleeping Beauty (Shrek) vs. Briar Beauty (Ever After)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Jing Beiyuan (Lord Seventh)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact) vs. Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact) vs. Wonderland Sekai Megurine Luka (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
ROUND 1D (Will be posted on Thursday, 25th of January)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) vs. Snorlax (Pokemon)
Slakoth & Slaking (Pokemon) vs. Slowpoke Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Komala (Pokemon) vs. Musharna (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon) vs. Dreaming Nemleria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Noddy (Kirby) vs. Kirby (Kirby)
Gudetama (Sanrio) vs. Nemukko Nyago (Sanrio)
Number 6 Floof (Monster Hunter Stories) vs. Citrus (Otherworldly Ravenous Beast)
Espinas (Monster Hunter) vs. Rainforest Dragons / RainWing (Wing of Fire)
Lazy Smurf (The Smurfs) vs. Bedtime Bear (Care Bears)
Paddi (Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf) vs. Flower (Bambi)
Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run) vs. Dozer (Cookie Run)
Forde (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Mitama (Fire Emblem: Fates) vs. Trec (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Mirabilis (Fire Emblem: Heroes) vs. Durin (Arknights)
Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Judd (Splatoon) vs. Ladybird (King of the Hill)
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flagwars · 11 months
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Dragon Flag Wars: Round 1
There are so many amazing flags featuring dragons out there, so this tournament will have a wide variety of dragon flags! Because there are so many, each poll in Round 1 will feature four or five flags. Thank you for everyone for your submissions, and I hope you’re excited to see which dragon will reign supreme in this ultimate battle! Let me know which flag you’re rooting for in the comments! The tournament will begin on Friday.
Round 1:
1. Somerset, England vs. Plain Blue Banner vs. Hattingen, Germany vs. Lukova, Czechia
2. Slochteren, Netherlands vs. Dragon Banner (The Wheel of Time) vs. Craig-y-Dorth, Wales vs. Trégor, France vs. Kazan, Russia
3. Michalovice (Havlíčkův Brod District), Czechia vs. Wales vs. Garwolin County, Poland vs. Plomelin, France vs. Łańcut, Poland
4. Strzyżów County, Poland vs. Wessex vs. Nemenčinė, Lithuania vs. Potěhy, Czechia vs. Ljubljana, Slovenia
5. Contrada del Drago, Siena, Italy vs. Cardiff, Wales vs. Litobratřice, Czechia vs. Ingolstadt, Germany vs. Líšný, Czechia
6. Korea (1856) vs. Evenley, England vs. Malta vs. Dlouhá Třebová, Czechia vs. Empire (Yōjo Senki/Saga of Tanya the Evil)
7. Manipur Kingdom vs. House Targaryen vs. Yegoryevsk, Russia vs. Biała Podlaska, Poland vs. Wachtberg, Germany
8. Bořitov, Czechia vs. Bhutan vs. Warszawski Zachodni County, Poland vs. Stjørdal, Norway vs. Yellow Dragon Flag (황룡기)
9. Myanmar Royal Dragon Army vs. Suchohrdly, Czechia vs. Mladějov na Moravě, Czechia vs. Navès, Lleida, Spain vs. Erpužice, Czechia
10. Presidential Standard of Georgia vs. Flag used by Du Wenxiu vs. Štichov, Czechia vs. Royal Standard of Henry VII of England vs. Heide, Germany
11. Babice, Czechia vs. Royal Standard of the Suebi dynasty vs. City of Brussels, Belgium vs. Canton of Chinese Dragon from the Imperial Chinese Navy Fleet vs. Mírová, Czechia
12. Novoorlovsk, Russia vs. Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine vs. Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Spain vs. High Valyrian (Duolingo) vs. Y Wladfa
13. Qing Dynasty vs. Order of the Dragon (Manasija Monastery) vs. Amestris (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Łańcut County, Poland vs. San Giorgio Bigarello, Italy
14. Coast Guard Administration of Taiwan vs. Presidential Standard of South Vietnam vs. Somerset County Council vs. Moscow, Russia
15. Dolní Čermná, Czechia vs. Beesel, Netherlands vs. Y Ddraig Aur (royal standard of Owain Glyndŵr) vs. Vietnamese Monarchist flag (proposal)
16. Y Ddraig Ddu vs. Mikhaylovka (Volgograd oblast), Russia vs. Church of St Margaret, Westminster Abbey vs. Garter Banner of Sir David Brewer
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pannaginip · 4 months
ABS-CBN: Bayan Muna condemns terrorism charge vs activists
Party-list group Bayan Muna has condemned the filing of anti-terrorism charges against its secretary general, Nathanael Santiago, as well as Anakpawis Campaign Director Servillano Luna, Jr., ASCENT Convenor Rosario Brenda Gonzalez, and Bulacan Ecumenical Forum volunteer Anasusa San Gabriel.
“The use of trumped-up charges, in conjunction with red-tagging, creates a toxic environment that undermines the principles of justice and human rights. We strongly and firmly reject these reprehensible tactics and demand an end to the harassment and persecution of activists and members of the political opposition,” Bayan Muna said.
In the counter-affidavit filed by Santiago before the Nueva Ecija Office of the Provincial Prosecutor, he denied the charges for attempted murder and murder under the Anti-Terrorism Act as well as violation of the Philippine Act on Crimes Against Humanitarian Law, Genocide and other Crimes Against Humanity.
Santiago said at the time of the supposed crime, he was working as Bayan Muna secretary general at the office of the party-list group in Quezon City.
Similarly, in the counter-affidavit of Gonzalez, she said was busy for a book launch during the first three weeks of October, with photos and testimonies attached.
2024 May 3
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Activist Renato Reyes Jr. on Twitter @natoreyes:
Four activists have been charged under the draconian Anti Terror Law. They are known activists Nath Santiago, Jun Luna, Brenda Gonzalez and Ansusa San Gabriel. Nath was himself an SC petitioner vs the terror law. Now he is charged under the same provision he questioned at the SC
This marks the first time national leaders or personalities have been charged under the ATL. The complaints were filed by the AFP in Nueva Ecija, They claimed the 4 participated in an armed encounter between the AFP and NPA - a completely blatant lie and a fabrication.
In 2020 we warned that the ATL will be abused by state forces to stifle dissent and suppress progressive organizations. That is exactly what is happening now with the filing of these trumped up “terror” charges in different regions.
Imagine being charged with terrorism, and not knowing you were facing charges because they sent subpoenas to a different address, to another activist already reported missing. Then finding out there’s already a resolution even without the fiscal hearing your side.
Late February na lang nila nalaman na may kaso pala sila sa Nueva Ecija. Buti nakapaghabol ng motion at nakapag file ngayong araw ng kanilang counter-affidavit. Inaabuso ang “terror law” laban sa mga aktibista, at kahit sa mga totoong rebolusyonaryo. [It was only in late Feb that they found out about these cases against them. It was fortunate that they were able to file counter-affidavits in time. The "terror law" is being abused to thwart activists, even the true revolutionaries.]
2024 May 3
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narashikari · 8 months
Happy Belated birthday, Kari! Here's my gift to you.
"Umm, Hiromi-san, are you sure it's fine?" Keiwa questioned unsure whether his and his companion's presence were welcome.
"Don't sweat it, Keiwa." Hiromi assured. "Despite what happened when you met Daiji and the others, you're always welcome to train here at Blue Bird.
"Relax, Keiwa." Neon grinned beside her companion. "Sakura's assured me that it's fine to be here, so we're here."
"But still..." The man trailed off. "It feels like we're..."
"It's fine Keiwa-san." Sakura went inside the room, cutting his train of thought off. "Dai-chan owns Blue Bird and what he says goes."
Sakura faced Hiromi.
"Sorry I'm late, Hiromi, my classmates wanted to do something before we go home."
"It's okay, Sakura, since you're here, let's get started?"
[Fight: A 2v2 fight between Giant Spider Demons and Invincible Jeanne vs. Bujin Sword Tycoon and Fantasy Boost Na-go.]
"Lovekov! You were great!" Sakura praised a giant plush-like Snake figure as she hugged her "
"E-eeh? A tsuchinoko?!" Keiwa and Neon exclaimed in unison.
"Kov? Kov! I'm not a Tsuchinoko!" Lovekov angrily glared at the duo as she shook.
"Lovekov is my inner demon." Sakura explained.
"Inner demon?"
"It's basically a manifestation of your foremost desire, it could be the opposite of it or otherwise."
"Lovekov here is a manifestation of my weakness as my desire was to become so strong."
"That's why you don't seem winded whenever our attacks landed!" Keiwa exclaimed, recalling the sparring match they just had.
"That man over there also has an inner demon within himself!" Another man, clad in black, intruded on the conversation and walked casually into the training area.
"Everyone has an inner demon, Kage-chan!' Sakura pointed out. "You know that."
"Oh, but his has manifested." Kagerou smirked.
"Oi, Hiromi could he use the Revice Driver so that we could talk to his inner demon?"
"Let's not be hasty," Hiromi implored everyone. "Based on Keiwa-kun's reaction, he hasn't had contact with his inner demon, it stands to reason that we might just summon a Gifterian if we let him equip the Revice driver."
"Wait, I thought the stamps were only that have that ability?"
"It is something George has theorized one time."
"Let me guess, he told you that after nii-san beat the crap out of him?"
"Regardless, we can't risk summoning another Gifterian."
"They'd be easy, with everyone present."
"Who're tired from the sparring session we just had." Hiromi argued.
"You're no fun." Kagerou pouted before retreating back into his host's psyche.
"Don't mind Kagerou, Keiwa, he's just incredibly curious about your inner demon ever since we encountered it." Daiji shook his head as his clothes had changed from all black to Blue Bird's uniform.
"Wait, you know?"
"Of course? He did control my body when he went to take a look at your psyche." Daiji excplained. "So I take the sparring session went well?"
"They're crazy powerful, Dai-chan!" Sakura exclaimed. "Neon-chan, so long as she's aware of the incoming attack, she can't be hit!"
"And Keiwa's good with his sword attacks, even teleported one time." Hiromi stated their assessment.
"Well, Hiromi-san's hits are so powerful!"
"That and Sakura isn't even fazed whenever an attack hits her." Neon interjected.
"Well, if that's all, Hana's waiting for me, bye everyone."
"Go ahead and take her out to dinner!"
"Keiwa, Neon, you guys can stay the night, there's a shower room on the right as soon as you exit."
"I insist, you guys being here gives us an opportunity to train for different types of opponents." Daiji smiled. "It gives an idea how to handle enemies who would have the same abilities as you guys do."
"Think of it your bonus on top of the compensation that you'd be getting."
"No buts."
"Come on, Keiwa, let's go take a shower!"
Neon dragged Keiwa out of the training area.
Daiji and Hiromi waited for Keiwa and Neon to be out of the room before they both faced each other.
"You were hoping to recruit anyone from the Desire Grand Prix to be a part of Blue Bird, weren't you?" Hiromi stated.
"Was I that obvious?" Daiji questionned.
"It was obvious only to me, you were subtle enough."
"Thanks to me." Kagerou interjected then retreated back to Daiji's psyche before any response could be uttered.
"That Kagerou." Daiji shook his head, entirely used to Kagerou's antics.
"So what's next on the agenda, Mr. Big shot." Hiromi teased his former subordinate, who now ranked above him.
"This." Daiji grinned before planting a soft kiss on Hiromi's lips.
"We should go to our quarters lest we get walked in."
"That's a good idea." Daiji nodded. "You must be so tired, Hiromi, let me carry you to our room."
Hiromi soon found himself in Daiji's arms as he was carried to the room that they share within the establishment.
Hope you like it!
[also, I referenced Lovekov's reaction to being referred to as a Tsuchinoko in Girl's Remix and Keiwa's and Neon's reaction when they first saw the Riders in Geats]
Thanks so much~
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snalsupremacy · 2 years
2023 events
2022 events list
Again, these are not all of the events, just the ones i happen to come across with
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- All of Sherlock Holmes is now officially public domain - Lil Nas X back at it again with... THE WIGGLES?! - Noah Schnapp, who plays Will Byers in Stranger Things, comes out as gay - US gov can't vote for a speaker of the house - McCarthy wins speaker of the house after 15 votes - Bolsonaro supporters storm the Congress and vandalize the whole place, are arrested on location -golden globes n stuff -JOJO LEAK JOJO LEAK ITS A BOY ITS A BOY -Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley, dies at 54 -M3gan is a gay icon pass it on -AO3 down, 40 injured 15 dead -New FOB album - Velma show unsurprisingly sucks - Pink Sause on wallmart -Paramore back & new album coming soon - UK blocks scottish law that helped trans people and this might lead to their independence (pls) -TUMBRL ADDED POLLS! TUMBRL ADDED POLLS!! - #team snail worm deserved to lose the centopéia or however you say in english winning was RIGGED AND I CAN PROVE IT - Pete Wentz leaked Brendon Urie’s oncoming baby which leads him to breaking up Panic! At The Disco. Finally. - Holy fucking bingle! Trans Bi Lesbian It/She pronouns swiss hacker just leacked the US no-fly list, and plot twist, its very racist, what?! :3 - Justin Roiland is fired from Rick and Morty for being a bad person - Cecil from welcome to nightvale defeats Reigen in the Tumbrl Sexyman rematch pools! Idk who he is i just voted him bc i dont want reigen to win. -CECILSWEEP IS EVERYWHERE THE FINALS ARE SANS VS CECIL WHO WILL WIN - CECIL PALMER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR BEATS SANS TO PULP AT THE BACK OF PAPA JOHN'S!!! -The last of Us everywhere, seems to be a good game adaptation! glad to see more of those!
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-Toby Fox scores the very first interview with creator of Yume Nikki, kikiyama with 9 yes or no questions and 1 "free response" question asking what they would get at a Denny's -FNAF movie officially starts filming - Marceline wins tumbrl woman - Just vote for vanilla extract and waive boys, just vote for vanila extract and wave - 7.8 earthquake hits Turkey and Syria, thausands of casualities - Spotted chinese (?) spy baloons (?) in America - Now theres a Tumbrl vanilla extract bottle, awesome - Hogwarts Legacy release discourse follows - Tear of the kingdom trailer out this is the most emotion link has shown in canon in 36 years - Youtube channel schaffrillas productions gets involved in car accident, Christopher Schaffer and Patrick Phyrillas pronounced dead on site while James Phyrillas in critical condition - Italian manwhore summer (Sanremo) - Netflix creating something thats gonna ruin password sharing people and everyone is mad - Brianna Ghey, 16 yo trans teenager, is stabbed to the death at a park -THE JOJOLANDS! AMAZING! MINDBLOWING! LIFE CHANGING! NEVER THE SAME! 10/10! -Succession will end in S4 -NEW MAGNAPINNA SQUID FOOTAGE HUNTING??
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-New gen of TMNT (Mutant Mayhem)!! -Minesota lagislature makes trans health care (wait for it) LEGAL! - New mario movie trialer the babygirlification of Luigi continues -Willow project approved ‘_’ - More anti trans legislation. whats the news - Esc songs dropped the guy w the green top is already tumbrl’s top 1 jenn should have won etc etc -Gerard Way presenting in full office lady style. Tbh im just more impressed he did a show in tights. - Jojolands #2 out! Hot dog guy has a name now and Rohan canonically transcend the multiverse! - Taylor Swift eras tour congrats swifties - ICC issues arrest warrant to Vladmir Putin for war crimes -Trump to be arrested -Arab Cartoon Network hacked (Update: hacking was fake) - Tik Tok banned on government phones after spying accusations -New FOB album - The ladies from RWBY just kissed! mazal tov! - Justin Roiland case dropped - Kid in brazil attacks school teacher with knife - School shooting in US - Resident Evil 4 remake - Dobi dies in a glue trap -Trump got indicated, idk what that means but seems bad for trump which is good
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-10 year anniversary of the Mishapocalypse - Ofc all your fave properties do an April fool’s special,, most notably Toby Fox’s “accidental foam pic” and Sonic The Hedgehog free murder mystery game that looks gorgeous?? they take the trophy this year -Kasane Teto gets her official voicebank for her 15th anniversary -wait... the DSMP is over..? it ended..? for real..?? WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!1!!11!!!!!11 - Dalai Lama [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] - Harry Potter HBO series... just what we needed ‘_’ - Misha Collins reveals Warner Brothers wanted him to stay out as bisexual after that one off joke last year - Out of touch thursday on 4/20 we did it boys - We DOUBLE DID IT BOYS! Elon Musk’s rocket explodes because he forgot to build a flame diverter?? Or did he not build one on purpose? Anyway no one was inside THANKFULLY - Movie markplier is working on is revealed to be..IRON LUNG?! - Elon Musk takes out all the unpaid blue check marks expecting the celebrity accounts to pay for them, instead #blocktheblue movements started in which you block all users with blue check mark, Musk then responds to this by awarding random popular users with check marks -Tucker Carlson fired, ill b real, I have no idea who he is -Don Lemon also fired, again, idk who he is - Ray Toro and Gerard Way on fnaf movie soundtrack?!? -Disney sues Florida governor Ron Desantis, woag.. I cant believe im saying this but it’ll be easier to make the governor leave than the rat theme park
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-JASON DERULO JUST FELL OFF THE STARS AT THE MET GALA! 😱😱😱 - WGA on strike! -And may Eurovision posting begin! Im rooting for finland what ab y’all - Tony Hawk and chocolate guy collab?!?!?!?! -ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT EUROVISION RESULTS KAARIJA IS THE REAL WINNER SWEDEN BE DAMNED -FNAF trailer drop -Barbie Movie trailer drop -IDubz apologises for content cop, better late than never ig -Succession finale - I saw that execution clip from generation loss cuz it cant be thaaat fucked up right? haha.... im traumatized -Seth Everman announces he will leave the internet in 200ish days -Ted lasso ends, and so, pride month begins.... -Hank Green got cancer
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-Happy pride month guys! - Jojo musical adaption of Phantom Blood confirmed - Russian occupiers in Ukraine blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station -Across the spiderverse takes the internet by storm AS IT SHOULD - Fires in canada kinda spreads the smoke like all around and its all a gray haze over there -Kaarija and Bojan concert together doing a shit job at beating ther allegations happy pride month kings -Hank Green is bisexual, likes Brennan Lee Muligan, and found that out because of wreck it ralph cosplays i can’t believe this is real -Redit blackout? 196? im very confused, but the redditors are here and tumbrl are welcoming them WAY better than we did twitter users which i find fitting lol -Adrien and Marinette from miraculous lb finally kissed omg its been like 8 years?? insane -The Idol sucks - Shit submarine w 5 people goes missing and the more we find out the more inevitable it felt       • Oceangate...gate brings awareness to migrant ships who drown and kill hundrents of migrants       • Iron Lung game sell suddenly spikes       •Submarine found, it imploded, all passengers dead - Joes Biden (US president)'s son committed tax fraud -Mark Zuch and Elon Musk are going to fight?? -Military coup in Russia (failed) -Miranda sings revolutionizing the YouTuber apology genre by apologizing for groomer allegations via ukulele - wtf is a grimace shake - Happy pride month! US overruled law prohibiting homophobic discrimination based on religion!
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-Nimona is out! I haven’t watched it yet but the reception is great! (Edit: watched it, its good) -Superman finally got his long deserved sailor moon style transformation. good for him. -AO3 down, 500 dead 756 injured (Update: AO3 is down due to DDOS attack, which is when a group overwhelms the website with requests. This seems to be made by a group who claims to be doing it for homophobic reasons tho they likely have uterior reasons) -SAG-AFRA joins WGA strike - Universal prunes trees outside their building to try and prevent WAG/SAG-AFRA picket line. However, these trees are city property and "tree law" (heavy fine for destroying gov owned nature) might be called into action - Happy Barbenheimer tho all who celebrate - MITSKI ALBUM ANNOUNCEMENT?! - Fnaf DLC smth smth eclipse - Elon Musk tries to change twitter to X ? - Good Omens season 2 finale so tragically good it re animated OFMD SPN and Hanibal into trending page
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- Tik tok parody of every 90's euro disco song goes viral - New James Webb telesc ope picture shows a giant ? in space. poetry. - Forest fires in Hawaii destroying homes -Anti semetic hate crime against USP teacher in Amazonas - Tik tok tried to create their Goncharov (Zepotha) and it turns out to be a plot to promote a musician's new song - Planet of the bass music vide out!! - Trump might actually get arrested, mugshot and all - Who thought it was a good idea to make the actor portraying Bernstein in the new biopic wear a PROSTHETIC NOSE?? - India first country to land on south pole of the moon! - Someone tracked down spanish spn’s rogue translator, who claims he did not add that in, meaning in some version of spn destiel was canon - Riverdale ends with all of them in a polycule. Which honestly is the best possible ending - TRUMP MUGSHOT TRUMP MUGSHOT
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-That mole do be interesting -Castiel 15th birthday WAIT 15?? A DECADE AND A HALF?? - Ladybug and Chatnoir are emo now. Like, literally. - WGA strike succesfully ends -The Pokemonx Miku collab is everything actually - WGA stricke officially ends wed 27/9 12:01 AM, the deal is finalized and the writer’s guild got most of what they wanted! yay uniuns!
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- Israel-Palestine conflict breaks into full on war with many casualities on both sides -NOOOOOO BAKUGO IS ALIVE PUT HIM BACK IN THE GRAVE!! KILL HIM AGAIN!!
- Spock wins the AO3 polls unsuprisingly - youtuber SSSniperwolf doxxes youtuber JacksFilms -Merlin twitter account is active...why? -Mathew Perry, Friends actor and advocate for alcoholism and drug abuse issues dies at age 54
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-Happy 3 anniversary to Nov 5th -THANK G-D ATTACK ON TITAN IS OVER ITS FINALLY OVER FUCKK YES FINALLY -NOOOOO LIVE ACTION ZELDA CONFIMRED WHYYYY - Actor strike is over =D - GTA 5 anounced - SHREK 5???? - Omegle shut downs for ever - Zack and Cody’s restaurant reservation is today - Dream and the voice actor of Gumball beefed and tbh it was hilarious - Russia declares LGBT groups extremists organizations - Henry Kissinger, american politician, dies at 100 - SONIC 3 DATE REVEAL YEAHHH
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-Hbomber guy DESTROYS James Somerton and Internet Historian’s career with his new video on plagiarism - TODD IN THE SHADOWS COMES BACK WITH THE STEEL CHAIR IN JAMES SOMERTON!! - BG3 Game Awards Sweep including GOTY
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 6: Business, Money, and Honorifics
Jade seems comfortable with helping run Mostro Lounge, saying he has some “connections” of his own that he declines to elaborate on.
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Floyd also seems to have a sense for business: When he asks Azul to pay for drinks that they are to test for the lounge Azul responds, “Why does your business sense only kick in at times like these?”
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Deuce invites Floyd to go on a blastcycle ride with him by giving him a “coupon” for a ride for his birthday.Floyd asks if he is truly thought his offer through, pointing out that the coupon has no expiration date, does not say how many times it can be used for or how many people he is or isn’t allowed to invite.
Deuce admits that it hadn’t occurred to him that he should add conditions, but he will take Floyd out even two or three times as he hopes that Floyd will come to enjoy blastcycles as much as he does.
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We also see Floyd commenting on the poor presentation of Jamil’s food (“Makin’ stuff look appealin’ is how you get people hungry, even when they don’t wanna eat”) and do a lot of trading in a vignette.
Despite his apparent familiarity with running a business he says that he doesn’t care about money, turning down an offer of a hundred thousand thaumarks from Sam for an object he didn’t actually want and saying he is uninterested in bonuses from Azul.
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Jade also has a line explaining his disinterest in money, saying, “I think people operate under some misconception of me. To be clear, I have no interest in making money. I simply do what’s most entertaining to me.”
Jade refers to all 2nd- and 3rd-year students by their first names with the “-san” honorific.
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Jade and Azul have similar speech patterns, but Jade refers to 1st-year students with the “-kun” honorific (except the prefect and Grim, who are “-san”), while Azul refers to everyone with “-san.” (They both have the same exceptions: each other and Floyd. Jade and Azul are also Floyd's only exceptions.)
Floyd's honorifics vary from "-senpai" to "-chan" to "-kun" and are combined with his own, unique, sealife-based nicknaming system. More here:
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 723: A brillian finish!!
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Pag 1
1: In a race they can't lose....
3: they declared “complete victory”!!
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Pag 2
1: Keep up as much as you can, please
2: And watch from behind
3: Sohoku's complete vctory
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Pag 3
1: Sohoku jumped ahead!!
It's foru people!! They're chasing!!
Don't let them get away!!
What's with that acceleration!! Dammit!
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Pag 4
1: Sohoku is making their move now!!
3: Now
4: Don't get shaken off, first years!!
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Pag 5
2: We'll catch the lead!!
Yessir, teh!!
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Pag 6
2: Rokudai!!
It's gonna be a “complete victory”....!!
3: Yeah!! Kinaka-kun
It's hard... and painful, but
4: Can you do it, Rokudai!? After all you worked so hard on the mountain
Yeah.... but, I.....
5: I want to see it too, teh!!
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Pag 7
1: This overwhelming finish line!!
Then let's go!!
2: Yeah!!
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Pag 8
2: They're here!!
They're finally here!!
3: I finished the mountains, and cleared the tight downhill, and now I'm back on the coastland!!
4: Only a little more until the finish line!!
5: Kamo High!!
The local Kamo High!
Do your best!!
And the cheers for me won't stop!!
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Pag 9
1: Kamo High, keep it up!! Come on!!
Show us our hometown's pride!!
Do your best, pedal!!
Don't give up!!
My confidence in victory makes everyone raise their voices!!
2: Uh? There was one cheer that was weird
Oi oi, “don't give up” it's wrong
3: Because it's not like
4: I'm being chased by someone and I'm about to ….
5: lose!?
6: Ahh, no!! No!!
My dream!! My hope!!
My vision!!
7: I'm running ahead alone, I jumped ahead at the best of timings
I'm the man who'll win this quaolifiers and go to the Inter High, without letting anyone get close
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Pag 10
1: It's important, so I'll say it a second time!! I'm the man who'll go to the Inter High!!
3: I don't see ….. I don't see anyone!!
4: No yellow jerseys!!
7: I don't see them....!
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Pag 11
1: Sohoku High School!!
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Pag 13
1: Even Naruko is here!!
2: D.... dammit, the bottles!! H.... how!!
3: They were delivered to us!!
By the first years!! They worked hard!!
5: Still!! You got me!! But I'm the third of the Honda siblings, Honda Ryouzou
6: And truth is that I'm especially confident on flat roads.....
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Pag 14
1: Waaa- they passed me so easily....!!
See ya!! Honda from Kamo High!! The timing for your attack was perfect!!
2: My dream.....
3: We passed him....  the guy from Kamo High who was in the lead- and so easily!!
Yeah, Kinaka-kun!!
4: The Inter High qualifiers..... for Chiba prefecture
There are.... 3km left.....
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Pag 15
1: The five people from Sohoku are inthe lead now!! Amazing!!
2: Wh- what aazing cheering, teh
Yeah, Rokudai
3: The Inter High is kinda like this
4: Pfui
5: And this guy turns those voices into strength, like an idiot
I- I- I- Imaizumi-san!!
Idiot is too much – Hot-hey-shot , you should say “he receives everyone's support and gets a power-up”
What's that “Hot-hey-shot”
A new nickname- nice, isn't it
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Pag 16
1: Now starts the real race
2: Yeah
3: Uh- huh!?
Ra... race!? Teh
4: Uh!? Huh!?
But we passed the Kamo High guy earlier, we should be at the top....
5: There are no more opponents, teh!!
Yeah, you're right, so next
6: We'll see “who's going to take the finish line first”!!
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Pag 17
1: Huuuh!?
But.... but I heard that road racing was a team sport, teh!?
Woah, a race between those two!?
2: But there are also individual matches!?
Where do we start?
From that sign
3: Oi, Rokudai, look! You rarely see this!!
4: In basket, fighting your own teammates during a match is....
5: Look closely
6: Se-se-se- senpai!!
7: Winning a road race is a special thing
8: and especially for those two!!
9: “Special”....!?
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Pag 18
1: Kakaka, I'll win for sure!!
No way I'll let you!
2: Their bikes go so quickly, with a vigour and a speed I've never seen before!!
3: You were too eager on the mountain and you're already exhausted, you should just step back
The entered the final sprint!
You too, you ran away on your own so you mst be tired, just stop pedaling!!
4: It's Sohoku vs Sohoku!!
5: Waaaaaa
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Pag 19
1: The winner of the Inter High qualifiers for the Chiba Prefecture is Sohoku's number 103
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Pag 20
1: Naruko Shoukichi.....!!
2: Yeeeah!!
Yees.....!! Kakaka
4: Surprisingly, he attacked first, escaped, and then won!!
Kakaka...!! The birth of a legend...!!
Your expression is so annoying
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Pag 21
4: You were both incredible!
5: Waaa it was so cool!
6: This is road racing, this is the finish line....
This is Sohoku!!
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Pag 22
1: It's overwhelming!!
2: Chiba Prefecture's representative in the Inter High has been decided
It's Sohoku High School!!
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
mimi di ko alam if nasagot mo na ‘to pero sino sinu-support mo na team sa basketball (if meron man) HAHAHAJSJJSKSJS both sa pba + uaap 🥹 this question just came to my mind kasi i’m rewatching the uaap match between admu and upd (yung clutch moment ni jd) and it gives me goosebumps every time
also, i just wanna say na i’m sooo happy to come across your fics and blog and felt so proud nung nalaman ko na filipino ka rin like shet pls (insert that filipino pride meme) THAT’S MY KABABAYAN WITH HER AMAZING STORIES 👏 i’m just generally glad to come across poc writers cos it makes the whole reader-insert stories feel inclusive as opposed to when (whether intentionally or unintentionally) the “reader” is 90% of the time white/white passing (like when the author describes skin and most of the time in smut scenes reader’s pussy is pink).
i got way off track from my original intention of asking you about basketball i’m so sorry 🥹
— coj 🩵
Hiii omg I love this question haha. 😂 I actually don't watch PBA anymore. Probably 20 years ago lol and I cheered for San Miguel, as in Siegle-Ildefonso-Racela era. For UAAP naman, syempre ADMU 🦅 bc school pride keme haha. But I was such a huge blue eagles fan, as in I watched live games after school, had photos with the players, was part of the 1.0 second Doug Kramer shot vs. UST crowd! College basketball is truly insane and I miss the feeling! But I stopped being updated post-COVID.
I'm a huge NBA fan though. Phoenix Suns is my top bc of Steve Nash and idk, I just always feel it's his team even it isn't haha and I can't let it go. But I'm a Boston Celtics and GS Warriors fan as well. And I perpetually root for the teams I grew up cheering for like Kings, Mavs, and Jazz. Ikaw, what are your teams??
And thank you! I also get happy when I come across Filipino and other POC writers. Like, yes it's more of an OC story but it's still a reader-insert and how they are envisioned is important, so coming from a non-majority background and presenting characters in a certain (not white/white-passing) way has been great for me. I know I can still do better though, and so I appreciate this! I'm just glad I'm able to share my work and also say that yes I'm Filipino, hi! 😊😊
But yes, no worries. Thank you for dropping by! 🫶🏼
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nyoomzz · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask about why I suddenly love BL and GL more than het romance....I'm grateful to know that there is someone who also knew how I feel....
Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 7) favorite BL and your top 3 (or top 5) favorite GL? And why do you love them? Sorry if you already answered them....Thanks again....
hiii no problem! sorry this took a while to answer im always bad at choosing top picks so this time i just went with my favorites that i consider still haven't seen talked about that much :D
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(the titles with a star next to it are mature themes and/or has nsfw scenes, please don't read them if you're still below 18 years old)
- *tsukiatte agete mo ii ka na (how do we relationship): i love how simply candid and honest it is at portraying messy relationships between not-quite-adults doing their best to grow. i really enjoy where the story is going because it's something you rarely see in manga!
- ohana holoholo: i wish there's more family-themed gl but im always happy we have this! it's painfully sincere and i love how we dive in into their lifes and see how they're involved with the bigger cast of characters
- shoujo manga protagonist x rival-san: a bit more of a lighthearted comedy, taking the standard trope of shoujo protagonist vs the love rival and putting a silly sapphic spin on it which is something that i absolutely need. its cute moments really shine through!
- yuri de naru ❤️ espoir (yuri espoir): my beloved that i can never shut up about. the cute artstyle takes you in a fun spin on meta commentary of yuri tropes only to slowly reveal that things might not be as sweet and happy as it seems... no one is doing it like them
- yuri to koe to kazo matoi: revolving around the feelings of women finding their place in the world, chasing for what they truly want. this is a bit of a spoiler but it centers around characters in the aromantic and asexual spectrum which makes it even more special to me!
- *iki dekinai no wa kimi no sei (breathless momentum): i love everything from the premise to how they grow to care about each other, it's hilarious and cute and their dynamic will always remain one of my favorites ever
- *tabun kore kara ai no hibi: the main theme about the joy and pain of creating just resonates so hard, the main characters' struggle portrays it very well and seeing the growth really made me happy!
- tonari ni: natsume ono's paneling and writing is just so special, there's this somber quality to it that absolutely draws me in. it complements very well the quiet yearning in the story
- *tenjite koi to iki: tbh this is just an excuse to talk about hayane dento's works, i always have a hard time choosing a favorite because they all have such great writing! i think about this one the most because of how melancholic it was paired with their beautiful storytelling
- boku no papa to papa no hanashi: ive read a lot of family-themed bl but this will always take the cake! the love this little family have for each other and how they grow together will always get to me
- *link and ring: just an absolutely loving relationship, you can see how much the main couple cares for each other it's just so sweet to read!
- achira kochira bokura: more slice of life than bl really and that's why it's so dear to me, it's a very natural depiction of two boys with opposite natures slowly being part of each other's lives. there's a sequel too!
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chatmeetup8410 · 7 months
𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
My Girlfriend is a Gal
Maken-Ki! 2
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid S
Valkyrie Drive
The Qwaser of Stigmata
Manyuu Hikenchou
Shinkon gattai godannar!!
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
Highschool DxD Series
Jungle de ikou
Senran Kagura
Triage X
Monster Musume
Futoku no Guild
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World .
One Piece
Mouse ( Anime Series )
Queen's Blade
The Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Heavenly Virtues
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
Devilman Cry Baby
Vermeil in Gold
Oniichan wa Oshimai
Prison School
Future Diary
School Days
Chainsaw Man
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 :
Totally Spies
Samurai Jack
Ed Edd Eddy
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢 :
Chichiiro Toiki
The Hills have Size
Project Boobs
Kemonokko Tsuushin
Ano Danchi no Tsuma-tachi wa
Haha Musume Donburi Oyakodon .
Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi
Shabura Rental
Ikkyuu Nyuukon
Hajimete no Hitozuma
Elf Hime Nina
Ogenki Clinic Adventures
Cool Devices
Megami tantei vinus file
Kagaku na Yatsura
Oppai no Ouja 48
Energy Kyouka!!
Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai .
Milk Junkie: Shimai Hen
Buta no Gotoki
Ushichichi Tabehoudai!
Kono Kaisha... Nanika Okashii!
Shiawase nara Niku o Morou!
Yareruko! Densha Ecchi
Suketto Sanjou!!
Bakunyuu bomb
Taimanin Asagi
Aku No Onna Kanbu
𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 :
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil ( 2002 )
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis
Resident Evil 3 Remake
RE : Operations Raccoon City
Resident Evil 4 ( 2004 )
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 8 : Village
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 2
Outlast : Whistleblower
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Soulcalibure 6
Dead or Alive 6
Street Fighter
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Marvel vs Capcom Infinity
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto 4
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 3
Red Dead Redemption
Samurai Warriors
Max Payne 2
Kayne and Lynch : Dead Man
Kayne and Lynch 2 : Dog Days
Super Mario World 2
Super Mario Bros
Mortal Kombat : Armageddon
Mortal Kombat : Deception
Mortal Kombat 9
Doom 2
Slender : The Arrivals
Aliens : Colonial Marines
The Godfather , The Game
The Godfather 2 , The Game
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