#sanders sides song fic
tsfander · 1 year
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“Want to guess the ending if it ever does?”
shading practice! also i’ll accept the title “that one artist who draws logan with flames all the time”
•open for better quality!! please repost 🫶🏻
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delimeful · 9 months
to know that song (and all its words) (11)
warnings: minor character death, violence & injury, panic, biases, lmk if i missed any
Virgil went through the footage once, twice, and then a third time, trying to understand the conflicting emotions that were unwinding in his chest.
He settled for rewatching the fight itself once more, because it was easy to tell how he felt about that. Each time, he’d watched with a sort of utter fixation, unable to look away despite the automatic, instinctual terror the scene incited in him.
He’d known, distantly, that the Humans were strong, built with dense flesh and flexible frames. He’d known that they could be lethal, that they sometimes moved in a stalk, with a sort of focused intent that reminded him of a predator.
Knowing these facts and seeing them put into action were two very different things.
On the tapes, the lights flickered out. The camera went dark for a half second before automatically enabling infrared mode.
In that brief moment of darkness, Square had already crossed a good third of the room on uncannily quiet steps. The recording refocused just in time to catch his first lunge.
The crack of a limb splintering was audible even from the camera’s tinny speakers. Before the victim’s paralyzer gun even finished clattering to the floor, the Human was moving on to his next swing, and his next.
Every alien in the room began scattering as the howls of the injured grew more frantic and more numerous. Some bolted for the boarding hatches, some for the door to the hall, some simply away from the crunches of violent impact. Almost all of them were left floundering in the dark, the few with functional night vision unable to move within the chaotic scramble.
Within moments, any raider with a long distance weapon had been taken out of the fight with brutal efficiency, and those who recollected themselves enough to lunge forward were met with the same fate.
Heartfelt returned, the emergency lighting casting their face in dim red glow that made the weapon in their hands and their uncharacteristically solemn expression stand out all the more.
They remained solidly on defense, guarding Square’s back with heavy, unhesitating blows, their expression growing more and more crinkled with each one.
In mere minutes, any aggressors had either been sent writhing to the floor or to an early grave.
The leader, the one who had so confidently made their proposal and deemed Virgil too stubborn to live, had fought more viciously than any of the others, and managed to knock the pipe clear of Square’s grip. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, the leader drew a two pronged viper’s blade from a hidden holster, and immediately tried to stab it forward into Square’s underbelly.
Square half-turned, letting the weapon pierce the meat of their shoulder with a grunt, and without faltering, they reached out to grab the leader’s head with both hands.
The twist was quick and clean, the snap of bone loud, the silence of the room afterwards somehow louder. The raiders didn’t need to be able to see the damage, not when they could hear the way their leader’s snarled threats had been so sharply cut off.
“Your leader is dead,” Square said into the pause, releasing his grip and allowing the body to fall lifelessly to the ground. They barely twitched as the viper blades were dragged out with the motion, their gaze flitting from silhouette to silhouette, watching for the next attacker. “If you don’t wish to join them, now is the time to surrender.”
Raiders were many things, but loyal to the death wasn’t one of them.
The surrender process was quick, almost rushed once the light came back on. Seeing the crumpled corpse of their leader had probably demoralized them. Square seemed distracted, overly so. He didn’t even set any negotiation terms at first, simply walking out and leaving control of the bay to Heartfelt.
Like he’d said, the fight was easy. The fight was terrifying.
It was what came after that was driving his thoughts to run in endless, maddening circles.
Heartfelt looked as though they wanted to follow after Square for a moment, but turned away. Instead, they faced the raiders, huddled against the walls in various states of distress.
They moved to pull the med kit off the wall, and then stepped forward, approaching the worst-off of the bunch with a slowness that made Virgil’s ruff prickle up instinctively, even having watched before. Even knowing who Heartfelt was.
The injured seemed to feel the same, with the babbled pleas for mercy as many of those nearby scurried further away from what they surely thought was an impending slaughter. Heartfelt’s face was pressed into thin lines of discomfort, but they kept moving to crouch next to the alien.
“Help, no hurt,” Heartfelt told them plainly, and then set the kit down and opened it.
The raider lunged the moment they turned their attention away, and Heartfelt flung up an arm on reflex to catch the sharp claws of the alien with a pained sound that they cut off mid-noise.
All eyes turned to the door, but Square didn’t return. They were retrieving him from where Heartfelt had stashed him, Virgil knew, and Heartfelt had muffled the noise of their pain before it could reach the others.
The Human reached out and unhooked the alien’s claws from their arm, suppressing a wince. “No, no,” they said firmly. “No hurt, okay?”
The alien seemed too dumbfounded by the fact that they were still alive to respond, and Heartfelt carefully moved their limb back to their side before returning with the bandages they’d been reaching for in the first place.
That was how the next few moments went, stemming the bleeding wherever they could and applying tourniquets for the more mammalian types. And through it all, they were watched with a sort of entranced silence, as though their actions were barely comprehensible to the raiders.
On the other vidfeed, Virgil could see his own pitiful form cradled in Square’s arms, too out of it to process that Noisy was only a few paces away or even that he was being held by someone who should, by all rights, terrify him.
But they didn’t.
The thought hit him like a rough-edged stone, startling and near painful in its honesty. Virgil stopped the tapes, pushed himself a few steps away from the interface and tried to process past the automatic terrified nausea that had formed at the sight of a fairly sturdy, battle-scarred alien being killed with one move.
The Humans were strong, lethally so. He’d known that, and now he really knew it. He understood why Sveve had spoken about the Humans being monsters with such conviction, pled for his help to escape with such sheer desperation.
He understood, but he didn’t agree.
Sveve had been aboard a ship that had almost mythologized the deathworlders they were hunting. The raiders had been seeking the Humans out since the start of their journey, had known their ultimate goal for however long the trip had lasted. The leader’s grand plot hadn’t worked out, but that didn’t change the fact that his Humans had been presented as powerful, violent beasts to the crew. Despite acting in their own defense, their devastating counterattack had only added a new layer of distortion to the raiders’ perceptions of them.
Virgil, on the other hand, had been aboard a ship with the three of them for cycles on end, with misconception after misconception being washed away the longer he spent in the company of any one of them.
Sure, he knew it was smart to be afraid of power like that. There was still a part of him in disbelief, waiting for his survival instincts and general antisocial nature to kick back in. He watched the most violent parts of the security tapes through multiple times, trying to find the part of his brain that would shift his instinctual fear into some sort of action, and… failed.
Maybe if it was the version of him from that first week of their cohabitation, when he was still seeing bared fangs in their smiles and aggression in their eye contact. But now?
Now, he couldn’t help but notice the way Heartfelt’s face scrunched up in misery even when fighting, the way Noisy curled in on himself during that stretch of darkness, the way Square had held him so extremely carefully, even when they were clearly deadly furious.
There was nothing monstrous about his Humans, his unwillingly-gained crewmates. They were just people, ones that had been forced to fight to survive, ones that had been backed into a corner at nearly every turn. He’d known as much long before now, even if he hadn’t acknowledged it aloud.
He turned the feed playback off, powering down the machinery. He’d seen everything he’d needed to see.
The navigation area was still dark and quiet as he left the record room, quickly skittering back out to the hall.
Of course, as soon as he got there, he immediately encountered Square, about five eerily-silent steps from entering the doorway Virgil had just scurried out of.
The doorway to the room that he absolutely wasn’t allowed to be in. Uh oh.
“I wasn’t doing anything,” he said immediately, somehow sounding about as guilty as someone who’d just been caught with a body at their feet and a murder weapon in hand.
Square inhaled slowly, and then let out a long, winded exhale, which they seemed to do a lot. “I somehow doubt that, but seeing as you’ve soundly rejected earlier opportunities to betray us for your own benefit, I’m choosing not to ‘freak out’ about it.”
Virgil paused, a little surprised despite himself. “I forgot about that. I mean, I forgot you knew about it.”
Square made an odd little snorting sound. “Well. You certainly seemed to feel very strongly about the matter while you were bedridden.”
See, this was why he hated it when he got hurt. His crewmates always insisted on using enough pain medication to make him way too chatty. Sure, anything less would have left him still steeping in agony, but what about the emotional pain of humiliation that came afterwards, huh?!
His expression had soured, but he still managed to pipe up before Square moved on. “I was looking at the vidfeeds.”
Square paused, gaze sharpening. “Pardon?”
“The security records. There are cameras on the ship, and all the footage is recorded and stored for future review.” Virgil stopped for a moment, a fragment of memory coming back. “That’s how they knew you three were aboard. There was a recording of the station you switched ships at.”
The lines of stress along Square’s brow seemed more pronounced than ever. “I understand.”
“I can show you how to erase them, before you leave,” Virgil offered, his antennae flattening back slightly in apprehension. “And, uhh… speaking of leaving. What are we doing with Sveve?”
Virgil wasn’t particularly fond of the guy from the few moments of conscious interaction he’d had with them, but he also didn’t really want to see them go the way of the leader for the crime of being annoying and a little pathetic.
At Square’s blank stare, he clarified. “The medic we abducted.”
“Oh!” Square frowned for a moment, aether full of contemplative, slightly confused feelings. “We had planned to release them on a nearby inhabitable planet. Maybe one with a port, depending on how fast you recovered.”
Virgil couldn’t help but laugh a little, even as his feathers drooped slightly with relief. “And the other raiders? Sveve said we were still attached to their ship.”
“If one could call it that, at this point,” Square replied, radiating a bit of smugness. “The vessel has only one piece of functioning equipment now, a distress beacon that we’ll activate remotely once we’ve gained some distance.”
Anyone responding to a distress beacon would be adjacent enough to the law to report the obvious raider vessel, meaning that their rescue would leave them facing legal charges and unable to pursue. Virgil chirped lowly, impressed.
A few doors away, Heartfelt appeared, holding a pile of machinery in their arms that was stacked higher than Virgil was tall. Despite being unable to see much past their burden, they barely seemed to feel the weight.
“I should go help him,” Square said, but glanced back down at Virgil one last time, something hesitant in their posture, almost apologetic. “We retrieved enough parts to rig up a temporary remote steering system, to use while you heal. I imagine that we won’t be the most graceful of pilots, so… What I’m saying is, everyone will be much happier once you’ve recovered enough to take the helm again.”
Virgil felt a little thrill of joy, unable to keep his ruff from fluffing up slightly at the confirmation that his fears had been unfounded all along. “I’ll try not to take too long,” he managed to respond, with only the barest embarrassing croaking to his voice.
Square nodded and hurried off to prevent Heartfelt’s teetering tower of metal, and Virgil huffed in amusement, turning to go track down Noisy and let him know that he was ready to take another nap.
It was amazing, just how relieved he felt to finally understand their arrangement. If they weren’t seeking retribution against Sveve, who had actively been on an opposing force, he seriously doubted they would kill him just to tie up a loose end.
Maybe it was a dangerous hope to foster, but Virgil couldn’t help himself. If this had probed anything, it was that the three of them saw him as far more than a simple, easily discarded tool, that much was obvious. It stood to reason that as long as he didn’t break any of the serious rules, they wouldn’t hurt him.
He might just make it out of this situation intact, after all.
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naminethewitch · 5 months
I've been listening to this song a few times in a row now and... it so gives Logan and Remus vibes. At least in the worst timeline of where canon is heading. I mean:
Strike first Make it hurt When everyone assumes the worst I never have to say I'm sorry
Spiteful Ruinous I'm all things you feared I was Another villain in your story
You think that I'm a spitfire? You should Afraid you're on my bad side? That's good If I wanted to end you I could I could
I'm sinking down If you only knew how hard it is For me to climb out I'm kicking and screaming But no one can hear me So what happens now? The shadows are creeping in I didn't ask forI didn't ask for this
Logan, ignored so often, decides to change his tactics, Logan is orange theory vibes right there. He's not going to take it anymore and strikes back...
Cold rage Hides the shame Of images I can't escape Scars that live under the surface
It's strange What I became When part of me was ripped away And replaced with something worthless
You think that I'm a spitfire? You should Afraid you're on my bad side? That's good If I wanted to end you I could I could
I'm sinking down If you only knew how hard it is For me to climb out I'm kicking and screaming But no one can hear me So what happens now? The shadows are creeping in I didn't ask for I didn't ask for this
Remus, with the intrusive thoughts that plague Thomas, ripped apart from his twin and deemed the bad version of creativity. He decides to embrace it and loses himself in the morbid ideas.
Take what's left Of my fractured heart Bloodstained 'cause The pieces are so sharp
Take what's left Of my fractured heart Bloodstained 'cause The pieces are so sharp
I'm sinking down If you only knew how hard it is For me to climb out I'm kicking and screaming But no one can hear me So what happens now? The shadows are creeping in I didn't ask for I didn't ask for this
Never forget I didn't ask for this
Both of them, trying to reach Thomas in a desperate plea to be heard.
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artsybi · 1 year
fourth of july by fall out boy is the PEAK anxceit song and i will not be taking criticism because i am RIGHT
"you and i were fireworks that went off too soon"
"i said i'd never miss you/but i guess you never know/may the bridges i have burned light my way back home"
"i'll be as honest as you let me"
"you are my favorite "what if"/you are my best "i'll never know" "
"oh, i'm sorry, i didn't mean any of it/i just got too lonely, lonely/in between being young and being right"
"my nine to five is cutting open old scars"
"had my doubts but i let them out"
"oh honey you don't have to lie"
"i wish i'd known how much you loved me/i wish i'd cared enough to know"
"i'm sorry every song's about you/the torture of small talk with someone you used to love"
I DONT KNOW why they are inside my head again but HHHH AHHHH
anyway. peak anxceit. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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naminethewriter · 1 year
Our High School Musical Moment
Back on track with @roceit2023. This is the longest one yet, have fun! 💛💖
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Roceit Week 2023 Masterpost
Summary: Roman auditions for a gay production of High School musical and is immediately smitten by his duet partner.
Roman lightly jumped up and down, trying to get his nervousness under control. This might just be the worst he’s felt before an audition, probably because it was a role he had wanted to play since childhood.
Troy Bolton.
He had fallen in love with High School Musical the first time he watched it and continued to see it again and again, never tiring of it. Having a crush on Zac Efron didn’t help. And now his college was doing a queer production of the musical with a gay romance at the center. Gabriella was now Gabriel – not the most creative choice but why chose something else if there was a clear answer in front of you.
Roman would take any role, really, but he had to try his luck at getting the lead.
“Roman Prince for Troy Bolton and Janus Drake as Gabriel Montez, please join us on stage!” The casting director called. Roman took a deep breath and made his way from the audience up on stage. The other person that had been called, Janus, came from the other side of the room with confident strides that Roman envied. He just hoped that his hands weren’t shaking as much as he feared.
“Thank you for coming, you two,” the director, who had introduced himself as Anton earlier, greeted them both when they made it over to him. “Do you know each other by chance?” Roman just shook his head while Janus replied with a simple: “No.”
“That’s fine. Take a moment to meet each other, harmonize if that’ll make it easier and then give us your best ‘Breaking Free’ performance. Just give a sign to Angela at the piano over there when you’re ready.” Anton motioned to a brown-haired girl sitting at a grand piano stage left who gave them a quick wave.
“Will do,” Roman nodded and Anton patted him on the shoulder.
“That’s what I like to hear. Just make it quick, there’s others still waiting.” He hopped off stage and Roman turned to Janus who was looking him up and down. Their eyes met and Roman was stunned by the beautiful green on the right and deep brown on the left.
“Hi,” he said breathlessly before catching himself and tagging on: “I’m Roman, I’m a theater major.”
“Janus. Law major on my parents’ insistence.” Janus held his hand out for Roman to shake. He did so and noticed Janus wearing gloves on both hands but kept his questions to himself. Right now was not the time.
“Right, so wanna do a quick voice warm-up?”
“Very well.”
They took a minute to vocalize together and Roman found that they complimented each other quite well, which Janus couldn’t refute.
“Are you ready?” Janus asked then.
“As I’ll ever be,” Roman answered after taking another deep breath. Janus watched him critically for a moment but motioned for Angela to begin anyway. The first chords filled the air and Roman’s nervousness finally flew out the window.
He knew this song by heart. He sung it a million times before. He got this.
We’re soarin’, flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
Roman had to hold back from imitating Zac’s gesturing since he often did so when watching the movie but he was here to present his own version of Troy Bolton. He did stand close to Janus however and lightly touched his arm, to reassure Gabriel the way his Troy would do. Janus had given him permission to be a bit touchy, it was part of acting after all.
If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free
Janus’ voice was so soft, it almost startled Roman out of the moment. His acting was on point, his expression and posture truly looking like he had as bad a case of stage fright as Gabriel did, but Roman knew even from the few moments they talked before the song that Janus was definitely used to the stage. He quickly had to shake himself out of his thoughts to not miss his next lines.
You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are
Janus stepped away from during his next part and Roman felt compelled to follow him but resisted. He needed to focus!
Creating space between us
‘Til we’re separate hearts.
‘He looks so damn sad!’ Roman thought, a bit envious of Janus’ talent. But he was sure he could keep up with him if he could. Just. Concentrate!
But your faith it gives me strength
Strength to believe
Their voices melded together perfectly and finally, Roman couldn’t help but get wrapped up as the chorus began.
We’re breaking free!
The rest of the song passed like a blur for Roman. He let his body take full control, stopped thinking, and just enjoyed the performance. Dancing with Janus was effortless and soon the were on the last few lines.
You know the world can see us
Roman and Janus were facing each other, staring into each other’s eyes and Roman felt a very strong urge to pull him into a kiss.
In a way that’s different than who we are
The last chords echoed through the room. Roman and Janus were both breathing heavily. Roman leaned closer. Janus didn’t move away.
Roman flinched away and Janus seemed to equally startle out of the moment.
“That was great, thank you!” Anton announced, suddenly back on stage. “Go back to your seats, please!”
In a bit of a daze, Roman let himself be shooed of the stage and returned to his seat in the audience. He tried to spot Janus but couldn’t make him out in the crowd. Maybe that was for the best, he needed a moment to collect himself.
The rest of the auditions passed by quickly and soon Anton announced that he would publish the chosen cast online the next week. Roman gathered his stuff and made his way out of the auditorium. He caught a glimpse of Janus and made the impulse decision to go after him.
“Hey, Janus!” he called as soon as he figured he was in ear shot. Janus turned around and raised an eyebrow.
“Roman. What gives me the pleasure of you running after me?”
“Um…” Roman hesitated for a moment. Was he really about to ask this guy out who was basically a stranger to him?
Fuck it. Yeah, he was.
“Would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime?” Janus’ other brow rose in surprise.
“You’re asking me out on a date?”
“We just met. We barely talked.”
“I know. And I want to get to know you better. If you allow me, of course.”
Janus looked him up and down, hummed and then shrugged.
“Sure, why not. Give me your phone.” Roman did as he was asked, stunned that that had actually worked.
Janus handed him his phone back moments later.
“I look forward to hearing from you, Roman,” he said with a wink, turned around and walked away. Roman watched him and resisted the urge to jump up and down in excitement. He could do that when he was back in his dorm.
Roman made his way back with a smile. Maybe he was more like Troy Bolton than he thought.
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aftgficrec · 11 months
ah I'm so excited you're open!!! thank you for the ridiculous amount of work you all do 🙏ok, this might be too specific but any fics with an alternate take on Andrew and Neil's post-trk reunion? Andrew gets out of easthaven early, Neil leaves the Nest later, AU's, etc.? i think it's a really interesting point in their dynamic, and I'm a sucker for sober Andrew realizing someone was watching his back for once
Feeling a bit like a Bernie Sanders’ meme – ‘I am once again asking myself why I spent so much time on an ask,’ 😅 but it's because this is such an iconic and beloved scene for our fandom. For a super fun ‘live’ first-time reader reaction to this high drama, check out ‘The King’s Men, Chapter 1 – Hello Foxhole, My Old Friend’ by @nickireadstfc here. -A
also see
Andrew's POV of throwing keys off roof here
‘Come and Save Me From It’ here (completed)
‘Learning To Feel (When You've Forgotten How)’ and the fandom meta posts here
‘pipedream’ here
‘reaching for the heights’ here
‘Lost boy’ and ‘[Un]broken’ here
‘I Know You From A Nightmare,’ ‘The Marks We Make,’ and ‘Draw Me Out, Mark Me In’ here
‘Marked’ and ‘Soulmates who can feel each other’s pain’ here
‘Of Stars and Stories’ here
‘What’s normal now?’ here
long previous recs with reunion mention
‘No More Fucks To Give’ here (updated)
‘The Sphynx and the Hare’ here (completed)
‘corvus, vulpes, lupus’ here
‘never fallen (from quite this high)’ here
‘Not a Pipe Dream’ here
‘everything and nothing begins with you’ here
Andrew gets sober, Neil stays at Evermore
‘Oh Raven,’ ‘Jailbird,’ and ‘Take to the Wing’ here
‘Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die)’ here 
 ‘Comeback’ here
you may also like
Christmas at Evermore here plus song rec ‘Far From Home (The Raven)’ here
Proust here plus ‘if you really love nothing’ here
Neil’s a hallucination here
Andreil meet in Easthaven here
‘just a slow body’ here
‘Will you be there when I come back?’ here
‘Here With You’ here (complete)
‘i'm here right now (just be here right now with me)’ here 
‘We're All Stories In The End’ here
‘Spirits In My Head’ here 
‘Fold me in your palms’ here
‘The Raven Prince’ here
‘Thanks, Matty’ here
‘Lullaby’ here
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tw: implied/referenced torture
but i’ll know, i’ll know by neilpipedreamjosten10 [Rated T, 2709 Words, Incomplete, Updated Nov 2023]
After Andrew comes back from Easthaven, Neil is missing, and Andrew is the only one who remembers who he is. But Neil never left Edgar Allen. *** This takes place during TKM, a what-if? fic where Andrew returns and finds that Neil was like a figment of his imagination, but now he has to save the runaway.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: referenced overdose, tw: referenced suicide, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: torture
Lost (I Don’t Want To Be) by Demiwitchwoodwalker [Rated T, 4564 Words, Complete, 2022]
Part 2 of Someone(s) To Stay 
Kevin didn't respond, couldn't, and he suspected Riko knew that as his next words oozed with some sort of satisfaction. "I thought I'd give you a bit of a heads up, as a… let's say Christmas present. Your precious Nathaniel's getting inked. It's a shame Jean already got three, it would've suited the little Wesninski."
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
NB: kandrew/developing kandreil
*tw: may include references to Andrew’s canon trauma and suicidal thoughts
Andrew's time at Easthaven meta by series author @korakos [Tumblr, 2015]
Neil didn’t make Andrew want to live. He gave Andrew a reason to give into that want. meta by @haletostilinski [Tumblr, 2016]
The Extraordinary Strength of Andrew Minyard meta by @imaginedmelody [Tumblr, 2016]
the drugs went away and neil was still the same meta by @miniyrds [Tumblr 2016]
after they pick Andrew up at Easthaven meta by @evil-diabolical-oops [Tumblr, 2016]
andrew hates neil meta by @kickfoxing [Tumblr, 2017]
can you imagine Andrew coming back from reliving weeks of abuse… meta by @boris-pavlikcvsky [Tumblr 2017]
Midnight Thoughts about Andreil meta by @saltierthanbottomofapretzelbag [Tumblr, 2018]
Was "If it means losing you, then no" the final nail in the coffin? meta by @blogaboutyafavbirdboys [Tumblr, 2019]
meta about andrew and caring and wanting things by @sinistercacophony [Tumblr, 2020]
thoughts/feelings/deeper meaning of the (rooftop keys/cigarette) scene? meta by @bloody-wonder [Tumblr, 2020]
andrew thinking that neil was just a side-effect of the drugs meta by @twirlingflurry, @buriedinbaltimore [Tumblr 2021]
how utterly, heartbreakingly sad it is that Andrew calls Neil a pipe dream meta by @fortheloveofexy [Tumblr, 2022]
“You were supposed to be a side-effect of the drugs” meta by @sepulchralblues [Tumblr, 2023]
he cannot be real, he has to be a hallucination meta by @neveranniething [Tumblr, 2023]
neil just gives andrew his bands and knives meta by @grooviestguru [Tumblr, 2023]
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in the dream I don't tell anyone (you put your head in my lap) by Fortheloveofexy [Rated T, 1850 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
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Will you be there when I come back? by Shamman [Not Rated, 299 Words, Complete, 2017]
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tw: violent imagery
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A Taste of Your Own Medicine by caffeine_withdrawl [Rated M, 66454 Words, Incomplete, Updated March 2023]
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tw: violence, tw: blood/gore
NB: just a sampling of art for this scene
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114 notes · View notes
fanderficreader · 1 month
The Trend. (Prinxiety)
A/N you could see it as platonic or romantic. (Either way, idc.) btw this is my first fic, so be nice pls. 😁
Words: 1021
TW: none
Virgil was in his room watching TikTok on his phone, when he came across a video. Someone was wearing a hoodie while someone else behind them was in the back of it, using their arms as the first persons arms. When he saw this, he got an idea.
Virgil made his way to Romans room, and knocked on the door. "Come in~" he said in a sing song tone. "Hey Roman. Whatcha doing?" Roman was at his desk, working on the script for the next sander sides video for Thomas. "Just helping Thomas with his script. Why?" Roman asked. "I was wondering if you're willing to try this trend with me." As Virgil said that, he pulled out his phone, pulling up the video he watched earlier.
"Oh, Yeah sure!" Roman said excitedly. He was mostly happy because Virgil barely wants to hang out with any of the sides. If so, he mostly hangs with Patton. So this was special for Roman. "So we're gunna need one of my hoodies." Virgil went to go grab a big hoodie that he owned. When he came back Roman was already set up with everything ready to go.
"Ok, so am I gunna be your arms, or are you gunna be mine?" Roman asked. "You can be my arms." Virgil put on the hoodie and let Roman get in the back. His arms then went through the sleeves, and they were ready to record. They chose the same audio that the other people did, and just ran with that. As they were recording though, Roman kept breathing on Virgil's neck on the inside of the hoodie.
Roman stopped the recording. "Hey, why do you keep shivering?" Roman started. "You are literally wearing a hoodie." He exclaimed. Roman was still in the hoodie as he was talking. So every time he would talk, it would send another tingly vibration down Virgil's spine. "I'm not s'shivering. I don't know w'what you're talking a'about." Virgil stuttered. "Is it cause I'm breathing on you?" When he asked that, Virgil got a little pink in the face.
Roman finally stuck his head out of the hoodie- his face also downing a nice crimson and some beads of sweat -he looked at Virgil and saw the pink in his cheeks. "I know why I'm red but why is your face flushed as well?" As roman said that, his face flushed a deeper pink. Roman was confused for a second. Until he put two and two together, and realized what was happening. "So you're sure you're fine?" As he said that, he shifted his hand so it could poke Virgil in the stomach a little. This made him jump slightly.
"Nope. I'm fihine." He awkwardly laughed, to brush off some of the tension. "Are you sure?" Roman leaned in to Virgil's ear to whisper that. When he did Virgil scrunched up his neck. Roman mentally giggled at that. Oh this is gunna be fun... he thought. "Hey Virgil." "Whahat?" He giggled slightly. "You know what would be great right now?" He started. "A kiss." With that he then started giving Virgil tiny kisses on his neck, behind his ear, and on his collarbone.
To tell you Virgil was a mess is an understatement. He was giggling up a storm, just enjoying the sensations on his body -But he would never tell anyone that(except for Roman...)- "aww, you look so cute like this Virgie." That made Virgil blush even more. "Stohahap wihith the tehehsihing!" Virgil said through the giggles. "Aww, but you love the teases~" he pulled up Virgil's shirt and the hoodie a bit, and started poking Virgil's stomach. That made the giggles pick up, and the squeals start.
After about 2,3 minutes of this Roman finally spoke. "Hey, Virge. You know what I'm craving right now?" Virgil didn't answer and just kept giggling. He shook his head back and fourth already knowing the answer. "Raspberries!" With that he then started blowing tiny raspberries on Virgil's neck and collarbone. When I tell you, Virgil screamed. "EEEEEEhehe!! NoHOHOoh!!" Virgil was in stitches, but he was also the happiest he'd been this whole week.
He's been down lately, in a state of depression. So he thought by doing this with Roman would really help lift his spirits. -and oh, did it do more then that- his dopamine levels were as high as a kite right now. "Hey Virge. You know what I've noticed." He stated calmly, as if there wasn't a grown man in hysterics in front of him. "Whahhahahat!?" He tried to answer. "You haven't once said for me to stop." He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. As he said that, he slowed his 'attack' to a stop.
"w'Well, i- um..." his blush burned a dark crimson at this point, and started to spread to the tips of his ears. "Do you perhaps like it?~" Roman asked. "n'No..." that got him a poke to the side. -the hoodie had already gotten taken off of the both of 'em at this point- he squeaked. "Ok, maybe a little..." Virgil's face was flushed so brightly, if you didn't know what they were talking about, you would be concerned for him.
"Well isn't that just adorable~" Roman said. "No it's not!" When he said that, Roman lifted a brow. "Are you sure about that?~" he then fluttered his fingers on Virgil's neck, making him giggle and scrunch up. "You're just like a roly poly." Roman smiled at Virgil. Which made him look away in embarrassment. "Hey, don't look away." He started. " I'm not done tickling you yet." There they both were, on the floor, in a tickle fight. Forgetting about the once attended to tripod, that was still recording Everything.
(A/N) I hope that you enjoyed this. It's my first sander sides fic, so it's probably not the best. But, I tried to give the characters as much justice as I could. I hope it was just as teasy for you as it was for me... AnYwAaAAaYsS! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try and write more soon.😅 BYE!
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aang3ll · 9 months
Finally, an intro post
Tumblr media
(Please ignore my horrendous handwriting)
You can call me Rain or Angel :))
I use any and all pronouns, as seen above! Things I'll do on this blog
-Write requests/Commissions
-Terrorize lees
My hobbies
-Writing lil songs
-Watching COD
-Bullying @xoleevia and @tikalee <3
REQUEST RULES (Requests open)
_________________________________ 1. ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW 2. Sometimes, there may be certain characters that I don't want to write for due to personal reasons, so please be respectful of that 3. You are allowed to request for fandoms that aren't on my fandom list 4. If, for some reason, your request is not fulfilled, please do not deal with this situation by getting angry and spamming my inbox or smth. Instead, simply shoot me a DM, and I will either get onto your request, and/or explain to you why your request wasn't or will not be fulfilled (depends on the request) 5. And lastly, please do not hate on certain requests just because you do not like a character or fandom Also, please note that fics and stuff probably won't be very long, because I have low writing stamina __________________________________________________________
Fandoms ___________ (Noted that I CAN and WILL binge through an entire series or smth just so I can accurately fulfill a request)
-Marble Hornets
-Murder Drones
-Call of Duty (Modern Warfare)
-Undertale (And most AUs)
-IT (1900's 1 and 2, as well as 2000's 1 and 2)
-South Park (Kids AND Adults)
-Gravity Falls
-Death Note
-Mean girls
-Little shop of horrors
-Maze runner
-Hunger games
-Stranger Things
-Girl, interrupted
-The Black Phone
-Demon Slayer
-Amanda the Adventurer
-Rainbow Friends
-G.O.B.B (Garten of BanBan)
-Helluva Boss
-Hazbin Hotel
-Nightmare Before Christmas
-Wendall and Wild
-Steven Universe
-Spooky Month
-Sanders Sides
-Handplates (An Undertale AU that was made into a comic, you can watch it on youtube!)
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-And if you really want to, you can even request fics about yourself! :) (If you would like the fic to be with another person you know online or IRL, that is also allowed, just please provide proof that you have their permission, please! This can be done through asks or DMs, or even by asking them to post that you have perms!!) _____________________________________ Characters I will absolutely NOT write for _____________________________________ -CC!Dream (I may consider writing C!Dream, but only under VERY specific circumstances.) -Alex (Marble Hornets (We're a system with a Brian alter, who gets triggered by Alex)) -Belos (TOH(Do I even need to explain?)) -Mineta (MHA(^)) -Eric. Fucking. Cartman. -Any lusttale characters -Graves (COD) -Offenderman (Creepypasta) -Henry Bowers + other IT bullies (We also have Richie-) -If you request for QSMP, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT write for Forever. -Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls(Sorry y'all, I love Bill, but he's hard asf to write for with fluffy tickles-)) -FUCKING PENNYWISE THE GODDAMN DANCING CLOWN -CC!Wilbur. However, I will still write for the bursonas. (Ghostbur, Revivedbur, ETC.) ______________________________________________________________ Boundaries ------------- -Fic requests? / Duhh -Art requests? /Most likely not, I can't draw very well -Teases? / Have at it, my friend -NSFW asks/DMs? / No. -DMs from 18+? / No thanks, it's nothing against you guys, I just don't really like talking to adults without other people knowing what's going on, if that makes any sense -Nok-Tkl asks / Ofc! -General DMs / I don't mind, as long as you're under 18 :) -Minor interaction? / Yep! -Over 18 interaction? / Sure, as long as you don't DM! -K1nk/NSFW/Fetish interaction? / No ty ______________________________________________________________ DNI -----
1. Proshippers
2. K!nk + N$FW accounts
3. Zoos + Maps + Nomaps
4. Homophobic + Transphobic + Racist folks
6. Pseudogenic + Tulpa + Endogenic systems. Need I say more?
8. Colleen supporters
9. Anyone who isn't against $@ + @buse
10. "Super Straight" folks. Just say you're transphobic lol 11. CC!Wilbur supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------------- All organized tags so far! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #aangel - All of my posts are tagged with this! #nontickles - Anything that isn't t-word related! #aangel writes - All of my fanfictions are tagged with this! #aangell draws - All of my art is tagged with this! #aangell mha - All of my MHA related posts! #aangell creepypasta - All of my creepypasta related posts! #Tika's tag - Anything having to do with @tikalee! #Olivia's tag - Anything to do with @xoleevia! ----------------------------------------------------------------- And, that's it, folks! Have a wonderful day/night!
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snowdice · 1 month
Folds in Paper: Book 2 (Chapter 2: Spoiler Soup) [Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sander Sides
Relationships: Janus/Patton, Remus & Roman, Logan/Virgil, Roman & Patton & Logan
Characters: Janus, Patton, Emile, Remus, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Remy
Summary: Janus is trying. After spending months trapped in time with his enemy turned… something else, Janus is trying to find meaning in a world where he or anyone else could rewrite history with one simple mistake.
During his leave from the Time Preservation Initiative, the time distortions that have been causing disastrous ripples in time have not gone anywhere. His partner’s past is more mysterious than ever and old and new alliances are shifting. Can Janus figure out what is going wrong with time before that time is up?
The problem with time travel… you never how long you have before the clock strikes 12.
Chapter Summary:
Janus moves back to his own place… He did not leave his house like this.
Notes: Time travel AU, mystery, enemies to lovers, alcohol, sexual innuendo, character with depression, character with ptsd
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted).
Previous Book(s)
Book 2: Part 1
Today Janus was moving into his house in 24th century for the second time in his life, and honestly, the house wasn’t going to look much different than it had when he’d first moved in. Janus had unpacked his things more at Emile’s house in the past almost 6 months than he had in the two and a half years living in his house. His house held clothes, bare bone furniture, and exactly one skillet from when he’d decided to be daring and tried to cook himself an egg. All he’d really customized for himself were the settings on the LXC device which controlled the lights, media across the home, and prepackaged food ordering and prepare.
He almost felt embarrassed that his house was so empty. Emile, of course, knew that his mental health had been fucked, but the blankness of his house was a physical reminder of this fact especially considering how he used to keep house before all of this. He’d warned Emile about the fact that his house was empty, and he had said he understood, but still.
They gathered all of the luggage in a pile in Emile’s guest room. They’d had to get permissions from the TPI to allow Emile to travel to his house, and Janus went ahead and filed to give him permanent permission to travel there.
The decision felt far too hopeful for someone who hadn’t had that conversation with his brother yet, but it had made Emile smile in the moment.
Emile took three of the bags and Janus took the rest. He waved his arm and selected the third saved location on the device. In a moment, he was standing in the living room of his dark, empty house.
His supposed to be dark and empty house. More of the lights were on than Janus had ever switched on himself, and half of the windows were open. (He didn’t even know some of those windows opened.)
They were letting in the sounds of birds that made the lakeside their home as well as a cool late fall breeze. There was also a racket coming from the kitchen. Emile was beside him a second after he himself had appeared. He looked around for a moment. “Did you leave it like this?”
“No,” Janus replied.
“Do you have squatters?” He had a security system from 2 millennia in the future on his house. He highly doubted it.
“I’m going to go check the kitchen,” Janus said, moving towards the noises coming from the other room.
He stopped in the doorway to his kitchen only to see Patton standing at his kitchen counter cutting up a carrot on a cutting board Janus surely did not own, and if he did, it was buried in a box somewhere.
“What are you doing?” Janus asked.
“Cooking!” was the immediate reply.
“In my house?” Janus asked. “How do you even know where my house is?”
“I may be just a little bit ahead of you,” Patton said with a wink while tapping the side of his nose.
Janus sputtered. “This is my house!”
“I know!” He said it so cheerfully while being a purposefully obtuse asshole. Janus could help but crack a smile and shake his head. He’d missed him after spending so long alone with him though he wasn’t going to admit that to him when he’d broken into Janus’s house to…
“Again, what are you doing?”
“I’m making you soup.”
“Why?” Janus asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “I know it’s a bit of a rough time for you, so I thought I’d give you a nice welcome home present and what better present than food!” He smiled at him widely.
Janus looked closer at what he was making. “You’re trying to prove to me you can cook.” Patton frowned at him. “Have you considered I have had enough fish stew for a lifetime?”
“Nope!” he said. “It’s entirely different this time anyway. I have carrots!”
“I don’t like carrots,” Janus lied blandly.
“Liar!” Patton declared.
“No, I’m not,” Janus continued to lie.
“I mean, that was definitely a lie,” Emile interjected from behind Janus. He was looking at them curiously. “Er, hello, who are you?”
“This is Pat,” Janus said.
“The illegal time traveler you’ve been tracking?” Emile asked with a questioning lilt to his tone.
“Ah, yes, well,” Janus said with a cough. “We came to an understanding when stuck in pre-history.”
“And now he is cooking soup for you? In your house?” Emile asked.
“I’ve long since stopped trying to make sense of him,” Janus grumbled.
“Well,” Emile said. “Hello Pat.”
“You can call me Patton,” he said easily. “I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you.”
“We haven’t been meeting in the correct order,” Janus informed Emile. “So, he’s apparently already met you which will happen in your future. It is also something he shouldn’t be talking about,” he scolded. Patton took that with a shrug.
“I hate time travel,” Emile said, his nose scrunching up. “Isn’t life already confusing enough.”
Janus winced, not relishing the upcoming conversation with him about how confusing his life was now because of time travel.
“Don’t you work with the TPI too?” Patton asked.
“That doesn’t mean I like time travel,” Emile said. “I’m a stationary agent and I like that just fine.”
“Time travel can be a bit complicated sometimes,” Patton acknowledged, “but I don’t think it’s all bad.” He finished chopping up the carrot and turned to put it in the self-regulating soup pot. Janus squinted at it. It was certainly not something Patton had in the 21st century. So, the question was… had he gone out and bought time appropriate cookware before breaking into Janus’s house or had he gone through Janus’s storage to find it?
“You’re a free agent time traveler, right?” Emile asked.
“Depends on what you mean by free agent,” Patton said. “I have always worked with a group of people, and we have rules and procedures. It’s basically a time agency itself, just not the TPI.”
“And you’ve met me before?”
“I have,” Patton confirmed, “but Janus is right in that I can’t say much more than that about it. In fact,” he said wiping off his hands on a towel hanging from his apron. (The apron was covered in cartoon squirrels and totted the phrase ‘I’m a nut for baking.’) “I should probably be getting out of here.”
“You’ve never been worried about us meeting out of order before,” Janus pointed out with a frown. He didn’t particularly want Patton to go even though the man had broken into his house and possibly went through his boxes of kitchen equipment.
“Well,” Patton said. “There’s meeting wildly out of order, there’s meeting in order, and then there’s what I’m doing.”
“What are you doing?” Janus asked, alarmed.
Patton just shrugged with a smile.
“No, Patton, what are you doing?”
“Soup should be done in about an hour, but you can leave it on all day. I got a pot that’s fridge safe, so just shut it off and stick it in there before going to sleep.”
“See you later! Bye!” He said and disappeared into thin air.
Janus sighed and rubbed the bridge of his brow. “Why is he like this?”
“Janus,” Emile asked. “Why did your self-declared mortal enemy make you soup?”
“Because he’s an asshole, that’s why.”
“Uh huh,” Emile said, looking at him oddly.
“What?” Janus asked.
“What exactly happened when you were stuck in the past?” Emile asked.
Janus sighed. “A lot happened. A lot.” He glanced at the soup pot happily performing its function on his kitchen counter. ‘I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you,’ rang in his ears. Fucking Patton with his little hints about the future. It gave Janus just a bit of courage though knowing that Emile at least didn’t flee the continent after the conversation they had to have. He was at least around enough to meet Patton. “In fact,” Janus said. “It’s probably time I told you what happened. Everything that happened.”
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meraki-yao · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers ✒️
I have a bit of time between now and my consultation for my essay so I’m finally answering these! Thank you to @luainthewild and @typicalopposite for the tags!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 right now! I’m a baby fic writer lol I only started in 2022 as a coping mechanism from university fucking me up, but I’m fully in love with it now. It’s so good to get back into writing for myself after writing for school and exams according to a marking scheme for so long.
What's your total ao3 word count? 43,982!
What fandoms do you write for?
浪浪钉 LLD (The collective ship name for the main ship Wenzhou and the rps Junzhe), Shadowhunters (mostly Show canon but I do have book canon fic ideas in my drafts), RWRB
I have a Sanders Sides Hadestown AU in my drafts too but that’s been gathering dust there for a while😅
Top five fics by kudos:
I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping (RWRB)
I Need Comfort (But I Hate Being Comfortable) (RWRB)
Dancing Under Red Skies (Shadowhunters)
Take Me Out and Take Me Home (Shadowhunters)
Achilles Come Down (Shadowhunters)
Do you respond to comments?
Not really, mostly because I have no idea how to handle compliments🫠
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d say my first fic? Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To, because that was literally four ships with a bad ending (or at least endings presented as bad) with one final happy ending ship. But otherwise I mostly stick with happy endings, or at least hopeful endings
But I will say my WIP that I posted on Wednesday is gonna break that record and have the angsiest ending, because it’s about Arthur Fox’s cancer diagnosis and Henry’s emotional journey through that point of his life
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’d say most of them are fairly happy? But I do think I do hopeful endings more.
Probably Can I Have This Dance? It ends with Alex and Henry dancing around in the Texas family house after the election
Do you get hate on fics?
So far so good, no, and I’m hoping it stays that way 🥹
Do you write smut?
Very, very tame. The most explicit thing I’ve written is The Word of Your Body, which is a RWRB Movie Paris scene fic. It’s very tame, but writing the main event gave me such a crisis
Craziest crossover:
I don’t think I’ve done a crossover? Between fandoms, that is. And I don’t think I’ll ever plan to? Unless you count what I did for Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To because I was mixing the actor’s characters from different projects and shipping them together (which is a really prominent thing in the LLD/JZ fandom)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but with my growing interest in translation, I am thinking of translating some of my own fics, starting with the LLD (since that’s a dominantly Chinese fandom to began with)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not yet!
All time favorite ship?
Aw, you can’t make me choose, that’s impossible!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have way too many ideas in my RWRB draft box, so there’s a lot of doubt there
But for fics I actually already started, it’s a song fic on “I’ll Cover You” from Rent for Junzhe. I was like 40% done with the draft, but the last time I touched it was in 2022.
It’s supposed to be a sort of exploration on cross-dressing and femineity which started because I was pissed at the government’s “Anti-sissy” declaration, and Zhehan (one part of the ship, but don’t search him online yourself a lot of shit happened and there’s massive misinformation everywhere about him) was really loved and known for his perceived femininity after holding a dominantly masculine image for most of his career. The gender neutrality in his style during and after Word of Honor suited him better, and I wanted to write about that
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptive writing and character studies, which is why most of my fics are either putting visual media into words, or missing scenes, or canon compliant
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and anything regarding movement and action, so choosing to write a Tangled AU for the RWRB Big Bang is a challenge I set for myself
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Be careful with it, and be respectful. (and of course, if it’s Chinese, I will be extra critical)
First fandom you wrote in?
Lang Lang Ding/Junzhe! Or if you categorize according to AO3 tags, Word of Honor RPF
Favorite fic you've written?
Eh, I’m pretty happy with most of my fics but I’ll go with I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping, The Word of Your Body and Achilles Come Down
No pressure tagging @o0anapher0o @pippin-katz @lfg1986-2 @noemiettedraw @thinkof-england
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delimeful · 11 months
to know that song (and all its words) (10)
just like virgil, it's time we get to look at the raiders' attack from a few different perspectives :)
warnings: violence, blood and injury, implied minor character death, guilt, fear, lmk if i missed any
“You hurt him,” Patton said, and he barely even recognized the sound that came out of him as his own voice.
The crowd of aliens was frightening, the way all aliens were to him, but there were some advantages to being monsters, and one of them was that aliens were scared of him back. They parted before him like leaves scattered by a leafblower, his steps unimpeded as he made his way to where a bundle of familiar feathers and fuzz laid. Unnatural, twitching movements spasmed through them, but they hadn’t gone deathly still– not yet.
Whatever the leader alien was saying was lost to the distant buzzing in Patton’s head. Logan’s response made it through, just barely. His voice had dropped into that icy pitch that meant he was well and truly angry, an ominous tone that made something primal and hunted in the back of Patton’s mind shiver to life.
Be ready, it said. We’ll have to fight soon.
He hated fighting more than anything else in space, even the tests. He hated seeing the fear set in, with bristling spines or flinching spikes or rolling, panicked eyes. He hated the way alien bones and bug shells gave way so easily, like they were made of hollow styrofoam or old eggshell.
Feathers’ arm was broken, snapped with a nasty, jutting-out bit of bone that made him feel sick to even see. Patton remembered the chalky taste of shock when he broke his wrist as a kid, the way the hurt had overwhelmed everything, the cautionary tales about grabbing little creatures or bothering baby birds, because they would die from the shock and the stress sometimes.
Aliens were so much more delicate than the little beings back home.
There’s a sob, somewhere in the back of Patton’s throat. He folded it down carefully, because he was surrounded by danger and because Feathers was still alive, and so he couldn’t just give up or break down, not even with all his fear and dread mixing into a horrible, pulsing mess in his gut.
Feathers had always been spirited, from the first moment the three of them snuck onto the little guy’s ship. Patton repeated this to himself like a mantra as he crouched next to them, feeling his lips wobble a little at the sight of their little head craning slightly to see him.
Their eyes narrowed into little crescents, and they made a small, warbling chirp that seemed to get a little tangled halfway through the sound. Feathers had made a lot of sounds, but none of them had ever sounded like this. The high pitched whistling breaths sounded a lot like almost-whines, like a hurt dog begging for help, but Feathers didn’t even seem to know that they were making them.
The alien leader kept speaking as Patton carefully slotted his hands under Feathers’ small, too-light form. The cadence of the words was songlike and mocking, and Patton could practically feel the way Logan’s ire sharpened to a honed point, aimed directly at them like the tip of a saber. Whatever the stranger had said, it hadn’t helped their case at all.
And that was saying something, considering that they’d already dug the hole pretty deep by hurting Feathers, who they’d all grown attached to despite Logan’s best efforts.
Patton has to blink back the automatic tears when he sees Feathers’ arm up close, trying his absolute hardest to lift them into his arms without jarring the injury. He had to hurry; the last thing they needed was for Patton to be stuck on the wrong side of the room with precious cargo during their plan.
Feathers was still conscious as Patton made his way back over to Logan’s side, the hair on the back of his neck prickling in nervous anticipation all the way. They seemed… out of it, their antenna flicking in strange little circles and their feathers puffing up and smoothing back down as waves of trembling pain seemed to work through their little body.
Patton clutched them a little closer, exchanged a brief look with Logan, and scrunched his eyes closed, knowing that he’d need the advantage once Roman flipped the switch. Next to him, Logan would be doing the same, only keeping the slightest sliver of vision to make sure they weren’t ambushed.
Even knowing it was coming, he still flinched away from the burst of noise when Logan whistled the signal.
The final whistle had barely faded into silence when the orange-pink of the back of his eyelids flicked to an unmistakable pitch black.
For a moment, Patton was back in the labs. He moved to grasp for Roman in the dark, knowing that the only way he could help him through these punishments was to grab on and hold tightly, prove that he wasn’t alone in the dark through whispered words and interlaced fingers.
The only thing his hand found was empty air, and next to him, the silhouette of Logan moved.
Right. He had a different friend to look after this time, and if he didn’t hurry, he’d be leaving Logan to deal with an entire ship’s worth of armed aliens on his own. The moment of disorientation would serve as an effective distraction for a few moments– but only that.
He twisted on his heel, ignoring the sicking crunch of impact from a few feet away to lunge back through the doors they’d come in through, turning and sprinting down the hall for onetwothreefourfivesix long steps and turn again, reach out and there was the little open shelf area built into the wall for storage.
This was where he tucked Feathers, the lowest part of the shelf, pushed to the back corner, his heart breaking a little at the pain they were so obviously in.
He left them there with a whispered promise to return, his heart pumping rapidly as he bolted back to where he could hear shouting and the beginnings of screaming, steeling himself as he picked up the heavy section of pipe Logan had left leaning against the wall outside.
They were in this together. No matter how much he hated it, he hated the idea of not standing between his best friends and death– or worse– more.
With a shuddering inhale, he plunged into the fight.
When the sudden darkness hit, Logan’s eyes had been slightly cracked, and so his vision was still partially impaired.
So, for the first few seconds of the fight, he worked off memory alone.
While the pointless, infuriating conversation he’d had with the raiders’ apparent boss had done their opponents absolutely no favors, Logan had never been one to waste an opportunity. He’d spent the duration of it scanning the room, taking in the aliens closest to him, the ones between him and the boss, and the ones with long-range weaponry held ready.
He went for the ones with paralyzing guns first, because the risk of being hit by a stray shot outweighed the potential of letting them fire off their weapons blindly in a panic, and because it gave him higher odds of hitting targets that weren’t immediately lethal, like hands or arms or even tails.
In his experience, flight was a much stronger impulse than fight for most aliens. Seeing as they had far less adrenaline to numb the pain of an injury and allow them to keep fighting through it, Logan understood why.
He also understood that it made diving into the middle of a herd of opponents much less dangerous. The moment the first few cries of pain and crunches of wrenched limbs rang out, there was a frantic scattering away from the center of the room, like a bowl of marbles dropped on the floor.
Good. The less casualties between him and his goal, the quicker this would be over with.
Even as he twisted around the attempted strike of a heavy, lumbering alien, his thoughts still felt like a looping record, dragged back again and again to those moments before they walked in.
He’d been the one to hold up their sign for wait, paused as though he was assessing the situation even though he knew from the cameras that the Ampen had already been taken hostage.
It had been to satisfy his own curiosity, to justify his own paranoia when it came to their surprisingly resilient impromptu pilot.
The other two hadn’t been in space as long as he had, hadn’t been exposed to the depths that aliens would sink to when it came to humans. He’d taken pains to try and keep it that way, though it sometimes felt as though they were undermining his efforts with how friendly they were, even after everything.
He knew why. Roman and Patton both had far more sociable natures than him, and a willingness to believe the best of others that had been stamped out of him. It was only natural that they would be curious about the first alien they’d met that didn’t hold any sort of power over them.
Logan had attempted to warn them— an attack could stem just as easily from fear and ignorance as it could malice and greed. Feathers, as Roman had so creatively dubbed him, certainly seemed terrified and spiteful enough from the very start.
And yet, even he’d started growing lax in the face of the unexpected kindnesses that the Ampen had granted them. Guidance on the food stocks they had, explanations on the facilities, and a slow but steady easing of tensions the longer both parties went without hurting each other.
They certainly seemed to alarm and bewilder the little alien at every opportunity, that much Logan was more than practiced enough in alien body language to pick up on, but there was understanding there, too.
And it certainly wasn’t greed that motivated Feathers. They’d balked at the Dren canister as though he’d been offering them a severed head on a plate, rather than a rare resource that many aliens were willing to commit atrocities to obtain.
It was the best outcome Logan could have asked for.
It was too good to be true.
So, he’d heard the leader offer Feathers a way out, coaxing them with promises of pest removal, and he’d waited.
Because he wanted proof that he’d been right to keep his distance. Because he’d been so sure that this was it, this was the moment that he was betrayed again, except now it wasn’t only his life at risk, but that of the other two, as well.
Because nobody in space cared what happened to a few humans. Not when ‘human’ was synonymous with ‘monster’.
“I don’t… give starscourge pirates shit,” Feathers had spat, words vehement even as their body refused to do more than dangle limply from their captor’s grasp. “Nobody on this ship… ‘cept me, anyhow.”
For the first time since he’d left Earth’s atmosphere, Logan realized that his worst fears were unfounded.
He’d been stunned. Almost too dumbfounded to think, let alone move.
And somewhere in that unforgivable moment of hesitation, Feathers stalwart refusal to give them up made them expendable.
“Useless,” the leader had hissed, the vitriol dragging Logan’s mind back online just in time to hear a splintering crunch.
The high-pitched shriek of pain only lasted for a handful of seconds before it cut off, and Logan had forced himself to move before his lapse in judgement cost their smallest crewmember any more than it already had.
Only half of his mind was on the conversation, the other half spinning wildly out of control as he watched Patton retrieve Feathers and knew from his tremulous expression alone that it was bad.
‘Bad’ for a human was fatal for an alien, more often than not.
“Logan, eight o'clock!” Patton’s familiar voice snapped him back into the present, and Logan stuck a hand out to smoothly receive the pipe Patton tossed his way.
He forced himself to focus, grounding himself with the sensation of his fingers around the cool metal of the makeshift weapon. Patton was at his side. Feathers had been safely removed from the situation.
There was only one matter he could afford to worry about now, and it was ensuring that he and his companions remained free and safe.
Logan stepped forward and swung, aiming to win.
Waiting for the all-clear signal had been one of the most painful things Roman had ever had to do.
Up until now, every battle they’d faced, from their daring escape to boarding Feathers’ ship, had been with all three of them fighting together.
To sit in the dim red glow of the emergency light, holding a sharp twisted bit of scrap metal and his heart in his throat, ears straining for any sign that his only friends in the whole of space were alright— it was torture.
Even so, he sat.
Roman would be less than useless in the darkness that played such an instrumental role in their plan, his body responding to the threat and locking down regardless of what his mind had to say. He would become a liability, and the absolute last thing he wanted was to be used against them.
When the whistle finally came— one long call, and then two short bursts— he wasted no time before flicking the lights back on and sprinting down the halls.
Something tight and terrified in his chest loosened the moment the lighting fixtures flickered back to life, but it didn’t fully release its grip on him until he turned a corner and saw Logan, whole and unharmed.
Only Logan.
“Patton—?” he started the moment Logan turned fully to face him.
“Still in the bay,” Logan replied immediately, and for once Roman was grateful for his utter lack of any sense of drama. “He’s helping some of the more critically wounded with tourniquets and the like. They surrendered after I dispatched their leader and the more stringent bodyguards.”
Looking at the way he was splattered heavily with blood, one hand still white-knuckled around the equally-splattered pipe, Roman could imagine why.
“That’s Padre for you,” he replied, trying to remain upbeat even as he detected something distinctly wrong with Logan’s expression. “Is Feathers with him?”
Logan’s face closed off even more, and it felt like an invisible hand was squeezing all the air out of Roman’s lungs.
“They were injured. The severity is…,” he stopped, looking pained. “I need you to guard the main door so I can retrieve them and assess the damage.”
“Go,” Roman said immediately, reaching out and tugging the pipe from his grasp. “Don’t just give up, Specs. I mean, we don’t just have our resources now, right? There’s an entire ship full of supplies right here, and another connected to it. How often do you want to bet space pirates get injured on the job?”
Logan nodded, jerky at first and then smoothing into something more determined. “Right.”
Without another word, he headed down the hall, and Roman took a few deep breaths. He could keep it together for everyone. It didn’t matter if the composure was fake, so long as he acted it out well enough.
By the time Logan returned, he was put-together enough not to balk at the sight of Feathers cradled in his arms like a corpse.
The first thing Feathers had negotiated for was the right to walk for themself. They hadn’t let anyone else hold them since then, still snapped at fingers if Roman tried to pet them even a little.
There was a faint chirping, interspersed with a few nonsense syllables that might have been trying to be words, and Logan drew to a stop immediately, peering down at his passenger.
“Are you with us?” Logan asked, carefully moving a hand to hover over Feathers in an attempt to keep the bright overhead lights from blinding them.
They flinched a little, and then opened their eyes a little further and slowly moved their gaze to stare at Logan.
“You’re badly injured,” Logan told them bluntly in Common, a frantic edge to his voice. “We need to know what sort of treatment will work for you, what kind of medicine— and what amount, as well— is safe for Ampens. It’s very important, Feathers. Can you tell me?”
Roman couldn’t even find it in himself to tease Logan for giving in and using their nickname, too caught up in scanning Feathers’ tiny face for any signs of comprehension, any hope that they would be able to properly treat their wound.
After a few long seconds of blank staring, Feathers straightened up slightly and pushed their head up to butt against the palm of Logan’s hand, like an affectionate cat seeking attention.
Logan went still, like he was being held at gunpoint, and exchanged a desperate, pained look with Roman.
Feathers made a few tiny peeps, more vulnerable that they’d ever let themself be around them before, and Roman struggled not to be overcome by the feeling of his heart sinking right through the floor.
Hesitant and desolate, Logan smoothed his hand over their feathers as carefully as he could. Feathers crooned quietly and slowly settled back into unconsciousness, tiny muscle spasms still rolling through them every so often.
“Find their medic,” Logan said, and when Roman looked up, he found that his friend had settled into the harsh, sharp-edged version of himself, the one he used to harden himself to what they needed to do if they wanted to survive.
They’d all found a little of that in themselves, over the months spent in captivity. Logan had tried to use it to keep a protective shell between himself and their fluffy, stressed out pilot, but Roman was more than willing to use it on Feathers’ behalf.
“I’ll have Patton bring the first one we find to the medical room,” he agreed with a nod, already turning to head into the bay. “Once we’ve got the other ship locked down, we’ll meet you there. Take good care of them until then?”
Logan’s expression twisted the slightest amount, before firming into something determined. “I will.”
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jade-bright · 7 months
One day or Day one, am I right?
Okay, so god knows the amount of ideas I have for a few of the fandoms I hold close to my heart. The main one as of right now being Teen Wolf.
So here's a list of ideas I had written down or just in my mind for a long while :P (BTWs, a few of these I honestly don't remember my thought process for them, even tho I included a bit of context for myself in my notes)
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips /// Childhood Friends/Sweethearts AU [Sterek Animatic]
a lil montage thing of them growing up together, or something
Friends on the Other Side (Mash Up) - Thomas Sanders & Friends /// Kind of a mafia vibe w/ Spark Stiles [Pack Animatic]
- Stiles = Dr. Facilier - Isaac = Oogie Boogie Man - Others (couldn't think of which characters would fit with which disney villain)
Backstage Romance /// [Sterek Animatic]
- Some sort of ceremony, maybe? With how sexual the music video or whatever is, the idea is lowkey a mating ceremony...in dance??? Like obviously not sex, it was idea of the ceremony was going to be more them exchanging the mating bites - Derek (the male role/voice) goes first in kind of seducing (dancing around) Stiles, then Stiles (the lady) would have his turn, and then both of them kind of seducing each other, aka dance together and are abt to bite each other - Interrupted by hunters??? Or separated by their respective family / friends - Flashback to b4 b4 the ceremony or when they were kids @ the "some of them want to use you," which in the flashback it'd be both their parents warning them about, well, people wanting to use them because they're a spark and a werewolf >>> then back to the ceremony - But it is a whole ass dance like in the BGT video performance
Lover boy X Killer Queen /// I had three separate, but ultimately similar ideas for this one [Sterek Animatic (more tiktok formish)]
1. >>> Stiles talking abt Derek (Loverboy) / Derek talking abt Stiles (Killer Queen) <<< These are interchangable, like the songs could be either one of them 2. Derek describing himself to Eli / Stiles describing Derek to Eli 3. How Sterek acts like "now," (ignoring the movie) they're married and openly show that they love each other / How they used to act before, so like maybe Season 1-2 ish (?)
Inspo from reading title "Wolves who cried boy" - 3 ideas that kind of combined and became a 5 + 1 idea [Sterek Fic]
1. Stiles isn't known by the pack yet. So when the 5 pups (I think I included Jackson???) spot him in different areas around Beacon Hills, they all go to Derek or call him to come over. But Stiles is always gone by then, including his scent. 2. A *Stiles and Derek are around the same age,* where Derek keeps finding Stiles in the forest/preserve and his family never believes him or something 3. The '5' being idea #1 and idea #2 as like a flashback for the 5th one, and the '+1' being when Stiles finally showing up to the pack house by himself or w/ Derek
Mandalorian!Derek and Jedi!Stiles /// Star Wars AU [Sterek]
Only notes I have for this idea is, use "We're (a little bit) in love" as reference(-ish). Which I'm assuming is a fic I read, but I read so many damn fics I don't know which one this is. And my second note, Pack = Clan
"So what if he did? it's none of your dang business kid. My mom, there's no-one else quite like my mom" /// Art edit/animatic idea [Stilinski, Hale or Sterek Family (centric-ish)]
1. Eli -> Stiles -> Claudia 2. Eli -> Stiles -> John/Noah 3. Eli -> Derek -> Talia Thought process: - Claudia had a past w/causing trouble or slightly disrespecting the officers if she was questioned - The Sheriff and Stiles are both badasses in finding evidence/proving ppl wrong - The Hales would obviously be pissed at being chained/tied down and most likely bamfs when getting out of it :D
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dustylogicalityrat · 7 months
you can call me Logan or Layla! (yes, i stole Logan Sanders' name, let's move on!)
she/him pronouns! (no preference! just either of these!)
DNI if you support:
genocide (fuck israel)
queerphobia (this includes aspecs, trans individuals, intersex individuals, and every other identity)
fun facts:
! i have autism and ADHD
! i'm white-hispanic
! i use tone tags
! Logicality is my favorite ship
! blue is my favorite color
! i'm still questioning my gender, lol (possibly bigender?)
! my favorite fruit are mango(e?)s
! i have way too many favorite songs
! my favorite Sanders Sides characters in order: Thomas, Patton, Logan, Roman, Virgil, Remus, Janus (i love them all so so much)
! my favorite Roleslaying with Roman characters: Roman, Youngblood, Noise, Henderson, Britney (chapter III), Lilypadton, Aunt Patty
! my favorite musical theatre characters include: Michael Mell (Be More Chill), Seymour (Little Shop of Horrors), Ram Sweeney (Heathers), Martha Dunnstock (Heathers), Beetlejuice & Miss Argentina (Beetlejuice), Jared (Dear Evan Hansen), Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
things you can expect from me + possible triggers:
reblogging Palestine news (FREE PALESTINE.)
Logicality (but also plenty of other Sanders Sides ships!)
all lower-case or all-caps
possible fics? (if so, i only write Sanders Sides fics)
occasional drawings!
discussion of my experience as an aroace and genderqueer individual
discussion of my experience as an autistic and ADHD individual
learning to un-mask my autism and ADHD
possible vents? (i don't really post those kinds of things, but if i do, i promise to tag them properly.)
discussion of special interests and hyperfixations which include but are not limited to:
SO MANY reblogs... (sorting system in the search bar for this blog!)
+Thomas Sanders (honestly, he's basically the only thing i post about)
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
+Good Omens
just a few examples:
>Be More Chill
(open to suggestions!!)
+Sonic the Hedgehog
+Will Wood
+so many cartoons (again, very open to suggestions!)
i've also realized i really like talking about myself. oh boy.
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agerefandom · 1 year
Fanfiction Masterpost
Tumblr media
In the current absence of AO3, may I remind everyone that my fanfictions are accessible on tumblr? ;p
If you'd like a full list of my writing, including both headcanons and fanfictions, my story page is accessible on desktop but I think some mobile users may have trouble accessing it! So here's a mobile-friendly version of my fanfictions.
Animaniacs  Yakko To The Rescue: big brother!Yakko with regressor!reader 
Avatar:The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara, post-canon
Be More Chill Safety In Numbers: regressor!Rich, worried Jeremy
Boku No Hero Academia Sound and Silence: domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!HizashiSomething Wrong: regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well (heavy fic)  Class Outing: Izuku regresses while at the mall with Class 1A
Calvin and Hobbes Old Friends: regressor!Calvin with Hobbes
Critical Role (C2) Books and Pigments: regressor!Jester and regressor!Caleb playdate Picking Up The Pieces: struggling regressor!Caleb and helpful Caduceus  Through Anything: regressor!Beau and Jester, doing Yasha’s hair
Death Note Restrained: Classification!AU with regressor!Light struggling in confinement 
Doctor Who The TARDIS Playroom: regressor!Thirteenth Doctor and an unexpected Graham
Good Omens  Evenings Of Eternity: regressor!Crowley, cg!Aziraphale (chapter two)  Mornings and Knights: sequel to the above story 
Harry Potter What Family Is: regressor!reader and their cgs, Remus and Sirius Golden Slumbers: regressor!reader, big brother!Harry Potter, and cg!Fred Weasley (cglre terminology) 
Hazbin Hotel Angels At The Window: regressor!Reader and caregivers!Vaggie and Charlie
Hetalia Bedtime Tears: Human AU, regressor!Italy with cg!Japan&Germany 
Homestuck Cupcakes and Moms: regressor!Dave and his mom Roxy  >Dirk: Regress: self-indulgent Dirk regression Big Brother, Little Brother: regressor!Dave and regressor!Dirk, regressing together for the first time, cg!Roxy and John.  Simple Days: minific with regressor!June and cg!Rose
The Magnus Archives Song of the Hive: regressor!Jane Prentiss horror story 
Marvel Quiet Days: cg!Natasha and regressor!reader drabble Kitchen Friends: regressor!reader (he/him) and cg!Bucky/Steve
Les Miserables Calling You Home: regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
Minecraft  It Takes A Village: regressor!reader in a minecraft world, ft. cg!villagers and curious enderman 
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night In The Woods Shapes and Friends: regressor!Mae with Gregg and Angus
Ouran High School Host Club  To Weather The Storm: Tamaki finds out that Haruhi regresses (cglre terminology)  Taking Care of Mori: regressor!Mori and cg!Hunny, ft. observant!Haruhi Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts: regressor!Haruhi, cgs Tamaki and Kyoya (cglre terminology) 
Pinky and the Brain The Joy of Theatre: Pinky puts on a play, Brain indulges him All The Great Men: Brain is having a hard day: Pinky does his best to help Yakko To The Rescue: regressor!reader and their big brother Yakko 
Phantom of the Opera Forever More: regressor!Erik and cg!Christine, established dynamic
Resident Evil VIII Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: regressor!reader (she/her) and cg!Dimitrescu (cglre terminology)
Sanders Sides Just Plane Overwhelmed: regressor!Virgil and cg!Patton on a stressful plane ride The Playtime Solution: regressor!Logan needs a break, cg!Patton To The Moon And Back: regressor!Logan, cg!Roman
Steven Universe Safe and Sound: regressor!Steven tries to stop regressing, cg!Crystal Gems (also rewritten here with transfem Steven going by Stephanie)  system/REGRESS.Steven: a rewrite of the Spinel fight, the rejeuvenator works on Steven and Amethyst is the one who has to collect all her regressed friends
Twilight Cold Palms, Warm Words: regressor!reader with cg!Alice and Jasper Sugar Sweet: baby-regressor!reader with established cg!Alice and Jasper  The Doctor’s Office: regressor!reader with cg!Carlisle  Home Sweet Home: Carlisle and Esme as parents, the other Cullens as regressors with varied age ranges Baby Steps: regressor!Bella with caregiver!Charlie (cw depression) 
Undertale A Story For Sans: regressor!Sans is exhausted, and Papyrus is worried Sweet Pea and Papyrus: cg!Papyrus and a regressor!reader who’s had a bad day 
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Switched Around
Okay so I know you don't usually do this type of thing but this idea is stuck in my head so may I ask for a Sanders sides fic were there roles are switched around? It could be because of a curse or it could just be like that from the start. The roles and reasons are as follows. Roles: Roman: Anxiety. Remus: Deceit. Virgil: "Good" Creativety. Janus: Logic. Patton: "Bad" Creativity. Logan: Morality. Reasons: Roman: We need more anxious and/or insecure Roman. Remus: IDK just fit. Virgil: We need more confident Virgil. Janus: IDK just fit. Patton: Just Patton accidentally yelling "NOW FUCK!" or something like that. Logan: Just Logan not being able to not show his feelings. - uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: none, light prinxiety?
Word Count: 2045
In one universe, we know the Sides as follows: Patton, ever stringent Morality, Logan, the voice of Logic and Reason, Virgil, Anxiety and sarcasm personified, Janus as doubt and Deceit, and the twins, Roman and Remus as Creativity.
In another...the anxious Side waits for a group meeting to start.
Roman curls up in the corner of the living room, hunched around a pillow in the armchair, rubbing his left hand in his lap. His eyes are fixed on the stairs, unseeing, even as he mumbles to himself that the others should be here by now, they should be downstairs, we have to meet about things, did I get the time wrong? What if it was earlier and I missed it? What if it's not even today and I already missed it? What if—
Roman startles terribly, looking over to see Logan standing next to him. He reaches out—slowly, slow enough that Roman can see his intentions and decide whether or not he's okay with being touched—and settles his hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright," he murmurs, rubbing slow circles with his thumbs, "you're alright. It's only me."
"…hi, Logan."
"Hello." Logan tilts his head. "What were you thinking about?"
"Just, y'know, things."
Unlike Logan, Remus seems to relish in startling Roman, or making him second-guess himself (if only for a moment) and it seems today is no exception. Roman startles so badly that he almost knocks the lamp over, glaring at Remus as he appears in his normal spot just next to the stairs. Remus, not daunted at all by the glower, waggles his fingers in greeting.
"I smell bullshit, Roman," he sing-songs, pointing a finger at him, "fess up!"
"Remus," Logan seconds, sounding much sterner than Roman, "there's no need to be cruel."
"Ugh, 'cruel,'" Remus groans, leaning against the railing, "it's fine. Roman's just stuck in his little spirals again, like always."
"Still, there is no need to be unkind about it."
"Yeah, Remus, you don't need to be such a jerk to me all the time."
"Of course I do."
"No, you don't! It's—"
"He's lying, Roman."
"...I knew that."
The way Remus's grin widens says he's just about to crow that that was bullshit too when someone else rises up onto the stairs, making him tumble off the railing with a squeal.
"Sorry I'm late," Virgil says, lounging against the steps and shaking his hair from his face, "got caught up in something."
"No worries, Virgil, not everyone's arrived yet."
"Yup, I can see that." Virgil tilts his head when he notices Logan's protective stance over Roman and the way Remus is bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Roman? You okay?"
"Yep," Roman says, not meeting his eyes, "I'm fine."
Virgil glances back and forth between the two of them, before sighing and reaching out to put Remus in a headlock. Remus squeaks and squirms but Virgil holds on. "Are you riling Roman up on purpose?"
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, what're you going to—" Virgil tightens his hold— "ack! Okay, okay, I give, jeez, you're such a party pooper."
Virgil lets go and Remus splutters, adjusting his costume and sticking his tongue out at a truly indifferent Virgil, already back to lounging on the steps.
"Should've known a knight couldn't resist a damsel in distress."
"I'm not a damsel," Roman mumbles, even though the idea of being saved like one does sound kinda nice…
"On the contrary," says a voice he'd rather didn't overhear that little interaction, "I'm afraid that Roman did indeed fulfill the role of damsel quite nicely in this case."
"Janus," Logan nods, "good to see you."
"I apologize for my tardiness," Janus says, adjusting his gloves as he looks around the room, "but I had reached a crucial point in my thesis and couldn't leave before I'd written it down."
"Ah, how is that going?"
"Better than anticipated." He nods to Virgil. "You were right, once I began writing, the ideas just…flowed."
Virgil tips him a lazy two-fingered salute.
"Is that everyone?" Janus glances at the empty spot by the window. "Oh, no, where's Patton?"
"Dunno. Last I saw him he was in the Imagination trying to come up with a Disney-appropriate version of…oh, I forget which fairytale."
Roman perks up a little. "Disney?"
"Unfortunately not actual Disney," Virgil says, winking, "but something equally as sanitized and, uh, market-friendly."
"Something far more indicative of a greedy corporation looking to squeeze numbers out of the human act of creation," Janus says dryly as Virgil turns to look at him in shock, "what?"
"Never thought I'd see you rise so passionately to my defense, 's all."
"Please." Janus rolls his eyes. "I'm hardly riding to your rescue."
"And yet I appreciate it all the same."
"Sorry I'm late!"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Roman thinks idly as Patton appears, glitter glinting off of his shirt and paint splashed across his hands. He fixes his glasses with a grin and claps his hands, sending a shower of glitter everywhere.
"I just got so caught up with work," Patton says, "do you have any idea how horrifying old fairytales used to be? Carving off parts of themselves to fit into glass slippers, ugh, so morbid and gross…whatever happened to all those nice stories?"
"Y'know that fairytales haven't always been, like, just for kids, right?"
"It's true," Janus adds when Patton's mouth opens incredulously, "in fact, a lot of what we consider now to be fairytales are simply collections of stories from other writers that rewrote tales as they saw fit. Many of them have been told and retold so many times that it's almost impossible to determine their original constituents."
"…yeah, I was gonna say that too."
"I'll put you in another headlock."
"Alright," Logan says, raising his voice slightly as the others start to bicker, his hand still warm on Roman's shoulder, "now that we're all here, shall we begin?"
A few grumbles and rustles as the group settles and Roman glances up. Logan adjusts his glasses and folds his hands in front of him.
"Now, tonight is dinner and movie night, as we all know. It is Janus's turn to cook—"
"Did you all fill out the survey for what you want for dinner?"
"Sure did!"
"I did, yeah."
"You didn't put anything else on there, right?"
"No, Remus, I didn't."
Janus pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'll have a look at the results before I start."
"Thank you. And we have yet to select the movie for tonight."
"Ooh," Patton says, clapping his hands, "Disney!"
"We've watched Disney movies for the last, like, four movie nights."
"Indeed." Janus sniffs. "There's only so many musicals I can tolerate."
"Plus," Remus adds, oddly sober for once, "they're boring."
Roman winces as Patton draws himself up indignantly, instinctively turning toward the chair for a bit of protection as the yelling starts.
"'Boring?' I'm sorry, did you just say boring? What about adventure and heroism is boring? What about learning powerful lessons and the value of love and friendship is boring? What about seeing all of these characters grow and learn and come together is boring?"
"It is rather formulaic," Janus says, loathed as he looks to be agreeing with Remus, "good triumphs over bad, the princess—or her archetypal stand-in—finds the strength in herself, the villains are defeated through a combination of genre-appropriate competence and abstract morality—no offense, Logan."
"None taken." Logan looks at Patton. "I…find myself agreeing. I'd rather not watch another Disney movie tonight."
Patton splutters. "Well—Roman wants to watch Disney, right?"
Oh, no, why did this conversation turn to me? I didn't say anything!
"Right, Roman?"
"Hey," Virgil says, sitting up a little bit, "leave him out of this."
"We're all supposed to be having a discussion," Patton says, "I don't see why I can't ask Roman to weigh in on it!"
"That wasn't what you did, Patton, you just volleyed Roman in front of you without asking his opinion."
"I'm asking for it now!"
"Enough," Logan says, reaching out to touch Roman's shoulder again, "Roman? Do you have an opinion on the movie?"
Oh, god. Oh, god, now everyone's looking at me. Everyone's looking at me and they're gonna expect me to have an answer and I don't have one but I need to have one—oh, god, okay, think, think of what movie I'd want to watch—what's a movie?
Roman's head snaps up on instinct as Patton speaks.
"Do…do you want to watch a Disney movie?"
"Don't lie," Remus calls, "I'll know."
He bites his lip and slowly shakes his head. Patton's face falls to disappointment and he scuffs his glittery toe along the now-glittery carpet.
"What would you like to watch, Roman?"
"Um…" He glances around at the other faces. "What—what about The Bad Guys?"
Janus frowns. "Is that the Dreamworks movie?"
"Mhm. It's, um, it's based on a book series and it's about a bunch of animal—well, 'bad guys' that, uh, learn about what it means to be…good?"
Janus hums. "Go on."
"They—uh, from what I've seen of it, it's about them dealing with the prejudice that comes from being the animals they are and how much of 'bad guy' is forced upon them versus what it means to try and be good guys…a-and the animation style's really cool."
The room quiets.
"S-sorry, I know it's really similar to a Disney movie, it's supposed to be for kids, we don't have to watch it, we can just—"
"No, no," Logan says, interrupting him, "I'm… intrigued."
Roman glances up. "From what I've heard…there's also a character that's perceived as 'good' but his—he's not, really. Kind of an exploration there too."
"Ah, yes, I have heard of this one," Janus says, "I think I've seen a bit of it."
"Roman's right, the animation is spectacular. And the story…while a bit simplistic is at least consistent to its own worldview once you get into it."
Roman glances at Remus. "One of the main characters is a snake who lies all the time."
"Sold!" Remus claps his hands. "We're watching this!"
"Well, I suppose that was easy enough." Logan glances at Janus. "How long do we expect dinner to take?"
"About forty minutes, give or take."
"Alright—shall we meet back down here at 6:30?"
"Works for me."
"See you then!"
Roman lets out a sigh of relief as the others begin to sink out. Logan pats him once more on the shoulder before he sinks out too, leaving him alone in the living room.
"Hey, little dragon."
Almost alone. Roman looks over to see Virgil standing up, crossing to the chair and leaning on the back. "Hi."
"Good job," he says, ruffling his hair, "I'm excited to watch the movie."
"That's...that's good."
Virgil chuckles. "You okay? I know how it can feel when Remus starts messing with you like that, you doing alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm…I'm okay."
"That's good."
"U-um—" Roman sits up as Virgil backs away— "c-can I sit next to you for the movie?"
Virgil blinks, then smiles. "Sure, little dragon. I'd like that."
"I—I'd like it too."
"It's a date."
Virgil winks and sinks out, leaving Roman staring at the spot where he'd been standing.
A—a date? Like a date-date? That wasn't what I was asking, why did he think that's what I meant? Do I want it to be a date-date? Wait, what if the others find out? Can I still sit next to him? What if I can't do it? What if he—oh, god, what if he tells the others it's a date-date?
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Hey I uh. How do you think HMS and Sanders sides would interact with each other on an individual level? What would each they think of eachother? I know you've gone into some detail on ao3, but there's an awful lot of 1-1 interactions to be had and do you think any of them could potentially be interesting?
Idk I'm curious what your thoughts and opinions are. I feel like Mind may end up intimidating a lot of them tbh, on purpose or not.
ooooooo i have many thoughts
Soul & Remus- best friends. they meet and they have a sick ass boss battle and then they’re like “so when do you wanna meet up?” they play SO MANY PRANKS on EVERYONE ELSE and are just so ksjaisnsksnsjsn
Mind & Janus- They get along semi-well. They get into debates often that always end up extremely off topic yet heated. Like they could be arguing about who did it in a murder mystery, and then 30 minutes later they’re arguing about which cereal is the best. Janus is seriously concerned about Mind’s agenda tho.
Mind & Logan- They get along well. At first. And then Mind does something that makes Logan snap like he did in dwit but FAR WORSE. After that Logan apologizes but doesn’t forgive Mind for whatever he said. After that they get along well again. They also watch Death in Paradise a lot. So yeah.
Heart & Patton- Patton immediately adopts him. Heart (accidentally) manipulates Patton to the point where he takes his side on literally anything. It takes a talking from Janus for Patton to get untangled from the guilt tripping. But they do get along pretty nicely. Heart also introduces Patton to Bluey and he LOVES IT.
Heart & Virgil- Eh. They know each other, as Patton adopted them both, they talk sometimes. Such and such. They do bond over music though. Virgil infected Heart with emo music and now he blasts Paramore at 3am because he’s a tiny bit down.
Soul & Roman- oh they hate each other at first. Like absolutely despise. They get into a boss battle and Soul wins, Roman is like ‘fuck no, rematch’ and then proceeds to get beat up like 9272827 times. When they do get along though they’re the best duet to ever sing a song. Literally they harmonize so well. And they watch Disney until like 5am.
BONUS: Whole & Thomas- They bond over the whole having different parts of yourself as actual people thing. Thomas helps Whole with his headaches, heartaches, and cramps, and Whole helps Thomas with social anxiety. They’re pretty good friends and would be great roommates.
I really want to write a fic where it’s literally just sides and HMS shenanigans but i want to add lore but don’t know how to lmao
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