xyp6a · 1 year
I do like satanism though because it challenges all my religious obsessive thoughts and even some of my thoughts relating to food / my eating disorder
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instantkrazy · 1 year
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youngcench · 1 year
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katskitoshi · 1 year
synopsis -- sweet things you do before bed with your lover.
characters: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor x gender neutral! reader.
includes -- nothing but fluff i think.
silent praise with lucifer!
--he is pride. and he loves having his ego inflated. nothing helps him sleep better knowing that you think of him so highly.
before bed, remind him of how great he is without saying anything. hold his hand or just make him a cup of soothing tea to relieve stress. he'll most likely appreciate your actions. his pride won't let you do this to him in public, but now that you both are alone before bed, lucifer can finally let you express for affections.
sleepy rants with mammon!
-- mammon is talkative, especially around you. even as he winds down at night, mammon can’t resist talking to you about his day.
he’ll have you curled up close to him and he’ll start mumbling about whatever comes to mind. grimm, gambling, annoying punishments from lucifer. it all just escapes him at night as he has you close to him!
his favorite part is that he knows it soothes you to sleep too. so while he’s dozing off mumbling senseless nonsense, he knows you’re getting as close to sleep as he is.
as you just barely make it into dreamland, you can hear mammon faintly mumbling off about a new topic: how much he loves you.
passed out from exhaustion with leviathan!
--it's no secret or surprise that leviathan stays up late. everyone knows it, including you. in hopes to spend time with him more, you accompany him in his late nights.
you both stay up gaming or watching anime or something to the point where it's hard for you both to even open your eyes once you blink. as exhaustion weighs on you both, you lean into each other and begin the drift into dreamworld.
the game or show or something now discarded from your mind, levi holds you in his arms as you both silently enjoy each others time.
bedtime stories with satan!
—it doesn’t matter to you nor him that bedtime stories are usually for children. both you and satan find the gesture quite sweet.
he’ll hold you close as he reads a couple chapters from the book, his calming voice soothes the both of you to sleep. on nights where you read, he enjoys hearing you read the contents on the pages and you both doze off.
in the short amount of time you two are reading, satan forgets about everything. his wrath, himself, his brothers: everything. all that matters is you and the soothing sound of your voice as you lull him to sleep with your words.
sometimes before you truly fall asleep, you swear you hear satan’s voice say things about his love for you rather that the book you both were reading.
nighttime self care with asmo!
—even before asmodeus began to date you, he took care of his skin and body. now that he has you, he can take care if yours as well.
bubble bathes, face masks, massages, anything. everything he can do to ensure proper care for your body and maximum comfort while asleep he will do. you feel spoiled as he takes care of you but he feels as if he could be doing more!
after your and his nightly routines are done, you’ll find yourself lulled to sleep by asmodeus. he’ll hold you close and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you both drift to sleep after a night of lovely self care.
brushing your teeth with beelzebub!
--as weird as it seems, this simple act of hygiene is something you and beel share every night. since beel eats a lot, he has to brush his teeth really well.
right after beel eats before bed, he brushes his teeth and heads to bed for the night. now that he's with you, he'll eat then wait for you to brush his teeth. sometimes, beel might even brush your teeth for you! as you two settle in to bed after brushing your teeth, beel kisses you with his minty fresh breath as a goodnight.
embracing each other with belphegor!
--nothing helps with falling asleep more than sleep itself. or at least that's what belphegor says. belphie happens to make people around him sleepy. so holding you before bed happens to make you sleepy if you already aren't.
he's still shocked that you'd let him hold you after everything that's happened in the past, but he's not complaining. now that he gets to hold you, he'll fully embrace his sin and drag you down along with him. waves of tiredness overcome you quite quickly as belphegor drags you into the ocean of sleep as you're held tightly in his embrace.
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ilovemlp39 · 4 months
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Was bored yesterday so I decided to do a doodle stream in a Discord server I'm apart of.
Shhh, don't tell the DeviantArt peeps that I uploaded here first hehe.
"Underswap!Sans" belongs to: UTAU Community
"Nightmare" and "Dream" belongs to: Jokublog
"Underfell!Sans" belongs to: Underfell
"Killer" belongs to: rahafwabas
"Santan" (that's actually a fusion with Horror) belongs to: Ilovemlp39 (me lmao)
"Geno" belongs to: loverofpiggies
"Murder" or "Dust" belongs to: Ask-Dusttale
"Cross" belongs to: jakei95
"Ink" belongs to: Comyet
"Error" belongs to: loverofpiggies
"Horror" belongs to: SourAppleStudios
"Reaper" belongs to: renrink
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Anarchy is now a siren leviathan! As one of my favorite fish to turn into a mer. And his land walking lover, Santan (who belongs to @ilovemlp39)
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heycarrots · 5 months
Black Sails Nation! Happy 10 Year Anniversary!
In honor of the 10th anniversary of the best show ever, the 10th Episode of Reading Between the Lines Podcast has just dropped!
This month, I’m featuring Professor of English Literature, Dr. Alex Tankard.
Dr. Tankard and I had an amazing and lengthy discussion about all things Black Sails, but in particular, as Flint relates to Luciferian lore in literary texts like Paradise Lost. In discussing Flint’s “darkness” they touched on the themes of “otherness” and the demonization of neurodivergence in Colonial Literature, as it relates to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Robert Louis Stephenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Additionally, we talk about gender and sexuality in the 18th century and how Black Sails gets it SO historically RIGHT!
Dr. Tankard is no fan of John Silver, so if you don’t want to hear criticism of his character and his choices, this may not be the episode for you, however, you’d be missing some amazing insights from a truly engaging lecturer. Fortune favors the brave!
Additionally, I want to again thank @tiofrean for her absolutely incredible cover art, generously donated to the podcast. This piece is truly stunning!
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And if you prefer to listen on Apple Podcasts…
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ruporas · 11 months
really super mega hyper big big appreciate u giving wolfwood a cunty little rosary/necklace it slays so fucking hard
i love this ask DGMSKG YES, ROSARY WOLFWOOD!!!! i used to just draw him with a regular cross necklace, but i started drawing him with a rosary after seeing @/cryptidw00rm's brilliant wolfwoods... he's a genius...
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fullcoffeemoon-nem · 2 months
Second part seasons' Theory
Timeline Theory here
Second update: 06-03-24
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Hi there!
The LVL UP gave us a new trailer full of expectations, as well as a preview of Stolas and Blitz's song from Full Moon.
Here are some considerations which, admittedly, may contain annoying spoilers.
I've scaled this analysis down to share one thing in particular about a X's post.
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So now is almost confirm the chronology: Full Moon set on September 29th 2023.
There was a verbal clash between Blitz and Stolas, both are right and both are right.
The way I think:
Stolas has reached the limit and, accustomed to a situation in which other people's feelings have always been clear to him, he demanded an answer. Yes or no. He had already decided how to behave because he always assumed that Blitz didn't have masks.
Blitz, on the other hand, was raised in a context of manipulation, where the only certain thing was that his name was enough. He doesn't believe in the possibility of being loved for two reasons:
1. They keep repeating that wherever he goes, he only hurts
2. He doesn't believe himself enough to be
The two reactions were therefore: Stolas "I am not enough, therefore I am abandoned" and Blitz "I am abandoned because I am not enough".
I think we need to really find out what happened to Blitz's mother to find out more, but Applogy Tour could also start to clarify this story.
The song Is magnificent!
Apology Tour may be scheduled for October 31st, Halloween. There seems to be a party, that both Verosika and Stolas attend. Blitz will have to face both and will take the hit heavily. Did he get into the hole following Stols or did he end up there by chance?
The scene where all of Stolas' memories of Blitz are broken could have two meanings:
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Ghost Fuckers should be specifically about Millie and Blitz and delve deeper into the latter's story.
Surely, you will have seen some boards with drawings of a ghost, Millie and Moxxie hanging from a chandelier and Blitz running to save them with Loona.
Not familiar to you? I hate to admit it, but I think those boards weren't fanmad...
Mistermaind will be a real bomb:
We have already seen the Angels and Agents, but it definitely doesn't end there. Their army of bishops has yet to be mobilized. The situation is so tragic that it sees to forced I.M.P to flee or even abandon someone…
We also see some new memories from Blitz, specifically:
A scene with his mother
Cash Buzko taking him away from the crashed Fizz (Here's the “them” of Oops?)
Here or on Applogy Tour.
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Finally Sinsmas, obviously set in December. Here too, an incredible load of characters: The Goetia with Vassago (Parrot Boy on X), Andrealphus, Mammon and Satan.
They are probably also in Lucifer's palace.
There were also sad leaks for this episode: Via's song and the final confrontation with her father, who seems to have taken a holiday… Is it Blitz's fault?
I need to recover and at the same time the new episode...
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rhadko · 2 years
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fernrator au credit to @shinakazami1
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drexmbxys · 1 year
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youngcench · 1 year
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jhonskii · 1 year
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Floral Unit 511
Been making a lot of Among Us content lately, especially in Twitter. So I thought of maybe sharing some of my best work here. :)
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freshthoughts2020 · 10 months
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ilovemlp39 · 21 days
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Saw a meme on Pinterest and decided to do it with these goobers because a friend of mine mentioned them and I was like "Aight BET-"
"Anarchy" belongs to: @kevinzhechaircreations
"Santan" belongs to: Ilovemlp39 (me lmao)
Original image under the cut (where I got the idea from)
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Some more art of these 2 from the animation I did :3
Anarchy belongs to me
Santan belongs to @ilovemlp39
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