jakubrozalski · 11 months
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'Caledonian Forest'
" Written by Titus Ursus, Primus pilus of Legiō IX Hispana, in the third year of Hadrian's reign (* 120 AD). This will probably be the last entry in my diary. Our legion was ambushed in the wild realm called Caledonian Forest and was almost completely annihilated. Half of my first cohort is all that was left of the IX legiō. We were pushed into the marsh and we will probably die here, fighting bravely to the end in the name of Rome and the Emperor. We were attacked by a demonic pack of the barbaric Picts. They looked more like wild beasts than humans. Some of them were dressed in animal furs, painted with strange runic signs... others seemed to be two-legged wild beasts. They tore us apart as if we were made of paper! I saw our legatus and my brothers in arms being eaten alive, I will never forget their screams. The barbarians attacked us unnoticed, quickly and with wild fury, then disappeared in the fog. Mainly at night. Our shields, swords and armor were no use here. The enemy we face seems to be the ancient wrath of some dark gods we have awakened. We should never invade these lands. I hear demonic howls, they're coming! They're coming! "
Scrap of the papyrus written by Centurion Titus Ursus. Found in October 120AD in the Caledonian Forest. Taken to Rome, where it was presented to the emperor and then burned. Two years later, Emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of a wall on the border of the land called Caledonia, in north Britannia. Coincidence? I don't think so :)) work process: https://jrozalski.com/projects/Ke94zG
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bloodstainedmuzzle · 11 months
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Hemlock Grove   ↳  2x09 ― Tintypes
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 10 months
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Saw these poses and brain went "draw for Wolfsbane au" and thus... here we are.
A bookworm who fell asleep while reading.
Roman finally got to tag along to a market as his tiny self. Virgil and Remus getting surprised by some rain.
Original poses by Mellon_soup on Instagram
Pose 1 I Pose 2 I Pose 3
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My wife is going to be running a Werewolf the Apocalypse game for me and our partner set in the British Isles during the end of the Roman Empire after the Romans had essentially abandoned Britain.
One of the PCs is a Roman lad named Marcus from Londinium whose dad left on like the last attempted march on Rome by British Roman forces and never came back who had no idea about werewolves or wtf was going on when he Changed. He's mostly-gay but has hangups due to the ancient Roman opinions about bottoms, but he's a sweetheart.
The other PC is a wolf from somewhere around Powys who is part of a large mixed-kin Fianna pack named Soft-Ears-With-Sharp-Hearing who thinks humans are fascinating and extremely stupid, and who insists on humans just calling her "wolf" because they can't possibly understand her real name's nuances. (The homid Garou made her compromise and be "Little Wolf" at least, because "blaidd" is not a name, but "Bleddyn" is.)
This game is going to be amazing.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
How many AUs have you made? Any and all fandoms, if you had to count them. And also, what was the first AU you ever made?
If I went down the list of AUs for EVERY fandom I have ever been in it's going to turn into this:
I have WAY too many, I have ADHD, and if I invent an au for one fandom it's been reused in EVERY fandom I've been in....
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purplerat111 · 14 days
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Big bad wolf
FNAF au notFFDR "Werewolf"
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Roman, Jacob and Solo 👑👑👑☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾
Together they would be unstoppable.
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seleneprince · 3 months
File about Severus Snape's werewolf daughter (because she deserves it and I want to do it)
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Name: Juliana Eileen Prince
Born: 30 August 1980
Blood status: Pureblood
Nationality: British with Italian roots
Also known as: Julia, Jules, Princess (by Draco), Prince Bastard, that viper (by Sirius Black), Snape's girl.
Species: Werewolf (since birth)
Hair: Ivory black
Eye colour: Onyx black with motes of grey
Severus Snape (father)
Unnamed werewolf woman (mother, deceased)
Eileen Prince (paternal grandmother, deceased)
Tobias Snape (paternal grandfather, deceased)
Boggart: Her father's corpse
Patronus: Snake
Affiliations: Hogwarts, House Prince, House Malfoy (she's practically one of them), wherever her father is.
House: Slytherin or Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Jessie Mei Li (Shadow and Bone)
-She's half Asian on her mother's side.
-She's Severus Snape #1 defender and supporter. She adores her dad and will gladly fight anyone that insults him. She's not afraid of facing grown ass men is she sees them disrespecting him.
-House Prince has Roman-Italian roots, so Severus gave her a Latin name that means "woman of strong roots", and it can be abreviated to "Julia", a very common Roman name. Her second name is because Severus wanted to honor his mother but felt that it could be a bad omen giving it as first name. He doesn't want to accidentally curse his child to the same fate.
-She's only called Juliana by the teachers and her father. For everyone else she's mostly Julia. Jules is for friends only.
-To the public, she's considered an illegitimate child from House Prince, an ancient family of purebloods whose line was thought to be extinct.
-Severus wasn't going to ask the Malfoys to be the godparents because he didn't think they would want anything to do with a child with lycanthropy. They were furious at his reasoning and proclaimed that any child of his was considered family to them.
-So yeah Lucius and Narcissa are the godparents, because they wouldn't have it any other way.
-Because of this, Draco and Julia have been practically raised together and share a very close bond.
-He accepts Julia's condition but it doesn't apply for others like her. He's an hypocrite like his parents.
-She has her own room in Malfoy Manor because of how often she has spent the night there, thanks to her father's busy life. They also have a special room for her during the full moon nights.
-The only people that know of her condition are Severus, the Malfoys and Dumbledore.
-Remus finds out as soon as he interacts with her and he's flabbergasted.
-She's been learning Potions ever since she was old enough to hold a spoon. There's no way in hell Severus Snape wouldn't teach his daughter Potions.
-Despite this, her favourite subject is Care for Magical Creatures. She has a knack for it and connects with them better than with humans.
-Regardless of which house she ends up in, she'll be friends with the Slytherins.
-She plays Beater in the quidditch team. It's the only time she doesn't have to worry about her strenght.
-Ron is her favourite of the Golden Trio, but she's interested in Harry's trayectory.
-Really sharp and developed senses. Nothing ever escapes her. She also gets easily overwhelmed the days prior the full moon.
-She's a natural Legilimens like her father, which she found out after accidentally seeing one of his memories once. It was very uncomfortable for both.
-Severus has never told her the whole story with the marauders, only some pieces of it here and there. She knows it from the Malfoys and her own individual research (aka peeking into certain people's minds).
-Because of this, she dislikes Sirius and Remus a lot, specially the first. She doesn't see the point on hating James Potter if he's dead.
-One of the effects of her lycantropy is that she's naturally good with Dark Arts. Might be the only useful and painless thing her condition gave her.
-Her copying mechanism is dark humour, which she started to apply first with her lycantropy. She makes jokes about it and tries to take it with philosophy. She's not asshamed of it.
-She knows how to brew the wolfsbane potion but still prefers when her dad does it.
-At some point she has to share the Shrieking Shack with Lupin for the full moon nights. It makes an awkward experience for both.
-She goes by Prince instead of Snape to hide the fact that she's Severus' daughter. This was decided by Severus himself, to protect her from the danger of being associated with him. Julia isn't fond of this idea, but understands the reasons behind it.
-She doesn't really aprove of Draco's behaviour most of the time, but is too amused by it to stop him. If she really dislikes something he did, she'll play along in public but will chastize him in private. Kinda "I don't agree with you but I'll defend you anyway because we're supposed to be a team".
-She knows more than she should. Severus long gave up on trying to hide anything from her.
(In this AU, lycantropy has nothing to do with AIDs. It's a blood curse that happens to be contagious and, like all curses, it can be passed down to generations)
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glacierruler · 2 years
So I thought it would take longer, but the first written page in my Sanders Sides monster au will be tonight or tomorrow.
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romance-sick · 2 months
A fluffy, fun chapter! I love my domestic boys. They’re such good husbands and daddies❤️
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ambreignsfan4life · 3 months
Who would win
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Fey Remus and Fey Roman: *in a competition to see who can chop up their pile of wood into firewood the fastest* Patton *gathering the thrown about firewood into baskets so Janus can carry them to the woodshed*: Oh! Virgil, where are you going? Vampire Virgil *dressed up in a black cape and more vampire aesthetic look, compared to his more relaxed everyday wear*: Coven meeting. Shouldn't take longer than a week... Ugh I hate when the whole family get together. Too many people. Werewolf Janus: Good luck. Vampire Virgil: Thanks. I'm glad it only happens once every century. Patton: I keep forgetting you're really old, Virgil. Vampire Virgil: I'm younger than those two idiots *gestures towards Remus and Roman who are now hurling insults at each other*. Werewolf Janus: ... how old are they exactly? Witch Logan *basket of mushrooms at his hip*: The two of them are about as old as this forest, so a millennia give or take, but who knows really. They never give me a good answer. I'm starting to suspect they don't know it themselves.
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delimeful · 1 year
how easy you are to need (redux) (6)
warnings: PTSD, misunderstandings, panic attack/anxiety spiral, MASSIVE miscommunication moment this chapter, brief mentions of past death, lmk if im missing any!
Despite having every intention of plotting escape, Virgil found himself spending the bulk of the next few days sound asleep.
He’d suspected foul play, something slipped into the meals that they kept freely giving him, but there was nothing unnatural or forced about his rest.
His body and mind had been pushed to their limits, and he was simply exhausted.
The humans did their best not to disturb him, but he was restless, his mind always registering the wrongness of his surroundings and trying to drag him back into consciousness. He woke the moment one of them stepped into the room, no matter how brief or silent the intrusion.
He didn’t open his eyes or twitch when this happened, morbidly curious to see how they would behave if they thought he wasn’t aware and watching their every move. He laid there with his heart racing, listening keenly to catch the muffled steps and soft breathing, waiting for the inevitable moment that one of them approached.
They never did.
When he wasn’t sleeping, the humans held meals with him. Unperturbed by his stubborn silence, they would chatter on just as much as they had back when he’d taken refuge under their floorboards, the thread of conversation frequently derailed by quips and rambling anecdotes.
He thought he had figured it out after that first night, between the food he’d assumed was drugged and the sting of the silverware in his grip— not pure silver, but close enough to burn.
But he’d only felt more and more clear-headed as time passed, and the moment one of them had noticed his fingers spasming around a fork, they’d all kicked up a fuss and instantly swapped the silver utensils out for carefully carved wooden ones.
As though that wasn’t enough, Logan continued to check on his wounds with precise regularity, and despite the fear that rose in Virgil whenever the scent of medical supplies filled the air, the human never took so much as a hair from his head.
His care seemed designed to be as painless as possible, from the way he carefully instructed Virgil through each step of administering treatment to the damp, oven-warm cloth he would press against bandages to keep scabs from tearing free when the padding was changed.
It was bizarre, and Virgil didn’t know how to handle it.
He could see why they would want to keep his wounds clean and uninfected. It made sense; they wanted him all healed up by the full moon, not sickly and delirious in the grips of a fever.
That didn’t explain the rest of it. The meals, the sleep, the way they listened.
The way restraints still hadn’t appeared, even as he slowly but surely regained his strength.
They might have called his bluff, somehow realized that he was too weak (too attached) to turn his teeth against them, but any hunter worth their blade knew better than to rely on such an uncertain assumption.
Especially not when he could potentially do so much damage, placed in the soft, unguarded center of their home.
There was nothing to gain. His body would serve its purpose to them whether it had spent the last few weeks on a silk cushion or a stone cell floor. Why would they risk it?
Once he’d successfully spent most of the day awake, and even shuffled through the house without tearing any stitches, they seemed to deem him well enough to hold a coherent conversation.
(He’d actually been trying to count all the potential exits, maybe even see what sort of lodestone Logan was using for the ward. When Patton had caught him slinking around, he hadn’t seemed suspicious or angry at all, only overwhelmingly enthusiastic about his health improving.
He also hadn’t seemed at all wary about stumbling upon the unrestrained captive that had taken him hostage the last time they were alone, because of course he hadn’t. How had these idiots even survived this long?)
“Did you like the meatloaf?” Patton asked him, over halfway through his own meal. The three of them tended to occasionally neglect their dishes in favor of rambling conversation or spirited arguments, so Virgil was almost always done well before them.
They also tended to not ask him such direct questions, and Virgil blinked in silent surprise for a moment, waiting for him to realize his mistake.
Instead, Patton let the silence stretch, unperturbed, for long enough that Virgil finally gave a half-hearted shrug.
“His plate speaks for itself, does it not?” Roman jumped in eagerly, tilting his head towards the empty space where the meatloaf had– very briefly– sat.
Virgil resisted the urge to snort, shifting in mild discomfort at becoming the topic of conversation. They could have put basically anything edible on his plate and gotten the same result. He knew better than to turn down food.
“Dishware can’t speak,” Logan informed him blandly. “Or consume and judge the quality of food, for that matter.”
Virgil felt a flare of amusement at the look on Roman’s face, and the words slipped out without thought. “He’s got you there.”
Three pairs of eyes flicked over at the barely-audible statement, and he only barely resisted the urge to shrink back. Surprisingly, none of them seemed mad, although Roman was visibly torn between surprised delight and dismay.
“Well, I thought it was just loaf-ly,” said Patton, because he was the funniest one there. Virgil’s lips twitched as Roman settled fully into dismay with a groan.
“Must you mock me?” Logan asked with a longsuffering air.
“Your recipe was delicious!” Patton continued. “I’d love to meat the ones who made it!”
Roman groaned louder.
“You’ve already met my family?” Logan replied, confused. “My mother– ah. You were engaging in more juvenile wordplay. More the fool I.”
“I pan do this all day!” Patton paused, and then shrugged. “That one would have worked better if it was still in the baking pan.”
Roman cleared his throat.
“Wow, Specs, I didn’t know this was your family’s recipe,” he said, his words just a little too over-exaggerated. “Are they going to come to visit any time soon?”
Virgil kept his gaze on his cleared plate, trying to force down the sickening lurch in his stomach. More humans. Just what he needed.
Logan hummed. “At this point in the season, I imagine they’re very busy with the farm. If they do decide to visit, they will let me know well in advance. And yours?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a letter.” Roman’s expression soured. “Not that it matters. If he decides to visit, he’ll let me know about five seconds before he kicks the door in. Probably by screaming at the top of his lungs.”
Despite all the irritation in his expression, there was worry hidden there, too. Virgil was also feeling worried, admittedly for entirely different reasons.
(For some people, hunting was the sort of thing that ran in the family.)
“At least his visits are always… exciting!” Patton tried, sounding a little uncertain himself. “What about you, Mister Wolf?”
The words registered a beat late, and Virgil’s head jerked up enough to see that they were all looking at him, again. “What?”
“I know you’ll only be here for a little bit, but I know I always worry when my loved ones are injured, especially if I can’t be by their side,” Patton elaborated. “Should we be on the lookout for any potential visitors?”
Understanding hit Virgil like a fever, his blood running cold for a moment before spiking into an unbearable furious heat.
So that was why. He should have known.
“You won’t find anyone out there,” he forced through grit teeth. A low growl had started vibrating in his chest, and he relished in the way the three of them went taut at the noise. “There’s no one to find. If there was, I would never give them up. No matter what.”
Maybe he should have lied, pretended that there was a reason for them to keep treating him with this targeted kindness. Lead them on with stories about a pack that didn’t actually exist, make them believe he was nothing more than a naive idiot, act as though he didn’t have a single clue as to what they were trying to do. It would probably have made escaping easier.
It didn’t matter. Anger had overtaken fear, sharp and fire-bright, and now all he wanted to do was burn. They could do whatever they wanted to him, use the stick now that the carrot had so miserably failed, and it still wouldn’t ever be enough to make him give up a pack. Not to a fate as cruel as this.
Movement caught his eye, and his head snapped up with teeth bared, a snarl at the tip of his tongue as he braced for an attack–
The humans had retreated.
“We’ll leave you be,” Logan said, and Virgil realized that at some point, he’d corralled the other two out of the room and into the hall; he could see Patton’s arm around Roman’s shoulder, the two of them casting worried looks back as they shuffled away. “We didn’t mean any offense. Please call on me if you need anything.”
When Virgil only stared, his growl still rumbling from deep within him, Logan nodded once and slid the divider door into place, his footsteps retreating shortly after.
The dishes had been left where they were. Virgil’s plate was shattered, the ceramic pieces laying heavy on his lap. It was quiet.
They’d left him alone. By now, they had to know baiting him wouldn’t work. And still, they’d given him space, backed off instead of pushing on with other, more painful tactics. It didn’t make any sense.
Unless they had some other way of getting what they wanted.
Virgil curled in on himself, his growl cutting off as panic doused him. Logan knew enough about spellcraft to make potions, to set wards, to locate leylines. If they knew something Virgil didn’t, if they knew enough about magic to twist it to their own ends, and if they knew a way to find other wolves through him without his participation– if they knew about packbonds, and had a way to reveal his…
So what? He didn’t have a pack, not anymore. He didn’t have a pack. He didn’t, except.
Did any packbond count? Even ones that had only existed for a day?
The thought sent icy nausea through him, and he gripped a shard of the ceramic hard enough to break skin, his breath coming too-quick and catching in his throat.
No, no, no. He couldn’t panic. He couldn’t afford to pass out, not when he didn’t know what they might do to him while he was under. Who they might find.
Unfortunately, knowing he had to stop panicking and actually calming down were two entirely different things.
Black spots dotted his vision, and he passed out between one frantic inhale and the next.
He woke to something touching his shoulder, and ingrained reflexes had him snapping a hand out, lips curling up to bare teeth.
“Oh!” a voice exclaimed quietly, and Virgil froze.
It took a few blinks to make out Patton’s form in the dark. He had the human by the wrist, his claws pricking at skin, but he seemed more sheepish than anything.
There was a blanket slipping off his shoulder, one that hadn’t been there before.
The sight of it sent a miserable curl of guilt through him, one that was quickly dampened by the memory of what had happened before he’d passed out.
His hand sprang open as he scanned the room for the other two, desperately straining his senses for any trace of magecraft that had been performed on his person, only to come up empty on both counts.
It was only Patton, standing there in the dark with his hands clasped tightly.
There was a beat of silence, in which all he could think about was that one ephemeral, damning packbond, and everything he’d do to keep it undiscovered.
If he could just convince them to settle for one. For him. He could behave, he would swear it, he would beg–
“I’m sorry,” Patton said, which was so surprising that it practically stole the voice from his throat. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, asking that sort of thing at dinner.”
‘Didn’t mean to hurt’ him? How stupid did he think Virgil was? Or worse, how cruel?
“How would you feel,” he forced out, “if I’d asked you that. And it was your pack.”
The words were hardly more than a rough whisper, but Patton reeled back as though struck.
“I know,” he replied after a moment, his voice thicker now. “I know. We weren’t– It wasn’t meant to bring back painful memories. I swear. We only wanted to know if there was anyone missing you, and we didn’t think about how you would feel if… if there wasn’t. We– I, of all people, should have known better.”
Virgil’s brow furrowed as he listened, a small spark of hope flaring to life in him. It sounded like… like Patton had taken him at his word.
Was it possible that he had a chance, after all?
“Yeah, well. I should have known you’d ask,” he said, trying to keep his voice under control. “Still, it doesn’t change my answer.”
Patton inhaled, his words coming out slightly wobbly. “You really don’t have anyone? It’s… It’s just you?”
Virgil swallowed, aware that he was walking into the trap of his own volition. Once there was nothing else to drag from him, there was no reason for them to keep treating him like this.
“Yeah. It’s just me.”
Patton exhaled, slow and shaky, and reached out for Virgil’s hands. His face was hardly visible in the low light, but he was moving slow enough for there to be a question in the motion. Trying to see if he would cooperate?
Restraints right away, then.
Well. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t fight if it would keep them from tracking down the only good thing left in his past.
He held his hands out and braced himself for the burn of silver.
Instead, he felt two warm points of pressure against his palms. Patton was holding his hands firmly but harmlessly, in a grip that Virgil could break away from with a twitch. He was rubbing small circles on the side of Virgil’s hands with his little dull-edged thumbs.
It was a soothing gesture. A gentle one.
Virgil stared dumbly down at the shapeless mass their hands formed in the dark.
“Why?” he asked, unable as always to keep himself from looking the gift horse in the mouth. “Why are you treating me like this? You have to know this isn’t necessary.”
Patton withdrew slightly, seeming almost startled.
“I’m not doing it because it’s necessary, kiddo. I’m doing it because I want to. Because it seems like maybe you need it.”
“You don’t even know me,” Virgil replied, his hands twitching the slightest amount. They were beginning to tingle with that strange warm sensation that he’d felt when Logan had carried him.
“I know that you protected my partners,” Patton replied steadily. “I know that you probably saved my life, and got hurt something awful in the process. Is it so strange that I’d want to comfort you?”
Virgil paused.
That’s right. He’d saved them.
It wasn’t that he’d forgotten, it was just that he hadn’t expected it to matter. The moment they’d realized what he was, his fate had been sealed. To humans, shifters were dangerous and valuable, and so they couldn’t be allowed to live.
Even his humans knew it. Why else would he be here, locked behind wards to wait for the full moon?
It was a necessity, but that didn’t change who they were. He’d spent all this time bracing for a blow, waiting for the cruelty and malice that he’d experienced at the hands of humans before. Yet it hadn’t come.
Maybe it wasn’t coming at all.
“You want me… to be comfortable,” he tried, the words strange on his tongue.
“Of course!” Patton replied. “It’s the least we can do to repay you.”
Virgil nodded slowly, finally grasping the shape of the puzzle that had been placed before him.
Back when he was a pup, his pack had run across a solitary wolf, badly wounded. There was nothing they could do to save her, but the pack stopped anyway. They’d curled up around her, shared what meat they had from the morning’s hunt, and invited her to sing when dusk fell. For the handful of hours she’d had left, she’d been one of theirs.
His humans had their own sense of honor. They couldn’t afford to let him live, but it was thanks to him that their small pack hadn’t been torn to shreds. This gentleness, the way they held meals with him and offered him conversation and tended his wounds, it was their way of showing gratitude.
He could trust it would stay.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay.”
Until the full moon rose again, he was one of theirs.
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stellarsightz · 1 year
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Dear Sithis,
Is it gay to let your boss put lipstick on you. Time sensitive pls answer. Thanks. Yours faithfully, Cicero.
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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Karel Thole - Das Dorf der Wolfsmenschen, 1974
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 11 days
This isn't the match I want to see.
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This is the match I want to see.
The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns VS
The Samoan Werewolf Jacob Fatu 👑👑☝🏾☝🏾
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