#sansa defence squad
catofoldstones · 11 months
tbh, i was a very casual game of thrones viewer and my fav character was sansa stark and I was absolutely uninvolved with the general viewership/fandom so i assumed that while sansa was not one of the more loved characters, she was somewhat neutral/under-the-radar. therefore you can imagine my surprise when i find out this year (a couple of months back actually) that not only is sansa one of the most talked about characters in a negative light, she actually one of the most viscerally hated ones too.
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fvckinaphrodite · 2 years
You know those fics where Catelyn Tully Stark is depicted as this evil bitch who disrespect the North, its people, its culture, its Gods? That the Northmen hate her because she's one of the southern ladies throughout centuries that become the Lady of Winterfell and believe in the Faith of the Seven? That she somehow always insists for her children to stay away from their direwolves till the end? Where, I ask? Where tf those craps ever written in canon?! WHERE?!
Because I tell you I'm reading A Storm of Swords right now, and I find nothing of those shits. She's always courteous to the Northmen, even those who are huge-rawdy-closer to wildling type and don't give a shit about propriety like Greatjon Umber. She doesn't look down on Maege Mormont who fights just as good as men like those crap fics suggest. When Robb comes back to Riverrun from his campaign in Westerlands and they learn about what she's done, Maege sympathizes with Cat and tells her that she would've done the same if it were her daughters that's been taken. The Greatjon lifts her in the air and tells her some optimistic motivational words about how Robb gonna beat Jaime again. What else, she's horrified when Robb tells her that Grey Wind is not allowed inside the keep because he doesn't like Jeyne Westerling's uncle. She REMINDS Robb that Grey Wind is part of him, and BELIEVES that the Old Gods has sent the direwolves for her children to be their protectors. A chill literally "went through her" when she believes that Jeyne's uncle is not good for her son, all because Grey Wind also doesn't trust him (or as Robb says, "doesn't like the smell of him). She has to beg Robb to send Jeyne's uncle away.
All I'm saying is that, I won't give any Catelyn haters a minute of my life if I can help it. Just say you are a misogynist and be done with it. The fandom really hates her all because she refuses to mother a child that is not her responsiblity, that she owes nothing of. They hate her because she's just trying to save her remaining children--two little girls whom in the eyes of her eldest son worth next to nothing. Robb refuses to save his sisters, and when his mother takes matter in her own hands, they condemn her, as if they wouldn't have done the same thing in her position. It's so easy to see her as the obstacle to Robb's campaign, yet people tend to forget that any decent parent would do the exact same thing. Especially when ASOIAF universe is filled with murdered children.
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daenerystargaryen06 · 11 months
Can antis like, keep away from Daenerys please?
I'm so tired of seeing people writing out crap that Daenerys will be the villain, Jon is better, she is mad, calling her Danielle, yada yada. Just say you don't like her (because she is ultimately better than your fave) and go.
I'm also tired of seeing people giving the Starks (especially Sansa) her traits. I've seen edits of people making Sansa a Targ, people talking about how she'll get Daenerys' dragons, that Jon will kill Dany for her, etc.
Just keep Daenerys' name out of your mouth if you hate her and can't stand that she is strong, independent, and has an amazing character arc. A majority of Daenerys fans don't like other asoiaf characters, but you hardly see any of them going on a tangent about how much they hate that character. Usually it's us Dany fans defending anti hate against Dany and also defending antis hate on Dany to prop up their own fave (mainly Sansa).
I heavily have a high disdain for show!Sansa (she's alright in the books, not my fave but she's much better compared to the garbage that is her show character). But I don't go out of my way to hate on her, diss her character, write pointless metas about her going "mad", "evil", or "dark". Nor do I see any other Dany fan doing so. We don't hate on Sansa to prop up Dany. We don't give Dany character traits of other characters/Sansa. We don't speculate about how she'll die or get killed or manipulated by another man. It's disgusting.
It's also disgusting seeing anti hate towards Arya. Arya is my second favorite female character in asoiaf. She isn't ugly, she isn't crazy or some violent murderer, she isn't going to be permanently warged into Nymeria and become Sansa's; nor is she going to become Sansa's assigned assassin to kill all her enemies while Sansa and Jon live in lala land. It's not going to happen.
It is so disgusting how a vast majority of Arya and Dany fans don't do half the things their antis/Sansa stans do, yet they go out of their way to bash these wonderful characters to prop up their own fave or to get them out of the way for Sansa or Jon (mainly Jon fans who bash Daenerys to prop Jon up and cheer Jon for killing her).
We can talk about our faves without bashing another character, making metas about them that don't even follow the text, and just being outright nasty.
Do better. Just keep away from Daenerys and Arya.
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hchollym · 2 years
Percy Weasley & Sansa Stark Parallels
This post is going to be more for me than anything else, because I doubt many people are interested in this very specific topic, but I couldn't resist.
Percy & Sansa are two of my favorite characters in literature, and the more I started to think about it, the more I realized how much they have in common. I know that sounds strange, and don't get me wrong, there are some key differences (Sansa was definitely more of an innocent victim - the poor girl was only 11 years old), but they do actually have a lot of similarities as well!
I'm going to link some posts/metas about Percy, just in case someone wants to see extra support for my claims, because I feel like Sansa is a little bit more obvious/self-explanatory in canon.
They are both tall redheads (which doesn't mean anything, but it is a fun coincidence). 🙂
They are both unfairly hated by fandom because of the POV trap (Harry & Arya).
They are both feminine (see this post about Percy).
They both love reading, and neither of them are very athletic.
They were both naïve and trusted the wrong people because they didn't know any better. Unfortunately, they were both raised by their fathers to trust in something that wasn't trustworthy (the Ministry of Magic - see this post about Percy - & the idea that most men/knights are honorable).
They are both romantic in nature (Percy writing love letters & Sansa reading love stories). Interestingly enough, both of them are the first siblings in their families to be given a storyline that involves a romantic relationship/betrothal & yet both of their oldest brothers end up getting married first (which is not a bad thing; it's just an observation).
They were both the "perfect" child who had high expectations placed on them from a young age ("Sansa was a lady at three, always so courteous and eager to please."), yet they were also ignored the most because they were "easy" compared to their siblings (see this post on Percy's relationship with his mother).
This is why their acts of "rebellion" (Percy disowning his family & Sansa going to Cersei) were so unexpected. They were always so well-behaved until they finally felt pushed over the edge:
“What do we want to be prefects for?” said George, looking revolted at the very idea. “It’d take all the fun out of life.”  Ginny giggled.  “You want to set a better example for your sister!” snapped Mrs. Weasley.  “Ginny’s got other brothers to set her an example, Mother,” said Percy loftily. 
suddenly changing to:
“He went completely berserk. He said — well, he said loads of terrible stuff... And he packed his bags the same night and left. He’s living here in London now.”
"It was for love," Sansa said in a rush. "Father wouldn't even give me leave to say farewell." She was the good girl, the obedient girl, but she had felt as wicked as Arya that morning, sneaking away from Septa Mordane, defying her lord father..."
They were both usually the odd one out with their siblings, who all had a closer bond with each other than with Percy/Sansa. Their siblings also looked down on their interests because they couldn't relate to them:
“We’re trying to standardize cauldron thickness. Some of these foreign imports are just a shade too thin — leakages have been increasing at a rate of almost three percent a year —” “That’ll change the world, that report will,” said Ron. “Front page of the Daily Prophet, I expect, cauldron leaks.” Percy went slightly pink.
Sansa would have sighed and shed a tear for true love, but Arya just thought it was stupid. 
They were also the target of their siblings' pranks/mischief:
“I shudder to think what the state of my in-tray would be if I was away from work for five days.” “Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?” said Fred. “That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway!” said Percy, going very red in the face. “It was nothing personal!” “It was,” Fred whispered to Harry as they got up from the table. “We sent it.”
"Arya started it," Sansa said quickly, anxious to have the first word. "She called me a liar and threw an orange at me and spoiled my dress, the ivory silk, the one Queen Cersei gave me when I was betrothed to Prince Joffrey."
They were both resented by their younger sibling(s), who each happen to be about 2 years younger than them (Fred and George & Arya):
"...we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy —” “Perfect Percy,” muttered Fred.
Sansa had the grace to blush. She blushed prettily. She did everything prettily, Arya thought with dull resentment.
Ironically enough, their parents usually let those siblings get away with a lot more than Percy or Sansa would have been allowed to get away with (see this post on Molly & Arthur's lack of discipline with the twins):
None of which stopped Arya, of course. One day she came back grinning her horsey grin, her hair all tangled and her clothes covered in mud, clutching a raggedy bunch of purple and green flowers for Father. Sansa kept hoping he would tell Arya to behave herself and act like the highborn lady she was supposed to be, but he never did, he only hugged her and thanked her for the flowers. That just made her worse.
Their fathers failed them (though not on purpose) when they needed them most (Arthur yelled at Percy and accused him of spying instead of calmly helping Percy see that he was being used & Ned refused to explain why Sansa's betrothal was being called off). This directly led to their acts of rebellion.
As a result, they were both taken advantage of by people in power (Fudge & Cersei) and separated from their family. Initially, this is what they both thought they wanted (Percy chose to leave & Sansa wanted to remain in King's Landing with Joffrey instead of returning home), but they both ended up regretting it (after losing their innocence and naivety) and wanting their family back.
They were both young, and yet they were judged for not knowing something that even the adults didn't know (Percy didn't notice that his boss, Barty Sr., who he barely knew, was under the Imperious Curse, while Dumbledore failed to notice that his old friend was actually a Death Eater using a Polyjuice potion & Sansa thought that she could trust Cersei while Ned believed that he could trust Cersei enough to warn her to leave town without her retaliating against him).
While they were separated/alone, their mothers were really the only ones doing anything to try and get them back (Molly visited Percy & Catelyn freed Jaime).
They both had to play their part in politics under a corrupt government. They both originally wanted to be a part of that system (eventually becoming the Minister of Magic & eventually becoming the queen). They ended up realizing that the people in charge were not as noble and well-intentioned as they thought.
They learned to be more careful about who they trusted, and they adapted to survive (Percy in a Ministry controlled by Voldemort & Sansa with the threat of Cersei, Jeffrey, and Littlefinger).
They both lost a brother. 😭
He and Ron had both grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the floor, but Percy lay across Fred’s body, shielding it from further harm.
Robb had died at a wedding feast as well. It was Robb she wept for. 
They both reconnected/made amends with the sibling(s) that initially resented them (Sansa and Arya will meet again and work things out in the books - fight me):
“I was a fool!” Percy roared, so loudly that Lupin nearly dropped his photograph. “I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a— a— ” “Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.” said Fred. Percy swallowed. “Yes, I was!” “Well, you can’t say fairer that that,” said Fred, holding out his hand to Percy.
In Conclusion
I just found it interesting that two of my favorite characters - who seem very different - have so much in common. I'm sure that says something about me! 🤣😊
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If GRRM wanted to use a character to criticize the worst of Westeros’ society, he wouldn’t use Sansa.
If GRRM wanted a mad queen, (he already has one, Cersei), he wouldn’t use Dany.
I’m actually very tired of people disregarding their importance to the narrative.
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sansaissteel · 2 years
In the Year of 2022 I'm still defending Sansa Stark. Like come on people quit hating feminity
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hurremsultanns · 1 year
We need a name for this little fandom niche who stan Alicent, Shiv, Sansa and Hürrem.
I suggest Redheads Defence Squad?
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kingsansa · 1 year
I’m agree with the anon who said there is too much hate directed toward pp Sansa. As a member of her defence squad I can full heartedly say that yes my precious lemon cake makes mistakes but she’s trying her best 🥹 no really I saw some comments where people were getting annoyed for Sansa not being grateful for everything Jon has done for her in Chicago and I’m like ??? She has??? I’m sorry that she isn’t as confident as you would like her to be but she clearly has insecurities that have been fuelled by Jon’s past actions and not being able to live the Olympian dream her parents wanted for her. And also, my girl is practically a teen mom so ofcourse her emotions aren’t going to be the most stable!!! Ughh, I think your other Sansas in your other stories are hilarious and I love them but pp Sansa holds a special place in my heart because of how flawed she is ☺️
Thank you! I agree that it is nonsensical to call her ungrateful, especially because she has only voiced her doubts once (regarding dany) and has redoubled her efforts to be supportive and make an effort since. So much so that at this point, he could probably get away with murder in her eyes like that’s how committed she is to making their family work
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nyangibun · 5 years
I think it's funny that those who criticize sansa, who has never fought in her life, for not facing off a horde by herself just cause she has a knife, they don't say shit about tyrion that literally just finished talking about wanting to fight cause he can make a difference, but went and hid too. He is also the only one in the whole crypt that has some experience in fighting btw. I wonder why is that
Hahaha XD 
That is why Sansa is my litmus test. Most people who hate Sansa tend to have very very awful reasons for doing so. I don’t think there’s a single character on this show that I hate aside from Ramsay and that’s because he was an evil despicable vermin of a person. I think hating a character who isn’t as evil as Ramsay requires a lot of… mental gymnastics. You can be indifferent to characters, not consider them a personal favourite and that’s totally fine. But to vehemently hate Sansa is really concerning. 
Although, criticism is not hate and I think it’s perfectly fine to be critical about characters. I am very critical about Dani because I think she is a weak ruler, too impulsive and ultimately bad for Westeros. You can be critical of Sansa too. But when your criticism is only towards Sansa and not towards other characters, specifically male characters, when they both acted the same and were in the same situation then… well, yeah. 
Tyrion was down there because he needed to survive. His mind was more important to Dani than him as a soldier for her. Likewise, Sansa is far too important to House Stark and the North than to be out there fighting beside them. Both of their best strengths are their minds. If they survived the Long Night then they will need both Tyrion and Sansa to play the political game against Cersei. No one knows Cersei better than those two. But there is a difference. Tyrion actually has battle experience so he could’ve been useful out there. He was during the Battle of the Blackwater. Sansa, however, has no battle experience or even any experience wielding a sword. She would’ve immediately died were she face to face with an army of wights or she would have gotten someone killed as they were busy trying to protect her. Look at Dani. She has no experience wielding a sword either and had she been alone facing those wights, she would have died. Instead, Jorah died protecting her. The exact same thing would have happened to Sansa. 
Without her dragons, do you think anyone would’ve let Dani stay and fight? No, they would’ve asked her to remain in the crypts. She is not a warrior and she is more important alive to those following her. 
Anyway, whatever. Sansa haters will always find a reason. Sansa could literally donate her organs to an orphaned child and someone will be like “Uhh how selfish of her, trying to make herself feel better for growing up privileged! What about the other orphans, huh? What a dumb spoiled bitch” 
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Guys: Gotta a serious Sansa and #jonsa hater on Facebook coming after me telling me this is Jon and Melisandre. Anyone can confirm this is Jon and Sansa or the artist name? Thanks!
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fvckinaphrodite · 2 years
I cannot understand the rationale of "Good Stepmother Elia" or "Catelyn loves Jon Snow" fics where, because of the patriarchal and oppressive institutions, Elia and Catelyn are forced to live with their cheating husbands and, are expected to raise their husband's bastard born out of the infidelity that could pose a risk to their children's inheritance. I love Jon, but Catelyn's hesitance regarding him was valid. He wasn't a son, and he was the source of insurmountable shame to her.
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I couldn't have put it better myself, honestly. Those fics disgust me. I find them disturbing and repulsive with the way they turn Catelyn and Elia into Jon's cheerleaders LMAO AS IF. I'm sorry but some of these authors just love to turn every female character in ASOIAF into plot devices for Jon's story.
You will not believe how many fics I've read in which Robb always insists to push both Sansa and Arya further down the inheritance line, and the Northern lords and ladies just nod along and agree like a bunch of baboons and how Catelyn just have to suck it all up. Sometimes there is even a fic or two where Sansa insists that Robb points Jon as his heir to mark her so-called "development" when the narrative brings her to the Riverlands after escaping King's Landing, and in the process, ruining a mother-daughter relationship forever. Guess what's gonna happen? Yep. Robb dies and Jon becomes king with Sansa as his ever faithful advisor. Sometimes even Sansa is pushed away from the North and decides to stay in the South because Gods forbid she ever touch the Northern throne again. Lmao.
Or, you know, the favorite of all Rhaegar Wins AU, fics where Jon becomes the next king after Rhaegar because Aegon is gay and conveniently doesn't want the Iron Throne🥺
I'm a Jonsa stan. I love me some fics with angst; Sansa's struggle to overcome the fact that Jon's existence hurts Catelyn, etc. But there's a line for everything. For example, I fucking refuse to read Jonsa fics where Catelyn is so demonized one would think she constantly beat him when he's a child or told him to become a servant or a stable boy or something. And of course, Sansa gonna defend him with her whole chest and worships the ground he walks on. Lmao Unbelievable. What a way to degrade a female character, to turn her into a plot device--a cheerleader for their hero. Well done.
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daenerystargaryen06 · 10 months
Jon Snow meeting Daenerys
Based on my rewatch of GoT with my friend, I found that I really don't like the meeting D&D created between Jon Snow and Daenerys. What could have been a monumental and great scene between two amazing characters meeting for the first time after going through all they did- it just pisses me off and feels bitter over the way D&D handled it.
My biggest gripe is the way they handled Jon going to Daenerys to ask for her help against the WW within the show. Not even ask, more like demand, without giving Daenerys anything in return.
Jon, when arriving within Dragonstone, knew that Daenerys had an ongoing war occurring against Cersei. Daenerys was declaring herself Queen of the 7k, she was vying for the throne, and was obviously going to war against Cersei for said throne. War is never easy. Dealing with Cersei (mainly within the show) wasn't going to be a cake-walk (mainly because Tyrion was written as the sympathetic man who needed to 'keep Daenerys' temper in check and give her crap for plans'). Jon knows that wars take up time, require heavy focus and planning, need men and resources, etc. yet he decides to ask Daenerys to drop her war against Cersei and help him fight against magical walking dead creatures that exist on the other side of the Wall without giving Daenerys anything in return.
This is not how any sort of politicking works. Jon can't just waltz in and expect Daenerys to drop her war against Cersei (someone Jon knows is a crazed lunatic who wants his family dead and anyone else that she considers her enemy and the North under her rule) just because he states that these magical walking dead men exist without bringing proof nor giving Daenerys something in return for what he wants.
Jon also knows that the people of Westeros aren't going to believe in the WW just because he says they exist. This was shown even in the first episode of season 1 when Ned executes a deserter from the Night's Watch who said the WW returned and nobody believed him! Tyrion and many other characters referred to the WW as nothing but 'grumpkins' and 'snarks'. Hell, even Jon himself didn't believe the WW's existence until he got attacked by one himself. This is lazy writing on D&D's part. Having a character miraculously think his word alone would convince others (especially a Queen who he needs the help of) that the WW exist without any form of proof or giving something in return for their help, and somehow 'forgetting' all the experience he went through of people discounting the WW existing from the very first season despite them having returned.
This just made Jon appear incompetent, forgetful, and demanding.
I also dislike this scene for the implication it gives- 'poor Jon Snow needs to convince the arrogant Dragon Queen that the WW exist and are a threat to humanity'. Let's be real here. Nobody else knows the WW exist, especially not Daenerys who lived a majority of her life within Essos (excluding book!Dany that is- due to her dream of riding into battle against the Others upon the Trident). Daenerys has a perfectly viable reason not to trust what Jon is saying, nor to suddenly drop her war against Cersei just because he demands her help, especially when he doesn't give anything in return for her! This man deadass looked Daenerys in the eye and basically said: "Yeah, I need you to drop your war with Cersei, come North and give all your power into helping me fight against dead men that nobody else believes in. Oh, and I don't have anything to give you in return, and I won't bend the knee because idk you. K, thanks."
This was obviously very poor negotiation which would definitely not happen within the books. D&D made Dany more hardened, and the way they framed the scene with her and Jon made it seem like they wanted to further play into the slow descent of attempting to pit the audience against her. I have seen people say that Daenerys was too 'arrogant' and 'egotistical' in this scene with Jon due to the way D&D framed the interaction and characters within this. Not to mention the fact that afterwards they had Tyrion be the one to start negotiations with Jon for his alliance AFTER his dumb plans costed Dany her allies in the first place. When we all know book!Dany to be politically savvy, intelligent, and a negotiator/compromiser. It just painted Daenerys in a bad light overall. Even for show!Dany, how do people seriously expect her to be willing to immediately agree to Jon, drop her entire campaign against Cersei, go North, and give her power for some random man that comes to her and says 'magical walking dead men exist and I need your help to fight them' without having a compromise/input from Jon for her aid? The ONLY thing Daenerys wanted from Jon was for him to bend the knee and acknowledge her as Queen, and she would have helped him.
And let's be honest here- I get that the North fought for their freedom and such but that was only due to Cersei and the Lannister's after Ned's execution. There was the quote from the show- "it was the dragons we bowed to." Now dragons are back. Jon admitted that even just after meeting Daenerys she was better than Cersei. He should have been willing to bend the knee to Daenerys, as she had agreed to fight for the North and help Jon if he did so, giving him the aid of her armies and dragons. The showrunners did this stupid parallel between Jon and Mance Rayder. Mance refused to bend the knee to Stannis even if it'd help his people, with Jon asking him- "isn't their survival more important than your pride?". They then did the same with Jon refusing to bend the knee even if it'd help his people, and Daenerys asking him the same thing. This parallel is unneeded, and only showed Jon as being incompetent, as he had that experience with Mance and should've known that pride doesn't get you anywhere when you're a ruler over others lives and need help.
Also- I doubt the North would last long being independent from the other Kingdoms. Limited resources with a coming winter on top of it all after a war against the Bolton's? No way Jon or Sansa could think that would ever work in the North's favor for it to be independent in the long run. Especially with the war against the dead that was yet to come.
I swear it was like the writers had Jon drink stupidity juice for this entire thing and thought 'wow. This is really something. Our best writing yet.' over that horrendous scene. My sanity cannot take it.
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thatfictionalgal · 7 years
Sansa Stark could spend huge amounts of time protecting/defending her family, protecting the people of the North, die for her family, die specifically for Jon - and people would still call her manipulative or trying to overthrow Jon. Wtf people. Why are you so hell bent on hating this woman?
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alltidvinter · 7 years
Tbh, I could watch a whole episode of GoT - 45 minutes or more - consisting only in Sansa Stark doing prep for the war
Waking up before sunrise because every hour of light is valuable. 
Speaking with the blacksmiths and taking account of every weapon they got. 
Inspectoring Winterfell walls, as they need to hold the attack of the Wights.
Ordering to stock the food, to put fish and meat under salt, to cook and store away jar of jam, to gather nuts and every other kind of edibles that can last for months.
Advising the farmers to plant potatoes (as they can survive several inches of snow) and maybe berries in the Glass Gardens.
Working with the maesters to store bendages and medicines.
Sewing until her fingers ache and her eyes can’t see no more, not only for Jon, Arya and Bran but also for every man, women and children in Winterfell.
I dunno, that shit is just glorious.
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sansaissteel · 2 years
This! Alicent isn't why Aegon is the way he is. Cersei isn't to blame for joffrey. Sansa isn't to blame. Arya isn't to blame. Cat isn't to blame.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
What do you think of Starklings' reaction to Sansa divulging Ned's plans to Cersei? Will there be anger or resentment or forgiveness? How do you think George is going handle this plot?
Ned divulged Ned's plans to Cersei.
Littlefinger divulged Ned's plans to Cersei.
Sansa? Asked the queen if she could be allowed to stay in KL because her father had zero effort to spare to try and explain to her why he was ripping her away from the place had had sacrificed her wolf for. Then was grilled about the name of the ship they were going to take North.
GRRM might use this detail in his Stark sister conflict resolution plot, as a misconception to overcome. Seems like the kind of "every lie contains a kernel of truth" bit of information he likes to twist and exploit.
Key word: lie.
And really, the only Starkling who would actually fall for that lie? Arya. The others lack her negative bias, Bran likely watched the whole thing live on TreeVision, and Jon has his own Ned anger issues to help him understand just why Sansa did what she did.
It's going to be nice seeing Arya overcome her bias and "look with her eyes", which was Syrio's final lesson about perception of fact v. prejudice.
Satisfying, don't you think?
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